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Torsion Testing o What is a torsion test?

Torsion tests apply a load to a specimen by twisting the ends of the specimen in opposite directions o Why perform a torsion test? Get several values similar to those from a tension test Values obtained include: Modulus of Rigidity o Sometimes called the Shear Modulus o Similar to Modulus of lasticity for tension test Shearing !ield "oint #ltimate Shear Strength Ma$imum lastic Tor%ue &ully "lastic Tor%ue Lab Procedure o We will split into two large groups to perform the tests 'ne large group will wor( with me on one machine 'ther large group will wor( with T) on other machine ach group needs to collect their own data &or $ample: Group *+ ,+ and - each have their own data sheet even though the data will be identical between groups o )n )-. steel bar will be used in the tests o %uipment used

Torsion Assignment Torsion Testing Equipment

o Measurements /iameter of the rod before testing Troptometer radius This needs to be from the center of the bar to the tip of the pointer asiest to find by measuring from the outside of the bar to the pointer and then adding on the radius of the bar o 'ne end of the bar will remain fi$ed while the other end is slowly twisted by applying tor%ue !ou will collect data at each *00 in1lb increment of tor%ue from 0 to *000 in1lb of tor%ue 'nce the tor%ue is above *000 in1lb you will ta(e readings at every 02* in increment of arc length 3ontinue these readings until the fully plastic tor%ue has been clearly reached o &ully plastic tor%ue occurs when the bar continues to twist but the amount of tor%ue re%uired remains constant 4t is up to the groups to decide when enough data points have been collected o Want several data points in the fully plastic region to ensure good results

)fter fully plastic tor%ue has been established you will no longer need to collect data at regular intervals We will continue to twist the bar until it fractures 'nly thing left to find will be the ma$imum tor%ue

Torque vs. Angle of Twist Diagram o These are the values you will actually be recording in the lab o Show how to determine the &ully "lastic Tor%ue and the Ma$imum lastic Tor%ue o /raw figure on board

o &ormulas :inear lastic "ortion

rtrop TL = JG

T L G = J 5 5 J = d = c 6polar moment of inertia for circular cross section7 -, , T FP read from data and graph TE = TFP 5 Shearing Stress-Strain Diagram o lement on the surface of the bar oriented along the a$is 8as only shear stresses acting on it 6pure shear7 /raw figure on board

o Similar to tension stress1strain diagrams 9ormal Stress is replaced by Shear Stress

9ormal Strain is replace by Shear Strain )ssumes a linear elastic+ perfectly plastic material /raw figure on board

@y G

o &ormulas

Tc J c = L G= 6applies only in linear elastic portion7 T c y = E J

ielding in !ircular Shafts

Torsion Short "ersion

o !ielding starts at outer surface since ma$imum stresses are present there o )s material yields there is a plastic shell that forms on the outside of the material o ventually the entire cross section will yield and the fully plastic state will be reached #racture Surfaces o /uctile Materials &ail due to shear stress &racture surface should be oriented with shear stresses on element Results in a ;0< fracture surface

Torsion #racture $eometr%

o =rittle Materials &ail due to normal stresses Remember that an element oriented 5>< from a pure shear element has only normal stresses Results in brittle materials fracturing with a 5>< fracture surface o The fracture surfaces are oriented ?ust the opposite of what we found in the tension tests

Direct Shear Test o While we are waiting on the torsion testing specimen to fracture we will perform a direct shear test o Will wor( as an entire section o Material to test will be an )-. bar identical to the one used for torsion testing o "rocedure Measure the diameter of the )-. steel bar :oad specimen in the shear testing fi$ture )pply load to the specimen using a cross1head speed of 02* inAmin Run the test until the computer stops the cross1head Record the 02,B offset yield load from the computer Record the ma$imum load from the computer o 3alculations &ind the shearing yield strength by applying V Vy S sy = y = A , , 5 d &ind the ultimate shearing strength using V Vma$ Sus = ma$ = A , , 5 d Assignment o Memo worth *00 points )ttach your initialed original data sheet $perimental Results Torsion Testing o 3reate a plot of tor%ue 6T7 vs2 angle of twist6C7 using your data o =ased on your data and plot /etermine the &ully "lastic Tor%ue 6T&"7 3alculate the Ma$imum lastic Tor%ue 6T 7 o #se linear regression to calculate the slope of the linear elastic portion of the plot 'nly use data points up to the Ma$imum lastic Tor%ue o #se your slope to calculate the modulus of rigidity 6G7 o 3alculate the shearing yield strength and ultimate shearing strength /irect Shear Testing o 3alculate and report the shearing yield strength o 3alculate and report the ultimate shearing strength /iscussion of Results /iscuss how well your data points fit the linear regression line

3ompare your shearing yield strength and ultimate shearing strength between the torsion test and the direct shear test :oo( up a reference value for G and compare your e$perimental value to the reference value

Presentation o ach group will come to the board and fill in the following values T 6in1lb7 T&" 6in1lb7 $perimental G 6(si7 $perimental y 6(si7 o Two random groups will be selected to answer %uestions about the lab

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