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Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering

Jol. 3, No. 2 (Spring), 2006, IAChE
Nonlinear Modeling and Cascade Control Design for Multi Effect
Falling Film Evaporators
M. Karimi

and A. Jahanmiri
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, Engineering School, Shira: Universitv, Shira:, Iran
Due to increasing application of multi effect falling film evaporators in food industrv,
the exact modeling of these processes is important. The aim of this paper is use abilitv
of nonlinear modeling in determining falling film evaporator state variables. Because of
large time delavs and process disturbances, the tight exact control of product
concentration is difficult. Bv using the nonlinear modeling, the control of three effect
falling film evaporator with the use of cascade control algorithm is analv:ed. This
paper discusses the application and design of a cascade algorithm to control the
product concentration in a milk powder three effect falling-film evaporator. It has been
shown that the disturbance refection properties can be significantlv improved with
cascade control while still maintaining the tracking properties.
Keywords: Falling film evaporator, nonlinear modeling, cascade control, disturbance
- Corresponding author:E-mail:
Evaporation is a key concentrate operation in
dryer industry and Ialling Iilm evaporators
are common used ones among other types oI
evaporators in this Iield. Multi-eIIect Ialling
Iilm evaporators are used Ior concentration oI
solutions containing solid particles in Iood
industry. Increasing oI solid concentration is
done by solution evaporation that in most oI
the cases is water. Because oI wide ap-
plication oI multi-eIIect Ialling Iilm eva-
porators in Iood industry, study and analysis
model as a method oI investigation oI
process operation receives high importance.
DiIIerent studies have been conducted in the
Iield oI evaporator's modeling so Iar H.Andre
and R. A. Ritter investigated a laboratory two
eIIect evaporator systems in dynamic
condition |1|. They presented a simple
mathematical model as a modeling Ior this
evaporator. According to complexity oI
equations in this modeling theorem results
had a suitable accuracy. D. Grant Eisher and
Robert Newell studied a two eIIect eva-
porating system. They converted a nonlinear
model oI tenth order to a linear model then
used it Ior this system. Johnson presented an
empirical model (black box model) Ior
Ialling Iilm evaporators and obtained
parameters required in modeling experi-
mentally |2|. In this model vapor phase
variations were not considered with time and
assumed that heat transIer Irom shell to tubes
is independent oI time. Manczack purposed
Karimi, Jahanmiri
Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2 53
an analytic model which predicted dynamic
condition oI one eIIect and multi eIIect
evaporation operation |2|. Zavorka et al
presented an overall model Ior evaporating
operation oI sugar solution |2|. In this model,
a correlation Ior measuring value oI total heat
transIer coeIIicient with respect to sugar
solution concentration and Ialling Iilm liquid
level inside tubes was presented |3|. In this
system, milk was assumed as the Ieed and the
target was production oI dried milk. Quaak
and Gerritsen perIormed a variety oI
activities in the course oI dynamic modeling
oI Ialling Iilm multi eIIect evaporators |4|.
Quaak et al designed pilot plant oI multi
eIIect Ialling Iilm evaporator in laboratory
and studied the dynamic oI process. Product
solution solid concentration oI evaporators
inIluenced the conversion process oI eva-
porated solution to dry powder hence control
oI product concentration is very important.
Eor increasing oI dry powder quality,
disturbance bands which inIluence the
process must be identiIied and eliminate
them quickly, so control algorithm with
capability oI eliminating disturbance requires
desired operation oI control system.
Product concentration has the most inIluence
Irom disturbances resulting oI Ieed con-
centration and use oI simple Ieedback
controller in process. Winchester and Marsh
studied a Ialling Iilm evaporator as
controllability point oI view and the result
was lack oI controllability oI that unit |3|.
This result was obtained by Postlethwaite and
Skogestad in past |5|. So it was not possible
to identiIy considerable domain oI dis-
turbances. In continuation oI this research it
was demonstrated that main reason oI no
identiIying precise domain disturbances in
multi eIIect Ialling Iilm evaporators had large
time delay in this process. In recent years, in
the Iield oI control system design Ior Ialling
Iilm evaporators there have been so much
activities and researches have used advanced
control algorithms. Eor example Tade and
Lepage studied nonlinear control algorithms
|6|. Quaak, Van Haren and Van Wijck
studied multi variable control algorithm Ior
evaporators |7|. Lahtinen used Iuzzy con-
troller |8|. Lozano and Elastondo used
adaptive controllers in their researches |9|. In
the recent years, using oI cascade control
loops Ior multi eIIect evaporators has been
studied by Marsh, H. C. Bakker, Para-
maloingam and Hong Chen |10|. However,
one loop Ieedback controllers still are used
(because oI complexity, maintenance cost
and high price oI improved control loops).
!74.088 08.75943
Eor concentration oI solutions are sensitive to
high temperature like drug and Iood materials
in order to sustain their drug or nutritional
value, evaporation process must be done in
the possible short time |11|. This work
usually is done in multi eIIect Ialling Iilm
evaporators. Ealling Iilm evaporators unit is
consisted oI a certain number oI evaporator, a
condenser, steam thermo compressor, vacu-
um pumps, transitional pumps, separators
and preheaters. Eigure (1) shows a simple
scheme oI three eIIect Ialling Iilm evaporator
instruments. High heat transIer coeIIicient in
low temperature is an advantage oI this kind
oI evaporators. Process time is usually low
(2-100 seconds) and hence, Ior temperature
sensitive materials is quietly suitable. Be-
cause oI the evaporation takes place on Iilm
interIacial surIace, lower sediment appear in
In the cases that Ieed solution is sensitive to
high temperature, vacuum (by vacuum pump
or condenser) is used Ior reducing boiling
temperature. Heating agent is steam which its
property is determined base on concentrated
solution and evaporation pressure.
In this paper, studied process is milk powder
three eIIect Ialling Iilm evaporator. In this
process, initially milk is heated in Iirst
preheater by vapor which is exited Irom third
eIIect separator and then is heated in second,
third and Iourth preheaters respectively by
steam oI third, second and Iirst eIIect shells,
Nonlinear Modeling and Cascade Control Design for Multi Effect Falling Film Evaporators
54 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2
and Ieed temperature reaches to suitable
boiling temperature. Then Ieed is pumped to
Iirst eIIect evaporator and is distributed on
evaporator tubes via Ieed dispenser. This Ieed
moves in to evaporator tubes as a thin Iilm
and is transIerred down wards. Required heat
Ior evaporation is provided by low pressure
steam in shell oI Iirst-eIIect. Mixture oI
steam and concentrated liquid in separator is
separated via centriIugal Iorce and steam is
transIerred to second eIIect shell and Ieed in
transIerred in to second eIIect tubes.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram oI three eIIect Ialling-Iilm evaporator
The same process is repeated Ior second and
third eIIects. The part oI second eIIect vapor
is sucked by thermo compressor then is
converted to low-pressure steam to be used in
Iirst eIIect. High pressure live steam is used
to Iirst eIIect shell Ior concentrating solution
and steam supply required Ior Iourth
preheater. Steam inputs to second eIIect shell
is used Ior concentrating solution and steam
supply required Ior third preheater. Steam
inputs to third eIIect shell Ior concentrating
solution, supply steam required Ior second
preheater and thermo compressor. Also
product vapor in third eIIect is used Ior
supplying steam required Ior Iourth preheater
and residual steam is liqueIied by a
barometric condenser that installed at the end
oI evaporation unit. The steady state values
oI three eIIect Ialling Iilm evaporator and
preheaters parameters listed in Tables (1) and
Table 1. Steady state values oI the three eIIect evaporator parameters
Elow rate
Heat transIer coeIIicient
Eeed 0.0850 10000 72
EIIect1 0.1335 6367.0 1735.0 72
EIIect-2 0.2956 2875.5 1288.8 58
EIIect-3 0.4800 1770.0 850.00 45
Karimi, Jahanmiri
Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2 55
Table 2. Steady state values of the four preheaters parameters.
Heat transfer coefficient
PH-1 2739.4 36.6
PH-2 1262.9 47.8
PH-3 2202.7 60.0
PH-4 2202.7 72.0
Nonlinear modeling
Dynamic modeling of milk powder three-effect
falling film evaporator
Dynamic modeling of milk powder three
effect falling film evaporator consists of two
main parts:
1- Dynamic modeling of three effect
2- Dynamic modeling of four stages
Some assumptions are applied to dynamic
modeling of milk powder three effect falling
evaporator is described below:
1- Mass accumulation is occurred in
evaporator separator part and only in
liquid phase.
2- Energy accumulation is considered as
a liquid volume accumulation in
3- Total heat transfer coefficient between
milk (liquid and vapor) inside tubes
and steam inside shell a long
evaporator tubes is assumed con-
4- Milk liquid and vapor is considered in
phase equilibrium condition.
5- Vapor produced in tubes and separator
is transferred to next effect com-
pletely and there was no vapor
accumulation inside evaporators.
6- Mass accumulation inside evaporator
shell is assumed negligible.
7- Vapor produced inside evaporator
tubes is without liquid milk or solid
8- Temperature of produced vapor is
assumed constant inside tubes in
transfer to next evaporator shell.
9- Heat transfer only occurs between
milk and steam inside shell and heat
transfer to environment is negligible.
10- Liquid is distributed in top of tubes
11- There was no mass accumulation
inside preheaters.
Dynamic equation and experimental rela-
tions of three effect falling film evaporator
Eor each effect of evaporation process, a total
mass equilibrium, a partial mass equilibrium
and two energy balances is considered.
Equations (1) - (4) present nonlinear dynamic
model of ith effect of three effect falling film
evaporator. State variables depended to time
are total mass accumulation, component mass
concentration and temperature.
i J i L i L
m m m

i 1 - i 1
) (
L i L i
i i
m C m C
m C d

Nonlinear Modeling and Cascade Control Design for Multi Effect Falling Film Evaporators
56 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2
i i J i J i L i L i L 1 - i L
i i
Q H m H m H m
) H m ( d

) ( ) (
1 - i 1 1 - i 1 C i J J i i i i i
H H m 1 1 U A Q

Energy accumulation is legible inside Ialling
Iilm evaporator shell, thereIore as shown in
equation (4); dynamic condition is not
considered in evaporator shell side. Ex-
perimental works and conducted researches
in the Iield oI Ialling Iilm evaporators show
that variation oI mass accumulation with
time compared to concentration and tem-
perature variation with time is slower |12|.
Hence it is possible to negligible variation oI
mass accumulation with time compared to
concentration and temperature and consider
amount oI accumulation as a constant value
/dt 0). Eor approximation oI produced
steam mass Ilow in ith eIIect, the ex-
perimental relationship in equation (5) is
used |2|.
1 - i J i J i J
m K m (5)
Milk enthalpy is depended to temperature
and concentration and Ior compute its value
the experimental equation (6) is used.
6484 5
208 3188 4186
1 C .
1 C) . ( H
Produced steam enthalpy and condensate
steam enthalpy in each eIIect can be
calculated by steam thermodynamic tables or
linear equations (7) and (8).
1) 1.7541 (2503.1 1000 H K K
1 4186 H
K (8)
In equation (3), enthalpy variation with time
cab be extended as a Iunction oI
concentration and temperature and replaced
in equation (9).

In equation (9)
can be replaced by
experimental relations. Since heat transIer
coeIIicient changes intensively with input
condition changes, thereIore given energy
value to milk via shell is considered equal to
steam enthalpy change inside shell and it is
assumed that total steam inside shell is
condensate (4). Above assumptions in all
eIIect oI Ialling Iilm evaporator are valid.
Preheaters are used to increase milk
temperature to boiling point temperature and
contain Iour stages that are designed inside
evaporators in reverse milk movement
direction. Steam inside evaporator shell is
used to heat milk and it is assumed that
transIer heat value to preheater is such that
does not convert milk in to two phase
condition. respective relations to preheaters
are identical and with the assumption oI mass
accumulation lack inside preheater and not
changing milk concentration, the only
applicable equation Ior preheaters is energy
equilibrium in dynamic condition which
respective equation oI eIIect i is shown in the
i i 1 - i
i PH F F F F
Q H m H m
Karimi, Jahanmiri
Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2 57
As mentioned above, consumed steam value
in preheaters is determined according to a
coeIIicient oI steam value inside shell. Its
accurate value determination is possible
according to experimental data. Enthalpy
variation with time can be speciIied
according to temperature variation versus
time and since concentration in preheaters is
assumed constant, enthalpy variation relation
is described as equation (11).

can be calculated by
experimental relations which this was
explained in above. Because oI lack oI phase
change inside preheaters, milk density is
assumed constant. Steam thermo compressor
mixed some oI produced steam in the second
eIIect but sucking in steam path oI new input
to Iirst eIIect by making vacuum with new
steam and then transIers it to Iirst eIIect
evaporator shell. Temperature and mass Ilow
rate oI live steam must be at a level that aIter
mixing by second eIIect produced vapor
required steam with suitable temperature can
be prepared Ior Iirst eIIect. By increasing live
steam mass Ilow rate, the produced vacuum
is more and as a result sucking ratio also
increase. In this modeling sucking ratio is
assumed constant and mixing oI live steam
and sucked steam Irom second eIIect is a Iast
isotropic process and it is energy balance can
be computed by Iollowing equation.
2 2 2 J

J Live S live S S

J Live S
H m H m H ) m (m K K K

Control of milk powder three effect falling
film evaporator
In present years, simple Ieedback control
algorithms are used widely in most chemical
process |13|. One oI the main disadvantages
in simple Ieedback control algorithms,
common used in industry is delayed reIlux oI
manipulated variables. it is so that at the time
oI accuracy oI disturbance in process,
manipulated variables perIorm a suitable
reIlux when controllable variable exits
desired domain oI set point which this causes
large time delay in control system. So using
oI simple Ieedback control loops where
investigated Ior processes with large time
delay or large process time constant. These
algorithms where used almost merged in
simple Ieedback control loops. These
algorithms eliminate disturbances eIIect
properly. Eor use Ieedback controllers,
accurate disturbance measurement is needed
and also purposed model Ior process must
have high precision which this cause
limitation in use oI Ieedback control
Cascade control of three effect falling f ilm
Researches show that Iactors like Ieed
concentration, Ieed temperature and tem-
perature oI cool water to condenser can exist
some disturbances in evaporation process |3|.
Eeed temperature and cool water temperature
do not inIluence on process control
sensitively, while Ieed concentration can
expel product milk concentration Irom
desirable domain and inIluences control
system. Use oI second measurable variable
and a simple second Ieedback control loop
can interred disturbances in process identiIy
Iaster that controllable variable in away that
it is not necessary to measure disturbance
value. Use oI such algorithm operates quicker
and more stable than simple Ieedback control
loop. A cascade control algorithm is shown
in Eigure (2). As it is shown in Eigure (2),
internal loop controller output is speciIied as
a desirable value oI second variable.
Because oI large delay time and present
disturbances in process desirable and precise
Nonlinear Modeling and Cascade Control Design for Multi Effect Falling Film Evaporators
58 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2
control oI present solid value in product
solution is diIIicult in Ialling Iilm
evaporators |10|. So use oI single Ieedback
controller is not suIIicient to study this case.
In present study cascade control algorithm is
use to control product concentration. In
Iollowing it is shown that, applied
disturbances to process cab be rejected by a
cascade control loop in away that output
product concentration oI third eIIect at a
desirable value. Results obtained Irom
cascade control algorithm are compared to
the ones obtained Irom simple Ieedback
control algorithm. In this research, Iirst eIIect
product concentration value is chosen as
second measurable variable and third eIIect
product concentration value is chosen as
primary measurable variable. Live steam
mass Ilow to thermo compressor is chosen as
manipulated variable in two algorithms.
:70 Cascade control algorithm
1uning of cascade control loops
The implication oI this is that the usual
tuning technique Ior cascade control: tune the
inner loop Iirst and then tune the outer loop
with the inner loop Iixed can not be adopted,
verbatim, in this case. Inner loop controller is
P and with the inner loop controller tuned,
the outer loop can be tuned to give good
disturbance rejection and tracking per-
Iormance. A PI controller is needed to
achieve both oI these tasks. The integral time
is chosen to have phase lead beIore the phase
cross over Irequency and the proportional
constant is selected to achieve the best
compromise between the disturbance reject-
tion and noise suppression bandwidths.
Eor a cascade control system to Iunction
properly, the response oI the secondary
control loop should be Iaster than the primary
loop |14|. The secondary controller is
normally a P or PI controller, depending upon
the amount oI oIIset that would occur with
proportional-only control. Note that small
oIIsets in the secondary loop can be tolerated
since they will be compensated Ior by the
primary loop. Derivative action is rarely used
in the secondary loop. The primary controller
is usually a PI and PID controller |15, 16|.
Eirst the inner loop Irequently response Ior a
set point change is calculated and a suitable
value oI secondary proportional parameter is
determined. The oIIset is checked to deter-
mine iI PI control is required. AIter
secondary proportional parameter is speci-
Iied, the outer loop Irequently response can
be calculated, as in conventional Ieedback
controller design. Eor the design oI primary
controller we should consider the close loop
transIer Iunction Ior set point changes as well
as the ones Ior load changes |17|. The design
objective in these last two cases is to reject
disturbances; we want load changes to be as
small as possible Ior all Irequencies. A
resonant peak should appear in the amplitude
ratio plot, and the controller should be
adjusted to minimize this peak and Iorce it to
occur at as high a Irequently as possible.
Generally, cascade control is superior to
Karimi, Jahanmiri
Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2 59
conventional control in this regard, and also
provides superior time domain responses |14,
When a cascade control system is tuned aIter
installation, the secondary controller should
be tuned Iirst (Ior set point changes) with the
primary controller in the manual mode. Then
the primary controller is transIerred to
automatic and it is tuned. The on line tuning
techniques can be used Ior each control loop.
II the secondary controller is retuned Ior
some reason, usually the primary controller
must also be retuned. When a cascade control
system is transIerred Irom the manual to the
automatic mode, the secondary controller
should be transIerred beIore the primary
controller. The order is reserved when
transIerring both loops Irom automatic to the
manual mode.
To solve diIIerential equations result Irom
milk powder three eIIect Ialling Iilm
evaporator and preheaters dynamic model
numerical method as Iourth order Runge-
Kutta is used. Eor programming this process
dynamic model the MATLAB 7.0.4 soItware
was used and Ior design control algorithms
the SIMULINK soItware was used.
Dynamic modeling results of milk powder three
effect falling film evaporator
Eor study dynamic condition oI three eIIect
Ialling Iilm evaporator, inIluence oI variation
oI live steam mass Ilow rate to thermo
compressor on product milk concentration
and temperature oI each eIIect was studied.
As shown in Eigures (3) and (4) product milk
concentration and temperature are increased
by increasing live steam mass Ilow rate. As it
is observed Irom concentration and tempera-
ture diagrams third eIIect compared with Iirst
and second eIIects reaches to new steady
state condition with a more time delay. Third
eIIect is connected to Iinal condenser hence
while condenser is controlled by cool water
mass Ilow rate, inIluence ability oI third
eIIect decreases with respect to input
Figure .3 Dynamic response oI product milk con-
centration to live steam mass Ilow rate. (2176 to 2300
Figure 4. Dynamic response oI evaporator tem-
perature to live steam mass Ilow rate. (2176 to 2300
In Eigure (5) shows the inIluence oI live
steam mass Ilow rate change on preheaters
output milk temperature. Because oI present
delay time in second and third eIIects oI
evaporation process, preheaters reach to
Nonlinear Modeling and Cascade Control Design for Multi Effect Falling Film Evaporators
60 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2
uniIorm condition with more delay time
compare to second and third eIIects oI
evaporation process. ThereIore, this Iactor
(large delay time) can inIluence the control
operation oI such processes.
Figure 5. Dynamic response oI preheater temperature
to live steam mass Ilow rate. (2176 to 2300 kg/hr)
Eeed Ilow rate is one oI the main causes in
existing oI disturbances in evaporation
process. It is shown in Eigures (6) and (7),
output milk concentration oI each eIIect and
evaporator temperature decrease by Ieed Ilow
rate increase. Produced steam mass Ilow rate
Figure 6. Dynamic response oI product milk con-
centration to Ieed Ilow rate. (10000 to 11000 kg/hr)
stays constant by increasing Ieed Ilow rate
and as a result milk concentration decreases.
Temperature variation in third eIIect occurs
with a more delay time with respect to that oI
Iirst and second eIIects, but temperature
decrease is less than Iirst and second eIIects.
The eIIect oI Ieed Ilow rate increase on
output temperature oI preheaters is shown in
Eigure (8). Process heat transIer is constant
and consequently by increasing Ieed Ilow rate
to preheaters, output temperature oI each
eIIect decreases.
Figure 7. Dynamic response oI evaporator tempera-
ture to Ieed Ilow rate. (10000 to 11000 kg/hr)
Figure 8. Dynamic response oI preheater temperature
to Ieed Ilow rate. (10000 to 11000 kg/hr)
Karimi, Jahanmiri
Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2 61
Cascade control algorithm results for milk
powder three effect falling film evaporator
Variations oI product milk concentration oI
third-eIIect oI milk powder evaporator unit
are compared in Eigure (9) and (10) in a
closed loop system in two cases oI cascade
controller and simple Ieedback controller.
The proportional controller and a pro-
portional-integral controller were used in
cascade control loop. In simple Ieedback
control loop, the proportional -integral
controller was used .eIIect oI desirable value
increase on product milk concentration was
studied. Desirable value increased 8 percent.
As it is shown in Eigure (9) when using
cascade controller, product milk concentra-
tion reaches closer to new desirable value and
steady state quirkier than the case oI simple
Ieedback control. In a process that a cascade
control algorithm is used and overshoot is
observed in initial time but it is negligible.
The eIIect oI Ieed concentration on product
milk concentration was studied. Eeed con-
centration was increased 18 percent. As it is
shown in Eigure (10) while using cascade
controller, product milk concentration eli-
minates disturbance eIIect Iaster than the
case oI simple Ieedback controller.
Figure 9. Response oI concentration control loop to
set point change. (0.48 to 0.52 kgsolid/kgmilk)
Figure 10. Response oI concentration control loop to
Ieed concentration disturbance. (0.085 to 0.1 kgsolid/
The perIormance oI manipulated variables in
cascade control and simple Ieedback control
are compared in Eigure (11). Results show
that in tow cases, the manipulated variable
(Live steam Ilow rate) acts Iaster than simple
Ieedback control.
In a process which a cascade control
algorithm is used, the small overshoot is seen
in initial time but its value compared to
simple Ieedback control case is negligible. In
a case that a simple Ieedback control
algorithms was used, disturbance eIIect
disappears Iurther and disturbances exist in
process have a very unsuitable eIIect on
product milk concentration.
Eor analysis the perIormance oI cascade
control we use ISE method Ior setpoint
tracking and load rejection. Results are listed
in Table (3) and compared with simple
Ieedback control.
Table 3. ISE values oI simple loop and cascade loop.
Load rejection
Simple loop 0.1 0.4
Cascade loop 0.05 0.01
Nonlinear Modeling and Cascade Control Design for Multi Effect Falling Film Evaporators
62 Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2
Figure 11. Performance of manipulated variable to setpoint change and disturbance.
In this paper, nonlinear modeling of three
effect falling film evaporator is studied. By
using nonlinear modeling, analysis of falling
film evaporator control performance is
exactly and accurately than those are used
linear models. The purpose of this study was
to propose a model to be inserted in a control
strategy which includes as many real physical
properties as possible. The final aim is to
achieve a good regulation of the evaporator
system with respect to normal disturbances.
To this end, a knowledge model which seems
to be accurate and not too complicated has
been established. At first, a model of three
effect falling film evaporator has been
established from balance equations and semi-
empirical relations.
In this study, it was specified that control of
solid concentration in product solution in
three effect falling film evaporator by using
cascade control algorithm is possible with
small delay time and a small overshoot value
compare with that of simple feedback control
algorithm. Present solid concentration in
output solution of first and third effect can be
chosen to be used in cascade control
algorithm as suitable two first and second
Therefore it is proposed that in the eva-
poration processes, correction of simple
feedback algorithm and conversion it to a
cascade control algorithm is more much cost-
effective than the expenditure spent to buy
and maintain measurement tools (sensors)
and the time spent to adjust control loops.

mass flow rate (kg/sec)
temperature (
concentration (kgsolid/kgmilk)
enthalpy (j/kg)
heat flux (j/sec)
density (kg/m
volume (m
time (sec)
heat transfer area (m
overall heat transfer coefficient
feed (kg/sec)
concentrated milk
product vapor (kg/sec)
condensate vapor (kg/sec)
ith effect
cool water to condenser (kg/sec)
live steam (kg/sec)
first shell steam
Karimi, Jahanmiri
Iranian 1ournal of Chemical Engineering, Jol. 3, Ao. 2 63
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