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Doctor Who Programme Guide

1963-1999: Seasons 1-26 & Movies

EPISODES 0 THROUGH 29, 1963-1966 Featuring William Hartnell as the Doctor 0. An Unearthly Child - Pilot (1) 1. An Unearthly Child (4) 2. The Daleks (7) 3. The Edge of Destruction (2) 4. Marco Polo (7) 5. The Keys of Marinus (6) 6. The Aztecs (4) 7. The Sensorites (6) 8. Reign of Terror (6) 9. Planet of Giants (3) 10. Dalek Invasion of Earth (6) 11. The Rescue (2) 12. The Romans (4) 13. The Web Planet (6) 14. The Crusade (4) 15. The Space Museum (4) 16. The Chase (6) 17. The Time Meddler (4) 18. Galaxy Four (4) 19. Mission to the Unknown (1) 20. The Myth Makers (4) 21. The Dalek Master Plan (12) 22. The Massacre (4) 23. The Ark 24. The Celestial Toymaker (4) 25. The Gunfighters (4) 26. The Savages (4) 27. The War Machines (4) 28. The Smugglers (4) 29. The Tenth Planet (4) EPISODES 30 THROUGH 50, 1966-1969 Featuring Patrick Troughton as the Doctor 30. The Power of the Daleks (6) 31. The Highlanders (4) 32. The Underwater Menace (4) 33. The Moonbase (4) 34. The Macra Terror (4) 35. The Faceless Ones (6) 36. The Evil of the Daleks (7) 37. The Tomb of the Cybermen (4) 38. The Abominable Snowmen (6) 39. The Ice Warriors (6) 40. The Enemy of the World (6) 41. The Web of Fear (6) 42. Fury from the Deep (6) 43. The Wheel in Space (6) 44. The Dominators (5) 45. The Mind Robber (5) 46. The Invasion (8) 47. The Krotons (4) 48. The Seeds of Death (6) 49. The Space Pirates (6) 50. The War Games (10) EPISODES 51 THROUGH 74, 1970-1974 Featuring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor 51. Spearhead from Space (4) 52. Doctor Who and the Silurians (7) 53. The Ambassadors of Death (7) 54. Inferno (7) 55. Terror of the Autons (4) 56. The Mind of Evil (6) 57. The Claws of Axos (4) 58. Colony in Space (6) 59. The Daemons (5) 60. The Day of the Daleks (4) 61. The Curse of Peladon 62. The Sea Devils (6) 63. The Mutants (6) 64. The Time Monster (6) 65. The Three Doctors (4) 66. Carnival of Monsters (4) 67. Frontier in Space (6) 68. Planet of the Daleks (6) 69. The Green Death (6) 70. The Time Warrior (4) 71. Invasion of the Dinosaurs (6) 72. Death to the Daleks (4) 73. The Monster of Peladon (6) 74. Planet of the Spiders (6) EPISODES 75 THROUGH 115, 1974-1981 Featuring Tom Baker as the Doctor 75. Robot (4) 76. Ark in Space (4) 77. The Sonataran Experiment (2) 78. Genesis of the Daleks (6) 79. Revenge of the Cybermen (4) 80. Terror of the Zygons (4) 81. Planet of Evil (4) 82. Pyramids of Mars (4) 83. The Android Invasion (4) 84. The Brain of Morbius (4) 85. The Seeds of Doom (6) 86. The Masque of Mandragora (4) 87. The Hand of Fear (4) 88. The Deadly Assassin (4) 89. The Face of Evil (4) 90. The Robots of Death (4) 91. The Talons of Weng-Chiang (6) 92. Horror of Fang Rock (4) 93. The Invisible Enemy (4) 94. Image of the Fendahl (4) 95. The Sunmakers (4) 96. Underworld (4) 97. The Invasion of Time (6) 98. The Ribos Operation (4) 99. The Pirate Planet (4) 100. The Stones of Blood 101. The Androids of Tara (4) 102. The Power of Kroll (4) 103. The Armageddon Factor (6) 104. Destiny of the Daleks (4) 105. City of Death (4) 106. The Creature from the Pit (4) 107. Nightmare of Eden (4) 108. The Horns of Nimon (4) 000. Shada (6) 109. Leisure Hive (4) 110. Meglos (4) 111. Full Circle (4) 112. State of Decay (4) 113. Warriors Gate (4) 114. The Keeper of Traken (4) 115. Logopolis (4) EPISODES 116 THROUGH 135, 1981-1984 Featuring Peter Davidson as the Doctor 116. Castrovalva (4) 117. Four to Doomsday (4) 118. Kinda (4) 119. The Visitation (4) 120. Black Orchid (2) 121. Earthshock (4) 122. Time-flight (4) 123. Arc of Infinity (4) 124. Snakedance (4) 125. Mawdryn Undead (4) 126. Terminus (4) 127. Enlightenment (4) 128. The Kings Demon (2) 129. The Five Doctors (4) 130. Warriors of the Deep (4) 131. The Awakening (2) 132. Frontios (4) 133. Planet of Fire (4) 134. Resurrection of the Daleks (2) 135. Caves of Androzani (4) EPISODES 136 THROUGH 146, 1984-1986 Featuring Colin Baker as the Doctor 136. Twin Dilemma (4) 137. Attack of the Cybermen (2) 138. Vengence on Varos (2) 139. Mark of the Rani (2) 140. The Two Doctors (3) 141. Timelash (2) 142. Revelation of the Daleks (2) 143. The Mysterious Planet (4) 144. Mindwarp (4) 145. Terror of the Vervoids (4) 146. The Ultimate Foe EPISODES 147 THROUGH 158, 1987-1989 Featuring Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor 147. Time and the Rani (4) 148. Paradise Towers (4) 149. Delta and the Bannermen (3) 150. Dragonfire (3) 151. Rememberence of the Daleks (4) 152. The Happiness Patrol (3) 153. Silver Nemesis (3) 154. The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (4) 155. Battlefield (4) 156. Ghost Light (3) 157. The Curse of Fenric (4) 158. Survival Miscellany Videos/Stories

Cybermen: The Early Years Daleks: The Early Years The Hartnell Years The Troughton Years The Pertwee Years The Tom Baker Years The Colin Baker Years K9 and Company More than 30 Years in the TARDIS The Enemy Within Dr. Who and the Daleks 2164 Daleks Invasion Earth

Key: italics: Episode is partially or completely missing

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