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Students name: __________________________ Date: ________________________

Teacher: Marina Nikolova Time: 35 minutes Group B

WRITTEN REVISION 4 Messages 3 I. Outdoor activities. Look at the pictures and circle the correct answer a or b

a !un"ee #umpin" ! athletics

a sailin" ! scu!a%divin"

a skiin" ! skate!oardin"

a sur$in" ! scu!a%divin"

a &or!in" ! clim!in"

a sur$in" ! swimmin"

a car racin" ! sailin"

a $ishin" ! swimmin"

II. )omplete the sentences with the words $or outdoor activities surfi g ca oei g s!ateboardi g sai"i g c"i#bi g

* M+ dad "oes fis$i g ever+ Sunda+ Last week he came home with a $ish $or the $irst time, - .e went ____________________ on the river last week The water was reall+ $ast and / $ell in, 0 1llen Mac2rthur started ____________________ when she was ver+ +oun" She went round the world alone in a !oat called 3in"$isher 3 __________________ mountains is a dan"erous !ut e4citin" sport 5 2 lot o$ teena"ers practise _____________________ in the park near our house Theres a special place $or them6 and )harlie o$ten "oes there 5 7o to 2ustralia or 8awaii i$ +ou want the !est conditions $or ____________________ '5 III. )omplete the ta!le with the missin" ver! parts base for#6 past si#p"e or past particip"e base for# drink "o told "ave '9 IV. %rese t %erfect &affir#ative a d egative' )omplete the sentences with the ver! in !rackets * 0 3 5 5 / $ave (t bee :not !e; here lon"6 onl+ ten minutes M+ <h+sics teacher __________________ :write; a !ook /ts a!out the stars 2na ____________________ :not turn o$$; the computer /ll do it Dan ____________________ :read; =Northern Li"hts> three times /ts his $avourite !ook ?ou _____________________ :not eat; all +our ve"eta!les Dont +ou like them@ .e _____________________ :make; some cakes .ould +ou like one@ ' -* past si#p"e dra ! won past particip"e dru !

V. %rese t %erfect &i terrogative'. )omplete the Auestions and the short answers * 0 3 5 )ave +ou eate :eat; all the chocolates@ % No6 I $ave (t ________ +our sister ____________ :$ind; her rucksack@ % ?es6 ______________ ________ +ou ____________ :hear; the new 1minem al!um@ % No6 _______________ ________ 1llie _____________ :invite; Tania to the !ar!ecue@ % ?es6 ______________ ________ 1llie and /an ____________ :chan"e; their phone num!er@ % No6 _______________ '9 VI %rese t %erfect * +ust,ever, ever <ut the words in the ri"ht order and make sentences * $ood B Sall+ B ever B has B /ndian B tried B )as Sa""- ever tried I dia food. - done@ B what B Tom B #ust B has ___________________________________________________________________ 0 a!road B never B "rand$ather B !een B has B m+ ___________________________________________________________________ 3 )hina@ B !een B ever B have B +ou B to ___________________________________________________________________ '3 VII. Cead the te4t Then circle the correct answer: a6 b or c ONE O/ T)E BIGGEST %ROB0EMS ON %01NET E1RT) TO213 IS T)E ENVIRONMENT The climate has chan"ed and the planet is "ettin" warmer .e have destro+ed lar"e parts o$ the rain$orests and dama"ed the oceans <ollution in !i" cities has "ot worse The num!er o$ endan"ered species has increased too .hen +ou turn on the television or open a newspaper6 +ou can o$ten $ind stories a!out the environment and its destruction Most people think that there is nothin" the+ can do6 !ut its not true .e can all do somethin" to help our local environment /n man+ towns6 places have opened where +ou can rec+cle "lass6 paper6 cans and plastic6 and6 in some places6 the+ will collect paper and "lass $rom +our house ?ou can walk or take the !us when +ou "o to school or to the local supermarket6 instead o$ travellin" !+ car <u!lic transport is !etter $or the environment ?ou can turn o$$ the li"hts when +ou "o out o$ a room and +ou can turn o$$ the television or computer when +ou have $inished ?ou can save water too Turn the water o$$ when +ou clean +our teeth and dont stand under the shower $or ten minutes, These are small thin"s !ut i$ ever+one does them6 then the world will chan"e There are ="reen> or"ani&ations all over the world /$ theres a local "roup in +our area6 wh+ dont +ou #oin it@ 2nd i$ there isnt a local "roup6 wh+ dont +ou start one@

- %o""utio i big cities a; is worse than !e$ore !; is not as !ad as it was c; was worse !e$ore 0 T$ere are 44444.. a i#a"s i da ger too. a; a $ew !; not man+ c; a lot o$ 3 Most peop"e t$i ! t$e- 44444444. for t$e e viro #e t. a; cant do nothin" !; can do nothin" c; can do somethin" 5 T$e artic"e sa-s 5e s$ou"d a; stop cleanin" our teeth !; turn o$$ the water when cleanin" our teeth c; not use a tooth!rush 5 T$e artic"e sa-s -ou ca save e erg- if -ou a; never turn on the TD !; never turn on the computer c; turn o$$ the TDBcomputer when +ou have $inished '5 TET2L GOO2 0678999 ' 5F

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