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This morning I was looking for evidence that a high refined vegetable oil/low saturated fat diet may be partially responsible for our autoimmune and infection related degenerative disease pandemic we are experiencing. I've read that the Lyme spirochete metabolizes cholesterol somehow, that low cholesterol may somehow play a role in Alzheimer's disease and other forms of brain dysfunction. There have also been several very good studies done by Judith Miklossy and some by Alan McDonald that show that Alzheimer brains are often riddled with spirochetes.....lyme spirochetes and other types of spirochetes. Our brains are largely composed of cholesterol and cholesterol performs other important functions in our bodies .
Could low cholesterol diets be responsible for much of our suffering. Take notice of the yellow highlighted phrase about

halfway down which I feel points to what may be one of the main reasons for our decreased immunity and susceptibility to dementia. The USDA is proposing new dietary guidelines which FURTHER reduces the amount of saturated fats in our diets. Could this be why the authorities are so confidently predictng a large increase in Alzheimer's in the future? We're not talking about just an increase in the elderly population due to aging baby boomers. We may be talking about artificially caused brain dysfunction which may be partially due to Governmental nutritional recommendations and corporate advertisng. Of course there is much more research to do in this area and I think that people are beginning to wake up to this fact and that yes indeed the low fat diet may be one of the biggest scams in history. I found the following article by Ian McAllister to be very interesting. You may also want to check out the video.....The Oiling Of the righthand side bar at the top of this blog.


The saturated fat and low cholesterol fraud earns the hoaxers billions of dollars each year and kills millions in America alone each year. Lie 1. Saturated fat is bad for you so you must use unsaturated vegetable oils Lie 2. Cholesterol is bad for you so you need a low cholesterol diet Lie 3. Unsaturated vegetable oils are good for you

As I mentioned in my weight loss diet home page, the first recorded heart attack was in Britain in 1878. In the early 1900s Dr Dudley White (referred to as the founder of cardiology) said that he wanted to find out more about the new disease reported in European medical literature, but he had to wait until 1921 before he met his first heart attack patient. During last century consumption of vegetable oils rose continuously, and so did the incidence of heart attacks. Now that we have got the facts out of the way, let's go back to the story of the lies.

Start of the scam

After the first world war the vegetable oil manufacturers were in trouble. Their main market was for manufacture of paints and varnishes and putty, because these all harden when exposed to Oxygen. That meant that they couldn't use them for food because they would form plaque in the blood vessels and cause heart attacks. It would have cost the manufacturers a lot of money to buy pigs to try out the diet (the pig is the closest animal to humans as far as nutrition is concerned) but their salesmen persuaded pig farmers to buy the oils to feed to pigs. The farmers were delighted when the pigs put on weight explosively on the oil diet. That meant that they could cut down on feed costs because the pigs were slaughtered sooner. The salesmen weren't quite as pleased, because it would need fast talking to sell fattening oils to humans.

Then the farmers ran into trouble. The pigs getting a diet of unsaturated vegetable oils died of cancer or heart attacks before they could be slaughtered, even with their early obesity. Fortunately for the manufacturers humans don't keep records of what they eat, so they can't usually associate what they have eaten with their health. So the salesmen set out to persuade humans that a diet rich in unsaturated vegetable oils was healthy. They met high sales resistance because everyone was fond of

butter, but the butter manufacturers started to centrifuge out the butter instead of churning it, resulting in a tasteless mess. So the margarine manufacturers were able to claim that "you can't tell margerine from butter" once butter had no taste.

People still took pride in using butter, so the manufacturers bribed a medical research worker to invent the cholesterol lie. Cholesterol is used widely by the body, especially by the brain. If the liver stopped making cholesterol we would rapidly become stupid. When you cut down on cholesterol in your diet your liver has to manufacture a little more, but that is easy because your liver makes a lot more cholesterol than you could possibly eat. A couple of decades ago the man who invented the cholesterol lie admitted that he had been bribed to do so by the makers of margarine to discourage the use of butter in the diet and present margarine as a hearth healthy diet item, even though it is full of deadly trans fatty acids. It worked...

I expected the cholesterol myth to vanish overnight, but the story was suppressed by the media, and we still hear over and over again the lies about low cholesterol diets. Research workers have been trying for half a century to prove that cholesterol is bad for you but have failed, because it has to be made by your body for you to remain healthy. Your brain is half cholesterol, so if you interfere with your liver production of cholesterol you become more stupid.

Suppression of evidence
C.T. McGee tells an amusing story in his book published in 1993 "Heart Frauds: The Misapplication of High Technology in Heart Disease" Cour D'Alene, ID Medi Press, p155-156. An old baboon was so much trouble that they decided to get rid of him by giving him a heart attack. They gave him only eggs to eat for a year. He still hadn't died so they killed him and examined him for cholesterol deposits in his blood vessels. There were none, so the information was suppressed.

This is typical of modern healthy diet research. If results are unfavorable to a pet theory they may appear in some obscure

journal that nobody reads, but if the media take up the story they will be threatened with loss of advertising revenue. The advantage of this lie is that if your cholesterol doesn't come down they can say that you aren't trying hard enough with your low cholesterol diet and sell you drugs to lower your cholesterol by interfering with the action of your liver. The media trumpet the results of tests showing that the drug lowered heart attacks by 0.1% but they keep quiet about cancer deaths increasing by 5% in the same experiment.

We are told that the plaque in our blood vessels is cholesterol. Well some of it is. Most of it is made from unsaturated vegetable oils in our diet, not the result of high cholesterol diets. Plaque is formed like a scab on a cut finger, to cure a breach in the skin. Unfortunately that can clog a blood vessel completely. The answer is to prevent the blood vessels being damaged in the first instance and to make sure that your diet has all the vitamins and minerals that you need to keep your blood vessels healthy and the cholesterol liquid enough to be carried round to your brain.

We are told that Eskimos don't get heart attacks, because their diet prevents blood clotting. That is true...they die of internal bleeding instead, referred to as "strokes".

Cellular damage of low cholesterol vegetable oil diet

Unsaturated oils are drying oils. That means that they harden when exposed to oxygen, whether it is in putty, or varnish, or your blood stream. Our ancestors lived on a diet high in saturated fats. Dr Yamori reported that rats given high cholesterol and saturated fat diets had fewer strokes. Saturated fats don't produce free radicals, so antioxidants were not as necessary to our ancestors as they are in today's diets.

Most people know now that margarine is dangerous because of the trans fatty acids, but they don't realize that when they heat up

any unsaturated oil they are also creating toxic products that don't happen when you use lard or butter for cooking.

The membranes round the cells in our body are mostly fat. Saturated fats are C shaped and interlock to produce a strong membrane. Unsaturated oils are straight so don't lock together, so weaker membranes are produced, more open to infection.

What is the solution

Refuse to accept the lies about saturated fats in your diet and cholesterol in your diet and polyunsaturated vegetable oils for cooking. Go back to using saturated fats in your diet. It is more healthy for your heart.

There is something even better. It is a saturated fat, but a shortchain saturated fat, not long-chain like the animal fats. The shortchain fat is used by your body in a completely different manner. You still need animal fats for all the old uses like building cell membranes, carrying fat-soluble vitamins, and building your brain, but the short-chain fats are used instead as a source of energy.

Better still, ordinary fats are used as fuel when the short-chain fats are burned for energy, so you have a healthy diet that will let you lose weight, and keep your brain and your immune system, and your heart healthy.

Coconut oil is the best short-chain oil but palm oil is also very good. I use about 100mls (7 tablespoons) of coconut oil each day, and the Filipinos have coconuts as more than 60% of their diet, but if you prefer to limit yourself to three tablespoons each day that is fine. If the only change that you make in your diet is to get rid of vegetable oils and use coconut oil instead you will lose weight.

As usual the less foods are processed, the better they are for you, so if you can get good fresh coconuts they are much better than oil. However the nuts I buy in my supermarket are mostly moldy and I have to throw them out.

The saturated fat and low cholesterol fraud is probably more deadly than all the others, because heart attacks, cancer, and strokes are the greatest killers after medical errors.

But conventional medicine pulls out all the stop with the next lie, making you feel guilty for the death of a loved one.


VIRGIN UNREFINED COCONUT OIL 1 Gal. SAVE IN BULK =111632&Redirect=/bulkoil/a-c.html
Posted by Marjorie Theroux Tietjen at 9:38 AM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post Labels: FAT and CHOLESTEROL
Sunday, July 18, 2010


New Study Shows Vaccines Cause Brain Changes Found in Autism

By Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill
Abnormal brain growth and function are features of autism, an increasingly common developmental disorder that now affects 1 in 60 boys in the US. Now researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Thoughtful House Center for Children in Austin, Texas, have found remarkably similar brain changes to those seen in autism in infant monkeys receiving the vaccine schedule used in the 1990s that contained the mercury-based preservative thimerosal. The groups findings were published yesterday in the journal Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis. They used scanning techniques that assessed both brain growth and brain function in the same animals over time. The research team was able to see differences in the way the brains of vaccinated and unvaccinated animals developed. Scans were performed before and after the administration of primary MMR and DTaP/Hib boosters that were given at the human equivalent of 12 months of age. Throughout the study period, vaccinated animals showed an increase in total brain volume a feature of the brain in many young children with autism - when compared with unvaccinated animals. However, a

specific part of the brain associated with emotional responses that is thought to be important in autism, the amygdala, did not show abnormalities until after the 12-month vaccines had been given. In addition, after the 12-month vaccines only, the functional brain scans showed significant differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. These functional scans looked at the activity of receptors for morphine-like compounds (opioids) that may play a role in the brain of children affected by autism. Vaccine administration was associated with an increase in opioid binding activity in the amygdala compared with a decrease in the unvaccinated group. The results indicate that multiple vaccine exposures during the previous 3-4 months may have had a significant impact on brain growth and development in ways that are consistent with the published data on autism. For the amygdala, the novel findings of abnormal growth and function appear to be a function of more recent vaccine exposures - the 12-month primary MMR vaccine and the DTaP and Hib boosters. In an accompanying editorial Dr. Kris Turlejski, the Editor-in-Chief, described the findings as alarming, support[ing] the possibility that there is a link between early immunization and the etiology of autism. In the same primate model, the research team has already identified delayed acquisition of vital brainstem reflexes in infants exposed to the thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccine on the first day of life, compared with unvaccinated animals. A larger, second phase study is currently underway to see if these findings can be replicated. Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who is not a listed author but whose support in the design of the study is acknowledged, said I hope the model will not only provide important insights into the origins of autism, but also ways of safely testing possible new autism treatments and vaccines. References: Laura Hewitson, Brian J. Lopresti, Carol Stott, N. Scott Mason, and Jaime Tomko. Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study. Acta Neurobiol Exp 2010. 70: 147164 Kris Turlejski. Focus on Autism Editorial Comment Acta Neurobiol

Exp2010. 70: 117118 Dan Olmsted is Editor of Age of Autism. Mark Blaxill is Editor-AtLarge. Their book The Age of Autism; Mercury, Medicine and a Manmade Epidemic is available for pre-orderHERE. VACCINES: WHAT CDC DOCUMENTS and SCIENCE REVEAL...DVD
Posted by Marjorie Theroux Tietjen at 8:21 AM 3 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post Labels: VACCINE ISSUES
Saturday, July 17, 2010


Trick and Treat : How Healthy Eating Is Making Us ILL

By Barry Groves

It is becoming increasingly obvious that despite modern dietary advice, the incidence of degenerative disease is rising precipitously. Chronic illness, in its many different forms, has become so prevalent that Generation X and even their Baby Boomer parents are beginning to view this alarming trend as normal. It seems that we are all so busy flitting from one medical specialist to another that no one has a chance to step back and evaluate the predicament we are in. This distressing situation of increasing frailty and disease should be a signal for us to examine the very foundation of mainstream nutritional guidelines. The timing of this book review happens to coincide with the updating of the USDA Food Pyramid. The general advice has been to increase grains, fruits and vegetables and to decrease the consumption of protein and fat. The proposed 2010 USDA recommendations reinforce and extend this basic advice of increasing starch in the diet while lowering the intake of fat and protein. Could the exponential rise in the incidence of diabetes be related to the USDA recommendations?

Just when I begin to think that I have now read all the crucial information there is to read concerning nutrition, another book comes along that fascinates, educates and intrigues me. Trick and Treat is one of those books. I couldnt put it down. The author, Barry Groves takes the increase in degenerative disease very seriously. He does an amazing job of aiming his laser pointer at the very institutions and nutritional concepts that he feels are responsible for the worlds declining health. This book is so packed with helpful information that it is difficult to know where to begin. Perhaps the limerick from page 36 can summarize the main emphasis of this book. Any doctor today must have stealth As he deals with his patients ill health Let me tell you my friend, What goes on in the end Is a State-Sanctioned transfer of wealth

The only way we can remedy a problem is by understanding its origins. I feel that Barry Groves does an excellent job of

communicating to us what he believes is the foundation of the worlds growing health crisis. He places much of the blame on the pharmaceutical companies, the processed food corporations, government health agencies, and other facets of the health industry. Groves shows us how money, power and control are acquired through presenting false and harmful nutritional recommendations to the public as fact. He goes on to demonstrate how this false nutritional information causes disease, which the corporations and related government agencies then profit from. He cautions us not to place too much blame of the doctors because Groves feels that many doctors are unwitting pawns in this underhanded scheme. Many physicians believe that what they are being taught by the pharmaceutical companies is truth. In fact..the drug companies are the main source of information and play a very large role in the education of doctors. The medical industry funds the universities, teaches the doctors at medical conferences and through drug representatives. Very often the medical journal studies are biased towards the companies which fund them.

In chapter one the author covers what I feel is an extremely important topicastroturfing. I was very interested in this section as I have witnessed this strategy being used in Lyme disease support/activism groups, cancer support groups, M.S support groups.etc. and I feel it is imperative for patients to be aware of this tactic so as not to be influenced and harmed by it. Groves explains astroturfing on page 35. So, if you cant trust your doctor as an impartial source, who can you turn to? One answer might seem to be an independent patient support group that supplies helpful information and advice on specific disease. Sorry, that probably wont help either: these groups are also targeted by the drug companies. They call it astroturfing.

The Ekbom Support Group which helps advise people with restless leg syndrome was discovered to have been astroturfed by Glaxo-Smithkline (GSK), the manufacturer of Adartrel, a drug for restless leg syndrome. GSK helped Ekbom set up its website and Ekbom was found to be actively promoting Adartrel. This underhanded trick might never have come to light if the website hadnt started to promote the drug some eight months before it

had been approved. The British Medical Journal investigated 28 other support groups. They found that 27 were being funded by drug companies, and were presenting information that was, at best, partial. The journal found that they all seemed to be pushing specific drugs to treat conditions, while downplaying the risks.

Astroturfing does not just involve drug companies. Examine a support group or activism group you may be interested in and also check for ties to blood testing companies, research institutions and or medical equipment providers. I have found that the groups which are controlled in this manner very rarely focus on true nutritional solutions.

Groves doesnt just dwell on the causes and problems. At the same time that he is warning us and exposing the deceit, he is also educating us concerning what we can do to become healthier. Much of his diet information coincides with that of Dr. Price and Dr. Pottenger. Some of the subjects he covers in this amazing book are: 1. Soy products, fluoride and how they affect the thyroid gland. 2. The phony war on salt. 3. Important information on sunlight exposure. 4. Moderate exercise versus extreme exercise. 5. The importance of a low carbohydrate high fat diet. 6. Arthritis 7. Valuable information on obesity and heart disease. 8. How diet affects the stomach and the brain 9. An informative chapter on diabetes.and much more. Tick and Treat is a treasure- trove of helpful information

Near the end of the book the author talks more about solutions and gives us hope that people are beginning to wake up and how the backlash has begun. He emphasizes the dangers of monopolies and how monopolies inevitably use their power to gain even more power and control. Groves tells us Professional associations, standard setting bodies, and individual institutions around the world are beginning to disentangle themselves from some of the unhealthy flows of money and influence. These are indications of a desire on the part of concerned doctors to redefine fundamentally the relationships between doctors and drug companies.

At the end, Groves reminds us that ultimately we are responsible for our own health. Part of our suffering has been due to our willingness to give this responsibility over to others.doctors, government and corporations. Now is the time to educate ourselvesto do our own research and to question any information delivered to us by the above sources. Groves encourages us and informs us that we do have the power to change our unfortunate circumstances. The authors parting words are.. Price found that it took only one generation of eating such food (processed) to destroy these peoples health and immunity. My hope is that it will take only one generation to restore it. I truly loved the Book Trick And Treat - how 'healthy eating' is making us ill and would recommend it to anyone who wants to be enlightened and empowered.
Posted by Marjorie Theroux Tietjen at 11:32 AM 1 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post Labels: BOOK REVIEWS
Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Scientists Claim: USDA Guidelines Cause Obesity, Heart Disease, Diabetes July 13, 2010

By admin I made my com ments on the USDA diet plan (which is caus ing obe sity) in an ear lier post. I said the USDA food pyra mid is mainly a grand government-backed mar ket ing scheme for fac tory food for the big food cor po ra tions. Today I will say it seems awfully sim i lar to the mar ket ing by HHS/CDC and their phar ma ceu ti cal com pany part ners for all these vac ci na tions being forced on babies and tod dlers. There is an appar ent cor re la tion between the two. Now here is what came out in a news release today.Augie CRITICS ASSAIL USDA DIETARY GUIDELINES High-Carb, Low-Fat Diets Cause Obe sity, Heart Dis ease, Dia betes, Sci entists Claim Com mit tee for a Healthy Nation Weston A. Price Foun da tion, member Wash ing ton, D.C. Kim berly Hartke, Publicist 703860-2711, cell 703675-5557 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CRITICS ASSAIL USDA DIETARY GUIDELINES

High-Carb, Low-Fat Diets Cause Obe sity, Heart Dis ease, Dia betes, Sci en tists Claim
Mon day, July 12, 2010WASHINGTON, D.C.The USDA Dietary Guidelines are a lead ing cause of the Amer i can health and obe sity cri sis, according to sci en tists, nutri tion ists and con sumers who tes ti fied last Thurs day at a USDA pub lic hear ing on the report of the Dietary Guide lines Advi sory Commit tee (DGAC). Dis senters argued that the pro posed 2010 revi sions to the Dietary Guide lines are worse, and will not pre vent obe sity and will only increase degen er a tive dis ease in the U.S. Those tes ti fy ing against the Guide lines focused on the Committees mis use of sci en tific data to jus tify a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. Dr. Jeff Volek, sci en tist and aca d e mic researcher at the Uni ver sity of Con necti cut, noted that the DGAC report ignored sci en tific stud ies show ing the effec tive ness of low car bo hy drate diets for weight loss. Amer i cans deserve to have offi cial sup port for the low-carb dietary option, he said.

I have fol lowed the work of the DGAC all the way through this process as an aca d e mic project. I have dug into their nutri tion evi dence library, said Adele Hite, a grad u ate stu dent in nutri tion and pub lic health at the Uni ver sity of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Time after time, the sci en tific evi dence the DGAC cited to oppose lowcarb diets actu ally says the exact oppo site of the Committees con clu sions. Hite tes ti fied to los ing sixty pounds on a low-carbohydrate diet. Mor ton Satin of the Salt Insti tute sharply crit i cized the Committees rec ommen da tion to reduce sodium con sump tion to 1500 mg per day. The Commit tee is sug gest ing that Amer i cans con sume less than 4 grams of salt per day. No mod ern soci ety con sumes so lit tle salt, mak ing this pro posal nothing less than a call for an uncon trolled exper i ment on more than 300 mil lion Amer i cans. Satin pro vided ref er ences show ing the crit i cal role of salt in diges tion, blood pres sure reg u la tion and brain development. Four of the dis senters pre sented the views of the Nutri tion and Metab o lism Soci ety, a group of nutri tion researchers and med ical pro fes sion als who have stud ied the ben e fits of a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss, insulin reg u la tion and pro tec tion against chronic dis ease. We expected the new guide lines to rec og nize cur rent research that vin di cates sat u rated fats as a cause of heart dis ease and weight gain, and to acknowl edge the demonstrated ben e fits of lower car bo hy drate diets, said Dr. Richard Fein man of Down state Uni ver sity, New York. In response to the DGAC report, the Nutri tion and Metab o lism Soci ety recently launched the Com mit tee for a Healthy Nation (CHN). The CHN is a work ing coali tion of pro fes sion als who oppose the low-fat, plant-based thrust of the DGAC report. We feel strongly that the sci en tific evi dence omitted from or mis rep re sented by their report must be con sid ered in the final out come, said Feinman. Five years ago, I was the lone voice tes ti fy ing against the guide lines, said Sally Fal lon Morell, pres i dent of the Weston A. Price Foun da tion and member of the CHN. This year I was happy to be joined by mem bers of the med ical and research com mu nity in oppo si tion to USDAs unsci en tific prescrip tion. Fal lon Morells tes ti mony focused on nutri ent defi cien cies common in those fol low ing

low-fat diets. Dr. Fein man chal lenged the DGAC panel to an open pub lic debate on the sci en tific evi dence under pin ning the Guide lines. Our nations cit i zens need a range of dietary options to choose from, not a one-size-fits-all approach. We must allow for lifestyle, activ ity lev els and metab o lism as fac tors in choos ing an opti mal diet for each individual. The Com mit tee for a Healthy Nation mem ber ship is open to pro fes sion als and orga ni za tions inter ested in devel op ing guide lines that will offer a range of choices to the Amer i can public. The Com mit tee for a Healthy Nation is a project of The Nutri tion & Metab olism Soci ety, a 5013 non profit health orga ni za tion pro vid ing research, infor ma tion and edu ca tion in the appli ca tion of fun da men tal sci ence to nutrition, par tic u larly ded i cated to the prob lems of obe sity, dia betes and car diovas cu lar dis ease. Their office is located at 24 Spruce Street, Bed min ster, N.J. 07921. For fur ther infor ma tion or to join the CHN, con tact by E-mail: or call 908326-6464. Visit MEDIA CONTACTS: Kim berly Hartke, 703675-5557 Pam Schoen feld, 609439-8237 To learn more about how we have been deceived and made ill by false dietary information.....and what REAL foods our bodies need to maintain optimal physical and mental health, I highly recommend the following 2 books. The information in these two books is presented in a clear, easy to read manner. I was very impressed with both of them.If we want to improve our health and society as a whole, our bodies need to be healthy and our brains need to be able to think rationally.Learn what the REAL healthy fats are and what they can do for you. The food guidelines promoted by Officialdom are being used to keep us physically ill and mentally unfit.Depression, anxiety...etc can most definitely be a result of a diet too high in carbohydrates and too low in fat and protein. The drug companies are then more than happy to provide antidepressants and other brain altering drugs. Do

yourself and society a favor and read these two books......and then let me know what you think of the ideas presented in them. TRICK AND TREAT


Posted by Marjorie Theroux Tietjen at 4:05 AM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post Labels: NUTRITION GUIDELINES
Monday, July 12, 2010


Dumbing Down Society Part I

Foods, Beverages and Meds
Jun 28th, 2010 By Vigilant

Is there a deliberate effort by the government to dumb down the masses? The statement is hard to prove but there exists a great amount of data proving that the ruling elite not only tolerates, but effectively introduces policies that have a detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of the population. This series of articles looks at the many ways the

modern man is being dumbed down. Part I looks at the poisons found in everyday foods, beverages and medications. The theme of dumbing-down and dehumanizing the masses are often discussed in articles on The Vigilant Citizen. The presence of those concepts in popular culture are, however, only the outward and symbolic expression of the profound transformation happening in our society. Scientific data has been proving for years that governments around the world are tolerating the selling of many products which have a direct and negative effect on cognitive and physical health. As we will see in this article many everyday products cause brain damage, impaired judgment and even a lower IQ.

Is a dumber population something that is desired by the elite? Hitler once said How fortunate for the leaders that men do not think. An educated population knows its rights, understands the issues and takes action when it does not approve of what is going on. Judging by the incredible amount of data available on the subject, it seems that the elite want the exact opposite: an unhealthy, frightened, confused and sedated population. We will look at the effects of medication, pesticides, fluoride and aspartame on the human body and how those products are being pushed by people from inside the power structure. READ WHOLE ARTICLE


Posted by Marjorie Theroux Tietjen at 5:43 AM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post Labels: BRAIN DAMAGING SUBSTANCES
Saturday, July 10, 2010


They call the pyramid above, the Diabetes Food Pyramid. Maybe they call it that because it causes diabetes Current dietary guidelines place far too much emphasis on grains, and beans and discourage the use of saturated fats and organ meats. Many are beginning to connect this poor advice to the diabetes explosion we are experiencing.We are told that saturated fats clog our arteries and organ meats are toxic

because they accumulate the poisons. Perhaps eating the organs of factory farm animals is not a good idea but meat, fat and organs from grassfed animals are super nutrient dense foods which contain converted substances from the vegetation that they consume. These converted substances are easier for us to digest and assimilate than the forage itself. Below is a doctor speaking out against the current guidelines ...which he believes are causing much sickness and infertility. There are two more testimonies at the following link


July 8, 2010 By Dr. John Salerno and Linda West Eckhardt, Founders The Silver Cloud Diet The proposed 2010 Dietary Guidelines continue the misguided shibboleths against saturated fats and animal foods rich in nutrient dense fatty acids, including egg yolks, butter, cream, whole milk, cheese and fatty meats including bacon as well as animal fats for cooking. In my 20 year practice of medicine in New York City, I have treated many patients whose health had been severely compromised by excluding these necessary nutrients in their daily diet. It is my experience, backed up by scientific studies, that low fat diets have caused many of todays lifestyle ailments including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Basic biochemistry shows that the human body has a high requirement for saturated fats in the cell membranes, brain and other organs. If we do not eat saturated fats, the body makes fat from refined carbohydrates, leading to rapid weight gain and chronic illness. The proposed guidelines will exacerbate existing nutrient deficiencies that I see in my practice every day. Common deficiencies in vitamins A, D, K2 and E which are found in animal fats, vitamins B12 and B6, found in animal foods, as well as minerals including iron, calcium and zinc which require vitamins A and D for assimilation. It is my

experience that these deficiencies can be easily corrected by a proper diet of whole foods, organic if possible, with naturally occurring animal fats. (give anecdote here) I have seen, in my practice, children as young as 8 years old, suffering from type 2 diabetes, an ailment that used to be seen only in later middle age. Why are these children getting diabetes? Low fat milk, soy milk, apple juice, too many processed carbohydrates, and insufficient natural animal fats. Fortunately, type 2 diabetes can be stopped in its tracks by a radical shift in the diet. Give those children whole milk, plenty of protein and natural animal fats, get the sugars out of their diets, and their diabetes will correct itself, their weight will normalize and they will be healthy. Our misguided dietary public policy has created a society of very sick people. For the first time in history we see a generation who may not live as long as its parents. Particularly in the lower classes without access to healthy, whole foods, we are creating a society of people who will not be well, who will require huge public assistance and health care, and all of it could be alleviated by a proper diet. From the viewpoint of a practicing physician, I can tell you that our industrial food complex, in concert with big pharma have colluded to create a society where people eat nutrient-empty processed foods, and are than given an ever larger regimen of pharmaceuticals to try and turn back the inevitable ill health and death that awaits them. What should the Food Pyramid look like? I have brought along a food pyramid that I designed when I was working as a young doctor in Dr. Robert Atkins office. You will see the differences in our Food Pyramid and the USDAs version. (show the pyramid). Besides the fact that our enormously powerful industrial food/farming lobby has exercised great control over public policy for at least twenty years, since I have been observing it, the results, in the time that I have been practicing medicine, have been dreadful. When I was a boy, growing up in an Italian American family, my grandfather had a big vegetable garden out back that fed our family. He lived to be 95 years old and was strong and active until the day he died. I try to feed my family, whole, organic foods to this day. My six year old son, rides with me in bicycle races for as much as 45 miles at

a time. This child is healthy, vigorous, and cheerful. I feed him. Is it impossible that Americans could eat as well as their grandparents? Not at all. With the growing movement towards healthier whole foods being presented not only at home, but in public schools, institutions, and food service operations, Americans are beginning to get it. At The Silver Cloud Diet we particularly recognize the need for saturated fats, for health, long life, and weight loss. Saturated fats fight inflammation, support the immune system, support hormone production and protect against cancer and heart disease. Last but not least what I see in my practice that is most heartbreaking is the rising tide of infertility. Now that we have an entire generation of young women who have practically grown up eating a low fat diet, we see a pandemic of infertility. The simple truth is that vitamins carried in saturated animal fats are critical to reproduction. The 2010 Guidelines proposed by the USDA will increase infertility in this country. This is tragic and entirely avoidable. The knee-jerk recommendation to eat more whole grains, does not take into account the fact that whole grains are extremely difficult to digest and an overconsumption of rough whole grains can contribute to digestive disorders such as celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. The Silver Cloud Diet recommends that people eat a diet of whole, unprocessed foods, organic if possible, that provide an abundance of nutrients chosen from the following groups: Animal foods: meat and organ meats, poultry and eggs from pastured animals, wild caught fish and shell fish, whole raw cheeses, milk and other dairy products from pastured animals. Fats and oils: unrefined saturated and monounsaturated fats including butter, lard, olive oil, cod liver oil and coconut and palm oil. Fruits and Vegetables. Fresh, organic if possible, preferably locally grown, either raw or cooked into soups and stews Nuts, legumes, and grains. Eat a handful of nuts daily for vitamin E

and trace minerals. Once goal weight is reached eat beans and lentils, brown rice, and whole grain cooked cereals for breakfast. We do not recommend processed foods with long lists of ingredient including chemicals you cannot pronounce. No refined sweeteners including candy, soda, cookies, crackers,cakes, chips or other snacks. Avoid white flour products such as pasta and white bread. Avoid processed foods including modern soy foods, polyunsaturated and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods. As we say at the Silver Cloud Diet, take a giant leap backwards. Eat the way your grandparents ate. You take care of your body and your body will take care of you.

If you would like to know what your ancestors ate, why they ate it, how they prepared it and what their health was like, I would highly recommend two important classics......

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and.......

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

You are going to hear me talk about these two books over and over again. I believe they hold the key to figuring out what BASIC type of diet humans really need and thrive on. Do yourself and your family a favor and read these two books.
Posted by Marjorie Theroux Tietjen at 9:51 AM 1 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post Labels: TESTIMONY TO UDSA
Friday, July 9, 2010


This is a recipe that can be adapted to one's personal taste. If you are a vegetarian and do eat eggs, milk and cheese, then you could omit the meat and add a few more veggies. I like to use sweet italian sausage. If you want to be really healthy and use grassfed, additive free meat, you can get the sausage here US Wellness Meats sells quality grassland meat products - Visit us Online! I will list the original ingredients in the recipe below but you can substitute almost any vegetable for the broccoli and any meat for the sausage. I haven't tried seafood in it but perhaps even shrimp or crabmeat would work. In the photo above I used leftover ham instead of the sausage and peppers and carrots from the garden...instead of the broccoli. It's fun trying the different combinations. Despite the fact that mainstream nutritional advice tells us that saturated fat and protein should be limited in our diets, saturated fat is a necessary element for health....especially the health of the brain which is largely composed of cholesterol.

1lb sausage (preferrably from free range animals) 4 eggs (preferrably from free range chickens) 3 cups of cooked brown rice 1 bag of frozen chopped broccoli (cooked) 1 small jalapeno or other hot pepper (chopped) 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese 1 and one half cups of milk 3 cloves of garlic minced 1 small onion finely chopped salt and pepper to taste 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese 1 cup of whole grain breadcrumbs Preheat oven to 350 Cook rice and broccoli ahead of time and set aside. Cook sausage, hot pepper, onions and garlic in a stovetop to oven skillet. I use a bit of virgin red palm oil to saute everything in. It gives the casserole a pretty yellow orange color...but you can use any healthy fat , such as coconut oil, butter...etc. Whisk milk and eggs together in a separate bowl. Add grated cheddar cheese to the milk and eggs. I don't drain the sausage onion mixture unless there is way too much fat. Remember, our ancestors ate alot of animal fats and did not have the degenerative diseases we have today. Now, incorporate the rice and broccoli into the sausage mixture and evenly distribute. Then pour the milk egg and cheese mixture over the sausage vegetable mixture in the skillet. Sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the top of the sausage mixture and then sprinkle the parmesan cheese over that. Cook at 350 for about 45 minutes or until golden brown.
Posted by Marjorie Theroux Tietjen at 10:18 AM 1 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post Labels: HEALTHY RECIPES



By Marjorie Tietjen Throughout history people around the world have consumed unpasteurized and unhomogenized milk products, along with other unprocessed foods, with resulting vitality and strong constitutions. It is only in recent times that this nourishing food has been subjected to high heat and other unnatural processes. In the book "Enzyme Nutrition", the author Edward Howell, expresses his concerns. "Medical enthusiasm for milk as a therapeutic agent suffered an abrupt ending with the advent of pasteurization and it's killing of milk enzymes. An important conclusions emerges from studying the long history of milk as food and medicine: When one takes enzymes away from milk, it loses some of it's health value and most of it's curative properties. The virtue of effective foods resides in their possession of all the nutritional factors nature gave them. The status raw milk gained as a remedy for chronic diseases, throughout

hundreds of years, vanished with the coming of pasteurized milk." If fresh unprocessed milk, from grass fed cattle, is so beneficial for humans, where did the pasteurization process originate and why? MILK FROM FACTORY FARMS In the 1800's many distilleries began to appear in American cities and as the cities grew, pasture lands began to disappear. A cheap source of food for the cows housed in the emerging factory farms, was the swill or refuse from the nearby distilleries. Even though this waste product lacked the nourishment of the cattle's natural diet (fresh grass), it did cause the cows to produce more milk at less cost. Despite the increased profits and the increased production of milk, the overall health of the cattle suffered greatly. Because the distillery slop was not the natural diet of these animals, they became emaciated and sickly. There were other factors which also contributed to the unhealthy state of the cattle and the milk. These animals were packed into extremely crowded areas where they stood in their own excrement and were not allowed to move for up to 18 months....if they lived that long.The mortality rate in these dairies was extremely high. People began acquiring illnesses such as diphtheria, tuberculosis and scarlet fever. Often these illnesses were traced back to the milk produced in the distillery factory farms. When animals are raised under unhealthy conditions and as a consequence lose their immunity and vitality, we can logically predict what will happen to the next consumer who is higher up on the food chain. "We are what we eat" is not just a flippant unscientific wives tale. This statement can be proven if we will only take the time to observe this obvious example of cause and effect. Similar conditions exist today in the modern factory farms. The animals live in very close quarters, receive no exercise and are fed mostly grain, instead of their natural diet of fresh grass. They are given hormones to force them to produce more milk than they would under natural conditions. When the focus is on quantity, the quality of the milk decreases. Antibiotics are also used extensively and traces wind up in the milk. All of this will consequently affect the health of the milk consumer. Concerns over high yields and profits are the driving motives behind

the continued adulteration of one of our most valuable health resources.......unprocessed, full fat, pasture fed milk. Due to this economic pressure, it is illegal in most states to sell unpasteurized milk. Consequently, those who have realized the many benefits of unprocessed milk will go to great lengths to obtain their "Mooshine". Some people travel long distances across state lines. Others have developed cow share programs in order to circumvent this unwanted and unneeded law. When one buys shares of a particular cow, then legally this means the shareholder owns part of the cow and is therefore allowed by law to drink the unprocessed milk of this cow. You can find out more information concerning obtaining raw milk in your area by visiting I am grateful to live in Connecticut where it is legal for small farmers to sell unpasteurized certified milk to stores or directly ....on the farm to the consumer. To be certified to sell unprocessed milk, the farm must comply with strict health regulations and the milk is periodically tested for unwanted bacteria. For those of you who have never tasted grassfed, full fat, unprocessed milk, I want to express how vast the difference is between the untreated farm fresh milk and the processed factory farm milk. Fresh unheated wholesome milk from a certified farm is so delicious that once most people have tasted this natural healing elixir, they will never go back to the processed milk. BUILT-IN IMMUNE FACTORS Cows who are allowed to graze on uncontaminated pastureland and who are fed a minimum of grain, produce milk which has built in protective factors. Raw unheated milk is designed for mammals whose immune systems are immature. Unpasteurized milk contains inhibins. These are elements which hinder the growth of bacteria. Heating milk inactivates many of these protective factors and in so doing it encourages the growth of harmful bacteria. (-Dold, H., Wizaman, E., and Kleiner, C., Z. Hyt. Inf., "Antiseptic in milk," The Drug and Cosmetic Industry, 43,1:109, July, 1938.) Another benefit of consuming food products from grass-fed cattle, is the abundance of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) present in the milk and the meat of these animals. CLA is an omega-6 fatty acid. In the book "The Untold Story of Milk" the author, Ron Schmid ND, talks about the disease protection provided by this important fatty acid. "Nonfat dairy products contain no CLA. A recent article in "The Journal of Dairy Science", reported that milk from grass fed cows contains up

to five times more CLA than milk from conventionally fed cows." Studies have shown that CLA has strong anticancer effects. For example, rats fed CLA at 1.5 percent of their total calories showed reduction of tumor size of up to 60%. CLA may help explain the lowered incidence of breast cancer in women working on farms in the Finnish Milk Study." HEAT SENSITIVE ENZYMES IN MILK: LIPASE - aids in absorption and digestions of milk fats PHOSPATASE - helps in the absorption of calcium and other minerals. LACTASE - promotes the digestion and absorption of lactose. Pasteurization of milk seriously alters the structure and activity of the fats, enzymes, proteins and sugar present in unheated milk. The heating process also kills the "good bacteria" which colonizes our digestive tract and helps to create our second immune system. When the essence of a natural food is destroyed, it can no longer work in harmony with the body to produce health, immunity and vitality. Is it any wonder that pasteurized homogenized milk has become one of the most highly allergenic foods? Milk has been highly promoted as a bone strengthening food. The baby boomer generation was raised on large quantities of pasteruized milk products and has also been encouraged to take plenty of calcium supplements. It appears that this generation is experiencing an extremely high incidence of osteoporosis, despite taking the previously mentioned precautions. Of course there are many factors involved with the absorption of calcium but could pasteurization (the inactivation of phosphatase) be helping to promote the high incidence of osteoporisis we are experiencing? Is the destruction of this enzyme preventing a large portion of the calcium in pasteurized milk from being absorbed? Most of the vitamin C found in raw milk is also destroyed during the heating processs. This lack of vitamin C has actually produced scurvey in infants fed unfortified pasteurized cow's milk. For a basic understanding of the negative effects of processed food on the human body, I would highly recommend the book Nutrition and Physical

Degeneration by Dr. Weston Price. This book is a classic, a comprehensive study comparing the bone structure and overall health of people who lived in remote areas of the world and ate a natural unprocessed diet, to those who lived in the "civilized" areas and were being introduced to the processed modernized foods. The many photos in this book clearly show the obvious physical degeneration in the populations who consumed the processed foods. If one does not have access to unprocessed milk, one way to get back some of it's nutritious protective properties is to ferment the pasteurized milk. The process of fermentation has long been used by many cultures around the world to preserve and to naturally add enzymes and nutrition to the food. In a future issue of Peer Observations I will talk more about fermented foods and how easy it is to make your own probiotics ( aged foods which contain high enzyme activity and other health building properties). One of the other possible health risks associated with processed milk is the fact that it is homogenized. This is a process which consists of the breaking up the natural sized fat particles into very unnatural small size particles ( a process used so the fat does not rise to the top of the milk). There are legitimate concerns as to the effect that this process may have on our health. Considering that homgenization is employed soley for convienence purposes, we should be questioning whether this step needs to be eliminated from the milk manufacturing process. For more information on homogenization, politics and the health benefits of unprocessed milk, I highly recommend Dr. Ron Schmid's book, The Untold Story of Milk, Revised and Updated: The History, Politics and Science of Nature's Perfect Food: Raw Milk from PastureFed Cows

In order to preserve the integrity of our food supply ( one of our most precious natural resources ) we need to first become knowldgeable as to what is being done to our food and why it is being done. One will learn why pasteurization and irradiation is degrading our national health instead of improving it. Killing the life force of our food is not in our best interests nor is it for our protection. Once we understand the political and economic reasons behind this needless processing of our food, then we will be able to address this situation and take action. A good place to begin is with the books that I mentioned previously and at the website.

Let's claim our inherent right to food the way nature intended it to be.

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