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Taft-Hartley Act Pub. L. No. 101, 80th Cong., 1st Sess., 19 !, "1 Stat. 1#", as a$en%e% by Pub. L. No.

&'!, 8"th Cong., 1st Sess., 19'9( &9 ).S.C. **1 1-"!, &01-9!, +.C.A. &9 ** 1 1-"!, &01-9! SH,-T T.TL/( C,N0-/SS.,NAL 1/CLA-AT.,N ,+ P)-P,S/ AN1 P,L.C2 1. 3a4 Th5s cha6ter $ay be c5te% as the 7Labor 8anage$ent -elat5ons Act, 19 !7. 3b4 .n%ustr5al str5fe 9h5ch 5nterferes 95th the nor$al flo9 of co$$erce an% 95th the full 6ro%uct5on of art5cles an% co$$o%5t5es for co$$erce, can be a:o5%e% or substant5ally $5n5$5;e% 5f e$6loyers, e$6loyees, an% labor organ5;at5ons each recogn5;e un%er la9 one another<s leg5t5$ate r5ghts 5n the5r relat5ons 95th each other, an% abo:e all recogn5;e un%er la9 that ne5ther 6arty has any r5ght 5n 5ts relat5ons 95th any other to engage 5n acts or 6ract5ces 9h5ch =eo6ar%5;e the 6ubl5c health, safety, or 5nterest. .t 5s the 6ur6ose an% 6ol5cy of th5s cha6ter, 5n or%er to 6ro$ote the full flo9 of co$$erce, to 6rescr5be the leg5t5$ate r5ghts of both e$6loyees an% e$6loyers 5n the5r relat5ons affect5ng co$$erce, to 6ro:5%e or%erly an% 6eaceful 6roce%ures for 6re:ent5ng the 5nterference by e5ther 95th the leg5t5$ate r5ghts of the other, to 6rotect the r5ghts of 5n%5:5%ual e$6loyees 5n the5r relat5ons 95th labor organ5;at5ons 9hose act5:5t5es affect co$$erce, to %ef5ne an% 6roscr5be 6ract5ces on the 6art of labor an% $anage$ent 9h5ch affect co$$erce an% are 5n5$5cal to the general 9elfare, an% to 6rotect the r5ghts of the 6ubl5c 5n connect5on 95th labor %5s6utes affect5ng co$$erce. T.TL/ .. A8/N18/NT ,+ TH/ NAT.,NAL LA>,- -/LAT.,NS ACT ?The te@t of the Nat5onal Labor -elat5ons Act 9as a$en%e%. The a$en%$ents are sho9n 5n bol% 6r5nt 5n the NL-A f5le.A

T.TL/ ... C,NC.L.AT.,N ,+ LA>,- 1.SP)T/S( NAT.,NAL /8/-0/NC./S * &01. .t 5s the 6ol5cy of the )n5te% States thatB 3a4 soun% an% stable 5n%ustr5al 6eace an% the a%:ance$ent of the general 9elfare, health, an% safety of the Nat5on an% of the best 5nterests of e$6loyers an% e$6loyees can $ost sat5sfactor5ly be secure% by the settle$ent of 5ssues bet9een e$6loyers an% e$6loyees through the 6rocesses of conference an% collect5:e barga5n5ng bet9een e$6loyers an% the re6resentat5:es of the5r e$6loyees( 3b4 the settle$ent of 5ssues bet9een e$6loyers an% e$6loyees through collect5:e barga5n5ng $ay be a%:ance% by $aC5ng a:a5lable full an% a%eDuate go:ern$ental fac5l5t5es for conc5l5at5on, $e%5at5on, an% :oluntary arb5trat5on to a5% an% encourage e$6loyers an% the re6resentat5:es of the5r e$6loyees to reach an% $a5nta5n agree$ents concern5ng rates of 6ay, hours, an% 9orC5ng con%5t5ons, an% to $aCe all reasonable efforts to settle the5r %5fferences by $utual agree$ent reache% through conferences an% collect5:e barga5n5ng or by such $etho%s as $ay be 6ro:5%e% for 5n any a66l5cable agree$ent for the settle$ent of %5s6utes( an% 3c4 certa5n contro:ers5es 9h5ch ar5se bet9een 6art5es to collect5:e- barga5n5ng agree$ents $ay be a:o5%e% or $5n5$5;e% by $aC5ng a:a5lable full an% a%eDuate go:ern$ental fac5l5t5es for furn5sh5ng ass5stance to e$6loyers an% the re6resentat5:es of the5r e$6loyees 5n for$ulat5ng for 5nclus5on 95th5n such agree$ents 6ro:5s5on for a%eDuate not5ce of any 6ro6ose% changes 5n the ter$s of such agree$ents, for the f5nal a%=ust$ent of gr5e:ances or Duest5ons regar%5ng the a66l5cat5on or 5nter6retat5on of such agree$ents, an% other 6ro:5s5ons %es5gne% to 6re:ent the subseDuent ar5s5ng of such contro:ers5es. * &0&. 3a4 There 5s create% an 5n%e6en%ent agency to be Cno9n as the +e%eral 8e%5at5on an% Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce 3here5n referre% to as the 7Ser:5ce7, e@ce6t that for s5@ty %ays after Eune

&#, 19 !, such ter$ shall refer to the Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce of the 1e6art$ent of Labor4. The Ser:5ce shall be un%er the %5rect5on of a +e%eral 8e%5at5on an% Conc5l5at5on 15rector 3here5nafter referre% to as the 715rector74, 9ho shall be a66o5nte% by the Pres5%ent by an% 95th the a%:5ce an% consent of the Senate. The 15rector shall not engage 5n any other bus5ness, :ocat5on, or e$6loy$ent. 3b4 The 15rector 5s author5;e%, sub=ect to the c5:5l ser:5ce la9s, to a66o5nt such cler5cal an% other 6ersonnel as $ay be necessary for the e@ecut5on of the funct5ons of the Ser:5ce, an% shall f5@ the5r co$6ensat5on 5n accor%ance 95th cha6ter '1 an% subcha6ter ... of cha6ter '# of T5tle ', an% $ay, 95thout regar% to the 6ro:5s5ons of the c5:5l ser:5ce la9s, a66o5nt such conc5l5ators an% $e%5ators as $ay be necessary to carry out the funct5ons of the Ser:5ce. The 15rector 5s author5;e% to $aCe such e@6en%5tures for su66l5es, fac5l5t5es, an% ser:5ces as he %ee$s necessary. Such e@6en%5tures shall be allo9e% an% 6a5% u6on 6resentat5on of 5te$5;e% :ouchers therefor a66ro:e% by the 15rector or by any e$6loyee %es5gnate% by h5$ for that 6ur6ose. 3c4 The 6r5nc56al off5ce of the Ser:5ce shall be 5n the 15str5ct of Colu$b5a, but the 15rector $ay establ5sh reg5onal off5ces con:en5ent to local5t5es 5n 9h5ch labor contro:ers5es are l5Cely to ar5se. The 15rector $ay by or%er, sub=ect to re:ocat5on at any t5$e, %elegate any author5ty an% %5scret5on conferre% u6on h5$ by th5s cha6ter to any reg5onal %5rector, or other off5cer or e$6loyee of the Ser:5ce. The 15rector $ay establ5sh su5table 6roce%ures for coo6erat5on 95th State an% local $e%5at5on agenc5es. The 15rector shall $aCe an annual re6ort 5n 9r5t5ng to Congress at the en% of the f5scal year. 3%4 All $e%5at5on an% conc5l5at5on funct5ons of the Secretary of Labor or the )n5te% States Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce un%er sect5on '1 of th5s t5tle, an% all funct5ons of the )n5te% States Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce un%er any other la9 are transferre% to the +e%eral 8e%5at5on an%

Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce, together 95th the 6ersonnel an% recor%s of the )n5te% States Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce. Such transfer shall taCe effect u6on the s5@t5eth %ay after Eune &#, 19 !. Such transfer shall not affect any 6rocee%5ngs 6en%5ng before the )n5te% States Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce or any cert5f5cat5on, or%er, rule, or regulat5on theretofore $a%e by 5t or by the Secretary of Labor. The 15rector an% the Ser:5ce shall not be sub=ect 5n any 9ay to the =ur5s%5ct5on or author5ty of the Secretary of Labor or any off5c5al or %5:5s5on of the 1e6art$ent of Labor. +)NCT.,NS ,+ S/-F.C/ * &0#. 3a4 .t shall be the %uty of the Ser:5ce, 5n or%er to 6re:ent or $5n5$5;e 5nterru6t5ons of the free flo9 of co$$erce gro95ng out of labor %5s6utes, to ass5st 6art5es to labor %5s6utes 5n 5n%ustr5es affect5ng co$$erce to settle such %5s6utes through conc5l5at5on an% $e%5at5on. 3b4 The Ser:5ce $ay 6roffer 5ts ser:5ces 5n any labor %5s6ute 5n any 5n%ustry affect5ng co$$erce, e5ther u6on 5ts o9n $ot5on or u6on the reDuest of one or $ore of the 6art5es to the %5s6ute, 9hene:er 5n 5ts =u%g$ent such %5s6ute threatens to cause a substant5al 5nterru6t5on of co$$erce. The 15rector an% the Ser:5ce are %5recte% to a:o5% atte$6t5ng to $e%5ate %5s6utes 9h5ch 9oul% ha:e only a $5nor effect on 5nterstate co$$erce 5f State or other conc5l5at5on ser:5ces are a:a5lable to the 6art5es. Ghene:er the Ser:5ce %oes 6roffer 5ts ser:5ces 5n any %5s6ute, 5t shall be the %uty of the Ser:5ce 6ro$6tly to 6ut 5tself 5n co$$un5cat5on 95th the 6art5es an% to use 5ts best efforts, by $e%5at5on an% conc5l5at5on, to br5ng the$ to agree$ent. 3c4 .f the 15rector 5s not able to br5ng the 6art5es to agree$ent by conc5l5at5on 95th5n a reasonable t5$e, he shall seeC to 5n%uce the 6art5es :oluntar5ly to seeC other $eans of settl5ng the %5s6ute 95thout resort to str5Ce, locC-out, or other coerc5on, 5nclu%5ng sub$5ss5on to the e$6loyees 5n the barga5n5ng un5t of the e$6loyer<s last offer of settle$ent for a66ro:al or re=ect5on 5n a secret ballot. The fa5lure or refusal of e5ther 6arty to agree to any 6roce%ure

suggeste% by the 15rector shall not be %ee$e% a :5olat5on of any %uty or obl5gat5on 5$6ose% by th5s cha6ter. 3%4 +5nal a%=ust$ent by a $etho% agree% u6on by the 6art5es 5s %eclare% to be the %es5rable $etho% for settle$ent of gr5e:ance %5s6utes ar5s5ng o:er the a66l5cat5on or 5nter6retat5on of an e@5st5ng collect5:e-barga5n5ng agree$ent. The Ser:5ce 5s %5recte% to $aCe 5ts conc5l5at5on an% $e%5at5on ser:5ces a:a5lable 5n the settle$ent of such gr5e:ance %5s6utes only as a last resort an% 5n e@ce6t5onal cases. 3e4 The Ser:5ce 5s author5;e% an% %5recte% to encourage an% su66ort the establ5sh$ent an% o6erat5on of =o5nt labor $anage$ent act5:5t5es con%ucte% by 6lant, area, an% 5n%ustry95%e co$$5ttees %es5gne% to 5$6ro:e labor $anage$ent relat5onsh56s, =ob secur5ty an% organ5;at5onal effect5:eness, 5n accor%ance 95th the 6ro:5s5ons of sect5on &0'a of th5s t5tle. 3f4 The Ser:5ce $ay $aCe 5ts ser:5ces a:a5lable to +e%eral agenc5es to a5% 5n the resolut5on of %5s6utes un%er the 6ro:5s5ons of subcha6ter .F of cha6ter ' of T5tle '. +unct5ons 6erfor$e% by the Ser:5ce $ay 5nclu%e ass5st5ng 6art5es to %5s6utes relate% to a%$5n5strat5:e 6rogra$s, tra5n5ng 6ersons 5n sC5lls an% 6roce%ures e$6loye% 5n alternat5:e $eans of %5s6ute resolut5on, an% furn5sh5ng off5cers an% e$6loyees of the Ser:5ce to act as neutrals. ,nly off5cers an% e$6loyees 9ho are Dual5f5e% 5n accor%ance 95th sect5on '!# of T5tle ' $ay be ass5gne% to act as neutrals. The Ser:5ce shall consult 95th the agency %es5gnate% by, or the 5nteragency co$$5ttee %es5gnate% or establ5she% by, the Pres5%ent un%er sect5on '!# of T5tle ' 5n $a5nta5n5ng rosters of neutrals an% arb5trators, an% to a%o6t such 6roce%ures an% rules as are necessary to carry out the ser:5ces author5;e% 5n th5s subsect5on. * &0 . 3a4 .n or%er to 6re:ent or $5n5$5;e 5nterru6t5ons of the free flo9 of co$$erce gro95ng out of labor %5s6utes, e$6loyers an% e$6loyees an% the5r re6resentat5:es, 5n any

5n%ustry affect5ng co$$erce, shallB 314 e@ert e:ery reasonable effort to $aCe an% $a5nta5n agree$ents concern5ng rates of 6ay, hours, an% 9orC5ng con%5t5ons, 5nclu%5ng 6ro:5s5on for a%eDuate not5ce of any 6ro6ose% change 5n the ter$s of such agree$ents( 3&4 9hene:er a %5s6ute ar5ses o:er the ter$s or a66l5cat5on of a collect5:ebarga5n5ng agree$ent an% a conference 5s reDueste% by a 6arty or 6ros6ect5:e 6arty thereto, arrange 6ro$6tly for such a conference to be hel% an% en%ea:or 5n such conference to settle such %5s6ute e@6e%5t5ously( an% 3#4 5n case such %5s6ute 5s not settle% by conference, 6art5c56ate fully an% 6ro$6tly 5n such $eet5ngs as $ay be un%ertaCen by the Ser:5ce un%er th5s cha6ter for the 6ur6ose of a5%5ng 5n a settle$ent of the %5s6ute. * &0'. 3a4 There 5s create% a Nat5onal Labor-8anage$ent Panel 9h5ch shall be co$6ose% of t9el:e $e$bers a66o5nte% by the Pres5%ent, s5@ of 9ho$ shall be selecte% fro$ a$ong 6ersons outstan%5ng 5n the f5el% of $anage$ent an% s5@ of 9ho$ shall be selecte% fro$ a$ong 6ersons outstan%5ng 5n the f5el% of labor. /ach $e$ber shall hol% off5ce for a ter$ of three years, e@ce6t that any $e$ber a66o5nte% to f5ll a :acancy occurr5ng 6r5or to the e@65rat5on of the ter$ for 9h5ch h5s 6re%ecessor 9as a66o5nte% shall be a66o5nte% for the re$a5n%er of such ter$, an% the ter$s of off5ce of the $e$bers f5rst taC5ng off5ce shall e@65re, as %es5gnate% by the Pres5%ent at the t5$e of a66o5nt$ent, four at the en% of the f5rst year, four at the en% of the secon% year, an% four at the en% of the th5r% year after the %ate of a66o5nt$ent. 8e$bers of the 6anel, 9hen ser:5ng on bus5ness of the 6anel, shall be 6a5% co$6ensat5on at the rate of H&' 6er %ay, an% shall also be ent5tle% to rece5:e an allo9ance for actual an% necessary tra:el an% subs5stence e@6enses 9h5le so ser:5ng a9ay fro$ the5r 6laces of res5%ence.

3b4 .t shall be the %uty of the 6anel, at the reDuest of the 15rector, to a%:5se 5n the a:o5%ance of 5n%ustr5al contro:ers5es an% the $anner 5n 9h5ch $e%5at5on an% :oluntary a%=ust$ent shall be a%$5n5stere%, 6art5cularly 95th reference to contro:ers5es affect5ng the general 9elfare of the country. * &0'a.I 3a4 314 The Ser:5ce 5s author5;e% an% %5recte% to 6ro:5%e ass5stance 5n the establ5sh$ent an% o6erat5on of 6lant, area an% 5n%ustry95%e labor $anage$ent co$$5ttees 9h5chB 3A4 ha:e been organ5;e% =o5ntly by e$6loyers an% labor organ5;at5ons re6resent5ng e$6loyees 5n that 6lant, area, or 5n%ustry( an% 3>4 are establ5she% for the 6ur6ose of 5$6ro:5ng labor $anage$ent relat5onsh56s, =ob secur5ty, organ5;at5onal effect5:eness, enhanc5ng econo$5c %e:elo6$ent or 5n:ol:5ng 9orCers 5n %ec5s5ons affect5ng the5r =obs 5nclu%5ng 5$6ro:5ng co$$un5cat5on 95th res6ect to sub=ects of $utual 5nterest an% concern. 3&4 The Ser:5ce 5s author5;e% an% %5recte% to enter 5nto contracts an% to $aCe grants, 9here necessary or a66ro6r5ate, to fulf5ll 5ts res6ons5b5l5t5es un%er th5s sect5on. 3b4 314 No grant $ay be $a%e, no contract $ay be entere% 5nto an% no other ass5stance $ay be 6ro:5%e% un%er the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on to a 6lant labor $anage$ent co$$5ttee unless the e$6loyees 5n that 6lant are re6resente% by a labor organ5;at5on an% there 5s 5n effect at that 6lant a collect5:e barga5n5ng agree$ent. 3&4 No grant $ay be $a%e, no contract $ay be entere% 5nto an% no other ass5stance $ay be 6ro:5%e% un%er the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on to an area or 5n%ustry95%e labor $anage$ent co$$5ttee unless 5ts 6art5c56ants 5nclu%e any labor organ5;at5ons cert5f5e% or recogn5;e% as the re6resentat5:e of the e$6loyees of an e$6loyer 6art5c56at5ng 5n such co$$5ttee. Noth5ng 5n

th5s clause shall 6roh5b5t 6art5c56at5on 5n an area or 5n%ustry95%e co$$5ttee by an e$6loyer 9hose e$6loyees are not re6resente% by a labor organ5;at5on. 3#4 No grant $ay be $a%e un%er the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on to any labor $anage$ent co$$5ttee 9h5ch the Ser:5ce f5n%s to ha:e as one of 5ts 6ur6oses the %5scourage$ent of the e@erc5se of r5ghts conta5ne% 5n sect5on 1'! of th5s t5tle, or the 5nterference 95th collect5:e barga5n5ng 5n any 6lant, or 5n%ustry. 3c4 The Ser:5ce shall carry out the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on through an off5ce establ5she% for that 6ur6ose. I Th5s sect5on 9as a%%e% 5n 19!8. 3%4 There are author5;e% to be a66ro6r5ate% to carry out the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on H10,000,000 for the f5scal year 19!9, an% such su$s as $ay be necessary thereafter. NAT.,NAL /8/-0/NC./S * &0". Ghene:er 5n the o65n5on of the Pres5%ent of the )n5te% States, a threatene% or actual str5Ce or locCout affect5ng an ent5re 5n%ustry or a substant5al 6art thereof engage% 5n tra%e, co$$erce, trans6ortat5on, trans$5ss5on, or co$$un5cat5on a$ong the se:eral States or 95th fore5gn nat5ons, or engage% 5n the 6ro%uct5on of goo%s for co$$erce, 95ll, 5f 6er$5tte% to occur or to cont5nue, 5$6er5l the nat5onal health or safety, he $ay a66o5nt a boar% of 5nDu5ry to 5nDu5re 5nto the 5ssues 5n:ol:e% 5n the %5s6ute an% to $aCe a 9r5tten re6ort to h5$ 95th5n such t5$e as he shall 6rescr5be. Such re6ort shall 5nclu%e a state$ent of the facts 95th res6ect to the %5s6ute, 5nclu%5ng each 6arty<s state$ent of 5ts 6os5t5on but shall not conta5n any reco$$en%at5ons. The Pres5%ent shall f5le a co6y of such re6ort 95th the Ser:5ce an% shall $aCe 5ts contents a:a5lable to the 6ubl5c. * &0!. 3a4 A boar% of 5nDu5ry shall be co$6ose% of a cha5r$an an% such other $e$bers as

the Pres5%ent shall %eter$5ne, an% shall ha:e 6o9er to s5t an% act 5n any 6lace 95th5n the )n5te% States an% to con%uct such hear5ngs e5ther 5n 6ubl5c or 5n 6r5:ate, as 5t $ay %ee$ necessary or 6ro6er, to ascerta5n the facts 95th res6ect to the causes an% c5rcu$stances of the %5s6ute. 3b4 8e$bers of a boar% of 5nDu5ry shall rece5:e co$6ensat5on at the rate of H'0 for each %ay actually s6ent by the$ 5n the 9orC of the boar%, together 95th necessary tra:el an% subs5stence e@6enses. 3c4 +or the 6ur6ose of any hear5ng or 5nDu5ry con%ucte% by any boar% a66o5nte% un%er th5s t5tle, the 6ro:5s5ons of sect5ons 9 an% '0 of T5tle 1' 3relat5ng to the atten%ance of 95tnesses an% the 6ro%uct5on of booCs, 6a6ers, an% %ocu$ents4 are $a%e a66l5cable to the 6o9ers an% %ut5es of such boar%. * &08. 3a4 )6on rece5:5ng a re6ort fro$ a boar% of 5nDu5ry the Pres5%ent $ay %5rect the Attorney 0eneral to 6et5t5on any %5str5ct court of the )n5te% States ha:5ng =ur5s%5ct5on of the 6art5es to en=o5n such str5Ce or locC-out or the cont5nu5ng thereof, an% 5f the court f5n%s that such threatene% or actual str5Ce or locC- outB 354 affects an ent5re 5n%ustry or a substant5al 6art thereof engage% 5n tra%e, co$$erce, trans6ortat5on, trans$5ss5on, or co$$un5cat5on a$ong the se:eral States or 95th fore5gn nat5ons, or engage% 5n the 6ro%uct5on of goo%s for co$$erce( an% 3554 5f 6er$5tte% to occur or to cont5nue, 95ll 5$6er5l the nat5onal health or safety, 5t shall ha:e =ur5s%5ct5on to en=o5n any such str5Ce or locCout, or the cont5nu5ng thereof, an% to $aCe such other or%ers as $ay be a66ro6r5ate. 3b4 .n any case, the 6ro:5s5ons of cha6ter " of th5s t5tle shall not be a66l5cable. 3c4 The or%er or or%ers of the court shall be sub=ect to re:5e9 by the a66ro6r5ate )n5te%

States court of a66eals an% by the Su6re$e Court u6on 9r5t of cert5orar5 or cert5f5cat5on as 6ro:5%e% 5n sect5on 1&' of T5tle &8. * &09. 3a4 Ghene:er a %5str5ct court has 5ssue% an or%er un%er sect5on &08 of th5s t5tle en=o5n5ng acts or 6ract5ces 9h5ch 5$6er5l or threaten to 5$6er5l the nat5onal health or safety, 5t shall be the %uty of the 6art5es to the labor %5s6ute g5:5ng r5se to such or%er to $aCe e:ery effort to a%=ust an% settle the5r %5fferences, 95th the ass5stance of the Ser:5ce create% by th5s cha6ter. Ne5ther 6arty shall be un%er any %uty to acce6t, 5n 9hole or 5n 6art, any 6ro6osal of settle$ent $a%e by the Ser:5ce. 3b4 )6on the 5ssuance of such or%er, the Pres5%ent shall recon:ene the boar% of 5nDu5ry 9h5ch has 6re:5ously re6orte% 95th res6ect to the %5s6ute. At the en% of a s5@ty-%ay 6er5o% 3unless the %5s6ute has been settle% by that t5$e4, the boar% of 5nDu5ry shall re6ort to the Pres5%ent the current 6os5t5on of the 6art5es an% the efforts 9h5ch ha:e been $a%e for settle$ent, an% shall 5nclu%e a state$ent by each 6arty of 5ts 6os5t5on an% a state$ent of the e$6loyer<s last offer of settle$ent. The Pres5%ent shall $aCe such re6ort a:a5lable to the 6ubl5c. The Nat5onal Labor -elat5ons >oar%, 95th5n the succee%5ng f5fteen %ays, shall taCe a secret ballot of the e$6loyees of each e$6loyer 5n:ol:e% 5n the %5s6ute on the Duest5on of 9hether they 95sh to acce6t the f5nal offer of settle$ent $a%e by the5r e$6loyer as state% by h5$ an% shall cert5fy the results thereof to the Attorney 0eneral 95th5n f5:e %ays thereafter. * &10. )6on the cert5f5cat5on of the results of such ballot or u6on a settle$ent be5ng reache%, 9h5che:er ha66ens sooner, the Attorney 0eneral shall $o:e the court to %5scharge the 5n=unct5on, 9h5ch $ot5on shall then be grante% an% the 5n=unct5on %5scharge%. Ghen such $ot5on 5s grante%, the Pres5%ent shall sub$5t to the Congress a full an% co$6rehens5:e re6ort of the 6rocee%5ngs, 5nclu%5ng the f5n%5ngs of the boar% of 5nDu5ry an% the ballot taCen by the

Nat5onal Labor -elat5ons >oar%, together 95th such reco$$en%at5ons as he $ay see f5t to $aCe for cons5%erat5on an% a66ro6r5ate act5on. C,8P.LAT.,N ,+ C,LL/CT.F/ >A-0A.N.N0 A0-//8/NTS * &11. 3a4 +or the gu5%ance an% 5nfor$at5on of 5ntereste% re6resentat5:es of e$6loyers, e$6loyees, an% the general 6ubl5c, the >ureau of Labor Stat5st5cs of the 1e6art$ent of Labor shall $a5nta5n a f5le of co65es of all a:a5lable collect5:e barga5n5ng agree$ents an% other a:a5lable agree$ents an% act5ons thereun%er settl5ng or a%=ust5ng labor %5s6utes. Such f5le shall be o6en to 5ns6ect5on un%er a66ro6r5ate con%5t5ons 6rescr5be% by the Secretary of Labor, e@ce6t that no s6ec5f5c 5nfor$at5on sub$5tte% 5n conf5%ence shall be %5sclose%. 3b4 The >ureau of Labor Stat5st5cs 5n the 1e6art$ent of Labor 5s author5;e% to furn5sh u6on reDuest of the Ser:5ce, or e$6loyers, e$6loyees, or the5r re6resentat5:es, all a:a5lable %ata an% factual 5nfor$at5on 9h5ch $ay a5% 5n the settle$ent of any labor %5s6ute, e@ce6t that no s6ec5f5c 5nfor$at5on sub$5tte% 5n conf5%ence shall be %5sclose%. /J/8PT.,N ,+ -A.LGA2 LA>,- ACT * &1&. The 6ro:5s5ons of th5s subcha6ter shall not be a66l5cable 95th res6ect to any $atter 9h5ch 5s sub=ect to the 6ro:5s5ons of the -a5l9ay Labor Act ?* ' ).S.C.A. 1'1 et seD.A, as a$en%e% fro$ t5$e to t5$e. C,NC.L.AT.,N ,+ LA>,- 1.SP)T/S .N TH/ H/ALTH CA-/ .N1)ST-2I * &1#. 3a4 .f, 5n the o65n5on of the 15rector of the +e%eral 8e%5at5on an% Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce, a threatene% or actual str5Ce or locCout affect5ng a health care 5nst5tut5on 95ll, 5f 6er$5tte% to occur or to cont5nue, substant5ally 5nterru6t the %el5:ery of health care 5n the local5ty concerne%, the 15rector $ay further ass5st 5n the resolut5on of the 5$6asse by I Th5s sect5on 9as a%%e% 5n 19! .

establ5sh5ng 95th5n #0 %ays after the not5ce to the +e%eral 8e%5at5on an% Conc5l5at5on Ser:5ce un%er clause 3A4 of the last sentence of sect5on 1'83%4 of th5s t5tle 39h5ch 5s reDu5re% by clause 3#4 of such sect5on 1'83%4 of th5s t5tle4, or 95th5n 10 %ays after the not5ce un%er clause 3>4, an 5$6art5al >oar% of .nDu5ry to 5n:est5gate the 5ssues 5n:ol:e% 5n the %5s6ute an% to $aCe a 9r5tten re6ort thereon to the 6art5es 95th5n f5fteen 31'4 %ays after the establ5sh$ent of such a >oar%. The 9r5tten re6ort shall conta5n the f5n%5ngs of fact together 95th the >oar%<s reco$$en%at5ons for settl5ng the %5s6ute, 95th the ob=ect5:e of ach5e:5ng a 6ro$6t, 6eaceful an% =ust settle$ent of the %5s6ute. /ach such >oar% shall be co$6ose% of such nu$ber of 5n%5:5%uals as the 15rector $ay %ee$ %es5rable. No $e$ber a66o5nte% un%er th5s sect5on shall ha:e any 5nterest or 5n:ol:e$ent 5n the health care 5nst5tut5ons or the e$6loyee organ5;at5ons 5n:ol:e% 5n the %5s6ute. 3b4 314 8e$bers of any boar% establ5she% un%er th5s sect5on 9ho are other95se e$6loye% by the fe%eral go:ern$ent shall ser:e 95thout co$6ensat5on but shall be re5$burse% for tra:el, subs5stence, an% other necessary e@6enses 5ncurre% by the$ 5n carry5ng out 5ts %ut5es un%er th5s sect5on. 3&4 8e$bers of any boar% establ5she% un%er th5s sect5on 9ho are not sub=ect to 6aragra6h 314 shall rece5:e co$6ensat5on at a rate 6rescr5be% by the %5rector but not to e@cee% the %a5ly rate 6rescr5be% for gs-18 of the general sche%ule un%er sect5on '##& of t5tle ', 5nclu%5ng tra:el for each %ay they are engage% 5n the 6erfor$ance of the5r %ut5es un%er th5s sect5on an% shall be ent5tle% to re5$burse$ent for tra:el, subs5stence, an% other necessary e@6enses 5ncurre% by the$ 5n carry5ng out the5r %ut5es un%er th5s sect5on. 3c4 After the establ5sh$ent of a boar% un%er subsect5on 3a4 of th5s sect5on an% for 1' %ays after any such boar% has 5ssue% 5ts re6ort, no change 5n the status Duo 5n effect 6r5or to the

e@65rat5on of the contract 5n the case of negot5at5ons for a contract rene9al, or 5n effect 6r5or to the t5$e of the 5$6asse 5n the case of an 5n5t5al beg5nn5ng negot5at5on, e@ce6t by agree$ent, shall be $a%e by the 6art5es to the contro:ersy. 3%4 There are author5;e% to be a66ro6r5ate% such su$s as $ay be necessary to carry out the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on. T.TL/ ... S).TS >2 AN1 A0A.NST LA>,- ,-0AN.KAT.,NS * #01. 3a4 Su5ts for :5olat5on of contracts bet9een an e$6loyer an% a labor organ5;at5on re6resent5ng e$6loyees 5n an 5n%ustry affect5ng co$$erce as %ef5ne% 5n th5s cha6ter, or bet9een any such labor organ5;at5ons, $ay be brought 5n any %5str5ct court of the )n5te% States ha:5ng =ur5s%5ct5on of the 6art5es, 95thout res6ect to the a$ount 5n contro:ersy or 95thout regar% to the c5t5;ensh56 of the 6art5es. 3b4 Any labor organ5;at5on 9h5ch re6resents e$6loyees 5n an 5n%ustry affect5ng co$$erce as %ef5ne% 5n th5s cha6ter an% any e$6loyer 9hose act5:5t5es affect co$$erce as %ef5ne% 5n th5s cha6ter shall be boun% by the acts of 5ts agents. Any such labor organ5;at5on $ay sue or be sue% as an ent5ty an% 5n behalf of the e$6loyees 9ho$ 5t re6resents 5n the courts of the )n5te% States. Any $oney =u%g$ent aga5nst a labor organ5;at5on 5n a %5str5ct court of the )n5te% States shall be enforceable only aga5nst the organ5;at5on as an ent5ty an% aga5nst 5ts assets, an% shall not be enforceable aga5nst any 5n%5:5%ual $e$ber or h5s assets. 3c4 +or the 6ur6oses of act5ons an% 6rocee%5ngs by or aga5nst labor organ5;at5ons 5n the %5str5ct courts of the )n5te% States, %5str5ct courts shall be %ee$e% to ha:e =ur5s%5ct5on of a labor organ5;at5on 314 5n the %5str5ct 5n 9h5ch such organ5;at5on $a5nta5ns 5ts 6r5nc56al off5ce, or 3&4 5n any %5str5ct 5n 9h5ch 5ts %uly author5;e% off5cers or agents are engage% 5n re6resent5ng

or act5ng for e$6loyee $e$bers. 3%4 The ser:5ce of su$$ons, sub6ena, or other legal 6rocess of any court of the )n5te% States u6on an off5cer or agent of a labor organ5;at5on, 5n h5s ca6ac5ty as such, shall const5tute ser:5ce u6on the labor organ5;at5on. 3e4 +or the 6ur6oses of th5s sect5on, 5n %eter$5n5ng 9hether any 6erson 5s act5ng as an 7agent7 of another 6erson so as to $aCe such other 6erson res6ons5ble for h5s acts, the Duest5on of 9hether the s6ec5f5c acts 6erfor$e% 9ere actually author5;e% or subseDuently rat5f5e% shall not be controll5ng. -/ST-.CT.,NS ,N +.NANC.AL T-ANSACT.,NSI * #0&. 3a4 .t shall be unla9ful for any e$6loyer or association of employers or any person who acts as a labor relations expert, adviser, or consultant to an employer or 9ho acts 5n the 5nterest of an e$6loyer to 6ay, len%, or %el5:er, or agree to 6ay, lend, or %el5:er, any $oney or other th5ng of :alueB 314 to any re6resentat5:e of any of h5s e$6loyees 9ho are e$6loye% 5n an 5n%ustry affect5ng co$$erce( or (2) to any labor organization, or any officer or employee thereof, which represents, seeks to represent, or would admit to membership, any of the employees of such employer who are employed in an industry affecting commerce; or (3) to any employee or group or committee of employees of such employer employed in an industry affecting commerce in excess of their normal compensation for the purpose of causing such employee or group or committee directly or indirectly to influence any other employees in the exercise of the right

to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing; or ( ) to any officer or employee of a labor organization engaged in an industry affecting commerce with intent to influence him in respect to any of his actions, decisions, or duties as a representative of employees or as such officer or employee of such labor organization! 3b4 314 .t shall be unla9ful for any ?re6resentat5:e of any e$6loyees 9ho are e$6loye% 5n an 5n%ustry affect5ng co$$erceA person to re"uest, demand, ?toA rece5:e, or acce6t, or ?toA agree to receive or accept ?fro$ the e$6loyer of such e$6loyees any payment, loan, or delivery of any money or other thing of value ?.A prohibited by subsection (a) of this section. (2) #t shall be unlawful for any labor organization, or for any person acting as an officer, agent, representative, or employee of such labor organization, to demand or accept from the I The 6ro:5s5ons of ** #0& an% #0# conta5ne% 5n the L8-A, unless other95se 5n%5cate%, are 5n ro$an ty6e belo9( a%%5t5ons to those sect5ons $a%e by the L8-1A a66ear 5n italics( an% %elet5ons are 5n bracCets. operator of any motor vehicle (as defined in section $3$%2 of &itle ') employed in the transportation of property in commerce, or the employer of any such operator, any money or other thing of value payable to such organization or to an officer, agent, representative or employee thereof as a fee or charge for the unloading, or in connection with the unloading, of the cargo of such vehicle( )rovided, &hat nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to make unlawful any payment by an employer to any of his employees as compensation for their services as employees! 3c4 /@ce6t5ons

The 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on shall not be a66l5cable 314 ?95thA in res6ect to any $oney or other th5ng of :alue 6ayable by an e$6loyer to any of his employees whose established duties include acting openly for such employer in matters of labor relations or personnel administration or to any representative of his employees, or to any officer or employee of a labor organization, 9ho 5s also an e$6loyee or for$er e$6loyee of such e$6loyer, as co$6ensat5on for, or by reason of, h5s ser:5ce?sA as an e$6loyee of such e$6loyer( 3&4 95th res6ect to the 6ay$ent or %el5:ery of any $oney or other th5ng of :alue 5n sat5sfact5on of a =u%g$ent of any court or a %ec5s5on or a9ar% of an arb5trator or 5$6art5al cha5r$an or 5n co$6ro$5se, a%=ust$ent, settle$ent, or release of any cla5$, co$6la5nt, gr5e:ance, or %5s6ute 5n the absence of frau% or %uress( 3#4 95th res6ect to the sale or 6urchase of an art5cle or co$$o%5ty at the 6re:a5l5ng $arCet 6r5ce 5n the regular course of bus5ness( 3 4 95th res6ect to $oney %e%ucte% fro$ the 9ages of e$6loyees 5n 6ay$ent of $e$bersh56 %ues 5n a labor organ5;at5onL Pro:5%e%, That the e$6loyer has rece5:e% fro$ each e$6loyee, on 9hose account such %e%uct5ons are $a%e, a 9r5tten ass5gn$ent 9h5ch shall not be 5rre:ocable for a 6er5o% of $ore than one year, or beyon% the ter$5nat5on %ate of the a66l5cable collect5:e agree$ent, 9h5che:er occurs sooner( ?orA 3'4 95th res6ect to $oney or other th5ng of :alue 6a5% to a trust fun% establ5she% by such re6resentat5:e, for the sole an% e@clus5:e benef5t of the e$6loyees of such e$6loyer, an% the5r fa$5l5es an% %e6en%ents 3or of such e$6loyees, fa$5l5es, an% %e6en%ents =o5ntly 95th the e$6loyees of other e$6loyers $aC5ng s5$5lar 6ay$ents, an% the5r fa$5l5es an% %e6en%ents4L Pro:5%e%, That 3A4 such 6ay$ents are hel% 5n trust for the 6ur6ose of 6ay5ng, e5ther fro$ 6r5nc56al or 5nco$e or both, for the benef5t of e$6loyees, the5r fa$5l5es an% %e6en%ents, for $e%5cal or hos65tal care, 6ens5ons on ret5re$ent or %eath of e$6loyees, co$6ensat5on for 5n=ur5es or 5llness result5ng fro$ occu6at5onal act5:5ty

or 5nsurance to 6ro:5%e any of the forego5ng, or une$6loy$ent benef5ts or l5fe 5nsurance, %5sab5l5ty an% s5cCness 5nsurance, or acc5%ent 5nsurance( 3>4 the %eta5le% bas5s on 9h5ch such 6ay$ents are to be $a%e 5s s6ec5f5e% 5n a 9r5tten agree$ent 95th the e$6loyer, an% e$6loyees an% e$6loyers are eDually re6resente% 5n the a%$5n5strat5on of such fun%, together 95th such neutral 6ersons as the re6resentat5:es of ?theA e$6loyers an% the re6resentat5:es of e$6loyees $ay agree u6on an% 5n the e:ent the e$6loyer an% e$6loyee grou6s %ea%locC on the a%$5n5strat5on of such fun% an% there are no neutral 6ersons e$6o9ere% to breaC such %ea%locC, such agree$ent 6ro:5%es that the t9o grou6s shall agree on an 5$6art5al u$65re to %ec5%e such %5s6ute, or 5n e:ent of the5r fa5lure to agree 95th5n a reasonable length of t5$e, an 5$6art5al u$65re to %ec5%e such %5s6ute shall, on 6et5t5on of e5ther grou6, be a66o5nte% by the %5str5ct court of the )n5te% States for the %5str5ct 9here the trust fun% has 5ts 6r5nc56al off5ce, an% shall also conta5n 6ro:5s5ons for an annual au%5t of the trust fun%, a state$ent of the results of 9h5ch shall be a:a5lable for 5ns6ect5on by 5ntereste% 6ersons at the 6r5nc56al off5ce of the trust fun% an% at such other 6laces as $ay be %es5gnate% 5n such 9r5tten agree$ent( an% 3C4 such 6ay$ents as are 5nten%e% to be use% for the 6ur6ose of 6ro:5%5ng 6ens5ons or annu5t5es for e$6loyees are $a%e to a se6arate trust 9h5ch 6ro:5%es that the fun%s hel% there5n cannot be use% for any 6ur6ose other than 6ay5ng such 6ens5ons or annu5t5es( (*) with respect to money or other thing of value paid by any employer to a trust fund established by such representative for the purpose of pooled vacation, holiday, severance or similar benefits, or defraying costs of apprenticeship or other training programs( )rovided, &hat the re"uirements of clause (+) of the proviso to clause (,) of this subsection shall apply to such trust funds; or 3!4 95th res6ect to $oney or other th5ng of :alue 6a5% by any e$6loyer to a 6oole% or 5n%5:5%ual trust fun% establ5she% by such re6resentat5:e for the 6ur6ose of 3A4 scholarsh56s for the benef5t of

e$6loyees, the5r fa$5l5es, an% %e6en%ents for stu%y at e%ucat5onal 5nst5tut5ons, 3>4 ch5l% care centers for 6reschool an% school age %e6en%ents of e$6loyees, or 3C4 f5nanc5al ass5stance for e$6loyee hous5ngL Pro:5%e%, That no labor organ5;at5on or e$6loyer shall be reDu5re% to barga5n on the establ5sh$ent of any such trust fun%, an% refusal to %o so shall not const5tute an unfa5r labor 6ract5ceL Pro:5%e% further, That the reDu5re$ents of clause 3>4 of the 6ro:5so to clause 3'4 of th5s subsect5on shall a66ly to such trust fun%s( 384 95th res6ect to $oney or any other th5ng of :alue 6a5% by any e$6loyer to a trust fun% establ5she% by such re6resentat5:e for the 6ur6ose of %efray5ng the costs of legal ser:5ces for e$6loyees, the5r fa$5l5es, an% %e6en%ents for counsel or 6lan of the5r cho5ceL Pro:5%e%, That the reDu5re$ents of clause 3>4 of the 6ro:5so to clause 3'4 of th5s subsect5on shall a66ly to such trust fun%sL Pro:5%e% further, That no such legal ser:5ces shall be furn5she%L 3A4 to 5n5t5ate any 6rocee%5ng %5recte% 354 aga5nst any such e$6loyer or 5ts off5cers or agents e@ce6t 5n 9orC$an<s co$6ensat5on cases, or 3554 aga5nst such labor organ5;at5on, or 5ts 6arent or subor%5nate bo%5es, or the5r off5cers or agents, or 35554 aga5nst any other e$6loyer or labor organ5;at5on, or the5r off5cers or agents, 5n any $atter ar5s5ng un%er subcha6ter .. of th5s cha6ter or th5s cha6ter( an% 3>4 5n any 6rocee%5ng 9here a labor organ5;at5on 9oul% be 6roh5b5te% fro$ %efray5ng the costs of legal ser:5ces by the 6ro:5s5ons of the Labor-8anage$ent -e6ort5ng an% 15sclosure Act of 19'9 ?*&9 ).S.C.A. 01 et seD.A( or 394 95th res6ect to $oney or other th5ngs of :alue 6a5% by an e$6loyer to a 6lant, area or 5n%ustry95%e labor $anage$ent co$$5ttee establ5she% for one or $ore of the 6ur6oses set forth 5n sect5on '3b4 of the Labor 8anage$ent Coo6erat5on Act of 19!8.I 3%4 314 Any 6erson 9ho 6art5c56ates 5n a transact5on 5n:ol:5ng a 6ay$ent, loan, or %el5:ery of $oney or other th5ng of :alue to a labor organ5;at5on 5n 6ay$ent of $e$bersh56 %ues or to a =o5nt labor-$anage$ent trust fun% as %ef5ne% by clause 3>4 of the 6ro:5so to clause 3'4 of

subsect5on 3c4 of th5s sect5on or to a 6lant, area, or 5n%ustry-95%e labor-$anage$ent co$$5ttee that 5s rece5:e% an% use% by such labor organ5;at5on, trust fun%, or co$$5ttee, 9h5ch transact5on %oes not sat5sfy all the a66l5cable reDu5re$ents of subsect5ons 3c43 4 through 3c4394 of th5s sect5on, an% 95llfully an% 95th 5ntent to benef5t h5$self or to benef5t other 6ersons he Cno9s are not 6er$5tte% to rece5:e a 6ay$ent, loan, $oney, or other th5ng of :alue un%er subsect5ons 3c43 4 through 3c4394 :5olates th5s subsect5on, shall, u6on con:5ct5on thereof, be gu5lty of a felony an% be sub=ect to a f5ne of not $ore than H1',000, or 5$6r5sone% for not $ore than f5:e years, or both( but 5f the :alue of the a$ount of $oney or th5ng of :alue 5n:ol:e% 5n any :5olat5on of the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on %oes not e@cee% H1,000, such 6erson shall be gu5lty of a $5s%e$eanor an% be sub=ect to a f5ne of not $ore than H10,000, or 5$6r5sone% for not $ore than one year, or both. 3&4 /@ce6t for :5olat5ons 5n:ol:5ng transact5ons co:ere% by subsect5on 3%4314 of th5s sect5on, any 6erson 9ho 95llfully :5olates th5s sect5on shall, u6on con:5ct5on thereof, be gu5lty of a felony an% be sub=ect to a f5ne of not $ore than H1',000, or 5$6r5sone% for not $ore than f5:e years, or both( but 5f the :alue of the a$ount of $oney or th5ng of :alue 5n:ol:e% 5n any :5olat5on of the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on %oes not e@cee% H1,000, such 6erson shall be gu5lty I Th5s sect5on has been a$en%e% se:eral t5$es. of a $5s%e$eanor an% be sub=ect to a f5ne of not $ore than H10,000, or 5$6r5sone% for not $ore than one year, or both.II 3e4 The %5str5ct courts of the )n5te% States an% the )n5te% States courts of the Terr5tor5es an% 6ossess5ons shall ha:e =ur5s%5ct5on, for cause sho9n, an% sub=ect to the 6ro:5s5ons of sect5on #81 of T5tle &8 3relat5ng to not5ce to o66os5te 6arty4 to restra5n :5olat5ons of th5s sect5on, 95thout regar% to the 6ro:5s5ons of sect5on &0 of T5tle 1' an% sect5on '& of th5s t5tle, an% the

6ro:5s5ons of cha6ter " of th5s t5tle. 3f4 Th5s sect5on shall not a66ly to any contract 5n force on Eune &#, 19 !, unt5l the e@65rat5on of such contract, or unt5l Euly 1, 19 8, 9h5che:er f5rst occurs. 3g4 Co$6l5ance 95th the restr5ct5ons conta5ne% 5n subsect5on 3c43'43>4 of th5s sect5on u6on contr5but5ons to trust fun%s, other95se la9ful, shall not be a66l5cable to contr5but5ons to such trust fun%s establ5she% by collect5:e agree$ent 6r5or to Eanuary 1, 19 ", nor shall subsect5on 3c43'43A4 of th5s sect5on be construe% as 6roh5b5t5ng contr5but5ons to such trust fun%s 5f 6r5or to Eanuary 1, 19 !, such fun%s conta5ne% 6ro:5s5ons for 6oole% :acat5on benef5ts. >,2C,TTS * #0#. 3a4 .t shall be unla9ful, for the 6ur6ose?sA of th5s sect5on only, 5n an 5n%ustry or act5:5ty affect5ng co$$erce, for any labor organ5;at5on to engage 5n any activity or conduct defined as an unfair labor practice in section -(b)( ) of this title. ?or to 5n%uce or encourage the e$6loyees of any e$6loyer to engage 5n, a str5Ce or a concerte% refusal 5n the course of ?the5rA h5s e$6loy$ent to use, $anufacture, 6rocess, trans6ort, or other95se han%le or 9orC on any goo%s, art5cles, $ater5als, or co$$o%5t5es or to 6erfor$ any ser:5ces 9here an ob=ect thereof 5sL 314 forc5ng or reDu5r5ng any e$6loyer or self-e$6loye% 6erson to =o5n any labor or e$6loyer organ5;at5on or ?any e$6loyer or other 6erson to cease us5ng, sell5ng, han%l5ng, trans6ort5ng, or other95se %eal5ng 5n the 6ro%ucts of any other 6ro%ucer, 6rocessor, or $anufacturer, or to cease %o5ng bus5ness 95th any other 6erson( 3>4 forc5ng or reDu5r5ng any other e$6loyer to recogn5;e or barga5n 95th a labor organ5;at5on as the re6resentat5:e of 5ts e$6loyees unless such labor organ5;at5on has been cert5f5e% as the re6resentat5:e of such e$6loyees un%er the 6ro:5s5ons of

sect5on 9( 3C4 forc5ng or reDu5r5ng any e$6loyer to recogn5;e or barga5n 95th a 6art5cular labor organ5;at5on as the re6resentat5:e of h5s e$6loyees 5f another labor organ5;at5on has been cert5f5e% as the re6resentat5:e of such e$6loyees un%er the 6ro:5s5ons of sect5on 9( 314 forc5ng or reDu5r5ng any e$6loyer to ass5gn 6art5cular 9orC to e$6loyees 5n a 6art5cular labor organ5;at5on or 5n a 6art5cular tra%e, craft, or class rather than to e$6loyees 5n another labor organ5;at5on or 5n another tra%e, craft, or class, unless such e$6loyer 5s fa5l5ng to confor$ to an or%er or cert5f5cat5on of the >oar% %eter$5n5ng the barga5n5ng re6resentat5:e for e$6loyees 6erfor$5ng such 9orCL II A$en%e% 5n 198 . Pro:5%e%, That noth5ng conta5ne% 5n th5s subsect5on 3b4 shall be construe% to $aCe unla9ful a refusal by any 6erson to enter u6on the 6re$5ses of any e$6loyer 3other than h5s o9n e$6loyer4, 5f the e$6loyees of such e$6loyer are engage% 5n a str5Ce rat5f5e% or a66ro:e% by a re6resentat5:e of such e$6loyees 9ho$ such e$6loyer 5s reDu5re% to recogn5;e un%er the Nat5onal Labor -elat5ons Act.A 3b4 Ghoe:er shall be 5n=ure% 5n h5s bus5ness or 6ro6erty by reason or any :5olat5on of subsect5on 3a4 of th5s sect5on $ay sue therefor 5n any %5str5ct court of the )n5te% States sub=ect to the l5$5tat5ons an% 6ro:5s5ons of sect5on 18' of th5s t5tle 95thout res6ect to the a$ount 5n contro:ersy, or 5n any other court ha:5ng =ur5s%5ct5on of the 6art5es, an% shall reco:er the %a$ages by h5$ susta5ne% an% the cost of the su5t. C,NT-.>)T.,NS ,- /JP/N1.T)-/S >2 NAT.,NAL >ANMS, C,-P,-AT.,NS, ,LA>,- ,-0AN.KAT.,NS

* #&13a4. .t 5s unla9ful for any nat5onal banC, or any cor6orat5on organ5;e% by author5ty of any la9 of Congress, to $aCe a contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture 5n connect5on 95th any elect5on to any 6ol5t5cal off5ce, or 5n connect5on 95th any 6r5$ary elect5on or 6ol5t5cal con:ent5on or caucus hel% to select can%5%ates for any 6ol5t5cal off5ce, or for any cor6orat5on 9hate:er, or any labor organ5;at5on, to $aCe a contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture 5n connect5on 95th any elect5on at 9h5ch 6res5%ent5al an% :5ce 6res5%ent5al electors or a Senator or -e6resentat5:e 5n, or a 1elegate or -es5%ent Co$$5ss5oner to, Congress are to be :ote% for, or 5n connect5on 95th any 6r5$ary elect5on or 6ol5t5cal con:ent5on or caucus hel% to select can%5%ates for any of the forego5ng off5ces, or for any can%5%ate, 6ol5t5cal co$$5ttee, or other 6erson Cno95ngly to acce6t or rece5:e any contr5but5on 6roh5b5te% by th5s sect5on, or any off5cer or any %5rector of any cor6orat5on or any nat5onal banC or any off5cer of any labor organ5;at5on to consent to any contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture by the cor6orat5on, nat5onal banC, or labor organ5;at5on, as the case $ay be, 6roh5b5te% by th5s sect5on. 3b4314 +or the 6ur6oses of th5s sect5on the ter$ 7labor organ5;at5on7 $eans any organ5;at5on of any C5n%, or any agency or e$6loyee re6resentat5on co$$5ttee or 6lan, 5n 9h5ch e$6loyees 6art5c56ate an% 9h5ch e@5sts for the 6ur6ose, 5n 9hole or 5n 6art, of %eal5ng 95th e$6loyers concern5ng gr5e:ances, labor %5s6utes, 9ages, rates of 6ay, hours of e$6loy$ent, or con%5t5ons of 9orC. 3&4 +or 6ur6oses of th5s sect5on an% sect5on !9l 3h4 of T5tle 1', the ter$ 7contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture7 shall 5nclu%e any %5rect or 5n%5rect 6ay$ent, %5str5but5on, loan, a%:ance, %e6os5t, or g5ft of $oney, or any ser:5ces, or anyth5ng of :alue 3e@ce6t a loan of $oney by a nat5onal or State banC $a%e 5n accor%ance 95th the a66l5cable banC5ng la9s an% regulat5ons an% 5n the or%5nary course of bus5ness4 to any can%5%ate, ca$6a5gn co$$5ttee, or 6ol5t5cal 6arty or

organ5;at5on, 5n connect5on 95th any elect5on to any of the off5ces referre% to 5n th5s sect5on, but shall not 5nclu%e 3A4 co$$un5cat5ons by a cor6orat5on to 5ts stocChol%ers an% e@ecut5:e or a%$5n5strat5:e 6ersonnel an% the5r fa$5l5es or by a labor organ5;at5on to 5ts $e$bers an% the5r fa$5l5es on any sub=ect( 3>4 non6art5san reg5strat5on an% get-out-the-:ote ca$6a5gns by a cor6orat5on a5$e% at 5ts stocChol%ers an% e@ecut5:e or a%$5n5strat5:e 6ersonnel an% the5r fa$5l5es, or by a labor organ5;at5on a5$e% at 5ts $e$bers an% the5r fa$5l5es( an% 3C4 the establ5sh$ent, a%$5n5strat5on, an% sol5c5tat5on of contr5but5ons to a se6arate segregate% fun% to be ut5l5;e% for 6ol5t5cal 6ur6oses by a cor6orat5on, labor organ5;at5on, $e$bersh56 organ5;at5on, coo6erat5:e, or cor6orat5on 95thout ca65tal stocC. 3#4 .t shall be unla9fulB 3A4 for such a fun% to $aCe a contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture by ut5l5;5ng $oney or anyth5ng of :alue secure% by 6hys5cal force, =ob %5scr5$5nat5on, f5nanc5al re6r5sals, or the threat of force, =ob %5scr5$5nat5on, or f5nanc5al re6r5sal( or by %ues, fees, or other $oneys reDu5re% as a con%5t5on of $e$bersh56 5n a labor organ5;at5on or as a con%5t5on of e$6loy$ent, or by $oneys obta5ne% 5n any co$$erc5al transact5on( 3>4 for any 6erson sol5c5t5ng an e$6loyee for a contr5but5on to such a fun% to fa5l to 5nfor$ such e$6loyee of the 6ol5t5cal 6ur6oses of such fun% at the t5$e of such sol5c5tat5on( an% 3C4 for any 6erson sol5c5t5ng an e$6loyee for a contr5but5on to such a fun% to fa5l to 5nfor$ such e$6loyee, at the t5$e of such sol5c5tat5on, of h5s r5ght to refuse to so contr5bute 95thout any re6r5sal. 3 43A4 /@ce6t as 6ro:5%e% 5n sub6aragra6hs 3>4, 3C4, an% 314, 5t shall be unla9fulB

354 for a cor6orat5on, or a se6arate segregate% fun% establ5she% by a cor6orat5on, to sol5c5t contr5but5ons to such a fun% fro$ any 6erson other than 5ts stocChol%ers an% the5r fa$5l5es an% 5ts e@ecut5:e or a%$5n5strat5:e 6ersonnel an% the5r fa$5l5es, an% 3554 for a labor organ5;at5on, or a se6arate segregate% fun% establ5she% by a labor organ5;at5on, to sol5c5t contr5but5ons to such a fun% fro$ any 6erson other than 5ts $e$bers an% the5r fa$5l5es. 3>4 .t shall not be unla9ful un%er th5s sect5on for a cor6orat5on, a labor organ5;at5on, or a se6arate segregate% fun% establ5she% by such cor6orat5on or such labor organ5;at5on, to $aCe & 9r5tten sol5c5tat5ons for contr5but5ons %ur5ng the calen%ar year fro$ any stocChol%er, e@ecut5:e or a%$5n5strat5:e 6ersonnel, or e$6loyee of a cor6orat5on or the fa$5l5es of such 6ersons. A sol5c5tat5on un%er th5s sub6aragra6h $ay be $a%e only by $a5l a%%resse% to stocChol%ers, e@ecut5:e or a%$5n5strat5:e 6ersonnel, or e$6loyees at the5r res5%ence an% shall be so %es5gne% that the cor6orat5on, labor organ5;at5on, or se6arate segregate% fun% con%uct5ng such sol5c5tat5on cannot %eter$5ne 9ho $aCes a contr5but5on of H'0 or less as a result of such sol5c5tat5on an% 9ho %oes not $aCe such a contr5but5on. 3C4 Th5s 6aragra6h shall not 6re:ent a $e$bersh56 organ5;at5on, coo6erat5:e, or cor6orat5on 95thout ca65tal stocC, or a se6arate segregate% fun% establ5she% by a $e$bersh56 organ5;at5on, coo6erat5:e, or cor6orat5on 95thout ca65tal stocC, fro$ sol5c5t5ng contr5but5ons to such a fun% fro$ $e$bers of such organ5;at5on, coo6erat5:e, or cor6orat5on 95thout ca65tal stocC. 314 Th5s 6aragra6h shall not 6re:ent a tra%e assoc5at5on or a se6arate segregate% fun% establ5she% by a tra%e assoc5at5on fro$ sol5c5t5ng contr5but5ons fro$ the stocChol%ers an% e@ecut5:e or a%$5n5strat5:e 6ersonnel of the $e$ber cor6orat5ons of such tra%e assoc5at5on an%

the fa$5l5es of such stocChol%ers or 6ersonnel to the e@tent that such sol5c5tat5on of such stocChol%ers an% 6ersonnel, an% the5r fa$5l5es, has been se6arately an% s6ec5f5cally a66ro:e% by the $e$ber cor6orat5on 5n:ol:e%, an% such $e$ber cor6orat5on %oes not a66ro:e any such sol5c5tat5on by $ore than one such tra%e assoc5at5on 5n any calen%ar year. 3'4 Not95thstan%5ng any other la9, any $etho% of sol5c5t5ng :oluntary contr5but5ons or of fac5l5tat5ng the $aC5ng of :oluntary contr5but5ons to a se6arate segregate% fun% establ5she% by a cor6orat5on, 6er$5tte% by la9 to cor6orat5ons 95th regar% to stocChol%ers an% e@ecut5:e or a%$5n5strat5:e 6ersonnel, shall also be 6er$5tte% to labor organ5;at5ons 95th regar% to the5r $e$bers. 3"4 Any cor6orat5on, 5nclu%5ng 5ts subs5%5ar5es, branches, %5:5s5ons, an% aff5l5ates, that ut5l5;es a $etho% of sol5c5t5ng :oluntary contr5but5ons or fac5l5tat5ng the $aC5ng of :oluntary contr5but5ons, shall $aCe a:a5lable such $etho%, on 9r5tten reDuest an% at a cost suff5c5ent only to re5$burse the cor6orat5on for the e@6enses 5ncurre% thereby, to a labor organ5;at5on re6resent5ng any $e$bers 9orC5ng for such cor6orat5on, 5ts subs5%5ar5es, branches, %5:5s5ons, an% aff5l5ates. 3!4 +or 6ur6oses of th5s sect5on, the ter$ 7e@ecut5:e or a%$5n5strat5:e 6ersonnel7 $eans 5n%5:5%uals e$6loye% by a cor6orat5on 9ho are 6a5% on a salary, rather than hourly, bas5s an% 9ho ha:e 6ol5cy$aC5ng, $anager5al, 6rofess5onal, or su6er:5sory res6ons5b5l5t5es. * #&9.I 3a4 314 Any 6erson 9ho bel5e:es a :5olat5on of th5s Act or of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &" has occurre%, $ay f5le a co$6la5nt 95th the Co$$5ss5on. Such co$6la5nt shall be 5n 9r5t5ng, s5gne% an% s9orn to by the 6erson f5l5ng such co$6la5nt, shall be notar5;e%, an% shall be $a%e un%er 6enalty of 6er=ury an% sub=ect to the 6ro:5s5ons of sect5on 1001 of T5tle 18. G5th5n ' %ays after rece56t of a co$6la5nt, the Co$$5ss5on shall not5fy, 5n 9r5t5ng, any 6erson

allege% 5n the co$6la5nt to ha:e co$$5tte% such a :5olat5on. >efore the Co$$5ss5on con%ucts any :ote on the co$6la5nt, other than a :ote to %5s$5ss, any 6erson so not5f5e% shall ha:e the o66ortun5ty to %e$onstrate, 5n 9r5t5ng, to the Co$$5ss5on 95th5n 1' %ays after not5f5cat5on that no act5on shoul% be taCen aga5nst such 6erson on the bas5s of the co$6la5nt. The Co$$5ss5on $ay not con%uct any 5n:est5gat5on or taCe any other act5on un%er th5s sect5on solely on the bas5s of a co$6la5nt of a 6erson 9hose 5%ent5ty 5s not %5sclose% to the Co$$5ss5on. 3&4 .f the Co$$5ss5on, u6on rece5:5ng a co$6la5nt un%er 6aragra6h 314 or on the bas5s of 5nfor$at5on ascerta5ne% 5n the nor$al course of carry5ng out 5ts su6er:5sory res6ons5b5l5t5es, %eter$5nes, by an aff5r$at5:e :ote of of 5ts $e$bers, that 5t has reason to bel5e:e that a

6erson has co$$5tte%, or 5s about to co$$5t, a :5olat5on of th5s Act or cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &", the Co$$5ss5on shall, through 5ts cha5r$an or :5ce cha5r$an, not5fy the 6erson of the allege% :5olat5on. Such not5f5cat5on shall set forth the factual bas5s for such allege% :5olat5on. The Co$$5ss5on shall $aCe an 5n:est5gat5on of such allege% :5olat5on, 9h5ch $ay 5nclu%e a f5el% 5n:est5gat5on or au%5t, 5n accor%ance 95th the 6ro:5s5ons of th5s sect5on. 3#4 The general counsel of the Co$$5ss5on shall not5fy the res6on%ent of any reco$$en%at5on to the Co$$5ss5on by the general counsel to 6rocee% to a :ote on 6robable cause 6ursuant to 6aragra6h 3 43A4354. G5th such not5f5cat5on, the general counsel shall 5nclu%e a br5ef stat5ng the 6os5t5on of the general counsel on the legal an% factual 5ssues of the case. G5th5n 1' %ays of rece56t of such br5ef, res6on%ent $ay sub$5t a br5ef stat5ng the 6os5t5on of such res6on%ent on the legal an% factual 5ssues of the case, an% re6ly5ng to the br5ef of general counsel. Such br5efs shall be f5le% 95th the Secretary of the Co$$5ss5on an% shall be cons5%ere% by the Co$$5ss5on before 6rocee%5ng un%er 6aragra6h 3 4. 3 43A4354 /@ce6t as 6ro:5%e% 5n clauses 3554 an% sub6aragra6h 3C4, 5f the Co$$5ss5on

%eter$5nes, by an aff5r$at5:e :ote of

of 5ts $e$bers, that there 5s 6robable cause to bel5e:e

that any 6erson has co$$5tte%, or 5s about to co$$5t, a :5olat5on of th5s Act or of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &", the Co$$5ss5on shall atte$6t, for a 6er5o% of at least #0 %ays, to correct or 6re:ent such :5olat5on by 5nfor$al $etho%s of conference, conc5l5at5on, an% 6ersuas5on, an% I Th5s sect5on has been a$en%e% se:eral t5$es, $ost recently 5n 1999. to enter 5nto a conc5l5at5on agree$ent 95th any 6erson 5n:ol:e%. Such atte$6t by the Co$$5ss5on to correct or 6re:ent such :5olat5on $ay cont5nue for a 6er5o% of not $ore than 90 %ays. The Co$$5ss5on $ay not enter 5nto a conc5l5at5on agree$ent un%er th5s clause e@ce6t 6ursuant to an aff5r$at5:e :ote of of 5ts $e$bers. A conc5l5at5on agree$ent, unless :5olate%,

5s a co$6lete bar to any further act5on by the Co$$5ss5on, 5nclu%5ng the br5ng5ng of a c5:5l 6rocee%5ng un%er 6aragra6h 3"43A4. 3554 .f any %eter$5nat5on of the Co$$5ss5on un%er clause 354 occurs %ur5ng the '-%ay 6er5o% 5$$e%5ately 6rece%5ng any elect5on, then the Co$$5ss5on shall atte$6t, for a 6er5o% of at least 1' %ays, to correct or 6re:ent the :5olat5on 5n:ol:e% by the $etho%s s6ec5f5e% 5n clause 354. 3>4354 No act5on by the Co$$5ss5on or any 6erson, an% no 5nfor$at5on %er5:e%, 5n connect5on 95th any conc5l5at5on atte$6t by the Co$$5ss5on un%er sub6aragra6h 3A4 $ay be $a%e 6ubl5c by the Co$$5ss5on 95thout the 9r5tten consent of the res6on%ent an% the Co$$5ss5on. 3554 .f a conc5l5at5on agree$ent 5s agree% u6on by the Co$$5ss5on an% the res6on%ent, the Co$$5ss5on shall $aCe 6ubl5c any conc5l5at5on agree$ent s5gne% by both the Co$$5ss5on an% the res6on%ent. .f the Co$$5ss5on $aCes a %eter$5nat5on that a 6erson has not :5olate% th5s Act or cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9"

of T5tle &", the Co$$5ss5on shall $aCe 6ubl5c such %eter$5nat5on. 3C4354 Not95thstan%5ng sub6aragra6h 3A4, 5n the case of a :5olat5on of any reDu5re$ent of sect5on # 3a4 of th5s t5tle, the Co$$5ss5on $ayB 3.4 f5n% that a 6erson co$$5tte% such a :5olat5on on the bas5s of 5nfor$at5on obta5ne% 6ursuant to the 6roce%ures %escr5be% 5n 6aragra6hs 314 an% 3&4( an% 3..4 base% on such f5n%5ng, reDu5re the 6erson to 6ay a c5:5l $oney 6enalty 5n an a$ount %eter$5ne% un%er a sche%ule of 6enalt5es 9h5ch 5s establ5she% an% 6ubl5she% by the Co$$5ss5on an% 9h5ch taCes 5nto account the a$ount of the :5olat5on 5n:ol:e%, the e@5stence of 6re:5ous :5olat5ons by the 6erson, an% such other factors as the Co$$5ss5on cons5%ers a66ro6r5ate. 3554 The Co$$5ss5on $ay not $aCe any %eter$5nat5on a%:erse to a 6erson un%er clause 354 unt5l the 6erson has been g5:en 9r5tten not5ce an% an o66ortun5ty to be hear% before the Co$$5ss5on. 35554 Any 6erson aga5nst 9ho$ an a%:erse %eter$5nat5on 5s $a%e un%er th5s sub6aragra6h $ay obta5n a re:5e9 of such %eter$5nat5on 5n the %5str5ct court of the )n5te% States for the %5str5ct 5n 9h5ch the 6erson res5%es, or transacts bus5ness, by f5l5ng 5n such court 36r5or to the e@65rat5on of the #0-%ay 6er5o% 9h5ch beg5ns on the %ate the 6erson rece5:es not5f5cat5on of the %eter$5nat5on4 a 9r5tten 6et5t5on reDuest5ng that the %eter$5nat5on be $o%5f5e% or set as5%e. 3'43A4 .f the Co$$5ss5on bel5e:es that a :5olat5on of th5s Act or of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &" has been co$$5tte%, a conc5l5at5on agree$ent entere% 5nto by the Co$$5ss5on un%er 6aragra6h 3 43A4 $ay 5nclu%e a reDu5re$ent that the 6erson 5n:ol:e% 5n such conc5l5at5on agree$ent shall 6ay a c5:5l 6enalty 9h5ch %oes not e@cee% the greater of H',000 or an a$ount eDual to any contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture 5n:ol:e% 5n such :5olat5on.

3>4 .f the Co$$5ss5on bel5e:es that a Cno95ng an% 95llful :5olat5on of th5s Act or of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &" has been co$$5tte%, a conc5l5at5on agree$ent entere% 5nto by the Co$$5ss5on un%er 6aragra6h 3 43A4 $ay reDu5re that the 6erson 5n:ol:e% 5n such conc5l5at5on agree$ent shall 6ay a c5:5l 6enalty 9h5ch %oes not e@cee% the greater of H10,000 or an a$ount eDual to &00 6ercent of any contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture 5n:ol:e% 5n such :5olat5on. 3C4 .f the Co$$5ss5on by an aff5r$at5:e :ote of of 5ts $e$bers, %eter$5nes that there 5s

6robable cause to bel5e:e that a Cno95ng an% 95llful :5olat5on of th5s Act 9h5ch 5s sub=ect to subsect5on 3%4 of th5s sect5on, or a Cno95ng an% 95llful :5olat5on of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &", has occurre% or 5s about to occur, 5t $ay refer such a66arent :5olat5on to the Attorney 0eneral of the )n5te% States 95thout regar% to any l5$5tat5ons set forth 5n 6aragra6h 3 43A4. 314 .n any case 5n 9h5ch a 6erson has entere% 5nto a conc5l5at5on agree$ent 95th the Co$$5ss5on un%er 6aragra6h 3 43A4, the Co$$5ss5on $ay 5nst5tute a c5:5l act5on for rel5ef un%er 6aragra6h 3"43A4 5f 5t bel5e:es that the 6erson has :5olate% any 6ro:5s5on of such conc5l5at5on agree$ent. +or the Co$$5ss5on to obta5n rel5ef 5n any c5:5l act5on, the Co$$5ss5on nee% only establ5sh that the 6erson has :5olate%, 5n 9hole or 5n 6art, any reDu5re$ent of such conc5l5at5on agree$ent. 3"43A4 .f the Co$$5ss5on 5s unable to correct or 6re:ent any :5olat5on of th5s Act or of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &", by the $etho%s s6ec5f5e% 5n 6aragra6h 3 4, the Co$$5ss5on $ay, u6on an aff5r$at5:e :ote of of 5ts $e$bers, 5nst5tute a c5:5l act5on for

rel5ef, 5nclu%5ng a 6er$anent or te$6orary 5n=unct5on, restra5n5ng or%er, or any other a66ro6r5ate or%er 35nclu%5ng an or%er for a c5:5l 6enalty 9h5ch %oes not e@cee% the greater of H',000 or an a$ount eDual to any contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture 5n:ol:e% 5n such :5olat5on4 5n the %5str5ct court of the )n5te% States for the %5str5ct 5n 9h5ch the 6erson aga5nst 9ho$ such act5on

5s brought 5s foun%, res5%es, or transacts bus5ness. 3>4 .n any c5:5l act5on 5nst5tute% by the Co$$5ss5on un%er sub6aragra6h 3A4, the court $ay grant a 6er$anent or te$6orary 5n=unct5on, restra5n5ng or%er, or other or%er, 5nclu%5ng a c5:5l 6enalty 9h5ch %oes not e@cee% the greater of H',000 or an a$ount eDual to any contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture 5n:ol:e% 5n such :5olat5on, u6on a 6ro6er sho95ng that the 6erson 5n:ol:e% has co$$5tte%, or 5s about to co$$5t 35f the rel5ef sought 5s a 6er$anent or te$6orary 5n=unct5on or a restra5n5ng or%er4, a :5olat5on of th5s Act or cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &". 3C4 .n any c5:5l act5on for rel5ef 5nst5tute% by the Co$$5ss5on un%er sub6aragra6h 3A4, 5f the court %eter$5nes that the Co$$5ss5on has establ5she% that the 6erson 5n:ol:e% 5n such c5:5l act5on has co$$5tte% a Cno95ng an% 95llful :5olat5on of th5s Act or of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &", the court $ay 5$6ose a c5:5l 6enalty 9h5ch %oes not e@cee% the greater of H10,000 or an a$ount eDual to &00 6ercent of any contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture 5n:ol:e% 5n such :5olat5on. 3!4 .n any act5on brought un%er 6aragra6h 3'4 or 3"4, sub6enas for 95tnesses 9ho are reDu5re% to atten% a )n5te% States %5str5ct court $ay run 5nto any other %5str5ct. 3843A4 Any 6arty aggr5e:e% by an or%er of the Co$$5ss5on %5s$5ss5ng a co$6la5nt f5le% by such 6arty un%er 6aragra6h 314, or by a fa5lure of the Co$$5ss5on to act on such co$6la5nt %ur5ng the 1&0-%ay 6er5o% beg5nn5ng on the %ate the co$6la5nt 5s f5le%, $ay f5le a 6et5t5on 95th the )n5te% States 15str5ct Court for the 15str5ct of Colu$b5a. 3>4 Any 6et5t5on un%er sub6aragra6h 3A4 shall be f5le%, 5n the case of a %5s$5ssal of a co$6la5nt by the Co$$5ss5on, 95th5n "0 %ays after the %ate of the %5s$5ssal. 3C4 .n any 6rocee%5ng un%er th5s 6aragra6h the court $ay %eclare that the %5s$5ssal of the co$6la5nt or the fa5lure to act 5s contrary to la9, an% $ay %5rect the Co$$5ss5on to confor$

95th such %eclarat5on 95th5n #0 %ays, fa5l5ng 9h5ch the co$6la5nant $ay br5ng, 5n the na$e of such co$6la5nant, a c5:5l act5on to re$e%y the :5olat5on 5n:ol:e% 5n the or5g5nal co$6la5nt. 394 Any =u%g$ent of a %5str5ct court un%er th5s subsect5on $ay be a66eale% to the court of a66eals, an% the =u%g$ent of the court of a66eals aff5r$5ng or sett5ng as5%e, 5n 9hole or 5n 6art, any such or%er of the %5str5ct court shall be f5nal, sub=ect to re:5e9 by the Su6re$e Court of the )n5te% States u6on cert5orar5 or cert5f5cat5on as 6ro:5%e% 5n sect5on 1&' of T5tle &8. 3104 -e6eale%. 3114 .f the Co$$5ss5on %eter$5nes after an 5n:est5gat5on that any 6erson has :5olate% an or%er of the court entere% 5n a 6rocee%5ng brought un%er 6aragra6h 3"4, 5t $ay 6et5t5on the court for an or%er to hol% such 6erson 5n c5:5l conte$6t, but 5f 5t bel5e:es the :5olat5on to be Cno95ng an% 95llful 5t $ay 6et5t5on the court for an or%er to hol% such 6erson 5n cr5$5nal conte$6t. 31&43A4 Any not5f5cat5on or 5n:est5gat5on $a%e un%er th5s sect5on shall not be $a%e 6ubl5c by the Co$$5ss5on or by any 6erson 95thout the 9r5tten consent of the 6erson rece5:5ng such not5f5cat5on or the 6erson 95th res6ect to 9ho$ such 5n:est5gat5on 5s $a%e. 3>4 Any $e$ber or e$6loyee of the Co$$5ss5on, or any other 6erson, 9ho :5olates the 6ro:5s5ons of sub6aragra6h 3A4 shall be f5ne% not $ore than H&,000. Any such $e$ber, e$6loyee, or other 6erson 9ho Cno95ngly an% 95llfully :5olates the 6ro:5s5ons of sub6aragra6h 3A4 shall be f5ne% not $ore than H',000. 3b4 >efore taC5ng any act5on un%er subsect5on 3a4 of th5s sect5on aga5nst any 6erson 9ho has fa5le% to f5le a re6ort reDu5re% un%er sect5on # 3a43&43A435554 of th5s t5tle for the calen%ar Duarter 5$$e%5ately 6rece%5ng the elect5on 5n:ol:e%, or 5n accor%ance 95th sect5on # 3a43&43A4354 of th5s t5tle, the Co$$5ss5on shall not5fy the 6erson of such fa5lure to f5le the

reDu5re% re6orts. .f a sat5sfactory res6onse 5s not rece5:e% 95th5n

bus5ness %ays after the %ate

of not5f5cat5on, the Co$$5ss5on shall, 6ursuant to sect5on #83a43!4 of th5s t5tle, 6ubl5sh before the elect5on the na$e of the 6erson an% the re6ort or re6orts such 6erson has fa5le% to f5le. 3c4 Ghene:er the Co$$5ss5on refers an a66arent :5olat5on to the Attorney 0eneral, the Attorney 0eneral shall re6ort to the Co$$5ss5on any act5on taCen by the Attorney 0eneral regar%5ng the a66arent :5olat5on. /ach re6ort shall be trans$5tte% 95th5n "0 %ays after the %ate the Co$$5ss5on refers an a66arent :5olat5on, an% e:ery #0 %ays thereafter unt5l the f5nal %5s6os5t5on of the a66arent :5olat5on. 3%43143A4 Any 6erson 9ho Cno95ngly an% 95llfully co$$5ts a :5olat5on of any 6ro:5s5on of th5s Act 9h5ch 5n:ol:es the $aC5ng, rece5:5ng, or re6ort5ng of any contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture aggregat5ng H&,000 or $ore %ur5ng a calen%ar year shall be f5ne%, or 5$6r5sone% for not $ore than one year, or both. The a$ount of th5s f5ne shall not e@cee% the greater of H&',000 or #00 6ercent of any contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture 5n:ol:e% 5n such :5olat5on. 3>4 .n the case of a Cno95ng an% 95llful :5olat5on of sect5on 1b3b43#4 of th5s t5tle, the

6enalt5es set forth 5n th5s subsect5on shall a66ly to a :5olat5on 5n:ol:5ng an a$ount aggregat5ng H&'0 or $ore %ur5ng a calen%ar year. Such :5olat5on of sect5on 5ncor6orate a :5olat5on of sect5on 1c3b4, 1f, or 1b3b43#4 of th5s t5tle $ay

1g of th5s t5tle. 1h of th5s t5tle, the 6enalt5es

3C4 .n the case of a Cno95ng an% 95llful :5olat5on of sect5on

set forth 5n th5s subsect5on shall a66ly 95thout regar% to 9hether the $aC5ng, rece5:5ng, or re6ort5ng of a contr5but5on or e@6en%5ture of H1,000 or $ore 5s 5n:ol:e%. 3&4 .n any cr5$5nal act5on brought for a :5olat5on of any 6ro:5s5on of th5s Act or of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &", any %efen%ant $ay e:5%ence the5r lacC of Cno9le%ge or 5ntent to co$$5t the allege% :5olat5on by 5ntro%uc5ng as e:5%ence a conc5l5at5on agree$ent entere% 5nto

bet9een the %efen%ant an% the Co$$5ss5on un%er subsect5on 3a43 43A4 of th5s sect5on 9h5ch s6ec5f5cally %eals 95th the act or fa5lure to act const5tut5ng such :5olat5on an% 9h5ch 5s st5ll 5n effect. 3#4 .n any cr5$5nal act5on brought for a :5olat5on of any 6ro:5s5on of th5s Act or of cha6ter 9' or cha6ter 9" of T5tle &", the court before 9h5ch such act5on 5s brought shall taCe 5nto account, 5n 9e5gh5ng the ser5ousness of the :5olat5on an% 5n cons5%er5ng the a66ro6r5ateness of the 6enalty to be 5$6ose% 5f the %efen%ant 5s foun% gu5lty, 9hetherB 3A4 the s6ec5f5c act or fa5lure to act 9h5ch const5tutes the :5olat5on for 9h5ch the act5on 9as brought 5s the sub=ect of a conc5l5at5on agree$ent entere% 5nto bet9een the %efen%ant an% the Co$$5ss5on un%er sub6aragra6h 3a43 43A4( 3>4 the conc5l5at5on agree$ent 5s 5n effect( an% 3C4 the %efen%ant 5s, 95th res6ect to the :5olat5on 5n:ol:e%, 5n co$6l5ance 95th the conc5l5at5on agree$ent. T.TL/ F * '01. Ghen use% 5n th5s cha6terB 314 The ter$ 75n%ustry affect5ng co$$erce7 $eans any 5n%ustry or act5:5ty 5n co$$erce or 5n 9h5ch a labor %5s6ute 9oul% bur%en or obstruct co$$erce or ten% to bur%en or obstruct co$$erce or the free flo9 of co$$erce. 3&4 The ter$ 7str5Ce7 5nclu%es any str5Ce or other concerte% sto66age of 9orC by e$6loyees 35nclu%5ng a sto66age by reason of the e@65rat5on of a collect5:e-barga5n5ng agree$ent4 an% any concerte% slo9%o9n or other concerte% 5nterru6t5on of o6erat5ons by e$6loyees. 3#4 The ter$s 7co$$erce7, 7labor %5s6utes7, 7e$6loyer7, 7e$6loyee7, 7labor organ5;at5on7, 7re6resentat5:e7, 76erson7, an% 7su6er:5sor7 shall ha:e the sa$e $ean5ng as 9hen use% 5n

subcha6ter .. of th5s cha6ter. * '0&. Noth5ng 5n th5s cha6ter shall be construe% to reDu5re an 5n%5:5%ual e$6loyee to ren%er labor or ser:5ce 95thout h5s consent, nor shall anyth5ng 5n th5s cha6ter be construe% to $aCe the Du5tt5ng of h5s labor by an 5n%5:5%ual e$6loyee an 5llegal act( nor shall any court 5ssue any 6rocess to co$6el the 6erfor$ance by an 5n%5:5%ual e$6loyee of such labor or ser:5ce, 95thout h5s consent( nor shall the Du5tt5ng of labor by an e$6loyee or e$6loyees 5n goo% fa5th because of abnor$ally %angerous con%5t5ons for 9orC at the 6lace of e$6loy$ent of such e$6loyee or e$6loyees be %ee$e% a str5Ce un%er th5s cha6ter. * '0#. .f any 6ro:5s5on of th5s cha6ter, or the a66l5cat5on of such 6ro:5s5on to any 6erson or c5rcu$stance, shall be hel% 5n:al5%, the re$a5n%er of th5s cha6ter, or the a66l5cat5on of such 6ro:5s5on to 6ersons or c5rcu$stances other than those as to 9h5ch 5t 5s hel% 5n:al5%, shall not be affecte% thereby.

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