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Risk Assessment Form Part A

Division / Studio Business Unit / Production Address

Uca student production Windy Ridge, Christmas lane, High Halstow, Rochester, Kent, Me3 8sn

Department / Series Producer / Editor Tel Mo!ile

Hero Hounds Helen Welsh "#$3%&&38'(

Start date Distribution Who gets a copy of the assessment $ut#ine o% risk assessment Summary of what is proposed

#th April %"&$

End date

%"th April %"&$

Danny, He itt, !"ris Sarmiento, He#en !urston

Ris) assessment o* the potential dangers when *ilming *or Hero Hounds+ Hero Hounds is a single camera production a!out rescue dogs and Cynapho!ia dogs trained !y Roy ,yer+

&eam members / e'perts / contractors / contributors etc( List those involved )ocations Outline locations involved indicate any which are hostile environments

,anny Hewitt, Helen Welsh, Chris -armiento, Roy ,yer, .sse/ dog ,isplay Team

.sse/ ,og ,isplay Team centre 0 1otential ris) The .sse/ ,og Training Centre Ad2acent to The 3rentwood Centre ,oddinghurst Road 3rentwood .sse/ CM&4 (55


5ame -ignature

Helen Welsh

Date comp#eted


Aut"oriser 7i* not Assessor8

5ame -ignature

Date aut"orised

Ha*ard #ist select your hazards from the list below and use these to complete Part B
Situationa# "a*ards
Assault !y person Attac) !y animal 3reathing compressed gas Cold en:ironment Crush !y load ,rowning .ntanglement in mo:ing machinery High atmospheric pressure Hot en:ironment Manual handling @!2ect *alling, mo:ing or *lying @!struction 6 e/posed *eature -harp o!2ect 6 material -hot !y *irearm -lippery sur*ace Trap in mo:ing machinery Trip ha>ard ?ehicle impact 6 collision =alls *rom height & & &


P"ysica# / c"emica# "a*ards

Contact with cold li9uid 6 :apour Contact with cold sur*ace Contact with hot li9uid 6 :apour Contact with hot sur*ace .lectric shoc) ./plosi:e !last ./plosi:e release o* stored pressure =ire Ha>ardous su!stance ;oni>ing radiation <aser light <ightning stri)e 5oise 5onAioni>ing radiation -tro!oscopic light ?i!ration


Hea#t" "a*ards
,isease causati:e agent ;n*ection Allergic reaction <ac) o* *ood 6 water <ac) o* o/ygen 1hysical *atigue Repetiti:e action



-tatic !ody posture -tress 6 an/iety ?enom poisoning

Environmenta# "a*ards
<itter 5uisance noise 6 :i!ration 1hysical damage Waste su!stance released into air Waste su!stance released into soil 6 water

+ana,eria# / or,anisationa# "a*ards

Management *actors 7lac) o* communication, coAoperation, coA ordination and competence8

Risk matri' use this to determine risk for each hazard i e

bad and how likely"


)ike#i"ood o% Harm

Remote Severity o% Harm

e g #$ in $%%% chance

-ery un#ike#y
e g $ in &%% chance

e g $ in '% chance

e g $ in $% chance

e g ($ in ) chance

.e,#i,ib#e e+g+ small bruise S#i,"t e g small cut* deep bruise +oderate e g deep cut* torn muscle Severe e g fracture* loss of consciousness -ery Severe e g death* permanent disability




















E'treme#y "i,"




E'treme#y "i,"

E'treme#y "i,"

Risk Assessment Form Part B

Activity/ 0 .ach indi:idual acti:ity you are proposing

)ocation 0 where this acti:ity will ta)e place

Dates / times

<ist what could cause harm *rom this acti:ity e g falls from height* trip hazard* fire* etc

1"o e'posed
<ist who might !e harmed *rom this acti:ity e g staff* contractors* contributors* public* etc

=or each ha>ard, decide le:el o* ris) as i* you were to do the acti:ity without your controls

!ontro# measures
=or each ha>ard, list the measures you will !e ta)ing to minimise the ris) identi*ied e g appointing competent persons* training received* planning and rehearsals* use of personal protective e+uipment* provision of first aid* etc

=or each ha>ard, decide le:el o* ris) once all your controls are in place

Accidents A minor to major through a lack of effective co-operation, coordination, communication and control.
)orking in an unfamiliar venue - *ack of a!areness of safety critical venue information +e.g. fire(emergencies(evacuation, Accidents due to lack of kno!ledge of local procedures( emergency information. *ack of first aid. 0nade.uate procedures Minor to major injuries deteriorate due to lack of intervention. *ack of notification to key personnel.


Employees; Artists; Members of the Public

Employees; Artists;

A planning meeting Phonecall took place on the nd April, !ith Producer " #oy $yer to discuss potential risks at location. %ontinued sharing of information and plans bet!een Esse& $og $isplay 'eam and Production team regarding the event. Production !ill co-ordinate and implement the get in(out schedule. Esse& $og $isplay team have provided site specific procedures(rules and emergency !hich !ill be sent to team members. -ey information and re.uirements !ill be discussed and distributed



/taff unfamiliar !ith the site !ill be briefed on arrival to the building.

Employees; Artists; Members of the Public


'here are a number of 1irst Aiders onsite at all times2 3elen )elsh Producer 3ayley Pike #unner Esse& $og $isplay 'eam also have 1irst aiders 4 names to be provided prior to filming Any serious accidents during filming to be immediately reported to the Producer, Esse& $og $isplay team. Accident report forms !ill be held on site.


5earest hospital2 6rent!ood %ommunity 3ospital, %rescent $rive, 6rent!ood, Esse&, %M78 9$# 'el2 :7 ;; <=8::: 5earest A " E hospitals2 Basildon Hospital, Nethermayne, Basildon,

Essex, SS16 5NL. T: 0845 155 3111 Queens Hospital, Rom Valley Way, Romford, Essex, RM7 0AG. T: 0170 843 5000

Manual Handling A ;ncorrect li*ting and handling and lac) o* assessment o* loads Muscle strain with the potential o* more serious in2uries associated with manual handling6!ac) in2uries =ailure to wear 11. identi*ied !y ris) assessment 1otential *or a!rasions6crush in2uries =ire Ris)



;t is not en:isaged that 1roduction will underta)e any signi*icant manual handling A trollies will !e used i* necessary+


.mployees, artists, Mem!ers o* the pu!lic


B ;denti*y, assess and minimise *ire ris)s associated with their acti:ities B =ollow the *ire sa*ety guidelines and procedures in the e:ent o* a *ire B Will ma)e a:aila!le to all employees the *ire sa*ety guidelines and procedures to all contractors and sta** B The emergency *ire C e:acuation plan *or esse/ dog display team centre will !e sent to all employees+ <ow
All operators are e&perienced, have previously demonstrated their safety competence and !ill use established safe methods of !orking. 'he camera cre! are under the supervision of $anny 3e!itt 4 $irector " %amera /upervisor.


Cameras A /erious to minor

injury to operators(other people in pro&imity >ibs2 6eing hit by moving arm. trips over cables. Manual handling of the kit

Employees; Artists; staff Members of the Public


$og bites($istressed animals !orking in an unusual environment(animal !elfare ( dog !aste

Employees; Artists; Members of the Public


All of the dogs participating in the sho! !ill be handled by their o!ners. Each dog and handler has been specially cast for their skills and good nature. 'he handlers have been given a out an application to complete, detailing their dogs behaviour, medical condition and skills set. )e !ill have an animal e&pert onsite !ith us at all times during our recording2 Roy Dyer, Director of Dogs Display team, a!arded 0nternational *ifetime Achievement for his !ork !ithin the canine !orld #oy $yer has consulted in all our filming plans and !ill be present at the shoot to advise on any possible amendments and ho! the dogs should be !orked !ith. 'here is a grass area onsite !here the dogs can be !alked and relieve themselves. $oggy poo bags !ill be provided to clear the


mess and a !aste bin has been allocated specifically for the dog !aste. )ater bo!ls !ill be available in all of the areas used by the dogs onsite including the centre. 'he dogs !ill be kept on leads at all times !hen not participating in filming. 'here is an emergency ?eterinary 3ospital nearby2 @rchid ?eterinary /urgery, A:= @ngar #oad, 6rent!ood, Esse&, %M78 =3P '2 :7 ;; ;B<

,ontinue on separate sheet if necessary

$ complete separate table for each activity & - from hazard list in Part . ) - from risk matri/ in Part .

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