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Dynamic Planet - Restless Earth - 1

Restless Earth
How and why do tectonic plates move?

Convection currents from the hot outer core and mantle move the tectonic plates on the earths surface

Lithosphere Asthenosphere

The Iron in the outer core produces a magnetic field which protects the earth from radiation from space

What are the different types of plate boundary and what hazards are found there?

Dynamic Planet - Restless Earth - 1

Volcanoes in MED !s and "ED !s

#apan $MED % Mt a!ura"ima # found on a destructive plate $oundar% 'apan is a developed countr%( It can afford to spend mone% on prediction) protection and evacuation( *hen a!ura"ima does erupt it usuall% does not cause man% deaths( +omes) crops and industries will $e destro%ed $ut most people have insurance and the government will help to repair the damage( Democratic Republic of on&o $"ED % Mt &%iragongo # found on a constructive plate $oundar% Congo is a developing countr%( ,eople cannot afford well-$uilt houses) so the% often collapse( The% do not have insurance( The government is not a$le to provide mone% or resources to the people( Communications are poor) so warnings and evacuations ma% not happen( - 'an -..-/ 1.. people died 0from poisonous gases and the lava flow1( Earth2ua!es destro%ed $uildings( 3ver 4..)... people $ecame refu&ees( The social costs are much &reater as death tolls are often higher in the developing world 'id The 5nited &ations sent food T6 appeals in the 57 sent mone% to $e used for shelter) clean water and medicines Emergenc% measles vaccinations were carried out $% the *orld +ealth 3rganisation The refugees needed food) shelter and clean water to avoid the spread of diseases li!e cholera( This is a $ig pro$lem for relief wor!ers as most people left their homes with nothing(

Hi&h economic costs 0financial cost of destro%ing homes and $usinesses1( "ess social costs 0harm to people1 Prediction eismometers/ to monitor earth2ua!es as magma rises to the surface Tiltmeters/ to monitor the volcano swelling as it fills with magma Aircraft/ To measure the amount of gas given off $% the volcano Protection Concrete channels/ To divert dangerous 8lahar mudflows Concrete shelters/ To protect people from volcanic $om$s and ash Evacuation routes/ Clearl% signposted( ,eople also have regular drills

Earth(ua)es in MED !s and "ED !s Effects

MED 9uildings collapse) !illing people 9ridges and roads collapse :ires $rea! out from $ro!en gas pipes Access for emergenc% services is difficult as transport lin!s are $loc!ed Aftershoc!s are ver% dangerous ;isease can spread with a lac! of clean food and water Tsunamis a ma% occur in coastal areas !s li)e #apan # Long term planning/ The% have regular earth2ua!e drills to educate people( Emergenc% services practice how to rescue people( ,eople !eep emergenc% !its at home 0torch) food) radio1 Man% $uildings in 'apan are earth2ua!e proof # deep foundations) strong) fle<i$le steel frames) shoc! a$sor$ers in the $uildings frame(


Dynamic Planet - Restless Earth - 1

"ED !s li)e Haiti # The effects are often greater( This is mainl% due to poorl% constructed $uilding which are more li!el% to collapse( 3ften followed $% international response # countries donate mone%( The% also send aid and rescue wor!ers as well as tents) medicines) food and water(

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