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FORM B-11.

This is your 9-month follow-up survey for Tracking Your Health led by Anita elly at the !niversity of "otre #ame$ %lease answer completely honestly& save the completed document with a code # only& and then email the survey to me at$ "o one will know how you individually responded$ After ' receive your completed survey& ' will not open it& but rather will save it into a large electronic folder on a password-protected computer and will delete the attachment from my email system$ 'n this final survey& ' am asking you to tell me much more about your e(periences during and after your participation in the )*-week e(periment$ Your thoughtful responses have the potential to lend insights into communication and health that could advance knowledge in a significant way+ So please take the time to give you tho ough esponses to the open-ended !uestions. ' will send you a debriefing ,and -.* payment card/$ You are welcome to email me in 0 months for the results$ Thank you+ "lease ate you sel# as you usually a e compa ed with most people on the #ollowing ad$ectives %y putting the app op iate num%e in the line %e#o e the ad$ective listed. &se the #ollowing scale' ,)/ ,0/ ,./ ,1/ #efinitely Yes 2lightly Yes "ot sure #efinitely "ot )$ 0$ .$ 1$ 5$ 6$ 8$ 9$ 9$ )*$ (()(((3alm ((*(((3ontented ((1(((Active (()(((4igorous ((*(((3omfortable (()(((7ively ((*(((!neasy (()(((Tired (()(((2leepy ((*(((:orried ))$ )0$ ).$ )1$ )5$ )6$ )8$ )9$ )9$ 0*$ ((+(((#istressed ((+(((!ptight (()(((#rowsy ((*(((Tense ((*(((;ela(ed ((*(((%assive (()(((<nergetic ((+(((Alert ((*(((=othered ((*(((Aroused

;ead each of the following items and indicate the e(tent to which you agree or disagree with each item according to the rating scale> ) 0 . 1 5 strongly disagree strongly agree )$ ??1??? ' have an important secret that ' haven@t shared with anyone$ 0$ ??1??? 'f ' shared all my secrets with my friends& they@d like me less$ .$ ??5??? There are lots of things about me that ' keep to myself$ 1$ ??1??? 2ome of my secrets have really tormented me$ 5$ ??.??? :hen something bad happens to me& ' tend to keep it to myself$ 6$ ??1??? '@m often afraid '@ll reveal something ' don@t want to$ 8$ ??.??? Telling a secret often backfires and ' wish ' hadn@t told it 9$ ??1??? ' have a secret that is so private ' would lie if anyone asked me about it$ 9$ ??5??? Ay secrets are too embarrassing to share with others$ )*$ ??5??? ' have negative thoughts about myself that ' never share with anyone$

3ommon symptoms or bodily sensations are listed below$ Aost people have e(perienced most of them at one time or another$ Bn the page below& write how freCuently you have e(perienced each symptom during the previous week$ Dor all items& use the following scale> A$ =$ 3$ #$ <$ Have not e(perienced the symptom <(perienced it once <(perienced it 0 E. times <(perienced it 1-5 times <(perienced it more than 5 times ?A??09$ 2wollen Foints ?=??09$ 2tiff or sore muscles A???.*$ =ack pains #???.)$ 2ensitive or tender skin 3???.0$ Dace flushes ?=??..$ Tightness in chest ?=??.1$ 2kin breaks out in rash ?3??.5$ Acne or pimples on face ?=??.6$ AcneHpimples other than face ?A??.8$ =oils ?A??.9$ 2weat even in cold weather ?A??.9$ 2trong reactions to insect bites ?=??1*$ Headaches ?A??1)$ Deeling pressure in head ?A??10$ Hot flashes ?3??1.$ 3hills ?A??11$ #iGGiness ?A??15$ Deel faint ?3??16$ "umbness or tingling in any part of body ???18$ Twitching of eyelid ?A??19$ Twitching other than eyelid ?3??19$ Hands tremble or shake ?=??5*$ 2tiff Foints ?=??5)$ 2ore muscles ?=??50$ 2ore throat ?A??5.$ 2unburn ?3??51$ "ausea

?#??)$ <yes water ?3??0$ 'tchy eyes or skin ?A??.$ ;inging in ears ?A??1$ Temporary deafness or hard of hearing ?=??5$ 7ump in throat ?A??6$ 3hoking sensations ?=??8$ 2neeGing spells ?<??9$ ;unning nose ?<??9$ 3ongested nose ?<??)*$ =leeding nose ?A??))$ Asthma or wheeGing ?3??)0$ 3oughing ?=??).$ But of breath ?A??)1$ 2wollen ankles ?A??)5$ 3hest pains ?A??)6$ ;acing heart ?A??)8$ 3old hands or feet even in hot weather ?=??)9$ 7eg cramps ?#??)9$ 'nsomnia or difficulty sleeping ?=??0*$ Toothaches ?=??0)$ !pset stomach ?=??00$ 'ndigestion ?=??0.$ Heartburn or gas ?=??01$ Abdominal pain ?=??05$ #iarrhea ?A??06$ 3onstipation ?A??08$ Hemorrhoids

'n the past month& how many> ??*???? visits have you made to the student health center or private physician for illnessI ??*???? days have you been sickI ??*???? days your activity has been restricted due to illnessI =elow is a list of problems people sometimes have$ %lease read each one carefully& and put an J by the number that best describes HB: A!3H THAT %;B=7<A HA2 #'2T;<22<# B; =BTH<;<# YB! #!;'"K TH< %A2T 2<4<" #AY2 '"37!#'"K TB#AY$ %ut an J by only one number for each item and do not skip any items$ 'f you change your mind& change your first mark$ not at all a little bit moderately Cuite a bit e(tremely )$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 0$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 .$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 1$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 5$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 6$ ???*???) ??J?0 ???. ???1 8$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 9$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 9$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 )*$ ???*???) ?J??0 ???. ???1 ))$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 )0$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 ).$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 )1$ ???*???) ??J?0 ???. ???1 )5$ ???*???) ???0 ?J??. ???1 )6$ ???*???) ???0 ?J??. ???1 )8$ ???*???) ?J??0 ???. ???1 )9$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 )9$ ???*???) ???0 ??J?. ???1 0*$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 0)$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 00$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 0.$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 01$ ???*???) ?J??0 ???. ???1 05$ ???*???) ???0 ???. ?J??1 06$ ???*???) ???0 ?J??. ???1 08$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 09$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 09$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 .*$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 .)$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 "ervousness or shakiness inside Daintness or diGGiness The idea that someone else can control your thoughts Deeling others are to blame for most of your troubles Trouble remembering things Deeling easily annoyed or irritated %ains in heart or chest Deeling afraid in open spaces Thoughts of ending your life Deeling that most people cannot be trusted %oor appetite 2uddenly scared for no reason Temper outbursts that you could not control Deeling lonely even when you are with people Deeling blocked in getting things done Deeling lonely Deeling blue Deeling no interest in things Deeling fearful Your feelings being easily hurt Deeling that people are unfriendly or dislike you Deeling inferior to others "ausea or upset stomach Deeling that you are watched or talked about by others Trouble falling asleep Having to check and double check what you do #ifficulty making decisions Deeling afraid to travel on buses& subways& or trains Trouble getting your breath Hot or cold spells Having to avoid certain things& places& or activities because they frighten you .0$ ???*???) ???0 ?J??. ???1 Your mind going blank ..$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 "umbness or tingling in parts of your body

not at all a little bit moderately Cuite a bit e(tremely .1$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 .5$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 .6$ ???*???) ???0 ?J??. ???1 .8$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 .9$ ???*???) ?J??0 ???. ???1 .9$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 1*$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 1)$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 10$ ???*???) ?J??0 ???. ???1 1.$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 11$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 15$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 16$ ???*??J?) ???0 ???. ???1 18$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 19$ ?J??*???) ???0 ???. ???1 19$ ???*???) ???0 ???. ?J??1 5*$ ???*???) ?J??0 ???. ???1 5)$ ???*???) ?J??0 ???. ???1 50$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 5.$ ???*?J??) ???0 ???. ???1 The idea that you should be punished for your sins Deeling hopeless about the future Trouble concentrating Deeling weak in parts of your body Deeling tense or keyed up Thoughts of death or dying Having urges to beat& inFure& or harm someone Having urges to break or smash things Deeling very self-conscious with others Deeling uneasy in crowds "ever feeling close to another person 2pells of terror or panic Ketting into freCuent arguments Deeling nervous when you are left alone Bthers not giving you proper credit for your achievements Deeling so restless you couldn@t sit still Deelings of worthlessness Deeling that people will take advantage of you if you let them Deelings of guilt The idea that something is wrong with your mind

=elow are five statements with which you may agree or disagree$ !sing the )-8 scale below& indicate your agreement with each item by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item$ %lease be open and honest in your responding$ The 8-point scale is> ) L strongly disagree& 0 L disagree& . L slightly disagree& 1 L neither agree nor disagree& 5 L slightly agree& 6 L agree& 8 L strongly agree$ )$ ????0??? 'n most ways my life is close to my ideal$ 0$ ????5??? The conditions of my life are e(cellent$ .$ ????.??? ' am satisfied with my life$ 1$ ????0??? 2o far ' have gotten the important things ' want out of life$ 5$ ????)??? 'f ' could live my life over& ' would change almost nothing$ "ut an , in the line %e#o e the esponse that %est cha acte i-es you. )$ How honest are youI ????) ????0 completely honest& never tell any lies ?J???. ????1 ????5 tell the same M of lies as most people ????6 ????8 tell many more lies than most people ????6 ????8 )**N reliable

0$ How reliable are youI ????) ????0 ????. ?J???1 ????5 completely unreliable average& as reliable as most people

.$ How sincere are youI ????) ??J??0 completely insincere

????. ????1 ????5 average& as sincere as most people


????8 )**N sincere ????8 completely untrustworthy ????8 much more

1$ How trustworthy are youI ????) ????0 ??J??. ????1 ????5 completely trustworthy average& as trustworthy as most people 5$ How much integrity do you have compared with most peopleI ????) much less "lease ci cle you ????0 ??J??. ????1 ????5 average amount



esponse to the #ollowing !uestions$

)$ 'n the past month& to what e(tent has your closest relationship changedI ????) ????0 ????. ????1 ????5 ??J??6 ????8 it has gotten it has stayed it has gotten much worse the same much better 0$ 'n the past month& to what e(tent have your close relationships changed& e(cluding your relationship with the person to whom you are the closestI ????) ????0 ????. ????1 ??J??5 ????6 ????8 much worse stayed the same much better .$ 'n the past month& how smoothly have your social interactions overall gone as compared to usualI ????) ????0 ????. ????1 ????5 ??J??6 ????8 far less smoothly stayed the same much more smoothly 1$ 'n the past month& how well have you performed at work as compared to usualI ????) ????0 ?J???. ????1 ????5 ????6 ????8 much better no different much worse from usual .he emaining !uestions pe tain to honesty and eve yday lies du ing and a#te the 1/-week e0pe iment. %lease give your best estimates to the ne(t two Cuestions& answering only with a number$ )$ How many white lies have you told in the past 8 daysI ?????5?????? 0$ How many bigger-than-white lies have you told in the past 8 daysI ??????*????? .$ Think back to your day-to-day interactions before you participated in the )*-week e(periment$ How does your freCuency of lying today compare to your freCuency of lying thenI ????) ' lie much more now ?J???0 ' lie somewhat more now ????. my rate of lying is no different from before ????1 ' lie somewhat less now ????5 ' lie much less now

1$ 't can be very difficult to avoid telling any lies at all to a given person in our lives$ 1hich o# the #ollowing people is the most di##icult #o you not to lie to2 3ircle one letter> a$ your spouse b$ your boyfriend or girlfriend c$ e(tra-relational lover d$ mother e$ father f$ your children g$ a non-immediate family member h$ your therapist i$ a teacher F$ roommate k$ priest or nun l$ close friend m$ acCuaintance n$ co-worker o$ boss p$ other>??????H????????? 1a$ 1hat is it a%out this pe son o the situation that you a e in with this pe son that makes avoiding all lies to him o he especially di##icult2 .hey seem to hold an autho itative and helping ole that would seem to $eopa di-e my own sel# i# 3 lied.

,"ote that after each of the open-ended Cuestions& you will be asked to please estimate roughly how long it took you to answer the Cuestion fully$/ Time it took me to complete Cuestion 1a> ?????9* seconds???????????????? 5$ 4ou elationship with which o# the #ollowing people imp oved the most as a esult o# you educing you lies du ing the 1/-week e0pe iment2 3ircle one letter> a$ your spouse b$ your boyfriend or girlfriend c$ e(tra-relational lover d$ mother e$ father f$ your children g$ a non-immediate family member h$ your therapist i$ a teacher F$ roommate k$ priest or nun l$ close friend m$ acCuaintance n$ co-worker o$ boss p$ other>????l??????????? 6$ #uring the )*-week e(periment& you reported your freCuency of lies$ 1hat speci#ic lies do you emem%e having told du ing the 1/ weeks that we e most di##icult to d op2 %lease describe these> The most difficult lies to drop are the small white lies that seem harmless and boost the other person&

like a complimenta y lie.

5. .hinking %ack to you own e0pe iences du ing the 1/-week e0pe iment6 to what e0tent did educing you lies make you li#e simple o mo e comple02 Reducing lies made my li#e' ????) ??J??0 ????. ????1 ????5 much simpler somewhat simpler no different somewhat more much more from before comple( comple( 5a. .o what e0tent did educing you lies make you mo e o less an0ious2 Reducing lies made me' ????) ????0 ?J???. ????1 ????5 much less somewhat less no different somewhat more much more an(ious an(ious from before an(ious an(ious 5%. .o what e0tent did educing you lies imp ove you ????) ????0 ????. made them made them did not change much worse somewhat worse them elationships o weaken them2 Reducing lies' ?J???1 ????5 made them made them somewhat better much better

5c. .o what e0tent did educing you lies make you mo e o less healthy2 Reducing lies made me' ????) ????0 ??J??. ????1 ????5 much less somewhat less no different somewhat more much more healthy healthy from before healthy healthy 5d. 7id you #ind that you communicated with people in a kinde o less kind way as a esult o# educing you lies2 My communication %ecame' ????) ????0 ????. ?J???1 ????5 much less somewhat less no different somewhat more much more kind kind from before kind kind 5e. 7id you #ind that6 as a esult o# educing you lies6 you communicated with othe s in a way that violated o con#o med mo e with thei e0pectations2 My communication' ????) ?J???0 ????. ????1 ????5 violated e(pectviolated e(pectwas no different conformed conformed ations much more ations a little more from before a little more much more 8. 1hat is a pa ticula ly compelling eason #o you pe sonally not to lie2 3t keeps me # om %acking mysel# into a co ne 6 %ecause it p events me # om %eing %lamed #o a lie .hat causes p o%lems

Time it took me to complete Cuestion 9> ???????6* seconds??????????????????

9. Based on you own e0pe iences in this study6 what advice would you give to someone on how to lie less2 :ust conside eve ytime whethe it is a lie and think to the wo st thing that could happen .h ough a lie

Time it took me to complete Cuestion 9> ???????6* seconds?????????????????? 9a. 3n you view6 to what e0tent can people pu pose#ully educe thei eve yday lies2 ????) ????0 ????. ?J???1 ????5 not at all a little bit somewhat Cuite a bit to a great e(tent 1/. 3n what ways6 i# any6 has you li#e changed #o the wo se as a esult o# you pa ticipation in the 1/-week e0pe iment2 3 think mo e a%out lies and thei conse!uences.

Time it took me to complete Cuestion )*> ?????.* seconds????????????????????

11. 3n what ways6 i# any6 has you li#e changed #o the %ette as a esult o# you pa ticipation in the 1/-week e0pe iment2 3 am mo e easily a%le to e0p ess my thoughts and %e up# ont.

Appro(imate time it took me to complete Cuestion ))> ???????6* seconds?????????????????? 1). 7id you happen to hea o 1)a. 3# so6 what did you hea 2 ead anything a%out the esults o# the study2 no yes

.hank you so much; "lease #eel # ee to note anything else o# inte est you want me to know in the space %elow'

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