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MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO Faculty of Education Depart ent of En!li"# $an!ua!

e and $iterature

%ro&ect 'or( in En!li"# cla""roo ) T#e e* a!a+ine

Diplo a t#e"i" Brno 2010


-ritten .y)

Mgr. Nadda Vojtkov

Alena Mahrov

Declaration) I declare that I worked on my the ! on my own and I " ed the re o"rce wh!ch are ment!oned !n the #!#l!ogra$hy. Alena Mahrov %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2

Ac(no'led!e ent I wo"ld l!ke to thank to Mr . Nadda Vojtkov &or her !nval"a#le hel$' adv!ce and $at!ence. I wo"ld al o l!ke to thank my &am!ly &or the "$$ort. I wo"ld l!ke to thank to my $"$!l who took $art !n the $roject' &or the!r work and enth" !a m. (


Introduction 01 Teoretical part 1.1. A#o"t $roject work 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.( 1.1., 1.1.0 +edagog!cal re&erence o& $roject work !n the $a t +roject work !n a lang"age cla room -he advantage o& $roject work Bene&!t to learner -he role o& a teacher

* 10 1, 1. 1/ 1* 20 22 22 2( 2( 2, 2, 20 2. 2. 2) 2/ 2/ 2* (0 (0 (1 (2 (2 (2

1.2. 1tage o& a $roject 1.2.1. 2$en!ng a $roject 1.2.2. -o$!c or!entat!on 1.2.(. 3e earch and data collect!on 1.2.,. +re$arat!on o& data $re entat!on 1.2.0. +re entat!on 1.2... 4val"at!on 1.(. I- and m"lt!med!al dev!ce !n $roject work 1.,. e-w!nn!ng 1.,.1. A#o"t e-w!nn!ng $roject 1.,.2. 3eg! trat!on and look!ng &or a $artner chool 1.,.(. 5ett!ng tarted a $roject 1.,.,. -ool o& e-w!nn!ng $roject 1.,.0. 4val"at!on o& e-w!nn!ng $roject 1.0. Maga6!ne7actory 1.0.1. 3eg! trat!on 1.0.2. -he work w!th Maga6!ne7actory tool 1... 1ky$e 1...1. A#o"t 1ky$e 1...2. -he advantage o& " !ng 1ky$e !n 4ngl! h teach!ng

21 %ractical part 2.1. Introd"ct!on to the $roject 8-he e9maga6!ne8 2.2. Mot!vat!on and reg! trat!on 2.2.1. :e on $lan 1 2.2.2. 4val"at!on 2.2.(. :e on $lan 2 2.2.,. 4val"at!on 2.2.0. :e on $lan ( 2.2... 4val"at!on 2.2.). :e on $lan , 2.2./. 4val"at!on 2.(. V!deocon&erence 8:et me !ntrod"ce my el&8 2.(.1. :e on $lan 2.(.2. 4val"at!on 2.,. -o$!c 8;hr! tma 8 2.,.1. :e on $lan 2.,.2. 4val"at!on 2.0. -o$!c 8My day8 2.0.1. :e on $lan 2.0.2. 4val"at!on 2... V!deocon&erence 8<e are learn!ng Math together8 2...1. :e on $lan 2...2. 4val"at!on 2.). -o$!c 8My &avo"r!te $ort 8 2.).1. :e on $lan 2.).2. 4val"at!on 2./. -o$!c 8My chool8 2./.1. :e on $lan 2./.2. 4val"at!on 2.*. co"ntry8 2.*.1. :e on $lan 2.*.2. 4val"at!on 0 (, (0 (. () () (/ (/ (* ,0 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,( ,( ,, ,0 ,. ,. ,) ,) ,) ,* ,* ,* 00 00 00 01 -o$!c 8My 01 01 0(

2.10. V!deocon&erence 8:et= $lay together8 2.10.1. :e on $lan 2.10.2. 4val"at!on 2.11. the $roject 2.11.1. 4val"at!on o& $"$!l = 4ngl! h knowledge 2.11.2. 4val"at!on o& the >"e t!onna!re &or $"$!l 2.12. o& the $roject /onclu"ion Re"u 3 Bi.lio!rap#y Appendi4

0( 0( 00 4val"at!on o& 00 00 0. +re entat!on 0/ 0* .1 .2 .,

Introduction to t#e diplo a t#e"i" %ro&ect 'or( in En!li"# cla""roo ) T#e e* a!a+ine My d!$loma the ! ! &oc" ed on $roject work !n 4ngl! h cla e and the $ract!cal demon trat!on o& the $roject work !n yo"ng learner = cla e . I have #een work!ng a an 4ngl! h teacher at the elementary chool &or e!ght year and I o&ten " e $roject to enr!ch teach!ng 4ngl! h. In my le on I " e +roject te?t#ook #y -om @"tch!n on and my $"$!l " "ally make $roject wh!ch are recommended !n the e te?t#ook . I con !der $roject work !n 4ngl! h le on a very " e&"l &or $ract! !ng the lang"age knowledge !n a real conte?t' e $ec!ally tho e $roject ' !n wh!ch the $"$!l can coo$erate w!th other $"$!l &rom a &ore!gn co"ntry and can comm"n!cate w!th them #y letter ' ema!l or 1ky$e. Accord!ng to Aohn Bewey= !dea o& Cto point out a practical content (industrial and scientific) calculated to interpret life, and to encourage natural and effective child development through unification of the school with life. D1tockton 1*20' $. (*E and self-education through activities, or the common learning to do by doing D1tockton 1*20' $. .)E' I try to create cond!t!on &or my $"$!l to #e a#le to " e what they have learn !n 4ngl! h le on !n the!r l!ve . I have dealt w!th !nternat!onal coo$erat!on among chool &or everal year and that ! why I know that !t co"ld #e very mot!vat!ng &or $"$!l . I tarted #y e?chang!ng ema!l and letter w!th chool !n Italy' Vene6"ela' Belar" ' +oland or -"rkey. -he $"$!l alway enjoyed wr!t!ng and they real!6ed how !m$ortant !t wa to t"dy &ore!gn lang"age . It wa al o very mot!vat!ng &or them #eca" e they co"ld " e the!r knowledge $ract!cally. 7o"r year ago I jo!ned an e-w!nn!ng $roject' the 4"ro$ean act!v!ty wh!ch "$$ort !nternat!onal coo$erat!on among chool . In o"r $roject we !ntegrated 4ngl! h w!th other chool "#ject and we created o"r own we# !te on e-w!nn!ng -w!n $ace $ortal.

In 1e$tem#er 200* I tarted to work at the elementary chool !n Brno 9 :FGeH and I teach $"$!l &rom 0th to *th cla e . I wo"ld l!ke to e?$lo!t my e?$er!ence !n the cla o& yo"ng learner and to try to " e the $roject o& !nternat!onal coo$erat!on d!rectly !n my 4ngl! h le on . -he !dea ! mak!ng the e9maga6!ne w!th a chool !n 4"ro$e. T#e ai of y diplo a t#e"i" ! to &!nd o"t how the $roject o& creat!ng an e9

maga6!ne w!ll !n&l"ence the $"$!l to learn a &ore!gn lang"age and whether they w!ll !m$rove the!r comm"n!cat!ve k!ll and t"dy!ng re "lt !n 4ngl! h le on . I w!ll mot!vate my $"$!l to learn a &ore!gn lang"age #y g!v!ng them the $o !#!l!ty to " e the &ore!gn lang"age !n a $ract!cal l!&e. -he $"$!l w!ll work on the e9maga6!ne together w!th $"$!l &rom a chool !n a &ore!gn co"ntry and they w!ll meet together v!a v!deocon&erenc!ng.

01 Teoretical part

010 A.out pro&ect 'or( -he $roject work at chool ! " ed acro the c"rr!c"l"m. <e can " e $roject !n

a chool "#ject e$arately or we can jo!n more chool "#ject !n one $roject. 1omet!me we call C$roject workI every act!v!ty that ! d!&&erent &rom a trad!t!onal way o& teach!ng and learn!ng. Accord!ng 2?&ord Advanced :earner= B!ct!onary D2000E 8$roject8 ! J 1. planned work a planned piece of work that is designed to find information a piece of work involving careful study of a sub#ect over a about sth, to produce sth new, or to improve sth. !. school"college work period of time, done by school or college students. -he de&!n!t!on o& 8$roject8 !n 2?&ord <ord$ower B!ct!onary D200.E ! J 1. a piece of work, often involving many people, that is planned and organi$ed carefully, !. a piece of school work in which the student has to collect information about a certain sub#ect and then write about it. In Advanced :earner= 4ngl! h B!ct!onary' @ar$er ;oll!n +"#l! her ' 8$roject8 ! %a task that re&uires a lot of time and effort.% ;am#r!dge Advanced learner= B!ct!onary D200(E de&!ne 8$roject8 a J 1. ' piece of planned work or an activity which is completed over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular aim. !. ' study of a particular sub#ect done over a period of time, e(pecially by students.

-he mo t deta!led de&!n!t!on o& 8$roject8 we can &!nd !n -he New +eng"!n 4ngl! h B!ct!onary D2000EJ 1. ' specific plan or design) a scheme !. ' planned undertaking) e. g. a) a piece of research with a definite plan. b) a large or comple( piece of work, esp. one infolving #oint effort. c) a task or problem engaged in usu by a group of a pupils, esp. to supplement and apply classroom studies. In ed"cat!onal conte?t' the $roject work ho"ld #e $"$!l9centred act!v!ty' no teacher9centred or ylla#" 9centred one. -he $"$!l have to "nder tand why they make a $roject and how !t ! " e&"l &or them. -he #e t way ! when they can choo e the to$!c o& the $roject them elve . -hey " "ally work !n gro"$ and they develo$ the!r oc!al k!ll to coo$erate and comm"n!cate together. -hey choo e the way o& work' d!v!de ta k and agree on the o"t$"t o& the $roject. A one o& the mo t !m$ortant r"le o& the $roject work I con !der the &act that the $"$!l are re $on !#le &or the!r work on the!r $roject and &or the!r re "lt . At the end the $"$!l $re ent the re "lt o& the!r $roject and the teacher eval"te not only the $roject !t el& #"t al o the work o& each $"$!l on the $roject and the coo$erat!on among the $"$!l !n the!r gro"$ .

010101 %eda!o!ical reference" of pro&ect 'or( in t#e pa"t +roject and $roject work have #ecome more common nowaday #"t they are not new !dea !n ed"cat!on. In ;omen!" wr!t!ng he $o!nt o"t a ch!ld= $er onal!ty wa em$ha !6ed' a ch!ld ! con !dered a a jewel and he draw attent!on to !nternal $otent!al o& a ch!ld and $o !#!l!t!e o& h! develo$ment. @e al o em$ha !6e adv! a#!l!ty and #ene&!t o& the c"rr!c"l"m &or ch!ldren and a a mot!vat!on he recommend 2,' tran lat!on #y a"thorE ometh!ng what co"ld !ntere t them and ca$t"re the!r attent!on. D;omen!" ' ec. c!t. In KratochvFlov 200*' $.


<e can &!nd the root o& $roject work !n $edagog!cal re&erence o& th!nker o& 1/th and 1*th cent"ry L A. A. 3o" ea"' A. @. +e talo66!' 7. <. A. 7ro#el' ;. 7re!net. DKratochvFlov 200*' $. 2,' tran lat!on #y a"thorE A. A. 3o" ea"= tho"ght have coherence w!th c"rrent conce$t!on o& ed"cat!on. *ousseau points out that the method of development from childhood to adulthood is through interaction of the natural child with his environment. +he child is developed through his e(perience, and e(perience is defined as everything that happens to him through his contact with his environment. D1tockton 1*20' $. /E 3o" ea" al o em$ha ! ed the !nd!v!d"al!ty o& a ch!ld' h! e&&ort to !nvent' to olve new !t"at!on ' h! tendency to th!nk. 3o" ea" #el!eved !n a great $otenc!onal o& a h"man #e!ng and $o !#!l!ty o& h! &"t"re develo$ment. DKratochvFlov 200*' $. 20' tran lat!on #y a"thorE A. @. +e talo66! wa !n&l"enced #y 3o" ea"= work' he develo$ed 3o" ea"= $r!nc!$le o& ed"cat!on and was the first to get them at least partially into practise. D1tockton' $. 11E. +e talo66! de&!ned ed"cat!on a Cthe harmonious development of all the powers and capacities of the human being. D1tockton 1*20' $. 12E. Both 3o" ea" and +e talo66! con !dered the ch!ld a the centre o& ed"cat!on and they cla!med that Ceducation must be with direct reference to the natural development of the whole child, physical, mental, and moral. D1tockton 1*20' $. 12E +e talo66!= &ollower ' <. A. 7ro#el and ;. 7re!net' al o tr!ed to create the nat"ral env!ronment at chool !n wh!ch the $er onal!ty o& a ch!ld wa tre ed' h! !nde$endence and !ntere t were taken !nto con !derat!on and th" the ch!ld co"ld learn nat"relly. 7ro#el con !dered game ' ong and $ract!cal work a the !m$ortant $art o& ed"cat!on. ;h!ldren $layed' ang and d!d var!o" act!v!t!e wh!le they al o heard l!teracy and h! tor!cal tor!e D1tockton 1*20' $. 1*E. I &!nd 7re!net= !dea o& ed"cat!on $roce process, the creating of the more !ntere t!ng #eca" e I try to real!6e the $roject !n my 4ngl! h cla e !n a !m!lar way. C ,is organi$ation of education school printer-office, development of pupilscorrespondence on the interclass and interschool levels, publishing a school maga$ine is very close to the method of pro#ect work and nowadays some of teachers together with pupils reali$e their pro#ects on the mentioned possibilities. .ublishing class or school maga$ines, correspondence leading out of school environment, and etc., become 11

part of reali$ation of pro#ects at school. DKratochvFlov 200*' $. 20' tran lat!on #y a"thorE At the end o& 1*th cent"ry and at the #eg!nn!ng o& 20th cent"ry the $ragmat!c $h!lo o$hy or!g!nated !n the M. 1. A. and w!th !t $r!nc!$le !t !n&l"enced ed"cat!on' a well. KratochvFlov ay that pragmatic pedagogy understands education as the tool of solving problems which people encounter in their everyday lives. DKratochvFlov 200*' $. 20' tran lat!on #y a"thorE. -he ma!n re$re entat!ve o& $ragmat!c $edagogy are A. Bewey and <. @. K!l$atr!ck. :eg"tke and -homa ay that /ewey and 0ilpatrick had already laid the

theoretical and practical foundations of learning by and through e(perience. 1or them the educational pro#ect as a whole-hearted purposeful activity (0ilpatrick, 1213), taking place in a social environment upon which it has a significant impact, was seen as a new way of bringing about a more democratic society. 0ilpatrick-s essay +he .ro#ect 4ethod (1213) spelled out the conse&uences of /ewey-s programmatic study /emocracy and 5ducation (1216). ,e pointed out that a learning process was re&uired which not only prepared young people to be responsible citi$ens, but which mirrored in its very forms of operation an e(perimental society of cooperating individuals. D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 10)E Bewey #el!eved that the school is #ust a bit of real life, not a place in which to prepare for life. +he aim of education is focused not upon mere knowledge, but upon doing, and more than that, upon efficient social doing e(perience social efficiency. D1tockton ! to #e C the method of 1*20' $. ,0E -he method o& teach!ng and learn!ng $roce

of interaction of the child and e(perience, or of the child and the

curriculum. D1tockton 1*20' $. ,1E Bewey de&!ned the a!m o& ed"cat!on a the e&&ort o& nat"ral develo$ment and the " age and tran m! !on o& ac>"!red e?$er!ence and ed"cat!on a enr!chment o& every h"man #e!ng. DKratochvFlov 200*' $. 2)' tran lat!on #y a"thorE KratochvFlov ay that in this conception of curriculum we find the roots of pro#ect work solving a problem, looking for the sense of activities and leading to


ac&uired e(periences and the reali$ation of purposeful work. DKratochvFlov 200*' $. 2)92/' tran lat!on #y a"thorE. K!l$atr!ck' Bewey= &ollower' Chad merit in implementation of pragmatic

pedagogy to schools and enforcement of new forms of curriculum and teaching method based on solving problems, so called the pro#ect method. ,e also suggested the chart of a pro#ect7 determination of the aim, planning, reali$ation and evaluation. DKratochvFlov 200*' $. 2/' tran lat!on #y a"thorE I agree w!th Bewey and K!l$atr!ck= ed"cat!on $r!nc!$le and I con !der them a very !m$ortant !n ed"cat!on $roce them to learn. -he tho"ght o& the $roject method $read !nto other co"ntr!e and they attracted attent!on o& o"r teacher ' l!ke A. Mher' V. +NFhoda' 1. Vrna. At the #eg!nn!ng o& 20th cent"ry' the re&ormat!ve e&&ort !n ed"cat!on' wh!ch were #a ed on the tho"ght o& $roject method' a$$eared !n o"r co"ntry and !n&l"enced the th!nk!ng o& ;6ech teacher who al o ret"rned to ;omen!" !dea . -he re&ormat!ve e&&ort and change at chool were develo$ed t!ll the #eg!nn!ng o& the 1econd <orld <ar when the re&ormat!ve movement wa to$$ed. A&ter the war' the v!ctory o& ;omm"n! t +arty !n the elect!on meant the end &or all re&ormat!ve e&&ort . A&ter 1*/*' new re&ormat!ve movement tarted to en&orce the nece !ty o& change !n ed"cat!on. -he $roce to leave the mothod #a ed on the amo"nt o& at chool and we hardly &!nd a chool knowledge w!tho"t $ract! e and e?$er!ence &or $"$!l ha #een tarted. -he $roject work ha #ecome $o$"lar !n ed"cat!onal $roce !n wh!ch teacher and $"$!l do not real!6e any $roject . Accord!ng to my $edagog!cal e?$er!ence' at chool where I have ta"ght' the teacher " "ally $re$are and organ!6e the whole conce$t!on o& the $roject wh!ch take them a lot o& t!me and work and they " "ally g!ve a l!ttle $ace &or $"$!l = !mag!nat!on' act!v!ty and e?$er!ence. A a teacher' I do not want to &ollow !t. In $!red #y the tho"ght o& o"r teacher Mr . KratochvFlov at the &ac"lty' I try to !nnovate the $roject work !n my le on #y " !ng new and modern technolog!e to ca$t"re my $"$!l = attent!on. ma!nly &rom the v!ew o& the $"$!l to mot!vate


010121 %ro&ect 'or( in a lan!ua!e cla""roo +roject work !n the lang"age cla room ! the o$$ort"n!ty &or learner to develo$ the!r lang"age k!ll ' !t enco"rage learner to " e the &ore!gn lang"age and mot!vate them. Moreover' !t develo$ the learner = oc!al k!ll ' the a#!l!ty to coo$erate together' #eca" e they o&ten work !n gro"$ on the!r $roject' and the!r en e &or re $on !#!l!ty &or the!r work. @a!ne ay ' in the conte(t of language learning, pro#ects are multi-skill activities focusing on topics or themes rather than on specific language targets. D@a!ne 1*/*' $. 1E. -he a"thor cont!n"e that because specific language aims are not prescribed D@a!ne 1*/*' $. 1E' the learner concentrate on reach!ng the target with opportunities to recycle known language and skills in a relatively natural conte(t. 7r!ed9Booth ay that Cmost organi$ed language learning takes place in the classroom. 8hat is taught in the classroom may in theory be useful, but usefulness does not always e(tend to practice. 9ften, there is a gap between the language the students are taught and the language they in fact re&uire. :t is this gap that pro#ect work can help to bridge. D7r!ed9Booth 1*/.' $. 0E. I agree w!th #oth @a!ne and 7r!ed9Booth' the $"$!l can " e and develo$ all lang"age k!ll e $ec!ally !n tho e $roject that ena#le $ract!cal " age o& the a!m lang"age' the e?change o& $er onal letter ' ema!l etc.' comm"n!cat!on 8&ace to &ace8 and other act!v!t!e to &!nd the rea on why they ho"ld learn the &ore!gn lang"age. I th!nk that !t ! !m$ortant to $er "ade the $"$!l that they can !m$rove the!r lang"age knowledge not only #y travell!ng a#road' #"t al o at chool #y mak!ng "ch act!v!t!e l!ke $roject . 7r!ed9Booth d!&&erent!ate #etween &"ll9 cale $roject and #r!ng!ng and

mot!vat!ng act!v!t!e D7r!ed9Booth 1*/.' $. .E. 1he ay that they are, of course, closely linked, since the motivating activites are a form of preparation for full-scale pro#ects. +he main difference between the two it that motivating activities are restricted to the classroom, while pro#ect work in e(tended beyond the classroom. D7r!ed9Booth 1*/.' $. .E


@a!ne d!v!de the $roject !nto &o"r ma!n categor!e D@a!ne 1*/*' $. 1EJ 1. In&ormat!on and re earch $roject 2. 1"rvey $roject (. +rod"ct!on $roject ,. +er&ormance and organ! at!onal $roject Accord!ng to :eg"tke and -homa D1**1' $. 1.191.0E the $roject !n &ore!gn lang"age learn!ng are d!v!ded !nto three gro"$ J 1. 4nco"nter $roject 2. -e?t $roject (. ;la corre $ondence $roject

4nco"nter $roject ena#le the $"$!l the d!rect contact w!th nat!ve $eaker ' a a hort v! !t' a cla tr!$ or a chool e?change. In te?t $roject ' the $"$!l work w!th corre $ondence $roject com#!ne enco"nter w!th nat!ve var!o" mater!al ' l!ke l!terat"re te?t ' new $a$er and maga6!ne ' v!deo and a"d!o mater!al and etc. ;la $eaker and work w!th wr!tten and v! "al mater!al ' "ch a letter ' a"d!oletter ' v!deoletter ' $hoto tor!e . D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 1.1 L 1.0E. Accord!ng a 7r!ed9Booth and @a!ne named the gro"$ o& $roject ' I th!nk that they th!nk o& the $roject a var!o" act!v!t!e wh!ch the $"$!l and the t"dent learn!ng 4ngl! h can do !n 4ngl! h cla e and the d!rect contact w!th nat!ve $eaker ! not e ent!al. By contra t :eg"tke and -homa = $roject gro"$ relate to face-to-face D1**1' $. 1.1E comm"n!cat!on w!th nat!ve $eaker or d!rect work w!th o"rce !n the target lang"age. I agree w!th :eg"tke and -homa #"t accord!ng to my e?$er!ence the enco"nter $roject need not #e w!th nat!ve $eaker e ent!ally' the $roject #etween two gro"$ o& non9nat!ve94ngl! h9 $eak!ng $"$!l can #e very "cce &"l and mot!vat!ng &or #oth o& gro"$ . -he advantage o& "ch a $roject ! that #oth gro"$ o& the $"$!l can #e at the ame level o& learn!ng 4ngl! h.


010151 T#e ad,anta!e" of pro&ect 'or( -he $roject are con !dered #y the $"$!l a more enjoya#le way o& learn!ng and I th!nk the e are common advantage o& " !ng $roject work !n the le on J to mot!vate the $"$!l to learn!ng' to #e re $on !#le &or own learn!ng and the $o !#!l!ty o& " !ng ta"ght lang"age !n a real l!&e. A 7r!ed9Booth D1*/.' $.)E ay that %by encouraging students to move out of the classroom and into the world, pro#ect work helps to bridge the gap between language study and language use.% 1he cont!n"e that %it is, therefore, a valuable means of e(tending the communicative skills ac&uired in the classroom.% 1he arg"e two way o& lang"age learn!ngJ aE lang"age learn!ng wh!ch ! #a ed on ta k g!ven #y the teacher when %the teacher defines language and students practise language and task% #E lang"age learn!ng !n $roject work !n wh!ch %students become responsible for their own learning. +hey select and devise pro#ect, with the teacher acting as co-ordinator.% -hey deal w!th the ta k and lang"age re>"!rement emerge &rom the ta k. 1he al o cla!m that %the motivation lies in the pro#ect itself% #eca" e the learner %is offered the opportunity of using the language skills already ac&uired, in a situation which is new, challenging, and real.% D7r!ed9Booth 1*/.' $. /E -he $roject work o&&er not only groovy and e?$ecta#le event #"t al o "known and "ne?$ecta#le !t"at!on and there#y !t create the $lace &or develo$ment. @"tch!n on ay Cthat pro#ect work captures better than any other activity the two principal elements of a communicative approach D@"tch!n on 1**1' $. 11E and he arg"e 7 1E a concern &or mot!vat!on' that ! how learner relate to the ta k 2E a concern &or relevance' that ! how learner relate to the lang"age 1E @"tch!n on ay that Cpositive motivation is the key to successful language learning, and pro#ect work is particularly useful as a means of generating this D@"tch!n on 1**1' $. 11E. +roject work ! very mot!vat!ng #eca" eJ 1.

aE !t ! very $er onal 9 the $"$!l are wr!t!ng a#o"t themselves, their lives, their town, their dreams and fantasies, their own research into topics that interest them. D@"tch!n on 1**1' $. 11E @e cont!n"e that #eca" e the $roject ! very $er onal e?$er!ence &or the $"$!l ' !t mean!ng and $re entat!on are very !m$ortant &or them and that ! why they $"t a lot o& e&&ort !nto do!ng !t r!ght' #E the $"$!l are Clearning through doing D@"tch!n on 1**1' $. 11E L they are not j" t rece!v!ng and $rod"c!ng word ' they are al o collect!ng !n&ormat!on' draw!ng $!ct"re ' c"tt!ng o"t $!ct"re ' arrang!ng te?t ' colo"r!ng' carr!ng o"t !nterv!ew!ng and "rvey etc.' cE $roject work g!ve the en e o& ach!evement and !t ena#le the $"$!l to $rod"ce the worthwh!le $rod"ct. It al o ena#le to the $"$!l to work on the!r own level and ach!eve the!r goal . Better $"$!l can e?$re what they know and lower $"$!l can #e "cce &"l #y " !ng more $hoto and $!ct"re . 2E @"tch!n on D1**1' $. 11E arg"e that a &ore!gn lang"age can #e "nreal &or the $"$!l #eca" e they don=t " "ally need !t !n the!r own l!ve . It co"ld #e a negat!ve mot!vat!on' #"t !& they #ecome real lang"age " er ' they do not have to " e !t only &or talk!ng a#o"t 4ngl! h or Amer!can th!ng and they can talk a#o"t the!r own l!ve and !ntere t . -hat mean J aE $roject work hel$ to !ntegrate the &ore!gn lang"age !nto the learner= own world ' enco"rage the " e o& comm"n!cat!ve k!ll and $rov!de the o$$ort"n!t!e to wr!te a#o"t th!ng wh!ch are !m$ortant &or them' #E !t ena#le to make the lang"age more relevant to the $"$!l = need ' cE !t ena#le the relat!on h!$ #etween the lang"age and the c"lt"re' wh!le the $"$!l learn a &ore!ng lang"age' they learn a#o"t other c"lt"re . I agree w!th the advantage o& $roject work ment!oned #y @"tch!n on. 7r!ed9 Booth D1*/.' $. /E "gge t !m"ltaneo" ly. !m!lar #ene&!t and he al o ay that %in pro#ect work the " e them skills are not treated in isolation, but combined% and the $"$!l


010161 Benefit" to learner" I th!nk that the mo t !m$ortant #ene&!t o& $roject work &or the $"$!l ! that !t ena#le them the contact w!th real world !n wh!ch they " e the target lang"age that they have learnt. Ba ed on my teach!ng e?$er!ence' I can ment!on other #ene&!t o& $roject work to the $"$!l J 1. -hey work on the!r own level and can ach!eve a goal regardle are at the target lang"age' wh!ch ! very mot!vat!ng &or them. 2. -hey work w!th a w!der range o& mater!al than the!r te?t#ook o&&er . (. -hey !m$rove the!r comm"n!cat!ve and oc!al k!ll ' "ch a coo$erat!ng !n gro"$ and develo$!ng the!r $er onal!ty' act!ng w!th other $"$!l !n a gro"$' l! ten!ng to other and e?$re !ng the!r own o$!n!on ' tat!ng the!r ca e and att!t"de ' olv!ng the $ro#lem and etc. ,. -hey deal w!th $ro#lem wh!ch they are !ntere ted !n and they learn to olve them. 0. -hey " e new I;- !n mak!ng $roject ' "ch a creat!ng $ower $o!nt $re entat!on a the $rod"ct o& the!r $roject ' they can comm"n!cate thro"gh I;- w!th the $"$!l o& other chool &rom a &ore!gn co"ntry etc. .. -hey are ta"ght to #e re $on !#le &or the!r work and !t re "lt . ). -he $"$!l = e&&ort and jo!n!ng the $roject are more !m$ortant than l!ng"! t!c acc"racy. -o com$are to @a!ne D1*/*' $. (E' I ment!oned ome #ene&!t a he arg"e ' #"t h! cla !&!cat!on ! more e?ten !ve and more e?act than m!neJ 1. ;ontact w!th real!ty 2. +roject are $art!c!$atory act!v!t!e L he ay that C student involvement in making choices and decisions tends to increase their motivation and interest. (. +roject cater &or all a#!l!t!e w!th!n a cla val"a#le &or the "cce o& a $roject. L he arg"e that t"dent o& d!&&erent a#!l!t!e can work on ta k o& e>"al !m$ortance and " e the!r talent wh!ch are ,. +roject re9!ntegrate lang"age L he ay that &or common teach!ng $"r$o e a &ore!gn lang"age ! d!v!ded !nto con t!t"ent $art l!ke tr"ct"re ' &"nct!on ' 1/ how good they

voca#"lary' $ron"nc!at!on and k!ll . In $roject ' tho e $art o& a &ore!gn lang"age are re9!ntegrated !n t"dent = m!nd . -h! ! !m$ortant &or t"dent to #e more con&!dent !n " !ng the lang"age !n real !t"at!on . 0. +roject e ta#l! h a conte?t wh!ch #alance the need &or &l"ency and acc"racy L he arg"e that $roject are not o$$ort"n!t!te &or $ract! !ng &l"ency #"t &or "cce &"l comm"n!cat!on !t ! !n t"dent = !ntere t to $rod"ce the &!nal $rod"ct o& the $roject wh!ch ! #oth acc"rate and &l"ent. .. +roject are a #reak w!th ro"t!ne L a the mo t !m$ortant #ene&!t o& $roject work ! that !t allow t"dent to rela?.

010171 T#e role of a teac#er Altho"gh the re $on !#!l!ty &or $roject work ! g!ven to the $"$!l ' a teacher= role ! not !n !gn!&!cant. In the $roject' the teacher ! act!ng a adv! or Dor con "ltantE and co9 ord!nator. Mak!ng a $roject doe not mean Cmore workI &or the teacher !& he ! a#le to $lan and organ!6e !t well and he make the $"$!l to take the re $on !#!l!ty &or the end $rod"ct. -he teacher= role accord!ng to @a!ne D1*/*' $. ,EJ 1. In!t!at!ng roleJ the teacher dec!de when !t ! the "!ta#le t!me &or a $roject and how long !t ho"ld la t. -hen he ho"ld al o introduce a broad discussion topic which may develop naturally into a pro#ect. 2. B"r!ng the $rojectJ aE the teacher ! an adv! or #e!ng $re$ared to adv!ce and hel$ !& the $"$!l a k &or !t' #E a a re&eree he ! a ! t!ng to olve o"t arg"ment and d!&&erence o& o$!n!on' cE a a cha!r$er on' from time to time groups will report their activities to the whole class. 9n these occasions the teacher can tak; on the role of an ob#ective chairperson. (. 7!nallyJ when the $roject ! com!ng to !t end' the teacher #ecome an organiser being actively involved in the organi$ation of displays, the final production of written reports, etc. A an eval"ator' he enco"rage the $"$!l to evaluate the 1*

pro#ect work process for themselves and he ho"ld #e $re$ared to comment honestly on what the students have reached. 1tockton de&!ne the role o& a teacher !n $roject work a the teacher ! C a good chairman of a public meeting ! tand!ng !n the #ackgro"nd and w!tho"t !m$o !ng h! w!ll "$on t"dent = work he ! Cable to to give the occasional suggestion, the #udicious guidance, which kept things going in a certain general direction. D1tockton 1*20' $. .*E @e cont!n"e that th! $lan can #e " ed !n every level and every "#ject C if only the teacher is ingenious enough and tactful enoungh to start things going and to keep hands off e(cept in the few right places, and even in the few right places to make the guidance come as assistance to plans originated by the pupils themselves. D1tockton' 1*20' $. .*E KratochvFlov D200*' $. (0E and 7r!ed9Booth D1*/.' $. *E arg"e that the teacher mot!vate the $"$!l &or the $roject and "$erv! e the!r work #y g!v!ng adv!ce' "gge t!ng and eval"at!ng the!r !dea #"t they #oth em$ha ! e that the $roject work ! the $"$!l9centred act!v!ty and the teacher g!ve the $ace &or $"$!l = work and he doe not !n&l"ence !t e?$re !vely.

0121 Sta!e" of a pro&ect -he "cce o& $roject work de$end on $lann!ng and organ!6at!on that $"$!l and

a teacher deal w!th together. I& a good t!meta#le o& the $roject ! e ta#l! hed' !t hel$ to avo!d the chao and !m!lar $ro#lem . 5enerally' I th!nk that every $roject ho"ld have &o"r tage J to$!c' collect!ng data' $re entat!on and eval"at!on o& a $roject D#y the $"$!l and the teacherE. -he a"thor ' I ment!on' $ro$o e !m!lar tage o& the $roject and the d!&&erence !n the!r de&!n!t!on are only the >"e t!on o& !nter$retat!on. KratochvFlov D200*' $. ,19,2' tran lat!on #y a"thorE "gge t &o"r tage o& the $roject that he enter them !nto deta!l ' &"rthermore. -he ma!n tage areJ 20

1. +lann!ng 2. 3eal!6at!on (. +re entat!on o& an o"t$"t ,. 4val"at!on Al o 7r!ed9Booth D1*/.' $. * L 10E th!nk that mot!vat!on at the #eg!nn!ng o& a $roject ! very !m$ortant. @er cla !&!cat!on o& tage o& the $roject ! a!med at lang"age learn!ngJ 1. 1t!m"l" 2. Be&!n!t!on o& the $roject o#ject!ve (. +ract!ce o& lang"age k!ll ,. Be !gn o& wr!tten mater!al 0. 5ro"$ act!v!t!e .. ;ollat!ng !n&ormat!on ). 2rgan!6at!on o& mater!al /. 7!nal $re entat!on 1he add that th! cheme Ccan be adapted to suit the re&uirements of individual

pro#ects. D7r!ed9Booth 1*/.' $. 10E I con !der the character! t!c o& a $roject accord!ng to :eg"tke and -homa D1**1' $. 1.*E a the mo t entent!o" and a$$l!ca#le !n var!o" 1. 2$en!ng 2. -o$!c $re entat!on (. 3e earch and data collect!on ,. +re$ar!ng data $re entat!on 0. +re entat!on .. 4val"at!on It ha #een nece ary to add that #oth a"thor con !der the chema a an ideali$ed general structure for pro#ect work with guide &uestions and !t ho"ld #e een a a starting point for further classroom applications. D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 1/1E "#ject . -hey ay that $re$arat!on and &ollow "$ are re&lected !n the e tage o& a $roject= develo$mentJ


012101 Openin! a pro&ect -h! tage ha everal a!m J

9 to develo$ a $o !t!ve gro"$ dynam!c' 9 to !ntrod"ce learner to a comm"n!cat!ve a$$roach' 9 to g!ve learner $er onal e?$er!ence o& " !ng m"lt! med!a' 9 to !ntrod"ce the l!ve comm"n!ty a a re o"rce #a e &or lang"age learn!ng where a$$ro$r!ate' 9 to !ntrod"ce te?t"al data Dcontent mater!al ' $roce act!v!t!e . :eg"tke and -homa ay that learners are encouraged to become aware of their mater!al E &or re earch

role within groups in preparation for more responsible tasks at later stages in the pro#ect. D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 1)1E

012121 Topic orientation :eg"tke and -homa arg"e that !n th! tage $"$!l focus on a possible topic and

e(plore its interest value in terms of insights into the topic, and situations and opportunities for language practice and development. D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 1)2E -he t!me devoted to th! tage can #e hort' com$ar!ng to tage 1 and (. -he teacher= o#ject!ve are &ollow!ngJ 9 to en !t!6e learner toward the theme' 9 to mo#!l!6e e?! t!ng knowledge' 9 to aro" e c"r!o !ty' 9 to allow &or the e?change o& $er onal e?$er!ence .


012151 Re"earc# and data collection -h! ! the longe t and the mo t !nten !ve $art o& the $roject and !t !ncl"de the $lann!ng and other $roced"re needed to com$lete the target ta k' $ract! !ng re>"!red k!ll and data collect!on. -he o#ject!ve are "mmar!6ed a &ollow!ngJ 9 de&!n!ng the nat"re and e?tent o& the $roject ta k ' 9 learn!ng how to carry o"t re earch !n the l!ve comm"n!ty " !ng a$$ro$r!ate mean o& !nve t!gat!on and record!ng' how to re earch te?t"al data' how to com$rehend a l!terary te?t' 9 com$let!ng the target ta k.

012161 %reparation of data pre"entation In th! tage the $"$!l deal w!th a new round of decision-making which often

leads to a reallocation of roles within a freshly formed production team. D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 1)/E -hey collected data &or the $roject' l!ke $hotogra$h ' var!o" te?t ' re earch chart ' d!alog"e ' the!r wr!tten note and etc.' and now they have to dec!de what to do w!th !t !n regard o& the end $rod"ct and &or whom !t w!ll #e !ntended. :eg"tke and -homa ay that more than any other stage this part of the pro#ect

highlights the shift from the classroom as a place for role-playing the outside world to being in many senses a part of the outside world. D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 1)*E 7or the teacher' here are everal o#ject!ve wh!ch are !gn!&!cantJ 9 to remot!vate learner toward com$let!on o& an end $rod"ct' 9 to enco"rage and mon!tor team #"!ld!ng and acce$tance o& area re $on !#!l!t!e ' 9 to ena#le learner to dec!de on the &orm o& the end $rod"ct. o&


012171 %re"entation :eg"tke and -homa arg"e that many $roject have a &orm o& $re entat!on that ! !ntended to a"d!ence o"t !de the gro"$. -h! tage ena#le the $"$!l to comm"n!cate !n the target lang"age and to $ract! e ac>"!r!ng $re entat!on k!ll . -he $re entat!on !t el& ! a hort9t!me event #"t !t ! $receded by a preparatory process of collective decision making, data reorgani$ation and skill ac&uisition. D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 1)*E -he o#ject!ve &or learner !n th! $art o& the $roject areJ 9 to $re ent !n&ormat!on to a l!ve a"d!ence " !ng the a$$ro$r!ate med!a' 9 to tr"ct"re and d!rect the event and !nteract w!th the a"d!ence. 2n $re entat!on' the $"$!l al o $re ent the!r end $rod"ct o& the $roject. I &!nd the !m$ortance o& the end $rod"ct #y @a!ne D1*/*' $. 2E !gn!&!cant. @e ay that the end $rod"ct' whatever ! !t &orm' should be the final result of the various tasks students engage in during the pro#ect. 8ithout an end product to aim at, pro#ects would have no natural conclusion and activities might become meaningless, unrelated e(ercises. I& !t ! $o !#le' the $"$!l omewhere at chool. ho"ld d! $lay the!r end $rod"ct !n the!r cla room or

012181 E,aluation Accord!ng to :eg"tke and -homa ' a concl"d!ng eval"at!on tage !nvolve an overall eval"at!on o&J 9 to$!c "nder tand!ng' 9 gro"$ and teacher !nteract!on' 9 $roced"ral organ!6at!on' 9 !n$"t mater!al ' 9 lang"age ga!n and de&!c!t ' 9 e?am$le o& learner work' 9 $o !#le #y9$rod"ct ' e.g. change !n learner= !nterc"lt"ral awarene '


#"t they al o ay that teacher can " e var!o" &orm o& eval"at!on' "ch a the $"$!l can wr!te the!r own d!ar!e w!th the!r note a#o"t what they have learnt d"r!ng work!ng on the $roject' they can wr!te down the!r e?$er!ence !n the!r own re$ort ' they can determ!ne the cr!ter!a &or "cce and &a!l"re and d! c" a#o"t the!r !nd!v!d"al work !n the $roject. D:eg"tke and -homa 1**1' $. 1/0 L 1/1E

0151 IT and It ha

ulti edial de,ice" in pro&ect 'or( #een generally known that I;- DIn&ormat!on and ;omm"n!cat!on

-echnologyE ha #een the !ntegral $art o& ed"cat!onal $roce . It ha #ro"ght new o$$ort"n!t!e &or teacher = work and !gn!&!cant contr!#"t!on to $"$!l !n the!r learn!ng $roce . M !ng I;- !n le on !n ! t !ncrea ed demand on $ec!al tra!n!ng o& the teacher and the!r &"rther tra!n!ng' ma!nly com$"ter l!teracy. -he I;- cla e ' e>"!$$ed w!th com$"ter and Internet' are con !dered a the matter o& &act nowaday . -he teacher al o " e data9$rojector !n cla work and connect!on o& data9$rojector and com$"ter ena#le the teacher to make $re$arat!on a $ower $o!nt $re entat!on &or h! Oher le on . And here ! only one te$ to !nteract!ve wh!te#oard w!th creat!ve o&tware. ;la work w!th !nteract!ve wh!te#oard $re entat!on ' that have #een " ed o&ten and o&ten at chool ' re$re ent a new and enjoya#le way o& teach!ng and learn!ng !n all chool "#ject . In lang"age learn!ng' cla e w!th head$hone y tem hel$ to !m$rove all

lang"age k!ll ' e $ec!ally $eak!ng and l! ten!ng. A#ove all the e modern techn!cal ach!evement ' I con !der the contact w!th nat!ve $eaker or learner &rom &ore!gn co"ntr!e a the mo t e&&ect!ve way o& how to learn a &ore!gn lang"age. -he e-w!nn!ng' the !nternat!onal 4"ro$ean $roject created #y the 4"ro$ean Mn!on' "$$ort m"t"al coo$erat!on among 4"ro$ean chool !n the area o& ed"cat!on. 2n !t we# $ortal' the teacher o& all 4"ro$ean co"ntr!e are reg! tered and they can &!nd a $artner chool here &or coo$erat!on. Mak!ng e-w!nn!ng $roject ' on Internet the teacher can " e -w!n $ace on e-w!nn!ng we# !te' Maga6!ne7actory we# !te' they can comm"n!cate !n chat9room on -w!n $ace or v!a 1ky$e and they can create +ower +o!nt 20

$re entat!on . -hey " "ally record the!r work on the!r $roject w!th v!deocamera or camera . -hey meet at v!deocon&erence ' " !ng 1ky$e or other . In $!te o& the &act that e-w!nn!ng and 1ky$e have !gn!&!cant contr!#"t!on to lang"age teach!ng $roce ' they have not #een " ed at chool very o&ten.

0161 eT'innin! -he e-w!nn!ng ! the !nternat!onal 4"ro$ean act!on created #y the 4"ro$ean ;omm! !on' "$$ort m"t"al coo$erat!on among 4"ro$ean chool !n the area o& ed"cat!on. 2n !t we# $ortal' the teacher o& all 4"ro$ean co"ntr!e reg! ter them elve and they can comm"n!cate w!th other teacher ' look &or a $artner chool &or coo$erat!on and do the!r $roject . -he e-w!nn!ng $roject ! !m!lar to ;omen!" $roject #"t !t ! ea !er to r"n and

work on !t. In ;omen!" $roject the teacher and chool $re$are the $roject' !t t!me layo"t and then they a$$ly &or &!nanc!al "$$ort. -he e-w!nn!ng $roject are not "$$orted &!nanc!ally' they are j" t $rov!ded tool &or mak!ng $roject and they have y temat!c "$$ort #y Nat!onal 1"$$ort 1erv!ce DN11E.

016101 A.out eT'innin! pro&ect Accord!ng to ;rawley' the e+winning action promotes school collaboration in 5urope through the use of :nformation and <ommunication +echnologies (:<+) by providing support, tools and services to make it easy for schools to form short or long term partneships in any sub#ect area. D;rawley' Ponl!neQE -he e-w!nn!ng $ortal ! the $lace &or meet!ng and work $ace &or $roject . It ! r"n !n 2( lang"age and nowaday more a#o"t 00 000 !nd!v!d"al teacher are reg! tered there and more than ,000 $roject #etween two or more chool have #een made on the e-w!nn!ng +ortal.


;rawley cont!n"e that the .ortal provides online tools for teachers to find partners, set up pro#ects, share ideas, e(change best practice and start working together immediately using various customised tools available on the e+winning platform. D;rawley' Ponl!neQE -he e-w!nn!ng wa la"nched !n 2000 as the main action of the 5uropean <ommission-s e=earning .rogramme, e+winning has been firmly integrated in the =ifelong =earning .rogramme since !>>?. :ts <entral @upport @ervice is operated by 5uropean @choolnet, an international partnership of !6 5uropean 4inistries of 5ducation developing learning for schools, teachers and pupils acroos 5urope. e+winning is further supported at national level by A> Bational @upport @ervices. D;rawley' Ponl!neQE Accord!ng to 5!lleran' %the uni&ueness lies in the e(istence of support services at both national and 5uropean level. +he Bational @upport @ervice promote and support the e+winning 'ction within their country. +hey offer training, assistance, support and advice to their teachers and keep an eye on the progress of their schools and pro#ects by monitoring the .rogress <ards which participating teachers are e(pected to fill in about their pro#ect. B@@ also organise national conferences and competitions related to e+winning, publish newsletters and promotional material and maintain the national e+winning website for their country.% D5!lleran 200)' $. ,E. ;entral 1"$$ort 1erv!ce hold !nternat!onal con&erence every year &or the

teacher o& all 4"ro$ean co"ntr!e to $art!c!$ate. I& a teacher ! !ntere ted !n attend!ng' heO he end h! Oher a$$l!cat!on to the a$$ro$r!ate N11 o& h! Oher co"ntry that dec!de who w!ll #e cho en to attend. M "ally "$ to , teacher o& every co"ntry are cho en to re$re ent the!r co"ntry. In A$r!l' 200*' I took $art !n the !nternat!onal con&erence !n Brat! lava and !t wa really a ton! h!ng and very mot!vat!ng e?$er!ence &or me to meet other teacher &rom the whole 4"ro$e.

01612 Re!i"tration and loo(in! for a partner "c#ool -he teacher ' who are !ntere ted !n e-w!nn!ng' take $art !n work ho$ organ!6ed #y Nat!onal 1"$$ort 1erv!ce. In the work ho$ ' the teacher learn a#o"t e-w!nn!ng and 2)

they al o try how to work w!th e-w!nn!ng tool . -hey learn how to reg! ter them elve on the +ortal' how to &!nd a $artner chool' where to &!nd e?am$le o& to$!c &or $roject and they $ract! e work!ng w!th -w!n $ace' the v!rt"al $ace on the +ortal. A&ter the reg! trat!on on the +ortal' the teacher goe to h! Be kto$ where heO he ho"ld wr!te all a$$ro$r!ate !n&ormat!on a#o"t h! Oher chool to $re ent !tJ what ty$e o& chool heO he work &or' how old h! Oher t"dent are' what "#ject heO he want to !nvolve !n h! Oher $roject and what !dea heO he ha a#o"t the &"t"re $roject etc. -hen' heO he can tart to look &or a $artner L a teacher w!th !m!lar !dea to coo$erate' and can tart comm"n!cate w!th other teacher ' read and end me age ' read the!r $ro&!le ' add them to the contact l! t etc. A oon a heO he &!nd a "!ta#le $artner &or the $roject and they #oth agree on the to$!c' they are ready to r"n the!r new $roject.

016151 9ettin! "tarted a pro&ect <hen #oth teacher are ready to create the new $roject' one o& them end the a$$l!cat!on to h! Nat!onal 1"$$ort 1erv!ce DN11E w!th the name o& the $roject' a hort de cr!$t!on o& !t and who he want to coo$erate w!th. N11 contact a$$ro$r!ate N11 !n the other co"ntry and !t contact the a$$ro$r!ate teacher !& he agree w!th the "gge ted $roject. <hen #oth N11 val!date the $roject' they end e-w!nn!ng :a#el cert!&!cate to #oth teacher and -w!n $ace' the v!rtal $ace on the +ortal' ! o$ened "$ &or them.

016161 Tool" for eT'innin! pro&ect" 4ach $roject ha !t own -w!n $ace' the v!rt"al $ace w!th many " e&"l tool &or comm"n!cat!on among teacher and $"$!l and !t de$end on them how they w!ll " e them. Bavorov ay that %the +winspace is %the virtual classroom% where e+winning partnerships run their pro#ects. <reated as a collaborative tool specifically for e+winning, it is designed to match e+winnersC needs.% DBavorov' Ponl!neQE 1he arg"e that the -w!n $ace ha var!o" advantage and !t ! J 2/

9 m"lt!l!ng"alJ 8the interface is translated into twenty-two languages spoken in countries eligible for e+winning, which makes the tool much easier to use for both teachers and pupils)% DBavorov' Ponl!neQE 9 a&eJ %access to the +win@pace is protected by a password and accessible only to people invited by the pro#ect administrators (usually the teachers who have founded the partnership))8 DBavorov' Ponl!neQE 9 " er9&r!endlyJ !t ! ea y to " e' ne!ther teacher nor $"$!l have to #e com$"ter e?$ert . 9 $roject9or!entedJ %:t is tailor-made to provide all the necessary planning, communication and publishing functions to run a good collaborative pro#ect. 8 DBavorov' Ponl!neQE 9 !t o&&er the tool l!ke ;hat' 7or"m' Image gallery' 7!le arch!ve etc.

016171 E,aluation of eT'innin! pro&ect" A !t wa ment!oned a#ove' e-w!nn!ng $roject have not #een "$$orted

&!nanc!ally #"t !t doe not mean that very good $roject can not #e eval"ated. -w!ce a year' N11 o& each co"ntry eno"nce the nat!onal com$et!t!on &or #e t $roject and all teacher ' who th!nk the!r $roject ho"ld #e eval"ated' can end "$ them. -he #e t $roject !n each co"ntry are awarded w!th the e-w!nn!ng R"al!ty :a#el. I& #oth $artner chool Dor more chool ' !t de$end on how many chool are jo!ned !n the e-w!nn!ng $rojectE get !t' they a"tomat!cally advance to e"ro$ean com$et!t!on and are awarded w!th 4"ro$ean R"al!ty :a#el. N11 g!ve $re ent a the award to $"$!l O t"dent o& the awarded chool at the nat!onal con&erence ' where the teacher al o !n&orm other teacher a#o"t the!r $roject . -he $"$!l O t"dent o& $artner chool ' that have #een awarded &or the #e t $roject o& the $er!od' al o w!n a hare tay to an 4"ro$ean co"ntry.


0171 Ma!a+ineFactory %4aga$ine1actory is an easy and en#oyable publishing tool which provides the teachers and the pupils an opportunity to work as editorial staff in the class and to publish a web maga$ine of their own. +he teacher is the editor-in-chief, while the pupils are #ournalists. +he web maga$ine may be a single pro#ect, or a maga$ine which is edited continuously throughout the school year.% DIntrod"ct!on to Maga6!ne7actory' Ponl!neQE Maga6!ne7actory tool ! !ntended &or all chool all aro"nd the world and teacher and $"$!l can " e !t !n two way J 9 a a !ngleJ ed!tor ta&& are teacher and $"$!l o& one chool' 9 a a colla#orat!veJ more chool can coo$erate and create one e9maga6!ne. Maga6!ne7actory ! $rod"ced #y 7!nn! h Nat!onal Board o& 4d"cat!on. 1!nce 200/ the l!cence ha #een $"rcha ed #y 4"ro$ean 1choolnetOe-w!nn!ng and !t #ecame to #e a "!ta#le tool &or !nternat!onal coo$erat!on among chool . It ha al o #een awarded many award a J 9 %the best media-educational idea of the year in the national 4edia D 4essage competition% (!>>A), 9 %the best 1innish product in the e-:nclusion category in the 8orld @ummit 'ward contest% (!>>E), 9 %4aga$ine1actory (+idningsfabriken) represents 1inland in the 8orld @ummit 'wards <ontest in the FB summit in +unisia% (!>>G). DIntrod"ct!on to Maga6!ne7actory' Ponl!neQE

017101 Re!i"tration -o create an e9maga6!ne' the &!r t te$ ! to reg! ter at Maga6!ne7actory we# !te. -hen the teacher wa!t &or con&!rm!ng ema!l w!th h! Oher " ername' h! Oher $a word and the doma!n o& the e9maga6!ne. -he teacher a a ch!e&9ed!tor reg! ter h! Oher $"$!l and they al o get con&!rm!ng ema!l w!th the!r " ername and $a word &rom 7!nland. A&ter rece!v!ng the ema!l ' the!r acce !nto the e9maga6!ne ha #een created and they (0

can log !n. -he teacher al o reg! ter another teacher o& h! Oher chool andOor teacher o& a $artner chool and heO he can allow them the ame r!ght a heO he ha . -hen the other teacher can reg! ter the!r $"$!l . -he e9maga6!ne can #e 81!ngle maga6!ne8 &or only one chool or 8;olla#orat!ve maga6!ne8 &or two or more chool .

017121 -or( 'it# Ma!a+ineFactory tool -hank to the "$$ort o& N11' !t ! ea y &or the teacher to learn how to " e e-w!nn!ng !n the!r teach!ng and how -w!n $ace work . Be $!te Maga6!ne7actory tool ha not #een w!de $read yet o !& the teacher want to work w!th !t' he ! de$endent on h!m el& and man"al ' downloaded &rom Maga6!ne7actory home$age. It ! more demand!ng &or the teacher to r"n e9maga6!ne #eca" e there are no work ho$ #e!ng organ!6ed &or ;6ech teacher where they co"ld know how to work w!th the tool and where they co"ld #e tra!ned how to reg! ter the!r $"$!l to log !n the e9maga6!ne' create art!cle and $"t $hoto or v!deo !n !t.

-he &ollow9"$ $roce 8i$ard.

o& r"nn!ng the e9maga6!ne ! J

1. +he teacher creates the maga$ine with an easy step-by-step process called the 2. :n the 8i$ard, the teacher creates user initials for his students who will act as #ournalists. +he students will receive the user initials via email. <hief editor also creates user initials for the other teachers who will act as local editors. +he editors will later create user initials for their students in the maga$ine @ettings. (. <hief editor edits articles and public area letters, publishes the stories and gives feedback to the #ournalists. 5ditors act as sub-leaders and publish their own students- articles. ,. 9nly the chief editor goes through the 8i$ard, editors will get their user initials via email after the chief editor has created them.% DKomonen 2000' $. 2E I& the teacher want to work w!th th! tool' they can download g"!de #ook &rom the home$age Maga6!ne7actory. -he g"!de #ook are very " e&"l and the teacher can &!nd an wer &or the!r >"e t!on and they can olve the!r $ro#lem . (1

0181 S(ype 1ky$e' the o&tware &or &ree chatt!ng and $hon!ng' ! " ed #y m!ll!on o& $eo$le !n all aro"nd the world and !t &!nd the way to chool ' a well. -he advantage o& " !ng 1ky$e !n lang"age teach!ng le on v!deocon&erence #etween h! are !nd! $"ted 9 the teacher can organ!6e t"dent and t"dent o& a chool &rom a &ore!gn co"ntry

and the t"dent try to comm"n!cate !n the &ore!gn lang"age l!vely. -he comm"n!cat!on &ace9to9&ace ! al o great mot!vat!on. I th!nk 1ky$e ! one o& the mo t " e&"l tool !n ed"cat!on $roce ' e $ec!ally &or $ract! !ng comm"n!cat!on !n a &ore!gn langa"ge among $"$!l . -he more' the $"$!l can comm"n!cate together and they can ee each other that make the comm"n!cat!on more mot!vat!ng. -he $"$!l meet 8&ace9to9&ace8 and they can make &r!end more ea !ly.

018101 A.out S(ype It ! o&tware downloaded &or &ree &rom the Internet and " ed everywhere' where t"dent9

there ! the !nternet acce . -he " er create h! own acco"nt w!th h! $er onal "rname and $a word to log !n. It rel!e on chool = e>"!$ment' !& the teacher arrange to9 t"dent or gro"$9to9gro"$ call!ng' chatt!ng and v!deo con&erenc!ng.

018121 T#e ad,anta!e" of u"in! S(ype in En!li"# teac#in! -he advantage o& " !ng 1ky$e !n lang"age teach!ng le on are !nd! $"ted 9 the teacher can organ!6e v!deocon&erence #etween h! t"dent and t"dent o& a chool &rom a &ore!gn co"ntry and the t"dent try to comm"n!cate !n a &ore!gn lang"age l!vely. -he comm"n!cat!on 8&ace9to9&ace8 ! great mot!vat!on to t"dy a &ore!gn lang"age and !t how the t"dent how good they have #een at !t. It al o doe not matter what co"ntr!e the $"$!l l!ve !n #eca" e 1ky$e work all aro"nd the world. B"r!ng v!deocon&erence the $"$!l have 8l!ve contact8 w!th the!r o$$onent wh!ch make the!r meet!ng more e&&ect!ve and nat"ral. Another e&&ect!ve way o& comm"n!cat!on ! chatt!ng L !t ! very " e&"l &or meet!ng on chat wh!le the $"$!l are at home' they can meet on chat to talk to (2

what contr!#"te to m"t"al gett!ng to know each other and !t develo$ mak!ng &r!end among them.


21 %ractical part

2101 Introduction to t#e pro&ect :T#e e* a!a+ine: -he a!m o& the $rojectJ A $"$!l have learnt a &ore!gn lang"age at chool' almo t none o& them have the $o !#!l!ty to " e !t !n the!r l!ve ' they e?ce$t!onally " e !t d"r!ng the!r hol!day a#road. It ca" e demot!vat!on &or many o& them. -he ma!n a!m o& the $roject ! to create the e9 maga6!ne !n coo$erat!on w!th the $"$!l o& 7rench $r!mary chool !n wh!ch they co"ld " e what they have learnt !n 4ngl! h le on . 7"rthermore' I wo"ld l!ke to mot!vate the $"$!l to &!nd the rea on why !t ! " e&"l and nece ary to t"dy the &ore!gn lang"age and to enco"rage them to comm"n!cate !n !t el&9con&!dently. -he la t and !m$ortant rea on ! to make 4ngl! h le on more enjoya#le and mot!vat!ng &or $"$!l . -hro"gh read!ng and wr!t!ng art!cle &or the e9maga6!ne and comm"n!cat!on !n 4ngl! h v!a 1ky$e the $"$!l have &!?ed the knowledge o& 4ngl! h and !m$rove the!r comm"n!cat!ve k!ll . -hey have al o read the art!cle o& the $"$!l o& the $artner chool a#o"t the!r l!ve ' the town and the co"ntry. -he $roject #ecome the $art o& 4ngl! h le on !n th! cla d"r!ng one chool year. 4d"cat!onal a!m J -he $"$!l have #een mot!vated to t"dy the &ore!gn lang"age and to " e !t !n the $ract!cal way. -hey have develo$ed the!r a#!l!t!e o& " !ng I;- tool and m"lt! med!a and the!r awarene o& the l!&e !n 4"ro$e DM"lt!c"lt"ral ed"cat!on and Med!a and I;ed"cat!on accord!ng to the 7rame 4d"cat!on +rogramme &or chool !n ;3E. -he $"$!l have #een re $on !#le &or the!r work on the hare e9maga6!ne. -hey have wr!tten the art!cle &or the e9maga6!ne and have $oken " !ng 1ky$e v!deocon&erence a#o"t to$!c that have #een learnt !n 4ngl! h le on !n tead o& common $roject work that have " "ally #een created !n ;6ech chool . -he $roject ha hel$ed the $"$!l to develo$ the key com$etence Dcomm"n!cat!ve com$etence ' oc!al com$etence ' com$etence to learn!ng' com$etence to olve $ro#lem E.


A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l w!ll ac>"!re the $o !t!ve att!t"de to learn!ng the &ore!gn lang"age. -hey w!ll !m$rove the!r knowledge o& the &ore!gn lang"age and they w!ll !m$rove the!r comm"n!cat!ve k!ll . -hey w!ll al o !m$rove the!r t"dy re "lt !n 4ngl! h le on . -hey #ecome more el&9con&!dent !n comm"n!cat!on !n the &ore!gn lang"age. -!meJ chool year 200* L 2010 ;la J 0.AB N"m#er o& $"$!l J 1. D2 g!rl and 1, #oy E +re$arat!on o& the $rojectJ In the v!ew o& the &act that the cla 0. AB wa the only one cla !n the &!r t grade

o& o"r elementary chool th! year' I co"ld not choo e who I wo"ld l!ke to make a $roject w!th. -here were !?teen $"$!l !n the cla L two g!rl and &o"rteen #oy . I have ta"ght them &or the &!r t year. 1ome $"$!l d! tracted the other #y the!r !na$$ro$r!ate #ehav!o"r and I tho"ght !t wo"ld #e d!&&!c"lt to do $roject w!th ch!ldren who have #ehav!o"r $ro#lem . I !ntended to change the to$!c o& my d!$loma the ! #"t thank to the "$$ort o& Mr . Vojtkov' who had told me not to g!ve !t "$' I tarted to look &or the way how to change the #ehav!o"r o& the $"$!l to #e a#le to jo!n them !nto the $roject. Meanwh!le I looked &or a "!ta#le 4"ro$ean chool &or o"r $roject. In Novem#er 200* I &o"nd 4cole M!chele Ma"rette !n ;a"?9et91a"6en !n 7rance' we a ked Nat!onal Board o& 4d"cat!on !n 7!nland &or the reg! trat!on o& the e9maga6!ne 8-eenager 8 and we were ready to r"n o"r $roject. In 7e#r"ary 2010' we a ked Nat!onal 1"$$ort 1erv!ce &or the :a#el &or o"r $roject D ee A$$end!? e-w!nn!ng :a#elE.

2121 Moti,ation and re!i"tration -o tart the $roject 8-he e9maga6!ne8 I had to reg! ter the $"$!l on the e9 maga6!ne we# !te. B"t &ace to #ad #ehav!o"r o& ome o& my $"$!l I looked &or the way how to do the $roject w!th them' to mot!vate them to t"dy and to !m$rove the!r #ehav!o"r. I " ed var!o" method o& mot!vat!on' teach!ng and eval"at!on o& $"$!l and (0

that ! why I al o dec!ded not to reg! ter all $"$!l #"t to choo e a &ew o& them every le on. It took &o"r le on &or reg! trat!on o& the whole gro"$ o& $"$!l . I d!d not "$$o e to deal w!th the e9maga6!ne !n o"r 4ngl! h le on &or ,0 m!n"te #eca" e I wo"ld l!ke to !ntegrate the e9maga6!ne a the $art o& o"r 4ngl! h le on .

212101 $e""on plan 0 -!meJ 0 m!n"te at the #eg!nn!ng o& 4ngl! h le on Mater!al J e9ma!l &rom the 7rench teacher A!mJ to mot!vate $"$!l A "m$t!on J ch!ldren were !ntere ted !n the $roject and they wo"ld l!ke to work on !t. Act!v!tyJ 9 to tell the $"$!l a#o"t the 7rench chool and the $roject 8 -he e9maga6!ne8 9 to read e9ma!l 9 to d! c" a#o"t jo!n!ng the $roject

At the #eg!nn!ng o& 4ngl! h le on I ment!oned the !n&ormat!on that $r!mary chool &rom ;a"? et 1a"6en !n 7rance wo"ld l!ke to coo$erate w!th my $"$!l on the $roject L wr!t!ng art!cle &or hare e9maga6!ne L and I read the e9ma!l. B"t I a!d I d!d not know what to an wer to the!r teacher #eca" e I d!d not have a "!ta#le gro"$ o& $"$!l and that ! why I wa go!ng to re&" e the!r o&&er. <hen the $"$!l heard a#o"t the $"$!l o& 7rench chool' they $er "aded me they wanted to jo!n the $roject and to coo$erate and meet w!th 7rench $"$!l . I told them that do!ng the $roject w!th $"$!l o& a chool &rom a &ore!gn co"ntry wa a great o$$ort"n!ty to $ract! e and !m$rove 4ngl! h and the $roject !t el& o&&ered a lot o& !ntere t!ng act!v!t!e . 2n the other hand' the $"$!l w!ll #e re $on !#le &or the!r work L collect!ng mater!al &or the!r art!cle !n the e9 maga6!ne' coo$erat!on' $re$arat!on &or hare meet!ng and $re entat!on o& the!r work #e&ore 7rench $"$!l . I a!d I d!d not know !& they co"ld make !t #"t I wanted to g!ve them the t!me to th!nk a#o"t !t #eca" e the mo t d!&&!c"lt th!ng !n th! $roject wa the &act that Maga6!ne7actory and o"r e9maga6!ne we# !te were only !n 4ngl! h lang"age o the $"$!l had to "nder tand well to #e a#le to " e them.


212121 E,aluation ;h!ldren " "ally l!ke everyth!ng what they have not met #e&ore and what $rom! e ometh!ng enjoya#le and new. I rel!ed on ch!ldren= en e &or $lay!ng and d! cover!ng new th!ng . In la t &!ve m!n"te ' I tho"ght I ca$t"red the!r !ntere t to do ometh!ng what they had not done !n the!r learn!ng 4ngl! h yet.

212151 $e""on plan 2 -h! le on $lan wa the $art o& my reg"lar le on $lan. I reg! tered &!r t even $"$!l . -!meJ 10 m!n"te &or reg! trat!on' 10 m!n"te &or !n tr"ct!on a#o"t the e9maga6!ne' 20 m!n"te &or wr!t!ng art!cle . -o$!cJ 8Me and my &am!ly8 Mater!al J 4ngl! h te?t#ook ' d!ct!onary' com$"ter . A!m J reg! trat!on o& $"$!l on the e9maga6!ne we# !te' to how the !n&l"ence o& good #ehav!o"r on act!v!t!e !n 4ngl! h le on ' #eg!nn!ng o& wr!t!ng art!cle . A "m$t!on J -he reg! tered $"$!l w!ll tart to wr!te the art!cle &or the e9maga6!ne. Act!v!tyJ 9 reg! trat!on on the e9maga6!ne we# !te 9 !n tr"ct!on J aE how to log !n to the e9maga6!ne #E how to wr!te art!cle cE how to end art!cle to the ch!e&9ed!tor dE how to $"t $hoto and v!deo !n the e9maga6!ne 9 read!ng the &!r t art!cle &rom the 7rench $"$!l 9 wr!t!ng own art!cle L the to$!c 8Me and my &am!ly8


2"r le on wa !n I;- cla room. -he $"$!l $ract! e 4ngl! h grammar on learn!ng o&tware. At the #eg!nn!ng o& the le on the $"$!l a ked me a#o"t the coo$erat!on w!th the 7rench chool. I an wered that I wanted to reg! ter only a &ew o& them who eemed to #e !ntere ted er!o" ly !n !t and they co"ld tart wr!t!ng art!cle !n tead o& $ract! !ng grammar e?erc! e . I logged !n the e9maga6!ne and reg! tered even hardwork!ng $"$!l . -hey #ecame jo"rnal! t and were eager to know how the e9 maga6!ne worked and how to tart wr!t!ng art!cle . I e?$la!ned the work w!th the e9 maga6!ne and gave them the !n tr"ct!on . It wa very !m$ortant #eca" e Maga6!ne7actory we# !te ! only !n 4ngl! h lang"age and the $"$!l wo"ld have to "nder tand. <e read the 7rench $"$!l = art!cle and then they tarted wr!t!ng the!r own one . -he d!&&erent work had a great !n&l"ence on #ehav!o"r o& the $"$!l d"r!ng the whole le on. At the end o& the le on ome o& $"$!l ' who were not reg! tered th! le on' a ked me !& I wa at! &!ed w!th the!r work and the!r #ehav!o"r !& ye ' !& I reg! ter them on the e9maga6!ne we# !te ne?t le on.

212161 E,aluation It looked l!ke that d!&&erent work !n 4ngl! h le on co"ld #e very mot!vat!ng. -he reg! tered $"$!l enjoyed wr!t!ng a#o"t them' they were &"ll o& the!r own !m$ortance and other $"$!l were watch!ng them wh!le they were do!ng grammar e?erc! e . B"r!ng wr!t!ng' the $"$!l d!d not know how to e?$re d! c" ome o& $er onal !n&ormat!on and " e&"l $hra e a#o"t them !n 4ngl! h' altho"gh they had already learnt !t. I made them the!r $ro#lem together to &!nd the ol"t!on 9 to look "$ the $hra e !n the!r te?t#ook or d!ct!onar!e . I e?$la!ned them that I co"ld not hel$ them and tran late everyth!ng they needed #eca" e !& they wr!te the art!cle at home' they wo"ld #e a#le to co$e w!th !t them elve . -hey learnt that !t wa not nece ary to know everyth!ng' more !m$ortant wa to know where they co"ld &!nd !t.

212171 $e""on plan 5 -h! le on $lan wa the $art o& my reg"lar le on $lan.


-!meJ 0 m!n"te at the #eg!nn!ng o& le on &or read!ng new art!cle and &or !n&ormat!on o& the date o& o"r &!r t v!deocon&erence L all $"$!l ' 10 m!n"te &or reg! trat!on o& new $"$!l ' 0 m!n"te &or !n tr"ct!on a#o"t the e9maga6!ne. -o$!cJ 8Me and my &am!ly8 Mater!al J teacher= com$"ter. A!m J reg! trat!on o& $"$!l on the e9maga6!ne we# !te' !n tr"ct!on a#o"t the e9 maga6!ne. A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l w!ll wr!te art!cle at home and they w!ll a k >"e t!on d"r!ng ne?t le on !& they have tro"#le !n logg!ng !n or wr!t!ng art!cle . Act!v!tyJ 9 reg! trat!on o& $"$!l 9 !n tr"ct!on how to work w!th the e9maga6!ne 9 to how ome o& the art!cle wr!tten &or the e9maga6!ne to read them a e?am$le -he $"$!l a ked &or reg! trat!on on the e9maga6!ne we# !te' I cho e &o"r o& them and wh!le the $"$!l were do!ng e?erc! e !n the!r work#ook !n o"r 4ngl! h le on' reg! tered them and e?$la!ned the work w!th the e9maga6!ne.

212181 E,aluation At the #eg!nn!ng o& today= le on I !n&ormed the $"$!l a#o"t the "gge t!on o& the 7rench teacher to arrange o"r &!r t v!deocon&erence on 1ky$e. -he $"$!l were enth" !a t!c and they had a lot o& >"e t!on a#o"t !t. -he $"$!l ' newly reg! tered !n the e9maga6!ne' wanted to tart wr!t!ng art!cle !mmed!ately #"t "n&ort"nately we d!d not have $"$!l = com$"ter !n 4ngl! h cla room. -hey were orry that they were among the la t ch!ldren !n o"r 4ngl! h gro"$ who had not #een reg! tered yet. Al o the !n&ormat!on a#o"t v!deocon&erence mot!vated them very m"ch. -here wa the atmo $here o& 8I am do!ng my #e t to #e good at 4ngl! h8 !nce we tarted w!th the e9maga6!ne and !t eemed the #ehav!o"r o& the $"$!l got #etter and #etter. I not!ced that the $"$!l o&ten wrote art!cle a#o"t the!r &avo"r!te +; game ' e?ce$t the ma!n to$!c 8Me and my (*

&am!ly8 and they looked &or +; game ' wh!ch the 7rench $"$!l wrote a#o"t' to try to $lay them.

2121;1 $e""on plan 6 -h! le on $lan wa the $art o& my reg"lar le on $lan. -!meJ 10 m!n"te &or reg! trat!on o& $"$!l ' 0 m!n"te &or !n tr"ct!on a#o"t the e9maga6!ne. 0 m!n"te at the end o& le on &or $re$arat!on &or v!deocon&erence L the to$!c ! 8:et me !ntrod"ce my el&8. Mater!al J teacher= com$"ter. A!m J reg! trat!on o& the la t $"$!l on the e9maga6!ne we# !te' !n tr"ct!on o& work w!th the e9maga6!ne. $eak!ng a#o"t the to$!c 8:et me !ntrod"ce my el&8. A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l w!ll cont!n"e !n wr!t!ng art!cle on to$!c 8Me and my &am!ly8 and they w!ll make note &or the to$!c &or the v!deocon&erence. Act!v!tyJ 9 reg! trat!on o& the rema!n!ng $"$!l 9 !n tr"ct!on o& work w!th the e9maga6!ne 9 to how ome o& the art!cle wr!tten !n the e9maga6!ne to read them a e?am$le 9 d! c" !on a#o"t the v!deocon&erence w!th all $"$!l B"r!ng today= le on I reg! tered the rema!n!ng $"$!l ' that meant all $"$!l wo"ld have #een reg! tered on the e9maga6!ne we# !te &rom now on. -he $"$!l were enth" !a t!c w!th the !dea o& meet!ng the 7rench $"$!l v!a 1ky$e v!deocon&erence and they were look!ng &orward to !t very m"ch. None o& them had had !m!lar e?$er!ence w!th 1ky$e v!deocon&erence !n 4ngl! h le on at chool. -hey w!ll !ntrod"ce them elve d"r!ng the v!deocon&erence.


2121<1 E,aluation I th!nk' thank to the !dea o& meet!ng on v!deocon&erence the $"$!l were h!ghly mot!vated to learn 4ngl! h. It al o wa the connect!on among the "n!t !n o"r te?t#ook ' that they were learn!ng' the to$!c o& the art!cle !n the e9maga6!ne and conver at!on w!th the $"$!l &rom 7rance. -he new mot!vated them very m"ch and al o the!r #ehav!o"r !n 4ngl! h le on had con !dera#ly !m$roved. -hank to $ract! !ng 4ngl! h thro"gh wr!t!ng art!cle I not!ced they !m$roved the!r voca#"lary and grammar. -h! le on' all $"$!l were reg! tered !n the e9maga6!ne we# !te o that I re$eated the r"le &or wr!t!ng the art!cle J -he $"$!l wr!te the!r art!cle and end them to the ch!e&9ed!tor Dto meE. I do not " "ally correct m! take L !& there are the m! take !n the art!cle' I wr!te what ! not acc"rate and what ! nece ary to correct. 1omet!me I add the t!$ !n the te?t#ook where the $"$!l can &!nd the an wer. -hen I end the art!cle #ack to them. -hey correct the m! take and end them #ack to me. I& they are all r!ght now' I $"#l! h them on the e9maga6!ne we# !te.

2151 Videoconference :$et

e introduce


7!nd!ng a "!ta#le date &or o"r v!deocon&erence' the 7rench teacher' me and o"r $"$!l agreed on o"r &!r t v!deocon&erence on 1ky$e. <e e?changed o"r cla $hoto #e&ore and the l! t o& o"r $"$!l . <e ho$ed to $lay game ' all $"$!l together' d"r!ng the v!deocon&erence' too' #"t we' ;6ech $"$!l and me' are l!m!ted #y the t!me L we have only ,0 m!n"te . -he 7rench teacher teache her cla all le on o that he doe not have the e tro"#le and he can accomodate her le on $lan to the c!rc"m tance .

215101 $e""on plan -!meJ 1?,0 m!n"te Mater!al J we#camera' m!cro$hone' teacher= com$"ter' data$rojector. A!m J :! ten!ng to $er onal !n&ormat!on a#o"t the $"$!l o& the 7rench chool. 1$eak!ng and g!v!ng $er onal !n&ormat!on' an wer!ng >"e t!on .


A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l w!ll $eak a#o"t them elve !n 4ngl! h and w!ll "nder tand to 4ngl! h9 $eak!ng 7rench $"$!l . Act!v!tyJ 9 to connect v!a 1ky$e 9 to !ntrod"ce #oth ;6ech and 7rench teacher ' and the ;6ech de$"ty headma ter &or :ower $r!mary $art o& the chool 9 $"$!l = conver at!on 9 concl" !on o& v!deocon&erence -he $"$!l o& #oth chool were look!ng &orward to meet!ng on 1ky$e very m"ch. 4ven the ;6ech $"$!l re$eated entence ' that they had learnt at home' at the chool corr!dor and they corrected each other. -hey &elt a #!t nervo" . <e had to try to connect on 1ky$e everal t!me #eca" e the connect!on wa not very good and we d!d not "nder tand each other. 7!nally' the connect!on got #etter and we co"ld tart. -he &!r t $"$!l' a #oy o& my gro"$' tarted to !ntrod"ce h!m el&. By the way' he a!d he wa cele#rat!ng h! #!rthday that day. -he 7rench $"$!l all 7rench $"$!l tarted mov!ng on the!r cha!r and $eak!ng' we al o heard the!r teacher ay!ng ometh!ng !n 7rench. 1"ddenly tarted !ng!ng 8@a$$y #!rthday8 ong. -he ;6ech #oy wa very $lea ed #y !t. It wa very k!nd o& the 7rench ch!ldren. <e took t"rn at $eak!ng' three ;6ech $"$!l ' then three 7rench $"$!l and etc. I not!ced that the 7rench $"$!l were wr!t!ng down !n&ormat!on a#o"t " ' !t wa a $!ty I a!med only to conver at!on and I d!d not $re$are work heet &or my $"$!l to wr!te down !t' too. Accord!ng to my $rev!o" e?$er!ence' my $"$!l were alway a!med to $oken conver at!on and l! ten!ng #"t I con !dered the !dea o& mak!ng note a#o"t what the $"$!l heard a very " e&"l. -o #e "re that the $"$!l "nder tood well what 7rench $"$!l all. a!d' we re$eated h! Oher !n&ormat!on !n ;6ech lang"age. I& we " ed the work heet and made note a#o"t them' too' we wo"ld had not had to $eak !n ;6ech at


2"r $"$!l

"nder tood very well and they d!d not have $ro#lem


"nder tand!ng 4ngl! h w!th 7rench $ron"nc!at!on and accent. -hey al o "nder tood very >"!ckly that they had to l! ten to $eaker very care&"lly and co"ld not $eak together otherw! e they d!d not hear and "nder tand and d!d not know what the $eaker wa talk!ng a#o"t. A&ter ,0 m!n"te we had to ay good #ye' altho"gh ome o& the $"$!l co"ld not $eak a#o"t them.

215121 E,aluation I th!nk the v!deocon&erence wa very mot!vat!ng &or all $"$!l ' ;6ech and 7rench one ' and !t howed them the !m$ortance o& t"dy!ng 4ngl! h a the lang"age we all have learnt to #e a#le to $eak together. -he v!deocon&erence gave el&9con&!dence to mo t o& the $"$!l and wa a new mot!vat!on to cont!n"e !n wr!t!ng art!cle &or o"r e9 maga6!ne and to t"dy 4ngl! h and to $re$are &or 4ngl! h le on a well a $o !#le. -he $"$!l l!ked the v!deocon&erence very m"ch and !mmed!ately a ked me a#o"t a new date o& another one. Al o de$"ty headma ter' Mr . Bykova' wa at! &!ed " !ng new method !n teach!ng and learn!ng &ore!gn lang"age at o"r chool #eca" e !n $!te o& the &act that comm"n!cat!on v!a 1ky$e ! common way o& comm"n!cat!on among $eo$le nowaday !t ! not " "ally " ed at chool . 1he l!ked the level o& $"$!l = knowledge o& 4ngl! h' a well.

216 Topic :/#ri"t a": ;ommonly' ;hr! tma ! a very &avo"r!te to$!c &or ch!ldren and !t ! the t!me they are look!ng &orward to !t very m"ch. 7rom the art!cle o& o"r e9maga6!ne we &o"nd o"t that 7rench $"$!l Dnot only tho e we coo$erate w!th' #"t all $"$!l o& the chool !n ;a"? et 1a"6en E $re$ared ;hr! tma market &or them' the!r $arent and all the $eo$le l!v!ng !n the!r v!llage. <e ho$ed to arrange another meet!ng on 1ky$e to how o"r 7rench &r!end what $re ent the $"$!l made &or $arent !n the!r le on . My $"$!l al o


made ;hr! tma card &or 7rench $"$!l !n 4ngl! h le on. <e $oke a#o"t o"r ;hr! tma ha#!t and wrote a#o"t them &or o"r e9maga6!ne.

21610 $e""on plan -!meJ 2?,0 m!n"te Mater!al J ;hr! tma $!ct"re ' word card w!th ;hr! tma voca#"lary' the ta$e cr!$t o& a ong 8A!ngle #ell 8' $"$!l = com$"ter . 1heet o& $a$er ' colo"red $enc!l ' gl"e' c! or and ;hr! tma $!ct"re &or mak!ng ;hr! tma card . A!m J 3ev! !ng and learn!ng new word a#o"t ;hr! tma ' !ng!ng the ong 8A!ngle #ell 8' $eak!ng a#o"t own ;hr! tma ha#!t w!th " !ng a$$ro$r!ate voca#"lary. Mak!ng ;hr! tma card . A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l w!ll rev! e ;hr! tma voca#"lary that they have already known and they w!ll learn new word that w!ll #e " e&"l &or wr!t!ng art!cle . -hey w!ll make ;hr! tma card &or 7rench $"$!l . Act!v!ty L 1. le on D,0 m!n"te EJ 9 rev! !ng ;hr! tma voca#"laryJ -he $"$!l told the word that they remem#ered and I wrote them on the #oard. I gave them ;hr! tma $!ct"re and they matched them w!th the word on the #oard. 9 learn!ng new ;hr! ma voca#"laryJ I $"t more word Dword card E on the #oard and the $"$!l g"e ed the!r mean!ng. -hey $"t $!ct"re ne?t to the word . -he $"$!l tr!ed to " e the word !n entence to de cr!#e ;hr! tma at the!r home. 9 !ng!ng the ongJ I gave the $"$!l the heet o& $a$er w!th the lyr!c o& 8A!ngle #ell 8' we ang the ong w!th the ;B and then we ang !t a a karaoke ong on So"-" 9 wr!t!ng art!cle J the $"$!l wrote art!cle &or the e9maga6!ne on the!r com$"ter a#o"t how they $ent ;hr! tma at home w!th the!r &am!ly and the!r ;hr! tma ha#!t . Act!v!ty L 2. le on D,0 m!n"te EJ 9 mak!ng ;hr! tma card


-he $"$!l $re$ared th!ng &or mak!ng ;hr! tma card . I gave them the heet o& $a$er and the $"$!l told the!r !dea how they were go!ng to make !t. -here were not any other !n tr"ct!on e?ce$t they ho"ld have a $lace &or wr!t!ng !n the!r card . -he $"$!l " ed the!r !mag!nat!on and &anta y and they co"ld c"t' draw' &!? $!ct"re or &old the $a$er. At the end o& the le on the $"$!l "gge ted the te?t &or the!r ;hr! tma card ' we a!d them !n 4ngl! h together and I wrote them on the #oard. -hey cho e one and wrote !t !n the!r card . I took the l! t o& the 7rench $"$!l and my $"$!l cho e the name who they ent the!r card to. <e wanted to #e "re that every 7rench $"$!l wo"ld get at lea t one ;hr! tma card &rom " . -he ;hr! tma card were ent !n an envelo$e #y $o t.

21612 E,aluation It eem that mak!ng card wa one o& the mo t &avo"r!te act!v!t!e &or the $"$!l . -hey loved mak!ng them !n o"r 4ngl! h le on and they made ome very $ec!al. -he $"$!l l!ked the !dea that they were mak!ng card &or certa!n ch!ldren !n 7rance and they really &elt very trongly a#o"t the!r card . 1ome o& the $"$!l added a mall $re ent to the!r card L l!ke mall teddy #ear and other toy ' the!r $hoto etc. I $"t all the card !nto the envelo$e and ent !t to 7rance. It wa very n!ce that a &ew day later' the envelo$e &rom 7rance wa del!vered. It wa &"ll o& ;hr! tma card &rom 7rench $"$!l . -he tyle o& 7rench card wa com$letely d!&&erent &rom o"r ' 7rench ch!ldren &!?ed a lot o& $la t!c tar on the!r card and they " ed other k!nd o& $!ct"re o that we co"ld com$are what card we made !n o"r co"ntry and how 7rench card looked l!ke. -he $"$!l l!ked them very m"ch. In one o& &ollow!ng 4ngl! h le on I read the me age' that I got a an e9ma!l !nto my e9ma!l #o?' w!th thank &rom 7rench $"$!l &or ;hr! tma card we had ent them. <r!t!ng art!cle &or o"r e9maga6!ne wa not a $o$"lar a mak!ng ;hr! tma card . Beca" e the to$!c &or art!cle wa alway vol"ntary' ome $"$!l wrote a#o"t the ;hr! tma ha#!t !n the!r &am!l!e #"t ome $re&ered wr!t!ng a#o"t th!ng they l!ked more L they wrote mo tly a#o"t the!r &avo"r!te +; game ' m" !c and $ort. I not!ced


that 7rench $"$!l al o wrote a#o"t the!r &avo"r!te +; game and o"r $"$!l ' a&ter they read art!cle !n the e9maga6!ne' looked &or tho e game to try to $lay them' too.

217 Topic :My day: Accord!ng to the "n!t !n o"r te?t#ook' when we learnt a#o"t da!ly ro"t!ne ' I "gge ted the $"$!l to wr!te art!cle a#o"t o"r every day l!&e &or o"r e9maga6!ne. -he $"$!l co"ld " e te?t !n the!r te?t#ook a an e?am$le.

21710 $e""on plan -h! $lan wa the $art o& my reg"lar le on $lan. -!meJ 20 m!n"te Mater!al J com$"ter ' te?t#ook ' 49; and ;94 d!ct!onary A!m J +ract! !ng 8da!ly ro"t!ne 8 voca#"lary' " !ng o& +re ent !m$le ten e' tell!ng the t!me. A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l w!ll wr!te art!cle a#o"t the!r da!ly ro"t!ne . Act!v!tyJ 9 mak!ng the l! t o& da!ly act!v!t!e 9 wr!t!ng the art!cle a#o"t 8My day8 -h! le on wa !n o"r I;- cla room and the $"$!l $ract! ed 4ngl! h grammar on learn!ng o&tware !n the &!r t $art o& the le on. A&ter &!n! h!ng my reg"lar le on $lan' we tarted to wr!te down on the #oard what act!v!t!e they d!d d"r!ng the day. -hey wrote them !n the!r e?erc! e #ook and they " ed ome o& them when they wrote the!r art!cle . -hey co"ld " e the!r te?t#ook to look "$ voca#"lary and read te?t a mot!vat!on. -hen they tarted wr!t!ng the!r art!cle ' I gave adv!ce and corrected m! take . -hey &!n! hed the!r art!cle at home a the!r homework. ,.

21712 E,aluation It eem wr!t!ng art!cle #ecome a &avo"r!te act!v!ty !n o"r 4ngl! h le on . -he $"$!l l!ked my word ay!ng 81to$ do!ng grammar e?erc! e ' let= wr!te the art!cle .8 -hey !mmed!ately logged !n the e9maga6!ne we# !te and tarted to wr!te them. 1ome $"$!l were #row !ng the we# !te to &!nd new art!cle o& 7rench $"$!l . I eval"ted the!r e&&ort to coo$erate together' to g!ve ome adv!ce to each other and to check and correct the!r art!cle each other.

2181 Videoconference :-e are learnin! Mat# to!et#er: 2"r econd v!deocon&erence wa a!med to Mathemat!c . <e wanted to try to learn Math together. <e olved $ro#lem and took t"rn !n co"nt!ng. -he $"$!l o& #oth chool were look!ng &orward to meet!ng together' aga!n. <e' ;6ech $"$!l and me' were l!m!ted #y ,09m!n"te le on.

218101 $e""on plan -!meJ 1?,0 m!n"te Mater!al J we#camera' m!cro$hone' teacher= com$"ter' data$rojector. A!m J ;o"nt!ng ar!tmeth!cal $ro#lem ' $ract! !ng ay!ng them !n 4ngl! h. A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l w!ll olve ar!tmeth!cal $ro#lem ' they w!ll ay them !n 4ngl! h correctly. Act!v!tyJ 9 to connect v!a 1ky$e 9 to !ng a ong 8Are yo" lee$!ng8 !n three lang"age D!n 7rench' ;6ech and 4ngl! hE 9 9 $eak!ng a#o"t art!cle wr!tten &or the e9maga6!ne olv!ng ar!tmeth!cal $ro#lem !n work heet D ee A$$end!? Math work heet 1' 2' ( and ,E 9 $lay!ng the m!m!ng game L $ract! !ng +re ent ;ont!n"o" ten e ,)

9 concl" !on o& v!deocon&erence <e connected v!a 1ky$e almo t !mmed!ately' the connect!on wa very good and we heard and aw each other very well. A&ter ay!ng 8@ello8 we ang the ong 8Are yo" lee$!ng8 that the 7rench $"$!l tarted to !ng !n 7rench then we cont!n"ed !ng!ng !n ;6ech and &!nally we all ang !t !n 4ngl! h. It o"nded very !n tere t!ngly and I th!nk ch!ldren l!ked !t' too. -he 7rench teacher' Mr . 3a#o"l' $oke hortly a#o"t the art!cle that had #een wr!tten &or o"r e9maga6!ne and !ntrod"ced " another to$!c they were go!ng to wr!te a#o"t. 1he told " that a &ew teacher o& a +ar! !an chool came to ;a"? et 1a"6en and they were $re ented d"r!ng o"r v!deocon&erence. 1he added that !nternat!onal v!deocon&erence were organ!6ed very rarely at chool !n +ar! ' ne!ther. All $"$!l $re$ared the!r work heet ' I &o"nd ome "!ta#le one on the Internet and I ent them to Mr . 3a#o"l to make co$!e &or her $"$!l ' too. -he $"$!l tarted to co"nt. -he $ro#lem were not very d!&&!c"lt !n v!ew o& the &act that' &!r tly' the 7rench $"$!l are a year yo"nger than the ;6ech one and econdly' the a!m o& the hare Math le on ! not co"nt!ng d!&&!c"lt $ro#lem #"t $ract! !ng ay!ng them !n 4ngl! h and " !ng 4ngl! h lang"age !n a d!&&erent chool "#ject. ;o"nt!ng !n 4ngl! h made tro"#le to ome $"$!l ' they co"nted ea !ly #"t !t wa d!&&!c"lt &or them to ay everyth!ng !n 4ngl! h. B"t they got " ed to !t oon and they &!n! hed all $er&ectly. -he $antom!me game wa the la t act!v!ty o& today= v!deocon&erence. 4ach o& gro"$ o& the $"$!l had a #o? w!th mall $!ece o& $a$er w!th act!v!t!e that they ho"ld m!me to other . It wa the 7rench $"$!l = t"rn to tart the game. 2ne o& them cho e the $!ece o& $a$er and m!med !t. 2"r $"$!l g"e ed what heO he wa do!ng. -hey a k >"e t!on l!keJ Are yo" $lay!ng &oot#allT etc. A&ter g"e !ng !t' another $"$!l o& o"r chool cont!n"ed !n m!m!ng. At the end' #oth teacher ' Mr . 3a#o"l and me' jo!ned the game' too. -he $"$!l la"ghed a lot all the t!me we were $lay!ng the game o !t wa a &"nny $o!nt a&ter o"r Math le on.


21812 E,aluation -he $"$!l o& #oth chool d!d not want to &!n! h o"r meet!ng that ! why we &!n! hed !t a &ew m!n"te later d"r!ng #reak. 2"r $"$!l were ha$$y and they a ked why we co"ld not meet once a week' at lea t. It eemed to me that they were not a nervo" a d"r!ng the &!r t v!deocon&erence and they " ed 4ngl! h more con&!dently. I& I com$are the!r #ehav!o"r !n o"r &!r t le on and now' I th!nk !t got #etter. -hey #ehaved very well d"r!ng meet!ng ' too.

21;1 Topic :My fa,ourite "port: <h!le the $"$!l were wr!t!ng art!cle a#o"t the!r da!ly ro"t!ne ' !t howed that lot o& them l!ked $ort ' they watched !t on -V' or they d!d ome #eca" e tra!n!ng were one o& the!r da!ly ro"t!ne very o&ten. 7rench $"$!l al o wrote a &ew art!cle a#o"t $ort &or o"r e9maga6!ne.

21;10 $e""on plan -h! le on $lan wa the $art o& my reg"lar le on $lan. -!meJ 10 m!n"te Mater!al J com$"ter A!m J $ract! !ng l!ke Od! l!ke ' $ort voca#"lary A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l w!ll wr!te a#o"t the!r &avo"r!te $ort . Act!v!tyJ 9 wr!t!ng a#o"t 8My &avo"r!te $ort 8 !n e?erc! e #ook A&ter &!n! h!ng my reg"lar le on $lan' I a ked the $"$!l !& they wanted to wr!te a#o"t the!r &avo"r!te $ort &or o"r e9maga6!ne. -he 7rench $"$!l lately. -hey wrote !n the!r e?erc! e #ook . ,* ho"ld wr!te a#o"t !t' too' o that we wo"ld #e a#le to com$are what $ort are &avo"r!te !n each co"ntry'

21;12 E,aluation In th! le on' we co"ld not " e com$"ter #eca" e we $ent !t !n o"r 4ngl! h cla room. -he $"$!l wrote the!r art!cle !nto the!r e?erc! e #ook and they ho"ld re9 wr!te them &or the e9maga6!ne at home at the!r com$"ter a the!r homework. I gave them the!r re $on !#!l!ty to &"l&!l the ta k.

21< Topic :My "c#ool: -h! to$!c cont!n"ed the "n!t !n o"r te?t#ook' aga!n. -hey learnt voca#"lary and " e&"l $hra e to $eak a#o"t chool and they already knew ome !n&ormat!on a#o"t 7rench chool y tem and a#o"t a &ew d!&&erence #etween 7rench and ;6ech chool y tem . In th! to$!c' they wrote a m"ch a $o !#le a#o"t o"r chool.

21<10 $e""on plan -h! le on $lan wa the $art o& my reg"lar le on $lan. -!meJ (0 m!n"te Mater!al J mall $!ece o& $a$er w!th key word ' com$"ter ' 49; and ;94 d!ct!onar!e A!m J $ract! !ng +re ent 1!m$le ten e L $eak!ng and wr!t!ng a#o"t chool. A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l work !n gro"$ . -hey de cr!#e the!r chool !n deta!l .

Act!v!tyJ 9 #ra!n torm!ng L the voca#"lary ma$ o& 81chool8 Dkey word J t!meta#le' teacher ' o"r cla ' hol!day ' #reak ' etc.E 9 choo !ng one to$!c &rom the voca#"lary ma$ 81chool8 9 work!ng !n gro"$ L wr!t!ng the hare art!cle on the cho en to$!c At the #eg!nn!ng o& the le on !t wa nece ary to get the $"$!l !nto &!ve gro"$ . I $re$ared mall $!ece o& $a$er w!th key word and $"t them !nto a #ag. 4ach o& $"$!l 00

took one $!ece w!th the word and they got !nto &!ve gro"$ accord!ng the key word . -hen they tarted to th!nk o& the!r word and to wr!te the!r art!cle. -hey co"ld wr!te one art!cle a one gro"$ or they co"ld wr!te the!r own one and j" t to coo$erate together. -he dec! !on wa "$ to them.

21<121 E,aluation I th!nk !t wa a #!t d!&&!c"lt to wr!te a#o"t o"r chool !n deta!l o that I cho e th!

k!nd o& work L gro"$ work. -he $"$!l coo$erated together very well and I not!ced they al o hel$ed each other thro"gh all the gro"$ . <e d! c" ed the to$!c !n each gro"$ #eca" e ome !n&ormat!on that they wanted to ment!on were o"t o& the!r voca#"lary or knowledge o& 4ngl! h. Accord!ng to the &eed#ack &rom the 7rench $"$!l o"r $"$!l arg"ed !ntere t!ng !n&ormat!on that ca$t"red the 7rench $"$!l = attent!on and we al o &o"nd a lot o& !ntere t!ng &act !n the!r art!cle . 1ome o& the $"$!l &!n! hed the!r art!cle at home #eca" e they had good !dea &or wr!t!ng #"t they needed more t!me than they had !n 4ngl! h le on. -he $"$!l were $ro#a#ly very !ntere ted !n th! to$!c #eca" e they ent the mo t o& the art!cle on th! to$!c.

21=1 Topic :My country: <e $re$ared th! to$!c &or o"r ne?t v!deocon&erence !n wh!ch we !ntrod"ced o"r co"ntry to o"r 7rench &r!end .

21=101 $e""on plan -h! le on $lan wa the $art o& my reg"lar le on $lan. -!meJ 20 m!n"te Mater!al J the ma$ o& the ;entral 4"ro$e' $o tcard and $!ct"re o& !ntere t!ng $lace !n o"r co"ntry' e?erc! e #ook A!m J $eak!ng and wr!t!ng a#o"t o"r co"ntry 01

A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l

how the ;6ech re$"#l!c on the ma$ and name the ne!gh#o"r

co"ntr!e . -hey $o!nt to the ca$!tal +rag"e' the c!ty Brno where they l!ve and they de cr!#e $o tcard o& $lace !n o"r co"ntry. -hey name !ntere t!ng h! tor!cal and !gn!&!cant #"!ld!ng and $lace !n the!r c!ty Brno.

Act!v!tyJ 9 work!ng w!th the ma$ o& the ;entral 4"ro$e 9 de cr!#!ng $!ct"re and $o tcard related to o"r co"ntry' +rag"e and Brno 9 mak!ng note !n the $"$!l = e?erc! e #ook a the $re$arat!on &or the ne?t v!deocon&erence 7or today= le on' we $re$ared the ma$ o& the ;entral 4"ro$e. <!th the knowledge a#o"t o"r co"ntry' that the $"$!l learnt !n 5eogra$hy' they named the ne!gh#o"r co"ntr!e and they $o!nted to them !n the ma$. -hey al o tr!ed to name other 4"ro$ean co"ntr!e #eca" e they were ment!oned !n the "n!t that we were learn!ng r!ght now. -hey $o!nted to o"r ca$!tal +rag"e and the r!ver Vltava' the c!ty Brno' where we l!ve and we &o"nd ;a"? et 1a"6en !n 7rance' where ! o"r $artner chool. 3ev! !ng the voca#"lary o& lower cla e ' we de cr!#ed the $!ct"re o& !ntere t!ng $lace !n Brno and !n the ;6ech re$"#l!c. A th! wa o"r $re$arat!on &or the ne?t v!deocon&erence and to make th! a #!t ea !er' the $"$!l d!v!ded $!ct"re among them elve to have one or two $!ct"re &or one $er on and made two or three entence a#o"t them. 4?am$le o& the $!ct"re J +rag"e ca tle L It ! !n +rag"e. 2"r $re !dent ! there. +etrov L It ! 1t. +eter and +a"l= cathedral. It ! !n Brno. It ! !n the centre o& Brno. It ! on the h!ll. U$!l#erk L It ! a ca tle !n Brno. It wa a $r! on. 2"r chool L It ! !n Brno9:FGeH. -here are 0*0 $"$!l there. etc. I made the $"$!l wr!te down ome note !n the!r e?erc! e #ook ' ome o& them wrote whole entence #eca" e they were very $lea ed #y 7rench teacher who a!d that


they were very very good at 4ngl! h. It made them &eel more con&!dent and they wanted to #e e?cellent wh!le meet!ng ne?t t!me' aga!n.

21=121 E,aluation A&ter o"r Math v!deocon&erence the $"$!l d!d not con !der to $eak a#o"t th!ng ' that they learn !n the other chool "#ject' !n o"r 4ngl! h le on a to make the atmo $here o& the le on le ometh!ng trange. <hen we worked w!th the ma$' we at on the car$et !n o"r 4ngl! h cla room &ormal. Beca" e the $"$!l tr!ed to ay a many &act and !n&ormat!on to the to$!c' I d!d not rely on to $"t "$ the!r hand and not to $eak w!tho"t my $erm! !on #eca" e I aw the!r e&&ort. Be $!te o"r &!r t 4ngl! h le on at the #eg!nn!ng o& chool year we $oke mo tly !n 4ngl! h and I e?$la!ned only d!&&!c"lt th!ng or "nknown 4ngl! h word . -he $"$!l d!d not make long entence wh!le de cr!#!ng $!ct"re #"t I th!nk !t wa more " e&"l that they tr!ed to $eak !n horter one and to ment!on a many &act a they co"ld. -hey " ed the !n&ormat!on &or wr!t!ng art!cle a#o"t the ;6ech re$"#l!c. I th!nk they are $re$ared &or o"r la t v!deocon&erence very well.

210>1 Videoconference :$et?" play to!et#er: -h! wa o"r la t meet!ng on the v!deocon&erence. -he $lan ! to !ntrod"ce o"r co"ntr!e and to $lay game .

210>101 $e""on plan -!meJ ,0 m!n"te Mater!al J the ma$ o& the ;entral 4"ro$e' mall $!ece o& $a$er w!th act!v!t!e &or 8M!me game8' heet o& $a$er &or draw!ng A!m J de cr!#!ng o"r co"ntr!e ' +!ct"re d!ctate' rev! !ng &ood voca#"lary 9 B!ngo A "m$t!on J -he $"$!l o& #oth chool w!ll know !n&ormat!on o& the $artner= co"ntry. -hey w!ll $lay game . 0(

Act!v!tyJ 9 to connect v!a 1ky$e 9 to $eak a#o"t o"r co"ntr!e 9 game J +!ct"re d!ctate' B!ngo 9 concl" !on o& the $roject <e connected v!a 1ky$e' the connect!on wa very good and we heard and aw each other very well. <e tarted w!th the de cr!$t!on o& o"r co"ntr!e . It wa o"r t"rn to tart L the $"$!l howed all the $lace on the ma$ a they $re$ared !t la t le on. -hen they cont!n"ed #y how!ng $!ct"re and tell!ng ome !n&ormat!on a#o"t them. 7rench $"$!l al o $re$ared the ma$ o& 7rance and told ometh!ng a#o"t !t. <hen they howed " $!ct"re o& ;a"? et 1a"6en ' o"r $"$!l &o"nd o"t that the!r 7rench v!llage looked l!ke very d!&&erent &rom o"r one ' e $ec!ally the!r ho" e were d!&&erent and they were made o& other mater!al . -hen 7rench $"$!l g"e . +!ct"re d!ctate wa another act!v!ty &or wh!ch we needed heet o& $a$er . Both 7rench and ;6ech $"$!l took t"rn at ay!ng a word and every#ody had to draw !t on the $a$er. <e agreed on end!ng the $!ct"re to each other to d! $lay them on the #oard at o"r cla room . 7or B!ngo game we $re$ared &la hcard . 2ne o& the $"$!l wa ay!ng the word howed " the $!ct"re o& &amo" $lace !n +ar! and they wanted " to tell what they were. <e were not $re$ared &or !t o that we had to

and the other were look!ng at the!r card L !& omeone had the card' heO he $"t !t away. <ho &!r t $"t all the card away and ho"ted 8B!ngo8' wa the w!nner. <e took t"rn at ay!ng the word . -he $"$!l had to $ay attent!on to $rono"nce the word well otherw! e the other had the $ro#lem w!th "nder tand!ng. A #e&ore' we &!n! hed o"r meet!ng a &ew m!n"te a&ter o"r chool #ell rang. <e a!d good #ye to 7rench $"$!l and w! hed them $lea ant "mmer hol!day. It wa o"r la t meet!ng th! chool year.


210>12 E,aluation 2"r $"$!l l!ked the meet!ng very m"ch and the!r &!r t >"e t!on a&ter end!ng "$ the v!deocon&erence wa !& we meet one day' aga!n. I& I com$are the!r $eak!ng k!ll at the &!r t meet!ng and now' I th!nk they were more con&!dent than #e&ore and they d!d the!r #e t. -hey al o not!ced that 7rench $"$!l needed the!r teacher= hel$ more o&ten than they d!d. <e agreed on wr!t!ng the art!cle a#o"t o"r co"nry a o"r la t act!v!ty &or o"r $roject. Ne?t le on' I #ro"ght >"e t!onna!re and I a ked the $"$!l to &!ll them #eca" e I wo"ld l!ke to know the!r o$!n!on a#o"t the $roject and the!r l!ke and d! l!ke to know what they wo"ld l!ke to do ne?t chool year.

21001 E,aluation of t#e pro&ect It eem that the $roject C-he e9maga6!ne L -eenager I wa "cce &"l and !t

&!lled "$ the $roject and ed"cat!onal a!m that were &!?ed at the #eg!nn!ng o& the $roject. -he &orm o& the $roject #ro"ght new e?$er!ence &or $"$!l !n $roject work !n the!r c"rr!c"l"m #eca" e the method o& " !ng com$"ter to create e9maga6!ne on Internet !n tead o& mak!ng $a$er $o ter a the re "lt o& the $roject ! not very common. Al o meet!ng the $"$!l o& the $artner chool v!a 1ky$e to " e 4ngl! h !n a real l!&e wa very "cce &"l and mot!vat!ng &or the $"$!l . -hro"gh wr!t!ng art!cle &or the e9maga6!ne the $"$!l !m$roved the!r 4ngl! h knowledge' mo tly' they learnt to look "$ &or !n&ormat!on they needed !n wr!t!ng and !t made them $end more t!me #y learn!ng and " !ng 4ngl! h than they wo"ld $end the t!me only &or $re$arat!on &or 4ngl! h le on . -hey al o !m$roved the!r t"dy re "lt !n 4ngl! h le on .

2100101 E,aluation of pupil"? En!li"# (no'led!e B"r!ng the $roject the $"$!l reached #etter t"dy re "lt !n 4ngl! h le on . I& I com$are the!r t"dy re "lt !n the 1 t and 2nd term ' they got #etter eval"at!on at the end o& the chool year.


;hart 1J ;om$ar! on o& t"dy re "lt o& the $"$!l !n the 1 t hal&9term and !n the 2nd hal&9term o& the chool year 200*O2010 L the o&&!c!al eval"at!on &rom hal&9yearly term= re$ort J

Evaluation of 5.AB class, school year 2009/2010 The number of pupils in the class 16 Evaluation 1st term 2nd term Mark 1 2 6 Mark 2 8 6 Mark 3 6 4 Mark 4 0 0 Mark 5 0 0

Evaluation of pupils of 5.AB class

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 !ar" 4 5 The number of pupils

1st term 2nd term

2100121 E,aluation of t#e @ue"tionnaire for pupil" -he >"e t!onna!re D ee A$$end!? R"e t!onna!reE wa a!med to &!nd o"t the $"$!l = att!t"de toward the $roject' the!r o$!n!on and "gge t!on . -he $"$!l an wered ten >"e t!on a#o"t act!v!t!e !n the $roject. A e ment o& $"$!l = an wer J 1. <hat do yo" l!ke mo t !n the $roject C-he e9maga6!ne -eenager IT I can read art!cle wr!tten #y other $"$!l ' #oth ;6ech and 7rench one L 1 $"$!l 0.

<e can wr!te a#o"t everyth!ng what we are !ntere ted !n L 0 $"$!l <e $ract! e 4ngl! h L ( $"$!l <e are !n contact w!th the $"$!l &rom a &ore!gn co"ntry L . $"$!l 4very#ody can read what I wr!te a#o"t L 1 $"$!l 2. @ave yo" had any other e?$er!ence w!th wr!t!ng art!cle &or a maga6!neT Se L 2 $"$!l No L 1, $"$!l (. Bo yo" read art!cle o& other $"$!l !n the e9maga6!neT I& ye ' how o&tenT Se ' reg"larly L ( $"$!l Se ' #"t not very o&ten L 2 $"$!l Se ' everyt!me I have t!me to read L / $"$!l No' never L ( $"$!l ,. Bo yo" wr!te yo"r art!cle alone or ome#ody hel$ yo"T Alone L 1( $"$!l 1ome#ody o& my &am!ly hel$ me L ( $"$!l 0. Boe the e9maga6!ne hel$ yo" !n yo"r learn!ng 4ngl! hT I& ye ' howT Se L 1, $"$!l to wr!te correctly !n 4ngl! h L ( $"$!l to learn new 4ngl! h voca#"lary L 0 $"$!l to !m$rove 4ngl! h L . $"$!l No L 2 $"$!l .. Bo yo"r $arent know that yo" wr!te the art!cle &or the e9maga6!neT Se L 10 $"$!l No L 1 $"$!l ). <hat wo"ld yo" l!ke to wr!te a#o"tT my ho##!e L , $"$!l &avo"r!te m" !c L 1 $"$!l +; game L ( $"$!l 0)

the world aro"nd " L 2 $"$!l o"r chool and o"r cla I do not know L 2 $"$!l /. @ow do yo" l!ke the v!deocon&erence w!th 7rench $"$!l T Se ' I l!ke !t very m"ch L 1( $"$!l Se #"t I am alway very nervo" L ( $"$!l No L 0 $"$!l *. @ave yo" had any e?$er!ence w!th v!deocon&erence !n other chool "#ject T Se L 0 $"$!l No L 1. $"$!l 10. So"r comment and "gge t!on J No "gge t!on ' I l!ke !t !n the way !t work L 11 $"$!l -o cont!n"e the $roject !n the .th cla ' too L 1 $"$!l More v!deocon&erence L 1 $"$!l Meet!ng 7rench $"$!l !n $er on L 2 $"$!l -o get good mark &or the art!cle L 1 $"$!l Accord!ng the >"e t!onna!re' the $"$!l l!ked do!ng the $roject and they l!ked meet!ng 7rench $"$!l and wr!t!ng art!cle &or the e9maga6!ne. -hey " "ally wrote them alone and mo t o& them th!nk !t hel$ed them to !m$rove the!r 4ngl! h knowledge. -hey al o a$$rec!ated that e?ce$t &!?ed to$!c they co"ld wr!te a#o"t everyth!ng they wanted. -he!r concl" !on a#o"t the &act that the e9maga6!ne hel$ed them to !m$rove 4ngl! h ! !n harmony w!th the com$ar! on o& the!r t"dy re "lt !n 4ngl! h le on d"r!ng the whole chool year. L , $"$!l

21021 %re"entation of t#e pro&ect +re entat!on o& the $"$!l = work ! very !m$ortant and mot!vat!ng &or them. M !ng Maga6!ne7actory we# !te the $re entat!on o& the!r wr!tten art!cle wa !mmed!ate. A&ter end!ng the art!cle to me and my correct!on they d! $layed on the ma!n $age o& 0/

the we# !te o& o"r e9maga6!ne and every#ody co"ld read them. -he we# !te were o$en to the $"#l!c at htt$JOOmaga6!ne&actory.ed".&!Omaga6!ne Oteenager o"r act!v!t!e !n the $roject. we# !te . <e $re ented o"r e9maga6!ne al o at o"r chool we# !te where I al o $"t the art!cle a#o"t

/onclu"ion +roject work ! one o& teach!ng and learn!ng method and we wo"ld already &!nd !t #eg!nn!ng !n ;omen!" wr!t!ng . :ater' the $edagog!cal th!nker o& 1/th and 1*the cent"ry dealt w!th " !ng $roject work !n ed"cat!onal $roce . A&ter 1*/*' th! method #ecame modern one al o !n o"r ed"cat!onal y tem. -he teacher " ed to call 8$roject8 everyth!ng that ! d!&&erent &rom the trad!t!onal way o& teach!ng and learn!ng. It eem that every#ody know the r"le o& $roject work L learn!ng #y do!ng' re $on !#!l!ty o& $"$!l &or the!r work' lett!ng the $"$!l look &or !n&ormat!on' ort!ng !t o"t and olv!ng $ro#lem #"t the !t"at!on !n a real l!&e !n $re$arat!on o& the $roject " e to #e d!&&erent. -he teacher $end a lot o& the!r t!me #y $re$arat!on o& the $roject and the $"$!l " "ally con !der the $roject day a a day o&&. In my work' I tr!ed to "mmar!6e the ma!n theoret!cal !dea o& $roject work and " e them !n the $ract!cal $art L to create the $roject #a ed on the !dea . Accord!ng to my teach!ng e?$er!ence !t ! #etter to do the $roject w!th a mall gro"$ o& the $"$!l than one w!th the $"$!l o& the whole chool. In $!te o& the &act that the teacher ! !ntegral $art o& the gro"$ o& the $"$!l and heO he ha to coord!nate the work' !t ! good to let the $art o& re $on !#!l!ty on the $"$!l . -he a!m o& my d!$loma the ! wa to do a $roject that co"ld #e the $art o& 4ngl! h le on !n yo"ng learner = cla and to &!nd o"t how the $roject o& creat!ng an e9 maga6!ne w!ll !n&l"ence yo"ng learner to learn a &ore!gn lang"age and whether they w!ll !m$rove the!r comm"n!cat!ve k!ll and t"dy!ng re "lt !n 4ngl! h le on . I th!nk that read!ng and wr!t!ng art!cle enr!ched 4ngl! h le on and !t gave the $"$!l the o$$ort"n!ty to " e the &ore!gn lang"age !n real!ty. -hey co"ld !mmed!ately " e what they learnt and I th!nk that wr!t!ng art!cle wa more !m$ortant &or them than th!nk!ng 0*

a#o"t $ract! !ng 4ngl! h #eca" e they " ed not only recommended to$!c #"t they wrote a#o"t everyth!ng they l!ked. I not!ced that tho e $"$!l ' who wrote art!cle mo t o&ten' made the greate t !m$rovement !n the!r 4ngl! h knowledge. I o&ten heard them d! c" the to$!c &or o"r e9maga6!ne d"r!ng #reak at chool corr!dor . -hey l!ked comm"n!cat!ng w!th the!r $eer a#road very m"ch and they eval"ated !t !n the >"e t!onna!re $o !t!vely w!th the w! h to meet them !n $er on. At the end o& the chool year' when I anno"nced them the end o& the $roject' they a ked me !& they co"ld cont!n"e the e9maga6!ne $roject ne?t year' too. -he $roject work "$$orted the $"$!l = a"tonomy o& de !c!on and ol"t!on o& $ro#lem !n do!ng $roject and I $rov!ded organ!6at!onal #ack"$' that the $"$!l co"ld not arrange them elve ' and I wa !n the role o& adv!cer and coord!nator. -hey took the $roject very er!o" ly. 4ven ome o& them were a#le to lead meet!ng on 1ky$e' w!th my occa !onal hel$' o that I had the t!me &or mak!ng v!deo and tak!ng $hoto . In $!te o& the &act they knew that the $roject wa vol"ntary work and there wa noth!ng to do a the!r d"t!e ' they " "ally jo!ned !t w!th $lea "re and enth" !a m. I wo"ld not m!nd to cont!n"e the $roject w!th them ne?t chool year. I am a #!g "$$orter o& $roject work at chool and I th!nk !t ha !t the $"$!l to reach #etter re "lt !n 4ngl! h. !gn!&!cant

$lace ne?t to trad!t!onal teach!ng method . Bo!ng the $roject ! $o !t!ve mot!vat!on &or


Re"u 3 B!$loma the ! deal w!th $roject work !n 4ngl! h le on at $r!mary chool. It ! d!v!ded !nto the teoret!cal $art and the $ract!cal $art. In the teoret!cal $art' d!$loma the ! "rvey the $rogre o& $roject work &rom !t #eg!nn!ng and !t a$$l!cat!on !n ed"cat!onal $roce . In the $ract!cal $art !t ! treated the !ntegrat!on o& the $roject !nto 4ngl! h le on . -he a!m o& d!$loma the ! ! to &!nd o"t how the $roject o& creat!ng the e9maga6!ne w!ll !n&l"ence the $"$!l to learn a &ore!gn lang"age and whether they w!ll !m$rove the!r comm"n!cat!ve k!ll and t"dy!ng re "lt !n 4ngl! h le on .

B!$lomov $rce e 6a#Vv $rojektovo" vV"ko" v hod!nch angl!ckWho ja6yka na 6kladnF Gkole. Ae ro6dlena na X t teoret!cko" a $rakt!cko". V teoret!ckW X t! e 6a#Vv vVvojem $rojektovW vV"ky od jejFho $oXtk" a jejF a$l!kacF do v6dlvacFho $roce ". V $rakt!ckW X t! je 6$racovno 6aXlennF $rojekt" do vV"ky angl!ckWho ja6yka. ;Flem d!$lomovW $rce je 6j! t!t' jak $rojekt tvor#y elektron!ckWho Xa o$! " #"de ovl!vHovat ky $N! t"d!" c!6Fho ja6yka a je tl! #"de tento $rojekt mFt vl!v na jej!ch kom"n!kaXnF cho$no t! a t"d!jnF vV ledky.


Bi.lio!rap#y) 1-2;K-2N' A. M.J +roject work !n ed"cat!on. Bo ton' New Sork' ;h!cagoJ @o"ghton M!&&l!n ;om$any' 1*20. K3A-2;@VY:2VZ' A.J -eor!e a $ra?e $rojektovW vV"ky. +edagog!ck &ak"lta Ma arykovy "n!ver6!ty' Katedra $edagog!ky' Brno 200*. 73I4B9B22-@' B. :.J +roject work. 3e o"rce #ook &or teacher . 2?&ord Mn!ver !ty +re ' 1*/.. :45M-K4' M.' -@2MA1' @.J +roce :ongman 5ro"$ MK :!m!ted' 1**1. @AIN41' 1.J +roject &or the 47: cla room. -homa Nel on and 1on :td' 1*/*. 5I::43AN' A.J :earn!ng w!th e9-w!nn!ng' A @and#ook &or -eacher . ;entral 1"$$ort 1erv!ce &or e-w!nn!ng' Br" el 200). 2[723B ABVAN;4B :4A3N43=1 BI;-I2NA3S' the !?th ed!t!on' 2?&ord Mn!ver !ty +re ' 2000. 2[723B <23B+2<43 BI;-I2NA3S' 2?&ord Mn!ver !ty +re ' 200.. ABVAN;4B :4A3N43=1 4N5:I1@ BI;-I2NA3S' @ar$er ;oll!n +"#l! her ' 200(' the &o"rth ed!t!on. ;AMB3IB54 ABVAN;4B :4A3N43=1 BI;-I2NA3S' ;am#r!dge Mn!ver !ty +re ' 200(. -@4 N4< +4N5MIN 4N5:I1@ BI;-I2NA3S' +eng"!n 5ro"$' 2000. and e?$er!ence !n the lang"age cla room.


Internet lin(") htt$JOOwww.etw!nn! htt$JOOmaga6!ne&actory.ed".&!Omaga6!ne Oteenager K2M2N4N' ;h.J Maga6!ne7actory L ;h!e& ed!tor= g"!de. 2000. Bo t"$nV na htt$JOOmaga6!ne&actory.ed".&!O!nde?.$h$T tr\1. ;3A<:4S' ;h.J -! kovW mater!ly Pc!t. 21. 11. 200/Q. Bo t"$nV na htt$JOOwww.etw!nn!ng.netOenO$"#Onew O$re %cornerOoverv!ew%o&%etw!nn!ng.htm BAV232VZ' K.J Bomov k trnka. N troje. N troje v $ro tNedF -w!n $ace P2/. /. 200/O(. ). 2010Q Bo t"$nV na htt$JOOwww.etw!nn!ng.netOenO$"#Otool Otw!n $ace%tool .htm IN-32BM;-I2N to Maga6!ne7actory. Bo t"$nV na htt$JOOmaga6!ne&actory.ed".&!O!nde?.$h$T tr\10 ;@3I1-MA1 12N5 8AIN5:4 B4::18J karaoke ver !on on htt$JOOwww.yo"t"#e.comOwatchTv\&M*d)*ho.d4]&eat"re\&v t K!d^one.w J work heet &or Math htt$JOOwww.k!d6one.w OmathO!nde?.htm




Math work heet Nr. 1


Math work heet Nr. 2


Math work heet Nr. (


Math work heet Nr. ,


Videoconference :$et

e introduce


2ne o& my $"$!l ! talk!ng a#o"t h!m and h! &am!ly.

<e are watch!ng o"r 7rench &r!end on the wh!te#oard.


-he 7rench cla

L a 7rench $"$!l ! talk!ng a#o"t h!m and h! &am!ly.

-he $hoto wa taken !n the 7rench cla room L ;6ech $"$!l are on the wh!te#oard.


Videoconference :-e are learnin! Mat#" to!et#er:

A #oy o& o"r chool ! co"nt!ng.

<e are l! ten!ng to the 7rench $"$!l L now !t ! the!r t"rn to co"nt.


A 7rench #oy ! co"nt!ng.

<e are $lay!ng the m!m!ng game L a #oy ! eat!ng $aghett!.


Aue"tionnaire for t#e pupil"


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