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Test - 01 Module 17, Propeller.

17.1. Fundamentals. Question Number. 1. High speed propellers are designed to. Option A. rotate at high RPM. Option B. operate at high forward speeds. Option C. operate at supersoni tip speeds. Question Number. !. "hen in the windmill position A#M. Option A. opposes C#M. Option B. is not related to C#M. Option C. assists C#M. Question Number. $. #he optimum angle for a fi%ed pit h propeller is. Option A. 1& degrees. Option B. ! ' ( degrees. Option C. ) ' 1* degrees. Question Number. (. A left handed propeller is one that. Option A. rotates lo +wise when ,iewed from the rear. Option B. rotates lo +wise when ,iewed from the front. Option C. is fitted to an engine on the left side of the air raft. Question Number. &. -or es a ting on a propeller are. Option A. entrifugal. twisting. and bending. Option B. tor/ue. thrust and entrifugal. Option C. torsion. tension and thrust. Question Number. ). #he blade angle at the root is. Option A. less than the tip. Option B. same from tip to root. Option C. greater than the tip. Question Number. 0. Option A. A#M. Option B. #or/ue. Option C. C#M. "hat for e on a propeller blade turns the blades to a fine pit h1.

Question Number. 2. #he purpose of propeller twist is. Option A. oarsen the blade angle at the root. Option B. to maintain Blade Angle along the blade. Option C. to maintain Angle of Atta + at the same ,alue along the blade. Question Number. 3. #he for es a ting on a propeller blade are. Option A. bending. twisting and entrifugal. Option B. thrust. aerod4nami and tension. Option C. thrust and tor/ue. Question Number. 1*. Blade angle at the root is. Option A. low. Option B. high. Option C. master blade angle.

Question Number. 11. Blade angle is ta+en from the hord and. Option A. propeller shaft. Option B. relati,e airflow. Option C. plane of rotation. Question Number. 1!. "hat for es a t on a propeller blade1. Option A. #hrust and tor/ue. Option B. Bending. thrust. tor/ue. Option C. Bending. C#M and A#M. Question Number. 1$. C#M will. Option A. tr4 to bend the blade awa4 from the engine. Option B. turn the blade about the lateral a%is. Option C. ause the tips to rotate at supersoni speeds. Question Number. 1(. -rom re,erse pit h. to return to normal pit h it. Option A. passes through oarse then fine. Option B. passes through oarse. Option C. passes through fine. Question Number. 1&. "hen in re,erse pit h. C#M will tend to mo,e the propeller blades towards. Option A. a positi,e pit h. Option B. a position depending on rpm. Option C. a negati,e pit h. Question Number. 1). 5f the blade angle is in reased. Option A. the pit h be omes finer. Option B. the pit h be omes oarser. Option C. lateral stabilit4 de reases. Question Number. 10. As a propeller blade mo,es through the air. for es are produ ed. whi h are +nown as. Option A. lift and tor/ue. Option B. lift and drag. Option C. thrust and tor/ue. Question Number. 12. A rotating propeller imparts rearwards motion to a. Option A. small mass of air at high ,elo it4. Option B. large mass of air at low ,elo it4. Option C. small mass of air at low ,elo it4. Question Number. 13. Propeller effi ien 4 is. Option A. the ratio of output speed to input propeller speed. Option B. the ratio of the wor+ applied to the geometri pit h to useful wor+ on the C.6.7. Option C. the ratio of the useful wor+ done b4 the propeller to wor+ done b4 the engine on the propeller. Question Number. !*. 8eometri Pit h is the distan e mo,ed. Option A. in one re,olution. Option B. in one re,olution when slip is ma%imum. Option C. in one re,olution without slip.

Question Number. !1. As propeller rotation speed in reases the entrifugal turning moment on the blades will. Option A. in rease. Option B. de rease. Option C. remain onstant through r.p.m. range. Question Number. !!. Propeller tor/ue is the resistan e offered b4 the propeller to Option A. feathering. Option B. hanging pit h. Option C. rotation. Question Number. !$. #he angle between the resultant airflow dire tion and the propeller blade plane of rotation is +nown as. Option A. angle of atta +. Option B. blade angle. Option C. heli% angle or angle of ad,an e. Question Number. !(. At onstant rpm. ad,an e per re,olution depends on. Option A. 6HP. Option B. forward speed. . Question Number. !&. Aerod4nami #wisting Moment. Option A. turns the blade to windmill. Option B. turns the blades to high pit h. Question Number. is at the. Option A. root. !). 7nder normal operation the point of ma%imum stress on a propeller blade

Question Number. !0. Propeller blade angle. Option A. is onstant along the blade length. Option B. de reases from root to tip. Option C. in reases from root to tip. Question Number. !2. Coarse pit h is used for. Option A. ta+e off and limb. Option B. ma%imum e onomi al ruise in le,el flight. Option C. landing and power he +s. Question Number. !3. 9ffe ti,e pit h is. Option A. distan e mo,ed in one re,olution. Option B. geometri pit h plus slip. Option C. pit h measured at the master station. Question Number. $*. A windmilling Propeller has. Option A. a small positi,e blade angle. Option B. a small positi,e angle of atta +. Option C. a small negati,e angle of atta +. Question Number. $1. "indmilling auses. Option A. propeller underspeeding. Option B. ma%imum propeller drag. Option C. Centrifugal #wisting Moment.

Question Number. $!. #or/ue a ts. Option A. in the same dire tion as the plane of rotation. Option B. at right angles to the plane of rotation. Option C. in opposition to the dire tion of rotation. Question Number. $$. #he purpose of blade twist is to. Option A. redu e angle of atta + at the blade root. Option B. to ensure that tip speed does not go faster than Ma h 1. Option C. to e,en out thrust distribution a ross the propeller. Question Number. $(. #hrust is greatest. Option A. at 0* to 2*: of propeller length. Option B. in the first &*:. Option C. the same all along the length. Question Number. $&. C#M hanges the pit h of a blade. Option A. about its twisting a%is. Option B. bending forward. Option C. towards the feather plane. Question Number. $). ambient air is. Option A. less. Option B. greater. Option C. e/ual. #he ,elo it4 of the slipstream behind the air raft in relation to the

Question Number. $0. High speed aerofoils are emplo4ed at. Option A. the master station. Option B. the tips. Option C. the root. Question Number. $2. A right hand propeller. Option A. rotates lo +wise when ,iewed from the rear. Option B. is alwa4s fitted to the starboard engine. Option C. rotates lo +wise when ,iewed from the front. Question Number. $3. 8i,en that blade angle is measured from the entre of the hub. the blade angle at the hub is onsidered to be. Option A. lowest. Option B. Master 6tation ,alue. Option C. highest. Question Number. (*. A windmilling propeller will reate. Option A. more drag in feather. Option B. more drag in fine pit h. Option C. more drag in oarse pit h. Question Number. (1. #he hord line of a propeller is. Option A. a line ;oining the leading and trailing edges. Option B. a line ;oining the tip to the root of the blade. Option C. a line ;oining the tips of the blades. Question Number. (!. #he plane of rotation is defined as. Option A. the plane in whi h thrust for e a ts. Option B. the plane in whi h the propeller rotates. Option C. the angle at whi h the blade stri+es the airflow.

Question Number. ($. #hrust bending for e on a propeller blade. Option A. intensifies the entrifugal for es to some degrees. Option B. an be used in propeller design to redu e some operation stress. Option C. tends to bend the propeller blade forward at the tip. Question Number. ((. "hat onditions are applied to a propeller blade windmilling1. Option A. Positi,e angle of atta +. thrust negati,e. Option B. Negati,e angle of atta +. thrust positi,e. Option C. Negati,e angle of atta +. thrust negati,e. Question Number. (&. #he primar4 purpose of propeller is to. Option A. hange engine horsepower to thrust. Option B. pro,ide stati and d4nami stabilit4 to air raft. Option C. reate lift on the fi%ed aerofoils of an air raft. Question Number. (). #he primar4 purpose of a feathering propeller is to. Option A. pre,ent further engine damage when an engine fails in flight. Option B. pre,ent propeller damage when an engine fails in flight. Option C. eliminate the drag reated b4 a windmilling propeller when an engine fails in flight. 17.2. Propeller Construction. Question Number. (0. A fibreglass omposite blade. Option A. will ne,er be stru + b4 lighting. Option B. does not re/uire lightning stri+e prote tion. Option C. re/uires lightning stri+e prote tion. Question Number. (2. Option A. bir h. Option B. spru e. Option C. balsa. #he timber most often used toda4 for propeller onstru tion is.

Question Number. (3. 9le troni tor/ue measuring s4stems utilise. Option A. strain gauges in the redu tion gear. Option B. stress gauges in the redu tion gear. Option C. pressure transdu ers in the redu tion gear. Question Number. &*. A on,entional turboprop tor/ue meter uses. Option A. h4drauli oil as the pressure medium. Option B. oiled spring le,ers as the pressure medium. Option C. engine oil as the pressure medium.

Test - 02
Question Number. 1. Metal at the tip and along the leading edge of a wooden propeller is Option A. for balan ing. Option B. for prote tion. Option C. for Anti'i ing. Question Number. !. Blade uffs are fitted to the root of the blades. Option A. to in rease the strength of the blade. Option B. to in rease thrust. Option C. to in rease flow of ooling air into the engine na elle. Question Number. $. <ow tor/ue sensing is used to. Option A. in rease power. Option B. in rease pit h. Option C. initiate auto'feather. Question Number. (. #or/ue sensing is used to. Option A. redu e drag. Option B. redu e drag following engine shutdown. Option C. s4n hronise blade angle. Question Number. &. Option A. 3*:. Option B. 0*:. Option C. 3&:. #he minimum per entage seating on a propeller rear one should be.

Question Number. ). #he propeller is =feathered= when the blades are at. Option A. *> to plane of rotation. Option B. !*> to plane of rotation. Option C. 3*> to plane of rotation. Question Number. 0. #he thrust of a propeller is normall4 ta+en b4 the. Option A. tor/ue meter. Option B. propeller rear one. Option C. front bearing in the redu tion gear. Question Number. 2. On whi h t4pe of turbo'propeller would 4ou e%pe t to find a par+ing bra+e1. Option A. Compounded twin spool. Option B. ?ire t oupled twin spool. Option C. -ree turbine. Question Number. 3. "hat does the tor/uemeter reading indi ate in a gas turbine engine1. Option A. #or/ue rea tion at the redu tion gear. Option B. #he ratio between engine thrust and engine tor/ue. Option C. 9ngine tor/ue. Question Number. 1*. #he gear segments on the blade roots of a h4dromati propeller mesh with the. Option A. stationar4 am. Option B. tor/ue tubes and e4e bolts. Option C. mo,ing am.

Question Number. 11. A propeller is entralised on the propeller shaft b4. Option A. the front and rear ones. Option B. the front git seal. Option C. the rear pre'load shims. Question Number. 1!. Redu tion gearing allows the. Option A. blade tips to operate below the speed of sound. Option B. blade tips to operate abo,e the speed of sound. Option C. blade tips to rotate slower than the root of the propeller blade. Question Number. 1$. "hen fitting a propeller to a tapered shaft. Option A. lo ate the master spline. Option B. ensure the master spline and blade alignment are in a ordan e with the MM. Option C. ensure full4 seated. Question Number. 1(. "hat is the purpose of small holes at the tip of wooden propellers1 Option A. ?rainage. Option B. Balan ing. Option C. Pi,ot points used during manufa ture. Question Number. 1&. #he thrust fa e of a propeller blade is the. Option A. root to whi h the gear segment is fitted. Option B. blade fa e or flat side. Option C. blade ba + or ur,ed side. Question Number. 1). 6olidit4 of a propeller an be in reased b4. Option A. in reasing blade hord. Option B. in reasing blade angle. Option C. in reasing blade thi +ness. Question Number. 10. A turbo'prop engine. Option A. uses an epi 4 li redu tion gear s4stem. Option B. uses a spur gear redu tion s4stem. Option C. does not re/uire a redu tion gear s4stem due to the propshaft being dri,en from the low speed ompressor. Question Number. 12. #otal power of a turbo'prop engine is measured in. Option A. 9/ui,alent 6haft Horsepower @96HPA. Option B. 6haft Horsepower @6HPA. Option C. Bra+e Horsepower @BHPA. Question Number. 13. #he disad,antage of using re,erse pit h on a turbo'propeller engine is Option A. e%haust gas ingestion . high gas temperature and debris ingestion. Option B. debris ingestion. Option C. high gas temperature. Question Number. !*. A ompound twin spool engine is. Option A. turbo prop propeller dri,en b4 a power turbine. Option B. turbo prop twin spool ompressor. Option C. <P Compressor dri,en b4 a free turbine. Question Number. !1. "ith the engine stationar4 the indi ation that the propeller is in ground fine pit h is. Option A. blade and spinner mar+ings aligned. Option B. below stop warning light on. Option C. flight fine pit h stop le,er withdrawn.

Question Number. !!. "hen the power le,er on a turbo prop engine is mo,ed from ground idle to flight fine the fuel flow in reases and the blade angle. Option A. in reases. Option B. de reases. Option C. remains the same. Question Number. !$. How is the blade station measured1. Option A. 5n in hes from the entre of the hub. Option B. 5n in hes from the tip. Option C. As a per entage of blade length from the tip. Question Number. !(. #he oil used in the tor/uemeter s4stem is. Option A. ?#? & 2 &. Option B. engine oil pressure boosted b4 a pump dri,en off the redu tion gear. Option C. PC7 oil pressure. Question Number. !&. "hi h t4pe of turboprop engine is pra ti all4 free from surge and re/uires low power for starting1. Option A. Compound twin spool. Option B. ?ire tl4 oupled. Option C. One using a entrifugal ompressor. Question Number. !). Blade stations are measured from the. Option A. entre of the hub. Option B. tip. Option C. shan+. Question Number. !0. Auto feathering is disarmed. Option A. during landing. Option B. during ta+e off. Option C. in the ruise. Question Number. !2. "ith a multi'engined air raft the tor/ue pressure would be. Option A. #here is onl4 one gauge for all engines. Option B. same on all engines. Option C. similar on all engines. Question Number. !3. 5f tor/ue pressure fell to Bero during the ruise what would indi ate that the gauge had failed1. Option A. 9ngine would auto feather. Option B. 9ngine would o,erspeed. Option C. 9ngine would ontinue to run. Question Number. $*. #he purpose of using re,erse pit h propellers is to. Option A. pro,ide aerod4nami brea+ing. Option B. allow air raft to ta%i ba +wards. Option C. re,erse the dire tion of rotation of the propeller. Question Number. $1. Option A. 9A6. Option B. 5A6. Option C. #A6. #he RPM of a windmilling propeller is primaril4 related to.

Question Number. $!. A du ted propeller is used be ause. Option A. du ted props gi,e more thrust for the diameter of dis . Option B. onl4 du ted propellers an be ,e tored. Option C. du ted props gi,e less thrust for the diameter of dis . Question Number. $$. A two position prop uses. Option A. high pit h for ta+e off and low pit h for ruise. Option B. low pit h for ta+e off and limb and high pit h for ruise. Option C. high pit h for ta+e off. low pit h for limb and des ent and high pit h for ruise. Question Number. $(. A propeller operating in the Beta range is operating between. Option A. -light 5dle and 8round 5dle. Option B. oarse and flight fine pit h. Option C. ma%imum re,erse pit h and -light idle pit h. Question Number. $&. #he C67 oil pump is pro,ided to. Option A. boost engine oil pressure to de rease pit h. Option B. boost engine oil pressure to alter pit h. Option C. boost engine oil pressure to in rease pit h. Question Number. $). Counterweights are used to. Option A. ounter the A#M of the blades. Option B. ountera t the C#M of the blades. Option C. balan e the blades. Question Number. $0. #he pressure fa e of a propeller is. Option A. the flat fa e. Option B. the leading edge. Option C. the amber fa e. Question Number. $2. Option A. datum. Option B. highest. Option C. lowest. 5n blade station numbering the stations nearest the hub are.

Question Number. $3. A propeller mounted forward of the engine is +nown as. Option A. h4dromati propeller. Option B. a tra tor propeller. Option C. a pusher propeller. Question Number. (*. Contra'rotating propellers are. Option A. two propellers on the same shaft on one engine'ea h re,ol,ing in a different dire tion Option B. propellers geared to rotate in the opposite dire tion to the engine. Option C. propellers on a twin engined air raft re,ol,ing in opposite dire tions. Question Number. (1. An aerod4nami bra+ing propeller goes through. Option A. the feathered pit h position to a t as a bra+e. Option B. the oarse pit h position to a t as a bra+e. Option C. the fine pit h position to a t as a bra+e. Question Number. (!. #he term spinner is applied to. Option A. a propeller tip ,orte%. Option B. a streamline o,ering o,er the propeller hub. Option C. an a robati manoeu,re.

Question Number. ($. #urbo'prop engines re/uire a slightl4 higher ,is osit4 oil than a turbo';et engine due to. Option A. lower engine rpm. Option B. higher engine rpm. Option C. redu tion gear and propeller pit h hang me hanism. Question Number. ((. #he propulsi,e effi ien 4 of a propeller'turbine engine is higher than that of a ;et'turbine engine at air raft speeds. Option A. abo,e appro%imatel4 (&* mph. Option B. within the range (&* mph and 0** mph. Option C. below appro%imatel4 (&* mph. Question Number. (&. A propeller has the re/uirement of a. Option A. manufa turers data plate. Option B. t4pe ertifi ate or e/ui,alent ertifi ate. Option C. bat h number. Question Number. (). Cariable pit h propellers are used be ause the4 are. Option A. redu e ,ibration and noise. Option B. ha,e pea+ effi ien 4 o,er a greater speed range. Option C. more e onomi al. Question Number. (0. #he ondition le,er normall4 has the following settings. Option A. normal. beta'range and re,erse range. Option B. ut'off. idle and high idle. Option C. ri h. lean and ut'off. Question Number. (2. Option A. 0 in hes. Option B. 3 in hes. Option C. 1 in h. "hat is the ground learan e for a #ri 4 le 8eared Air raft1.

Question Number. (3. 5n a ,ariable pit h propeller s4stem. a de rease in propeller RPM will alter the angle of atta + on the blade to. Option A. in rease angle of atta +. Option B. de rease angle of atta +. Option C. in rease negati,e tor/ue. Question Number. &*. #o a hie,e re,erse pit h the blade angle must be. Option A. more than 10>. Option B. less than *>. Option C. more than 3*>.

Test - 03
Question Number. 1. Centrifugal lat hes are fitted to lo + the propeller. Option A. in the feathered position. Option B. when stationar4. Option C. in the fine pit h position. Question Number. !. Counterweights are fitted to blade root to. Option A. ountera t A#M. Option B. assist blade to mo,e to fine pit h. Option C. ountera t C#M. Question Number. $. #he limits for blade angle are ontrolled b4 pit h stops on the. Option A. propeller shaft. Option B. blade root. Option C. 4linder. Question Number. (. #he range of angles of a CP propeller is usuall4 limited b4. Option A. the fine pit h position. Option B. the feathering angle. Option C. oarse and fine pit h stops. Question Number. &. #he purpose of fine pit h stop is to. Option A. maintain onstant speed in flight. Option B. pre,ent the propeller mo,ing below flight fine pit h in flight. Option C. maintain ma%imum RPM at ta+eoff. Question Number. ). "hi h best des ribes a Cariable Pit h propeller1. Option A. #he blade angles an be hanged in flight. Option B. 5ts blade angles are set with an automati s4stem with whi h the pilot has no input Option C. 5ts blade angles an onl4 be set on the ground. Question Number. 0. #he holding oil of a h4dromati propeller feathering button swit h holds a rela4 losed that applies power to the propeller. Option A. dome feathering me hanism. Option B. feathering pump motor. Option C. go,ernor. Question Number. 2. #he primar4 purpose of the front and rear ones for propellers that are installed on splined shafts is to. Option A. pre,ent metal'to'metal onta t between the propeller and the splined shaft. Option B. redu e stresses between the splines of the propeller and the splines of the shaft. Option C. position the propeller hub on the splined shaft. Question Number. 3. #he onstant'speed ontrol unit is also alled a. Option A. propeller pit h ontrol. Option B. a umulator. Option C. go,ernor. 17.3. Propeller Pitch Control. Question Number. 1*. "hen the ompressi,e for e on a speeder spring is redu ed. the propeller blades will. Option A. remain fi%ed. Option B. fine off. Option C. oarsen.

Question Number. 11. A h4drauli pit h lo + is utilised in a h4dromati propeller to. Option A. lo + out the ourse pit h oil line in the e,ent of underspeeding. Option B. lo + out the fine pit h oil line in the e,ent of o,erspeeding. Option C. pre,ent the propeller o,erspeeding in the e,ent of oil suppl4 failure. Question Number. 1!. "hen in the beta range. the propeller pit h is ontrolled. Option A. dire tl4 from the power le,er. Option B. indire tl4 from the power le,er. Option C. dire tl4 from the pit h hange me hanism to the PC7. Question Number. 1$. #he ad,antage of the beta range is it allows. Option A. high power settings with higher than normal pit h settings when in flight. Option B. low fine pit h settings with high power. Option C. low power settings with higher than normal pit h setting for ground manoeu,res. Question Number. 1(. 5f the speeder spring pressure of a C67 is in reased the blade will. Option A. oarsen off. Option B. fine off. Option C. will not mo,e. Question Number. 1&. Option A. fine. Option B. feather. Option C. oarse. On an underspeed ondition the blades are turned to.

Question Number. 1). 5n a h4dromati propeller with ounterweights. what is used to ma+e the propeller mo,e to fine pit h1. Option A. A # M. Option B. engine oil. Option C. entrifugal for e a ting on the ounterweight. Question Number. 10. Rela%ing tension on the go,ernor spring will result in the blade oarsening and. Option A. RPM de reasing. manifold pressure in reasing. Option B. RPM in reasing. manifold pressure in reasing. Option C. manifold pressure onstant. RPM de reasing. Question Number. 12. #he ground fine pit h stop is. Option A. ne,er remo,ed. Option B. remo,ed on the ground. Option C. remo,ed during flight. Question Number. 13. Option A. underspeed. Option B. o,erspeed. Option C. onspeed. 5f go,ernor fl4wheel o,er omes the speeder spring. it indi ates.

Question Number. !*. Pit h ontrol using tor/ue measuring is for. Option A. redu ing drag in engine failure. Option B. in reasing drag. Option C. redu ing drag in binding. Question Number. !!. 5f for e is applied to the speeder spring. what will happen1. Option A. Blade angle is froBen in last +nown position. Option B. Blade angle oarsen. Option C. Blade angle finer.

Question Number. !$. "hen is superfine pit h used1. Option A. <anding and ta+eoff. Option B. 5n ruise. Option C. 9ngine starting to redu e propeller tor/ue loading on starter motor. Question Number. !(. "hen the fl4weights fl4 outwards in a PC7. this is +nown as. Option A. onspeed. Option B. o,erspeed. Option C. low power settings with higher than normal pit h setting for ground manoeu,res. Question Number. !&. 5n an on speed ondition. oil in the tube. Option A. remains onstant. Option B. flows in the tubes. Option C. flows out of the tubes Question Number. !). On a re,ersing propeller mo,ing to the ma%imum re,ersing angle. the propeller goes. Option A. from fine pit h through plane of rotation. ourse re,erse then fine re,erse. Option B. from ourse pit h through plane of rotation ourse. fine re,erse then ourse re,erse. Option C. from fine pit h through plane of rotation. fine re,erse then ourse re,erse. Question Number. !0. 5f pressure is in reased on the speeder spring. rpm in reases. "hat happens to the blade angle1. Option A. Remains un hanged. Option B. 5n reases. Option C. ?e reases. Question Number. !2. 5n a prop with ounterweights. what is used to ma+e it mo,e to fine pit h1. Option A. A#M. Option B. Centrifugal for e a ting on the ounterweight. Option C. 8o,ernor oil pressure. Question Number. Option A. Option B. Option C. !3. 5f a propeller is in fine pit h and then mo,es to feather it will pass throug.

flight fine onl4. re,erse. oarse.

Question Number. $*. A =double= a ting propeller has. Option A. nitrogen or air on one side of piston. Option B. oil pressure on one side of piston. Option C. oil pressure on two sides of piston. Question Number. $1. ?uring normal propeller operation. oil pressure for the go,ernor is pro,ided b4. Option A. a pump in the go,ernor. Option B. a ,ariable ,olume pump. Option C. the engine dri,en pump. Question Number. $!. Oil for an on'speed ondition passes through. Option A. the oarse pit h line. Option B. the fine pit h line. Option C. neither of the lines.

Question Number. $$. 5f the spur gear pump in a single a ting propeller go,ernor failed. the Option A. blades would turn to a oarse pit h. Option B. blades would rotate to a fine pit h. Option C. blades would mo,e to the feather position. Question Number. $(. #he h4dromati ,ariable pit h propeller is operated on the prin iple of. Option A. a ,enturi or =u= tube with mer ur4. Option B. an ele tri al motor mo,ing a gear segment. Option C. oil pressure mo,ing a piston. Question Number. $&. #he onstant speed unit @C.6.7.A go,ernor wor+s on the prin iple of. Option A. manual sele tion through a gearbo%. Option B. entrifugal twisting moments. Option C. spring pressure a ting against entrifugal for e. Question Number. $). #he purpose of the pit h hange ams is to. Option A. on,ert rotar4 motion to linear motion. Option B. pre,ent windmilling. Option C. on,ert linear motion to rotar4 motion. Question Number. $0. #he gear t4pe pump in a C.6.7. or P.C.7. Option A. lubri ates the entire propeller s4stem. Option B. boosts engine oil s4stem pressure. Option C. assist the go,ernor ,al,e to mo,e. Question Number. $2. "hen an engine fails. Option A. the propeller is feathered using an ele tri al feathering pump. Option B. the propeller is feathered using the propeller go,ernor pump. Option C. the propeller is feathered using ounterweights. Question Number. $3. #he purpose of an a umulator in a single a ting propeller s4stem is to. Option A. to port oil to the oarse pit h oil line to assist in feathering the propelle. Option B. a elerate the unfeathering pro ess. Option C. pro,ide ba + up to the go,ernor pump. Question Number. (*. "hen auto feathering has ta+en pla e the feathering pump is swit hed off b4. Option A. pressure ontrol drop swit h. Option B. arr4ing out the manual feather drill. Option C. remo,ing the pump ir uit brea+er or fuse. Question Number. (1. On a free turbine engine it is possible to ,ar4 the propeller RPM whilst the engine RPM remains onstant. Option A. b4 operating the Power le,er. Option B. it is not possible to ,ar4 the propeller RPM. Option C. b4 operating the PC7 ontrol <e,er. Question Number. (!. A propeller ontrol 7nit h4drauli s4stem is supplied with oil from the. Option A. engine lubri ation oil tan+. Option B. air raft h4drauli 64stem. Option C. PC7 oil tan+. Question Number. ($. <ow tor/ue sensing is used to initiate. Option A. relighting. Option B. fine pit h sele tion. Option C. auto feathering.

Question Number. ((. "hat is the purpose of the auto oarsening s4stem1. Option A. #o pre,ent o,erspeeding in the e,ent of the flight fine pit h stop failing. Option B. #o redu e drag during power loss. Option C. #o sa,e the pilot ma+ing minor hanges when hanging altitude. Question Number. (&. 5n a single a ting propeller. blade angle is in reased b4. Option A. ounterweights and a feathering spring. Option B. C#M. Option C. oil pressure. Question Number. (). #he fun tion of a propeller pit h lo + is to pre,ent the propeller from. Option A. oarsening. Option B. redu ing below flight fine pit h. Option C. fining off in the e,ent of pit h lo + me hanism failure. Question Number. (0. #he minimum propeller pit h is established b4 the. Option A. superfine pit h stop. Option B. pit h <o +. Option C. flight fine pit h stop. Question Number. (2. Oil for the feathering s4stem is ta+en from. Option A. a separate feathering oil tan+. Option B. a feathering reser,e in the engine oil tan+. Option C. the engine lubri ation s4stem. Question Number. (3. "hat are the entrifugal lat hes in a single a ting propeller used for1. Option A. Pre,ent C#M. Option B. Pre,ent feathering of the prop on shutdown. Option C. Pre,ent Propeller mo,ing to superfine. Question Number. &*. 5n a two position propeller. Option A. A#M turns the prop to fine. Option B. oil pushes the prop to fine. Option C. oil pushes the prop to oarse.

Test - 04
Question Number. 1. An o,erspeed ondition auses go,ernor spring pressure to be. Option A. the same as entrifugal for e. Option B. more than entrifugal for e. Option C. less than entrifugal for e. Question Number. !. "hen the engine is running. the C67 is sensing. Option A. propeller tip speed. Option B. propeller blade angle. Option C. engine RPM. Question Number. $. An a umulator ma4 be fitted to. Option A. feather the propeller. Option B. unfeather the propeller. Option C. pro,ide emergen 4 ontrol. Question Number. (. 5f go,ernor weight spring pressure is redu ed. Option A. go,ernor weights will pi,ot inwards raising the go,ernor ,al,e allowing the blades to mo,e to a oarser pit h. Option B. go,ernor weights will spring outwards raising the go,ernor ,al,e allowing the blades to mo,e to a finer pit h. Option C. go,ernor weights will spring outwards raising the go,ernor ,al,e allowing the blades to mo,e to a oarser pit h. Question Number. &. A onstant speed ,ariable pit h propeller is running whilst stationar4 on the ground. 5f it is fa ing into a headwind it will. Option A. speed up. Option B. remain onstant. Option C. slow down. Question Number. ). 5f the #A6 of an air raft in reases. the C67 will. Option A. in rease the blade angle to pro,ide onstant RPM. Option B. de rease the blade angle to pro,ide onstant RPM. Option C. hange the blade angle to pro,ide onstant RPM. Question Number. 0. Option A. o,erspeed. Option B. underspeed. Option C. underspeed. "hen go,ernor spring load is less than go,ernor weights. the C67 is in.

Question Number. 2. An air raft=s propeller s4stem beta range. Option A. is used to a hie,e ma%imum thrust during ta+e'off. Option B. refers to the most fuel effi ient pit h range to use at a gi,en engine RPM. Option C. is used to produ e Bero or negati,e thrust. Question Number. 3. How is a propeller ontrolled in a large air raft1. Option A. B4 engine power le,er. Option B. B4 ,ar4ing teh engine RPM e% ept for feathering and re,ersing. Option C. 5ndependentl4 of the engine. Question Number. 1*. Manuall4 feathering a h4drome hani al propeller means to. Option A. blo + go,ernor oil pressure to the 4linder of the propeller. Option B. port go,ernor oil pressure to the 4linder of the propeller. Option C. blo + go,ernor oil pressure from the 4linder of the propeller.

Question Number. 11. How is the oil pressure deli,er4 on a h4dromati propeller normall4 stopped after the blades ha,e rea hed their full'feathered position1. Option A. 6top lugs in the teeth of the rotating am. Option B. 9le tri ut'out pressure swit h. Option C. Pulling out the feathering push'button. Question Number. 1!. Counterweights on onstant'speed propellers are generall4 used to. Option A. in rease blade angle. Option B. de rease blade angle. Option C. unfeather the propeller. Question Number. 1$. Constant speed non'feathering M Caule4. HartBell and other propellers of similar design without ounterweights in rease pit h angle using. Option A. entrifugal twisting moment. Option B. spring pressure. Option C. oil pressure. Question Number. 1(. "hat are the rotational speed and blade pit h angle re/uirements of a onstant'speed propeller during ta+e'off1. Option A. High speed and low pit h angle. Option B. High speed and high pit h angle. Option C. <ow speed and high pit h angle. Question Number. 1&. A onstant speed propeller pro,ides ma%imum effi ien 4 b4. Option A. in reasing the lift oeffi ient of the blades. Option B. ad;usting blade angle for most onditions en ountered during flight. Option C. in reasing blade pit h as the air raft speed in reases. 17.4 Propeller S nchronisin!. Question Number. 1). 64n hrophasing redu es ,ibration b4 the use of. Option A. pulse probes and a single s4n hrophase unit. Option B. ta hometers and orre tion motors. Option C. oordinating the rpm of ea h engine. Question Number. 10. 64n hronising an onl4 be a hie,ed if the sla,e propeller is. Option A. the same speed as the master. Option B. within !* rpm of the master. Option C. within 1** rpm of the master. Question Number. 12. 64n hronising is arried out to. Option A. mat h propeller tip speed. Option B. mat h engine rpm. Option C. mat h blade phase angle differen e. Question Number. 13. #he s4n hronisation go,ernor monitors. Option A. RPM. Option B. propeller tip speeds. Option C. thrust tip speeds. Question Number. !*. 64n hronisation is used to. Option A. redu e ,ibration and noise. Option B. redu e the pit h of the fastest running blade. Option C. preset the phase angle of propellers.

Question Number. !1. 64n hronisation is used. Option A. on the ground. Option B. in flight e% ept landing and ta+e off. Option C. in flight. Question Number. !!. #he propeller s4n hronising s4stem is put into operation b4. Option A. ad;usting the engine rpm at re/uired ruise speed then swit hing on the s4n hroniser. Option B. ad;usting the engine rpm then propeller rpm to re/uired speed then swit hing on. Option C. swit hing on the s4n hroniBer then ad;ust the engine rpm so that all engines ad;ust together. Question Number. !$. Propellers are s4n hronised b4 the. Option A. power le,er. Option B. PC7 go,ernor. Option C. prop le,er. Question Number. !(. 7nli+e the automati s4n hroniBing s4stem. the s4n hrophasing s4stem of a two'propeller air raft. Option A. sets the blade phase angle of two onstant speed propellers. Option B. auses the same rotation speed of the two propellers. Option C. mat hes the blade angle of ,ariable pit h propellers. Question Number. !&. 5n a propeller s4n hrophasing s4stem. an ele tri a tuator. Option A. rotates @ ontrolsA the sla,e engine go,ernor. Option B. e/ualiBes the go,ernor signals. Option C. turns the fle%ible shaft leading to the trimmer assembl4. Question Number. !). 5f one signal is lost into the omparator unit when 64n hrophasing is operating. Option A. 64n hrophasing is lost and the engines ontinue to fun tion normall4. Option B. the slower engine immediatel4 goes to feather. Option C. both engines remain running until there is a differen e. of ommonl4. @( to & per entA. at whi h the slower of the engines is then feathered. Question Number. !0. Option A. 1** RPM. Option B. 1&* RPM. Option C. &* RPM. 64n hronisation ontrols RPM within what range1.

Question Number. !2. "hen should s4n hronisation be used1. Option A. ?uring ruise. Option B. ?uring landing. Option C. An4time. Question Number. !3. Propeller 64n hroniBing wor+s utiliBing. Option A. RPM <e,ers. Option B. propeller le,er. Option C. go,ernor. Question Number. $*. 5n relation to a propeller air raft. s4n hrophasing would be used on. Option A. all Air raft. Option B. all Multi engine air raft. Option C. turbo prop Air raft.

Question Number. $1. A propeller s4n hrophasing s4stem allows a pilot to redu e noise and ,ibration b4. Option A. setting the RPM of all propellers e%a tl4 the same. Option B. ad;usting the plane of rotation of all propellers. Option C. ad;usting the phase angle between the propellers. Question Number. $!. A propeller s4n hronising s4stem allows a pilot to redu e noise and ,ibration b4. Option A. ad;usting the phase angle between the propellers. Option B. setting the RPM of all propellers e%a tl4 the same. Option C. ad;usting the plane of rotation of all propellers. Question Number. $$. "hat is the fun tion of automati propeller s4n hroniBing s4stem on multiengined air raft1. Option A. #o ontrol tip speed of all propellers. Option B. #o ontrol the power output of all engines. Option C. #o ontrol engine RPM and redu e ,ibration. Question Number. $(. On most re ipro ating multiengined air raft. automati propeller s4n hroniBation is a omplished through the a tuation of the. Option A. propeller go,ernors. Option B. propeller ontrol le,ers. Option C. throttle le,ers. 17." Propeller #ce Protection. Question Number. Option A. Option B. Option C. $&. 9le tri all4 de'i ed propeller slip rings ha,e regular resistan e he +s for.

o%idisation due to altitude. open ir uit heating elements. wear between brushes and slip ring.

Question Number. $). Propeller anti'i ing ma4 be a hie,ed b4. Option A. using iso'prop4l al ohol de'i ing fluid spra4ed on the blade. Option B. using ommer ial de'i ing fluid spra4ed on the pro. Option C. a using hot air from the ompressor. Question Number. $0. ?e'i ing of the propeller an be monitored b4. Option A. ,iewing the dei ing fluid le,el sight glass. Option B. ,iewing the blade and obser,ing i e falling off the blade. Option C. an ammeter in the flight de +. Question Number. $2. 5nsulation testing of ele tri al de'i ing s4stems should be periodi all4 arried out be ause of. Option A. an open ir uit in one of the blades. Option B. o%idation due to atmospheri onditions. Option C. wear on the slip rings. Question Number. $3. 5nsulation he +s on propeller ele tri al heating elements should be arried out fre/uentl4 due to. Option A. shortDopen ir uits in the heating s4stem wires along the propeller blade. Option B. o%idation of slip ring and brush gear assembl4. Option C. deposits formed due to the wear of slip ring and brush gear assembl4.

Question Number. (*. "here is the de'i ing boot1. Option A. Root. Option B. #railing edge. Option C. #ip. Question Number. (1. How is anti i ing fluid fed to the indi,idual blades1. Option A. Pump to a slinger ring. Option B. Pump to ea h blade rubber feed boot. Option C. 7nder gra,it4 to the slinger ring then on to the blade. Question Number. (!. 5 e is remo,ed from blades b4. Option A. a ontinuousl4 heated ele tri al boot. Option B. rubber boots inflated in se/uen e using ompressor hot air. Option C. inboard and outboard boot se tions heated in se/uen e b4 a tion of the timer. Question Number. ($. Propeller blades are de'i ed b4. Option A. ele tri al heating elements bound in rubber o,ershoes on the blade leading edges. Option B. generating edd4 urrents in the blade. Option C. ele tri al heating elements wound around rubber shoes. Question Number. ((. 9le tri al power supplies on large air raft. for ele tri al dei ing are. Option A. AC. Option B. ?C. Option C. Both AC or ?C. Question Number. (&. Propeller slip rings. Option A. on,e4 oil for PC7 to pit h hange me hanism. Option B. minimise slip. Option C. ondu t ele tri al power for de'i ing. Question Number. (). On an ele tri al dei ing s4stem fast 4 le is used. Option A. at low air temperature. Option B. at high air temperature. Option C. on the ground. Question Number. (0. #he output of an anti'i ing pump is ontrolled b4. Option A. a rheostat. Option B. the hand pump. Option C. a 4 li timer. Question Number. (2. ?e'i ing fluid goes to a slinger ring from. Option A. an ele tri al pump. Option B. a hand pump. Option C. a tan+ in the prop hub. pro,iding onstant feed on e released. Question Number. (3. #o in rease anti i ing effe ti,eness. Option A. in rease 4 le times. Option B. in rease the AC or ?C urrent. Option C. use li/uid as well as ele tri al anti i ing s4stems. Question Number. &*. Propeller de'i ing for ,ar4ing rates of i ing an be ,aried b4. Option A. in reasing propeller RPM. Option B. in reasing 4 li timing. Option C. in reasing the AC or ?C ,oltage.

Test - 0"
Question Number. 1. Propeller ?e'i ing an be he +ed b4. Option A. he +ing the tor/ue meter for abnormal readings. Option B. he +ing the the de'i ing ammeter. Option C. ,isuall4 he +ing for i e on the blades. Question Number. !. Proper operation of ele tri dei ing boots on indi,idual propeller blades ma4 be best determined b4. Option A. feeling the se/uen e of boot heating and ha,e an assistant obser,e the loadmeter indi ations. Option B. feeling the boots to see if the4 are heating. Option C. obser,ing the ammeter or loadmeter for urrent flow. Question Number. $. "hat unit in the propeller anti'i ing s4stem ontrols the output of the pump1. Option A. Pressure relief ,al,e. Option B. Rheostat. Option C. C4 ling timer. Question Number. (. 5 e formation on the propellers. when the air raft is in flight. will. Option A. de rease a,ailable engine power. Option B. in rease air raft stall speed and in rease noise. Option C. de rease thrust and ause e% essi,e ,ibration. Question Number. &. Propeller fluid anti'i ing s4stems generall4 use whi h of the following1. Option A. 9th4l al ohol. Option B. 9th4lene gl4 ol. Option C. 5soprop4l al ohol. 17.$ Propeller Maintenance. Question Number. ). #hrust and amber fa es of a propeller should be blended out to. Option A. & times the depth of damage. Option B. 1* times to the depth of damage. Option C. $* times to the depth of damage. Question Number. 0. An aerod4nami indi ates. Option A. thrust balan e. Option B. d4nami balan e. Option C. tor/ue balan e. orre tion fa tor that is pre eded b4 the letter Q

Question Number. 2. <eading edges should be blended out to. Option A. & times the depth of damage. Option B. 1* times the depth of damage. Option C. $* times the depth of damage. Question Number. 3. 5f the tip of an ele tri al o,ershoe is torn. Option A. it ma4 be ut ba +. Option B. it ma4 be lassified as a eptable damage. Option C. it must not be ut ba +.

Question Number. 1*. #he shan+ of the propeller is permitted to ha,e. Option A. no repairs. Option B. minor repairs. Option C. no de als fitted. Question Number. 11. "hen blending out a gouge on the fa e or amber side of a blade. the additional metal to be remo,ed for stress relief is. Option A. *.*! in h. Option B. *.**! in h. Option C. *.! in h. Question Number. 1!. "ooden propellers are permitted. Option A. repairs that do not affe t weight and balan e. Option B. no repairs. Option C. repairs using sawdust and aeroglue. Question Number. 1$. #he preser,ati,e used to prote t metal blades is. Option A. lanolin. Option B. brown storage wa%. Option C. petroleum ;ell4. Question Number. 1(. Composite propellers ma4 ha,e minor repairs arried out b4. Option A. an4 appro,ed $rd part4 maintenan e organiBation. Option B. the operator. Option C. an4 appro,ed omposite repair fa ilit4. Question Number. 1&. ?etails of propeller o,erhaul ma4 be found in. Option A. Airworthiness Noti e 0&. Option B. the AMM. Option C. Airworthiness Noti e &&. Question Number. 1). #he ground learan e of a single engine tail wheel air raft propeller is measured with the air raft. Option A. tail wheel on the ground. Option B. tail wheel in the ta+e off position. Option C. in the rigging position. Question Number. 10. #he stru tural learan e of a multi engine air raft propeller. Option A. is ta+en between the engines with the props aligned. Option B. is ta+en between the prop and the fuselage. Option C. is ta+en from the ground. Question Number. 12. "hat position should the blades be when installing the pit h hange me hanism onto a h4dromati propeller1. Option A. -eather. Option B. Eero pit h. Option C. -ull re,erse. Question Number. 13. Option A. 1 in h. Option B. 3 in hes. Option C. 12 in hes. #he ground @seaA learan e of a sea plane propeller is.

Question Number. !*. Cropping is permitted to a ma%imum of. Option A. 1 in h on all blades. Option B. F in h on all blades. Option C. F in h on one blade onl4. Question Number. !1. ?4nami balan e is onfirmed b4 use of. Option A. +nife edges and mandrel. Option B. a tra +ing he +. Option C. a ,ibration anal4ser. Question Number. !!. A metal propeller ma4 be stati all4 balan ed b4. Option A. adding ,arnish to the lighter blade. Option B. remo,ing metal from the opposite blade. Option C. adding or remo,ing lead wool to the hollow blade roots. Question Number. !$. Me hani al ,ibration relating to propellers in a piston powered air raft. Option A. is due to the ran+shaft at intermittent power settings. Option B. is due to the lead lag of the propeller ompared to the engine. Option C. is due to the power stro+e of the engine and ma4 ha,e a more detrimental effe t than aerod4nami ,ibration. Question Number. !(. Aerod4nami Corre tion -a tor @A C -A. Option A. orre ts for stati balan e. Option B. is indi ated in the form of degrees and minutes of pit h. Option C. orre ts for d4nami balan e. Question Number. !&. A propeller with an ad;ustable blade an be ad;usted. Option A. on the ground with the engine stationar4. Option B. in flight. Option C. on the ground with the engine running. Question Number. !). "hen on the ground with the engine idling the prop ontrol should be. Option A. full4 aft with the mi%ture at idle. Option B. full4 aft with the mi%ture at ri h. Option C. full4 forward with the mi%ture at idle. Question Number. !0. Operation with the engine at ma%imum boost should be limited to. Option A. prop at fine to pre,ent o,erstressing the engine. Option B. prop at ourse to pre,ent o,erstressing the engine. Option C. prop at windmill to pre,ent o,erstressing the engine. Question Number. !2. ?amage to a leading edge an be blended in omparison to a blade fa e. Option A. b4 maintaining a smooth depression. Option B. b4 not e% eeding !&: of the hord. Option C. at a steeper angle. Question Number. !3. tri 4 le geared propeller is. Option A. 3 in hes. Option B. 12 in hes. Option C. 1D! in h. #he longitudinal learan e between the nose wheel and the propeller on a

Question Number. $*. A tra +ing he + ompares. Option A. ! Ad;a ent blades. Option B. ! Opposite blades. Option C. an4 ! blades.

Question Number. $1. A line of indentations at one blade se tion an be. Option A. blended within limits. Option B. left for up to 1! months. Option C. de lared unser,i eable. Question Number. $!. Propeller ,ibration due to a problem with propeller installations would ha,e a. Option A. the same fre/uen 4 as turbine ,ibration. Option B. lower fre/uen 4 than turbine ,ibration. Option C. higher fre/uen 4 than turbine ,ibration. Question Number. $$. Preloading propeller blades before installation pre,ents. Option A. blade distortion. Option B. blade flutter. Option C. aerod4nami imbalan e on the blades. Question Number. $(. "hen unfeathering a propeller. the blade should be put into what position to stop propeller o,erspeed1. Option A. Negati,e pit h. Option B. -ine pit h. Option C. Coarse pit h. Question Number. $&. Blade angle is measured using a. Option A. linometer. Option B. propeller protra tor. Option C. be,el protra tor. Question Number. $). 5n the Beta range. angle of atta + in reases. #he fuel flow in reases. and what else in reases1. Option A. -uel temperature. Option B. 9PR and fuel temperature. Option C. RPM and 98#. Question Number. $0. "ith a propeller defe t. the fre/uen 4 of ,ibration will be. Option A. higher than a au%iliar4 gearbo% defe t. Option B. lower than a turbine defe t. Option C. higher than a turbine defe t. Question Number. $2. Blending of propeller blade defe ts refers to the. Option A. repainting of blade tips after ropping. Option B. mat hing of paint finishes for appearan es. Option C. on,ersion of rough or sharp edges into smooth depression. Question Number. $3. Remo,al of material from the propeller blade tips. resulting in a redu tion in propeller diameter is alled. Option A. tipping. Option B. ropping. Option C. topping. Question Number. (*. Prior to using the uni,ersal propeller protra tor. Option A. ensure the propeller blade is at the horiBontal. Option B. determine the referen e blade station. Option C. he + date stamp for ser,i eabilit4.

Question Number. (1. #o fit a new front one to a prop shaft firstl4. Option A. et h the propeller serial number to the rear fa e. Option B. ut in half with a ha +saw and et h a uni/ue serial number to both hal,es. Option C. oat in 9ngineers blue to ensure seating in the propeller front boss. Question Number. (!. Blade tra +ing is ad;usted b4. Option A. adding lead wool to the blade shan+. Option B. re'seating the propeller on the front and rear ones. Option C. b4 fitting shims to the propeller shaft hub. Question Number. ($. "hi h of the following fun tions re/uires the use of a propeller blade station1. Option A. 5nde%ing blades. Option B. Propeller balan ing. Option C. Measuring blade angle. Question Number. ((. #o ondu t a power he + of an internal ombustion engine re/uires. Option A. oarse pit h setting and ad,an e the throttle to the target RPM. Option B. fine pit h setting and ad,an e the engine to the target RPM setting. Option C. fine pit h setting and ad,an e the engine to the ma% RPM setting. Question Number. (&. #he power output of a turboprop engine is he +ed b4. Option A. referen e RPM. Option B. referen e #hrust. Option C. referen e #or/ue. Question Number. (). 5mmediatel4 after blending out damage to to a blade the repair must be. Option A. re'prote ted against orrosion. Option B. ra + he +ed. Option C. balan ed. Question Number. (0. How is the effi ien 4 of a turbo prop engine assessed1. Option A. B4 orre ting propeller RPM for ambient Air temperature and barometri pressure. Option B. B4 omparing ompressor and propeller RPM against a referen e figure. Option C. B4 omparing tor/ue meter pressure against a referen e figure. Question Number. Option A. 1D( in Option B. 1D2 in Option C. 1D2 in (2. #he limits for a tra +ing he + are. h ma%imum differen e between ad;a ent blades. h ma%imum differen e between opposite blades. h ma%imum differen e between all blades.

Question Number. (3. After a lightning stri+e. Option A. the prop must be tra +ed. Option B. the propeller shaft should be he +ed for on entri it4. Option C. the heater elements should be he +ed for ontinuit4 and insulation. Question Number. &*. After o,erspeeding to 11*:. Option A. no a tion is re/uired. Option B. return propeller for o,erhaul. Option C. remo,e propeller for inspe tion. Corre t Answer is. no a tion is re/uired. 9%planation. 7p to 11&: no a tion is ne essar4.

Test - 0$
Question Number. 1. 5ndentations to the blade fa e are measured. Option A. indi,iduall4. Option B. indi,iduall4 and olle ti,el4. Option C. olle ti,el4. Question Number. !. "hen a propeller has had a report of o,erspeeding. Option A. pro edure is dependant on the e%tent of o,erspeeding. Option B. the propeller must be remo,ed and sent to the manufa turer. Option C. the propeller must be remo,ed and tra +ed. Question Number. $. #he most signifi ant effe t of stone hips on a propeller is. Option A. thrust output of the propeller. Option B. stru tural integrit4 of the propeller. Option C. aerod4nami apabilit4 of the propeller. Question Number. (. 8round running an air raft with a fi%ed pit h prop with its tail into wind auses the engine RPM to. Option A. in rease. Option B. sta4 the same regardless of wind dire tion. Option C. de rease. Question Number. &. Ad;ustments to a ,ariable pit h propeller are. Option A. made in the air using the s4n hroniBer. Option B. made on the ground with the engine stationar4. Option C. made on the ground with the engine running. Question Number. ). "hen a propeller is remo,ed. the se uring parts are +ept with. Option A. all separatel4 in ases. Option B. the propeller. Option C. the engine. Question Number. 0. ?uring engine warm up the mi%ture should be at. Option A. ri h. blades at feather. Option B. lean. blades at superfine. Option C. ri h. blades at superfine. Question Number. 2. "hen unfeathering a propeller use. Option A. minimum RPMDmin throttle. Option B. an4 RPM min throttle. Option C. ma%imum RPMDmin throttle. Question Number. 3. How is the on entri it4 of a propeller shaft he +ed1. Option A. Mi rometer. Option B. ?ial #est 5ndi ator @?#5A. Option C. Ring gauge. Question Number. 1*. Propeller slip rings should be. Option A. lubri ated with sili on grease. Option B. lubri ated with graphite grease. Option C. leaned and left dr4.

Question Number. 11. A splined hub is found be loose with the. Option A. e% essi,e spline wear. Option B. front ones bottomed against the front end of the splines. Option C. retaining nut tor/ue loading too low. Question Number. 1!. "hen measuring RPM on a super harged engine with ,ariable pit h. Option A. ma%imum boost pressure and a tual air pressure is used. Option B. engine boost pressure and a tual air pressure is used. Option C. Bero boost pressure and a tual air pressure is used. Question Number. 1$. On propeller se uring plates ir lips should be. Option A. annealed and the springiness put ba + into the ir lip before it an be used again. Option B. used on e onl4. Option C. used again as long as the ir lip springs ba + first time. Question Number. 1(. #he ause of propeller out'of'tra + ,ibration is. Option A. propeller blade angle too large. Option B. stati imbalan e. Option C. blade stiffness not e%a tl4 mat hed. Question Number. 1&. How is blending arried out on an aluminium propeller blade1. Option A. B4 using a ourse file and peening. Option B. B4 using a needle file and finish with emer4 loth. Option C. B4 using a s raper. Question Number. 1). "here would 4ou find information on RPM and Power ratings1. Option A. Painted onto the propeller. Option B. 9ngine <og boo+. Option C. 9t hed on the Propeller. Question Number. 10. ?uring a test on the feathering and un'feathering s4stems. 1A after sele ting -eather and pressing the feather button. it remained pressed for about & se onds then automati all4 desele ted. !A "hen un'feather was sele ted and the button pressed. it remained in for a short period and then autodesele ted. #hese ! situations would indi ate. Option A. both s4stems are wor+ing orre tl4. Option B. the -eathering Pump is 7nser,i eable sin e the button did not de'press immediatel4. Option C. there is nothing wrong with the -eathering motor but the 7n'-eathering pump is unser,. Question Number. 12. On a HartBell prop with ounterweights. full oil suppl4 would indi ate. Option A. on'speed ondition. Option B. o,erspeed ondition. Option C. underspeed ondition. Question Number. 13. 5f a ! blade prop is pla ed on a +nife edge and it ends up horiBontal @blades at $ and 3 o= lo + positionsA. it is said to be in balan e. Option A. ,erti all4. Option B. horiBontall4. Option C. d4nami all4. Question Number. !*. High 9ngine Oil pressure ma4 be aused b4. Option A. blo +ed s a,enge filter. Option B. restri ted pump operation. Option C. higher oil pressure.

Question Number. !1. "hi h of the following defe ts is ause for re;e tion of wooden propellers1. Option A. An o,ersiBe hub or bolthole or elongated bolt holes. Option B. No prote ti,e oating on propeller. Option C. 6older missing from s rew heads se uring metal tipping. Question Number. !!. 5nspe tion of a propeller blade b4 d4e penetrant inspe tion is a omplished to dete t. Option A. ra +s. Option B. orrosion at the blade tip. Option C. torsional stress. Question Number. !$. "hi h of the following is used to orre t horiBontal imbalan e of a wooden propeller1. Option A. 6hella . Option B. Brass s rews. Option C. 6older. Question Number. !(. "hi h of the following determines oil and grease spe ifi ations for lubri ation of propellers1. Option A. Propeller manufa turers. Option B. 9ngine Manufa turers. Option C. Airframe manufa turers. Question Number. !&. "hat t4pe of imbalan e will ause a two'bladed propeller to ha,e a persistent tenden 4 to ome to rest in a horiBontal position @with the blades parallel to the groundA while being he +ed on a propeller balan e beam1. Option A. Harmoni . Option B. Certi al. Option C. HoriBontal. Question Number. !). "hat is the purpose of an arbor used in balan ing a propeller1. Option A. #o support the propeller on the balan e +ni,es. Option B. #o mar+ the propeller blades where weights are to be be atta hed. Option C. #o le,el the balan e stand. Question Number. !0. #he appli ation of more prote ti,e oating on one blade than another when refinishing a wood propeller. Option A. has little or no effe t on operating hara teristi s. Option B. ma4 be ne essar4 to a hie,e final balan ing. Option C. should ne,er be done. Question Number. !2. Apparent engine roughness is often a result of propeller unbalan e. #he effe t of an unbalan ed propeller will usuall4 be. Option A. greater at high RPM. Option B. greater at low RPM. Option C. appro%imatel4 the same at all speeds. Question Number. !3. Propeller aerod4nami @thrustA imbalan e an be largel4 eliminated b4. Option A. orre t blade ontouring and angle setting. Option B. stati balan ing. Option C. +eeping the propeller blades within the same plane of rotation.

Question Number. $*. Propellers e%posed to salt spra4 should be flushed with. Option A. fresh water. Option B. soap4 water. Option C. stoddard sol,ent. Question Number. $1. How an a steel propeller hub be tested for ra +s1. Option A. B4 magneti parti le inspe tion. Option B. B4 anodiBing. Option C. B4 et hing. Question Number. Option A. Option B. Option C. $!. "hi h of the following defe ts is ause of re;e tion of a wood propeller1.

An o,ersiBe hub or bolt hole. or elongated bolt holes. 6older missing from s rew heads se uring metal tipping. No prote ti,e oating on propeller.

Question Number. $$. <ongitudinal @fore and aftA learan e of onstant speed propeller blades or uffs must be at least 1D! in h @1!.0 mmA between propeller parts and stationar4 parts of the air raft. #his learan e is with the propeller blades. Option A. at the lowest pit h angle. Option B. at ta+e'off pit h @ma%imum thrustA angle. Option C. feathered or in the most riti al pit h onfiguration. Question Number. $(. "hen lubri ating a HartBell propeller blade with grease. to pre,ent damage to the blade seals. the ser,i e manual ma4 re ommend on some models to. Option A. remo,e the seals prior to greasing and reinstall them afterwards. Option B. remo,e one of the two grease nipples for the blade. and grease the blade through the remaining nipple. Option C. pump grease into both grease nipples for the blade simultaneousl4. Question Number. $&. "hen running'up an engine and testing a newl4 installed h4dromati propeller. it is ne essar4 to e%er ise the propeller b4 mo,ing the go,ernor ontrol through its entire tra,el se,eral times to. Option A. remo,e an4 entrapped air. Option B. test the ma%imum RPM setting of the go,ernor. Option C. seat the blades full4 against the low pit h stop. Question Number. $). "hat is indi ated when the front one bottoms while installing a propeller1. Option A. Blade angles are in orre t. Option B. Propeller'dome ombination is in orre t. Option C. Rear one should be mo,ed forward. Question Number. $0. "hi h of the following statements on erning the installation of a new fi%ed'pit h wood propeller is true1. Option A. 5f a separate metal hub is used. final tra + should be a omplished prior to installing the hub in the propeller. Option B. NA6 lose'toleran e bolts should be used to install the propeller. Option C. 5nspe t the bolts for tightness after the first flight and again after the first !& hours of fl4ing.

Question Number. $2. 5f the propeller one or hub one seats show e,iden e of galling and wear. the most li+el4 ause is. Option A. the propeller retaining nut was not tight enough during pre,ious operation. Option B. the front one was not full4 bottomed against the ran+shaft splines during installation. Option C. the pit h hange stops were lo ated in orre tl4. ausing the one seats to a t as the high pit h stop. Question Number. $3. On air raft e/uiped with h4drauli all4 operated onstant speed propellers. all ignition and magneto he +ing is done with the propeller in whi h position1. Option A. <ow RPM. Option B. High pit h range. Option C. High RPM. Question Number. (*. Oil lea+age around the rear one of a h4dromati propeller usuall4 indi ates a defe ti,e. Option A. spider'shaft oil seal. Option B. piston gas+et. Option C. dome'barrel oil seal. Question Number. (1. Ma%imum taper onta t between ran+shaft and propeller hub is determined b4 using. Option A. a mi rometer. Option B. a surfa e gauge. Option C. bearing blue olour transfer. Question Number. (!. Propeller blade tra +ing is the pro ess of determining. Option A. the plane of rotation of the propeller with respe t to the air raft longitudinal a%is. Option B. that the blade angles are within spe ified toleran e of ea h other. Option C. the positions of the tips of the propeller blades relati,e to ea h other. Question Number. ($. 5n what position is the onstant'speed propeller ontrol pla ed to he + the magnetos1. Option A. -ull de rease. low propeller blade pit h angle. Option B. -ull in rease. low propeller blade pit h angle. Option C. -ull in rease. high propeller blade pit h angle. Question Number. ((. 5f a flanged propeller shaft has dowel pins. Option A. the propeller an be installed in onl4 one position. Option B. he + arefull4 for front one bottoming against the pins. Option C. install the propeller so that the blades are positioned for hand propping. Question Number. (&. to be made on the. Option A. fa e. Option B. shan+. Option C. ba +. Repairs of aluminium allo4 ad;ustable pit h propellers are not permitted

Question Number. (). "hi h of the following methods is used to straighten a bent aluminium propeller blade that is within repairable limits1. Option A. 9ither hot or old straightening. depending on the lo ation and se,erit4 of damage. Option B. Cold straightening onl4. Option C. Careful heating to a omplish straightening. followed b4 heat treatment to store original strength.

Question Number. (0. 5t is important that ni +s in aluminium allo4 propeller blades be repaired as soon as possible in order to. Option A. maintain e/ual aerod4nami hara teristi s between blades. Option B. eliminate stress on entration points. Option C. e/ualiBe the entrifugal loads between the blades. Question Number. (2. Minor surfa e damage lo ated in a repairable area. but not on the leading or trailing edges of aluminium blades. ma4 be repaired b4 first. Option A. filing with a half round or flat file. Option B. sanding and appl4ing a proper filler. Option C. filing with a riffle file. Question Number. (3. Minor surfa e damage lo ated in a repairable area. but not on the leading or trailing edges of omposite blades. ma4 be repaired b4. Option A. filing with a riffle file. Option B. sanding and appl4ing a proper filler. Option C. filing with a half round or flat file. Question Number. &*. After remo,al of aluminium blade damage. the affe ted surfa e should be polished with. Option A. fine steel wool. Option B. ,er4 fine sandpaper. Option C. powdered soapstone.

Test - 07
Question Number. 1. "hen preparing a propeller blade for inspe tion it should be leaned with. Option A. mild soap and water. Option B. steel wool. Option C. meth4l eth4l +etone. Question Number. !. "hat method would 4ou use to inspe t an aluminium propeller blade when a ra + is suspe ted1. Option A. ?4e penetrant inspe tion. Option B. Magneti parti le inspe tion. Option C. A bright light and magnif4ing glass. Question Number. $. Remo,al of propeller blade tips within the #4pe Certifi ate ?ata 6heet limits to orre t a defe t is. Option A. a ma;or repair. Option B. permitted under the pri,ileges and limitations of a ategor4 B1 li en e. Option C. a ma;or modifi ation. Question Number. (. "hi h of the following generall4 renders an aluminium allo4 propeller unrepairable1. Option A. A trans,erse ra + of an4 siBe. Option B. An4 slag in lusions or old shuts. Option C. An4 repairs that would re/uire shortening and re' ontouring of blades. Question Number. Option A. 1D2 in Option B. $D2 in Option C. 1D( in Corre t Answer is. 9%planation. N5<. &. "hat is the a eptable amount of ushion in a go,ernor ontrol le,er1. h. h. h. 1D2 in h.

17.7 Propeller Stora!e and Preser%ation. Question Number. ). Rubber omponents should be stored in. Option A. the dar+. Option B. natural light. Option C. flouresent light. Question Number. 0. #he ma%imum storage periods for installed propellers are detailed in the. Option A. propeller o,erhaul and repair manual. Option B. Airworthiness Noti es. Option C. air raft Maintenan e Manual. Question Number. 2. "hen storing wooden propellers. Option A. store in a dr4 well ,entilated and illuminated lo ation. Option B. store in a horiBontal position. Option C. wrap in greaseproof paper. Corre t Answer is. store in a horiBontal position. 9%planation. Gepperson AHP Powerplant Page 1!'&( refers. Question Number. 3. A wooden propeller should be stored. Option A. a dr4 and well ,entilated area. Option B. in a room with high humidit4 to stop it dr4ing and ra +ing. Option C. a warm but light storeroom.

Question Number. 1*. A wooden propeller in storage. Option A. should not be wrapped at'all. Option B. should be wrapped tightl4. Option C. should be wrapped loosel4. Question Number. 11. A CP propeller me hanism. for storage for long periods should. Option A. should be ompletel4 emptied and dried. Option B. be filled with spe ial inhibiting oil to pre,ent ondensation and orrosion. Option C. be filled with the normal operating oil to pre,ent ondensation and orrosion.

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