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Brian Knight, PT, CSCS, CGFI

Forward by:
Dr. Greg Rose of the Titlest Permormance Institute

“By using Brian’s proven techniques and safe protocols any junior can follow his recommendations and
improve. From basic mobility exercises, to advanced core stabilization techniques, this book has it all.”
Dr. Greg Rose of The Titleist Performance Institute
Forward by Dr. Greg Rose
I used to wonder how the best golfers in the world became so
talented. Were they just born with this unbelievable gift or did some
coach teach them the secret at a young age. Maybe they just figured it
out by hitting thousands of balls on a range and there really wasn’t any
secret, just hard work. This question intrigued me for many years.
When I began working the best players in the world, I started asking
them how they learned the game and finally I got my answer. All of these
players had one common answer; a great junior development program.
Even if the player told me that they never picked up a golf club until they
were 12 years old, I eventually would find an underlying youth athletic
development program that they participated in at an early age. It may have
been for baseball, tennis, or another un-related sport, but it was there.
Unfortunately, it is just way too easy in today’s world of computers,
video games, cars, and televisions for our children to become lazy and
inactive. Many kids today don’t spend hours on the playground, swinging
on the monkey bars and playing chase with friends. These skills are
essential in developing a young athlete. Even worse, some schools have
completely eliminated physical education from the curriculum. As parents
and coaches, we need to change this trend.
The benefits of getting involved in a long term athletic development
program are almost too long to list. They include confidence, self-esteem,
respect for others and rules, life long weight management, speed and
power development, motor skill development, mental toughness, etc.
This list just goes on and on forever.
One of the most important features of any junior development program
is the physical fitness or strength and conditioning component. All too often,
many juniors neglect this component because their instructors themselves do
not have the expertise to teach the kids how to workout. Thanks to leaders
in the industry like Brian Knight at JuniorFit this type of information is now
right at your fingertips. By using fun and functional forms of training this
program can help any junior develop the best skills right from the start.
By using Brian’s proven techniques and safe protocols any junior can
follow his recommendations and improve. From basic mobility exercises,
to advanced core stabilization techniques, this book has it all. Plus, the most
important feature of all, it fun. Good Luck!
Table of Contents
Section One
Section Two
General Fitness Guidelines for Age Groups..............................................7
Section Three
Self Screen.................................................................................................8
Section Four
The Golf Muscles.....................................................................................19
Section Five
The Warm Up “10”..................................................................................20
Section Six
Stretches “10”..........................................................................................25
Section Seven
Stability “10”...........................................................................................30
Section Eight
Strength “10”...........................................................................................37
Section Nine
Explosive “10”.........................................................................................44
Section Ten
Swiss Ball “10”........................................................................................51
Section Eleven
Bosu “10”.................................................................................................57
Section Twelve
Balance Board “10”.................................................................................62
Section Thirteen
Dynamic Balance Trainer........................................................................68
Section Fourteen
Section Fifteen
General Nutrition.....................................................................................74
Table of Contents Continued
Section Sixteen
Cardiovascular Exercise...........................................................................76
Section Seventeen
Creating Your Workouts...........................................................................78
Section Eighteen
Workout Example....................................................................................81
One of the most poorly understood and applied concepts in golf
today is fitness. There is a void in the literature and research for today’s
golf professional. The information is hard to find and many times
confusing and contradictory. Without question, the area of greatest
confusion is junior golf conditioning.
As a parent, would you like to feel confident that the path your
child has chosen will help them achieve their ultimate professional
goals? As a junior golfer, would you like to have the power of knowing
what stretches and exercises work best for you? If the answer to these
questions is yes, then by purchasing this book you have taken the first
step to proper golf fitness.
The purpose of Junior Golf Fitness is to help parents and juniors
understand the complexities of junior fitness and apply effective methods
to allow for a personalized golf fitness routine. The book will help
organize an easy to follow weekly routine to promote more power,
flexibility, and stability throughout the golf swing.
The book will educate you on body weight exercise, as well as, numerous
exercises using some of today’s most commonly used fitness devices.
My name is Brian Knight. I am not a personal trainer or self
proclaimed “fitness expert”. I am a physical therapist (P.T) and a certified
strength and conditioning specialist (C.S.C.S.). These two degrees
combined with extensive advanced training in golf fitness provide me
with ten years of study and application of golf fitness. I have trained
with the leaders in the golf fitness field including: Titleist Performance
Institute, Paul Chek Institute, and Back to Golf. I train young golfers in
the southeast as a member of the Southeastern Junior Golf Tour (SJGT).
My studies and experience over the last decade have provided me with a
unique insight into the primary fitness needs of today’s junior golfer.
There are a few golf fitness books available on the bookstore shelves
that offer advice and some basic exercises. This book will teach you ten
of the most important exercises in each category of your fitness to help
devise an interchangeable and fun exercise routine.
Enjoy the book and congratulations on taking the first step to a
successful fitness journey.

General Fitness Guidelines for Age Group
There are many concerns and opinions about when a junior should
begin exercise and what types of exercises they should perform. The
truth is, at a very young age kid’s have already begun weight training
using their own body weight. When a child jumps off a swing or a
truckbed, they are resisting their own body weight. At young ages,
kid’s push, pull, row, and lift all day during an average summer. Junior
athletes are active individuals who, many times, have already prepared
themselves to begin a fitness routine just by the performance of their
normal daily activities.
The first area of fitness that is safe for all juniors is body weight
exercise. Body weight exercises take activities that a person does on a
daily basis and through the addition of sets and repetitions transforms
them into a viable exercise program.
The second group of exercises safe for all ages are flexibility
exercises. Most individuals are very flexible at younger ages. As we age,
our muscles shorten or lengthen depending on our activities and our
genetics. People often assume that juniors are flexible because of their
young age. Although more flexibility is expected in a junior than the
average adult, many juniors have numerous flexibility restrictions that
limit top performance in their sport.
Finally comes training with weights or external load. There are
many opinions on when strength training should begin. Most research is
concerned primarily with damaging the growth plates if weight training
begins too early and causing growth deficiencies in the junior. However,
all parties would agree, no junior should move on to external load
until they have achieved good flexibility and can safely and effectively
manage body weight exercises.
There are numerous facts and figures available in the literature
regarding youth fitness that can be located in the reference section of this
book. It is understood that the author of this book has done the research
for you and has laid out an exercise plan that is safe for all juniors to use
and benefit from. Weight training is included in this text and precautions
will be given when needed. 7
Self Screen
The purpose of the self screen is to give you an idea where your
flexibility limitations lie and assist you in choosing exercises from the
book that will most benefit you initially. The self screen takes less than
ten minutes and can be done in any order. You should be in loose fitting
clothes, barefoot, and on a firm, carpeted surface when performing the
test. The tests are listed individually below with a brief description. If
you find that you are restricted in your ability to perform the following
tests, there are corrective techniques listed at the end of each test that
should be given priority in your workout until you are able to effectively
pass the test.

1. Deep Squat:
Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, and arms crossed on your chest.
Feet should remain facing forward during the squat and you should only
go as far as you can without your heels coming up off the ground.

Results: A successful deep full squat demonstrates good hip and calf
flexibility with good basic core stability. Heels rising off the floor before
completion of the full squat or losing your balance would be considered
not passing the full squat. Areas of concern with an incomplete squat
will be lower leg and hip flexibility and core stability.

Corrective Technique
Corrective Warm Up: Hip Circles
Corrective Stretches: Toes Up Foam Roll, Hamstring with rope assist,
Butt Up Stretch
Primary Corrective Exercises: Deep Squats, Abdominal Routine power
of three, Swiss Ball abdominal roll-out, Plank

2. Neck Active Range of Motion (AROM):
Neck AROM includes the following movements: flexion, extension,
sidebending, rotation, coupled sidebending and rotation. This test can
be performed in several positions but for our purposes they will be
performed in the address position. In upright position perform these

a. Flexion: bend you chin as far to your chest as possible without

allowing any movement of the area between your shoulder blades.
b. Extension: lean your head back as far as far as you can once again
not allowing any movement except your head on your shoulders.
c. Rotation: turn your head to look over your left shoulder and
then your right. Be careful to make as full a turn as possible
without allowing any shoulder movement.
d. Sidebending: lean your ear down to your shoulder without
allowing the opposite shoulder to come up. Perform this
movement to each side.
e. Coupled motion: this test is a little more difficult but valuable.
Turn your head to the left about halfway and then tilt it back over
your shoulder followed by a tilt forward over your chest. Be
careful to keep the head in the half turned position the entire time. 9
Results: The following explanations will be in layman’s terms to allow
for good understanding of the findings.

a. Flexion: Your chin should touch your chest without any tension
in your upper back or forward movement of your shoulders.
b. Extension: The back of your head should safely and easily
touch the muscles between your shoulders.
c. Rotation: You should be able to turn your chin completely
over your shoulder with little to no tension in the upper shoulder
muscles on the opposite side.
d. Sidebending: Your ear should come close to reaching the
shoulder on the same side as you lean toward it.
e. Coupled motion: A passing grade with this motion is nothing
more than feeling free movement with no pain.

Corrective Technique
Corrective Warm Up: Neck and Arm Circles
Corrective Stretches: Neck Circles with two second holds at four
positions, chin down, ear on right shoulder, chin up, and ear on left
shoulder for ten repetitions.
Primary Corrective Exercises: Plank, Tabletop, Upper Body Extension,
Curl Up on Ball.

Restrictions in any of these motions demonstrates either limited joint or

muscle flexibility. These restrictions can lead to injury from repetitive
wear and tear during the golf swing.

3. Shoulder Active Range of Motion:

The shoulder is one of our more mobile joints. It has freedom of
motion in all planes of movement. We will look at the basic motions of
the shoulder along with the shoulder “circle”.

a. Flexion: Stand upright with your shoulders in a neutral position

as pictured. Thumb up, raise your shoulder in front of you as far
as you can without letting your lower back bend.
b. Extension: Stand upright, with your thumb facing forward reach
back as far as you can without allowing yourself to bend forward.
c. Abduction: Stand upright and bring your arm up to the side of your
face similar to a “jumping jack” motion. Repeat on both sides.

d. Internal rotation: Hold your arm out at your side with your
palm facing the floor as pictured. Keeping your elbow steady,
bring your hand away from the floor as far as you can.
e. External rotation: Same position as internal rotation, this time
turn your hand under as far as you can keeping your elbow in the
same positon.
f. Circumduction: Slowly rotate your arm in a clockwise and then
counterclockwise position trying to make as big a circle as possible.

Shoulder Images:

c d e

Results: The results for the shoulder will be

explained in a similar fashion as the neck was
explained previously.

a. Flexion: (not pictured) Stand upright with your

arms resting at your side, palms against your legs.
Lift your hands out in front of you as high as you
can, as if signalling a touchdown. Do not let your
lower back arch. f
b. Extension: (not pictured) Stand upright with your
arms resting at your side, palms against your legs. Lift your hands
directly behind you without bending your body forward.
c. Abduction: Your arm should rise through the motion without
pain and finish resting next to your ear on the same side.
d. External Rotation: At completion of the motion, the palm
should be facing the same direction as your face.
e. Internal Rotation: Your palm should easily face the same
direction as the back of your head with no stress on the shoulder.
f. Circumduction: Your arm should move in a full, pain free, large
circle both clockwise and counterclockwise. 11
Corrective Technique
Corrective Warm Up: Arm Circles
Corrective Stretches: Over/Out Around/Behind, Latissimus,
Corrective Exercises: Plank, Tabletop, Push Up

Pain with any of these motions can be indicative of an impingement

syndrome that can be aggravated at the extremes of the backswing and
follow through.

4. Wrist and Hand Active Range of Motion:

Often overlooked the hand is our only contact with the club. Our wrist
is what allows us to set the club in the backswing. The wrist motions are
flexion, extension, radial/ulnar deviation. The fingers will be assessed
only by making a fist.

a. Wrist Flexion: Hold your arm out in front of you and bend your
hand as far under as you can.
b. Wrist Extension: Hold your arm out in front of you and bend
your wrist as far back in the upright position as possible.
c. Radial Deviation: Hold your arm out in front of you and turn
your hand toward the thumb side.
d. Ulnar Deviation: Hold your arm out in front of you and turn
your hand toward the “pinky” side.
e. Fingers: Slowly clinch your fingers into a fist beginning with the
furthermost joint of your fingers and slowly closing your hand.

a. Wrist Flexion: Your hand should easily be drawn under so that
all fingers are pointing to the floor.
b. Wrist Extension: Your hand should easily be drawn back so
that all fingers are pointing to the sky.
c. Radial Deviation: Your wrist should move a small amount
towards the thumb side with no pain.
d. Ulnar Deviation: Your wrist should move greater amount to the
“pinky” side.
e. Fingers: You should be able to make a complete fist without pain.

Corrective Technique
Corrective Warm Up: Wrist Circles, Golf Ball Grabs
Corrective Stretches: Wrist test positions held two seconds each for ten repetitions.
Corrective Exercises: Plank, Tabletop, Pushup

Wrist and hand restrictions can lead to overuse of tendons and ligaments
in your forearm and shoulders. Good hand mobility is essential to a
complete golf swing.

5. Lower Back Flexibility:

a. Flexion: In standing position, reach to the floor keeping your

legs straight.
b. Extension: Lie on your stomach and gently rise up on your
elbows, keeping your waist in contact with the floor. If you have
a history of back pain, refrain from this test.
c. Rotation: In address position, cross your arms across your chest
and turn into your backswing position. Next, turn into your
followthrough position.
d. Sidebending: Stand up tall, reach down your leg as far as you
can without bending forward or backward. 13

a. Flexion: You should be able to bend forward and your upper

body should be parallel to the floor as pictured.
b. Extension: You should be able to rest comfortably on your
elbows with your waist in contact with the floor.
c. Rotation: Without movement of your lower body, you should
be able to turn your shoulder under your chin.
d. Sidebending: Your hand should comfortably reach past the
outside of your knee.

Corrective Technique
Corrective Warm Up: Hip Circles, Hips Side to Side.
Corrective Stretches: Hamstring with Rope Assist, Butt Up Stretch, Toes
up Foam Roll, Lower Trunk Rotation.
Corrective Exercises: Bridge, Deep Squats, Ball Warm Up, Curl Up on Ball

Limitations in back flexibility lead to chronic low back pain and

shortened careers as demonstrated on both the PGA and LPGA tours.

6. Hip Active Range of Motion:

The motions considered are flexion, extension, internal rotation, and
external rotation.

a. Flexion: Lie on your back, pull your leg down towards your
chest as far as you can without allowing your lower back to
come up off the floor.
b. Extension: Stand upright, slowly bring one leg backwards until
a comfortable stretch is felt in the front of the hip. Do not allow
the lower back to bend backwards.
c. Internal Rotation: Lie on your back and bring your leg into a
90/90 position as pictured. Slowly turn your leg to the outside of
your body maintaining the knee in the starting position.
d. External Rotation: Lie as above and turn your leg to the
inward position keeping the knee in the original position.


a. Flexion: Your leg should easily reach your chest with no lower
back stress or discomfort.
b. Extension: Your leg should move one to one and a half foot
widths behind you.
c. Internal Rotation: Your leg should rotate out forty five degrees
at a minimum.
d. External Rotation: Your leg should rotate inward to forty five
degrees minimum.

Corrective Technique
Corrective Warm Up: Hip Circles, Hip Side to Side.
Corrective Stretches: Half Kneel, Hip Rotator Stretch.
Corrective Exercises: Deep Squat, Lower Trunk Rotation 15
Hip range of motion is arguably the most important determinant of
power. Secondly, restrictions in hip range of motion not only lead to hip
replacements but also lower back pain over time.

7. Knee Active Range of Motion:

Knee range of motion is as simple as flexion and extension.

a. Flexion: Lie flat on your back with your thigh perpendicular to

the ground. Bring your lower leg towards the back of your thigh.
b. Extension: Lie with your legs out in front of you. Tighten your
thigh muscle and attempt to flatten your leg into the floor.


a. Flexion: You should easily be able to touch the back of your

lower leg to the back of your upper leg.
b. Extension: You should easily be able to flatten the back of your
knee into the floor.

Corrective Technique
Corrective Warm Up: Hip Circles, Ankle Rolls
Corrective Stretches: Hamstring with Rope Assist, Butt Up Stretch.
Corrective Exercises: Bridge, Tabletop, Multidirectional Lunges.

Restrictions in knee flexibility can lead to poor posture at address,

instability during your swing, and increased stress on the body while
walking up and down golf courses.

8. Foot and Ankle Range of Motion:

a. Dorsiflexion: Sitting in a chair with your lower leg hanging

freely, bring your foot towards the ceiling.
b. Plantarflexion: Sitting in a chair with your lower leg hanging
freely, point your foot down as if pressing a gas pedal.
c. Circumduction: Sitting in a chair with your lower leg
hanging freely, turn your ankle in a full circle clockwise and


b. Dorsiflexion: Your foot should move freely past neutral to about

10 degrees.
c. Plantarflexion: Your foot should move freely into a full
depressed gas pedal position (lead foot).
d. Circumduction: Your foot should easily complete a full circle
free of pain.

Corrective Technique
Corrective Warm Up: Ankle Rolls
Corrective Stretches: Test positions held two seconds for ten repetitions.
Corrective Exercises: Full Deep Squat.

Footwork is one of the most overlooked assets to a golf swing. Freedom

on motion in the feet not only allows for a stable base of support but
protects the knee and hip from stress during walking. 17
The following PGA statistics demonstrate the flexibility that is required
on tour to meet the high demands of the golf swing:

Shoulder External Rotation: Greater than 110 degrees

Neck Rotation: Greater than 75 degrees
Trunk Rotation: Greater than 70 degrees
Hip External Rotation: Greater than 55 degrees
Hip Internal Rotation: Greater than 45 degrees
Back Extension: Greater than 30 degrees
Wrist Flexion/Extension: Greater than 70 degrees

These values can be determined by a thorough evaluation from a

qualified health professional. You can also refer to the descriptions in the
self screen to get a general idea about how you measure up.

The Golf Muscles
What are the golf muscles? The golf muscles are basically every muscle
in your body. The entire body of muscles work together to produce the high
speed and awkward movements we call the golf swing. It is not enough just
to have strong legs or broad shoulders, you must have all of the postural
muscles working in unison with the prime movers and stabilizers to promote
a healthy and powerful swing. The following list will break down the details
of the muscles necessary to perform the positions of the golf swing:

Address Position: Due to the forward inclined nature of the address

position, your muscles are basically in a holding pattern. You must have
good muscle length in the hamstrings, hip flexors, and lowback muscles.
These muscle lengths need to be complemented by good range of motion of
your pelvis and spine. Your calves need to be flexible to allow for enough
bend in your ankles to provide a stable base. Even muscles in the back of
your neck are working to hold your head steady as you ready for takeaway.
The muscle groups included in this position are the quadriceps(thigh), the
gastroc/soleus(calf), gluteals(buttocks), back extensors(muscles along the
spine), and adductors/abductors(inner/outer thigh).

Backswing: The backswing motion is accomplishing two things: getting the

body behind the ball and shifting the weight onto the turned side. There are
numerous muscles contributing to this movement as we have moved from
static to dynamic rotation. As you shift your weight the muscles in the hip
(internal/external rotators) begin to stabilize the hip against forces created by
maintaining a stable leg to rotate over. The shoulder muscles (rotator cuff,
scapular girdle) lift the club up on plane while the hands use intrinsic muscles
coupled with wrist flexors and extensors to control the club. The abdominal muscles
along with the spinal muscles work to rotate the body and produce the coil effect.

Downswing: Tension and power are produced as the club is set at the top
and the downswing initiated. All of the back and abdominal muscles listed
in the backswing are now working to accelerated the body to impact. The
reversal of the backswing requires very good range of motion of all the joints
and good strength and endurance to allow for repeated movements over
the course of a round and a lifetime. After impact, the muscles are at their
greatest risk because they are required to slow down the movement of the
club and support the majority of the body weight on one side. Good strength
and balance is required of the muscles of the lower body. 19
The Warm Up
The important stretches that will be presented in the next chapter
have a dual function. When warming up for a round of golf or prior to
a workout they are to be held for two seconds only for sets of eight to
ten repetitions. Prolonged stretching prior to competition can “deaden”
the muscles response and make it difficult for the brain to respond to the
increased muscle length.
However, when performing the stretches as part of your general
workout or flexibility program, feel free to hold the stretches up to ten
seconds to maximize muscle length.
To get up started I have devised a simple, yet effective, routine
to use prior to practice or a tournament. The following sequence is a
driving range warm up that can be used in conjunction with your normal
stretching routine or as an adjunct when you have little time to prepare
for an event.

Driving Range Warm Up

1. Neck Circles: Stand upright, turn your neck slowly clockwise,

then counterclockwise repeating ten in each direction with a
slow, pain free movement.

2. Arm Circles: Hold your arms out to your side and begin to
rotate them in a small clockwise direction. After completing
ten repetitions, begin to rotate them to a medium circle,
then complete this direction with large circles. Reverse the
motion and complete all three sizes for ten repetitions in the
counterclockwise direction.

3. Hip Circles: Stand upright with your hands on your hips. Begin
to rotate the hips in a circular pattern completing ten repetitions.
Slowly move in a clockwise direction first and complete the
exercise in a counterclockwise position. Try to make a full circle
with good effort to get a complete stretch of the hip as this is a
vital joint for stability and power. 21
4. Ankle Rolls: Standing in an upright position, roll your feet
inward as if standing on the inside of your shoes. Follow this
motion with a rolling of your feet to the outside. Repeat this
motion ten times each direction.

5. Heel/Toe Raises: Standing upright, rise up on your toes

allowing your heels to come up off the ground. After staying
on your toes for two seconds, roll back onto your heels allowing
your toes to clear the ground. Repeat ten times each way.

6. Wrist Circles: Reach out in front with your arms straight. Your
palms will be facing the ground. Begin rotating your wrists in
a clockwise pattern followed by a counterclockwise pattern.
Repeat each direction ten times.

7. Hips Side to Side: Standing in an upright position, place your

hand on your hips. Begin moving your hips side to side allowing
for the sensation of a good stretch in the hip as you rotate to that
side. Repeat ten times each side alternating side to side.

8. Golf Ball Grabs: Place a golf ball in your hand and grasp it
with your thumb. As you hold the golf ball, slowly bend all of
your fingers until completely bent. Hold this position for five
seconds and repeat ten times. 23
9. Arms Crossed Trunk Rotation in Golf Stance: Stand in
address position with arms crossed on your chest. Slowly rotate
into a full backswing position and hold for two seconds. Now,
rotate fully into the followthrough position holding for two
seconds. Repeat each direction ten times.

10. Short Iron Swings: Complete your warm up by using a short

iron and taking 25-30 swings. Pay close attention to correct
set up and swing plane so as to warm up muscles in the exact
positions they will be used in the full golf swing.

Congratulations, you have completed the full driving range warm up. This
warm up is a very effective way to prevent injury and insure the most economical
and effective swing possible. This warm up should be used prior to any practice
session or tournament round. The next several chapters will begin demonstrate
ten exercises for several categories including: stretches, stability, strength, swiss
ball, explosive power, bosu ball, balance board, and plyometrics. The following
chapters of exercises are not laid out in any particular order. At the end of
the book, the exercises will be organized and periodized to give you a good
understanding of how to best use these tools to build strength and flexibility.
The following stretches will give you instruction on how to complete
the stretch, what repetitions to perform, and what golf muscles are being

1. Hamstring stretch with rope assistance: Lie flat on your

back with the leg to be stretched laid out straight. Bend the
opposite knee having your foot flat on the ground. Take a rope
and wrap it around the sole of your shoe. The rope will be
used for support and a mild overstretch at the end of the range.
Begin the stretch by actively lifting your leg as high as you can
without letting your leg bend. When a comfortable stretch is
felt in the back of the leg, gently pull on the rope to apply mild
overstretch to the muscles. At the top of the stretch, pull down
the line of the leg to feel a stretch in the back of the lower
leg. You can vary this stretch by wrapping the rope around
the inside of the leg or the outside of the leg and repeating the
exercise as mentioned above. This should be done ten times in
each position with a two second hold.

Muscles Stretched: Hamstrings x 3 and Gastrocnemius or calf muscles. 25
2. Butt-Up Stretch: Sitting in an average height chair, place your
fingertips on the floor. Keeping your fingertips in contact with
the floor, raise your buttocks up from the chair attempting the
straighten your legs. If you cannot successfully straighten your
legs, place books on the floor and use them for your fingertips.
Build up a height with the books that allows you to straighten your
legs and feel a stretch in the lower back and behind the legs. As
you become more flexible, you will be able to slowly take books
away until you can eventually straighten your legs with your
fingers on the floor. Hold for five seconds and repeat ten times.

Muscles Stretched: Lowerback and hamstrings

3. Toes Up Foam Roll: Using a half foam roll or telephone book,

place the balls of your feet up on the object. Keeping your legs
straight, reach over as far as you can and hold for two seconds.
Repeat this exercise ten times.

Muscles Stretched: Calf muscles, hamstrings, and lower back with a

mild latissimus stretch.

4. Split Stance Side to Side: Standing with your feet placed outside
your shoulders, shift your weight to one side while allowing the
opposite side leg to straighten. You should feel a strong stretch on
the inside of the straightened leg. Hold this for 5 seconds and then
alternate to the other side. Repeat ten times each direction.

Muscles Stretched: Groin muscles and medial knee attachments.

5. Over/Out, Around/Behind: This stretch is a four stretch exercise to

get you shoulder warm and flexible. Stand in an upright position with
your arms hanging freely at your side. Keeping your arms straight,
raise them straight out in front as far as you can feeling a stretch in
the area under your armpit. Hold two seconds. Secondly, return to
starting position and bring your arms around to the side of your head
similar to a jumping jack position. Hold two seconds. Now, hold your
arms directly out in front of you and bring them around your body
attempting to keep them parallel to the ground. Reach as far behind
as you can and hold two seconds. Finally, return to original starting
position and reach back as far as you can keeping your trunk erect.
Hold two seconds and repeat this entire pattern ten times.

Muscles Stretched: Latissimus, Deltoids, Trapezius, Rotator Cuff, Pectoralis. 27
6. Half Kneel: On a firm surface, place one knee down and have
the other knee bent and place in front of you for balance. Keep
your upper body in the upright position and shift you weight
forward by bending the lead knee. As you move forward you
will begin to feel a stretch in the front of the hip on the down leg.
When you feel a stretch, hold for five seconds. Repeat this ten
times each side.

Muscles stretched: Hip flexor, quad, groin muscles.

7. Lower Trunk Rotation: Lie flat on your back with your

feet flat on the floor and knees together. Slowly rotate your
knees in one direction without allowing them to separate while
simultaneously rotating your neck in the opposite direction.
Continue this motion in each direction for 2-3 minutes.

Muscles Stretched: Lower Spine, Cervical Spine, all Hip muscles.

8. Stork Turns: Stand on one foot and place the other foot next to
your knee. Keeping your upper body facing forward, rotate the
bent knee around the body to the stance side. You can use a wall for
balance if necessary. Repeat this ten times and then switch legs.

Muscles Stretched: Hip and Lumbar Spine.

9. Hip Rotators Stretch: Lie flat on your back with your knees
bent. Cross one leg over the other and then actively bring them
towards your chest. Reach behind your knee to assist in pulling
the legs to your chest. You should feel a stretch in the buttock
of the leg that is crossed. Hold this five seconds and repeat ten
times on each side.

Muscles Stretched: All hip rotator muscles.

10. Latissimus Stretch: Kneeling in front of a swiss ball or any

other object that you can place your hands on, reach out and
place your hands on the object. Keeping your hands in place,
press your chest towards the floor
feeling a stretch in the back of your
shoulders. Hold for five seconds and
repeat ten times. 29
Here we will address the core musculature. You will be using many of
your primary muscle groups as they assist the core to perform these
maneuvers. These are ten exercises the will begin to build the stable
foundation necessary for effective golf.

1. Plank: There are three positions to this plank sequence. First,

lie down with you body weight resting on your forearms. Palms
will be down and shoulder width apart. With feet together, lift
your body off the ground, keeping your stomach tight, until you
are just past parallel to the ground. Upon reaching this position,
hold until you can no longer keep good form. When you have
completed three sets to fatigue, roll onto the right side and rest
your weight on your elbow placed directly under your shoulder.
Your down arm is pointing perpendicular to your body with
your hands flat, fingers stretched, forearm resting on the ground
in front of you. With feet together, rise up until your body
reaches the neutral position and hold this until you can no longer
maintain good form. Repeat three times and then turn over to the
other side to complete the three versions of the plank.

Purpose: To engage core stabilizers and upper body stabilizers to

promote endurance and stability in the golf swing.

2. Single leg balance to squat: Begin this exercise by standing
on one foot with your toes directly out in front of you. When
you can stand on one foot for thirty seconds, three sets, then
progress to doing the same with your eyes closed. When you
can complete three sets, thirty seconds with eyes closed, then
progress to single leg squat. For single leg squat, eyes open and
foot forward, slowly squat down as if tapping your buttock on a
chair. When you reach the chair, hold one second, then return to
the starting position. Be sure to have your foot facing forward
and careful that your knee remains in line with the foot below it
and does not collapse inward or outward during the squat. You
can expect some muscle shaking during this exercise until you
get used to the technique. Perform three sets of five repetitions.

Purpose: To begin challenging your static balance(single leg stance)

and building strength to allow for improved stability on the leg at the top
of the backswing and at the full followthrough. 31
3. Bridge: Lie flat on your back on a firm surface. Arms crossed
on your chest, feet together, tighten your stomach and lift your
body into the air. When you reach a position just past neutral you
will feel your buttock muscles “kick in”. When you reach this
position, hold for five seconds before returning to the starting
position. Repeat this exercise ten times, three sets.

Purpose: The activate the core and build stability and strength in the
gluteals and legs. This will set the foundation for a powerful swing.

4. Abdominal Roll Out: This is an exercise that can be extremely

beneficial but should be done with caution. It is imperative that
you only roll out as far as you comfortably can without arching
your back. Resting on your knees, swiss ball out in front of you
with forearms resting on the ball. Slowly roll out on the ball,
keeping your stomach tight and feet off the floor. Be sure to begin
with the ball just resting under your wrists to allow for room to let
the ball roll along your forearms. Feet and legs remain together
and you should hold the position for two seconds before returning
to the starting position. Repeat this exercise ten times for two sets.

Purpose: To strengthen the core through a dynamic pattern teaching the body to
prepare for upper body movement through the golf swing while remaining stable.

5. TableTop (The Crab): Sit on the floor with your feet shoulder
width apart and flat our in front of you. Place your hands just
behind your shoulders, palms down and fingers out. Slowly raise
your buttocks off the floor until
your waist reaches almost neutral.
Hold this position to fatigue or
until you can no longer maintain
good form. Repeat this exercise
three times.

Purpose: Core endurance. Without good endurance in the core, the body
will be less able to repeat a swing over the course of a round.

6. Abdominal routine to the power of three: Power one* Lie flat on

your back with your feet together and head supported in your hands.
Slowly curl your head up, followed by your chest, and then contraction
of your stomach. This should feel like a slow curl up or crunch allowing
each segment of your body to curl and then uncurl. Repeat this until you
feel a burn. Power two* Now begin to curl with rotation to the opposite
leg as it simultaneously is drawn towards your upper body. Repeat this
movement alternately to each side without pulling on the head and
neck. Power three* Lying flat on your back, curl your feet up under
your outstretched hands. Be careful to do this movement in a controlled
manner allowing the stomach to assist on the final few inches and
not momentum. Repeat all of these to a burn and perform three sets.

Purpose: To build strong abdominals. Abdominals play an important role

in power of the golf swing and protection of your back. 33
7. Deep Squats: Depending on how you fared in the testing early in the
book will determine how to perform this routine. The goal with these
exercises is to allow yourself to be successful without feeling obligated
to be squatting all the way to the ground. Begin with arms crossed your
chest, feet pointing directly forward, and legs shoulder width apart.
Squat down as far as you can while not only maintaining these criteria
but keeping your balance. If you reach the bottom and the back of your
legs touch, congratulations, you can perform this routine with your
arms overhead. If you didn’t make it all the way down, place a chair
or stool just below the level you attained and begin with that position.
Repeat the squats ten times for three sets keeping good form. If you
can no longer keep good form, you should stop. Remember, if you
are squatting all the way down with arms
overhead, be sure your hands stay behind
your feet or you need to check your form. )
If you are having trouble getting any depth
to your deep squat you can counter you body
weight with a dumbell. Hold the dumbell out
in front of you and sit down to a stool or low
chair. You can use a dumbell as small as 5#
to counter your weight. You have the option
of letting go of the dumbell at the bottom of
your squat before coming back upright if
you have a solid surface to set the weight on. Do not drop the weight.
The weight allows you to reach the bottom of your squat, contract your
stomach tight, and then rise up leaving the weight on the floor. Try this
for better deep squat mechanics.

Purpose: The greatest of all measurements of dynamic core stability.

Master it and you will see the changes in your golf swing.

8. Lower Trunk Rotation: Lying flat on your back, knees bent and
together, tighten your stomach and place your arms in a T-position.
Now, lift your legs to a 90/90 position as shown in the photograph.
Keeping your stomach tight, begin to slowly lower your legs to one side
and then to the other only going as far as you can keeping the opposite
shoulder in contact with the ground. Perform this ten times to each side,
one set only. When you are able to let your legs reach the floor on each
side keeping the opposite shoulder down, you may then progress to legs
straight. The legs straight is the exact exercise, just with the legs straight.
Caution: if you have a history of lower back pain, be careful to keep
your stomach tight and do not reproduce the pain with this exercise.

Purpose: To promote seperation between your upper and lower body to

help you have an effective coil in the golfswing. 35
9. Swiss Ball Frontal Plane: With your feet anchored against
the wall as pictured, rest your hip on a swiss ball. When you
feel stable, cross your arms across your chest and lower your
body over the ball remaining in the front-facing position.
Move through this range of motion smoothly for eight to ten
repetitions. Repeat on the other side. Perform two sets. Of note,
be sure that the leg that is on the ball is the one place out in front
for stability.

Purpose: To build good oblique abdominal muscle strength that will

allow for good stability during the back/downswings

10. Bridge with Feet on Ball: Lie flat on your back arms out to the
side. Feet are together and placed on the ball. Keeping your legs
straight and stomach tight, lift your buttocks up into the air until
you reach a little past neutral. When you reach this position,
hold for thirty seconds and repeat five times. The closer the ball
is to your body the easier the exercise. The closer your hands are
to the body, the harder the exercise.

Purpose: To provide a greater challenge to those that have mastered the

Here we will address some effective strength training exercises that will
provide you with strength in some important areas. There are numerous
exercises available, but once again, this book is designed to provide you with
some effective exercises targeted at golf specific regions.

1. Push up: As pictured below, assume a normal pushup position.

Feet together, arms even with your shoulders and placed just
outside of them. Be sure that your body is level with the ground
and do not allow your back to sag below neutral. Lower yourself
to the ground by bending your elbows and not allowing them to
move outward. If you are unable to perform this exercise it is an
indicator of basic weakness in the upper body. You can assume
a position with your knees on the ground, feet together. You will
perform the exercise the same way. Repeat to fatigue, two sets.

Purpose: To build pectoralis stength to assist in providing greater

control and power in the upper body during the swing. 37
2. Single Arm Chest Press: Using a cable pulley in the
gym or a theraband at home, position yourself with your
lower body in a stable, athletic position with your left foot
forward. If using the cable, choose a weight that you can do
approximately twelve times. We will perform three sets. Note,
the weight setting may need to be lowered as you fatigue
on sets two or three to complete the full twelve repetitions.
Take up a little slack in the cable/theraband and tighten your
stomach. Push forward allowing your body to slightly rotate
as if throwing a punch. Return to the starting position, tighten
your stomach, and repeat the motion. Repeat this exercise for
each side.

Purpose: Upper body

strength combined with rotational forces makes you stronger during the
rotation of the swing.

3. Single Arm Rows: Place one hand on a weight bench or

stable chair and spread your feet wide behind you to provide
a stable base. With your free hand, reach down and pick up
the weight on the floor. Remember to pick a weight that you
can safely do twelve times before you are fully fatigued.
Be careful to keep your back neutral not allowing it to arch.
Pull the weight up from the ground, keeping it close to your
side. As the weight reaches the side of your body, pinch your
shoulder blade back on that side. Hold for two seconds and
then return to just above the floor. Do not allow the weight to
come back in contact with the floor until your repetitions are
complete or you can no longer maintain good form. Repeat
twelve times, three sets. Repeat for each side of the body.

Purpose: To challenge the core as you build upper body strength in lats,
rhomboids, and rotator cuff on side at a time.

4. Single Arm Press Overhead: Seated on a swiss ball, bench, or

chair put one hand behind your back and place the other(with
weight in hand) above your same side shoulder. From this
position, keeping your back neutral throughout the movement,
push the weight overhead until your arm is straight above you.
When you reach this position, start back down by pulling the
weight to the original starting position. Do not allow the weight
to just come back down, feel as though you are using all your
shoulder muscles to pull the weight down. Repeat twelve times,
three sets. Repeat for each side of the body.

Purpose: Builds shoulder strength and stability to allow for a more

repeatable backswing and good control of the club after impact. 39
5. Bicep/Hammer Curls: Standing upright with knees slightly bent,
grip a dumbbell in one hand and allow the weight to hang at your
side. Slowly curl the weight up allowing the wrist to rotate naturally
so that the weight finishes with with each hex facing laterally. Return
the weight to the starting position. Now, curl the weight up keeping
the dumbbell in the same position throughout the movement. Perform
twelve of each type to complete on set and perform three sets total.

Purpose: Build improved arm strength to assist in control of the club.

6. Multidirectional Lunges: Standing upright with feet together,

begin by lunging forward with your right leg. You should take your
weight on a flat foot and do not allow your knee to come out over
your foot. The best method is to step out and then drop down until
your opposite knee is a few inches from the ground. Return to the
starting positon, now lunge out at a forty five degree angle making
sure to keep the foot facing forward. Finally, return to the starting
position and lunge laterally keeping the foot facing forward. Repeat
this to each side six times for three sets. Refer to the pictures to
make sure you have proper form and are not stressing your knees.

Purpose: Builds gluteal, quad, and hamstring strength to give good
support during all phases of your swing.

7. Cross Walk: Standing upright with your feet together, begin

by stepping out and across your body. You will place your foot
flat on the ground facing forward as you take the weight on that
side. The trailing foot’s heel is allowed to leave the floor during
the movement. Upon completion, step across your body with
the other leg in the same fashion as you walk forward. You will
walk about forty feet before you rest. Repeat three times. Be
careful to keep your body upright, perpendicular to the floor.
You can increase the distance to tolerance.

Purpose: To challenge abductors/adductors to help with strength in the

lower body as you rotate in your swing. 41
8. Step Up to Bench: Using a basic flat bench, stand facing the
bench with your arms at your side. Begin the movement by
stepping on foot up on the bench, keeping your upper body and
trunk erect, push down into the bench and lift the trail leg up
as well. You are now standing on the bench. Return to starting
position by stepping down with the trail leg and then with the
lead leg. Repeat twelve times, two sets or until you can no longer
keep good form. Repeat this exercise each side.

Purpose: To build strong hip extensors, the primary power source of your

9. Single Arm Deadlift: Using a dumbbell, stand erect with
the dumbbell on the floor in front of you. Keeping your knees
slightly bent, reach down and grasp the weight with a firm grip.
Keeping your back straight, return to the upright position and
draw your shoulder blade down and back as if pinching the
muscles on that side. Hold two seconds and slowly return just
above the floor allowing the arm and shoulder to support the
weight. Repeat this twelve times for two sets. Study the pictures
carefully before performing these exercises.

Purpose: To build good bending mechanics that will allow for better
recruitment of your trunk muscles. 43
Explosive Power:
Explosive power is what all golfers desire. The time you have spent working
out to get your joint ranges of motion improved, the muscles around them
more stable and strong has prepared you for this section. Explosive power
is an important component that allows a 5 foot 1 inch golfer to hit the ball
300 yards. Learning to take advantage of the process in the body known as
stretch-shortening cycle will take your power to another level.

The following group of exercises include a group of exercises that are

dynamic in nature and require a higher level of skill and stability. These
exercises take advantage of the body’s ability to generate increased
power after a quick shortening stretch.

1. Plyo-pushup: Assume the normal pushup position as described

earlier in the book. Once you are weightbearing through your
hands, lower your body weight towards the floor and then push
up and away letting your hands clear the ground. As you come
back to the floor, receive your weight, and push up off the floor
again. Repeat five to eight repetitions for two sets. Note: Females
and others with upper body weakness should perform the exercise
beginning with the knees on the ground. This exercise is not to be
performed by anyone under the age of thirteen.

Purpose: Upper body power in the pectoralis and arms.

2. Russian Twist: Lying with your back on the ball, raise your
buttocks toward the ceiling until you are in a neutral position
as pictured. With your shoulders and head resting comfortably
on the ball, raise your hand toward the ceiling in a V-position.
Slowly turn side to side allowing the ball to turn underneath you.
As your arms reach halfway to parallel to the floor, stop and turn
the other way. Repeat fifteen times to each side for three sets.

Purpose: To learn to generate explosive power through the coiling of the

upper body around a stable base. 45
3. Chest Toss: Seated in a chair or on a swiss ball, hold a medicine
ball to your chest. You need to have someone to catch the ball and
throw it back to you. In an upright position, push the ball quickly
away from your chest to your partner. They should immediately
toss the ball back in the same fashion. When you receive the ball,
draw it to the chest and push quickly away again in one, smooth
motion. Repeat fifteen times, three sets. There are numerous
weight balls that can be used. Begin with a medicine ball that
allows you to throw it without losing good upper body position.

Purpose: Upper body explosive power chest and arms .

4. Trunk Rotation in Standing: Standing in an upright position,
hold your arms out in front of you grasping the grip on a cable
or theraband. Take up the tension in the cable/band. Tighten
your stomach, rotate your body away from the other end of the
cable/band being careful to keep your stomach tight. Repeat this
motion fifteen times, never allowing tension to come out of the
band/cable. Choose your weight based on the amount you can
do fifteen times with mild fatigue on the final repetition.

Purpose: Generate trunk muscle firing patterns around a stable base.

5. Jumps in Place: Squat down to about chair height and leap up

in the air as high as you can as if reaching for the ceiling. As you
land, take your weight by coiling into the semi squat position and
leap again. Repeat twelve times, three sets. This exercise will
help build explosive power in the hips.

Purpose: Explosive lower body power, the foundation of the golf swing. 47
6. Lateral Runs: More commonly known as a shuffle, stand in an
athletic position with knee slightly bent, arms in a ready position.
Begin moving quickly to one side by lifting and placing your
feet quickly as if running sideways. Be careful to remain facing
forward the entire time and avoid letting your feet turn outward
as you run. Repeat twenty five to each side quickly, three sets.
This will build quickness and endurance in the hip movements.

Purpose: Explosive movements of the lower body to facilitate lateral

power in the golfswing.

7. Bounding: Stand erect with knees slightly bent. Keeping the

back in a neutral position with the trunk bent slightly forward,
begin leaping side to side. Spend only enough time on your
landing foot to get your balance and return to the other side.
Perform fifteen quickly each side, three sets.

Purpose: To build quick bursts of lower body power.

8. Bent Over Running: Place both hands on the floor with one leg
bent up towards your chest and the other one straight out behind
you. Both feet should be in contact with the floor. Your buttocks
should be up in the air with your back neutral. Begin running
by straightening one leg as you simultaneously bend the other.
Repeat this twelve times each side, three sets.

Purpose: Dynamic endurance and power in the core and legs.

9. Impact Bag: Using your golf club, preferably an iron, set up in

your normal address position. An impact bag should be placed
about two inches past where the ball would normally be on the
ground. Take a three quarter swing attempting to produce a solid,
powerful impact as you strike the bag. Repeat twelve times, three
sets. This exercise will be helpful in producing a powerful swing
while building strong hands and forearms.

Purpose: Wrist and hand stability while teaching you to generate an

explosion of power right before impact. 49
10. Split Lunge: Stand with one leg out in front and one behind.
Your back should be erect with the front leg bent more than the
back one. Quickly unweight and leap up shifting the position of
the legs. When you land your legs will be exactly opposite of
how they were when you started. Repeat five times each side,
three sets.

Purpose: Explosive hip and leg power to drive you body during the

Swiss Ball
Probably one of the more fun and effective fitness tools to hit the market in
years is the swiss ball. The swiss ball provides the user with a variable base
of support in many positions to challenge the body’s balance, endurance,
and strength. Below, are some key swiss ball exercises that will help build
the foundation for future advanced exercises on the ball. Enjoy!

1. Ball Warm Up: Sit on the ball with your feet shoulder width
apart and flat on the floor. Begin by gently bouncing on the ball for
one minute. Next you will make fifteen clockwise circles followed
by fifteen counterclockwise circles. Resume start position and tilt
the ball underneath you side to side by rolling onto one buttock
and then back to the other. Repeat this fifteen times each side.This
will be followed by arching your back and then rounding your
back slowly for fifteen repetitions. Be sure during the warmup the
your upper body remains perpendicular to the floor and the lower
body(below the belt line) is what is moving.

Purpose: To warm up spinal and hip joints to reduce injury. 51
2. Feet on Ball Bridge: Lie flat on your back with your feet on the
ball. Your arms will be placed out to the side in a T position. You
should feel the ball coming in contact with your calves and not
your feet yet. Lift your hips up into the air until they are a little
past neutral. Hold this position for thirty seconds and repeat five
times, three sets. As these become easier to do, you can challenge
yourself by putting the ball all the way out to your heels and
bringing your arms into your side. You can eventually place your
arms across your chest as your stability and form improve.

Purpose: To build stability and strength in the legs and buttock for
improved golf swing.

3. Hamstring Curl: This should not be done until you have spent
a few weeks on the ball and working out with the other exercises.
Begin in the same position as the feet on ball bridge. From this
position, slowly draw the ball underneath you while allowing
the body (from the knees to the head) to remain rigid. The only
moving parts are the lower legs (below the knee) and the ball.
Repeat ten times, two sets. If you begin cramping in the middle
of the exercise, you are not ready for this exercise.

Purpose: To build hamstring strength and promote greater hip power.

4. Upper Body Extension: Lie with your chest on the ball, feet
spread behind you greater than shoulder width, and hands behind
your back. From this position, slowly and carefully lift your
chest away from the ground until tension is felt in the lower
back. Hold this position for two seconds, and then return to bent
over the ball. Repeat ten times, three sets. Note: this should not
be done if you experience any back pain.

Purpose: To build a stronger back to promote safety in the golf swing.

5. Push Up on Ball: Place your hands off center of the ball

with your legs spread behind you. From this position, perform
a normal pushup as described earlier in the book. You will
probably experience shaking. This is a good sign. It means that
your brain is learning to use muscle fibers that you are not using
on a regular basis, thereby building more strength.

Purpose: To take a basic upper body movement and add core stability. 53
6. Curl Up on Ball: Sit on the ball and slowly walk yourself out
until the ball is resting just above your lower back. From this
position, slowly curl up, taking up all the range in your stomach.
Hold one second and return to the starting position. Repeat
fifteen times, three sets.

Purpose: To build abdominal strength and allow for more protection for
your back during the golf swing.

7. Abdominal Roll Out on Ball: Place both forearms on the ball

at about two inches above the wrists. Legs together and knees
on the floor with the feet in the air. Slowly roll out onto your
forearms keeping your stomach tight and back flat. Only go as
far as you can successfully keeping your back flat. Hold one
second and return. Repeat this ten times, three sets.

Purpose: Core stability during dynamic


8. Back on Ball Bridge: Lie on the ball with your back and head
supported. Feet should be just outside of shoulder width and flat
on the floor. From a neutral position, lift your belt buckle to the
ceiling just far enough to feel your buttocks contract (kick in). At
this point, hold five seconds and then return to start. Repeat this
ten times, three sets.

Purpose: To combine hip strength with core stability to promote a more

stable golfswing.

9. Back on Ball with Leg Extension: Set up on the ball the same
as #8 but have your legs together. This time instead of lifting
to the ceiling, you will straighten one leg while keeping your
knees together. Maintain a neutral back ensuring that you are not
arching. Repeat ten times each side, two sets.

Purpose: To build dynamic stability to compensate for weight shifts in

the golf swing. 55
10. Back on Ball Slide: With your back on the ball, head supported,
and feet shoulder width apart. Slowly begin to walk yourself
to one side as far as you can maintaining a neutral spine and
balance. Hold two seconds and then return to the other side.
Repeat five times each side, three sets. Make note of the foot
pattern in the pictures. This exercise is demanding and should
not be attempted until you have mastered the other nine.

Purpose: Dynamic core stability.

Swiss Ball Size Recommendations:

Junior- less than 5’0” tall uses 45 cm ball
Small- 5’0” to 5’5” tall uses 55 cm ball
Medium- 5’6” to 6’1” tall uses 65 cm ball
Large- 6’2” to 6’8” tall uses 75 cm ball
XL- Taller than 6’8” uses 85 cm ball

Bosu Ball
The bosu ball is an effective fitness tool and can be used in a number of ways
to challenge your balance and core stability. The bosu ball, when placed on it’s
flat side, is an easier version of the swiss ball and an appropriate way to begin
building strength and stability before attempting any advanced exercise on a
swiss ball. These exercises that follow are all versions of exercises presented in
the book now using a bosu ball. The purposes for each exercise will be consistent
with the previous exercises mentioned in the book. The bosu gives you a way to
vary your exercise routine while still doing some of the same movement patterns.

1. Bosu Bridge: Place the bosu on it’s flattened side and against
a wall to avoid slippage. Lie flat on your back, arms crossed on
your chest, and feet on the bosu held together. From this position,
lift your hips up into the air and hold them in a neutral position
for ten seconds. Repeat this twelve times, three sets. Be sure to
keep your stomach tight to protect your back. This exercise will
provide a greater stability challenge than the standard bridge.

2. Bosu March: Once again, place the bosu on it’s flattened side
against a wall to avoid slippage. Assume the same position as the
bosu bridge this time with your feet slightly apart on the ball. From
this position, bridge up and begin marching by lifting one foot off
the ball and then the other as the previous foot is placed back on
the ball. Be careful to maintain a
neutral spine while marching. If
you notice your trunk begins to
sag towards the floor when you
unweight one leg, you should stop
the exercise as you are either too
weak or fatigued. March for one
minute, two sets. 57
3. Bosu Plank: With the ball place flat and against a wall, place
your forearms on the ball. Feet together and straight behind you.
Lift your body off the floor until your body is in a straight line
and your forearms and feet are supporting you. Hold this position
as long as you can keep good form (no sagging of the trunk
towards the floor). Three sets. Lower back pain is the limiting
factor for this exericise.

4. Bosu Push Up: Place the ball on it’s bubble side with the
flattened surface up to the ceiling. Grasp the ball on each side,
gripping the outer portion of the ball and weightbearing on
the butt of your hands. Feet shoulder width or further apart
straightened out behind you. Perform a push up, lowering
yourself towards the ball and then returning to full straight arms.
At this point, tilt the ball left and then right before your next
pushup. Perform this routine twelve times, two sets.

5. Bosu Balance: Place the ball on it’s bubble side and attempt to
stand on the flattened surface. Have a spotter help you up onto
the ball until you have become familiar with it. Once on the ball,
stand with your feet apart, knees slightly bent, and gently move
the ball underneath your feet in many directions to get a feel
for the balance required to maintain yourself on the ball. Once
you are comfortable with this, step off the ball. Again, with the
assist of a spotter, step up on the ball with one foot and attempt
to balance with one foot only. The other leg will stay behind you
as you attempt to balance. All balance activities will be held for
two minutes and as many sets as you wish. You cannot practice
balance too frequently.

6. Bosu Squat: Once you have mastered standing on the bosu

with two feet you are ready to squat. Feet shoulder width apart
on the ball, hold arms overhead clasping a weighted bar or golf
club in your hands. Squat down keeping the club overhead
the entire squat. Go only as far down as you can keeping good
form(stomach tight, club overhead and not out in front). Repeat
ten times, two sets. If you notice shaking in your legs as you
attempt to squat, this is normal as your
brain tries to figure out how to best recruit
muscles to help you. 59
7. Bosu Trunk Rotation: Standing on the flattened side of the
bosu and holding a medicine ball in your hand. Knees slightly
flexed, arms at your side with a medicine ball held out in front
of you. Begin rotating slowly keeping your trunk stable and
allowing your shoulders to turn under your chin. As you begin
to build up speed, be sure the ball is maintained as you quickly
rotate side to side keeping your balance on the ball. The
common error is to allow your arms to leave your side as you
rotate and slide around your body. Keep the arms close and let
your trunk rotate. Repeat thirty seconds, three sets.

8. Bosu Quick Step: Place the bosu on it’s flat side and against a
wall. Stand in front of the bosu and place the ball of one foot on
the ball. Quickly begin tapping the ball with each foot alternately
only allowing the foot to remain on the ball for a split second.
Maintain a tight stomach and good upright posture. If you start to
slouch forward, discontinue as you are fatigued and form it lost.
Repeat one minute, three sets.

9. Bosu Lunge: Place the bosu on the flattened side against a wall.
Stand a couple of feet from the bosu and step forward with one
leg landing your foot near the center of the bosu. Immediately
push back and repeat with the other side. As with a normal lunge,
keep your body, from the belt to the head, in an upright, neutral
position. Repeat this ten times each side, two sets.

10. Bosu Curl Up: Place the bosu on the flattened side. Sit on the
bosu and let your buttocks come to rest a little below center.
Feet should be wider than your shoulders and flat on the floor.
Cross your arms across your chest and curl up until your stomach
is completely tight. From this position lower yourself back down
over the ball and curl up again. Repeat twelve times, three sets. 61
Balance Board
The balance board comes in several shapes and brands. For our
purposes most exercises will be shown on a standard square board with
one exception. The balance board is a great tool for challenging ones
balance. The board also allows for neurological training to assist with
uphill and downhill lies. When using the board you should always have
slightly bent knees with athletic stance, abdominals contracted. Do not
underestimate the importance of balance in your golfswing. Without
good balance you will have no use for strength and power. The old adage
says that the only level lie on a golf course is the driving range. Your
body must be able to maintain a fixed base with which to rotate around.
The following exercises will not only improve balance but also core
stability and lower body endurance.

1. Two Foot Balance: Place the square board on the floor in front of
you making sure to be on carpet or some other similar surface to
prevent slippage of the board. Using the toes of one foot, tilt the board
towards you until that side comes to rest on the floor. Now, slowly
walk yourself up onto the board getting both feet into position about
shoulder width apart and centered on the board. You will feet the
board shift forward and backwards as you try to maintain balance. Let
your ankles bend forward and back, not your upper body. Your body
should remain upright as your ankles attempt to control the board
and balance it. Attempt to balance for two minutes. Next, step off
the board and turn it so that the board tilts side to side now instead of
front to back. Step your right foot on the right side of the board and
it should come to rest on the floor. With this foot in position, place
the left foot on the left side of the board and once again, attempt to
balance the board. Work for two minutes keeping the body upright as
the ankles and legs attempt to balance you.

2. Two Foot Balance, Round: Once again, place the board out in
front of you and step down on one side of the board. Once secure,
step up on the board with the other foot to the opposite side. This
will be more challenging than the square board. From the athletic
position, try to balance on the board for two minutes, two sets.

3. Squat on Board: You will assume the same position as in

exercise one. Once on the board and balanced, you will attempt
to squat down as if touching your buttocks on a chair. You will
repeat this ten times with the board in a forward/back position
and ten times in a side/side position. Repeat three sets. 63
4. Single Leg Board Squat: The progression is as follows: two
leg balance square, two leg balance round, two leg squat square,
two leg squat round, single leg balance square, single leg balance
round, single leg squat square, single leg squat round. Do not
attempt the single leg squat until you can accomplish all the
exercises listed ahead of it safely and effectively. Set a square
board in front of you in a forward/back position. Step up onto the
center of the board with one foot evenly placed into the center.
From this position, unweight the back leg and begin to balance
on the board. When you can achieve balance easily, you may
then attempt a single leg squat as if sitting on a high bar stool.
Repeat ten times, two sets. For single leg balance use same
protocol as two legs; two minutes each set.

5. Ball Toss: A great exercise for improving eye/hand

coordination. Stand on a square or round board as described
above depending on your skill level. While balancing on the
board, have someone gently toss a small medicine ball or tennis
ball to you. As you maintain balance, toss the ball back and forth
twenty times. Repeat three sets.

6. Address Position: Once again assuming the two foot position
on either a round or square board. With golf club in hand,
assume the address position and attempt to hold this position
for two minutes. You should attempt this with the board in the
forward/back position, then the side/side position, then with the
round board if you have one available.

7. Board Floor Reach: Standing on the square board as described

in exercise one. Reach down and across your body and attempt
to touch the floor without letting the board come in contact with
the floor. Repeat this ten times each side with the square board in
both positions. 65
8. Staggered Feet: Your foot position on the square board this
time will not be side by side but one foot forward on one side
and back on the other. From this position you will attempt to
balance the board. You should attempt this exercise from both
positions of the board as pictured below. Two minutes, each foot

9. Lateral Reach: Assume two feet athletic position on either

shape board in either direction. Hold a weighted ball in one hand
and reach out to the side while maintaining your balance. Lean
from the waist up reaching as far as you can to the side while
still maintaining your balance. Repeat to the other side tens times
each way, two sets.

10. Quick Rotation: Assume the two feet position once again on
either the round or square board. Keeping your arms close to
your side and holding a medicine ball out in front. Begin slowly
rotating left then right and building speed as you are able to
maintain your balance. Repeat for one minute, two sets. 67
Balance Zone Training Board:
The Balance Zone Training Board is another effective tool for challenging
your functional balance. Compared to the other balance devices
demonstrated in this book, this trainer is unique secondary to it’s ability to
be used on the driving range. The exercises demonstrated here are a few
bonus exercises to continue to encourage good balance throughout your
golf swing. However, these are not the only uses for this device. You can
visit to research additional uses for this tool.

1. Squat: Standing on the board with your heels and toes equally
off the front and back of the board respectively. You will squat
down as deep as you can without pain and hold the bottom point
for five seconds. After five seconds you will return to your upright
position and repeat ten times, three sets. Be careful to maintain a
good neutral spine allowing the hips to hinge. This will challenge
your balance front to back in a deep squat position.

2. Single Leg Squat: Standing on the board as pictured, you will
squat down to about chair position, hold two seconds, then return
to your starting position. You will repeat this process ten times,
three sets each side. You can also challenge yourself by standing
on the board as you did for the normal squat position with the
board running perpendicular to your foot on one foot only and
performing this squat.

3. Backswing: Taking your normal golf stance, club in hand, swing

into your backswing position and hold for fifteen seconds. Repeat
this thirty times per day. This will challenge your static balance
and build endurance in your backswing muscles. 69
4. Arms Crossed Backswing: Stand on the board as pictured, arms
crossed in five iron position. Maintaining a stable lower body,
rotate into your backswing position, hold two seconds, return
to your starting position. Repeat twenty five times, two sets.
As you become efficient with this exercise, you can use the board
in the gym and pull against cable or theraband resistance into your

5. Arms Crossed Followthrough: Repeat the same procedure as

the Arms Crossed Backswing but this time rotate into your
followthrough position.

Injuries and Remedies
There are numerous areas on the body that are succeptible to injury. Golf requires
a great amount of range of motion for the swing itself, good balance for uneven
lies, and strong wrists for impact and specialty shots. Prevention is the key and
the exercises in this book are meant to help you strengthen your weak links. The
following list is by no means all inclusive. As with the rest of the book, it is meant to
give you a foundation of knowledge of what to look for with common injuries. This
list of injuries is informational only, knowledge is power. If you have sustained any
injury with golfing or working out, you should seek the advice of a medical professional.
Physicians are equipped with proper diagnostic tools and can take a thorough history to
determine what your injury is and begin a successful treatment approach. It is never a
good idea to allow an injury to go unevaluated as this can lead to chronic conditions
that make it much more difficult to recover from and impact your ability to perform
as an athlete. In summary, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms or
other painful symptoms not noted, see a physician immediately.

A. Wrist: Sprain/Strain
1. Symptoms: Achy pain aggravated with active movement of the
wrist. Pain can be sharp at times with mild swelling noted.
2. Treatment: Rest and ice. No golf until capable of a pain free swing.
Putting and chipping are okay if pain free. Stretching in all directions
permitted if pain free. Ice duration fifteen minutes three times daily.
Be sure there is a paper towel or cloth between ice and skin.

Note: A fracture will have much more severe pain and will be unaffected
by rest. Seek a physician referral if your wrist exhibits these symptoms.

B. Swollen Areas
1. Symptoms: Swelling noted above and around the ankle
bones. Pain felt with all movements, especially turning the foot
underneath. Weightbearing painful.
2. Treatment: Rest and ice with the leg elevated above the heart as
often as possible. Massage of the swollen are helpful. An ankle
wrap can be applied with more pressure at the bottom of the
wrap and easing as it is wrapped toward the top. General range
of motion while the ankle is elevated is helpful.

Note: A fracture will have more severe pain and you will unable to bear weight on your
injured foot. Seek physician consult on any ankle injury for x-rays and diagnostics. 71
C. Shoulder: Sprain/Strain
1. Symptoms: Achy pain in the shoulder typically felt deep in the
shoulder. Pain is generalized and can benefit from ice. Rest is
the best solution.
2. Treatment: Stretching is most effective when a pulley
system is used to gently stretch the shoulder. Ice is helpful for
inflammation. The codman’s exercise provide the most relief.

Note: A fracture will cause severe pain and once again you should seek
physician consult with any injury.

A. Shoulder: Impingement
1. Symptoms: Pain is generally felt on top of the shoulder and
down the outside of the shoulder. Pain will become more severe
when the arm is lifted out to the side past level to the ground.
2. Treatment: Treatment is the same as the sprain/strain.
Strengthening the rotator cuff is acceptable as pain decreases.
These exercises can be aquired from a licensed physical therapist
or orthopedic physician.

A. Neck: Sprain/Strain
1. Symptoms: Pain is general and can sometimes cause headaches.
Pain can be located at the base of the skull or the muscles that
run between your shoulder blades and neck. The head can feel
heavy and the neck tired.
2. Treatment: Moist heat is helpful for 15 minutes, three times
daily. Rest is also important for recovery being sure that the
head and shoulders are supported fully together when lying
down or reclining.

A. Neck: Disc Problems

1. Symptoms: Pain with a disc problem is typically felt into
the arm. You can feel sharp pain or tingling all the way down
into the hand. Another common complaint is pain in the tricep.
Pain can be sharp and is often described as “lightning” like.
2. Treatment: If these signs and symptoms are experienced,
seek physician consult and appropriate course of diagnosis and
treatment. Caution should be used with all golf activity.

A. Lower Back(Lumbar): Sprain/Strain
1. Symptoms: Pain in the lower back is achy and can be
aggravated with twisting especially as it pertains to the golf
swing. Person typically describes the sensation of “pressure” in
the lower back with constant tightness.
2. Treatment: Resting off your feet, moist heat either with a
heating pad or hot bath, and general stretching of the lower back
while lying down. General exercises can be aquired from a
physical therapist or physician.

A. Lower Back: Disc Problems

1. Symptoms: Typically the pain is more severe in the lower back
and can radiate down the leg and into the foot. Pain can be felt
as numbness and tingling in the foot or leg, or as a line of pain
down the back of the leg. Other symptoms include achiness in
the front of the thigh and loss of sensation.
2. Treatment: Seek physician consult. There are numerous
diagnostic tests needed and treatment options. Several options
for a herniated or bulging disc include physical therapy, epidural
injections, and surgery.

A. Knee: Sprain/Strain
1. Symptoms: Pain is typically general and located around
the knee on one or both sides. Pain can be aggravated with
prolonged standing or walking.
2. Treatment: Ice and rest are most effective.

A. Knee: Tear
1. Symptoms: Pain is more localized typically to the medial or
lateral aspect of the knee. Pain can be severe and aggravated
greatly with weightbearing. Swelling is more like around the
kneecap area.
2. Treatment: Ice and rest with elevation. If swelling persists seek
physician consult for diagnostics. 73
Unlike golf fitness, there are many text available that discuss nutrition
extensively. The purpose of this section is to give you some basic
guidelines about nutrition, some food recommendations, and discuss how
these pertain to your golf fitness.

A. General Nutrition Guidelines

1. Eat smaller amounts of food more often (every three hours). It
has been proven that your metabolism will work more effectively
if you feed your system more consistently.
2. Eat good carbohydrates. Protein intake should be about half of
your body weight in grams.
3. Do not, under any circumstances, skip breakfast. It has been
proven that one of the contributors to obesity is skipping the first
meal of the day. As with all meals, there is no need to eat a large
breakfast. Sometimes a simple banana or nutrition bar with milk
will suit the needs.
4. Fats are a necessary part of your diet. Fat is required for your
body to produce energy effectively and maintain balance.
Unsaturated fats are the best.
5. Eating late is okay. You should not allow your body to be
hungry in the evenings for the sake of late night fasting.
6. Color is the best evaluation for your meals. Your meals should
have a lot of color(vegetables and fruits) to ensure a healthy meal

A. Good Fat Examples

1. Almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, and macadamias.
2. Natural peanut butter and peanuts.
3. Stay away from butter, regular ice cream, and whole milk.

A. Good Proteins
1. Most any fish and seafood is recommended. There are numerous
types of fish including many shellfish.
2. Chicken and turkey breast of the favorable meats of choice.
3. Other meats include filet, ground beef, ham, and pork loin.
4. Black beans.
5. Egg whites and cheese.
6. Stay away from New York Strip, fried anything, and regular fat
ground beef.
A. Good Carbohydrates
1. Rye and sourdough bread are good bread choices.
2. Cheerios and oatmeal are good cereal choices for breakfast or
any snack.
3. Brown rice and most any vegetables.
4. Most all fruits will benefit you and promote a healthy diet.
5. Avoid cakes, cookies, doughnuts, sugary cereals, and potato
chips. Most any items loaded with sugar as the primary
carbohydrate need to be avoided.

A. Protein Bars and Sports Drinks

1. Good protein bars include products from Myoplex and Met-Rx.
2. A good protein bar will have 15-30 grams of protein, 8-20 grams
of carbohydrates, and a little fat.
3. Water and sports water are the best hydration options. These
include propel and Gatorade. Drink often.

A. About Golf
1. The rule, “eat every three hours” applies to golf as well.
2. Make sure breakfast has a good mix of protein, carbohydrates,
and fat.
3. You should be eating fruit or a powerbar by the second hole, the
tenth, and the sixteenth as a general rule.
4. You should drink regularly, intake of at least three eight ounce
glasses per round. That intake can vary when temperatures and
terrain are more extreme.

A. Overview
1. Eat a good mixture every two to three hours during the day.
2. Follow the rainbow rule, eat lots of colors.
3. Don’t let your body get hungry. A small snack of nuts and yogart
can do the trick.
4. There is no magic to meal planning, just use small amounts of
your favorite, healthy foods. 75
Cardiovascular Exercise
It would be negligent of the author not to mention cardiovascular
exercise. All exercise routines if performed properly with small rest
times will provide some cardiovascular benefit. There are several
options available for building up cardiovascular endurance. You have
your traditional methods which include the treadmill, stationary bike, or
elliptical trainer. You also have group options including body pump, step
class, and many other creative group fitness options. It is recommended
that no less than thirty minutes to one hour of cardiovascular fitness
be performed every day. If performing in a group fitness setting, you
should complete the class and then move onto your golf training
exercises. If you are performing the individual cardio machines, you
should vary your times to avoid monotony. For example, when running
on a treadmill or riding a bike, go at a moderate pace for two minutes
followed by a faster pace for one minute. Repeat this sequence for thirty
minutes. This will simulate more closely a round of golf where you are
moving at a relatively slow pace as you walk but are then required to
heighten your senses for an upcoming shot. You may also choose, as
will be demonstrated in the planning section of the book, to perform
cardiovascular exercise followed by your workout followed by another
bout of cardiovascular exercise. There are many ways to build up your
endurance for golf. The key is being faithful to whatever method you
choose and mixing up the routine so your body does not accommodate to
one particular style of exercise. Interval training is a great way to boost
your metabolism, burn calories, and prepare yourself for the rigors of 36,
54, or 72 holes. You can use any of the machines mentioned below, the
principles are the same. You can set up your program based on distance
or time. An interval requires that you move a your fastest pace possible
for an amount of time or distance and when completed you return to
a normal pace until you are able to get your heartrate and breathing
under control. When you first begin with this type of training, I would
recommend twenty minutes total each bout for at least two weeks. After
two weeks you can assess how well you are progressing and decide to do
more time. You can determine your progress by how long it takes you to
recover from a bout of your fastest pace. You should be able to get your
breathing under control within a couple of minutes before the next bout
is due in your routine. The quicker you are able to get your breathing
under control, the quicker you are recovering. An example of an
interval would be as follows: 5ft 9inch male running at 5.5 mph
for 5 minutes, accelerates to 6.8 mph for 2 minutes, then returns to 5.5
mph for 5 minutes or until breathing is restored to normal pattern. This
pattern is perfomed for a total work time of 28 minutes with a ten minute
cool down at 4.0 mph after the 28 minutes is complete. This program is
progressed by increasing mph and/or time as you are able to recover with
improved efficiency. You could perform this program 3-4 times a week.
This program is designed to build your endurance over time and assist
with your golf performance. You can also look up examples of interval
training at any number for websites across the net. 77
Creating Your Workouts
It is my intention to keep this section very simple and to the point. I will
explain different methods for setting up your workouts. Use the exercises
in a variety to promote a more challenging workout.

Creating your workout involves applying some basic principles:

• Always perform a cardiovascular exercise at the beginning of the

routine and then again at the end of the routine. These bouts of
exercise should be around fifteen minutes and should be done in
intervals. Intervals means that you will move at a moderate
pace for two minutes and a quicker pace for one minute alternating
between the two. For example, for a fifteen minute routine you
would have five bouts of two minutes with a moderate pace and
five bouts of one minute with a quicker pace. This method allows
for building endurance for your round of golf conditions.

• When setting up your workout, as a rule and never perform more

than ten exercises total in a daily routine.

• Workout with the exercises three to four days a week. You can
perform cardiovascular exercises everyday.

• Pay attention when picking out exercises to take note of advanced

exercises that provide precautions in the description. You will need
to build a stable base before progressing to these exercises.

• Stretch prior to each workout using the stretches from that section.
If you find that some of the stretches are easily performed and
provide no resistance, that simply means you are flexible enough
and do not need to perform that exercise.

The First Six Weeks: It is recommended to concentrate the first six
weeks on exercises in the stretching and stability sections. Once you have
completed your self test, arrange your stretching based on your results. It
is appropriate to do the full ten stretches every session regardless of your
test results if you desire. The stability exercises will help you build a
foundation that will allow you to progress to the more dynamic exercises. I
would choose five stability exercises to work on each session. It will work
best if you mix up your choices for each session; don’t do the same five
exercises every time you workout. It is important to be aware that you will
see solid results in your golf swing without having to jump forward to the
strength, power, and special tools exercises. Stay concentrated on these
two sections the first six weeks and you will be rewarded with a much
lower injury potential and greater results.

The Next Ten Weeks: Now it is time to move forward to your

strengthening exercises. At this point you will continue to follow the
original guidelines: stretch before every workout and always use your
warm up before playing. The strengthening exercises are designed to
now increase your overall strength since you have laid a solid foundation.
The strength exercises have been laid out in a manner to build strength in
the entire body. You will pick five exercises from the strength section for
your workouts and vary them with each workout. You are encouraged to
also include two stability exercises with each routine, giving you a total
of seven exercises in your workout. The key to all exercises is to only do
the amount you can do keeping good form and increase the number you
do as you get stronger.

The Next Ten Weeks: Explosive power is our next progression. These
are the most dynamic of the exercises and will require the greatest
attention to form. You will continue to stretch before every session
and will now have a total of ten exercises per session. You will choose
five exercises from the explosive power section, three from the strength
section, and two from the stability. Continue to work hard using only
good form and completing only what you can do safely. You should
continue to do the workout three to four days per week.

Special Exercise Tools: There are several special sections that show you
how to supercharge your workout by using specialized exercise
equipment. All of these items can be ordered at My
recommendation is to include these in your workouts only after you have 79
gotten through the first sixteen weeks. At this point you will have a stable
base and good strength to allow for these exercises to be performed
safely and get maximal benefit. You can begin adding these into your
last ten week workout and beyond by substituting them in for strength
and stability exercises. You will still only be doing ten exercises as you
are replacing a regular exercise with one of these special ones.

Tournament/Playing Considerations: Never workout prior to playing,

no exceptions. During tournament week, you should reduce the number
of repetitions by half and you should have no workouts closer than two
days prior to your event. You are encouraged to transition into warm up
and stretching only , two days prior to tournament all the way until the
tournament is over.

26 Weeks Complete, Now What? You are now ready to mix it up

and have fun! At this point every exercise in the book should be fair
game. Continue to stretch faithfully and warm up before playing. Keep
working hard on your cardiovascular exercises to increase your overall
health. Continue limiting the workout to ten exercises per session but
feel free to choose liberally from any of the exercises included, make it
fun and challenge yourself by increasing the number of repetitions so that
you feel a good level of effort expended after each workout.

Workout Example
Golfer one: 15 year old male, 165 pounds.

Workout History: Does general workouts at school as directed by his

P.E. Coach that include running, squats, bench press, and dumbell presses.

Self Screen: Failed Deep Squat (unable to sit all the way to the floor with
heels remaining on the floor), Failed Lower Back Flexibility (unable to
reach down the side of the leg to the knee). All other tests within range.

Workout (Week 1-6): Perform warm up focussing extra time on Hip

Circles and Hip Side to Side. Stretch prior to each routine with initial focus
on Toes up on Foam, Active Hamstring Stretch, Butt up Stretch, and Lower
Trunk Rotation. The exercise portion can be arranged as follows:

Workout #1 Deep Squats, Abdominal Routine of Three, Abdominal

Rollout, Plank, Curl up on Ball.

Workout #2 Bridge, Plank, Swiss Ball Frontal Plane, TableTop, Single

Leg Balance with Squat, Curl up on Ball

Workout #3 Deep Squats, Plank, TableTop, Bridge, Lower Trunk

Rotation, Abdominal Routine of Three.

Workout #4 until end of six weeks continue to switch up stablility

exercises while continuing with stretches.

Workout (Week 7-16): After six weeks of flexibility and stability training,
golfer is ready to progress into the strengthening exercises. At this point you
will re-do self test and look for results to improve in failed areas. Golfer one
retook self test and is now flexible enough to pass each test. The following is
a possible layout of the exercise routine for the second six weeks.

Workout #1 Abdominal Routine of Three, Plank, Push Up, Single Arm

Press Overhead, Multidirectional Lunges, Step up to Bench, Crosswalk

Workout #2 Deep Squats, Abdominal Rollout, Single Arm Deadlift,

Single Arm Chestpress, Single Arm Rows, Bicep/Hammer Curls 81
Workout #3 Bridge, Tabletop, Push Up, Multidirectional Lunges, Step up
to Bench, Single arm Deadlift, CrossWalk.

Workout #4 Continue mixing it up with two from stability section and

five from strength section until this ten weeks is over.

Workout (Week 17-26): You are now ready to add explosive power
into your routine. The guideline for you workout is simple, five from the
explosive power section, three from strength, and two from stability.

Workout #1 Plank, Tabletop, Push Up, Bicep Hammer Curls, Single Arm
Rows, Plyo Push up, Russian Twist, Chest Toss, Jumps in Place, Lateral Runs

Workout #2 Swiss Ball Frontal Plane, Deep Squats, Single Arm Chest
Press, Step Up to Bench, Single Arm Deadlift, Bent over Running,
Bounding, Impact Bag, Split Lunge, Russian Twist.

Workout #3 Continue to mix it up with 5 Explosive, 3 Strength, 2

Stability until you reach week 26.

Workout (Week 27 and on): Now you can configure your workout
however you wish. Golfer one has built a solid powerful foundation.
Begin using exercises from the special sections to complement your
workout. Continue with using only ten exercises per session.

Workout Example: Feet on Ball Bridge, Push Up on Ball, Bosu Bridge,

Bosu Plank, Bosu Squat, Squat on Board, Single leg Squat on Balance Zone
Training, Tabletop, Abdominal Routine Power of Three, Hamstring Curl.

* There is no perfect choices for your ten exercises at this point.

Continue to mix it up as in the example and have fun. Challenge yourself
with the exercises that are the hardest for you to complete.

Enjoy your workout. Mix it up to make it fun and challenging. I am

always available to assist you. You can contact me at

As with any exercise routine, consult your physician prior to beginning a new workout
schedule. The exercises contained in this book are safe when performed properly using
common sense. The sets and repetitions are guidelines meant to help facilitate an effective
workout. You should never continue an exercise if you are unable to keep good form as this
puts you at risk for injury. Never perform any exercise in this book if you experience pain or
discomfort. All nutritional recommendations are general. If you have food allergies, diabetes,
or other health conditions they may preclude you from some of the listed recommendations.
Once again, consult a physician or registered dietician to determine your specific food needs.
Most every tween and teen should benefit greatly from this book in taking control of their
fitness. The author takes no responsibility for injuries incurred due to reckless application of
these techniques or recommendations. 83
Reference List
Drabik, J. 1996. Children and Sports Training
Stadium Publishing Company, Inc.

Verstegen, M. 2004. Core Performance

Holtzbrinck Publishers

Fleet, M. 2003. Swiss Ball for Strength, Tone, and Posture

Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.

Chek, P. 1999. Golf Biomechanics Manual

C.H.E.K. Institute Publication.

Mattes, A. 2000. Active Isolated Stretching: The Mattes Method

Aaron L. Mattes

Chu, D. 1989. Plyometric Exercise with the Medicine Ball

Bittersweet Publishing Co.

Grasso, B. 2005. Developmental Essentials

International Youth Conditioning Association

Rose, G. 2006-2008. The Titleist Performance Institute.

Seminar Levels One/Two

Notes 85
Power, Flexibility, Strength, Stamina. These are the staples of today’s successful touring professional and
today’s elite junior golfer. This book will detail a program for anyone from a novice junior golfer playing
for fun to a motivated elite junior player with goals of playing on the tour. The landscape of golf has
changed over the last ten years and in order to be successful as a junior golfer you must learn to build
power and stability from the ground up. This book will help you hit the ball farther, be more stable over
chips and putts, and build endurance to give you the extra energy to close out opponents in a final round.
Inside this book is all you need to get started on your way to a more powerful and healthy swing. Some
of the items included in this book are:
• Physical Self Screen • Warm Up Activities
• Power Exercises • Strength Exercises • Flexibility Exercises
• Instruction on use of today’s fitness tools including Bosu, SwissBall, and Balance Board
Injury prevention and care.
• Instruction on building your own workout program

Brian P. Knight, pt, cscs, cgfi “The benefits of getting involved

in a long term athletic development
Brian has been an orthodpedic physical
program are almost too long to list.
therapist for the past decade. Brian began
They include confidence, self-esteem,
incorporating golf specific evaluations and respect for others and rules, life
fitness into his practice following a long weight management, speed
BacktoGolf seminar in 2000. Since 2000 Brian has added addi- and power development, motor skill
tional studies with Body Balance, Paul Chek, and over the last three development, mental toughness,
years Titleist Performance Institute. Brian has provided medical etc...Thanks to leaders in the industry
like Brian Knight at JuniorFit this
coverage for the US Pro Golf Tour and speaks locally and all over
type of information is now right at
the Southeast to adults and juniors. Brian created a company called
your fingertips”-
JuniorFit. The company has a singular focus on juniors ages 11-19
Dr. Greg Rose
with some continuation of coverage into college. Brian is currently of The Titleist Performance Institute
working in private practice but has focussed most of his attention on
providing fitness services to the Southeastern Junior Golf Tour (sjgt.
com). Brian evaluates and prepares fitness routines for juniors on this
tour and other tours throughout the United States. Brian promotes
fitness and nutrition to juniors through on site services, personal
evaluations and clinics. You can read more at South Carol ina
www.j uniorfi

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