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The Question of God

God Himself reveals His Nature to us

A selection of Revelations from God received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde

The Question of God

his boo!let contains a selection of Divine Revelations" received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as #romised by $ohn %&'(%) *Whoever has +y commands and obeys them" he is the one ,ho loves +e' He ,ho loves +e ,ill be loved by +y -ather" and I too ,ill love him and sho, +yself to him'


he revelations are non/denominational" they do not intend to attract members of any 0hristian religious affiliation nor to recruit members into any 0hristian religious affiliation' he only #ur#ose of these revelations is to ma!e Gods Word accessible to all #eo#le" as it is Gods Will'

1nly com#lete and unaltered messages ,ith references may be co#ied and translated'

We invite everyone ,ishing to e2#ress their gratitude for the recei#t of the Word of God to #ray" #articularly for the most needy souls'

3ublished by friends of the Ne, Revelation

Ingo 4chneuing" -l5re!e,eg 6" (%776 89neburg htt#)::,,,'bertha/dudde'info htt#)::,,,'de'grou#s'yahoo'com:grou#:dudde htt#)::,,,'de'grou#s'yahoo'com:grou#:GottesWort

Table of contents
3age & ; < ? = 6 %@ %% %( %7 %& %; %< %? %= %6 (@ (% (( (& (; (< (? (= (6 7@ 7% 7( Who was Bertha Dudde? <=&= ??<? =7&% =@7& =@(; ?=%< @?;@ =(?; =<(( =(<; ?=(= =;&% ;?&& ?<(& &;&% ?<<; =@7; &&=& ?=7& ?<(6 ??6? ??=% =((= =(;& ?;6? ?;77 &67( Reason for the revelations>' -ulfilment of divine #romises'''' ruth'''' Introduction to s#iritual !no,ledge'''' he significance of realisation'''' he difference bet,een !no,ledge and realisation'''' he right conce#t of God>' I Am the beginning of all things'''' God is inscrutable'''' Inscrutability of the Deity'''' 0an Gods e2istence be #rovenA'''' God is a s#irit Who has manifested Himself in $esus'''' Belief in God in $esus'''' Gods message to rationalists'''' Deniers of God'''' 0ountless evidence of God'''' B2istence of God> Worldly scholars> Heart and intellect> -aith in God in free ,ill'''' Wrong image of God> +isguided teachings> he doctrine of the rinity of God'''' Blind faith is ,orthless'''' 4incere desire for truth guarantees truth'''' What is the #ur#ose of life on earthA'''' $esus 0hrists act of 4alvation'''' est the s#irits'''' Cnderstanding the ,or!ing of the s#irit'''' 8iving faith'''' A,a!ening of life'''' 4tandstill of earthly life'''' Gods ,ill) -ulfilment of the commandments of love''''

Who was Bertha Dudde? Bertha Dudde ,as born on %' A#ril %=6%" as the second oldest daughter of a #ainter" in 8iegnitD" 4ilesia' 4he became a dressma!er and began to receive #ronouncements from God through the Inner Word on %;' $une %67?' EIn a clear dream I ,as moved to ,rite do,n my thoughts after devout #rayer' Cnderstandably this often gave ,ay to doubt and inner conflicts until I ,as convinced that I ,as" myself" by no means the initiator of these e2Fuisitely gracious ,ordsG but instead it ,as the s#irit ,ithin me" in other ,ords" the love of the Heavenly -ather ,as obviously res#onsible for them and introduced me to the truthH' EI ,as given !no,ledge of the s#iritual ,orld ,hich far e2ceeded my elementary school education' I received and receive this !no,ledge as a dictation in a state of com#lete consciousnessG I ,rite do,n everything I am told in shorthand" in order to then transfer it ,ord for ,ord to clean co#y' he #rocedure does not ta!e #lace in a state of com#ulsion" for e2am#le in a state of trance or ecstasy" but in an absolutely level/headed frame of mind' Ho,ever" I have to ,ant it to ha##en and then I can receive these dictations voluntarilyG they are neither bound by time nor #lace'H ENo, I only have one ,ish" ,hich is to be able to ma!e these gifts of grace accessible to many more #eo#le and in accordance ,ith the ,ill of God Himself to be allo,ed to do much more ,or! in His vineyard'H IJuotations from an autobiogra#hy from %6;6K' Bertha Dudde died on %=' 4e#tember %6<; in 8ever!usen" Germany'


B'D' <=&= Whitsun 6'<'%6;? Reason for the revelations. I ,ant to reveal +yself to all of you ,ho listen to +e as a God of love" ,isdom and omni#otence >' +y revelations reFuire but an o#en heart" a ready ear that listens to +y voice ,hen I s#ea! ' ' ' And +y revelations ,ill al,ays be #roof of +y love for you" because I s#ea! to you li!e a -ather to his children) admonishing" instructing" comforting and #romising love'''' I ,ant to touch the hearts of you ,ho listen to +eG I ,ant to ma!e you ha##y by s#ea!ing to you" I ,ant to give you something that ,ill hel# you #rogress) light and strength" ,hich is needed by every being in order to come closer to +e' herefore" I s#ea! to you' Ho,ever" I also ,ant to reveal +y fundamental nature to you" I ,ant you to recognise +e as a God of love" ,isdom and omni#otence and" once you have recognised +e" also see the -ather in +e and then strive to,ards +e as +y children' If you believe in +y love" ,isdom and omni#otence" then you ,ill also surrender to +e in mee!ness and love and relinFuish every resistance that still !ee#s you se#arated from +e' And that is the reason ,hy I reveal +yself to you >' -or you all should !no, that your God and 0reator ,ould li!e to embrace you ,ith infinite love ,hich" ho,ever" ,ill not abide resistance' And in order to brea! your resistance" I s#ea! to you" yet I ,ill not force you to listen to +e' Nevertheless" you shall feel +y love as soon as you hear +y voice" you shall be touched by a flo, of energy ,hich shall #rove to you that it is I Who s#ea!s to you" but that the flo, of energy becomes instantly less effective if you continue to resist" ,hereas it ,ill !ee# gro,ing ,hen you are ,illing to acce#t +y Word' I ,ant to bring a light to all of you ,hose s#irit is still dar! and #re#are you such that the s#heres of light ,ill be able to receive you' Let this is only #ossible if" due to your faith in +e" you decide to live a life of active love>' If" ho,ever" you are able to love +e you ,ill also feel the inner desire to do !ind/hearted deeds'> and so that you may learn to love +e" I reveal +yself to you' Lou humans on earth certainly s#ea! of a MGodM Whom you fear and honour as a 3o,er at Whose mercy you are" Which can destroy or Nudge you>' if you still believe in it'''' but you do not offer Him the love He ,ould li!e to receive from you' I" ho,ever" only ,ant to be loved" for then a far better relationshi# can be established than fear can bring about' I ,ant to receive your love and constantly #ursue this loveG yet you ,ill only be able to love a Being Whose #erfection you recognise and of Whose love" ,isdom and might you are convinced' And if I can s#ea! to you +yself" you ,ill soon gain the conviction that +y love for you is infinite" that +y ,isdom is un#aralleled and +y might unlimited' And then you ,ill also surrender and long to unite ,ith +e eternally' And thus" Words of love ,ill continue to be s#o!en to you ,hich see! to enter your hearts ''' And anyone ,ho ,illingly receives +e shall be gladdened by +y Words" and I ,ill o#en the gate to beatitude for him" for ,ith +y Word I ,ill bring him a light and as soon as it shines" all dar!ness ,ill leave him" he ,ill recognise +e as the light of eternity" he ,ill love +e ,ith all his heart and stay ,ith +e forever'' ' Amen

B'D' ??<? 6'%('%6<@ Fulfilment of divine promises.... Truth.... Lou are guided into truth by +y s#irit'''' 4ince I s#o!e these Words to you humans +yself it must therefore be possible for you to live in truth and thus you cannot say) No one !no,s ,hat and ,here the truth is>' Lou Nust have to seriously thin! about the #roblem of how you can arrive at the truth' A truth e2ists ,hich is irrefutable" ,hich comes forth from +e as the Bternal ruth Itself and ,hich ,ill never change' And you have to a##roach this primar source of truth yourselves by ,anting to get hold of the truth from its origin>' from +e +yself>' I !no, everything" I !no, all correlations" nothing is concealed from +e" and I also ,ant you" as +y living creations" to !no, everything>' I ,ant you to become as illuminated as I Am>' I ,ant you to !no, ,here you came from and the goal you ought to reach' Lour fello, human beings" ho,ever" are unable to inform you of this unless they have received this !no,ledge from !e' Ho,ever" many #eo#le claim to be !no,ledgeable and also try to convince their fello, human beings of ,hat they have acFuired through intellectual study' But their intellectual conclusions do not corres#ond to the truth as long as they have not a##roached +e directly for enlightenment of their thoughts>' as long as they have only a##lied their intellect>' And then the Nustifiable obNection can be raised) No human bein" !no,s ,hat and ,here the truth is'''' But God !no,s and therefore also the #erson to ,hom God im#arts the truth>' And I have told you that +y s#irit ,ill guide you into truth" and +y Word is and ,ill remain truth>' But far too little attention is #aid to this Word of +ine" the great #romise I thereby gave to humanity is not being recognised>' -or they have no interest ,hatsoever to be instructed in the truth but unreservedly acce#t ever thin" as truth that is #resented to them by their fello, human beings" or they reNect all credibility of it' And that signifies a maNor s#iritual decline' -or every #erson must #ossess spiritual #nowled"e" and therefore everyone should ,ant to have the ri"ht s#iritual !no,ledge' his determination alone ,ill ta!e him closer to the truth" for I ,ill not let a #erson live in dar!ness if he desires to become enlightened>' I ,ill intervene +yself and direct his thoughts such that he ,ill start to search and ta!e the #ath to the right source'''' I +yself ,ill offer the truth to him" if not directly then through +y messengers" ,hich he then ,ill also recognise as +y messengers" for I only reFuire the desire for truth in order to be able to distribute it" because I ,ant #eo#le to live in the truth" because I ,ant them to be instructed through +y s#irit" if only they are of good ,ill' But then a #erson ,ill no longer doubt the truth of ,hat is im#arted to him by +y s#irit" and he ,ill also remember +y Words But the comforter" ,hich is the holy 4#irit" ,hom the -ather ,ill send in +y name" he shall teach you all things" and bring all things to your remembrance" ,hatsoever I have said unto you>' Hence you also have a criterion insofar as that you ,ill hear the same Words from +e through the s#irit ,hich I s#o!e to #eo#le ,hen I lived on earth>' And thereby you can recognise ,ho s#ea!s to you and then also believe ,ith conviction that it is I +yself Who ma!es His #romise come true" Who instructs you through His s#irit>' And it ,ill remind you of many a Word I s#o!e to #eo#le +yself' And then you should also seriously consider every one of +y Words because they are Gods Words ,hich ,ill never #ass a,ay" even if heaven and earth shall #ass a,ay>' And if you thus believe these Words of +ine unreservedly then you ,ill #enetrate the truth ever dee#er" for then you ,ill live accordingly" and you ,ill e2#erience the effect that you are not Nust hearers but doers of +y Word>' Lou ,ill e2#erience the effect of love ,hich is #reached to you through +y Word time after time and ,hich ,ill grant you enlightenment" so that you ,ill gro, in realisation" so that you ,ill attain the !no,ledge again ,hich you had lost>' so that you ,ill com#letely live in truth again because you have entered into association ,ith the Bternal ruth Itself>' Which guided you into the right !no,ledge" as I #romised you>' Amen


B'D' =7&% (='%%'%6<( $ntroduction to spiritual #nowled"e.... I ,ant to give #eo#le an easily com#rehensible instructionG I ,ant to enlighten them in the sim#lest #ossible ,ay if they are still entirely ,ithout !no,ledge but ,illing to acce#t a correct e2#lanation) Lou humans can imagine that I did not create you as you are" for you can detect many shortcomings in #eo#le" and if you s#end some thought on it" it ,ill seem doubtful to you that the most #erfect Being" Which you call God" should have created such an im#erfect human race>' But since you" as ,ell as all visible ,or!s of creation surrounding you" could not have been able to create yourselves there must have been a 3o,er at ,or!" in Which you are e2#ected to believe>' A God has to e2ist" a 0reator of everything you can #erceive" including yourselves>' hus this 0reator is su#remely #erfect" and you can #rocure numerous evidence of this in earthly life>' He created you humans too" but not in the state you find yourselves in at #resent" rather" you emerged from Him in a su#remely #erfect state" you are #roducts of the absolutely #erfect 0reative 3o,er" Which is an intelligent Bntity>' Nust li!e you but of highest #erfection>' therefore you ,ere #erfectly created but did not remain #erfect because you #ossessed free ,ill ,hich ,as able to evolve in any direction and therefore ,as also able to relinFuish all #erfection and change into the o##osite>' And this is ,hat you have done>' Lou left the -athers house" you distanced yourselves from your God and 0reator" you reNected His -atherly love and became unha##y creatures" because it reFuires Gods unlimited love in order to be ha##y' +y love" ho,ever" is infinite and also follo,s you into the abyss" to ,hich you as#ired of your o,n free ,ill>' +y love ,ants to achieve your return to +e one day and therefore ,ont leave you in your ,retched state but ,ill hel# you to ascend from the abyss again" it ,ill hel# you to return from the realm of dar!ness into the !ingdom of light again and regain your former state of bliss" because love al,ays ,ants to #lease" and so +y love ,ill not lessen until you have com#leted the #ath of return to +e' And your e2istence as human beings on this earth is a very short stage on the #ath of return to +e>' Lou have the gift of reason" you #ossess free ,ill and intellect" you are able to thin!" feel and ,ant and therefore can also conduct yourselves accordingly>' And if you thin! and ,ant correctly then your thoughts and intentions ,ill al,ays be based on love" love ,ill determine your thin!ing and ,anting because a correctly directed ,ill allo,s itself to be determined by +e +yself into activities of love and because the activity of love is the same as a##roaching +e" Who is Bternal 8ove Itself>' because it is the same as transforming your im#erfect nature into the original being ,hich had once came forth from +e in utter #erfection>' hus you humans on earth only have the one tas! of living a life of love'''' In doing so you fulfil the #ur#ose of your earthly life ,hich connects you ,ith the Bternal 8ove again and thereby enables the Bternal 8ove to ma!e you abundantly ha##y and you ,ill become blissful again as you ,ere in the beginning>' his is the only goal you should endeavour to,ards reaching on earth" and in order for you to do so you ,ill be taught by +e +yself through the voice of conscience" through the voice of the s#irit" the s#ar! ,hich glo,s ,ithin every human heart and only needs to be !indled through !ind/hearted activity in order to tell you humans ,hat you should or should not do>' and ,hich ,ill stimulate you into more and more loving actions>' 8ove is the fundamental substance of your nature" and if you ,ant to be and remain #erfect you also have to be com#letely #ermeated by love>' If" ho,ever" you neglect love you ,ill remain im#erfect beings" and then you ,ill belong to the generation ,hich you can #resently recognise all over the ,orld) heartless" selfish #eo#le ,ho only ever thin! of themselves and never ta!e care of their neighbour ,ho is suffering in adversity ne2t to them'''' But a lac! of love also means a lac! of ha##iness" it means s#iritual dar!ness" ignorance" ,ea!nesses and a lac! of freedom" for then the human being ,ill not recognise his God and 0reator either" and he ,ill not ta!e the #ath to Him>' Let only through a union ,ith +e can the being regain beatitude >' And for the sa!e of this union ,ith +e you are living on earth' Lou ought to achieve your #erfection again ,hich you once renounced of your o,n free ,ill" you ought to change yourselves into love again ,hich had been your fundamental substance" and ,ith this change you ,ill also establish unification ,ith +e>' Lou ,ill be allo,ed to give love and receive unlimited love yourselves" you ,ill be able to enter into a true life ,hich lasts forever" and you ,ill be #erfect and therefore also infinitely ha##y>' Amen

B'D' =@7& <'%%'%6<% The si"nificance of realisation.... I ,ill tal! to you time and again" +y children" for I !no, that you reFuire +y Word ,hich shall give you the strength for your #ath of earthly life' Lou should al,ays !no, that I Am #resent ,ith you if Nust one thought from you is touching +e" if you ,ish to be in contact ,ith +e' And ,hen I Am #resent ,ith you +y strength also has to flo, into you' Lour soul needs this strength in order to mature fully" and this is ,hy you ,ill al,ays achieve #rogress if you let +e s#ea! to you>' the light #ermeating you has to become increasingly brighter" and that also means ever more #rofound realisation" it means #rogressive !no,ledge" it means clarity of thought and a correctly directed ,ill' +y s#ea!ing to you ,ill guarantee this" for the strength flo,ing from +e to you has to ta!e effect and thus bear ,itness of itself in the form of increased ,isdom' And all you humans should desire light" you should all try to esca#e from the s#iritual dar!ness and reFuest more s#iritual information' -or in ,hat ignorant state did you enter life on earthA'''' And although your intellect begins to become active'''' can you #enetrate s#iritual s#heres ,ith itA Dense dar!ness remains in you" and all s#iritual conce#ts remain unresolved and indistinct as long as you dont feel the desire to receive an e2#lanation' And until you do" the #ur#ose of your earthly life ,ill also remain un!no,n to you and you ,ill be dead in s#irit" des#ite the fact that you live #hysically>' And can you be satisfied if you have no !no,ledge at all about the reason and #ur#ose of your earthly lifeA Are you content ,ith your lightless e2istence on this earth ,ith only earthly goals to strive forA his state of dar!ness is not a ha##y state" and you should recognise it as unsatisfactory yourselves and try to receive an inner light" for only then ,ill the unsatisfactory state change" and you ,ill e2#erience inner ha##iness ,hen you receive the !no,ledge ,hich e2#lains to you the #ur#ose of your earthly life' Lou should reFuest such enlightenment and therefore also #ay attention to +y Words ,hich are given to you by +y messengers" if you are not yet able to hear +e directly' Lou should endeavour to enlarge your s#iritual !no,ledge" for this !no,ledge is the light ,hich ,as lac!ing in you at the beginning of your embodiment but ,hich can be !indled and then shine brightly ,ithin your hearts>' -or the light is emanated by +y s#irit" the tiny s#ar! of love ,hich" as #art of +e" rests ,ithin you and has to be ignited by yourselves through love>' hus love irrefutably has to result in ,isdom>' the result of a life of love irrefutably has to ma!e #rofound !no,ledge accessible to you" for the fire of love emanates the light of ,isdom>' Lour s#iritual state ,ill have to become bright" the s#iritual dar!ness ,ill have to disa##ear" you ,ill have to become able to recognise all correlations" you ,ill have to learn to understand +yself and +y reign and activity" and you ,ill have to be able to offer e2#lanations yourself" because then I can be active in you +yself and thus you ,ill only thin!" act and s#ea! in accordance ,ith +y ,ill>' he degree of realisation is decisive for the degree of maturity of soul" for I do not s#ea! of dead !no,ledge ,hich is academically #assed on to you" but I s#ea! of living !no,ledge ,hich is the only meaning of realisation' I s#ea! about the Wisdom of God" ,hich can only be gained through love" ,hich can only come to earth through the ,or!ing of the s#irit and is received by a heart ,hich allo,s rays of bright light to enter it because it is full of love>' It is only given by love and only love ,ill receive it>' ,hereas the same !no,ledge remains dead !no,ledge for the #erson ,ho still lac!s love' And you all should endeavour for the light of realisation to illuminate you" for only then ,ill you a##roach the state of the brightest light again" ,hich made you ha##y in the beginning and ,hich you all have to reach in order to be ha##y again>' Amen

B'D' =@(; (&'%@'%6<% The difference between %#nowled"e& and %realisation&.... he degree of realisation corres#onds to the souls degree of maturity' Lou should not confuse realisation ,ith mere !no,ledge" for you can acFuire the latter intellectually as ,ellG it can also corres#ond to the truth if you acce#t it from those ,ho have already attained realisation>' But it need not mean realisation for you Fuite yet" for only ,hen you have reached a certain high degree of love ,ill you be able to #enetrate the !no,ledge" it ,ill come alive in you" then it ,ill also #rovide you ,ith insight" and thus you ,ill regain the state ,hich you once voluntarily abandoned by having re#laced the light ,ith dar!ness" thus having lost all realisation' Academic !no,ledge about +e and +y Nature" about the destined #ur#ose of your e2istence as human beings and about +y #lan of 4alvation concerning the return of the s#irits is not sufficient>' for you ,ont understand everything as long as you dont demonstrate the said degree of love ,hich guarantees you an inner light" the ,or!ing of +y s#irit ,ithin yourselves>' Let realisation is the sign that the divine attributes" ,hich are buried ,ithin yourselves as long as you are devoid of love" are coming through again>' Realisation is li"ht" ,hich you have to regain in order to become blessed" #roviding you desire light during your earthly e2istence' -or you can also live a loving ,ay of life ,ithout e2#eriencing any desire for !no,ledgeG in that case the light of realisation ,ill suddenly #ermeate you ,hen you discard your earthly body and enter into the s#iritual !ingdom' A s#iritually/a,a!e #erson" ho,ever" must to be able to differentiate bet,een !no,ledge and realisation'''' He should not eFuate intellectual !no,ledge ,ith realisation" but he should also !no, that true realisation demands a high degree of love and #roves that you humans can consider yourselves fortunate if you are introduced to #rofound !no,ledge and thereby attain realisation>' he latter already signifies that you are entering your original state" in ,hich you ,ere #ermeated by light and love" in ,hich you had not yet fallen #rey to dar!ness" but in ,hich you still e2isted as a human being as long as you ,ere still immature" that is" in ,hich you ,ere still s#iritually unenlightened' I can never #lease a human being ,ith the light of realisation if he does not e2hibit the #rereFuisite ,hich #ermits the ,or!ing of +y s#irit>' -or ! 'pirit is the #art of +e ,hich im#arts this realisation to you humans" ,hich ma!es !no,ledge accessible to you ,hich you can understand" ,hich ma!es you ha##y" ,hich enlightens your s#iritual state" ,hich clearly lets you realise all correlations and thus it can be considered to be evidence of an advanced maturity of soul>' rue realisation ,ill al,ays be gladdening" and it can never be confused ,ith a mass of !no,ledge ,hich is not understood because +y s#irit is as yet unable to ,or!" even though the intellect has acce#ted this !no,ledge' In that case it nevertheless remains dead !no,ledge ,hich is ,orthless for the maturing of a soul' And then #eo#le can only be cautioned not to acFuire such !no,ledge" for a loving ,ay of life is necessary first in order to bring this !no,ledge alive' 8ove is necessary" for it stimulates the s#irit ,ithin the human being to come alive" and only then ,ill it !indle a true light" only then ,ill !no,ledge become realisation' 1nly then ,ill the soul have reached a #articular degree of maturity ,hich ,ill lift the s#iritual dar!ness'''' only then ,ill it be #ossible to s#ea! of a light ,hich illuminates the human being from ,ithin and gives him clear realisation about all s#iritual occurrences" about the very first beginning and the ultimate goal of everything in e2istence" and about the meaning and #ur#ose of human life on earth>' And as soon as the human being has come to this realisation" as soon as he can understand everything" he ,ill also understand +y Nature and fully a##reciate +y eternal #lan of 4alvation" for then he ,ill !no, the correlations" he ,ill see everything brightly and clearly" and then there ,ill be no other goal for him but to achieve his original state again" in ,hich he ,as ha##y>' He will wholeheartedly strive towards
unification with Me and also achieve it and return to Me, from Whom he once originated. Amen

B'D' ?=%< &'('%6<% The ri"ht concept of God. And it ,ill be revealed to you through +y s#irit that there is only one God and that this God manifested Himself in $esus 0hrist" because He is a 4#irit' It ,as not #ossible for +e to become visible to +y created beings as a limited Being" but in $esus 0hrist I became a visible God for all +y living creations" and therefore you cannot s#ea! of $esus 0hrist and the -ather" for I Am one ,ith Him" so ,hen you s#ea! of $esus 0hrist you are s#ea!ing of +e" your God and 0reator" your -ather of eternity>' -or the infant $esus sheltered +y s#irit ,ithin Himself" and after His birth I ,as already remar!ably active in Him in order to sho, the #eo#le in His neighbourhood that +y s#irit d,elt ,ithin the infant' he man $esus e2haled his last breath on the cross>' $esus body" ho,ever" ,as s#iritualised and He rose from the dead>' -or all His substances had merged ,ith +e" +y s#irit had #ermeated body and soul and nothing human remained in Him>' What arose from the dead on the third day ,as I +yself" the -ather/4#irit of eternity" the God Whom the beings desired to behold and Who had no, manifested Himself in the out,ard a##earance of $esus 0hrist>' $esus 0hrist is God" for I Am a 4#irit and thus became visible to all +y beings in the sha#e of $esus 0hrist" and you cannot visualise +e in any other ,ay than the divine Redeemer $esus 0hrist>' And if you ,ant to call u#on +e" if you ,ant to ma!e contact ,ith +e" you have to call u#on $esus 0hrist" you have to tal! to Him" you have to ac!no,ledge Him as your -ather of eternity" and then you ,ill also have the right conce#t of God>' ,hich" ho,ever" can never be right if you #ray se#arately to +e as God and to $esus 0hrist as 4on of God>' he soul ,hich d,elt in the man $esus ,as +y 4on>' a su#remely #erfect being created by +e ,hich remained ,ith +e ,hen the great a#ostasy of the s#irits too! #lace>' And this 4on of God made it #ossible for +e to embody +yself in a human shell>' so that the com#lete merger of the eternal -ather/4#irit ,ith $esus 0hrist could ta!e #lace" but then there no longer e2isted t,o se#arate beings but only one God" for the divine 4#irit" +y fundamental nature" utterly #ermeated the human shell and li!e,ise s#iritualised it>' Bverything ,as divine 4#irit it ,as the 4#irit ,hich #ermeates all of infinity and merely manifested Itself in a form visible to #eo#le" so that they ,ere able to develo# a conce#t of +e" so that they ,ere able to #ray to a Being in order to unite ,ith this Being>' -or the original sin of the s#irits a#ostasy consisted of their voluntary se#aration from +e because they ,ere unable to behold +e' And thus I #rovided for them the #ossibility of ,illingly Noining ,ith +e again by ma!ing +yself visible to them in $esus 0hrist' But you must never se#arate $esus 0hrist and +yself>' -or He and I are oneG and ,hoever calls u#on Him also calls u#on +e>' ,hoever sees Him sees +e" Who is and ,as eternal and shall remain so in all eternity>' Amen


B'D' @?;@ (%'%'%676 %$ (m the be"innin" of all thin"s....& I Am the beginning of all things'''' a!e this to heart ,hen you are moved by the slightest doubt about the creation of everything you see around and above yourselves' If +y #o,er is thus sufficient to call every life form into being" ,hat !ind of strength ,ould then be necessary to o##ose this creative ,illA An eFually destructive ,ill #erha#sA'''' In that case a second Deity ,ould have to be at ,or! ne2t to +e" ,hose e2#ression of strength ,ould run contrary to +y o,n activity' Anyone ,ho imagines the Deity as an im#erfect Being can truly #lace many such gods ne2t to this 1ne" yet he ,ill not have the right !ind of conce#t about the one true Deity" Which has created everything and controls all' Anyone ,ho ,ants to recognise +e must believe'''' and subordinate himself as a creation to the 0reator>' And he ,ill become enlightened" and in this light he ,ill see +e as the Ruler of the universe>' He ,ill realise that no o##osing force is able to counteract +e by ,or!ing destructively ,here I Am creating' 1nly the #hysical transformation of the earths surface has been left to the human beings free ,ill" so that #eo#les creative urge" ,hich I li!e,ise have #laced into their hearts" can occu#y itself' hus they can more or less act at their o,n discretion but they nevertheless ,ill al,ays have to recognise their o,n inadeFuacy and al,ays be de#endent on the omni#otence of the 0reator and the activity of natural forces and cannot o##ose them arbitrarily' hus nothing is more understandable than ,anting to ascertain the almighty 0reator and yet nothing is more im#ossible>' Human intellect is not sufficient by far to fathom +e in +y full elementary #o,er>' and it ,ill be even less #ossible to categorise +e" that is" to #ut +y Being and Becoming into any !ind of form ,hich seems acce#table to the human mind' his is a ho#eless underta!ing ,hich could never #roduce a satisfactory result" for I ,as" I Am>' and I forever ,ill be an inscrutable 4#irit Who harbours ,ithin Himself everything that can be found in the entire universe >' to Whom creation is subordinate because it originated from Him>' and Who is the beginning and the end of all things>' the 4#irit of 8ove from eternity to eternity>' Amen


B'D' =(?; %?'6'%6<( God is inscrutable.... Lou" +y living creations" ,ill never be able to fathom +e" even ,hen you" as +y su#remely #erfect children" are able to ,or! and be active ne2t to +e' Lou are the #roduct of +y eternal creative #o,er>' I" ho,ever" Am the source of strength Itself" Which is ine2haustible" Which !no,s no limit" Which constantly #ours Its flo, into infinity>' But I Am also a Being" i'e'" I Am a thin!ing 4#irit of most #rofound ,isdom Who ,or!s according to His ,ill ,ith inconceivable love and ma!es everything He creates infinitely ha##y>' I Am a thin!ing Bntity Who constantly lets ne, creations arise" since the strength flo,ing forth from +e cannot remain inactive because it is life and constantly creates life' And ,hen you" +y living creations" reach highest #erfection of your o,n free ,ill so that you can ,or! and create ne2t to +e as +y children" then you ,ill indeed have #enetrated the most #rofound ,isdom" you ,ill have light and strength at your o,n dis#osal ,hich ,ill ma!e you tremendously ha##y and of ,hich you can ma!e infinite use in order to be creatively active for your o,n ha##iness" and this strength ,ill constantly flo, to you from the 3rimary 4ource of eternity' He Himself" ho,ever" ,ill be and remain inscrutable for you" yet the a,areness that you ,ill al,ays be nourished by Him is utmost bliss" and your love for +e ,ill continually increase" you ,ill yearn for +e and forever sense +y #resence" you ,ill be able to behold +e in $esus 0hrist>' and yet" I ,ill remain an enigma for you" since it is not #ossible for a created being to totally ascertain the Bntity ,hich is and ,ill remain from everlasting to everlasting" because the created being is but a tiny s#ar! that ,as e2ternalised by +y loves sea of flames' But the fact that this created being !no,s that it is forever nourished by +y strength of love" that the being is a,are that it is united ,ith +e>' that it can constantly associate ,ith +e li!e a child ,ith its -ather" that it can s#ea! to +e and be active ,ith +e in absolute blissful togetherness" is continually increasing its bliss and lets its love become ever more #rofound>' And love is bliss'''' love is light'''' love is strength>' love is the divine ,hich ma!es every being become a god in its o,n right" because love al,ays grants ever greater #erfection>' Let the fact that there is no limit" that is the unimaginable beatitude ,hich I besto, u#on +y living creations time and again and ,hich can only be understood in the state of #erfection" ,hen the being ,hich I emanated as a living creation has deified itself and become +y child' hen it !no,s that I Am forever inscrutable" and yet it adamantly !ee#s striving to,ards +e" it feels the bliss of a##roaching +e and finds its ha##iness in +y reci#rocated love>' of ,hich you humans lac! all understanding as yet because you are still im#erfect' But you are only intended to receive a conce#t of eternity ,hich ,ill be com#rehensible to you one day" and therefore you shall also !no, that this su#remely #erfect Being ,ill certainly reach His goal of being able to ma!e everything that ,as created by Him infinitely ha##y' And it shall only be an incentive for you to !ee# striving to,ards your #erfection" for it ,ill bring you beatitudes in abundance>' Let it is and ,ill remain incom#rehensible for you that I dra, close to you" +y living creations" and s#ea! to you'''' that I Am and eternally ,ill remain unattainable for you and nevertheless embrace every single living creation ,ith dee#est love and dra, it close to +e" that I try to ma!e +yself and +y Nature e2#licable to you in order to ,in your love" because I can only merge ,ith love and this unification is needed in order to ma!e you infinitely ha##y one day>' The most perfect Being. the
greatest Spirit in infinity. the ternal Source of strength and light. is see!ing the union with you, His living creations, and therefore He is spea!ing to you. He "ends down to the smallest "eing in order to aid its ascent. And His love will never diminish, "ecause love !nows no limit and tries to ma!e everything "lissfully happy that once had emerged from this love. Amen


B'D' =<(( (%'6'%6<7 $nscrutabilit of the Deit .... Lou should believe that you humans ,ill eternally be unable to fathom +y fundamental nature' It is not #ossible to ma!e you understand ,hat I Am in essence" for your thin!ing is still limited" and thus you are inca#able of com#rehending the infinite' Infinite" ho,ever" is the s#irit for Whom you created the term God' And ,hat this s#irit is in Itself again cannot be e2#lained to you either" because He has no form and you al,ays imagine everything in e2istence as a form>' es#ecially ,hen it is of substance" thus ,hen it #ossesses a thin!ing ,ill' I" ho,ever" certainly e)ist but Am not conceivable in an shape>' I Am unlimited strength Which ,or!s ,ithout limitation'''' And thus this strength #ermeates the entire universe" It #ermeates every #hysical and s#iritual creation' And It al,ays and forever ,or!s in la,ful order>' -or a thin!ing ,ill directs this s#iritual strength according to a #lan in love and ,isdom' his thin!ing ,ill entitles you to imagine a Bein"" you Nust may not give this Being a form but have to regard everything that is visible to you and all s#iritual creations as imbued by +y strength of love>' by +y s#irit>' ,ith Which" ho,ever" you are able to ma!e mental contact" because I ! self Am a thin!ing Being' +y fundamental nature" +y s#irit" +y love" +y strength'''' everything is the same' he all/#ervading strength is God>' love in itself is God>' he s#irit is God' And yet God is a Bein"" for a thin!ing ,ill determines ho, the love" the strength" the s#irit e2#resses itself" it determines +y every reign and activity' And though the strength of love dis#ersed itself into countless tiny s#ar!s>' each tiny s#ar! is again the same as I +yself) a s#irit ,ith the same characteristics as I +yself" only e2tremely small>' and yet #o,erful" for it is a carrier of the eternal Deity Itself again or it could not continue to e2ist if it ,ere not #ermeated by +y strength of love' And thus the human being can indeed li!en himself to +e +yself" because you all are images of +e' Nevertheless you are finite beings" you are a #art of +e ,hich has to be loo!ed u#on as finite as long as you are still im#erfect' 1nce you become #erfect again" as you ,ere in the beginning" then the fusion ,ith +e ,ill ta!e #lace again too" and then it ,ill be easier for you to form a conce#t of the Deity" albeit I Am and ,ill remain inscrutable to you in +y innermost nature' But then you ,ill no longer a##ly limited standards as you do as human beings and ,hich is the reason for your freFuently misguided reasoning' I Am a s#irit" that is" I Am a Being Which is not #erce#tible to your human senses but Which nevertheless e)ists>' Which" ho,ever" is a Bein" because you can recognise meaning and #ur#ose in everything I brought into e2istence and thus arrive at the logical conclusion of a +ight ca#able of thought and ,ill' herefore you should contact this +ight Which cannot be denied by you' -or only this connection" the union" ma!es you realise that you are the same in your fundamental nature>' And ,hen this +ight s#ea!s to you" then it does not address your e2ternal shell'''' the body>' but ,hat is inside of this shell" ,hich characterises you as a divine image) your s#irit" ,hich thus emerged from +e I,as given to youK and is #art of +e>' ,hich you once reNected and ,hich ,as given to you again as a tiny s#ar! for your e2istence as a human being" ,ith other ,ords) I s#ea! to the eternally immortal #art in you" I s#ea! to ,hat belongs to +e +yself" ,hich emanated from +e +yself as a minute s#ar! and shelters in your human cover" ,hich is only evidence again that I +yself ,anted to find +yself again in you" +y living creations" and thus you ,ill also stay inse#arably connected to +e" because +y s#irit is undividable>' Because +y strength of love assures your e2istence" because you can never again cease to e2ist" for you are +y emanated strength ,hich" according to eternal la," has to return to the source of strength again' Lou ,ill only understand all this in the state of #erfection" your thin!ing ,ill no longer be limited but you ,ill also !no, that I Am a Being to Whom all your love belongs" you ,ill !no, that I Am love +yself" and you ,ill understand ,hy you ,ere unable to gras# all this as a human being' -or as long as I +yself>' +y s#irit>' +y love" cannot ta!e full #ossession of you because you are still im#erfect I cannot #ermeate you such that you are radiantly enlightened either' Let I Am active in you" as far as this is #ossible" as far as your degree of maturity #ermits it>' besto,ing ever more light u#on you" so that one day you ,ill reach #erfection>' Amen


B'D' =(<; <'6'%6<( *an God&s e)istence be proven?.... +y e2istence can never be #roven to you humans" because then you ,ould become subNect to com#ulsory faith>' But you are su##osed to arrive at the light and realisation about +e of your o,n free ,ill during your earthly life" and this is certainly #ossible' Lou only need to thin! about it" for everything around you can #rovide you ,ith the evidence of a God and 0reator>' -or even if you at first try to deny a divine Bein" you nevertheless have to ac!no,ledge a 'tren"th Which is e2#ressing Itself throughout the ,hole of creation' hus you cannot deny this strength" but the natural la," ,hich li!e,ise cannot be denied by you" the destined #ur#ose of the ,or!s of creation around you>' are in turn evidence of a deliberately directed 4trength Which infers a thin!ing Being>' Hence your goal on earth is to establish contact ,ith this thin!ing Being" other,ise it ,ould be irrelevant as to ,hether you describe +e as the strength that is recognisable by you' Let you are not li!ely to call u#on a 4trength and try to establish contact ,ith it>' As soon as you s#end some serious thought on it ,ith the determination to ascertain the truth" I ,ill also reveal +yself to you as a s#iritually tangible God and 0reator'''' If" ho,ever" you are indifferent to Whom you o,e your life as a human being" then you ,ill be lac!ing the sincere ,ill and you ,ill never attain inner clarity' -urthermore" your o,n nature as a human being should ma!e you thin!'''' No #erson is able to create a being ,ith the ability to thin!" ,ith self/a,areness and free ,ill>' 0onseFuently" you must have emerged from a similar Being" only that It is" in contrast to you" su#remely #erfect" but this Being" too" has to #ossess self/a,areness" the faculty of thought and a ,ill" and this Being ,or!s ,ith love" incom#arable ,isdom and #o,er>' Lou can never regard yourselves to be a #roduct of coincidence" for if this strength ,ere not directed by a ,ill it ,ould al,ays have an elemental effect" thus be destructive but never #rogressive" yet this refutes the destined #ur#ose and natural la, of creation>' +y e2istence cannot be #roven to you" but creation is convincing evidence of an all/#o,erful Being for every thin!ing human being" even if this Being is inconceivable to him" if he is unable to form a real idea of it>' He is Nust still very distant from +e and thus s#iritually com#letely unenlightened>' ,hich is due to the fact that his fall into the abyss had de#rived him of all light' And if such a #erson receives the !no,ledge about +e as the highest and most #erfect 4#irit in eternity his o##osition to +e brea!s through" and he ,ants to deny +e as he once had done ,hen he reNected the light of +y love and thus became s#iritually unenlightened' But in earthly life he must try to esca#e the dar!ness" he must ,ant to get clarification about himself and his origin" and he must be ,illing to do ,hat is right" and thus also allo, himself to be taught by those ,ho are able to bring him light' But a com#letely dar! s#irit ,ill also lac! ,ill#o,er" and he ,ill reNect all e2#lanations because he al,ays feels that the !no,ledge about a God and 0reator ,ill give him a guilty conscience" ,hich he refuses to acce#t' rying to convince a fello, human being of the e2istence of a #o,erful God therefore only ma!es sense if he himself ,ants to !no, something about it" ,hereas a #erson ,ho constantly li!es to deny God remains incorrigible and no energy should be ,asted on him" for his ,ill is the decisive factor as to ,hether he ever finds his ,ay out of the dar!ness' He must also come to realise the e2istence of a God and 0reator ,ithout #roof" ,hich ,ill ha##en if he endeavours to live a life of love" as in that case he is already ma!ing contact ,ith +e and the desire for truth ,ill subseFuently arise in him too' And then his thin!ing will already "e guided, he will "e mentally influenced "y "eings of light
into whose care he is entrusted, and his resistance will "egin to wane. which is also aided "y the intercession of fellow human "eings, and that will always have the effect of an increased strength of will. Amen


B'D' ?=(= %?'('%6<% God is a spirit Who has manifested +imself in ,esus.... Lou should not imagine your God and 0reator as a strictly limited Being" you should not try to associate Him ,ith a form" for then your idea ,ould al,ays be ,rong" because something defined can never corres#ond to +y nature" ,hich is utterly #erfect" thus infinite' -or I Am a s#irit Who fills and #ermeates ever thin"' In +y nature I ,ill be eternally unfathomable for +y living creations" for although +y living creations ,ere e2ternalised by +e in supreme perfection they are nevertheless only s#ar!s of love" emanated by the fire of +y Bternal 8ove and e2ternalised as individual beings ,ho" ho,ever" ,ould be unable to behold the eternal source of li"ht and stren"th if I sho,ed +yself to them in +y full abundance of brilliance" since they ,ould #erish if they faced the radiating light>' Let you need not visualise +e in any other ,ay than as the divine Redeemer $esus 0hrist>' In Him I became the visible God for you" in Him the eternal" infinite s#irit has manifested Itself" in Him you see +e and are able to behold Him face to face>' hus I gave +yself a form for ou" ,hom I had e2ternalised from +y love and +y strength as +y living creations>' he Bternal 4#irit Who fills all of infinity #ermeated this form ,ith light and became a visible God for you>' And yet I reign and ,or! throughout all of infinity and thus +y Being cannot be limited either" I can only have become a conceivable idea in the form of $esus 0hrist for you" ,ho are still finite yourselves" ,ho have not yet attained the highest #erfection" for I have to give to you ,hat corres#onds to your state" ,hich is still far from #erfection' Ho,ever" I Am and remain also inscrutable in +y nature for the s#irits of highest #erfection" ,hich" ho,ever" is a cause of increased beatitude" because +y children constantly strive to,ards +e" are constantly delighted by +e through +y fulfilling of their desire yet never able to reach +e>' and on the other hand may behold +e from face to face in $esus 0hrist>' his" too" ,ill remain an enigma to you" and only in the state of enlightenment ,ill you begin to com#rehend and yet eternally unable to fathom +y nature' o you I a##ear infinitely far a,ay and yet I Am as close to you as only a father can get to his child' But this a,areness ma!es you immensely ha##y" and your love for +e increases constantly and is also the cause of bliss" because it al,ays meets ,ith fulfilment' And thus your love for $esus 0hrist ,ill blaDe ever more ardently" in Whom you have recognised your -ather of eternity and in Whom I besto, unlimited bliss u#on you>' -or in Him I Am no, able to be close to +y children" even though I Am not bound to the form" even though I fill all of infinity ,ith +y light and +y strength" ,ith +y Being" ,hich is and remains inscrutable' But you" +y living creations" shall loo! for and find +e in ,esus" for I have chosen Him as the form ,hich received +eG and this once human e2ternal form com#letely s#iritualised itself and yet remained visible to every being ,hich attained the state of maturity of s#iritual vision>' hus you see +y eternal s#irit ,hen you see $esus" for He and I are one" you see the -ather ,hen you see ,esus" because I ,anted to be visible to you" +y created beings" in order to gain all your love' Let you ,ill never be able to behold +e in +y infinite abundance of strength and light ,ithout ceasing to e2ist>' But I ,ant to be able to create and ,or! ,ith +y children and thus also reveal +yself to them in order to heighten their beatitude>' And I ,ant to e2#erience their love +yself and therefore ,ill al,ays be close to +y children>' Amen


B'D' =;&% (<'<'%6<7 Belief in God in ,esus.... It is only necessary for you to believe in +e and ta!e the #ath to +e ,hen you suffer hardshi#>' for you" li!e children" to ta!e refuge ,ith the -ather" Who ,ill #rotect you in every s#iritual and earthly adversity because you entrust yourselves to Him>' ime and again I em#hasise that you only ought to contact +e in thought" through !ind/hearted activity or in #rayer and" truly" you ,ill not be able to go astray anymore" because your bond ,ith +e also guarantees you +y hel# to be delivered from +y adversary and to return to the 1ne from Whom you once originated' Admittedly" evidence for the e2istence of a God and 0reator cannot be given to you" you have to believe in Him>' Let if you are ,illing to do so then you ,ill see the evidence that bears ,itness to +e in everything that surrounds you >' And by Nust thin!ing about it you ,ill already be able to come to believe in +e>' I Nust do not ,ant you to s#end your life thoughtlessly" to only ta!e notice of the ,orld and believe that your earthly life is an end in itself'''' Lou should al,ays as! yourselves wh and for what reason you live on earth'''' in order to then also get hold of the thoughts about a God and 0reator" ,hich ,ill time and again encircle you li!e ,aves" for the #ur#ose and goal of your earthly life is to recognise a God and 0reator" to ac!no,ledge Him and to desire ma!ing contact ,ith Him' hen this God and 0reator ,ill also ta!e hold of you and never ever let you fall again'''' And He ,ill also convey the !no,ledge of $esus 0hrist" your Redeemer" to you>' -or you ,ill have to find Him so that you lose your ,ea!nesses" so that your ascent to the #innacle is assured>' -or even if you recognise +e" you ,ill have little ,ill#o,er to seriously strive for +e" since you are too ,ea! due to the sin of your #ast a#ostasy from +e >' And for the sa!e of strengthening your ,ill the man $esus died on the cross in order to acFuire the blessings of a stronger ,ill for you >' I +yself came to hel# you in your great s#iritual adversity ,hich ,as the result of your original sin" and I +yself accom#lished the act of 4alvation for the redem#tion of your guilt in $esus the human being ' 4o the #ath of return ,ill no, be #ossible for you if you a##eal to $esus 0hrist for strength" if you #lace your guilt of sin at his feet and e2#ress the sincere ,ill to return to the -ather" Who too! abode in $esus" Who united Himself ,ith Him for all eternity>' Bven if you thus believe in God as the 0reator and Redeemer" this God can never ever be regarded as being se#arate from $esus 0hrist" for God and $esus are one" God merely made use of a e2ternal human shell ,hich #eo#le called $esus" but Who sheltered the fullness of !e in Himself' I created everything" even the human shell of $esus came forth from +e" Which I chose for +yself in order to be able to stay amongst #eo#le' Lou humans" too" came forth from +y ,ill yet you once se#arated yourselves from +e voluntarily" for only love establishes a bond ,ith +e but you forfeited it of your o,n free ,ill" ,hereas the human being $esus ,as #ermeated by love" thus +y fundamental substance ,as in Him" for this is -ove>' Hence" in !ee#ing ,ith His nature He must be God Himself" and only his e2ternal shell ,as human until He s#iritualised it as ,ell" so that it ,as able to unite ,ith His divine 4oul and nothing human remained once $esus had accom#lished the act of 4alvation>' Anyone ,ho therefore has recognised +e in $esus has also esca#ed the dar!ness" for then the 8ight Itself ,ill dra, him into higher s#heres" for I +yself Am the 8ight" and the light shone to earth through the human being $esus because it #ermeated the human being com#letely' And I ,ould li!e to send this ray of light to all of you" yet your heart has to o#en itself to +e" you must direct your thoughts to,ards the 1ne Who created you'''' Lou have to muster this ,ill freely but then you ,ill also be seiDed by +y merciful love and everything ,ill be done to im#art the correct !no,ledge about $esus 0hrist to you>' and if you ac!no,ledge Him as Gods 4on and Redeemer of the ,orld Who became as one ,ith +e you ,ill never ever be able to go astray again>' Amen


B'D' ;?&& %%'='%6;7 God&s messa"e to rationalists.... Deniers of God.... I ,ant to s#ea! to those ,ho are not yet able to ma!e the right decision" ,ho are not un,illing to believe and yet cannot ac!no,ledge +e ,ith conviction eitherG to those ,ho o##ose the !no,ledge ,hich +y re#resentatives on earth ,ant to ma!e accessible to them ,ith their intellectual !no,ledge>' to those" ,ho first ,ant everything #roven to them and believe that they can understand or refute it ,ith their shar# intellect' heir !no,ledge !ills the s#irit'''' What is described as higher truth" ,hat cannot be #roven in an earthly sense" because com#ulsory faith may not be e2ercised in earthly life" cannot be fathomed scientifically and even the shar#est human intellect is no guarantee for correct thin!ing on the s#iritual level' I ,ant to #ut this Fuestion to you humans) in ,hich category of the ,or!s of creation do you #lace yourselvesA Dont you realise that you are the only thin!ing and reasoning beings" ,hereas all other ,or!s of creation are unable to e2hibit this thin!ing ability and freedom of thoughtA -rom this alone you can conclude that you ,ere created by a 3o,er ,hich is eFually ca#able of thin!ing" ,hich is merely infinitely #o,erful" for des#ite your faculty of thought you are inca#able of creating living beings ,ith the same faculty of thought>' Lou cannot Fuote your offs#ring as evidence" since you do not create them yourselves but merely fit in ,ith e2isting natural la,s ,hich also #rovide you ,ith evidence of a la,/giver' 0onsider furthermore) Is a natural force ca#able of thoughtA'''' hat is" is it able to bring beings into e2istence ,hose organism testifies of su#reme ,isdomA Would this natural force itself not have to be recognised and ac!no,ledged as a Being ,ith an ability of thought and ,ill and thus be able to create and give life to e2#edient formsA And is the ,or! of creation not sufficient evidence in itself even for the most intellectually astute #hiloso#hersA Indeed" ,ould you be able to substantiate the non/e2istence of a Being'''' ,ould you even be able to vaguely Fuote a com#arison as evidence that a force brings forth orderly creations unless this force meets its match in a human beings ,illA 8et a force become uncontrollably active and you ,ill have a dreadful e2#erience but you ,ill not be able to #roduce creations ,hose e2#edience and order you can admire>' hus" by virtue of your intellect alone you are able to ac!no,ledge a 4u#reme Being Which you have to regard as the 0reator of eternity>' It truly does you no honour that you ,ant to deny this Being" that you merely ,ant to e2#lain His activity" ,hich is visible to you in His creation" as the effect of an unguided force" that you thus ,ant to base the emergence of creation on an unconscious and blind #rocess' 4uch an e2#lanation is truly no evidence of a correctly em#loyed intellect" on the contrary" it is a defiant evasion ,hich you are loo!ing for because you do not ,ant to ac!no,ledge a God>' for even ,ith Nust a ,ea! ,ill both #ossibilities are considered first" and then a #erson ,ill rather decide to acce#t than to reNect a s#iritually tangible 3o,er ,hich reveals itself in creation' If you humans !ne, the serious effect a reNection" a denial of a s#iritually tangible Deity has on your soul you ,ould also understand ,hy I ,ant to enlighten you" ,hy I ,ant to stimulate you to seriously thin! about it so that you ,ill give your misguided thoughts the right direction of your o,n accord" so that you ,ill be able to believe ,hat seems unacce#table to you as long as you Nust ma!e one/sided Nudgments" as long as you believe that you can intellectually ascertain the truth' But the belief in a God and 0reator is necessary in order to ma!e a connection ,ith this God and 0reator'''' And this connection ,ith Him is the real #ur#ose and goal of earthly life>' other,ise you ,ould truly not have been allo,ed to embody yourselves on this earth" ,hich ,as only created for the #ur#ose of +y living creation being able to re/establish the unity ,ith God ,hich he once had voluntarily severed' If" ho,ever" you deny a God then it means that you are still very distant from +e" it signifies rene,ed o##osition to +e of your o,n free ,ill ,hich ,ill incur a dreadful fate in the beyond or a re#eated banishment into matter ,hen the end of this earth has arrived' herefore I ,ould li!e to address you and encourage you to thin! it through before it is too late" and even if your earthly !no,ledge is e2tensive>' you ,ill ,ith certainty #enetrate far more #rofound !no,ledge if you entrust yourselves to the 1ne Who has created you and Who ,ants to be recognised as your God and 0reator of eternity in order to then hel#fully assist you>' Amen


B'D' ?<(& %?'<'%6<@ *ountless evidence of God.... I ma!e it easy for you to believe" if only you ,anted to" for I furnish you ,ith such obvious evidence of +yself and +y ,or!ing so that you ,ould easily be able to recognise +e and conseFuently could also gain a convinced faith' I give evidence of +yself through creation" through everything surrounding you>' And I give evidence of +yself through +y Word ,hich rings out to you from above and is conveyed to #eo#le ,ho are ,illing to believe>' -or the will to do so must be #resent first" then the human being ,ill also be able to believe' he ,ill to believe o#ens his eyes" ears and heart>' and he ,ill be able to see" hear or #erceive countless #ieces of evidence of +y e2istence" because I ,ill reveal +yself to a human being of good ,ill>' because I ,ill come close and ma!e +yself !no,n to him' Hence no #erson can say that it is impossible for him to believe'''' but it is merely a lac! of willin"ness" and no human being can be com#elled' In that case his ,ill is still utterly o##osed to +e" for the denial of a Deity is #roof that the #erson is still totally entrenched in the original sin" that he has not abandoned his #ast o##osition to +e" and then his ,ill cannot be forcibly bro!en either' Bven so" I constantly try to attract his ,ill during his earthly life by re#eatedly revealing +yself to him in the most diverse ,ays" so that he can al,ays recognise +e by merely changing his ,ill' -aith in +e can be gained by every #erson" because he lives in the midst of +y creation and the ,or!s of nature freFuently affect him" ,hich he only needs to thin! about' Admittedly" an o##osing ,ill al,ays tries to find different e2#lanations about the miracles of creation rather than the e2istence of a s#iritually tangible 0reator of eternityG yet as soon as his o,n ,ill becomes less im#ortant other thoughts ,ill be able to arise in him and he can consider it #ossible for a higher 3o,er to be the 1riginator and 0ontroller >' And I ,ill al,ays endeavour to influence the human being such that he can achieve this realisation' During the last days before the end faith ,ill continue to d,indle" and even +y revelation ,ill not achieve very much" #recisely because of #eo#les ,ill" ,hich cannot be coerced' Ho,ever" I ,ill not sto# s#ea!ing to #eo#le from above" because +y Word has the strength to change a #ersons thin!ing if he allo,s it to ta!e effect in him' -or it does ha##en" albeit only rarely" that com#lete unbelievers hear or read +y Word and feel touched by it' Ho,ever" every soul is im#ortant to +e and I ,ill not slo, do,n trying to attract each individual soul' And by ,ay of fate I also cross the #ath of #eo#le ,ho do not ,ant to believe" by allo,ing them to meet ,ith serious difficulties so that they can turn to an over,helmingly #o,erful Being ,ith an a##eal for hel#>' #et $ must always grant complete freedom to their will and
therefore $ can only ever aim to influence this will, which indeed will "e done "y My love and mercy for as long as the human "eing lives on earth. Amen


B'D' &;&% %;'%'%6&6 .)istence of God Worldl scholars +eart and intellect he ,orldly scholar often finds it difficult to believe in a Deity because his intellect is forced to conclude other,ise due to !no,ledge ,hich" ho,ever" does not entirely corres#ond to the truth' 4im#ly a mista!en vie, concerning the evolution of the earth leads to ,rong ideas" and then it is difficult to ac!no,ledge an eternal 0reator" a Being ,hich could certainly be recognised by its e2#ression of strength" but ,hose recognition is usually not ,anted' 4cience attem#ts to #rove everything' Ho,ever" ,here this is not #ossible it does not admit its inability but sim#ly refuses to ac!no,ledge ,hat is outside the sco#e of its research' And thus it is based on a ,rong conce#t" and the #ath to the eternal Deity is ultimately very difficult to find" even if the ,ill to do so e2ists' All !inds of research activity should start by revealing Gods e2istence" ,hich admittedly cannot be #roven but ,hich can be believed ,ith com#lete inner conviction' 4uch research ,ill then #rogress Fuic!ly and successfully' But to achieve this certain belief the human being" in s#ite of his !een intellect" has to disregard the latter for the time being and dedicate himself to the feeling of his heart" he has to leave all science to one side and" li!e a child" allo, himself to be taught from ,ithin" i'e' he has to acce#t ,hat his feeling imagines or ,ants as the truth' Bffectively" he has to dream ,ith o#en eyes' hen he ,ill al,ays find a Deity" Who directs and guides everything" and he ,ill !no, that he is su##orted by It' A human beings innermost desire is and remains a strong #o,er above himselfG ho,ever" ,orldly intellect attem#ts to stifle this because it is also s#o!en to by the one ,ho ,ants to su##lant the Deity but ,ho is unable to enter the human heart and instead attem#ts to influence the human intellect all the more' God e2#resses Himself through the heart" his adversary e2#resses himself through the intellect" unless the heart is stronger and #ersuades the intellect to be on its side' In that case it is also #ossible to recognise God intellectually" heart and intellect ,ill as#ire to the eternal Deity and then science ,ill also build on a different foundation" it ,ill dra, different conclusions ,hich ,ill definitely not be false ones' Because once an investigation ,ith belief in a Deity begins it ,ill sooner or later achieve success and also come close to the truth" irres#ective to ,hich field it is a##lied' hen science and belief ,ill no longer contradict but merely com#lement each other" and only then ,ill !no,ledge be free from error" ,hen it is in harmony ,ith the belief in God as an omni#otent" ,ise and loving Being Which governs everything that ,as" is and remains in eternity> Amen


B'D' ?<<; &'='%6<@ Faith in God in free will.... +y strength of love flo,s into every human heart ,hen it o#ens itself to receive it' And +y strength of love causes the s#ar! of love to ignite itself and the flame to lea# to,ards +e" the -ather/4#irit of eternity' And thus the #ath to +e is unim#eded" it ,as started #urely by the ,ill to be illuminated by +e and +y love" in other ,ords" anyone ,ith a #ositive attitude to,ards +e" anyone ,ho believes in +e and ,ants to stay in contact ,ith +e" ,ill also receive +y divine strength of love' And then he ,ill advance in his develo#ment" for this is the effect of +y strength' Hence the human being first has to believe in a God and 0reator and recognise himself as +y living creation" for only then ,ill his desire a,a!en to enter into contact ,ith +e" and then he ,ill o#en himself to +e" thus ,illingly allo,ing himself to be illuminated by +y strength of love" for only this ,illingness is reFuired for it to ha##en' But it is difficult for a #erson to be affected by this ray of love if he does not believe in +e" if he merely regards himself to be a #roduct of nature and therefore never establishes a bond either" because he refuses to ac!no,ledge a Bein" Which has created him' An e2traordinary occurrence could certainly allo, him to gain faith in +e" yet he may never be com#ellingly influenced or his faith ,ould be ,orthless' And all #roof of +y e2istence is com#elling' Bven +y Word ,ould be com#elling evidence ,ere I to s#ea! to #eo#le directly from above" so that everyone ,ould have to hear +y voice and believe in +e>' 4uch faith" ho,ever" is of no value'''' Let +y Word is conveyed to humanity all the same" I merely avail +yself of a human form and s#ea! through it directly>' but I leave each #erson the freedom to believe or disbelief ,hether these Words are s#o!en by a su#remely #erfect Being>' -ree ,ill is al,ays decisive" and faith can never be forcibly attained' And even if I +yself revealed the most #rofound ,isdom to #eo#le it ,ould nevertheless not suffice to #ersuade a #erson into believing in +e if he doesnt ,ant to>' Alternatively" ho,ever" it is enough to give evidence of +yself to a #erson'''' he human being can gain such convinced faith through +y Word that no #o,er of hell can ta!e it a,ay from him' -or +y Word is an illumination of love ,hich can touch the human heart" ,hich can trigger the love that grants him radiant enlightenment>' And then love ,ill be #ushing to,ards love'''' hen a light ,ill be !indled ,ithin the heart" the radiance of ,hich dissolves all that is dar!" ,hich com#letely drives a,ay the dar!ness>' ,hich besto,s a living faith u#on a #erson" ,hich is unsha!able and ,ithstands every onslaught that time and again is launched by hostile forces>' And thus it will always
"e up to the human "eing himself as to whether he allows himself to "e touched "y My ray of love, for he has to open himself voluntarily. he has to want to enter into contact with Me as his %od and &reator' he has to "elieve that he has emerged from the hand of a perfect Being and that he cannot sever the connection with this Being. Then he will ac!nowledge Me, and only then will he loo! for Me and $ will let Myself "e found. Amen


B'D' =@7; ?'%%'%6<% Wron" ima"e of God !is"uided teachin"s What !ind of distorted image of +y Being do you get ,hen I Am #ortrayed to you as a God of ,rath and vengeance" as a strict Nudge ,ithout mercy" Who only #unishes and condemns and never sho,s mercy> Lou can only be fearful of such a God" you ,ill be obedient to him because of fear" you ,ill also observe his commandments only for fear of #unishment but you can never love him in the ,ay I ,ant to be loved by you> 0onseFuently" as long as you are #resented ,ith such an image of +yself you are not ,al!ing in truth" you are still in s#iritual dar!ness and ,ill hardly achieve your goal to find unification ,ith +e> Because only love can achieve this" and you can hardly feel love for a Being that is #resented to you in such a ,ay' I" ho,ever" ,ant to ,in your love" only your com#lete trust ,ill do" I ,ant to be recogniDed by you as a faithful -ather Who ,ants to be closely lin!ed to His children because of love' And that is ,hy you must also have the right image of +e" you have to be given the truth about +y Being Which is love" ,isdom and #o,er in Itself > Which is su#remely #erfect and Which you can love in return ,hen you feel embraced by +y love" ,hich eternally is intended for you> Lou can only fear a God ,ho #unishes you ,hen you have offended" you cannot love him> I" ho,ever" dont #unish you but only ever hel# you to esca#e your sinful state and besto, you ,ith strength and mercy to achieve it' And I ,ill never cast into the abyss ,hat has become sinful" I ,ill never condemn it but al,ays attem#t to lift it from the de#th because I ta!e #ity on it since it has ta!en the #ath into the de#th itself> And all methods ,hich I use to lift again ,hat has fallen" ,hat has become sinful" are evidence of +y love and not acts of #unishment ,hich are incom#atible ,ith +y infinite love> Lou need never believe teachings ,hich #ortray +e as an avenging and #unishing God> And therefore you may certainly reNect the teaching of eternal condemnation because I never condemn a living creation> but it has desired the de#th of its o,n free ,ill and eternally I only ,ant to release it from the de#th again' Ho,ever" that +y Nustice may not be abolished should e2#lain to you that I cannot give ha##iness to a being ,hich has voluntarily distanced itself from +e and desired the de#th> But ,hen you thin! of +e you should al,ays regard +e as a benevolent" e2ceedingly affectionate -ather Who is al,ays ,illing to give you His love but Who" due to His #erfection" cannot act regardless of eternal order> Nevertheless" the #ath to +e is al,ays available to the being> Bven those ,ho have fallen to the lo,est #oint need only longingly stretch their hands out to +e and I ,ill ta!e hold of them and lift them u# because +y love and +y mercy are so great that I overloo! every guilt if the being surrenders to +e voluntarily > hen I can delete the guilt" because for that reason I had shed +y blood in the man $esus" thus the guilt has been #aid for as Nustice demands' And if +y Being is described to you in all truthfulness you ,ill not find it difficult to ta!e the #ath to +e voluntarily > But you ,ill give little love to a God Whom you must fear and thus the #ure truth has to be given to you> s#iritual !no,ledge ,hich gives you clear information about +e" your God and 0reator" Who ,ants to be your -ather> Because misguided teachings cannot lead you into ha##iness' 0onseFuently they have to be denounced since they originate from +y adversary ,ho ,ants to !ee# you in dar!ness of s#irit> ,ho ,ill do anything to #revent you from finding your ,ay to +e> ,ho #laces fear of +e into the human hearts to sto# love from a##earing ,hich unites the child ,ith the -ather > I" ho,ever" ,ant your love and ,ill therefore re#eatedly bring you the truth about +yself and +y Being" and you ,ill be ha##y ,hen you live in the truth> Amen


B'D' &&=& %%'%%'%6&= The doctrine of the Trinit of God.... Lou have the gift of being able to use your intellect and you ought to use this gift' In an earthly res#ect your life com#els you to do so and you readily com#ly ,ith this com#ulsion' It is the most natural thing in the ,orld for you to thin! about everything you encounter" to e2#lore and #onder and thus intellectually enhance your earthly !no,ledge' But only rarely if ever do you use your intellect in order to acFuire s#iritual !no,ledge of your o,n inner accord' Lou certainly allo, yourselves to receive it from e2ternal sources and acce#t it without using your intellect" ,ithout scrutinising or thin!ing about it' But you dont assimilate it ,ith your intellect and thus you dont use the latter" or you misuse it by dra,ing entirely ,rong conclusions because you acce#t the s#iritual !no,ledge you receive ,ithout e2amination' But He Who endo,ed you ,ith intellect ,ill also hold you to account as to ho, you have used it' 0ountless #eo#le live ,ith misconce#tions because they dont thin! about doctrines ,hich should motivate their scrutiny because" in the form they are #resented to #eo#le" they are sim#ly unacce#table>' Admittedly" you reNect all scrutiny ,ith the remar! that you" as human beings" are inca#able of ma!ing a correct Nudgment" and you are right insofar as your intellect alone is not enough for this' Let each and every time this has to be countered by the fact that enlightenment by the s#irit can and al,ays must be reFuested in order to truthfully e2#lain the most difficult #roblems" and that God ,ill never deny His assistance to someone ,ho seriously ,ants it' And thus it is also #ossible for a human being to get an e2#lanation for Fuestions ,hich the intellect alone is unable to ans,er' But the less a #erson believes that he is inca#able of ma!ing a correct Nudgment the more it is necessary to a##eal to God for assistance' his is more advisable than to acce#t doctrines ,hich a #erson finds difficult to acce#t" for ,hatever a #erson ,ants to endorse as truth also has to be com#letely e2#lained to him" on account of ,hich teachings from above are constantly conveyed to earth ,hich bring light into the s#iritual dar!ness' And dar!ness is ,herever the truth is being dis#laced or veiled" ,here misguided teachings are s#read and u#held by #eo#le as truth' And this dar!ness shall be #enetrated by light>' 8ies and error shall be dis#laced by the truth" it shall be e2#osed ,here #eo#le are ,rongly instructed" because only the truth leads to eternal life and only the truth is divine" ,hereas misguided teachings are God/o##osing >' And so it is essential to thro, light on a doctrine ,hich" mi2ed u# and com#letely distorted by the enemy of souls" has found a##roval amongst #eo#le" and #recisely because the latter did not use their gift of intellect and acce#ted ,ithout ins#ection ,hat they ,ere offered) the doctrine of the rinity of God>' his doctrine is com#letely incom#rehensible" that is" it cannot be rationally gras#ed and understood" it is an unacce#table e2#lanation of the eternal Deity because it is absurd" since the human being ,ho is #rofessing it is not allo,ed to thin! about it anymore or" if he thin!s about it" cannot admit to it>' Wanting to #lace the eternal Deity into a strictly/limited form is a sign of those #eo#les im#erfection ,ho acce#t this teaching' Bvery form is a strictly/limited conce#t but Gods Being is limitless because it is something #rofoundly #erfect' Hence something su#remely #erfect cannot be divided either" for #erfection is a state of s#irit and something s#iritual can never be divided into three #arts>' thus one can never s#ea! of a three/#erson God because it is an inconceivable conce#t ,hich ,ill lead to com#letely ,rong #oints of vie, about the Deitys nature' God the -ather'''' God the 4on'''' and God the holy 4#irit>' these conce#ts do not Nustify the assum#tion that three #ersons have united themselves as the eternal Deity" hence that these three amount to one God" ,hereas the nature of God can be made com#rehensible to #eo#le if the three conce#ts are e2#lained such that the -ather is love" the 4on is ,isdom and the 4#irit is strength>' And this alone is the correct e2#lanation ,hich is the foundation of the doctrine of the rinity of God" yet due to misunderstanding it ,as ,rongly inter#reted and resulted in the misguided teaching that the Deity consists of three #ersons' he s#irit of God" the #artial conce#t of Gods Nature" can never be #ersonifiedG it cannot be limited to a form in line ,ith human ideas" it is an infinite abundance of light and strength ,hich is directed and used by an e2ce#tionally strong ,ill of love' he light is God'''' the strength is God'''' and the ,ill of love is God>' one is not ,ithout the other" everything Divine incor#orates this rinity ,ithin ItselfG it is the sign of #erfection if love" ,isdom and strength are inherent in a being" in ,hich case it has become an image of God' Let it is only ever one Being'''' not a form but something infinite" s#iritual" ,hich reFuires no form in order to e2ist and ,hich ,ould burst all forms if they had not s#iritualised themselves first" so that they ,ere able to contain love" ,isdom and strength in abundance ,ithout ceasing to e2ist' 4uch a form ,as the human being $esus" Who ,as chosen by God as the carrier of the entire abundance of love" ,isdom and strength in order to serve #eo#le as a conceivable Deity so that they can believe in an Bssence Which" being of su#reme #erfection" is nevertheless in connection ,ith im#erfect #eo#le" His living creations' But this form ,as #urely #hysical" it ,as effectively only at the dis#osal of #hysical onloo!ers because the s#irit reFuires no form in order to be able to be seen>' he idea of -ather" 4on and holy 4#irit as three se#arate entities'''' even ,ith the addition that they are one>' is misleading" because #eo#le ,ill then be at ris! of im#lementing a se#aration by calling u#on every #art individually and ,ill thereby increase the consciousness of each of the three #arts" thereby losing the right" truthful sense of the one God to Whom alone they should turn in every earthly and s#iritual adversity' ((

Bven the man $esus" Who lived on earth as an individual being in order to acce#t the abundance of God ,ithin Himself" became one ,ith Him" ,hich ,as evidenced by His ascension" because the body had com#letely s#iritualised itself and all substances ,ere able to Noin the eternal Deity and thus there no longer e2isted t,o se#arate beings ,ho ,ere #erfect but it ,as only one Deity" Which ,as love" ,isdom and strength in su#reme #erfection' God the -ather" God the 4on and His 4#irit" ,hich #ermeates the ,hole of infinity and im#lements everything that is determined by His ,ill' It is the eternal Deitys /ature ,hich is being characterised by the conce#ts of -ather" 4on and holy 4#irit' Wisdom>' the 4on>' comes forth from the -ather of love" and the all/#ermeating strength im#lements ,hat is decided by the -ather and the 4on' God is all/#o,erful and e2ceedingly ,ise and loving>' his conce#t is more understandable and solves the #roblem of the triune Deity in the sim#lest ,ay" and only s#iritually blind #eo#le are unable to gras# or ac!no,ledge this uncom#licated solution because they are misled by s#iritually blind leaders ,ho are unenlightened and refuse to let themselves be taught>' Amen


B'D' ?=7& (7'('%6<% Blind faith is worthless.... he human being shall believe but he shall not believe blindly'''' he shall form a mental o#inion about everything he is reFuired to believe and then let his heart decide ,hether to reNect or acce#t it' his is ,hat I e2#ect of #eo#le" but I Am not content ,ith blind faith ,hen the demand of such signifies a coercion of ,ill" as I gave #eo#le com#letely free ,ill' And you al,ays have to bear the human beings freedom of ,ill in mind" then you ,ill also recognise ,hether a doctrine has originated from !e" for I gave you humans absolute freedom" I gave you no other commandments a#art from the divine commandments of love" the fulfilment of ,hich" ho,ever" also #resu##ose free ,ill' 4o no, I ,ant to guide you into bliss" and for that reason I re#eatedly convey +y Word to you>' I instruct you and familiarise you ,ith s#iritual !no,ledge>' and once again it is u# to you to believe it or not>' Let you have to form your o,n o#inion about it" you have to thin! about it and have the good intention to recognise and acce#t ,hat is ri"ht' I dont e2#ect you to blindly believe ,hat you receive through +y WordG yet I e2#ect you to scrutinise it before you ma!e a Nudgment" and after serious e2amination you ,ill also recognise the truth of ,hat you are #resented ,ith" and then you ,ill no longer believe blindly' But I cannot absolve many #eo#le from the accusation of having acce#ted s#iritual values ,ithout chec!ing them and then holding on to them>' ,hich" after serious consideration" they ,ould have had to recognise as being untrue>' +any #eo#le are satisfied ,ith ,hat ,as handed on to them by ,ay of tradition" and they deem it ,rong to d,ell on it because this is ,hat they ,ere also taught >' But ho, do they ,ant to Nustify themselves one dayA Bvery human being received from +e the gift of faculty of thought" but does he ma!e use of itA Why does he scrutinise the value of earthly commodities but refrains from doing so ,ith s#iritual goodsA Why is the salvation of his soul of so little significance to each individual #erson that he ,ould an2iously as! himself ,hether he can rely on the fact that he ,as offered the truthA Why is he indifferent to the truthA -or truly" anyone ,ho desires the truth ,ill not live in dar!ness>' And this state of indifference can be found ,herever any !ind of s#iritual !no,ledge is unreservedly and ,ithout scrutiny acce#ted because it originates from a s#ecific source>' and #recisely this source ,as not made accessible by +e" or the human being ,ould live in truth and also clearly recognise it as such as soon as he forms an o#inion of it' Lou" ho,ever" acce#t and believe blindly" and thus you strengthen the #o,er of the one ,ho is +y adversary" ,ho ,ants to #ush you into dar!ness and !ee# you there'''' -or you have dedicated yourselves to an or"anisation but not to !e" Who in fact ,ants to guide you to the light>' Ho,ever" you have free ,ill and therefore I have never #roceeded forcibly but left the decision to you" and as long as you have searched for +e in all sincerity I allo, +yself to be found and !indle a bright light in you ,hich also clearly illuminates +y adversarys activity' And ever #erson can #ossess this light by Nust desirin" the light>' But it involves the sincere ,ill to be released from +y adversary and this necessitates a close bond ,ith +e>' And thus you need only as! yourselves ,hether you>' ,ho believe blindly because you are told to do so>' feel im#elled to,ards !e>' No one having sought this close bond ,ith +e has remained em#ty/handed" for I reveal +yself to everyone and grant him the enlightenment ,hich illumines his #ath ahead' -or if he is searching for +e then love is in him too" ,hich soon ,ill besto, u#on him the correct realisation' And thus he ,ill also be able to se#arate error from truth" he ,ill no longer believe blindly" his bond ,ith +e ,ill release him from +y adversary" ,ho ,ill no longer be able to !ee# a #erson in dar!ness once he has seen the light" ,hich ma!es him ha##y and only increases his desire for more light>' And he will
free himself from the influence of those who pretend to "e My true representatives on earth, who do not live in truth themselves and therefore cannot distri"ute it either. who e(ert spiritual coercion on their followers, which can never correspond to My will, "ecause earthly life is a matter of the human "eing)s free decision of will which is "eing prevented "y the former. Amen


B'D' ?<(6 (('<'%6<@ 'incere desire for truth "uarantees truth.... Cnderstand that it only reFuires a sincere desire for truth in order to be able to receive it'''' Let this sincere desire is rarely to be found" even though every #erson claims to strive for truth' But this" too" is Nust something #eo#le say ,ithout s#ending any thought on it" given that the desire for truth ought to arise from dee# ,ithin the heart and not leave the #erson again>' he should dread nothing more than falling #rey to error" and therefore he has to a##roach +e in his heart and a##eal to +e to im#art the truth to him' And it ,ill be given to him>' If" ho,ever" the human being has received !no,ledge and holds on to this !no,ledge ,ithout ever having chec!ed that it is true" then it ,ill also be difficult to offer him the truth if it does not corres#ond to his !no,ledge" for he ,ill refuse to let go of his !no,ledge in e2change for the #ure truth>' In that case he lac!s the inner desire for truth" and he ,ill also be inca#able of e2amining it because he fails to ma!e contact ,ith +e" because he fails to a##eal to +e for s#iritual enlightenment in order to be able to form a correct o#inion' his is ,hy it is not al,ays #ossible to convey the #ure truth to earth" this is ,hy so much s#iritual information is assumed to be true although it cannot lay claim to it' And yet it is endorsed as truth>' es#ecially if it originated from the s#iritual !ingdom" if #eo#le believe that they definitely have received the truth' But since the reci#ients sincere desire is a #rereFuisite for the conveyance of truth" the origin from the s#iritual !ingdom does not al,ays guarantee the truth of ,hat is transmitted to earth>' rather" it necessitates serious e2amination' And this has to be conducted ,ith +e" ,ith +y su##ort' -or the s#iritual !ingdom also shelters beings of dar!ness or im#erfect beings ,hich still u#hold the incorrect !no,ledge they have ta!en across from earth and ,hich they Nust as eagerly endorse in the !ingdom of the beyond as they have done on earth' he human being is unable to detach himself from ,hat he loves even in the s#iritual !ingdom' And that is significant for his #rocess of develo#ment" since it can last eternities until such a soul has liberated itself" until it finally starts to acce#t the truth' But it can influence #eo#le in the s#iritual !ingdom detrimentally if it finds ,illing #eo#le to ,hom it can mentally transmit ,rong information or through statements made to #eo#le ,ho consider themselves mediums ,ho consciously establish contact from earth to the s#iritual !ingdom' 4uch contact can and ,ill only be beneficial if the human being is governed by the sincere desire for truth and al,ays a##eals for su##ort through +y s#irit>' hen there ,ill be no ris!" then the #erson ,ill build a firm ,all around himself ,hich ignorant beings cannot overste# and only the ,orld of light ,ill have access to him" ,hich ,ill truly only im#art the truth from +e because it ,or!s on +y instructions and because it is +y ,ill that you shall be taught the #ure truth>' And everyone should e2amine himself as to ,hat e2tent he wants the truth>' He shall fear error and al,ays #ray to +e for #rotection from it and his a##eal ,ill be granted" for I +yself ,ant you humans to live in truthG I +yself ,ant you to receive it" hence I ,ill also #rovide you ,ith the o##ortunity" al,ays assuming that the same ,ill for truth is inherent in you ,hich is your certain #rotection from misguided s#iritual information" from erroneous thin!ing and ,rong inter#retation of ,hat you are offered' -or the truth/desirin" human being ,ill also have the right #o,er of Nudgment" because I convey it to him at the same time as the truth and therefore he is also able to e2amine the value of the s#iritual information' I +yself Am the ruth" I +yself ,ant to enter into contact ,ith +y living creations and thus I also ,ant +y living creations to live in truth>' And I ,ill #rotect them from the influence of beings ,hich try to s#read error and disguise themselves as beings of light in order to deceive you into becoming victims of misconce#tions' he close bond ,ith +e also guarantees correct thin!ing" correct instruction" it guarantees you the transmission of truth through the s#irit>' -or the s#iritual s#ar! inside of you is #art of +e" and it ,ill truly instruct you correctly>' Lou should all endeavour to be directly taught by your s#irit so that you ,ont need to abide by transmissions from the s#iritual ,orld ,hich you cannot verify because you dont !no, the s#iritual state of those ,ho receive such channelled messages>' for there is al,ays a great danger of interference by beings ,ho lac! realisation>' But ,herever +y s#irit is at ,or! you ,ill !no, that I s#ea! to you +yself and that I really im#art the truth to you because I ,ant +y living creations on earth to live in truth>' because only through truth can they attain +e and therefore also bliss>' Amen


B'D' ??6? %&'%'%6<% What is the purpose of life on earth?.... Lou have to !no, the #ur#ose of your earthly life if your #rogress as a human being is to be successful and you ,ant to reach the goal" if you once again ,ant to become ,hat you had been in the beginning'''' Lou came forth from +e as su#remely #erfect beings" you ,ere created in +y image" endo,ed ,ith all divine attributes" full of light and strength" and you ,ere in constant contact ,ith +e as your God and 0reator" so that you ,ere continuously able to receive light and strength from +e and thus ,ere also indescribably ha##y' But your #erfect nature also included free ,ill or you could not have been called divine living creations' 0onseFuently this free ,ill had to o#en u# t,o #ossibilities for you) to remain as #erfect as I had created you" or to relinFuish your #erfection and change your nature into the o##osite>' hus you ,ere meant to #rove your divinity by !ee#ing the direction of your ,ill in line ,ith +ine" so that it totally merged ,ith +y ,ill although it ,as com#letely free>' In that case" ho,ever" you also had to be ca#able of behaving to the contrary>' Lou also had to be able to fall a,ay from +e as a sign of free ,ill" if this ,as o##osed to +e and +y ,ill' I reFuired +y created living beings to ma!e this decision of ,ill in order to be able to grant them even greater delights>' I reFuired this decision of ,ill of +y first created being" the s#irit of light" ,hom +y greater than great love e2ternalised and ,ho" as +y image" ,as intended to create and ,or! ,ith and beside +e in the s#iritual !ingdom' He had come forth from +e in su#reme #erfection" he ,as +y image'''' Let one thing set him a#art from +e) he received his strength from +e" ,hereas I ,as the source of strength +yself>' He certainly recognised this" for he #ossessed absolute realisation>' And so he ,as confronted by the test of ,ill ,hich reFuired him to ac!no,ledge +e as the source of strength from Which he constantly received his #o,er>' Ho,ever" his ,ill and +y strength had brought countless beings into e2istence" all of ,hom ,ere of highest #erfection" endo,ed ,ith all gifts and free ,ill ,hich demonstrated their divine nature' And the a,areness of having been the creator of all these beings made this first/ created s#irit" the bearer of light" arrogant" and in his arrogance he rebelled against +e' Hence he did not #ass the test of ,ill but he voluntarily caused a se#aration from +e ,hich" admittedly" ,as im#ossible to ha##en" because all created s#irits ,ould have #erished in vie, of the fact that they are unable to e2ist ,ithout +e and +y flo, of strength>' but the bearer of light>' 8ucifer>' deliberately turned a,ay from +e" and therefore fell into the abyss" dra,ing ,ith him a large number of beings ,hich li!e,ise ,ere su##osed to ma!e a decision and deserted +e>' his occurrence" ,hich too! #lace in the s#iritual !ingdom" forms the basis of the creation of the ,orld" of the countless different !inds of creations ,hich I brought into being as the #ath of return for the s#irits" in order to guide all fallen s#irits bac! to their origin again" in order to guide them bac! to +e" because they can only be ha##y again ,hen they are united ,ith +e" ,hereas the distance from +e signifies a state of utter ,retchedness' I Am no, trying to ma!e this information accessible to you humans" for you are these fallen s#irits ,hich are on the #ath of return to +e and are a##roaching the goal' Lou had changed your once #erfect nature into the o##osite and became im#erfect>' Bven as human beings you are still im#erfect creatures" but you are able to #erfect yourselves during your earthly life if only you fulfil +y ,ill" if you fit in ,ith +y la, of divine order" if you live a life of love and com#letely change your nature into love again" as it ,as in the beginning>' 8ove reunites you ,ith +e" but you have to acce#t it from +e voluntarily again' Lou must not resist it ,hen +y love ,ants to illuminate you once moreG you have to do your utmost in order to fulfil your tas! in earthly life" ,hich solely consists of directing your ,ill to,ards +e" of surrendering to +e and striving to,ards +e ,ith love>' hen #rofound !no,ledge ,ill be revealed to you" the dar!ness ,ithin you ,ill recede" you ,ill achieve bright realisation" understand all correlations and leave the state of ,retchedness" you ,ill enter into union ,ith +e and in this unity find the former bliss again ,hich you once voluntarily relinFuished but ,hich belongs to every being that once originated from +e as a radiant image of +yself>' and ,hich it irrevocably ,ill become again one day" because this has been and ,ill remain the goal of +y creation) to educate children for +yself ,ho can create and ,or! ,ith +e in su#reme ha##iness>' Amen


B'D' ??=% (;'%('%6<@ ,esus *hrist&s act of 'alvation.... he return to +e ,as guaranteed as a result of +y act of 4alvation'''' 1ne day all souls ,ill be able to stay ,ith +e again" one day all beings ,hich once had originated from +e ,ill be #ermeated by +y love again" as it ,as in the beginning" for ,ith +y sacrificial death on the cross I established a bridge from the abyss to the #innacle" from the !ingdom of dar!ness into the !ingdom of light and beatitude>' +y death on the cross #aid for the e2treme guilt ,hich se#arated all beings from +e ,hen they follo,ed +y adversary into the abyss>' Cntil +y arrival on earth an unbridgeable gulf e2isted bet,een #eo#le and +yself ,hich they had caused themselves but ,hich they ,ere no longer able to bridge by themselves since they ,ere too ,ea!" since the burden of sin #ushed them to the ground and +y adversary" too" #revented their every attem#t to bridge this gulf' And thus I built a bridge by descending to earth +yself and only then made amends for the immense guilt>' by ta!ing the burden of sin from #eo#le and shouldering it +yself I ,al!ed the #ath to the cross ,ith it>' What ,as im#ossible before has no, become feasible) that #eo#le ,ho are of good ,ill shall follo, +e and ta!e the #ath of the cross" that they only abide by +e and never e2clude +e again" that they ,ant to belong to those for ,hom I died on the cross" and that they then find com#lete forgiveness of their guilt ,hich enables their return to +e again into the !ingdom of light>' I did not forsa!e #eo#le in their adversity" I came to hel# them" I too! abode in a human beings shell and accom#lished in this human being $esus the act of 4alvation" for I ,anted to start a #ath leading from the abyss to the #innacle again>' And +y life on earth ,as a life of love until +y death" for #eo#le lac!ed love and therefore I set an e2am#le to them" for only love is redeeming" because love is the la, of eternal order and because>' anyone ,ho returns to +e>' has to change his nature into love in order to unite ,ith +e again" since I Am love +yself>' And thus the !ingdom of light and earth ,ere bridged ,hen I descended to earth +yself' And you all have to cross this bridge in order to reach +e again" Who ,as unattainable to you because of your guilt' But +y love is "reater than your guilt" and +y love sought a ,ay out" it tried to re/establish the connection bet,een you and +e ,hich ,as bro!en by ou>' And thus I found a ,ay) +y love Itself made amends for the guilt and o#ened the #ath of return to +e' By then a connection had been established from the !ingdom of light to earth" because a soul of light had descended to earth in ,hich I ,as able to embody +yselfG for this soul too! on flesh>' the human being $esus ,as born" Who then travelled the #ath on ,hich all human beings can follo, Him" ,hich enables you to enter the !ingdom of light and concludes your return to +e>' +y love built this bridge for you" for +y love too! abode in this shell and ,al!ed the #ath of the cross for you" that is" it com#ensated for the immense guilt of your a#ostasy from +e ,hich had created the unbridgeable gulf bet,een the !ingdom of light and dar!ness>' +y love for you is infinite and ,ants to ,in you bac! again" +y living creations' Let +y Nustice did not #ermit +e to acce#t you again ,ithout the redem#tion of your guilt' And thus +y love has also made amends for the guilt on your behalf >' a human being made the sacrifice of atonement on your behalf" and $ ! self was ,ithin this human being>' What ,as im#ossible before +y crucifi2ion became achievable through the crucifi2ion) that you ,ere allo,ed to a##roach +e again" that you ,ould be able to return to your true home again" into the !ingdom of light" ,here you can be active again in light and strength and freedom as in the beginning' he #ath to +e ,as o#en" you could leave your guilt behind under the cross" you could hand yourselves over to the love and mercy of $esus" your Redeemer" and He ,ould then o#en the gate to beatitude for you" to the !ingdom of light' But even this" your deliverance" is a matter of your free ,ill" other,ise every soul ,ould instantly return to the !ingdom of light" but in that case +y goal to #re#are you as +y children ,ould not be achieved>' Lou have to ta!e the #ath to the cross of your o,n free ,ill" in free ,ill you have to as! for forgiveness of sins" and in free ,ill you have to desire your salvation and a##roach +e in $esus 0hrist' And it ,ill be given to you>' you ,ill return to +e and be Noyfully received by your -ather" Who descended to earth Himself in order to set you free>' Amen


B'D' =((= 7@'?'%6<( Test the spirits.... Lou humans should believe that I ,ill !ee# sending you the truthful information about $esus 0hrist and His act of 4alvation" for you have to recognise and ac!no,ledge Him>' the divine Redeemer>' as 4on of God and Redeemer of the ,orld Who had sheltered +e ,ithin Himself' But the mission He had to fulfil on earth cannot be #roven to you" yet I +yself ,ill convey the correct information of Him to you through +y s#irit" and this in itself ,ill be #roof to you>' -or ,hat historically cannot be demonstrated to you" shall be taught to you by +y s#irit>' And thus you also !no, that it is I +yself Who reveals this to you>' that you can test the s#irits by all means" for as soon as you are given information about ,esus *hrist and His act of 'alvation you ,ill !no, that it is the s#irit of God" ,hich can only im#art the #ure truth' Lou are entitled to scrutinise the origin of all s#iritual !no,ledge" and I +yself have sho,n you the criterion" for no o##osing s#irit ,ill ever #roclaim that $esus 0hrist has come in the flesh>' And once you have got the #roof that it is the activity of Gods s#irit then you can also acce#t everything #roclaimed by this s#irit as truth' +y ,or!ing ,ithin the human being" ,hich e2#resses itself so distinctly as the transmission of +y Word" cannot be inter#reted or e2#lained as #ersonal intellectual thought" but it can be even less described as +y adversarys activity" for then #eo#le only demonstrate that they themselves do not recognise the -athers voice" that they do not belong to +y 1,n ,ho com#letely hand themselves over to +e" but that they are intellectually still too active themselves or they ,ould feel that they are addressed by +e" their -ather of eternity>' -or +y transmission of the Word into a human heart>' be it directly or through +y messengers>' ,ill not fail to have the desired effect' It touches the heart as soon as it o#ens itself and is ,illing to be addressed by +eG and that necessitates that the #erson listens to +e im#artially and thus is also ,illing to let himself be #ermeated by +y s#irit" by +y light of love>' Ho,ever" if a #erson underta!es a #urely intellectual e2amination of the s#iritual !no,ledge he has received from +e" then he ,ill hardly be able to recognise His -athers voice" for it ,ill not touch his heart" and only this is ca#able of ta!ing the test' Lou shall not blindly believe ,hat you in,ardly reNect>' Let ,hen +y revelations are conveyed to you then you ,ill never have a feeling of resistance" #roviding you desire to be addressed by +e +yself>' rather" +y Words ,ill so touch you that you ,ould not ,ant to miss them anymore" and you ,ill also be fully convinced of the truth" because you are no, able to feel +e +yself >' he content of divine revelations ,ill al,ays consist of Gods human manifestation in $esus and the act of 4alvation" and this shall al,ays be the clearest evidence of the truth" for +y adversary ,ould never inform you of the fact that $esus 0hrist sacrificed Himself on the cross on your behalf" in Whom I +yself accom#lished the act of 4alvation>' +y adversary ,ill never try to encourage you humans to believe in $esus" he ,ill never #reach love to you" ,hich li!e,ise is the substance of +y revelations" for only love unites you ,ith +e and he ,ill #revent everything that could establish this unification' Lou have to !no, about his nature" ,hich is #ure hatred and ,ants to corru#t you'''' And you ,ill be able to recognise his activity by the fact that he ,ill do everything to demean +y divine revelations and to dar!en your s#irit so as to #revent you from recognising +e >' Ho,ever" you need only a##eal to +e for illumination of your s#irit" and truly" I ,ill hel# you and change every ambiguity into brightest realisation" if only you seriously desire it' +y adversary only ever see!s to cause confusion" but he ,ill only be successful ,here the desire for the #ure truth is not yet #revalentG but ,here it e2ists he has lost all #o,er" for I +yself radiate the light ,hich agreeably touches everyone ,ho ,ants to be enlightened>' Amen


B'D' =(;& (?'='%6<( 0nderstandin" the wor#in" of the spirit.... he !no,ledge ,hich is im#arted to you through an instrument of +y choice comes forth from +e" the Bternal ruth" and therefore also has to be true>' With good ,ill you can certainly recognise it as a direct revelation from +e" because the transmission #rocess of s#iritual !no,ledge on this scale demonstrates an e2traordinary ability" an ability ,hich no human being can ever acFuire himself but sho,s the ,or!ing of a 3o,er Which has this !no,ledge at its dis#osal and can also transmit it to #eo#le>' It is Gods s#irit ,hich is s#ea!ing to #eo#le" that is" the s#irit ,ithin the #erson" being in constant contact ,ith the -ather/4#irit" ,hich is educating the #erson from ,ithin'''' It is not an instruction from #erson to #erson but a revelation on +y #art ,hich I #romised #eo#le ,hen I +yself lived on earth' No human being can claim that he is able to intellectually #enetrate the truth" and this is ,hy s#iritual information that has originated from +e is often doubted" for as long as the human being is still s#iritually unenlightened he cannot understand such ,or!ing of the s#irit ,hich gives evidence of +e +yself" that I reveal +yself to #eo#le in order to bring them the #ure truth' 1nly the Bternal ruth Itself can be the 3rovider of truth" and then it is only u# to you humans to scrutinise the s#iritual !no,ledge as to whether it is the truth from God>' 4#iritual !no,ledge can never be #roven'''' but if a #erson is taught from ,ithin he ,ill need no e2ternal resources" he ,ill need no instructions from other #eo#le" and by ,ay of inner education he ,ill also receive illumination>' he ,ill recognise that the im#arted !no,ledge is the truth" because I also besto, u#on the instrument" ,hich is used by +e to convey the truth to earth" #o,er of Nudgment and full understanding for everything ,hich e2tends into the s#iritual realm" ,hich cannot be e2#lained or #roven in an earthly ,ay>' ,hich therefore has to be believed and also can be believed because it emanates ,isdom and grants clear realisation and e2tensive !no,ledge to someone ,ho acce#ts these revelations' When #eo#le e2change their #oints of vie, they are not #rotected from error" for ,hen human intellect gets active error can occur through the adversarys influence" and full conviction of the truth ,ill be lac!ing in #eo#le>' But I ,ant #eo#le to live in truth" because only truth can ma!e them ha##y' And the transmission of truth can only ta!e #lace through an obedient earthly child ,hich ,illingly serves +e as a vessel into ,hich +y s#irit can flo,' And then you humans can also be confident that the Bternal ruth Itself is s#ea!ing to you" that it is im#arting substantial !no,ledge to you ,hich you ,ill never be able to receive in any other ,ay but through the ,or!ing of +y s#irit' he fact that it is doubted time and again that I reveal +yself to you is #roof that #eo#le still !ee# themselves very distant from +e" that they themselves have no connection ,ith +e as yet and are therefore of dar!ened s#irit" in ,hich +y adversary ,ants to !ee# them in order to #revent them from recognising +e and ta!ing their #ath to +e' Nevertheless" I !no, ho, urgently #eo#le need the truth" I !no, that they are ta!ing the ,rong #ath as long as they are not taught by +e +yself" Who instructs them truthfully and e2#lains the #ur#ose and goal of their earthly life to them >' And since I yearn for their return to +e I sho, them the #ath ,hich leads to +e) I convey truthful !no,ledge to them ,hich ,ill guide them out of the dar!ness of night into the light of day>' he truth can only come forth from God and that is ,hy you humans have to as! +e for it" for you have to activate your free ,ill and desire the truth" since then the human being ,ill also desire +e +yself'''' And I ,ill not deny +yself to any #erson" I ,ill not ,ithhold the truth from anyone ,ho seriously reFuests it>' But the fact that earth is shrouded in #rofound dar!ness" that #eo#le ,al! along ,ithout light" sim#ly demonstrates that they are totally indifferent to the truth" that they dont want to esca#e the dar!ness" other,ise they ,ould truly find another #ath ,hich I illuminate for them +yself and ,hich leads to the right goal' As soon as they ,ant to !no, the truth they ,ill also realise ,hen I reveal +yself and subseFuently also !no, that I convey nothing but #urest truth to you humans" if only you are of good ,ill>' Amen


B'D' ?;6? =';'%6<@ -ivin" faith.... (wa#enin" of life.... A,a!ening into true life begins ,hen the human being ma!es conscious contact ,ith God" ,hen he ac!no,ledges a Being above himself>' ,hen he thus believes in this Being and tries to Noin Him" that is" ,hen he feels a relationshi# bet,een the higher Being and himself and ,ould li!e to continue this relationshi#' In that case the s#iritual s#ar! in him has already come alive and is trying to influence him from ,ithin to strive to,ards the eternal -ather/4#irit' he s#ar! of love has already ignited itself" thus he ,ill al,ays feel in,ardly urged to do deeds of love" although at first they ,ill only consist of being !ind to,ards his fello, human beings>' But love ,ill al,ays be recognisable or the life in him ,ould be unable to arise' And no, this life is ma!ing itself noticeable" it is effectively a second life ,ithin himself" inde#endent from his actual #hysical life ,hich every human being e2#eriences even if the s#iritual s#ar! in him is still dormant and he is thus s#iritually dead' But only this second life gives the human being real satisfaction" for then he ,ill be associating ,ith God through directing his thoughts to,ards Him and through #rayer>' And this #erson ,ill not forget his God either" because God Himself ,ill hold on to him and #revent the #erson from succumbing to death once more>' Nevertheless" a distinction has to be made bet,een the intellectual !no,ledge of Him and the livin" awareness of a higher Being" for anything taught can be forgotten again" it can be reNected at a later timeG it has not yet brought the soul to life>' he latter !no,ledge" ho,ever" can lead to a living faith if the human being is of good ,ill>' And then he ,ill never lose the life again once it has come a,a!e in him' And it can arise from the moment the human being is able to thin!' -or as soon as he is ,illing to love his thin!ing ,ill be guided correctly" and then he ,ill see! the bond ,ith God" ,ith a Being to Whom he can give himself ,ith confidence' -or the human being feels his o,n inadeFuacy" he feels that he needs a Guide and 3rotector because he is a,are of his ,ea!ness>' And therefore he loo#s for the Being from Which he e2#ects hel# in every situation of life>' It ha##ens unconsciously at first but it ma!es him very ha##y if he can believe in such a Being and has entered into contact ,ith Him' his is the #lain and sim#le faith ,hich can be gained by every child but ,hich is alive in him and not the result of teachings" ,hich the child can certainly acce#t but ,hich do not besto, the inner conviction u#on him' -or this conviction involves the childs ,illingness to love ,hich brings the s#iritual s#ar! ,ithin itself to life' And everything else ,ill then be induced by this s#iritual s#ar!" ,hich time and again ,ill stimulate the #ersons longing for the eternal -ather/4#irit until the #erson Fuite consciously establishes the bond through heartfelt #rayer ,hich then" ho,ever" ,ill absolutely guarantee the -athers care of the child and ,ill never again let it descend into s#iritual blindness" into death' his is ,hy the #assing on of religious doctrines is not sufficientG although they ,ill not be reNected they ,ont necessarily besto, life' 1nly love manages to attain true life" and this alone motivates the children to thin! about the religious doctrines and loo! for the -ather" Who ,ill also let Himself be found>' And then the s#iritual s#ar! ,ithin the #erson ,ill constantly urge him to,ards the -ather/4#irit' He ,ill feel in,ardly #ushed to bond ,ith HimG he ,ill feel in,ardly #ushed into !ind/hearted activity and #rayer' And both ,ill initiate the unification ,ith Him" ,hich is the #ur#ose and goal of earthly life'''' both ,ill a,a!en the human being into eternal life" into a life he cannot lose anymore because it is the s#iritual life ,hich has nothing in common ,ith earthly life' And then the human being ,ill have found his God" the child ,ill have found the -ather and surrendered itself to Him forever>' And from no, on the human being cannot die againG he ,ill live eternally>' Amen


B'D' ?;77 (?'('%6<@ 'tandstill of earthl life.... Lou start your life on earth ,ithout !no,ing the #ur#ose of earthly life" you gradually become a,are of yourselves and then you first have to be informed of the meaning and #ur#ose of your e2istence' Let this instruction by and large only concerns your #hysical ,elfare" and it can often ta!e a long time before you become a,are of a s#iritual life>' before you consider your soul and its reFuirements' If" ho,ever" you are correctly instructed early enough" that is" if your attention is dra,n to your s#iritual develo#ment" then your soul ,ill be able to #re#are itself accordingly and assert its ,ishes" i'e' you can live a s#iritual life ne2t to the #urely #hysical life and gain s#iritual benefits for the soul>' Ho,ever" a #erson ,ho only #ays attention to his earthly life" ,ho only meets the bodys reFuirements and ignores his soul" ,ill gain little s#iritual success' 1nly ,hen he becomes a,are of the fact that there is a different #ur#ose and goal than merely the #hysical ,elfare of the body can the beginning of a s#iritual life be s#o!en of' 3rior to that earthly life is Nust a standstill" lived in vain for the soul" for the human beings s#iritual develo#ment' But every #erson has the o##ortunity to receive the information about the meaning and #ur#ose of e2istence" it is Nust that he doesnt al,ays believe these e2#lanations" in ,hich case the soul ,ill be considerably disadvantaged>' And then it can often ta!e a long time until the #erson begins to understand the ,orthlessness of earthly ambitions and strives to,ards a different" s#iritual goal' Nevertheless" it has to be left u# to him in ,hich direction he shall turn his thoughts and his ,ill" yet he ,ill al,ays receive instructions and then it ,ill de#end on him ,hether these instructions ,ill hel# him gain understanding" and ,hether he ,ill derive a benefit from the information conveyed to him' He has to acce#t this information of his o,n free ,ill" he sim#ly has to ,ant to fulfil the ri"ht #ur#ose of his life'''' hen he ,ill also of his o,n accord turn to the 3o,er Which He recognises above himself ,ith an a##eal for assistance" then he ,ill be hel#ed in coming to the certain realisation and subseFuently live his life on earth consciously' -or the human being ,as given intelligence" he can thin! and mentally consider the #ros and cons and thus ma!e a decision" it solely de#ends on his decision as to ,hether he ,ill only live an earthly life or strive s#iritually as ,ell>' And although it also de#ends on his ,ill as to ,hether he thin!s correctly he ,ill nevertheless al,ays be offered the o#tion to arrive at the correct conclusion" he ,ill not be left ,ithout hel#" for it is al,ays possible for him to find and travel the right #ath" so that his life need not be a standstill but can result in com#lete s#iritual develo#ment' Ho,ever" in the final analysis his ,ill is al,ays the crucial factor" for it is free and its direction cannot be determined by any means' Let everything ,ill be done on #art of God in order to direct this ,ill such that it ,ill turn to,ards God of its o,n accord" and then every su##ort ,ill be given so that the human being ,ill reach the right goal>' Amen


B'D' &67( %('?'%6;@ God&s will1 Fulfilment of the commandments of love.... +y ,ill #lainly manifests itself in +y commandment of love for God and other #eo#le' It includes everything you should and should not do" and if you therefore fulfil these commandments you ,ill a##roach your #erfection' -or then you ,ill neither be able to sin again nor remain ,ithin the old sin ,hich consisted of the fact that you had voluntarily distanced yourselves from +e" thus you denied +e love and conseFuently became heartless to,ards all living creations ,hich originated from +e' And thus your love for +e" if you fulfil +y commandments" signifies rene,ed unification ,ith +e and illumination by +y strength of love" so that your #ast nature of light and strength ,ill be restored again and you ,ill #ossess full realisation and be able to ,or! and create in line ,ith your o,n ,ill>' so that you ,ill be #erfect again" that is" you ,ill have sha#ed yourselves into divine beings again ,hich you ,ere in the very beginning' -or this reason you humans must first !no, +y ,ill" so that you can live accordingly in order to become blessed' Lou have to be informed of +y ,ill and thus you have to listen to +y Word ,hich clearly and understandably reveals +y ,ill to you' +y Word familiarises you ,ith +y commandment of love" ,ith your obligation to,ards +e and your fello, human beingsG +y Word e2#lains your distance from +e if you dont try to reduce it yourselvesG +y Word informs you of +y love" grace and mercy" of +y ,isdom and omni#otence" so that the flame of love for +e can ignite itself if only your heart is ,illing to love' +y Word also describes your fello, human beings as +y children ,hom you therefore should a##roach li!e brothers" to ,hom you should also give your love if you ,ant to fulfil +y ,ill' +y Word cautions and admonishes you and dra,s your attention to the conseFuences of a ,rong ,ay of life" of a heartless ,ay of life" by failing to observe +y commandments' Lou have to acce#t +y Word if you ,ant to become blissfully ha##y' But leave it to +e as to ho, +y Word shall be conveyed to you" Nust be ,illing to acce#t it ,hen I offer it to you" for you can only discover +y ,ill through +y Word and only through living in accordance ,ith +y ,ill can you become blessed>' Amen


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