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Monday 8 O !o"#$ %&&' a! ((&& )$* MEDCO + Po$! Lo,-*

Distinguished guests Ladies and gentlemen Dear Students Good Morning

I am happy to be present in your midst on the occasion of the opening ceremony of an Art Sculpture Exhibition of your school. Although I have a busy schedule at the Ministry I al!ays ma"e it a point to visit schools not only to ta"e stoc" of your achievements and performances in the academic and extra curricular activities but also to encourage teachers and students to strive hard in their #uest for excellence. S.# -a/ Day

%oday is your school&s special day specially the Art Department !hich ta"es pride in presenting the Art !or" of pupils under the guidance of their teachers. Education in its true sense should bring out the best in our pupils and students in terms of their academic artistic aesthetic and altruistic pursuits. In so doing your school !ill be giving due recognition gro!ing efforts of young pupils to develop their s"ills and talents !hich !ould help them in one !ay or another during their lifetime. At this point I !ould li"e to pay my tribute to the management of MED'( the teaching and non teaching staff for their valuable contribution for the success of our youth. I am a!are that for some time no! MED'( )oard is leaving no stone unturned in order to provide the best conditions so that our pupils and teachers are provided !ith a conducive atmosphere !here teaching and learning become a pleasant activity. 0,a/-!y Ed, a!-on and 1on O..o$!,n-!-#* In fact this year teachers !ere invited to attend seminars and !or"shops to discuss issues pertaining to academic matters and it !as a pleasure for me to be associated !ith these functions. And more recently I !as invited for the opening of a ne! bloc" at MED'( )hu*oharry Secondary School. %hese initiatives of MED'( )oard are in line !ith Government policy to provide #uality education for our young students. As you all "no! today more and more *ob opportunities are being created for youngsters !ho !ant to embar" on ne! careers !ith very promising and challenging prospects. In fact the increasing *ob offers in the I% sector and the vacancies in

emerging careers li"e call centres testify that our youth have every reason to forge ahead in their studies to #ualify themselves for these *ob mar"ets. %oday access to higher education has become reasonably very easy and many youngsters are choosing to !or" and study at the same time. It is a "no!n fact no! that a person can change his *ob t!o or three times in his lifetime. %herefore it is essential that in his school days a student is exposed to different sub*ect studies !hich can be helpful to him in any *ob orientation of his choice. My ministry is presently loo"ing at the possibility of including a science component for students reading for form five. %his decision goes in line !ith our policy to offer to our students a !ide repertoire of sub*ects !hich !ill benefit him in his future studies. Co and E2!$a C,$$- ,/a$ A !-3-!-#* My ministry gives a lot of recognition for efforts made in co and extra curricular activities. ,ere I have in mind initiatives encouraged by the Innoved and 'ivic Action %eam !here students from the primary and secondary levels come !ith pro*ects that valorise their talents. I am also convinced that !hen students !or" in groups !hen they put their minds together they produce fascinating results !hich deserve recognition and praise. %his is !hy I am here today not only to rec"on your efforts as art students but also to encourage you and congratulate you and your teachers for the marvellous presentation of your exhibits and most important to inspire in you the urge to forge ahead and attain higher goals in your studies and in life. I often tal" of !orld class #uality education and people very often misunderstand this concept. -or me every effort invested in the education sector !hich discriminates

itself in terms of #uality is one step nearer to !orld class education. I am not as"ing you to do different things but I am as"ing you to do things differently. I am told that MED'( %rinity has in a recent past bagged outstanding pri/es in co0 curricular activities li"e carnivals and environmental pro*ects. I am also a!are that your school has been doing very !ell in sports. I am pleased to learn that you are soon launching your music club to encourage young talents !ho !ish to embrace a career in the sho! business. My Ministry is also initiating actions to encourage schools to organise such activities li"e #ui/ debates forums and drama because !e believe that along !ith formal education in classrooms these activities !ill develop the mental faculties of our students. I am convinced that the 1ectors of MED'( Schools !ill sei/e every opportunity to promote such programmes and include them in the curriculum of your schools.

Na!-ona/ R#ad-n4 C,/!,$# I am also an appeal to all sta"eholders to help develop a National Reading Culture. As from next year all schools !ill be invited to embar" on this pro*ect !ith ne! students *oining secondary school for the first time. 3e !ant to prepare our youth all possible !ays so that they are e#uipped !ith the s"ills to ta"e up the challenges of fast evolving !or" place and society. 3hile aiming for academic excellence !e should be able to tac"le a !ide variety of tas"s problems and pro*ects. 3e should be prepared for life long learning and constant rene!al. And this means that you young adolescents of today and eventually young professionals you are the hopes of this great country. Fa -/-!-#* %o help you in your achievement and success !e are doing our best to provide all the necessary facilities for all students to benefit from #uality education. %he management of MED'( is playing its role and has for example carried out renovation !or"s in specialist rooms and is providing I'% facilities so that the teaching and learning process can occur under modern and optimum conditions. Government has even provided free transport to facilitate access to schooling. )ut remember that the success of any institution depends much on the 4ision and Leadership and the involvement of all sta"eholders. I am happy that MED'( )oard has already initiated action to improve School Leadership in a sustained manner and to that effect my ministry !ill support ,eads of schools and Administrators strengthen their management and !e are preparing a dedicated training programme !ith the help of MIE.

A"*#n!##-*5* My dear students in a fe! days you !ill be sitting for your final exams. I am a!are that absenteeism is a gro!ing problem particularly during the third term. I am convinced that proper and thorough revision is done at school. %he facilities are here and so is the teacher&s expertise. I !ill re#uest the 6%A and parent representatives to help us in this crucial matter and to play their part in sending their children at school. I am informed that the 6%A of this school is very dynamic and that there is communication participation and partnership. Success depends on the #uality of teaching and learning. ,ere I !ant to ma"e a plea to the teachers to give their best as the future of these young people is in your hands. Students spend most of the daytime in classrooms !ith you and they loo" in you for cues and you agree or not you are their role models. 7o curriculum can be successful !ithout the efforts of teachers. 5 th (ctober !as 3orld %eachers Day. It has been an opportunity to pay tribute to all %eachers and Educators and to encourage them to go for excellence.

9our commitment in this noble profession should be firm as the destiny of our young students is entrusted to you. Most of you have follo!ed some training course and use all the methods and means at your disposal to ma"e the learning process and school in general appear !orth!hile to our students. 3e all have to be psychologists no!adays and !e all have to be #uality conscious. (nce again I sei/e this opportunity to than" the management for their laudable initiative and I am happy to note that your institution is !or"ing in line !ith that of my ministry !ith commitment and dedication to bring positive transformations. 3ell done 'ongratulations and good luc". %han" you for your attention.

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