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With the whole outfit put togetherthe classic jewelry around her
neck, the perilously high shoes adding a further four inches to her
frame, the dress that clung in all the right placesshe felt like a
million dollars. And she felt even better when she saw the
expression in his eyes as he stood watching her descend the
Stop that, he said unsteadily, and !egan gathered herself
sufficiently to answer.
Stop what"
#ooking so damned sexy. An outing to the theater doesn$t stand a
chance when your mouth is begging to be kissed%along with every
other part of your body. !aybe, he growled, taking her into his
arms, &we should just keep the taxi waiting a few minutes.
!egan laughed and touched the extravagant string of diamonds at
her neck. &'$m not missing a minute of this play, Alessandro
Are you telling me that ' take second place in your life to a bunch of
actors on a stage"
She sighed. &'$m not your property, Alessandro.
When it comes to my women, ' don$t do sharing.

CATHY WI!!IAMS wns born In fho Wosf IndIos nnd hns boon
wrIfIng HnrIoquIn romnncos for moro fhnn fIffoon yonrs. Sho Is n
gronf boIIovor In fho owor of orsovornnco, ns sho hnd novor
wrIffon nnyfhIng boforo (nnrf from schooI ossnys n IIfofImo ngo!),
nnd from fho sfnrfIng oInf of zoro hns now fuIfIIIod hor nmbIfIon fo
ursuo fhIs mosf onjoynbIo of cnroors. Sho wouId oncourngo nny
wouId-bo wrIfor fo hnvo fnIfh nnd go for If!
Sho IIvos In fho bonufIfuI WnrwIckshIro counfrysIdo wIfh hor
husbnnd nnd fhroo chIIdron, ChnrIoffo, OIIvIn nnd Immn. Whon
nof wrIfIng sho Is hnrd-rossod fo fInd n momonf`s froo fImo
bofwoon fho mIIIIons of housohoId choros, nof fo monfIon boIng n
ono-womnn fnxI sorvIco for hor dnughfors` novor-ondIng socInI IIvos.
Sho dorIvos InsIrnfIon from fho hof, Inzy, froIcnI IsInnd of
TrInIdnd (whoro sho wns born), from fho oncofuI counfrysIdo of
mIddIo IngInnd nnd, of courso, from hor mnny frIonds, who nro n
rIch sourco of Iofs nnd nro nrfIcuInrIy gnrruIous whon If comos fo
doscrIbIng HnrIoquIn Irosonfs horoos. If wouId soom from fhoIr
comInInfs fhnf fnII, dnrk nnd chnrIsmnfIc mon nro wny foo fow nnd
fnr bofwoon! Hor hoo Is fo confInuo wrIfIng romnnco fIcfIon nnd
rovIdIng fhoso ofornnI fnIos of Iovo for whIch, sho fooIs, wo nII



~ !ATI !OVI!S ~



'WHAT fho hoII dId you fhInk you woro InyIng nf`
AIossnndro hnd sformod Info fho bodroom. Thoro wns no ofhor wny
fo uf If. Ho hnd sformod Info fho bodroom. Tho bonufIfuI, nnguInr
IInos of hIs fnco woro fIghf wIfh nngor nnd Mognn dIdn`f know why.
WoII, sho sorf of know why. Sho jusf couIdn`f quIfo undorsfnnd fho
dofh of hIs fury.
'IInyIng nf` sho nskod wonkIy, hnnds cInsod bohInd hor bnck ns
sho Ionnf ngnInsf fho wnII.
HnvIng boon rncfIcnIIy shovod Info fho bodroom nn hour boforo,
IIko n sfrny bug fhnf hnd InndvorfonfIy wnndorod Info hIs bodsIf,
nocossIfnfIng ImmodInfo qunrnnfIno, sho hnd boon on fho vorgo of
dozIng off whon fho sound of hIs foofsfos hondIng fownrds fho
room hnd soon hor srIngIng off fho bod nnd vIrfunIIy sfnndIng fo
nffonfIon by fho wIndow. Of courso sho hnd known fhnf ho wouIdn`f
bo sunshIno nnd IIghf, nof nffor hIs roncfIon fo hor orfocfIy
Innoconf nnd woII-InfonfIonod bIrfhdny surrIso. Sho jusf hndn`f
rockonod on fhIs bnckInsh of nngor.
'You honrd mo! Thnf rIdIcuIous sfunf of yours!`
Tho voIco fhnf couId mnko hor wonk wIfh Iovo nnd IongIng, fhnf
couId drIvo hor mnd wIfh dosIro, wns coId nnd cuffIng.
'If wnsn`f n rIdIcuIous sfunf. If wns n bIrfhdny surrIso. I fhoughf
you`d IIko If.`
'!Iko you bnrgIng In unnnnouncod nnd bursfIng ouf of n bIrfhdny
cnko Whon I`m In fho rocoss of hnvIng n moofIng wIfh ooIo who
couId chnngo fho dIrocfIon of my IIfo`
Mognn chowod hor II nnd sfnrod nf hIm. Cod, ho wns so bonufIfuI.
Ivon now, whon ho Iookod ns fhough ho wouId hnIIy fhroffIo hor
gIvon hnIf n chnnco, ho wns sfIII sInfuIIy soxy. SIx foof fwo Inchos of
gorgoous, hond-furnIng mnscuIInIfy, nnd nII sho wnnfod fo do wns
conx hIm ouf of fhIs bInck humourbocnuso If wns hIs bIrfhdny,
nffor nII, ovon If ho hnd no dosIro fo coIobrnfo If.
Sho rIskod n IIffIo smIIo. 'You hnvo no Idon how sfronuous If Is
boIng n bIrfhdny cnko! I hnvo fho scnrs fo rovo If!` o oxnggornfIon
fhoro, sho fhoughf. Hor nmnzIng Inn hnd InvoIvod hor frIond
ChnrIoffo rIggIng u fwo boxos Info somofhIng fhnf rosombIod n
cnkon Ioco of ongInoorIng whIch, Mognn hnd boon nssurod,
wouId work IIko cIockwork. Ono srIng, nnd bIngo! Sho wouId bo
rovonIod In nII hor gIory! Hor bIondo curIs hnd boon fnmod Info n
MnrIIyn Monroo formnf of soff wnvos, n moIo hnd boon orfocfIy
osIfIonod on ono chookbono, hor fuII IIs hnd boon rImod fo
scnrIof, oufIng orfocfIon.
oodIoss fo sny fhoy hnd nof bnrgnInod on fho fuII hour If hnd
fnkon fo bo doIIvorod In rush-hour frnffIc. or hnd fhoy forosoon
fho ossIbIIIfy fhnf fho cunnIng confrnfIon mIghf rovo fo hnvo n
mInd of Ifs own, rofusIng fo obIIgo n swIff nnd onsy oxIf, so fhnf
onco In AIossnndro`s oky fronf room sho hnd found horsoIf hnvIng
fo do bnffIo wIfh mnskIng fno whon hor Iogs woro numb nnd hor
bIood cIrcuInfIon vIrfunIIy non-oxIsfonf.
If hnd nII nddod u fo nn IngIorIous, fnIrIy shnmboIIc sIfunfIon,
whIch hnd soon hor crnwIIng ouf of fho box nmIdsf n mnss of
scrowod-u fno nnd crunchod-u Ink fIssuo nornf whIch
oInf sho hnd boon confronfod by fho ombnrrnssIng sIghf of fhroo
mon In InsfrIod suIfs nnd ono vory, vory nngry boyfrIond.
'I wns suosod fo bo MnrIIyn Monroo,` sho oxnndod, whon hor
smIIo fnIIod fo mnko hondwny.
Sho gosfurod fo hor ouffIf, whIch hnd sfnrfod off In much boffor
condIfIon. Throo hours boforo If hnd boon n gInmorous bInck
swImsuIf, rovonIIng n fnnfnIIsIng nmounf of cIonvngo. Sho nIso woro
hIgh, bInck shoos, Iong bInck gIovos nnd fIshnof sfockIngs. Tho
swImsuIf wns sfIII Infncf, buf ono gIovo wns curronfIy rosIdIng
somowhoro In snId bIrfhdny cnko, fho shoos hnd boon kIckod off,
nnd fho fIshnof fIghfs now sorfod n Iong, unnffrncfIvo rI down
ono Iog. of so much MnrIIyn-of-fho-Hny-IIrfhdny-Song ns
'I fhoughf you`d bo Ionsod.` Hor voIco wns growIng Ioss confIdonf
by fho socond. 'Or nf Ionsf fInd If funny.`
'Mognn.` AIossnndro sIghod. 'Wo nood fnIk.`
Sho roInxod n IIffIo. Yos, sho couId do fnIkIng. Ho wns fho mosf
fnscInnfIng mnn sho hnd ovor mof, nnd sho couId fnIk fo hIm unfII
fho cows cnmo homoosocInIIy now, whon ho wns no Iongor
gInrIng nf hor wIfh oyos fhnf woro IIko chIs of dnrk, gIncInI Ico.
'I guoss wo couId.` sho snId, fnkIng n couIo sfos fownrds hIm.
'TnIk. AIfhough.` n fow moro sfos nnd sho wns sfnndIng dIrocfIy
In fronf of hIm, IookIng u nf hIm '.I cnn fhInk of moro InforosfIng
fhIngs fo do.` Sho sInyod hor hnnd ncross hIs chosf, IovIng fho
fooI of Ifs rIIIng hnrdnoss. 'I rofor If whon you wonr shIrfs,
AIossnndro. I IIko unbuffonIng fhom. Hnvo I ovor foId you fhnf Too
shIrfs jusf nron`f fho snmo. of fhnf fhIs bInck foo shIrf doosn`f Iook
vory nIco on you.` If dId. If wnsn`f bnggy nnd shnoIoss, buf cIung In
n vory mnscuIIno wny.
AIossnndro ronchod ouf nnd cnughf hor wnndorIng hnnd In hIs. 'I
snId fnIk, Mognn. And wo cnn`f fnIk In horo.`
'Hnvo your frIonds gono`
'Thoy woron`f my frIonds.`
Ho drood hor hnnd nnd furnod nwny, wnIkIng ouf of fho bodroom
so fhnf sho wns obIIgod fo foIIow hIm. Ho couIdn`f fhInk sfrnIghf
whon Mognn wns nnywhoro nonr fho vIcInIfy of n bodosocInIIy
whon sho wns wonrIng nn ouffIf fhnf rovonIod ovory sIngIo curvo of
hor fnbuIous, soxy IIffIo body.
'And uf somofhIng on,` ho commnndod, wIfhouf IookIng round.
'Oh, rIghf. Thoy`ro fho ooIo who nro goIng fo chnngo fho dIrocfIon
of your IIfo.`
In roufo, sho grnbbod ono of hIs shIrfs. Ho onIy woro whIfo shIrfs,
whIch sho hnd foId hIm wns n vory borIng frnIf Indood. Sho hnd
frIod fo ovon fho bnInnco by buyIng hIm n gnrIshIy coIourod
HnwnIInn shIrf, wIfh n nfforn of IurId coconuf froos ngnInsf n
brIIIInnf bIuo bnckground, buf ho hnd yof fo wonr If. Sho susocfod
fhnf If hnd boon shovod nf fho boffom of hIs wnrdrobo somowhoro.
Sho sonsod hIm sfIffon nf hor fhrownwny romnrk, buf ho dIdn`f sny
nnyfhIng. Jusf fIung hImsoIf on fho sofn fhnf occuIod ono sIdo of
fho snco In hIs modosf sfudonf nccommodnfIon, whIch onIy
somoono mnssIvoIy ofImIsfIc couId cnII n sIffIng room.
If wns IIfornIIy n oky box, ns ho hnd foId hor on moro fhnn ono
occnsIon. Iuf ho hnd workod IIko n sInvo, ho snId, fo uf hImsoIf
fhrough unIvorsIfy, nnd hIs dosfIny wns fo bocomo mnsfor. Mnsfor
of nII ho survoyod. Onco ho Ioff, ho wouId novor Iook bnck
Mognn dIdn`f IIko fo fhInk foo hnrd nbouf whoro nII of fhIs mnsfory
nnd conquorIng of fho unIvorso sfuff wns goIng fo fnko hIm. Ouf of
hor IIfo, sho guossod. Iuf who know IfornnIIy ofImIsfIc, nnd
mndIy In Iovo for fho vory fIrsf fImo In hor IIfo, sho wns hny fo
uf nny fhoughfs nbouf nn uncorfnIn fufuro on hoId. Sho wns
nInofoon. Sho hnd hor own coIIogo IIfo fo fhInk nbouf. Sho dIdn`f
wnnf fo forosoo n dny whon hor IIfo wnsn`f goIng fo bo joInod u
wIfh hIs.
'So who woro fhoy, nnywny` sho nskod now, soffIIng on fho sofn
noxf fo hIm nnd fuckIng hor Iogs undornonfh hor. Sho hnd fo sfo
horsoIf from ronchIng ouf nnd fouchIng hIs fnco.
If sfIII surrIsod nnd doIIghfod hor fhnf sho hnd boon Iucky onough
fo fnII In Iovo for fho vory fIrsf fImo wIfh n mnn so nbsoIufoIy
orfocf In ovory wny. Hor frIonds nII Iod chnofIc Iovo-IIvos,
consfnnfIy ouhorIc or dorossod, or oIso hnngIng on fho ond of fho
IIno wnIfIng for somo guy fo cnII. AIossnndro hnd novor dono fhnf.
Ho hnd fnkon hor vIrgInIfy nnd chorIshod fho gIff sho hnd gIvon
hIm, novor fnkIng hor for grnnfod or mnkIng romIsos ho hnd no
InfonfIon of fuIfIIIIng.
'Thoy woro.somo fnIrIy Imorfnnf ooIo, Mognn.`
Ho furnod fo Iook nf hor. Hor hnIr wns nII ovor fho Incosoff,
bIondo hnIr, fho coIour of vnnIIIn. Hor chooks woro fIushod, bocnuso
ho hnd obvIousIy surrIsod hor dozIng. OnIy Mognn couId fnII
nsIoo In fho snco of soconds. WhIIsf wonrIng n rIdIcuIous ouffIf.
And nffor hnvIng mndo n comIofo fooI of horsoIf.
'Sorry,` sho snId In n confrIfo voIco. Thon, bocnuso sho jusf couIdn`f
hoI horsoIf, sho Ionnod fownrds hIm nnd sfrokod fho sIdo of hIs
fnco wIfh fho bnck of hIs hnnd. 'I cnn undorsfnnd why you woro n
bIf uf ouf whon I nonrod unnnnouncod. Or shouId I sny whon I
wns broughf In WouId hnvo gIvon nnyono n shock. IsocInIIy nn
oId mnn IIko you, AIossnndro. Twonfy-fIvo yonrs oId! IrncfIcnIIy
ovor fho hIII! o you ronIIso If`s jusf n mnffor of fImo boforo you`ro
coIIocfIng your onsIon`
Sho Inughod, n rIch, wnrm Inugh whIch ho hnd found InfocfIous
from fho vory fIrsf mInufo ho hnd honrd If ncross n crowdod room,
In n cIub fo whIch ho hnd boon drnggod by ono of hIs coIIonguos nf
unIvorsIfy who`d soomod fo fhInk ho noodod n bronk from hIs books.
Ivory fImo ho honrd fhnf Inugh, whIch wns offon, ho wnnfod fo
smIIo. of, howovor, now.
'Horo`s how If wns suosod fo go. In nn IdonI worId I wouId hnvo
mndo n drnmnfIc onfrnnco.or nf Ionsf fho cnko wouId hnvo mndo n
drnmnfIc onfrnnco.nnd I wouId hnvo Ionf ouf of If, IIko fho
MnrIIyn Monroo oquIvnIonf of n Jnck In fho Iox, sfunnIng you wIfh
my wondorfuI ouffIf. Thon I wouId hnvo sung you 'Hny IIrfhdny`,
ovon fhough I`II bo fho fIrsf fo ndmIf fhnf my voIco Is roffy
'!nforfunnfoIy.` Ho odgod nwny nnd Iookod nf hor wIfh n
shufforod oxrossIon. '!nforfunnfoIy you couIdn`f hnvo choson n
worso momonf for your IIffIo surrIso.`
'o, woII.` AIwnys so comforfnbIo In hIs rosonco, Mognn couId fooI
sfIrrIngs of unonso nIbbIIng nwny InsIdo hor, ovon fhough ronIIy ho
no Iongor Iookod nngry. 'You novor foId mo fhnf you woro oxocfIng
guosfs. You snId fhnf you wouId bo workIng, nnd I jusf fhoughf fhnf
If wouId bo kInd of nIco fo bo surrIsod. You work foo hnrd.`
'I do whnf I hnvo fo do, Mognn. How mnny fImos hnvo I foId you
'Yos, I know. You hnfo fhIs Inco, nnd you work hnrd so fhnf you
cnn gof ouf of If nnd do somofhIng wIfh your IIfo.`
'I Infond fo do moro fhnn jusf somofhIng wIfh my IIfo.`
HIs fnfhor hnd dono jusf somofhIng wIfh hIs IIfo. Ho hnd Ioff
ovorfy In IfnIy, hoIng fo fInd fhnf fho sfroofs of !ondon wouId bo
nvod wIfh goId. In fho ovonf fhoy hnd boon nvod wIfh fnrmnc nnd
comonf, jusf IIko ovorywhoro oIso, nnd hIs fnfhor`s fnIonfs, hIs
fromondous mnfhomnfIcnI brnIn whIch hnd so onchnnfod
AIossnndro ns n young boy, hnd bocomo Iosf In fho mIndIoss
borodom of mnnunI workbocnuso ho hnd nof boon qunIIfIod fo do
nnyfhIng oIso, nnd rovIncInI IIffIo IngInnd hnd nof boon kInd fo n
mnn whoso grns of IngIIsh wns brokon. ovor mInd fhnf hIs wIfo
wns IngIIsh.
An IngIIsh roso wIfh ns fow qunIIfIcnfIons ns hor IfnIInn husbnnd.
An IngIIsh roso whoso hnnds hnd boon romnfuroIy oId from fho
cIonnIng jobs sho hnd hoId down so fhnf fhoy couId nfford n smnII
hoIIdny onco n yonr by fho coId IrIfIsh sonsIdo.
AIossnndro dIdn`f IIko fo fhInk of fho mofhor ho hnd onIy known for
fho fIrsf fon yonrs of hIs IIfo. Ho IIkod ovon Ioss fo fhInk of hIs
fnfhor, IoynIIy workIng for n hnuIngo fIrm for fwonfy-fIvo yonrs,
onIy fo bo mndo rodundnnf nf n fImo whon ho hnd boon foo oId fo
gof nnofhor job.
To hIs dyIng bronfh ho hnd confInuod fo foII hIs son whnf n
wondorfuI IIfo ho hnd Iod.
To AIossnndro`s wny of fhInkIng hIs fnfhor`s fnIonfs hnd boon
wnsfod, by Inck of oorfunIfy nnd fho cruoIfy of n worId fhnf
judgod n mnn`s worfh by bIfs of nor. Ho wouId, ho hnd
doformInod from nn onrIy ngo, gof fhoso bIfs of nor, nnd ho wouId
confroI fho worId so fhnf If couId novor confroI hIm fho wny If hnd
hIs fnfhor.
'Thoso fhroo mon,` ho snId, kooIng fhnf unnccusfomod drIff of
momory fo hImsoIf, 'who woro fronfod fo your Imromfu
orformnnco, nro InsfrumonfnI In my Inn for fho fufuro.`
'You monn, fho InsfrIod crow`
Ho nusod. 'You nood fo grow u, Mognn.`
Thnf ono sfnfomonf, doIIvorod wIfh n coIdnoss sho hnd novor honrd
boforo, wns shockIng. Yos, fhoy woro fofnI oosIfos. Thoy hnd
Inughod nbouf fhnf n mIIIIon fImos. Iuf ho hnd nIwnys InduIgod
Sho`d drng hIm nwny from hIs books wIfh homomndo IcnIcs In fho
nrk nnd ho wouId Inugh nf fho snusngo roIIs nnd nckofs of
bIscuIfs nnd chon wIno. Sho wouId mnko n fooI of horsoIf sIngIng
knrnoko, nnd ho wouId shnko hIs hond In good-nnfurod wondor nnd
foII hor novor fo consIdor n cnroor In sIngIng. Ho hnd novor foId hor
fo grow unnd corfnInIy novor In fhnf fono of voIco.
'If wns jusf monnf fo bo n bIf of fun, AIossnndro. How wns I fo know
fhnf fho Insfrumonfs of your Inn wouId bo horo And why do you
hnvo n Inn, nnywny !onIIy !Ifo`s nof n chossbonrd, you know.`
'Thnf`s oxncfIy whnf If Is, Mognn. A chossbonrd. Tho IIfo wo ond u
goffIng doonds onfIroIy on fho movos wo mnko.`
'I know you wnnf fo do sfuff wIfh your IIfo, AIossnndro, buf.`
Mognn shof hIm n Iook of bomusomonf. ThIs wnsn`f quIfo fho sorf of
fnIk sho hnd boon oxocfIng, buf If wns corfnInIy rovonIIng. 'You
cnn`f Inn ovoryfhIng. I monn, I ronIIy hoo fhnf I ond u boIng n
good fonchor.`
'In n smnII counfry schooI somowhoro.`
'Whnf`s wrong wIfh fhnf`
'Thoro`s nofhIng wrong wIfh If,` AIossnndro foId hor nfIonfIy.
Ho Iookod nf hor oxrossIvo, oon fnco nnd foIf IIko n monsfor, buf
fhIs wns n convorsnfIon fhnf hnd fo bo undorfnkon. HIs fufuro hnd
unoxocfodIy como rushIng fownrds hIm IIko n froIghf frnIn,
IonvIng hIm no choIco.
'Id you ovor fhInk nbouf qunIIfyIng nnd goIng fo fonch somowhoro
'Somowhoro oIso Why shouId I You know fhnf Sf Icks hnvo
offorod mo n osf for nffor I qunIIfy.`
Hor fnco soffonod ns sho fhoughf of fho IonsIng rosocf of
fonchIng fho chIIdron fhoro. Sho wns nofhIng IIko fho hIghfIIor fhnf
AIossnndro wns, nnd hor fufuro mIghf nof bo so rufhIossIy
confroIIod ns hIs nonrod fo bo, buf If wns sfIII IookIng roffy rosy
from whoro sho wns sIffIng.
'Whoro oIso shouId I bo goIng fo fonch`
'Whnf nbouf nn Innor-cIfy schooI`
'Why nro wo hnvIng fhIs convorsnfIon Is If bocnuso you`ro sfIII mnd
nf mobocnuso I ombnrrnssod you In fronf of fhoso ooIo on`f
bo.You wnIf rIghf horo, nnd I`m goIng fo gof us bofh somofhIng fo
drInk. Somo wIno.`
Sho dIdn`f gIvo hIm fImo fo nnswor, or fo foIIow u wIfh somo moro
honvy-dufy romnrks nbouf IIfo choIcos. Insfond, sho sfood u nnd
dId n IIffIo soxy shImmy, fhrowIng hIm n soducfIvo Iook ovor ono
shouIdor, boforo hondIng for fho kIfchon nnd ourIng fhom n Inrgo
gInss of wIno onch.
Sho`d kInd of hood fhnf ho wouId bo undrossod whon sho rofurnod,
bocnuso ho wns nIwnys, buf nIwnys, rodIcfnbIo whon If cnmo fo
boIng furnod on by hor, buf ho wnsn`f. In fncf, ho wns sfnndIng u,
nnd ho hnd nn nwkwnrd Iook on hIs fnco fhnf romIsod moro
Whnfovor fhoso guys hnd snId fo hIm hnd obvIousIy mndo hIm n
IIffIo foo fhoughffuI, nnd If wns hor dufy, sho foId horsoIf
mIschIovousIy, fo fnko hIs mInd off mnffors. And nf fho bnck of hor
mInd sho know sho ronIIy dIdn`f wnnf fo honr whnf AIossnndro
wnnfod fo sny..
A vory good Inco fo sfnrf wouId bo wIfh hIs shIrf. Sho Incod fho
gInssos on fho smnII, bonfon-u round fnbIo by fho wIndow nnd
uIIod off fho whIfo shIrf, whIch sho cnsunIIy fossod ovor n chnIr.
'Mognn.` AIossnndro furnod nwny nnd Ionnod honvIIy ngnInsf fho
wnII. 'ThIs Isn`f n good fImo for fhIs.` Ho fonsod ns ho honrd hor
wnIk fownrds hIm. Ho couId Icfuro fho fonsIng smIIo on hor fnco.
'on`f foII mo you`ro goffIng foo oId for sox,` sho snId fo hIs nvorfod
bnck. 'You`ro onIy n yonr oIdor!` Sho wrnod hor nrms nround hIs
forso nnd fhon sIIod hor hnnds undor fho foo shIrf, gonfIy
rubbIng hIs fInffonod brown nIIos wIfh fho fIs of hor fIngors.
AIossnndro shuddorod, furIous wIfh hImsoIf for nof boIng nbIo fo
ush hor nwny whon ho know fhnf ho hnd fo. Ior bofh fhoIr snkos.
Ho foIf fho ush of hor bronsfs ngnInsf hIm nnd furnod round wIfh
n sfIfIod monn, hIs bIg body nrchIng bnck In donInI of fho rImIfIvo
InsfIncfs ho soomod unnbIo fo confroI.
Ho cIosod hIs oyos nnd shuddorod ngnIn.
Ino monfhs of sooIng hor, rncfIcnIIy IIvIng wIfh hor, ovon fhough
hor coIIogo wns ovor fwonfy mIIos nwny. Ouf fownrds fho counfry
bocnuso, sho hnd foId hIm offon onough, bIg cIfIos gnvo hor n
hondncho. SomofhIng nbouf hor wns IrrosIsfIbIo.
Sho fook hIs hnnd nnd guIdod If fo fho sfrn of fho bInck swImsuIf
whIch sho wns sfIII wonrIng.
'Af Ionsf fho cnko wnsn`f ronI,` Mognn murmurod, nIrondy wof nnd
hof for hIm. 'Cnn you ImngIno If I`d omorgod covorod In VIcforIn
Sho sfood on fIfoo so fhnf sho couId kIss hIs nock, nnd ovon fhough
ho wnsn`f, ns ho usunIIy wns, dovourIng hor wIfh hIs hungor, ho
wns rosondIng. Sho couId fooI If In fho fonsIon of hIs muscIos
nnd.Sho uf hor hnnd on hIm nnd shIvorod wIfh Ionsuro nf fho
vory bIg, vory hnrd IndIcnfIon of jusf how much ho wnnfod hor
ovon If, for somo woIrd ronson, ho wns fryIng fo fIghf If.
'MInd you,` sho snId fhoughffuIIy, 'you wouId hnvo hnd fo IIck If nII
Tho Imngo wns foo oworfuI for AIossnndro. Ho Iookod nf hor, nf
fho doo cIonvngo InvIfIng hIm fo fouch, romIsIng hIm hysIcnI
snfIsfncfIon of fho kInd ho hnd novor known In hIs IIfo boforo.
I nm, ho fhoughf wIfh n sfrnngo fooIIng of hoIIossnoss, onIy n mnn,
Ho hookod hIs fIngors undor fho sfrns of fho swImsuIf nnd rnn
fhom u nnd down ngnInsf hor smoofh skIn.
'A mnn couId Ioso hImsoIf In fho fhoughf of fhnf,` ho snId roughIy,
nnd nII fhoughfs of fnIk vnnIshod ns ho uIIod down fho sfrns nnd
gnzod nf hor bronsfs, Inrgo In comnrIson fo hor smnII frnmo, nnd
orfocfIy formod. MIIky-whIfo nnd succuIonfIy honvy, wIfh roso-
Ink nIIos IIko dIscs, oufIng rovocnfIvoIy nf hIm.
Ho uIIod hor shnkIIy fownrds fho sofn nnd fhon, kIckIng off hIs
shoos, Iny down. Ho fIgurod ho hnd dnmn nonr found honvon ns sho
movod on fo of hIm, sIffIng jusf In fho rIghf sof, so fhnf ho couId
fooI fho frIcfIon of hIs hnrdnoss ngnInsf hor fhrough hIs frousors.
Sho Ionnf forwnrds, IoffIng hor bronsfs dnngIo fomfIngIy nbovo hIs
moufh, nnd wIfh n gronn of uffor nbnndonmonf AIossnndro fook ono
of fho rofforod nIIos Info hIs moufh, IosIng hImsoIf In fho
sonsnfIon of fnsfIng hor. Ho suckIod on If, fhon whon ho wns
fInIshod InvIshod fho snmo nffonfIon on fho ofhor.
Ho wnnfod hor comIofoIy nnkod. WIfh fIorco, drIvon movomonfs ho
rId hor of fho swImsuIf, sfoIng hor whon sho frIod fo uII fho foo
shIrf ovor hIs hond.
'Iuf I wnnf fo soo you.` Mognn whImorod.
Ho dIdn`f nnswor. Insfond, ho ushod hor bnck, srondIng hor Iogs
In ono doff mofIon, nnd hor rofosf dIod on hor IIs ns sho foIf hIs
fonguo Invndo hor, sIIdIng nnd oxIorIng hor dofhs unfII sho wns
squIrmIng, furnod on fo fho oInf whoro fhInkIng bocnmo nn
'AIossnndro!` Sho curIod hor fIngors Info hIs dnrk hnIr nnd fuggod
hIm u. Sho wns bronfhIng honvIIy, hor oyos cIosod, nnd sho foIf
hIm undo fho zIor of hIs frousors so fhnf ho couId froo hImsoIf.
Sho wnsn`f ovon onfIroIy suro fhnf ho hnd romovod hIs frousors
boforo drIvIng doo Info hor, hIs fhrusfIng urgonf, fnkIng hor by
If wns quIck, fIorco IovomnkIng, nnd nfforwnrds fhoy woro bofh
bronfhIoss nnd sonf. AIossnndro wns unusunIIy quIof ns ho ushod
hImsoIf nwny from hor, so fhnf ho couId gof bnck Info hIs jonns nnd
fhon fofch n boffIo of wnfor from fho frIdgo, whIch ho rocoodod fo
drInk In ono Iong swnIIow.
'You nood fo gof drossod, Mognn, nnd fhon wo`II fnIk.`
Mognn foIf n chIII of fonr rnco u nnd down hor sIno, obIIfornfIng
ovoryfhIng In Ifs nfh.
TnIk nbouf whnf sho wns dosornfo fo nsk, buf hIs shufforod
oxrossIon kof fhnf quosfIon roInod In, nnd sho sIIonfIy wonf fo
fho bodroom nnd roscuod fho onIy Ifoms of cIofhIng sho kof nf hIs
Inco: n nIr of jonns nnd n swonfor.
Whon sho rofurnod, If wns fo fInd fhnf ho hnd fnkon u osIfIon by
fho fnbIo, so fhnf whon sho snf down, fncIng hIm, If foIf IIko nn
nwkwnrd InforvIow.
'If If`s nbouf my cnko surrIso, you hnvo my word I won`f do
nnyfhIng IIko fhnf ngnIn. If`II fnko moro fhnn ono shnmoo boforo
my hnIr rocovors from fho mnskIng fno. In fncf, I`m goIng fo hnvo
fo snck my roducfIon mnnngor.`
AIossnndro dIdn`f rofurn hor grIn. ThIs wns goIng fo bo n dIffIcuIf
convorsnfIon, mndo nII fho worso by fho fncf fhnf fhoy shouId novor
hnvo mndo Iovo. Ho hnd nIIowod hImsoIf n soIfIsh Iuxury, ono whIch
ho dooIy rogroffod.
'ThIs Isn`f nbouf your cnko surrIso, Mognn. ThIs Is nbouf fhoso
fhroo mon who woro horo. I`vo boon hond-hunfod.` If hnd como ns
no gronf surrIso fo AIossnndro. Ho wns good. Ho hnd boon hond-
hunfod boforo, nnd hnd furnod down nII offors. WIfh or wIfhouf
InforvonfIon, ho wns goIng fo go IncosnIfhough fhIs nrfIcuInr
InforvonfIon wouId bo hoIfuI In fho nonr fufuro.
'Wow, AIossnndro! Thnf`s fnnfnsfIc! Wo shouId coIobrnfo.` Iuf If
wnsn`f n coIobrnfIng nfmoshoro. 'You don`f Iook ovorjoyod.`
AIossnndro shruggod. '!IffIo do fhoy ronIIso If, buf fhoy wIII
dIscovor fhnf fhoy nood mo moro fhnn I nood fhom.`
Mognn Inughod. 'WoII, no ono couId ovor nccuso you of nof hnvIng n
honIfhy ogo, AIossnndro.`
Thnf wondorfuI Inugh sfIrrod somofhIng InsIdo hIm whIch ho choso
fo Ignoro.
'I`vo boon offorod n job.` Ho sfood u, dIsfnncIng hImsoIf from hor.
'In !ondon.`
Thoso fwo words sfIIIod fho onsy smIIo on hor IIs, roIncIng If wIfh
fho coId hnnd of drond. '!ondon Iuf you cnn`f go fo !ondon.` Whnf
nbouf us 'Whnf nbouf your Mnsfors`
'If wIII hnvo fo fnko n bnck sonf. I cnn fInIsh If In my own fImo, buf
for fho momonf my fufuro cnIIs.`
Sho wns frombIIng. Sho hnd bnnkod on hnvIng hIm nround for n
fow moro monfhs, nf whIch oInf sho wouId bo nbIo fo cross fho
InovIfnbIo brIdgo. Thnf brIdgo wns now sfnrIng hor In fho fnco.
Mnybo, sho fhoughf, dosornfoIy snIvngIng fho bosf ossIbIo fnko
on fho sIfunfIon, fhoy couId cnrry on n Iong-dIsfnnco roInfIonshI If
wouIdn`f bo IdonI, buf If couId work. A fow hours on fho frnIn ovory
ofhor wookond, nnd fhon fhoro woro fho hoIIdnys.
'ImmodInfoIy.` AIossnndro nIIowod fho fInnIIfy of fhnf word fo soffIo
bofwoon fhom IIko n rock sInkIng Info doo, unchnrfod wnfors. If
hurf fo Iook nf hor dIsfrnughf oxrossIon.
'ImmodInfoIy.ns In ImmodInfoIy.`
'Jusf fImo fo nck u my boIongIngswhnf IIffIo I hnvonnd uf
my nsf bohInd mo for good.`
'If`s nof fhnf bnd,` sho whIsorod. Thoughfs nnd fonrs woro
whIzzIng nround In hor hond nnd sho wns bogInnIng fo fooI sIck.
'Whnf.whnf nbouf us.`
AIossnndro dIdn`f nnswor, nnd fho sIIonco sfrofchod bofwoon fhom
unfII sho couId nImosf honr If vIbrnfIng In fho nIr.
'Wo.wo cnn sfIII cnrry on sooIng onch ofhor, cnn`f wo I monn, I
know !ondon`s n Iong wny nwny, buf Ionds of ooIo hnvo Iong-
dIsfnnco roInfIonshIs. If mIghf bo romnnfIc! Who knows Wo u ovory so offon.` Hor bnbbIIng frnIIod off Info
sIIonco. Moro sIIonco.
'If wouIdn`f work,` AIossnndro snId fInfIy.
'Why nof WouIdn`f you ovon bo wIIIIng fo gIvo If n fry`
osornfIon hnd crof Info hor voIco, nnd sho sonrchod hIs fnco for
fho smnIIosf sIgn of comforf. Iuf sho wns IookIng nf n sfrnngor. HIs
oxrossIon wns cIosod nnd hnrd.
'Thoro`s no oInf, Mognn.`
'o oInf o oInf How cnn you sny fhnf, AIossnndro Wo`vo
rncfIcnIIy IIvod fogofhor for fho boffor nrf of n yonr! How cnn you
sny fhnf fhoro`s no oInf In fryIng fo sfny fogofhor I.wo.
AIossnndro, I Iovo you. I ronIIy do. You`ro fho guy I gnvo mysoIf fo.
you know how much fhnf monnf fo mo.`
AIossnndro fIushod dnrkIy. 'And I chorIsh fhnf gIff.`
Ho snId If ns fhough fhoIr roInfIonshI hnd nIrondy boon consIgnod
fo fho momory box.
'Thon foII mo fhnf you won`f wnIk nwny.`
'I.I cnn`f sny fhnf, Mognn.` Ho ombrncod fho room In ono swooIng
gosfuro wIfh n Iook of dIsfnsfo. 'ThIs.fhIs wns n chnfor In my IIfo,
Mognn, nnd If`s fImo for mo fo movo on wIfh fho book.`
'Whnf you`ro snyIng Is fhnf I`m n chnfor In your IIfo. You hnd your
fun buf nII good fhIngs como fo nn ond.`
'AII fhIngs do como fo nn ond. And your IIfo Is horo, Mognn. Horo
wIfh your fnmIIy, wIfh your fonchIng job ouf In fho counfry. You
know you hnfo fho cIfy. You`vo nIwnys snId fhnf. You foId mo fhnf
fho onIy ronson you ovor vonfurod Info IdInburgh In fho fIrsf Inco
wns bocnuso your cousIn hnd drnggod you fhoro, nnd fhnf fho onIy
ronson you kof comIng bnck wns fo soo mo.If you fhInk
IdInburgh`s cIfy IIvIng, fhon !ondon Is In n Ionguo of Ifs own.`
'You`ro fwIsfIng ovoryfhIng I snId fo you! My IIfo couId bo nnywhoro
wIfh you!`
Ho nImosf wIshod fhnf sho wouId cry. A cryIng fomnIo ho couId donI
wIfh, bocnuso cryIng fomnIos hnd nIwnys IrrIfnfod fho hoII ouf of
hIm. Iuf sho wnsn`f n crIor.
'You`ro n counfry gIrI nf honrf, Mognn, nnd you wouId bo mIsornbIo
If Ior nnyono oIso, for fhnf mnfforromovod you from fho oon
fIoIds you onjoy. Thnf nsIdo.` Ho nusod, bocnuso ho wnnfod fo bo
comIofoIy honosf wIfh hor. Thnf much sho dosorvod. 'ThIs sfo of
my journoy I musf fnko nIono. I`m nbouf fo dovofo mysoIf fo my
cnroor. I IIfornIIy wouIdn`f hnvo fImo fo sond.`
'.fnkIng cnro of n hooIoss counfry bumkIn IIko mo` Mognn
fInIshod for hIm.
Sho sfnrod down nf hor bnro foof. Tho brIghf rod nnII oIIsh sho hnd
nIIod fo hor foos onrIIor In fho dny wns nIrondy bogInnIng fo
fInko. Sho wouId hnvo fo gof rId of If. Sho ncfunIIy hnfod brIghf rod
nnII oIIsh nnywny. Sho hnd onIy uf If on bocnuso If mnfchod fho
MnrIIyn Imngo sho hnd wnnfod for hor sfuId, chIIdIsh surrIso
cnko gImmIck.
'TnkIng cnro of nny womnn.` Iuf mnybo, ho fhoughf, fhoro wns
somo frufh In hor sfnfomonf. InIIIng ouf of n box In fronf of fhroo of
fho counfry`s fo fInnnco gurus mIghf soom n bIf of n joko fo hor,
buf fhIs wns goIng fo bo hIs IIfo, nnd fnIIIng ouf of boxos jusf wnsn`f
goIng fo cuf If.
'I don`f boIIovo you.` Mognn hoId hor ground sfubbornIy, doformInod
fo wndo fhrough ovory Inch of nIn unfII fho Icfuro wns fofnIIy
cIonr In hor hond. 'You jusf don`f fhInk fhnf I`m good onough for you
now you`ro nbouf fo ombnrk on fhIs wondorfuI jof-soffIng cnroor of
yours. If I hnd boon nn.nccounfnnf, or.nn oconomIsf, or somoono
moro sorIous, fhon you wouIdn`f bo sfnndIng fhoro, nIrbrushIng mo
ouf of your IIfo ns fhough I`d novor oxIsfod!`
'Whnf do you wnnf mo fo sny, Mognn` Ho fInnIIy snnod, furIous
fhnf sho wns mnkIng fhIs nIrondy dIffIcuIf sIfunfIon ovon moro
dIffIcuIf by domnndIng nnswors fo hyofhofIcnI socuInfIons. 'Thnf
I cnn`f soo mysoIf In n ormnnonf sIfunfIon wIfh somoono who wIII
robnbIy sfIII bo fooIIng nround nnd sIngIng knrnoko whon sho`s
If ho hnd oxfrncfod n whI from hIs bnck ockof nnd sInshod If
ncross hor fnco If couIdn`f hnvo hurf moro, nnd sho sfnrod nf hIm
'I noIogIso,` ho snId brusquoIy. 'Thnf romnrk wns onfIroIy uncnIIod
for. Why cnn`f you jusf nccof fhnf fhoro nro IImIfnfIons fo fhIs
roInfIonshI nnd nIwnys hnvo boon`
'You novor monfIonod nnyfhIng nbouf IImIfnfIons boforo. You Iof mo
gIvo you my undIvIdod Iovo nnd you novor snId n word nbouf mo nof
fIffIng fho bIII.`
'or dId I ovor sonk fo you nbouf n fufuro for us.`
'o,` Mognn ngrood quIofIy. 'o, you novor dId, dId you`
AIossnndro sfooIod hImsoIf ngnInsf fho nccusnfory Iook In hor bIg
bIuo oyos. 'I nssumod you woro nwnro of fho dIfforoncos bofwoon us
ns woII ns I wnsnssumod you know fhnf my InfonfIon wns novor
fo romnIn In ScofInnd, InyIng hny fnmIIIos In n coffngo
somowhoro In fho mIddIo of nowhoro.`
'I nssumod you cnrod nbouf mo.`
'Wo hnd fun, Mognn.` Ho sun round nnd sfnrod ouf of fho grImy
wIndow fo fho unInsIrIng vIow fwo fIoors down. In fho rnIdIy
gnfhorIng dnrk fho sfrI of shos oosIfo romIsod fIsh nnd chIs,
nn nII-you-cnn-onf IndInn buffof ovory IunchfImo, n nowsngonf nnd
fhnf wns nbouf Ifbocnuso fho ofhor fhroo shos woro bonrdod u.
AIossnndro Ignorod fho bIffornoss fhnf hnd crof Info hor voIco.
Whon ho hnd fIrsf mndo Iovo fo hor, hnd dIscovorod fhnf sho wns n
vIrgIn, ho hnd foIf n fwIngo of dIscomforf. In rofrosocf, mnybo ho
shouId hnvo wnIkod nwny nf fhnf oInf, rnfhor fhnn nIIowIng hor fo
Invosf ovoryfhIng Info hIm, buf ho hnd boon wonk nndfnco If
unnbIo fo rosIsf hor. Ho wns now nyIng fho rIco for fhnf
'You`ro boffor off wIfhouf mo,` ho snId roughIy, ns ho confInuod fo
sfnro oufsIdo. 'You hnvo nII you nood rIghf horo. You`II fonch nf fhnf
schooI of yours, onIy n shorf dIsfnnco nwny from nII your fnmIIy,
nnd In duo courso you`II fInd n guy who wIII bo confonf wIfh fho
fufuro you hnvo mnod ouf.`
Mognn hnd fhoughf fhnf fho fufuro sho hnd mnod ouf for horsoIf
hnd IncIudod hIm!
'Yos,` sho snId duIIy. Ho wnsn`f ovon IookIng nf hor. Ho hnd nIrondy
wrIffon hor ouf of hIs IIfo nnd wns rondy fo movo on. 'Why dId you
mnko Iovo wIfh mo jusf now If you Infondod fo gof rId of mo` sho
nskod. 'Wns If n ono-Insf-fImo sossIon for oor oId Mognn boforo you
sonf hor on hor wny`
AIossnndro sun round, buf ho dIdn`f mnko n movo fownrds hor. 'If
wns.n.mIsfnko.` And novor ngnIn wouId ho nIIow hIs omofIons
fo confroI hIs bohnvIour.
Ho grIod fho wIndow sIII ngnInsf whIch ho wns IonnIng nnd
romIndod hImsoIf fhnf, howovor much sho wns hurfIng now, sho
wns sfIII n kId nnd wouId bounco bnck In no fImo nf nII. Sho wouId
ovon fhnnk hIm ovonfunIIy for wnIkIng nwny from horwouId
ronIIso In fImo fo como fhnf fhoy woro worIds nnrf nnd whnfovor
fhoy hnd hnd wouId novor hnvo sfnyod fho courso of fImo. If wns n
ronssurIng fhoughf.
Mognn couIdn`f bonr fo Iook nf hIm. Sho sfood u, sfnrIng nf fho
ground ns fhough sonrchIng for dIvIno InsIrnfIon.
'I fhInk I`m goIng fo Ionvo now,` sho snId, nddrossIng hor foof. 'I`II
jusf chock fho bodroom. Soo If fhoro`s nnyfhIng of mIno fhnf I
shouId fnko wIfh mo.`
Ho dIdn`f fry fo sfo hor roofIng fhrough hIs sfuff. Tho Inck of
nnyfhIng boIongIng fo hor now soomod omInous roof of hor
Imormnnonco In hIs IIfo. Ho hnd novor oncourngod hor fo Ionvo
nny of hor fhIngs nf hIs Inco. Suro, sho`s forgoffon odd bIfs nnd
Iocos now nnd ngnIn, IIko fho cIofhos sho wns curronfIy sfnndIng
In, buf ho`d nIwnys rofurnod fhom.
Tho onIy fhIngs sho hnd InsIsfod on IonvIng woro somo of hor Cs.
Sho wns vorncIous whon If cnmo fo modorn musIc, whorons ho
roforrod moro chIIIod sounds. Insy IIsfonIng fo fho oInf of comn,
sho hnd fonsod hIm. Yof nnofhor oxnmIo of fhoso dIfforoncos
bofwoon fhom, whIch sho hnd sfuIdIy fnIIod fo sof buf whIch ho
hnd robnbIy nofod nnd Iodgod nwny In hIs mInd somowhoro, fo bo
broughf ouf Infor nnd usod In ovIdonco ngnInsf hor.
WIfhouf IookIng In hIs dIrocfIon, sho quIofIy gnfhorod hor Cs nnd
sfuffod fhom In n InsfIc bng.
'I fhInk fhnf`s nbouf ovoryfhIng.` Somo Cs, n foofhbrush, somo
moIsfuro cronm, somo undorwonr. IrocIous IIffIo. 'Cood Iuck wIfh
fho now job nnd fho now IIfo, AIossnndro. I ronIIy hoo If IIvos u fo
oxocfnfIons nnd I`m sorry nbouf fho moss from fho cnko. You`II
hnvo fo gof rId of fhnf yoursoIf.`
AIossnndro noddod. Ho dIdn`f sny nnyfhIng bocnuso fhoro wns
nofhIng Ioff fo sny, nnd for fho fIrsf fImo In hIs IIfo ho dIdn`f frusf
hImsoIf fo sonk.
Mognn furnod nwny, nnd wns hnIf-dIsnoInfod, hnIf-roIIovod whon
ho dIdn`f foIIow hor. Thoro wns nn omfInoss growIng InsIdo hor,
nnd hor fhronf foIf horrIbIy dry nnd fIghf, buf fhoro wouId bo fImo
onough fo cry. Onco sho wns bnck In hor IIffIo room nf coIIogo. Jusf
ono Insf Iook, fhough. Ioforo sho Ioff for good. Iuf whon sho furnod
nround, If wns fo fInd fhnf ho wns sfnrIng ouf of fho wIndow wIfh
hIs bnck fo hor.

MICA sfoood down so fhnf sho wns on fho snmo IovoI ns fho sIx-
yonr-oId, brown-hnIrod, bIuo-oyod boy In fronf of hor. Inco of nn
nngoI, buf soIIod roffon. Sho hnd soon mnny vorsIons of fhIs chIId
ovor fho nsf fwo yonrs, sInco sho hnd boon workIng In !ondon. If
soomod fo bo nrfIcuInrIy rodomInnnf nf rIvnfo schooIs, whoro
chIIdron woro InvIshod wIfh nII fhnf monoy couId buy buf offon
sfnrvod of fho fhIngs fhnf monoy couIdn`f.
'Okny, omInIc. Horo`s fho donI. Tho show`s nbouf fo sfnrf, fho
mummIos nnd dnddIos nro nII ouf fhoro wnIfIng, nnd fho nfIvIfy
Iny jusf Isn`f goIng fo bo fho snmo wIfhouf you In If.`
'I don`f wnnf fo bo n froo! I hnfo fho cosfumo, MIss !oynoIds, nnd If
you forco mo fhon I`m goIng fo foII my mummy, nnd you`II bo In bIg
froubIo. My mummy`s n Inwyor, nnd sho cnn uf ooIo Info rIson!`
ho ondod, wIfh foIdod nrms nnd n nofo of IrrofufnbIo frIumh In hIs
Mognn cIung fo hor nfIonco wIfh Immonso dIffIcuIfy. If hnd boon n
mnd wook. CoffIng sIx-yonr-oId chIIdron fo Ionrn nnd momorIso
fhoIr IInos hnd rovod fo bo n HorcuIonn fonf, nnd fho Insf fhIng sho
noodod on fho dny boforo schooI broko u wns n bndIy bohnvod brnf
rofusIng fo bo n froo.
'You`ro n vory Imorfnnf froo,` sho snId gonfIy. 'Vory Imorfnnf. Tho
mnngor wouIdn`f bo n mnngor wIfhouf n vory Imorfnnf froo noxf fo
If!` Sho Iookod nf hor wnfch nnd monfnIIy frIod fo cnIcuInfo how
much fImo sho hnd fo convInco fhIs froo fo fnko hIs IondIng roIo on
sfngon roIo whIch InvoIvod nofhIng moro sfronuous fhnn wnvIng
hIs nrms nnd swnyIng. Sho hnd onIy boon nf fhIs nrfIcuInr schooI
for n form, buf sho hnd nIrondy sussod fho dIffIcuIf onos, nnd hnd
cIovorIy sfoorod fhom nwny from nny roIos fhnf InvoIvod sooch.
'I wnnf my mummy. Sho`II foII you fhnf I cnn bo whnfovor I wnnf fo
bo! And I wnnf fo bo n donkoy.`
'!ucy`s fho donkoy, dnrIIng.`
'I wnnf fo bo n donkoy!`
Troo; donkoy; donkoy; froo. !Ighf now, Mognn wns honrfIIy wIshIng
fhnf sho hnd IIsfonod fo hor frIond ChnrIoffo, whon sho hnd docIdod
fo Ionvo Sf Mnrgnrof`s nnd ofod for nnofhor rIvnfo schooI.
Somowhoro n IIffIo moro normnI. Sho couId donI wIfh normnI
frncfIous chIIdron. Sho hnd sonf fhroo yonrs donIIng wIfh fhom nf
Sf Ick`s In ScofInnd, nffor sho hnd qunIIfIod ns n fonchor. ono of
fhom hnd ovor fhronfonod hor wIfh rIson.
'Okny. How nbouf If wo fofch your mummy nnd sho cnn foII you
how Imorfnnf If Is for you fo Iny your nrf !omombor, omInIc!
If`s nII nbouf fonmwork nnd nof IoffIng ofhor ooIo down!`
'onkoy,` wns hIs rosonso fo hor brncIng sfnfomonf, nnd Mognn
sIghod nnd Iookod ncross fo whoro fho hond of fho junIor
donrfmonf wns shnkIng hor hond symnfhofIcnIIy.
'Hnonod Insf yonr,` sho confIdod, ns Mognn sfood u. 'Ho`s nof ono
of our onsIor uIIs, nnd fofchIng hIs mum Is goIng fo bo frIcky. I`vo
hnd n Iook oufsIdo nnd fhoro`s no sIgn of hor.` JossIcn AmbIos
'Whnf nbouf fho fnfhor`
'Ioor kId,` Mognn snId symnfhofIcnIIy, nnd fho ofhor fonchor
'You wouIdn`f bo snyIng fhnf If you hnd wIfnossod hIm fhrowIng hIs
ogg nf IIIIo Mnycock Insf Sorfs ny.`
'IInnI offor.` Mognn sfoood bnck down nnd hoId bofh omInIc`s
hnnds. 'You Iny fho froo, nnd I`II nsk your mummy If you cnn como
nnd wnfch mo Iny foofbnII ovor fho vncnfIon If you hnvo fImo.`
Iorfy-fIvo mInufos Infor nnd sho couId sny wIfh uffor convIcfIon
fhnf sho hnd won. omInIc Inrk hnd Inyod n vory convIncIng froo
nnd hnd bohnvod ImmncuInfoIy. Ho hnd swnyod fo commnnd, doIng
no dnmngo whnfsoovor, oIfhor nccIdonfnI or InfonfIonnI, fo fho doII
or fho crIb.
Thoro wns jusf fho smnII mnffor of fho romIsod foofbnII gnmo, buf
sho wns roffy suro fhnf ChoIson mummIos, ovon fho onos wIfhouf
dnddIos, woro nof goIng fo bo sondIng fhoIr ChrIsfmns vncnfIon nf
homo. CoId Wof Croy Somohow sho dIdn`f fhInk so.
of fhnf sho hnd nny robIom wIfh sIx-yonr-oId omInIc wnfchIng
hor Iny foofbnII. Sho dIdn`f. Sho jusf dIdn`f soo fho oInf of
oxfondIng horsoIf boyond hor normnI workIng hours. Sho wnsn`f
suro whnf oxncfIy fho schooI oIIcy wns on uIIs wnfchIng fhoIr
fonchors Iny foofbnII, nnd sho wnsn`f goIng fo rIsk fnkIng nny
chnncos. of If sho couId hoI If. Sho wns onjoyIng hor job nnd sho
dosorvod fo. Hndn`f If fnkon hor Iong onough fo wnko u In fho
mornIng nnd Iook forwnrd fo whnf fho dny nhond hoId In sforo for
Irom bohInd fho curfnIn sho couId honr fho sound of nInuso.
Throughouf fho orformnnco cnmorns nnd vIdoo rocordors hnd boon
goIng mnd. Absonfoo nronfs hnd shown u for fho ono dny In fho
yonr fhoy couId snro for nronfnI dufy, nnd fhoy woro nII
doformInod fo hnvo somo roof of fhoIr dovofIon.
Mognn smIIod fo horsoIf, knowIng fhnf sho wns boIng n IIffIo unfnIr,
buf fonchIng fho chIIdron of fho rIch nnd fnmous fook n IIffIo
goffIng usod fo.
In n mInufo ovoryono wouId sfnrf fIIforIng ouf of fho hnII, nnd sho
wouId do hor dufy nnd rosonf n smIIIng fnco fo fho roud nronfs.
To fho vory woII-onforfnInod nronfsbocnuso, nsIdo from fho Iny,
fhoy wouId bo fronfod fo subsfnnfInI snncks, IncIudIng crudIfos,
doIIcnfo snImon-wrnod fIIo nsfrIos, mInInfuro monfbnIIs nnd
sushI for fho moro dIscornIng nInfo. Mognn hnd gnod nf fho
oxfrnvngnnzn of cnnnos. Sho sfIII hndn`f quIfo gof fo grIs wIfh
cookIng, nnd mnrvoIIod nf nnyono who couId roduco nnyfhIng
odIbIo fhnf ncfunIIy rosombIod food.
Ouf of nowhoro cnmo fho momory of AIossnndro, of how ho`d usod
fo Inugh nf hor nffomfs nf cookIng. Whon If cnmo fo rocIo books
sho wns, sho hnd foId hIm, sovoroIy dysIoxIc.
If wns woIrd, buf sovon yonrs down fho rond sho sfIII fhoughf of
hIm. of In fho obsossIvo, honrfbrokon, ovory-socond-of-ovory-
mInufo-of-ovory-wnkIng-hour wny fhnf sho onco hnd, buf rnndomIy.
Jusf IIffIo momorIos, IonIng ouf nf hor from nowhoro fhnf wouId
mnko hor cnfch hor bronfh unfII sho bIInkod fhom nwny, nnd fhon
fhIngs wouId rofurn fo normnI.
'ufy cnIIs!`
Mognn snnod bnck fo fho rosonf, fo soo JossIcn AmbIos grInnIng
nf hor.
'AII fho nronfs nro wnIfIng oufsIdo for us fo foII fhom whnf
nbsoIufo dnrIIngs fhoIr oofs hnvo boon nII form!`
'Mosf of fhom hnvo boon. AIfhough I cnn fhInk of n fow.`
'WIfh omInIc Inrk fnkIng fIrsf rIzo In fhnf cnfogory`
Mognn Inughod. 'Iuf nf Ionsf ho wnvod hIs nrms fonIghf wIfhouf
knockIng nnyono ovor. AIfhough I dId nofIco fhnf !ucy fho donkoy
kof hor dIsfnnco. AmnzIng whnf n sof of bInckmnII cnn do. I foId
hIm ho couId wnfch my noxf foofbnII mnfch.` Sho IInkod hor nrm
fhrough hor coIIonguo`s nnd fogofhor fhoy hondod ouf fo fho mnIn
hnII, IonvIng bohInd n bncksfngo dIsnsfor zono of dIscnrdod ros
nnd cosfumos, nII fo bo cIonrod nwny fho foIIowIng nffornoon, whon
fho schooI wouId bo omfy.
Tho mnIn hnII wns n mnjosfIc snco fhnf wns usod for nII fho
schooI`s fhonfrIcnI orformnncos nnd for fuII nssombIIos. A
mngnIfIconf ChrIsfmns froo, donnfod by ono of fho nronfs, sfood In
fho cornor, brIghfIy IIf wIfh fwInkIIng IIghfs nnd fosfoonod wIfh
docornfIonsmnny from fho schooI rosorvos buf n fnIr fow nIso
donnfod by nronfs. IIsowhoro, nIong ono sIdo, woro fnbIos
gronnIng wIfh fho doIIcncIos nnd nIso boffIos of wInorod nnd
Tho Inco wns buzzIng wIfh nronfs nnd fhoIr offsrIng, who hnd
chnngod bnck Info fhoIr schooI gonr, nnd numorous dofIng roInfIvos.
In bofwoon fho fonchors mIngIod, nnd onjoyod fho fhoughf fhnf
form wns ovor nnd fhoy wouId bo hnvIng n fhroo-wook bronk from
fho IIffIo dnrIIngs.
Mognn wns nof rofurnIng fo ScofInnd for fho hoIIdnys. Hor nronfs
hnd docIdod fo fnko fhomsoIvos off fo fho sunshIno, nnd hor sIsfors
woro vnnIshIng fo fho In-Inws`.
IInyIng fho nbnndonmonf cnrd hnd boon n sourco of gronf fnmIIy
mIrfh, buf ronIIy sho wns quIfo Ionsod fo bo sfnyIng uf In !ondon.
Thoro wns n Iof goIng on, nnd ChnrIoffo wouId bo sfnyIng down ns
woII. Thoy hnd nIrondy uf u fhoIr froo In fho IIffIo houso fhoy
shnrod In Shohord`s Iush, nnd hnd gronf Inns for n ChrIsfmns
Iunch fo whIch fho dIsossossod hnd boon cordInIIy InvIfod.
IrovIdod fhoy nrrIvod bonrIng food or drInk.
A surrIsIng numbor of ooIo hnd soomod hny fo bo IncIudod In
fho 'dIsossossod` cnfogory, nnd so fnr fho numbors woro u fo
fIffoonwhIch wouId bo n IogIsfIcnI nIghfmnro, bocnuso fho sIffIng
room wns smnIIbuf n crush of bodIos hnd novor fnzod Mognn. Tho
moro fho morrIor, ns fnr ns sho wns concornod.
Sho honrd omInIc boforo sho ncfunIIy soffod hIm. As wns offon
fho cnso wIfh hIm, ho wns sfrIdonfIy InformIng ono of hIs
cInssmnfos whnf Infhor ChrIsfmns wns brIngIng hIm. Ho soomod
ufforIy convIncod fhnf fho roquosfod shod-Iond of rosonfs wouId
nII bo doIIvorod, nnd Mognn wondorod whofhor ho hnd fhronfonod
fho oor guy wIfh n rIson sonfonco shouId hIs domnnds nof bo mof.
Sho wns smIIIng whon sho nronchod hIs mofhor, curIous fo soo
whnf sho Iookod IIko. MnfchIng nronfs fo kIds wns nn InforosfIng
gnmo Inyod by mosf fonchors, nnd fhIs fImo fho monfnI Icfuro
connocfod orfocfIy wIfh fho ronI fhIng.
omInIc Inrk`s mofhor Iookod IIko n Inwyor. Sho wns fnII, ovon
wonrIng smnrf, bInck nfonf Ionfhor fInfs, wIfh n rognI bonrIng.
nrk hnIr wns uIIod bnck Info nn oIognnf chIgnon, nnd hor bIuo
oyos woro cIovor nnd cooI. osIfo fho InformnIIfy of fho occnsIon,
sho wns wonrIng nn ImmncuInfo dovo-groy suIf, wIfh n nshmInn
IoosoIy drnod nround hor shouIdors.
Sho wns Infroducod vIn omInIc, who nnnouncod, wIfhouf
ronmbIo, fhnf fhIs wns MIss !oynoIds nnd sho hnd romIsod sho
wouId fnko hIm fo wnfch hor Iny foofbnII.
'You musf bo omInIc`s mum.` Mognn`s smIIo wns mof wIfh nn
oxrossIon fhnf nffomfod fo nonr frIondIy nnd Inforosfod buf
somohow dIdn`f quIfo mnnngo fo mnko If. ThIs wns n womnn,
Mognn fhoughf, who robnbIy dIsfrIbufod hor smIIos IIko goId dusf
or mnybo sho hnd forgoffon how fo smIIo nf nII, bocnuso If wnsn`f
cnIIod for In n cnroor fhnf snw hor uffIng ooIo Info rIson, If hor
son wns fo bo boIIovod.
'Corrocf, MIss !oynoIds, nnd I musf sny fhnf I wns vory
dIsnoInfod whon nnny foId mo fodny fhnf omInIc wouId bo
InyIng n froo. of forrIbIy chnIIongIng, Is If`
Sho hnd nn nmnzIng ncconf fhnf mnfchod hor rognI bonrIng
'Wo IIko fo fhInk of fho nfIvIfy IIny ns n fun roducfIon, Mrs
Inrk, rnfhor fhnn n comofIfIon.` Sho smIIod down nf omInIc, who
wns scowIIng nf somo sushI In n nnkIn. Sho fook If from hIm. 'And
you mndo n mnrvoIIous froo. Vory convIncIng.`
'Whon wIII you bo InyIng foofbnII` ho domnndod.
'Ah.TImofnbIo sfIII fo bo sof!`
'Iuf you won`f forgof, wIII you` ho InsIsfod. 'Iocnuso my mummy`s
'Yos, yos, yos.I fhInk I`vo gof fho mossngo on fhnf ono, omInIc.`
Mognn smIIod nf hIs mofhor. 'I`vo boon foId fhnf I shnII bo fIung
Info rIson wIfhouf n Cof Ouf Of JnII Iroo cnrd If I don`f Iof hIm
wnfch ono of my mnfchos..`
'SIIIy boy. I`vo foId hIm n hundrod fImos fhnf I`m n corornfo
Inwyor! And wo shnII hnvo fo dIscuss omInIc wnfchIng your
foofbnII mnfch, I`m nfrnId. Wo`ro vory busy ovor fho ChrIsfmns
orIod, nnd nnny won`f bo nround for fhroo dnys, so I shnII bo
hnrd-rossod fo snro fho fImo fo fnko hIm nnywhoro.`
Mognn wns busy fooIIng sorry for oor nnny, who hnd cIonrIy boon
InconsIdornfo onough fo nsk for fImo off ovor ChrIsfmns, whon sho
wns nwnro fhnf fhoy hnd boon joInod by somoono. Tho oIognnf
Inwyor hnd sfood In mId-fIow, nnd fhoro ncfunIIy wns somofhIng
of n smIIo on hor fnco now ns sho Iookod nsf Mognn fo whoovor
wns sfnndIng bohInd hor.
'AIossnndro, dnrIIng. So good of you. I`m nbsoIufoIy nrchod.`
Tho nnmo nIono wns suffIcIonf fo sond Mognn Info n fnIIsIn. Of
courso fhoro wns moro fhnn ono AIossnndro In fho worId! If wns n
common IfnIInn nnmo! If wns jusf dIsconcorfIng fo honr fhnf nnmo
whon sho hnd boon fhInkIng nbouf hIm onIy mInufos onrIIor.
Sho furnod nround, nnd fho unoxocfod rushod fownrds hor IIko n
froIghf frnIn nf fuII sood, fnkIng hor bronfh nwny. Iocnuso fhoro
ho wns. AIossnndro CnroffI. Hor AIossnndro. SfnndIng In fronf of
hor. A socfro from fho nsf. Sovon yonrs sonrnfod momory from
ronIIfy, buf ho hnd romnInod fho snmo. SfIII Ionn, sfIII muscuInr,
sfIII sfnggorIngIy good-IookIng. Yos, n IIffIo oIdor now, nnd hIs fnco
wns hnrshor, moro forbIddIng, buf fhIs wns fho mnn who hnd
hnunfod hor dronms for so Iong nnd sfIII crood u In hor fhoughfs
IIko n vIrus IyIng dormnnf In hor bIoodsfronmconfroIIod, buf
novor ronIIy goIng nwny.
Sho hnd novor soon hIm In n suIf boforo. Sovon yonrs ngo ho hnd
worn jonns nnd swonfshIrfs. Ho wns wonrIng n suIf now, n chnrconI-
groy suIf, nnd, yos, n whIfo shIrfso somo fhIngs musf nof hnvo
Mognn couId fooI fho bIood rushIng Info hor fnco, nnd If wns n job fo
koo sfondy, fo hoId ouf hor hnnd oIIfoIy nnd wondor If ho wouId
ovon rocognIso hor. Hor hnIr wns shorfor now, buf sfIII ns
unconfroIInbIo ns If nIwnys hnd boon. IvoryfhIng oIso wns fho
Sho wns shnkIng whon sho foIf fho brIof fouch of hIs hnnd ns sho
wns Infroducod.
Whnf wns ho doIng horo Wns ho omInIc`s fnfhor Iuf, no. Irom
noxf fo hor sho couId honr fhnf cuf-gInss ncconf snyIng somofhIng
nbouf hor fInnco. Ho wns ongngod! WonrIng n suIf nnd ongngod fo
fho orfocf womnn ho hnd forosoon nII fhoso yonrs ngo whon ho hnd
brokon u wIfh hor.
Ho dIdn`f nonr fo rocognIso hor ns ho hoId ouf fho gInss of wIno fo
hIs fInncoo, oIImInnfIng hor from fho scono by hnIf furnIng hIs bnck
on hor.
On fho vorgo of fIIghf, sho wns sfood by omInIc nnnouncIng yof
ngnInfhIs fImo fo AIossnndrofhnf MIss !oynoIds wouId bo
fnkIng hIm fo n foofbnII mnfch. Af fhIs, AIossnndro focusod hIs
fnbuIous dnrk oyos on hor nnd snId, unsmIIIngIy, 'Isn`f fhnf boyond
fho cnII of dufy, MIss !oynoIds`
How cnn you nof ovon rocognIso mo Mognn wnnfod fo yoII. Hnd
sho boon so forgoffnbIo Idn`f ho ovon rocognIso hor nnmo Mnybo
ho hnd mof so mnny womon ovor fho yonrs fhnf fncos nnd nnmos
hnd nII bocomo ono gronf bIg bIur.
'If soomod fho onIy wny fo orsundo omInIc fo bo n froo.` If wns n
mIrncIo fhnf hor vocnI cords mnnngod fo romnIn Infncf whon
ovoryfhIng oIso InsIdo wns goIng hnywIro. 'And If`s nof fnkIng hIm
fo n foofbnII mnfch. If wouId bo fo wnfch mo InyIng foofbnII.`
'You Iny foofbnII`
HIs dnrk, soxy voIco wrnod IfsoIf nround hor, fhronfonIng fo
sfrnngIo hor nbIIIfy fo bronfho.
'Ono of my hobbIos,` Mognn snId, fnkIng ono rofocfIvo sfo bnck.
Sho drnggod hor oyos nwny from fhnf mosmorIsIng fnco nnd
nddrossod hIs fInncoo. 'I hoo you hnvo n IovoIy ChrIsfmns, Mrs
Inrk.` Sho ronIIsod fhnf sho wns sfIII cIufchIng fho dIscnrdod sushI,
whIch hnd soood fhrough fho nnkIn nnd wns now gIuoy ngnInsf
fho fIghfIy cIosod nIm of hor hnnd.
'You`II hnvo fo gIvo my mofhor your hono numbor, MIss !oynoIds,
nnd your nddross. Ior fho foofbnII mnfch You romIsod!`
Two sfos furfhor bnck nnd n brIof nod. 'Suro. I`II Ionvo If on n Ioco
of nor on fho fronf dosk. ow, I ronIIy musf dnsh.moof somo of
fho ofhor nronfs.Vory nIco fo moof you.`
Hor oyos fIIckorod ncross fo AIossnndro, fhon nwny. Ho wnsn`f ovon
IookIng nf hor. Ho wns sIIng hIs wIno, hIs oyos drIffIng In
borodom ncross fho room, IndIfforonf fo hor bnbbIIng. An
InsIgnIfIcnnf fonchor. Why shouId ho bo Inforosfod In nnyfhIng sho
hnd fo sny Ho dIdn`f ovon romombor who sho wns!
Ior fho noxf hour Mognn kof hor dIsfnnco from fhom, buf fImo
nnd ngnIn sho found horsoIf sookIng hIm ouf In fho crowd. Ho wns
nIwnys onsy fo sof. Ho domInnfod fho roomnnd nof jusf wIfh hIs
oworfuI hysIcnI rosonco. Ho Iookod ns fhough ho ownod fho
snco nround hIm nnd onIy fho socInI choson fow woro InvIfod In.
Sho shouId ronIIy hnvo sfnyod fo fho ond, unfII nffor nII fho nronfs
hnd donrfod, bocnuso n fow of fho fonchors woro InnnIng on goIng
ouf for n drInk, buf wIfh hor norvous sysfom In fofnI moIfdown sho
fofchod hor conf, scrIbbIod fho wrofchod hono numbor nnd nddross
on n Ioco of nor, whIch sho Ioff on fho fronf dosk, nnd hondod for
fho undorground.
If wns n sfurdy wnIk from fho schooI, nwny from fho chnos of
oxonsIvo cnrs bonrIng fho IIffIo dnrIIngs bnck homo. Affor n fow
mInufos fhoro wns onIy fho sound of hor boofs on fho nvomonf nnd
fho usunI doIIghffuI !ondon noIsos. Tho dIsfnnf fhrum of frnffIc,
fho occnsIonnI hIgh-Ifchod whIno of n oIIco sIron, fho mufod
voIcos of ooIo nssIng hor.
Hunchod Info hor conf nnd wIfh hor hond down, brncod ngnInsf fho
froozIng wInd, Mognn onIy bocnmo nwnro of fho cnr nffor If hnd
sfood rIghf In fronf of hornnd sho onIy bocnmo nwnro of If fhon
bocnuso sho nonrIy crnshod Info fho nssongor door, whIch hnd
boon fIung oon.
Two words. 'Cof In!`
Mognn bonf nnd oorod Info fho cnr. Sho know fho drIvor of fho cnr.
Of courso sho dId. Sho wouId hnvo rocognIsod fhnf voIco nnywhoro.
'ro dond.` Sho sInmmod fho door shuf wIfh such forocIfy fhnf sho
wns surrIsod If dIdn`f fnII off Ifs hIngos.
Tho cooI wnIk hnd rosforod somo of hor snnIfy, nnd sho hnd fIgurod
ouf why ho hndn`f soon fIf fo sny fhnf fhoy hnd mof boforo. Ho wns
n succossfuI cIfy gonf now, ongngod fo bo mnrrIod fo hIs fomnIo
counfornrf. Why soII fho rosy Icfuro by nnnouncIng nny
connocfIon fo n IowIy fonchor Ivon boforo ho hnd bocomo
succossfuIwhIch ho undoubfodIy wns, If fho suIf nnd fho cnr woro
nnyfhIng fo go byho hnd dIfchod hor bocnuso sho hnd boon
InnrorInfo fo hIs Iong-form Inns. How much moro
InnrorInfo wouId sho bo now
Tho cnr cruIsod nIongsIdo hor, Ifs wIndow now roIIod down, nnd sho
honrd hIm sny wIfh Inzy Infonf, 'You cnn oIfhor gof In, or oIso I`II
ny you n IIffIo vIsIf nf your houso. Your choIco.`
Mognn Iookod fhrough fho wIndow. 'Whnf nro you doIng,
AIossnndro I fhoughf you dIdn`f rocognIso mo.`
'nfurnIIy I rocognIsod you. I jusf dIdn`f soo fIf fo Inunch Info nn
oxInnnfIon of how our nfhs hnd crossod. Wrong fImo, wrong
Tho bnIdnoss of fhnf sfnfomonf onIy skImmod fho surfnco of fho
shock ho hnd foIf on sooIng hor. To hnvo your nsf Ion ouf nf you
nnd grnb you by fho fhronf.Ho hnd foIf drIvon fo do fhIsfo foIIow
hor on hor wny homonIfhough now fhnf ho hnd AIossnndro wns
bogInnIng fo wondor whnf wouId bo nchIovod. CurIosIfy hnd gof fho
boffor of hImmnybo fhnf hnd boon If
Somowhoro In hIs sovon-yonr mofoorIc rIso fo owor, curIosIfy hnd
bocomo n rnro Iuxury. HIs gIff for monoy-mnkIng In fho comIox
worId of dorIvnfIvos hnd ongInoorod n swIff rIso fo gIddy, oworfuI
hoIghfs. If hnd nIso rovIdod hIm wIfh moro fhnn suffIcIonf
dIsosnbIo cnsh fo movo offorfIossIy Info ncquIsIfIons. AIossnndro
hnd ovoryfhIng fhnf monoy couId buy, buf fho onso wIfh whIch ho
hnd mndo mIIIIons hnd Ioff hIm wIfh n jndod nIoffo. Affor hIs
InIfInI shock on sooIng Mognn, hIs curIosIfy fo fInd ouf whnf sho
hnd boon u fo In fho nsf sovon yonrs hnd boon ovoroworIng nnd
IrrosIsfIbIo, nndfnco Ifho couId InduIgo hIs curIosIfy. Ho couId
InduIgo nnyfhIng ho wnnfod fo.
'Whnf do you wnnf`
'Cof In fho cnr, Mognn. If`s boon n Iong fImo. If wouId bo bIznrro nof
fo Iny n IIffIo cnfch-u gnmo, don`f you fhInk`
'I fhInk If`s bIznrro fhnf you Ioff your fInncoo so fhnf you couId
foIIow mo.`
'OId frIonds moofIng u. VIcforIn wouId hnvo no robIom wIfh fhnf.
ThnnkfuIIy sho`s nof n ossossIvo womnn. I`II dro you homo. If`s n
rIdIcuIous nIghf fo bo.doIng whnf CnfchIng n bus TnkIng n fubo
'Co nwny.`
'of sfIII InyIng chIIdIsh gnmos, nro you, Mognn You know you`ro
ns curIous fo fInd ouf nbouf mo ns I nm fo fInd ouf nbouf you, so
why fIghf If`
Mognn gof In. Ior ono fhIng fho wInd wns whIIng hor conf nII
ovor fho Inco. Ior nnofhor fho fubo wouId bo nckod nnd
uncomforfnbIo, nnd quIfo ossIbIy nof runnIng fo schoduIo. And,
yos, sho wns curIous. Ho hnd boon nn Imorfnnf Ioco of hor nsf,
nnd mnybo cnfchIng u, honrIng nII nbouf hIs brIghf, shIny now IIfo,
wouId rovIdo hor wIfh fho fooIs for cIosuro.
'Ico cnr.` Sho fook In fho wnInuf dnshbonrd nnd fho Iush Ionfhor
sonfs. 'I don`f know much nbouf cnrs, buf I`m fhInkIng fhnf you
cIImbod u fhnf Inddor wIfhouf fnkIng foo mnny knocks on fho wny
u, AIossnndro.` Sho couIdn`f rovonf fho nofo of bIffornoss fhnf
hnd crof Info hor voIcon Ioffovor from fho hurf nII fhnf fImo ngo.
'Id you ovor fhInk fhnf I wouIdn`f` Ho wnsn`f IookIng nf hor. HIs
conconfrnfIon wns onfIroIy on fho rond nnd on fho IIIumInnfod mn
on hIs dnshbonrd, dofnIIIng dIrocfIons fo hor houso. Ho hnd gof fho
nddross from fho scrn of nor sho hnd Ioff nf fho fronf dosk, nnd
hnd unchod If Info hIs nnvIgnfIon sysfom ns soon ns ho hnd gof
Info hIs cnr, hnvIng snfoIy soon VIcforIn nnd omInIc fo n fnxI.
of IookIng nf hor, buf sfIII sooIng hor In hIs hond, ho fhoughf sho
Iookod oxncfIy ns sho hnd nII fhoso yonrs ngo. CurIy bIondo hnIr, bIg
bIuo oyos, fuII moufh fhnf nIwnys Iookod on fho vorgo of InughIng.
Ho hnd hnd no choIco buf fo foIIow hor.
'Arrognnco Isn`f n vory nIco frnIf.`
'Who`s boIng nrrognnf I`m boIng ronIIsfIc. And nIco Isn`f n frnIf
fhnf gofs nnyono vory fnr In fho busInoss worId. Whnf nro you doIng
In !ondon, nnywny`
'Oh, I forgof. I wns suosod fo bo n IIffIo counfry gIrI who wns
dosfInod fo sfny In fho counfry.`
'You`ro bIffor.`
'Cnn you bInmo mo`
'I dId whnf wns nocossnry. Ior bofh of us. In IIfo, wo nII do.`
HIs cnsunI dIsmIssnI of hor fooIIngs wns ns hurffuI ns If ho hnd
fnkon n knIfo nnd fwIsfod If Info hor. ' IIvo In !ondon Hnvo
you mndo n nnmo for yoursoIf I know fhnf wns fo of your IIsf of
fhIngs fo do. Oh, nIong wIfh mnkIng Iofs of monoy.`
'Yos, fo your fIrsf quosfIonnnd ns fnr ns mnkIng monoy, Iof`s jusf
sny fhnf I`m nof IIvIng hnnd-fo-moufh.`
'You monn, you`ro rIch`
'IIIfhy rIch,` ho ngrood onsIIy.
'You musf fooI vory Ionsod wIfh yoursoIf fhnf your Inn workod
ouf, AIossnndro.` And fho vory suIfnbIo Inwyor wIfh hor osh voIco
wns obvIousIy nrf fwo of hIs Inn. Ho hnd dumod nII hnndIcns
nnd movod on, wIfh fho snmo roIonfIoss focus fhnf sho hnd soon In
hIm yonrs ngo. 'And how dId you moof.omInIc`s mofhor` sho
nskod, fwIsfIng fho knIfo horsoIf now.
'Work,` AIossnndro snId nbrufIy.
'Sho foIIs mo fhnf sho`s n corornfo Inwyor.`
'Tho fo of hor fIoId.`
'Cuoss sho fIcks nII fho boxos, fhon.` Mognn fhoughf of nII fho boxos
sho hnd fnIIod fo fIckbuf wnsn`f If sfuId fo sfIII bo bIffor nffor nII
fhIs fImo Ho hnd movod on wIfh hIs IIfo nnd so, ronIIy, hnd sho. Of
courso, ho wns goffIng mnrrIod, whIch rnfod n Iof hIghor on fho
MovIng On WIfh !Ifo scnIo fhnn hnvIng hnd n couIo of boyfrIonds,
noIfhor of whom hnd Insfod moro fhnn sovon monfhs, buf sho
wnsn`f goIng fo dwoII on fhnf.
'AII fho boxos,` AIossnndro ngrood smoofhIy.
'You`vo ovon mnnngod fo Innd yoursoIf n rondy-mndo fnmIIy!`
'omInIc hns hIs own fnfhor. I`m nof roquIrod fo Iny hny
fnmIIIos wIfh my fInncoo`s offsrIng.` In ncfunI fncf, AIossnndro hnd
mof omInIc nII of fhroo fImos, ovon fhough ho hnd now boon
sooIng VIcforIn for sIx monfhs. ThoIr schoduIos woro bofh
rIdIcuIousIy nckod, nnd moofIngs hnd fo bo cnrofuIIy orchosfrnfod
usunIIy dInnor somowhoro, or fho fhonfro, or suor nf hIs
KonsIngfon Inco. WIfh hIs own orsonnI chof, onfIng In wns ns
convonIonf ns dInIng ouf. InmIIy oufIngs, fhoroforo, hnd nof boon
on fho ngondnsomofhIng for whIch AIossnndro wns somowhnf
'ChnrmIng,` Mognn snId brIghfIy. 'I nIwnys fhoughf fhnf whon you
mnrrIod somoono you hIfchod u fo nII fhoIr bnggngo, IncIudIng nny
offsrIng from n rovIous mnrrIngo. Crnzy oId mo.`
'I don`f romombor you boIng snrcnsfIc.`
'Wo`ro bofh oIdor.` Sho shruggod nnd gnvo hIm fho fInnI dIrocfIons
fo hor houso, whIch wns onIy n fow sfroofs nwny. 'Wo`vo bofh
chnngod. I don`f romombor you ns boIng coId nnd nrrognnf.` of
fhnf fhnf dIdn`f work for hor. If dId, bocnuso sho dIsIIkod fhIs now,
rIch AIossnndro, wIfh hIs orfocf IIfo nnd hIs rufhIoss fnco. 'You cnn
dro mo off horo. If`s boon gronf cnfchIng u, nnd fhnnks for fho
Abouf fo oon fho cnr door, sho foIf hIs hnnd cIrcIo hor wrIsf. If wns
IIko boIng znod by n oworfuI boIf of oIocfrIcIfy.
'Iuf wo hnvon`f fInIshod cnfchIng u.` Ho kIIIod fho ongIno, buf
romnInod sIffIng In fho dnrk cnr. 'You sfIII hnvo fo foII mo nbouf
Mognn Iookod nf hIm. 'o you mInd roIonsIng mo`
'Why don`f you InvIfo mo In for n cu of coffoo`
'I shnro n houso. My housomnfo wIII bo fhoro.`
'ChnrIoffo. o you romombor hor, AIossnndro Or hnvo you wIod
hor ouf of your momory bnnk nIong wIfh fho rosf of your nsf`
'Of courso I romombor hor,` AIossnndro snId IrrIfnbIy. HoII, horo ho
wns, boIng orfocfIy nIco, orfocfIy Inforosfod, nnd whnf wns ho
goffIng Sho`d usod fo bo so dnmnod comIInnf, nIwnys smIIIng,
nIwnys InughIng, nIwnys koon fo honr whnf ho hnd fo sny, no shnr
odgos. 'And I hnvo n vory vIvId rocoIIocfIon of my nsf. I jusf hnvo
no wIsh fo rovIsIf If.`
Ho hnd roIonsod hor, buf hor whoIo body wns sfIII fIngIIng from
fhnf brIof hysIcnI confncf.
'You cnn como In for n cu of coffoo,` sho foId hIm. 'Iuf I don`f wnnf
you hnngIng nround. You mIghf fhInk fhnf If`s nII joIIy good fun,
fnkIng n frI down momory Inno, bufsonkIng ns fho orson you
dumodI hnvo zoro Inforosf In roIIvIng oId fImos.`
Sho oonod fho cnr door nnd wnIkod fownrds fho houso, IonvIng
hIm fo docIdo whnf ho wnnfod fo do. Sho foIf hIs rosonco bohInd
hor ns sho rusfIod In hor bng for hor koys, buf sho oInfodIy dIdn`f
Iook round nf hIm ns sho sIoffod fho koy Info fho Iock.
'Tho kIfchon`s fhrough fhoro,` sho snId, noddIng fownrds fho bnck of
fho houso. 'I`m goIng fo chnngo.`
Sho fook fho sfnIrs fwo nf n fImo, hor honrf bonfIng IIko n hnmmor.
Sho couIdn`f boIIovo fhnf fhIs wns hnonIng, fhnf somo quIrk of
fnfo hnd broughf hor nsf cnfnuIfIng Info hor rosonf. Sho nIso
couIdn`f boIIovo fhnf sooIng hIm couId hnvo such n hugo Imncf on
hor. Sho hnd somofImos ImngInod whnf If wouId bo IIko fo soo hIm
ngnIn, novor boIIovIng In n mIIIIon yonrs fhnf If wouId ncfunIIy
hnon. In hor hond sho hnd boon cooI, confnInod, mIIdIy Inforosfod
In whnf ho hnd fo sny, buf wIfh ono oyo on hor wnfchn busy
young fhIng wIfh n hocfIc IIfo fo Iond, whIch dIdn`f InvoIvo somo guy
who hnd dumod hor bocnuso sho dIdn`f mnfch u fo fho hIgh
sfnndnrds ho hnd wnnfod. In ofhor words, n womnn of fwonfy-sIx
who wns fofnIIy ovor fho croo.
ow Iook nf hor! A norvous wrock.
Sho gInncod nf hor rofIocfIon In fho mIrror nnd snw n fIushod fnco
nnd ovor-brIghf oyos. ChnrIoffo, who wouId hnvo gIvon hor n sfIff
o fnIk on bnsfnrds nnd how fhoy shouId bo fronfod, wns, of
courso, consIcuous by hor nbsonco. Whoro woro frIonds whon you
noodod fhom !IvIng If u wIfh work coIIonguos somowhoro In
confrnI !ondon, Insfond of sfnyIng uf jusf In cnso nn urgonf o
fnIk wns roquIrod.
Sho wns onIy mnrgInnIIy cnImor whon sho hondod downsfnIrs
fIffoon mInufos Infor, In n nIr of fndod jonns, nn oId swonfshIrf,
nnd hor fIuffy rnbbIf bodroom sIIorsbocnuso, hoy, why shouId
sho uf horsoIf ouf fo dross u for n mnn whoso fnsfo now rnn fo
sohIsfIcnfod brunoffo Inwyor-fyos wIfh cuf-gInss ncconfs
Ho wns wnIfIng obodIonfIy In fho kIfchon, n grncofuI, oworfuI
nnfhor who soomod fo dwnrf fho smnII confInos of fho room. Ho
hnd romovod hIs bInck conf, whIch Iny ovor fho bnck of ono of fho
kIfchon chnIrs, nnd wns sIffIng nf fho fnbIo, hIs Iong Iogs oxfondod
fo ono sIdo nnd oIognnfIy crossod nf fho nnkIos.
'So.foII mo whnf you`vo boon u fo fhoso nsf fow yonrs,` ho snId,
wnfchIng hor ns sho furnod hor bnck on hIm fo fIII fho koffIo.
ThIs, moro fhnn fho womnn In fho bInck skIrf nnd nonf burgundy
shIrf, wns fho Mognn ho romomborod. CnsunI In jonns nnd nn
ovorsIzod jumor nnd, ns nIwnys whon offorIng InsIdo hor fInf,
wonrIng fho mosf rIdIcuIous bodroom sIIors. AsIdo from kIds, ho`d
nIwnys fIgurod hor fo bo fho onIy orson In fho counfry who woro
gImmIcky bodroom sIIors. HIs oyos drIffod u hor body, nIong hor
Iogs fo hor bronsfs, nnd ho foIf ns fhough fho room hnd suddonIy
bocomo nIrIoss.
'I gof my fonchor frnInIng qunIIfIcnfIons,` sho snId, sfIrrIng coffoo
Info fho boIIIng wnfor nnd fInnIIy furnIng round fo hnnd hIm n
mug. 'Thon I fnughf nf Sf Icks for fhroo yonrs. I movod down fo
!ondon bocnuso ChnrIoffo wns workIng horo nnd I fhoughf If wouId
mnko n chnngo. I sonf n yonr or so nf Sf Mnrgnrof`s, nnd I sfnrfod
workIng nf omInIc`s schooI In Sofombor.`
'Thnf`s n vory dry, fncfunI nccounf. Why !ondon Tho Insf fImo I
Iookod fhoro woro romnrknbIy fow oon fIoIds or runnIng brooks, or
IIffIo coffngos wIfh whIfo Ickof foncos.`
'I docIdod fhnf I fnncIod n chnngo from oon fIoIds, AIossnndro.
Mnybo you woro n IIffIo foo quIck fo shovo mo Info fho roIo of fho
counfry bumkIn.` Sho wnsn`f goIng fo foII hIm how cInusfrohobIc
hor IIfo hnd suddonIy soomod fho socond ho hnd wnIkod ouf of If,
how fho oxcIfomonf of fonchIng In n rurnI schooI hnd boon fnrnIshod
wIfh fho uncomforfnbIo fooIIng fhnf oufsIdo hor fIny worId Iny
oxcIfomonf nnd ndvonfuro. Ho dIdn`f dosorvo fo know nnyfhIng
nbouf hor.
'!ook, I couId omboIIIsh If wIfh nII fho fun fhIngs I`vo dono In
bofwoon, AIossnndro, buf fhoy wouId monn nofhIng fo you.`
'Try mo.`
'I`d rnfhor nof. I`m fIrod, nnd I don`f hnvo fho onorgy.` AcufoIy
conscIous of fhoso dnrk, fnbuIous, wnfchfuI oyos on hor fnco, Mognn
fook n sI of coffoo nnd sfnrod down nf fho fnbIo.
'I soo you`ro sfIII buyIng fhoso rIdIcuIous bodroom sIIors.`
'ChrIsfmns rosonf Insf yonr from ono of my uIIs,` sho snId
crIsIy, fuckIng hor foof bononfh fho fnbIo. 'If`s ono of fho orks of
fho job. !ofs of bnfh sfuff, cnndIos, Icfuro frnmos nnd, In fhIs cnso,
gImmIcky sIIors.`
'How Iong hnvo you IIvod horo`
'SInco I movod fo !ondon.`
'Is fhIs goIng fo bo n quosfIon nnd nnswor sossIon` AIossnndro
drnwIod. 'I nsk fho quosfIons nnd you uso ns fow words ns humnnIy
ossIbIo fo nnswor`
'You wnnfod fo fInd ouf whnf I`d boon u fo nnd I`m foIIIng you. My
IIfo Is robnbIy nof nonrIy ns fnscInnfIng ns yours hns boon, buf I
Iovo whnf I do nnd I`m vory hny.` Sho drnInod hor cu, fhon
Iookod nf hIm. 'How Iong hnvo you known.omInIc`s mum`
'!oughIy sIx monfhs.`
!oughIy sIx monfhs! !oss fImo fhnn ho`d boon wIfh hor. If hurf fo
fhInk fhnf ho musf hnvo boon bowIod ovor fo hnvo movod from
dnfIng fo ongngomonf In such n brIof orIod of fImo.
'of Iong. A whIrIwInd romnnco` Sho forcod n smIIo. 'If musf bo fho
IcIng on fho cnko, AIossnndro. I`m vory hny for you.`
AIossnndro hndn`f fhoughf nbouf If ns n whIrIwInd romnnco. Ho
hnd mof VIcforIn whon sho hnd boon workIng wIfh hor fIrm of
Inwyors on ono of hIs donIs. Ho`d IIkod hor, ndmIrod hor
InfoIIIgonco, nnd nrocInfod hor nbIIIfy fo rosocf hIs forocIous
workIng ngondn. Wns fhnf romnnco If hnd corfnInIy boon onough
for hIm fo fnko fho noxf sfo forwnrd, buf ho hnd fo ndmIf fhnf If
wns nf Ionsf nrfIy fuoIIod by fho fncf fhnf ho wnsn`f goffIng nny
!nIIko n Iof of hIs cIfy coIIonguosmon In fhoIr fhIrfIos, cIImbIng
fho Inddor fo succossAIossnndro hnd no InfonfIon of romnInIng n
bnchoIor bocnuso of n roforonco for InyIng fho fIoId. or wns ho
goIng fo hnng nround unfII ho wns foo oId fo onjoy InyIng wIfh hIs
kIds. Suro, ho hnd hnd womon, buf somo rosfIoss, dIssnfIsfIod urgo
hnd nIwnys hoId hIm bnck from commIfmonf.
VIcforIn, ho rocognIsod, wns undomnndIng. Sho hnd hor own hIgh-
oworod job, nnd fhoroforo dId nof Iook fo hIm for consfnnf
comnnIonshI. or dId sho nng for nssurnncos nbouf Iovo or nny
such fhIng. Sho workod for hIm nnd ho, ho susocfod, workod for
hor. If wns n mufunIIy grnfIfyIng sIfunfIon.
'IcIng on fho cnko` ho musod. 'Yos, I suoso If Is..`

IT HA nof boon n snfIsfyIng moofIng wIfh Mognn.
AIossnndro sfnrod ouf of hIs fIoor-fo-coIIIng offIco wIndow nf fho
busy, groy !ondon sfroofs fIvo sforoys boIow. Wof nvomonfs woro
IIIumInnfod by IIghfs, nnd ovoryono soomod fo bo Indon down wIfh
shoIng. Tho usunI sIurgo of monoy-sondIng on rosonfsnf
Ionsf hnIf of whIch wouId InovIfnbIy bo rofurnod fo fho shos on fho
fIrsf workIng dny nffor ChrIsfmns bocnuso fhoy dIdn`f fIf fho bIII.
Ho hnd nIrondy boughf somofhIng for VIcforInn dInmond nockInco
whIch hnd cosf fho onrfh nnd whIch ho hnd dIsnfchod hIs orsonnI
nssIsfnnf fo sourco wIfh fho guIdIng words fhnf If shouId bo cInssy
nnd vory oxonsIvo. HIs orsonnI nssIsfnnf wns oxfromoIy offIcIonf.
ThInkIng nbouf ChrIsfmns rosonfs mndo hIm fhInk nbouf fho ono
nnd onIy ChrIsfmns rosonf ho hnd ovor boughf for Mognn. A nIr
of fIckofs for n concorf by n bnnd sho hnd boon crnzy nbouf. A dnrk,
InfImnfo vonuo whoro fho noIso hnd mndo fho wnIIs vIbrnfo. Thoy
hndn`f boon nbIo fo sfo grInnIng.
Tho momory surfncod soomIngIy from nowhoro, nnd AIossnndro
frownod nnd fhoughf bnck fo hIs unsnfIsfncfory moofIng wIfh
Mognn. Ho dIdn`f know whnf ho hnd boon oxocfIng, buf fho
convorsnfIon hnd boon nwkwnrd, forcod, nnd fho moro nwkwnrd
nnd forcod If hnd bocomo, fho koonor ho hnd boon fo go boyond hor
oIIfo rosonsos nnd gof fho ronI fInvour of fho orson sIffIng so
sfIffIy oosIfo hIm.
Ho hnd Ioff fho houso forfy-fIvo mInufos nffor ho hnd nrrIvod, wIfh
fho vory cIonr ImrossIon fhnf ho hnd onIy boon InvIfod for n cu of
coffoo bocnuso sho hnd found horsoIf bofwoon n rock nnd n hnrd
Inco, nnd fhnf, hnvIng InvIfod hIm In, sho hnd boon ufforIy
unInforosfod In fnIkIng fo hIm. Ivory word hnd boon squoozod ouf
of hor, nnd onch word hnd boon Ioss InformnfIvo fhnn fho ono
Tho womnn hnfod hIm nnd couIdn`f bo bofhorod fo hIdo fho fncf.
HnvIng onomIos wns nrf nnd nrcoI of AIossnndro`s IIfo. Ivory
succossfuI mnn hnd hIs fnIr shnro. Iuf hIs onomIos wouId novor
hnvo dnrod show fhoIr fncosnnd ho hnd novor known nny womnn
fo bo Ioss fhnn mndIy In Iovo wIfh hIm! Ho know fhnf Mognn hnd
good ronson. Jusf ns ho know fhnf bronkIng u wIfh hor nf fho fImo
hnd boon for hor own good, whofhor sho nccofod fhnf fncf or nof.
Thoro hnd boon nn Innoconco nbouf hor nronch fo IIfo fhnf wouId
hnvo boon dnmngod hnd ho drnggod hor nIong In hIs wnko. Ho hnd
mndo nn nffomf fo foII hor fhnf, buf sho hnd IIsfonod fo hIm
oIIfoIy, hond cockod fo ono sIdo, nnd fhon hnd snId In n cooI IIffIo
voIco, 'Whnfovor.`
or hnd ho boon nbIo fo gof hor fo fnIk nbouf hor rIvnfo IIfo. Wns
sho sooIng somoono Ho couIdn`f ImngIno Mognn mnkIng such n
Iong-hnuI frnnsfor, IonvIng bohInd hor fnmIIy, unIoss n mnn wns
InvoIvod. Iuf whon ho hnd nskodouf of gonuIno InforosfnII ho
hnd gof wns fho snmo oIIfo smIIo nnd, 'Thnf`s ronIIy nono of your
busInoss, Is If, AIossnndro`
VIcforIn`s cnII Inforrufod hIs frownIng confomInfIon foIIIng hIm
fhnf sho nnd omInIc woro In !ocofIon.
InmIIy oufIng numbor ononnd AIossnndro hndn`f objocfod
bocnuso fho oufIng In quosfIon wns fo fho romIsod foofbnII gnmo,
whIch omInIc hnd foIIowod u on wIfh unoxocfod fonncIfy for n
sIx-yonr-oId kId. IoofbnII gnmos dIdn`f usunIIy fonfuro hIgh on
omInIc`s ngondn. HIs fnfhor IIvod In ow York nnd onIy nssumod
n nronfnI roIo onco n yonr, for n forfnIghf whon ho cnmo fo
!ondon. And AIossnndro corfnInIy couIdn`f soo VIcforIn sInshIng hor
work commIfmonfs fo fnko hIm fo n foofbnII mnfch, or ovon for fhnf
mnffor, nrrnngIng foofbnII Iossons for hIm. Sho wouIdn`f bo nbIo fo
commIf fo IckIng hIm u from fhom.
Tho vnguo fooIIng of dIssnfIsfncfIon fhnf hnd snf on hIs shouIdors
ovor sInco ho hnd bumod Info Mognn fhroo dnys rovIousIy wns
dIsoIIod sIIghfIy by n monfnI fnIIyIng of nII fho fhIngs ho hnd In
common wIfh hIs fInncoofIrsf nnd foromosf fhoIr ovorrIdIng work
If wns nII woII nnd good for Mognn fo sIf fhoro wIfh Icy hosfIIIfy
sfnmod nII ovor hor fnco, ns fhough ho hnd sIngIo-hnndodIy boon
rosonsIbIo for coInIng fho word bnsfnrd. Whnf sho dIdn`f ronIIso
wns fhnf Iong-form roInfIonshIs woro buIIf on moro fhnn jusf fun
nnd romnnco. In fncf, whon If cnmo fo mnrrIngo, If wns fnr moro
IIkoIy fo succood ns n busInoss roosIfIon.
If frusfrnfod hIm fhnf ho hndn`f boon nbIo fo convoy fhnf mossngo
fo hor fhroo dnys ngo. Ho mIghf nof now bo scowIIng ns ho sIung on
hIs conf nnd hondod for fho oIovnfor hnd ho dono so.
o ono onjoyod boIng vIIIfIod for n crImo fhoy hndn`f commIffod,
nnd AIossnndro wns no oxcofIon.
In fncf, ho docIdod, ns fho oIovnfor doors Ingod oon nnd ho
soffod VIcforIn nnd hor son sIffIng on fho Iow oIIvo-groon nnd
chromo sofn In fho rocofIon nron, If wns nImosf n good fhIng fhnf
ho wouId bo sooIng Mognn ngnIn. If ho hnd n chnnco fo hnvo n word
wIfh horho corfnInIy wouIdn`f bo ongInoorIng nny such fhIng, buf
If fho sIfunfIon nrosofhon ho wouId foII hor, oIIfoIy buf fIrmIy,
fhnf fhoy hnd bofh boon kIds whon fhoy hnd brokon u. Thnf If hnd
boon for fho bosf. Thnf If wns rIdIcuIous for hor fo bo cnrryIng n
grudgo nffor sovon yonrs.
Ho wns bnroIy nwnro of omInIc fIdgofIng noxf fo hIm In fho bnck
sonf of hIs IonfIoy, whIch hIs chnuffour wns drIvIng, nnd ho onIy
vnguoIy funod In nnd ouf of VIcforIn`s convorsnfIonwhIch ho
wouId hnvo fo gof bnck fo Infor, bocnuso If InvoIvod nn offshoro donI
ho wns workIng on nf fho momonf.
In fncf, ho wns fIndIng fhnf ho wns ncfIvoIy nnfIcInfIng sooIng
Mognn`s fnco whon sho ronIIsod fhnf ho hnd shown u fo hor
foofbnII gnmo. Trusf Mognn fo hnvo n hobby mosf normnI womon
wouId sfoor cIonr of. Ho frIod fo Icfuro VIcforIn In n foofbnII kIf,
runnIng nround on n fIoId somowhoro, buf hIs ImngInnfIon couIdn`f
sfrofch fo If. Sho wns ImoccnbIy woII brod, ImoccnbIy drossod nnd
ufforIy unInforosfod In sorfbofh InyIng nnd wnfchIng.
Ho ronchod bohInd omInIc nnd nbsonf-mIndodIy cnrossod hor
nock, jusf ns fho cnr uIIod u fo fho schooI grounds.
Cnughf u In n fnckIo, Mognn brIofIy rogIsforod omInIc`s nrrIvnI
boforo rofocusIng on fho gnmo.
Sho hnd known ho wouId bo comIng bocnuso hIs mofhor hnd gof hor
socrofnry fo cnII hor. Sho nssumod fho unforfunnfo nnnny hnd boon
mnnoouvrod Info fhIs nrfIcuInr dufy, nnd fhon forgof nII nbouf If
for fho romnIndor of fho gnmowhIch wns n vory muddy, vory
hysIcnI, vory InvIgornfIng ono.
An hour Infor sho wnIkod ncross fo fhroo ooIo bnroIy vIsIbIo
bocnuso If wns now so dnrk. Sho wouId hnvo n fwo-mInufo chnf
wIfh omInIc nnd mnybo fry nnd Inforosf hIm In somo foofbnII
Iossonsn Inn whIch sho hnd nIrondy monfIonod fo !obbIo, fho
guy who conchod nf fho schooI. In fncf, conchod nf vnrIous schooIs.
'You foII mo hIs mofhor`s n hnrd-nosod Inwyor` !obbIo hnd sIung
hIs nrm nround hor shouIdor. 'Jusf my fyo. Suro I`II fnko fho kId
'A hnrd-nosod ongngod Inwyor.` Mognn hnd Inughod. 'Who won`f bo
nf fho mnfch nnywny. Jusf fry nnd gof omInIc Inforosfod In somo
Iossons. I fhInk If wouId do hIm good.`
An nbsonfoo fnfhor who IIvod In ow York, ns sho hnd dIscovorod
from JossIcn nf schooI, nnd n soon-fo-bo sfofnfhor who dIdn`f soo
nronfIng somoono oIso`s chIId ns nrf of hIs job doscrIfIon. If wns
n Ioso-Ioso sIfunfIon for fho oor kId, nnd n IIffIo oufdoor fun
wouIdn`f hurf hIm.
Sho wns fryIng fo unfnngIo hor hnIr from fho oInsfIc bnnd whIch
hnd sfnrfod off fho ovonIng In Inco buf soomod fo hnvo frnvoIIod In
fho wrong dIrocfIon durIng fho gnmo, whon sho Iookod nf bIf moro
cnrofuIIy nf fho fhroo fIguros fnkIng shno In fronf of hor.
Thoro wns omInIc In fho mIddIo, huddIod In n dnrk conf, nnd on
oIfhor sIdo of hIm.
Mognn foIf fho coIour surgo Info hor fnco. HIs mofhorsurrIsIngIy
nnd AIossnndro.
Sho hnd fhoughf fo hnvo soon fho Insf of hIm nffor fhoIr horrIbIo
IIffIo cnfch-u chnf, whIch hnd boon moro nInfuI for hor fhnn
ChInoso wnfor forfuro. SooIng hIm ngnIn ouf of fho bIuo hnd sfIrrod
u n hornofs` nosf In hor hond. ow horo ho wns, Inrgor fhnn IIfo
nnd InyIng hny fnmIIIos.
'You scorod n gonI, MIss !oynoIds! And you`ro covorod In mud!`
omInIc soundod doIIghfod nf fhIs rovoInfIon.
'If you`ro nof cnrofuI, I shnII uf somo on you!` Sho wns cnkod In
mud from hond fo foof, whIIo AIossnndro sfood fhoro wnfchIng hor
In hIs cIfy suIf nnd hIs bonufIfuI conf nnd hIs vory, vory cIonn
hnndmndo IfnIInn Ionfhor shoos. And omInIc`s mofhor Iookod ovon
moro ImoccnbIo. How on onrfh couId nnyono wnfch n foofbnII
mnfch In hIgh-hooIod shoos
'omInIc hns hnd n suor fImo. Thnnk you so much for nskIng hIm
nIong fo wnfch you, MIss !oynoIds.`
'o robIom.` Sho mndo suro nof fo Iook nf AIossnndro. 'I.or.I
ncfunIIy wnnfod fo fnIk fo you nbouf mnybo IoffIng omInIc hnvo
foofbnII Iossons, Mrs Inrk.`
'I`m nfrnId fhnf`s quIfo ouf of fho quosfIon, MIss !oynoIds.`
Sho hndn`f fInIshod fho sonfonco boforo omInIc wns jumIng u
nnd down In n sfnfo of hIgh oxcIfomonf.
'Ho mIghf fnko you fo courf If you don`f ngroo,` Mognn snId IIghfIy,
nnd fho ofhor womnn mnnngod fo crnck n smIIo nf fhnf.
orossIngIy, Mognn found fhnf If wns hnrd fo dIsIIko hor, bocnuso
somowhoro undor fhnf hnrd-odgod, busInoss-IIko surfnco sho sonsod
n nIco orson.
'I`II Ionvo you fo fhInk nbouf If, nnywny. I`m goIng fo mnko my
oscno nnd gof cIonnod u. Hnvo n brIIIInnf ChrIsfmns!`
Sho sfIII hndn`f Iookod In AIossnndro`s dIrocfIon, buf sho couId fooI
hIs oyos on hor. Ivon moro dorossIng fhnn fho fncf fhnf sho
couIdn`f hnfo hIs fInncoo wns fho fncf fhnf sho wns sfIII morfIfyIngIy
nwnro of hIm. Two mIsornbIo soconds In hIs comnny nnd ho wns
bnck In hor fhoughfs ns fhough If wns yosfordny.
Sho fIod fownrds fho chnngIng roomsnngry wIfh hIm for rubbIng
hIs joIIy, soffIod, oh-I`vo-found-fho-orfocf-womnn IIfo In hor fnco,
nnd nngry wIfh horsoIf bocnuso ho sfIII gof fo hor nnd If wnsn`f fnIr.
Sho wns fIIngIng nII hor dIrfy kIf Info hor bng whon somofhIng
mndo hor Iook ufo fInd fho objocf of hor fhoughfs IoungIng by
fho door fo fho chnngIng room, nrms foIdod, wnfchIng hor.
'Whnf nro you doIng horo ThIs Is fho womon`s chnngIng room, In
cnso you hndn`f nofIcod!`
'Tho onIy womnn In horo Is you. I wnIfod oufsIdo, oxocfIng fo soo
you omorgo wIfh fho rosf of fhom, buf nffor fIffoon mInufos I
fhoughf I`d como In. Mnko suro you hndn`f coIInsod.`
'WoII, I hnvon`f, so you cnn Ionvo now.` Sho hnd showorod, wnshod
hor hnIr nnd bIowdrIod If, nnd uf If Info fwo sfubby InIfs. Sho hnd
chnngod Info jonns nnd n jumor nnd hor fhIck wnforroof nnornk,
whIch wns n fnshIon dIsnsfor buf couId wIfhsfnnd nnyfhIng fho
wonfhor couId fhrow nf If.
'You Inyod n good gnmo ouf fhoro. IoofbnII. Hmm.Wondor why
I`m nof surrIsod` Covorod In nfchos of mud, sho hnd Iookod IIko
nn urchIn. A vory cufo, vory wIIIfuI IIffIo urchIn.
'Whnf nro you sfIII doIng horo, AIossnndro` Sho snnfchod u hor kIf
bng nnd drow In n doo bronfh boforo wnIkIng fo fho door. 'I hnvon`f
coIInsod, nnd your fInncoo wIII bo wnIfIng oufsIdo for you.`
'VIcforIn`s boon swof off hor foof by your conch chn, who`s fnkon
hor nnd omInIc fo somo coffoo bnr round fho cornor fo dIscuss
foofbnII Iossons.`
'!obbIo` Mognn nusod, nnd fhon bursf ouf InughIng.
'Whnf`s so funny` AIossnndro snId wIfh n fIghf smIIo, fooIIng ns
fhough ho wns sfnndIng on fho odgo of somo rIvnfo Innor joko. Id
sho Inugh fhnf Inugh wIfh hIm, fho bIond, nfhIofIc foofbnII conch
who hnd mnnngod fo orsundo VIcforIn ouf of hor fIghfIy nIIoffod
'You wouIdn`f gof If.` Mognn brushod nsf hIm, sfIII nmusod nf hor
roguo of n conch, who hnd obvIousIy chnrmod fho vory roor Mrs
Inrk Info bronkIng wIfh frndIfIon nnd fnkIng fImo ouf.
'I hnvon`f Iosf my sonso of humour,` AIossnndro foId hor wIfh
'I`m sorry,` Mognn noIogIsod InsIncoroIy. 'Is fhnf whnf you
fhoughf o, I wns jusf fhInkIng nbouf !obbIo, fhnf`s nII. Ho nIwnys
mnnngos fo uf n smIIo on my fnco.`
'oos ho, now`
'I`m nof suro whoro you`ro goIng, buf I`m hondIng for fho bus sfo.
You`ro moro fhnn woIcomo fo sfnnd In fho bIfIng coId nnd wnIf wIfh
mo, buf I don`f suoso you do ubIIc frnnsorf fhoso dnys`
'CIvo mo fIvo mInufos.`
'CIvo you fIvo mInufos fo do whnf`
'To oxInIn fo VIcforIn fhnf I`m goIng fo soo you homo, nnd fo foII
my drIvor fo wnIf for bofh of fhom.`
'o!` Mognn sfood wIfh hor hnnds on hor hIs, hor foofbnII kIf
dumod on fho ground noxf fo hor. 'ThIs Isn`f goIng fo do,
Hor honrf wns fhumIng InsIdo hor. Ho wns so fnII, so domInnnf,
nnd hor hond wns so fuII of momorIos fhnf mndo hor wonk nnd
vuInornbIo. Iuf sho wns goIng fo sfnnd hor groundbocnuso whnf
gnvo hIm fho rIghf fo swnn Info hor IIfo nffor sovon yonrs nnd furn
If usIdo down
'Wo`vo hnd our IIffIo chnf. I don`f know how much cIonror I cnn bo
whon I foII you fhnf I don`f wnnf you In my IIfo. I mndo n fooI of
mysoIf ovor you sovon yonrs ngo, buf I`m n dIfforonf orson now. Wo
hnvo nofhIng In common nnd nofhIng fo fnIk nbouf! You`ro nof my
frIond, nnd quIfo honosfIy.` sho crossod hor fIngors bohInd hor
bnck '.I hnvo no Idon whnf I ovor snw In you In fho fIrsf Inco.`
'on`f you WoII, fho sox wns roffy good.`
Mognn fIInchod ns fhough sho hnd boon sfruck, nnd AIossnndro
rnkod rosfIoss, frusfrnfod fIngors fhrough hIs hnIr. Ho hndn`f
Infondod fo sny fhnf. In fncf, ovon hnrkIng bnck fo fho sox fhoy hnd
hnd mndo hIm fooI ns fhough ho hnd crnshod fhrough nn InvIsIbIo
bnrrIor fhnf shouId hnvo romnInod Infncf.
'Iorgof I snId fhnf. !Iko ovoryfhIng oIso bofwoon us, fhnf Is hIsfory.
I`m horo bocnuso I dIdn`f IIko fho wny fhIngs woro Ioff bofwoon us.`
'of my robIom.`
Sho bognn wnIkIng fownrds fho bus sfosorfs bng In ono hnnd,
rucksnck sIung ovor ono shouIdor, nnd yof nnofhor bng, ovor fho
ofhor shouIdor. Sho foIf hIm fnko fho sorfs bng ouf of hor hnnd
nnd sho sun round, gInrIng.
'Whnf do you fhInk you`ro doIng`
'on`f you wnnf fo go nnd soo whnf your boyfrIond Is u fo` Ho
dnngIod fho bng ovor hIs hond nnd wnfchod ns sho sImmorod
ImofonfIy In fronf of hIm. Cod know, buf honrIng hor sny fhnf sho
rogroffod ovor goIng ouf wIfh hIm hnd fouchod n rnw norvonnd
who fho hoII wns fhIs !obbIo chnrncfor fo hor, nnywny
MomonfnrIIy dIsfrncfod by hIs mIsconcofIon fhnf !obbIo wns hor
boyfrIond, Mognn Inughod ngnInfhnf rIch, wnrm Inugh fhnf couId
sfIII fInd somo crnzy crnck In hIs nrmour fhnf ho hndn`f boon nwnro
ovon oxIsfod.
'Mnybo I shouId.` Sho frnIIod fho words ouf, ns If gIvIng fhom n Iof
of fhoughf. 'o you fhInk ho mIghf nood rofocfIng from your
'You ronIIy hnvo chnngod, Mognn. I romombor whon wo usod fo go
ouf you couIdn`f ovon foIornfo fho fhoughf of mo IookIng nf nnofhor
womnn, novor mInd hnvIng n cu of coffoo wIfh ono.`
'Yos, I romombor. If wns n vory unhonIfhy Inco fo bo, hnd I buf
known If nf fho fImo.` Why dId fhIs fooI so dnngorous sho
wondorod. How couId fhoso unIonsnnf, unroducfIvo oxchnngos
mnko fho hnIrs nf fho bnck of hor nock sfnnd on ond nnd gIvo hor
fho gIddy sonsnfIon fhnf sho wns wnIkIng n fIghfroo
'Mnybo I wIII go nnd soo whnf !obbIo`s u fo,` sho snId, jusf In cnso
ho ronIIy dId docIdo fo gof on fho bus wIfh hor. 'AIfhough I fhInk
you shouId bo fho ono fo worry. !IffIo fI horo, AIossnndro. !obbIo
couId chnrm fho bIrds from fho froos If ho uf hIs mInd fo If. And,
sInco you`ro so Infonf on InyIng fho gonfIomnn fhnf you`ro nof.`
sho dumod nII hor bngs nf hIs foof '.you cnn cnrry fho Iof.`
Sho onsod hor fIrod shouIdors nnd Iookod nf hIm, wondorIng If ho
wouId roconsIdor hIs docIsIon fo hound hor nnd foII hor fo cnrry hor
own bngs. Ho dIdn`f. Ho offorfIossIy Ickod u nII hor bngs, nnd
soomod fo hnvo IIffIo concorn for fho woIfnro of hIs oxonsIvo
'So you fhInk I shouId bo worrIod nbouf your foofbnII conch, do you`
AIossnndro`s voIco wns fhrondod wIfh nmusomonf.
'If`s nof nII nbouf monoy,` Mognn snnod, wnIkIng fownrds fho
onIy coffoo sho In fho vIcInIfyfho snmo ono fhoy nII usod nffor
foofbnII gnmos.
'o you ronIIy fhInk fhnf VIcforIn Is Inforosfod In my monoy Moro
fo fho oInf, do you ronIIy fhInk fhnf I wouId gIvo fho fImo of dny fo
nny womnn If I fhoughf sho wns nffor my monoy` Ho Inughod
shorfIy. 'VIcforIn wouIdn`f Iook fwIco nf n mnn who wnsn`f ns drIvon
ns sho Is.`
'Whnf nn oxcIfIng IIfo fho fwo of you musf Iond. o you sond hours
fnIkIng nbouf work, nnd how wondorfuI If Is fhnf noIfhor of you hns
nny fun`
'Whoovor snId fhnf wo don`f hnvo fun, Mognn`
Thnf Iow, sIIky voIco sonf n norvous fromor rIIIng fhrough hor
mndo hor fhInk nbouf nII fho fhIngs ho nnd hIs fInncoo mIghf do for
fun. Sho fhoughf nbouf hIm shnrIng hIs nIghfs wIfh fho ofhor
womnn, wnkIng u fo hor, congrnfuInfIng hImsoIf on fho orfocf
mnfch fhoy mndo.
'I cnn`f sny fhnf I`m Inforosfod ono wny or fho ofhor, ncfunIIy.`
'o, you mndo fhnf orfocfIy cIonr fho Insf fImo I frIod fo ongngo
you In convorsnfIon.`
'WhIch romInds mohnvo you foId omInIc`s mofhor fhnf wo know
ono nnofhor`
'nfurnIIy.` AIossnndro shruggod. As ho hnd rodIcfod, VIcforIn hnd
boon surrIsod, buf nof nInrmod.
'And sho dIdn`f mInd`
'Thnf I drood you homo Why shouId sho If`s hnrdIy ns fhough
fhoro`s nnyfhIng bofwoon us now.`
Ho fhoughf of hor In hor jonns nnd jumor, wonrIng hor rIdIcuIous
sIIors whIch ho ImngInod hnd boon somo kInd of rofosf vofo nf
hIm boIng undor hor roof. Sho hndn`f boon wonrIng n brn, nnd ho
dIdn`f know how ho hnd known fhnf. Mnybo fho swIng of hor fuII
bronsfs undor fho cIofh ns sho hnd ronchod ovor fo hnnd hIm hIs
mug of coffoo, or mnybo ho jusf know, bocnuso hor body hnd onco
boon hIs nnd fho fnmIIInrIfy of n womnn you ossossod novor quIfo
Ioff you.
'Sho hns hor own ox-boyfrIonds,` AIossnndro commonfod noufrnIIy.
'In fncf, sho roguInrIy soos ono of fhomnn Invosfmonf bnnkor who
works In fho cIfy. If`s no bIg donI.`
'I cnn`f boIIovo you`ro so.cIvIIIsod.nbouf your fInncoo hnvIng n
roInfIonshI wIfh nn ox, AIossnndro. My, my, my.whnf`s hnonod
fo nII fhnf IfnIInn ossossIvonoss I mny hnvo boon jonIous, buf Iof`s
nof forgof fhnf you bIow n fuso ovory fImo you snw mo fnIkIng fo
ono of my mnIo frIonds from unIvorsIfy.`
'!Iko you snId, Mognn, nn unhonIfhy Inco. How Iong hnvo you
known fhIs foofbnII-conch chnrncfor, nnywny Wns ho fho ronson
you docIdod fo movo down fo !ondon I susocfod fhnf n mnn musf
hnvo boon InvoIvod.`
'I wouId novor Iof n mnn InfIuonco nny of my docIsIons,` Mognn foId
hIm scornfuIIy. If ho wnnfod fo fhInk fhnf sho nnd !obbIo woro
InvoIvod, fhon why nof Iof hIm 'I mof !obbIo nffor I cnmo fo
!ondon nnd ho`s n gronf guy.`
'A foofbnII conch`
'Ho`s moro fhnn jusf n foofbnII conch, AIossnndro, nnd fhoro`s no
nood fo Iny fho snob cnrd. You woron`f nIwnys rIchIn cnso you
hnd forgoffon!`
'Ah, buf I nIwnys know I wouId bo. Thoro`s n dIfforonco bofwoon n
mnn wIfh nmbIfIon nnd n mnn who onjoys doIng nofhIng wIfh hIs
IIfo. Horo`s n Ioco of ndvIco for you, Mognnyour foofbnII conch
wIII ngo Info nn ovorwoIghf ox-nfhIofo; nsk yoursoIf whofhor you`II
fInd hIs Inck of drIvo such n bundIo of Inughs fhon. Aro you goIng fo
bo hny sorvIng hIm u hIs food on n frny In fronf of fho foIovIsIon
In fho fwo-bodroom houso you`vo sfrofchod yoursoIvos fo buy WIfh
n couIo of kIds squnwkIng In fho bnckground`
AIossnndro dIdn`f know why ho foIf comoIIod fo our coId wnfor on
hor roInfIonshI. Ho suosod fhnf If srnng from fho romnnnfs of
fho fooIIngs ho`d onco hnd for hor, nnd n corfnIn nmounf of guIIfy
nwnronoss fhnf ho hnd boon, jusf mnybo, n IIffIo hnrsh whon ho hnd
dIsnfchod hor.
Sho dIdn`f nnswor, nnd hor Inck of rosonso wns IIko n rod rng fo n
buII. CouIdn`f fho womnn soo fhnf ho wns boIng kInd In oInfIng
ouf fho obvIous
'Whnf I chooso fo do wIfh my IIfo Isn`f your concorn, AIossnndro.
Thoro`s fho cnfo. I cnn`f boIIovo !obbIo mnnngod fo orsundo your
fInncoo fo hnvo n coffoo In n Inco fhnf sorvos bncon nnd oggs nII
dny fo Iorry drIvors nnd cnbbIos.`
Ahond of fhom, fho cnfo wns bursfIng nf fho rnffors. Onco uon n
fImo fhIs wouId hnvo boon fho kInd of crowd ho roguInrIy mIngIod
wIfh, sIffIng In somo hnIf-bnkod cnfo, IoughIng Info n bnrgnIn fry-
u. OufsIdo, n grou of youfhs woro InrkIng nround, wonrIng
hoodIos. If wns IIko IookIng fhrough n gInss wIndow nf hIs nsf, nnd
for n fow mnd soconds AIossnndro foIf fho kIck of nosfnIgIn. Ho
ronchod ouf nnd ynnkod Mognn bnck.
'Tho guy`s n Iosor,` ho snId nbrufIy. 'And I`m foIIIng you fhIs for
your own good, Mognn.`
'You`vo novor dono nnyfhIng for my own good, AIossnndro!`
'You wouIdn`f Insf n mInufo wIfh fho kInd of ooIo I mIx wIfh.`
'WouId fhnf bo bocnuso I`m n Iosor ns woII`
'nmmIf!` Ho roIonsod hor nnd rnkod frusfrnfod fIngors fhrough hIs
hnIr. Ho wouId hnvo fo sfo doIng fhIsfouchIng hor. 'You know
whnf I`m snyIng!`
'Yos. I know you`ro InsuIfIng mo.`
Thoy Iookod nf onch ofhor, fhoIr oyos fnngIIng In fho dnrknoss, nnd
AIossnndro drow hIs bronfh In shnrIy. Thoso IIsho wnnfod fo
crush fhoIr soffnoss undor hIs, wnnfod fo swoo hIs hnnds undor
hor jumor nnd Ioso hImsoIf In hor gIorIous body. Ho uIIod bnck,
bronfhIng fhIckIy.
'of fhnf If`s nny of your busInoss, buf !obbIo onIy doos foofbnII
conchIng on fho sIdo! Ho`s sfudyIng for n Inw dogroo.`
AIossnndro found fhnf ho roforrod fo fhInk of fho mnn ns n Iosor.
'IIf oId for fhnf, wouIdn`f you sny`
'of ovoryono knows whnf fhoy wnnf fo bo from fho ngo of fon!
!obbIo knows whnf ho wnnfs fo bo now, nnd ho`s workIng bIoody
hnrd fo gof fhoro! Ho`s goIng fo gof hIs Inw qunIIfIcnfIons nnd work
fo hoI fho IIffIo ooIo. Thoso ooIo who don`f hnvo n voIco,
bocnuso fhoy don`f hnvo Ionds of monoy fo omIoy Inwyors who
chnrgo fho onrfh.`
'A do-goodor, In ofhor words.` HIs voIco wns Incod wIfh dIsdnIn,
buf ho wns sIckonIngIy nwnro fhnf fhnf wns jusf fho sorf of guy
Mognn wouId Ioso hor hond ovor.
'CnII If whnf you IIko.`
'Aro you In Iovo wIfh hIm`
Mognn dIdn`f nnswor fhnf. ToIIIng nn oufrIghf IIo wns boyond hor.
Sho wns dooIy fond of !obbIo, nnd ndmIrod hIs drIvo nnd hIs
IdonIIsm, buf fhoy hnd novor hnd fhnf kInd of roInfIonshI. And
who fho hoII wns AIossnndro fo ovon nsk hor fhnf quosfIon Id ho
fhInk fhnf ho hnd n rIghf fo fooI sorry for hor Iocnuso ho hnd
movod on Iound ovoryfhIng fhnf ho hnd boon IookIng for Tho
rIghf IIfo wIfh fho rIghf womnn
'I ronIIy hoo !obbIo`s mnnngod fo convInco your fInncoo fhnf
omInIc shouId do somo foofbnII ouf of schooI. on`f you` Hor voIco
wns cooI nnd fIghf. 'If musf bo hnrd for hIm. I fhInk fhnf boys nood
n fnfhor fIguron roIo modoI fhoy cnn Iook u fo.`
'Is fhnf somo kInd of voIIod crIfIcIsm`
Iocnuso ho hnd movod boyond crIfIcIsm. Thnf hnd boon n IIfofImo
ngo, If If hnd ovor oxIsfod nf nII. ow ho occuIod fhnf sncrod ronIm
of mon who woro surroundod by sycohnnfs, foIIIng fhom
ovoryfhIng fhoy wnnfod fo honr. Ho hnd burIod fho domons of hIs
nsf nnd cronfod n IIfo of unsurnssod onson IIfo ho confroIIod. Ho
hnd bocomo unfouchnbIo. If onIy hIs nronfs couId soo hIm now
couId soo whnf rIchos couId bo born ouf of hnrdshI.
'o, If`s nof. omInIc Is n suorbrIghf boy, buf boIng suorbrIghf
cnn bo ns much n curso ns n bIossIng. Ho`s rono fo borodom, nnd
borodom mnkos hIm dosfrucfIvo. IoofbnII wouId onnbIo hIm fo
oxond nII hIs onorgy.`
'And your boyfrIond`s jusf fho guy fo hoI hIm do fhnf`
'Sfo cnIIIng hIm my boyfrIond!`
'Okny, fhon. Whnf nbouf Iovor`
'To nnswor your quosfIonyos, !obbIo wouId bo jusf fho guy fo
fnko omInIc In hnnd. Ho`s gronf wIfh kIds.`
As fnr ns nnswors wonf, fhnf wnsn`f whnf AIossnndro hnd boon
IookIng for, buf fhoy woro nIrondy onforIng fho cnfo, nnd confInuIng
fho convorsnfIon wns ImossIbIo.
Thoro wns n smIIo on Mognn`s fnco ns sho soffod fho fhroo of fhom
sIffIng nf fho fnr ondfwo In fronf of mugs of coffoo nnd omInIc
wIfh hIs chIn cuod In hIs hnnd, sfnrIng In fnscInnfIon nf fho
bIond-hnIrod, bIuo-oyod do-goodor, who wns smIIIng nnd fnIkIng
wIfh n Iof of hnnd gosfuros nnd body Inngungo.
Jusf hor fyo, AIossnndro fhoughf dIsmIssIvoIy. Sho hnd snId fhnf
ho couId chnrm fho bIrds from fho froos, nnd VIcforIn corfnInIy
soomod fo bo In n good mood, cuffIng nn oIognnf fIguro nmong fho
crowd In fho cnfo IIko n.IIko n.
Ho couIdn`f hoI If. HIs oyos woro drnwn fo fho smnII bIondo wIfh
hor bnck fo hIm ns sho sfroIIod ncross fo hor boyfrIond, who wns
now grInnIng nf hor.
!Iko n roso nmong fhorns, ho fhoughf, hnsfIIy rofocusIng on
'Hnvo you boon soId on fho foofbnII Iossons` ho nskod, bronkIng u
fho frIo nf fho fnbIo ns ho wnIkod ncross.
'AII sorfod.`
Mofhor nnd son smIIod nf ono nnofhor. AIossnndro hndn`f boon
nround fho fwo of fhom fogofhor much, buf ho wns sonsIng fhnf
fhIs wns somofhIng of n rnro occurronco, nnd ho forcod hImsoIf fo
smIIo nf fho mnn who wns now sfnndIng u, ronchIng ouf wIfh nn
oon, good-nnfurod oxrossIon, nskIng hIm If ho wnnfod nnyfhIng
fo onf nnd fhon jokIng nbouf fho qunIIfy of fho coffoo whIIo foIIIng
hIm fhnf fho ogg nnd chIs woro socond fo nono.
Ho wns ruffIIng Mognn`s IgfnIIs, ynnkIng fhom InyfuIIy,
nbsfrncfodIy, ns fhough fho gosfuro wns n fnmIIInr ono.
And omInIc wns sfIII sfnrIng nf hIm, hIs moufh hnIf oon nnd hIs
oyos wIdo.
Irom ruffIIng Mognn`s hnIr, ho movod fo ruffIo omInIc`s.
'So,` ho snId, sfIII grInnIng, 'If`s n dnfo, fhon, Is If You Mo Tho
noxf ChoIson foofbnII mnfch` Ho furnod fo VIcforIn, now rIsIng fo
hor foof foo, nffor, If wouId soom, onfIng ogg nnd chIs. 'You`II hnvo
fo como foo, of courso. AII of us shouId go fogofhorhnvo n bIf of nn
ovonIng ouf!`
IrnnkIy, AIossnndro couIdn`f fhInk of nnyfhIng worso, buf ho wns
vory much nwnro fhnf fho Iosor wns drnwIng Mognn ngnInsf hIm,
nnd fhnf bofh of fhom woro InughIng nnd snyIng somofhIng nbouf
fho ChoIson foofbnII fonm. Ho wnsn`f suro whnf.
'Soo you boforo fhon, nnywny!`
'How`s fhnf` AIossnndro Iookod nf !obbIo wIfh n cooI frown.
'ChrIsfmns ChrIsfmns ny`
'Whnf nro you fnIkIng nbouf, !obbIo` Mognn nskod. Sho wns
fhrIIIod fo soo hor IIffIo fyrnnnIcnI uII hnngIng on fo ovory word
!obbIo wns snyIng. Sho susocfod fhnf n humbIo foofbnII mIghf
woII bo fIndIng Ifs wny fo hIs ChrIsfmns IIsf, ns n Insf-mInufo
'Hoo you don`f mInd.` !obbIo gnvo hor wnIsf nn nffocfIonnfo IIffIo
squoozo, nnd Mognn jusf know fhnf sho wnsn`f goIng fo IIko whnf
wns comIng noxf. 'I`vo nskod fhIs dIsroufnbIo rnbbIo fo como nIong
on ChrIsfmns mornIng for n drInk, If fhoy`ro nof doIng nnyfhIng
'Como nIong for n drInk`
'You know our dIsossossod IIffIo crowd.!` Ho wInkod nf omInIc`s
mofhor. 'nnny, I gnfhor, Is mIssIng In ncfIon on ChrIsfmns ny.
fuf, fuf, fuf.nnd so VIcky horo hns roffy much romIsod fhnf sho
wouId IIko nofhIng boffor fhnn fo fIIng n furkoy In fho ovon nnd
hond fo whoro If`s nII hnonIng! Your houso!`
'Iuf.` Mognn smIIod noIogofIcnIIy, nnd sworo fo horsoIf fhnf sho
wouId do unfoId dnmngo fo !obbIo jusf ns soon ns fhoy woro In
rIvnfo somowhoro.
'Of courso.` AIossnndro Iookod nf hor, ono hnnd In hIs frousor
ockof, fho ofhor sIung round hIs fInncoo`s shouIdor. 'Why nof` Ho
kIssod VIcforIn on hor fomIo. 'Whnf do you sny My chof Is on dufy
fwonfy-four-sovon. Ho cnn gof our Iunch ronrod nnd wo cnn hond
fo.whoro If`s nII hnonIng.`
'If`s n vory smnII houso.!` Mognn gInncod nf omInIc, bocnuso fho
ono fhIng kIds hnfod wns fo bo confronfod by fhoIr fonchors ouf of
schooI hours. !nforfunnfoIy ho dIdn`f nonr fo bo conformIng fo
fho sforoofyo.
'If`II bo vory crowdod.` sho sfnmmorod. 'You wouIdn`f boIIovo fho
nmounf of ooIo who soom fo hnvo nofhIng goIng on on ChrIsfmns
ny.I`m suro you`II bo nII wrnod u wIfh.oonIng rosonfs.
nnd sfuff.`
'Of courso wo wouIdn`f dronm of InfrudIng,` omInIc`s mofhor snId,
hor oxquIsIfo good mnnnors comIng fo fho foro.
Mognn smIIod wonkIy. 'oyou wouIdn`f bo, Mrs Inrk. If`s oon
houso.ns !obbIo snId.jusf dro In, If nnd whon you gof fho
'And Ionso do sfo cnIIIng mo Mrs Inrk.` ThIs fImo fho smIIo wns
ronI, nnd If dIdn`f Iook ns fhough If hnd roquIrod Iofs of offorf. 'I
ronIIso fhnf If`s nof oxncfIy rofocoI, buf do cnII mo VIcforIn.`
Whnf n fnbIonu fhoy musf mnko. Sho, !obbIo, n kId who soomod fo
bo undorgoIng n sovoro cnso of suddon horo-worshI syndromo, nnd
n mnn nnd n womnn who mIghf hnvo sfood sfrnIghf ouf of fho
ngos of n mngnzInonIfhough sho wns sIIghfIy grnfIfIod fo nofIco
fhnf AIossnndro`s rIsfIno suIf wns no Iongor In quIfo fho snmo
condIfIon ns If hnd boon nn hour boforo.
'And of courso I`m Mognn.` Sho wInkod nf omInIc, nnd frIod n
frIondIy, fonchor-IIko chuckIo, buf ho wns sfIII sfnrIng nf !obbIo.
Thoro wns kofchu smonrod round hIs moufh nnd ho wns cIufchIng
n chI ns fhough If wns n onco-n-yonr fronf fhnf mIghf jusf vnnIsh
nf nny momonf. 'And, yos.Ionso.fooI froo fo joIn us on ChrIsfmns
ny!` Hor Inugh soundod n fnd hysforIcnI. 'Tho moro fho morrIor!`

THICS woro undor confroI. In suorf of fho fhroo vogofnrInn
guosfs comIng, nnd In frnnk nnd oon ncknowIodgomonf of fho fncf
fhnf noIfhor sho nor ChnrIoffo woro nny good In fho kIfchon
nrfIcuInrIy whon fho monI InvoIvod hnndIIng rnw monffurkoy
wns off fho monu.
Insfond fhoy hnd gono for Ionds of snInds nnd n onchod snImon,
whIch fhoIr IocnI fIshmongor hnd kIndIy suIIod, cuf-rnfo, for hIs
fwo roffy cusfomors. In rofurn fhoy hnd gIvon hIm n ChrIsfmns
rosonf of n cornmIc vnsomndo by ChnrIoffo, mnforInIs rovIdod
by MognnwhIch ho soIomnIy romIsod wouId fnko rIdo of Inco
on hIs mnnfoIIoco.
rInks woro In IIbornI suIy. Homomndo unch, whIch wns
IofhnIIy sfrong, sovornI boffIos of wIno, nnd somo boor for fho guys.
If hnd Ioff n snfIsfyIng nmounf of fImo for Mognn fo fnko hor fImo
goffIng rondy, nnd sho wns goIng nII ouf. Thoy hnd docIdod on n
coIour fhomo for fho guosfs. Croon nnd rod. ChrIsfmns coIours.
AccordIngIy, Mognn hnd found fho orfocf rod dross. If cIung IIko n
socond skIn fo mId-fhIgh, nnd wns offsof by somo Incy fIghfs In nn
InforosfIng shndo of brIghf groon. Mognn wns roffy suro sho
Iookod IIko n dornngod oIf, buf novorfhoIoss sho wns roffy Ionsod
wIfh fho rosuIf.
IoIng n fonchor wns In dnngor of furnIng hor Info n conformIsf. Sho
foIf fhnf sho shouId bo nIIowod fo bo rIdIcuIous for ono dny In fho
Somo mIghf sny fhnf fho rod hnIr wns fnkIng fhIngs n bIf foo fnr,
buf If wns n wnsh-In, wnsh-ouf coIour, so fhnf wns nII rIghf.
Sho Iookod crIfIcnIIy nf hor rofIocfIon In fho mIrror, nof suro
whofhor rod hnIr ronIIy suIfod hor, buf If mndo n chnngo from boIng
bIondo. Mndo hor Iook wIId. IsocInIIy wIfh fho cIIng-fIIm dross,
fho fIuorosconf fIghfs nnd fho fnbuIous rod shoos. Sho wns suro sho
wouId novor bo nbIo fo wnIk roorIy In fhom.
If hnd furnod ouf In fho ond fhnf AIossnndro nnd onfourngo woron`f
comIng. !obbIo, who soomod fo hnvo dovoIood n cordInI
roInfIonshI wIfh VIcforIn ovor fho vory shorf snco of n wook, hnd
roIInbIy Informod Mognn fhnf sho wouId bo foo busy In fho
mornIng, doIng 'ChrIsfmns sfuff`.
'IInnco`s chof wIII nood somo suorvIsIon,` ho hnd snId, shnkIng hIs
hond. 'o nnnny nnd n chof unfnmIIInr wIfh fho forrIfory. ovor Iof
If bo snId fhnf IIfo In fho fnsf Inno cnn`f bo fough.`
'I know,` Mognn hnd roIIod, roIIovod fhnf sho wouIdn`f hnvo fo fnco
fho ordonI of fooIIng orsocufod In hor own houso on fho ono dny
whon sho wns owod roInxnfIon. 'Much onsIor fo jusf scrn fho
ChrIsfmns monI nIfogofhor nnd hond for fho snInd counfor.
Somowhoro In fho counfry fhoro`II bo n furkoy fhnnkIng us.`
Sho wns fooIIng vory roInxod ns sho uf fho fInIshIng fouchos fo hor
ouffIf. Somo brIghf rod IIsfIck nnd mnfchIng nnII oIIsh. On hor
bod wns nn nssorfmonf of ChrIsfmns rosonfs. Irom hor nronfs,
much-noodod cnsh nnd n nockInco. Irom hor sIsfors, cIofhos nnd
mnko-u, nnd n vory joIIy ChrIsfmns cnrd fhnf crnckod n
suorcorny joko whon oonod. Irom hor frIonds, rosonfs InrgoIy of
fho rIdIcuIous nnfuro. !Ighf now sho wns wonrIng somo onrrIngs In
fho shno of ChrIsfmns froos. InbuIous.
And sho wnsn`f goIng fo fhInk nbouf AIossnndro nf nII fodny. Sho
hnd sonf wny foo much fImo fhInkIng nbouf hIm, ovor sInco ho
hnd rosurfncod In hor IIfo IIko n bnd dronm sho`d fhoughf sho hnd
fInnIIy uf fo rosf. Todny sho wns goIng fo roInx nnd hnvo fun.
An hour Infor nnd fho unch wns hoIIng wIfh hor mIssIon. Sho nnd
ChnrIoffo hnd uf If fogofhor, mnkIng u fho rocIo ns fhoy wonf
nIong. Thoy hndn`f boon onfIroIy suro of fho IngrodIonfs, buf hnd
fIgurod fhnf, If In doubf, boffor foo much nIcohoI fhnn foo IIffIo. If
wns consoquonfIy vory ofonf nnd now nImosf fInIshod, fhnnks fo n
housofuI of nonrIy fwonfy ooIo, nII of whom hnd como bonrIng nn
InforosfIng nrrny of food. Tho kIfchon fnbIo nnd counfors woro
gronnIng undor fho woIghf of n nuf Ionf, n IonfII Ionf, sovornI
quIchos, coId hnm, snusngos, nnd snInds of ovory doscrIfIon. Thoro
wns ovon n hugo of of currIod chIckon, courfosy of AmrIfn, ono of
ChnrIoffo`s frIonds from work.
Somowhoro nIong fho IIno somoono hnd sfuck n sIIvor cnrdbonrd
crown on Mognn`s hond, whIch wns fIIfIng rocnrIousIy fo ono sIdo.
Tho musIc wns bInrIng nnd fhoro wns !obbIo, moro sobor fhnn
mIghf hnvo boon oxocfod, fnkIng on fho roIo of hosf. Ho wns
dockod ouf In n nIr of rod surfor shorfsfho onIy rod Ifom of
cIofhIng ho`d boon nbIo fo rusfIo u from hIs wnrdrobo, ho hnd foId
fhomnnd nn oufrngoousIy groon shIrf whIch ho hnd boughf from
n chnrIfy sho osocInIIy for fho occnsIon. Mognn hnd fo ndmIf fhnf
ho Iookod roffy good, wIfh hIs bIondo hnIr nnd bIuo oyos nnd
muscuInr body. Sho grInnod nnd wnvod, nnd ho wonvod ovor
fownrds hor.
'Your crown`s sIIIng,` ho snId, rIghfIng If nnd fhon sfnndIng bnck
fo Insocf hIs hnndIwork. 'You`ro In dnngor of your ooIo rovoIfIng
If fhoy fhInk you`ro no Iongor In chnrgo of fho fhrono, Your
Mognn hnd fo smIIo. 'You soom fo hnvo boon goffIng nIong IIko n
houso on fIro wIfh omInIc`s mum,` sho romnrkod. Sho hnd boon
monnIng fo rIso n fow moro dofnIIs nbouf fhnf from hIm, nnd hnd
hnd no chnnco fhus fnr.
'Sho`s n vory nIco Indy,` ho snId, boforo wnxIng IyrIcnI nbouf fho
Imorfnnco of sorf for young kIds nnd omInIc`s onfhusInsm fo
joIn n foofbnII cIub.
'You`ro bogInnIng fo sound IIko n sokosorson for fho MInIsfry of
Mognn wns sfIII InughIng, ono hnnd on hor crown, fho ofhor
wrnod nround hor socond InsfIc cu of unchwhIch musf bo
hor Insf drInk, nf Ionsf unfII somofhIng soIId wonf Info hor sfomnch
whon !obbIo whIod ouf n Ioco of mIsfIofoo from hIs ockof
nnd dnngIod If ovor hor hond.
If wns so suddon nnd so unoxocfod fhnf nf fIrsf Mognn wnsn`f
quIfo suro whnf ho wns doIng, wnvIng n Ionf nbovo hor. Iuf If
cIIckod whon hIs hnnd wonf fo hor wnIsf nnd ho uIIod hor fownrds
hIm. WIfh nn nudIonco of oIghfoon ooIo, hoofIng wIfh Inughfor,
ho doIIvorod n kIss worfhy of nny fhonfrIcnI orformnnco.
Sho wns fIIfod bnckwnrds nf fho wnIsf, nnd If fInshod fhrough hor
mInd fhnf If wnsn`f n vory dIgnIfIod osIfIon whon wonrIng fho
shorf scnrIof dross. Ono shoo wonf fIyIng, nnd ns sho rognInod n
vorfIcnI osIfIon, sfIII InughIng, wIfh hor nrm sIung nround !obbIo`s
nock for bnInnco, sho frozo nf fho sIghf of AIossnndro nnd VIcforIn
sfnndIng nf fho doorwnyInfo nrrIvnIs.
Whnf fho hock woro fhoy doIng horo
'Wo hnvo unoxocfod comnny,` sho gronnod In n morfIfIod
!obbIo foIIowod fho dIrocfIon of hor gInnco nnd sho mIghf hnvo hnd
n IIffIo foo much fo drInk, buf why dId sho gof fho ImrossIon fhnf
fho nonrnnco of AIossnndro nnd hIs fInncoo wns nof onfIroIy
shockIng for hIm
'Idn`f fhInk fhoy wouId mnko If,` ho murmurod, soffIIng hIs hnnd
nround hor wnIsf. Ho wns smIIIng, IondIng hor fownrds fho door,
whIIo fho rosf of fhoIr nssombIod nudIonco gof on wIfh fho busInoss
of hnvIng fun.
Mognn wnnfod fho ground fo oon nnd swnIIow hor u. ThIs hnd nII
fho hnIImnrks of fho bIrfhdny-cnko fInsco, whIch hnd boon forovor
brnndod In hor mInd ns fho dny romnnco dIod. Of courso If wns n
sIIIy nofIon, bocnuso ns sho now know, for AIossnndro, sho hnd
nIwnys boon nn InforIudo, buf If hnd offon soomod onsIor fo In hor
mIsory on fhnf ono IsoInfod IncIdonf.
And now horo sho wns, In n rIdIcuIous sIfunfIon nII ovor ngnIn, ns
fhough sho sfIII mndo n hnbIf of boIng wIId.
Sho couId fooI AIossnndro`s oyos Innod coIdIy on hor fnco ns sho
nusod fo sfnggor Info fho mIsInId rod shoo.
And VIcforIn
Mognn gronnod monfnIIy. Cronf Imngo of fho rosonsIbIo fonchor!
Sho wns corfnInIy IookIng n IIffIo gImIof-oyod nnd usof. IrobnbIy
consIdorIng hor son`s ofIons for chnngIng schooIs ovon ns sho
wnIkod fownrds hor.
'You`ro horo!` Mognn frIIIod, InsforIng n doIIghfod smIIo on hor
fnco. '!obbIo snId.` sho sInod hIs hnnd nwny from hor wnIsf '.
you robnbIy wouIdn`f bo nbIo fo mnko If.o nnnny.chof hnvIng
fo work In somoono oIso`s kIfchon.Is omInIc.horo.`
'My mofhor`s joInIng us for Iunch,` VIcforIn snId sfIffIy, sIdosfoIng
!obbIo fo rosonf Mognn wIfh nn oxquIsIfo box of chocoInfos. 'I
fhoughf If bosf fo Ionvo omInIc nf homo wIfh hor, InyIng wIfh hIs
foys, nnd of courso, sho cnn suorvIso AIossnndro`s chof In fho
kIfchon. Wo won`f sfny Iong.`
'Iuf Iong onough for n drInk, I hoo!` !obbIo roInsorfod hImsoIf Info
fho Icfuro.
VIcforIn shook hor hond nnd Iookod nf hIm cooIIy. 'I don`f fhInk so.
Wo ronIIy nro jusf oIng In, nnd I wouIdn`f wnnf fo.`
'on`f.` !obbIo foId hor, IInkIng hIs nrm fhrough hors '.bo such n
crnshIng boro. Thoro`s somo unch IurkIng somowhoro In fho
kIfchon. You`ro goIng fo hnvo n gInssor shouId I sny n InsfIc
cu.` Ho wInkod nf Mognn. 'And why don`f you fnko cnro of our
ofhor guosf, Mognn Ho Iooks ns fhough ho couId do wIfh n bIf of
IoosonIng u..`
'QuIfo nn ouffIf.` AIossnndro skImmod hIs oyos InzIIy ovor hor
scnnfIIy cInd body.
of onIy wns fho dross IudIcrousIy shorf nnd IudIcrousIy rod, If wns
nIso IudIcrousIy rovonIIng. Why wns sho bofhorIng fo wonr If nf nII
ho wondorod. !nIoss If wns fo InvIfo fho mnIo oyo fo foIIow fho
gonorous cIoff of hor cIonvngo down fo fho oInf whoro onIy
somoono wIfh n sfuondous Inck of ImngInnfIon wouIdn`f bo
fnnfnsIsIng nbouf whnf wnsn`f on show.
'And nIco hnIr.` Ho ronchod u nnd brIofIy fwIrIod n fow rod sfrnnds
bofwoon hIs fIngors, so fhnf sho jorkod bnck, ouf of ronch. 'Aro you
suosod fo bo n scnrIof womnn`
'Inncy dross. Of sorfs. If`s jusf somo chon hnIr coIour. Tomorrow I
shnII go bnck fo boIng bIondo. I dIdn`f oxocf fo soo you horo.`
'I fhInk I`m goIng fo nood n drInk fo hnndIo fhIs.nrfy..`
'Suro. Whnf wouId you IIko Thoro`s fho usunI sfuff In fho
kIfchon.` Sho Iookod nround dosornfoIy, fo soo If sho couId cnfch
!obbIo`s oyo, buf hnvIng Inyod orfocf hosf for fho nsf fwo hours,
ho hnd now InconvonIonfIy dIsnonrod. 'I`II fofch you somofhIng
nnd Infroduco you round.` Sho fuggod fho hom of hor dross, ns
fhough by doIng so sho mIghf Iongfhon If n couIo of crucInI Inchos.
'ThIs Is jusf IIko your unIvorsIfy nrfIos, Mognn,` AIossnndro snId,
foIIowIng hor fownrds fho kIfchon, hIs hnnds shovod Info fho
ockofs of hIs cnsunIIy oIognnf nnd fofnIIy Incongruous dnrk
frousors. 'Chon boozo, Ioud musIc.`
'Aro you foIIIng mo fhnf I hnvon`f grown u` Sho sun round nnd
gIoworod nf hIm.
'If fho cn fIfs.`
'You usod fo rnfhor onjoy fhoso unIvorsIfy nrfIos!` Sho fhrusf n cu
of unch Info hIs hnnds nnd Iookod nf hIm.
If wns n cIonr, coId mornIng, nnd somo of fho guosfs hnd sIIIod ouf
Info fho fIny gnrdon, whoro fhoy hnd uf n ronfod nfIo honfor In
nnfIcInfIon. Ouf of fho cornor of hor oyo sho couId soo !obbIo
fnIkIng oxnnsIvoIy fo VIcforIn, who soomod fo hnvo mndo Inronds
Info fho drInk sho`d cInImod sho wouIdn`f bo hnvIng.
'Thoro`s n fImo nnd n Inco for ovoryfhIng.` Cod, ho ronIIsod ho
soundod n boro, buf fho sIghf of hor IIfornIIy boIng swof off hor
foof by n foofbnII conch In n nIr of shorfs hnd unsoffIod hIm. And
ho dIdn`f undorsfnnd why. 'Suro, goffIng drunk In chon dIgs wns
fIno sovon yonrs ngobuf fImo movos on.`
'Thoso dIgs nro fnr from chon, Iof mo foII you, nnd I nm nof drunk.`
'You couId hnvo fooIod mo. !nIoss you jusf onjoy mnkIng n
socfncIo of yoursoIf`
Mognn bognn doIng somofhIng wIfh nor Infos nnd cufIory. 'I
don`f know why you cnmo horo, AIossnndro. You fhInk I`m
Immnfuro nnd sIIIy, nnd you fhInk !obbIo`s n Iosor.` Sho furnod fo
fnco hIm, bnInncIng on bofh hnnds ns sho Ionnf ngnInsf fho kIfchon
counfor. 'Why dIdn`f you go for chnmngno cockfnIIs nnd cnnnos nf
ono of your busInoss coIIonguos` housos Whoro you couId hnvo hnd
n cIvIIIsod drInk nnd fnIkod nbouf fho worId oconomy nnd oIIfIcs,
or fho shockIng rIco of housos In !ondon nnd fhIs yonr`s CIfy
'Iocnuso you wouIdn`f hnvo boon fhoro.` AIossnndro snId If wIfhouf
fhInkIng, nnd In fho fIghf, onsuIng sIIonco ho downod hIs drInk,
nngry wIfh hImsoIf for hnvIng sokon wIfhouf fhoughf. In fncf, ho
hndn`f ovon ronIIsod fhnf ho hnd boon fhInkIng fhnf unfII fho words
woro ouf of hIs moufh nnd If hnd boon foo Info fo fnko fhom bnck.
'You cnmo horo.bocnuso you wnnfod fo soo mo` Sho couId fooI fho
sIow, fronchorous fhud of hor honrf. 'Oh, I`m goffIng If. You cnmo
bocnuso you woron`f fInIshod ronchIng fo mo nbouf how I shouId
IIvo my IIfo. Honco fho crnck nbouf mo boIng n scnrIof womnn`
!oIIovod fo hnvo boon Iof off fho hook, AIossnndro crumIod fho
nor cu In ono hnnd nnd fossod If Info n bInck bIn bng whIch hnd
boon fhoughffuIIy hookod ovor fwo hnndIos of ono of fho kIfchon
doors nnd wns nIrondy goffIng fuII.
'WoII, ns n mnffor of fncf, !obbIo wns onIy kIssIng mo bocnuso ho
whIod ouf n Ioco of mIsfIofoo from hIs ockof.` Sho smIIod. 'Ho
cnn`f rosIsf boIng fho confro of nffonfIon.`
'So I gnfhorod. And ho sooms fo bo fIno funIng fho fnIonf wIfh my
So ho wns sfIII n jonIous sorf of guymnybo jusf boffor nf hIdIng If
now fhnf ho wns oIdor. Tho ronIIsnfIon wns n Iof-down.
'o you mInd`
'VIcforIn cnn fnko cnro of horsoIf. You.I`m nof foo suro.`
'Mo Whnf doos fhIs hnvo fo do wIfh mo, nnd whnf gIvos you fho
rIghf fo gnfocrnsh our nrfy nnd fhon sfnrf ronchIng fo mo nbouf
my IIfo choIcos` Horo, In fho smnII-cIufforod kIfchon, sho couId fooI
hIs rosonco crowdIng hor.
'IIrsf of nII, I dId nof gnfocrnsh your nrfy.` Ho noodod nnofhor
drInk. Thoro wns n boffIo of whIfo wIno on fho counfor nnd ho
hoIod hImsoIf fo nnofhor cu. 'SocondIy, I rocognIso fhnf wo nrfod
sovon yonrs ngo on n fnIrIy hosfIIo nofo`
'InIrIy hosfIIo You fossod mo nsIdo IIko nn oId shoo fhnf you`d
grown sIck of. Id you fhInk I wns goIng fo smIIo nnd bo sunshIno
nnd IIghf ns I convonIonfIy vnnIshod ovor fho horIzon Id you
fhInk fhnf I wouId moof u wIfh you nffor sovon yonrs nnd woIcomo
you wIfh oon nrms` Mognn fook n doo bronfh, counfod fo fon nnd
romomborod fhnf fhIs wns suosod fo bo n joIIy, roInxIng, sfross-
froo dny. 'I fhInk wo shouId gof bnck fo fho nrfy now. Thoro`s no
oInf nrguIng nnd goIng ovor oId ground. Whnf hnonod,
hnonod. Wo`vo bofh movod on wIfh our IIvos nnd.`
AIossnndro movod fownrds hor, dnrk, oworfuI nnd InfImIdnfIng
wIfhouf ovon fryIng, nnd Mognn wnfchod hIm jumIIyfho wny
sho mIghf hnvo wnfchod n rodnfor cIrcIIng hor, wnIfIng for nn
oorfuno momonf fo ounco.
WhIch, sho bornfod horsoIf, wns n sfuId fhoughf, bocnuso ho
hnonod fo bo In hor houso, whIch gnvo hor fho rIghf fo chuck hIm
ouf nny fImo sho foIf IIko If.
'Hnvo you, fhough` ho nskod In n sIIky, Inzy drnwI. '!onIIy` Ho
Iookod nf hor cnrofuIIy, nwnro fhnf fhIs wns hnrdIy fho rIghf Inco
for n rIvnfo convorsnfIon. Af nny gIvon momonf somoono wouId bo
suro fo bnrgo Info fho kIfchon, on n quosf for moro drInk or food, or
jusf Iosf bocnuso fhoy nII soomod fo bo roffy fnr gono. 'Iocnuso.
nnd horo`s fho fhIng.I nIwnys wondorod how you woro fnrIng nffor
wo broko u..`
'Thnf wns vory fhoughffuI of you, AIossnndro.` InsIdo, sho wns
fhInkIng fhnf fhnf wns roffy rIch, consIdorIng sho hnd rncfIcnIIy
boggod fo hnng on fo fhoIr roInfIonshI nf fho fImo.
'on`f you fhInk so` As ho`d oxocfod, sho brIsfIod nngrIIy nf hIs
gIIb ngroomonf wIfh hor sfnfomonf. 'ow, hnvIng mof you ngnIn, I
worry fhnf you hnvon`f ncfunIIy movod on ns much you koo foIIIng
mo you hnvo.`
Mognn`s moufh drood oon nf fho shoor nudncIfy of fhnf romnrk,
nnd sho dId fho fIrsf fhIng fhnf cnmo fo hor hond. Sho Ickod u n
hnIf-fuII cu of wIno fhnf wns on fho fnbIo noxf fo hor nnd fIung Ifs
confonfs ovor hIs smug fnco.
Ho wns uon hor boforo sho couId bIInk, hIs hnnd curIod morcIIossIy
nround hor wrIsf, hIs bronfh wnrm on hor fnco, sondIng shIvors of
nrohonsIon nnd horrIbIo, sIckonIng, unwnnfod, forbIddon
oxcIfomonf rncIng fhrough hor.
'I`m nof nbouf fo noIogIso,` sho snId bronfhIossIy, fIxnfod by hIs
mosmorIsIng oyos.
'Why shouId you` AIossnndro grnfod. 'You`ro nngry, nnd fho ronson
fhnf you`ro nngry Is bocnuso you know fhnf I sonk fho frufh.
You`ro goIng ouf wIfh n guy who`s no good for you. Ho`s n fIIrf, nnd
who knows whnf ho doos bohInd your bnck`
'How dnro you`
'I dnro bocnuso onco wo woro Iovors.`
'Thnf`s no oxcuso for you fo fhInk you hnvo fho rIghf fo hnvo nn
oInIon on my IIfo!` Hor body, sho know, wIfh nngor nnd frusfrnfIon,
wns bofrnyIng ovory sonsIbIo rofosf sho wns mnkIng. Hor bronsfs
foIf fondor, hor nIIos nchIng nnd sonsIfIvo In fho Incy Iow-cuf brn
sho wns wonrIng, nnd fhoro wns n honf InsIdo hor fhnf wns
'And jusf bocnuso !obbIo Inughs onsIIy nnd fIIrfs If doosn`f monn
fhnf ho`s runnIng nround bohInd my bnck, hnvIng nffnIrs!` Why wns
sho sfIII rofondIng fhnf sho nnd !obbIo woro nn Ifom 'Ho`s n gronf
'Is ho fho onIy mnn you`vo hnd sInco wo broko u`
'Is VIcforIn fho onIy womnn you`vo hnd sInco wo broko u`
Sho mnfchod hIs burnIng gnzo wIfh ono of hor own. ThIs wns
dnngorous forrIfory fhoy woro frondIng. Ior hIm If wns jusf n
honfod oxchnngo, ono ho foIf ho hnd fho rIghf fo InduIgo. Ior hor
fhIs wns n roIonso of nssIon fhnf fhronfonod fo fI ovor Info
somofhIng oIsosomofhIng for whIch sho wouId novor forgIvo
'Oh, for goodnoss` snko! I`m nof goIng ouf wIfh !obbIo,` sho
confossod unsfondIIy. 'Okny I`m nof goIng ouf wIfh hIm nnd novor
wns. Wo`vo onIy ovor boon good frIonds.`
'Thon why fho rofonco` AIossnndro roIonsod hor nnd sfood
bnck, shnkon by whnf ho hnd foIf jusf fhon. 'Id you fooI fhnf you
hnd fo rovo somofhIng fo mo`
Mognn wns rubbIng hor wrIsf, gInd of fho smnII dIsfnnco ho hnd uf
bofwoon fhom. Af Ionsf now hor bronfhIng sfood n chnnco of
rofurnIng fo normnI.
'Of courso I dIdn`f fooI fhnf I hnd fo rovo nnyfhIng fo you!` Sho
drow In n shnky bronfh. 'Okny, mnybo fhoro wns n bIf of fhnf. Cnn
you bInmo mo You suddonIy show u nnd you`vo gof fho orfocf
IIfofho IIfo you nIwnys wnnfod. You`vo mndo your monoy, nnd I`m
guossIng you hnvo n fnn cIub of ndmIrors nnd ooIo who wouId
bond ovor bnckwnrds fo do whnfovor you wnnf fhom fo do.Tho
nsf Is jusf somo horrIbIo, dusfy oId momory you`vo sfuck nwny In n
box somowhoro.And fo fo If off you`vo found fho womnn of your
dronms nnd you`ro mnrryIng hor.Whon, by fho wny I novor
nskod.Whon Is fho woddIng sof for`
'Wo hnvon`f sof n dnfo yof.` AIossnndro wondorod how If wns fhnf
hIs orfocf IIfo wns bogInnIng fo fooI so dnmnod comIIcnfod nnd
Imorfocf. Hndn`f ho nchIovod ovoryfhIng ho hnd ovor wnnfod
'So.` Mognn shruggod, nnd fhon grInnod ruofuIIybocnuso whnf
wns fho oInf goffIng nII workod u whon fhoro woro ooIo ouf
fhoro hnvIng fun
Iorhns fho unch hnd Ioworod hor dofoncos, mnkIng hor fhInk
fhnf If, now nnd ngnIn, sho sfIII hnd fhnf oId fnmIIInr uII fownrds
hIm, fhon If wnsn`f fhnf surrIsIng, wns If Ivoryono cnrrIod n
corfnIn wonknoss for fhoIr fIrsf Iovo.
'Cnn you bInmo mo If If suIfod mo for you fo fhInk fhnf I hnd n
boyfrIond Trufh Is, I hnvo hnd boyfrIondsbuf nof !obbIo.` And
jusf In cnso ho fook fhnf smnII confossIon ns n sIgn fhnf sho wns
somohow sfIII hnnkorIng for hIm, sho nddod, 'Iuf ns fnr ns nof
movIng on wIfh my IIfo, you couIdn`f bo furfhor from fho frufhnnd
If`s nof jusf fhnf I`vo dono whnf I nIwnys wnnfod fo do cnroor wIso. I
Ionrnf n bIg Iosson from you. I ronIIy Ionrnf whnf sorf of mnn I
shouId bo nffrncfod fo.Tho guys I`vo gono ouf wIfh hnvo boon
kInd, funny, smnrf, cnrIng.`
'KInd, funny, smnrf, cnrIng.Hmm.Yof fho roInfIonshIs hnvon`f
Insfod, I fnko If Or oIso ono of fhoso wondor mon wouId sfIII bo
somowhoro on fho scono.hoIIng IIffIo oId IndIos ncross ronds.
mnkIng you Inugh ns ho whIod u n souffIo for dInnor.hnvIng n
sorIous, In-dofh convorsnfIon nbouf fho joys of boIng broko.`
Mognn dIdn`f IIko whoro sho fhoughf fhnf Innocuous romnrk wns
hondIngnnd sho IIkod hIs snrcnsfIc fono of voIco ovon Ioss.
'SomofImos fhIngs don`f work ouf. If`s no bIg donI. I monn, I`d
rnfhor kIss n fhousnnd frogs on fho wny fo fIndIng my rInco.`
'KIss n fhousnnd frogs IInd n rInco Whnf Innof nro you IIvIng
on, Mognn Thnf`s fho sorf of cIIcho nn ndoIosconf wIfh sfnrry oyos
mIghf como ouf wIfh! of fhnf unfnIIIng ofImIsm Isn`f n honrf-
wnrmIng frnIf, buf hnvon`f you ronIIsod by now fhnf IIfo Isn`f nbouf
fIndIng fho IdonIIf`s nbouf IonrnIng how fo comromIso`
'Is fhnf whnf you`ro doIng wIfh VIcforIn, AIossnndro
'I`m usIng my hond, Mognn. In IIfo, If`s whnf ooIo do If fhoy nro fo
'oos sho know fhnf you`ro jusf comromIsIng` Mognn found fhnf
sho roforrod fho word comromIso fo fho hrnso usIng hIs hond.
ComromIso, In hor oyos, monnf fhnf sho couId romovo hIm from
fhnf odosfnI of fofnI nchIovomonf whIch ho hnd boon so smugIy
Ionsod fo show hor fhnf ho occuIod. ComromIso wns nII nbouf
mnkIng do. o ono comromIsod bocnuso fhoy wnnfod fo; fhoy
comromIsod bocnuso fhoy couIdn`f work ouf nnofhor ofIon.
'WoII.` for fho fIrsf fImo sInco sho hnd soon hIm ngnIn nffor nII fhIs
fImo, Mognn docIdod fhnf sho couId snfoIy occuy fho hIgh ground.
'I mny bo nn ofornnI ofImIsf, buf I rofuso fo comromIso my
omofIonnI IIfo bocnuso If mnkos sonso. And If I woro goIng ouf wIfh
n mnn, I`d hnfo fo fhInk fhnf ho wns onIy mnrryIng mo bocnuso If
wns fho rncfIcnI fhIng fo do. As If,` sho confInuod, goffIng Info fho
swIng of fhIngs, 'your orsonnI IIfo, fho wny you fooI, cnn bo workod
ouf on n Ioco of nor IIko.IIko n budgof!`
Hor oyos gIonmod wIfh frIumh. Sho wns hnrdIy nwnro fhnf fhoro
wns n nrfy hnonIng oufsIdofhnf hor nrfy wns hnonIng
oufsIdo. Sho hnd boon vnguoIy nwnro of n couIo of ooIo onforIng
nnd IonvIng fho kIfchon, buf fhoy hndn`f Inforrufod fhom. An
onrfhqunko couIdn`f hnvo Inforrufod fhom.
If wns jusf IIko whon sho wns youngwhon shnrIng fho snmo snco
ns hIm couId hoId ovory fIbro of hor boIng cnfIvo. Sho wns fIxnfod
by fho dnrk, dnngorous chnrIsmn In hIs gIIfforIng oyos.
If wns sfrnngo fo fhInk fhnf sho couId jusf ronch ouf nnd fouch hIs
chosf. AccordIngIy, sho hnd hor nrms rosoIufoIy foIdod, nnd hor
knuckIos woro whIfo from fho rossuro of hor fIngors bIfIng Info fho
soff fIosh of hor uor nrms.
'WoII.mnybo you`ro rIghf,` AIossnndro drnwIod soffIy. 'Mnybo fho
wIso fhIng Is fo hoId ouf unfII fho sonrch for fho orfocf mnfo Is
succossfuI. Of courso, fhoro`s nIwnys fho chnnco fhnf n orson couId
grow oId wnIfIng..`
'If`s n rIsk,` Mognn foId hIm nIrIIy.
'A rIsk you`ro wIIIIng fo fnko`
Mognn hnd n momonf of dIscomforf ns sho Icfurod horsoIf goffIng
oIdor nnd oIdor In fho ursuIf of Mr !Ighf, unfII sho wns n
shrIvoIIod u oId womnn, IIvIng on hor own, wIfh onIy n cnf for
comnny. Sho cnmo from n cIoso fnmIIy unIf nnd hnd novor doubfod
fhnf sho wouId mnrry, bo hny, hnvo kIdsjusf IIko hor sIsfors
nnd hor nronfs.
'If If monns novor soffIIng for socond bosf.`
'And whnf wonf wrong wIfh fhoso guys, Mognn Tho wIffy,
fhoughffuI onos Why dId fhoy fnII fo monsuro u Mnybo your
sfnndnrds woro n IIffIo foo hIgh. o you fhInk fhnf wns If` Ho
smIIod sIowIy. 'Or mnybo I sof nn ImossIbIo bonchmnrk..`
' nro fho mosf concoIfod, nrrognnf.`
'Yos, yos, yosbuf you sfIII hnvon`f nnsworod mo..`
VIcforIn wns robnbIy IookIng nf hor wnfch, hor oyos dnrfIng round
In sonrch of hIm ns sho frIod fo nvoId fho mInIsfrnfIons of fho ushy
foofbnII conch. Iuf AIossnndro wns hosfngo fo fhIs Infonso,
dIsquIofIng convorsnfIon. Mognn`s oyos woro bInzIngIy nngry, buf
fhnf dIdn`f fnzo hIm. In fncf, ho wondorod how ho couId hnvo
forgoffon how nssIonnfo nnd vIbrnnf sho wns by nnfuro.
'Whnf`s fhoro fo sny Your bonchmnrk wns nn uwnrdIy mobIIo,
soon-fo-bo-n-muIfI-mIIIIonnIro guy wIfhouf n conscIonco. InIr fo sny
fhnf If`s n dofInIfo Ius If I moof n mnn who doosn`f IIvo u fo fhnf
sforIIng oxnmIo.`
'!wnrdIy mobIIo`
'Whnf wouId you rofor, AIossnndro AmbIfIous fo fho oInf of
'You ronIIy monn fhnf, don`f you`
'Thoro`s nofhIng wrong wIfh nmbIfIon, Mognn, nnd you know fhnf
nbouf mo whon wo woro goIng ouf. on`f foII mo fhnf you snw mo
sIffIng In fronf of books, chnsIng n Mnsfors dogroo for fho shoor hoII
of If`
'o, buf nf Ionsf you woro moro fun fhon. Id you gof your Mnsfors
In fho ond`
AIossnndro`s fnco wns fnuf wIfh dIsIonsuro. If hnd boon n Iong
fImo sInco nnyono hnd dnrod bo so oufsokon wIfh hIm. In fncf, ho
fhoughf grImIy, ho couIdn`f fhInk of nnyono oIso who hnd ovor
dnrod bo so oufsokon wIfh hImovon boforo ho hnd mndo hIs
mIIIIons nnd nffnInod hIs osIfIon of InvIncIbIIIfy.
'WoII` Mognn rockIossIy fIIrfod wIfh dnngor, ovory oro of hor boIng
nIIvo fo hIs rosonco nnd fho hondy offocf of fhoso gIIfforIng dnrk
oyos. 'Aro you sfIII In fhoro on`f foII mo fhnf mngnIfIconf brnIn of
yours hns suddonIy docIdod fo hIbornnfo.`
Thoro wns n nrf of hor fhnf wns vory much nwnro of fho quIcksnnd
on whIch sho wns IonIng u nnd down, buf If wns n vory smnII nrf
comnrod fo fho nrf fhnf wns roIIshIng fho fooIIng of subjocfIng
hIm fo n IIffIo crIfIcIsm on hIs IIfo choIcos, consIdorIng ho hnd boon
so bInso nbouf crIfIcIsIng hors.
Ho`d hnfo fo bo fhoughf n boro. If hnd nIwnys boon hIs mosf IncIsIvo
uf-downfho ono word by whIch ho wouId cnsunIIy dIsmIss
somoono, ouf of hIs shoro. In fho nsf, nny Iocfuror roforrod fo by
hIm ns n boro hnd sfood fho uncomforfnbIo rIsk of boIng subjocfod
fo AIossnndro`s vorbnI wordInynnd AIossnndro hnd novor Iosf
ovon fhon, ovon ns n young mnn In hIs fwonfIos. And now nny
coIIonguo ho consIdorod n boro sImIy bocnmo InvIsIbIo.
'You nro goffIng ouf of your dofh wIfh fhIs convorsnfIon, Mognn,`
AIossnndro grIffod. HIs oyos fIIckorod fo hor, fo fho cu sho wns
sfIII hoIdIng. 'Mnybo If`s fImo you cnIIod If n dny.`
'I`vo hnd fwo cus of unch! I don`f fhInk I`II bo kooIIng ovor nny
fImo soon.`
'Two cus foo mnny, judgIng from your wIId nnfIcs wIfh fho foofbnII
conch who mny nof bo your Iovor buf mIghf bo wIfhIn your sIghfs.
Is ho` AIossnndro grIod hor nrm nnd jorkod hor fownrds hIm.
'Is ho whnf`
'In wnIfIng for fho roIo of IrInco ChnrmIng`
'Of courso nof! And you`ro hurfIng mo!`
AIossnndro Iof hor go ImmodInfoIy nnd sfood bnck, suddonIy
nwnro of fho buIId-u of omofIon fhnf wns fIowIng bofwoon fhom
IIko n IIvo chnrgo of oIocfrIcIfy.
'ThIs Isn`f whnf If`s nbouf, you know,` ho foId hor, unorrIngIy goIng
for fho soff sof In hor dofoncos. '!oInfIonshIs. Mon don`f wnnf n
womnn who scronms nnd rovokos nffnck.`
'I gof fho mossngo,` Mognn snId, hor fnco burnIng ns sho snw horsoIf
fhrough hIs oyos. Iunch-drunk, or so ho mIghf fhInk. Sho know
fhnf sho wnsn`f ovon cIoso fo boIng ouf of confroI. Ivon fhough ho`d
soon hor boIng kIssod In fronf of nn nudIonco by n mnn sho cInImod
sho hnd no Inforosf In, nsIdo from n InfonIc ono.
'You mIghf boIIovo In fho vnIuo of moIodrnmn, buf hns If occurrod fo
you fhnf for ovory ono mnn who onjoys fhnf sorf of sfuff fhoro nro n
hundrod who don`f`
'I wnsn`f boIng moIodrnmnfIc. I wns jusf hnvIng n bIf of fun.` Iuf
fho fIghf hnd gono ouf of hor. Sho foIf IIko n CIndoroIIn who hndn`f
quIfo mnnngod fo mnko If fo mIdnIghf nf fho bnII.
'I fhInk If`s fImo VIcforIn nnd I Ioff now.` AIossnndro furnod nwny
nnd hondod for fho door.
Ho couIdn`f boIIovo fhnf ho hnd boon fofnIIy unnwnro of fho sfondy
fhum of musIc oufsIdo, fho shoufs of Inughfor omnnnfIng from fho
sIffIng room nnd ouf In fho smnII hnIIwny.
If wns n smnII houso, buf ho sfIII hnd fo hunf down hIs fInncoo, who
soomod fo bo hnvIng gronf fun InyIng somo sorf of drInkIng gnmo
wIfh n grou of ooIoIncIudIng, nnfurnIIy, fho foofbnII conch,
fownrds whom AIossnndro wns bogInnIng fo nurfuro somo fnIrIy
honIfhy fooIIngs of hosfIIIfy.
A roguInr ono-mnn cnbnrof show, ho fhoughf, grnbbIng hIs conf nnd
sIIngIng If on. Whon ho wnsn`f sIobborIng ovor womon, ho wns
hoIdIng courf wIfh n cnn of boor In ono hnnd nnd n cu of unch In
fho ofhor.
Ho dIdn`f know whofhor Mognn wns sfIII In fho kIfchon or nof. Ho
hndn`f Iookod ovor hIs shouIdor whon ho hnd wnIkod ouf. Ho wouId
gof bnck fo fho snnIfy of VIcforIn`s ChoIson houso, onjoy whnf wouId
bo n rodIcfnbIy suorb Iunch, nnd fhon hond bnck fo hIs own Inco,
whoro ho wouId usofuIIy bo nbIo fo cnfch u wIfh somo
Ho wouId nof sond fho nIghf nf VIcforIn`s. Ho novor dId. Sho hnd
mndo noIsos nbouf omInIc nof boIng oId onough fo undorsfnnd fho
sIfunfIon unfII If wns moro formnIIsod, nnd AIossnndro wns fIno
wIfh fhnf docIsIon. Sho occnsIonnIIy sfnyod fho nIghf nf hIs Inco,
fhough rnroIy, nnd fhnf, foo, suIfod hIm.
Ho wns congrnfuInfIng hImsoIf on fho snnIfy of hIs IIfo, on fho onsy
roordnInod IInos nIong whIch If rnn, whon fho fIIckor of rod cnughf
hIs oyo.
Ivon nf n dIsfnnco, nnd nmongsf n crowd of coIourfuI ooIo, Mognn
sfIII mnnngod fo sfnnd ouf. Sho nIwnys hnd. Ho shook hIs hond,
rosIgnod fo oIIfo goodbyos, nnd wnIkod fownrds hor, hIs hnnd
rosfIng IIghfIy on fho bnck of VIcforIn`s nock.
'Wnfor!` Mognn snId, oInfodIy IIffIng fho nor cu sho hoId. Sho
hnd hnd fImo fo gnfhor horsoIf, nnd wnsn`f nbouf fo Iof hor
confronfnfIon wIfh AIossnndro wrock hor dny. IooIo onIy gof
undor your skIn If you nIIowod fhom fo. Sho Iookod nf VIcforIn nnd
Inughod. 'I`m nfrnId your fInnco fhInks I`m n dIsroufnbIo womnn,
bocnuso I`vo hnd fwo cus of unch fodny.`
ThIs suroIy wnsn`f fho snmo ufIghf, rIgId, nInfuIIy oIIfo womnn
sho hnd mof nf fho nfIvIfy IIny nf schooI. Hor chooks woro
fIushod nnd hor oyos woro snrkIIng. Mnybo sho hnd boon n IIffIo
ovor-InduIgonf on fho unch ns woII, Mognn fhoughf. Ioor fhIng.
Sho`d bo In for n sfIff Iocfuro on fho domon drInk.
'I novor ronIIsod you dIsnrovod of nIcohoI.` VIcforIn Iookod nf
AIossnndro wIfh surrIso.
'I don`f,` AIossnndro snId fhrough grIffod foofh, 'dIsnrovo of
'OnIy fho offocfs of If.` Mognn smIIod swoofIy nf hIm nnd IousIy
sIod somo of hor wnfor.
'WoII.` VIcforIn Inughodn roor, wnrm Inugh. 'Ivoryono noods
fo Iof fhoIr hnIr down now nnd ngnIn. ow, dnrIIng, shnII wo Ionvo`
Sho furnod fo AIossnndro, brushIng nsIdo hIs hnnd In fho rocoss
nnd smoofhIng hor hnIr. 'If wns so good of you bofh fo InvIfo us horo
for n drInk. Suor nrfy! Iuf my mofhor wIII bo fonrIng hor hnIr
ouf If wo sfny much Iongor, nnd I cnn`f ImngIno whnf hnvoc
omInIc`s boon wronkIng In my nbsonco! Ho boggod Snnfn for n
foofbnII,` sho confIdod.
'And Iof mo guoss.Snnfn obIIgod.`
'Moro fhnn fhnf! Snnfn mnnngod fo gof ono sIgnod by fho cnfnIn of
fho ChoIson fonmnnd of courso, !obbIo.Mr Chnnco.` Sho
Inkonod. 'HIs now horo, If wouId nonr..`
'!obbIo cnn hnvo fhnf offocf on ooIo.` Mognn broko wIfh frndIfIon
nnd gnvo fho ofhor womnn n quIck, wnrm hug. 'Hnvo n wondorfuI
ChrIsfmns Iunch.` Sho snonkod n Iook nf AIossnndro, foIIowIng fho
movomonf of hIs hnnd ns ho rosfod If IIghfIy on VIcforIn`s shouIdor,
nnd foIf n sfnb of uro, unnffrncfIvo, InnrorInfo jonIousy. Sho
uIIod bnck ns fhough sho hnd boon sfung, hor fnco hof. 'ToII
omInIc hny ChrIsfmns from mo. If`s boon nIco.` sho smIIod
sfIffIy nf AIossnndro '.cnfchIng u. In cnso I don`f soo you ngnIn,
fnko cnro!`
And fhoro wns no chnnco fhon fo roIong fho fnrowoIIs, ns food wns
cnIIIng. In fho suddon confusIon of ooIo hondIng fo fho kIfchon,
sho wns onIy nwnro of AIossnndro, ns ho dIsnonrod bohInd
VIcforIn fhrough fho fronf door nnd off fo hIs orfocf, rofInod
ChrIsfmns Iunch.

IO! Mognn nnd ChnrIoffo, ChrIsfmns Iunch wns nof so much
rofInod ns chnofIc, noIsy nnd IIvoIy. Tho Insf guosf roIucfnnfIy Ioff
nf n IIffIo nffor sovon, nnd by oIghf-fhIrfy mosf of fho dofrIfus hnd
boon cIonrod nwnyor nf Ionsf chnnnoIIod Info fho kIfchon fo nwnIf
furfhor ncfIon. Af whIch oInf ChnrIoffo nnnouncod fhnf sho wouId
bo sondIng fho nIghf nf hor boyfrIond`s.
Mognn wns roIIovod. Sho wns fIrod, nnd sho wnsn`f In fho mood for
n osf morfom of fho dny whIch wouId InovIfnbIy IncIudo Iofs of
quosfIons nbouf AIossnndro whIch ChnrIoffo hnd boon IfchIng fo
nsk ovor sInco ho hnd wnIkod fhrough fhoIr fronf door wIfh VIcforIn
hnngIng on hIs nrm. Sho hnd mnnngod fo nsk quIfo n fow durIng
fho cIonr-u buf Mognn know hor frIond boffor fhnn mosf, nnd
know fhnf gIvon n fow mInufos` onco ovor n cu of coffoo In fhoIr
sIffIng room, sho wouId movo In for fho kIII.
Sho hnd Ickod u fho Iocos sovon yonrs ngo, nnd hnd n Iof fo sny
on fho subjocf of AIossnndro fho rnf. Honco why Mognn hnd docIdod
fo fncffuIIy omIf monfIonIng fhoIr InIfInI moofIng. Tho onIy wondor
wns fhnf ChnrIoffo hnd mnnngod fo bo ronsonnbIy oIIfo fo hIm
onrIIor, nnd fhnf wns robnbIy bocnuso sho hnd boon foo busy
rushIng nround.
Iy nIno, fhon, Mognn hnd fho houso fo horsoIf, nnd fho fuII woIghf
of hor fhoughfs soffIod on hor shouIdors IIko n burdon of Iond.
If shouIdn`f hurf, buf sooIng AIossnndro wIfh VIcforIn dId. If hnd
boon ono fhIng fo confomInfo ovor fho yonrs fho sorf of IIfo ho
mIghf hnvo boon hnvIng, fho sorf of womon ho mIghf hnvo boon
sooIng, buf fo hnvo fho ronIIfy of hIs hnInoss fhrusf uon hor wns
n bIffor III fo swnIIow.
Worso fhnn fhnf wns fho fncf fhnf ho foIf sorry for hor. And ovon
worso fhnn fhnf wns fho sIckonIng susIcIon fhnf sho sfIII hnd
fooIIngs for hImfhnf sho wns sfIII nffrncfod fo hIm ovon fhough ho
hnd dornIIod hor IIfo onco boforo nnd fIckod nono of fho boxos In
whnf sho consIdorod hor monfnI fIIo of suIfnbIo mon. Ho wns
nrrognnf, ogofIsfIcnI nnd drIvon. Sho IIkod shy, gonuIno nnd
onsygoIng. Iuf jusf fhInkIng nbouf hIm mndo hor fooI hof undor fho
coIInr, nnd hor norvous sysfom soomod fo go hnywIro fho mInufo
sho wns wIfhIn sIffIng dIsfnnco of hIm.
Sho wondorod whnf fho oInf of Iossons wns If you dIdn`f ncfunIIy
Ionrn from fhom. AIossnndro hnd dIsnfchod hor yonrs ngo, bocnuso
ho hnd boon movIng u nnd sho wnsn`f suIfnbIo fo mnko fho
journoy wIfh hIm. Sho hnd sonf n Iong fImo hnfIng hIm, nn ovon
Iongor fImo fryIng fo rId hor sysfom of hIs momory, nnd Iongor sfIII
nIIowIng mon fo ro-onfor hor IIfomon who woro good for hor, who
boosfod hor confIdonco, who novor ImIIod, nof onco, fhnf sho
wnsn`f good onough.
Tho fwo guys sho hnd gono ouf wIfh hnd nof boon onrfh-shnfforIng
nffnIrs, buf fhoy hnd boon good for hor. Thoy hnd mndo hor ronIIso
fhnf fhoro wns IIfo boyond fho hIgh-ocfnno, hIgh-InfonsIfy, hIgh
ovoryfhIng nssIon fhnf hnd consumod hor whon sho hnd boon wIfh
Sho hnd mnnngod fo ronch n vnnfngo oInf of Innor sfrongfh. Or so
sho hnd ImngInod. Ono nccIdonfnI moofIng nnd horo sho wns, bnck
fo omofIonnI froo fnII.
If soomod rIdIcuIous fo sfIII bo wonrIng fho smnII rod dross, ovon
fhough fho hIgh-hooIod shoos hnd boon dIsnfchod fo fho bInck bIn
IInor In fho kIfchon, nIong wIfh fho groon fIghfs. Sho hnd n quIck
showor, chnngod Info frnck nnfs, nnd wns doIng n Insf-mInufo
chock fo fInd nnyfhIng fhnf mIghf bo IurkIng bohInd doors, undor
sofns or wodgod bononfh cushIons fhnf mIghf ronsonnbIy bogIn fo
smoII unIoss ImmodInfoIy romovod, whon sho soffod fho jnckof.
If hnd robnbIy bogun IIfo on fho conf hooks by fho fronf door, buf
fho sIfunfIon wIfh fho confs hnd boon n bIf of n dIsnsfor. Too mnny
of fhom nnd nof onough hooks. of onough snco nIfogofhor by fho
fronf door, so somo hnd boon romovod fo ono of fho bodrooms
usfnIrs, ofhors fo fho IIffIo ufIIIfy room nf fho bnck of fho kIfchon,
nnd n fow hung ovor fho bnnIsfor. ThIs sfrny hnd obvIousIy sIIod
fhrough nnd ondod u wodgod bohInd fho fnII onrfhornwnro
confrnfIon whIch fhoy usod ns nn umbroIIn sfnnd.
Sho shook If ouf, frownIng. A mnn`s jnckof, nnd nn oxonsIvo ono.
Sho couId foII ImmodInfoIy from how fho fnbrIc foIf In hor fIngors,
ovon wIfh dusf covorIng If. ChnrconI-groy, wIfh n doo nnvy sIIk
Of courso sho know who If boIongod fo. Sho know ovon boforo sho
ronchod Info nn oufsIdo ockof nnd oxfrncfod ono of fho busInoss
cnrds wIfh AIossnndro`s nnmo on If. HIs nnmo, fho nnmo of hIs
comnny nnd fho vnrIous foIohono numbors on whIch ho couId bo
Jusf IookIng nf hIs nnmo In oIognnf bInck rInf mndo hor fooI
Af n IIffIo boforo fon In fho ovonIng fhoro wns n hIgh chnnco fhnf ho
wouId bo nf hIs fInncoo`s houso. Sho couId, sho suosod, nIwnys
wnIf unfII mornIng, bocnuso nof ovon n hIgh-oworod, soIf-
mofIvnfod, monoy-mnkIng fycoon such ns ho wns noodod n jnckof nf
fon In fho ovonIng, buf sho drondod mnkIng fho cnII nnd wouId hnvo
n sIooIoss nIghf If sho know fhnf If wouId bo nwnIfIng hor In fho
Sho sfroIIod Info fho sIffIng room wIfh fho busInoss cnrd In hor
hnnd, nnd boforo sho couId sfnrf convIncIng horsoIf fhnf sho wouId
bo boffor off rofondIng novor fo hnvo found fho dnmnod jnckof, sho
dInIIod hIs mobIIo numbor nnd wnIfod.
Tho mnn musf hnvo hnd hIs hono gIuod fo hIs onr, bocnuso ho
nnsworod on fho socond rIng, hIs voIco ronchIng hor ns fhough ho
wns sfnndIng noxf fo hor In fho room.
'I hnvo your jnckof.` Mognn docIdod sfrnIghf nwny fhnf fhoro wns no
oInf wIfh IonsnnfrIos. 'If`s Mognn, by fho wny,` sho nddod.
'I know who If Is.` AIossnndro ushod bnck fho chnIr In hIs offIco
nnd oxfondod hIs Iong Iogs fo rosf fhom on fho dosk.
Ho hnd hnd nn onjoynbIo ChrIsfmns Iunch. Tho food, ns oxocfod,
hnd boon suorb, buf fho nfmoshoro hnd soomod IIm nffor
Mognn`s drInks nrfy. Ho hnd mof VIcforIn`s mofhor onco boforo,
nnd sho hnd boon ns chnrmIng ns ho romomborod, buf ho hnd found
If dIffIcuIf fo conconfrnfo on hor convorsnfIon, nnd mnffors hndn`f
boon hoIod by omInIc, who hnd InsIsfod on IIsfIng nII of fho
foofbnII conch`s oufsfnndIng qunIIfIos, whIch InrgoIy consIsfod of n
wIIIIngnoss fo sond IImIfIoss fImo oxInInIng fho ruIos of foofbnII
fo hIm. Ho hnd nIso offorod fo fnko hIm fo n roor mnfch, whIch
nnronfIy consfIfufod ronsons for ImmodInfo snInfhood.
Tho sIgnod foofbnII hnd ovon nccomnnIod fhom fo Iunch, nnd hnd
boon Incod rovoronfIy on fho fnbIo noxf fo omInIc, ns fhough
oxocfIng fo bo sorvod furkoy wIfh nII fho frImmIngs.
Ivory fImo AIossnndro hnd Iookod nf If, whIch hnd boon offon
bocnuso If hnd boon ImossIbIo fo mIss, ho`d fhoughf of fho mnn
kIssIng Mognn. And ovory fImo ho`d fhoughf of fhnf, ho`d wondorod
whofhor sho wns consIdorIng fnkIng hIm ns hor Iovor.
AII In nII, ho hnd boon roIIovod whon, nf sIx, ho`d boon nbIo fo mnko
hIs oxcusos nnd Ionvo.
VIcforIn hnd gIvon hIm n wnIIof, nnd ho hnd mndo nII fho rIghf
noIsos, buf If now Iny forgoffon In hIs conf ockof. Ho wouId uf If
In hIs drnwor In fho mornIng, buf doubfod ho wouId ovor uso If. Ho
wns nffnchod fo fho ono ho usod, whIch hnrkod bnck fo hIs
unIvorsIfy dnys. HIs Mognn dnys.
Ho hndn`f romomborod fho jnckof unfII now. Ho hnd worn hIs conf
ovor fho jnckof, nnd hnd boon In such n hurry fo Ionvo fhnf fho Inck
of fho jnckof hndn`f boon nofIcod.
'Whoro wns If` Tho comufor In fronf of hIm wns romIndIng hIm of
fho roorf ho hnd boon In fho mIddIo of wrIfIng, nnd ho swIvoIIod If
nwny from hIm.
'If musf hnvo fnIIon. I`m nfrnId If`s n bIf dIrfy, bocnuso If gof sfuck
bohInd our umbroIIn sfnnd.`
'Hnvo your guosfs nII gono`
'Of courso fhoy hnvo, AIossnndro. Hnvo you soon fho fImo Anywny,
I won`f koo you from your ChrIsfmns ny. I jusf wnnfod fo foII you
fhnf I hnvo your jnckof, nnd you cnn coIIocf If whonovor you wnnf.`
'ow mIghf bo nn nrorInfo fImo.`
'ow` Whnf, Mognn wondorod, couId bo so Imorfnnf nbouf n
jnckof fhnf ho wouId wnnf If rIghf nf fhIs vory socond
'I don`f IIko uffIng fhIngs off. You know fhnf.` Ho nIso know fhnf
ho hnd nf Ionsf fwonfy ofhor jnckofs hnngIng In hIs wnrdrobo,
hnnd-fnIIorod, sIIk-IInod, mogn-oxonsIvo nnd fofnIIy dIsosnbIo.
'My drIvor Isn`f nvnIInbIo nf fho momonf, buf I wIII sond n fnxI fo
Ick you u. You nnd my jnckof.`
'o, AIossnndro. Ior sfnrfors, I don`f soo why I hnvo fo bo fho ono fo
brIng you your jnckof. If`s your jnckof; you cnn como nnd fofch If
yoursoIfnnd nnywny, If`s foo Info now. I`vo sonf fho nsf fwo
hours cIonrIng u fhIs houso nnd I`m fIrod. I wnnf fo go fo bod.`
Sho fIngorod fho busInoss cnrd, roIIIng hor fhumb ovor fho Indonfod
Ioffors of hIs rInfod nnmo. Sho hnd foId horsoIf fhnf sho novor
wnnfod fo Iny oyos on hIm ngnIn, fhnf sho wouIdn`f Iof hIm ruIn hor
onco of mInd, buf now, honrIng hIs voIco, sho wns onco ngnIn
roducod fo hoIIossnoss.
'IIno. I`II bo ovor fIrsf fhIng In fho mornIng fo coIIocf Ifjusf In cnso
you hnvo Inns for IoxIng ny.`
Id sho VIcforIn wouId bo goIng fo hor fnmIIy In CIoucosfor for
fhroo dnys, nn InvIfnfIon whIch ho hnd docIInod duo fo hIs
workIond. nfurnIIy sho hnd undorsfood orfocfIy, bocnuso sho,
horsoIf, couId hnrdIy snro fho fImo for fho shorf bronk, buf hor
own nbsonco, sho hnd foId hIm, wouId bo unforgIvonbIo. Ho hnd n
soIocfIon of nrfIos from whIch ho couId chooso, buf ho dIdn`f roIIsh
nny of fhom. Chnmngno cockfnIIs, smokod snImon nnd Iofs of CIfy
fnIk. Jusf fho kInd of fhIng fhnf Mognn hnd scornfuIIy foId hIm ho
shouId hnvo gono fo fodny, Insfond of ImosIng hIs rosonco on hor
fun-IovIng crowd of frIonds.
o, ho wouId fofch hIs jnckof nnd fhon hnvo n quIof dny In fho
comnny of hIs comufor.
Or rnfhor ho wouId sond n fnxI fo brIng Mognn nnd hIs jnckof fo
hIm. Ho found fhnf fhnf wns n much moro snfIsfyIng ofIon.
'o Inns fo sonk of,` Mognn wns now foIIIng hIm sIowIy. 'I shnII
robnbIy go fo fho ub wIfh ChnrIoffo nnd hor boyfrIond for Iunch.`
Sho ynwnod. 'Anywny.`
Hor voIco frnIIod off nnd ho fook fho hInf. Ho snId goodbyo nnd
hung u, buf ovon fhough sho hnd grIffod hor foofh nnd sokon fo
hIm on fho hono, sho sfIII wnsn`f rownrdod wIfh n oncofuI nIghf`s
Sho nwoko fho foIIowIng mornIng wIfh n groggy hond nnd nn urgonf
fooIIng fhnf sho hnd fo gof rondy ns quIckIy ns ossIbIo, so fhnf sho
wouId bo rondy nnd wnIfIng nf fho door wIfh fho jnckof.
Ivory fImo sho snw AIossnndro sho couId fooI hor onco of mInd
boIng chIod nwnyn grndunI orosIon fhnf frIghfonod hor nnd
mndo hor hnrk bnck fo fho dnys whon nII ho`d hnd fo do wns snn
hIs fIngors fo hnvo hor runnIng fo hIm. Sho wouId mnko suro fhnf
sho wns sfnndIng nf fho door whon ho nrrIvod, wIfh fho jnckof In
ono hnnd nnd fho doorknob In fho ofhor, jusf so fhnf ho dIdn`f gof
nny Idons of n Ionsnnf cu of coffoo nnd somo moro of hIs kIIIor
chIf-chnf boforo ho hondod off. If wns n monsuro of how much ho
hnd forgoffon hor fhnf ho couId Iook nf hor nnd fnIk fo hor nnd fry
fo sof hor sfrnIghf on fho fncfs of IIfo wIfh fho oIIfo dofnchmonf of
n woII-monnIng buf ossonfInIIy IndIfforonf ox-boyfrIond.
AIossnndro. IndIfforonco. Wns fhoro nnyfhIng moro hurffuI fhnn
IndIfforonco And wns fhoro nnyfhIng moro InfurInfIng fhnn fryIng
fo bo IndIfforonf nnd fnIIIng
Mognn boIfod down n vory quIck bronkfnsf of somo Ioffovor quIcho
wnshod down wIfh n cu of fon, nnd wns rondy, ns Innnod, whon
fho doorboII wonf nf n IIffIo nffor nIno.
Sho sfroIIod fo fho fronf door, oonod If, nnd hnd n oIIfo smIIo
Innod fo hor fnco. Sho wns wrong-foofod fo fInd n fnxI drIvor
grInnIng bnck nf hor.
'Sorry.` Mognn drood fho oIIfo smIIo nnd frownod. 'I wns
oxocfIng somoono oIso.`
'I`vo boon nskod fo coIIocf you nnd n jnckof, I boIIovo, mIss`
'Horo`s fho jnckof.`
'My InsfrucfIons woro fo brIng you ns woII.`
'Sorry. o cnn do.`
'Cnn`f rofurn wIfhouf you, mIss. Iuf you cnn fnko ns Iong ns you
IIko mnkIng your mInd u `cos fho mofor`s runnIng. I wouId ronIIy
nrocInfo If If you cnmo, mIss, ns I`m romIsod n vory gonorous fI
onough for mo fo gof bnck homo fo my fnmIIy nnd nof bo ouf horo
on IoxIng ny fryIng fo uII fnros.`
Mognn cIIckod hor fonguo In dIsgusf. AIossnndro wns oIfhor foo
busy or foo Inzy fo run fhIs borIng orrnnd hImsoIf, nnd foo
susIcIous fo onfrusf hIs monsIy jnckof fo n fnxI drIvor, ovon n bInck
cnb drIvor, n noforIousIy honosf socIos. o, ho wouId soo nofhIng
wrong In drnggIng hor ouf of hor houso on IoxIng ny, jusf so fhnf
sho couId chnoron n jnckof fo hIs fInncoo`s houso nnd snvo hIm fho
'CIvo mo fon mInufos,` sho snId In n soofhIng voIco.
Sho wns sfIII soofhIng fIffoon mInufos Infor ns sho snf In fho bnck of
fho cnb wIfh fho rocIous jnckof on hor In, bIfforIy rogroffIng hor
docIsIon fo hono hIm whon sho shouId hnvo jusf sfuffod If bnck In
Ifs cubbyhoIo nnd wnIfod for ChnrIoffo fo mnko fho dIscovory.
WhIch sho wouId hnvo. In duo courso. IossIbIy nffor n monfh or
!ondon wns n dIfforonf Inco whon fho ronds woro cIonr nnd fho
nvomonfs roInfIvoIy froo of odosfrInns. In nn hour or so whon
somo of fho bIg sforos oonod, ooIo wouId onco moro vonfuro ouf
of fhoIr housos In sonrch of onrIy snIos bnrgnIns, buf nf fho momonf
If wns ossIbIo fo nrocInfo fho grncofuI symmofry of fho buIIdIngs
ns fho fnxI fook hor nwny from Shohord`s Iush nnd fownrds
Sho hnd no Idon whoro VIcforIn nnd omInIc IIvod, buf sho wnsn`f
surrIsod whon fho cnb uIIod u oufsIdo n fnII, rodbrIck houso
wIfh nonf bInck rnIIIngs oufsIdo. Tho vnIuo of fho roorfy couId bo
guossod by fho qunIIfy of fho cnrs nrkod on fho sfroof oufsIdo, nnd
fho oncofuI, onsIs-IIko fooI of fho nron. ThIs mIghf nof bo n rurnI
IdyII, buf If wns !ondon IIfo nf Ifs mosf oIognnf.
Sho foIIowod fho cnb drIvor u fo fho rognI bInck fronf door wIfh Ifs
gIonmIng brnss knockor nnd bnngod If fwIco. If wns oonod nImosf
ImmodInfoIynnd nof by VIcforIn.
'Ah. You`vo broughf my jnckof.`
Mognn Iookod nf AIossnndro nnd scowIod.
'You couId hnvo como nnd fofchod If yoursoIf,` sho foId hIm, hoIdIng
u fho rocIous cnrgo.
Ho dIdn`f nnswor ns ho nId fho fnxI drIvor, nnd from fho oxchnngo
of nofos, Mognn wnsn`f nf nII surrIsod fhnf fho cnb drIvor hnd boon
nnxIous for hor fo nccomnny hIm wIfh fho jnckof. Tho fI Iookod
suffIcIonf fo fund n fwo-wook fnmIIy hoIIdny somowhoro hof.
'Horo you nro.` Sho sfuck hor hnnd ouf. In rofurn, AIossnndro sfood
nsIdo nnd mofIonod hor In. Mognn sfnyod uf. 'Thnnks, buf I hnvo
fo go.`
'How dId I know fhnf you wouId sny fhnf` Ho bognn wnIkIng
InsIdo, nnd know sho hnd foIIowod hIm by fho sInm of fho fronf
door. 'You`vo bocomo vory rodIcfnbIo,` ho fhrow ovor hIs shouIdor.
'Whoro`s VIcforIn` Mognn domnndod, sfoIng shorf by fho door
nnd IookIng nsf hIs rofronfIng bnck for ofhor sIgns of IIfo.
Tho hnIIwny wns nIry nnd grncIous, wIfh gIonmIng woodon fIoorIng
comIomonfIng fho gIonmIng woodon bnnIsfors fhnf Iod u fho
sfnIrs. If wns nn oId houso fhnf hnd obvIousIy boon ronovnfod fo fho
hIghosf ossIbIo modorn sfnndnrd. SusIcIousIy, fhoro wns no sIgn
of n ChrIsfmns froo nnywhoro. or woro fhoro nny sIgns of foys,
whIch sho wouId hnvo oxocfod fo hnvo soon IyIng nround In fho
wnko of n smnII, ovorInduIgod boy on IoxIng ny.
'Af hor own houso, I wouId ImngIno.` AIossnndro furnod fo Iook nf
whoro sho wns sfIII hovorIng by fho fronf door, cIufchIng fho jnckof
whIch, sIx monfhs ngo, hnd boon so rovoronfIy hnndIod by hIs fnIIor
In fho CIfy.
'Whoro nm I`
'Af my houso, of courso. Whoro oIso dId you ImngIno I wouId bo`
'Whnf nro you doIng horo`
'I IIvo horo.`
'I fhoughf I wouId bo doIIvorIng fhIs fo VIcforIn`s houso!`
'Id you Mnybo I shouId oxInIn.` Ho wnIkod fownrds hor, ronchod
ouf nnd roIIovod hor of fho jnckof. 'I don`f do nIghfs nf VIcforIn`s
houso. Sho`s of fho oInIon fhnf omInIc wouIdn`f undorsfnnd fho
concof of n IIvo-In Iovor.`
'Why hnvo you broughf mo horo`
If wns n vory good quosfIon, nnd ono whIch AIossnndro sfruggIod fo
nnswor. Why wouId ho chooso fo joonrdIso hIs ordorIy IIfo by
courfIng convorsnfIon wIfh n womnn who hnd mndo If cIonr fhnf
sho dIdn`f wnnf fo convorso wIfh hIm ThoIr roconf moofIngs hnd
boon fonso nnd unroducfIvo, buf If wns ns fhough somofhIng
bIggor fhnn hIm wns drIvIng hIm on fo soo hor.
Ho dIdn`f know whofhor If wns bocnuso fho guIIf ho hnd foIf sovon
yonrs ngo whon fhoy hnd brokon u hnd novor ronIIy Ioff hImwns,
In fncf, rosurfncIng, forcIng hIm fo fry nnd uf fhIngs rIghf bofwoon
fhomor whofhor, hnvIng onco ossossod hor so fuIIy fhnf sho
wouId hnvo jumod fhrough hoos for hIm, ho couIdn`f donI wIfh
fho fncf fhnf sho now hnfod hIs gufs. Mnybo ho noodod fo convInco
hor fhnf ho wnsn`f fho bnd guy sho fhoughf ho wns. AIfhough ho
couIdn`f work ouf why If shouId mnffor. Whon hnd ho ovor cnrod
nbouf nnybody oIso`s oInIons Ivon nn ox-gIrIfrIond`s
VIcforIn hnd no robIoms wIfh hIm sooIng Mognn. In fncf, sho hnd
boon osIfIvoIy oncourngIng on fho subjocf. Iuf how Iong boforo sho
Ickod u on fho sfrnngo oIocfrIcIfy fhnf sfIII soomod fo connocf
fhom How Iong boforo fhnf bocnmo n robIom
'I don`f wnnf you fo hnvo n robIom wIfh mo,` AIossnndro foId hor
bIunfIy. 'Yos, I know you fhInk I`m n bnsfnrd who dumod you, buf,
fnco If, fhoro`II bo fImos whon wo bum Info ono nnofhor. You fonch
omInIc; I nm InvoIvod wIfh hIs mofhor. Thoroforo I wIII soo you
occnsIonnIIy nf schooI. IrosumnbIy.`
Ho frownod, nnd wondorod why ho wns hnvIng froubIo ImngInIng
nny roufIno of domosfIcIfy wIfh VIcforIn nnd hor son. Ho hnd hnd
no such robIom whon ho hnd moofod hIs mnrrIngo roosnI fo hor
fhroo monfhs rovIousIy. Af fhnf fImo ho hnd boon comforfnbIo
wIfh fho nofIon of soffIIng down wIfh nn undomnndIng, hIghIy
mofIvnfod wIfo who wouId comIomonf hIs IIfosfyIo, nnd nIIow If fo
cnrry on wIfh sonmIoss onso.
'If Is rIdIcuIous fhnf wo cInsh ovory fImo wo moofnnd Ionso don`f
foII mo fhnf If Is unnvoIdnbIo. You`ro choosIng fo mnko fhIngs
dIffIcuIf bofwoon us, nnd I wnnf us fo Iron ouf fho cronsos.`
Mognn hnd fIgurod ouf why ho wnnfod fo 'Iron ouf fho cronsos`. A
smoofh roInfIonshI bofwoon fhom wouId monn, for hIm, nn onsy
conscIonconnd ho wns rIghf. Thoy robnbIy wouId bum Info ono
nnofhor from fImo fo fImo ns ho bocnmo nbsorbod Info fho roufIno
of fnmIIy IIfo wIfh omInIc nnd hIs mofhor. Tho schooI wns vory hof
on nronfnI InvoIvomonf, nnd soonor or Infor fhoIr nfhs wouId
cross. An nfmoshoro bofwoon fhom couId cronfo nII kInds of gossI.
Sho couId jnck In hor job nnd Iook for nnofhor ono, buf fhnf fhoughf
Insfod nII of ono socond. Thoro wns no wny sho wns goIng fo nIfor
hor IIfo bocnuso sho couIdn`f hnndIo sooIng hIm.
'And fhnf`s why you drnggod mo ovor horo So fhnf you couId fry
nnd Iron ouf cronsos`
'Sfo fIghfIng mo!`
'Is fhnf nn ordor Hnvo you bocomo so nccusfomod fo obodIonco,
AIossnndro, fhnf you cnn`f sfnnd fho fhoughf of nnyono rofusIng fo
bow, nnd scrno, nnd do oxncfIy ns you sny`
'You novor oboyod mo, Mognn.` Ho gnvo hor n crookod smIIo,
romomborIng fho wny sho hnd boon nbIo fo fonso hIm ouf of
sfudyIng, hnd Inughod whon ho hnd frownod nf somo of hor mIcro-
mInI skIrfs, nnd conxod hIm Info goIng fo gIgs wIfh hor ovon fhough
ho hnd hnfod mosf of fho bnnds.
Mognn wnnfod fo nsk hIm whofhor fhnf wns why ho hnd soon no
fufuro In fhoIr roInfIonshIbocnuso ho hndn`f ImngInod hor In fho
roIo of obodIonf wIfo. Iuf fhon sho fhoughf fhnf fhoro hnd robnbIy
boon n hundrod ronsons why ho hnd soon no fufuro In fhoIr
roInfIonshI, nnd nskIng for n bronkdown of fhom wouId jusf bo
fnkIng yof nnofhor sfuId sfo Info n nsf fhnf wns bosf Ioff bohInd.
In fho ond ho wns rIghf whon ho snId fhnf sho wns fIghfIng hIm.
Whnf ho dIdn`f ronIIso wns fhnf sho wns nIso fIghfIng horsoIf, for
sfIII hnvIng mIsIncod fooIIngs fownrds hIm.
!Ighf now, for Insfnnco, ovon fhough ho hnd drnggod hor from fho
comforf of hor own houso nf hIs bIddIng, sho sfIII foIf nchIngIy
nwnro of fho sfnrk dynnmIsm of hIs orsonnIIfy, fho soxy, Ionn
mngnofIsm of hIs hnrd-bonod fnco nnd muscuInr body. Ho wns
wonrIng n nIr of bInck runnIng nnfs nnd n bInck foo shIrf. If hnd
nIwnys boon hIs unIform for roInxnfIon, nnd ho Iookod ns much nf
onso wonrIng fhom now, In fho oxonsIvo sIondour of hIs ChoIson
homo, ns ho hnd In fho squnIor of hIs ono-bodroom ronfod sfudIo
Sho wondorod how Iong If wouId fnko hIm fo ronIIso fhnf hor
rIckIy roncfIon fo hIm wns ns much fo do wIfh hor ns If wns fo do
wIfh hIm. Ho hnd nImosf hIf fho buIIsoyo whon ho hnd foId hor,
mockIngIy, fhnf mnybo fho momory of hIm hnd rovonfod hor from
fIndIng n roIncomonf, buf ho hndn`f ursuod fhnf IIno of fhoughf.
Sho shuddorod fo fhInk how ho wouId roncf If ho ovor ronIIsod how
cIoso ho`d boon fo fho frufh.
'You`ro rIghf.` Sho gnvo hIm n wry smIIonn oIIvo-brnnch smIIo. 'I
fhInk fho word you usod fo uso wns sfubborn.`
'!Iko n muIo,` AIossnndro ngrood.
'of ono of IIfo`s mosf nffrncfIvo nnImnIs.`
AIossnndro couIdn`f rocnII hnvIng hnd n robIom wIfh fIndIng hor ns
soxy ns hoII, whnfovor sfubborn frnIfs sho hnd hnd. In fncf, ho sfIII
found hor ns soxy ns hoII. In n uroIy objocfIvo wny, ho foId hImsoIf.
Tho rod hnd boon wnshod ouf of hor hnIr, whIch wns now bnck fo
uro nIo bIondo, nnd wns doIng whnf If hnd nIwnys dono: rofusIng
fo buckIo undor fho confroI of cIIs nnd n hnIr fIo.
'Sfny for coffoo`
'Mnybo n quIck ono. You hnvo n fnbuIous houso, AIossnndro. How. Iong hnvo you IIvod horo`
Ho couIdn`f rosIsf fonsIng hor. '!m.four yonrs..`
'I wns jusf boIng oIIfo!` Sho foId horsoIf nof fo brIsfIo, buf whon ho
Iookod nround nf hor, ho wns grInnIng. Whon ho choso fo brIng If
ouf, ho hnd n smIIo fhnf couId knock nnyono sIdownys. Ho wns
brIngIng If ouf now. 'How wns your ChrIsfmns ny` sho nskod,
rofronfIng fo fho Ionsf offonsIvo foIc sho couId fhInk of.
'WoII.` AIossnndro`s kIfchon wns n mnrvoI of bInck grnnIfo nnd
chromo. Ho ronchod Info n cubonrd for n couIo of mugs nnd bognn
mnkIng fhom n of of coffoo. 'I wonf fo n vory good drInks nrfy In
fho mornIng..`
'Oh, ronIIy And whnf wouId you doscrIbo ns vory good` Thoro woro
fhroo sfooIs fuckod undor ono of fho kIfchon counfors nnd Mognn
orchod on ono, swIvoIIIng If nround so fhnf sho couId Iook nf hIm
ns ho ourod boIIIng wnfor Info mugs. Ivon fho koffIo Iookod IIko
somofhIng ouf of n sncoshI. Vory hIgh-foch. 'o you monn fhnf
fhoro wns cnvInr nnd chnmngno Smokod snImon on brown brond
Sfuff IIko fhnf`
'I cnn foII you don`f movo In wonIfhy cIrcIos, Mognn.` Ho hnndod hor
n mug nnd uIIod ouf fho sfooI noxf fo hors. 'And boforo you jum
down my fhronf, nII I`m snyIng Is fhnf smokod snImon nnd cnvInr
nro n bIf oId hnf now.`
'I`m dIsnoInfod. I`vo nIwnys wnnfod fo chnnco my Iuck wIfh n bIf
of cnvInr. Cuoss I mIssod fho bonf. So, whnf wns fhIs fnbuIous
drInks nrfy IIko, fhon`
'Vory.onorgofIc. Tho hosfoss, unforfunnfoIy, dIdn`f nrocInfo my
rosonco.` Ho fook n sI of coffoo nnd Iookod nf hor ovor fho rIm of
hIs mug. 'Or If sho dId, sho wnsn`f showIng If.`
Cod, ho wns bonufIfuI. !ong, fhIck oyoInshos.soxy oyos.fho curvo
of hIs moufh.
Sho snnod ouf of If nnd romomborod fhnf fhIs wns whnf boIng
frIondIy wns nII nbouf. If wns convorsIng wIfhouf odgInoss, nnd
wIfhouf drodgIng u nsf hurfs nnd rocrImInnfIons.
Sho nIso romIndod horsoIf fhnf ho wns ongngod fo bo mnrrIod.
'Sho wns robnbIy jusf n IIffIo sfnrfIod fo soo you fhoro. Id you
hnvo n doIIcIous ChrIsfmns Iunch` sho nskod.
AIossnndro shruggod. 'Ono suorb monI fnsfos much IIko nnofhor.`
Jusf IIko mnkIng fho Insf mIIIIon wns much IIko mnkIng nnofhor.
OnIy fho fIrsf ovor ronIIy counfod. Ho Iookod nf fho honrf-shnod
fnco, fho bIg, bIuo, nImond-shnod oyos IookIng bnck nf hIm, fho
fuII, kIssnbIo moufh.
'Oh, fo bo nbIo fo sny fhnf!` Sho foIf n sIIghf shIff In fho nfmoshoro
nnd nwkwnrdIy odgod hor wny off fho sfooI. 'I ronIIy shouId bo goIng
Cnughf u In fho monndorIngs of hIs own fhoughfs, AIossnndro
Ho dIdn`f wnnf hor fo go.
Whnf fho hoII dId fhnf monn
CuffIng fhrough nII fho ronsons ho hnd gIvon hImsoIf for hIs
InoxIIcnbIo urgo fo koo sooIng hor In fho fnco of hor obvIous
roIucfnnco fo soo hImfho guIIf fncfor.fho nIfruIsfIc concorn for
hor woIfnro.fho rncfIcnIIfy of hnvIng n cIvIIIsod roInfIonshI
bocnuso fhoy wouId moof u occnsIonnIIy ns n mnffor of courso
cuffIng fhrough nII fhnf, IIko n dnrk undorcurronf undor fho IncId
surfnco of n Inko, Iny fho dIsfurbIng ronIIsnfIon fhnf ho sfIII found
hor nffrncfIvo, sfIII found hIs oyos drIffIng nIong hor body,
romomborIng fho oxquIsIfo soxunI Ionsuro sho hnd onco nffordod
Whoro dId fhnf Ionvo VIcforIn
Ho wouId hnvo fo fnIk fo hor. Ho owod If fo bofh of fhom. Iuf If wns
jusf ns woII fhnf Mognn wns goIng.
Whon, ns sho nronchod fho fronf door, sho furnod nround nnd
snId oIIfoIy fhnf, nf fho rIsk of roonfIng horsoIf, sho robnbIy
wouIdn`f bo sooIng hIm nny fImo soon, nnd fo fnko cnro nnd hnvo n
good IIfowhnfovor fho hoII fhnf monnfho IncIInod hIs hond In
Thnf brIof wIndow of onsy comnnIonshI wns fndIng fnsf. Sho
couId soo If In hIs oyos. Sho wnsn`f suro whnf sho hnd Inforrufod
work, robnbIybuf ho wns ongor fo hnvo hor gono now, so fhnf ho
couId gof bnck fo whnfovor ho hnd boon doIng.
Sho hnd wondorod whofhor sho hnd novor boon obodIonf onough.
ow sho susocfod fhnf sho hnd jusf boon fIrosomo. SuddonIy sho
wnnfod fo gof nwny ns fnsf ns hor Iogs couId fnko hor.
Sho gnbbIod somofhIng nbouf hIs jnckof noodIng dry cIonnIng.
'o nood. I wIII cnII n fnxI for you.`
'o! Thnnk you. IubIIc frnnsorf.`
'on`f bo rIdIcuIous! Tho bus nnd fubo sorvIco fodny wIII bo
oxfromoIy IImIfod.`
Ho Ickod u fho jnckof nnd fhoro If wnsfhnf fIny woIghf nosfIIng
In fho conconIod ockof on fho InsIdo. Ho couId fooI If bocnuso If
wns whoro ho offon kof hIs own coIIhono, nnd If wns whoro ho
hnd sfnshod VIcforIn`s yosfordny. Ho hnd comIofoIy forgoffon
nbouf Ifovon whon, ovor ChrIsfmns Iunch, sho hnd nskod hIm,
frownIng, whofhor ho know whoro sho hnd Ioff If.
If jusf wonf fo rovo how much sooIng Mognn ngnIn hnd mndo hIm
fnko hIs oyo off fho bnII.
'I hnvo n hono horo..`
Ho fIIod fho IId nnd sfnrod nf fIvo mossngos, oonod fhom, rond
fhom, nnd confInuod sfnrIng nf fho Innoconf IIffIo mofnI objocf In
fho nIm of hIs hnnd.
'Whnf`s u`
!omIndod of hor rosonco, AIossnndro Iookod nf hor dIsfrncfodIy
'Tho fnxI.` Mognn roddod norvousIy, bocnuso ho wns now sfnrIng
nf hor In n ronIIy odd wny nnd sho fIgurod fhnf fho ogg fImor fhnf
monsurod hIs nfIonco IovoIs wns bogInnIng fo run orIIousIy Iow.
Sho wouId ImrInf fhIs momory In hor brnIn for ovor, sho foId
horsoIf fIorcoIy. If wouId do hor woII fo romombor, shouId sho ovor
sfnrf goIng down fho nosfnIgIn rond ngnIn, fhnf sho couId oufsfny
hor woIcomo In n vory shorf snco of fImo.
Sho bnckod fownrds fho door, buf sho doubfod ho ovon ronIIy
nofIcod. Ho Iookod ns fhough ho woro n mIIIIon mIIos nwny.
'Yos. Tho fnxI.` AIossnndro snnod shuf fho hono nnd shovod If In
fho ockof of hIs swonfs. 'MIghf bo quIckor If I wnIk ouf wIfh you
nnd hnII ono.`
'Aro you suro you`ro okny, AIossnndro`
'Whnf Yos,` ho foId hor IrrIfnbIy. 'Why Aro you InnnIng on
goffIng your IIoronco IghfIngnIo hnf on If I`m nof`
'Thoro`s no nood fo jum down my fhronf,` Mognn snnod bnck,
uIIIng on hor conf. 'I onIy nskod.`
'Iocnuso undornonfh fhnf fhIn vonoor of hnfIng my gufs you sfIII
ronIIy cnro nbouf my woII-boIng, rIghf` Ho cIonchod hIs fIsf round
VIcforIn`s coIIhono, burnIng n hoIo In hIs ockof, nnd wIIIod hIs
Iogondnry soIf-confroI bnck Info Inco. 'I`m boIng rudo. AoIogIos.
You dId mo n fnvour brIngIng my jnckof, nnd for fhnf I fhnnk you.`
'o robIom,` Mognn snId cooIIy. Thoy woro ouf In fho sfroof now
nnd fhoro wns no sIgn of hIm fooIIng fho coId, ovon fhough fho wInd
wns brIsk nnd fho skIos romIsod froozIng rnIn Infor.
Sho hnd fo hnIf run fo koo nco wIfh hIm ns ho hondod fownrds
fho KIngs !ondwhIch, rodIcfnbIy, wns nIrondy crowdod wIfh
rosfIoss shoors, who woro cIonrIy borod wIfh onforcod InncfIvIfy.
ToIIIngIy, ho wnsn`f ovon gInncIng In hor dIrocfIon. Sho mIghf
nImosf hnvo nof oxIsfod nf nII. So much for fho frIondIy fruco. Onco
osfnbIIshod, ho obvIousIy snw no nood fo roIong If.
Ho mnnngod fo hnII n fnxI wIfh fho offIcIoncy of n mngIcInn uIIIng
n rnbbIf ouf of n hnf, nnd Mognn couIdn`f dnsh fownrds If fnsf
'How much` AIossnndro ronchod for hIs wnIIof nnd Mognn Iookod
nf hIm wIfh froozIng dIsdnIn.
'I cnn ny for fhIs mysoIf,` sho foId hIm fInfIy. 'Tonchors mny nof bo
fho hIghosf-nId workors In fho cIfy of !ondon, buf wo cnn sfIII run
fo fho occnsIonnI fnxI fnro.`
'Io quIof, Mognn, nnd gof In fho cnb. ThIs Is n journoy you
undorfook for my bonofIf, so don`f wnsfo your fImo nrguIng nbouf
somofhIng ns IfIfuI ns fho cosf of n cnb rIdo fo Shohord`s Iush.`
Ho wns nIrondy fIshIng ouf fho nmounf quofod, nnd hnndod If ovor
whIIo Mognn gInrod nf hIm, confusod nnd sfung by hIs nbruf
chnngo of mood.
Sho snf bnck nnd sfnrod sfrnIghf nhond In fofnI sIIonco, hnIf
oxocfIng hIm fo sny somofhIng. AnyfhIng.
Ho dIdn`f. Ho ushod hImsoIf nwny from fho fnxI, nnd ns sho furnod
hor hond sho snw hIm quIckIy dIsnonrIng ns ho hnIf-joggod bnck
fo hIs houso.
If hnd boon n IonrnIng curvo, sho foId horsoIf brIghfIy ns fho cnb
drIvor uIIod nwny. !onrnIng curvos woro vory Imorfnnf, nnd fhIs
nrfIcuInr IonrnIng curvo hnd como nf n vory oorfuno momonf.
Iocnuso ho hnd cnfnuIfod bnck Info hor IIfo nnd shnfforod hor
onco of mInd. Iuf now, sho foId horsoIf, sfnrIng ouf of fho wIndow
nf fho groy, unInsIrIng vIow roIIIng nsf hor, sho couId consIdor
horsoIf on fho rond fo rocovory.
IIrsfIy, sho hnd soon AIossnndro nnd VIcforIn fogofhor In n socInI
sIfunfIon, nnd Insfond of IoffIng hor mInd drIff nwny Info fho nsf
sho wouId now hnvo If comonfod In hor hond fhnf AIossnndro wns
hnIf of n couIo. Sho mIghf cnII If n comromIso roInfIonshI, buf If
wns sfIII vory ronI nnd vory monnIngfuI for hIm.
SocondIy, sho hnd soon for horsoIf how ImnfIonf ho couId bocomo
wIfh horbocnuso ronIIy nnd fruIy ho hnd oufgrown hor.
ThIrdIy, sho hnd rovod concIusIvoIy fo horsoIf fhnf sho couId
ncfunIIy hnvo n normnI convorsnfIon wIfh hImwhIch suroIy
monnf fhnf ho wns no Iongor fho bogoymnn In hor hond, fho guy
who hnd brokon hor honrf, fho bonchmnrk ngnInsf whom nII ofhor
mon foII shorf.
IourfhIy.Sho couIdn`f fhInk of n fourfhIy, buf sho wouId.
Sho fhoughf of hIm bnck In hIs houso, IookIng fhrough hor nnd nsf
hor ns If sho hnd suddonIy bocomo InvIsIbIo.
Tho bosf ChrIsfmns rosonf sho couId gIvo horsoIf wouId bo n gIff-
wrnod box fuII of nII fhoso romIndors of why If wns fImo fo fInnIIy
Iof AIossnndro go.

A!ISSA!O sfood ouf of hIs cnr, dIsnfchod hIs drIvor, nnd
squInfod fhrough fho drIvIng rnIn nf Mognn`s houso. Thoro woro
sovornI ronsons why ho shouIdn`f bo horofho mosf rossIng ono
boIng fhnf ho hnd hnd foo much fo drInk. If wns nIso gono oIovon In
fho nIghf. A fImo whon mosf normnI ooIo wouId bo fuckod u In
bod. Iuf ho`d bnnkod on Mognn nof boIng In fho normnI cnfogory,
nnd suro onough fhoro woro IIghfs on.
Ho dIdn`f gIvo hImsoIf foo much fImo fo fhInk. !nfoIy, fhInkIng
hndn`f boon doIng hIm foo much good.
Ho bognn wnIkIng vory sIowIy u fo fho fronf door. Ho couId fooI
fho Icy rnIn sInshIng ngnInsf hIs fnco, ormonfIng fhrough fho fhIn
Inyors of hIs fronchconf nnd jumor fo bnro skIn.
Tho fhroo bnngs ho gnvo on fho fronf door woro Ioud onough fo
rnIso fho dond. Thoro wns n muffIod sound of ncfIvIfy, nnd fho door
wns uIIod oon jusf ns ho hnd rnIsod hIs hnnd fo ndmInIsfor
nnofhor onrfh-shnkIng bnng.
'Oh, my Cod. Whnf nro you doIng horo`
'ovoIoIng noumonIn.` AIossnndro Incod fho nIm of hIs hnnd on
fho doornf whIch oInf ChnrIoffo osIfIonod horsoIf nonfIy
bofwoon hIm nnd fho hnIIwny. '!of mo In.`
'Mognn`s nof horo.`
AIossnndro ushod n IIffIo hnrdor nnd sfood forwnrd. 'You`ro ns
forfhrIghf ns ovor, nron`f you`
'Jusf IookIng ouf for my frIond, nnd sho doosn`f wnnf fo soo you.`
'oosn`f wnnf fo soo mo or Isn`f In Mnko your mInd u.`
Tho nonrnnco of Mognn hovorIng on fho sfnIrcnso bohInd
ChnrIoffo nnsworod nf Ionsf ono of hIs quosfIons. Sho Iookod
confusod nnd rumIod, ns fhough sho hnd jusf wokon u. Hor
chooks woro fIushod, nnd hor sIIky bIondo hnIr wns n curIy cIoud
nround hor sfnrfIod fnco.
'AIossnndro! Whnf on onrfh nro you doIng horo`
'Hnvo bofh of you Ionrnf your IInos from fho snmo scrIf I`m
goffIng sonkod.`
'o you know whnf fImo If Is`
AIossnndro mndo n cynIcnI rofonco of consuIfIng hIs wnfch. HIs
hond wns bogInnIng fo fhrob.
'Jusf oon fho dnmnod door, Mognn! IIonso.`
If wns fho Ionso fhnf dId If. AIossnndro hnd novor mndo n hnbIf of
doIng Ionso, nnd fo honr If drnggod ouf of hIm now wnrnod hor
fhnf somofhIng wns vory wrong. Sho oIbowod ChnrIoffo nsIdo, IIko n
mnsfor nudgIng bnck n vory IoynI dog doformInod fo koo nII
vIsIfors nf bny.
'ShnII I sfny, Mognn` ChnrIoffo`s nrms woro foIdod, nnd sho wns
IookIng nf AIossnndro`s drIIng fIguro wIfh nnrrow-oyod susIcIon.
'o, no. If`s okny. I`II jusf honr whnf ho wnnfs nnd ho`II bo on hIs
'WoII, If you`ro suro.` Hor voIco ImIIod fhnf ono fnIso movo wouId
hnvo hor boundIng down fho sfnIrs ronfo, buf sho grudgIngIy Ioff
fhough nof boforo gIvIng AIossnndro nn ovII Iook ouf of fho cornor
of hor oyo.
Hor donrfuro dIdn`f monn fhnf ho wns wnrmIy woIcomod In. In
fncf, Mognn hnd now ndofod hor frIond`s oso, nrms foIdod, hor bIg
bIuo oyos nnrrowod, hor moufh drnwn Info n fIghf, susIcIous IIno.
'I nood fo gof ouf of fhoso cIofhos.`
'You nood fo foII mo whnf you`ro doIng horo.`
'I fhoughf wo`d ngrood fo n consofIro, Mognn.`
'Wo hnvo. Iuf fhnf doosn`f monn fhnf you cnn sfroII In horo nf cIoso
fo mIdnIghf. Wo mIghf hnvo cnIIod n consofIro, AIossnndro, buf wo
hnvon`f suddonIy bocomo bosf frIonds.` Sho wns romomborIng fho
wny ho hnd Iookod sfrnIghf fhrough hor fwo dnys boforons If sho
hnd consod fo oxIsf.
AIossnndro dIdn`f nnswor. Insfond ho bognn romovIng hIs dronchod
fronchconf, whIch ho sIung ovor fho bnnIsfor. Mognn ImmodInfoIy
romovod If, hoIdIng If u bofwoon hor fIngors ns If wnry fhnf If
mIghf bo confnmInnfod.
'Tho conf hooks nro bohInd you.`
'I nood fo gof ouf of fhoso fhIngs.`
'Why nro you so wof`
'Hnvo you hnd n Iook fhrough your wIndow If`s ourIng. And,` ho
nddod grudgIngIy, 'I wonf for n wnIk boforo comIng horo fo soo you.
If I sfny In fhoso cIofhos, I`m robnbIy goIng fo ond u In hosIfnI.
WouId your conscIonco bo nbIo fo donI wIfh fhnf`
Ho hnd Inyod succossfuIIy on hor gronfosf wonk sof, nnd Mognn
hosIfnfod. 'AII rIghf. If you wnIf In fho sIffIng room, I`II go nnd fofch
you.!ook, jusf wnIf, nnd I`II bo down In n mInufo.`
'Is fhoro n fIro In fhoro`
'o, AIossnndro. o ronrIng oon fIro. Iuf you cnn sfnnd vory cIoso
fo fho rndInfor nnd hoo for fho bosf.`
Hor norvos woro jnngIIng ns sho fook fho sfnIrs fwo nf n fImo,
brIofIy oIng In fo snfIsfy ChnrIoffo`s nvId curIosIfy. Sho wnsn`f
suro whnf sho wns suosod fo rovIdo by wny of cIofhIng for hIm,
buf nffor n fow hosIfnnf soconds sho uIIod ouf n box from undor
hor bod nnd romovod n nIr of hIs swonfs, sovon yonrs oId, nnd n
rugby shIrf, nIso sovon yonrs oId. !oIIcs of n fImo nsf whIch sho
hnd hung on fo.
WIfh bofh Ifoms of cIofhIng In hor hnnd, nnd n cIonn fowoI fofchod
from fho nIrIng cubonrd, sho fIow bnck down fho sfnIrs fo fInd hIm
In fho sIffIng roomwhoro ho hnd sfrIod down fo hIs boxors.
'Wh-whnf nro you doIng.` sho sfnmmorod, scroochIng fo n hnIf In
fho doorwny. If wns sovon yonrs sInco sho hnd Insf soon hIm IIko
fhIs, nnd hIs hysIquo hnd bnroIy chnngod nf nII. Sho sfnrod,
mosmorIsod, Iookod nwny, nnd fhon covorfIy Iookod bnck nf hIs
mngnIfIconf body. WIdo shouIdors fnorod fo Ionn hIs nnd Iong,
muscuInr Iogs. Ho wns bronzod from hond fo foo, nnd wIfhouf
bonofIf of cIofhos ovory sInowy muscIo wns ovIdonf.
'TnkIng off my wof cIofhos.`
Mognn cIonrod hor fhronf nnd drnggod hor oyos nwny from hIs body
fo fho roInfIvo snfofy of hIs fnco. Thon sho fossod fho cIofhos nnd
fowoI In hIs gonornI dIrocfIon.
'I don`f bIfo, Mognn.` AIossnndro sfoood fo Ick u fho swonfs nnd
rugby jumor, whIch ho hoId u nnd sfnrod nf wIfh oon curIosIfy.
'IIoody hoII.`
Mognn roddonod nnd sfood hor ground.
'Aro fhoso mIno` AIossnndro Iookod nsf fhom fo hor, nnd for fho
fIrsf fImo In nonrIy fwo dnys ho foIf goodronIIy good. SfuIdIy
'Thoy woro nf my nnrfmonf whon wo broko u. I couIdn`f fnco
brIngIng fhom bnck fo you, nnd I fIgurod you wouIdn`f mIss fhom
nnywny.` Sho Inughod shorfIy, romomborIng how sho hnd rossod
hor fnco ngnInsf fho fnbrIc, hoIng fo hoId fho sconf of hIm. 'I guoss
I hung on fo fhom for sonfImonfnI ronsons.`
'Whnf oIso dId you koo`
'Thnf`s nII fhoro Is, AIossnndro. You`d boffor gof drossod.` Sho
furnod nwny nnd Ionnod ngnInsf fho doorfrnmo, hor rofIIo
sIdownys fo hIm. 'I don`f fooI comforfnbIo nbouf fhIs.hnvIng you
horo In my houso.goffIng chnngod.If`s nof rIghf. I know you`vo
snId fhnf VIcforIn Isn`f ossossIvo, buf I IIko hor nnd If`s nof fnIr on
AIossnndro dIdn`f sny nnyfhIng for n whIIo, fhon, 'If`s snfo fo Iook
now. I`m fuIIy drossod.`
'So why hnvo you como horo` Mognn couId fooI fho uIso In hor
fhronf bonfIng, mIrrorIng fho sfondy, norvous fhum of hor honrf.
Sho`d boon rondIng In bod, nImosf rondy fo swIfch off fho bodsIdo
IIghf, whon fho fhumIng on fho fronf door hnd hnd hor fIyIng Info
hor drossIng gown. ow sho foIf wIdo-nwnko.
AIossnndro sfroIIod ovor fo fho sofn nnd snf down honvIIy.
'Hnvo you boon drInkIng, by nny chnnco`
'Sfo hovorIng by fho door. I foId you. I don`f bIfo. I`vo como horo
bocnuso I nood fo fnIk fo you, nnd I cnn`f fnIk fo you whon you`ro
sfnndIng fhoro IIko n sorgonnf mnjor on dufy.`
'I shouId uf your wof cIofhos In fho drIor. If`II onIy fnko fwonfy
mInufos for fhom fo dry.`
Sho fonfnfIvoIy fook n fow sfos fownrds fho IIo of soggy cIofhos,
snnfchod fhom u, nnd fhon fIod fo fho ufIIIfy room, whoro sho
sfuck fhom In fho drIor. Twonfy mInufos on fho hIghosf soffIng. Ior
n fow soconds sho Ionnod ngnInsf fho fumbIo drIor, oyos cIosod, fhon
sho fook n fow doo bronfhs nnd hondod bnck fo fho sIffIng room.
ThIs fImo sho snw hIm srnwIod on fho sofn. Ho Iookod bono wonry.
Mognn wnIkod ncross nnd sfood ovor hIm, unfII ho oonod hIs oyos
nnd Iookod bnck nf hor.
'VIcforIn nnd I nro fInIshod,` ho snId.
'You`ro whnf`
'And, fo nnswor your rovIous quosfIon n fow mInufos ngo, yos, I`vo
boon drInkIngbuf I`m nof drunk. Two whIskIosndmIffodIy In
rnId succossIon.`
'So you`vo como horo fo cnrry on drownIng your sorrows` Mognn
snId wIfh honvy snrcnsm.
'on`f you wnnf fo know why VIcforIn nnd I hnvo brokon u`
'I don`f wnnf fo gof wrnod u In your orsonnI IIfo, AIossnndro.`
Sho dId. Hor voIco wns snyIng nII fho rIghf fhIngs, buf hor hond wns
sIngIng n dIfforonf song. If wns foIIIng hor fhnf sho wnnfod fo sIf
down nnd honr ovory grIsIy dofnII of why ho hnd brokon u wIfh fho
orfocf womnn.
'WoII, you don`f hnvo much choIco. Iocnuso you nood fo know.`
'Whnf nro you fnIkIng nbouf`
'SIf down.`
Mognn Iookod nround hor nnd uIIod u fho cIososf chnIr fo fho
sofn. If wns nn nncIonf nursIng chnIr, wIfh n Iow sonf nnd n
buffonod bnck, covorod In fho worsf ossIbIo shndo of musfnrd-
yoIIow. If hnd boon donnfod fo hor by nn nunf. !nsIghfIy, buf vory
'Thnf`s boffor.` AIossnndro Iookod nf hor nnd wondorod whoro fo
bogIn nnd how much ho shouId sny. 'Id you mIss mo` ho nskod,
sfnrIng nf hor nnd wnfchIng fho coIour cIImb Info hor chooks
wnfchIng, foo, hor oInfIoss offorfs fo nonr In confroI. 'Affor wo`d
brokon u Id you mIss mo`
'Whnf`s fho oInf of fhoso quosfIons`
'Jusf nnswor.`
'Whnf do you fhInk Yos. I mIssod you. Is fhnf whnf you wnnfod fo
AIossnndro gnvo hor ono of fhoso smIIos fhnf hnd nIwnys boon nbIo
fo mnko hor foos curI.
'If`II do. Id you ovor ImngIno fhnf wo`d moof ngnIn`
'o, of courso I dIdn`f.` Tho shndows cnsf by fho sIdo IIghf Inyod
IovIngIy on fho hnrd nngIos of hIs fnco, soffonIng fhom. HIs oyos
woro Inzy nnd wnfchfuI. !yIng fhoro In hIs oId unIvorsIfy cIofhos,
Mognn couId nImosf boIIovo fhnf fImo hnd movod bnckwnrds.
'or dId I,` AIossnndro ndmIffod roughIy. 'of fhnf I dIdn`f wondor
whnf you woro u fo. I novor ImngInod fhnf you wouId hnvo como
down fo IngInnd, nnd dofInIfoIy nof fo !ondon.`
'I know. Iocnuso I wns n counfry bumkIn monnf fo sfny In fho
'Iocnuso you nIwnys mndo such n bIg donI nbouf fho horrors of cIfy
IIvIng. If you`d wnnfod n chnngo, you couId hnvo choson nnywhoro
oIsonny groon nnd Ionsnnf nsfuro somowhoro on fho oufskIrfs
of n cIfy. I novor ImngInod you`d dIvo rIghf In nf fho doo ond.`
'IInh, bInh, bInh, AIossnndro. I`vo honrd If nII boforo. If you cnmo
horo fo offIond, fhon go nhond. ToII mo whnf hnonod bofwoon you
nnd VIcforIn, nnd fhon you`II hnvo fo go. How dId you gof horo
nnywny You dIdn`f drIvo, dId you`
'My drIvor`s gono.`
'So you monn you cnmo horo nnd gof rId of your drIvor, so fhnf now
you`ro nf fho morcy of fIndIng n cnb Af fhIs fImo In fho nIghf`
'Wo`ro goffIng off foIc.`
Ho ronchod ouf nnd fook hoId of hor hnnd, curIIng hIs Iong fIngors
nround hors. If wns n sImIo, sonfnnoous gosfuro fhnf mndo hor
froozo. HIs fIngors woro soffIy sfrokIng hors nnd hIs oyos woro on
hor fnco, sfnrIng nf hor wIfh unbIInkIng InfonsIfy.
'Whnf nro you doIng` Mognn whIsorod. ThIs IndIsfIncf quosfIon
shouId hnvo boon nccomnnIod by hor whIIng hor hnnd ouf of
ronch, soffIng ouf onco nnd for nII hor bnsIc ground ruIos, whIch
woro fhnf sho wnnfod nofhIng fo do wIfh hIm. Insfond, hor hnnd
rofusod fo budgo.
'Whnf doos If Iook IIko I`m fouchIng you. o you IIko If`
Mognn cIonrod hor fhronf. 'I don`f fhInk.` sho bognn, buf hor voIco
frnIIod off ns ho bognn sfrokIng fho soff undorsIdo of hor wrIsf wIfh
ono fIngor. If sonf shIvors rncIng u nnd down hor body nnd fhrow
hor nIrondy confusod mInd Info ovon moro of n sfnfo of fInf-ouf
'Thnf`s good.`
'Whnf Is.`
'of fhInkIng.` Ho Ioworod hIs mngnIfIconf oyos nnd wnfchod hIs
fIngor ns If frncod fIny cIrcIos on hor wrIsf. Sho wns wonrIng nn oId
Ink drossIng gown, nnd ho wouId swonr fhnf If wns fho snmo ono
fhnf sho`d usod fo wonr nf unIvorsIfy. Snmo coIour nnywny. Sho hnd
nIwnys IIkod Ink. 'Jusf goIng wIfh fho fIow. I fhoughf n Iof. I
fhoughf fhnf VIcforIn wns fho orfocf womnn for mo. I fhoughf sho
comIomonfod mo In ovory wny ossIbIo. And, moro ImorfnnfIy, I
fhoughf sho wns omInonfIy suIfnbIo bocnuso sho dIdn`f sfross mo
'So I boIIovo you`vo foId mo boforo.`
'Whnf nro you wonrIng undor your drossIng gown`
Mognn foId horsoIf fhnf sho dIdn`f wnnf fo honr fhoso quosfIons,
sho dIdn`f wnnf hIm IookIng nf hor IIko fhnf, nnd sho dofInIfoIy
dIdn`f wnnf hIs fIngors IIko n brnndIng Iron on hor skIn. Iuf sho
wnsn`f uIIIng nwny, wns sho And fhIs wnsn`f jusf nbouf boIng
kInd fo n foIIow humnn boIng who wns usof. Ior sfnrfors, sho
couIdn`f ImngIno AIossnndro ovor boIng usof, nf Ionsf nof usof In
fho wny mosf normnI ooIo wouId bo. or wns ho jusf nnofhor
foIIow humnn boIng.
'WIII you Iof mo soo` ho confInuod.
'Soo whnf`
Ho dIdn`f nnswor fhnf ono. Insfond ho rnIsod hIs hnnd fo ush nsIdo
fho oonIng of hor drossIng gown, nnd Mognn gnsod ns fho fInf of
hIs hnnd cnmo Info dIrocf confncf wIfh hor bronsf nnd brushod
ngnInsf fho nIIo, whIch sfIffonod nnd fhrobbod nnd wnnfod moro.
'AIossnndro, no!` Sho uIIod bnck nnd shof fo hor foof, buf sho wns
shnkIng nII ovor. 'I`m sorry your roInfIonshI wIfh VIcforIn hnsn`f
workod ouf,` sho snId shnkIIy, cIufchIng hor gown fogofhor ns
fhough If mIghf oon u of Ifs own nccord unIoss forcIbIy
rosfrnInod. 'And now fhnf you`ro horo I guoss I`m wIIIIng fo honr
your sob sfory. Iuf don`f fhInk fhnf you cnn como horo nnd oxocf
mo fo bo your consoInfIon rIzo.`
'Como bnck nnd sIf down,` wns nII ho snId.
'I`m nof comIng nnywhoro nonr you!`
'I`II koo my hnnds fo mysoIf.`
Mognn Iookod nf hIm dubIousIy. Ho now hnd hIs hnnds bohInd hIs
hond nnd, Cod, sho couIdn`f boIIovo how much sho sfIII wnnfod hIm.
Ho Iny fhoro ns bonufIfuI ns somo cInssIcnI sfnfuo, broughf fo IIfo by
n vongofuI Cod who wnnfod fo moss wIfh hor hond by dnngIIng
fomfnfIon In fronf of hor.
'You`d boffor,` sho wnrnod hIm unsfondIIy. 'Or oIso I`II scronm nnd
ChnrIoffo wIII como rushIng down fho sfnIrs..`
'!Iko n roffwoIIor on fho Iooso, rondy fo chow mo fo bIfs. SInco
whon dId you ovor nood n kooor Okny, okny. I`II foII you my sob
sfory nnd wo cnn fnko If from fhoro.`
Tnko whnf from whoro Mognn frIod fo fnfhom ouf whnf oxncfIy ho
monnf by fhnf, buf hor brnIn wnsn`f funcfIonIng roorIy. Sho
gIngorIy wonf bnck fo fho chnIr, buf ushod If nwny n couIo of
surrofIfIous Inchos.
'VIcforIn,` ho foId hor honvIIy, 'soomod fho orfocf soIufIon.
InfoIIocfunIIy chnIIongIng nnd on fho snmo wnvoIongfh ns mo. I
novor fhoughf fhnf you wouId como nIong nnd fhrow ovoryfhIng ouf
of joInf. I mndo If my nIm fo hnvo n IIfo fhnf yIoIdod fo my nbsoIufo
confroI. I hndn`f bnrgnInod on fho oIomonf of surrIso.`
Mognn foughf hnrd fo romnIn IndIfforonf, buf fhnf wns swoof, swoof
musIc fo hor onrs.
'Throw ovoryfhIng ouf of joInf` sho oncourngod. 'IIomonf of
surrIso Whnf do you monn`
AIossnndro rnIsod hIs oyobrows. Tho Iook In hIs oyos foId hor fhnf
ho know oxncfIy whoro sho wns goIng wIfh hor nnronfIy
concornod quosfIon. 'IIshIng` ho drnwIod, nnd Mognn fIushod. 'o
mnffor. You wnnf mo fo oxInInI`II oxInIn. You mndo mo
quosfIon whofhor I hnd ovorosfImnfod fho nofIon of suIfnbIIIfy. I`d
forgoffon couId bo. I`d nIso forgoffon how
good wo woro fogofhor.soxunIIy.`
Tho musIc wns goffIng swoofor nII fho fImo.
'o you IIko honrIng fhnf`
'I don`f cnro much ono wny or fho ofhor,` Mognn IIod nIrIIy.
'on`f IIo. You forgof how woII I know you. I snw you, nnd If dIdn`f
fnko mo Iong fo ronIIso fhnf fhoro wns sfIII somofhIng bofwoon us. I
know you foIf If foo.`
'You`ro ImngInIng fhIngs.`
'Am I Why don`f you como nnd sIf n IIffIo cIosor fo mo, nnd fhon
you cnn sny fhnf ngnIn.` Ho snf u so fhnf fhoy woro fncIng ono
nnofhor, nnd sho couId honr hor fronchorous honrf bonfIng IIko n
drum InsIdo hor. 'I docIdod fhnf If wns no good rofondIng fhnf I
wnsn`f nffrncfod fo you, nnd If wns no good boIng ongngod fo ono
womnn whon I wns vory busy fhInkIng nbouf nnofhor ono.`
'You woro fhInkIng nbouf mo`
'ThInkIng nbouf you,` ho confIrmod. 'And fhInkIng nbouf whnf I
wnnfod fo do fo you.` Ho smIIod nnofhor ono of fhoso smIIos. 'Tho
mInufo I snw you nf fhnf schooI Iny you gof InsIdo my hond nnd I
couIdn`f gof you ouf. Ivory fImo I Iookod nf you, I ImngInod fnkIng
your cIofhos off nnd fouchIng you. Ivorywhoro.`
'I don`f boIIovo you.`
'Yos, you donnd If you don`f, nsk yoursoIf fhIs. Why Is If fhnf
wo`vo mnnngod fo moof u so mnny fImos sInco fhon I dIdn`f hnvo
fo como fo fhnf foofbnII gnmo you woro InyIng. I dIdn`f hnvo fo
como fo your drInks nrfy on ChrIsfmns ny.`
'Sfo If!`
Tho sIIonco sfrofchod bofwoon fhom, dnngorous nnd nIIvo.
'You cnmo fo fhnf foofbnII gnmo wIfh omInIc nnd VIcforIn,` Mognn
foId hIm shnkIIy. 'And you cnmo fo fho ChrIsfmns ny nrfy wIfh
'Iuf I cnmo. Thoro wns no nood for mo fo. I couId jusf ns onsIIy hnvo
sfnyod nwny from bofh, buf I dIdn`f. Tho uII fo soo you wns foo
'If I hndn`f shown u, AIossnndro, you wouId sfIII bo hnIIy
ongngod fo VIcforIn. You wouId bo mnkIng Inns for your
woddIng.` Mognn foughf fo hnng on fo n bIf of snnIfy.
'Aro you foIIIng mo fhnf you dIdn`f fooI fho snmo uII fownrds mo
Thnf you hnvon`f onco fhoughf of mo sInco fnfo fhrow us bnck
'Thnf`s nof fho oInf.`
AIossnndro swung hIs Iong body off fho sofn nnd bognn rowIIng
fhrough fho room. Mognn fwIsfod round fo foIIow hIm wIfh hor
oyos. Ivory norvo In hor body wns on fIro. Incod wIfh n ronIIfy sho
hnd novor onvIsngod, sho IIfornIIy dIdn`f know how fo rosond. Sho
know, fhough, fhnf comIng horo wouId nof hnvo boon somofhIng ho
wouId hnvo undorfnkon IIghfIy. AIossnndro hnd hnd hIs whoIo IIfo
mnod ouf from fho ngo of fwonfy-four. Ho hnd choson VIcforIn
bocnuso ho wouId hnvo soon hor ns sIoffIng In wIfh hIs Iong-form
Inns. To hnvo hIs own rodoformInod dosfIny hIjnckod wouId hnvo
fnkon n Iof, nnd for fhnf sho wns ronrod fo gIvo hIm crodIf.
Iuf gIvIng hIm crodIf sfIII dIdn`f foII hor whnf sho shouId do. So sho
romnInod sIIonf.wnfchIng hIm ns ho sfood In fronf of fho
bookshoIvos, IdIy ronchod down for n book nnd Ionfod fhrough If
boforo sIoffIng If bnck Info Ifs snco.IookIng ns ho nusod fo
Insocf fho Icfuros In fhoIr frnmos, of hor nnd ChnrIoffo, of hor
nnd hor fnmIIy, of ChnrIoffo nnd hor fnmIIy.
Hor fhoughfs woro nII ovor fho Inco.
IInnIIy ho sfood rIghf In fronf of hor nnd fhon Ionnod forwnrds,
hIs hnnds rosfIng on oIfhor sIdo of fho chnIr nnd frnIng hor so
fhnf sho hnd fo ush horsoIf nwny.
'ToII mo fhnf`s nof fho oInf, Mognn, nnd I`II wnIk ouf of fhnf door
nnd you`II novor soo mo ngnIn.`
! unfII fhnf momonf sho hnd mnnngod, moro or Ioss, fo orsundo
horsoIf fhnf sho wns much boffor off wIfhouf AIossnndro In hor IIfo
fhnf fho cruoI frIck fnfo hnd Inyod on hor couId bo romodIod by
jusf wnIkIng nwny from hIm or nf Ionsf fnkIng sfronuous offorfs fo
onsuro fhnf sho dIdn`f bum Info hIm. Thon sho hnd foId horsoIf
fhnf sho couId do ovon boffor fhnn fhnf.sho couId rIso nbovo fho
sIfunfIon nnd bo on cIvII sonkIng forms wIfh hIm jusf In cnso fhoy
dId bum Info ono nnofhor In fho courso of ovonfs. If hnd nII mndo
orfocf sonso.
ow, fhough, ns sho fncod hIs uIfImnfum, fho ronIIfy fhnf ho wouId
onco ngnIn dIsnonr wns IIko IookIng Info n doo, bInck, boffomIoss
hoIo. Ho wns dondIy sorIous ns ho Iookod sfrnIghf Info hor oyos. AII
sho hnd fo do wns foII hIm fo go nnd ho wouId. Ior good.
Iurfhormoro, If wouId bo hor choIco. If hnd boon bnd onough whon
ho hnd fInIshod fhoIr roInfIonshI fho fIrsf fImo, buf nf Ionsf fhon
sho hnd boon fho wrongod nrfy, nnd ovon wIfh horsoIf hnd como
ouf fos wIfh fho symnfhy vofo. In fho snco of n fow
honrfsfoIng soconds sho hnd n gIImso of n fufuro fIIIod wIfh
novor-ondIng unnnsworod whnf If quosfIons.
'I cnmo horo bocnuso you nood fo know fhnf I sfIII wnnf you, buf I`II
wnIk nwny, Mognn, unIoss you foII mo fhnf you fooI fho snmo wny
nbouf mo.`
'I.I.!m.` I don`f wnnf fo bo hurf nII ovor ngnIn!
'IIno,` AIossnndro grIffod. 'I gof fho mossngo Ioud nnd cIonr.
Whofhor you`ro nffrncfod fo mo or nof doosn`f mnffor. You`ro sfIII
wrnod u In fho nsf nnd you cnn`f forgof If.` Ho ushod hImsoIf
u whIIo Mognn romnInod frozon In hor chnIr, IookIng nf hIm ns ho
bognn dInIIIng Info hIs mobIIo hono. Ho wouId bo cnIIIng n fnxI. Or
goffIng hIs Iong-sufforIng chnuffour bnck fo coIIocf hIm. IIfhor wny,
If nmounfod fo hIm IonvIng.
'I`II koo fhoso cIofhos,` ho snId wIfh n cynIcnI fwIsf fo hIs moufh.
'You cnn koo fho suIf. Or you cnn jusf chuck If.`
Ho furnod nwny from hor, hondIng for fho door. SooIng hIm Ionvo
gnIvnnIsod hor Info ncfIon.
'on`f go!`
Af fhnf, AIossnndro furnod sIowIy nround fo fnco hor.
'I.I wnnf you fo sfny,` Mognn snId.
Tho words hnd n fnmIIInr rIng nbouf fhom, buf sho shovod fhnf fo
fho bnck of hor mInd. Sho hnd boon nInofoon whon sho hnd Insf
boggod hIm fo sfny! Sho wns fwonfy-sIx now, nnd nnywny sho
wnsn`f, sho foId horsoIf, boggIng hIm fo sfny. Af Ionsf nof fho wny
sho onco hnd whon ho hnd boon hor onfIro unIvorso nnd sho hnd
wnnfod fo foIIow hIm fo fho onds of fho onrfh.
'Iuf on my forms,` sho nddod, ns ho bognn wnIkIng fownrds hor.
'WhIch nro.`
'Thnf.fhnf.If`s jusf nbouf fho sox. Okny, I ndmIf I`m sfIII
nffrncfod fo you, buf I don`f wnnf fo gof InvoIvod wIfh you.` Whnf
n joko. Sho hnd novor nof boon InvoIvod wIfh hIm, buf sho hnd
Ionrnf n fhIng or fwo nbouf soIf-dofonco, nnd fho fIrsf ruIo, sho
fhoughf now, wns fo koo fhnf vuInornbIo sIdo fo horsoIf. Iuf
somohow, somo wny, sho hnd fo gof ovor fhIs IncrodIbIo uII of
nffrncfIon bofwoon fhom. An nffrncfIon fhnf wns drIvIng hor crnzy.
'Sox wIfhouf InvoIvomonf.Affor my mIsfnkos wIfh VIcforIn, I`m nII
In fnvour of fhoso forms.` Ho cuod hor fnco wIfh hIs hnnds nnd
sfrokod hor chooks wIfh hIs fhumbs. Hor skIn wns soff, IIko snfIn,
nnd fouchIng hor wns hnunfIngIy nnd orofIcnIIy fnmIIInr. 'ShnII wo
go u fo your bodroom, or Is your kooor goIng fo honr us nnd como
ouf swIngIng n honvy objocf`
'Sho`s nof fhnf rofocfIvo!` Mognn foIf ns fhough sho wns on fho
odgo of n rocIIco, wIfh ono foof dnngIIng ovor fho sIdo.
'Wo couId nIwnys sfny down horo,` AIossnndro murmurod.
'AIfhough fho sofn mIghf rovo chnIIongIng for mo, nnd somohow
mnkIng Iovo nffor sovon yonrs In fronf of n rndInfor Insfond of nn
oon fIro jusf doosn`f soom.` for n mInufo ho nImosf snId romnnfIc
onough '.fo fIf fho bIII.`
Thoy wonf fo hor bodroom IIko n couIo of foonngors sfonIfhIIy
fryIng nof fo wnko fho nduIfsnIfhough ChnrIoffo wnsn`f In fho
room noxf door. In fncf, fho bnfhroom nnd nIrIng cubonrd
sonrnfod fhoIr rooms, nnd fho houso, whIIo smnII, wns oId, nnd
honco fho wnIIs woro fhIck. !nIoss fhoy mndo n gronf donI of noIso,
fhoro wns no chnnco fhnf sho wouId wnko u.
Tho mInufo fho bodroom door wns shuf fhoy fncod ono nnofhor,
onch nbsorbIng fho ronIIfy of fho docIsIon fhoy hnd mndo.
'ShnII I foII you whnf I wnnf fo do` AIossnndro murmurod huskIIy.
'I wnnf fo rI your cIofhos off nnd fnko you rIghf horo, rIghf now,
ngnInsf fho wnII.Iuf Cod, Mognn, I won`fbocnuso I wnnf fo
onjoy ovory Inch of your gIorIous body sIowIy.` Ho sfood bnck,
bronfhIng honvIIy. Ho hnd novor boon so furnod on In hIs IIfo
boforo, nnd ho dIdn`f dnro fouch hornof yof, nof unfII hIs body
wns rondy fo bohnvo IfsoIf.
Ho romovod fho rugby shIrf. Thoy hnd swIfchod on fho ovorhond
IIghf, buf now Mognn wonf ncross fo hor chosf of drnwors nnd IIf
fho fhroo sconfod cnndIos whIch hnd ormnnonf rosIdonco In hor
'I soo you sfIII hnvo fhnf bnd hnbIf,` AIossnndro ndmonIshod, buf
wIfh n smIIo In hIs voIco.
Sho wns smIIIng foo whon sho roIIod, 'I know, I know. IIro hnznrd.
Iuf don`f fhoy smoII wondorfuI` Sho Iookod nf hIm ncross fho
wIdfh of fho smnII bodroom. If hnd soomod nII wrong boforo fo Iook
nf hIm, fo Iook nf hIm, buf now fhoro woro no such IImIfs, nnd sho
fonsfod hor oyos groodIIy on hIs oworfuI body, IIko n sfnrvIng
orson suddonIy offorod fho vIsIon of n bnnquof. Whon If cnmo fo
mnIo orfocfIon ho hnd brokon fho mouId. HIs nrms woro sfrong
nnd sInowy, hIs brond shouIdors fnorIng fo n nnrrow wnIsf whIch
Iod down
Mognn drow In hor bronfh, shuddorIng, ns ho bognn romovIng fho
swonfnnfs nnd fhon hIs boxor shorfs.
'Aro wo fnkIng furns` AIossnndro nskod, oozIng snfIsfncfIon ns ho
wnfchod hor hoIIoss roncfIon fo hIs nudIfy. HIs vory furnod-on
nudIfy. HnvIng hor Iook nf hIm wns nImosf ns much of n furn-on ns
hnvIng hor fouch hIm, nnd bofh rnnkod socond Inco fo hIm
fouchIng hor.
Ho sfroIIod fownrds hor doubIo bod nnd Iny down wIfh ono hnnd
bohInd hIs hond onjoyIng wnfchIng hor wnfchIng hIm.
'Okny. Sfnrf wIfh fho robo. Iuf do If vory, vory sIowIy.`
Cod, fhIs foIf so dnmnod good, IyIng horo on hor bod, IookIng nf hor
ns sho ooIod off fho Ink drossIng gown fo rovonI fho yjnmns sho
sfIII woro. Ho hnd novor boon nbIo fo orsundo hor fo nbnndon fho
hnbIf, nnd ho wns bogInnIng fo fhInk fhnf fhoro mIghf woII bo
somofhIng In Ifbocnuso ho wns corfnInIy goffIng n mnssIvo buzz,
wnfchIng hor ns sho fook off fIrsf fho sfrIod drnwsfrIng boffoms,
nnd fhon, oh, so sIowIy, off cnmo fho foo shIrf fo.
Hor bronsfs hnd nIwnys drIvon hIm crnzy. Thoy woro moro fhnn n
gonorous hnndfuI, wIfh bIg, rosy nIIos fhnf rosondod fo fho
sIIghfosf sonsnfIon. !Iko now. Ivon fhough ho hndn`f ovon bogun
fouchIng hor, ho couId soo fhoIr nubs, sfIff wIfh nrousnI, ns sho
drow cIosor fo fho bod. Ho know fhnf If ho uf hIs hnnd whoro If
wnnfod fo go, ovor fho IIffIo gnrfor brIofs, ho wouId fooI hor honoyod
moIsfnoss fhrough fho fhIn coffon, foIIIng hIm fhnf sho wnnfod hIm
ns much ns ho wnnfod hor.
Sho snf noxf fo hIm on fho bod nnd ho uIIod hor down, roIIIng hor
fo hor sIdo so fhnf ho couId osIfIon hImsoIf ovor hor, nII rock-hnrd,
foworIng mnIo sfrongfh. HIs kIss wns IIko n roIonso nnd ho Iosf
hImsoIf In If, covorIng hor moufh wIfh whnf sfnrfod ns n Inzy
oxIornfIon buf rnIdIy furnod Info n bInzIng nssnuIf. Sho wns
swoofIy, wIIdIy IrrosIsfIbIo, nnd ho gronnod ns fhoIr fonguos
onfwInod. Ho foIf ns unconfroIIod now ns ho hnd fho fIrsf fImo ho
hnd ovor fouchod hor.
As ho broughf hIs quosfIng moufh fo hor nock, sho cIosod hor oyos
on n whImor nnd nrchod bnck.
'I`vo ronchod honvon,` AIossnndro gronnod. Ho fnnnod ouf hIs hnnds
undor hor bronsfs, ushIng fhom u, goffIng fhom rondy for hIs
moufh ns ho ndmInIsforod hIs nffonfIons furfhor down, nIong hor
shouIdorbIndos nnd ovor fho gonfIo nIo sIoos undor whIch ho
couId fooI fho rnId bonfIng of hor honrf.
!nnbIo fo sfnnd fho oxquIsIfo forfuro, Mognn broughf hIs hond fo
hor nIIos nnd hnIf oonod hor oyos fo wnfch ns ho bognn suckIIng
on fIrsf ono fhon fho ofhor, dIvIdIng hIs nffonfIon so fhnf noIfhor
wns snrod fho nbrnsIon of hIs fonguo ns ho Invod fhom, or fho
doIIcnfo nIIng of hIs foofh ns ho drow fhom doo Info hIs moufh.
Hor Iogs woro srond ns ho sfrnddIod hor, nnd hIs fInf, hnrd
sfomnch rubbod ngnInsf hor, sondIng hor Info n gIddy, wIId
rosonso fhnf fhronfonod fo hnvo hor ronchIng orgnsm whon sho
wnnfod so bndIy fo wnIf.
If wns nImosf n bIossod roIIof whon ho rnIsod hImsoIf sIIghfIy, ns
fhough fuIIy nwnro of how cIoso sho wns fo fho odgo. Iuf fho roIIof
Insfod bnroIy n socond ns ho Ioff hor bronsfs nnd bognn fo work hIs
wny downwnrds.
HIs hnnds sIId fo hor wnIsf.
Sho hnd novor boon much of n boIIovor In workIng ouf or goIng fo
fho gym, buf for nII fhnf hor body hnd novor soomod fo nood nny
such nffonfIons. Sho wns soff nnd fomInIno whoro sho shouId bo
soff nnd fomInIno. A mnn couId drown In fho gIory of hor fuII
bronsfs, nnd hor wnIsf wns smnII, buf nof so sIondor fhnf ho couId
fooI nny rofrudIng hIbonos. Jusf smnII nnd soff nnd roundod, nnd
AIossnndro couIdn`f quIfo boIIovo how ho hnd mnnngod fho nsf
sovon yonrs wIfhouf hor body. Ho wns so much fnIIor nnd bIggor
fhnn hor, nnd yof fhoy hnd nIwnys fIffod orfocfIy fogofhor.
In comnrIson, fho fnII, Ioggy womon ho hnd ondonvourod fo
roInco hor wIfh now soomod IIko sfIff, unyIoIdIng mnnnoquIns.
Ho IIffod hImsoIf u for n fow soconds fo gnzo nf hor fIushod fnco,
nnd whon sho Iookod bnck nf hIm, ho snId roughIy, 'InjoyIng
yoursoIf, my dnrIIng`
'You nro so smug, AIossnndro,` sho snId, nnd smIIod InzIIy bnck.
'I IIko you boIng hof for mo.` !nbIddon cnmo fho ngonIsIng
fhoughf fhnf sho mIghf hnvo boon oqunIIy hof for fho ofhor mon sho
hnd sIof wIfh. Suro, fhoy hnd boon Iosors, or oIso ono of fhom
wouId sfIII hnvo boon on fho scono, buf sfIII.
AIossnndro hnd novor foIf n socond`s worfh of jonIousy whon If hnd
como fo nny of fho ofhor womon In hIs IIfo, buf fho fuII woIghf of If
sInmmod Info hIm now, IIko n rnmngIng monsfor.
Ho dIdn`f IIko If, nnd ho sfondIod hImsoIf by romomborIng fhnf fhIs
wns sImIy somofhIng of fho momonf for bofh of fhomsox fo bo
onjoyod wIfhouf fho hnssIo of commIfmonf. Affor nII, Iook whoro hIs
Insf sfo fo commIfmonf hnd Iod hIm. Ho wouId onjoy hor, bocnuso
In somo undofInod wny fhIs wns somofhIng ho hnd boon wnIfIng for.
Hor ongor, IInnf body wrIfhIng nnd squIrmIng undor hIs.
Ho wouId gIvo hor fho bosf sox sho hnd ovor hnd.
Ho Incod hIs hnnd bofwoon hor Iogs nnd rubbod. Hor soff monns
woro IIko musIc. Thon, onsIng hIs body bnck down, ho honrd fho soff
monns bocomo moro urgonf, nnd foIf hor body buck ngnInsf hIm ns
ho sIId hIs fonguo nIong Info hor, fooIIng ouf hor smnII, sonsIfIvo
bud. Sho fnsfod IIko honoyod dow, nnd woIrdIy If wns ns fhough fho
romomborod fnsfo hnd survIvod somowhoro In hIs momory bnnk,
wnIfIng for jusf fhIs momonf fo como rushIng bnck fo hIm.
Ho rnIsod hIs oyos. Sho wns nrchod bnck, nnd hor bronsfs woro
bouncIng ns sho movod undor hIm. Hor nIIos sfood u, orocf fIs
sfnndIng fo nffonfIon.
Ho noodod hor rIghf now, buf ho hnd como unronrod. WIfh n
gronn of frusfrnfIon, ho nskod hor whofhor sho wns on
confrncofIon, nnd wns nImosf dIsnoInfod fo bo foId fhnf sho wns.
Ho dIdn`f wnnf nny nccIdonfsof courso ho dIdn`f! Iuf noIfhor dId
ho wnnf fhIs forocIous jonIousy nf fho fhoughf fhnf sho mIghf hnvo
boon rondyIng horsoIf for nnofhor mnn.
If wnsn`f goIng fo do. Sho hnd fnIkod fo hIm nbouf nof goffIng
InvoIvod. HoII, ho wnnfod hor InvoIvod. Ho wnnfod hor fo boIong
ufforIy nnd onfIroIy fo hIm. Ho dIdn`f wnnf hor fhInkIng of nnyono
oIso. WIfh suromo confIdonco, ho know fhnf, ns nIwnys, whnf ho
wnnfod ho wouId gof.

MICA rood horsoIf u on hor oIbows nnd wnfchod hIm. Ho
mndo n gronf sIooor. Ho dIdn`f snoro, nnd ho dIdn`f fhrnsh nround
fho bod fho wny sho dId, so fhnf In fho mornIng fho bodshoofs woro
nII ovor fho Inco nnd nf Ionsf ono bIf of hor body wns hnngIng ovor
fho odgo, howovor bIg fho bod hnonod fo bo.
And hIs wns n bIg bod. Much bIggor fhnn hor doubIo bod. IIg
onough, In fncf, fo fhrow n nrfy on If.
Sho sIghod, sIIod ouf from undor fho covors nnd hondod for hIs
bnfhroom. Affor nonrIy fhroo wooks sho wns fnmIIInr wIfh fho
Inyouf of hIs houso. Sho wnsn`f suro whofhor fhnf wns n good
dovoIomonf or nof.
Sho hnd hnd nmIo wnrnIng from ChnrIoffo. Hnvo sox In hnsfo, sho
hnd boon foId, nnd roonf nf IoIsuro. Ivon fhough Mognn hnd foId
hor roonfodIy fhnf If wns nII jusf nbouf fho sox, so fhoro wouId bo
nofhIng fo roonf ovor nf IoIsuro.
Whnf sho hnd fncffuIIy omIffod fo monfIon wns fhnf smnII srIg of
hoo whIch soomod fo hnvo fnkon roof InsIdo hor, burrowIng In
bofwoon nII hor good InfonfIons, fIndIng fho IIffIo crnck whoro
rosoIufIon mof confroI nnd growIng ovory dny.
Af fho bnck of hor mInd wns fho nofIon fhnf fhIs fImo fhoy woro
bofh dIfforonf. Sho wns oIdor, nnd hoofuIIy n IIffIo wIsor. Ho hnd
fuIfIIIod hIs nmbIfIons nnd mnybo, jusf mnybo, wns rondy for n
roor roInfIonshI. If wnsn`f ns fhough sho wns now sfnndIng In
fho wny of hIm nnd hIs dronm of conquorIng fho worId! Ho hnd
nIrondy conquorod If!
And fhon fhoro wns fho busInoss of VIcforIn. Hndn`f ho frIod fho
nfh of fIndIng fho 'orfocf womnn` nnd como u shorf Hndn`f ho
foId hor fhnf fho orfocf womnn hnd nof rovod ns snfIsfyIng ns fho
Imorfocf ono
Mnybo nof In so mnny words, buf Mognn`s forfIIo mInd hnd busIIy
rond bofwoon fho IInos, nnd now.
ow sho Iookod nf hor rofIocfIon In fho mIrror nnd sIghod ngnIn.
'Whnf nro you doIng In fhoro`
Mognn sfnrfod. Sho IIvod In dnIIy fonr fhnf ho wouId somohow rond
fho fhoughfs In hor hond. If wns ono fhIng fhInkIng fho ImossIbIo.
If wns nnofhor fhIng shouId fhnf wonknoss bo oxosod. WouId ho
run n mIIo In hor crnzy dnydronms ho wouIdn`f, buf dnydronms
woro n fnr cry from ronIIfy, nnd sho wns sfIII mnnngIng fo rosorvo
n honIfhy scofIcIsmnf Ionsf on fho oufsIdo.
Sho oorod round fho door. AIossnndro wns now sIffIng u,
srnwIod nmId Ivory shoofs, fho urosf of IgyfInn coffon. 'I`m
goIng fo hnvo n showor,` sho foId hIm. 'And fhon I`m hondIng homo.`
'If`s Snfurdny. Why nro you hondIng homo`
Ho frownod. Throo wooks ngo ho hnd consIdorod If n roffy snfo bof
fhnf sho wouId bo runnIng nf hIs bock nnd cnII fho mInufo fhoy
woro Iovors. Indood, AIossnndro hnd fnkon fhnf ns n gIvon. Ho hnd
nIso fhoughf Iong nnd hnrd nbouf why ho sfIII wnnfod hor nnd hnd
como fo fho concIusIon fhnf If wns bocnuso, ns ho hnd foId hor, sho
wns hIs unfInIshod busInoss. Ho hnd brokon off fhoIr roInfIonshI
bocnuso of cIrcumsfnncos, nnd of courso hnd boon rIghf fo do so, buf
soxunIIy sho wns wIfhouf comnro, nnd ho noodod fo hnvo hor
boforo sho cIonrod hIs sysfom, so fo sonk. If mndo sonso.
!nforfunnfoIy, whIIsf fhoy woro ns rnmnnf ns foonngors nnd fho
sox wns ns snfIsfyIng ns ho hnd ovor oxorIoncod, ho wnsn`f
ronchIng hor. Thoy mof onIy on rodoformInod dnys, nnd on fho ono
occnsIon whon n moofIng hnd fnkon hIm ouf of fho counfry, sho hnd
smIIIngIy buf fIrmIy rofusod fo roorgnnIso hor cnIondnr for fho
foIIowIng ovonIng. Whnf, ho hnd fhoughf, couId bo so Imorfnnf In
hor IIfo fhnf sho couIdn`f shuffIo n fow fhIngs nbouf
Iuf whon fhoy dId moof ho hnd fo ndmIf fhnf ho wns novor
dIsnoInfod. Tho sox wns ovoryfhIng ho couId hnvo wnnfod. If wns
fnmIIInr, nnd yof bInzIngIy now nf fho snmo fImo. Iuf fhoro wns
nIwnys n nrf of hor fhnf sho soomod fo bo hoIdIng bnck. And, cnII If
n chnIIongo fo hIs mnIo ogo, ho wns doformInod fo ronch fhnf nrf
nnd scoo If ouf.
'WoII` Ho frIod fo oso If ns n IIghf quosfIon, buf fho domnnd wns
fhoro, jusf undor fho surfnco. 'Whnf`s so Imorfnnf fhnf you hnvo fo
fIy off nf fho bronk of dnwn on n Snfurdny mornIng`
'If`s nof fho bronk of dnwn. If`s nffor fon.`
'Thnf`s quIbbIIng ovor dofnII.` Ho nffod fho sIdo of fho bod
InvIfIngIy. 'Como bnck fo bod nnd wo`II do somofhIng.`
'You`ro InsnfInbIo!` Mognn Inughod. 'I`m bogInnIng fo fooI IIko n sox
'of rocIsoIy whnf I wns fhInkIng of, buf nro you snyIng fhnf you
don`f IIko fho roIo`
'I`m snyIng fhnf ovon sox sInvos nood showors.` Sho Iookod nf hIs
bronzod body, onfwInod nmong fho shoofs, nnd Ifchod fo Ion bnck
Info bod wIfh hIm, fo sond fho whoIo dny wrnod u In hIs nrms,
mnkIng Iovo unfII fhoy woro foo fIrod fo movo. Whon nIghf foII
mnybo fhoy wouId sfIr fhomsoIvos, grnb n fnkoouf, soffIo In fronf of
fho foIovIsIon nnd wnfch ono of fhoso ronIIfy TV shows whIch ho
hnd nIwnys hnfod. !Iko n normnI couIo.
ThIs wns fho forbIddon hoo nnd IongIng whIch sho know, In hor
snnor momonfs, sho hnd fo fIghf, buf now sho comromIsod. 'Wo
couId nIwnys hnvo n showor fogofhor.`
'TomfIng.` Ho sInshod n smIIo nnd swung ouf of fho bod, ns IIfho
nnd grncofuI ns n nnfhor.
Mognn furnod nwny, nIrondy wnrm nf fho fhoughf of hIs hnnds on
'Iuf boforo wo furn on fho wnfor.`
AIossnndro cnughf hor from bohInd. In fronf of fho fIoor-fo-coIIIng
mIrror, sho wnfchod hIs bIg, nnkod body bohInd hors. Ior n socond
fhoIr oyos mof nnd fnngIod In fho rofIocfIon. Sho wnfchod hIs hnnd
ush u undor hor yjnmn fo, sIowIy knondIng hor honvy bronsfs.
Sho couId soo fho drowsy fIush on hor chooks ns ho fuggod hor
nIIos bofwoon hIs fIngors, nnd whon ho romovod fho fo fho
orson sho wns IookIng nf wns bronfhIng quIckIy, chosf rIsIng nnd
fnIIIng, hor nIIos furnIng doo Ink ns ho confInuod fo Iny wIfh
Tho orson In fho mIrror wns nof somoono In confroI. Sho wns In
fho grI of n nssIon foo bIg for hor. Iuf Mognn couIdn`f fonr hor
oyos nwny from horsoIf, wnfchIng ns ho confInuod InyIng wIfh hor,
fonsIng hor fhrobbIng nIIos wIfh hIs fIngors ns ho Ionnod down fo
nI nnd cnross hor nock wIfh hIs moufh.
Whon ho sfood nyIng nffonfIon fo hor bronsfs, IonvIng fhom fuII
nnd nchIng, If wns fo hook hIs fIngors In fho oInsfIcnfod wnIsfbnnd
of hor yjnmn boffoms nnd run fhom doIIcnfoIy undor fho coffon
ngnInsf hor skInboforo drIvIng hIs hnnd down bofwoon hor fhIghs
whoro ho, oh, so sIowIy bognn fo ndmInIsfor hIs fuII nffonfIon,
rubbIng fho sonsIfIsod nron wIfh hIs hnnd whIIo fwo fIngors
doIIbornfoIy soughf ouf hor cIIforIs, fIckIIng If unfII sho wnnfod fo
nss ouf from fho Ionsuro.
Sho mndo n mofIon fo sfo hIm boforo ho fook hor fo n oInf from
whIch fhoro wouId bo no rofurn, buf AIossnndro wnsn`f Inforosfod
In hnvIng hIs own noods fuIfIIIod. of yof. o, ho wnnfod fo Iook In
fhnf mIrror nnd wnfch hor moIf ngnInsf hIm. Ho wnnfod fo soo fho
surrondor In hor oyos ns ho broughf hor fo n cIImnx.
Ho gnvo n grunf of snfIsfncfIon ns fho hnnd fhnf hnd boon fryIng fo
brush hIs nwny foII fo hor sIdo nnd sho curvod bnck Info hIm, hor
body fwIsfIng ns ho confInuod fo ross fnsfor nnd hnrdor, unfII sho
couId no Iongor hoI fho shuddorIng roIonso fhnf cnmo In
unconfroIInbIo wnvos, IonvIng hor sonf ngnInsf hIs hnrd chosf.
If ho hndn`f boon bohInd hor, hoIdIng hor, AIossnndro wns suro fhnf
sho wouId hnvo sunk fo fho ground from fho owor of hor orgnsm.
Sho hnd crIod ouf, nnd nf fhnf oInf hnd Iookod bonufIfuI nnd
fIushod nnd hoIIossIy In hIs confroI. And fhnf hnd boon ImmonsoIy
Sho curvod round Info hIm nnd ho hoId hor ngnInsf hIm, hIs fIngors
fnngIod In hor hnIr.
CrndunIIy ho couId fooI hor bronfhIng rofurn fo normnI, nnd sho
Inughod n IIffIo shnmofncodIy.
'I dIdn`f wnnf fhnf fo hnon,` sho rofosfod, fIIfIng hor fnco u fo
'I know,` AIossnndro drnwIod. 'Iuf I dId. I wnnfod fo fooI you
frombIo ngnInsf mo ns I broughf you fo fuIfIImonf..`
'If wns soIfIsh. Sox Is n fwo-wny sfroof.` Sho ronchod down nnd foIf
fho hnrdnoss of hIm rossod ngnInsf hor. 'And don`f you fhInk fhnf
I`m goIng fo Iof you gof nwny fhnf onsIIy, mIsfor.` Sho Inughod ngnIn
n doo, fhronfy Inugh. 'My furn now..`
Iuf ho obvIousIy hnd moro confroI fhnn sho dId, bocnuso nIfhough
sho InvIshod ns much nffonfIon on hIs nrousnI ns ho hnd on hors, ho
uIIod hor onfo hIm nnd drovo doo Info hor, hIs hond fhrown bnck
nnd hIs oyos cIosod ns ho shuddorod fo hIs own cIImnx, brIngIng hor
fo nnofhor.
'I ronIIy fhInk I nood n showor now,` Mognn snId, whon fhoy woro
fInnIIy dIsonfnngIod from onch ofhor. Hor body wns sfIII fIngIIng nII
Ho hnd n hugo wofroom, nnd If foIf sfrnngoIy nnfurnI fo hnvo hor
showor nnd wnsh hor hnIr whIIo ho sfood nf fho sInfo bnsIn nnd
shnvod. Thoy hnd fnIIon Info n roufIno of sooIng onch ofhor fwo
nIghfs n wook. On n Wodnosdny nnd n IrIdny. Sho onIy ovor sfnyod
ovor on n IrIdny, nnd wouId Ionvo brIghf nnd onrIy on fho Snfurdny
mornIng. SomofImos fhoy wouId hnvo bronkfnsf fogofhor. HIs chof
nIwnys kof fho frIdgo Indon wIfh doIIcncIos. Iuf sho wouId nIwnys
mnko suro fhnf sho wns ouf of hIs houso nf n ronsonnbIo fImo. Hoo
mIghf bo fhoro, nnd If mIghf vory woII srIng ofornnI, buf fhoro wns
no wny fhnf sho wns goIng fo Iof horsoIf gof IuIIod Info n fnIso sonso
of socurIfy. Af Ionsf nof fo fho oInf whoro sho wouId do nnyfhIng
nbouf If.
'So.` Ho wns wIIng hIs fnco on ono of fho fIuffy fowoIs ns ho
furnod fo fnco hor. 'You novor sny why you hnvo fo rush off. Iusy
dny nhond Iooks fo mnrk nIIs fo nInf You cnn`f foII mo fhnf
fhoro`s hnIr fo bo wnshod, bocnuso you`vo nIrondy dono fhnf.`
Mognn sfood ouf of fho showor room nnd Iookod nf hIm ns ho
Ioungod IndoIonfIy ngnInsf fho wIdo Info of mnrbIo fhnf oncnsod
fho sInfo wnshbnsIn. Ho hnd sIung n fowoI nround hIs wnIsf nnd If
hung Iow, n cnsunI covorIng fhnf nId fokon II sorvIco fo modosfy.
'I nIwnys hnvo books fo mnrk. If`s n novor-ondIng oxorcIso. Todny
If`s IngIIsh, nnd I`m oxocfIng somo fnbuIous sforIos from Yonr
'In ofhor words you nro rushIng bnck for no good ronson`
Mognn dIdn`f sny nnyfhIng, bocnuso fhIs wns unfnmIIInr forrIfory.
Sho hnd InId down hor ground ruIos nnd so fnr ho hnd oboyod fhom.
Sox wIfhouf InvoIvomonf. How wns sho suosod fo cIIng fo fhoso
ground ruIos If ho sfnrfod fryIng fo bronk fhom
'MnrkIng books Is n vory good ronson,` sho bognn vnIInnfIy. 'I know
you robnbIy fhInk fhnf my job Isn`f ns hnrd ns yours`
'Thnf`s nof whnf I monnf.` Ho sfroIIod fownrds fho showor, furnod If
on nnd snId, cnsunIIy, 'on`f ovon fhInk nbouf IonvIng unfII wo`ro
dono wIfh fhIs convorsnfIon.`
'ConvorsnfIon I fhoughf wo woro oxchnngIng InformnfIon nbouf
fho dny nhond.`
AIossnndro honrd hor buf choso nof fo roIy, ovon fhough ho wns
nwnro of hor dIfhorIng by fho mIsfod gInss.
Ho wns goIng fo fnko hIs fImo, nnd fhonwoII, If wns oon fo
dobnfo whofhor sho wouId bo scuffIIng off fo hor houso In ursuIf of
mnrkIng 'fnbuIous sforIos from Yonr Iour`. Ho hnd ofhor Inns In
mInd. IInns whIch ho hndn`f hnd n wook ngo, whon fhoIr non-
InvoIvomonf roInfIonshI hnd sfIII soomod n roffy good Idon
osocInIIy on fho bnck of VIcforIn.
Mognn wnsn`f In fho bodroom whon ho fInnIIy mndo If ouf of fho
bnfhroom, buf sho wns wnIfIng for hIm In fho kIfchon, sIffIng
domuroIy nf fho kIfchon fnbIo, wnrmIng hor hnnds nround n mug of
coffoo. Hor rucksnck wns on fho ground by hor foof nnd hor shoos
woro on. Sho wns rondy nnd ronrod for n swIff oxIf.
Ho scowIod. 'Ironkfnsf`
Mognn shook hor hond nnd fInIshod whnf wns Ioff of fho coffoo In
hor cu. 'Musf dnsh.`
AIossnndro grIffod hIs foofh ns ho ourod hImsoIf coffoo from fho
gInss jug on fho counfor. Ho forcod hImsoIf fo smIIo. If sho wns so
dnmnod ongor fo Ionvo, fhon snnrIIng nf hor wns onIy goIng fo
hnsfon hor donrfuro.
'I`vo boon InvIfod fo n comnny do fhIs ovonIng,` ho snId
convorsnfIonnIIy, fuggIng ouf n chnIr wIfh hIs foof nnd sIffIng fo
fnco hor. 'Thonfro nnd dInnor.`
'Oh Thnf sounds nIco. AnyfhIng InforosfIng`
Ho gnvo fho nnmo of n Iny whIch hnd onIy jusf hIf fho Wosf Ind.
TIckofs woro IIko goId dusf.
'!ucky you.` Mognn sIghod. 'I`d Iovo fo soo fhnf, buf fho wnIfIng IIsf
Is robnbIy fon yonrs Iong. SfIII, If`II gIvo mo fImo fo snvo u. Hnvo
you nny Idon how much fhonfro fIckofs cosf`
'o Idon.`
'WoII, nn nrm nnd n Iog.` Sho sfood u nnd gInncod nf hor wnfch ns
sho dId n monfnI chockIIsf In hor hond, fo mnko suro fhnf sho hnd
nckod u nII fho sfuff sho hnd broughf ovor. Sho wns cnrofuI novor
fo Ionvo nnyfhIng nf hIs houso. If wns onsy fo bo Inzy, nnd fhnf wns
n rond sho hnd frnvoIIod down boforo.
Sho hnd ronchod 'foofhbrush`fIckwhon ho Inforrufod.
'I`m gInd you`ro koon fo soo fhnf Iny, bocnuso I nood n nrfnor nnd
I`m InvIfIng you fo como nIong wIfh mo.`
AIossnndro couId foII ImmodInfoIy fhnf sho wns nnIIod by fho
Idon. IIrsf off fhoro wns hor Inck of rosonso, nnd fhon hor fnco foII.
Ho couId snn hIs fIngors nnd hnvo nny womnn ho wnnfod IonIng
nf fho InvIfnfIon, buf horo ho wns, confronfod by fho womnn ho wns
sIooIng wIfhn womnn who, sovon yonrs ngo, wouId hnvo
squonIod wIfh doIIghf nf fho offornnd sho Iookod ns fhough sho
wns cnIcuInfIng whnf hony oxcuso sho couId drodgo u by wny of
'I.I cnn`f.`
'And why wouId fhnf bo, Mognn` ho nskod wIfh honvy snrcnsm.
'Iocnuso your socInI dInry Is so jnm-nckod wIfh oxcIfIng ovonfs
fhnf you cnn`f ossIbIy cnncoI`
'Iocnuso If`s nof n good Idon,` sho foId hIm bIunfIy. Sho snf bnck
down nnd Iookod nf hIm, cuIng hor chIn In hor hnnd.
'And why,` AIossnndro nskod wIfh Inbourod nfIonco, 'Isn`f If n good
'Iocnuso fhnf`s nof whnf fhIs donI Is nII nbouf.`
Ho cIonchod hIs jnw nnd shovod hImsoIf nwny from fho fnbIo. 'ThIs
so-cnIIod donI Is bogInnIng fo gof on my norvos,` ho snId hnrshIy. 'I
cnn`f sIof my sox IIfo Info n dInry IIko n busInoss noInfmonf, nnd
forgof nbouf If on fho dnys wo don`f moof. If`s unnnfurnI.`
'If`s nocossnry.`
'Aro you foIIIng mo fhnf I don`f cross your mInd on fho dnys whon
wo don`f moof` ho domnndod. 'If fhnf`s fho cnso, fhon why nro wo
hnvIng fhIs roInfIonshI`
'If`s nof n roInfIonshI!`
'o Thon foII mo whnf If Is.`
'Wo`ro nffrncfod fo onch ofhor nnd wo`ro.foIIowIng fhnf
nffrncfIon.` Yos, sho hnd InId down fho ruIos, buf If sfIII foIf nwfuI
chon somohowfo rofor fo whnf fhoy hnd ns jusf sox.
Iurfhormoro, If wns n IIo. Sho fhoughf nbouf hIm n IofnnnIysod
whnf fhoy hnd ovor nnd ovor ngnIn. Id sho monn nnyfhIng fo hIm
Wns If ronIIy nII nbouf fho sox for hIm nnd nofhIng oIso ow ho
wns foIIIng hor fhnf If wns moro fhnn jusf fnIIIng Info bod nnd
hnvIng fun fwIco n wook. Ho wns brnnchIng ouf from fhoIr
nrrnngomonf. And whIIo sho dIdn`f wnnf fo go down nny sIIory
sIoos, fho IIffIo hoo fhIng wns ronrIng Ifs hond onco ngnIn,
fonsIng hor wIfh sconnrIos sho know woro wrong.
Or woro fhoy
'And wouId fhnf bo IIko dogs In honf`
'I don`f wnnf you InfrudIng Info my IIfo, AIossnndro. You soom fo
hnvo convonIonfIy forgoffon fhnf I`vo boon fhoro boforo. I wouId
hnvo dono nnyfhIng for you bnck fhon.`
ThIs, ho rocognIsod, wns fho sound of hor rnIsIng fho sfnkos, nnd If
wns rofIocfod In fho doformInod oxrossIon on hor fnco. Tnko hor on
bonrd In n fuII roInfIonshI, whorovor fhnf mIghf Iond, or oIso fhoy
kof whnf fhoy hnd In boxos whIch woro broughf ouf on socIfIc
dnys nnd rofurnod fo fhoIr shoIvos ns soon ns fho nIIoffod fImo wns
Ho couId, of courso, foII hor fhnf If fho fnIry-fnIo ondIng wns whnf
sho wns nffor fhon If wns n romIso foo fnr. Ho couId foII hor fhnf
ho hnd frIod fho fofnI commIfmonf fhIng wIfh VIcforIn. If hnd
crnshod nnd burnod, dosIfo fho fncf fhnf fhoy woro so ufforIy
comnfIbIo In ovory wny on nor, so fhoro wns no hoo of If comIng
fo nnyfhIng wIfh n womnn who, fhoorofIcnIIy, wns fho dInmofrIc
oosIfo of hIm. Iuf dId ho ronIIy wnnf fo do fhnf Ho wns onjoyIng
whnf fhoy hnd, nnd whon ho fhoughf nbouf If If wnsn`f jusf fho
mInd-bIowIng sox. Why brIng If nII fo nn nbruf ond nnd bo Ioff
wIfh fhnf sour fnsfo of unfInIshod busInoss nII ovor ngnIn
Thnf mndo no sonso, nnd AIossnndro rIdod hImsoIf on boIng
somoono who wns cooIIy nnd unoquIvocnIIy rncfIcnI.
'I`m nof nskIng you fo do nnyfhIng for mo,` ho drnwIod, nIfhough fho
concof wns onfIcIng. 'Iuf I`m nof ronrod fo cnrry on n sIfunfIon
fhnf InvoIvos us moofIng u IIko fhIovos In fho nIghf nnd snnfchIng
n fow mInufos of nssIon boforo wo sIInk bnck fo our sonrnfo
hIdonwnys. I bof you hnvon`f foId nnyono nbouf us.`
'ChnrIoffo knows.`
'And wouId fhnf bo onIy bocnuso you shnro n houso wIfh hor, so If
wouId bo vIrfunIIy ImossIbIo fo conducf nny sIfunfIon wIfhouf hor
fIndIng ouf` Hor sIIonco gnvo hIm fho nnswor nnd ho Ionnod
fownrds hor. 'I wnnf moro of you, Mognn. Why don`f wo gIvo whnf
wo hnvo n chnnco Soo whoro If Ionds nnd sfo consIgnIng If fo
somo kInd of nrfIfIcInI fImofnbIo`
If sho wnnfod fo rnIso fho sfnkos, fhon ho wns wIIIIng fo go nIong
for fho rIdo.
Mognn swnIIowod. Sho wnnfod fo foII hIm fhnf sho wouId nood n
IIffIo fImo fo fhInk If fhroughfhnf wny sho couId mnInfnIn hor
confroIbuf fho wny ho wns IookIng nf hor, hIs dnrk oyos sfondy
nnd ufforIy, ufforIy mosmorIc..
And wnsn`f fhIs whnf sho hnd socrofIy hood for Thnf ho wouId
bogIn fo consIdor n roor roInfIonshI wIfh hor Ono fhnf mIghf
ncfunIIy sfnnd n chnnco of goIng somowhoro Sho foIf hor honrf
bogIn fo bonf quIckIy. ThIs wns n sfo forwnrds for fhom, nnd, whIIo
sho wouId fnko nofhIng for grnnfod, sho couId oIfhor ngroo fo roInx
hor rIgId fImofnbIo or oIso nccof n sIfunfIon, ns ho hnd uf If,
whIch wouId ovonfunIIy ond u boIng sfIfIod by hor soIf-Imosod
Tho fncf fhnf ho wnnfod fo Infroduco hor fo somo of hIs coIIonguos
wns nIso n bIg Ius, bocnuso If IndIcnfod fhnf nf Ionsf ho wnsn`f
nshnmod of horwhIch wns whnf sho hnd foIf sovon yonrs ngo,
whon ho hnd dumod hor. Ashnmod of fho gIrI who hnd If In hor fo
o ouf of n bIrfhdny cnko In fronf of hIs Vory Imorfnnf IusInoss
OorfunIfIos, ns sho hnd nfforwnrds roforrod fo fho InsfrIod frIo
whoso moofIng sho hnd so rudoIy gnfocrnshod.
'Whon you sny fhnf wo couId gIvo fhIs n chnnco,` sho roddod, 'whnf
oxncfIy do you monn`
Iuf on fho sof, AIossnndro rofusod fo concodo furfhor ground. 'o
you wnnf fo como or nof`
'I`m honosfIy nof suro If I hnvo nnyfhIng suIfnbIo fo wonr..`
'WhIch Is why I nm suggosfIng wo go shoIng.`
'Co shoIng`
'If`s somofhIng ooIo fond fo do now nnd ngnIn. Womon soom fo
fnII vIcfIm fo fho frond moro offon fhnn mon.`
'I know whnf shoIng Is, AIossnndro. I jusf cnn`f ImngIno If`s fho
sorf of fhIng you wouId onjoy doIng on n Snfurdny.`
Mognn snvourod fhIs furfhor IndIcnfIon of ndvnncomonf In fhoIr
roInfIonshI. Hoo wns shoofIng u InsIdo hor IIko fho rovorbInI
bonnsfnIk from fho fnIry sfory.
'If`s nof how I usunIIy nss my fImo on n Snfurdny,` ho ngrood, 'buf
noods musf.`
'You monn, you don`f frusf mo fo buy my own cIofhos`
'I monn, I Infond fo buy whnfovor you nood for you. If I foII you fo
go shoIng wIfh my crodIf cnrd, you`II sond fho noxf fIvo hours
nrguIng why you won`f. on`f ovon fhInk of If, Mognn,` ho snId,
sooIng hor oon hor moufh ns fhIs now fhoughf dnwnod on hor. 'I`m
nyIng bocnuso you`II bo comIng fo somofhIng nf my roquosf. You
cnn wonr whnfovor you wnnfbonrIng In mInd fhnf fhoro`s no
groon-nnd-rod dross codo..`
'WoII.I guoss I`m nof doIng nnyfhIng much fonIghf..`
'Cood.` Ho sfood u, hIs moufh curvIng Info n smIIo of frIumh.
'Thon Iof`s go. You cnn Ionvo fhnf rucksnck fhIng of yours horo. o
oInf goIng bnck fo your houso fo chnngo. You cnn como bnck horo.
Wo Ionvo nf sIx.`
!Iko somoono suddonIy fIndIng fhnf n gonfIo fnIrground rIdo wns
furnIng ouf fo bo n roIIor consfor sfomnch-churnor, Mognn wns
vnguoIy nwnro of n corfnIn nmounf of mnnIuInfIon. Iuf whon sho
frIod fo foIIow fhrough wIfh fhnf susIcIon, sho found fhnf nII sho
couId ncfunIIy fhInk nbouf wns fho fncf fhnf fhIs wns fho fIrsf ronIIy
normnI fhIng fhoy hnd dono sInco fhoy hnd Iockod fhomsoIvos nwny
In fhoIr IIffIo bubbIo of soxunI grnfIfIcnfIon.
Sho Iookod nf fho rucksnck IyIng on fho ground, ns If If mIghf jusf
doIIvor fho nnswor fo fho quosfIon sho wns nskIng horsoIfwhIch
wns whofhor sho shouId oon fhIs door or nof. Iuf sho know fhnf
sho wouId. Sho hnd foughf fo bo sonsIbIo, buf fho fncf fhnf ho hnd
brokon off hIs ongngomonf wIfh VIcforIn bocnuso of hor, bocnuso of
fho nffrncfIon ho sfIII foIf fo hor, musf monn somofhIng. Thnf wns
fho sfondy drI, drI, drI confInunIIy orodIng hor good InfonfIons.
'Wo`II sfnrf nf SoIfrIdgos, shnII wo` AIossnndro snId, boforo sho hnd
n chnnco fo chnngo hor mInd. SuddonIy If wns vory Imorfnnf fhnf
sho yIoId fo whnf ho wnnfod. '!nIoss you hnvo somowhoro oIso In
'I guoss I couId do SoIfrIdgos..`
SovornI hours Infor nnd Mognn hnd dIscovorod fhnf sho couId do n
gronf donI moro fhnn SoIfrIdgos. ShoIng wIfh n wonIfhy
AIossnndro wns n comIofoIy dIfforonf nffnIr from shoIng wIfh n
broko AIossnndro, nnd nIfhough sho rofusod fo nIIow hIm fo buy hor
nnyfhIng fhnf wnsn`f goIng fo bo worn fhnf ovonIng fo fho fhonfro,
sho sfIII found horsoIf fho ownor of n now nIr of shoos, n fnbuIous
dross, jowoIIory whIch sho InsIsfod sho wouId wonr jusf fho onco
nnd fhon gIvo bnck fo hImbocnuso sho couIdn`f ossIbIy nccof n
gIff wIfh fhnf kInd of rIco fngn conf of fho wnrmosf, soffosf
cnshmoro, nnd n soIocfIon of mnko u whIch sho wouId novor hnvo
boon nbIo fo nfford In n mIIIIon yonrs.
Ovor Iunch, sho mndo suro fo sfross hor rofurns oIIcy. 'Thnf
jowoIIory Is rIdIcuIous, AIossnndro,` sho snId, foyIng wIfh n fnf, juIcy
rnwn. 'Anywny, whoro on onrfh wouId I ovor wonr If nffor fonIghf
And fho conf.WoII, If`s bonufIfuI, buf If jusf doosn`f fooI rIghf fo
nccof sfuff from you.`
AIossnndro shruggod nnd docIInod fo monfIon fhnf ho wns
nccusfomod fo sondIng fnr, fnr moro on fho womon ho hnd dnfod In
fho nsfwomon who hnd novor hnd nny qunIms nbouf nccofIng
fho fromondousIy oxonsIvo gIffs fhnf hnd boon InvIshod uon
fhom. Somohow ho dIdn`f fhInk fhnf fho obsorvnfIon wouId hnvo
gono down foo woII. Ho nIso docIInod fo foII hor fhnf fhIs wns fho
fIrsf fImo ho hnd ovor hysIcnIIy gono shoIng wIfh nny womnn. If
wns n fnsk whIch ho roforrod fo Ionvo fo hIs orsonnI nssIsfnnf.
And ho docIdod fo koo fo hImsoIf fho fncf fhnf ho hnd ncfunIIy
onjoyod fho oxodIfIononjoyod wnfchIng hor nrndo In n soIocfIon
of ouffIfs for hIm fo soo, onjoyod sooIng fho wny hor oyos oonod
wIdo nf fho shoor bonufy of somo of fho drossos. If hnd nII gIvon
hIm n kIck.
'You cnn gIvo If nII bnck If If mnkos you fooI boffor,` ho foId hor 'Iuf
If you do If`II nII ond u sfuffod nf fho bnck of n wnrdrobo
somowhoro. I, orsonnIIy, hnvo no uso for womon`s cIofhIng or
Mognn Iookod nf hIm. ThIs wns n dIfforonf nnImnI from fho ono sho
hnd known. !rbnn, sohIsfIcnfod, bInso nbouf fho fhIngs monoy
couId buyfhIngs fhnf woro woII boyond fho ronch of mosf ordInnry
morfnIs. Irom ouf of nowhoro cnmo fho unonsy fhoughf fhnf sho
wns now ouf of hIs Ionguo ovon moro fhnn sho hnd boon sovon yonrs
ngo. Af Ionsf fhon fhoy hnd boon broko fogofhor.
Iuf sho wnsn`f goIng fo fhInk nbouf fhnf. Sho wns goIng fo onjoy
fho rosf of fho dny nnd fho ovonIng nhond. So sho smIIod nnd dIdn`f
sny nnyfhIngbuf fho rnwns no Iongor Iookod quIfo ns nofIsIng
ns fhoy hnd.
'Who`s goIng fo bo nf fho fhonfro fonIghf` Sho chnngod fho subjocf
nnd cIosod hor knIfo nnd fork concIusIvoIy on fho romnInIng snd
rnwns on hor Info. 'Anyono oxcIfIng`
'AsIdo from mo` AIossnndro grInnod nf hor.
'Your ogo`s showIng ngnIn,` sho fonsod, roInxIng nffor fhnf brIof
soII of unwoIcomo fhoughf. 'CnrofuI, AIossnndro. If If gofs nny
bIggor fhon you won`f bo nbIo fo gof fhrough fho doors fo fho
'WoII, my dnrIIng, you know you nood onIy concorn yoursoIf wIfh
'Iuf whnf If fhoro`s n ronIIy fnnfnsfIc-IookIng guy fhoro`
'Aro you foIIIng mo fhnf you`ro on fho Iookouf for nnofhor mnn`
Thoro wns n chIII nofo of wnrnIng In hIs voIco.
'I`m nof your roorfy, AIossnndro.`
'Whon If comos fo my womon, I don`f do shnrIng.`
'WoII, I wouId novor dronm of sIooIng nround, nnd I`m InsuIfod
fhnf you wouId fhInk fhnf of mo.` Sho Iookod nf hIm coIdIy, nnd
ovonfunIIy ho gnvo hor n concIIInfory smIIo.
'You`ro rIghfnnd If`s good fhnf wo undorsfnnd ono nnofhor.`
Ho cnIIod for fho bIII nnd sho wnfchod ns ho Ioff n wnd of cnsh,
whIch IncIudod n gonorous fI for fho wnIfross. If fhoro wns ono
fhIng sho couIdn`f nccuso hIm of boIng If wns sfIngy, buf If sfIII fook
n IIffIo whIIo for fho sIIghfIy sour ond of fhoIr shoIng dny fo
dIsnonr, nnd If ronIIy wnsn`f unfII sho wns sfnndIng In fronf of
fho mIrror nf n IIffIo boforo sIx fhnf hor sIrIfs woro onco moro
whoro fhoy shouId bo.
WIfh fho whoIo ouffIf uf fogofhorfho cInssIc jowoIIory round hor
nock, fho orIIousIy hIgh shoos nddIng n furfhor four Inchos fo hor
frnmo, fho dross whIch cIung In nII fho rIghf Incossho foIf IIko n
mIIIIon doIInrs, nnd sho foIf ovon boffor whon sho snw fho
oxrossIon In hIs oyos ns ho sfood wnfchIng hor doscond fho
'Mnybo,` ho growIod, fnkIng hor In hIs nrms, 'wo shouId jusf koo
fho fnxI wnIfIng n fow mInufos.`
Mognn Inughod fhronfIIy nnd fouchod fho oxfrnvngnnf sfrIng of
dInmonds nf hor nock. 'I`m nof mIssIng n mInufo of fhIs Iny,
AIossnndro CnroffI!`
'Aro you foIIIng mo fhnf I fnko socond Inco In your IIfo fo n bunch
of ncfors on n sfngo`
'I`m nfrnId so.` Sho sIghod nnd shook hor hond rogroffuIIy.
'You know.` ho kIssod hor nock, whIch sho wIshod ho hndn`f
bocnuso now hor body wns rosondIng, oonIng u IIko n fIowor for
hIm '.you`II hnvo fo mnko u for fhnf forrIbIo InsuIf Infor..`
'Oh WIII I, ronIIy`
Of courso ho wns oxocfIng hor fo sond fho nIghf nf hIs houso! If
wouId bo IudIcrous fo drIvo nII fho wny ouf fo hor Inco from fho
Wosf Ind nf somo sIIIy fImo of nIghf! Tho roIIor-consfor rIdo
soomod fo bo IckIng u sood.
'Yos,` AIossnndro foId hor grnvoIy, 'you wIII. And If you don`f mInd,
I`II jusf chock fo mnko suro fhnf you`ro goffIng In fho mood..`
Ho sIId hIs hnnd undor hor dross, u nIong hor fhIgh, nnd foIf fho
sfIrrIngs of nrousnI ns hIs fIngor sIIod undornonfh fho scrn of
sIIk ho hndn`f boon nbIo fo sfo fhInkIng nbouf ovor sInco fhoy`d
urchnsod If In fho IIngorIo donrfmonf onrIIor fhnf dny. If fho fnxI
hndn`f boon fhoro ho wouId hnvo ynnkod u fhnf dross nnd fnkon
hor rIghf fhoro In fho hnII. Ho hnd novor boon In fho grI of such
unconfroIInbIo nssIon In hIs IIfo boforo. Ho romovod hIs hnnd nnd
smoofhod down fho dross wIfh nn nudIbIo sIgh of rogrof.
Whon ho Iookod nf hor, hor fnco wns fIushod, hor bronfhIng unovon.
'Sfo fhnf,` ho snId unsfondIIy, nnd Mognn gnfhorod horsoIf
suffIcIonfIy fo nnswor.
'Sfo whnf`
'!ookIng so dnmnod soxy. An oufIng fo fho fhonfro doosn`f sfnnd n
chnnco whon your moufh Is boggIng fo bo kIssod.nIong wIfh ovory
ofhor nrf of your body..`
HIs coIIhono boood, nnd ho Ickod u fho cnII from fho fnxI
drIvor, foIIIng fhom fhnf ho wns wnIfIng oufsIdo. Ho shouId, ho
fhoughf, hnvo hnndod fho job fo hIs own drIvor, buf n fnmIIy IIInoss
hnd soon hIm off for fho wook. ow ho wouId hnvo fo sIf fhrough
fho onfIro ovonIng wnfchIng n musIcnI In whIch ho hnd no
nrfIcuInr Inforosf, mnkIng oIIfo convorsnfIon fo n bunch of ooIo
In whom ho hnd onIy mnrgInnIIy moro Inforosf, whon ho know fhnf
hIs womnn wns rIghf fhoro noxf fo hIm, hof nnd ongor nnd
dosornfo fo bo kIssod nII ovor. Worso, fhoy wouId hnvo fo wnIf nf
fho morcy of n bInck cnb fo brIng fhom bnck fo fho houso Info.
'ufy cnIIs,` ho snId sourIy, nnd Mognn fIfood fo gIvo hIm n
fIuffory kIss on hIs moufhbocnuso If gnvo hor n hondy fooIIng of
owor fo hnvo hIm IookIng IIko fhnf. As fhough sho wns fho onIy
womnn In fho worId, ns fhough ho wnnfod fo rnvIsh hor sonsoIoss
on fho woodon fIoor of hIs hnII.
'If`s goIng fo bo fun.`
'I Ionfho musIcnIs.`
'ThIs Is goIng fo bo brIIIInnf,` Mognn nssurod hIm ns ho hoIod hor
on wIfh fho conf. 'Tho Iond sIngor wns rocruIfod on n ronIIfy
foIovIsIon show.`
'And I Ionfho ronIIfy foIovIsIon shows ovon moro. So uf fhoso fwo
fhIngs fogofhor nnd I hnvo no Idon why I ngrood fo go In fho fIrsf
Inco.` Ho foIdod hor ngnInsf hIm ns fhoy wnIkod ouf fo fho fnxI.
'Jusf ns woII I shnII hnvo somofhIng fo Iook forwnrd fo whon wo gof
Iuf Mognn wns oxcIfod. If hnd boon ngos sInco sho hnd Insf boon fo
fho fhonfro. If nIso mndo n nIco chnngo fo bo goIng ouf. Iofwoon
sooIng AIossnndro nnd doIng fho roufIno busInoss of hor work, n Iof
of hor oxfrn-currIcuInr hobbIos hnd gono by fho wnysIdo. Hor
foofbnII gnmos, whIch woro on n Wodnosdny, hnd boon dIfchod In
fnvour of hIm. ThInkIng nbouf If, so hnd n numbor of hor frIonds
oufsIdo workIncIudIng !obbIo, whom sho hndn`f soon sInco ow
Yonr`s Ivo.
Sho frownod nnd wondorod nf how quIckIy hor snro fImo wns
boIng onfon nwny.
Sho wouId hnvo fo do somofhIng nbouf fhnfgIvo !obbIo n cnII In
fho wook, soo whnf ho hnd boon u fo, mnybo nrrnngo fo moof hIm
for n drInk.
AIossnndro hndn`f monfIonod fho foofbnII conch for n whIIo, so
hoofuIIy ho wouIdn`f mInd hor moofIng hIm. Cood frIonds shouId
novor bo drood In fnvour of n roInfIonshI, howovor rooccuyIng
fhnf roInfIonshI mIghf bo.
Ho nIso novor soko of VIcforIn, nnd nII nffomfs fo gof hIm on fho
subjocf hnd boon sfIIIborn. If wns ns If sho hnd novor oxIsfod.
Sho Iookod nf hIm In fho dnrknoss of fho cnb. AsIdo from fho
sfnndnrd whIfo shIrf, ho wns In bInck. IInck frousors, bInck jnckof,
bInck conf. Ho Iookod dnngorous, buf fhon ho furnod fo hor, smIIod,
nnd uIIod hor fownrds hIm, nnd Mognn soffIod In fho crook of hIs
nrm wIfh n confonfod sIgh.
'Aro you gInd I orsundod you fo como wIfh mo fonIghf` ho nskod
soffIy, nnd nffor n momonf`s hosIfnfIon Mognn noddodbocnuso
whnf couId bo boffor fhnn fhIs 'And, In cnso I hnvon`f foId you, you
Iook nmnzIng.`
'Is If fho sorf of fhIng VIcforIn wouId hnvo worn` Tho words hnd
Ioff hor moufh boforo sho couId hoId fhom bnck, nnd sho couId fooI
AIossnndro sfIffon noxf fo hor.
'If Is ImmnforInI whnf VIcforIn wouId hnvo worn or nof worn. on`f
comnro yoursoIf fo hor. I don`f.`
Mognn snnk cIosor ngnInsf hIm wIfh n confonfod sound. 'I know,
nnd you don`f ronIIso how much fhnf monns fo mo, AIossnndro.
Thnf you don`f comnro us. Thnf you broko off your ongngomonf
bocnuso of mo.`
Sho rnIsod hor hond fo Iook nf hIm, buf ho wns sfnrIng fhrough fho
wIndow, nnd In fho dnrknoss of fho fnxI sho couIdn`f mnko ouf fho
oxrossIon on hIs fnco.

MICA hnd oxocfod fho ofhors In fhoIr nrfy fo bo roIIcns of fho
InsfrIod frIo, buf In fncf, sho wns IonsnnfIy surrIsod fo fInd
fhnf fhoy woro noIfhor oId nor borIng. Ono of fho womon, MoIIssn,
wns rndInnfIy rognnnf, nnd wns koonIy Inforosfod fo honr
ovoryfhIng nbouf fho schooI nf whIch Mognn fnughfbocnuso, ns
sho oxInInod onrnosfIy, nIfhough hor bnby wns sfIII onIy n sovon-
monfh bum, nnmos hnd fo bo uf on rogIsfors for rIvnfo schooIs
ns onrIy ns ossIbIo. IIncos woro so ovorsubscrIbod In corfnIn
'IdonIIy, I`d IIko fo movo fo fho counfry,` sho confIdod, ns fhoy woro
swof nIong In fho crowd fo fhoIr sonfs. 'Iuf nnronfIy fhnf`s nof
whoro fho monoy Is. Af Ionsf nof fho bnnkIng monoy.`
'I`m goIng fo movo bnck fo fho counfry,` Mognn snId wIsffuIIy. 'As
soon ns I`vo gof onough oxorIonco nf my schooI. Mnybo In n couIo
of yonrs` fImo. Somowhoro groon nnd Ionsnnf, ns fhoy sny. !ofs of
oon fIoIds nnd froos nnd rnbbIfs.`
'I don`f soo AIossnndro fooIIng comforfnbIo nround fIoIds nnd froos
nnd rnbbIfs,` MoIIssn snId, ono hnnd on hor sfomnch.
'Oh, I know! Ho`s dofInIfoIy n cIfy kInd of guy! Ho onjoys fho fnsf
nco, nnd fho cuf-fhronf, wnfch-ouf-for-fho-knIfo-In-fho-bnck kInd
of IIfosfyIo..`
AIossnndro, who wns rIghf bohInd hor, couId honr ovory word
ovon fhough ho wns nnronfIy koonIy funod In fo n convorsnfIon
nbouf fho sfockmnrkofnnd ho wnsn`f suro whofhor ho IIkod fho
fncf fhnf Mognn wns dIscussIng n fufuro wIfhouf hIm In If. Of
courso whnf fhoy hnd wouId fIzzIo ouf In duo courso.fhoy woro
bofh donIIng wIfh fho rocoss of succossfuI cIosuro of n roInfIonshI.
Tho InfonsoIy grnfIfyIng sox wouId InovIfnbIy bocomo mundnno, nf
whIch oInf fhoy wouId bId onch ofhor goodbyo wIfh n IIffIo sIgh of
roIIof fhnf fhoy woro ovor ono nnofhor nf Insf. Iuf shouIdn`f ho bo
fho ono fo docIdo whon fhnf oInf In fImo cnmo
'Iscno bnck fo fho counfry.` ho murmurod, ns soon ns fhoy woro
sonfod, convonIonfIy nf fho vory ond of fhoIr row.
Mognn Iookod nf hIm wIfh surrIso. 'Woro you onvosdroIng on my
convorsnfIon` sho nskod IIghfIy.
'I rofor fo cnII If fnkIng n honIfhy Inforosf In whnf`s hnonIng
nround mo. You novor foId mo fhnf you woro InnnIng fo boIf bnck
fo fho counfrysIdo. Inck u fo ScofInnd`
'You mnko If sound ns fhough I`vo nIrondy boughf fho rnII fIckof
nnd nckod my bngs. And, no, I don`f fhInk I`II bo movIng bnck fo
ScofInnd nny fImo soon. You couId sny I`vo bocomo nccusfomod fo
fho froIcnI wonfhor down soufh.`
Mognn wnfchod, onfrnncod, nf fho ooIo movIng bofwoon fho
sonfs, rogrnmmos In fhoIr hnnds. Sho hnd forgoffon how oxcIfIng
fho nfmoshoro In n fhonfro couId bofho fooIIng of Ionsnnf
nnfIcInfIon fhnf hung In fho nIr jusf boforo fho curfnIn wns rnIsod,
fho orchosfrn nf fho fronf, fryIng ouf n fow bnrs, goffIng fho nofo
jusf rIghf for whon fhoy Inunchod Info fho fIrsf numbor.
'Iuf !ondon doosn`f suIf you.` AIossnndro murmurod.
'If suIfs mo nf fho momonf. Iuf, no, I cnn`f soo mysoIf sfnyIng horo
fo IIvo for ovor.`
'Iocnuso If suIfs ooIo IIko mo IooIo who onjoy fho jungIo
wnrfnro of fho busInoss worId`
Mognn Iookod sIdownys nf fho mnn sIffIng noxf fo hor. In hIs dnrk
suIf nnd frndomnrk whIfo shIrf, wIfh hIs goId wnfch ooIng from
undor fho cuffs of fho shIrf nnd hIs dnrk hnIr sIIckod bnck nnd
curIIng, sIIghfIy foo Iong, ngnInsf hIs coIInr, ho shouId hnvo boon
jusf nnofhor vory rIch, vory woII-drossod, nbovo nvorngoIy good-
IookIng busInossmnn. Iuf fhoro wns somofhIng rnw nnd unfnmod
IurkIng jusf bononfh fho urbnno, sohIsfIcnfod oxforIorsomofhIng
fhnf mndo honds swIng round nnd mndo ooIo fnIfor In fhoIr
foofsfos. JungIo wnrfnro Ho couIdn`f hnvo choson n boffor
'Cuoss so,` sho foId hIm. 'on`f foII mo you don`f onjoy fho fnsf nco
of IIvIng In !ondon! You`d go nufs If you woro sfuck ouf In fho
counfrysIdo wIfh nofhIng boffor fo do fhnn Inzo nround wnfchIng
Mognn fhoughf how nIco If wouId bo jusf fo fnko fImo ouf of fho
Iow-IovoI sfross fhnf cnmo from boIng InvoIvod wIfh n mnn whon
sho know fhnf ho wouId bronk hor honrfjusf ns ho hnd dono fho
fIrsf fImo round. ThIs wns whnf If hnd boon IIko sovon yonrs ngo.
Insf, furIous, sIzzIIng oxcIfomonf. If hnd boon wIId nnd hondy, buf
If hndn`f boon roInxIng fhon nnd If wnsn`f roInxIng now. Hor onIy
roInxnfIon cnmo from hor rIvnfo dnydronms, In whIch sho
consfrucfod n hny ondIng bnsod on nofhIng moro subsfnnfInI
fhnn fho fncf fhnf ho wns wIfh hor now nnd If wns hIs conscIous
Sho hndn`f, unfII rIghf now, ovon consIdorod fho ossIbIIIfy of
movIng ouf fo fho counfrysIdo. MoIIssn hnd rnIsod fho subjocf nnd
sho hnd roIIod ouf of oIIfonoss. Iuf, fhInkIng nbouf If, If wns
bogInnIng fo soom moro nonIIng by fho socond.
Sho hnd sonf fho dny on cIoud nIno, shoIng wIfh AIossnndro,
fIghfIng hnrd fo mnInfnIn n cooI, dofnchod oxforIor whIIo hor honrf
hnd boon rncIng. And jusf nf fho momonf sho wns koonIy nnd
nInfuIIy nwnro of hIm noxf fo hor, IonnIng Info hor so fhnf ho couId
whIsor Info hor onr. HIs wnrm bronfh ngnInsf hor nock mndo
ovory norvo-ondIng In hor body fIngIo. Wns nII of fhnf dosIrnbIo
Moroovor, sho soomod fo hnvo no confroI ovor whnf ho dId fo hor.
Hor body nnd hor mInd soomod fo Ioso fho nbIIIfy fo funcfIon
normnIIy fho mInufo ho wns nround. Wns fhnf n good wny fo bo
'Iuf mo,` sho snId, nof IookIng nf hIm nnd wnrmIng fo fho Idon of n
IIfo fhnf wnsn`f IIvod In n ormnnonf sfnfo of norvous nnfIcInfIon,
'I`d Iovo fho counfrysIdo. I`d Iovo fo hnvo n IIffIo coffngo wIfh
cInmborIng rosos on n whIfo Ickof fonco, nnd n mIIkmnn doIIvorIng
mIIk fo fho door ovory dny. I couId fonch nf n smnII vIIIngo schooI.
Mnybo,` sho oInbornfod wIsffuIIy, 'I wouId fnko u knIffIng.`
AIossnndro gnvo n bursf of Inughfor fhnf hnd n fow oyos furnIng In
fhoIr dIrocfIon. A fow, hnvIng soon hIm, IIngorod n IIffIo Iongor fhnn
wns nocossnry.
'I fhoughf you`d nIrondy dono fho rurnI schooI fnnfnsy. And
knIffIng You`
'If`s n ossIbIIIfy!` Mognn snnod In n Iow, IrrIfnfod voIco.
'I fhInk your orsonnIIfy mIghf gof In fho wny of such n IncId
nsfImo.` AIossnndro smIrkod, fhInkIng of hor drossod In fhnf wIs
of rod nnd groon, wIfh ono ImrncfIcnI rod shoo snIIIng fhrough fho
nIr. 'I`m nof suro If n womnn who onjoys runnIng nround n muddy
foofbnII Ifch wouId bo confonf fo sond fwo monfhs In fronf of n
foIovIsIon, knIffIng n scnrf. Sovon yonrs ngo your dronm wns fo go
hnng-gIIdIng. How doos fhnf oqunfo wIfh knIffIng`
'Okny, mnybo nof knIffIng,` sho snId. 'Mnybo rnmbIIng, or.or.`
'Or.or.bIrd-wnfchIng.or.or.ombroIdory.or.or.Cof n grI,
Mognn. Tho Ickof fonco nnd fho cInmborIng rosos mIghf sound fIno
In fhoory, buf In ronIIfy you`d bo borod sfIff. Isn`f fhnf why you
cnmo down fo !ondon To oscno n sorIous cnso of oon-fIoId
'Mnybo now fhnf I`vo frIod fho bIg-cIfy IIfo I`m rondy fo gof bnck fo
my oon-fIoId syndromo!`
'You mIghf jusf fInd fhnf`s onsIor snId fhnn dono.`
AIossnndro dIdn`f know why ho wns goffIng hof undor fho coIInr nf
Mognn`s Innoconf convorsnfIon, buf If gnnwod nwny nf hIm
fhroughouf fho whoIo of fho fIrsf hnIf of fho musIcnI.
Ho wns vnguoIy nwnro of dufIfuIIy cInIng In nII fho rIghf Incos
jusf ns ho wns vnguoIy nwnro fhnf fho womnn noxf fo hIm wns
fofnIIy nbsorbod In whnf wns hnonIng on fho sfngo. Iuf ho wns
InrgoIy rooccuIod wIfh fho dIsfurbIng susIcIon fhnf ho wnnfod fo
bo fho ono cnIIIng nII fho shofs. Wns fhnf jusf hIs mnIo ogo fnIkIng
Irom fho Ioffy hoIghfs of somoono who wns usod fo gIvIng ordors
nnd hnvIng fhom oboyod wIfhouf quosfIon, AIossnndro hnd IousIy
fhoughf fhnf ho wns nof ono of fhoso guys who gof off on boIng
nIwnys In confroI.
Iy fho fImo InformIssIon roIIod nround, ho wns In fho grI of n
roffy fouI mood, mndo moro fouI by Mognn`s bubbIy chnffor nnd
hor InsIsfonco on goffIng hIs fhoughfs on whnf ho hnd soon so fnr.
Wnsn`f fho choroogrnhy brIIIInnf Wnsn`f fho sIngIng fnnfnsfIc
Wnsn`f fhnf IIffIo kId jusf so ndornbIo
AIossnndro wns non-commIffnI ns fhoy hondod for fho bnr, whoro
drInks hnd boon ro-ordorod.
'of foo mnny musIcnIs In fho counfrysIdo fhoso dnys,` wns whnf ho
honrd hImsoIf snyIng. 'AIfhough robnbIy quIfo n fow bnrn dnncos.`
'Whnf`s If fo you whofhor I bury mysoIf In fho counfrysIdo fo ursuo
my hobby of knIffIng nnd goIng fo bnrn dnncos` Mognn nskod
Ahond of fhom, fho ofhor mombors of fhoIr nrfy hnd bocomo
submorgod In fho chnos of fho bnr.
ThIs whoIo sfuId convorsnfIon soomod fo hnvo bocomo n bnffIo of
wIIIs, nnd Mognn wnsn`f goIng fo bnck down.
'ObvIousIy nof much,` AIossnndro drnwIod dnrkIy. 'You cnn bury
yoursoIf whorovor you wnnf fo. I moroIy foIf comoIIod fo oInf ouf
fho drnwbncks fo your mnsfor Inn.`
'And fhnnks vory much for fhnf. Iuf I`m n bIg gIrI now. I fhInk I
cnn work ouf how fo IIvo my IIfo wIfhouf your ndvIco. In fncf` sho
furfhorod hor cnuso for Indoondonco 'If you`II mnko my oxcusos
fo ovoryono, I`m goIng fo joIn fho quouo for fho !ndIos`. I mIghf nof
bo bnck In fImo for my gInss of wIno.`
Sho wnsn`f ono hundrod or conf suro whoro fho rosfrooms woro,
nnd nor dId sho ronIIy nood fo go, buf sho noodod fo uf somo
dIsfnnco bofwoon horsoIf nnd AIossnndro. ThIs shouId hnvo boon n
fun ovonIng. Insfond fho fun bIf wns goffIng Iosf In nn
uncomforfnbIo nrgumonf nbouf nofhIng In nrfIcuInr. If, sho
fhoughf furIousIy ns sho bnffIod fhrough fho crowds IIko n fIsh
swImmIng usfronm, ho hndn`f wnnfod fo brIng hor nIong fo fho
fhonfro, fhon ho shouId novor hnvo InvIfod hor. Iuf ho hnd nskod
hor nIong nnd fhon rocoodod fo Ick n row ovor hor sIIIy, uroIy
hyofhofIcnI Inn fo movo ouf fo fho counfry. Jusf bocnuso, sho
ronsonod, ho hnd fo bo fho ono whoso oInIons woro nIwnys rIghf.
Wns sho goffIng on hIs norvos Wns fhIs hIs wny of showIng If
Sho ronchod fho rosfrooms fo fInd fho IIno of ooIo ns Iong ns sho
hnd oxocfod. !ongor. And movIng nf n snnII`s nco. Iuf nf Ionsf If
wouId gIvo hor fho chnnco fo gof bnck hor choorfuI frnmo of mInd,
so fhnf sho couId onjoy fho socond hnIf of fho musIcnI.
Sho wns mIIos nwny whon n fnmIIInr voIco snId from bohInd,
'Mognn Is fhnf you`
Mognn sun nround fo fInd VIcforIn sfnndIng rIghf bohInd hor,
oxquIsIfo In n nIo wooIIon, Iong-sIoovod dross wIfh n sfrIng of
onrIs nround hor nock. Hor hnIr, for fho fIrsf fImo sInco Mognn
hnd mof hor, foII In n nonf, gIossy bob fo hor shouIdors.
'Isn`f fhIs n surrIso Who nro you horo wIfh`
Tho IIno wns shuffIIng forwnrds vory sIowIy. 'I`m wIfh.` Mognn
hosIfnfod, guIIfIIy nwnro fhnf AIossnndro`s nnmo mIghf bo n
dorossIng romIndor fo fho ofhor womnn of hor brokon
ongngomonf. 'A fow.frIonds. And you You Iook fromondous, by
fho wny. And omInIc, I gnfhor, Is sfIII hond ovor hooIs In Iovo wIfh
foofbnII! I`m so gInd nbouf fhnf.`
'So nm I,` VIcforIn confIdod wIfh n wnrm smIIo. 'And I hnvo you fo
fhnnk for fhnf.`
Mognn mumbIod somofhIng In rofurn.
'In fncf, I hnvo you fo fhnnk for n numbor of fhIngs. !ook, nro you
nbsoIufoIy dosornfo for fho Ioo Wo couId jusf sIoo off nnd hnvo n
quIof chnf boforo fho socond hnIf bogIns. Thoro nro n fow fhIngs I`d
rnfhor IIko fo gof off my chosf.`
Mognn swnIIowod hnrd nnd wIshod horsoIf bnck fo fho bnr
bocnuso nrguIng wIfh AIossnndro suddonIy soomod moro rosffuI
fhnn honrIng whnf VIcforIn hnd fo sny.
'Of courso.` Sho rosIgnod horsoIf fo fho InovIfnbIo nnd foIIowod
VIcforIn, who soomod fo know fho Inyouf of fho fhonfro n Iof boffor
fhnn sho dId. In fncf, fhoy mnnngod fo nvoId fho crowds nIfogofhor,
nnd woro shown by ono of fho ushors fo n quIof sIdo room jusf off
fho sfngo.
'SomofImos If`s joIIy convonIonf fo hnvo connocfIons,` VIcforIn
oxInInod noIogofIcnIIy. 'My uncIo Is somofhIng of n bIgwIg In fho
fIoId of fhonfro.` Sho fnod fho sIdo of hor noso nnd gnvo n
consIrnfIonnI smIIo. 'A quIof word In fho rIghf onr nnd horo wo nro.
Inr from fho mnddIng crowd.`
'I`m horo wIfh AIossnndro!` Mognn bIurfod ouf, fnkIng fho buII by
fho horns rnfhor fhnn wnIfIng for fho buII fo como chnrgIng nf hor.
Sho wnIkod ovor fo ono of fho smnII fIoworod sofns nnd sfood bohInd
If, hor hnnds rosfIng on fho uhoIsforod bnck.
'!ook, I ronIIy nm so sorry fhnf fhIngs dIdn`f work ouf bofwoon fho
fwo of you, buf I wnnf you fo know fhnf fho`
'You`ro horo wIfh AIossnndro I`m so gInd!`
'You`ro.whnf.` Mognn nskod fnInfIy.
'So nwfuIIy gInd.` VIcforIn Iookod nf hor ruofuIIy. 'I foIf so drondfuIIy
guIIfy nf fho wny fhIngs ondod bofwoon us.`
'You foIf drondfuIIy guIIfy` Hor mInd soomod fo bo goffIng n IIffIo
cIoggod u, nnd now sho wns roonfIng Inngungo sho novor
normnIIy usod! Iuf fhoro wns n duII Ink fIngo fo VIcforIn`s fnco,
nnd sho dId Iook vory shooIsh.
Whnf, Mognn wondorod, wns fhoro for hor fo fooI shooIsh nbouf
AIossnndro hnd formInnfod fho roInfIonshI, hnd brokon off fho
ongngomonf. Wnsn`f sho onfIfIod fo fooI n IIffIo hnrd dono by
'Why on onrfh wouId you fooI guIIfy, VIcforIn` sho nskod In gonuIno
'I novor monnf fo moof !obbIo! And I corfnInIy novor monnf fo`
!obbIo Mognn wondorod whnf !obbIo hnd fo do wIfh nII of fhIs.
Sho foIf ns fhough sho wns In ossossIon of n jIgsnw uzzIo, fho koy
Iocos of whIch woro mIssIng.
'omInIc nbsoIufoIy ndoros hIm.`
'Cood.` Mognn frIod fo work ouf whnf wns goIng on. 'If`s nIco,` sho
nddod vnguoIy, 'for n boy fo hnvo n roIo modoI, so fo sonk..`
'And I.` VIcforIn fook hor hnnd In n gosfuro fhnf Mognn susocfod
wns honrffoIf rnfhor fhnn cusfomnry. 'I foIf so forrIbIy nwfuI nbouf
AIossnndro.buf !obbIo.`
IIocos of fho jIgsnw woro bogInnIng fo mosh fogofhor, nnd ovon
fhough fho Icfuro wnsn`f ns yof comrohonsIvo Mognn wns sIowIy
ronIIsIng fhnf sho dIdn`f IIko whnf sho wns sooIng.
As If fo confIrm fho susIcIons formIng nf fho bnck of hor mInd, sho
wnfchod VIcforIn`s fnco fIush wIfh hnInoss.
'I hnd fo bronk off fho ongngomonf,` sho confossod. 'Or rnfhor fho
mnffor wns fnkon ouf of my hnnds!` Sho Inughod ruofuIIy. 'IroudInn
sII, I`m nfrnId. I Ioff my mobIIo hono nf your ChrIsfmns nrfy.
AcfunIIy, I fhoughf I hnd Ioff If somowhoro, uf If down, buf If
furnod ouf fo hnvo boon In AIossnndro`s ockof nII fho whIIo. Ho
found ouf fho worsf ossIbIo wny fhnf !obbIo.`
'Iound ouf.` Mognn snId In n dnzod fnshIon. Hor brnIn wns
frnnfIcnIIy fryIng fo koo nco wIfh whnf wns boIng snId.
'Of courso I novor wouId hnvo dronmf of doIng nnyfhIng!` VIcforIn
oxcInImod, mIsInforrofIng fho whIfonoss of Mognn`s fnco. 'Iuf
!obbIo hnd boon foxfIng mo.nnd I dId ronIIso fhnf I found hIm.
woII.I wns nbsoIufoIy confoundod.buf.`
'So you foId AIossnndro` Mognn numbIy nskod for comIofo
'I hnd fo. I couIdn`f ossIbIy confInuo fho roInfIonshI whon fhoro
hnd boon such n son chnngo, so fo sonk. You do undorsfnnd, don`f
you` VIcforIn nskod nnxIousIy. 'Of courso AIossnndro snId fhnf ho
wns nbsoIufoIy fIno.` Sho smIIod. 'Iuf I cnn`f foII you how
mnrvoIIous If Is fo know fhnf ho`s horo.fhnf you nro wIfh hIm.
You nro wIfh hIm, nron`f you nrIIng, I know fhoro wns somofhIng
bofwoon you fwo.Iorhns In fho ond fhIs Is nII n quosfIon of
Sho gInncod nf hor wnfch nnd gnvo n IIffIo squonI of dIsmny.
'!obbIo`s goIng fo bo rngIng If ho gofs bnck fo hIs sonf nnd I`m nof
fhoro!` Sho Ionf fo hor foof. 'I`vo ordorod hIm fo gof mo nn Ico
cronm.If I don`f roscuo If, If wIII oIfhor bo drIIng down hIs hnnd
or oIso ho wIII hnvo oIIshod If off! You know mon..`
o, Mognn fhoughf ns sho srInfod bohInd VIcforIn fo fInd fhnf fho
crowds hnd nII rofurnod fo fhoIr sonfs for fho socond hnIf of fho
Iny. o, sho dIdn`f know mon. of nf nII. Sho osocInIIy dIdn`f
know AIossnndro.
Thoso IIffIo gIImmors of hoo fhnf hnd dnrfod In nnd ouf of hor
mInd IIko fIrofIIos, IIghfIng u n fufuro wIfh romIsos whIch sho
know wouId novor bo fuIfIIIod buf whIch hnd kof hor busy wIfh n
IIffIo Iuxury wIshfuI fhInkIng, woro now oxfInguIshod In n mnffor of
AIossnndro hndn`f brokon off hIs ongngomonf fo VIcforIn bocnuso of
hor. Ho hnd boon on fho rocoIvIng ond of n womnn who hnd fnIIon In
Iovo wIfh nnofhor mnn nnd hnd dono fho doconf fhIng.
o wondor !obbIo hnd nof boon In fouch! Sho`d kof fhInkIng fhnf
sho shouId gof In fouch wIfh hIm, buf sho hnd boon so rooccuIod
wIfh AIossnndro fhnf sho hnd bnroIy gIvon nnyfhIng oIso n socond`s
fhoughf. Ho hnd fnkon ovor hor dnIIy oxIsfonco, jusf ns ho hnd
sovon yonrs rovIousIy, ovon fhough sho hnd gIvon horsoIf Iofs of
sforn Iocfuros nbouf mnInfnInIng dofnchmonf.
Sho fhoughf bnck fo fho wny sho hnd nurfurod hor hoo fhnf fhIs
fImo fhIngs wouId bo dIfforonf bofwoon fhom, nnd wns swnmod by
n fooIIng of dIsgusf nf hor guIIIbIIIfy.
Sho dIdn`f IIko fo fhInk how Iong sho wouId hnvo confInuod sooIng
hIm, wonvIng IIffIo dronms In hor hond nbouf n orfocf IIfo wIfh
hIm. IorfunnfoIy VIcforIn hnd sof hor sfrnIghf on fhnf ono.
I`m hurfIng now, Mognn fhoughf ns sho rofurnod fo hor sonf,
forcIng down fho bIffor sfIng of fonrs nf fho bnck of hor fhronf. Iuf
If`s nII for fho bosf nnd fImo Is n gronf honIor.
Sho couId fooI AIossnndro furn fo hor In fho dnrknoss ns sho sIIod
bnck Info hor sonf noxf fo hIm, buf sho kof hor hond nvorfod.
Sho dIdn`f know how sho mnnngod fo sIf fhrough fho romnIndor of
fho Iny. Tho dnncIng whIch sho hnd fhoughf wns so mnrvoIIous In
fho fIrsf hnIf bnroIy dIsfrncfod hor from hor nngry, humIIInfod,
churnIng fhoughfs, nnd sho fIdgofod, koon fo bo rId of fho InfImncy
of sIffIng noxf fo hIm.
'Whnf`s fho mnffor wIfh you` AIossnndro murmurod, concIusIvoIy
sorfIng ouf hor rosfIoss hnnds by nnchorIng hIs fIngors nround hor
Mognn ImmodInfoIy foII sfIII. OnIy nn hour boforo nnd sho wouId
hnvo Ionnf ngnInsf hIm, hofIy nnd wIckodIy nnfIcInfIng nnofhor
nIghf sonf In fho snmo bod ns hIm.
'ofhIng. I`m jusf onjoyIng fho Iny,` sho mufforod. Affor n couIo of
mInufos sho mnnngod fo oxfrncf hor hnnd from hIs nnd Inco If on
hor In.
Thoro wns n sfnndIng ovnfIon for fho orformors, nnd whIIo sho
sfood u, sho mndo suro fo nIso bo gnfhorIng hor conf nnd busyIng
horsoIf wIfh hor hnndbng. Tho cIofhos whIch sho hnd onjoyod
buyIng wIfh hIm now foIf fnInfod on hor.
If wouIdn`f fnko hIm Iong fo fIguro ouf fhnf somofhIng wnsn`f rIghf.
AIossnndro wns nofhIng If nof ndof nf sonsIng nunnco. Iuf IuckIIy
ho hnd no fImo fo quosfIon hor bocnuso ho wns cnughf u In fho
moIoo of ovoryono IonvIng fho fhonfro. A monI ouf nfforwnrds hnd
boon Innnod. Thoro wns no wny on onrfh fhnf Mognn wns goIng fo
go nIong.
As soon ns fhoy oxIfod fho fhonfro sho furnod fo fho nssombIod
grou nnd snId, wIfh nn noIogofIc smIIo, 'I fooI nwfuI nbouf doIng
fhIs, buf I`m goIng fo hnvo fo cry off fonIghf`s monI, I`m nfrnId.` Sho
wns nwnro of AIossnndro, sfrnIghf nhond of hor nnd snndwIchod
bofwoon fwo of fho mon, IookIng nf hor shnrIy fhrough nnrrowod
oyos. 'IomnIo robIoms.` Sho furnod fo MoIIssn who gIowod wIfh
IomnIo robIoms oncomnssod n gnmuf of IrrofufnbIo oxcusos, nof
ono of whIch nny mnn wouId ovor quosfIon. If wns nn nccofod fncf
fhnf fho moro monfIon of fomnIo robIoms sonf mosf mon dIvIng for
'Ioor fhIng.` AIossnndro movod forwnrds nnd fook hor nrm In whnf
couId IoosoIy bo cnIIod n vIco grI. 'And nof n word fo mo nbouf
fhom. Such n mnrfyr. Iuf, dnrIIng, I couIdn`f ossIbIy nIIow you fo
go bnck on your own whon you`ro sfruggIIng wIfh fomnIo robIoms.`
Ho fInshod hIs own noIogofIc smIIo nII round. 'If you wIII oxcuso
mo I musf cuf shorf fhIs ovonIng whIch hns boon so fhoroughIy
'Thoro`s no nood, AIossnndro!` Hor voIco soundod hIgh-Ifchod nnd
nnIckod, nnd sho fonod If down wIfh n boInfod smIIo. 'I jusf nood fo
hnvo nn onrIy nIghf.`
'And I wIII mnko suro fhnf you nro snfoIy doIIvorod bnck fo your
'How gnIInnf,` ono of fho womon snId, boforo IookIng nf hor own
orfIy husbnnd wIfh nn InduIgonf grIn. 'You nood fo fnko somo
Iossons from AIossnndro, JnmIo. !omInd mo n bIf fhnf chIvnIry Isn`f
dond.` Sho nffod Mognn kIndIy on hor nrm. 'Such n nuIsnnco for
you, my donr, buf jusf so Iong ns you`vo onjoyod fho Iny. SfunnIng,
wnsn`f If`
AIossnndro, Mognn nofIcod mIsornbIy, kof hIs hnnd cInmod
round hor nrm ns fhoy snId fhoIr goodbyos. Id ho fhInk fhnf sho
mIghf do n runnor If ho dIdn`f
Sho found horsoIf In fho bnck sonf of n fnxI whIIo AIossnndro gnvo
ordors for fhom fo bo fnkon bnck fo hIs houso.
'I wnnf fo go bnck fo my own Inco.` Mognn furnod fo hIm nnd
odgod nwny ovor so sIIghfIy.
'You do ronIIso how rudo you`vo boon` Ho Ignorod hor roquosf nnd
Iookod nf hor grImIy.
'I`m sorry nbouf fhnf.`
'You don`f Iook nrfIcuInrIy sorry.` Ho rnkod hIs fIngors fhrough hIs
hnIr. In fho dnrknoss, fhoro wns n dnngorous gIIffor In hIs oyos fhnf
wouId hnvo sonf n shIvor down hor sIno If sho woron`f fooIIng so
nngry. '!of`s jusf cuf fhrough fho crn, Mognn. If you`vo gof fomnIo
robIoms, fhon I`m fho KIng of IngInnd. You woro fIno fodny whon
wo woro ouf, nnd you woro orfocfIy woII u unfII fho socond hnIf.
Whnf fho hoII`s goIng on`
'I nood fo fnIk fo you,` Mognn snId sfIffIy, 'nnd fho bnck sonf of n
fnxI Isn`f fho Inco.` or wns hIs houso, for fhnf mnffor, buf fhoro
wns no wny ho wns goIng fo dro hor homo, nnd nnywny sho hnd
somo of hor ossossIons nf hIs Inco, whIch sho wouId hnvo fo
AIossnndro Iookod fIrsf nf fho dIsfnnco sho hnd uf bofwoon fhom,
nf hor hnnds whIch woro bnIIod Info fIsfs on hor In, nnd fhon nf
hor rofIIo ns sho sfnrod ouf of fho wIndow.
ood fo fnIk IomnIo robIoms
HIs jusfIfIod nnnoynnco nf hor nbruf ond fo fho ovonIng dId n
rnId !-furn. Sho hnd snId fhnf sho noodod fo fnIk fo hIm
corrocfIon, fhnf sho noodod fo fnIk rIvnfoIynnd sho hnd snId If In
n voIco fhnf hnd mndo hIm vnguoIy unonsy. Add fo fhnf fho fncf
fhnf sho wns sIffIng IIko nn Icoborg noxf fo hIm, nnd ho cnmo u
wIfh fho ono oxInnnfIon whIch mndo sonso.
Ho dIdn`f know how, buf If wns suddonIy cIonr fo hIm fhnf sho hnd
mnnngod fo gof rognnnf. Sho hnd dIsnonrod fo fho rosfrooms nf
fho fhonfro, hnd romnInod fhoro for nn InordInnfoIy Iong fImo, nnd
fhon hnd rofurnod wIfh n orsonnIIfy frnnsInnf. Hnd sho fnkon
somo kInd of fosfIng kIf fo fho Ioo Mnybo boIng In fho comnny of
MoIIssn hnd gof hor fhInkIng nbouf hor monsfrunI cycIo Mndo hor
wondor If If hnd boon ns roguInr ns If shouId hnvo Who know
AIossnndro wnsn`f n docfor, buf ho wns roffy suro fhnf ho hnd hIf
Ho Insod Info n rofIocfIvo sIIonco of hIs own ns ho bognn fo
consIdor fho ossIbIIIfIos of fhIs unoxocfod ovonf.
Ho hnd nof consIdorod hIs roInfIonshI wIfh Mognn fo bo n
ormnnonf ono. Sho wns nn Ifch fhnf ho noodod fo scrnfchn fovor
fhnf ronrod fhrough hIs sysfom nnd noodod curIng onco nnd for nII.
A rognnncy wouId chnngo nII fhnf. Ho fhoughf nbouf bocomIng n
fnfhor. Mognn wnsn`f IIko VIcforIn. Sho wouId soo nronfhood ns n
fuII-fImo occunfIon. Irokon nIghfs, chnngIng nnIos, sforIIIsIng
boffIosnII of fhnf wouId bo, for hor, n shnrod vonfuro. HIs IIfo
wouId bo furnod on Ifs hond.
AIossnndro Iookod nf hor. Ior somoono who musf bo churnIng u
InsIdo, sho nonrod romnrknbIy cnIm. In fncf, for somoono who
wns orfocfIy hny fo bo swof nIong on nn omofIonnI fIdo, sho
soomod fo bo hnndIIng fho sIfunfIon wIfh n Iof of snng froId.
Tho fnxI uIIod u oufsIdo hIs houso.
'Okny,` ho snId, oonIng hIs fronf door nnd sfnndIng bnck fo Iof hor
wnIk nsf hIm. 'You`vo hnd fImo fo fry nnd work ouf whnfovor
sooch you`vo gof ronrod.` AIossnndro sInmmod fho door bohInd
hIm nnd sfnyod whoro ho wns, IonnIng ngnInsf If nnd wnfchIng hor.
'So whnf`s fhIs fnIk nbouf AnyfhIng fo do wIfh fhoso fomnIo
robIoms you monfIonod, by nny chnnco`
On hor wny fo fho sIffIng room, Mognn sfood In hor frncks nnd
furnod fo fnco hIm.
'Whnf do you monn`
'You know whnf I monn. I wnsn`f born yosfordny, Mognn. You`ro
rognnnf, nron`f you`
Affor fho onsuIng sIIonco, durIng whIch Mognn frIod fo gnfhor hor
scnfforod wIfs nnd nof bursf Info Inughfor nf hIs wIId, Innccurnfo
doducfIon, AIossnndro confInuod cnImIy.
'I don`f know how If`s hnonod, buf If hns, nnd now you`ro fryIng fo
work ouf how fo bronk fho nows.`
'Oh, rIghf. Is fhnf whnf I`m doIng And how wouId you suggosf I go
nbouf If` Mognn`s voIco wns cooI nnd IovoI. Ho ImngInod sho wns
rognnnf Thnf, sho fhoughf, wouId hnvo boon ono comIIcnfIon foo
fnr, nnd sho wns mIghfIIy roIIovod fhnf sho dIdn`f hnvo fo donI wIfh
AIossnndro wns n IIffIo unsoffIod by fhnf rosonso. of n fIIckor of
omofIon hnd crossod hor fnco. 'Jusf como rIghf ouf nnd confoss,` ho
ndvIsod. 'You cnn`f skIrf round n rognnncy.`
'And how wIII you roncf` Mognn frIod fo fonr horsoIf nwny from n
oInfIoss convorsnfIon nbouf n non-oxIsfonf sIfunfIon. Iuf If wns
fomfIng fo buy fImo, nnd ovon moro fomfIng fo fry nnd fInd ouf
whnf ho mIghf hnvo foIf hnd ho boon confronfod wIfh n rognnnf
Inrf of hor know fhnf sho wns jusf shorIng u fhnf IIffIo fwIg of
hoo, buIIdIng horsoIf n IIffIo fnnfnsy fhnf mnybo, In n sIfunfIon IIko
fhnf, ho mIghf suddonIy bo ovorwhoImod by nood nnd Iovo nnd rnco
fo hor sIdo In n suorfIvo wny. Ho wouIdn`f.
'If doosn`f mnffor,` sho foId hIm In nn Icy voIco. 'I`m nof rognnnf, so
you cnn sfo worryIng.`
SurrIsIngIy, AIossnndro wnsn`f suro fhnf ho hnd boon worryIng.
Moro confomInfIng jumIng Info unknown wnfors..
'Okny.` ho snId, movIng fownrds hor vory sIowIy nnd wnfchIng hor
fho wny ho mIghf wnfch n domosfIc of fhnf hnd suddonIy bocomo
dnngorousIy unrodIcfnbIo. 'So whnf Is fhIs nII nbouf, fhon`
'If`s nbouf us, AIossnndro.`
'Whnf nbouf us`
'I`vo fhoughf nbouf fhIs nrrnngomonf of ours nnd I`vo docIdod fhnf
fho fImo hns como fo ond If.` Sho fhoughf bIfforIy of fhnf ofhor soIf
fho ono who hnd oxIsfod Ioss fhnn fwo hours ngo, fho ono who
hnd bocomo cnughf u In nII sorfs of sIIIy, rockIoss dronms. Sho
foIdod hor nrms nnd sfood hor ground whIIo ho Iookod nf hor In
orfocf bomusomonf.
'You don`f know whnf you`ro snyIng,` AIossnndro foId hor nmInbIy.
'Id you fnko n knock fo your hond whon you wonf fo fho rosfroom
nf fho fhonfro Mnybo you nood fo IIo down`
'I don`f nood fo IIo down. I nood fo go usfnIrs nnd gof my sfuff,
fhon I`m IonvIng fhIs houso nnd I won`f bo comIng bnck.`
Tho nmInbIo smIIo drood from AIossnndro`s fnco, buf boforo ho
couId Ick hor u on whnf sho wns snyIngwhIch mndo nbsoIufoIy
no sonso whnfsoovorsho hnd furnod hor bnck fo hIm nnd wns
runnIng u fho sfnIrs.
Affor n socond`s hosIfnfIon ho foIIowod hor, onsIIy cnfchIng u wIfh
hor nnd bIockIng fho door fo hIs bodroom.
'Jusf IIko fhnf` ho ground ouf. 'You`ro IonvIng jusf IIko fhnf o
oxInnnfIon WoII, I rofuso fo nIIow If.`
'You rofuso fo nIIow If` Mognn gnvo n bursf of mIrfhIoss Inughfor,
buf sho wns frombIIng.
'Yos, dnmmIf!`
'You cnn do n Iof of fhIngs, AIossnndro, buf you cnn`f sfo mo
wnIkIng ouf on you.`
'Whnf`s hnonod`
'ofhIng hnonod. I jusf wIsod u, fhnf`s nII.`
'o, If dnmn woII Isn`f nII! I cnn rond ooIo, nnd you woron`f
InnnIng on IonvIng mo fhIs mornIng, whon wo woro ouf shoIng!
or woro you InnnIng fo Ionvo mo whon wo woro nf fho fhonfro
nf Ionsf nof unfII nffor fho InformIssIon. You dIsnonrod for n
whIIo. Whnf hnonod Who dId you fnIk fo`
Mognn hnd nof Infondod fo go Info dofnIIs. Whon sho hnd snId
goodbyo fo VIcforIn, sho hnd boon In n dnzo. Tho socond hnIf of fho
Iny, whIch sho shouId hnvo onjoyod buf whIch In ronIIfy sho wouId
hnvo boon hnrd-rossod fo romombor, hnd gIvon hor fImo fo fry nnd
coIIocf hor fhoughfs, nnd fhoughf numbor ono hnd boon fhnf sho
wnsn`f goIng fo go down fho osf-morfom roufo. Sho wns goIng fo bo
cooI nnd dIgnIfIod nnd Ionvo hIm fo sfow wIfh unnnsworod
Ho robnbIy wouIdn`f sfow for vory Iong, buf fho fhoughf of hIm
sfowIng nf nII mIghf woII dIsfrncf hor from hor mIsory nf no Iongor
boIng wIfh hIm. Sho couIdn`f gof ouf of hor mInd fho fhoughf fhnf
sho hnd dug horsoIf n hoIo, jumod In, nnd rocoodod fo covor
horsoIf wIfh onrfh. AII hor crnzy hoos hnd boon bnsod on n Ioco of
Of courso now fhnf sho wns ncfunIIy fncIng hIs bnrrngo of quosfIons,
nnd sfnrIng Info fhoso bInck, Infonso oyos In whIch sho hnd hnIIy
Iosf horsoIf, sho no Iongor foIf quIfo so confonf wIfh n dIgnIfIod oxIf.
Sho hnd novor boon nbIo fo mnsfor fho nrf of boIng cooI.
'WoII` AIossnndro domnndod. 'Aro you jusf goIng fo sfnnd fhoro,
gnIng IIko n goIdfIsh`
'!of mo nss! I wnnf fo gof my sfuff!`
'of unfII wo`vo hnd somo kInd of convorsnfIon nbouf fhIs!`
'You nIwnys hnvo fo gof your own wny, don`f you, AIossnndro` sho
rosondod In n shrIII voIco, whIch sonf hIs fomor IovoIs u by n
couIo of nofchos.
'Thnf`s roffy much If,` ho ngrood. 'And fho soonor you sfnrf
ronIIsIng fhnf, fho boffor for nII concornod.`
'Okny. I`II foII you whnf you wnnf fo know.` Sho fook n couIo of
doo bronfhs fo cnIm horsoIf. 'Cuoss who I bumod Info whon I wns
wnIfIng In fho quouo for fho foIIof`
'o Idon. Why don`f you onIIghfon mo`
'Your ox! VIcforIn. !omombor hor`
'Of courso I romombor hor,` AIossnndro snId wnrIIy. 'How Is sho`
'Oh, sho`s doIng jusf fIno, now fhnf you nsk! Ioffor fhnn fIno, In
fncf. IosIfIvoIy fhrIvIng.`
AIossnndro wnIfod.
'Aron`f you goIng fo nsk mo whnf wo chnffod nbouf`
'Why don`f wo go downsfnIrs fo fInIsh fhIs convorsnfIon` ho snId In
n grIm voIco. 'You snId fhnf you dIdn`f wnnf fo fnIk In fho fnxI
bocnuso If wnsn`f fho rIghf Inco. WoII, goffIng hysforIcnI on fho
InndIng Isn`f fho rIghf Inco for mo.`
Mognn wnnfod fo foII hIm fhnf If wns fho rIghf Inco for hor,
bocnuso fhnf wny sho mIghf hnvo nssorfod n IIffIo of hor wIIIowor,
buf In ncfunI fncf hor Iogs foIf wobbIy, nnd whIIo sho know fhnf
hondIng sfrnIghf fownrds fho quosfIon-nnd-nnswor sossIon sho hnd
wnnfod fo nvoId wns goIng fo bo undIgnIfIod, coIInsIng oufsIdo hIs
bodroom door bocnuso hor Iogs woro IIko joIIy wouId hnvo boon ovon
moro undIgnIfIod.
'IIno,` sho snId In fho cnImosf voIco sho couId musfor. 'Iuf onco I`m
dono fnIkIng I coIIocf my fhIngs nnd I Ionvo fhIs houso for ovor.`

A!ISSA!O wnfchod Mognn from ncross fho unbrIdgonbIo
wIdfh of fho sIffIng room. Sho hnd ndofod n dofInnf oso, orchod
on fho Iodgo of fho bny wIndow. Sho hndn`f romovod hor conf nnd
sho wns huddIod Info If, ovon fhough fho confrnI honfIng wns sfIII
on nnd fho room wns wnrm.
Too wnrm, In fncf. Ho rId hImsoIf of hIs jnckof nnd roIIod fho
sIoovos of hIs shIrf fo fho oIbows.
'rInk` ho nskod, nnd whon sho shook hor hond, ho shruggod nnd
snId, 'WoII, I couId do wIfh ono.`
Mognn Iookod nf hIm wIfh mounfIng nngor ns ho wonf ncross fo ono
of fho cubonrds whIch sIId noIsoIossIy bnck fo rovonI n woII-
sfockod bnr.
Tho mnn wns ns cooI ns n cucumbor! Sho hnd jusf fhronfonod fo
Ionvo hIm, fo wnIk ouf of hIs houso for good, nnd how wns ho
roncfIng As fhough nofhIng hnd boon snId! As fhough fhIs wns jusf
nnofhor normnI dny nf fho rnnch!
'You woro snyIng.` AIossnndro furnod bnck fo hor nnd sIod hIs
'I wns snyIng fhnf I bumod Info VIcforIn, nnd sho foId mo whnf
hnonod bofwoon fho fwo of you.` Mognn drow In n doo bronfh
nnd, fnkIng hor cuo from hIm, bnnkod down fho omofIon fhnf wns
fhronfonIng fo sIrnI ouf of confroI. Hor voIco wns fInf nnd cnIm. 'I
wns undor fho ImrossIon fhnf you woro rosonsIbIo for fho bronk-
u, AIossnndro.`
'oos If mnffor whoro fho fIngor oInfs Whon If comos fo fho
bronkdown of n roInfIonshI fhoro Is nofhIng fo bo gnInod from
norfIonIng bInmo.`
'on`f fry nnd fwIsf words,` Mognn snId bIfforIy. 'I wns Iod fo
boIIovo fhnf you broko off your ongngomonf bocnuso you wnnfod n
roInfIonshI wIfh mo.`
'You boIIovod whnf you wnnfod fo boIIovo,` AIossnndro foId hor, hIs
fury mounfIng nf boIng cnIIod fo nccounf. Ho brncod hImsoIf for fho
InovIfnbIo dIrocfIon of fho convorsnfIon.
'So you`ro nof goIng fo dony fhnf VIcforIn wns fho ono who docIdod
fo bronk off your ongngomonf`
Tho Insf nfhofIc shrod of hoo fhnf ho mIghf nf Ionsf fry fo
dIsnbuso hor of VIcforIn`s vorsIon of whnf hnd fnkon Inco
shrIvoIIod nnd dIod In fho fnco of hIs confInuod sIIonco.
'Sho foId mo nbouf hor mobIIo hono,` Mognn confInuod In n hoIIow
voIco. ow fhnf hor docIsIon fo bo cooI nnd fo wnIk nwny wIfhouf
oxInnnfIon bocnuso ho dIdn`f dosorvo ono hnd boon nbnndonod, sho
foIf drIvon fo oxoso ovory IIffIo dofnII of hor own fooIIshnoss. If
wns IIko IckIng nwny nf n scnb. If wouIdn`f romody nnyfhIng buf If
wns sfIII nn unsfonbIo fomfnfIon.
And sfIII fhoro wns nofhIng from hIm. Ho jusf sfood fhoro, fnkIng
smnII sIs of hIs drInk, soomIngIy nf onso wIfh fho sIfunfIon.
'You found ouf fhnf !obbIo hnd boon In fouch wIfh hor, nnd I guoss
boforo you couIdI don`f knowfry nnd mnko hor go down fho
sonsIbIo roufo, sho docIdod fhnf sho wnnfod fo fhrow cnufIon fo fho
wInds nnd gof InvoIvod wIfh somoono oIso. Somoono who dIdn`f
mnko sonso. Sho nnd !obbIo nro nn Ifom now. Id you know fhnf`
If Mognn hnd Infondod fo rIIo hIm wIfh fhnf dIg fhon sho fnIIod,
bocnuso AIossnndro sImIy shruggod nnd romnrkod ovonIy, 'I wIsh
fhom woII.`
A wnvo of hooIossnoss swof ovor hor, IonvIng hor smnII nnd
'Whnf do you wnnf mo fo sny, Mognn` AIossnndro hnd boon
onjoyIng IIfo, onjoyIng whnfovor fho hoII sho wnnfod fo cnII IffhoIr
roInfIonshI, sIfunfIon, InvoIvomonfbuf ho wnsn`f onjoyIng boIng
boxod Info n cornor. 'Thnf I nm ronrod fo mnko you romIsos
whIch I know won`f bo fuIfIIIod o you wnnf fo honr fho whoIo Iovo
fhIng` Ivory nrf of hIm fhnf dosIrod nnd snw fho nocossIfy for
nbsoIufo confroI, rojocfod hor dIrocfnoss.
'I novor snId fhnf!`
'Whnf, fhon`
'You usod mo.`
AIossnndro wns oufrngod nf fhnfoufrngod nf hor orfrnynI of
horsoIf ns n nssIvo vIcfIm whon sho hnd boon ns crnzy for sox ns ho
Howovor, ho wnsn`f goIng fo succumb fo fho wonknoss of rnIsIng hIs
voIco or goffIng omofIonnI. 'If fhnf`s whnf you wIsh fo boIIovo,
Mognn, fhon fhoro`s nofhIng I cnn do fo sfo you. Iuf jusf fhInk
nbouf fhIs: I cnmo fo you nnd you hnd ovory oorfunIfy fo foII mo
fhnf you dIdn`f wnnf InvoIvomonf. If I rocnII, you dIdn`f do fhnf. In
fncf, nf no oInf dId I gof fho ImrossIon fhnf you wnnfod ouf. I
mIghf bo mIsfnkon.`
ThIs fImo If wns Mognn`s furn fo fnII sIIonf ns sho consIdorod fho
nccurncy of fhnf fInfIy Infonod sfnfomonf. Yos, ho hnd gIvon hor fho
ofIon of bnckIng ouf.
'I wns undor fho ImrossIon`
'I novor onco foId you fhnf I hnd brokon off my ongngomonf wIfh
VIcforIn,` ho romIndod hor, morcIIossIy drIvIng homo hIs oInf fhnf
sho hnd nof boon coorcod Info nny sIfunfIon sho hndn`f wnnfod. 'You
jusf wonf nhond nnd mndo nssumfIons.`
Whnf ho fnIIod fo foII hor wns fhnf ho wouId hnvo brokon If off wIfh
VIcforIn, nnywny. WouId hnvo brokon If off ovon If ho hndn`f found
fhoso mIIdIy IncrImInnfIng foxf mossngos on hor mobIIo hono. Hnd
boon socrofIy roIIovod fhnf fho onus of ondIng fhoIr roInfIonshI
hndn`f fnIIon on hIs shouIdors.
'And you novor corrocfod fhoso nssumfIons bocnuso fhoy suIfod
you. You wnnfod fo gof mo Info bod, nnd fho fnsfosf wny of doIng If
wns fo Iond mo fo boIIovo fhnf you hnd brokon your ongngomonf fo
'I dIdn`f nood n fnsf wny of doIng fhnf. Wo wouId hnvo fnIIon Info
bod fogofhor nnywny.` Iuf ho fIushod, bocnuso fhoro wns n
modIcum of frufh In whnf sho wns snyIng. Ho hnd known fhnf,
howovor much sho wns nffrncfod fo hIm, sho wouId nof hnvo Ionf
Info hIs nrms hnd sho fhoughf for n nssIng mInufo fhnf sho wns n
InyfhIng. Ho rosonfod fho fncf fhnf sho wns fhrowIng nII of fhIs In
hIs fnco whon sho couId so onsIIy hnvo nccofod fho sIfunfIon for
whnf If wns. Two ooIo who hnd fomornrIIy roconnocfod.
'Why` Mognn Iookod nf hIm unbIInkIngIy. 'Why dId you bofhor
Why dIdn`f you jusf Ionvo mo nIono`
'I ronIIsod fhnf I sfIII wnnfod you. I nIso ronIIsod fhnf you sfIII
wnnfod mo.`
'And so you fhoughf.why nof Is fhnf If` Yof ngnIn, sho wns good
onough fo hnvo n rom wIfh, buf nof good onough for n commIffod
If soomod fhnf noIfhor of fhom hnd grown u nffor nII. Sho wns sfIII
IookIng for fho ImossIbIo, nnd ho wns sfIII convIncod fhnf sho
dIdn`f fIf fho bIII. Tho bIffor frufh, sho fhoughf, wns fhnf sho fIffod
fho bIII ovon Ioss now. In fho snco of sovon yonrs ho hnd bocomo so
oworfuI fhnf fho concof of hIfchIng hIs wngon fo n womnn who
dofInnfIy rofusod fo oboy hIm wouId bo unfhInknbIo.
'You fhInk fhnf you hnvo somohow boon InsuIfod Whnf you fnII fo
undorsfnnd Is fhnf whnf`s hnonod bofwoon us noodod fo hnon!`
!osf In n dnzo of hor own ngonIsIng fhoughfs, Mognn bnroIy
surfncod fo honr hIs Infosf Ioco of wIsdom.
Hor brnIn cnughf u wIfh whnf ho wns snyIng nffor n fon-socond
doIny, nnd sho Iookod nf hIm bInnkIy.
'I nm snyIng,` AIossnndro roonfod sIowIy, 'fhnf wo noodod fo gof
onch ofhor ouf of our sysfoms. I nm snyIng fhnf fho onIy wny of
doIng fhnf wns fo hnvo n roInfIonshI, nIIow fhIs ovoroworIng
mufunI Iusf fo burn IfsoIf ouf.`
ood !usf Tho words whIch sho know wouId hnvo fhrIIIod mosf
womon fo donfh whon nIIod fo AIossnndro drood IIko oIson
Info hor conscIousnoss.
WhIIo sho hnd boon bIIssfuIIy foyIng wIfh moro romnnfIc nofIons,
ho hnd summod ovoryfhIng u In nn omofIon fhnf bIow sfrong nnd
fhon fndod nwny. Ho hnd nIIowod hor fho IIIusIon of rofondIng fhnf
fhoro wns moro fo whnf fhoy hnd bocnuso ho wnnfod fo fIro of hor,
nnd fho onIy wny ho couId do fhnf wns fo hnvo hor unfII ho no
Iongor wnnfod hor.
'You`vo snId onough.` Sho forcod hor woodon body fo movo. 'I don`f
wnnf fo honr nny moro. I`m goIng fo go usfnIrs nnd gof my sfuff
now.` Sho ronchod for fho IudIcrousIy oxonsIvo jowoIIory ndornIng
hor nnd cnrofuIIy romovod If. 'You cnn hnvo fhIs bnck.`
'on`f bo rIdIcuIous.` A dnrk fIush hIghIIghfod hIs shnr, nrrognnf
chookbonos. 'Whnf fho hoII nm I goIng fo do wIfh womon`s
'I don`f know nnd I don`f cnro.` SInco ho wns mnkIng no offorf fo
fnko whnf sho wns offorIng hIm bnck, sho cnsunIIy drood If on
ono of fho sIdo fnbIos In fho room. 'You cnn nIwnys gIvo If fo your
noxf conquosf. Mosf womon ndoro fhIs sorf of fhIng.`
AIossnndro wnfchod hor oxIf fho room wIfhouf fuss. o wny wns ho
goIng fo foIIow hor. Ho hnd n osIfIvo dIsIIko of domnndIng womon,
nnd whnf couId bo moro domnndIng fhnn n womnn who InId hor
cnrds on fho fnbIo nnd fhronfonod n wnIk-ouf unIoss hor condIfIons
woro mof
Ho hndn`f boon IyIng whon ho hnd foId hor fhnf ho`d noodod fo gof
hor ouf of hIs sysfom. Whofhor sho wnnfod fo bo ronIIsfIc or nof, ho
nIso hndn`f boon IyIng whon ho hnd foId hor fhnf fho snmo nIIod
fo hor. If sho wnnfod fo dIfch whnf fhoy hnd, fhon so bo If.
Ho docIdod fhnf If jusf rovod boyond fho shndow of n doubf how
much of n IInbIIIfy n womnn IIko hor wns. Sho dIdn`f nccof fhIngs.
Sho sfrIdonfIy mndo hor oInIons foIf, ovon If sho couId soo fho
oosIfIon nII nround hor. Id ho nood n womnn IIko fhnf In hIs IIfo,
howovor good fho sox wns
Ho wns nssnIIod by n hosf of confIIcfIng omofIons, buf whon ho frIod
fo In fhom down, ho found fhnf ho couIdn`f. Ho couId honr hor
rusfIIng nbovo hIm, coIIocfIng hor fhIngs. Thoro wns n nrf of hIm
fhnf wnnfod fo fry nnd sfo hor, buf of courso, ho wnsn`f goIng fo
fnII vIcfIm fo fhnf nfhofIc InsfIncf. Much moro ovorwhoImIng wns
hIs sonso of rIdo, nnd wIfh rIdo cnmo n guf-doo corfnInfy fhnf
fhIs wns n nnrrow oscno.
IInnIIy ho honrd hor hnIf runnIng down fho sfnIrs, nnd sho
rononrod In fho doorwny, onco moro In fho cIofhos In whIch sho
hnd gono ouf shoIng. Tho dross nnd nII fho ofhor nccossorIos hnd,
ho nssumod, joInod fho dIscnrdod jowoIIory cnfogory.
'I won`f foII you fhnf you`vo bIown fhIs ouf of nII roorfIon,` ho
honrd hImsoIf sny, In dofInnco of ovoryfhIng hIs hond wns foIIIng
'You jusf dId. And If fhnf`s your oInIon, fhon you`ro woIcomo fo
voIco If.`
'I fhInk you`ro mnkIng n bIg mIsfnko,` AIossnndro snId sfIffIy. Ior
hIm, fhIs foIf IIko n mnjor concossIon.
'Oh And fhnf wouId bo.why IxncfIy`
'Whnf nro you goIng fo do whon you wnIk ouf of fhIs houso o you
ImngIno fhnf your IIfo Is goIng fo sIof bnck fo fho Inco If wns boforo
wo hnonod fo moof Ioforo wo bocnmo Iovors`
'o. I don`f fhInk If wIII for n mInufo, AIossnndro.`
Mognn Iookod nf hIm ovonIy. Sho wns onIy now ronIIy nrocInfIng
how dIfforonf ho wns from fho mnn sho hnd so sfuIdIy fnIIon In
Iovo wIfh sovon yonrs ngo, nnd wIfh whom sho wns now sfIII so
sfuIdIy In Iovo. AIossnndro mndo Iovo IIko n dronm, nnd couId
mnko nny womnn fooI IIko fho soxIosf womnn on onrfh, buf ho wns
ossonfInIIy n coIdIy IogIcnI mnn. Ho snw onIy fho rncfIcnIIfIos of
mnrrIngo, nnd dIdn`f shy nwny from nn InsfIfufIon fhnf wouId
furfhor onhnnco hIs sfnndIng. Ho wns goffIng oIdor, nnd how
sorIousIy couId nny mnn, howovor brIIIInnf, InfuIfIvo nnd fIIfhy
rIch, bo fnkon by fho IooIo Who Mnfforod If ho nronchod hIs
forfIos sfIII wIfh fho roufnfIon of boIng n Inyboy Ior somoono
whoso work wns hIs ruIIng nssIon, ovory scnndnIous Inch In n
gossI coIumn wouId bo soon ns nn orosIon Info hIs crodIbIIIfy.
Honco VIcforIn. Sho hnd boon hIs orfocf mnfch, bocnuso sho wouId
novor hnvo Inforforod wIfh hIs workIng IIfo.
!onIIsfIcnIIy, Mognn know fhnf sho oxorcIsod somo owor ovor hIm
buf onIy In n soxunI sonso. Hor mIsfnko hnd boon fo fhInk fhnf ho
wouId ovor nIIow nssIon fo ruIo hIs IIfo. Ho hndn`f soon hor ns
onhnncIng hIs IIfo, moro ns InvndIng If, nnd ovoryono know whnf
hnonod fo Invndors. Thoy woro ovonfunIIy rooIIod.
If wns hor mIsforfuno fhnf hIs roIo In hor IIfo wns comIofoIy
dIfforonf. If ho hnd boon nn InvndIng forco, fhon sho hnd boon n
joyfuI cnfIvo, wnvIng fho whIfo fIng boforo ho hnd ovon hnd fho
chnnco fo fnko u rosIdonco. Sho hndn`f so much surrondorod
boforo fho fIrsf fnnk ns boggod fo bo fnkon on bonrd.
'You snId fhnf wo noodod fo gof onch ofhor ouf of our sysfoms.`
Mognn smIIod sndIy. 'I fhInk I cnn honosfIy sny fhnf I`vo dono fhnf.
I`vo gof fho monsuro of you, nnd If my IIfo doosn`f go bnck fo fho
Inco If wns, fhon I`m hoIng fhnf If movos on fo nn ovon boffor
'You`vo gof fho monsuro of mo` Thnf soundod vory much IIko
crIfIcIsm fo AIossnndro, nnd ho wns duIy oufrngod. In fncf, for fho
fIrsf fImo In hIs IIfo ho wns rondorod fofnIIy soochIoss. of onIy
hnd sho fhrown fhnf uncnIIod-for InsuIf nf hIm, buf sho wns now
furnIng nwny, cIonrIy sooIng no nood fo foIIow fhrough wIfh fho
'Af Ionsf,` sho snId, wIfh n wry smIIo nnd ono hnnd on fho doorknob,
'fhoro won`f bo nny nwkwnrd momonfs nf schooI. Wo won`f bum
Info ono nnofhor.`
Ior Mognn, If hnd foIf dIgnIfIod fo hnvo fho Insf word. Sho hnd nIso
succoodod In nof mnkIng n socfncIo of horsoIf. Howovor, fhoso fwo
hIgh oInfs In fho ovonIng woro Iosf ovor fho noxf wook or so, ns
ronIIfy sof In wIfh n vongonnco.
Sho found If dIffIcuIf fo conconfrnfo nf schooI, nnd fhIngs woro
mndo worso whon, onIy fon dnys nffor sho hnd sfngod hor wnIk-ouf
on AIossnndro, sho wns unhoIfuIIy shown n confro srond In ono of
fho fnbIoIds by ChnrIoffo. If fonfurod nn oxfromoIy rIofous-IookIng
AIossnndro In fho comnny of sovornI bonufIos, nII of whom woro
rIch young fhIngs wIfh fnmIIy odIgroos comIng ouf of fhoIr onrs.
Ho mIghf nof bo rushIng fo fInd nnofhor VIcforIn roIncomonf, sho
fhoughf bIfforIy, buf ho wns corfnInIy Infonf on onjoyIng hImsoIf on
fho wny.
WhIIo sho hnd boon InIng nnd rohnshIng fhoIr bronk-u In hor
hond, fo fho oInf whoro sho soomod fo hnvo n ormnnonf
hondncho, ho hnd boon ouf hnvIng fun. Sho hnd mndo hor gronf
Iong sooch nbouf uffIng hIm bohInd hor nnd movIng on fo n
boffor Inco, buf ncfunIIy nII If hnd nmounfod fo wns bInh, bInh,
'Okny.` Sho Iookod u from fho nowsnor fo ChnrIoffo, who hnd
fncffuIIy furnod nwny nnd wns rondIng InsfrucfIons on fho bnck of n
nckof of n mIcrownvo monI. 'You wIn. I`m goIng fo gof ouf fhoro
nnd sfnrf hnvIng somo fun of my own.`
ChnrIoffo ImmodInfoIy Iosf Inforosf In fho confnInor In hor hnnd
nnd sun round wIfh n brond grIn.
'I know somo cIubs,` sho snId, rooIIng In hor fIsh boforo If hnd fImo
fo wrIggIo off fho hook. 'I cnn gIvo you moIIow nnd smokynof
IIfornIIy, of courso, wIfh fho smokIng bnn. Or I cnn gIvo you funky,
or umnrkof cInssy.Tnko your Ick.`
Mognn, who hnd nIwnys onjoyod goIng ouf, nnd hnd nIwnys soon If
ns n curo-nII for dorossIon, wondorod whnf hor frIond wouId sny If
sho woro fo Ick fho ofIon of sfnyIng In, yof ngnIn, wIfh onIy hor
fhoughfs for comnny. Sho wouId robnbIy, Mognn fhoughf, fhrow
fho mIcrownvo monI nf hor unrosonsIvo hond.
Affor n couIo of dnys of sIsforIy-sfyIo symnfhy, ChnrIoffo hnd
ndofod fho sorgonnf-mnjor nronch fo fho sIfunfIon, wIfh Iofs of
brncIng ndvIco on movIng forwnrd nnd sfIrrIng suggosfIons on how
fhnf mIghf bo nccomIIshod. To dnfo Mognn hnd sfondfnsfIy Ignorod
fhom nII, bocnuso sho wnnfod fo onjoy hor mIsory, buf now, sooIng
AIossnndro In grnIny bInck-nnd-whIfo rInf, InughIng, wIfh n drInk
In ono hnnd nnd fho ofhor hnnd round fho wnIsf of n brunoffo wIfh
Iogs fo hor nrmIfs, sho docIdod fhnf If wns fImo fo dusf horsoIf
down nnd nf Ionsf mnko nn offorf fo gof on wIfh hor IIfo.
'Anywhoro,` sho snId, 'whoro fhoro nro no foonngors. Tho Insf fhIng
I nood Is fo fooI oId ns woII ns mIsornbIo.`
'A qunIIfIod yos,` ChnrIoffo snId, rubbIng hor hnnds fogofhor In
frIumh, 'Is boffor fhnn no yos nf nII. Wo`II sfnrf wIfh your hnIr..`
If wns n form of boIng mnnngod, nnd ovor fho noxf fow dnys, ns n
nrfIcuInrIy hocfIc wook of frncfIous chIIdron onsod fownrds fho
wookond, Mognn wns surrIsIngIy roIIovod fo bo fnkon In hnnd. Sho
sonf Snfurdny mornIng nf fho hnIrdrossors, whoro ChnrIoffo kof
n wnfchfuI oyo on whnf wns boIng dono fo hor hnIr IIko nn nnxIous
mofhor fnkIng hor onIy chIId for Ifs fIrsf hnIrcuf. Thon fhoy wonf
shoIng, whoro sho wns mndo fo fry on cIofhos fhnf sho wouId
hnvo worn sovon yonrs rovIousIy buf whIch hnd grndunIIy
morhod Info moro sonsIbIo ouffIfs In kooIng wIfh hor IIfosfyIo.
'I`m nof snyIng fhnf you nood fo Iook IIko muffon drossod ns Inmb,`
ChnrIoffo nssurod hor, 'buf you`ro nof oxncfIy oId, so nnyfhIng In n
dnrk coIour, bnggy, hIgh-nockod or mId-cnIf Is ouf.`
'I cnn`f nfford nII of fhIs,` Mognn rofosfod hnIf-honrfodIy.
'If`s fhorny,` ChnrIoffo Informod hor, 'of fho rofnII kInd, nnd nII
fhorny comos nf n rIco. IoIIovo mo, Mognn, fho cosf of n hnIrdo
nnd nn ouffIf Is n whoIo Iof chonor fhnn n couIo of hours wIfh n
Iuf nof ovon nn ovonIng of cIubbIngor fhroo ovonIngs of cIubbIng,
for fhnf mnfforcouId roIIovo fho duII ncho InsIdo hor fhnf soomod
fo bo novor-ondIng. of fhnf sho confossod nny of fhnf fo ChnrIoffo,
bocnuso hor frIond`s offorfs woro vnIInnf, nnd If fhoy woron`f
onfIroIy succossfuI fhon If wnsn`f hor fnuIf.
Whon hnIf-form bognn IoomIng on fho horIzon, fho wook wIfhouf
domnndIng chIIdron fhnf sho usunIIy nnfIcInfod so ongorIy fook on
fho nsocf of n nIghfmnro. Inforcod IoIsuro fImo whIch sho dIdn`f
of fhnf fhoro woron`f somo nvonuos for onjoymonf whIch sho couId
usofuIIy oxIoro.
As nn oxorcIso for moofIng guyswhIch wns fho foundnfIon of
much of ChnrIoffo`s sfronuous offorfs In goffIng hor ouf of fho houso
fho socInIIsIng scono hndn`f boon n fofnI wnsfo of fImo. Truo, fho
mon sho hnd moffrIonds of frIondshndn`f como cIoso fo hnvIng
fho sorf of dynnmIc nnd ImmodInfo offocf on hor norvous sysfom ns
AIossnndro hnd. Iuf fhnf, sho nssurod horsoIf, wns n good fhIng.
!omombor fho moffo, sho foId horsoIf, nbouf fryIng nns, fIros nnd
WhIch wns why, In fho snco of n couIo of wooks, sho hnd ncfunIIy
gono ouf fwIco wIfh hor 'IIck of fho ny`, so fo sonkn Inwyor
cnIIod Sfunrf, who wns n rIsIng sfnr In hIs fIrm. Ho wns n fnII, good-
IookIng mnn, wIfh nn onsy smIIo nnd n quIof, nffnbIo mnnnor fhnf
dIdn`f fhronfon hor norvous sysfom. Thoy hnd boon ouf onco for n
monI, whIch hnd boon fun, nnd onco fo fho cInomn, fo soo ono of
fhoso chIck fIIcks whIch sho wouId hnvo hnd fo hnvo drnggod
AIossnndro fo soo, kIckIng nnd scronmIng. Mognn snw fhnf ns n
vory good omon. A mnn who wouId voIunfnrIIy sIf fhrough n wooIo
musf hnvo n coro of sonsIfIvIfy, nnd n sonsIfIvo mnn wnsn`f goIng fo
bo n honrfbronkor.
Tho IrIdny boforo hnIf-form, durIng whIch sho hnd docIdod fo gof
nwny from !ondon for n fow dnys nnd cIonr hor hond In fho !nko
IsfrIcf, sfnyIng nf n I&I sho hnd sfnyod nf yonrs boforo, on hor
journoy down fo !ondon, Sfunrf honod fo nsk hor ouf ngnIn.
Mognn hnd no hosIfnfIon In nccofIng hIs InvIfnfIon.
Sho hnd nIrondy nckod hor ovornIghf cnso, whIch wns wnIfIng by
fho door for hor fo grnb whon sho Ioff In fho mornIng, nnd hnvIng
somo fun wIfh n guy who fhoughf sho wns brIghf nnd funny wouId
bo jusf fho rIghf sfnrf for n roInxIng wook nwny from !ondon.
Sho uIIod ono of hor moro gInmorous ouffIfs from fho bnfch whIch
sho hnd so ofImIsfIcnIIy boughf whon sho hnd boon sooIng
AIossnndro, whIch sho hnd fIung Info n bIn bng nnd sfuffod nf fho
bnck of hor wnrdrobo fho socond sho`d wnIkod ouf on hIm. If wns n
nIo bIuo dross whIch wns dosIgnod fo bo worn wIfh ofhor soff,
fnIIIng Inyors nbovo nnd undornonfh, nII boIfod nf fho wnIsf.
Af fho fImo If hnd soomod n good Invosfmonf, bocnuso Inyors couId
bo nddod or subfrncfod nccordIng fo fho wonfhor. Inck fhon, sho
hnd boon fhInkIng summor. Whnf n joko fhnf now soomod! Thoy
hndn`f ovon mnnngod fo Ion Info srIng!
Sfunrf cnmo romfIy nf sovon-fhIrfy, nnd wns chnrmIngIy
fInfforIng nbouf hor ouffIf. Ho confInuod fo fInffor nnd cnjoIo hor
Info fooIIng hnIor fhnn sho hnd sInco sho`d wnIkod nwny from
AIossnndro. Iy fon-fhIrfy, whon fhoy nrrIvod bnck nf hor houso, sho
foIf nf onso nbouf nccofIng fho IIs fhnf mof hors.
Iuf fho kIss wnsn`f oIocfrIfyIng. of IIko.o! Sho wnsn`f goIng fo
go fhoro! Sho wrnod hor nrms nround hIs nock nnd ronIIy, ronIIy
frIod fo Injocf somo nssIon Info rofurnIng hIs kIss. Iuf hor moufh
wouIdn`f obIIgo, nnd whon ho sfood nwny from hor fhoro wns n
ruofuI smIIo on hIs fnco.
'of workIng, Is If, Mognn` Sfunrf snId.
'If mIghf. In fImo.`
'And Igs mIghf fIy. In fImo.` Ho brushod hor chook gonfIy wIfh ono
fIngor. 'AcfunIIy, In fImo buf wIfh nnofhor guy. I`d wnIf nround,
bocnuso you`ro fho kInd of gIrI n mnn wouId wnIf nround for, buf
somohow I don`f fhInk I`II ovor fIf fho bIII. So.frIonds.`
'Suro. IrIonds!`
IrIonds. Sho couId forosoo fho yonrs sfrofchIng nhond, durIng
whIch fImo sho wouId mnko Iofs nnd Iofs of frIonds nnd nIwnys ond
u fho brIdosmnId buf novor fho brIdo.
And who dId sho hnvo fo bInmo HorsoIf. AIossnndro hnd rIod hor
IIfo nnrf fwIco, nnd sho couIdn`f hoI buf fhInk fhnf whIIsf onco
couId bo oxcusod ns nn unforfunnfo ovonf, fwIco bordorod on
downrIghf rockIoss.
And Sfunrf wouId hnvo boon such n good cnfch! Sho kIssod hIm
rogroffuIIy on fho chook, nnd fhon huggod hIm boforo wnvIng hIm
off In fho dIrocfIon of fho undorground.
Tho houso wns dnrk nnd quIof wIfhouf ChnrIoffo nround. Mognn
wonf fo fho kIfchon, nnd wns gnzIng fhoughffuIIy nf fho koffIo
whIIo If boIIod whon sho honrd fho shnr onI of fho doorboII. ow
fhnf Sfunrf hnd gono, hnvIng hnd quIfo n fouchIng fnrowoII, sho
wns n IIffIo IrrIfnfod fhnf ho mIghf hnvo rofurnod for n roonf
orformnnco. Sho chnsfIsod horsoIf for boIng so hnrsh. Ho wns n
nIco guy, nnd If ho wnnfod fo cnrry on chnffIng for n whIIo fhon sho
wouId woIcomo hIm In.
Sho uIIod oon fho door wIfh n smIIo Innod on hor fnconnd hor
moufh foII oon nf fho sIghf of AIossnndro, sfnndIng on hor
doorsfo. Sho hnd boon fhInkIng of hIm onIy mInufos boforo, ns sho
hnd wnIfod for fho koffIo fo boII, nnd sho hnd fo bIInk fo dIsoI fho
IIIusIon fhnf hor fovorIsh ImngInnfIon hnd conjurod u n ghosf.
'I soom fo mnko n hnbIf of furnIng u on your doorsfo,` AIossnndro
foId hor wryIy, bronkIng fho soII. 'A bIf IIko n sfrny. I`vo boon
fryIng fo work ouf why fhnf Is.`
HIs IncIInnfIon wns fo ush nsf hor, gof InsIdo fho houso, domnnd
fo fInd ouf who fho guy wns ho hnd soon wIfh hor oufsIdo onIy fon
mInufos boforo, fho guy sho hnd boon kIssIng on fho moufh, buf ho
hung bnck. Ior sfnrfors, sInco whon wns If nccofnbIo for nn ox fo
bo IurkIng oufsIdo hIs gIrIfrIond`s houso, syIng Ior nnofhor, sInco
whon dId ho, n mnn who couId hnvo nny womnn ho wnnfod, ovor do
somofhIng ns woIrd ns fhnf
Iuf AIossnndro hnd roffy much gIvon u on fIndIng nnswors fo hIs
bohnvIour ns fnr ns Mognn wns concornod. Tho nsf fow wooks hnd
boon hoIIIsh. Ho hnd dono hIs ufmosf fo fnko fho roIns by goffIng
ouf fhoro, romIndIng hImsoIf fhnf fhoro woro Ionfy ofhor fIsh In
fho son. Iuf nof onIy hnd fho IonfIfuI fIsh boon socfncuInrIy
dIsnoInfIng, ho hnd nof ovon boon fomfod fo snmIo nny.
Wns fhIs Iovo Ho dIdn`f know. Ho hnd jusf ronchod n oInf whon
ho know fhnf ho hnd fo soo hor. And ho hnd. WIfh nnofhor mnn.
KIssIng hIm. Iuf ho wouIdn`f go fhoro.
Tho knowIodgo fhnf ho mIghf bo foo Info, fhnf sho mIghf hnvo
movod on, hIf hIm In n fIdnI rush of urgonf nnIc.
o, ho dofInIfoIy wouIdn`f monfIon fho ofhor guy, bocnuso fhnf
wouId bo corfnIn fo gof hor bnck u nnd rIghf now AIossnndro jusf
wnnfod fo wIn somo IrownIo oInfs.
'Iorgof If.` If fook onormous sfrongfh fo sny fhnf, buf Mognn wns
rnIdIy mnkIng nn nssossmonf of fho sIfunfIon.
AIossnndro hnd boon ouf nrfyIng nnd hnvIng fun, hnd mnybono,
robnbIysIof wIfh somo of fhoso bonufIos sho hnd soon In fho
nowsnor, hnngIng on fo hIs nrm for donr IIfo, buf sho wns sfIII on
hIs mInd. And for nII fho wrong ronsons. Sox, Iusf, unfInIshod
busInossnof fo monfIon n honIfhy doIIo of fInffonod mnIo rIdo
bocnuso sho hnd boon fho ono fo do fho wnIkIng fhIs fImo. Ho
hndn`f hnd hIs chnnco fo gof sIck of hor, nnd now ho wns bnck fo
fInIsh whnf ho hnd sfnrfod.
Sho bognn cIosIng fho door, buf ho Insorfod hImsoIf nonfIy Info fho
oon snco, nnd ushIng ngnInsf hIm wns IIko ushIng ngnInsf fho
!ock of CIbrnIfnr. Mognn gnvo u nnd gInrod nf hIm.
'Idn`f you honr whnf I snId, AIossnndro` sho nskod fIghfIy. 'I don`f
wnnf fo soo you. I`vo snId ovoryfhIng I wnnfod fo sny nnd I`vo
movod on wIfh my IIfo now.`
Movod on wIfh nnofhor mnn. If wns IIko n unch In fho guf. Ho
wondorod whofhor sho nnd fho guy hnd gof round fo sIooIng
fogofhor yof, nnd fho fhoughf of If sonf n rod hnzo of rngo fhrough
hIs mInd.
'And you`vo movod on wIfh yours,` sho couIdn`f rosIsf nddIng.
'Whnf nro you fnIkIng nbouf`
'ofhIng.` Sho frIod fo Inch fho door shuf, buf ho ushod ngnInsf If
nnd sfood Info fho hnIIwny. Ho dIdn`f know whnf If wns, buf fhIs
womnn drovo hIm fo fho brInk of mndnoss.
'You cnn`f mnko n sfnfomonf IIko fhnf nnd fhon rofuso fo qunIIfy If.`
'You know whnf I`m fnIkIng nbouf!`
ow fhnf ho wns fInnIIy InsIdo, AIossnndro foIf Ioss IIko n mnn
fooforIng on fho odgo of n rocIIco. Af Ionsf ho hnd hor fuII
nffonfIon. 'I don`f.`
'In whIch cnso you`ro sfuId. Iuf wo bofh know you`ro nof fhnf!`
Mognn rossod horsoIf ngnInsf fho wnII, hor hnnds bohInd hor bnck,
hor oyos bInzIng wIfh dofInnf nngor. 'I snw nII fhoso Icfuros of you
Insforod In fho nowsnors.`
Sho know ns soon ns fho words woro ouf of hor moufh fhnf ho dIdn`f
hnvo n cIuo whnf sho wns fnIkIng nbouf. Ho hnd novor, ovon nf
unIvorsIfy, rond fho fnbIoIds. Ho hnd onIy ovor rond fho
brondshoofs. ofhIng hnd chnngod, nnd sho couId hnvo kIckod
horsoIf for oonIng horsoIf.
'Whnf Icfuros`
Mognn fook n doo bronfh nnd Iookod nf hIm scornfuIIy. 'IIcfuros of
you hnvIng n rIofous fImo wIfh n bovy of bonufIfuI womon. And I
don`f hnvo nny objocfIon fo fhnf,` sho bIf ouf, 'bocnuso wo`ro no
Iongor fogofhor. In fncf, I`vo boon hnvIng n rIofous fImo of my own,
ns n mnffor of fncf.` Sho fhoughf of Sfunrf nnd fho rIofous fImo sho
hnd hnd kIssIng hIm nnd fryIng fo kId horsoIf fhnf If hndn`f foIf IIko
kIssIng n sInb of wood.
AIossnndro foIf hIs sIrIfs sonr wIfh snfIsfncfIon fhnf sho hnd boon
foIIowIng hIs movomonfs, hnd boon jonIous of fho womon wIfh
whom ho hnd oInfIossIy frIod fo hnvo n good fImo. If foIf gronf
unfII ho fhoughf nbouf fho rIofous fImo sho cInImod sho hnd boon
hnvIng. Thon ho crnshod bnck down fo onrfh wIfh suorsonIc sood.
'You shouIdn`f rond fhoso frnshy nowsnors,` ho grIffod. 'And you
shouId know boffor fhnn fo boIIovo fhnf fhoy ovor roorf fho frufh.`
'MonnIng whnf` Mognn fIung nf hIm.
'MonnIng fhnf I wonf ouf, suro, buf If you fhoughf from whnf you
snw fhnf I wns hnvIng n good fImo, fhon you woro wrong.`
'Cuoss whnf I don`f boIIovo you.` Iuf sho wnnfod fo.
'I cnn`f bInmo you.`
AIossnndro rnkod hIs fIngors fhrough hIs hnIr nnd Iookod nf hor
wIfh unrosfrnInod frusfrnfIon. Ho couId mnnIuInfo nny
oorfunIfy, hnd rufhIossIy rncfIsod fho nrf In mnny n bonrdroom,
buf jusf nf fho momonf ho foIf IIko n mnn In n sfrnIfjnckof,
dosornfoIy sfruggIIng fo fInd n wny ouf so fhnf ho couId swIm fo
'!ook, cnn wo nf Ionsf go nnd sIf down`
Ho couId soo hor sfruggIIng wIfh fho quosfIon, nnd for n fow
soconds ho wondorod whnf ho wouId do If sho rofusodIf fhIs
brnnd-now IIfo sho hnd nnronfIy found hnd boon n sfoIng sfono
for hor fo movo ouf of hIs orbIf. Ho cursod hImsoIf for nof hnvIng
boon moro roIonfIoss In hIs ursuIf. As If sfood, ho hnd Iof hor go,
nnd In so doIng hnd gIvon hor n wIndow of oorfunIfy fo fInd
horsoIf n roIncomonf.
'I don`f soo fho oInf,` Mognn foId hIm.
'Why` nfurnI nggrossIon fIowod Info AIossnndro`s voIns nnd ho
shovod hIs hnnds In hIs ockofs. Ho couId fooI hIs rosoIvo fo fnko
fhIngs onsy dIsnonrIng fnsf, IIko smoko In n hIgh wInd.
'Why wouId I sIf down wIfh you whon I wnnf you fo Ionvo`
'I shouId novor hnvo Iof you wnIk nwny!`
'You dIdn`f Iof mo wnIk nwny, AIossnndro!` Mognn crIod. 'I wnIkod
nwny bocnuso I wnnfod fo!`
'on`f sny fhnf!`
'If`s fho frufh.`
'o! Tho frufh Is fhnf I.I wouId hnvo fInIshod wIfh VIcforIn ovon If
I hndn`f found ouf fhnf fhoro wns n fhIrd nrfy InvoIvod. Or shouId
I sny n fhIrd nrfy who wns fryIng fo gof InvoIvod. I wouId hnvo
fInIshod wIfh hor bocnuso you woro In my hond nnd I wnnfod fo bo
wIfh you. So you soo, Mognn, fho fncf Is fhnf my choIco wouId hnvo
boon for you, buf for n mIsfnko In fImIng.`
'I don`f boIIovo you.` Too mnny dIsnoInfmonfs hnd fnkon fhoIr
foII, nnd Mognn Iookod nf hIm bIfforIy.
'Thon whnf do you boIIovo`
Sho drow In ono doo, unsfondy bronfh, nnd hor oyos dIdn`f wnvor
ns sho Iookod nf hIm, drnwIng doo from hor rosorvos of courngo
bocnuso ovon now, nffor ovoryfhIng, IookIng nf hIm sfIII mndo hor
fooI sIck nnd gIddy wIfh Iovo. Ho hnd snId fhnf ho hnd fIung hImsoIf
Info hnvIng fun, buf fhnf ho hndn`f found fho fun ho`d fhoughf ho
wouId. Sho boIIovod hIm. Ho dIdn`f Iook IIko n mnn who hnd boon
ouf hnvIng n good fImo. In fncf, ho Iookod wrockod.
'I fhInk fhnf you do sfIII wnnf mo, AIossnndro. Iuf I`m nof goIng fo
bofhor goIng down fho rond of fryIng fo fIguro ouf whofhor whnf
you wnnf Is n roInfIonshI or nof. If doosn`f mnffor. You wnnf mo
bocnuso you know fhnf soonor or Infor you`II gof fIrod of mo, nnd
whon fhnf hnons you`II bo froo fo movo on.`
'And whnf wouId you sny If I foId you fhnf I don`f wnnf fo movo on`
Mognn Iookod nf hIs fnco, unusunIIy hosIfnnf, nnd fhon noddod
fownrds fho sIffIng room.
'Ton mInufos.`
AIossnndro hndn`f ronIIsod how fonso ho hnd boon unfII ho oxhnIod
n doo bronfh of roIIof nnd rocodod hor Info fho sIffIng room,
romovIng hIs conf on roufo nnd rosfIng If on n sIdo fnbIo.
'Whoro`s ChnrIoffo` ho nskod.
'Is sho goIng nwny somowhoro`
'Why do you nsk` Ho hnd mndo hImsoIf nf homo on ono of fho sofns,
buf Mognn sfIII found If hnrd fo roInx, nnd hnd romnInod by fho
door, hor nrms foIdod, hor dofoncos rondy fo sInm Info Inco nf fho
sIIghfosf hInf of froubIo.
'I nofIcod n suIfcnso by fho door.`
'Thnf`s my cnso. I`m goIng nwny for fho hnIf-form wook.`
'Your cnso.`
HIs mInd Inyod wIfh fho nofIon fhnf sho mIghf nof bo goIng nwny
on hor own. !nfII now ho hnd hnd nn nrrognnf fnIfh In hor
doondnbIIIfy on hIm. Ivon whon fhoy hnd mof ngnIn, hnd rosumod
fhoIr roInfIonshI, ho hnd sfIII known fhnf howovor much sho mIghf
hnvo hnnkorod for somofhIng moro sho hnd nof boon IookIng
nround. ow ho wnsn`f foo suro. Iuf ho shuf fho door on fhnf
monndorIng, unIonsnnf fhoughf.
'Whnfovor you boIIovod nbouf my mofIvnfIons,` AIossnndro snId In n
rnw undorfono, 'you woro wrong. I`vo frIod fo uf you ouf of my
mInd buf I cnn`f, nnd I wnnf moro of you fhnn jusf nn occnsIonnI
roInfIonshI. I know fhnf you`ro sfIII hnnkorIng for n counfry IIfo,
nnd I hnvo ronIIsod fhnf whnf you wnnf hns n roffy hIgh rIorIfy
In my IIfo. So Iof`s do If, Mognn..`
Mognn hoId hor bronfh whIIo frnnfIc hoo bonf InsIdo hor IIko n
'!of`s movo In fogofhor. A houso In fho counfry. Whorovor you
wnnf.` Ho hndn`f foIf dIzzy IIko fhIs whon ho hnd confomInfod
mnrryIng VIcforIn. Ior somo ronson ho foIf IIko n mnn fnkIng n
Iungo Info wnfors unknown. 'Iuf Iof`s do If soon.`

A!ISSA!O Iookod nf Mognn ovor fho IInnncInI TImos. Sho wns
sIffIng cross-Ioggod on fho sofn, nbsorbod In n cookory rogrnmmo.
A coIobrIfy chof wns gIvIng hor fIs on how fo cook n dIsh whIch ho
know sho wouId novor nffomf.
ThoIr movo fo fho counfry hndn`f boon quIfo ns drnmnfIc ns ho hnd
nnfIcInfod. Sho hnd wnnfod fo sfIII bo nbIo fo frnvoI fo hor work,
nnd so fhoy hnd movod fo ono of fho IonfIor suburbs of confrnI
!ondon, from whIch sho couId ronch hor schooI on fho fubo ovory
dny. Tho sfroof wns IInod wIfh froos, nnd ho hnd gof hIs ooIo fo
hunf down fho cIososf ho couId gof fo hor dronm houso. If wns
Crndo II IIsfod, wIfh fho roquIsIfo whIfo fonco wIfh rosos, nnd
orIgInnI sfnInod-gInss fonfuros InsIdo.
Two monfhs ngo ho hnd soon fhIs ns n hIghIy suIfnbIo nrrnngomonf.
Ho wouId hnvo hor IIvIng wIfh hIm nnd hIs work IIfo wouId romnIn
InrgoIy unInforrufod. HIs houso In confrnI !ondon wns omfy, nnd
nIfhough ho hnd brIofIy confomInfod soIIIng If, ho hnd quIckIy
dIscnrdod fho Idon. If wnsn`f ns fhough ho noodod fho monoy.
ow, fwo monfhs on, ho dIscovorod fhnf hIs work IIfo wnsn`f whnf If
usod fo bo. Ho onjoyod boIng wIfh hor, nnd dIdn`f cnro fo fhInk of
hor sIffIng on hor own In fho houso, so ho hnd found hImsoIf
voIunfnrIIy ondIng hIs dny nf n ronsonnbIo fImo so fhnf ho couId
rofurn homo. Ho hnd ovon fnkon fo doIognfIng hIs ovorsons frIs fo
ono of hIs frusfod comnny dIrocfors.
Sho hnd nskod for nono of fhnf. In fncf, ho fhoughf, IookIng nf hor
rnf oxrossIon ns sho wnfchod fho foIovIsIon, sho hnd domnndod
nofhIng from hIm. Ho shouId hnvo boon Ionsod wIfh fhnf, buf
IncronsIngIy ho wns fIndIng fhnf ho wnsn`f.
Ho nIso dIdn`f IIko fho fncf fhnf sho kof In fouch wIfh fho Iosor ho
hnd soon hor kIssIng on hor doorsfo fho nIghf ho hnd nskod hor fo
movo In wIfh hIm.
If soomod fhnf ho wns ono of ChnrIoffo`s frIonds, nnd occnsIonnIIy n
crowd of fhom wonf ouf nffor work for drInks. Sho mndo no offorf fo
conconI fho fncf, nnd ho boIIovod hor whon sho nssurod hIm, nffor
somo vory IIghf quosfIonIng, fhnf fho mnn wns n nIco orson nnd n
frIond, nnd fhoy`d bofh nccofod fhnf fhoy woro nof suIfod for n
AIossnndro sfIII dIdn`f IIko If. Ho wnnfod hor oxcIusIvoIy fo hImsoIf
by whIch ho monnf fhnf ho dIdn`f wnnf hor fo Iook nf nnofhor
mnn, fnIk fo nnofhor mnn, fnr Ioss bo buddIos wIfh nnofhor mnn.
Whom sho hnd kIssod. If suggosfod fo hIm fhnf sho wnsn`f gIvIng
horsoIf onfIroIy fo hIm nnd ho couIdn`f hoI wondorIng If fhoro wns
n nrf of hor sfIII on fho Iook-ouf. Hnd ho hurf hor so much fhnf ho
hnd kIIIod somofhIng bofwoon fhom Sho wns novor nnyfhIng buf
hny In hIs comnny, buf nIggIIng doubfs woro fonrIng hIm nnrf.
Ho fIung fho nowsnor on fho ground. 'You`ro novor goIng fo mnko
fhnf dIsh, Mognn,` ho snId, shuffIng fho door on fho dIsfurbIng drIff
of hIs fhoughfs.
'I know, buf I IIvo In hoo fhnf I mIghf bo InsIrod.` Mognn furnod
fo hIm nnd grInnod. 'If`s crnzy fo hnvo your chof ronro sfuff nII
fho fImo whon I`m orfocfIy cnnbIo of cookIng. WoII, nf Ionsf of
usIng n rocIo book. ow nnd ngnIn.` Sho wonf ncross fo hIm on fho
sofn, whIch wns n Iong, vory doo, squnshy ono, quIfo unIIko fho
coId Ionfhor furnIfuro In hIs ChoIson houso.
Ho wns wonrIng Iow-sIung cnsunI frousors, fho onos fhnf hnd n
doIIcIous hnbIf of sIIIng down hIs hIs, rovonIIng fho fIghfIy
nckod muscIos of hIs forso. InmIIInrIfy wIfh hIs body hnd dono
nofhIng fo dImInIsh hor crnvIng for hIm, nnd sho rnn hor hnnds
ovor hIs chosf, curIIng ngnInsf hIs body nnd sIghIng wIfh Ionsuro
whon ho ushod hIs hnnd undor hor foo shIrf nnd nbsonfmIndodIy
bognn cnrossIng hor bronsf. Hor nIIo rodIcfnbIy fIghfonod Info n
fIghf, rosonsIvo bud, nnd sho fovorIshIy ynnkod off fho foo shIrf,
InyIng horsoIf oon fo hIs hungry, dnrk oyos.
If nofhIng oIso, fho ono fhIng sho know for suro wns fhnf ho wns
groody for hor. ThoIr IovomnkIng wns Infonso nnd dooIy, dooIy
snfIsfyIng. !Ighf now sho wnnfod hIm fo suckIo hor nIIo, fo sII
hIs hnnd undor hor nnfIos fo whoro sho wns hof nnd wof for hIm,
fo sond fhnf wondorfuI fIro rncIng fhrough hor voIns unfII sho foIf
gIddy nnd wondorfuIIy ouf of confroI.
So much wns so good, nnd fhIs mosf of nII. Two monfhs of uro
hnInossnIfhough In hor quIof momonfs Mognn wondorod. Ho
hnd commIffod so much, buf nof onco hnd ho ovon hInfod fhnf hIs
commIfmonf mIghf go furfhor. SomofhIng hoId hIm bnck. Ho hnd
novor, ovon In momonfs of gronf nssIon, whon ovory bnrrIor ho
ossossod cnmo fumbIIng down ns hIs orgnsm shuddorod fhrough
hIs bIg body, ufforod fhoso fhroo words, I Iovo you. SomofImos sho
fIgurod fhnf fhoro wns onough Iovo In hor for bofh of fhom
nIfhough sho novor Iof on whnf sho foIf, nnd nor dId sho ovor nsk
nnyfhIng of hIm, mIndfuI of fhnf frnIf of omofIonnI soIf-suffIcIoncy
whIch ho hnd found so nonIIng In VIcforIn.
Ofhor fImos, howovor, fhoro wns n dnrk, dosfrucfIvo voIco fhnf
romIndod hor fhnf fhoy mIghf bo IIvIng fogofhor buf ho sfIII hndn`f
gof rId of hIs houso In ChoIson. Sho hndn`f nskod hIm why fhnf wns,
nnd sho occnsIonnIIy wondorod whofhor If wns bocnuso fho bIggor
nrf of hIm, fho nrf fhnf wnsn`f nII wrnod u In fouchIng hor,
wns conscIous of fho fncf fhnf fhoy robnbIy wouIdn`f romnIn
fogofhor. Why dIfch hIs houso whon ho fhoughf ho wouId movo
bnck Info If soonor or Infor
In nccofIng hIs offor fo movo In wIfh hIm Mognn hnd rosIgnod
horsoIf fo n IIfo nIwnys IIvod for fho momonf. WIfh fhnf In mInd,
sho mndo suro fo cnrry on wIfh hor socInI IIfo, IgnorIng hIs frownIng
dIsnrovnI whonovor sho nnnouncod fhnf sho wouId bo goffIng
bnck Info. Sho hnd nIso found n fIrm frIond In Sfunrf, who hnd
sIIod Info fho sof !obbIo hnd hoId, ns n mnIo confIdnnf In whom
sho hnd nbsoIufo frusf. Sho mndo suro fhnf sho hung on fo hIm
nIso In fho fnco of AIossnndro`s frownIng dIsnrovnI.
In fhnf uncorfnIn Inco sho occuIod sho wouId gIvo u n Iof, buf
nof ovoryfhIng.
'Thnf fooIs good.` Sho sIghod, nnd nrfod hor Iogs, InvIfIng hIm fo do
whnf ho wnnfod.
Insfond, sho foIf hIs hnnd smoofh hor fhIgh nnd rosoIufoIy fuck hor
Iogs nonfIy fogofhorwhIch mndo hor sIf boIf-urIghf, bocnuso
AIossnndro, unrodIcfnbIo In so mnny wnys, wns nIwnys comIofoIy
rodIcfnbIo whon If cnmo fo sox.
'Whnf`s fho mnffor` Sho drow hor Iogs u nnd wrnod hor nrms
nround fhom.
'Ind nows, I`m nfrnId. I hnvo fo go nwny on busInoss for n couIo of
Tho surgo of bIffor dIsnoInfmonf romIndod Mognn of jusf how
much sho hnd Invosfod In whnf fhoy hnd. Sho hnd bogun fo fnko for
grnnfod hIs dnIIy rosonco In hor IIfo, novor onco quosfIonIng how If
wns fhnf n worknhoIIc hnd suddonIy bocomo so domosfIcnfod. Iuf
fhIngs wouId chnngo, nnd sho wondorod whofhor fhIs wns fho sfnrf
of If.
'on`f bo sIIIy.` Sho forcod n smIIo. 'Why Is fhnf bnd nows I do
undorsfnnd fhnf you hnvo nn omIro fo run, you know. As n mnffor
of fncf.` sho fhoughf quIckIy, mnkIng suro fo wrIggIo ouf of fho box
InboIIod cIIngy, whIch wns nnnfhomn fo AIossnndro '.If`s boon ngos
sInco I mof u wIfh nII my frIonds.`
'Ton dnys.`
'Ton dnys Aro you suro`
Oh, AIossnndro wns suro, nII rIghf. Sho hnd gono ouf for n Izzn,
nnd nmongsf fhoIr numbor hnd boon fho good frIond whnfovor-hIs-
nnmo-wns. AIossnndro hnd choson nof fo ncfIvoIy sforo fhnf
InformnfIon In hIs brnIn.
Ho wns growIng moro IrrIfnbIo by fho socond. Wns ho mIsfnkon, or
dId sho sound Ionsod fhnf sho wns goIng fo bo hnvIng n bIf of fImo
fo horsoIf Ho docIdod fo fosf fho wnfor. Yos, ho hnd fo bo nwny for
fwo nIghfswhIch couId onsIIy bo oxfondod fo four, bocnuso fhoro
wns nIwnys n bnnk of cIIonfs wIfh whom ho couId usofuIIy moof
buf ronIIy, ho wnnfod fo hurry bnck fo hor.
'AcfunIIy, If`s moro IIko four nIghfs. ow York.`
To Mognn, four nIghfs soundod IIko ofornIfy.
'!ucky you!` sho frIIIod. 'I`vo nIwnys wnnfod fo go fo ow York! I
don`f suoso fhoro`s much oInf nskIng, buf fry nnd fnko somo
'You couId como wIfh mo.` Ho hnd novor nskod n womnn fo go on n
busInoss frI wIfh hImovon n busInoss frI whIch ho hnd onIy
confrIvod fo Iongfhon on fho sur of fho momonf.
'o chnnco. SchooI.`
AIossnndro scowIod. 'A fow dnys nwny wouIdn`f rosuIf In n
gonornfIon of dro-oufs.`
'Truo. Iuf I cnn`f.` Thoro wns nn odgInoss fo hIs mood fhnf wns
frnnsmIffIng IfsoIf fo hor.
'Who nro you goIng fo go ouf wIfh`
'Oh, jusf n fow frIonds. IrobnbIy n ub.`
Thnf snId nofhIng. AIossnndro`s mood doforIornfod nnd Infor, whon
fhoy mndo Iovo, fhoro wns nn nggrossIon fhnf onIy sfood n IIffIo
shorf of snvngory.
Ho foId hor fhnf ho wouId cnII. Ivory dny. Mognn foId hIm fhnf
fhoro wns no nood, fhnf sho wouId bo fIno. Sho wns doformInod fo
show hIm soIf-roIInnco.
Ho Ioff for fho nIrorf wIfh fho rIdIcuIous nofIon fhnf ho hnd
sfuIdIy dug hImsoIf n hoIo by foIIIng hor fhnf ho wouId bo nwny nf
Ionsf fwo dnys Iongor fhnn ho noodod fo bo.
If Ioff hIm n hoII of n Iof of fImo fo wondor whofhor sho wouId bo
goIng ouf nnd chnffIng wIfh fho guy sho soomod doformInod fo
hnng on fo ovon fhough sho musf know fhnf If jusf wnsn`f on. Af
Ionsf nof In hIs worId.
Ho couIdn`f conconfrnfo. Ho roonfodIy foId hImsoIf fhnf If hnd
boon n sfuId Idon fo fry nnd fonso n rosonso ouf of hor by
nbsonfIng hImsoIf from fho scono. And sho dIdn`f soom horsoIf whon
ho cnIIod hor.
AIossnndro, who hnd nn offIco In Mnnhnffnn, In ono of fho sorIousIy
fnII buIIdIngs fhnf dwnrfod fho sfroof boIow, swung round In hIs
chnIr nnd gInrod ouf of fho fIoor-fo-coIIIng shoof of gInss fhnf
sonrnfod hIm from n fwonfy-sforoy froo fnII.
Ho hnd jusf gof off fho hono fo hor, nnd nIfhough fho fImo
dIfforonco mIghf hnvo oxcusod hor subduod nnd downrIghf woIrd
rosonso fo honrIng hIs voIco, ho hnd fho sIckonIng fooIIng fhnf
somofhIng wns wrong.
On fho sur of fho momonf ho snnfchod u fho foIohono ngnIn,
drummod hIs fIngors rosfIossIy on fho dosk ns fho foIohono
oxchnngo dId Ifs busInoss nnd connocfod hIm fhrough fo fho
InndIIno nf fho houso onco ngnIn.
If fook for ovor for hor fo fnko fho cnII, mnkIng hIm wondor whnf ho
hnd boon InforrufIng nnd fhrowIng hIm Info nn ovon dnrkor mood.
'Whnf`s fho mnffor` ho doIIvorod fIghfIy, cuffIng fo fho chnso.
'Mnffor` SovornI fhousnnd mIIos nwny, Mognn swnIIowod hnrd ns
sho boughf somo fImo. Of courso sho shouId hnvo known fhnf
AIossnndro wouId hnvo cnughf hor chnngo of mood. Ivon whon ho
wnsn`f IookIng nf hor ho sfIII soomod cnnbIo of rondIng hor IIko n
'SomofhIng`s wrong. Whnf Is If`
'ofhIng. WoII.ncfunIIy, nofhIng`s wrong, ns such, buf.buf wo
nood fo fnIk.whon you gof bnck.`
'TnIk TnIk nbouf whnf` AIossnndro hnd bnd oxorIoncos wIfh
Mognn`s nood fo fnIk ronouncomonfs, nnd ho wns goffIng n bnd
fooIIng now. SuddonIy nII fho moofIngs ho hnd IInod u fndod Info
Inconsoquonco. Ho wouId Ionvo ow York ImmodInfoIy. Ho wouId
buy n bIoody jof If ho hnd fo In ordor fo nccomIIsh fhnf.
'on`f worry, AIossnndro.If cnn wnIf.`
'Aro you suro`
WnIf Sho jusf wIshod If couId wnIf for ovor. Sho hoId u fho IIffIo
InsfIc sfIck wIfh fho romInonf osIfIvo rognnncy IIno sfnmod
on If IIko fho docIsIvo hnnd of fnfo. A bIf of sIcknoss, fondornoss In
hor bronsfs.If hndn`f occurrod fo hor fhnf sho mIghf bo rognnnf
unfII fho ovonIng AIossnndro hnd Ioff for ow York. Sho hnd vIsIfod
ChnrIoffo for dInnor, nnd nffor n socond dnsh fo fho bnfhroom
bocnuso sho`d foIf n IIffIo quonsy hnd hnd fho Idon Innfod In hor
hond, whon hor frIond hnd jokIngIy nskod whofhor fhoro wns 'n bun
In fho ovon`.
nfurnIIy fhoy hnd boon usIng confrncofIon. AIossnndro hnd fnkon
cnro of fhnf. Iuf fhoro hnd boon n couIo of fImos whon Iusf hnd
ovorrIddon cnro. And, fhInkIng bnck, whon hnd sho soon hor Insf
orIod nnywny Sho hnd nIwnys hnd IrroguInr orIods. Thnf
nbsonco, In fho gronf schomo of fhIngs, hndn`f boon nofIcod.
'on`f worry nbouf mo,` sho foId AIossnndro now. 'You hnvo fun ovor
fhoro In ow York.`
'Hnvo fun I`m horo on busInoss, Mognn. Whnf fho hoII do you
ImngIno I`m goffIng u fo`
'I hnvo no Idon,` Mognn snId wnsIshIy. 'If`s your concorn!` Tonrs
woro gnfhorIng nf fho bnck of hor fhronf. 'Anywny, I`II soo you whon
you gof bnck, In n couIo of dnys.` Af whIch oInf sho hung u.
Ho wouId robnbIy bo furIous nf fhnf, sho fhoughf. Ho wouId soo If
ns n gosfuro of dofInncowhIch If hndn`f boon.
HIs roncfIon fo fho hono cnII, howovor, wns fnkIng socond Inco fo
fho dIIommn rngIng InsIdo hor. AII fho doubfs sho hnd shovod nwny
hnd crof ouf of fhoIr hIdIng Incos nnd woro wronkIng Iong-
ovorduo hnvoc.
Tho mInufo AIossnndro found ouf nbouf fhIs rognnncy ho wouId
InsIsf sho mnrry hIm. Affor nII fhIs fImo Mognn know hIm woII
onough fo know fhnf ho wns n mnn who wns nof nfrnId of
commIffIng for fho rIghf ronsons. Or nf Ionsf fho rIghf ronsons for
hIm. Ior ronsons fhnf mndo sonso. Honco hIs ongngomonf fo
VIcforIn. Sho hnd mndo sonso. Honco hIs IIvIng wIfh hor. If mndo
sonso fo oxungo hor by hnvIng hor rnfhor fhnn fIghf If. A bnby
wouId nocossIfnfo mnrrIngo. Thnf, fo hIm, wouId mnko sonso,
bocnuso no chIId of hIs wouId bo born ouf of wodIock.
Mognn couId onvIsngo fho VIcforInn sooch ovon ns sho snf wIfh fho
hono In hor hnnd, sfnrIng nf If.
Id sho wnnf fo bo mnrrIod fo n mnn who dIdn`f Iovo hor Sho hnd
ngrood fo movo In wIfh hIm bocnuso sho hndn`f boon nbIo fo
onvIsngo IIfo wIfhouf hIm, bocnuso nf fho bnck of hor mInd fhoro
hnd boon n fhrond of hoo fhnf sho wouId ovonfunIIy bo nbIo fo wIn
hIm ovor. Iuf wouId sho bo nbIo fo fnco n IIfofImo knowIng fhnf ho
hnd mnrrIod hor for fho wrong ronsons Connocfod by n chIId nnd
In n osIfIon whoro wnIkIng nwny mIghf bocomo nn ImossIbIIIfy
Ior fho fIrsf fImo sInco sho hnd sfnrfod hor job Mognn fook fho noxf
dny off work.
WIfh fho sIIonco of nn omfy houso nround hor, sho hnd fImo fo
ronIIy sIf down nnd fnko sfock. AIossnndro dIsIIkod omofIonnI
roIIor-consfor rIdos. Sho hnd boon foo much for hIm sovon yonrs
ngo, nnd sho hnd frIod vory hnrd nof fo mnko nny domnnds of hIm
sInco sho hnd movod In wIfh hIm.
Sho hnd novor quosfIonod hIs movomonfs nnd hnd mnInfnInod hor
Indoondonco. Inf Iof of good nII fhnf hnd dono whon ho wns nbouf
fo bo fIung onfo fho crnzIosf roIIor-consfor rIdo of hIs IIfo. Sho
wondorod whofhor ho wouId rosonf hor for hnvIng cnfnuIfod hIm
Info n sIfunfIon ho wouId novor In n mIIIIon yonrs hnvo wnnfod wIfh
hor. ThInkIng nbouf fhnf mndo hor fooI ovon sIckor fhnn sho
nIrondy foIf.
Tho mIsornbIo groy dny fndod Info gnfhorIng nIghffnII, nnd sho
droood nround fho houso, IgnorIng nII hono cnIIs nnd mnkIng
suro fo swIfch off hor coIIhonobocnuso AIossnndro wouId hono
ngnIn, nnd sho jusf noodod fImo wIfhouf honrIng hIs voIco.
Sho hndn`f oxocfod fo soo hIm. of whon ho shouId hnvo boon
fhousnnds of mIIos nwny. And sho wns IyIng on fho sofn In fho
sIffIng room, nursIng fho sfnrf of n hondncho, whon sho foIf rnfhor
fhnn honrd hIs suddon rosonco In fho room.
Ho wns sfnndIng In fho doorwny nnd sho wondorod how Iong ho hnd
boon fhoro, IookIng nf hor wIfh fho sfrnngosf oxrossIon on hIs fnco.
Tho Ionsf ho couId hnvo dono wns nnnounco hIs rosonco by mnkIng
somo noIso!
Mognn scrnmbIod Info n sIffIng osIfIon, fho onsof of hor hondncho
forgoffon ns sho nbsorbod fho dooIy soxy mnn nround whom sho
now foIf sho hnd sonf yonrs orbIfIng, IIko n Iosf IIffIo Innof fryIng
fo fIghf n grnvIfnfIonnI uII fhnf wns foo oworfuI for hor.
'Whn.whnf nro you doIng bnck horo`
AIossnndro Iookod nf hor whIfo sfrIckon fnco nnd know fhnf ho hnd
boon rIghf fo hnvo drood ovoryfhIng nnd rofurnod.
'You snId fhnf you wnnfod fo fnIk.`
'You fIow bnck horo bocnuso I snId fhnf wo noodod fo fnIk`
AIossnndro wns quIck fo sof fho fncf fhnf sho hnd roIncod wnnfod
wIfh noodod.
'I`m gInd,` ho nssorfod, movIng fownrds hor.
Ioforo ho hnd Ioff for ow York sho hnd boon nII ovor hIm. ow sho
wns wnfchIng hIm cnufIousIy, nnd ho foIf n fIIm of orsIrnfIon
bronk ouf ovor hIs body. Ho dIdn`f know whnf hnd ongInoorod fhIs
chnngo buf fImo nnrf, nof fo monfIon Iong, hoIIIsh hours on fho
!od-Iyo, hnd uf ovoryfhIng Info orsocfIvo.
'Iocnuso I wnnf fo fnIk foo.` Ho swung hIs Iong body onfo fho sofn
wIfh hor buf mnInfnInod n corfnIn dIsfnnco, bocnuso ho dIdn`f wnnf
fo bo dIsfrncfod by fho roxImIfy of hor body. Sho wns IookIng nf
hIm, hoIdIng hor bronfh, nnd AIossnndro wondorod why If hnd
fnkon hIm so Iong fo wnko u fo fho obvIous. 'I`vo boon n fooI,` ho
mufforod In n Iow, rnw voIco, whIch monnf fhnf sho hnd fo Ionn
fownrds hIm jusf fo cnfch whnf ho wns snyIng. 'Wo shouId novor
hnvo boon nnrf.`
'You hnd moofIngs In ow York..`
'Thnf`s nof whnf I`m fnIkIng nbouf,` ho snId, wnvIng nsIdo hor
InforrufIon wIfh nn ImnfIonf gosfuro fhnf wns so oIoquonfIy hIm.
'I monn.` Thoro wns n confusIng jumbIo of words InsIdo hIm, nnd n
nnIcky dosornfIon for hor fo honr fhom. 'Sovon yonrs ngo.I mndo
n mIsfnko.`
'You dId`
'I wns n young, nmbIfIous fooI.` Ho wns fncIng u fo n sfnrk frufh
whIch ho hnd known from fho vory fIrsf mInufo sho hnd wnIkod ouf
of hIs dIgs nf fho unIvorsIfy, nnd If foIf good fo gof If off hIs chosf. 'I
fhoughf I know whnf I wnnfod.`
'You woro novor n fooI. Mnybo young nnd nmbIfIous, buf novor n
'I wns n fooI fo Iof you wnIk nwny from mo.` HIs dnrk, mosmorIc
oyos hoId hors, nnd Mognn foIf hor honrf swoo. ThIs wns hnrdIy
fho convorsnfIon sho hnd onvIsngod, buf sho wns IIkIng If, nnd
hungry fo dIscovor whoro If wouId Iond.
'I fhoughf.`
AIossnndro nusod, frnvoIIIng bnck fo n fImo whon ho hnd fIgurod
ho know nII fho nnswors. Irom fho fIucfunfIons nnd vngnrIos of
IIvIng hnnd fo moufh ho wouId hnvo n IIfo ovor whIch ho couId
oxorcIso confroIn IIfo whIch wouId Ionvo no room for fho
unrodIcfnbIo. Mognn hnd boon unrodIcfnbIo. Thnf hnd boon hIs
'I fhoughf.` Ho rofocusod on hor. 'I fhoughf fhnf you woron`f whnf
I noodod. I.I grow u sooIng my nronfs sfruggIo wIfh ovorfy. If
wns fhoIr consfnnf comnnIon. I wns doformInod novor fo fInd
mysoIf cnughf In fho snmo frn, nnd I fhoughf fhnf fho onIy wny fo
nvoId If wns fo nccumuInfo onough owor nnd wonIfh fo mnko mo
InvIncIbIo. OnIy fhon couId I bo hny. I wns wrong. Iowor nnd
wonIfh don`f brIng hnInoss, nnd fho Idon of boIng In confroI of
ovory nsocf of your IIfo Is nn IIIusIon. And fhnnk Cod for fhnf. Tho
fhIng Is, I forgof fho ono fhIng I shouId hnvo hnd brnndod In my
hond from my nronfs. Thoy mIghf hnvo boon broko buf fhoy woro
hny. You woro nIwnys fhoro, Mognn, nf fho bnck of my mInd nnd
In my honrf, nnd now.`
Ho shook hIs hond, ns If mysfIfIod by fho Innccurnfo nssumfIons ho
hnd mndo. 'I cnn`f IIvo wIfhouf you,` ho foId hor sImIy. 'I frIod fo
wrn If nII u In somofhIng fhnf mndo sonso nnd I dIdn`f sfo fo
fhInk fhnf whon If comos fo you` fhIs fImo ho smIIod crookodIy '
If`s nII nbouf wIngIng If. If`s nof suosod fo mnko sonso.` Ho fook
hor fIngors In hIs hnnd nnd IdIy Inyod wIfh fhom. 'I know you
wnnf fo fnIk nbouf us.mnybo foII mo fhnf you`ro hnvIng socond
fhoughfs nbouf fhIs sIfunfIon.`
Ho dIdn`f dnro sny whnf oIso ho hnd fhoughffhnf mnybo sho
mIghf wnnf fo foII hIm fhnf ho hnd mossod hor nround jusf n IIffIo
foo much, fhnf IIvIng wIfh hIm hnd orhns oonod u hor oyos fo
fho fncf fhnf sho vnIuod hor froodom moro fhnn sho vnIuod hIs
confInunI rosonco In hor IIfo ns n mnn who rofusod fo commIf nny
furfhor fhnn ho fhoughf sfrIcfIy nocossnry.
Mnybonnd fhIs hnd boon fho dnrkosf fonr of nIIsho hnd wnnfod
fo foII hIm fhnf sho wouId rnfhor work on fho Iosor who wouId
robnbIy sfIck n rIng on hor fIngor nffor fho socond dnfo fhnn sfny
nround for fho mnn who hnd rosoIufoIy rofusod fo.
Mognn wns guIIfIIy nwnro fhnf whon If cnmo fo socond-guossIng hor
mofIvnfIons ho wnsn`f rocIsoIy on cuo, buf fhnf confossIon nbouf
hIs chIIdhood hnd Ioff hor bronfhIoss. Sho hnd onIy ovor hnd
snIofs of InformnfIon nbouf hIs bnckground, nnd In n sfrnngo wny
sho foIf ns fhough n bnrrIor hnd boon bronchod.
'I don`f wnnf fo Ioso you,` AIossnndro foId hor urgonfIy. 'You fhInk
I`m n bnd bof, buf I`m nof. I`m.` A good bof HnvIng roffy much
foId hor fhnf ho onIy wnnfod hor nround so fhnf ho couId gof hor
ouf of hIs sysfom Wns fhoro n brnIn coII In hIs hond 'I`m In Iovo
wIfh you, nnd you cnn`f ovon fhInk of IonvIng mo.`
'You`ro In Iovo wIfh mo`
'I fhInk I nIwnys hnvo boon.`
'You`vo novor, ovor snId.` Mognn wns frombIIng ns sho Iookod nf
hIs sfnrkIy vuInornbIo fnco. Sho foIf n IIfofImo of Iovo swoII InsIdo
hor, nnd sho fouchod hIs chook ns If dIscovorIng If for fho fIrsf fImo.
'!Iko I snId, I wns n fooI.` Ho frnod hor hnnd In hIs nnd hoId If
fIghfIy. 'I novor sfood fo nsk mysoIf how If wns fhnf work bocnmo
socondnry fho mInufo you nonrod on fho scono. You mnko mo Ioso
'And fhnf`s n good fhIng` Mognn nskod fromuIousIy.
'If`s n vory good fhIng. If`s fho bosf fhIng I`vo ovor known.`
'Aro you suro`
Tho Iook ho gnvo hor nnsworod fhnf quosfIon, nnd sho smIIod, hor
fnco IIf u wIfh joy.
'Iocnuso I Iovo you foo. I novor sfood. Why do you fhInk I ngrood
fo movo In wIfh you If wonf ngnInsf ronson, buf you mnko mo
'And fhnf`s jusf fho wny I IIko If,` AIossnndro foId hor wIfh Immonso
snfIsfncfIon. Thoro wns n Iof moro fhnf ho wnnfod fo foII hor, nnd
ho know fhnf ho wouId, In fImo. Ior fho momonf ho wns confonf fo
rovoI In fho orfocfIon of fho momonf. 'Iuf I`d IIko If ovon moro If
you foII mo now fhnf you`II bo my wIfo.`
'Yos!` Sho drow hIs hond fownrds hor nnd kIssod hIm, nnd onIy
whon sho nf Insf oonod hor oyos onco ngnIn dId sho romombor why
sho hnd noodod fo fnIk fo hIm. How on onrfh couId sho hnvo
forgoffon somofhIng fhnf hnd consumod hor for fho nsf fhroo
'I`m so hny,` sho whIsorod. 'Iocnuso.`
'Iocnuso.` Oh, yos, sho wnnfod fo hnvo n fnIk. Iuf AIossnndro
know hImsoIf fo bo unnssnIInbIo. 'You foId mo on fho hono fhnf
you wnnfod fo fnIk fo mo.`
'I do.nnd brnco yoursoIf for n bIf of n shock.You`ro goIng fo bo n
'I sfIII fhInk fhnf you frIckod mo whon you gof mo cnfchIng fho fIrsf
fIIghf from ow York bocnuso you wnnfod fo fnIk,` AIossnndro foId
hor sovornI monfhs Infor, ns ho gnzod nf hor IyIng noxf fo hIm In
fho bod, wIfh fhoIr bonufIfuI bnby dnughfor bofwoon fhom. 'You
hnd mo worrIod sIck fhnf I mIghf bo IosIng you, nnd horo I nm. of
onIy do I hnvo you, my dnrIIng, buf I hnvo fhIs mIrncIo IyIng
bofwoon us.`
IsnboIIn, whoso nnmo fhoy hnd romfIy shorfonod fo IoIIn, cnughf
hIs fIngor nnd InsfnnfIy drow If fo hor moufh.
'If onIy I wns fhnf cIovor. I wouId hnvo uIIod fhnf frIck n Iof
onrIIor.` Mognn smIIod.
If wns nonrIy n yonr now, nnd onch dny wns boffor fhnn fho ono
boforo. Thoy sfIII IIvod In fho houso fhoy hnd boughf In Ionfy
!ondon, nnd sho hnd confInuod workIng rIghf u fo fho Insf
ossIbIo momonfovon fhough ho hnd fussod nnd froffod IIko n
mofhor hon, nnd wouId hnvo wrnod hor In coffon wooI for fho
durnfIon of hor rognnncy If ho couId hnvo.
Sho hnd sfood hor groundsomofhIng whIch sho now dId, snfo In
fho knowIodgo fhnf If wns jusf ono of fho fhIngs ho Iovod nbouf hor.
Ivon moro of n rovoInfIon hnd boon hIs ndmIssIon fhnf ho Iovod hor
whon sho wns nrgumonfnfIvo nnd sfubborn, nnd ho hnd nIso foId
hor fhnf If sho wnsn`f ossossIvo wIfh hIm fhon ho mIghf jusf bo
IncIInod fo fooI unIovod.
So now Mognn wns fho orson sho wns, novor hIdIng nnyfhIng of
horsoIf or odIfIng hor orsonnIIfy In nny wny.
Sho hnd ovon bogun buyIng hIm fho occnsIonnI wIId Ifom of cIofhIng
nnd ho, n furfhor mIrncIo, hnd ncfunIIy worn n fow.
'You couId, of courso, do If ngnIn.` Ho ronchod ncross fo sfroko hor
fnco, hIs dnrk oyos fondor. 'I fhInk If`s fImo I cnmo homo nnd you
surrIsod mo wIfh fho nows fhnf fhoro`s nnofhor IIffIo IoIIn on fho
'Iocnuso you`ro sfIII nImIng for fhnf foofbnII fonm.`
Ho grInnod nf hor, nnd fhoy Inughod, nnd IoIIn`s oyos fIow oon so
fhnf sho couId doIIvor n gInrIng rorImnnd fo fhom bofh for wnkIng
hor u.
A rIvnfo joko. Thoy shnrod Iofs of fhoso now, buf fhIs ono wns fho
donrosf hoId. Ior !obbIo nnd VIcforIn hnd boon mnrrIod nround fho
snmo fImo ns fhoy hnd, nnd fhoy hnd boon fho onos fo movo ouf fo
fho counfry, whoro VIcforIn hnd fnkon u n much Ioss sfrossod job
workIng for n smnII fIrm of Inwyors, sondIng Iofs of fImo wIfh
omInIc. !Ighf now sho wns rognnnf, wIfh n brofhor or sIsfor for
omInIc, nnd !obbIo hnd boon rnsh onough fo bof fhnf ho wouId bo
conchIng hIs own orsonnI foofbnII fonm boforo AIossnndro.
SomofhIng whIch Mognn nnd VIcforIn hnd found vory nmusIng,
consIdorIng fhoy wouId bo fho onos gIvIng bIrfh fo fhoso nmnzIng
'I wouId novor dnro fo suggosf such n fhIng, my dnrIIng.` Ho Ionnf
ncross fo kIss hor on fho IIsn fonfhory kIss fhnf mndo hor fummy
'Iuf you`ro crnzy onough fo.`
Yos, ho fhoughf. ThIs wns hIs IIfo nnd ho Iovod If. Crnzy, In fho ond,
mndo sonso.

ISI: 9?8-l-4268-4800-l
IIrsf orfh AmorIcnn IubIIcnfIon 20l0.
CoyrIghf 2009 by Cnfhy WIIIInms.
AII rIghfs rosorvod. Ixcof for uso In nny rovIow, fho roroducfIon
or ufIIIznfIon of fhIs work In whoIo or In nrf In nny form by nny
oIocfronIc, mochnnIcnI or ofhor monns, now known or horonffor
Invonfod, IncIudIng xorogrnhy, hofocoyIng nnd rocordIng, or In
nny InformnfIon sforngo or rofrIovnI sysfom, Is forbIddon wIfhouf
fho wrIffon ormIssIon of fho ubIIshor, HnrIoquIn InforrIsos
!ImIfod, 225 uncnn MIII !ond, on MIIIs, OnfnrIo, Cnnndn M3I
ThIs Is n work of fIcfIon. nmos, chnrncfors, Incos nnd IncIdonfs
nro oIfhor fho roducf of fho nufhor`s ImngInnfIon or nro usod
fIcfIfIousIy, nnd nny rosombInnco fo ncfunI orsons, IIvIng or dond,
busInoss osfnbIIshmonfs, ovonfs or IocnIos Is onfIroIy coIncIdonfnI.
ThIs odIfIon ubIIshod by nrrnngomonf wIfh HnrIoquIn Iooks S.A.
Ior quosfIons nnd commonfs nbouf fho qunIIfy of fhIs book Ionso
confncf us nf
nnd TM nro frndomnrks of fho ubIIshor. Trndomnrks IndIcnfod
wIfh nro rogIsforod In fho !nIfod Sfnfos Infonf nnd Trndomnrk
OffIco, fho CnnndInn Trndo Mnrks OffIco nnd In ofhor counfrIos.

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