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FLUID MECHANICS Lecture Notes # 1 FLUID MECHANICS - Is a physical science dealing with the action of fluids at rest or in motion,

and with applications and devices using fluids. TWO MAJOR DIVISIONS OF FLUID MECHANICS: 1. Fluid Statics 2. Fluid Dynamics TYPES OF FLUID: 1. Ideal Fluids ssumed to have no viscosity !and hence, no resistance to shear" Incompressi#le $ave uniform velocity when flowing %o friction #etween moving layers of fluid %o eddy currents or tur#ulence . Real Fluids &'hi#it infinite viscosities %on-uniform velocity distri#ution when flowing (ompressi#le &'perience friction and tur#ulence in flow re further divided into %ewtonian Fluids and %on-%ewtonian Fluids PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS: 1. MASS DENSITY! " #R$%& - )he density of a fluid is its mass per unit of volume deals with fluids at rest deals with fluids in motion

6 7 volume, 8
*nits+ &nglish .etric SI law+ + +

mass of fluid, .

&:uation 1-1

+ slugs, ftgram,cm/g, m-

For an ideal gas, its density can #e found from the specific gas constant and ideal gas

6 7
&ngr. 0erome F. Famadico of 2 2nd Semester S.3. 241--2415

1 9)

&:uation 1-2

1age 1

FLUID MECHANICS Lecture Notes # 1 ;here+ 1 7 a#solute pressure of gas in 1a 9 7 gas constant 0oule, <g-=< For air+ 9 7 2>? 0, /g - =< 9 7 1,?21 l#-ft, slug - =9 ) 7 a#solute temperature in =<elvin =< 7 =( @ 2?=9 7 =F @ 524 . SPECIFIC VOLUME! Vs Specific volume, 8s, is the volume occupied #y a unit mass of fluid.

8s 7 mass density 8s 7
&:uation 1--

'. UNIT WEI(HT %) SPECIFIC WEI(HT! * Specific weight or unit weight, A, is the weight of a unit volume of a fluid.

A 7

weight of fluid, W volume, V

&:uation 1-5

A 76g

&:uation 1-B

*nits+ &nglish .etric SI + + + l#, ftdyne,cm%,m- or /%,m-


&ngr. 0erome F. Famadico of 2 2nd Semester S.3. 241--2415

1age 2

FLUID MECHANICS Lecture Notes # 1 Specific gravity, s, is a dimensionless ratio of a fluidCs density to some standard reference density. For li:uids and solids, the reference density is water at 5=( !-D.2=F".

s 7

6li:uid 6water

&:uation 1-2

In gases, the standard reference to calculate the specific gravity is the density of air

s 7

6gas 6air

&:uation 1-?

For water at 5=(+ A 7 22.5 l#,ft- 7 D.>1 /%,m6 7 1.D5 slugs,ft- 7 1444 /g,ms 7 1.4 PRACTICE PRO,LEMS: 1. If B.2 m- of oil weighs 52,>44 %, calculate the following+ a. *nit ;eight #. Density c. Specific Eravity 2. )he volume of a tetrachloride having a mass of 1244 /g is 4.DB2 m-. (ompute the following+ a. .ass Density #. Specific ;eight c. Specific Eravity -. ;hat is the specific weight of air at 5>4 /1a a#solute and 21=(F 5. Find the mass density of helium at a temperature of 5=( and a pressure of 1>5 /1a gage, if atmospheric pressure is 141.D2 /1a. !9 7 24?D 0,/g - =<" cylindrical tan/ >4 cm in diameter and D4 cm high is filled with a li:uid. )he tan/ and the li:uid weighed 524 /g. )he weight of the empty tan/ is 54 /g. ;hat is the unit weight of the li:uid in /%,m-.F PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS #C%-.i-ua.i%-..& /. VISCOSITY! 0! #MU& B.

&ngr. 0erome F. Famadico of 2 2nd Semester S.3. 241--2415

1age -

FLUID MECHANICS Lecture Notes # 1 )he property of fluid which determines the amount of its resistance to shearing forces. perfect fluid would have no viscosity.

H 7
;here+ G H y U 7 7 7 7

dV / dy

&:uation 1->

shear stress in l#,ft2 or 1a a#solute viscosity in l#-sec,ft2 !poises" or 1a-sec. distance #etween the plates in ft or m velocity in ft,s or m,s

1. 2INEMATIC VISCOSITY! 3! #NU& Is the ratio of the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, H, to its mass density, 6.

s 7
;here+ H 6 7 7

H 6

&:uation 1-D

a#solute viscosity in 1a-sec density in /g,m-

4. SURFACE TENSION! 5 #SI(MA& )he mem#rane of Is/inJ that seems to form on the free surface of a fluid is due to the intermolecular cohesive forces, and is /nown as surface tension.

1ressure inside a Droplet of Ki:uid+

P 7
;here+ L d P 7 7 7

5L d

&:uation 1-14

surface tension in %,m diameter of the droplet in m gage pressure in 1a

6. CAPILLIARITY #CAPILLIARY ACTION& Is a manifestation of surface tension #y which the portion of the surface of a li:uid coming in contact with a solid is elevated or depressed, depending on the adhesive or cohesive properties of the li:uid.
1age 5

&ngr. 0erome F. Famadico of 2 2nd Semester S.3. 241--2415

FLUID MECHANICS Lecture Notes # 1

h 7
;here+ h d L 7 7 7 7

5LcosP yd

&:uation 1-11

capillary rise or depression in m unit weight in %,mdiameter of the tu#e in m surface tension in 1a

7. ,UL2 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY! E, &'presses the compressi#ility of the fluid Is the ratio of the change of unit pressure to the corresponding volume change per unit volume

&O 7
;here+ & M1 M8 7 7 7


&:uation 1-12

#ul/ modulus change in pressure change in volume

18. COMPRESSI,ILITY! 9 Is the fractional change in volume of a fluid per unit change in pressure in a constant temperature process.

N 7
;here+ N 7 &O 7 PRACTICE PRO,LEMS: 1.

1 &O

&:uation 1-1-

coefficient of compressi#ility #ul/ modulus of elasticity

li:uid is compressed in a cylinder having a volume of 1 liter at one .%,m2 and a volume of DDB cm- at 2 .%,m2. a. (ompute the change in volume #. (ompute the change in pressure c. (ompute the #ul/ modulus of elasticity

&ngr. 0erome F. Famadico of 2 2nd Semester S.3. 241--2415

1age B

FLUID MECHANICS Lecture Notes # 1 2. !a" Determine the surface tension in a tu#e with 4.2 m radius and wetting angle 4= and capillarity rise of B mm. !#" Determine the surface tension in l#,ft. !c" If wetting angle P 7 >4=, determine the surface tension.

&ngr. 0erome F. Famadico of 2 2nd Semester S.3. 241--2415

1age 2

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