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Week 43, Day 1: Monday, 26 October 2009

Jeremiah 34, 35

What do you do when you disobey God? (34:16)

What does freedom from obedience to God get you? (34:17)

What did the people of Judah refuse to do? (35:15)

Can your obedience affect generations? (35:19)

Proverbs 26

What does it take to make a fool obedient? (26:3)

How important is it to work with dependable people? (26:6-10)

Can you expect a fool to continue in his foolish behavior? (26:11, 14)

1 John 2

What shouldn’t we do? (2:1)

For who is Jesus the atoning sacrifice? (2:2)

What reveals God’s love in your heart? (2:3-6)

Who lives in the light? (2:10)

How does 2:16, 17 relate to what you have read in Jeremiah this week?

What does 2:22, 23 say about all other religions?

Week 43, Day 2: Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Jeremiah 36, 37

Did God place before His people two potential outcomes? (36:3)

How do the rebellious respond to God’s Word? (36:23, 24)

How do rules approved by the godless reign? (37:2)

Proverbs 27

How should you live today? (27:1)


Compare 27:2 with Proverbs 25:27.

What have you learned about jealousy in Genesis? (27:4)

Can your friends tell you the truth? (27:6)

What sort of relationships does God want you to have with those around you? (27:10)

What sort of life will you live if you lack wisdom? (27:12)

What does God expect from fellowship? (27:17)

What is one of the greatest tests of your character? (27:21)

What makes a fool a fool? (27:22)

1 John 3

Why doesn’t the world understand your faith? (3:1, 2)

Can a born again person continue to love sin? (3:9)

Can Christians continue to hate? (3:14, 15)

Week 43, Day 3: Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Jeremiah 38, 39

What do you do when you have a message no one wants to hear? (38:1-4)

While the fate of all of Jerusalem was in doubt, what was on Zedekiah’s mind? (38:19)

How devastating can the consequences be of fearing man more than God? (39:7)

Proverbs 28

Does obedience affect your prayers? (28:9) Review again at Matthew 15:9.

What does God expect you to do with sin? (28:13)

Who is blessed, and who falls into trouble? (28:14)

What causes dissention, and what is the remedy? (28:25)

What is counter to walking in wisdom? (28:26)

1 John 4

What is the one source of love? (4:8)

How are we to love others? (4:10, 11)

What is the relationship between love and fear? (4:18)

Week 43, Day 4: Thursday, 29 October 2009

Jeremiah 40, 41

Who warned Gedaliah of Ishmael’s intentions? Why didn’t Gedaliah take head? (40:13)

How does the information provided in 41:1 contribute to our understanding of the officers’
warnings in 40:13?

Proverbs 29

What happens to those who refuse to respond to correction? (29:1)

What do the righteous care about? (29:7) Who did Jesus focus most of his attention on?

What do wise men have a unique ability to do? (29:8)

Look again at Proverbs 16:7.

What is often the world’s response to a man of strong character? (29:10)

Who is in control of all situations and circumstances? (29:13)

Will it often appear that the wicked are victorious? (29:16)

What happens when a people forget God’s Word? (29:18) How does this verse relate to 29:15,

How does 29:19 relate to 29:18? What is the difference between being a servant and a son?

Where does pride lead? (29:23)

What position does guilt place you in? (29:24) What position does that place you in as a sinner
and your ability to testify against other sinners around you before the Lord?

Whose approval do you seek in everything you do? (29:25)

Who do you trust to bring you justice? (29:26)

Who do you trust? What motivates you to do what you do every day?

1 John 5

How do we show our love for God? (5:2, 3)

Week 43, Day 5: Friday, 30 October 2009

Jeremiah 42, 43

What did God’s remnant know they should do when considering the future? (42:3)

What did God’s remnant pledge to do? (42:6)

Does God often lead His people down the hard road? What is the cost of choosing comfort over
obedience? (42:13-22)

What good is hearing God’s Word if you haven’t committed in your heart to obey it? (43:2)

Proverbs 30

What is “a man’s understanding?” (30:3)

How well should you know God’s Word? (30:5)

What can happen when life is too easy? (30:9)

What is the fate of those who don’t respect their parents? (30:11, 17)

What is the root cause of the sinful character traits described in 30:12-14. Didn’t Jesus comment
on all these?

What impact can physical attraction have on your behavior? (30:19)

What can verses 30:24-28 teach you about leadership?

What is a good idea if you have stuck your foot in your mouth? (30:32)

2 John 1

What is love? (verse 6)

Week 43, Day 6: Saturday, 31 October 2009

Jeremiah 44-46

What brings destruction? (44:5)

What couldn’t the remnant bring themselves to do? (44:10)

How does what is in your heart affect the way you interpret circumstances? (44:16-24)

Who controls the fate of kings? (44:30)

Is it easy for us to feel self-pity when we suffer in obedience? Does God promise earthly reward
for obedience? (45:4)

What determines who wins the battle? (46:10)

Do nations often become complacent in their prosperity? (46:20)

Proverbs 31

Where did King Lemuel learn this oracle?

Should leaders be big drinkers? (31:5)

What makes some people prone to drink too much? (31:6-7)

Do you defend those who cannot defend themselves? (31:8) How about during gossip sessions?

Compare Proverb 31 with Proverbs 2:16, 12:4, 19:13, 21:9, 21:19, 25:24, 27:15.
Where do noble wives come from? (19:14)

What may be one reason a wife does not display noble behavior? Proverbs 30:23

Psalm 125

Who cannot be shaken? (125)

Week 43, Day 7: Sunday, 1 November 2009

Jeremiah 47, 48

What does disaster reveal about the hearts of the godless? (47:3)

In what do many mistakenly place their trust?

Why was Moab destroyed? (48:42)

Proverbs 1

What are the proverbs for? (1:2-6)

Where does knowledge come from, and who cannot accept it? (1:7)

Compare 1:10 with 25:26.

How hard is it to find wisdom? (1:20)


Why do people not have wisdom? (1:22)

To have wisdom, what must you respond to what? (1:23)

If you are not humble in spirit, what will surely overtake you? (1:26, 27)

What do people often do too late? (1:28) Compare with Isaiah 55:6

What will all people do? (1:31)

Psalms 126, 127

Can you maintain hope in times of sorrow? (126)

What must be the foundation of your life? (127) Top of Form

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