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through Bertha Dudde 7501

I will pour out My spirit upo all !lesh ...."

If you are being addressed by Me, My spirit will des#e d upo you$ My eter al Father%&pirit will 'a(e #o ta#t with the spiritual spar( i you$ whi#h re'ai s i separa)ly as o e with Me a d is 'erely a e'a ated spar( whi#h shall retur to Me$ whi#h shall repeatedly u ite itsel! with the Father%&pirit agai . If you are being addressed by Me you will )e i')ued )y the !ire o! My lo*e$ the spiritual spar( i you will ig ite a d spri g i to a#tio .... It #o'es ali*e i you a##ordi g to its !u da'e tal ele'e t. + d the a spiritual e,#ha ge #a ta(e pla#e$ that is$ spiritual i sights #a )e #o *eyed to the perso $ !or My spirit is all%( owi g$ there is othi g it does ot ( ow$ othi g is u #lear to it$ it is as ( owledgea)le as I a' a d also e'a ates its ( owledge as I do .... It is My spirit which is speaking to you $ it is ot a se#o d part o! Me$ it is I Mysel! Who spea(s Words o! lo*e a d wisdo' to you. For you are My o #e e'a ated stre gth o! lo*e$ you are spirit o! My spirit a d there!ore also always i #o ta#t with Me )e#ause the stre gth o! lo*e #a ot separate itsel! !ro' Me$ o ly you$ as #reated )ei gs$ #a (eep yoursel*es dista t !ro' Me .... )ut it is o ly a dista #e whi#h e,ists i your #o s#ious ess whi#h$ howe*er$ o My part #a ot re'ai li(e this !ore*er$ )e#ause your !u da'e tal ele'e t is the sa'e as I +'- stre gth o! lo*e will !ore*er )e i #o ta#t with the sour#e o! stre gth. + d this #o ta#t )e#o'es a reality whe you hear Me$ whe My spirit des#e ds i to a ope *essel a d thus per'eates the

hu'a )ei g so that he will )e a)le to hear My *oi#e. .he the dista #e )etwee the hu'a )ei g a d Me will )e repealed$ he will ha*e 'o*ed ear to his God a d Father agai $ he will let the spiritual spar( i hi' )e#o'e a !la'e a d this will leap )a#( agai to the !ire o! the /ter al 0o*e .... .he ti y spar( i the hu'a )ei g !i ds its path to Me$ a d the #o e#tio is also esta)lished )y the human beings will$ it e,ists !ore*er a d #a e*er )e )ro(e . But it #o #er s the conscious #o ta#t .... .his should )e aspired to )y the hu'a )ei g so that the dista #e will )e repealed$ a perso should want to )e i #o ta#t with Me whi#h the e a)les the wor(i g o! My spirit$ the My spirit will )e a)le to pour out upo all !lesh ...." And that will very evidently happen during the last days before the end: My spirit will pour upon all flesh, servants and handmaidens shall prophesy .... For people o ly rarely esta)lish the #o e#tio with Me ow$ so that I 'ust e*ide tly 'a i!est Mysel! through the spirit )y #hoosi g people !or Mysel! who are ot opposed to Me$ who prepare the'sel*es as a re#ei*i g *essel !or My spirit so that I #a pour My spirit i to the' a d the spea( through the' to hu'a ity !or their )e e!it a d spiritual ad*a tage. It is e#essary that I spea( to you hu'a s .... ou should all listen to My voice, a d you should all ta(e sto#( o! yoursel*es$ #o sider My Words$ li*e a##ordi gly a d thus prepare yoursel*es !or the e d whi#h you #a ot a*oid )e#ause the ti'e has #o'e to a e d. I pour out My spirit upo all !lesh .... .his has )ee a ou #ed to hu'a ity i ad*a #e$ he #e you should ot !i d it di!!i#ult to )elie*e i My wor(i g o! this ature .... ou should realise that the time I referred to is upon you, that I will speak to you through servants and handmaidens who, on My instructions, shall inform you through their prophetic spirit.

!or they will predict future events, they will remind you of My predictions and you will be unable to deny that My spirit will pour itself out again, that these proclaimers do not speak their own words but voice that which is revealed to them by My spirit. I eed the' as 'ediators who are to )ri g My Word to you hu'a s i all purity a d #larity agai $ I eed the' to spea( o My )ehal!$ )e#ause My Words are e#essary to war you o! the da gers you are !a#i g i! you do "t ta(e sto#( o! yoursel*es a d #ha ge. For all you hu'a s go o e,isti g without lo*e a d there)y )e#o'e sla*es to My ad*ersary .... 1ou 'ust #ha ge yoursel*es i to lo*e$ the you will ta(e the path to Me a d )e sa*ed !ro' the dow !all. But you do "t ha*e 'u#h ti'e le!t$ #o se2ue tly My *oi#e sou ds e*er louder$ a d I spea( to you e*er 'ore !re2ue tly through the 'outh o! My ser*a ts a d prophets3 I o ly as( o! you to )elie*e those who (eep re#ei*i g the !low o! My spirit )e#ause they shall spea( o My i stru#tio s .... + d you will ot regret ha*i g #o'plied with their ad'o itio s )y liste i g to the' a d )y 'erely 'a(i g a e!!ort to li*e a##ordi g to the Word whi#h sou ds to you !ro' a)o*e through My ser*a ts$ whi#h is your Father"s *oi#e o! eter ity a d shall also guide you )a#( agai to Me$ !ro' Who' you o #e #a'e !orth a d dista #ed yoursel*es o! your ow !ree will .... "eed My #ord from above and know that it is the working of My spirit, that I want to help you and therefore avail Myself of these servants and handmaidens by pouring out My spirit so that I can speak through them to all of you .... so that you will not approach your ruin when the time has been fulfilled ....


4u)lished )y !rie ds o! ew re*elatio s o! God 5 I !or'atio $ dow load o! all tra slated re*elatio s$ the'e%)oo(lets athttp-66www.)ertha%dudde.i !o6e glish6i de,.ht'l 7 http-66e .)ertha%dudde.org6

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