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Primary Resource Lesson

Ancient Greece: Art/Architecture of Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations

Goals NCSS: 1 and 4

Mississippi Frameworks: Culture
8. Understand how information concerning prehistoric and historic groups contributes to the study of a civilizations cultural development.

a. Analyze the significance of various archaeological and anthropological findings and historical sites (e.g., Champollions discovery of Rosetta stone, Pompeii, Akrotiri, etc.). (DOK 3)

C3 Framework:
D2. His. 4. 6-8 D2. His. 9. 6-8 D2. His. 11. 6-8 D2. His. 12. 6-8

(a) Examine early Greek History, (b) Analyze how art and architecture influenced these civilizations.

Overhead projector, Paper, Pencils, Handouts (Guideline questions for the assignment and Rubric). Pictures of art and architecture from Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations: Lions Gate at Mycenae showing Mycenaean architecture, Mycenaean pottery called the Warrior Crater, Minoan pottery called the Harvester Vase, Minoan architecture at the North entrance to the palace at Knossus.

Opening Set
(1) Students will have bell work to complete for the first five minutes of class. Bell work: If you could go to China what would you most like to see? Why? (2) Take attendance.

Learning Tasks (Procedures)

(1) Put up the pictures on the overhead and give a brief description. (Make sure they know what they are). (2) The students will see and be given a brief description of the aspects of art and literature during the lesson and should write down any important details. (3) Hand out the Rubric, copies of the pictures, and the questions. (4) Put up the pictures on the overhead and show the website that you got them from. (University of Oklahoma, Fine Arts Department.) (5) Inform the students that this will accompany the lesson that is being taught, and that it will count as a grade.

3 (6) Inform the students that they are to conduct research on the pictures. They can use educational, museum, or archeological books, websites, journals, etc. Make sure that it is accurate information and not from a blog, Wikipedia,, or (7) Prepare a one page paper to be turned in before the end of the chapter and use the questions to guide their paper. (8) Tell the students to open their textbooks to chapter 6 and read about Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations. (9) After reading the passages in the text discuss the artwork on the page with the students.

(1) Restate the objectives: (a) Examine early Greek History, (b) Analyze how art and architecture influenced these civilizations. (2) Ask the students if they have any questions. (3) Reiterate the due date by asking the students to tell you when the project is due.

Teachers notes
Minoans were the civilization located on the island of Crete. Mycenaean civilization was located on the peninsula of Greece. Knossos was the capital of Minoan civilization. Mycenae was the capital of Mycenaean civilization. Minoans society relied on farming and trading. Mycenaean society relied on trade and conquering. Artwork resembles these characteristics from each society. Minoan architecture shows a society that is focused on beauty and aesthetics. Mycenaean architecture shows a society that is focused on expressing power and defense (Ex: Acropolis).

4 Art/Architecture Research Paper Questions (1) What is the first picture? (2) What is in the second picture? (3) What is in the third picture? (4) What is in the fourth picture? (5) Tell me which civilization does each piece of work belong to? (6) What was the approximate time span of each of these two civilizations? (Examples: From 200 B.C. to 3 B.C., 1900 A.D. to 1994 A.D.) (7) Tell me how the art/architecture is similar or different between the two civilizations. (8) What does the art/architecture say about these civilizations during this time? What about their future?

5 Answers for the Art/Architecture Research Paper of Minoan and Mycenaean Civilization 1) Harvester Vase 2) Lions Gate 3) North entrance to the palace at Knossos 4) Warrior Krater 5) Minoans: 3000 B.C. to 1100 B.C., Mycenaeans: 1600 B.C. to 1200 B.C. 6) 1, 3 are Minoan artifacts, and 2, 4 are Mycenaean artifacts. 7) Pottery: Similar by shape, they both have pictures own them, they are painted. Different pictures, colors used, size of them. Architecture: Similar by good with blockwork, detailed. Different ones painted, one has columns. Answers will vary but must be within reason. 8) They were advanced civilizations, very educated in craftsmanship, detailed in their work, Minoans were farmers and traders, Mycenaeans were fighters. Minoans were conquered by the Mycenaeans. Answers will vary but must be within reason.

NCSS: Culture: Human beings create, learn, share, and adapt to culture. Mississippi Frameworks: Culture

8., a.
C3: D2. His. 4. 6-8, D2. His. 9. 6-8, D2. His. 11. 6-8, D2. His. 12. 6-8

Rubric for Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations Art/Architecture

Uninformed 0 points. Novice 1 point Emerging 2 points Advanced 3 points

Overall Performance

This response shows no knowledge of the content or questions. Responses are not related to the questions, and is inadequate.

This response shows minimal knowledge of the content or questions. The response is related to the question, but it is inadequate.

This response shows knowledge of the content and questions. The response is acceptable with some key ideas, but not all the information is accurate.

This response shows understanding of the content and questions. The response is insightful, integrates knowledge, and demonstrates evidence of full understanding.

Understanding of Topic

Demonstrates no understanding of topic.

Demonstrates little or no topic understanding

Demonstrates a moderate level of topic understanding.

Demonstrates a high level of topic understanding.

Writing and paper structure

Demonstrates no understanding of content material and the paper is incoherent. There are multiple grammatical errors.

Demonstrates some understanding of the content material. The paper lacks areas of coherence, or there are major grammatical errors..

Demonstrates a moderate level of understanding of the content material. The paper may have grammatical errors, but it is coherent. Or the paper has areas that are coherent and there are no grammatical errors. Writing and paper structure

Demonstrates a high level of understanding of the content material. The paper is coherent and it has no mistakes grammatically.

Total points Achieved

Overall Performance

Understanding of Topic

Instructor Feedback:

7 References Basic, Rozmeri. (N.d). Aegean Art Introduction. [ Art/Architecture from Minoan, Mycenaean, and Cycladic civilizations]. Minoan (Minoan Architecture, The palace of Knossus at Crete, p. 4). University of Oklahoma, School of Fine Arts, Art & Art History. Retrieved from

Basic, Rozmeri. ( N.d.). Aegean Art Introduction. [ Art/Architecture from Minoan, Mycenaean, and Cycladic civilizations]. Minoan (Pottery, Stone Vessels, p.5). University of Oklahoma, School of Fine Arts, Art & Art History. Retrieved from

Basic, Rozmeri. ( N.d.). Aegean Art Introduction. [ Art/Architecture from Minoan, Mycenaean, and Cycladic civilizations]. Mycenaean (Mycenaean Architecture,The Lions Gate, p.5). University of Oklahoma, School of Fine Arts, Art & Art History. Retrieved from

Basic, Rozmeri. ( N.d.). Aegean Art Introduction. [ Art/Architecture from Minoan, Mycenaean, and Cycladic civilizations]. Mycenaean (Pottery, The Warriors Krater, p.2). University of Oklahoma, School of Fine Arts, Art & Art History. Retrieved from

Pearson Prentice Hall. (2005). History Of Our World: The Early Ages, 170-171.

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