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Rough Draft of the Odyssey Essay Throughout Homers The Odyssey, hospitality is portrayed many times.

Hospitality is either followed or not followed, and when it is not, there are usually consequences waiting to be brought upon those who do not follow it. The characteristic of hospitality is important in the ancient Greek culture as a sign of respect to guests. Ancient Greeks believed that hospitality is defended by the Gods themselves. Once again, hospitality is either followed or not followed. An example in the Odyssey of when it is followed would be when Penelope houses and treats well the suitors who come to visit her. Another example is when the Phaecians treat Odysseus with many royalties before they even ask for his name. To the ancient people of Greece and Asia Minor, all guests were god sent. They had to be treated with great courtesy before they could be asked to identify themselves and state their business. That night, at the banquet, the stranger who was washed up on the beach is seated in the guests place of honor. This textual evidence from the book shows how valued guest are in Greek society as well as how hospitality is conceptualized in ancient times. Hospitality, however, is not followed in many parts of the Odyssey. The incidents in Polyphemus cave showcase this. Polyphemus refuses to show hospitality to Odysseus and his crew saying that his not afraid of the gods. As a result, Polyphemus eats some men from Odysseus crew. Hospitality may also be abused as is shown by the suitors actions in Odysseus palace. The suitors constantly take Penelopes hospitality for granted and abuse it. They show disrespect for Odysseus, Penelope, the maids, the servants, and the palace. They ravage the palace and drink all the wine, and they even use Odysseus royal cup to drink his royal wine. These arrogant men have taken over Odysseus house. They are partying with money from the Sons inheritance and are demanding that his mother, Penelope take one of them as a husband.

This text displays the disrespect and abuse shown by the suitors in Odysseus house. In the end, the suitors are punished by Odysseus with the help of some of the gods. All in all, hospitality is a very important cultural aspect in Greek culture. Hospitality is a trait that the ancient Greeks want their children to learn and value. As a result, hospitality is etched into the Greek society through epic poems such as the Odyssey. Portrayed many times throughout the epic, hospitality may be followed or not followed, each resulting in its own set of consequences. Conclusively, hospitality is a valuable trait that the ancient Greeks greatly admire and defend.

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