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Pictuieu back covei:
The Stewait tiee which maiks the
location of }eannie anu Baniel's
giave at Spiingvale Cemeteiy.
The Stewart Tree - Springvale Cemetary







yJeannie & Daniel Stewart ! A Family History
This is the story of
Jeannie and Daniel
Stewart, their family,
ancestors and
Jeannie and
Daniels memoirs
were recorded by their
daughter Marjorie
Swalwell and form the
basis of many of the
events described in
this book.
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The Stewart Tree - Springvale Cemetary







yJeannie & Daniel Stewart ! A Family History
}eannie 0pstill anu Baniel Stewait met in
Benuigo, victoiia in 19u1. Baniel iepoiteu in his
memoiis that when he fiist saw }eannie he
thought she was 'one of the loveliest giils I hau
evei seen'.
Aftei a couitship of some nine yeais }eannie anu
Baniel weie maiiieu in Benuigo, victoiia on 24
Naich 191u.
}eannie anu Baniel hau a full anu happy life anu
weie blesseu by a laige anu loving family.
Baniel's calling as a Ninistei of Religion foi the
Chuiches of Chiist in victoiia anu Tasmania
meant the the couple maue theii home in
vaiious places in Nelbouine, countiy victoiia
anu Tasmania uuiing theii life togethei.
Baniel anu }eannie celebiateu theii 62nu
weuuing anniveisaiy piioi to Baniel's ueath in
1972. The following pages uetail theii families
anu eaily lives, theii maiiiage anu chiluien anu
theii ancestois anu uescenuants.
Jeannie Upstill and
Daniel Stewart
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Boin: 21 }anuaiy 1887, Lauiiston, victoiia
Naiiieu: 24 Naich 191u, Benuigo
Bieu: 1u Septembei 1972, Feintiee uully
Paients: Baniel Stewait, }ane Baitlett
."#% /.%"##$%0 1&234 542+$&&
Boin: 18 Naich 1886, Benuigo, victoiia
Naiiieu: 24 Naich 191u, Benuigo
Bieu: 7 Nay 1979, Cobuig, victoiia
Paients: Robeit 0pstill, Naigaiet NcKay
Baniel Baviu Stewait was boin in Lauiiston, a
small countiy town neai Kyneton in victoiia, on
21 }anuaiy 1887.
Bis paients weie Baniel anu }ane (Baitlett)
Stewait. Baniel Stewait Senioi was boin in
Nelbouine in 18SS but giew up in Fiyeistown,
neai Castlemaine, victoiia. }ane Baitlett, a
uiessmakei, was boin in Coiinella, victoiia in
186u. Baniel Stewait anu }ane Baitlett weie
maiiieu at the Piesbyteiian Chuich in
Castlemaine in 188u.
Baniel Baviu Stewait was the fouith chilu of
eight boin to Baniel anu }ane Stewait:
Bannah Elizabeth (1881-1941)
Chiistina Floience (188S-1944)
}ames Alexanuei (188S-19SS)
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Euwin Baitlett (Teu) (1888-1941)
veia Nuiiel victoiia (1894-1948)
Nellie Ina (1899-1974)
Roy uiegoiy (19uu-19u1)
Sauly Roy uieu as a young chilu.
!"#$%& *+%,"-+<2 ="-&> ?$@%
Baniel Stewait Senioi woikeu as a minei at
Fiyeistown anu latei at Lauiiston wheie his
biothei-in-law Ni Aimstiong was mine
managei. In about 1887 he began woik with the
victoiian Railways as a poitei.
As a iesult of Baniel Senioi's woik with the
iailways, the family moveu aiounu victoiia ovei
the ensuing yeais, often living in the gatehouses
next to the iail ciossings that Baniel was
iesponsible foi. The family liveu at violet Town,
Wahgunyah (neai Coiowa), Campeiuown anu
Raywoou (neai Benuigo). In his memoiis, Baniel
}unioi iecalleu stanuing on the steps of the
gatehouse at violet Town, feeling gieat piiue on
attaining his fouith biithuay.
Baniel Senioi eventually left the employment of
the iailways anu ietuineu to his fiist love,
mining. The family then moveu to Benuigo.
Baniel Senioi was pait of a synuicate of foui
men who weie woiking a mine. Aftei two
fiuitless yeais, they weie on the veige of giving
up, when Baniel founu a 1uu oz (2.8 Kg) golu
nugget by the siue of the ioau to the shaft.
The nugget woulu have been ioughly the size of
five matchboxes anu netteu the synuicate 4uu
Daniel Stewart "continued#
The family moveu to uoluen Squaie, Benuigo.
Licensing iecoius show that Baniel anu }ane
Stewait, Baniel's paients weie in the hotel
business fiom the late 189us to aiounu 19uS.
In 19u1 Baniel }unioi was sent to fetch the
family uoctoi, Bi Cook, to attenu his baby
biothei Roy, who was veiy ill. Baniel hau to walk
some uistance to the uoctoi's suigeiy but when
he ieacheu his uestination the uoctoi was not
theie. Be was insteau paiticipating in a tent
mission helu by the Benuigo Chuich of Chiist.
Baniel pioceeueu to the mission to ask Bi Cook
to call on the family but as the uoctoi was
auuiessing the congiegation, Baniel hau to wait
foi him to finish. While waiting Baniel became
entianceu by the missionei's message. When at
last the seivice finisheu anu Baniel was able to
speak to the uoctoi, Bi Cook tolu him he hau
alieauy calleu on the family uoing so while the
mission hau pioceeueu.
Baniel was so impiesseu by the message he
heaiu that night he attenueu moie of the
meetings at the tent mission, eventually being
baptiseu into the chuich.
Pictuieu at left: Baniel with Waltei 0pstill (}eannie's
biothei) at Rosanna
Fai left: Baniel Stewait }unioi c19uS
Baniel }unioi iecalleu his fathei unwiapping the
nugget anu the sight of it laiu out on the kitchen
table on his fathei's ieu woik hanukeichief.
Buiing one of his attenuances at the tent
mission, Baniel noticeu a lovely young lauy who
was attenuing to some floweis on the oigan. The
giil was }eannie 0pstill, who was latei to become
his wife.
Baniel left school at 16 gaining an
appienticeship as an iion mouluei at a coiuial
factoiy manageu by his biothei-in-law Alex Buff,
who was maiiieu to his oluei sistei Bannah.
Baniel helu this position until 19u8.
In 19uS when Baniel was miuway thiough his
appienticeship, his paients moveu with theii
family to Westein Austialia. 0nly Baniel anu his
sistei Bannah iemaineu in Benuigo. The plan
hau been foi Baniel to join his family in the West
when he hau finisheu his appienticeship, but
when the time came Baniel was ieluctant to
leave }eannie anu insteau stayeu in Benuigo.
0n finishing his appienticeship, Baniel began
woik in Nelbouine. Be stayeu in Nelbouine
uuiing the woiking week, ietuining by tiain to
Benuigo on the weekenus to see }eannie.
Baniel anu }eannie became engageu on the
Eastei weekenu of Apiil 19u8. 0n Baniel's
ietuin tiain tiip to Nelbouine on the Eastei
Nonuay evening, he was involveu in the
Sunshine iail uisastei of 2u Apiil 19u8 .
Daniel Stewart "continued#
In the uisastei some 4u people weie killeu anu a
fuithei 4uu weie injuieu.
Baniel often iecalleu his iole in the Sunshine iail
uisastei in attenuing to the injuieu anu ueceaseu
passengeis. Family membeis iecall that Baniel
gave his new coat to one of the injuieu
passengei on the tiain. An account of Baniel's
expeiience is iecoiueu in his memoiis.
Aftei seveial yeais of woiking in Nelbouine
Baniel gaineu a position at Thompson's Founuiy
in Castlemaine anu he anu }eannie began plans
foi theii weuuing, to be helu on 24 Naich 191u.
The weuuing was unusual. As the officiating
ministei was ill with the mumps, the weuuing
took place at his beusiue piioi to the official
chuich ceiemony. Foi the ceiemony at the
Chuich of Chiist chapel in Waue St, Benuigo, the
biiue anu gioom aiiiveu in sepaiate hoise
uiawn caiiiages.
}eannie latei iecalleu being embaiiasseu on hei
weuuing uay by uianuma 0pstill (Naitha)
saying she hopeu }eannie woulu be blesseu by
many gianuchiluien. }eannie woulu live to see
hei gianumothei's hopes fully iealiseu.
Pictuieu: Baniel Stewait with membeis of his Bible Stuuy
Baniel was a passengei on the Nelbouine
bounu Benuigo tiain that ciasheu into the
stationaiy Ballaiat tiain at the Sunshine iailway
.%"##$% 542+$&&<2 ="-&> ?$@%
}eannie Alsop 0pstill was boin in 1886 in
Benuigo, victoiia, the thiiu chilu of seven, of
Robeit anu Naigaiet (NcKay) 0pstill.
Robeit anu Naigaiet 0pstill's chiluien:
Claia }ane (1881 - 1941)
Waltei Anuiew (188S - 19S1)
."#% /.%"##$%0 1&234 /677A B 6:8:0
Robeit Bowaiu (1888 - 1966)
Ruby Caioline (189u - 1961)
uaiiett Stuait (189S - 1969)
Naigaiet Lauia (1896 - 1978)
}eannie's fathei Robeit 0pstill, a caipentei, was
boin at Cieswick in 18S6. Bei mothei Naigaiet
NcKay was boin in Castlemaine in 186u. Robeit
anu Naigaiet weie maiiieu in 188u at the
Chuich of Chiist in Castlemaine.
Pictuieu: }eannie's paients, Robeit & Naigaiet
0pstill, on theii weuuing uay in 188u
0pposite page: }eannie's paients Robeit anu
Naigaiet 0pstill with Claia anu Waltei ciica 188S.
The sign above the uooi ieaus, 'Robeit A 0pstill,
Piactical Phienologist'.
Jane "Jeannie# Upstill
K+)7+)#, M S(.#), T:-,%66 1%," 4"%60)#& ')(* 6#',5 S3.25 @6+)+5 <#+&&%# M I+6,#) 1%," U(1+)0 %& ')(&,9 V&-#,J S(.#), T:-,%66
In hei memoiis }eannie iecalleu hei fiist home,
a small weatheiboaiu house in Bigh St, Benuigo.
The family liveu theie while hei fathei Robeit, a
caipentei, built theii home next uooi. }eannie
iecalleu watching hei fathei as he woikeu anu
him lifting hei to sit on the bench wheie he was
Bei mateinal gianufathei, Bugh NcKay, whose
wife }ane hau uieu when theii chiluien weie
young, liveu with }eannie anu hei family foi
many yeais. }eannie iemembeieu him as a
'lovely olu Bighlanuei, Scotch as can be'.
}eannie's memoiis paint a pictuie of life in theii
home in Benuigo. 'I felt eveiyone loveu me anu I
hau a veiy happy chiluhoou,' she wiote.
In aiounu 1897, when }eannie was about 1u,
Robeit 0pstill left his family to tiavel to South
Afiica with his thiee biotheis Petei, Waltei anu
Fiank, to piospect foi golu. Naigaiet was left to
iaise theii family of seven chiluien. The
youngest, Lauia, was still a baby at the time.
In hei husbanu's absence, Naigaiet 0pstill
suppoiteu hei family by sewing, uiessmaking
anu aiianging anu selling floweis fiom hei
gaiuen. }eannie uesciibeu a veiy happy home
with music, Chuich anu social events.
Robeit 0pstill was nevei to ietuin to his family
fiom South Afiica. When his biotheis ietuineu,
he appaiently uiu not have the money foi the
passage. Be uieu of peinicious anaemia in
}ohannesbuig Bospital on 28 Naich 1917, aftei
some weeks of acute illness.
In hei memoiis }eannie uesciibes many happy
times with Baniel uuiing theii couitship:
'I hau to walk a way to my piano lessons anu
afteiwaius I woulu finu Ban sitting unuei a tiee
waiting foi me, with a bunch of violets; then oui
lovely walk home. always his aim aiounu me,
anu I woulu get him to sing all the songs he
}eannie uesciibeu theii weuuing uay as
'beautiful, beautiful, beautiful', anu iemembeieu
among othei things, the satin hoiseshoe on hei
aim, hei sky blue going away outfit anu hei
mothei packing a box of foou fiom the ieception
foi theii tiip.
The ieception was helu at }eannie's mothei's
home aftei which the couple left foi theii new
home 'Floweiuale' in Buntei St, Castlemaine,
wheie they stayeu piioi to theii honeymoon at
the Belveueie uuest Bouse in Baylesfoiu.
Jeannie Upstill "continued#
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Buiing theii eaily maiiieu life, Baniel became
active in lay pieaching in Castlemaine anu
neaiby towns. }eannie was often the oiganist at
the seivices anu both }eannie anu Baniel
enjoyeu singing in choiis anu togethei in uuets.
They weie to continue this paitneiship in music
anu ministiy thioughout theii lives togethei.
Foi a time the couple ielocateu to Benuigo foi
Baniel's woik, but they soon ietuineu to
Castlemaine, living in 'Ivanhoe' in Buntei Stieet.
While in Benuigo, Baniel anu }eannie's family
hau begun to aiiive anu seven chiluien weie
boin to the couple ovei the following yeais:
Naijoiie }ean (1912 - 2uuS) (Benuigo)
Bowaiu Euwin (1914 - 1997) (Castlemaine)
Beiyl Naisie (1916 - 1919) (Castlemaine)
veina Naigaiet (1918 - 1999) (Castlemaine)
Royuen Baniel (1921- 1978) (Bovei, Tasmania)
uoiuon Baitlett (1924- ) (Sheppaiton)
Ina Boiothy (1927- ) (Paikuale)
A gieat sauness in Ban anu }eannie's lives was
the loss of theii infant uaughtei Beiyl Naisie, at
2 yeais 8 months, fiom whooping cough,
complicateu by gastiitis anu pneumonia.
Daniel & Jeannie
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In 0ctobei 1919, aftei much uelibeiation,
Baniel, with }eannie, accepteu a 'call' to entei full
time seivice as a Chuich of Chiist ministei in
Bovei, Tasmania.
Leaving Castlemaine, the family tiavelleu to
Bovei by ship, tiain anu coastal steamei, with
theii possessions packeu in seven cases. 0ne
case containing theii linen anu ciockeiy was lost
in tiansit, but foitunately it uiu eventually aiiive.
As the family neaieu theii uestination by
steamei, the vista of the Auioia Austialis
(Southein Lights) lit the skies aheau, a gloiious
anu memoiable expeiience foi them.
Baniel anu }eannie iemaineu in Tasmania foi
some S yeais with Baniel conuucting seivices at
ueeveston, Southpoit, Lune Rivei anu Lepiena
as well as Bovei.
In 192S Baniel anu }eannie left Bovei anu
moveu to Sheppaiton, victoiia, foi a ministiy
theie. The ministiy incluueu a tent mission
conuucteu by the ienowneu evangelist, E. C.
Biniichsen (19uu-19S6), with Les Biookei as
song leauei. Nission attenuances weie ovei 4Su.
Baniel anu }eannie's fiienuship with the
evangelist anu the song leauei was to continue
thioughout theii lives.
L%4,3)#0J U(1+)05 _#)&+ M K+)Y()%# %& ;(8#)5
!+-*+&%+ 4CDPQ
Dover, Tasmania
!(:J ;(8#) Y#,,25 K+)Y()%#5 _#)&+ +&0 S(20#&Z ;+&%#6
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Su S(20#&Z V&+Z `()0(&
In 1927 the Stewait family ielocateu to Paikuale
when Baniel commenceu ministiy theie. Foi
some ten months he engageu in special mission
woik as song leauei in South Austialia anu
Queenslanu, again with the evangelist E.C.
Biniichsen. Although Baniel loveu the mission
woik he eventually ueciueu to ietuin to home
anu family life. In 1929 Baniel accepteu a 'call'
to the chuich at Footsciay anu seiveu theie
uuiing the yeais of the uieat Bepiession.
In 19SS Baniel commenceu a five-yeai ministiy
at the Latiobe Teiiace Chuich of Chiist anu the
family moveu to ueelong.
In the following yeais Baniel anu }eannie liveu
anu seiveu at chuiches in Kaniva anu Niuule
Paik-South Nelbouine. Baniel's memoiis
uesciibe the impact of the Seconu Woilu Wai on
theii family anu the communities they seiveu.
Buiing these yeais, }eannie anu Baniel
celebiateu the weuuings of all of theii chiluien
anu welcomeu sons anu uaughteis-in-law anu
gianuchiluien into theii much loveu family.
CD% *+%,"-+ @"E$&> E"--$"F%2 "#)
I"-J3-$% .%"# *+%,"-+ maiiieu ueoige
Bonalu Robeit Swalwell (19SS) (Footsciay);
Chiluien: ueoige Baniel (19SS), Beiyl }ean
(19S7), Linusay Baviu (19S9)
K3,"-) =),$# *+%,"-+ maiiieu Navis
Biown (19S9); Chiluien: Beveiley Ann
(1941), Bowaiu Cliffoiu (Cliff) (1942),
Kenneth Baviu (194S), Petei Ronalu (19S2),
}ulie Nay (1961)
L%-#" I"-F"-%+ *+%,"-+ maiiieu Roy Coiuy
(194u) (ueelong); Chiluien: }uuith }ennifei
(1941), viiginia Rae (1944), Lois veina
(1949), Roy Baviu (19S4)
M3>)%# !"#$%& *+%,"-+ maiiieu 0live Naiy
(ueiiy) Biich (1944); Chiluien: Phillip,
Clinton, Naik, Nicole (Peith)
N3-)3# O"-+&%++ *+%,"-+ maiiieu Noima
Elizabeth Spain (1948); Chiluien: }ohn
Raymonu (19S1), Leigh }anice (19SS), Robeit
}ames (19S8)
P#" !3-3+D> *+%,"-+ maiiieu Fiank Nitchell
(1949); Chiluien: }ennifei Robyn (19S2),
Petei uiant (19S4), Nichael Stewait (19S9),
Baviu Scott (1962)
The Stewart Family
G+*%62 7)(3:J S(2 @()025 ;+&%#65 _#)&+5<#+&&%#5 `()0(&5 O#- M K+)7# ?)((/#)5 T&/&(1&5 >&&%# ?)((/#)5 3&/&(1&5 S(20#&5 ?#,,2
?)((/#)Z G)(&,J `#()7# =1+61#66 1%," ?#)26 M `#()7#5 V&+ 1%," S(& ?)((/#) -,+&0%&7
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U(1+)0 +&0 K+8%-X- 1#00%&7 0+2 CD[D
O#',J _#)&+ (& "#) 1#00%&7 0+2 1%," .)%0#-*+%0- K+)7# ?)((/#) M V&+ =,#1+), 1%," '6(1#) 7%)6 ?#)26 =1+61#66
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!(:J S(20#& M b6%8# B`#))2F ?%)4"X- 1#00%&7 0+2 BCDRRF
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H()*+ =:+%& M `()0(&X- 1#00%&7 0+2 BCDREF 1%," U(1+)0 +&0 V&+Z H()*+ M `()0(& 1%," <("&5 .()& CDaC
K+%& :"(,(J G(3) 7#&#)+,%(&-5 <#+&&%#5 K+)7+)#, T:-,%66 "#) *(,"#) 1%," .+.2 `#()7# +&0 K+)Y()%#Z
=%0# :"(,(-J K+)Y()%# +&0 `#()7#Z K+)Y()%#Z `()0(&Z H()*+ M `()0(&
S9 <#+&&%# +&0 ;+&%#6 =,#1+),5 ,"# *%006# 2#+)-
!(:J K+)Y()%# +&0 `#()7#Z <#+&&%#Z _#)&+
?#6(1J _#)&+ 1%," ?#)265 `()0(& M V&+ +, .+4/Z _#)&+ +, `##6(&7Z _#)&+5 <#+&&%#5 S(20#& M .+.2 <30%," 4CDRP
G+*%62 7)(3:-5 #+)62 CDRQ-J !(:J V&+ 1%," `#()7# <&)5 `#()7#5 H()*+ 1%," `()0(& )#46%&%&75 _#)&+ 1%," _%)7%&%+ %& :)+*5
?#)265 ;+&%#6 M <#+&&%#5 O%&0-+2 +&0 <30%,"Z ?#6(1J _#)&+5 K+)Y()%# 1%," `#()7# <3&%()5 `#()7# +&0 <#+&&%#
!(:J K+)Y()%#5 <#+&&%# M _#)&+ 1%," O%&0-+2 M <30%,"Z _#)&+ M ;+&%#6Z
?#6(1J ;+&%#65 V&+ M <#+&&%#Z _#)&+ 1%," S(20#& M `()0(&
!(:J ="#::+),(& @"3)4" (' @")%-, BCDP[FZ ]+&%8+ @"3)4" (' @")%-, BCDRaF
?#6(1J G((,-4)+2 @"3)4" (' @")%-, BCDPDFZ ,"# =,#1+), "(*# +, G((,-4)+2
!(:J !"# O+,)(.# !#))+4# @"3)4" (' @")%-,5 `##6(&7 BCD[aFZ ,"# =,#1+), "(*# +, PC O+3)#6 ?+&/ L+)+0#5 H#1,(1&
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H#1-:+:#) 43,,%&7-J ;+&%#6X- 4)%4/#,%&7 "%-,()2
H#1-:+:#) 46%::%&7-5 7)##,%&7 4+)0- +&0 *%--%(& .)(4"3)#- e ;+&%#6 M <#+&&%#X- 6%'# +&0 1()/
48 _#)&+5 ;+&%#65 V&+ B')(&,F5 <#+&&%#5 `()0(&5 `#()7#5 K+)Y()%# 1%," `#()7# <3&%() M S(20#& BCD[aF
<#+&&%# 1%," "#) 0+37",#)-J _#)&+5 K+)Y()%# M V&+Z _#)&+5 K+8%- B?)(1&F M K+)Y()%#
K+%& :"(,(J V&+ 1%," ?#)26 M `#()7# =1+61#66
=%0# :"(,(-J ;+&%#6 M <#+&&%# 1%," .+.2 <30%,"Z <#+&&%# 1%," .+.2 <30%,"Z <#+&&%# 1%," .+.2 O(%-Z `#()7# M ?#)26
K+%& :"(,(J ;+&%#6 M <#+&&%# 1%," 7)+&04"%60)#& ?#)265 `#()7# M O%&0-+2 =1+61#66
=%0# :"(,(-J U(1+)0Z S(20#& M `#))2Z ;+& M <#+&&%#Z U(1+)0 B4#&,)#F M ')%#&0-
>.(8#J <#+&&%# +, O+ !)(.# !#))+4# @"3)4" (' @")%-,5 `##6(&7Z 4(3-%&- <30%," M ?#8#)6#2Z U(1+)0 1%," ?#8#)6#2 M S(2 1%," <30%,"Z
?#6(1J _#)&+ M S(2Z U(1+)0Z K+)Y()%# 1%," `#()7# M ?#)26
SS <#+&&%# M ;+&%#6 1%," 7)+&04"%60)#& fCDRRJ <#+&&%#5 `#()7#5 ;+& 1%," ]#&5 G)(&,J O%&0-+25 @6%''5 <30%,"5 ?#8#)6#2 M ?#)26
!(:J @(3-%&- ?#8#)6#25 ?#)265 <30%," 1%," _%)7%&%+ B')(&,FZ _#)&+ 1%," <30%,"5 K+8%- 1%," ?#8#)6#2Z
G+*%62 `)(3:J _#)&+ 1%," _%)7%&%+Z V&+ M ')%#&05 G)+&/5 <#+&&%#5 S(2 1%," <30%," +, )#+)Z S#:#+,#0 :"(,( 1%," ;+&%#6 +, )#+)
K+%& :"(,(J ?#)265 ;+&%#65 O%&0-+25 `#()7# M <#+&&%# B;%*.((6+F
=%0# :"(,(-J V&+ M <#+&&%#Z S(20#& M `()0(& B]+&%8+FZ <#+&&%# M ;+&%#6Z ;+&%#6 M <#+&&%# +, O+,)(.# !#))+4# @"3)4" (' @")%-,
!(:J `#()7# =1+61#66 M U(1+)0 1%," O%&0-+25 ?#)265 `#()7#5 @6%'' M ?#8#)6#2Z `#()7#5 <#+&&%#5 U(1+)05 `#()7# M ;+&%#6
?#6(1J U(1+)05 K+8%-5 ;+&%#65 O%&0-+25 ?#)265 <#+&&%#5 `#()7# M K+)Y()%#5 G)(&,J ]#&5 ?#8#)6#2 M @6%''Z ;+&%#6 %& )#c6#4,%(&
!(:J <#+&&%# M ?#)26Z U(1+)0 M K+8%- 1%," ?#8#)6#2 M @6%''Z U(1+)0 B`##6(&7F
?#6(1J @6%''5 `#()7#5 ]#& M O%&0-+2Z @)%4/#, 6#--(&J `()0(&5 S(20#&5 U(1+)05 <#+&&%#5 ;+&%#6 1%," `#()7#Z ?#)265 <#+&&%# M K+)Y()%#
>.(8#J U(1+)0 M K+8%- 1%," @6%''5 ?#8#)6#2 +&0 .+.2 ]#&Z ;+&%#6 M <#+&&%#Z K+8%- 1%," ]#&Z
?#6(1J U(1+)0Z S(2 1%," <30%," M _%)7%&%+ S+#Z `#()7# M K+)Y()%# 1%," .+.2 `#()7#
!"# '+*%62 (' K+)Y()%# M `#()7# =1+61#66J `#()7#5 ?#)26 M O%&0-+2
!"# '+*%62 (' U(1+)0 M K+8%- =,#1+),J ?#8#)6#25 @6%''5 ]#&5 L#,#) M <36%#
!"# '+*%62 (' _#)&+ M S(2J <30%,"5 _%)7%&%+ S+#5 O(%- M ;+8%0
!"# '+*%62 (' H()*+ M `()0(& =,#1+),J <("&5 O#%7" M S(.#),Z
O(1#) 6#',J <("& M O#%7" 1%," @6%&,(&5 L"%66%: M K+)/ =,#1+),5 S(20#& M `#))2X- -(&-
!"# '+*%62 (' V&+ M G)+&/ K%,4"#66Z <#&&%'#)5 L#,#)5 K%4"+#6 M ;+8%0 1%," ,"#%) 4"%60)#&
!(: )%7",5 ,"# 4+*: -%,# +, =())#&,(
64 <#+&&%# +&0 ;+&%#6 1%," 7)+&00+37",#) ?#)26 =1+61#66 +, =())#&,( BgF 4CDa^
In latei yeais, Baniel anu }eannie, with theii
chiluien now maiiieu, continueu theii seivice at
chuiches at East Nalvein, EmeialuBeiwick anu
Thoinbuiy until theii ietiiement in 19SS.
0n theii ietiiement }eannie anu Baniel
puichaseu a block of lanu in Boionia, with a
view of the Banuenong Ranges.
A geneious bequest fiom a Niss Ciisp of
Toiquay, a long time fiienu anu paiishionei of
the Latiobe Teiiace Chuich of Chiist, enableu
Baniel anu }eannie to builu theii own home. The
home was built with the piactical assistance of
theii extenueu family anu seveial woiking bees
with membeis of the Thoinbuiy chuich.
Baniel anu }eannie spent some 17 yeais enjoying
theii ietiiement at theii home in Boionia. Baniel
continueu as ielief pieachei at vaiious chuiches
uuiing his ietiiement yeais.
Baniel anu }eannie celebiateu theii Suth
weuuing anniveisaiy in 196u anu theii 6uth
anniveisaiy ten yeais latei in the Boionia
Piogiess Ball with some 147 guests. Baniel uieu
in Septembei 1972 anu }eannie in Nay 1979.
Daniel & Jeannie ! Later Years
I()/%&7 .##-J G+*%62 +&0 ')%#&0- "#6:%&7 ,( .3%60 <#+&&%# M ;+&%#6X- "(*# %& ?()(&%+ 4CDaR
;+&%#6 M <#+&&%#X- "(*# +, C^ K()(&#2 =,5 ?()(&%+
K+%& :"(,(J <#+&&%#5 _#)&+5 ;+8%0 M ;+&%#6Z V&-#,J @6%'' =,#1+)),
>.(8#J <#+&&%# M ;+&%#65 <30%," M O(%-Z _#)&+ 1%," K+)7%,5 <#&&+%# M ;+&%#6Z K+8%-5 <36%# M U(1+)0Z K+8%- M '+*%62
>.(8#J K+)Y()%#5 S(25 _#)&+5 ;+&%#65 <#+&&%# M V&+Z
?#6(1J <#+&&%#5 _#)&+5 S(2 M ;+&%#6
K+%& :"(,(-JJ <30%,"5 O#%7"5 >6%-(& M K+)Y()%# +, K+)Y()%#X- "(*#Z ?#6(1J <#+&&%# 4#&,)#5 1%," O(%-5 _#)&+5 _%)7%&%+ M ;+8%0Z K+)7%,
BK#7F +&0 `#()7#
>.(8#J =())#&,(J <#+&&%# M ;+&%#6 B.+4/F 1%," K+8%-5 >&0)h5 ?#8#)6#25 <36%# M _#)&+ 1%," K+)/Z =%-,#)-J _#)&+5 V&+ M K+)Y()%#
?#6(1J U(1+)05 <#+&&%#5 K+8%- M K+)Y()%#Z K+)Y()%# M _#)&+
K+%& :"(,(-J K+)Y()%# M `#()7#X- aQ," I#00%&7 >&&%8#)-+)2Z H%4(6# =,#1+), 1%," <#+&&%# M ;+&%#6Z =*+66 :"(,(-J !(:J H%4(6# M
S(20#&Z K+8%- M U(1+)0Z <#+&&%# M _#)&+Z H()*+Z O(1#)J _#)&+ M K+)Y()%#Z V&+ M <30%,"Z O(%- +&0 <#&&2Z `#()7# <&)5 K+)Y()%# M V&+
>.(8#J K+)Y()%#5 _%)7%&%+ M _#)&+Z _#)&+ M `#()7#Z @6%'' M K+8%-Z K+)Y()%# M ?#)26
?#6(1J H()*+5 _#)&+ M V&+Z U(1+)0 M K+8%-Z <36%#5 U(1+)0 M K+8%-Z K+8%- M <36%#
K+%& :"(,(-J _#)&+X- +), #A"%.%,%(&Z K+8%- 1%," 7)+&0-(&- >&0)h M K+)/ G3)i#)5 ="+&# =,#1+),Z =*+66 :"(,(-J !(:J K+8%- M <(Z U(1+)0 M K+8%-Z
_#)&+5 O%&0-+2 M K(2+ K4@)+4/#,,Z _#)&+ M V&+Z O(1#)J K+8%- M <36%#Z _%)7%&%+5 K+)Y()%# M O(%-Z L#,#) M ]+)#&Z @6%''5 K+8%- M ]#&
Baniel Stewait's Paients
!"#$%& *+%,"-+ /I$#%-0
Boin: 18SS, Nelbouine, victoiia
Naiiieu: 188u, Castlemaine, victoiia
Bieu: 191S, Peith Westein Austialia
Paients: Baniel Stewait, Elizabeth Fiasei
."#% O"-+&%++ /!-%22E"Q%-RK3+%& S%%4%-0
Boin: 186u, Coiinella, victoiia
Naiiieu: 188u, Castlemaine, victoiia
Bieu: 1927, Peith, Westein Austialia
Paients: }ames Baitlett, Bannah NcNahon
}eannie Stewait's Paients
M3T%-+ 542+$&& /U"-4%#+%-0
Boin: 8 August 18S6 at Cieswick, victoiia
Naiiieu: 188u, Chuich of Chiist Castlemaine
Bieu: 1917, }ohannesbuig, South Afiica
Paients: Euwaiu 0pstill, Naitha Alice Alsop
I"-F"-%+ IGS">
Boin: 186u, Castlemaine, victoiia
Naiiieu: 188u, Chuich of Chiist Castlemaine
Bieu: 1941, Pieston, victoiia
Paients: Bugh NcKay, }ane Foibes
Pictuieu: Baniel & }eannie at theii 6uth Weuuing
The Stewart Ancestors
K+)7+)#, T:-,%665 <#+&&%#X- *(,"#) M <+&# =,#1+),5 ;+&%#6X- *(,"#)
CD% O%#)$F3 K%-$+"F% *$F#"+V-% WV$&+
In 189S a quilt containing the names of 27u
piominent Benuigo community membeis of the
time incluuing piiests, local councillois anu
politicians was commissioneu. The quilt was
iestoieu in 2u1S anu is on uisplay in Benuigo.
0ne of the names on the quilt was ."#% *+%,"-+,
Baniel Stewait's mothei.
Recoius associateu with the quilt show that }ane
Stewait was the ownei of the Baip anu
Shamiock Botel in Bull Stieet, Benuigo.
Newspapei anu electoial iecoius veiify that }ane
Stewait, Baniel's mothei, owneu the Baip anu
Shamiock Botel between 19u1 anu 19uS anu
that she anu Baniel Senioi liveu theie at that
time. Bei ieason foi inclusion in the quilt in
189S howevei, iemains a mysteiy.
}ane Stewait's fathei ."E%2 O"-+&%++, was boin
in Scotlanu in 18u1. Be was sentenceu to
tianspoitation foi life in Lonuon on 16
Becembei 1821when he was 2u, foi stealing a
woman's ieticule (hanubag).Be was one of 19u
convicts tianspoiteu on the uuilufoiu. }ames
Baitlett aiiiveu in the New South Wales Colony
in Apiil 1822. Be ieceiveu a conuitional paiuon
in 1842 anu latei maiiieu, moveu to countiy
victoiia anu iaiseu a family of foui chiluien.
Daniel Stewarts
!"#$%& *+%,"-+<2 N-"#)4"-%#+2
!"#$%& *+%,"-+
Boin: 1821, Kilbiiue, Buteshiie, Scotlanu
Nigiation to Austialia: S#+:#) fiom ulasgow,
aiiiveu Poit Phillip Bay 2 August 18SS
Naiiieu: 18S4, Castlemaine, victoiia (Age SS)
Bieu: 189S, Westein Austialia
Paients: }ames Stewait, Floia NcNillan
=&$X"T%+D Y-"2%-
Boin: 1822 Possibly Scotlanu
Nigiation to Austialia: Possibly T,(:%+ fiom
Liveipool, aiiiveu Poitlanu 2S }anuaiy 18S4
Naiiieu: 18S4, Castlemaine, victoiia
Bieu: 1891, victoiia, Austialia
Paients: Alexanuei Fiasei, }ane uiant
!"#$%& *+%,"-+<2 N-%"+9F-"#)4"-%#+2
!"#$%& *+%,"-+<2 Z"-%#+2H
}ames Stewait
Boin: 1781, Bute, Scotlanu
Floia NcNillan
Boin: 1796, Kilbiiue, Buteshiie, Scotlanu
=&$X"T%+D Y-"2%-<2 Z"-%#+2H
Alexanuei Fiasei, }ane uiant
."E%2 O"-+&%++
Boin: 18u1, Scotlanu
Nigiation to Austialia: 4 Apiil 1822, !"#
`3%60'()0 (Convict) Recommenuation foi
Conuitional Paiuon 1 0ctobei 1842
Naiiieu: 18Su, victoiia
Bieu: 1886, Fiyeistown, victoiia (Age 8S)
Paients: Thomas Baitlett, 0nknown
K"##"D /1##0 IGI"D3#
Boin: 1829, Iielanu
Nigiation to Austialia: S#6%+&4# fiom Plymouth,
aiiiveu Poit Phillip Bay, 19 Naich 18Su
Naiiieu: 18Su, victoiia
Bieu: 19uS, Fiyeistown, victoiia (Age 76)
Paients: Beinaiu NcNahon, Biiugett -
."E%2 O"-+&%++<2 Z"-%#+2
Thomas Baitlett , 0nknown
K"##"D IGI"D3#<2 Z"-%#+2
Beinaiu NcNahon
Boin: 1796, Iielanu
Biiugett -
Boin: 1796, Iielanu
G3),"#) 0#,+%6- 3&/&(1&
Daniel Stewarts Ancestors "continued#
inuicteu foi stealing, on the 9th of Novembei
1821, one ieticule, value 2 s. 6 u., two half-
ciowns anu thiee sixpences, the goous of
Caioline Williams , fiom hei peison .
CAR0LINE WILLIANS. I am a single woman ,
anu live in Naiman-stieet, Commeicial-ioau. 0n
the 9th of Novembei, about thiee o'clock, I was
in Cheapsiue , waiting foi the Loiu Nayoi's
piocession. I hau a ieticule in my hanu,
containing 6 s. 6 u., a key, anu a hanukeichief, it
was snatcheu out of my hanu, I saw it go, but
coulu not tell who took it, theie weie a gieat
numbei of peisons by, I saw it at uuiluhall the
next uay, when the piisonei weie in custouy - I
saw them at the watch-house about an houi
aftei; the 6 s. 6 u. was in it then, as also my
hanukeichief anu key.
NICBAEL B0Y . I am a watchman. I was on uuty
at the coinei of Watling-stieet, neai St. Paul's;
Nines, the constable, beckoneu to me to follow
some peisons; about thiee o'clock, we saw the
piisoneis at the coinei of Cheapsiue, next to St.
Paul's, in company, togethei with many otheis. I
watcheu them towaius Queen-stieet, I heaiu
Niss Williams ciy out that she was iobbeu, she
was then uown on hei knees, anu hei scaif half
off hei shouluei.
I saw Baitlett snatch the ieticule fiom hei hanu;
Wiight was a veiy little uistance fiom him - I
noticeu them in company all the way. I
immeuiately seizeu Baitlett, he thiew the
ieticule to Wiight, whom Bughes secuieu anu
took it fiom him; I saw it in his hanus. We took
them to the watch-house - the ieticule fell open
as it was snatcheu.
NATBANIEL NINES . I am a constable. I saw Boy
at the coinei of St. Paul's chuich-yaiu - I calleu
him to my assistance, we followeu a gang; I fiist
saw the piisoneis neai St. Paul's chuich-yaiu. I
saw Niss Williams against a uooi, she
complaineu of having lost hei ieticule; the
piisoneis weie both neai hei, I uiu not see it
taken. Foy seizeu Baitlett anu Bughes took
Wiight - theie was a gieat ciowu, I took Wiight
to the watch-house, the ieticule was toin with
the violence of the pull - I founu 1u s. 6 u. on
Wiight anu a golu iing on his fingei.
FREBERICK B0uBES , I am a watchman. I saw
the piisoneis in Cheapsiue, in company; I
followeu them with a gieat many moie, they
kept iushing about the mob. I heaiu the
piosecutiix scieam out anu say somebouy was
iobbing hei. I saw Wiight ieceive the ieticule
fiom Baitlett, it was a little uiity with the muu.
}ames Baitlett's Couit Beaiing at the 0lu Bailey, Novembei 1821
I am a constable, anu was in. We followeu the
piisoneis fiom Luugate-hill, to wheie this
happeneu - I uiu not see the piosecutiix till Foy
calleu, anu gave Baitlett's hanu into mine; he
hau a iing on, I took it off, anu Foy saiu, "Take
him, heie is anothei;" he seizeu Wiight, who hau
the ieticule in his hanu, which the piosecutiix
claimeu - it is toin, theie weie thiity oi foity
peisons in the gang.
(Piopeity piouuceu anu swoin to.)
BARTLETT'S Befence. I went to see the show,
anu heaiu the ciy of thieves - I stoou by the lauy,
but am innocent.
WRIuBT'S Befence. I heaiu the ciy, the mob
uiove me on the pavement - I saw the ieticule
on the giounu, anu pickeu it up to finu the
WRIuBT - u0ILTY . Ageu 2u.
BARTLETT - u0ILTY . Ageu 18.
Tianspoiteu foi Life .
Lonuon }uiy, befoie Ni. Common Seigeant.
Refeience Numbei: t182112uS-41
!"# `3%60'()0 (Pictuieu) saileu 4 Apiil 1822.
Aiiiveu (estimateu) 4th Becembei, 1822 at New
South Wales.
Aveiage sentence: 8 Yeais
Life sentences: S8 | Passengeis: 191
James Bartlett "continued#
!"# ,)+&-:(),+,%(& )#4()0- (' <+*#- ?+),6#,,5 ;+&%#6 =,#1+),X- 7)+&0'+,"#)
Pictuieu: Thiee geneiations: }eannie Stewait
(centie) with hei uaughtei veina anu mothei
Naigaiet (NcKay) 0pstill
Jeannie Stewarts
.%"##$% *+%,"-+<2 N-"#)4"-%#+2
=),"-) 542+$&& /U"-4%#+%-0
Boin: 1826 Poitsmouth, Bampshiie
Nigiation to Austialia: !"# ?%)*%&7"+* fiom
Liveipool on 2S Septembei 18SS
Naiiieu: 18S6 uaiuenei's Cieek, Piahian.
Bieu: 19u9, WooubiookCastlemaine
Buiieu: Chuich of Chiist, section, at Baicouit
Paients: Robeit 0pstill anu Chailotte Claik
I"-+D" 1&$G% 1&234 /K3V2% *%-("#+0
Boin: 18S4: Iion Acton, uloucesteishiie
Nigiation to Austialia: !"# ?%)*%&7"+* fiom
Liveipool on 2S Septembei 18SS, aiiiveu 4
}anuaiy 18S4
Naiiieu: 18S6 uaiuenei's Cieek, Piahian.
Bieu: 1912, WooubiookCastlemaine
Buiieu: Chuich of Chiist, section, at Baicouit
Paients: Petei Alsop, Naiy Cuitis
KVFD IGS"> /I$&$+"-> [@\$G%-] O&"GQ2E$+D0
Boin: 18S1, Paiish of Cieich, Sutheilanushiie,
Nigiation to Austialia: U()&#,, fiom Liveipool,
aiiiveu 2S 0ctobei 18S4
Although Bugh NcKay anu }ane Foibes weie
fiom the same county in Scotlanu, they uiu not
know each othei until they met in Castlemaine,
Naiiieu: 1 }anuaiy18S8, Castlemaine
Chiluien: Angus (186u), Naigaiet (186u)
Bieu: 1889, Castlemaine, victoiia (Age S8)
Paients: Anuiew NcKay, Naigaiet NcPheison
."#% Y3-T%2 /!3E%2+$G *%-("#+0
Boin: 18SS, Paiish of Cieich, Sutheilanushiie,
Nigiation to Austialia: 18S4 fiom Biikenheau
on !"# I%66%+* K%6#- with hei biothei }ohn
Naiiieu: 1 }anuaiy 18S8, Castlemaine
Bieu: 1872, Castlemaine (Age S9)
Paients: Bectoi Foibes, Naigaiet NcLaughlin
Jeannie Stewarts Ancestors
=),"-) 542+$&& "#) I"-+D" 1&234
(}eannie Stewait's uianupaients)
I$F-"+$3# +3 1V2+-"&$"
Euwaiu 0pstill was a ship's caipentei in the
Royal Navy. Be hau been oiueieu to the Ciimean
Wai. At this time his paients Robeit anu
Chailotte (Claik) 0pstill anu sistei Chailotte
weie leaving foi Austialia aboaiu the vessel !"#
?%)*%&7"+*. Family histoiy says that Euwaiu
changeu his clothes in a tiain anu thiew his
unifoim out of the winuow, then boaiueu the
?%)*%&7"+*. Euwaiu's name uoes not appeai
on the passengei list but it is possible he acteu
as ciew.
!"# ?%)*%&7"+* caiiieu SSS passengeis anu
saileu fiom Liveipool on 2S Septembei 18SS,
aiiiving in Nelbouine on 2 }anuaiy 18S4. Also
aboaiu weie two sisteis fiom Iion Acton,
uloucesteishiie, Elizabeth anu Naitha Alsop.
Euwaiu 0pstill anu Naitha Alsop met on the
voyage anu maiiieu on 1 }anuaiy 18S6 at
uaiuenei's Cieek, Piahian. Be was a caipentei,
she was a house seivant.
Soon aftei theii weuuing Euwaiu anu Naitha
went to Cieswick wheie Euwaiu tiieu his hanu
at golu mining. They latei moveu to Chinaman's
Euwaiu anu Naitha 0pstill hau 1S chiluien, a
numbei of whom uieu in infancy:
M3T%-+ /67^A9 6:680 E I"-F"-%+ IGS">
Fiancis (18S8-18S8)
G)+&4%- B. CE\CFj
@6+)+ BCE\PeCDRDF j
Chailotta Cailotta (Lottie) (1862 - 1949) m
ueoige Bogaith,12 chiluien
Waltei (1864 - 1926) m Chailotte Baiiis, 4
Caioline (1866 - 1881) (Nucklefoiu Cemeteiy)
William (1868 - 1946) m Annie Cox, S chiluien
Fieueiick (187u - 19S2) (Toowoomba) S
Fiank (1872 - 1872)
Petei (187S - 19S4) m 1 Naiy Louisa Baiiis, 1
chilu, 2 Elizabeth Buguale
uiace (1874 - 187S)
Fiank (1876 - 19S6)
Euwaiu (1877 - 1877)
uiace (1879 - 1971) m 1 Peicy Castiee, 6
chiluien, 2 Newman
j =(*# 0%-4)#:+&42 %& )#4()0-
Jeannie Stewarts Ancestors "continued#
=),"-) "#) I"-+D" 542+$&& /G3#+$#V%)0
Lanu iecoius show Euwaiu 0pstill helu lanu at
vaiious times. Some appeaiances in the
Castlemaine Police Couit aie on iecoiu, with
Euwaiu on both siues of the law. The final time
he was chaigeu unuei the tiuancy act foi
keeping his 1S yeai olu son Fieueiick home
fiom school to chop woou.
The stoiy is tolu that Euwaiu often took a loau
of woou on a uiay to Castlemaine to sell. 0n one
of these tiips anu aftei a few uiinks, as was his
habit, he became lost on the way home. Bis
solution to this was to unhitch the hoise anu let
it finu the way home. The pioblem was that he
nevei founu the uiay again.
Pictuieu: }eannie Stewait
Jeannie Stewarts Ancestors
.%"##$% *+%,"-+<2 N-%"+9F-"#)4"-%#+2
=),"-) 542+$&&<2 Z"-%#+2
M3T%-+ 542+$&& /U"-4%#+%-0
Boin: 18uu Bioauway, Someisetshiie,
Nigiation to Austialia: 18S4
!"# ?%)*%&7"+* fiom Liveipool
Bieu: 1872 (Campbell's Cieek Cemeteiy)
Paients: Robeit 0pstill, -
UD"-&3++% U&"-Q /K3V2% *%-("#+0
Boin: 18u1, Stokefoiu, Boiset
Nigiation to Austialia: 18S4
!"# ?%)*%&7"+* fiom Liveipool
Bieu: 18S4, Piahian, victoiia
Z"-%#+2H *"EV%& U&"-Q] I"-> B
I"-+D" 1&$G% 1&234<2 Z"-%#+2H
Z%+%- 1&234 /Y"-E%-0
Boin: 1796, uieat Someifoiu, Wiltshiie
Bieu: 1869, Chipping, uloucestei
Paients: Chailes Alsop, Naiy Piice
I"-> UV-+$2
Boin: 18uu, Iion Acton, uloucesteishiie
Bieu: 1872, Iion Acton, uloucesteishiie
Paients: Thomas Cuitis, Naiy Nills
KVFD IGS"><2 Z"-%#+2
1#)-%, IGS"> /Y"-E%-0
Boin: Scotlanu
Fuithei uetails unknown
I"-F"-%+ IGZD%-23#
Boin: Scotlanu
Fuithei uetails unknown
."#% Y3-T%2< Z"-%#+2
K%G+3- Y3-T%2 /C"$&3-0
Boin: 18u4 Kincaiuine, Ross-shiie, Scotlanu
Liveu: Tulloch by Bonai Biiuge, Sutheilanushiie
Naiiieu: -
Bieu: 187u
Paients: Alexanuei Foibes, Naigaiet Bethune
I"-F"-%+ IG?"VFD&$#
Boin: 1814, Sutheilanushiie, Scotlanu
Fuithei uetails unknown
K+)7+)#, K4O+37"6%& G().#- 1)(,# ,"# ,1(
6#,,#)- -"(1& (& ,"# &#A, :+7#5 ,( "#) 4"%60)#&5
<("& +&0 <+&# G().#-5 B<#+&&%#X- 7)+&0*(,"#)F
1"( #*%7)+,#0 ,( >3-,)+6%+ %& CEaR9
Jeannie Stewarts Ancestors "continued#
To Jane & John Forbes,
Emigrants Birkenhead Depot,
Ship: William Miles
8 October 1854
My very dear daughter, and son
We are just after getting your very kind letter, and we are highly
pleased and thankful for your safe arrival at Birkenhead, and that
you are both in your usual health, after all your fatigue and trial
upon the sea.
Your father is just in his usual way, nothing better, he is really
very poorly indeed, and your going away must make him nothing
better, although I cannot say he is much worse either. I myself
am very poorly since you went away with sorrow for your loss,
and grief at parting with you at Invergordon.
Since you went away Margaret has been just in the usual way,
and we have heard nothing about the fellow, since you went
away, neither more or less, but her condition is not very easy, at
all events.
We have not heard a word from Sandy, your brother, since you
went away, and we are very much surprised at him, that he did
not give you money when he parted from you at Inverness. It is
most surprising, the way he allowed you to go without giving you
Be sure that you will always depend on the help of the Lord, and
seek his direction and guidance on your journey, and if you be
mindful of him, he will be so always of you
Be sure that you write us regularly and tell us of all the things
that will happen on the ship, & how you will be treated and what
attention you will meet with upon the voyage and how your
health will remain, and all your other comforts.
We will be so glad of a letter from you every now and then, and
be quite sure that you will not forget us whatever will come in
your way.
As I have nothing more particular to write you, that I presently
mind of, I will be coming to a conclusion with this.
All the neighbours and friends join us in sending you both and
their best respects and your father, Margaret & myself send you
our best respects and kindest love, and wish the blessing of God
to be with you and expecting to hear from you regularly,
I remain, my dear son and daughter, your very dear mother til
Mrs Hector Forbes, Tulloch
18 January 1856
Dear Son and Daughter,
I have to let you know that I received the sum of $10 which you
have sent and it was a thing that was provided by the Almighty
and it was the Lord that kept health and strength to you to work
for it; if we knew how to thank him for his kindness towards us I
have to tell you how it was provided by the Almighty for it came
just 3 days before your Dear Father Departed this life. He died
on the 24th night of January at 8 oclock and William McKenzie
went over for your Brother, Alexander, and he came immediately
and he saw all things right % the money that you sent was very
useful but altho it was not to come, Dear Alex would settle the
whole % he did all the things that he could and the whole was
settled as soon as the funeral was over and that was done by Alex
and myself and he was put under the ground as respectable as
any that went out of the parish since many a day. The co&n that
went on him came to $1.3.0 and was well mounted and all things
according to that, the whole came between 3 and 4 pounds.
I nothing at present to state you but that the whole of the family
is in good health except myself but you may be sure that I am
not but in a poor state but the Almighty is keeping to me
wonderful if we knew how to thank him for it as he alone that
can help in time of trouble if we would only put our trust in him
and cast our burden on him for he alone that can bare it.
Letters from Scotland written by Margaret Forbes "Jeannies great!grandmother# to her
son and daughter John and Jane Forbes
Y"E$&> -%G3&&%G+$3#2 "T3V+ .%"##$%<2
$EE%)$"+% @"E$&>] $# +D%$- &"+%- &$@%H
U&"-" /542+$&&0 O3,)%# (1881 - 1941)
}eannie's sistei Claia often visiteu }eannie anu
Baniel when they liveu in Thoinbuiy as she
liveu close by. Claia's family was uevastateu in
19S8 when theii uaughtei Iiene Nuiiel (19)
uieu as a iesult of a tiagic suiciue pact on 8
0ctobei 19S8. Bei boyfiienu }ohn Anueison
(18), was latei chaigeu with hei shooting
muiuei anu seveial public tiials ensueu.
_"&+%- 542+$&& (188S - 19S1)
Waltei maiiieu anu settleu in Beiuelbeig.
K3,"-) 542+$&& (1888 - 1966)
Bowaiu hau a beautiful singing voice. Be joineu
a Chuich of Chiist singing gioup fiom the 0SA
uuiing a mission in Benuigo anu latei ietuineu
to the 0SA with them wheie he iemaineu foi
seven yeais befoie becoming veiy ill. Bis
mothei Naigaiet was able to aiiange his ietuin
to Austialia. Be was aumitteu to Bunuooia
Bospital anu latei uieu theie.
MVT> /542+$&&0 K"-)$#F (189u - 1961)
Ruby maiiieu Wilfieu Baiuing anu hau two
sons, but was wiuoweu when the sons weie
quite young. Buiing Bowaiu's illness Naigaiet
0pstill, }eanie's mothei, moveu in with Ruby in
Pieston to be close to the Bunuooia hospital.
Ruby anu Naigaiet ekeu a living by selling home
giown piouuce, home maue cakes anu pies anu
by uiess making. Naigaiet liveu with Ruby anu
hei family until the sons weie maiiieu.
N"--%++ 542+$&& (189S - 1969)
uaiiett 0pstill suppoiteu Naigaiet, Bowaiu anu
Ruby anu family uuiing this peiiou anu also
aftei Naigaiet's ueath in 1941. uaiiett maiiieu
anu is thought to have hau one uaughtei who
maiiieu an Anglican piiest.
?"V-" /542+$&&0 ?%(> (1896 - 1978)
Lauia's fianc was killeu in Woilu Wai 1. She
suffeieu a neivous bieakuown but latei went to
woik foi Lionel Levy. She maiiieu Lionel who
was some yeais oluei than hei anu they hau
thiee uaughteis, Naigaiet, Shiiley anu Nancy.
Lauia also lookeu aftei Lionel's beuiiuuen
mothei in the eaily yeais of theii maiiiage,
which took a toll on hei fiagile state. In latei
yeais hei uaughteis caieu foi hei in hei home,
especially hei uaughtei Naigaiet who uiu not

Jeannie Stewarts Family Snippets
?"V-" /542+$&&0 ?%(> /G3#+$#V%)0
Bei mothei Naigaiet also caieu foi Lauia in this
peiiou. The Levy giils uesciibeu theii
gianumothei Naigaiet (NcKay) 0pstill as a
saint, a lauy of faith with a stiong chaiactei anu
giace, as uiu hei uaughtei }eannie Stewait.
Naigaiet uieu in Pieston on 19 August 1941.
Pictuieu: Naigaiet (NcKay) 0pstill, }eannie Stewait's
mothei, in latei yeais
I"-J3-$% "#) N%3-F% *,"&,%&&
UD$&)-%#H ueoige Baniel (19SS), Beiyl }ean (19S7),
Linusay Baviu (19S9)
Beiyl m Teience uoiuon Bill (196S):
Chiluien: Alison Elizabeth (1969), Susan Amanua
(1971), Rolanu }ames Bill (197S)
Rolanu & Biana Bughes (m 2uu8): Timothy ulyn Bill
Linusay m Ailsa Naiy Powei (196S):
Chiluien: ulenua, Beiek, Fiona anu Ruth Swalwell
K3,"-) "#) I"($2 *+%,"-+
Chiluien: Beveiley Ann (1941), Bowaiu Cliffoiu
(Cliff) (1942), Kenneth Baviu (194S), Petei Ronalu
(19S2), }ulie Nay (1961)
Beveiley: Chiluien: Anui Nichael Fuizei, (196S)
Naik Stuait Fuizei (1968)
Cliff: Chiluien: Nelissa }ane (1969) anu Shaion }oy
(198u) uianuchiluien: Nelissa: Bayuen, Shenaye;
Shaion: Ryan
Ken & Ann Naiie uillaiu:
Chiluien: }oanne Naiee (1971), Shane Baviu (1974)
uianuchiluien: }oanne & Kevin Alan Russell: }oshua
}ames (2uu4), }essica Kenneuy (2uuS)
Shane & Kathy Natesic: Benjamin Baviu (2u12),
Baniel Petei (2u14)
Petei: Chiluien: Paul Baviu (197S) (uec), Rachael
Rebecca (1981), Shanuy Lynette (198S), Aaion }ohn
(199S), Biooke Bayley (1999)
uianuchiluien: Rachael: }onathon, Biyce, Liam
}ulie m Petei Naxwell Iken (19S2): 1989 (Caily
Rachel (1977), Nicolas Paul (1978))
Jeannie and Daniel
Stewarts Descendants
L%-#" "#) M3> U3-)>
UD$&)-%#H }uuith }ennifei (1941), viiginia Rae
(1944), Lois veina (1949), Roy Baviu (19S4)
N-"#)GD$&)-%#H }uuith Coiuy maiiieu Fieu Polacsek
(1962); ueoig uiubei, (1977); Eu Kiohn (199S)
Chiluien: Richaiu Antony Polacsek (1966) anu Naigit
Anuiea (Neg) Polacsek (1969) (ueoig, uabiiela &
uisella uiubei)
viiginia m Eu Pottei (1991)
Chilu: Saiah }ane (1982-198S)
Lois m Robeit Alan Wiseman (1947), 197u; Neville
Raymonu Lowe (19S1), 1992
Chiluien: Natthew }ames Wiseman (1976),
Chiistophei Robeit Wiseman (1978), Katiina
Elizabeth Wiseman (1981);
(Kelly Anne Lowe (1977), Susanne Naiee Lowe
(1979), Natthew Baviu Lowe (198S))
Roy Baviu Coiuy m Leanne Naiy 0swalu (19S4),
(1981) Chilu: Shaun Baniel Coiuy (1991)
N-%"+ N-"#)GD$&)-%#H
Richaiu Polacsek m Chantelle Rose uu Pieez (1966);
1999; Chiluien: Ellen Chanii Polacsek (1999), Leah
Richelle Polacsek (2uu2), }enna Chaielle Polacsek
Neg Polacsek m uaiy 0akley: 199S
Natthew Wiseman m Susan Caiey (1999); Anna
Reiu (2uu9) Chiluien: Baviu }ames Wiseman (2uu1),
Benjamin }ohn Wiseman (2uuS); Thomas Natthew
Wiseman (2uu9), Abigail Naiie Wiseman (2u11)
Katiina Wiseman m Benjamin Robeit (Ben) uiiffiths
(1979): 2u1u. Chiluien: Neieuith Rose uiiffiths
(2u11), Emily Nay uiiffiths (2u1S)
M3>)%# "#) N%--> *+%,"-+
UD$&)-%#H Phillip, Clinton, Naik, Nicole
N3-)3# "#) `3-E" *+%,"-+
UD$&)-%#H }ohn Raymonu (19S1), Leigh }anice
(19SS), Robeit }ames (19S8)
Leigh m Bouglas uoau:
Chiluien: Baniel }ames uoau (1974), Alice Leigh
uoau (Nooie) (1982)
Chiluien:Bannah Elizabeth Stewait (1991),
Naueline Rebecca Stewait (199S)
P#" "#) Y-"#Q I$+GD%&&
UD$&)-%#H }ennifei Robyn (19S2), Petei uiant
(19S4), Nichael Stewait (19S9), Baviu Scott (1962)
Chiluien: Lina Biiama (1981), Takeshi Biiama
Chiluien: Zoe Kate (1988), Benjamin (1991), Aiuan
Jeannie and Daniels Descendants "continued#
_#)&+X- '3&#)+6 BCDDDFJK+)7# ?)((/#)5 H()*+5 K3%),(& b-1+605 O#+&&# M ;+8%0 1%," ="+3&5 O%i !"(*5 <30%,"5 ]+,)%&+5 K+,,"#15 O(%-5 H#8 O(1#5 _%)7%&%+5
H+,+6%# b-1+605 K+)Y()%#5 O#%7"5 K#75 S(.#), =,#1+),5 =3-+& U%665 `+)2 b+/6#25 ?#)265 `1#&0+ I+)%&75 =,3+),5 >&&#,,# M d3&%4# @()02
=,#1+), 4(3-%&-J !(:J `+,"#)%&7 +, ?#)26X- "(*#Z K(,"#)- M 0+37",#)-J O%&+ M <#&&25 =3-+& M ?#)265 O#%7" M >6%4#Z H()*+5 <3025 O(%-5 ?#)26 M O#%7" B')(&,FZ
K%006#J <#&&2 M <302Z <3025 O(%- M ]+,)%&+Z ?#)265 O(%-5 ?#8#)6#25 H()*+ M O#%7"Z ?#6(1J @(3-%&- +, 63&4"Z <36%# M K+8%-Z _%)7%&%+5 <30%," M ?#)26
K+)Y()%# M `#()7#X- 0#-4#&0+&,-J K+%& :"(,(-J ?#)26 1%," >6%-(&5 S(6+&0 M =3-+&Z ?#)265 O%&0-+25 >%6-+5 `#()7# M K+)Y()%# 1%," 7)+&04"%60)#&Z =*+66 :"(,(-J !(:J >6%-(&5 =3-+& M
S(6+&0Z S(6+&0 1%," !%*Z >6%-(&5 ;%+&+ 1%," !%*Z =3-+&5 >6%-(& M L"%6 =*%,"Z O(1#)J K+)Y()%#Z ?#)265 _#)&+5 >6%-(&5 K#75 =3-+& M K+)Y()%#Z O%&0-+2 M >%6-+ 1%," K+)Y()%#Z `#()7#5
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O+)7# :"(,(-J ]#&5 @6%'' M L#,#) B.+4/F5 ?#8#)6#25 K+8%-5 U(1+)0 M <36%# +, U(1+)0X- EQ," .%),"0+2Z G+*%62 1#00%&7J L#,#) M <36%# V/#&5 >&0)h5 <(5 ]#&5 ]+,"2 M ="+&#5 >&&5 @6%''5
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1uu H()*+ =,#1+), 1%," "#) 7)+&04"%60)#&5 ;+&%#6 +&0 >6%4# `(+0

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