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Sl. No. Name of the Institute Web Link Programme at the foreign institute Name of the dept. and semester that can apply FD V, F V, F!"A V. No. of available seats # students per semester. Fee/ oncessional Fee/ Submission !erm " type $o tuition %ut &ompulsor' international student health &over applies: http://www.qut.ed tud'(a%road(and( e)&hange/predepar ture/health(&over. APP*+, -#./per student/per month Living #$penses/ term " %emarks

QUT, Australia

http://www.q Programs at undergraduate level.

1 *o'al A&adem' <. Design in Fashion TD sem 2 , FD /em .(4 0ree seats Free /eat 7, "D sem 7 =%ased on the o0 Art, The prot0olio o0 $etherland wor1>

/tep %' step During the 0irst 0ew wee1s, 'ou appli&ation ma' need -.233 to - 4333 to and esta%lish 'oursel0. 5ou should su%mission %udget appro)imatel' -673( guidan&e is -#33 ea&h wee1 0or 'our given in this e)penses. 8ore detailed 0ollowing in0ormation is provided in the lin1. 0ollowing lin1. http://www. onal/stud'(a%road(and( nternational/ e)&hange/qut(and(%ris%ane/li0e( stud'(a%road(in(%ris%ane/&ost(o0(living and( e)&hange/ap pl'ing/in%ou nd( $9FT lin1s 0or a&&omodation, medi&al appli&ation insuran&e visa et&. 0orm plus$.php prot0olio o0 ?id@3.A6 wor1 and$.php &reativit' ?id@3.A7 qualit'.$.php Appli&ation ?id@3.A3 0orm is$.php availa%le ?id@3.A.$.php =international ?id@343. /in0o 0or$.php international ?id@37.B students> An interview with the student ma' %e held i0 deemed ne&essar'. Appli&ation

/u%mit the &op' 9:"T// T;F:" result along with the appli&ation. For those students who are sele&ted %' $9FT as per the $9FT sele&tion pro&edure, last date o0 su%mitting appli&ation to QUT is .st 8a' 43.6. Atta&hments .. $omination 0orm o0 QUT 0or sele&ted students. 4. /tate Appli&ation guidelines Appli&ation 0orm is availa%le =international/in0o 0or international students> An interview with the student ma' %e held i0 deemed ne&essar'. 9n addition the 0ollowing do&uments need to %e sent: C Port0olio C "etter o0 motivation C Drades Atta&hment: .. Ee' Data 9nternational /tudent :)&hanges at the *;5A" A AD:85 ;F A*T 43.6(43.#


/&hool o0 Art www.wlv.a&.u 3.. <A =Gons> and Design ( 1/sad Fashion !Te)tile Universit' o0 34. <A =Gons> Draphi& Folverhampton 36. <A =Gons> 9llustru&tion

UD students &ompleted # semesters 0rom TD, FD,F ! "D %' 8a' 43.#

4 0ree seats and open paid seats 0or the /epH.#(IanH.7 semester.

please &he&1 the we% site at: http://www.wlv.a&. u1/de0ault.asp)?pa ge@4.42. <ut is J.3,#43 per a&ademi& 'ear at present.

$9FT please &he&1 the we% site at: appli&ation http://www.wlv.a&.u1/ 0orm plus p)?page@43A6B prot0olio o0 studentHs wor1.

4 Buffalo University

http://www.buff Apparel Design, Textile Design, Apparel Product Develop ent and!erc"andising#

As per t"e course apping + ' , seats done $y %Ps, students of eac" depart ent can only apply for courses indicated# &D ' se ester ((( and ) ' Apparel design concentration *D ' ) ' Apparel design concentration TD')(( ' &as"ion and Textile Design tec"nologies concentration

&ree -eat

Based on .(&T Application for

*equire 9:"T/ s&ore A.3 or equivalent. Port0olio o0 studentHs wor1. =port0olio to %e su%mitted to $odal o00i&er onl' i0 shortlisted %' $9FT> Atta&hments .. A&ademi& s&hedule 0or Universit' o0 Link to room and board All students applying !U-T charges: eit"er already "ave T/0&1 hossaiit/Paraprofessional/rbc.pdf score or ust appear for T/0&1 and get a score $y 1st 2ee3 of !arc" 2414# Attac" ents5 1# %ourses in Apparel Design %ocentration 2# %ourses in &as"ion/Textile Design Tec"nologies %oncentration 3#Buffalo 6e7uire ents for students 2"o get selected 4#6e7uire tn for D- 2418 for +#6e7uire ent for ( 24 for ,#6oo and Boarding c"arges

www.mod + Mod'Art International, Paris

!tud" abroad semstre M%M, !emester III programme Lu#ur" Products $ %ashion &usiness programme with credits


(o fee, e#change programme

(I%) selection '** 9 to +***, rent per month as well as transport $ food


, Dlasglow s&hool o0 Arts, UE

www.gsa.a&.u Fashion and Te)tile TD /emester (V99, 1

. 0ree seats per 'ear

Free /eats

$9FT appli&ation 0orm plus port0olio o0 wor1

J 6333 appro)

:%ontact %'(;Dl of centre for furt"er details &. Living e$penses indicated in the list are on single room and appro$imate basis. !he students could look at more reasonable options by means of sharing accommodation. '. !he above mentioned details are as per available information in the (ffice of International Linakges and are dependent on the confirmation by the concerned university. ). NIF! reserves the right to *ithdra* seats at any time . + !he final selection of the students *ould be done by the partner institutes .

;nline appli&ation to %e &ompleted a0ter &on0irmation o0 shortlisting 0rom 9" o00i&e.Appli&ation o0 shorlisted student= hard ph'si&al &op'> K must %e re&eived in Dlasgow %' . 8a' in order to %e &onsidered. /tudents must 0irst &omplete D/A online appli&ation 0orm=www.gsa.a&.u1/gsa .&0m?pid@.#..>, print it out, have it signed and approved %' their home institution, and send this together with their port0olio, trans&ript, personal statement and two letters o0 re&ommendation to arrive %e0ore . 8a'. The port0olio ma' %e su%mitted either on a D/DVD or %' in&luding a we%lin1 in the appli&ation 0orm.


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