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Q. What is Aggregate Aware ? and when is a Aggregate Aware used? A.

Aggregate awareness is a feature of DESIGNER that makes use of aggregate tabl es in a database. These are tables that contain precalculated data. The purpose of these tables is to enhanc e the performance of SQL transactions; they are thus used to speed up the execution of queries. Q. What is the direction of Aggregate Aware? Top->Bottom or Bottom->Top? A. Top-> Bottom Q. What is the syntax of a Aggregate Aware function? A. The syntax of the @Aggregate_Aware function is as follows: @Aggregate_Aware(s um(agg_table_1), ... sum(agg_table_n)) where agg_table_1 is the table with the highest level of aggre gation, and agg_table_n the table with the lowest level. Q. When do we say that a object is compatible and when it is not? A. When an object is at the same or higher level of aggregation as the table, it is compatible with the table. When an object is at a lower level of aggregation than the table (or if it is no t at all related to the table), it is incompatible with the table. Q. What are the ways by which u can distribute the Universe? A. There are two ways to distribute a universe: through the repository or throug h the file system. Q. What is a Business Objects Repository? A. The Business Objects repository is a centralized set of relational data struc tures stored on a database. This relational device enables BUSINESSOBJECTS andWEBINTELLIGENCE users to share reso urces in a controlled and secured environment. The repository is made up of three domains: the security domain,the universe domain, and the document domain. Q. How do u determine that u r working on the latest edition of the Universe? A. Each time you export a universe to a universe domain, DESIGNER increments the revision number of the universe. In this way, you can determine which is the latest version of the univ erse. Q. Benefits of Linked Universe. A dynamic link may considerably reduce development and maintenance time. When yo u modify a component in the kernel universe, DESIGNER propagates the change to the same component in all the derived universes. Instead of re-creating common components each time you create a new universe, yo u can centralize such components in a kernel universe, and then include them in all new universes. Lin ked universes facilitate specialization. Development can be split between database administrators who set up a basic kernel universe, and the more specialized designers who create more functional universes based on their specific field. Q. Prerequisites for Linking the Universes? You can link the active universe to a kernel universe, only if the following req uirements are met: The kernel universe and active universe were created from the same data account and the same RDBMS. The kernel universe was exported and re-imported at least once. Exported derived universes are located in the same universe domain as the kernel universe. All classes and objects are unique in both the kernel universe and the derived u niverses. (Otherwise, collisions

may occur.)

You are authorized to link the given universe.

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