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Presentation Title:_______________________ Dietary illnesses/Diseases PROJECT: CREATIVE PRESENTATION RUBRIC TOTAL POINTS Look FORS Creativity (X3) 5 Points Excellent
Method of presentation engages audience; holds audience interest; entertaining, scientific article Brief, accurate description of disorder, paraphrased into own words, included in presentation, statistics Complete, accurate list of symptoms included in presentation; paraphrased into own words, unless direct quote enhances understanding Complete, accurate list of possible causes included in presentation; paraphrased into own words, unless direct quote enhances understanding Complete, accurate list of possible treatments included in the presentation; paraphrased into own words, unless direct quote enhances understanding Follows a logical order throughout presentation. Presentation is high school appropriate; maintains high quality standards; group members are prepared and know the roles they each play in the presentation. Is prepared throughout presentation, and does not rely on notes to present information Used reliable sources (ex. Cdc, web md, .gov,.edu)

3-4 Points Good

Method of presentation is somewhat engaging and entertaining


Method of presentation is not engaging and entertaining; boring


Accurate description of disorder included in presentation

Accurate description of mental illness not included in presentation


Most symptoms are accurate and included in presentation; some direct quotes used when information could have been easily paraphrased Some accurate possible causes included in presentation; some direct quotes used when information could have been easily paraphrased Some accurate possible treatments included in presentation; some direct quotes used when information could have easily been paraphrased

Few accurate symptoms included in presentation OR Symptoms not included in presentation


Accurate possible causes not included in presentation


Accurate possible treatments not included in presentation


Professionalism (X2)

Presentation is high school appropriate, but lacks some quality and maturity; group members are somewhat prepared

Preparedness Works Cited

Is prepared throughout most of the presentation; uses notes occasionally Used some reliable sources and some not so reliable sources (.coms)

Not much organization to the presentation Presentation greatly lacks in quality and preparedness; group members are unorganized; presentation pay come off as goofy and immature instead of simply humorous Not very prepared; reads most of the presentation

Used few or no reliable sources OR Works cited was is not included in presentation

Prp1 Final presentations will need to be in the form of a poster presentation! Powerpoints may be used to help organize the final product! Please include color and visual aids. All projects should look professional!

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