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Chapter 5


Could you say that the dark image on the photographic film is due to fluorescence

brianaang answered 6 years ago

no. photographic films contains silver iodide which converts to gray-black metallic silver via photoreduction. photoreduction is a light-dependent reaction which converts solar energy to chemical energy. when UV rays or visible light (basically sun rays) interacts with the silver chloride in the photographic film, photoreduction takes place. try pouring some silver chloride on a piece of white cloth, then leave it out in the sun, the area where the silver chloride is exposed to the sun will become dark coloured.

f answered 7 years ago

A fluorescent sheet is used together with the film to enhance X ray effect on film , it converts X rays to light and so you need 30 times less radiation for exposure .In dental radiography such fluorescent sheets are not used .

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AmigaJoe answered 7 years ago Due to fluorescent? Huh? If you're referring to *fluoresence* then no, since fluoresence causes things to glow, not appear dark. If by film you mean a photgraphic negative then they're dark because that's how film works: the chemicals turn dark when light hits them, so the image is a negative version of the real image. Film that has not been exposed is white or transparent. Your question is really unclear.


chapter 8 1. 1. On the base of a bulb is written: 3V, 0.15A. What does this mean? What will happen if this bulb is connected to a 1.5V cell??

What will happn if it is connected to a 4.5 V battery?? 2. For the same voltage, what happens to a current when power is doubled?? what is the power when current is halved??? thanks of answers..! Answer Follow Watchlist

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kirchwey answered 6 years ago

1. The bulb draws 0.15 A when 3 V is applied. A lamp bulb is like a resistor, but the resistance is nonlinear; it increases with increasing temperature. If you apply 1.5 V it would draw 0.075 A if linear, but will actually draw more than that. If you apply 4.5 V it would draw 0.225 A if linear, but will actually draw less than that. 2. Doubling power doubles the current when voltage remains constant. In a linear resistor, halving the current also halves the voltage, reducing power to 1/4 the previous value. However, if this is also a "for the same voltage" question, power is halved.

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Rich P answered 6 years ago fuses and circuit breakers are connected in series with the circuit in the panel board so that if there is a surge in current, or the current is too large for the appliance, they will blow and prevent the casing becoming live. 12. chapter 7Explain why tungsten used as filament in lamps? Answer: Tungsten has a very high melting and boiling point infact it has the highest and so therefore it wont easily melt. 14. Why copper wires are used in household wiring? because it's cheap, and really conductive.... The more conductive a metal is, the more expensive it can be. For example, gold is a better conductor of electricity than copper, and platinum is an even better conductor! However, gold and platinum are really expensive... so copper works just fine Copper is a good conducter of electrcity. It is also commonly found on Earth. It also doesn't get to hot. Source(s): Teacher

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