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Michael Hessler 052-613-1040 Chemical Process Engineer

Chemical process experience includes: air pollution control al!"l #en$ene ammonia #re%er" charcoal coal &asi'ication epitaxial silicon 'uel cells ha$ardous %aste incineration ole'ins petrochemicals phosphorus trichloride sul'uric acid re&eneration sul'uri$ed iso#ut"lene %aste %ater treatment and others. (etailed desi&n experience in #oth chemical and mechanical en&ineerin& include: )*M+ ,essels #a& houses #oilers #urners columns controls c"clones 'ans 'ilters heat exchan&ers incinerators pipin& speci'ications pressure ,essels pumps reactors relie' de,ices scru##ers and other e-uipment items. *uper,ision o' the technical %or! e''orts o' desi&ners instrumentation specialists maintenance personnel mechanical . process en&ineers production unit operators pro&rammers union %or!ers and contractors. *o't%are de,elopment data#ase administration and report &eneration %ith ,arious operatin& s"stems codin& lan&ua&es data#ase en&ines and so't%are pac!a&es in support o' en&ineerin& and manu'acturin&. /echnical support responsi#ilities ha,e in,ol,ed: #id e,aluations 'acilit" audits 'or Missouri0s )ir 1ro&ram material o' construction selection operatin& procedures process . mechanical desi&n calculations pro2ect de'initions sa'et" and ha$ard anal"sis stac! testin& and ,arious reportin&.

Relevant Work Experience

May 2004 to Nov 2004

ESA Engineering Services nc! Clevelan"! #$

*upport o' an on&oin& solid oxide 'uel cell de,elopment pro2ect at S#%Co0s )lliance 3esearch Center. 1ro,ided en&ineerin& re,ie% and documentation o' component desi&n. 1repared purchase re-uisitions and coordination o' component 'a#rication. 1er'ormed heat trans'er anal"ses to si$e4speci'" insulation s"stems. Calculated component and pipin& pressure drop. (esi&ned hi&h temperature components includin& pipin& mani'olds seals . insulation. *uccess'ull" &enerated 1roduction +conomic Model 'or *ul'uric )cid 3e&eneration 'or Shell Chemical Risk Management Company. (ra'ted M)C/ C1/ 'or ha$ardous %aste incinerators includin& chemical %eapons demilitari$ation 'acilit" and directl" super,ised e''orts o' three en&ineers in %ritin& M)C/ C1/ 'or %ranklin Engineering )ro&p .

#ct 2002 to April 2004 Cons&lting Pro'ects! Nashville! (N

*&l +,,- to Mar +,,, C. EN) NEER N) )R#/P! St0 Al1ans! W2 3 4aton Ro&ge! 5A 5ea" Process6Pro'ect Engineer! PSM /pgra"e Pro'ect 7or /N #N CAR4 .E C#RP 8/CC9! (a7t! 5A
(e,eloped detailed 5acilit" *cope 1ac!a&es 6d5*17 'or 1rocess *a'et" Mana&ement 61*M7 +-uipment 8p&rade 1ro2ect in,ol,in& 1etrochemicals. /rained and led 1*M team in use o' 8CC 1ressure 3elie' (e,ice 613(7 so't%are. (irectl" super,ised 9 en&ineers and 4 desi&ners durin& the pea! o' the pro2ect. :mplemented 1H) in association %ith 1*M e''orts on 8CC ;le'ins unit. *i$ed ,al,es lines and control s"stems.

*&l +,,: to *&n +,,- M SS#/R .EPAR(MEN( #% NA(/RA5 RES#/RCES! *e77erson City! M# Environmental Engineer! Air Poll&tion Control Program 8APCP9! (echnical S&pport Section! Emissions nventory /nit
<or!ed on special en'orcement in,esti&ations and permit re,ie%s includin&: #iocides charcoal !ilns lead minin& and processin& operations. +sta#lished =)C/ 'or Missouri0s charcoal !ilns. 3ecei,ed C)3= trainin& as en&ineer responsi#le 'or incinerators. Conducted en&ineerin& e,aluations on emission in'ormation su#mitted #" Missouri :ndustries.

#ct +,,; to Mar +,,: M( ! C. EN) NEER N) )R#/P! St0 Al1ans! W2 PR.6Process Engineer! PSM .oc&mentation Pro'ect 7or /N #N CAR4 .E C#RP! Charleston! W2
Certi'ied #" 8CC in use o' 8CC 13( so't%are to assure compliance %ith ;*H) 1>10 1*M. Conducted audits %hich included re,ie%s o' process and instrument dra%in&s pressure relie' de,ices material o' construction and all documentation re-uired to compl" %ith re&ulations 'or ammonia s"stems. :mplemented 1H) in association %ith 1*M e''orts 'or )mmonia s"stem.

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Michael Hessler 052-613-1040

%e1 +,<= to Apr +,,=
Cons&lting Pro'ects! Misso&ri

:mplemented 1H) in association %ith dail" production issue o' in! manu'acturin&? coordinated acti,ities o' in! production to meet 2ust-in-time in,entor" and shippin& re-uirements %hile maintainin& -ualit" sa'et" and super,isin& 12 union in! ma!ers at Marsh nk Company. :mplemented 1H) in association %ith Ethyl Petrole&m A""itives 0 *ul'uri$ed iso#ut"lene reactor scru##er 'lare and %aste separation e-uipment on *ul'uri$ed iso#ut"lene unit. /echnical ser,ices 'or sul'uri$ed iso#ut"lene reactors scru##ers 'lares and %aste separation e-uipment. 1repared process documents 'or Monsanto@s epitaxial silicon pro2ects includin& pro2ect de'inition process 'lo% dia&rams e-uipment arran&ements en&ineerin& 'lo% dia&rams and per'ormance data sheets 'or -ualit" assurance la# reactor coolin& %ater s"stem and scru##er s"stem. *upported plant %aste%ater treatment unit and coolin& to%er chemical treatment up&rades 'or Monsanto Electronic Materials0 3e,ised e-uipment si$in& and en&ineerin& dra%in&s 'or an Anhe&ser 4&sch =re%er" expansion. *i$ed h"dro&en 'luoride re&eneration column and ancillar" e-uipment 'or a linear al!"l #en$ene process. (e,eloped relie' containment s"stems and process e''luent scru##ers 'or phosphorus trichloride reactors and 'or a chlorine ,apori$er. (e,eloped %aste minimi$in& scru##er control s"stem. :mplemented 1H) in association %ith relie' containment s"stems phosphorous trichloride reactor chlorine ,apori$er process scru##er 'or Monsanto .etergent 3 Phosphates . (esi&ned mechanical speci'ications #id e,aluations and en&ineerin& 'lo% dia&rams 'or sul'uric acid plants 'or Monsanto Enviro>Chem . Aenerated process 'lo% dia&rams %ith )utoC)( 'or Ha$ardous <aste :ncineration *"stem 'or Chemical Waste Management . Conducted com#ustion e''icienc" anal"sis . internal inspections o' Militar" #oilers in Aerman" . *pain 'or the .epartment o7 .e7ense throu&h +n&ineerin& (esi&n . Mana&ement.

*an +,<2 to .ec +,<2 A55 S C$A5MER! West Allis! W #perations Engineer! ? 5N)AS R 3 .! East Alton! 5
<rote standard operatin& procedures and commissionin& instructions 'or primar" and secondar" &as coolin& tar remo,al and process li-uor clean-up s"stems o' rotar" !iln coal &asi'ication 'acilit". Completed 'ormal hands on trainin& in (C* 1BC and ,arious control components.

*an +,<0 to Nov +,<+ 4A4C#C? 3 W 5C#@! 4ar1erton! #$ Process6.esign6.evelopment Engineer! %ossil PoAer )eneration .iv0! A"vance" Energy Systems
(esi&ned coal &as s"stem and associated steam &eneration components includin& )*M+ code ,essels. :nitiated modi'ications to compan" desi&n manuals 'or special process conditions o' &asi'ication. <or!ed %ith technolo&" &roup on Code-to-Code Heat trans'er modelin& o' sla& c"cle erosion on studded re'raction %alls to optimi$e stud arran&ement. :nitiated and led pro&rammin& e''orts to correct document and expand en&ineerin& &roup@s so't%are. (e,eloped compan"@s 'irst direct so't%are-&enerated C)( conceptual desi&n dra%in& pac!a&e 'rom the com#ination o' routine desi&n modelin& . simulation pro&rams resultin& in the reduction o' dra'tin& time. (irectl" super,ised the e''orts o' 3 en&ineers codin& in 5;3/3)C.

4achelor o7 Science in Chemical Engineering 8ni,ersit" o' Missouri Colum#ia Post>4accala&reate in Comp&ter Science 8ni,ersit" o' Missouri 3olla Araduate +n&ineerin& Center AA>$onors! Comp&ter Science *t. Bouis Communit" Colle&e *t. Bouis M; A""itional %ormal (raining in chemical plant 'ire 'i&htin& 'irst aid . C13 (C* . 1BC pro&rammin& process instrument trou#leshootin& relie' s"stems en&ineerin& 6;*H) 1>10.11>7 1H) C)3= 1ressure 3elie' (e,ice 613(7 so't%are *DB *er,er 2000 as %ell as ,arious mana&ement and -ualit" assurance philosophies includin& interacti,e mana&ement :*; >000 2ust-in-time manu'acturin& and team #uildin&. Misso&ri Engineer in (raining B24,:,! +,-,

Recommen"ations an" #ther Experience

<or! -ualit" recommendations additional %or! experience and #usiness s"stems !no%led&e are ,ie%a#le at httpC66AAA0linke"in0com6in6michaelhessler .
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