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Circular Gallifreyan

A guide to the various systems


When writing out a word in Gallifreyan, it is done based on English spelling with the exception of the letter C and a few phonetic letters (CH, SH, TH NG). Since 'C' makes either a 'K' or an 'S' sound, we use those letters as replacements Here are some examples of Gallifreyan spelling exceptions:

'Cat' would be written as 'Ka T' (don't worry about that a, we'll get to vowels in a second) 'Sauce' would be written as 'Sa U Se' 'Thing' is written as 'THi NG', not 'T Hi N G' 'Shale' is written as 'SHa Le' not 'S Ha Le' 'Change' is written as 'CHa N Ge' and not 'C Ha N Ge'

A vowel does not have to be attached, and can stand on its own at the writer's discretion. As a general rule, however, a vowel should stand on its own if you want to elongate a short word (for example, 'T H E' might be put instead of 'T He'). In cases where a word starts with a vowel ('E Le P Ha N T' for example) or you have two vowels in a row ('Re A L' for example), a vowel will need to stand on its own because it has no consonant to attach to.

WORDS Words in Gallifreyan are based around circles. A word begins at the bottom of the circle (that is, the part of the circle closest to the bottom of the image/paper) and proceed anticlockwise around the word. An example can be seen to the right. Notice both attached and unattached vowels in action in this word. You also have two letters, 'P' and 'Ha' which are connected by lines. Since both 'P' and 'H' have two lines, we can draw those lines connecting the two letters. This does not have to be done, so long as both letters have two lines, they are written correctly. 'N', you can see, has a single line which is extending beyond the circle of the word. So long as lines do not intersect with letters that should not have any additional lines, they can extend as far as the writer wishes. SCENTANCES Sentences are essentially just words made up of words. Just like a word, they are based in a circle and you read them starting from the bottom and then proceeding around anticlockwise. Punctuation can be added along the edge of the sentence circle. Sentences are contained within two circles, the inner of which you place the punctuation around, and the outer which is simply a containing circle. As you can see in the example to the right, you can also add "divots" into the inner circle which contains the punctuation. This is done simply for style and carries no additional meaning, it's basically just there to use empty space. (OH MY GOD HI REDDIT!)

POETIC/PROPHESY GALLIFREYAN Rather than being based on spelling words out letter by letter, this is written mainly with symbols and is far more artistic.

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