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Sun1 - 0001 - Stand Device } Sym - 277

0002 - R1+ BCV }

0003 - R2 } Sym - 694

Sun2 - 0004 - Remote BCV }

Assign standard device 0001 to Sun1

Sun1#Symmask – sid 277 add dev 001 – awn sun1/port0 – dir 1c -p 0
Sun1#Symmask – sid 277 add dev 001– awn sun1/port0 – dir 2c -p 0
Sun1#Symmask – sid 277 add dev 001 –awn sun1/port0 – dir 15c -p 0
Sun1#Symmask – sid 277 add dev 001– awn sun1/port0 – dir 16c -p 0

Refresh the database

Sun1#symmask refresh

Update symapi_db.bin
Sun1#symcfg discover

List the devices

Sun1#sympd list

Assign remote BCV device 0004 to Sun2

Sun2#Symmask – sid 694 add dev 004 – awn sun2/port0 – dir 1c -p 0
Sun2#Symmask - sid 694 add dev 004 – awn sun2/port0 – dir 2c -p 0
Sun2#Symmask – sid 694 add dev 004 – awn sun2/port0 – dir 15c -p 0
Sun2#Symmask – sid 694 add dev 004 – awn sun2/port0 – dir 16c -p 0

Refresh the database

Sun2#symmask refresh

Update symapi_db.bin
Sun2#symcfg discover

List the devices

Sun2#sympd list

Perform single hop replication.
I/O done on Local STD 0001 should be replicated to Remote BCV 0004
Sun 0001
1 STD 0003

R2 0002 Sun
device Remote 2

1 Create a command file

(First column in the file denotes r1 device, second column in the file denotes r2 devices)

Sun1# Vi arpair
0002 0003
: WQ

2 Now create RDF pair

Sun1# Symrdf create pair - file arpair – sid 277 – rdfg 1 – type r1 – establish nop

3 To check the status of Rdf pair

Sun1# Symrdf list – rdfg 1

(Status should be synchronized between devices R1+bcv (0002) and R2 (0003))

4 Create a device group

Sun1# Symrdf create Sun1ar - type regular

5 Add standard device to the group

Sun1# Symld – g sun1ar add dev 0001

6 Associate R1+BCV to std group

Sun1# Symbcv – g Sun1ar associate dev 0002

7 Associate the remote BCV device

Sun1# Symbcv – g sun1ar associate dev 0004 – rdf – bcv

8 Establish link between STD(0001) & R1 + bcv(0002)

Sun1# Symmir –g sun1ar est – full

(Once the link is established between local devices ,the link between the RDF pair is

9 Add some data to the standard device(0001)

A) Identify the disk and label it (For example the device name is emc0_1)

B) Check the DMP controller

Sun1#vxdmpadm listctlr
(If disabled enable it.)
Sun1#vxdmpadm enable ctlr = c3 (In our example controller is C3)

C) Scan the disks using volume manager

Sun1#vxdisk scandisks

D) List the disks

Sun1#vxdisk list

E) Initialize the disk

Sun1#vxdisksetup –i emc0_1

F) Create vmdisk by creating diskgroup

Sun1#vxdg init ardg disk1=emc0_1

F) List the disk groups

Sun1#vxdisk –o alldgs list

G) Create a volume using vxassist

Sun1#vxassist –g ardg make vol1 100m

H) To display the volumes

Sun1#vxprint –h
I) Create file system on the volume
Sun1#newfs /dev/vx/rdsk/ardg/vol1

k) Create a mount point

Sun1# mkdir /ar1

l) Mount the file system of volume

Sun1#mount /dev/vx/dsk/ardg/vol1 /ar1

m) Add data
Sun1# cd ar1

n) Copy files into ar1

Sun1#cp /etc/r* .

10)Split the link between (0001 and 0002)

Sun1# Symmir – g sun1ar split – consistent

11) Resume rdf link

Sun1# Symrdf – g sun1ar resume – bcv

12) Establish between R2 & Remote BCV

Sun1# Symmir – g sun1ar – est – full – rdf – bcv

13) Split the link

Sun1# Symmir – g sun1ar –split – rdf – bcv

14) Check the data on the target host sun2

a) Scandisks using volume manager

Sun2#vxdisk scandisks

b) List the disk groups

Sun2#vxdisk list

c) Import the diskgroup

Sun2#vxdg –C import ardg

d) Start the volume

Sun2#vxvol –g ardg startall
e) Create mount point
Sun2#mkdir /ar2

f) Mount the file system of volume

Sun2#mount /dev/vx/dsk/ardg/vol1 /ar2

g) Check the data

Sun2#cd /ar2

The data that was entered in the production volume (0001) should be displayed in
Remote BCV volume (0004)

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