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Subsemnata, , interpret i traductor autorizat pentru limbile strine xxxxxxxxxx i xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , n temeiul Autorizaiei nr.

xxxxxxxxxx din data de xxxxxxxxxxx, eliberat de Ministerul Justiiei din Romnia, certific exactitatea traducerii efectuate din limba xxxxxxxxxxxx n limba xxxxxxxxxxx, c textul prezentat a fost tradus complet, fr omisiuni, i c, prin traducere, nscrisului nu i au fost denaturate coninutul i sensul. !nscrisul a crui traducere se solicit n ntre"ime are, n inte"ralitatea sa, un numr de xxxx pa"ini, poart titlul#denumirea de xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, a fost emis de xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i mi a fost prezentat mie n ntre"ime. $raducerea nscrisului prezentat are un numr de xxxxxx pa"ini i a fost efectuat potri%it cererii scrise nre"istrate cu nr. xxxxxxxxxxx, pstrate n ar&i%a subsemnatei. S a ncasat onorariul de xxxxxxxxxxx R'(, cu c&itan nr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx )($*R+R*$ ,) $RA-./0$'R A.$'R)1A$ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

), t&e undersi"ned xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, aut&orised interpreter and translator for t&e lan"ua"es xxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxx, b2 Aut&orisation no. xxxxxxxxxxxx dated xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, issued b2 t&e Ministr2 of Justice of Romania, certif2 t&e exactness of t&e translation from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx into xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, t&at t&e text presented to me &as been full2 translated, 3it&out omissions, and t&at t&e content and meanin" of t&e document &a%e not been distorted. $&e document presented for translation &as in its entiret2 xxxxxxx pa"es, bears t&e title#name ................................, 3as issued b2 t&e ................................and 3as presented to me in its entiret2. $&e translation of t&e presented document &as xxxx pa"es and &as been performed based on t&e 3ritten )n4uir2 for $ranslation Ser%ices noxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 5ept in t&e arc&i%e of t&e undersi"ned. $axed 3it& xxxxxxxxxxx fee, receipt no. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A.$6'R)S*- )($*R+R*$*R A(- $RA(S7A$'R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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