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Unitatea de nvare 8: Tomorrows world (6 ore) Obiective de Activiti de nvare referin '.* ! -ut t.e#e ad"ective# in t.e rig.

t order/ *.' ! 0ead/ ! 1i#ten and repeat/ 2otice t.e intonation of 3ord# in li#t#/ +.' ! 4rue or fal#e5 Correct t.e fal#e #entence#/ +.* ! 6rite t.e#e ad"ective# under t.e correct .eading fro$ t.e 1oo7/ 8o9/ ,.+ ! Co$plete 3it. t.e#e pair# of ad"ective#/ ! Co$plete/ ! Co$plete 3it. will have to / be able to/ 2o3 3rite a #entence an#3ering eac. :ue#tion/ '.* ! 1i#ten to Mar7 tal7ing about life in *=+)/ 4ic7 or cro## t.e c.oice# to #.o3 .i# opinion#/ *.' ! 0ead/ *.* ! Act out t.e conver#ation bet3een t.e$/ >#e t.e infor$ation in ?oll@A# fat.erA# diar@ to .elp @ou/ +.' ! Matc. t.e 3ord# 3it. t.e figure#/ ?o3 $an@ can @ou find in t.e dialogue5 +.* ! An#3er t.e :ue#tion#/ ,.+ ! Co$plete/ ! 6rite five #.ort paragrap.# of at lea#t t3o #entence# about t.e 3orld in *=+)/ '.* ! 1i#ten and co$plete t.e :ue#tionnaire for Ali7i/ *.' ! 0ead/ *.* ! 4ell eac. 3ill .ave .appened in t.ree da@#A and nig.t#A ti$e/ +.' ! Matc. t.e 3ord# in li#t A 3it. 3ord# in li#t 8 to $a7e co$pound noun#/





Lesson 1: Hell have to behave himself! (p. 7 ) ! order of ad"ective# ! future $odal#% will/wont have to, will/wont be able to &uncii co$unicative% '( )

! $anual ! ca#et audio ! fi;e de lucru

! < #tudent ! individual 3or7 ! pair 3or7 ! group 3or7

! ob#ervare #i#te$atic ! te$ n cla# ! prob oral ! te$ pentru aca#

Lesson 2: Ill be thin in! of ever"one (p. =) ! &uture Continuou# ! nu$ber# &uncii co$unicative% '( ,

! $anual ! ca#et audio ! c.e#tio! nare ! fi;e de lucru

! < #tudent ! individual 3or7 ! pair 3or7 ! group 3or7

! ob#ervare #i#te$atic ! te$ n cla# ! te$ pentru aca#

Lesson #: It will have been worth it (p. *) ! &uture -erfect Bi$ple ! co$pound noun# &uncii co$unicative% )

! $anual ! ca#et audio ! revi#te ! enciclo! pedii ! fi;e de lucru

! < #tudent ! individual 3or7 ! pair 3or7 ! group 3or7

! ob#ervare #i#te$atic ! te$ n cla# ! te$ pentru aca#



'.* *.* Lesson $: %redi&tin! the f't're (p. ,) ! lin7ing 3ord#% however, and ! #uffi9e#% -ation, -ment &uncii co$unicative% ,( )

+.' +.* ,.+

! 4rue or fal#e5 Correct t.e fal#e #entence#/ ! ?o3 $an@ of t.e co$pound# can @ou find in t.i# le##on5 ! Co$plete/ ! Co$plete it for @our#elf and for #tudent/ ! 6rite a paragrap. #a@ing @ou 3ill and 3onAt .ave done in t.ree $ont.#A ti$e/ ! 1i#ten to ?oll@ and Mar7 tal7ing about life in t.e future/ 6.o #a@# t.at5 ! do @ou t.in7 life in t.e future 3ill be li7e5 >#e t.e te9t in activit@ '( t.e fact# in activit@ +( and @our o3n idea#/ ! Matc. t.e#e topic# 3it. t.e date#/ ! >nderline however in t.e te9t above/ ! Co$plete t.i# te9t 3it. however and and/ ! C.oo#e t.e be#t idea# and 3rite t.ree paragrap.# about 1ife in t.e &uture/ ! Add ation and ment to t.e#e verb# to $a7e noun#/

! $anual ! ca#et audio ! articole din revi#te( ziare

! < #tudent ! individual 3or7 ! pair 3or7 ! group 3or7

! ob#ervare #i#te$atic ! te$ n cla# ! te$ pentru aca#

(eview (p. 6)

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