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Project Title Sketch book - Project 3. DES 382, Fall 2009, ART 1.


Subject - This project proposes a two fold experiment in the visual expression of written works and culling information
from larger bodies of data to represent meaning more effectively.

Objectives - To explore the representation of personal meaning gleaned from an experience, in a medium differing from that of
the experience itself.
- To explore and hone the practice of culling information from a given set of data (in this experiment, a series of
books) to represent the intent of communication succintly.
- To explore lateral representations of a communication / subject.
-To create a body of ‘sketch reviews’ that attempt to communicate the core imagery of selected books that I have
read, with the intention of communicating the ‘personal meaning’ associated with each book and the activity of
reading books.
- This collection of communication is intended for sharing with a peer group, my personal experiences and
associations - related to books, enabling them to glean impressions from the same, and enable a dialogue of
exchanging opinions.
- To hone a skill set (sketching).

Methodology - Through representing each selected book in the form of a single sketch / series of sketches that communicate the
essential imageries I gleaned from it.
- Through communicating personal opinion about each work in a short paragraph, accompanying the imagery.
- Conducting a daily practice, of creating lateral imageries from books - re stricting the activity to a ‘time-frame’ - so
as to observe the refinement in expression over the course of the project.

Influences - A series of exchanges with and observations of the personal work methodology of classmates / colleagues
influenced and inspired the proposal for this project.
Discussions about the relevance of a ‘daily practice’ to developing and honing a thought process, skill set and to
following the ‘germ’ of an idea through to a possible conclusion.
Obsevation of the impact of personal opinions upon the expression and workability of artifacts designed by my
classmates / colleagues, and the development of an individual style / method of representation.
- The obsevation of the execution of a ‘daily practice’ on the blog “Obsessive Consumption - What did you buy today”
by graphic designer Kate Bingaman-Burt, wherein the author documents in simple sketches one article bought
every day. The obsevation of the artists paring each object to a succinct sketch description influenced the decision
to execute a daily ‘sketch’ practice.

Previous Related - This proposal seeks to extend a previously employed methodology of executing series of process / concept
Work sketches to resolve the salient aspects of a project / design problem.
However, this exercise seeks to represent opinions versus the earlier exercises that sought to inquire. This project,
seeks to inform said methodology in its objective of culling information / impressions to represent the whole
comprehensively within the scope of a sketch.

Expected Results - To present the final body of sketches and reviews as a ‘blog’ that invites dialogue with its readers about their
opinions of the illustrations presented, the source works that inspired them and an exchange of book

Plan of Action - Thurs, Oct 15th - initiation of daily practice

- Tues, Oct 20th - evaluation of process and imageries
- Thurs, Oct 22nd - evaluation of process and imageries, changes to methodology if required
- Tues, Oct 27th - evaluation of process an imageries as blog entries
- Thurs, Oct 29th - changes to methodology if required
- Tues, Nov 3rd - Final Presentation, evaluation of critique and their incorporation into daily practice

Author Meghna Pathak

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