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God is still speaking today

Is the Bible completed? Why constantly New Revelations? Why is God speaking to people? Admonition

A selection of Revelations from God

received thro gh the !Inner Word" by Bertha # dde

God is still speaking today

%his booklet contains a selection of #ivine Revelations& received thro gh the Inner Word by Bertha # dde as promised by 'ohn ()*$(+ ,Whoever has -y commands and obeys them& he is the one who loves -e* .e who loves -e will be loved by -y /ather& and I too will love him and show -yself to him*"


%he revelations are non1denominational& they do not intend to attract members of any 2hristian religio s affiliation nor to recr it members into any 2hristian religio s affiliation* %he only p rpose of these revelations is to make God"s Word accessible to all people& as it is God"s Will*

3nly complete and naltered messages with references may be copied and translated*

We invite everyone wishing to e4press their gratit de for the receipt of the Word of God to pray& partic larly for the most needy so ls*

5 blished by friends of the New Revelation

Ingo 6chne ing& /l7rekeweg 8& $(998 :;neb rg http+<<www*bertha1d dde*info http+<<www*de*gro ps*yahoo*com<gro p<d dde http+<<www*de*gro ps*yahoo*com<gro p<GottesWort

Table of contents
5age ) = A B > 8 (? (( ($ (9 () (= (A (B (> Who was Bertha Dudde? >?=) >=$$ >=88 B9B= >B=B >=A> >8(B >$A> 8??$ >9A) =B>= AABA B=$( >)8) Is the Bible completed?*@ God"s Word will be heard eternally**** God .imself conveys the tr th to people**** 'ohn ()& $( !.e that hath -y commandments@*" 3nly God can convey the tr th to a person**** Why is God speaking to people?**** God"s Word intends to attract people"s love**** Revelations are God"s help towards ascent**** Why constantly New Revelations?**** %he h man being"s d ty is to scr tinise spirit al information***** 2onstant contact with God ens res s ccess**** !%est all things and keep what is good****" 5 re tr th**** %he Word from above**** Gift of grace before the end**** 'es s 2hrist@*

Who was Bertha Dudde? Bertha # dde was born on (* April (>8(& as the second oldest da ghter of a painter& in :iegnitC& 6ilesia* 6he became a dressmaker and began to receive prono ncements from God thro gh the !Inner Word" on (=* ' ne (89B* DIn a clear dream I was moved to write down my tho ghts after devo t prayer* Enderstandably this often gave way to do bt and inner conflicts ntil I was convinced that I was& myself& by no means the initiator of these e4F isitely gracio s wordsG b t instead it was the spirit within me& in other words& the love of the .eavenly /ather was obvio sly responsible for them and introd ced me to the tr thH* DI was given knowledge of the spirit al world which far e4ceeded my elementary school ed cation* I received and receive this knowledge as a dictation in a state of complete conscio snessG I write down everything I am told in shorthand& in order to then transfer it word for word to clean copy* %he proced re does not take place in a state of comp lsion& for e4ample in a state of trance or ecstasy& b t in an absol tely level1headed frame of mind* .owever& I have to want it to happen and then I can receive these dictations vol ntarilyG they are neither bo nd by time nor place*H DNow I only have one wish& which is to be able to make these gifts of grace accessible to many more people and in accordance with the will of God .imself to be allowed to do m ch more work in .is vineyard*H IJ otations from an a tobiography from (8=8K* Bertha # dde died on (>* 6eptember (8A= in :everk sen& Germany*

B*#* >?=) 9*($*(8A( Is the Bible completed?. .ow misg ided yo are to ass me that with the 6cript res& the Book of the /athers& -y Word has come to an end@ that I -yself have set a limit in so far as that I now do not comm nicate anymore& that I do not speak to people any longer@ Who gives yo the a thority to make s ch an ass mption?**** Who will deny -e to speak time and again as /ather to -y children? Who gives yo the right to make the assertion that the Bible is s fficient on its own& that yo h mans need no other Word?**** %hose of yo who reLect every new revelation are still confined in the darkness of spirit*@ And in this darkness yo will not nderstand the Bible either& th s it is still a closed book for yo beca se yo do not nderstand the spirit al meaning of the letters& or yo wo ld also find the references concerning -y contin o s revelations in this book and the working of -y spirit wo ld be comprehensible to yo *@ B t as long as yo r spirit is still nenlightened yo cannot grasp the meaning of the Word which I -yself spoke to -y disciples while I lived on earth*@ Mo h mans wo ld be nfort nate if yo had to content yo rselves with a book which can no longer be checked by yo yo rselves for changes in its contents*@ if yo were not repeatedly offered the p re tr th from above as a g iding principle as to whether yo yo rselves are living in tr th*@ %hose of yo who only accept the Book of the /athers have not yet penetrated !the Word" yo rselves& yo have only read it intellect ally b t not allowed the spirit within yo to speak& who instr cts yo and e4plains to yo the spirit al meaning of the Word @* Mo adhere to the letter and do not nderstand its meaning*** And when I -yself want to g ide yo into tr th yo deny y activity& and yo s spect -y servants of associating with -y adversary@ yo F estion -y will and the power to speak to those who devo tly offer their service to -e and who are th s also able to hear -y voice within themselves@* And yo st bbornly hold on to yo r opinion that -y Word is concl ded with the 6cript res& which yo acknowledge as the only book thro gh which I have revealed -yself@ And that is yo r loss& beca se by reLecting -y Word from above yo prove yo rselves to be mere dead 2hristians& beca se li!ing 2hristianity is an !activity of love"& and this wo ld res lt in yo r spirit al enlightenment and th s also in an nderstanding for -y e4ceptional help in times of spirit al hardship@ %hen yo wo ld also comprehend the Bible words& the promises& which I -yself gave to yo and which point o t that I will reveal -yself to those who keep -y commandments@ 6o how do yo intend to interpret -y promises& if yo deny every !New Revelation"?**** #o yo want to call -e a liar when I anno nce -y !comforter" to yo who will !g ide yo into every tr th@" .ow do yo nderstand these Words which have to come to pass& beca se every promise I gave to people d ring -y life on earth f lfils itself@ And why do yo not want to believe? Beca se yo r spirit is arrogant& beca se yo lack inner life& spirit al awakening& and th s yo believe that yo are able to determine and limit -e and -y activity as it s its you@ B t yo are mistaken& even if yo believe that yo have acF ired knowledge thro gh yo r st dies which entitles yo to reLect -y Word from above@ Mo are spirit ally arrogant and therefore yo can never receive a revelation from -e yoursel!es& beca se I only bestow -y grace to the h mble& and yo are lacking this h mility@ And th s yo still walk in darkness& and yo will not be able to penetrate it since yo avoid the light which co ld give yo insight if yo wanted to step into its radiance@ -y love for -y living beings will never end& and hence I will never fail to speak to yo h mans wherever the conditions to do so are met* And -y Word will always so nd in those who are of good will& to whom the /ather can speak like to .is children and who have a living faith in -e* And to them I will give evidence of -yself& and -y 3wn will recognise -y voice beca se I can be present with them@ I can reveal -yself to them as I have promised@ Amen

B*#* >=$$ >*B*(8A9 God"s Word will be heard eternally.... I have promised to stay with yo ntil the end of the world**** And -y Word will be heard by yo & -y living creation& as a sign of -y presence@* %he connection between yo r God and 2reator of eternity and yo & .is beings having emerged from .im& will remain forever@* -y love for yo will eternally e4press Itself by speaking to yo & beca se since the beginning It fo nd greatest pleas re in being able to be in to ch with Its living creations thro gh the Word& and beca se the happiness of all beings will also eternally consist of constantly receiving -y strength of love& and this transmission of strength is e4pressing Itself thro gh -y directly imparted Word* I reveal -yself thro gh the Word**** I transfer -y tho ghts onto yo and find -y happiness by stim lating yo to respond in kind& so that the dialog e between /ather and child can take place& which in itself provides s preme beatit de@* %he more perfect the being is& the more clearly it can hear -y voice within its heart@* which has to be spirit ally nderstood insofar as that the being is moving within brightest realisation& within the same will and the same tho ghts as -ine& with Whom it is intimately nited d e to its perfection* Met even a being with a lesser degree of mat rity can still hear -e if& in awareness of itself& it establishes contact with -e @* Nevertheless& the degree of happiness will be higher or lower respectively& for once it is nited with -e again@* the being will have come alive@* the state of death will have been overcome& which alone e4cl des the hearing of -y Word@* B t only very few people know that their God and 2reator wo ld like to speak to them and that they co ld indeed hear .im if they lived a way of life in accordance with .is will* 3nly few people e4perience the happiness of a direct comm nication and enter into a heartfelt relationship with .im@* And if fellow h man beings are given the knowledge of it they find it incredible and only la gh at those who tell them so**** Met !.eaven and earth shall pass away+ b t -y Word shall not pass away@*" And this promise of -ine& too& is s ally interpreted differently in as m ch as yo believe that the !written Word" will be preserved nchanged@* Met even for this it is necessary that -y Word be repeatedly conveyed to earth beca se h man will does not retain anything naltered and the p rity of the once spoken Word will not remain g aranteed@* B t this promise of -ine has an even more profo nd significance still @* !-y Word shall not pass away@*" -y Word will always and forever be heard by the spirit ally tangible beings& -y Word will always and forever give evidence of the bond of all created beings with -e& -y living creations may always and forever be able to hear -e& for their happiness rests in the fact that they will be spoken to by -e directly& that they will always know of -y will and harbo r the same will within themselves& that they may associate with their God and 2reator like children with their /ather@* that profo nd realisation& s preme wisdom and tr thf l knowledge will permeate them and make them infinitely happy@* And all this is only the res lt of the dialog e with -e thro gh the Word**** If -y Word co ld not be heard within all spirit al beings there co ld not be tr e life either& for only -y Word is the life& the strength and also the happiness& or I wo ld forever be a distant& inaccessible God for -y living creations& with Whom there wo ld be no reason to make contact and no effect co ld be recognised either@* !I will be with yo ntil the end****" Mo will not be witho t -e and -y presence anymore@* nless yo still belong to -y adversary into whose domain I will not intr de& instead yo have to t rn to -e vol ntarily* B t as soon as yo have separated yo rselves from him and serio sly strive towards -e& -y Word will also be heard within yo & albeit very F ietly at first as the voice of conscience@* yet yo will be able to hear it increasingly more distinctly if only yo hand yo rselves over to -e so that yo are inwardly rged to speak to -e in tho ght@* %hen yo will also receive an answer& only that yo will not recognise it as s ch at first b t regard it as yo r own tho ghts**** .owever& the more yo withdraw from the world and look for -e& the lo der -y voice will so nd in yo & and the belief in -y speaking to yo can also enable yo to conscio sly e4pect it @* #nd you will hear e@* It entirely depends on yo r so l"s degree of mat rity& it entirely depends on yo r degree of love& how yo will hear -e and -y Word@* And since yo & as belonging to -e& are constantly ascending& -y Word will not e4cl de yo either@* I will be and remain with yo and always and forever speak to yo @* and yo will become increasingly happier as a res lt of the constant dialog e with -e thro gh -y Word@* Amen

B*#* >=88 $>*>*(8A9 God $imself con!eys the truth to people.... With immense happiness I convey the tr th to yo h mans**** with immense happiness I inform yo of the tr e p rpose of yo r e4istence& abo t the ca se and ltimate goal of yo r life on this earth@* /or only if yo are enlightened abo t it will yo begin to live conscio sly and also strive towards the goal* Before that yo are spirit ally dead and every day is lost to yo altho gh it co ld& with the right will& lead yo towards the goal* B t yo h mans don"t want to believe that yo r God and 2reator& yo r /ather of eternity& is speaking to yo .imself and that yo therefore may also accept that the information is tr e@*Nor do yo consider that I Am a God of love and that love wants to give yo everything yo need in order to reach yo r goal on earth* And yo r goal is yo r final ret rn to -e& from Whom yo once emerged and vol ntarily distanced yo rselves@* And therefore yo also o ght to know the circ mstances relating to yo r earthly e4istence& f rthermore& yo o ght to know how yo sho ld live yo r earthly life so that yo can achieve s ccess* /or the whole of yo r earthly progress can also be to no avail and I want to prevent that* I Am the :ight of eternity@* %he light is brightly radiating* Mo yo rselves are still walking in dark regions for yo are completely ignorant and naware@* /or this reason I want to let -y light shine into this darkness and& tr ly& it will make yo happy to receive the knowledge which corresponds to the tr th* /or yo can also be wrongly ed cated by yo r fellow h man beings who don"t have the right information themselves* B t in that case the darkness s rro nding yo will not be penetrated beca se they are deceptive lights which don"t radiate brightness and only conf se yo r thinking* I instr ct yo gladly and yo can receive an e4planation abo t everything providing yo meet -y condition that yo are serious abo t wanting to know the p re truth**** Mo only have to m ster this will and then entr st yo rselves to e Who& being %r th .imself& can also g ide yo into the tr th@* And tr ly& yo will be ta ght and receive knowledge in ab ndance which will make yo very happy@* Nverything will be comprehensible to yo & every F estion will be answered and the light of day will be within yo & yo will have stepped o t of the spirit al night and enLoy the light which ill minates yo r spirit* B t yo will only reF est the p re tr th if love has been kindled in yo **** /or love& light and tr th belong togetherG one witho t the other is nthinkable@* A heartless person will not ask for the tr th from -e and will never ever ask for a light@* .owever& anyone who lives a life of love also wants to escape the darkness**** and the fire of lo!e emanates the light of wisdom@* everyone who is lovingly active will become knowledgeable& for I Am :ove -yself& and a person who conscio sly allows for it will be ed cated by -e thro gh the spirit@* And the more ill minating knowledge I can bestow pon yo & the more I delight in the spirit al state of people who have escaped the night and thereby also the prince of darkness& who wo ld like to keep all people in spirit al darkness so that they will be nable to recognise -e**** their God and 2reator* B t since I Am :ove& since yo all emerged from -y love& I only ever want to make yo happy* Met this necessitates yo r nity with -e& it necessitates yo r will to draw close to -e again& and then yo will also accept -y gifts of grace& yo will allow yo rselves to be ta ght by -e and f lfil -y will& which I proclaim to yo thro gh these instr ctions* %h s yo vol ntarily take the path which leads yo back to e& from Whom yo once originated& beca se yo already have a light within yo rselves which ill minates the right path for yo @* since d e to -y instr ctions yo have gained realisation and know abo t the meaning and p rpose of yo r earthly life* And the tr th from -e will please yo & yo will reF est -e to speak to yo if only yo believe that I Am addressing yo * And this belief will come alive in yo thro gh love@* %h s yo only need to live a life of selfless neighbo rly love and yo will thereby intimately nite with -e& so that I can speak to yo and g ide yo into the tr th& as I have promised yo @* Amen


B*#* B9B= $9*A*(8=8 %ohn &'( )& *$e that hath y commandments."

If yo keep -y commandments yo will love -e and I will reveal -yself to yo * And I will always reveal -yself to those who want to hear -e& I will never stay silent or leave yo & beca se I love yo and wish for nothing more dearly b t to speak to yo & to comm nicate with yo and thereby reveal -yself to yo as a loving /ather Who has longed for .is child ever since it deserted -e and fell away* -y love for what has fallen has not diminishedG hence I will do anything in order to call it back to -e* As soon as it hears -y voice& as soon as it recognises it as y voice and th s reF ests to be addressed by -e it will have already started on the path of ret rn @* it is already close to the /ather"s heart& it only has to conscio sly try to establish contact with -e in order to definitely enter into nion with -e and thereby regain the Loys which it felt in the beginning* .ence yo & -y beloved on earth& need only keep -y commandments& that is& comply with -y will& and yo can at all times also be ass red of hearing -y Words& and then an ab ndance of grace will be at yo r disposal& for -y speaking to yo also signifies an infl 4 of blessings which will help yo to become perfect& to become blissf lly happy& which will make it easy for yo to travel the path of ret rn to -e and reach the goal* B t how few people believe that I wo ld like to speak to them -yself& that they can hear -e if they wanted to& and that they only need to f lfil the conditions in order to hear -y voice within themselves* And how few people recognise the voice of the /ather Who speaks to them when -y Word is conveyed to them thro gh -y messengers@* And yet& they all want to be -y !children" b t the voice of the !/ather" cannot be recognised by them beca se they are still distant from -e& beca se they deem -y commandments diffic lt to f lfil and th s they have not yet attained the ability to hear -y gentle voice within their hearts@* Nevertheless& I speak to people& and everyone can hear -e if only he believes in -e& f lfils -y commandments of love for God and his neighbo r and then F ietly and devo tly listens within to what I want to say to him* And he will be able to hear -e and feel blissf lly happy when the /ather speaks to .is child@* Amen

B*#* >B=B (8*$*(8A) +nly God can con!ey the truth to a person.... :et -e speak to yo and accept -y teachings**** Believe that p rest tr th is imparted to yo and therefore also pass it on with conviction& then yo are tr e labo rers in -y vineyard& for h manity"s spirit al adversity reF ires the p re tr th to be passed on to it* As long as people don"t recognise -e correctly& as long as they don"t have the right information abo t their God and 2reator and .is nat re they will not strive towards -e either& for they will not consider -e worth striving for as long as they don"t know that -y nat re is love& that I only ever give love and want to receive love@* Nevertheless& in order to give love -y nat re has to be recognised as profo ndly perfect& and a person also has to be able to feel -y love which& in t rn& is only possible if -y living creations@* yo h mans@* open themselves and vol ntarily hand themselves over to -e& so that -y love can ill minate them and make them happy* And therefore yo also o ght to know that yo are -y living creations& which -y greater than great love bro ght forth& yo o ght to know that yo are the prod cts of -y will of love and -y strength of love and that yo r basic nat re is love too@* B t s ch knowledge can only be given to yo by -e& Who knows everything@* .ence yo sho ld let yo rselves be ta ght by -e and also impart the same information to those who are not in contact with -e themselves* /or all h man beings shall know what they f ndamentally are& and they all shall endeavo r to reach their original starting point again& beca se then they will become infinitely happy* 3nly when I Am recognised as the most perfect Being in infinity will love for -e ignite in people"s hearts& for then they will also know that I Am :ove -yself& and love will press on towards love* B t as long as people are not given the right e4planation abo t -y nat re& as long as I Am presented as a condemning and wrathf l God& they will not tr stingly approach -e like children and therefore cannot learn anything abo t -y love either* And even less will they give their love to -e& instead they will only ever fear -e and never establish the relationship of a child towards its /ather* %his& however& is what I reF ire from yo in order to be able to make yo e4tremely happy with -y love* Met thro gh -y adversary"s infl ence -y image is being distorted& and thro gh -y adversary"s infl ence the tr th is also being ndermined& combined with error or withheld from yo @* since people& who vol ntarily belong to -y adversary& will fight against the tr th and th s advocate in the world s pposed spirit al knowledge as tr th which in reality sho ld not be able to lay any s ch claim to it* And these are the people yo sho ld co nteract& since yo are trying to f lfil -y will and want to be of service to -e in -y vineyard@* /or yo have received the p re tr th from -e as the right seeds and yo shall sow them into hearts which willingly open themselves& for the tr th cannot be forcibly imparted to any person& it has to be lovingly offered and vol ntarily accepted* B t then it will also res lt in many blessings& insofar that people& who previo sly moved within dark regions beca se no light was as yet shining for them& will then be enlightened* I Am providing yo h mans with an ample amo nt of seeds which yo sho ld se to c ltivate the fields so as to bring forth good fr it@* Met only I can grant yo this precio s knowledge* 3nly I can convey it to yo & I alone Am the so rce from which the font of life arises@* yo can only get the correct no rishment from -e* B t yo & who are willing& can also give this s stenance to yo r fellow h man beings& who L st as rgently need good no rishment and a refreshing drink in order to contin e their pilgrim"s Lo rney on earth* /or yo have to travel yo r earthly path for the p rpose of mat ring yo r so ls* In earthly life yo shall look for and find yo r God and 2reator& and as /ather of -y children@* the living creations having proceeded from -e@* I will also allow -yself to be fo nd by anyone who is sincerely striving towards -e@* And once yo have fo nd -e& -y love will constantly provide for yo & yo will be endowed with earthly and spirit al possessions@* the spirit al possessions& however& entail knowledge abo t all spirit al occ rrences which preceded yo r e4istence as a h man being& and abo t -y loving effort to g ide yo into s preme perfection@* %he spirit al possessions consist of a high level of realisation@* a light will be kindled in yo which will shine far and wide and give yo an insight again into regions which can only be made accessible to yo in a spirit al way@* And anyone who has the immense grace of receiving s ch e4tensive knowledge shall also show his gratit de by passing on -y gifts of grace& he shall only ever consider his fellow h man beings" spirit al adversity who still live in complete ignorance beca se they are completely witho t love& and they sho ld first of all enco rage them into kind1hearted activity& so that they will become open1 minded to the spirit al gifts yo bring to them@* %his is why yo r main task consists of repeatedly reminding people of -y commandments of love& for a person only gains the p re tr th thro gh a life of love& only thro gh a life of love do yo acF ire the nderstanding for deeper knowledge& and only love lets a person realise the reason and p rpose of his earthly life& which he will then also gen inely try to reach@* Amen


B*#* >=A> $)*B*(8A9 Why is God speaking to people?.... 2onsider& yo h mans& what it means when yo r God and 2reator draws close to yo in order to speak to yo .imself& for thereby .e m st be p rs ing a goal which yo are nable to grasp in its f ll depth@* I bend down to yo -yself in order to speak to yo & th s it m st be very important that yo hear -y Word& that yo receive certain knowledge from -e beca se I deem the latter necessary* I don"t L st pass on admonitions or warning to yo b t try to raise yo r degree of realisation and provide yo with instr ctions of how the latter can be accomplished**** /irst I want to remove the darkness in which yo live& and th s I also want to tell yo what is ca sing this darkness and how yo can resolve it& I want to enlighten yo beca se the darkness is a wretched state for yo given that in darkness yo cannot find the right path to the light of day* Mo reno nced all light& all realisation**** Mo don"t know anything abo t -e anymore& yo r God and 2reator Who wants to be yo r /atherG yo don"t know anything abo t yo rselves& what yo were in the beginning& why yo changed and for what p rpose yo live on earth@* And this is an ignorant state which cannot be called divine* Mo & however& are of di!ine origin& yo once were perfect and th s yo also were ill minated& yo knew of everything& of -y overwhelming love which constantly permeated yo and prevented the said darkness& so that yo brightly and clearly nderstood all correlations and possessed the knowledge which only a divine being was able to possess* Mo vol ntarily relinF ished this knowledge& the light& the realisation& and fell into the dark state@* yo r concepts became conf sed& and yo were no longer able to nderstand anything& neither yo rselves and the p rpose of yo r e4istence nor the relationship with -e@* with the 3ne from Whose strength of love yo emerged@* Mo pl nged into darkness& and the darkness will keep yo imprisoned ntil yo vol ntarily desire -y ill mination of love again& which will also grant yo a light of realisation once more* And into this darkness -y Word rings o t from above@* 2an yo comprehend the depth of -y love which wants to grant everything to yo again which yo once reno nced of yo r own free will?**** 2an yo therefore recognise the tremendo s val e of -y Word as the greatest gift of grace on -y part which I impart to people in order to make their retransformation into love easy and possible? I Am speaking to yo directly& I Am bridging the vast g lf which still e4ists between s and I Am sending a flow of grace from the kingdom of light onto earth& which is intended to irrigate and revitalise the e4tensive spirit al dro ght on the dark earth@* I want to change the miserable state people live in and present them with the help to find their way o t of the state of darkness by sending them a beacon of light if only they are willing to accept it and allow it to ill minate their f t re path of earthly life& so that they will find their goal for s re& which will only ever be in the light and never in darkness**** It is a greater than great act of compassion which I bestow pon h manity that I offer those who once reLected the light of love& the same light of love again& that I send it to earth despite the fact that people don"t e4press any desire for it apart from a few& whom I se as go1between bearers so that they will carry the light where darkness still prevails@* Met all people may partake in it& I don"t want to withhold -y gift of grace from any h man being& I want to g ide every single person into -y sphere of light and try to ill minate him& so that he will begin to sense the correlations& think abo t them and then be able to be g ided by the world of light& which only ever waits for a person to become accessible to their loving care@* And I will keep radiating light down to earth& for the darkness will contin e to intensify before the endG b t the light will shine for anyone who desires it@* .e will enter the state of realisation again beca se I -yself will initiate him into profo nd knowledge& which cannot be given to him from e4ternal so rces nless he accepts it from one of -y messengers whom I have g ided into this knowledge -yself @* I will still offer -y gifts of grace to many people& and even if someone L st asks for a small light& it will shine for him and g ide him into tr thf l knowledge which will also make him happy @* /or I will still po r o t an ab ndance of -y gifts of love before the end& and anyone of good will can still change his nsatisfactory state ntil the end& he can accept light and increase it himself thro gh a life of love& and he will not have to fear the end once he knows the p rpose and goal of his earthly life and then also conscio sly strives towards this goal@* /or then his will shall have made the right decision& he will want to ret rn to -e and th s will also safely reach his goal@* Amen


B*#* >8(B $)*(*(8A= God"s Word intends to attract people"s lo!e.... Mo & who contin o sly receive the gifts of -y grace and thereby constantly enLoy the evidence of -y presence& possess an ab ndance of wealth which cannot be taken away from yo again* Mo are g ided into e4traordinary knowledge which no one can ref te& for s ch knowledge can only be given to yo by the 3ne Who knows everything& b t Who wants to impart it to every person who sincerely desires it and appeals to -e for it* And the fact that I know far more than yo are capable of comprehending shall only enco rage yo to become ever more mat re in so l& for yo will be immeas rably happy the deeper yo penetrate -y eternal plan of 6alvation& the more information is given to yo abo t -y reign and activity@* And all the possessions of the world will not be able to tempt yo anymore once yo have penetrated the secrets of creation and can nderstand all happenings* /or then yo will have attained the state of realisation again& then yo will be enlightened and approach the original state again& in which yo were prof sely happy* %hen yo r e4istence as a h man being will soon come to an end& yo will be able to discard yo r physical shell and ret rn into -y kingdom which is yo r tr e home**** %herefore strive to increase yo r mat rity of so l& don"t tire in yo r endeavo rs b t believe that nimaginable splendo rs are waiting for yo in -y kingdom which is not of this world@* Mo r endeavo r shall be to Loin -e forever more& not to e4cl de -e from yo r tho ghts any longer& I want to be with yo and be able to ill minate yo with -y love again& with the res lt that yo will become enlightened and able to hear -y voice clearly and distinctly& so that yo will no longer do bt that I Am speaking to yo and teaching yo @* %he fact that -y love always and forever applies to yo o ght to be recognised by yo in -y seeking to attract your love@* I followed yo into the abyss and helped yo to ascend from the depth ntil yo were able to embody yo rselves as h man beings* And even now -y love will not cease& it grants yo blessings in ab ndance and is always ready to help@* it appeals for yo r love by speaking to yo and giving yo strength& which yo only need to se correctly in order to contin e yo r ascent to the pinnacle& in order to finally be able to enter -y kingdom* /or -y love wants to welcome yo as -y children& it wants to grant yo s preme blissf lness& which yo cannot possibly imagine* And by speaking to yo I intend for yo to become convinced of -y presence so that yo will then also respond to -y love& that yo will open yo r heart and let the ray of -y love enter it& so that the nity with -e can take place in love& which is an integral part of bliss* And you will eternally glorify Me, you will sing My praises and give thanks to Me forever,
for then you will have become perfect again, as you were in the beginning, as your Father in Heaven is perfect. Amen


B*#* >$A> 8*8*(8A$ ,e!elations are God"s help towards ascent.... -y loving care has applied to yo for eternity& for yo have been distant from -e for eternity already and therefore nhappy* # ring yo r earthly life yo are oblivio s to the infinitely long time before yo r embodiment as a h man being beca se it lies behind yo and th s it has been s rmo nted@* And now yo are taking the path across earth as a h man being& naware of the fate yo are approaching@* naware& ntil yo vol ntarily take the path to -e@* 3nly then will the danger have passed of descending again and having to cover this infinitely long path once more* And since all -y love applies to yo I constantly e4ert -y infl ence in order to motivate yo to hand yo rselves over to the 5ower which bro ght yo into being* /or it only reF ires yo r free will d ring yo r earthly progress@* It can lead yo back to s preme happiness b t it can also res lt in yo r renewed downfall& for only yo r free will decides yo r fate in eternity@* As long as this will was constrained& as long as yo r so l had to go thro gh the creations of earth in a state of comp lsion there was no risk of a descent& for -y adversary had lost all a thority over yo and -y love constantly p lled yo higher@* B t now**** as a h man being**** yo are free& and -y adversary therefore also has the right to infl ence yo again& and th s yo vol ntarily have to resist him& yo vol ntarily have to take the path to -e& and then yo will have passed yo r final test of earthly life and can be liberated from every e4ternal shell* 6ince -y love called yo into being& and since this love has never diminished nor will it ever diminish& I will also always help yo & I will fight for yo r will L st like -y adversary does@* And I shall let all happenings approach yo s ch that yo r tho ghts will be directed towards -e& for as soon as I achieve that yo recognise -e as a Being of s preme perfection Which loves yo and only wants yo r happiness I will also have won yo over for -yself@* %h s I also have to reveal -yself to yo & I m st try to achieve that yo are informed of a 5ower Which gave yo life& and I have to enlighten yo abo t the nat re of this 5ower@* I have to provide yo with the information abo t this Being"s reign and activity and yo r relationship with It* 6ince yo are blessed with intelligence& with the fac lty of tho ght& I also constantly stim late yo to think& and I enter yo r tho ghts -yself@* I direct yo r earthly fate in s ch a way that yo will be able to think of -e@* .ence I try to infl ence yo r will in every way so that it will t rn to -e and hand itself over to -e@* /or I Am motivated to do so by -y great love for yo which wo ld like to nite itself with yo again and this reF ires yo r free will@* After yo r long development before yo r embodiment as a h man being yo are now in a state of mat rity which only reF ires yo to make se of the blessings of being h man in order to achieve yo r goal@* /or every day will also offer yo the opport nities to attain knowledge abo t yo r God and 2reator& since every day will give yo the opport nity to practise love& when yo are able to carry o t deeds of love& which will also g arantee yo correct thinking and grant yo the recognition that yo have to f lfil a task on earth@* And considerable information abo t the reason for yo r earthly e4istence can be made accessible to yo & and thro gh this knowledge yo can also be p shed towards -e& Who is imparting the information to yo .imself& beca se yo m st learn to recognise -e in order to then also strive conscio sly towards -e* -y love will do anything so that yo will bring the co rse of development to fr ition& which shall ret rn yo to -e for good@* B t one thing even -y infinite love cannot do+ it cannot force yo to ret rn to -e against yo r will@* Mo have to take the path of earthly life in absol te freedom& b t yo will be and remain infinitely happy if yo r will makes a free decision for e* Mo will no longer need to fear regressionG for once I have won yo for -yself I will hold on to yo and never ever leave yo to -y adversary@* B t in earthly life he is likewise str ggling for yo r so ls& and yo sho ld know this so that yo can make a conscio s choice& so that yo will offer him resistance and take yo r path to -e in order to help yo @* so that yo will lay claim to the blessings of 'es s 2hrist"s act of 6alvation& in Whom I -yself came to earth in order to pay the p rchase price for yo r so ls@* /or yo belonged to -y adversary as well& since yo had followed him of yo r own free will**** And yo sho ld know that it is possible to be released from his control if yo take the path to the cross and thereby show that yo r will has freely chosen -e@* And for that reason I constantly reveal -yself to h manity and inform them of the reason for their earthly progress and the opport nity to find final deliverance thro gh 'es s 2hrist& in Whom I -yself bro ght yo redemption from sin and death@* Amen


B*#* 8??$ $=*A*(8A= Why constantly -ew ,e!elations?.... If the Word of God cannot be protected from being changed beca se h man will is free and translations were not always handled by spirit ally awakened people& who th s were also able to err& yo can nderstand that this is the reason for New Revelations which time after time had to correct the distortions& so that the Word of God wo ld be able to lay claim to the p re tr th@* N4posing s ch misg ided teachings wo ld have been impossible witho t s ch New Revelations& especially if people relied on the fact that I yself protect -y Word from all changes@* However, it must also be understandable to you that the human beings free will makes this impossible for Me since will never inhibit it, even if it concerns the pure truth.... for also gave the human being the assurance that he is guaranteed to live in truth if he desires it himself. And th s yo can never rely on the fact that yo will receive nchanged spirit al knowledge if the !Word of God" is preached to yo & b t yo have the ass rance that yo will receive the truth if only yo desire it@* !hen the preacher.... even if he is spiritually unawakened.... will be guided in his sermon, so that he often will not say what he had intended to say but that his words will be given to him by Me. precisely because a person seriously requests to be instructed in the truth. f the wish only to learn the truth arose in many people then the preachers soon would also recognise the error and they would try to listen more to their inner voice which is instructing them otherwise. Met all people have the option to recognise what is wrong in -y !s pposed Word"& for lo!e enlightens their spirit and only ever accepts the correct and nad lterated information* %he person will no longer be able to think wrongly once he is illuminated by the inner light of love* And only then will he notice where error has crept in& where the adversary was able to take effect beca se people were lacking the light of love* %hen he will also know that the h man being cannot solve problems with his intellect alone if the spirit within him is not s pporting him* %hen he will know why the necessity for corrections arises time and again& which I constantly send to h manity again in the form of New Revelations@* And I will contin e to reveal -yself to people who love -e and keep -y commandments& as I have promised**** /or one misg ided tho ght res lts in many more& ntil finally L st a distorted image remains of -e& which reflects everything b t a good and e4ceedingly loving God& Who wants to be a /ather to yo all@* And since yo have already accepted so many misg ided spirit al val es& a God of .o!e is strange to yo & yo are still distant from .im& yo do not recognise .im as yo r /ather and therefore do not strive towards .im either* And whatever yo hear from .im is likely to separate yo rselves from .im even more@* , however, want to gain your love and therefore make use of every opportunity to speak to you, if not directly then through people who allow My spirit to work in them, who either convey My direct "ord to you or who think correctly and are also able to instruct you truthfully. For it is e#tremely important that you can be guided into correct thinking, that you know what you can accept and what you ought to re$ect. %ut dont believe that your correct thinking is guaranteed if you gather your knowledge from the %ook of %ooks, since do not coerce the human beings will cannot prevent him from interpreting the spiritual information from this book according to either his own preferences or to his imperfect understanding. For every "ord have spoken conceals a spiritual meaning, and only the human beings spirit is able to recognise it, which will be awakened to life through love but then will also guide the human being into every truth, as have promised. Amen


B*#* >9A) $>*($*(8A$ The human being"s duty is to scrutinise spiritual information..... %he fact that yo had been wrongly instr cted cannot be sed by yo as an e4c se& for yo have been placed by -e into the position of sing yo r intellect and therefore it is also yo r d ty to scr tinise what yo are being ta ght**** As soon as yo receive the information of a God and 2reator Who created and s stains everything that yo can see aro nd yo & and also yo yo rselves& yo only need to t rn to this 2reator in tho ght and& tr ly& I will also g ide yo r thinking s ch that yo will be able to nderstand& if only yo want to nderstand* And yo will always be sent s ch tho ghts from the spirit al kingdom which relate to -e and to yo rselves& which make yo F estion what kind of relationship yo have in regards to -e& yo r God and 2reator* And s ch tho ghts o ght to be picked1 p by yo and reflected pon@* Mo sho ld at all times be conscio s of the fact that every person who only ses his intellect can be mistaken**** %h s yo m st also ask yo rselves whether the people who are instr cting yo & who present yo with knowledge which they& in t rn& receive from other people or which they have academically acF ired& are free from error@* /or do bts will certainly arise in yo and then yo do well to contemplate them* B t in that case it only depends on yo r own will whether yo yo rselves desire the tr th@* since only this will shall determine that p re tr th will be imparted to yo @* If yo & however& accept everything that is presented to yo witho t thinking abo t it& yo will never find the path to -e& for then yo will only possess p re intellect al knowledge which will never be able to to ch yo r heart and will not benefit yo r so l in the slightest& since it will neither lead to the correct realisation nor motivate yo to serio sly improve yo rselves@* It is and will remain mere worldly knowledge& even if it concerns spirit al problems* /or only yo r intellect is affected and this is not being sed to think abo t the information so that it can deal with it& and s bseF ently it won"t be able to recognise what it was offered* And if yo are prevented by law to reflect on it& then yo sho ld also recognise the foolishness of s ch law and become wary and on acco nt of this alone start to do bt the tr th of the teachings imparted to yo * Not everything needs to be wrong& yet yo sho ld obtain clarity by starting to think abo t it and t rn to the 3ne Who is yo r God and 2reator and Who alone can grant yo clarification* .ence yo o ght to try to attain living knowledge and not content yo rselves with dead knowledge& which remains dead as long as it doesn"t infl ence the h man being"s so l by stim lating it into improving itself eagerly& which first and foremost consists of kind1hearted activity@* /or as soon as a person lives a life of love his thinking will also be enlightened& and then he will no longer be satisfied with teachings which do not completely correspond to the tr th**** %he light of love within himself will no longer let him nreservedly accept everything he is offered b t will ca se him to scr tinise it& beca se love is a divine principle and can never tolerate error or ntr th beside itself@* .ence& at that moment an active desire for tr th will set in and the tr th will s bseF ently be imparted to the person& no matter in which way@* /or anyone who desires the tr th will receive it@* Anyone who desires the tr th will also ask for -e& Who is the Nternal %r th and I will also reveal -yself to him& that is& I will convey the tr th to him in some form or other& which he then will accept and make se of witho t hesitation@*
&very person has to aspire towards his own perfection, and he also has the ability to do so, for truly, it only re'uires the connection with Me and a prayer in spirit and in truth for My help to successfully travel his earthly path. And this prayer will be granted to him. he will constantly be inwardly urged to do deeds of love and he will also gain the light which will let him recognise the right path that leads to perfection. Amen


B*#* =B>= (?*(?*(8=9 /onstant contact with God ensures success.... ReF est -y s pport in everything yo ndertake**** #on"t start anything witho t -e& take no path witho t -e& always let -e lead the way& then I will be yo r goal which yo will safely reach* And th s yo shall also come to -e with all spirit al concerns and yo will always receive the correct advice& for then yo will be g ided by -y spirit@* yo cannot do anything b t think and behave correctly and s ccessf lly work for -e and -y kingdom@* And it will always appear as if yo speak and proceed of yo r own will* /or I don"t manifest -yself so obvio sly that yo wo ld feel compelled to comply with -y will& and yet it is y will which is now e4pressing itself thro gh yo * If yo first commend all works& tho ghts and spoken words to -e& yo may also rest ass red of -y infl ence& yet this very first contact with -e is essential in order to feel -y will in yo and to think& speak and act accordingly* And therefore yo need not worry that yo won"t be able to carry o t the work for -e and -y kingdom as long as yo don"t regard it as an occ pation b t only ever want to be of service to -e& and th s& as -y servants& remain in constant contact with -e in order to receive -y instr ctions* /or the latter occ rs thro gh yo r heart into which -y spirit will place feelings which will ca se yo to act in accordance with -y will@* And then all yo r beginnings will be blessed@* Amen


B*#* AABA $)*(?*(8=A *Test all things and keep what is good...." %est all things and keep what is good**** I say this to those who are inclined to do bt& who don"t possess the ability to make correct L dgments and are apprehensive abo t accepting spirit al knowledge which is offered to them in an n s al way* Accept it with a completely open mind& and then ask -e for enlightenment of spirit and reflect on what yo have received@* And& for the time being& ignore what seems nacceptable to yo beca se yo are at present nable to nderstand it& and enLoy what& after serio s e4amination& is credible to yo @* I don"t e4pect yo to have blind faith& I e4pect yo to test the spirit al knowledge which is made accessible to yo G yo are meant to think abo t it& and it is better yo reLect what seems incomprehensible to yo than accept everything nreservedly& for if yo have not formed an opinion abo t s ch mental concepts they will not be of benefit to yo @* B t if yo are serio s and want the p re tr th& then yo will also clearly recognise the tr th if -y messengers offer yo spirit al knowledge which has originated from -e* /or this Word contains the strength to give life@* providing& however& that life is being aspired to* %est all things and keep what is good**** #o these Words not contradict the imposition of believing something without thinking abo t it? After all& I -yself leave it p to yo what to believe when I ask yo to keep !what is good"@* I leave it p to yo beca se I don"t demand blind faith from yo h mans* B t why do you& who demand that !thinking abo t religio s doctrines" m st be avoided& stop people from e4amining@* Are you not acting against -y will? And are yo also aware of the conseF ences s ch comp lsion of faith will have on people? %ime and again I emphasise freedom of will& time and again I bring the individ al person"s responsibility for his decision of will to the fore& time and again I ca tion against spirit al comp lsion and e4plain to yo what really matters in earthly life@* And the 6cript re& too& provides yo with the evidence with these Words !%est all things and keep what is good****"& which sho ld make every person& who gen inely wants to f lfil -y will& s spicio s that they don"t coincide with the ecclesiastical laws and make him think@* After all& whose Word& whose teachings& are more credible? And yo cannot imply any other meaning to these -y Words b t that yo sho ld form an opinion abo t every religio s dogma* Mo are s pposed to form an opinion of it& regardless of who presents spirit al knowledge to yo & for even the p re tr th coming from -e& which is conveyed to yo directly from above& may be scr tinised by yo & and I will not condemn yo if yo think that yo cannot accept everything witho t hesitation@* Mo sho ld only always seek advice from -e and I will give yo the nderstanding of what yo need for the mat rity of yo r so ls@* And if yo still have a low degree of mat rity& yo will not be able to nderstand e!erything& b t yo yo rselves determine what yo are prepared to accept@* %est all things and keep what is good**** /or by doing so yo prove the sincerity of yo r attit de and yo r desire for tr th* B t anyone who accepts something witho t checking it demonstrates his indifference& and he will never move within the tr th either& because it is irrelevant to him* Met this kind of attit de sho ld never be promoted by a responsible person& people sho ld be enco raged and not stopped to reflect on spirit al knowledge& for only then will it be beneficial and help the h man being attain mat rity of so l& since free will is being employed and its decision alone is important@* Amen


B*#* B=$( (9*$*(8A? 0ure truth.... The Word from abo!e.... Mo sho ld only ever keep to -y Word* And if yo are given spirit al information from e4ternal so rces then check whether it conc rs with -y directly imparted Word to yo and reLect what contradicts it* /or what the spirit from -e has proclaimed to yo is p re tr th& which yo can also endorse as p re tr th at all times* Mo need not fear spreading error as long as yo keep to what I convey to yo from above* /or since it is -y will that the tr th shall be spread amongst people I will also take care that yo receive it& and I will only ever e4press -yself thro gh the spirit where the g arantee is given that it will be received and also passed on witho t being altered@* And I know if and when this is possible& and this is where -y spirit will flow@* I want yo h mans to live in tr th@* B t I also know how m ch -y adversary is affecting yo & who will always try to infiltrate the tr th with error@* I know who desires the tr th and where -y adversary has little infl ence @* And th s I also know when the re1uest for tr th gives -e the opport nity to convey it to earth and in t rn to pass it on to other people if only they have the will to serve the tr th* I -yself proclaimed the Gospel to people when I lived on earth and they only received p re tr th from -e& irrespective of what I ta ght them@* :ikewise p rest tr th is coming forth from -e again& and it merely reF ires a desiring and open heart in order to be received and eval ated as tr th* B t then it will also spread light& and the characteristic of tr th is that the h man being will s bseF ently grow in realisation& that he will gain the kind of knowledge which will ill minate him@* which only tr th is able to achieve* Nvery error& however& ca ses conf sed thinkingG it darkens the spirit and can never have pleasing effects* Anyone who desires the tr th will also feel the blessing of the light@* anyone who lives in error is not aware of it b t he lives in the darkness of spirit* .owever& no person will be able to say that the tr th is nattainable& that it can never be accessible to people@* Nveryone who serio sly wants the tr th and enters into contact with -e will be able to receive it* And it is now clearly imparted to yo thro gh -y Word from above and yo can always scr tinise it as to what e4tent the spirit al knowledge given to yo by e4ternal so rces corresponds to the latter in order to then also know whether yo have the tr th* /or what I convey to yo yself cannot be anything else b t the tr th which yo sho ld keep in high esteem and never relinF ish again& for it is an incredibly significant gift of grace which intends to resolve people"s spirit al adversity& which intends to place yo into a state of light and strength and help yo r so l to mat re& and which is offered to yo by -y great love so that yo will not keep living in spirit al darkness* -y spirit descends pon yo & it po rs itself into an open vessel and time and again fills it anew**** -y spirit gives yo the tr th that can only originate from -e and th s the spirit al information can also be confidently pheld as tr th towards other people& beca se no ntr e spirit al information can come forth from e@* And that it comes forth from -e is repeatedly proven to yo again by the fact that -y h man manifestation and -y act of 6alvation are constantly mentioned@* that I -yself& yo r God and /ather& 'es s 2hrist& yo r Redeemer& draw close to yo in order to bear witness to -yself* Mo can detect e4traordinary activity and can therefore concl de that a spirit al power is at work@* And it will also be easy for yo to acknowledge that this spirit al power is divine& since yo are constantly only instr cted to love and made aware of the fact that %esus /hrist o ght to be yo r only and most important goal@* And therefore yo can also believe what is conveyed to yo thro gh -y spirit& for the Nternal %r th Itself draws close to yo and instr cts yo @* beca se It wants yo to live in tr th@* Amen


B*#* >)8) ($*=*(8A9 Gift of grace before the end.... %esus /hrist. I will po r o t an ab ndance of grace in the last days before the end& for people are in need of itG they reF ire m ch s pport in order to still be able to cover the last stretch of their earthly path s ccessf lly* And many people will even have to be g ided onto the right path first and they& too& will reF ire help for this& for they are still on the path into the abyss and have to be called back and g ided correctly* Nvery means sed by -e before the end is a means of grace& for people themselves do nothing to prevent it& they travel their earthly path indifferently and therefore don"t deserve any help& since they still rather resist than accept help* Met I love all -y living creations and don"t want even one of them to go astray**** I don"t want them to lang ish in a wretched state for an infinitely long time again@* And this is why I will temper L stice with mercy@* I will leave no stone nt rned to save them before the end* And I also know what will help every individ al personG I know what is s itable to g ide him onto the right path* And this is what I will se witho t& however& compelling the h man being"s will& for he has to make a free decision* B t it will be made easy for him& for the means of grace will be bro ght to him so visibly that he will also be able to recognise them as s ch* %ime and again the h man being"s attention is pointed to the spirit al kingdom@* %ime and again he is approached by death in some form or other& he e4periences it in his s rro ndings by having to let go of people who are very dear to him& and he hears of vario s kinds of death* .e will always be reminded of his own fleeting nat re and can then reflect on tho ghts abo t what comes after death@* .is tho ghts will be directed towards the spirit al kingdom& since they often also follow the deceased and th s give rise to s ch F estions as+ Where are they now? .ave they completely ceased to be? 3r is there a prospect of meeting again?**** And then time and again spirit g ides& to whose protection people are entr sted& will intervene by trying to infl ence them and giving them an e4planation@* %hey make it possible for s ch people to receive knowledge of -y Word& which is directly transmitted to earth& or they let them come across books which will offer them clarification& they do everything to direct their tho ghts to the kingdom which is their tr e home and which they will enter when they pass away from this world@* And the departed& too& e4ert an infl ence from the beyond by constantly entering their tho ghts which& to a certain e4tent& will establish a connection from the spirit al to the physical world* -y meas re of grace is ine4ha stible and everyone wo ld be able to take advantage of it& if only they were willing to do so* %hat is why I let -y Word be heard& for whoever hears and accepts it will tr ly make se of the greatest gift of grace which certainly will also bring him the right res lt& which will help his so l to mat re and let him reach his goal while he is still on earth& so that he will find -e and enter into nion with -e& which then will also ass re his perfection@* /or it is important that the h man being establishes his bond with -e before his so l leaves the body& before the ho r of depart re from this earth has come@* As soon as he has recognised and acknowledged -e he will not get lost& for then he will take the path to the cross& to the divine Redeemer 'es s 2hrist& he will recognise -e in .im and th s will also have taken the path to -e* And then he will have been saved from the adversary for good& for 'es s 2hrist will deliver him from his bondageG 'es s has taken his g ilt pon .imself and opened for him the path to the /ather@* 'es s and I are one@* %o realise this is the g arantee of ret rn for the once fallen spirits to -e& and for that reason I will always provide people with the information thro gh -y Word& that is why -y Word is the greatest and most effective gift of grace which I can still offer h manity before the end& and blessed is he who accepts it& for he will tr ly not go astray anymore@* %here is not m ch time left& and the battle for the so ls is fiercely waged on part of the darkness@* B t I& too& Am fighting for yo & -y living creations& and I will help yo & so that yo & who will settle this battle& will make the right decision& so that yo will take the path to 'es s 2hrist& in Whom I became a h man being -yself in order to redeem yo @* -ake se of this immensely mercif l act of Redemption thro gh 'es s 2hrist and& tr ly& yo will be victorio s and delivered from the one who wants to destroy yo @* Amen


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