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Concept of power : asymmetry influence Decommissioning of Europe and affirmation of new puissanes

I. The world in 1913 : overwhelming domination of Europe but also order factor of instability A. Population dynamics , dominant economy Euro 27% pop world in 1900 due to a demographic transition switched from 18C Euro populate the world : 50M emigrants 1870-1913 Emigration to the U.S. : 41M emigrants 1850-1913

Plant the world : 42 % of GDP in 1913 : 37% of industrial production (UK, France , Germany ) Technical and Scientific Advances 85% of world trade fleet Revolution of transport , means of transnational communications ( 450.000 km cables 75% euro )

60% of the global stock Euros Many foreign capital : 44 billion dollars ( 3/4 of total): Power of City London capital of the financial globalization and France Key areas of investment : colonies, Am . Latin America, Europe med. , Russia

B. Apogee of European colonialism 1/4 of the Earth are colonies + informal empire brittanique Empire : Objectives: 1) use the " sugar islands " ; 2) build a thalassocracy Greater Britain funded by the City 66 colonies 1913 eg Cyprus , Borneo , Fiji, Egypt Dream of a North-South territorial continuity Control of main trade routes : Mediterranean Highway ( India ) , Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn Save the world

C. Rising tensions in Europe and competing powers outside Europe

Bipolar Order: Grand Alliance ( German Empire, Austro- Hungarian , Italy - Russia) against Triple Entente ( France , Russia, Italy , UK) Voltages : Germany Boers against AdS UK; German naval armament develops = > anti-German sentiment in the UK = > Two standard principle of Powers Secret agreements and agreements against colonial disputes between allies Climate armed peace

EU emerging competitor : nine countries , sub abundant mineral resources , countries of immigration , original culture, willingness to undertake labor supply , consumer market = > assembly ( Fordism ) and Taylorism the first industrial power , and agriculture : vigorous capitalism Very net debtors of Europe and investing outside: Am South especially : zone " dollar " Do not look too colonies : Alaska , Hawaii including Big stick policy of Roosevelt right international police

Japan: archaic and feudal countries have experienced reforms in 1868 by the Emperor to resist European colonialism : early religious reform to establish Shinto worship, being emperor authority Educational Reforms ; seigniorial rights abolished actions against the banks lords ; railway lines ; companies to mans Samurai Political power thus creates economic power Many military and diplomatic victories : eg Japan alliance UK 1902 annexation of Korea in 1910 = > Hierarch powers dominated by industrial nations by showing their military conquests . = > The impact of imperialism leads to the first GM

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