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God Petah ....

Ptah (Pteh, Peteh) was the predynastic Mennefer (Hikuptah, Memphis) god of craftsmen, pottery and creation. The Egyptians be ie!ed that he was a god who created e!erything from artifacts to the wor d egg to the other deities themse !es. The "pening of the Mouth ceremony was be ie!ed to ha!e been de!ised by him. He was a god of creation and rebirth. Ptah was usua y depicted as a bearded mummiform man, wearing a c ose fitting sku cap. "n y his hands come out of his shroud, and he was usua y shown ho ding a staff that incorporated the d#ed pi ar, the ankh symbo and the was scepter. The origin of Ptah$s name is unc ear, though some be ie!e it to mean $opener$ or $scu ptor$. %s a god of craftsmen, the ater is probab y correct. He was a patron of the arts, protector of stonecutters, scu ptors, b acksmiths, architects, boat bui ders, artists and craftsmen. His high priest was gi!en the tit e wr khrp hmw, $Great &eader of 'raftsmen$, and his priests were probab y inked to the different crafts. (t was be ie!ed that Ptah in!ented masonry and that it was he who crafted the boats that the dead used to tra!e to the )uat. The *ook of the )ead describes him as+ ...a master architect, and framer of e!erything in the uni!erse... ,, Egypt , Myths and &egends, &ewis -pence (t was be ie!ed that Ptah created the hea!ens and the earth whi e .hnum fashioned the anima s and peop e on his pottery whee . Ptah created the giant meta p ate that was be ie!ed to be the f oor of hea!en and the roof of the sky, he a so created the struts that uphe d it. He created the uni!erse by speaking words through his Tongue ( inked to the god Thoth and the goddess Tefnut) and by thoughts coming from his Heart ( inked to Horus the E der). There came into being as the heart and there came into being as the tongue ... in the form of %tem. The mighty Great "ne is Ptah, who transmitted / ife to a gods0, as we as (to) their kas... (Thus) it happened that the heart and tongue gained contro o!er /e!ery0 (other) member of the body, by teaching that he /i.e., Ptah0 is in e!ery body and in e!ery mouth of a gods, a men, /a 0 catt e, a creeping things, and (e!ery thing) that i!es, by thinking and commanding e!erything that he wishes... Thus a the gods were formed and his Ennead was comp eted.
Ptah tient un sceptre composite rassemblant le sceptre ouas, la croix nkh et le signe djed (symbole de stabilit).
Dieu : barbe droite (exception)

the statue of the god Ptah, each presented in reproduction e1posure was carried out under the super!ision of a committee scientific. "rigina gi t wood in aid with g ass and earthenware, copper accessories. H. 23.4 cm.
Ptah - Exposition trsors de Toutnkhamon 2012 Paris statue of Ptah,

Gi ded wood statue of Ptah, with bron5e 6as scepter, in aid with go d at the 'airo Museum

Top and bottom (center part restored) of a faience !otice Was,scepter, e1ca!ated at 7aras in 8ubia, &ate period, at the Metropo itan Museum

Ptah was head of three gods and goddesses who were worshipped at Memphis (near modern-day Cairo); the other two were his wife, Sekhmet, a lion-headed goddess who brought destruction upon the enemies of the god the lotus god, !efertem" Ptah was depicted as a mummified man standing inside a shrine, and held a measuring rod to signify that he was patron-god of craftsmen" #e was a creatorgod who, according to the Memphite $heology recorded on the so-called Shabaka Stone (now in the %ritish Museum), brought the world into being through thought and speech" #e became identified with Sokar, the god of the necropolis, at Memphis, and as Ptah-Sokar became a god of the dead" $he &reeks e'uated him with #ephaestus, god of metalworking" e; and their son,

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Ptah conceives the world by the thought of his heart and gives life through the magic of his Word. That which Ptah commanded was created, with which the constituents of nature, fauna, and flora, are contained. He also plays a role in the preservation of the world and the permanence of the royal function.

Statuette of Amun, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 22, ca. 945715 B.C. !y"tian #o$d% &. ' 7() in. *17.5 cm+ Purchase, d,ard -. &ar.ness #ift, 192' *2'.7.1412+

/-tatuette of 0mun 1 !y"tian2/ *2'.7.1412+ In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History . 3e, 4or.

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