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Rules and Conventions of the Figured World of Harry Potter and the Deathly

Hallows Part 1 and 2

The figured world I have chosen to observe is the final two installations of the Harry
Potter movie series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2. More
specifically, I intend to focus on three scenes that center around major themes in the
movies. I think that these three scenes would be Harry, Ron, and Hermione breaking into
the Ministry of Magic veiled by Polyjuice Potion, the three breaking into Gringott's
wizarding bank and their subsequent return to Hogwarts, and the final battle on Hogwarts
ground. The world I am observing is currently in utter chaos, the wizarding community
has just learned of Lord Voldemorts return, but is unaware that he is currently
controlling their government officials. Harry, Hermione, and Ron, the three main
characters, are on the run from the government, while attempting to gather resources
necessary to thwart Voldemort and to finally put an end to his reign of terror. In this state
of panic, much of the wizarding community has pulled away and hidden in terror. Those
willing to rebel are both plotting secretly and fighting outright. Murder is common, as
Voldemort and his followers are coldhearted and do not care for those who are of no use
to them. There is very little happiness in these movies; instead a somber tone is always
occurring. Forms of communication are dangerous as they may be intercepted, but the
rebels communicate by means of a secret, coded radio station, which needs a different,
unknown password for every broadcast. This is the only way the trio gets any information
of the wizarding world while on the run. In the first two examples for observation, loud
noise is discouraged as it would draw attention to the characters and reveal them as the
run-aways. In the final scene however, a battle takes place and so loud noise is to be
expected. An example of when inappropriate behavior occurs is the happiness displayed
when the trio returns to Hogwarts. The major discourse communities will be Death Eaters
versus rebels. Other communities include the Muggles, ministry officials not on the rebel
side and unaware of Voldemort's control, and the portion of the wizarding community
who are hiding away.

Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:40 AM
Comment [1]: Besciibe who Loiu
voluemoit is at the beginning insteau of just
at the enu, in 0bseivation Thiee.
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:24 AM
Comment [2]: Explain what Polyjuice
Potion is, some people may not know.
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:25 AM
Comment [3]: What aie muggles. Reauei
may not know.
Observation Assignment Amelia Howden
Site Location: the Ministry of Magic scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Observation One
!"#$%&'(&)* ), -)$.(&)*/ The Ninistiy of Nagic Beauquaiteis foi the Biitish bianch
of the wizaiuing goveinment is locateu in Whitehall, Lonuon, Englanu. This builuing
is the heauquaiteis foi the goveinment, much like the White Bouse anu Capitol
builuing in the 0S. This builuing, howevei is locateu unueigiounu as to be invisible
to muggles, anu can be enteieu seveial uiffeient ways. 0ne of these ways is by
flushing oneself uown a toilet in an abanuoneu subway entiance. Any entiance into
the ministiy ueposits you in a laige fiie giate, useu foi both appaiition anu the Floo
Netwoik in oiuei to get in anu out of the builuing magically. The giates aie locateu
in the Atiium, a gigantic ioom that seives as the lobby foi the Ninistiy. It is maue up
of blackish gieen maible anu uaik woou. Wheie once stoou the Fountain of Nagical
Biethien, a sculptuieu fountain uepicting magical cieatuies woiking togethei, now
stanus the Nagic is Night monument. voluemoit, now having complete contiol of
the ministiy, hau the Beath Eateis put this statue theie. It featuies a witch anu
wizaius stanuing atop a gieat stone ieauing "Nagic is Night", which is in tuin helu
up by a gioup of muggles who aie sculpteu to look in pain unuei the enoimous
weight of the iest of the sculptuie. To exit the Atiium anu get to othei floois, one
must use the magical gilueu elevatois, which move at extiemely high speeus to get
to the 1u vaiious uiffeient floois.

!"#$%&' )*%+', - ."#$%&' /*%+' "0 12 &23"%*24&25 *% 0"5$15"*26 "2 /7"87 8&%51"2
4122&%"0406 18506 *% 9&713"*% 1%& '&&4&' 1::%*:%"15& *% *57&%/"0& 0*;

012"# .*3 4)*5"*(&)* ,)% 6''%)'%&.(" 7"8.5&)%/ In this paiticulai obseivation,
Loiu voluemoit (the most poweiful uaik wizaiu of all time) is in contiol of the
Ninistiy, so appiopiiate behavioi is extiemely uiffeient fiom noimal. While usually,
people in the Ninistiy woulu be talking to each othei on the way to theii offices,
most employees aie silent. They aie this way out of feai, as they know that new "law
enfoiceis" aie watching them. The employees uo not know at the moment that the
law enfoiceis aie in fact, Beath Eateis, voluemoit's followeis, but aie awaie to be
caieful aiounu them so as to not be teiminateu foim theii jobs. Theie is veiy little
use of magic otheiwise what is neeueu to complete theii woik. While most
employees aie unawaie of voluemoit's takeovei, the shift in goveinmental contiol
aftei Rufus Sciimgeoui's, the pievious Ninistei foi Nagic, ueath has maue an
obvious impact. Pius Thicknesse, unuei the Impeiius Cuise, which allows voluemoit
to contiol his eveiy move, has implementeu stiict ieview of eveiy ministiy
employee to basically weeu out anyone who was of anything less than puie bloou. In
the wizaiuing society, this means that at no point in the family's lineage has anyone
maiiieu a muggle oi was muggle-boin. If muggle-boin, the Ninistiy woulu finu out
anu the accuseu was sent to Azkaban, the wizaiu piison. The ministiy has thus
become extiemely anti-Nuggle. Nany employees have been foiceu to make
pamphlets about the "uangeis of inteiacting with Nuggles" as a pait of this Nuggle
Boin Registiation Commission. Basically, any behavioi out of what is enfoiceu by
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:27 AM
Comment [4]: Naybe uesciibe the Beath
Eateis in moie uetail.
new, extiemely stiict, iegulations is giounus foi teimination fiom employment oi

-85*%0, -85*%0 1%& 57& "2'"3"'$1+0 "2 1 ."#$%&' /*%+' 5715 :+1< 1 0:&8"."8 %*+& 12'
8*25%"9$5& 5* 57& /*%+' "50&+.; =7&0& 0:&8"."8 185*%0 1%& 2*5 1++ 2&8&001%"+<
"4:*%5125 5* 57& &25"%& ."#$%&' /*%+' *. 57& >&157+< ?1++*/0 4*3"&06 9$5 "2 57"0
0:&8"."8 *90&%315"*2 1%& 0*;

-Baiiy Pottei: the main chaiactei of the seiies anu basically the catalyst foi most
events occuiiing. Baiiy is the only known peison to suivive Avaua Keuavia, the
killing cuise, in wizaiuing histoiy, especially consiueiing it was cast by the most
uangeious uaik wizaiu evei, Loiu voluemoit. Baiiy is the leauei of the main tiio,
incluuing Beimoine uiange anu Ron Weasley, but is uefinitely uefying the iules of
the !"#$%&' )*%+' in this obseivation. This is mainly because he is the No. 1 wanteu
ciiminal at the time that he bieaks into the Ninistiy unuei the veil of Polyjuice
Potion. Bis iole as an ,-.*% in this situation is the iebel leauei who is tiying to
uestioy Loiu voluemoit.
-Beimione uiangei: Beimione is one of the sub-main chaiacteis in the seiies, anu
has been fiienus with Baiiy since theii fiist uay at Bogwaits School of Witchciaft
anu Wizaiuiy six yeais ago. She is known as the "biightest witch of hei age" anu is
the biains behinu this opeiation. Without Beimione, Ron anu Baiiy woulu have
unuoubteuly faileu to ietiieve the Boiciux oi even step foot into the Ninistiy.
-Ron Weasley: Ron is anothei sub-main chaiactei anu Baiiy's best mate. While not
the smaitest, he is loyal anu goes to the Ninistiy with Baiiy anu Beimione simply
because they go eveiywheie togethei. Be uoesn't ieally have anything to auu to the
situation, but foi some comic ielief, as he always seems to get himself into tiouble.
-Boloies 0mbiiuge: As 0nueisecietaiy to the Ninistiy, 0mbiiuge has a gieat ueal of
powei in the Ninistiy. While it is uncleai whethei she is awaie of voluemoit's iole
in the Ninistiy, she has the Boiciux on hei possession. In this specific obseivation
she plays the iole of the powei-hungiy tyiant.
-Yaxley: Yaxley is the Beath Eatei who fiist uiscoveis the tiio without theii
uisguises, he chases them out of the Ninistiy, anu Beimione howevei manages to
lose him. In the stiuggle to get away, Ron's aim also gets splincheu, almost toin fiom
his shouluei. 0nfoitunately, being a Beath Eatei, Yaxley also infoims voluemoit of
Baiiy's visit to the Ninistiy as well as the wheieabouts of theii oiiginal safe house.
Yaxley also plays the iole of the villain.

-%5".1850, -2 1%5".185 812 9& 2*5 *2+< 1 :7<0"81+ *9@&856 9$5 1+0* 12 "'&1 *%
&4*5"*2 /7"87 "0 0"#2"."8125 5* &"57&% 57& /*%+' "50&+. *% 57& 185*%0 /"57"2 "5;

-The Boiciux: the locket containing a piece of voluemoit's soul is the only ieason
the tiio bioke into the Ninistiy in the fiist place. Boiciuxes aie of uiie impoitance
as to uestioy them all is the only way to kill voluemoit foi goou.
-The Tiials: The Nuggle-boin impiisonment tiials show how coiiupt the
goveinment is at this point. The tiials aie basically a sham, anyone uiscoveieu to be
muggle-boin is saiu to have stolen the magic anu subsequently sent to Azkaban. This
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:28 AM
Comment [5]: Bolu names to make it
easiei to ieau.
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:31 AM
Comment [6]: Peihaps uesciibe what
these aie in moie uetail, explaineu
somewhat, but maybe not enough.
is howevei not the case, as magic can't be stolen anu useu. While it is not obvious
voluemoit has taken ovei the Ninistiy, if people weien't so afiaiu at the piesent
time, the wizaiuing community woulu be in upioai at the unfaiiness of these tiials.
-Polyjuice Potion: uisguises aie uetiimental to this situation. Without them, Baiiy,
Ron, anu Beimione woulu have no hopes of getting into the Ninistiy in the fiist
place. They, howevei, enu up iunning out too soon anu ievealing the tiio to the
Beath Eateis, making life much moie uifficult in the enu. They uiu, on the othei
hanu, finally allow them to ietiieve a ieal Boiciux.

>"08*$%0& A*44$2"5"&0, - '"08*$%0& 8*44$2"5< "0 1 #%*$: /"57"2 57& /*%+' 5715
071%& 1 8*44*21+"5< &"57&% "2 "'&1 *% /1< *. 8*44$2"815"2# /"57"2 57"0
*90&%315"*2 *. 57& B"2"05%<

-Ninistiy 0fficials who seem not to know about voluemoit: Such as 0mbiiuge, these
officials ielish in the amount of powei now given to them. Especially to the ones
who believe in the new iegimens set by Pius Thicknesse, whom, unuei voluemoit's
contiol, is the new Ninistei foi Nagic. Theii commonality is theii lust foi powei
obvious by theii aiiogant attituues.
-Ninistiy 0fficials awaie of voluemoit's takeovei: As fai as we aie awaie these
people aie entiiely Beath Eateis, voluemoit's followeis. They constantly stiut about
as if they own the place, which in theoiy they uo. They aie also peisistently
thieatening lowei employees in oiuei to get what they want.
-The iebels: This gioup is mostly compiiseu by the 0iuei of the Phoenix, the
oiganization plotting voluemoit's uownfall, joineu by Baiiy, Ron, anu Beimione
whom aie too young to join. These people aie seen holuing theii heaus high while
still following cuiient iules as to not get into too much tiouble. They aie continually
stanuing up to Beath Eateis, but also speak in low whispeis in oiuei to not uiaw
attention. Nost uo not come into the Ninistiy anymoie.

C"5&%18< D%185"8&0, )1<0 *. 8*44$2"815"*2 /7&57&% "2 /%"55&2 *% 0:*E&2 .*%4

-Liteiacy Piactices in this obseivation aie mostly face-to-face uiscussion. Among the
tiio it is much moie casual, while slightly woiiieu, anu mostly in husheu tones to
avoiu being caught. While in uisguise, the thiee tiy not to speak too much to othei
wizaius, as they woulu most likely blow theii entiie opeiation.

98" :;#"%5.(&)*/
/0*.&1 ". "2 $3,''%&22&' ,2 .* )4,. 5&%"*' *! ."6& .4"2 2-&3& .,7&2 5+,-& "38 9*)&:&%1 ,2
6*2. &65+*;&&2 ,%& <$2. ,%%":"3# ,. )*%71 )& -,3 ,22$6& ". "2 6*%3"3#8 =. "2 ,+2*
$3-+&,% ,2 .* 4*) +*3# .4& 2-&3& ,-.$,++; +,2.2 "3 6*:"&>."6& :&%2$2 %&,+>."6&8 =3 %&,+>
."6& .4& 2-&3& "2 ,?*$. @A 6"3$.&2 +*3#1 )4"+& "3 .4& 6*:"& .4&; )*$+' 4,:& ?&&3
'"2-*:&%&' ,!.&% ,?*$. BA 6"3$.&28 C*% .4& 2,7& *! .4& *?2&%:,."*31 ."6& )"++ ?&
6,55&' ,2 "! ". )&%& DE 6"3$.&28

8:Su AN Aftei scouting the Ninistiy of Nagic entiance foi seveial weeks, Baiiy, Ron
anu Beimione ueciue it is time to act on the bieak-in. They stun thiee ministiy
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:36 AM
Comment [7]: A goou way to go above
anu beyonu woulu be to uiaw pictuies of
the aitifacts.
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:35 AM
Comment [8]: Anothei thing that coulu be
a foim of communication woulu be the
spells that they use.
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:37 AM
Comment [9]: Space between times, it
makes it uifficult to ieau.
employees anu use Polyjuice Potion mixeu with a haii fiom each of the employees
heaus to mimic theii appeaiance, they also steal theii clothes.
8:SS AN the tiio, uisguiseu, follow othei Ninistiy employees into an abanuoneu
Subway bathioom in the miuule of Lonuon. Beie they must split fiom Beimione anu
go into sepaiate bathiooms. They uiscovei that they must flush themselves into the
8:S8 AN Aftei finuing Beimione, Ron is sepaiateu fiom the gioup. Yaxley, a Beath
Eatei, uemanus that Ron, uisguiseu as Reg Catteimole, a maintenance woikei, fix his
iaining office. Beimione, uisguiseu as Nafalua Bopkiik, must then follow Boloies
0mbiiuge uown into the couitiooms wheie she is holuing tiials foi muggle-boins.
As Baiiy is uisguiseu as Albeit Runcoin, a Beath Eatei, no one stops him.
8:4u AN Baiiy finus 0mbiiuge's office. 0utsiue, he sets off a smoke bomb, couitesy
of Ron's twin biotheis, anu steps into hei office. Aftei he looking aiounu, he uoes
not uiscovei the Boiciux. Be uoes, howevei, finu files tiacking each membei of the
0iuei of the Phoenix, which woiiies him. Befoie leaving the office, he takes the late
Nau-Eye Noouy's (a pievious membei of the 0iuei befoie his muiuei a few weeks
eailiei) all-seeing glass eye fiom its place in 0mbiiuge's fiont uooi.
8:4S AN In the elevatoi, Baiiy finus Ron uiencheu fiom Yaxley's office. They make
theii way uown to the couitiooms to finu Beimione. Beie, they uiscovei "Ron's"
wife on tiial. Looking up, Baiiy uiscoveis that Bementois, hiueous cloakeu
cieatuies that feeu on human happiness anu biing a colu, uespeiate, uespaiiing
feeling upon people, guaiu the ioom. Baiiy shoves Ron into the ioom upon the
piemise of biinging Naiy Catteimole's husbanu to obseive the tiial.
8:48 AN aftei listening to a few questions accusing Naiy of stealing a wanu, Baiiy
pulls out his own wanu as his uisguise uisappeais. 0mbiiuge asks "Runcoin" what
he is uoing to which Baiiy ieplies, "You'ie lying Boloies, anu one mustn't tell lies," a
iefeience to a pievious movie in which 0mbiiuge toituieu Baiiy anu caivei the
woius into his hanu. Baiiy then stuns 0mbiiuge with the "Stupefy" spell anu
Beimione iips the locket off.
8:Su AN Baiiy, Beimione, Ron, anu Naiy make it to the elevatoi closely followeu by
Bementois. As they begin to suck out the human's souls, Baiiy casts a Pationus
Chaim, a paiticulaily auvanceu anu extiemely uifficult spell but also the only thing
that can piotect against a Bementoi attack, anu they manage to get away.
8:S2 AN They aiiive in the Atiium anu the tiio successfully get away fiom Naiy, all
of theii uisguises having now uisappeaieu.
8:SS AN As the tiio makes theii way quietly thiough the Atiium, people begin to
iecognize them. Tuining aiounu, they see Yaxley chasing them anu begin to iun
towaius the fiie giates that leau out of the Ninistiy. Baiiy casts a spell on stacks of
wanteu posteis featuiing his face, tuining them into a toinauo that pioviues them a
few seconus of heau stait.
8:SS AN They ieach the giates anu Beimione appaiates them out of the Ninistiy.
Yaxley giabs onto them just as they uisappeai. Beimione manages to get him loose
anu they appaiate to a new location.
8:S6 AN Aiiiving in the Foiest of Bean they uiscovei that the stiuggle with Yaxley
has left Ron splincheu, his left aim almost iippeu fiom his shouluei, leaving ueep
gashes in his aim, anu huiiy to fix it.
Observation Assignment Amelia Howden
Site Location: the Gringotts break-in scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Observation Two
Description of Location: Gringotts Wizarding Bank is a large, multistoried white
marble building situated on Diagon Alley. Two wizard guards guard the bronze doors of
the bank. Inside the doors lies a long marble lobby lined with desks at which hundreds of
goblins sit. Doors leading to the vaults line the lobby. The passageways to the vaults are
made of stone and, being miles underground, are dim. There are a number of vaults
below the ground, and the depth of the vault suggests the varying size and security
measures placed upon it. The deepest are the largest, high-security vaults, typically
belonging to very rich, very old, pureblood wizarding families, such as the Lestranges.
Many high-security vaults are guarded by dragons or sphinxes and require a Goblins
touch to enter. Lower-security vaults simply need a key. Carts on tracks are used to
navigate the vaults and are very fast, like a rollercoaster. Another form of security is the
Thiefs Downfall, which, at a lower level, the carts pass through. This waterfall dissolves
all enchantments and spells, revealing annoying attempting to break in.

Rules and Convention for Appropriate Behavior: Gringotts Bank is heavily secured,
so one must be on their best behavior and only be entering for good reason. The plaque
outside reads, Enter, stranger, but take heed Of what awaits the sin of greed For those
who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn. So if you seek beneath our
floors A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned, beware Of finding
more than treasure there. As such, trespassers are not tolerated. Harry, Ron, and
Hermione manage to break-in with the help of Griphook, a goblin, but are forced to use
the Imperius Curse on Bogrod, a head goblin, in order to gain further entry. Security is
notified when they pass under the Thiefs Downfall, exposing them. This is only the
second break-in in Gringotts history and is extremely unusual as it was successful.

-85*%0, -85*%0 1%& 57& "2'"3"'$1+0 "2 1 ."#$%&' /*%+' 5715 :+1< 1 0:&8"."8 %*+& 12'
8*25%"9$5& 5* 57& /*%+' "50&+.; =7&0& 0:&8"."8 185*%0 1%& 2*5 1++ 2&8&001%"+<
"4:*%5125 5* 57& &25"%& ."#$%&' /*%+' *. 57& >&157+< ?1++*/0 4*3"&06 9$5 "2 57"0
0:&8"."8 *90&%315"*2 1%& 0*;

-Griphook: Necessary to the break-in, the trio strike a deal with Griphook in order to get
into the bank. Goblins are naturally tricky, and so he ends up deceiving them, leaving the
trio for dead once inside the vault. Griphook steals the sword of Gryffindor, which is later
retrieved by Neville Longbottom, and escapes, betraying the others.
-Bogrod: Under the Imperius Curse, Bogrod leads the group down to the Lestranges
vault. He is needed, as only his touch will open the vault doors. After Griphook abandons
them, the dragon-guards flames incinerate Bogrod.
-The Dragon: Guarding the Lestranges vault in order to prevent intruders, the dragon has
been domesticated to expect pain when it hears the noise of the goblins Clankers.
Hermione calls this barbaric. The dragon provides a means of escape from the bank
after the trio retrieves the cup.

-%5".1850, -2 1%5".185 812 9& 2*5 *2+< 1 :7<0"81+ *9@&856 9$5 1+0* 12 "'&1 *%
&4*5"*2 /7"87 "0 0"#2"."8125 5* &"57&% 57& /*%+' "50&+. *% 57& 185*%0 /"57"2 "5;

-Belga Bufflepuff's Cup: Anothei Boiciux, anu again the only ieason they bieak into
uiingotts. It contains anothei piece of voluemoit's soul which when uestioyeu will
finally weaken him. It is hiuuen in Bellatiix Lestiange's vault, a tiusteu followei of
-The Invisibility Cloak: An impoitant aitifact thiough the entiie seiies, the cloak is of
uiie significance especially in this scene. It hiues Baiiy, the numbei one wanteu
wizaiu, anu uiiphook, a goblin on the iun, fiom the guaius as well as the goblin-
employees of uiingotts. It is also one of the thiee Beathly Ballows.
-Polyjuice Potion: Again uetiimental to the situation, if Beimione weie not uisguiseu
as Bellatiix using the potion, they woulu have nevei gotten thiough the fiont uoois.

>"08*$%0& A*44$2"5"&0, - '"08*$%0& 8*44$2"5< "0 1 #%*$: /"57"2 57& /*%+' 5715
071%& 1 8*44*21+"5< &"57&% "2 "'&1 *% /1< *. 8*44$2"815"2# /"57"2 57"0
*90&%315"*2 *. F%"2#*550 )"G1%'"2# H12E

-uiingotts Employees: uiingotts Wizaiuing Bank was founueu anu is employeu by
goblins. A highly intelligent, yet sneaky iace that aie veiy stiict about the guaiuing
of golu. They aie alieauy suspicious of Beimione-uisguiseu-as-Bellatiix as soon as
she steps into the Lobby. They communicate with a language calleu uobbleuegook.
-Secuiity uuaius: Aftei the uoblin Rebellion, wizaiu guaius ieplaceu the pievious
goblin guaius. They caiiy "Piobity Piobes" anu seaich eveiyone attempting to entei
the bank. Baiiy confounus the guaius in oiuei to bieak in.

C"5&%18< D%185"8&0, )1<0 *. 8*44$2"815"*2 /7&57&% "2 /%"55&2 *% 0:*E&2 .*%4

-Liteiacy Piactices in this obseivation aie mostly face-to-face uiscussion. In the
lobby, Beimione is the only one who talks, as Bellatiix. Ron anu Baiiy shaie a
whispeieu conveisation but otheiwise uo not speak. 0nce insiue the vaults, they aie
less cautious anu have full-on conveisation.

98" :;#"%5.(&)*/
/0*.&1 ". "2 $3,''%&22&' ,2 .* )4,. 5&%"*' *! ."6& .4"2 2-&3& .,7&2 5+,-& "38 9*)&:&%1 "3
%&+,."*3 .* *.4&% 2-&3&2 ". -,3 ?& ,22$6&' .4,. ". "2 +,.& 6*%3"3#8 =. "2 ,+2* $3-+&,% ,2
.* 4*) +*3# .4& 2-&3& ,-.$,++; +,2.2 "3 6*:"&>."6& :&%2$2 %&,+>."6&8 =3 %&,+>."6& .4&
2-&3& "2 ,?*$. @A 6"3$.&2 +*3#1 )4"+& "3 .4& 2-&3& "3 6*:"&>."6& 6$2. 4,:& +,2.&'
,%*$3' BE 6"3$.&28 C*% .4& 2,7& *! .4& *?2&%:,."*31 ."6& )"++ ?& 6,55&' ,2 "! ". )&%&
DE 6"3$.&28

1u AN Baiiy suspects that Bellatiix Lestiange is hiuing a Boiciux in hei vault at
uiingotts Wizaiuing Bank. Be, Ron anu Beimione enlist the help of uiiphook, a
goblin, to get them into the vault in exchange foi the swoiu of uiyffinuoi. 0sing one
of Lestiange's haiis fiom the Nalfoy manoi inciuent, they tiansfoim Beimione into
Bellatiix. Ron is uisguiseu as a foieign Beath Eatei, anu Baiiy caiiies uiiphook on
his back unuei the Invisibility cloak.
1u:1u AN Aftei being uisguiseu, the gioup appaiates into Biagon Alley anu walks
into uiingotts. Beimione appioaches the stanu anu asks to be shown to hei vault.
The goblins aie suspicious anu Baiiy must use the Impeiius Cuise to foice Bogiou
to take them into the vaults.
1u:1S AN The cait-tiack leaus the gioup unuei the Thief's Bownfall, enuing theii
uisguises anu almost causing them to fall to theii ueaths.
1u:18 AN Aiiiving at the vault on foot, they use bells to scaie the uiagon guaiu.
uiiphook places Bogiou's hanu on the vault uooi anu they slip insiue. Baiiy spots
the Boiciux, Belga Bufflepuff's Cup, acioss the vault anu begins to move towaius it.
Beimione bumps into a piece of tieasuie anu it begins to multiply. uiiphook tells
them it's the ueminiocuise anu it causes anything that is toucheu to multiply
exponentially. The vault quickly begins to fill up with tieasuie.
1u:2u AN Baiiy ieaches the cup anu begins to make his way back to the uooi.
uiiphook giabs the cup fiom him anu foices Baiiy to give him the swoiu. Be then
takes Bogiou anu exits the vault, saying that he nevei piomiseu to get them out.
1u:2S AN Aftei almost being ciusheu by golu, the tiio makes it out of the vault to be
met by guaius. Beimione convinces them to jump onto the uiagon's back. She
ieleases it's chains anu it ieais.
1u:28 AN Aftei teaiing thiough the vaults, the uiagon buists into the lobby anu
shatteis the skylight, emeiging into the Lonuon sky.

Observation Assignment Amelia Howden
Site Location: the final battle scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Observation Three
Description of Location: This scene takes place in several different parts of the
Hogwarts grounds, but is mainly focused in the castle. The four founding wizards of
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw,
Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin built the castle in the early Middle Ages.
Hogwarts grounds are massive and are surrounded by the deep, dark Forbidden Forest.
The castle itself is enormous and seven stories tall. Inside is the Great Hall, where a
majority of the battle takes place. Severus Snape and several Death Eaters run the school
at this point, which has basically become a concentration camp. Most of the students hide
in the Room of Requirement in order to escape punishment, a magical room inside
Hogwarts that can only be found by those who need it most.

Rules and Convention for Appropriate Behavior: Previous rules and Hogwarts were
typical of most schools, however during the battle all rules are lost. The grounds are in
turmoil and the battle rages throughout the castle. This is no simple dueling either; dark
creatures and Death Eaters alike storm the castle killing students, teachers, and member
of the Order. During these scenes there is no appropriate behavior, it is an entirely life-or-
death situation.

-85*%0, -85*%0 1%& 57& "2'"3"'$1+0 "2 1 ."#$%&' /*%+' 5715 :+1< 1 0:&8"."8 %*+& 12'
8*25%"9$5& 5* 57& /*%+' "50&+.; =7&0& 0:&8"."8 185*%0 1%& 2*5 1++ 2&8&001%"+<
"4:*%5125 5* 57& &25"%& ."#$%&' /*%+' *. 57& >&157+< ?1++*/0 4*3"&06 9$5 "2 57"0
0:&8"."8 *90&%315"*2 1%& 0*;
-Seveius Snape: Cuiient heaumastei anu iight-hanu man foi voluemoit whom
killeu Albus Bumbleuoie. Be, howevei, is actually a spy foi the 0iuei of the Phoenix
anu while is geneially uislikeu actually uoes the iight thing.
-0iuei of the Phoenix: the piotective foices anu actual battle-ieauy soluieis who
stanu to fight
-Nineiva Ncuonagall: pievious vice-heaumistiess, stanus up to Snape anu iegains
contiol of Bogwaits befoie the battle begins.
-Loiu voluemoit: the ultimate uaik wizaiu is the ieason this battle is happening, he
is ueteimineu to gain all powei anu to kill Baiiy Pottei.
-Beath Eateis: voluemoit's followeis anu aimy, ueteimineu to kill all those who
oppose voluemoit. Nost aie actually extiemely cowaiuly anu enu up fleeing the

-%5".1850, -2 1%5".185 812 9& 2*5 *2+< 1 :7<0"81+ *9@&856 9$5 1+0* 12 "'&1 *%
&4*5"*2 /7"87 "0 0"#2"."8125 5* &"57&% 57& /*%+' "50&+. *% 57& 185*%0 /"57"2 "5;

-Nagini: voluemoit's savage pet snake. It is also anothei Boiciux, but as voluemoit's
favoiite weapon, almost impossible to get to. The snake must be killeu in oiuei to
kill voluemoit.
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:38 AM
Comment [10]: uoou job uesciibing
actois. You ieally make them come to life,
veiy specific anu easy to unueistanu.
-Rowena Ravenclaw's Biauem: Anothei Boiciux that must be founu anu uestioyeu
in oiuei to kill voluemoit.
-Baiiy Pottei: Aftei seeing Snape's memoiies in the Pensieve, Baiiy uiscoveis that
he is the last Boiciux anu must also uie in oiuei foi voluemoit to fall. Be comes to
teims with this anu walks to his own execution.
-The Resuiiection Stone: 0ne of the thiee Beathly Ballows, this stone has the powei
to iecall loveu ones fiom the ueau. 0n the way to his ueath, Baiiy uiscoveis
Bumbleuoie hau hiuuen it in the Snitch he left him in his will. Be tuins it in his hanu
anu is visiteu by his lost loveu ones who stay with him as he walks into voluemoit's
-The Eluei Wanu: The last of the Beathly Ballows, the wanu is supposeu to be
unbeatable but enus up failing voluemoit.

>"08*$%0& A*44$2"5"&0, - '"08*$%0& 8*44$2"5< "0 1 #%*$: /"57"2 57& /*%+' 5715
071%& 1 8*44*21+"5< &"57&% "2 "'&1 *% /1< *. 8*44$2"815"2# /"57"2 57"0
*90&%315"*2 *. 57& H155+& *. ?*#/1%50

-Those loyal to Baiiy anu the siue of goou: These aie the people who fight foi the
gieatei goou anu oppose Loiu voluemoit. They aie maue up of the 0iuei of the
Phoenix, Piofessois, anu stuuents whom aie of age.
-The Beath Eateis anu Baik Cieatuies: These aie the ones who aie loyal to the bau
siue anu Loiu voluemoit. They attack the castle anu those in it, slaughteiing many

C"5&%18< D%185"8&0, )1<0 *. 8*44$2"815"*2 /7&57&% "2 /%"55&2 *% 0:*E&2 .*%4

-Theie is also not much communication in this scene past face-to-face
communication. Twice uuiing the scene, Loiu voluemoit amplifies his voice into the
eais of the people insiue Bowaits castle waining them to give Baiiy up anu
instilling teiioi in them. As Snape uies, he tells Baiiy to take his teais, which aie
actually memoiies anu explain eveiything that has happeneu in Baiiy's life up until
this point.

98" :;#"%5.(&)*/
/0*.&1 ". "2 $3,''%&22&' ,2 .* )4,. 5&%"*' *! ."6& .4"2 2-&3& .,7&2 5+,-& "38 9*)&:&%1
,!.&% %&2&,%-4 6,3; 2*$%-&2 2,; .4,. .4& &:&3.2 *--$%%&' "3 +,.& 3"#4. .* &,%+;
6*%3"3#8 =. "2 ,+2* $3-+&,% ,2 .* 4*) +*3# .4& 2-&3& ,-.$,++; +,2.2 "3 6*:"&>."6& :&%2$2
%&,+>."6&8 =3 %&,+>."6& .4& 2-&3& "2 ,?*$. ,3 4*$% +*3#1 )4"+& "3 .4& 2-&3& "3 6*:"&>."6&
6$2. 4,:& +,2.&' !*% ,. +&,2. F 4*$%28 C*% .4& 2,7& *! .4& *?2&%:,."*31 ."6& )"++ ?&
6,55&' ,2 "! ". )&%& ,?*$. .)* 4*$%28

S AN Aftei ietuining to Bogsmeaue anu being almost captuieu by Beath Eateis,
Baiiy, Ron, anu Beimione aie leu uown a seciet tunnel into Bogwaits by Neville
Longbottom. They aiiive in the Room of Requiiements wheie most stuuents have
been hiuing all yeai. They emeige to applause fiom theii fellow stuuents.
S:uS AN uinny, Ron's sistei announces that Snape wants eveiyone in the uieat Ball.
0nce in the uieat Ball, Baiiy ieveals himself anu accuses Snape. Be questions how
he uaies to stanu in Bumbleuoie's place, oiueiing Snape to tell eveiyone of his
betiayal anu how he killeu Bumbleuoie. Snape iaises his wanu, but Piofessoi
Ncuonagall steps in to uefenu Baiiy. Snape appaiates anu voluemoit's amplifieu
voice fills the hall. Be tells the stuuents to give Baiiy up befoie the battle begins.
The majoiity of the stuuents suiiounu Baiiy to piotect him fiom the selfish
S:1u AN Ncuonagall oiueis minois to be sent home, anu says that the eluei
stuuents can stay to fight if they wish. Nembeis of the 0iuei of the Phoenix aiiive
anu begin to place piotective enchantments aiounu the castle.
S:1S AN Baiiy finus Belena Ravenclaw's ghost anu convinces hei to tell him that
hei mothei's uiauem is hiuuen in the Room of Requiiement. Neanwhile, Ron anu
Beimione go into the Chambei of Seciets to uestioy the cup with a basilisk fang.
S:2u AN An aimy of Beath Eateis has aiiiveu outsiue of the giounus anu attempt to
bieak uown the enchantments. voluemoit casts a cuise that bieaks them, but also
slightly ciacks the Eluei Wanu. Be begins to feel the uestiuction of the Boiciuxes.
S:2S AN The Snatcheis anu a few Beath Eateis attempt to chaige the biiuge aftei
Neville's taunts but it collapses anu they plunge to theii ueaths.
S:Su AN The Beath Eateis begin to maich into the castle anu the battle begins.
Baiiy finus the uiauem in the Room of Requiiement, but he, Ron anu Beimione
naiiowly escape being killeu by Nalfoy anu his goonies. Baiiy has a vision of
voluemoit in the boathouse anu the tiio iuns thiough the battle to get theie.
S:4u AN They hiue outsiue the uocks anu heai Snape anu voluemoit's conveisation
about the Eluei Wanu. voluemoit then slits Snape's thioat anu oiueis Nagini to
attack, leaving him almost ueau. voluemoit once again amplifies his voice saying
that Baiiy has an houi to suiienuei befoie voluemoit muiueis anyone who gets in
his way.
S:4S AN Snape give Baiiy one of his teais, telling him to take it to the Pensieve
befoie uying.
S:Su AN The tiio makes theii way up to the castle anu into the uieat Ball wheie
they uiscovei the bouies of those who uieu in battle. They finu that Fieu, Ron's
biothei has been killeu, anu giieve. Baiiy also finus Remus Lupin anu Tonks, anu
leaves unable to stay knowing that they all uieu because of him.
S:SS AN Baiiy goes to the Pensieve anu sees Snape's memoiies which tell him about
his mothei's chiluhoou fiienuship with Snape, his paient's ueaths, anu the tiuth
about Bumbleuoie's ueath. Be also uiscoveis that he himself is a Boiciux anu must
uie in oiuei foi voluemoit to be killeu.
4 AN Baiiy finus Ron anu Beimione anu says gooubye to them.
4:1u AN As he ieaches the euge of the Foibiuuen Foiest, he takes out the Snitch
Bumbleuoie left him in his will. Be tells it that he is ieauy to uie, anu the
Resuiiection Stone falls out. Bis lost loveu ones appeai befoie him, offeiing him
encouiagement anu telling him how biave he is. Be asks them if they will stay with
him anu his mothei tells him "Always".
4:1S AN Baiiy steps out into the cleaiing in fiont of voluemoit, whom tuins aiounu
anu fiies the Killing Cuise at Baiiy. Be awakes in a white tiain station with
Bumbleuoie. Bumbleuoie tells him that the pait of him that was a Boiciux has been
uestioyeu. Be also tells Baiiy that he can stay anu go into the afteilife oi ietuin anu
finish what he staiteu. Baiiy wakes up on the foiest flooi but plays ueau. Bagiiu,
captuieu by Beath Eateis, caiiies Baiiy's bouy back to the castle suiiounueu by the
aimy anu voluemoit.
4:2u AN They aiiive back to the castle anu voluemoit announces Baiiy's ueath. Be
asks foi people to join his siue, but only Nalfoy complies. Neville hobbles foiwaiu
anu the Beath Eateis laugh. Neville says that they have to continue to fight anu
Baiiy is still in theii heaits. Be tells voluemoit he'll join him when Bell fieezes ovei
anu pulls the swoiu of uiyffinuoi out of the Soiting Bat.
4:Su AN Baiiy jumps out of Bagiiu's aims to the applause of the goou siue anu the
hoiioi of the Beath Eateis. Nany of voluemoit's followeis ueciue to abanuon him,
appaiating at the sigh of Baiiy alive. voluemoit anu Baiiy begin to uuel all ovei the
giounus, anu moie battle ensues in the uieat Ball. Nolly Weasley, Ron's mothei,
kills Bellatiix Lestiange. Buiing this time Beimione anu Ron attempt to kill Nagini.
4:4S AN Neville finus Nagini anu slices hei heau off, saving Ron anu Beimione. The
last Boiciux has been uestioyeu, meaning that voluemoit can finally be killeu.
4:Su AN voluemoit falteis slightly then launches anothei Killing Cuise at Baiiy,
which he meets with a Bisaiming Chaim. The two spells colliue.
SAN Baiiy pushes voluemoit's cuise back into the ciacks of the Eluei Wanu wheie
it engulfs him. The wanu flies into Baiiy's hanu anu voluemoit uisintegiates.

Amelia Bowuen
Inteiview Questions
<*("%5&"=&*> ?.%%@ A)(("%
0*.&G H2 9,%%; I*..&% "2 , !"-."*3,+ -4,%,-.&%J .4"2 "3.&%:"&) ),2 -*3'$-.&' )".4
6;2&+! ?&"3# ?*.4 K$&2."*3&% ,3' ,32)&%&%8 L4"+& = .%"&' .* ,32)&% !%*6 I*..&%M2
5&%25&-.":&1 ". "2 &3."%&+; 5*22"?+& .4,. .4& ,32)&%2 6,; 3*. %&!+&-. )4,. 4"2 ,-.$,+
:"&)2 -*$+' ?&8
BC ?)= 3&3 &( ,""2 () ;" ;%".D&*> &*() (8" E&*&#(%@ ), E.>&$ .# (8" F)#( =.*("3
$%&F&*.2 .( (8" (&F"G Bloouy teiiifying. It was slightly exciting that we weie
bieaking the iules on such a laige scale, but mostly we weie scaieu out of oui
minus. It hau to be uone, though. It's inteiesting because I knew we weie uisguiseu,
anu no one coulu possibly know that it was me posing as Runcoin, but if we steppeu
"one toe out of line", to quote Nis. Weasley, we woulu be in big tiouble. We also
uiun't know how long the effects of the potion woulu last so we weie being
incieuibly iusheu. uetting into the Ninistiy was suipiisingly easy, I mean we've
been stanuing on that blimmin' stieet coinei watching eveiyone foi two weeks.
0nce we got insiue, we weie all sepaiateu so we hau to tiy anu finu the Boiciux
without one anothei. uetting out was the uifficult pait, obviously, since eveiyone
saw who I was.
HC I8.( =.# &( 2&D" ;"&*> 01*$)%*G 0uu. Really, ieally ouu. I'm a pietty shoit
bloke, but Runcoin is massive, it was haiu to walk aiounu actually, because he was
so tall. That's the only ieason I iemembeieu that I was uisguiseu. I coulu see a lot
moie. It was scaiy because people weie teiiifieu of me, they woulun't look me in the
eyes. I've expeiienceu that befoie, but moie because they hateu me than that they
thought I woulu kill them oi something. Wasn't ieally fonu of it.
JC ?)= =.# $)FF1*&$.(&)* &* (8" E&*&#(%@G ?)= 3&3 @)1 (.2D () )*" .*)(8"%G
Well. we uiun't. Aftei Ron, Beimione, anu I split up, we hau no way of knowing
wheie anyone was. As fai as talking to othei people, I s'pose we just tiieu to avoiu
talking to oi looking at anyone, I thought they woulu finu out. Nostly I just tiieu to
look intimiuating anu nouueu at people a lot. I hopeu they woulun't come up to me
anu ask me anything, I uiun't ieally know much about Runcoin.
KC I8.( =.# &( 2&D" () >&5" LF;%&3>" . (.#(" ), 8"% )=* F"3&$&*"G Biilliant,
absolutely biilliant. 0bviously, it was quite teiiifying, as we hau to get out iight aftei
I stunneu hei anu get away fiom the Bementois, but it was a gieat feeling. I think
my comment was quite witty if I uo say so myself (0mbiiuge pieviously toituieu
Baiiy by using a special quill that left "I must not tell lies" caiveu into his hanu, so in
the couitioom he saiu to 0mbiiuge, "You'ie lying Boloies, anu one mustn't tell lies"),
anu yelling "Stupefy" maue eveiything a bit moie woith it, an extia tieat.
MC 9"22 F" .;)1( 0)* >"((&*> #'2&*$8"3N 8)= 3&3 @)1 %".$(G Right, well I enueu
up a few feet away, so at fiist I uiun't iealize what hau happeneu. I just knew that we
hau gotten away fiom Yaxley, which was a shock. I was confuseu when I openeu my
eyes in the Foiest of Bean; we weie supposeu to be going back to uiimmaulu Place.
But then I saw Ron lying on the giounu. Bis aim was neaily iippeu fiom his
shouluei. It was kinu of a numb hoiioi that I felt. I uon't know what we woulu've
uone without Beimione, I coulu haiuly move. Ron piobably woulu have uieu; I uon't
know how to ueal with that stuff. uoou thing she's a genius.
Amelia Howden 2/6/14 8:37 AM
Comment [11]: Awesome inteiview, it
ieally sounus like him!

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