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he Statistical Bureau, Mr. Burton St. John, to prepare and issue such a volume.

The present volume admittedly falls far short of the ideals of its editors. The fact that it is the first of the series, with all that this involves of unavoidable e xperiment; the further fact that the absorbing claims of war service limited greatly the time w hich its editors could contribute to this labor of love; and, finally, the necessity of l imiting the volume to certain dimensions of size because of cost, these all serve to explain limitations and imperfections, even deliberate omissions, which another year may help to rem edy. The aim has been a world-wide survey of all of the main foreign missionary event s and developments of the year 1918. Yet, while world-wide in its outlook, the sur vey is intended to preserve an American viewpoint, emphasizing such facts as affect mor e vitally North American missionary interests and activities. Furthermore the desire to ma ke the volume readable and to avoid the impression of a mere enumeration of events, has made it necessary to sacrifice the mention of many most interesting although minor mi ssionary events. As the volume went to press the first of December, events of that month could not be included. The use of this Year Book will extend to missionary leaders throughout the entir e Protestant constituency of North America with its membership of more than 25,000 ,000 and its ministry of more than 170,000 leaders, for here will be found the main f acts of the great forward movement of American Christianity in foreign lands, the year's record of an enterprise which engages upwards of 11,000 American workers and costs more than $22,000,000 annually. Officials of mission boards and societies will of course h ave a peculiar interest in this volume. In addition, libraries will desire the entire series, for here, as nowhere else, can the progress of the missionary movement be studied, f or the records being prepared annually along similar lines will afford opportunity for a comparative study of unique value. In conclusion, the hearty thanks of the Committee needs to be extended to those who have rendered inestimable service in preparing sections of the Year Book to which their names are attached. Charles R. Watson, Chairman Committee on Missionary Research Library.


Introduction Charles R. Watson . Home Base, Canada and the United States Home Base, Great Britain Home Base, Continent J. W. Gunning . . .

Field Reviews Latin America Argentine Republic . Bolivia Brazil Central America. . . Chile Colombia Cuba Mexico Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela

Webster E. Browning .


China ,. '. Lewis Hodous Chosen Enoch Bell French Indo-China India D.J. Fleming

Japan Enoch Bell Malaysia D. J. Fleming. .'. . . Palestine B. Carter Millikin . Persia George T. Scott Siam , Syria Stanley White

Africa Mohammedan North Africa. Abyssinia Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Egypt French Somaliland Italian Somaliland Morocco

PAGE 3 9 12 13

Arabia and Mesopotamia William I. Chamberlain 25

, Samuel M. Zwemer. 43 43 44 44 45 46

: 46

PAGE Tripoli Samuel M. Zuemer 46 Tunis and Algeria 46 Negro Africa James Dexter Taylor 47 War Influences 47 Senegal to Kamerun 48 French Congo to South West Africa 50 South Africa 5 1 East Africa 53 Islands Netherlands East Indies /. W. Gunning 54 Philippine Archipelago Harry Farmer 55 Unoccupied Fields Charles R. Watson 57 Thirty Missionary Volumes Harlan P. Beach 61 Some Important Magazine Articles 64 Visualizing Missions S. W. Boggs . 71 Table of Countries 82 Religions of the World 84 Missionary Calls Vernon Halliday 84 Directory and Statistics Directory of Missionary Societies, Canada Statistical Bureau 90 Director of Missionary Societies, United States. . 93 Directory of Missionary Societies, Other Countries 119 Statistics of American Missionary Societies Table I. Incomes " 126 Table II. Missions to Europe . 132 Table III. Missions to Latin America " 132 Table IV. Missions to the Non-Christian World " 136

Index 149


THE NORTH AMERICAN HOME BASE Rev. Charles R. Watson, D. D. With the entrance of the United States into the War, it was expected that missio nary societies would experience a shrinkage in their financial and personnel resource s. The year, as indeed previous years also, has been marked by increased cost of operat ion, but the statistical records show no adverse effects in the columns of contributions and workers. The total receipts of American Societies for 1918 is $22,100,000 as against $20, 400,000 for the previous year, and the number of foreign workers is 11,400 as against 11,300 for the previous year. Individual mission boards report remarkable advances in their rec eipts. The Church of England in Canada, the Methodist Church of Canada, the Seventh-Day Adventist Denomination, the Disciples of Christ, the American Friends, the Menno nite Board of Missions and Charities, the Moravian Church, the Presbyterian Church (N orth) and the Reformed Church in America are examples of such increases. Significant Movements More significant than actual achievements is the daring character of movements launched during the year for future realization. It is as if the War had stirred the imagination and challenged the courage of the Christian Church. The Methodist Ep iscopal Church has adopted a program which aims at $80,000,000 to be secured in co nnection with its centennial movement during the next five years for its missionary work at home and abroad. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, ratified plans for raising $3 5,000,000 for the centenary offering of the Church. The Southern Baptist Convention is aim ing at a $2,500,000 goal, by 1920, for the work of their benevolent societies. The B oard of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, North, includes the following addit ions to their current obligations: $250,000 for India; $100,000 for Guatemala; $100,0 00 for Syria and an increase in the regular budget of ten per cent; also $1,000,000 of annuities and one hundred twenty-five new missionaries. Increased Giving

Among the outstanding causes for increased measure of giving are the following: the stimulus of higher standards of giving for War objects; the concrete charact er of the appeals and the obvious needs resulting from the War situation, such as incr eased cost of transportation, food, fuel and building material ; the keener interest o f the public in foreign missions because so many of these very peoples were directly related to the War; the sense of crisis in the world's history and in the unfolding of the King dom of God. , Canadian Achievement Most remarkable are the missionary achievements in Canada where the burden of the War is much heavier because it has been borne longer. The Methodist Church o f Canada, for example, reported from all sources, an increase of $91,000 over the preceding year, or an advance of twelve per cent. The Baptists of Western Canada gave $2.8 0 per member for missionary and educational work while nearly 8,000 heads of families were at the Front in the War. Cooperation Cooperation and even union have been emphasized strongly and repeatedly by condi tions resulting from the War. In a sphere of service not far removed in its char acter and principles from that of foreign missions, seven different agencies engaged i n War 9

Camp activities came tog-ether at the personal request of the President and in a united financial campaign succeeded in raising over $200,000,000. These agencies were t he Young Men's Christian Association, the Young Women's Christian Association, the National Catholic War Council, the Jewish Welfare Board, the War Camp Community Service, the American Library Association and the Salvation Army. At the Annual Conference of Foreign Missions at Garden City in January, 1918, Mr. James M. Speers proposed that the American Foreign Missionary Societies unite in a common appeal to American Protestantism in behalf of their work. This suggestion was thought not to be practicable at that time, but the proposition has since been revived by action t aken in November by the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Chur ch in the United States, South.

The outstanding union movement consummated during 1918 is the union of three Lutheran bodies : the General Synod, the General Council and the United Synod of the South. This union took place in New York in November, 1918. The proposed union o f

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