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Rem Salem assignment : Phone Etiquette

Observation One Friday, January 24, 2014 Time: 1:30PM-2:00PM Description of The Location: The University of North Carolina at charlotte is a public research university located in Charlotte, North Carolina. There are about 25,000 students that attend this university. This location consists of many different areas in which can be observed. I focused on 3 main areas to conduct my observations. The first area on campus I observed was in front of the student union, where there is a lot of student traffic especially in between classes. The second one was an in class observation. The in class observation was the most interestin because it included students and teachers. The final observation I conducted was the on campus library at !NCC, "t#ins library, this location was perfect to study since it was an e$tremely %uiet settin

Rem Salem assignment : Phone Etiquette

Figured World: A figured world is a social community where people share similarities such as standards of behavior and communication. The figure! "orl! # o$serve! "ill $e phone usage in an e!ucational place% The more specific e!ucational area # "ill o$serving is the University of North Carolina at charlotte% The main reason # con!ucte! the o$servations in !ifferent areas of this location is to see ho" stu!ents an! staff follo" proper cellular phone etiquette !epen!ing on their setting% Cellular phone etiquette isn&t something that is properly practice! $y everyone% Since this is something that !epen!s on ones surroun!ings people ten! to forget to follo" the proper etiquette at the appropriate time% 'or an in class setting it purely !epen!s on the professor&s policy "hen it comes to cellular phone usage% #n a li$rary or quiet setting on campus it&s (no"n that cell phone usage is restricte! in respect to surroun!ing in!ivi!uals% #n contrast) outsi!e of $uil!ings it is e*pecte! $ehavior to $e on your phone) tal(ing) te*ting an! catching up "ith frien!s an! family% Cellular phone etiquette applies to the stu!ent as "ell as the instructor an! staff% +lthough there are times in class "here teachers may allo" stu!ents to $e on their phones for e!ucational purposes its common sense to not ans"er your phone !uring class or leave the ringer on lou!% +ll these situations "ill !isrupt the lesson an! stu!ents aroun! you% No"a!ays phone etiquette says a lot a$out an in!ivi!ual&s character an! ho" respectful they are of their surroun!ings% There are some situations "here the e*pectations for cellular phone etiquette is change!) such as $efore class starts an! if the teacher instructs that phone usage is permitte!% #t&s al"ays important to use goo! ,u!gment an! common sense "hen it comes to cellphone usage% # am e*pecting to o$serve many !ifferent !iscourse communities "hen it comes to cellphone usage % Professors "ith strict phone policy "hich restricts the usage of cellphones in class) an! in contrast those "ho !on&t min! phone usage an! in some cases encourage phones to research topics in class% -hen it comes to stu!ents # e*pect some stu!ents to $e compliant "ith the teachers policy an! respecta$le to"ar!s their surroun!s "hile others "ill $e !isruptive%

Actors: actors are characters that are being observed in the figured world. Their behavior plays the key role in comparison between the expected behavior. Dr. ew: Dr% .e" is a part of the Chemistry !epartment at uncc% /e is an instructor for chemistry 01 an! 010% /e plays a main role in this figure! "orl! since he sets the groun! rules for $ehavior an! cell phone etiquette in the classroom environment% Dr%,e" is a professor that follo"s his gui!elines strictly an! "ill har!ly ever let the use of a cellphone !isrupt his class !lassmates: Classmate&s $ehavior an! cellphone etiquettes are o$serve! in a classroom setting% They can $e split into t"o categories) those that follo" the e*pecte! phone etiquette in class) an! those "ho are !isruptive% 2ost of the $ehavior $eing o$serve! is that of the classmates% "tudents: stu!ents "ill $e o$serve! in an out of classroom setting% The significant of o$servation stu!ents verses o$serving classmates to see ho" change in setting "ill alter their $ehavior in phone etiquette% The t"o contrasting areas that stu!ents "ill $e o$serve! in is the li$rary verses stu!ents outsi!e the stu!ent union an! $et"een $uil!ings%

Rem Salem assignment : Phone Etiquette

Artifacts: artifacts can be defined as ob#ects that play a significant role in a figured world. They are vital to the actors in the figured world. !ellphones: are the most o$vious artifacts in this figure! "orl!% The usage of them "ill set the stan!ar!s for "hat is e*pecte! an! "hat is restricte! in a specific setting% The o$servations "ill sho" ho" !isruptive or helpful phones can $e% The classroom: the classroom is an artifact since its "here instruction "ill $e given !uring the o$servation% #nsi!e the classroom "e can o$serve ho" phones "ill $e use! verses an outsi!e of classroom setting The library: in this area stu!ents are e*pecte! to $e stu!ying an! !oing their home"or(% Phone usage is permitte! in some areas of the li$rary ho"ever there is still strict phone etiquette one must follo"% $utside the student union: this is an area "here staff stu!ents an! visitors can $e o$serve!% Phone usage is permitte! in areas on campus such as this area% %iteracy &ractices: These are the expectations for the actor's behaviors in the community. For our situation it would include phone eti(uette. Phone etiquette is require! in an e!ucational setting from $oth the stu!ent an! the staff% /o" you use your phone no"a!ays says a lot a$out the (in! of person you are% 3ou are require! to respect your surroun!ings an! (no" "hen it is necessary to $e more attentive rather than using your cellular !evice

The Observation: :45P26 7efore class starts a fe" stu!ents have alrea!y $een seate! "hile others still continue to "al( in% +$out half of those stu!ents seate! are on their phones% None of thems are ma(ing calls $ut they all seem to $e te*ting or using social net"or(s% + fe" stu!ents have their hea!phones in at this time "hile "aiting for professor ,e" to enter % :45P26 ,e" enters the class an! the remaining fe" stu!ents fin! a seat% +s he starts to give instructions stu!ents seate! at the front of the class that ha! their phones out put them a"ay % Some of the phones "ere place! on their !es(s% 8ther stu!ents put their phones in their poc(ets or $ac( pac(s % 8f those stu!ents that place! their phones on their !es(s % some of them ha! them flippe! $ac( si!e up "hile others left them front si!e up to see if they receive! any te*ts t"eets calls etc% :45P26 During the first 5 minutes of class !r ,e" "ent over !aily announcements an! revie"e! over "hat he has !one in the past class% During this time stu!ents either !rifte! a"ay from lecture an! "ent $ac( to their phones% 8ther stu!ents sat their organi9ing their notes in preparation to start note ta(ing once !r% ,e" starte! "riting himself% :45P26 !uring the of the lecture there "ere those stu!ents that never put their phones !o"n !uring the entire time they "ere seate! to"ar!s the $ac( of the class% Stu!ents constantly chec(e! their phones %

Rem Salem assignment : Phone Etiquette


:40P26 stu!ents phone gives off a ringtone !uring lecture as teacher is tal(ing a$out intermolecular forces $et"een atomic particles% 2ost of the stu!ents loo( to"ar!s "here the ringtone came from % Some stu!ents too( out their phones after this occur li(e it "as a remin!er to chec( for notifications on their !evices :44P26 Teacher continues to teacher after this inci!ent% Smart$oar! on the overhea! pro,ector stops "or(ing properly % Teacher ta(es out his phone puts it on spea(er an! calls tech so they can go in manually from their location an! fi* it :41P26 Smart$oar! gets fi*e! an! class continues% 2any stu!ents at this time have their phones out te*t% No one is trying to ma(e any calls for o$vious reasons% Teacher gives a clic(er question to the class ) many stu!ents ta(e out their phones to google for the ans"er "hile other put their phones a"ay an! ta(e an attempt at the question % :4:P26 8nce Dr% ,e" says 45 secon!s left to su$mit an ans"er # see many stu!ents ta(e out their phones to use the calculator on it% 8ther classmates are !iscussing the ans"er "ith their classmates% :4;P26once the clic(er ans"er has $een reveale! Dr% ,e" goes $ac( to lecturing "hile most stu!ents ta(e notes on the topics $eing !iscusse!% +t this point most the stu!ents have their phones at their !es(s an! ta(ing notes since the topic ten!s to $e har!er in the mi!!le of the lecture% +ll the attention is nee!e!% /o"ever there are still those occasional classmates that constantly stay on their phones% :<5P26 Dr% .e" erases the $oar! to ma(e more space to "rite ) !uring the time he spen!s to clear off the chal( from the $oar! many stu!ents have alrea!y pulle! out their phones to continue te*ting conversations they have $een carrying throughout the !ay% :<0P26 The last 1 minutes of class a$out every 4 out of 5 stu!ents have their phones out te*ting an! surfing the "e$% During this time stu!ents have their faces !o"n loo(ing into their laps% 7arley anyone is paying attention to Dr% .e"% Since there is no service in $urson # "oul! assume that most stu!ents are either using social 2e!ias or surfing the "e$ off the school -i6'i% :116 +s stu!ents "al( out of the lecture hall most of them have their phones in their han!s% +s they leave the class room some of them start to ma(e phone calls since they are no" getting service% /o"ever those that have their phones out continue to te*t% Observation T!o Thursday, January 30, 2014 Time: 10:00"M-10:30"M 5:50+26 Upon entering the li$rary from the groun! floor entrance # see that the staff "or(ing at the reception !es( has her phone out "hile surfing the "e$ on the !es(top% # see that she is paying no attention to stu!ents "al(ing in an! out of the li$rary% 5:54+26 0 girls are "al(ing aroun! the li$rary loo(ing for a place to stu!y% They "al( in silence ma(ing no conversation "ith one another since they are $oth using their cellphones "hile

Rem Salem assignment : Phone Etiquette

"al(ing %they fin! a seat an! sit !o"n % Place their phones face up an! ta(e out their $oo(s place them on the ta$le an! continue to te*t for a fe" moments% 5:55+26 5: 1+26 There is a girl sitting face to the "in!o" tal(ing on the phone% She "as spea(ing in a "hisper since it "as an in!oor li$rary setting% # hear! an occasional laugh every minute or so% 8ther stu!ents aroun! are getting uneasy since they are trying to !o their "or(% She hangs up the phone after 1 minutes or so% 5:51+26 +s # "al( to"ar!s the elevator to go upstairs # see many stu!ents sitting at !es( "ith their phones out% They loo( li(e they are rela*ing an! te*ting rather than stu!ying % #n the elevator a stu!ent is te*ting "aiting to get on her !esire! floor% +s # "al( into the quiet stu!y area it says on a sign in rea! =no tal(ing) no foo!) no phones>% Stu!ents sat stu!ying in this area ) most of them seeme! to $e really concentrating ) "or(ing ) an! stu!ying% There "as a girl sitting in one of the !es(s "ith her phone out smiling into it% 5:5?+26 as # "al(e! to the coffee shop on the groun! floor of +t(ins li$rary there "ere more an! more people tal(ing on their phones as # got closer to the coffee shop% People sitting on the couches an! chairs in the coffee shop "ere having conversations "hile others "ere one their electronics such as ta$lets an! phones% 5:0 +26 Stu!ents an! staff "aiting in the line to or!er% 8ne girl ha! her hea!phones in listening to music) "hile a man $ehin! her "as on the phone% -hen it "as his turn to or!er he tol! the caller that he "oul! call $ac( "hen he "as free% 5:5;+26 +s # "al(e! up stairs many people "ere going up an! !o"n the stairs as "ell% 8f those stu!ents tal(ing on the phone in the stair case they seeme! to $e lou!er than those on the li$rary floor% The $oy "al(ing in front of me seeme! to $e ,o(ing an! laughing on the phone once "e got to the first floor his tone of voice "as lo"ere! all the "ay !o"n to a "hisper% 5: 5+26 many stu!ents "ere gathere! aroun! the computers each sitting an! !oing "or( on the computer% 8ne stu!ent ha! their hea!phones in "hile completing an assignment% That stu!ent occasionally chec(e! their phone an! change! the song% 5: 4+26 Some stu!ents "ere chec(ing out laptops from the front !es( an! a group of stu!ents "ere sitting on a stu!y group ta$le yet all of them ha! their phones in their han!s te*ting an! no conversation or communication "as going on% They all loo(e! !istracte! in "hatever they "ere !oing on their phones at the time% They continue! to $e on their phones for a$out 1 more minutes%

Observation Three Monday, February 3, 2014 Time: #:00"M-#:30"M

Rem Salem assignment : Phone Etiquette

)ote: *+ decided to make this observation sitting outside of the conference to see what response + would get. Towards the end of my observation you will note people were getting extremely paranoid about me sitting there taking notes., ;:55+26 # "al( outsi!e the stu!ent union an! start hea!ing to"ar!s $urson% Stu!ent&s eyes are glue! to their phones% # crosse! to the other si!e of craver roa!% ;:50+26 as # "al( many stu!ents are ma(ing phone calls since they are going from class to class% 2y frien! is tal(ing to her mom a$out a qui9 she ,ust too(% Then she ma(es a calls $ac( to $ac( % 8ne of the calls ma!e "as to her $oyfrien! catching him up an! her !ay% ;:54+26!uring my "al( to $urson # notice! that it "as very uncommon to see a stu!ent not using their phone since it "as the main source for communication % ;:5<+26 # also o$serve! !rivers !riving !o"n the roa! also te*ting an! ma(ing phone calls insi!e their cars% + par(e! car # passe! $y ha! a passenger an! !river $oth on their phones% The guy "as ma(ing a call "hile the girl "as te*ting or surfing the "e$% ;:51+26 ;: 1+26 #n the smo(ing area on campus many stu!ents "ere their smo(ing an! using their phones% 2ost of the people in the smo(ing area that "ere using their phones "ere not ma(ing calls $ut seem to $e using it to pass the time or out of $ore!om ;:05+26 # "al(e! passe! at(ins li$rary% There # sa" many people stan!ing outsi!e the li$rary to ma(e calls % This "as $ecause there is $arley any service on the groun! floor of the li$rary so it "oul! $e necessary to $e outsi!e or near a "in!o" to ma(e a call% ;:45+26 # starte! hea!ing to"ar!s fret"ell % There # passe! though prospector% Prospector is a !ining area "ith chic(fila an! other restaurants% The area "as so $usy an! since it "as in $et"een classes the lines "ere e*tremely long% 2ost of the stu!ents "ere using their phones "hile "aiting in line an! most of the stu!ents tal(ing on the phone !i!n&t hang up "hen it "as their turn to or!er in line% #ntervie" Stu!ent at UNCC #ntervie" @uestions

% /o" much time !o you thin( you spen! on your phone rather than paying attention to instructionA # "oul! say # pay attention to half of the instruction given to me in my !ay !ue to my phone !istracting to me% # (no" # have a phone pro$lem li(e a lot of other stu!ents # am "ith in class% # !on&t care ho" strict the teacher is # feel li(e it can&t stop me from using my phone%

Rem Salem assignment : Phone Etiquette

0% Do you fin! it !isrespectful to use your phone in class an! if so !o you !o it any"ays 3es # !o fin! it !isrespectful to the professor to use your phone in class regar!less if they see you or not% # !o use my phone in class on a !aily $ases to chec( for te*t sen! te*ts 'ace$oo( an! t"itter% 4% #s it necessary to chec( your phone !uring class Sometimes it is necessary $ut # feel li(e # !o it out of $ore!om most of the time rather than for a more serious purpose% # ,ust chec( #nstagram to see if any one poste! anything or if # got a te*t from my $oyfrien!%

<% /o" !o you feel "hen professors use their phones in class # feel li(e they shoul! give us mutual respect% #f they say that phone usage is restricte! # !on&t "ant to see them on their phones

1% -hat is it a$out your phone that is so !istractingA Betting notifications from t"itter #nstagram an! all those social 2e!ias is so !istracting% # also have !ay long convos "ith my $oyfrien! an! # feel li(e # nee! to respon! quic(ly so # constantly chec( for te*ts from him an! my frien!s%

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