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Background Information

Generic Skills Integration Project (GENSIP) Student Counselling Service & Staff Develo ment !niversit" of Du#lin $rinit" College Com iled #" $amara %&Connor

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

'anuar" ())*

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

Objectives Introduction 1. About Stress 1.1 1.# 1.3 Definition and ode! O$ti%a! Leve! Of Stress Si'ns or s(%$to%s of stress 1.3.1 *+(sica! and Be+avioura! 1.3.# Co'nitive 1.3.3 E%otiona! De%ands and ,esources 1.".1 Sources of Stress 1.".# ,esources Suggestions for Integration Suggested Presentation #. ana'in' Stress #.1 Co$in' 0it+ Stress #.1.1 T($es of Co$in' #.1.# Co$in' ,esources #.1.#.1 Co'nitive Co$in' Strate'ies #.1.#.# Be+avioura! Co$in' Strate'ies #.1.3 *erfor%ance 1nder Stress Foundation for Life!on' 2ea!t+ 3 ,educin' Lon' Ter% Stress #.#.1 2ea!t+4 Nutrition and E5ercise #.#.# Lifest(!e #.#.3 Attitude Suggestions for Integration Suggested Presentation 3. Su%%ar( ,eferences and Bib!io'ra$+( 11 1# 1# 1" 1& 1) 1) 1116 #/ #1 " & ) 3 3


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Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

T+is %odu!e is desi'ned for use b( acade%ic staff 7+o 7ant to +e!$ students deve!o$ t+eir abi!it( to co$e 7it+ stress. It $rovides infor%ation and strate'ies for use b( students4 but it a!so inc!udes su''estions for incor$oratin' as$ects into t+e teac+in' of t+e subject content. For e5a%$!e4 business students stud(in' %ana'e%ent cou!d e5a%ine stress %ana'e%ent in ter%s of occu$ationa! stressors. T+e 'oa! of t+is %odu!e is to +e!$ acade%ic staff 'ive t+eir students a better a7areness and understandin' of stress. Furt+er%ore4 it is desi'ned to $rovide co$in' strate'ies for avoidin' distress and to $ro%ote better adjust%ent to co!!e'e.

Stress is a routine $art of our !ives. Certain a%ounts of stress are beneficia!8 +o7ever4 so%eti%es t+e !eve! of stress can beco%e burdenso%e. Students in universit( e5$erience %an( c+an'es. T+ere is researc+4 Iris+ as 7e!! as internationa!4 to indicate co!!e'e can be a stressfu! e5$erience for students 9A+erne4 #//18 Fis+er4 1.."8 T(rre!!4 1..3:. Bein' ab!e to %ana'e and contro! stress is a usefu! s;i!!4 for !ife as a student but a!so for !ife be(ond universit(. Stress %ana'e%ent can be tau'+t on a $ersona! as 7e!! as a $rofessiona! basis. T+e %ateria! in t+is %odu!e can be used as a stand a!one < 'iven in addition to re'u!ar courses. 2o7ever4 it can a!so be incor$orated into course content 7+en suitab!e. Eac+ section 'ives t+e $resenter so%e Background Information on t+e area to be addressed as 7e!! as Suggestions for Integration of t+e %ateria! 7it+ subject %ateria!. T+ere is a!so a Suggested Presentation if t+e teac+er 7ants to $resent t+e %ateria! as a 7or;s+o$. It inc!udes su''ested activities and $rocedures4 %ateria!s necessar( and ti%e esti%ates. T+e %odu!e a!so contains a *o7er*oint $resentation 7it+ s!ides and notes4 as 7e!! as e5ercises and +andouts. T+e teac+er %a( be se!ective 3 usin' $arts or a!! of t+e %odu!e sections 3 or +e=s+e %a( custo%ise4 a!ter or add to t+e %odu!e.

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

+%ne of t,e difficulties a#out stress is t,at it can -ork for "ou or against "ou. just like a car tire/ 0,en t,e ressure in t,e tire is rig,t. "ou can drive smoot,l" along t,e road1 if it is too lo-. "ou feel all t,e #um s and t,e controls feel sluggis,/ If it is too ,ig,. "ou #ounce over t,e ot,oles. and easil" s-ing out of control2 (Butler & 3o e. 4556. / ()7)/

AI To +e!$ students !earn %ore about t+e causes and i%$!ications of stress. To +e!$ students beco%e a7are of t+e si'ns and s(%$to%s of stress ear!(4 to $revent c+ronic stress. To +e!$ students identif( $otentia! sources of stress and to deve!o$ an a7areness t+at t+e( can co$e 7it+ t+e stress in t+eir !ives. To +e!$ students identif( t+eir o7n o$ti%a! !eve! of stress.

1.1 Definition
Stress is a nor%a!4 universa! +u%an e5$erience. Eustress4 or 'ood stress4 is stress t+at benefits our +ea!t+4 !i;e $+(sica! e5ercise or 'ettin' a $ro%otion. Distress on t+e ot+er +and4 is stress t+at +ar%s our +ea!t+ and often resu!ts fro% i%ba!ances bet7een de%ands %ade u$on us and our resources for dea!in' 7it+ t+ese de%ands. T+e !atter is 7+at %ost $eo$!e t+in; about 7+en t+e( ta!; about stress. 2o7ever4 if +and!ed 7e!! stress can increase %otivation and sti%u!ate us. T+ere are %an( different definitions and t+eories of stress. 2o7ever4 a co%%on!( reco'nised one is t+e interactionist %ode! of stress 9La>arus ? Fo!;%an4 1.6":. It su''ests t+ere are t+ree ;e( co%$onents invo!ved@ T+e situation and de%ands Our subjective appraisal of t+e situation Our $erceived resources for %eetin' t+e de%ands

T+ese demands or situations cou!d inc!ude financia! $rob!e%s4 ar'u%ents4 c+an'es in sc+oo!=7or; circu%stances4 etc. T+ese are events4 +ass!es or c+an'es t+at occur in our e5terna! environ%ent t+at %a( be $+(sica! or $s(c+o!o'ica!. T+e( are so%eti%es referred to as stressors. Appraisal of t+e situation refers to +o7 7e inter$ret t+e situation or de%and. For e5a%$!e4 an event occurs. *erson A %a( see it as stressfu! 7+i!e *erson

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

B does not. T+us *erson A 7i!! $robab!( +ave a reaction to t+e stressfu! situation4 eit+er $+(sio!o'ica! or e%otiona!. Resources refer to our abi!it( to co$e 7it+ t+e de%and or stressor4 for dea!in' 7it+ $ossib!e or rea! $rob!e%s. A'ain4 an event occurs4 *erson A and *erson B bot+ $erceive it as stressfu!4 but *erson A be!ieves s+e +as t+e resources to co$e but *erson B be!ieves s+e doesnAt4 and t+e( 7i!! res$ond accordin'!(. 0+i!e students %a( not be ab!e to contro! so%e of t+e de%ands $!aced u$on t+e%4 t+e( can c+an'e t+e resources at t+eir dis$osa! b( increasin' t+eir re$ertoire of co$in' strate'ies.


Optimal Level of Stress

Ever(one +as an idea! !eve! of stress4 but it differs fro% $erson to $erson. Basica!!(4 if t+ereAs not enou'+ stress t+en $erfor%ance %a( suffer4 due to !ac; of %otivation or boredo% 9See Fi'ure 1:. 2o7ever4 too %uc+ stress resu!ts in a dro$ in $erfor%ance as a resu!t of stress re!ated $rob!e%s !i;e inabi!it( to concentrate or i!!ness. 0e %ust !earn to %onitor our stress !eve!s4 first!( to identif( our o7n o$ti%u% !eve! of stress and second!( to !earn 7+en 7e %ust intervene to increase or decrease our !eve! of stress. T+is 7a( stress 7or;s for us. B( %ana'in' stress 7e can i%$rove our Bua!it( of !ife and do a better job4 eit+er in acade%ic !ife or $rofessiona! !ife. If stress is not +and!ed $ro$er!( it can increase t+e ne'ative conseBuences for an individua!.

Optimum Stress

Area of Optimum Performance

Low Stress Boredom

High Stress Anxiousness Unhappiness

Figure 1.: The relationship between stress and performance

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management


Signs and Symptoms of stress

*eo$!e 7i!! +ave t+eir o7n $ersona! si'ns or reactions to stress4 7+ic+ t+e( s+ou!d !earn to identif(. T+e( 'enera!!( fa!! into t+ree cate'ories@ $+(sica!4 co'nitive and e%otiona!. an( of t+ese s(%$to%s co%e and 'o as a resu!t of s+ort<ter% stress. 2o7ever4 s(%$to%s t+at are associated 7it+ %ore !on'<ter%4 sustained stress can be +ar%fu!. ConseBuences can inc!ude fati'ue4 $oor %ora!e and i!! +ea!t+. 2i'+ !eve!s of stress 7it+out intervention or %ana'e%ent can contribute to %enta! +ea!t+ $rob!e%s 9e.'. de$ression4 an5iet(4 inter$ersona! difficu!ties:4 be+avioura! c+an'es 9e.'. increased a!co+o! inta;e4 dru' abuse4 a$$etite disorders: and so%eti%es invo!ve %edica! conseBuences 9e.'. +eadac+es4 bo7e! $rob!e%s4 +eart disease4 etc.:. So%e of t+ese si'ns are !isted be!o7. 4/*/4 Physical ( ,"siological and #e,avioural) ,acin' +eart Co!d4 s7eat( +ands 2eadac+es S+a!!o7 or erratic breat+in' Nausea or u$set tu%%( Consti$ation S+ou!der or bac; $ains ,us+in' around 0or;in' !on'er +ours Losin' touc+ 7it+ friends Fati'ue S!ee$ disturbances 0ei'+t c+an'es

T+ere is are 7e!! estab!is+ed !in;s bet7een stress and %an( t($es of i!!ness. 2o7ever4 t+ese $+(sica! s(%$to%s cou!d resu!t fro% %edica! or $+(sio!o'ica! $rob!e%s rat+er t+an be co%$!ete!( stress re!ated. edica! advice s+ou!d be sou'+t 7+enever so%eone be!ieves +e or s+e %a( +ave an i!!ness4 e.'. c+est $ain or 7ei'+t c+an'es. 4/*/( Cognitive (or $,oug,ts) For'ettin' t+in's Findin' it +ard to concentrate 0orr(in' about t+in's Difficu!t( $rocessin' infor%ation Ne'ative se!f<state%ents

4/*/* Emotional (or 8eelings) Increased irritabi!it( or an'er An5iet( or fee!in's of $anic

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

Fear Tearfu!ness Increased inter$ersona! conf!icts

Ever(one +as deve!o$ed +is or +er o7n res$onse to stress. T+e ;e( is to !earn to %onitor (our o7n si'ns and beco%e a7are of 7+en t+e( are indicatin' t+e stress !eve! is un%ana'eab!e.

4/9/4 Demands

Demands and Resources

T+e de%ands or stressors 7e e5$erience can co%e fro% interna! or e5terna! sources. !"ternal sources of stress are t+e de%ands or $ressures fro% job or co!!e'e4 de%ands of fa%i!( or friends4 $+(sica! or environ%enta! factors 9noise4 caffeine:. ,ecent c+an'es can a!so be stressfu! events. For e5a%$!e4 !oo;in' for a job4 %ovin'4 tr(in' to find acco%%odation4 +o!ida(s4 and so fort+. So%e co%%on stressors for co!!e'e students inc!ude t+e transition to co!!e'e4 acade%ic concerns 9difficu!t( 7it+ %ateria!4 !ac; of %otivation:4 ti%e $ressures4 financia! concerns4 fa%i!( 9conf!ict 7it+ $arents:8 socia! 9!one!iness:4 or deve!o$%enta! tas;s of !ate ado!escent=ear!( adu!t+ood 9%ovin' fro% de$endence to autono%(4 estab!is+in' identit(:. #nternal sources of stress resu!t fro% our reactions to t+ese de%ands and t+e de%ands 7e $ut on ourse!ves. For e5a%$!e4 if (ou fee! t+ere are %an( de%ands4 and not enou'+ resources to co$e t+en (ou %a( fee! stressed. Cou %a( te!! (ourse!f DT+ereAs just too %uc+ to do.E Our o7n 7ants4 fee!in's and attitudes can a!so create stress. For e5a%$!e4 7+en 7e 7ant to do a $erfect job4 or e5$ectin' ot+ers to be as %otivated as ourse!ves. A studentAs sense of adeBuac( or confidence %a( a!so inf!uence +o7 t+e( e5$erience stress 9A+erne4 #//1:. 4/9/( :esources T+ese refer to our abi!it( to co$e 7it+ t+e stressors4 eit+er b( our a$$raisa! or b( our strate'ies for dea!in' 7it+ t+e%. $oping Resources. 0e can reduce t+e e5terna! de%ands. For e5a%$!e if t+e de%and causin' stress is financia! concerns4 t+en findin' sources of funds or %a;in' a bud'et 7ou!d be a resource for co$in'. A!ternative!(4 7e can reduce t+e interna! stressors4 for e5a%$!e c+an'in' our attitude or $erce$tion. Or 7e can do bot+. T+ere is %ore infor%ation and e5a%$!es about i%$rovin' co$in' resources under Section (/ ;anaging Stress. 8

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

In addition to co$in' resources4 t+ere are so%e indications t+at $ersona!it( c+aracteristics interact 7it+ stressors and co$in' resources. For e5a%$!e4 Dattac+%ent st(!eE %a( inf!uence +o7 co%fortab!e $eo$!e are in see;in' su$$ort. *eo$!e 7+o fee! co%fortab!e see;in' t+e su$$ort of friends or tutors are often better ab!e to co$e8 $eo$!e 7+o donAt see; su$$ort are %ore !i;e!( to co$e 7it+ stress b( avoidin' de%ands4 7+ic+ can cause troub!e !ater on. T+us +o7 secure one is about re!ations+i$s %a( indicate 7+ic+ co$in' resources 7i!! be %ost usefu! 9Lo$e> ? Brennan4 #///:. For students4 es$ecia!!( (oun' adu!ts4 see;in' to estab!is+ t+eir inde$endence4 as;in' for +e!$ %a( be seen as a 7ea;ness. Social support is a!so a si'nificant factor in enab!in' $eo$!e to effective!( %ana'e t+eir stress. It refers to our sense of be!on'in'4 bein' !oved and acce$ted. Socia! su$$ort interacts 7it+ stress to offer $eo$!e a buffer fro% t+e ne'ative effects of stress 9Brot+erid'e4 #//1:. Socia! su$$ort %a( e!icit an a$$raisa! of events as !ess stressfu!4 %a( in+ibit d(sfunctiona! co$in' be+aviors4 or %a( faci!itate %ore ada$tive co$in' be+aviours 9Co+en ? 0i!!s4 1.6&:. T+is is one reason 7+( it is i%$ortant for students to inte'rate into t+e acade%ic co%%unit( and estab!is+ re!ations+i$s 7it+ ot+er students4 acade%ic and su$$ort staff.

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

Su''estions for Inte'ration For !iterature subjects@ T+in; of c+aractersA res$onses to stress and +o7 t+e( t($if( universa! +u%an be+aviours

For socia! science subjects@ 2o7 is stress ref!ected in a 'rou$F 2o7 is stress ref!ected in an individua!F 2o7 is stress ref!ected in a cu!tureF

For business=%ana'e%ent subjects@ 2o7 does stress affect $rofitabi!it( via absenteeis% and under$erfor%anceF 2u%an resource i%$!ications Occu$ationa! stress and burnout

For en'ineerin' subjects@ 0+at causes stress in a s(ste% or structureF An( $ara!!e!s to t+e bod( as a s(ste% 7it+ co%$onents a!! %utua!!( i%$actin' on eac+ ot+erF

For science subjects@ ore detai! on t+e $s(c+o$+(sio!o'( of stress and t+e re!ations+i$ bet7een stress and i!!ness

For $rofessiona! subjects@ In 'enera!@ 0+enever t+ere are $articu!ar!( stressfu! ti%es in (our de$art%ent 9e.'. e5a% ti%e4 assi'n%ents due4 etc.: %a(be +ave a discussion about stressors and 7a(s of co$in'. *ossib!e stress i%$!ications for $atients under'oin' assess%ents and interventions b( students *erfor%ance and stress


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

S%&&!S'!D (R!S!)'A'#O)
About Stress
Ti%e Co%%it%ent 3/ 3 "/ %inutes ateria!s E5ercise 3 *erfor%ance Gui> 0+( Learn About Stress 9S!ide #: Stress ode! 9S!ide 3: O$ti%a! Leve! of Stress 9S!ide ": Si'ns or S(%$to%s of Stress 9S!ide & < -: E5ercise < Stress Test De%ands and ,esources 9S!ide 6: E5ercise < 2o7 do I res$ond to stressF E5a%$!e of Stress Diar( Activities and *rocedures Ste$ 1 O$tiona! < 2ave students co%$!ete so%e for% of $erfor%ance Bui> 9see E5ercise 3 *erfor%ance Gui>:. As; students +o7 t+e( reacted 3 7+at 7ere t+eir t+ou'+ts4 fee!in's and be+aviours. A!ternative!(4 as; t+e% to describe +o7 t+e( fee! 7+en under $ressure. Discuss benefits of ;no7in' about stress 9S!ide #:. E5$!ain t+e Transactiona! %ode! of stress and definition 9S!ide 3:. E5$!ain o$ti%a! !eve! of stress usin' 'ra$+ 9S!ide ":. Discuss +o7 to identif( o7n !eve! b( ;ee$in' a stress diar(. Ho over si'ns of stress 7it+ students 9S!ide &4 )4 -:. O$tiona! 3 2ave students co%$!ete a stress Buestionnaire. E%$+asise t+e i%$ortance of bein' ab!e to identif( o7n $articu!ar ear!( 7arnin' si'ns of stress in order to activate co$in'. E5$!ain 7+at de%ands=stressors and resources are 9S!ide 68 a!so refer to S!ide 3.: To +e!$ students identif( and !earn about t+eir o7n o$ti%a! !eve!4 +ave a discussion about $ossib!e stressors. As; students to offer re!evant e5a%$!e or +ave students 'enerate e5a%$!es about 7+en t+e( +ave +and!ed stress 7e!! or $erfor%ed 7e!! under stress versus 7+en t+is didnAt +a$$en. 9See E5ercise 3 2o7 I res$ond to stress:.

Ste$ # Ste$ 3 Ste$ " Ste$ & Ste$ )

Ste$ Ste$ 6


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management



2.1 $oping *it+ Stress

+$,e #readt, of co ing resources students ,ave at t,eir dis osal can #e a determinant of t,e degree of success and satisfaction t,e" e< erience at college2 (Baird. ())4. /*)/ A#. To +e!$ students !earn to contro! or %ana'e stress t+e( %a( e5$erience. To $rovide students 7it+ a ran'e of co$in' strate'ies. To a!!o7 students t+e o$$ortunit( to $ractice co$in' strate'ies. To encoura'e students to !a( t+e foundations for a +ea!t+( !ife st(!e t+at reduces stress.

T+e t+ree co%$onents of stress are t+e@ Situation and its de%ands4 Subjective a$$raisa! of t+e situation and *erceived resources for co$in' 7it+ t+e de%ands.

ana'e%ent of stress can be ai%ed at an( or a!! of t+ese co%$onents. In ot+er 7ords4 7e can decrease t+e e5terna! de%ands or stressors8 7e can c+an'e or a$$raisa!s or 7e can increase our co$in' resources. (/4/4 $" es of Co ing/ Co$in' refers to t+e use of strate'ies to dea! 7it+ $rob!e%s4 rea! or antici$ated4 and an( $ossib!e ne'ative e%otions t+at %a( arise. T+is a$$roac+ +e!$s us to contro! our reactions to t+e de%ands $!aced u$on us. 0e use actions4 t+ou'+ts and fee!in's to co$e. Different situations or stressors ca!! for different ;inds of co$in'. (roblem,-ocused $oping is ai%ed at c+an'in' a situation or its acco%$an(in' de%ands. It is %ost a$$ro$riate 7+en (ou +ave so%e contro! over a situation or 7+en (ou can %ana'e t+e $rob!e% in t+e environ%ent. It uses s$ecific activities to acco%$!is+ a tas;.


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

For e5a%$!e4 %a(be a student is +avin' difficu!ties 7it+ a roo%%ate 7+o creates a !ot of distractions t+us $reventin' t+e student fro% stud(in'. *rob!e%<focused co$in' 7ou!d invo!ve t+e student ne'otiatin' a contract or usin' ot+er $rob!e%<so!vin' strate'ies to overco%e t+e stressfu! situation. 1sin' ti%e %ana'e%ent or see;in' advice are ot+er e5a%$!es of t+is t($e of co$in'. !motion,-ocused $oping is ai%ed at dea!in' 7it+ t+e e%otions caused b( a situation and its de%ands. It is %ore a$$ro$riate 7+en (ou +ave !itt!e or no contro! over a situation. T+is t($e of co$in' invo!ves reducin' an5iet( associated 7it+ t+e stressfu! situation 7it+out addressin' t+e $rob!e%. For e5a%$!e4 in $arenta! se$aration a student +as no contro! over it but +e=s+e cou!d co$e 7it+ an( an5iet( t+e event %a( cause. So%eti%es $eo$!e e%$!o( strate'ies to re!ieve stress t+at are s+ort< ter%4 and %a( actua!!( contribute to stress 3 suc+ as drin;in' or ta;in' dru's4 b!a%in' ot+ers4 avoidance or overeatin'. an( of t+e situations co!!e'e students face are best co$ed 7it+ b( a co%bination of $rob!e%< and e%otion<focused co$in'. In 'enera! f!e5ibi!it(4 ada$tation and $ersistence are crucia! to success. ,esearc+ conducted at Trinit( Co!!e'e Dub!in found an inverse re!ations+i$ bet7een be!ievin' one +as adeBuate co$in' resources and t+e de'ree of de$ression and adjust%ent students re$ort 9Baird4 #//1:. T+erefore increasin' t+e co$in' resources of students 7i!! !i;e!( contribute to a better co!!e'e e5$erience for students.

(/4/( Co ing :esources T+ese resources can broad!( be divided into@ co'nitive co$in' strate'ies and $+(sica! = be+avioura! co$in' strate'ies.

So%e of t+ese co$in' strate'ies 7i!! suit so%e $eo$!e4 ot+ers 7i!! not. T+e ;e( is to +ave a ran'e of resources t+at can be a$$!ied4 de$endin' u$on t+e situation and t+e individua!. It is i%$ortant to +ave strate'ies one is co%fortab!e usin'. $ognitive coping strategies

T+ese refer to 7a(s of dea!in' 7it+ stress usin' our %inds. Co'nitive co$in' strate'ies are a 'ood 7a( to co%bat stress<$roducin' t+ou'+ts. As S+a;es$eareAs 2a%!et said4 +/ / / for t,ere is not,ing eit,er good or #ad #ut t,inking makes it so/ / /2 Often $eo$!e a!read( use t+ese 13

Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

co'nitive 7a(s of co$in'4 but %a;in' t+e% %ore conscious 7i!! increase t+eir efficienc( and effectiveness. E5a%$!es of t+ese strate'ies are@ ,efra%in' 3 focus on t+e 'ood not t+e bad8 t+in; in ter%s of 7ants instead of s+ou!ds. ItAs best if our t+in;in' is re!ated to our 'oa!s. For e5a%$!e4 DI 7ant to read and understand t+is c+a$ter in C+e%istr( so I do 7e!! in %( !ab $ractica!E instead of DI +ave to read t+is difficu!t c+a$ter in C+e%istr(E. C+a!!en'in' ne'ative t+in;in' 3 sto$$in' t+e ne'ative t+ou'+ts 7e %a( +ave about a situation or ourse!ves. E5a%$!es of ne'ative t+ou'+ts inc!ude e5$ectin' fai!ure4 $uttin' (ourse!f do7n4 fee!in's of inadeBuac( < a t+ou'+t suc+ as DEver(one e!se see%s to understand t+is e5ce$t %e.E In order to 'ain contro! of ne'ative t+ou'+ts or 7orries4 (ou %ust first beco%e a7are of t+e%. Ne5t4 (e!! DSto$IE to (ourse!f 7+en t+e( occur. Tr( re$!acin' 7it+ $ositive affir%ations or at !east c+a!!en'e or Buestion an( irrationa!it( of t+e t+ou'+ts. *ositive se!f<ta!; 3 usin' $ositive !an'ua'e and state%ents to ourse!ves. T+ese are so%eti%es referred to as $ositive affir%ations8 t+e( are usefu! for bui!din' confidence and c+a!!en'in' ne'ative t+ou'+ts. For e5a%$!e4 DI can do t+is or understand t+isE or DIA!! tr( %( bestE. T+ese 7or; best 7+en t+e( are rea!istic and tai!ored to (our needs and 'oa!s. Count to ten 3 t+is a!!o7s (ou ti%e to 'ain contro! and $er+a$s ret+in; t+e situation or co%e u$ 7it+ a better co$in' strate'(. Cost<benefit ana!(sis 3 as;in' (ourse!f Buestions about t+e 7ort+ of t+in;in'4 fee!in' or actin' a $articu!ar 7a(. DIs it +e!$in' %e to 'et t+in's done 7+en I t+in; t+is 7a(FE DIs it 7ort+ 'ettin' u$set overFE DA% I %a;in' t+e best use of %( ti%eFE S%e!! t+e roses 3 +E< eriencing life as full" as ossi#le re=uires conscious effort. since -e #ecome ,a#ituated to t,ings -,ic, are re eated/ >ar"ing our e< eriences (suc, as taking different routes to sc,ool or -ork) can ,el in t,is rocess2 (Green#erg. 45?7. / 4(5)/ Jee$in' $ers$ective 3 7+en under stress it is eas( to !ose $ers$ective8 t+in's can see% insur%ountab!e. So%e Buestions to as; (ourse!f@ Is t+is rea!!( a $rob!e%F Is t+is a $rob!e% an(one e!se +as +adF Can I $rioritise t+e $rob!e%sF Does it rea!!( %atterF +@ook on t,e #rig,t side of lifeA2 B Cu!tivate o$ti%is%/


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

,educin' uncertaint( 3 see; an( infor%ation or c!arification (ou %a( reBuire to reduce t+e uncertaint(. It +e!$s to as; in a $ositive 7a(. Situations t+at are difficu!t to c!assif(4 are obscure or +ave %u!ti$!e %eanin's can create stress. 1sin' i%a'er(=visua!isation 3i%a'inin' (ourse!f in a $!easant or a successfu! situation to +e!$ reduce stress. One 7a( to use i%a'er( is as a re!a5ation too!8 tr( to re%e%ber t+e $!easure of an e5$erience (ouAve +ad or a $!ace (ouAve been. T+e %ore senses (ou invo!ve in t+e i%a'e t+e %ore rea!istic4 t+erefore t+e %ore $o7erfu!. T+is strate'( is often co%bined 7it+ dee$ breat+in' or re!a5ation e5ercises. Kisua!isation can a!so be used as a re+earsa! strate'( for an antici$ated stressfu! event. For e5a%$!e4 if (ou +ave a $resentation to 'ive4 $ractice it in t+e %ind a fe7 ti%es4 $icturin' t+e audienceAs reaction and even visua!isin' (ourse!f overco%in' an( $otentia! $itfa!!s.

/e+avioural coping strategies

T+ese refer to 7a(s of dea!in' 7it+ stress b( doin' so%et+in' or ta;in' action to reduce t+e stress e5$erienced. E5a%$!es of t+ese strate'ies are@ *+(sica! e5ercise 3 aerobic e5ercise is t+e %ost beneficia! strate'( for reducin' stress. It re!eases neuroc+e%ica!s in t+e brain t+at aid concentration. For so%e $eo$!e4 even a s+ort 7a!; is sufficient to re!ieve stress. ,e!a5ation 3 fro% si%$!e re!a5ation suc+ as dro$$in' t+e +ead for7ard and ro!!in' it 'ent!( fro% side to side or si%$!( stretc+in'4 to %ore co%$!e5 $ro'ressive re!a5ation e5ercises. *ro'ressive re!a5ation invo!ves tensin' and re!easin' iso!ated %usc!e 'rou$s unti! %usc!es are re!a5ed. *!ease refer to 3andout C 8ive ;inute :ela<ation. T+ere are a!so ta$es and boo;s avai!ab!e on t+is to$ic 9avai!ab!e fro% t+e Student Counse!!in' Service or t+e !ibrar(:. Breat+in' 3 fro% si%$!e dee$ breat+s to %ore co%$!e5 breat+in' e5ercises re!ated to re!a5ation and %editation. *!ease refer to 3andout C Dee Breat,s. S%i!e and Lau'+ < 'ives us ener'( and +e!$s to !i'+ten t+e !oad8 re!a5es %usc!es in t+e face. Ti%e %ana'e%ent 3 s$ecific strate'ies suc+ as c!arif(in' $riorities4 settin' 'oa!s4 eva!uatin' +o7 ti%e is s$ent4 deve!o$in' an action $!an4 overco%in' $rocrastination and or'anisin' ti%e. T+ese +e!$


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

us to co$e 7it+ t+e nu%erous de%ands $!aced u$on us4 often a source of stress. 9See a!so t+e @earning Skills ;odule:. Socia! Su$$ort=Friends 3 encoura'e t+e deve!o$%ent and nurturin' of re!ations+i$s. T+ere is an association bet7een 'ood socia! su$$ort and a reduced ris; of dro$ out 9Tinto4 1..6:. See; 2e!$ 3 to +e!$ us co$e 7it+ un%ana'eab!e stress. T+is is a si'n of ta;in' contro!4 not of 7ea;ness. T+ere are %an( su$$orts avai!ab!e in Co!!e'e for students inc!udin' Student 2ea!t+ Service4 Student Counse!!in' Service4 Co!!e'e Tutors and t+e C+a$!ainc(.

ore detai! on %an( of t+ese strate'ies %a( be found in t+e $a%$+!et on ;aking Stress 0ork for Dou4 $roduced b( t+e Student 2ea!t+ Service and t+e +andout Co ing -it, Stress b( t+e Student Counse!!in' Service. 0eb addresses@!!in'=!t+=$!ainc(=

(/4/* Performance !nder Stress ost $eo$!e find $erfor%ance stressfu!4 7+et+er e5a%ination4 intervie74 $ub!ic s$ea;in'4 $ractica!s4 etc. 2o7ever4 t+e( need not cause distress. T+e fo!!o7in' ti$s for %ana'in' t+e stress e5$erienced as a resu!t of $erfor%ance situations can +e!$ students ac+ieve t+eir 'oa!s. Focussin' on t+e $rocess not t+e outco%e. Bein' a7are of t+e stress=$erfor%ance curve and t+eir o7n o$ti%a! !eve! of stress. Learnin' and $racticin' co$in' s;i!!s 3 $ractice is i%$ortant. ,efra%in' eva!uative situations 3 a !earnin' e5$erience. Jee$in' and usin' a sense of +u%our aintainin' oneAs $ers$ective ,e%e%berin' t+at %ista;es are $art of !earnin' Se$aratin' se!f<7ort+ fro% $erfor%ance


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

2.2 -oundations for Lifelong 0ealt+ 1 Reducing Long 'erm Stress

For !on'<ter% %ana'e%ent of stress4 it is i%$ortant to !a( 'ood foundations. Often 7+en 7e are under stress4 7e i'nore our +ea!t+ and re!ations+i$s4 (et 7+en t+ese are $oor it can add to our stress. Avoid t+is c(c!eI (/(/4 3ealt,. Nutrition and E<ercise T+ere is 'ood evidence to su$$ort t+e idea t+at $ro$er diet and e5ercise is t+e %ost effective 7a( to $rotect us fro% t+e !on'<ter% effects of stress. ,e'u!ar e5ercise4 even of s+ort duration4 i%$roves t+e functionin' of t+e bod( 9%usc!es4 !un's4 etc.: as 7e!! as $s(c+o!o'ica! functionin' 9better concentration4 fee!in' 'ood about se!f4 etc.:. Even 3/ %inutes cumulative dai!( %oderate e5ercise i%$roves +ea!t+. An e5cess inta;e of certain foods can encoura'e stress s(%$to%s. Ite%s t+at contain sti%u!ants suc+ as nicotine or caffeine affect t+e s(%$at+etic nervous s(ste% 7+ic+ can brin' on stress res$onses suc+ as irritabi!it( or jitteriness. To +e!$ %ana'e stress it is i%$ortant to !i%it our inta;e of caffeine 9co;e4 coffee4 tea4 c+oco!ate: and !ar'e a%ounts of su'ar in a s+ort ti%e s$an. Li;e e5ercise4 re'u!ar %ea!s are t+e ;e(8 s;i$$in' %ea!s is not a +ea!t+( o$tion. So%eti%es $eo$!e tr( to co$e 7it+ t+e s(%$to%s of stress rat+er t+an dea!in' 7it+ t+e stress itse!f. For e5a%$!e4 usin' a!co+o! to re!a5 or ta;in' s!ee$in' tab!ets to +e!$ 7it+ s!ee$!essness. Students are $articu!ar!( $rone to $oor nutrition and e5ercise4 es$ecia!!( around e5a% ti%e 7+en caffeine inta;e increases4 s!ee$ $atterns c+an'e and %ea!s beco%e even %ore irre'u!ar. (/(/( @ifest"le 0e %a;e c+oices ever(da( t+at affect our +ea!t+. 2o7 7e 'et to co!!e'e or 7or;4 7+at 7e eat4 7+at 7e do 7it+ our free ti%e < a!! of t+ese c+oices 7i!! +ave an i%$act. 0e $robab!( a!! ;no7 so%eone 7+o 7e t+in; of as bein' Dstressed outE 3 7e %a( even avoid bein' around t+ese $eo$!e because t+e( %a;e us unco%fortab!e. In contrast4 7e a!so $robab!( ;no7 so%eone 7+o see%s %ore ab!e to just D'o 7it+ t+e f!o7E and %ini%ise t+e a%ount of stress in $eo$!eAs !ives. T+in; about t+e differences in $eo$!e (ou ;no7 3 7+at see%s to be a +ea!t+(4 ba!anced a$$roac+ to !ifeF +$o revent #eing caug,t u in t,e vicious c"cle of stress. -,ic, leads to even ,ig,er levels of stress. "ou need1 rest. to rene- "our energ"E recreation. to rovide "ou -it, leasure and fulfilmentE and


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

relationships. as a source of su 4556. / (47)/

ort and ers ective2 (Butler & 3o e.

In 'enera!4 ai% to %a;e !ifest(!e decisions t+at atte%$t to e!i%inate distresses4 %odif( stressfu! be+aviours and increase +ea!t+( be+aviours. (/(/* Fttitude 0e +ave contro! over our attitudes4 un!i;e so%e ot+er as$ects of our !ife. 0e create4 to a !ar'e e5tent4 our rea!it( t+rou'+ our e5$ectations 9se!f< fu!fi!!in' $ro$+ec(: and 7e can a!so c+an'e our $+(sio!o'( 7it+ our t+in;in'. Ne7 researc+ 9L(ubo%irs;(4 #//1: s+o7s t+at %otivation and eva!uation of !ife circu%stances can be %odified 7it+ resu!tin' i%$rove%ent in $ositive affect and $erfor%ance. T+is su''ests t+at !earnin' 7+at %otivates us t+en usin' it to i%$rove our attitude 7i!! resu!t in better !ife situations. In ot+er 7ords4 un+e!$fu! attitudes can increase t+e burdens and $ressures 7e e5$erience 3 t+in;in' t+in's !i;e@ DI +ave to 'et t+is doneE or DI s+ou!dnAt as; for +e!$E. 2ea!t+ier a!ternatives 7ou!d be DI 7i!! do as %uc+ as I can in t+e a!!o7ed ti%eE or DEver(one as;s for +e!$ so%eti%esE 9But!er ? 2o$e4 1..&4 $. #1):. 0e s$end a !ot of ti%e re!atin' to ot+er $eo$!e 7+ic+ can at ti%es be satisf(in' or stressfu!. 2o7ever4 re!ations+i$s can $rovide 'reat su$$ort to +e!$ us dea! 7it+ t+e stress in our !ives. T+ere are severa! factors to Dfor%in' +ar%onious re!ations+i$s 7it+ ot+er $eo$!e < ta;e a $ositive a$$roac+4 $roject a $ositive i%a'e4 be assertive4 $a( co%$!i%ents 7+ere t+e( are due 9but be sincere:4 tr( to !eave $eo$!e $!eased to +ave s$o;en to (ouE 9 ind Too!s4 1..&:.

Su''estions for Inte'ration T+ere are %an( o$$ortunities to tai!or t+is section to course %ateria!. For e5a%$!e4 science of nutrition and +ea!t+4 bod( as a s(ste%4 costs of i!! +ea!t+ to business4 issues of burnout4 etc. a;in' stress 7or; for business4 i.e. o$ti%a! stress 2e!$in' $atients %ana'e stress to aid recover( T+e use of stress %ana'e%ent to assist treat%ent


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

S%&&!S'!D (R!S!)'A'#O)
.anaging Stress
Ti%e Co%%it%ent "& 3 &/ %inutes 9or !on'er de$endin' on +o7 %an( e5a%$!es and e5ercises are $racticed:. ateria!s Co$in' 3 Different Situations4 Different Co$in' 9S!ide . ?1/: E5ercise 3 Sortin' of situations4 reactions and co$in' resources E5a%$!es of different t($es of co$in' Co'nitive Co$in' Strate'ies 9S!ide 11 <13: E5ercise 3 Creatin' Affir%ations or I a% Hratefu! Be+avioura! Co$in' Strate'ies 9S!ide 1" <1&: Ti%e ana'e%ent Strate'ies 9S!ide 1) <1-: Su%%ar( of Co$in' 9S!ide 16: ,e!a5ation3 O$tiona! 9S!ide 1.: E5ercise 3 Dee$ Breat+ E5ercise 3 S+ort ,e!a5ation E5ercise 3 Bod( Scan Activities and *rocedures Ste$ 1 Ste$ # E5$!ain t($es of co$in' 3 $rob!e%<focussed and e%otion< focussed 9S!ide . ? 1/:. Hive and as; for e5a%$!es. O$tiona!. Do E5ercise 3 Sortin' situations4 etc. 2ave students brea; into s%a!! 'rou$s. Eac+ 'rou$ is 'iven cards containin' state%ents t+at t+e( %ust divide into t+ree cate'ories@ stressfu! situations or de%ands4 stress reactions and co$in' resources. E5$!ain co'nitive co$in' strate'ies 9S!ide 11 <13:. Tr( to use e5a%$!es re!evant to course. As; students to create 3 $ositive affir%ations for t+e%se!ves. 1se Creatin' *ositive Affir%ations or I a% Hratefu! e5ercise. E5$!ain be+avioura! co$in' strate'ies 9S!ide 1" <1&:. Describe ti%e %ana'e%ent strate'ies 9S!ide 1) <1-:. A!!o7 students to discuss if t+e(Ave tried an( of t+ese and if t+e( 7ere effective or not. T+is 7ou!d be a 'ood o$$ortunit( to re!ate t+e% to course7or;. *ractice 'oa! settin'4 brea;in' tas;s do7n or co%$!etin' a ti%etab!e.

Ste$ 3 Ste$ " Ste$ & Ste$ )


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

Ste$ Ste$ 6 Ste$ .

Su%%arise 9S!ide 16:. *racticeI Tr( Dee$ Breat+ E5ercise or S+ort ,e!a5ation or Bod( Scannin'. 9S!ide 1.:. E5ercise 3 Stress *rescri$tion. 2ave students identif( a stressfu! situation 9current or $ast: and 7rite it do7n. As; t+e% to describe 7+( t+e( $erceive it as stressfu!4 7+at resources t+e( +ave been usin' and 7+at additiona! ones t+e( %i'+t need to tr(.

(ossible -urt+er (resentation ateria!s *erfor%ance under Stress 9S!ides #/ < ##: Foundations for Life!on' 2ea!t+ 9S!ide #3 < #": Su%%ar( of Stress ana'e%ent for Co!!e'e Students 3 Surviva! ti$s 9S!ides #& < #): Activities and *rocedures Ste$ 1 Discuss $erfor%ance and stress. ,evie7 o$ti%a! !eve! of stress and i%$act on $erfor%ance. *ossib!( +ave students discuss t+eir $ast $erfor%ances t+at t+e( found stressfu! and 7+( 9S!ides #/ 3 ##:. ,evie7 t+e conseBuences of !on'<ter% stress on our $+(sica! and $s(c+o!o'ica! functionin'. As; t+e% to t+in; about various $eo$!e t+e( ;no7 and +o7 t+e( +and!e t+e stress in t+eir !ives. Discuss 7a(s to $ro%ote !ife!on' +ea!t+ b( avoidin' !on'<ter% or c+ronic stress 9S!ide #3 < #":. As a usefu! 7a( to su%%arise stress %ana'e%ent for co!!e'e students4 'o over su''ested surviva! ti$s 9S!ides #&<#):. As; students for ot+er ti$s to add to !ist.

Ste$ #

Ste$ 3


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

3. Summary
Stress4 to a !ar'e e5tent4 is under our contro!. Stress resu!ts fro% our a$$raisa! of a situation and its de%ands4 and our resources for co$in' 7it+ t+e situation. T+e ;e( $oints can be su%%arised as fo!!o7s 9fro% ind Too!s4 1..&:@

S,ortBterm stress occurs -,ere "ou find "ourself under ressure in a articular situation/ F certain level of s,ort term stress is needed to feel alert and alive $oo muc, is un leasant and can seriousl" damage erformance S,ort term stress is #est ,andled using mental or ,"sical stress management tec,ni=ues

@ongBterm stress comes from a #uild u of stress over a long eriod/ Sustained ,ig, levels can lead to andGor com licate serious ,"sical and mental ,ealt, ro#lems if not controlled/ @ongBterm stress is #est managed #" c,anges to lifest"le. attitude and environment/

If students !earn about and understand stress4 t+e( can ta;e a $roactive ro!e in %ana'in' t+eir stress and %a;in' it 7or; for t+e% < in co!!e'e as 7e!! as in t+eir future $ersona! and $rofessiona! !ives.


Trinity College Dublin

Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

,EFE,ENCES AND BIBLIOH,A*2C A+erne4 D. 9#//1:. 1nderstandin' student stress@ A Bua!itative a$$roac+. Iris, 'ournal of Ps"c,olog". ((4 1-) 3 16-. Baird4 J. 9#//1:. Fttac,ment. co ing. and satisfaction -it, life in an Iris, universit" sam le1 Fn e< lorator" stud". 1n$ub!is+ed doctora! dissertation4 Heor'ia State 1niversit(4 1.S.A. Brot+erid'e4 C. 9#//1:. A co%$arison of a!ternative %ode!s of co$in'@ Identif(in' re!ations+i$s a%on' co<7or;er su$$ort4 7or;!oad4 and e%otiona! e5+austion in t+e 7or;$!ace. International 'ournal of Stress ;anagement. ? (4)4 1<1". But!er4 H. ? 2o$e4 ,.A. 91..&:. ;anage "our mind1 $,e mental fitness guide. O5ford@ O5ford 1niversit( *ress. Co+en4 S. ? 0i!!s4 T.A. 91.6&:. Stress4 socia! su$$ort4 and t+e bufferin' +($ot+esis. Ps"c,ological Bulletin. 5?4 31/<3&-. Davis4 .4 Es+e!%an4 E.,. ? cJa(4 . 91..&:. $,e rela<ation and stress reduction -ork#ook. 9t, edition. Oa;!and@ Ne7 2arbin'er *ub!ications4 Inc.

Fis+er4 S. 91..":. Stress in academic life1 $,e mental assem#l" line . Buc;in'+a%4 1J@ O$en 1niversit(. Hreenber'4 M.S. 91.6-:. Com re,ensive stress management. (nd edition. DubuBue4 IA@ 0%. C. Bro7n *ub!is+ers. La>arus4 ,.S. ? Fo!;%an4 S. 91.6":. Stress. a Cor;@ S$rin'er. raisal. and co ing. Ne7

Lo$e>4 F.H. ? Brennan4 J.A. 9#///:. D(na%ic $rocesses under!(in' adu!t attac+%ent or'ani>ation@ To7ard an attac+%ent t+eoretica! $ers$ective on t+e +ea!t+( and effective se!f. 'ournal of Counseling Ps"c,olog". 974 #63<3//. L(ubo%irs;(4 S. 9#//1:. 0+( are so%e $eo$!e +a$$ier t+an ot+ersF T+e ro!e of co'nitive and %otivationa! $rocesses in 7e!!<bein'. Fmerican Ps"c,ologist. 6H4 #3.<#"..


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Generic Skills Integration Project Stress Management

ind Too!s 91..&:. Effective Stress ;anagement Non!ineO4 Avai!ab!e@ +tt$@==777.%indtoo! N arc+ 34 #//1O:. Student 2ea!t+ Centre 9#//1:. ;aking stress -ork for "ou. Dub!in@ Trinit( Co!!e'e. Tinto4 K. 91..6:. Co!!e'e as co%%unities@ Ta;in' researc+ on student $ersistence serious!(. :evie- of 3ig,er Education. (44 1)-<1--. T(rre!!4 M. 91..3:. 8actors affecting student mental ,ealt,. 1n$ub!is+ed doctora! dissertation4 Trinit( Co!!e'e Dub!in4 Ire!and.


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