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Ascending Spinal Tracts Doral Column-Medial Leminiscus Pathway Function: mediates tactile discrimination, vibration, form recognition, joint

t muscle sensation, mediates conscious !ro!ioce!tion "n!ut: Pacini and Meissner Cor!uscles, joint rece!tors, muscle s!indles, and golgi tendon organs crossed #st $euron: o %tart: Dorsal root ganglion o &hrough: Faciculus gracilis from lower e'tremities Faciculus cuneatus from u!!er e'tremities o (nd: $ucleus gracilis of medulla for lower e'tremities $ucleus cuneatus of medulla for u!!er e'tremities )nd $euron: o %tart: $ucleus gracilis of medulla for lower e'tremities $ucleus cuneatus of medulla for u!!er e'tremities o &hrough: $ucleus gracilis of !ons midbrain for lower e'tremities $ucleus cuneatus of !ons midbrain for u!!er e'tremities o (nd: *PL of thalamus rd + $euron o %tart: *PL of thalamus o &hrough: Posterior Limb of internal ca!sule o (nd: Cerebral Core'somatosensory corte' ,+,#,)Lateral %!inothalmic &ract Function: Pain and tem!erature "n!ut: ./ and C fibers Crossed #st $euron: o %tart: Dorsal root ganglion o &hrough: Lissauer0s &ract

o (nd: Dorsal 1orn nd ) $euron: o %tart: Doral 1orn o &hrough: *entral white commissureventral-lateral funiculus o (nd: *PL of thalamus "ntralaminal neurons rd + $euron: o %tart: *PL of thalamus "ntralaminal neurons o &hrough: Posterior limb of internal ca!sule o (nd: +,#,) area caudolo!utamen and or frontal !arietal corte'

Dorsal %!inocerebellar &ract Function: unconscious !ro!ioce!tion, coordination of !osture, movement of individual muscles of lower e'tremities "n!ut: muscle s!indles, 2&3, !ressure rece!tors 4ncrossed #st $euron: o %tart: Dorsal root ganglion of C5-%+ o &hrough: Medial root entry 6one o (nd: $ucleus dorsalis of Clar7e nd ) $euron: o %tart: $ucleus dorsalis of Clar7e of C5-L+ o &hrough: Lateral funiculus ,dorsal s!inocerebellar tract- of s!inal cord medulladorsal s!inocerbellar fibers of inferior cerebellar !eduncle o (nd: "!silateral corte' of rostral and caudal cerebella vermis *entral %!inocerebellar &ract

Function: !ro!ioce!tion, coordination of movement and !osture of entire lower e'tremity "n!ut: muscle s!indle, 2&3, !ressure rece!tors Crossed #st $euron: o %tart Dorsal root ganglion o &hrough: o (nd: %!inal border cells of ventral horn ,L# 8 %))nd $euron: o %tart: %!inal border cells of ventral horn of L# to %) o &hrough: *entral white commisurelateral to the lateral s!inothalmic tract ,in lateral funiculus-su!erior cerebellar !eduncle o (nd: Contralateral corte' of the rostral cerbellar vermis

Cuneocerebellar &ract #st neuron: o %tart: Dorsal root of C) to &9 o &hrough: faciculus cuneatuscaudal medulla o (nd: .ccessory cuneate nucleus of medualla )nd $euron: o %tart: .ccessory cuneate nucleus of medulla o &hrough: "nferior cerebellar !eduncle o (nd: "!silateral, arm cerebellar corte' Trigeminothalmic Tracts *entral &rigeminal &halmic &ract .scending Crossed Function: Pain, tem!erature, light touch of face and oral cavity "n!ut: free nerve endings and Mer7el tactile dis7s #st $euron

o %tart: &rigeminal ganglion o &hrough: Descend in s!inal trigeminal tracts o (nd: %!inal trigeminal nucleus nd ) $euron: o %tart: %!inal trigeminal nucleus o &hrough: Decussate ascending ventral trigeminal thalamic tract o (nd: *PM of thalmus rd + $euron: o %tart: *PM of thalmus o &hrough: Posterior limb of internal ca!sule o (nd: +,#,) 8 !ostcentral gyrus

Dorsal &rigeminothalmic &ract .scending 4ncrossed Function: discriminatory tactile and !ressure sensation from face and oral cavity ,2%. "n!ut: Meisner and Pacini Cor!uscles #st $euron: o %tart: &rigeminal ganglion o (nd: Princi!al sensory nucleus of * at tegmentum nd ) $euron: o %tart: Princi!al sensory nucleus of * at tegmentum o &hrough: Dorsal trigeminal tract o (nd: *PM +rd $euron: o %tart: *PM o &hrough:

o (nd:

Posterior limb of internal ca!sule +,#,) 8 !ostcentral gyrus

.fferent (fferent &rigeminal %ystem 4ncrossed #st $euron: o %tart: trigeminal ganglion o &hrough: Mesence!halic nucleus of * at Pons o (nd: Motor nucleus of * nd ) $euron: o %tart: Motor nucleus of * o (nd: Motor branch of *-+ Motor Pathways Corticos!inal &ract ,!yramidal Function: voluntary motor action 8 !recise, s!eedy, s7illed movements ,e:g: individual digits 3rigin: o Layer * of corte' 8 inner !yramidal tract # + from !remotor corte' ,area ;- < %M. # + from !recentral motor corte' ,area = # + from !osterior !arietal area and somatosensory area ,area +,#,) Course: o Posterior limb of internal ca!sule o Middle +:> of crus cerebri of midbrain o ?ase of !ons ,ungrou!edo Pyramid of the medulla ,regrou!edo Lateral 8vs-Medial Lateral: @AB crossover at !yramidal decaussation of meduallalateral funciculus of s!inal cord Medial: #AB crossover at ventral white commisure of s!inal cord &ermination: o *entral horn motor neurons ,via interneuronso Lateral: sensory neurons of dorsal horn

*estibulos!inal &ract Function: o Lateral: u!right !osture, !ostural changes in res!onse to body tilt movement o Medial: head and trun7 !ositions in res!onse to vestibular stimulus, stabili6es head when we wal7, coordinate head and eye movement 3rigin: o Lateral: lateral vestibular nucleus ,Deiter0s nucleuso Medial: medical vestibular nucleus Course: o Lateral: i!silateral, ventral !ortion of lateral funiculus o Medial: bilateral, medial longitudinal funiculus ,C-&ermination: o *entral gray matter Deticulos!inal &ract Function: !ostural adjustment and maintenance of balance 3rigin: o Corticoreticular fibers from PMC and %M. !ontine medulary reticular formation o Medial ,or !ontine- nucleus !ontis caudalis and nucleus !ontis oralis o Lateral ,or medullary- nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis and nucleus reticularis ventralis Course: o Medial: i!silateral, ventral funiculus o Lateral: i!silateral, ventrolateral funiculus ,C-&ermination: o ventral gray mater Dubros!inal &ract Function: !recise, well controlled movement 8 distal musculature 3rigin: o Corticorubral fibers from cote' to red nucleus of midbrain Course: o Contralateral, !osterior tegmental decussation ,tectos!inal fibers- of midbrain o Dubros!inal tract ventral lateral conticos!inal tract ?ranches to facial nucleus and lateral reticular nucleus &ermination o *entral gray mater $ote:

o Fibers from arm corte' go to dorsomedial red nucleus and terminate at the cervical s!inal cord o Fibers from leg corte' go to ventrolateral red nucleus and terminate at the lumbrosacral s!inal cord &ectos!inal &act Function: Defle' of turning the head toward visual stimuli 3rigin: o Corticotectal fibers to su!erior colliclus Course: o Contralateral, !osterior tegmental decussation ,tectos!inal fibers- of midbrain o &ectos!inal tract to ventral funiculus &ermination: o 4!!er cervical level of s!inal cord Corticobulbar Pathways: Function: facial control 3rigin: o Motor corte', !recentral gyrus o Frontal eye fields of corte' Course: o 2enu of internal ca!sule &ermination: o From frontal eye fields: "!silateral, rostral interstitial nucleus of MLF ?ilateral, !aramedical !ontine reticular formation o From motor corte', !recentral gyrus ?ilateral, trigeminal motor nucleus ?ilateral, facial nucleus-u!!er face Contralateral, facial nucleus-lower face Contralateral, nucleus ambiguous-ulva and soft !alate Contralateral, hy!oglossal nucleus-genioglossus m: "!silateral, accessory nuclues

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