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Ancient Egyptian Mummification

Embalming & Mummification

The Egyptians believed that a body had to be properly prepared in order to live in a similar way in the afterlife. Egyptians believed that the body was the link to a spiritual existence in the afterlife therefore the body had to be preserved. The Egyptians used embalming and mummification to preserve their dead.

Embalming & Mummification

Embalming is the process of preserving a dead body by using spices and salts. Mummification is the process of preserving bodies by drying them, packing them with minerals and salts and wrapping them with linen cloths A persons soul consisted of a Ka and Ba.
Ka The persons life energy. Born at the same time as the persons body and is instantly reunited with it at his/her moment of death. Ba A bird that represented the persons spirit. The Ba emerged from the body at death to wander abroad .

Embalming & Mummification

The persons body would also be accompanied by familiar possessions. These could include clothes, jewellery and even work tools. v=Jal3tzOrces

The Mummification Process

Step 1: Wash the body with water or palm wine Step 2: Use a long hook to pull out the brains through the left nostril Step 3: Cut the left side of the stomach and remove the liver, lungs, intestines and stomach. Do not remove the heart.

The Mummification Process

Step 4: Cover the internal organs with natron salt for 40 days to absorb all the moisture. Rub the dried organs with oils and wrap them in linen bandages. Place them into canopic jars.

Step 5: Cover the body with natron salt for 40 days to dry. Then rub the dried skin with palm oils and ointments. Pack the stomach cavity with perfumed linen and sew up the wound.

The Mummification Process

Step 6: Place a magic charm over the stomach wound and a scarab (beetle-shaped charm) over the heart. Wrap the body with linen dipped in glue. Wrap each part separately. You will need about 370 square metres of linen. Put amulets and charms such as the anhks in with the bandages. The dead persons soul will need these during its journey to the afterlife.

The Mummification Process

Step 7: Place a mask made of linen and glue over the persons head and shoulders. Paint and cover in gold leaf. Step 8: Placed the wrapped mummy in a body shaped coffin that has been decorated in jewels, paintings inscriptions and spells. Paint the coffin so it looks a bit like the person.

The Mummification Process

Step 9:The mummy and canopic jars are ready for burial. The chief priest will need to accompany the funeral procession to the tomb.

Journey to the Afterlife

Journey to the Afterlife

The Egyptian Book of The Egyptians the Dead consists of believed that the scrolls of papyrus journey was filled with containing more than dangers such as 200 spells. poisonous snakes, fire-filled lakes and The spells were good executioners. wishes or prayers to help the deceased person survive the journey to the afterlife.

Journey to the Afterlife Weighing of the Heart

The most important test of the journey was the weighing of the heart held in the Hall of Two Truths. People believed the gods put the dead persons heart on a balance and weighed it against a feather representing maat, the goddess of justice. The heart had to weigh less than a feather to allow the person into the afterlife.

Journey to the Afterlife Weighing of the Heart

The heart had to weigh less than the feather to allow the person into the afterlife. This proved the person was good and had lived an honest life. If the heart was heavier than the maat feather, the person would be sent to be eaten by Ammit. This meant the person had lived a bad life and was dishonest and sinful. Ammit had the head of a crocodile, the body of a lion and hippopotamus.

Journey to the Afterlife Weighing of the Heart

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