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Research scholar made sincere efforts to locate the both critical and allied literature pertainin to the present stud!" Rele#ant studies re#ie$ed from the librar! of the D"A"V"V" Institute of ph!sical education% Indore ha#e been sited belo$&

'iline ( in#esti ated the relationship bet$een an)iet! and motor performance in !oun children"these relationship $ere also e)am mind for possible role and se) differences amon children"each children $atch administered the motor performance batter! %$hich includes item for an)iet!%po$er fle)ibilit!% indurance and reaction time"the su est that a

hi h le#el of an)iet! has a determinant effect upon motor performance of !oun children"

Fourie and *ot ieter+ in#esti ated the components of mental tou hness as reported b! (,( e)pert coaches and (-. elite athletes from ,( sports codes" The $riter statements of coaches and athletes $ere anal!/ed b! means of an inducti#e content anal!sis"this result in the identification of (+ compon ents of mental tou hness" These are moti#ation le#el% copin s0ill% confidence maintenance% co niti#e s0ill% discipline and oal directness% competiti#eness% possession of pre1re2uest ph!sical and ment!el re2uirements%
Duan Canrad 'ilne% 3Relationship Between Anxiety and Motor Performance in Young Children4% Dissertation Abstracts International% 5'a! (67(89 :;(71A + <" Fourie and =" R" *otieter% 3The Nature of Mental Toughness in Sports4% <outh African =ournal for Research in <ports% *h!sical Education and Recreation% 5April +..(89 p" -,17+"

(( team unit!% preparation s0ill ps!cholo ical hardiness% reli ious con#ictions and ethics" The coaches re arded conclusion as the most important the coaches rated the effecti#eness of coaches and sports ps!cholo ist in stren thenin the characteristics of mental tou hness more hi hl! than athletes did"

'o#atich, conducted a stud! to find out the effect of a trait and a state an)iet! upon athletic performance" A mete anal!tic approach" A total of 6. effects 5E<8 $ere calculated from the initial in#esti ation and utili/ed as dependent #ariable to assess of >> independent moderator #ariable $hich included an)iet! ?!pe an)iet! le#el performance outcome se) of the sub@ects and rade le#el" The a#era e stud! E< $as -:- 5<D1 ;>+8 <u estin that an)iet! influences performance same that more than $ith no an)iet! estions

influences performance same that more than $ith no an)iet! percent specific su

$ere presented to direct attention to$ards the relationship bet$een an)iet! and performance or chan e in an)iet! le#el"

Fo)> constructed an achie#ement moti#ation scale% based on achie#ement moti#es scale of A! ord and Berome" +; item 2uestionnaire $as intended to be emplo!ed in the athelatic en#ironment for the purpose of measurin le#el of moti#ation to approach success and to a#oid failure in athlete and the scale $as administered to (7- mail and female s$immers of (677 canadian $inter s$immin championship% it $as e)pected that athletes hi h and ms and lo$ in mp $ould increases their performance and #ice1#ersa"

Cona L!nn 'o#atich% 3The ffect of A!State Anxiety "pon Athletic Performance4% Dissertation Abstract International% Vol" >75((8& 5'a! (6;789 p" >." > Rand! B" Fo)% 3The Construction of an Achie#ement Moti#ation Scale for "se in the Sporting #ents4% Completed Research in ?ealth *h!sical Education and Research% (6 5(67;8"

(+ The result failed to demonstrate an! practical relationship bet$een le#els of achie#ement moti#ation and s$immin performance"

Carrol: conducted a stud! of sur#e!in the attitude of student to$ards the basic ph!sical education instructional pro rams" The attitude sur#e! de#eloped b! in#esti ators contained :. tic0 mar0 t!pe statement , optional 2uestion concerned $ith aspects of the basic ph!sical education instructional pro ram" The #alidit! of the instrument $as based on the e#aluation of the statement b! 7 @ud es"

Dochler- de#eloped and #alidated a 2uestionnaire desi ned to asses habitual ph!sical acti#it! of the -th raders $as used to determine the conte)t and formal of the 2uestionnaire" Finall! a sample of to ,: si)th rade student completed ph!sical acti#it! 2uestionnaire" The AA*?ERD health related ph!sical fitness test and the re#ised childrenEs attitude to$ards ph!sical education in#entor!" *earsonEs mo#ement correlated $as used to determine the con#er ent #alidit! e)aminin the relationship bet$een the *AF and the health related fitness and attitude to$ards the ph!sical acti#it!" Interdependent best $as used to determine roup differences for hi h and lo$ acti#ities roup on health related fitness and attitude to$ard ph!sical acti#ities" It $as concluded that *AF has e#idence of conte)t #alidit! $ea0 but si nificant e#idence of con#er ent" Validit! and unacceptable construct #alidit! use the roup differences method Reliabilit! of *AF $as acceptable"

Robert A" Carrol% 3Assessment of Students Attitude towards the Basic Physical ducation $nstructional Programme at Pennsyl#annia State "ni#ersity4% Completed Research in ?ealth *h!sical Education and Research% Vol" (65(67;8" D" '" Dochler% 3%e#elopment and &alidation of a 'uestionnaire (or Assessing )a*itual Physical Acti#ity of Sixth +rade Students4% Dissertation Abstract International% 5Dec" (6;68"

(, ?otcla$7 constructed and administrated #ernal disease 0no$led e test for hi h school students" The test administered to :+,1 selected senior hi h school student to determine their 0no$led e in #ernal dieses" To establish the #alidit! of ori inal #ernal decease 0no$led e test% a preliminar! instrument of (.. items $as constructed and submitted to a fi#e1member @ur!" The re#ised test retained 6( items" The 0uder1richardson formula $as used to obtain reliabilit! co1efficient of ."77 for the test" The #ernal decease 0no$led e test pro#ed to be a #alid measure for determinin hi h school student

information re ardin the area of #ernal decease and the test mean scores for each roup $ere lo$% indicati#e of the sub@ectEs lac0 of specific information"

Glac0urn; constructed and standardi/ed a health 0no$led e test for colle e students" The items $ere constructed analo ! form of 2uestion $ith four alternate responses and submitted to a panel of e)perts $ho e#aluate the test items usin the criteria of appropriateness for the test% clearness of throu h and scientific accurac!" Acceptable test items $ere placed into t$o preliminaries from H for test administration"

?ansen6 conducted a studies to determine $hether male and female coaches and their athlete could predict the pre1competition an)iet! status of another 5+8 to assess the relationship bet$een empath! and abilit! of coaches to predict an)iet! status of athletes participatin in this stud! $ere (: male and (: female coaches and (7; female athlete" The results of this stud! su est that the athlete $ere more accurate at predictin their coachesE

7 ?ot/cla$% 3The Construction and Administration of &ernal %ecease ,nowledge Test (or )igh School Students4% Completed Research in ?ealth *h!sical and Research% 5(6-;89 +(;" ; Robert R" Glac0burn% 3The Construction and Standardi-ation of )ealth ,nowledge Test for College Student4% Abstract of Research *apers 5(67(89 -" 6 Gent D@oss ?anson% 3Prediction of Sports Competiti#e State Anxiety Among Coaches and Athletes4% Dissertation Abstracts International% Vol" >>5(.8& 5April (6;.89 ,..61A"

(> pre1 ame an)iet! than $ere the coaches in predictin the athletesE pre1 ame an)iet!" Female coaches $ere found to be relati#el! ood predictors of their athleteEs pre1 ame an)iet!" Findin s of this stud! indicate a stron relationship bet$een athleteEs competiti#e trait and competiti#e state an)iet!" The findin H re#ealed statistical si nificance bet$een <CAT scours and CA<I scour" For the total sample% female coachin coaches roups" roups% and male

'a!nard (. conducted a stud! to assess the relationship bet$een the martens sports competition an)iet! test and the competiti#e state an)iet! in#entor! as $ell as their effecti#eness in predictin ame performance in ru b!% ++ male uni#ersit! ru b! pla!ers

participated in th! research" A multiple re ression anal!sis bet$een the <IAT and the three sub1scale of the C<AI sho$ed a si nificant relationship bet$een the <CAI and the sub1 scale of somatic an)iet!" A si nificant co1relation $as also noted bet$een somatic an)iet! and the performance of pla!ers $ho performance belo$ their normal abilit!" the author su ests that the increase in self1confidence bet$een ames ma! ha#e been determined"

The results are discussed in teams of differences in sports% competiti#e conditions and s0ill and e)perience le#el"

Drane and $illiams(( conducted a stud! on performance and somatic an)iet!% co niti#e an)iet! and confidence chan es prior to competition b! hi h school !mnastic and colle iate olfers" <e#eral of the competiti#e state an)iet! in#entor! 5C<AI1+8 $as administered +> hours% one hour and ten minutes prior to competition" Result of AAOVA
W" 'a!nord% 3$nterrelations of Trait and State Anxiety with +ame Performance of Rug*y4% International =ournal of <ports *s!cholo !% Vol" (65(8& 5(6;;89 7-" (( Vi00i Drane and =ean Williams% 3Performance and Somatic Anxiety. Cogniti#e Anxiety and Confidence Changes Prior to Competition4% =ournal of <ports Geha#iour% Vol" (.& 5(6;789 p" >7"

(: sho$ed the olfer and !mnasts to ha#e different patterns of chan es in the C<AI1+ sub component $as able to si nificantl! predict hi h school !mnastic and colle iate olf performance"

Dussman(+ constructed health 0no$led e communit! health for the second education le#el" A full of test items $as made from beha#ioral ob@ecti#e established b! the school health education stud!" A trail form $as administered to (-; pupils from t$o public elementar! school "the resultin data $ere treated staticall! and standard error of measurement" Validit! $as established b! selectin item authoritati#e health reference selectin authoritati#e beha#ior ob@ecti#e from the school health education stud!"

Appl!in standard statistical procedures for ps!cholo ical and education test and b! a re#ie$ of total test and item separatel! b! an authoritati#e @ur! of e)perts" The filled form 5reliabilit! co1efficient of";+8 consisted of :. items and pro#ides a #alid and reliable e#aluation instrument for the second education le#el"

Widme!er% Gra$le! and Carron(, conducted a serried of studies of for the de#elopment of an instrument to assess cohesion in sports teams" the purpose of the studies $ere to demonstrate to need to de#elop an instrument to assess roup cohesion and the outline a conceptual model of roup cohesion upon $hich such an instrument could be based" The series of studies included dour pro@ects conducted to obtain construct1related information and to de#elop an initial #ersion of the roup en#ironment
(+ Gernadine Dussman% 3Construction of a )ealth ,nowledge Test in Community )ealth for the Second ducation /e#el4% Completed Research in ?ealth *h!sical Education and Recreation% 5(6-689 6(" (, W" A" Widme!er% L" R" Gra$le! and A" V" Carron% 3The %e#elopment of an $nstrument to Assess Cohesion in Sports Team0 The +roup n#ironment 'uestionnaire 4% =ournal of <ports *s!cholo !% (6;:% Vol" 7& pp" +>>1+--"

(2uestionnaire" The fu al purpose $as to outline the four pro@ects conducted $ith t$o different sport team sample% in the phase I > pro@ects had been conducted" All of the responses from the pro@ect @ust described $ere collapsed to from a response pool representin information concernin four constructs" The use of sub@ects as $ell as

in#esti ators information encoura es item de#elopment usin lan ua e and concept that sub@ect can understand" The conte)t #alidit! assessment $as one one b! fi#e e)perts" A de ree of conte)t #alidit! $as assured thou h the protocol follo$ed b! research $ith re2uired ;. percent across a ran e of item characteristics"

O0idines(> *roposition re ardin

the optimal arousal le#el for the t!pical

participants in football completion $as e)amined on > le#el of Football teamsE =unior hi h school% senior hi h school% Alberta @unior and uni#ersit!" The! are competiti#e state an)iet! $as measured b! <piel Gur ers state an)iet!9 state no <i nificant differences optimal pre competiti#e state an)iet! at the competiti#e le#els $ere found"

Lampmon(: in#esti ated the relationship of the ps!cholo ical #ariable an)iet! on the performance of competiti#e s$immer% fifteen members of the uni#ersit! of Florida #arsit! s$immin team ser#ed as sub@ect" An an)iet! test $as i#en to the 5s$immers before the session and appro)imatel! one ?oare before the competition" Conclusions dra$n $ere% on up$ard fluctuation in the an)iet! one hour before the competition facilitates performance" There $ere no si nificant differences in an)iet! patterns bet$een

*eter pla!ers4 Abstracts of Research *aper% 5(67:8 & ;6Dele#era o0idines 31ptimal Pre! competiti#e State Anxiety of (oot*all4 (: =ames =oseph Lampmon% 3Anxiety and its ffect on the Performance Competiti#e Swimmers4" Completed Research in ?ealth% *h!sical Education and Recreation (. 5(6-;8& ,>


(7 t$o e)perienced roups s$immers perform better if their pre1meet an)iet! le#el $as relati#el! e2ual to or sli htl! oboe their pre1session an)iet! le#el"

Diehl used Ta!lor(- manifest An)iet! scale to di#ide +.. hi h school irls into hi h and lo$ an)iet! roups" The al#anic s0in response $as used as measure of

emotional reaction to stress" A > item motor performance batter! $as administered first $ithout stress and then $ith sub@ect belie#in that motor pictures $ere bein ta0en of their motor performance of an)ious and non an)ious sub@ect did not differ si nificantl! under stress"

*anda(7 conduct a comparati#e stud! of senior and @unior cric0et pla!ers% on oal orientations and sports competition Trait An)iet! 5<CTA8"The sample comprised 5A I:(8 senior cric0et pla!ers 5A I ,+ 8 and =unior cric0et pla!ers 5A I (6 8" All the cric0etersE $ares tested on the ps!cholo ical #ariables i1e tas0 and e o orientation% sports competition Trait An)iet! 5<CTA8 and percei#ed stress scale 5*<<8" T1 Test $as applied to find out the difference bet$een senior and @unior cric0et pla!ers" Results indicated there is no si nificant difference bet$een senior and @unior cric0et pla!ers% on tas0 and e o orientation% and in sports competition An)iet! 5<CAT8"

Gobbie Diehl% 3The ffects of motional Stress "pon Motor Performance of Anxious and Non!Anxious Su*2ects%4 Completed Research in ?ealth Education and Recreation% 7 5(6-:89 6. (7 's" Co ama!a *anda% 3Comparati#e Study of Senior and 3unior Cric4eters on Tas4 and go 1rientation and Sports Competition Anxiety 4 3ournals of sports and sports Sciences. Volume ,( Ao"( 5=anuar! +..;8& >;


(; Raine!% Con0lin and Raine!(; used the sports competiti#e An)iet! Test 5<CAT8 $as used to identif! athletes $ith hi h and lo$ 5upper and lo$er +: percent8 and competiti#e Trait An)iet! 5CTA8 from amon -. male and -. female @unior hi h school athletes" ?i h1 CTA athletes reported more fre2uent e#aluation and performance $orries and more anticipated ne ati#e feelin $hen pla!in poorl! than lo$ J CTA" These roups did not differ on percei#ed importance of their successK failure in sport" 'ale and female differed si nificantl! on onl! team performance e)pectancies" Result support for the h!pothesi/ed relationship of fear and fear of e#aluation to CTA"

Deal(6et"al conducted a stud! to compare the effect of an)iet! and moti#ation of pla!ers and non pla!ers" The sub@ects $ere ,: pla!ers and ,: non pla!ers of #arious colle e of *un@ab uni#ersit! *atiala $ith their a e rainin bet$een (71+: !ears for this stud! onl! three ames $ere selected I% e " Gas0etball% Volle!ball and football" The data $as collected b! 2uestionnaire desi ned b! A"*" sinha 5scat8 and moti#ation scale 2uestionnaire desi ned b! A" D" Tripathi and C"G" Tripathi 5A"'"<"8 the result sho$ed that an)iet! le#el of non pla!ers in reater than pla!ers $here as the moti#ation le#el is same"

Aasioudis+. teat conducted a stud! to e)amine the alterations of state an)iet!% before and after $ei hin % amon athletes that had a $ei ht problem before $ei hin and
Da#id W" Raine!% 35illiam 6 Con4lin and ,eith 56 Rainey. 7Competiti#e Trait Anxiety among Male and (emale 3unior )igh School Athletes 4 International =ournal of *s!cholo !% (; 5(6;78& (7(" (6 Aishan <in h Deol et at% 3 Comparati#e Study of Anxiety and Moti#ation Between Players and Non!players of Pun2a* "ni#ersity 4 =ournal of ?ealth% ph!sical Education Recreation% #olume& 7 5march +..; 8" +. Ch" Aasioudis et% at% 3 The ffect of 5eighing on State Anxiety Among 3udo Players8 Research Abstract 5A u" +..:8"

(6 those Thad had not" Those $ho too0 part in the sur#e! $ere los hi h le#el @udo athletes% rainin in a e from (71,; !ears old% from all o#er Breece" The Bree0 lan ua e #ersion of C<AT 1+ $as i#en to the athletes ,. minutes before $ei hin and ( hour

completion"'AAOVA + + sho$ed no si nificant interaction effects amon independent #ariables in the state an)iet! #ariables before and after $ei hin " The independent samples t Jtest sho$ed that before $ei hin the state an)iet! of the athletes $ho had a $ei ht problem + $ee0s before the competition and the time at $ei hin did not chan e in relation to those athletes that had no such problem 5pL".:8% ho$e#er% after $ei hin % the state an)iet! of the athletes that had a $ei ht problem before the competition decreased in relation to those that had no $ei ht problem 5p M1..(8 and it $as conduct that1 A8 Gefore $ei hin the state an)iet! of the athletes that had a $ei ht problem $as no different compared $ith the state an)iet! of those that had no $ei ht problem" G8 After $ei hin the state an)iet! of the athletes that had a $ei ht problem $as decreased compared $ith the state an)iet! of those that no $ei ht problem"

=ones% <$ain and Cale+( e)amined chan es in% and antecedents of% co niti#e an)iet!% somatic an)iet!% and self1confidence in a sample of male 5AI+;8 and female

5AI+;8 uni#ersit! athletes" <ub@ects responded to the Competiti#e <tate An)iet! In#entor!1+ 5'arten% Gurton% Valle!% Gump% <mith% (66.8 and si) antecedent items durin the $ee0 precedin an important competition" In the case of co niti#e an)iet!% males sho$ed no chan e across time% females sho$ed a pro ressi#e increase as the
Braham =ones% Austin% and <$ain% and Andre$ Cale% 3 +ender %ifferences in Pre!competition Temporal Patterning and Antecedents of Anxiety and Self!Confidence "4 =ournal of <ports and E)ercise *s!cholo !% (, 5(66(8&

+. competition neared" 'ales and females sho$ed the same patternin in somatic an)iet! $ith increases occurrin onl! the da! of competition neared in both enders% but there $as a reater decrease in female than in male" <tep$ise multiple re ression anal!ses sho$ed that different antecedents predicted co niti#e an)iet! and self1confidence in males and females" <peciall!% si nificant predictors in the female $ere associated $ith personal oals and standards% si nificant predictors in the male $ere associated $ith interpersonal comparison and $innin "

Ger er and O$en++ in#esti ated 5a8 the relationship bet$een s$immin


an)iet! reduction in pro rams differin in e)ercise fre2uenc! and duration% and 5b8 to obser#e a possible moderatin influence of somatic an)iet!" <tudents in be innin or intermediate classes completed the <tate An)iet! In#entor! on three occasions durin fall 5AI:+8 and summer 5AI>;8 terms" The! also completed the Trait An)iet! In#entor! and the co niti#e1somatic An)iet! Fuestionnaire" <$immin reported si nificantl! less state an)iet! after s$immin than before in each stud! the differed in e)ercise duration and intensit!"



e)amined moti#ational predictors of co niti#e competiti#e trait an)iet!

5CCTA8 in a sample of >.- sub@ects in#ol#ed in ,. e#ents" Factor anal!sis of CCTA items re#ealed si) factors& ame preparation% failure% opponents% abilit!% social e#aluation% in@ur! and e)ternal condition" Factor anal!sis of the items or competiti#e moti#es 5C'8
Gonnie B" Ger er and Da#id R" O$en% 3 Anxiety Reduction with Swimming. Relationship *etween xercise and State. Trait and Somatic Anxiety 4% International =ournal of <ports and E)ercise *s!cholo !% (;5(6678& +;-" Ce *in % 3Competiti#e Moti#es as Predictors of Cogniti#e Trait in "ni#ersity Athletes 4% International =ournal of <ports and E)ercise *s!cholo !% +>5(66,8& +:6"


+( re#ealed fi#e factors& desire for #ictor!% hi h abilit! demonstration% social appro#al% en@o!ment% and self1challen e" <tep$ise multiple re ression anal!sis demonstrated that all the CCTAI factors $ere si nificantl! predicted b! common uni2ue predictors of the fi#e C' factors" *ositi#e and ne ati#e relationships bet$een CCTAI and C' factors did not clarif! conclusi#eness of $hether intrinsic or e)trinsic moti#ation differentl! mediated CCTA" These findin s indicate that the moti#e is a predictor of CCTA"

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