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Irises Close above the iris, I see the train // Drive deep into the damp heart of its

stem, & the gravel / Of the garden path... From Iris by David St. John The Satyr's Heart by Brigit egeen !elly Now I rest my head on the satyr's carved chest... Orchids J"st as I #onder / #hether it$s going to die, / the or%hid blossoms // and I %an$t e&plain #hy it / moves my heart... From The Orchid Flower by Sam 'amill At Baia by '. D. I should have thought... Lillies If I %o"ld %arry %alla lilies on my sho"lder on%e more / li(e an "mbrella in daylight, I #o"ld lean them / on the %emetery gate and sleep... From Epitaph X by )homas 'eise La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John !eats Ah, what can ail thee, wretched wight... Day Lilies by *osanna +arren For six days, full-throated, they praised... La hal!pa" the #oat by Jean ,alentine I am twenty... Last S!pper by Charles +right

I seem to have come to the end of something, but don't know what... Honeys!c$les -ove at the lips #as to"%h / .s s#eet as I %o"ld bear... From To Earthward by *obert Frost The %ild Honeys!c$le by hilip Frenea" Fair flower, that dost so comely grow... Bl!r by .ndre# '"dgins torms of perfume lift from honeysuckle... S!n&lowers )ho"gh the great, heat/st"nned s"nflo#er loo(s half/dead / )he #ay it, shepherd$s %roo(/li(e, hangs its head... From Her# 'arden by )imothy Steele Ta$en (p by Charles 0artin !ired of earth, they dwindled on their hill... Hea)en &or Helen by 0ar( Doty "elen says heaven, for her... *eonies Be %aref"l if yo" ta(e this flo#er into yo"r ho"se. )he peony has a tho"sand lips... From 'irl by 1ve .le&andra From Littlefoot by Charles +right !his is the bird hour, peony blossoms falling bigger than wren hearts... *ractice by 1llen Bryant ,oigt !o weep unbidden, to wake...

%hy +e,retby 2al#ay !innell #idn't you like the way the ants help... T!lips . flash of bl"e in a %ool moss ban(, / .nd tips of t"lips promising flo#ers / )o a bl"e/#inged loon... From In April by James 'earst To My Mother %aitin, on ./0/.012 by )eresa Carson !hat $ctober might have begun... 3iolets I %an hardly see, / b"t it seems to me that its singing has the %olor of damp violets, / of violets that are at home in the earth... From 4othin, B!t Death by ablo 3er"da 4othin, to Sa)e by D. '. -a#ren%e !here is nothing to save, now all is lost... Far and Away by Fanny 'o#e !he rain falls on... +hododendron +ith their harsh leaves old rhododendrons fill / )he %revi%es in grave plots$ bro(en stones... From The Mo!ntain emetery by 1dgar Bo#ers %itho!t a *hilosophy by 1li4abeth 0organ !oward the end of this summer... Fo!r *oems &or +o#in by 2ary Snyder

I slept under +oses


O my l"ve$s li(e a red, red rose, / )hat$s ne#ly spr"ng in J"ne5 / O my l"ve$s li(e the melodie / )hat$s s#eetly played in t"ne... From A +ed" +ed +ose by *obert B"rns a woman had placed by .nne Blonstein a yellow rose... Ad)ice to a *rophet by *i%hard +ilb"r %hen you come, as you soon must, to the street of our city... My mistress' eyes are nothin, li$e the s!n 5Sonnet .6/7 by +illiam Sha(espeare &y mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun... Ar#ole" Ar#ole by Federi%o 2ar%ia -or%a !ree, tree... As$ me no more by )homas Care# Ask me no more where (ove bestows... Bl!e by 0ay S#enson )lue, but you are *ose, too... Brie&ly It Enters" Brie&ly It Spea$s by Jane !enyon I am the blossom pressed in a book... The %hite +ose by John Boyle O$*eilly !he red rose whispers passion... 'o" lo)ely rose8 by 1dm"nd +aller +o, lovely rose... The Separate +ose9 I

by ablo 3er"da !oday is that day, the day that carried... +e,enerati)e by !en Babsto%( !hat dog padded home wearing a ripken... Sa$!ra *ar$ by *a%hel +et4steon !he park admits the wind...

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