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Geometry Research Paper: Geometry in Washington D.

18.5 million people visit the great American capitol of Washington D.C, but very few know the remarkable geometry behind the city. Although the city is known for hosting the extraordinary American presidents and politicians, most dont recognize the beauty in the map format itself. I know there are great monuments and tourist attractions, but nothing compares to the map itself. The most interesting things are the shape and points in the stars, the stars angles, and the conspiracies. Most Americans do not know that the layout of Washington DC contains two distinct stars, one in the shape of a pentagram and the other a hexagram. The points of the stars are important places/points that connect one location to the other. Some of the points contain the White House, National Archive Building, Lincoln Memorial, and many other important parks and squares. The top of the pentagram comes together and contains an isosceles obtuse triangle, along with an arrowlike polygon. The hexagram has two isosceles acute triangles, on top of each other in the form of the Star of David. It is truly amazing the things that can be formed with geometry and shapes. Now take a look at the Star of David (on the map) and its angles on the cover. Each triangle in the Star of David has two 52 angles and a 78 angle. This exact same acute triangle makes up each of the four sides of the Pyramid of Khufu, at Giza. This is not the only amazing relationship. By cutting the star exactly in half, an exact 23.5 angle is formed. Twenty-three point five degrees also is the exact measure that the Tropic of Capricorn is north of the equator and the Tropic of Cancer is south of the equator. This relationship of two iconic places is revolutionary and flat out extraordinary. All of these things seem quite amazing, so the question is Is this coincidence or not? There have been hundreds of theories why the citys

format contains the two stars; a commonly believed idea is that the citys format is based off of Satan. This idea is based on the pentagram, otherwise known as the Devils Pentagram (a key symbol to Satan worshippers), was intentional. It is told that the original map designer Charles LEnfant was a freemason, and had desired to show some sort of magical symbol with a secret meaning; in this case the pentagram. This probably meant that Charles LEnfant believed that Satan would once be in control or power of America and Washington D.C. Then again, there is no conclusive evidence on any of the conspiracies, so nothing is sure. Clearly geometry has great importance to the great American capitol. D.Cs map contains many geometric objects that framed by historic landmarks. The city also has connections with other famous sites across globe, amazingly sharing angles of the exact same measurements. Washington D.C not only has this mystery, but it also has many conspiracies and theories for why the city includes geometric shapes and specific angles. So the real question is What is the significance of geometry and these figures in Americas capitol?

Bibliography "Benjamin Banneker." Bnl, n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2014. <>. "Benjamin Banneker The Man Who Designed Washington DC." African Globe, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. "The Founding of Washington D.C., United States." Building the World. University Massachusetts, n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. "MASONIC SYMBOLS OF POWER." Cutting Edge. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. <>. "The Star of David." DC Symbols. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <>.

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