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231O. 'ta, dem. prn.

of non-active (inanimate) objects [without distance opposition (proximal

intermediate distal)] > HS [1] 'tV-/'-Vt, marker of the so-called "feminine gender", actually
feminine-and-inanimate gender (a merger with N ''?atV 'female, woman' [q.v.], as well as probably
with N 'ti used to form nomina actionis [q.v.]), used in different grammatical functions: [a] verbal
px. 'tV- of 3 pers. "feminine" (= feminine-and-inanimate\collective) > S, B 'tV- id., EC 't(V)-, Bj, Aw
t(V)- of 3f in pcvs., 't- as marker of 3f in many Ch lgs., as well as the 3f marker '-t- within the person-
number-gender sxs.; [b] HS nominal ending '-Vt-, marker of both the female sex in nouns (like S
'-at- in ''bin-at- 'daughter' > Hb tB2 bat, Ar bint-, etc., B '-t in 't-funas-t 'cow', ONum ult 'daughter') and
the fem.-and-inanimate gender (that is used to form singulative, collective and abstract nouns) in S,
Eg, B, C and Ch, [c] HS pronoun 'tV- (prn. of the fem.[-and-inanimate] gender) > OAr ta and ti
'this\that' f. (Br. G I 317-8 [ 1O7g]), Sb t 'that [f.] which' (t-b-srn 'that which is the valley' - Bst. 4,
Bst. DSRP); LbB: Gnc T {Mi.} -to 'this' (mcnscy-to 'this king'), pB 't-a f. sg. / 't-i f. pl. 'that\those
which', 'that\those of' (ddn.) [the elements '-a/'i goes back to N 'ha, deictic pronominal pc. ('ille',
remote object) and N 'yE (= y'i?) 'these, they' (deictic element of animate pl.)] > ta f. sg. / ti f. pl.
'that\those which, that\those of' in practically all B lgs [with a phonetic variant ta / ti in Kb and
several other NrB lgs.] (Pr. M III, AjxM LGJ 176, 211, 217, Fc. 1448-59), Bj t-, fem. gender marker in
the df. art.: Bj A {AD} nom. sg. tu--tu-, acc. sg. to--tu, nom. pl. ta--ta, acc. pl. tc--ti-, Bj Hd {Rop.}
nom. sg. tu--ti-, acc. sg. to--ti-, nom. pl. ta--ti-, acc. pl. tc--ti, Bj (dialect recorded by Reinisch) nom.
sg. tu, acc. sg. to-, nom. pl. ta-, acc. pl. tc-; B 'tV-, prefix of fem. nouns, both sg. and pl. (going back
to an article similar to that of Bj), e.g. Sll, Nf ta-lyomt 'she-camel' (pl. ti-loymin, ti-loymatin), Kb
ta-funast, Tmz ta-funast 'cow', Zwr t-funast, Zmr t-funast id. (pl. tifunasin), t-myart 'old woman', Mz
t-mottut 'woman', etc. ( AjxM LGJ 2O8-9); Sml -ta, -tu, -ti, fem. forms of df. articles; C fem. gender
marker 't- in dem.., inter. and poss. pronouns: Bj {R} t-un 'this' f. (acc. t-on), t-an 'these' f. (acc.
t-cn), Sa {R} t-a, t-ay 'this' f., t-o, t-oy 'that' f., Sml -t-ani (acc. -t-an) 'this' f. (sx. of a noun), -t-asi (acc.
-t-a) 'that' f. (general deixis), etc., Or H {Ow.} t-ana rect. 'this' f. ( m. x-ana), t-uni nom. 'this' f. ( m.
x-uni), t-ani 'this' (anaphoric) f. ( m. x-ani), t-ami 'which?' f. ( m. x-ami), t-iyya 'my' f. ( m.
x-iyya), t-c 'thy' f. ( m. x-c), etc., Or B tuni(-ni) 'this' f., rect. t-ana, gen. tana, etc., Sd
t-c, t-cnnc, t-cnc, t-in 'this' f., etc. ( AD KJ 28, 46-8, 1O6, 116-7 and below s.v. N 'I'u, dem.
prn.) ), as well as fem. gender marker in postnominal agglutinated markers of personal possesion in
Bj (-t-), Sml (-t-: i'nan-t-ay-d-u 'my daughter', where -t- is the fem. marker of the suffixed poss. prn.
-taydu, -ay- is the morpheme of 1s, and -d- is the fem. marker of the postpositional article, cp.
'inan-I-ay-g-u 'my son', where -I- and -g- are masc. gender markers), Or -t-, etc. AD KJ 1O7-8, Ow.
H 88 The same f.-and-inanimate marker '-t- is found in the compound ending '-a-t- which
functions as a marker of feminine "plural" (Hb -ot, Ar -at-, Gz -at, Ak -at-). There is syntactic and
morphological ev. that proves that in pS the forms with '-at- were not real plurals, but collective
nouns (in sg.): [1] the '-at-forms have case endings of sg. (nom. '-u, acc.-gen. '-a) and a determinar
ending of sg. ('-m), [2] if they function as a subject, theit predicate (in Arabic) is sg. f. Here the S
morpheme '-t- is actually a nominalizer (substantivizer) of an originally analytical construction of
collectivity (with collectivity pc. '-a < N '?a'ha [collective pc. of inanimate 'thing(s)' ( 'de a')]).
This is suggested by the fact that S '-a-t- is found only in the purely substantive cases (nom., acc.,
gen.), while in the pred. case (> f. pl. of the WS new perfect) we find S '-a without '-t-. The same '-t-
is found as a substantivizer of Ak adjectives in pl. (-ut- in sunstantivized adjectives in pl. -u as pl.
of non-sunstantivized adjectives) In Ch this HS prn. 'tV contaminated with the reflex of N
''?atV 'female, woman', giving rise to a personal prn. of 3f (actually, feminine-and-inanimate) that
Blz. reconstructs as 'ta. In WCh it functions (1) as a preverbal subject marker of 3f.: Hs ta (with
past), ta (with some other verbal forms), in the BT lgs. (with neutral form, pf.: Bl, Gera ti, Krf, Glm,
Grm ta, Tng ta, etc.), in the Ron lgs. (with the main aspect of the verb: Fy, Bks, Klr ti); (2) as an aut.
prn. of 3f (Prefix + 'ta, acc. to Kr.'s rec.): Hs i-ta, Bl i-ta, Ngm tc, Krkr dI-tsv, Tng q-ta, Fy, Bks yi-t,
Ngz, Bd a-tu, Zul ti 'she'; (3) as an object prn. of 3f ('tV, acc. to Kr.): Hs, Bl ta, Krkr, Tng ta, Ngz atu,
Bd tu; (4) as a postnominal poss. prn. of 3f ('ta, acc. to Kr.): Hs ta, Bl to, Krf taa, Krkr (tI)-tsv, Tng
to, Pr tc, Ron: Fy -it, Bks -ct. In CCh this pronouns appears: (1) as a ppa. of 3f: Gude -ta, Bcm -ro
(where -r- < '-t-), Mln -(gs)-to, FlM -tt, Mbara -ta 'her'; (2) as an object prn. of 3f.: Bcm (na)-ro, Gudu

ba-r (where -r- < '-t-), FlM (ga`)-ta, Msg G/P {MB} -ti 'her', Mbara -ta; (3) in some CCh lgs. it is one of
the elements within isolable pers. pronouns of 3f (as in Mbara titi 'she'); in ECh it functions as a
subject prn. of 3f (Mkl ti-/t-, Bdy -ti, -g-it), as a pronominal object sx. of verbs (Mkl -t, -ti 'her', Bdy
-ta 'her', -ti 'to her', Tmk -d 'her', Mgm -ti, -ti 'to her'), as a ppa. of nouns (Mkl -tu, Bdy -t, -ti 'her'),
and as an emphatic aut. prn. ("pronom dinsistance"): Tmk tan 'she' ( dan 'he'), as a dem/ prn.
of the f. gender ('t-pronouns of f. 'I-pronouns of m. (ffd. details see N 'I'u, dem. prn.) It also
functions as a demonstrative element (without connection with the fem. gender, i.e. outside the
merger with N ''?atV ''): Ke m. sg. toq 'this', f. sg. taq, pl. tcq 'these' (Sch. ED 158-9), and as a CCh
subject prn. of 3s m.: Msg G {MB} ts, Msg P {MB} tc, Mbara, Mlw ti Cf. Kr. RChP, MB SMSM, J R, Sch.
BTL, Sch. DN, Frz. GP, Blz. PPCh1 , Blz. PPCh2 , Trn. MVM 76, TrnSL 163-6, J LM, JA LM, Al DB
196-2O6, Cp. 31 l [2] A variant 'tV without de-emphatization survives in Ch as 'dV, a dem. prn.
( a marker of definiteness) > {Sch.}: Hs Iaras din 'the carrot(s)' ( Iaras 'carrot, -s'), Su lu di-ss
'this house' ( lu 'house'), Gnd naf-da 'the man', naf-di 'this man' ( naf- 'man'), Msg dif da 'the
man' ( dif 'man'), Mkl ?a?u doq 'the water' ( ?a?u pl. 'water'), as well as a pers. prn. of 3m
(Tmk dan 'he') Sch. ED 158-6O ll IE [1] NaIE 'to- (nom.-acc. 'to-d), dem. prn. of the neuter
(inanimate) gender ( 'so id. in the animate gender) > OI ta-d 'it, that' ntr. sa (~ sa-s) 'he, that' m.,
Av G, YAv ta-t 'this, it' ntr. YAv ha m. || Gk to, df. art. ntr. o, df. art. m. || pGmc {SGGJ}
'Oat 'das' (ddn. prn.), ntr. 'so m. > Gt |ata ntr. sa m., ORu |at ntr. sa m., ON |at ntr. sa m., AS
t ntr. sc m. In the obl. cases it was generalized for all genders, e.g. NaIE acc. m. 'to-m > OI tam,
Av tom, Gk tov, Gmc 'Oan(on) > Gt |ana, ON |ann, AS onc, NaIE acc. f. 'ta-m (cf. nom. f. 'sa) > OI, Av
tam, Gk tv. The form of the f. (a NaIE innovarion) is 'sa (based on 'so-), but in many lgs. it is 'ta
(e.g. pGmc 'Oo > Gt |o, AS a). In many branches of NaIE 'to- was generalized throughout the
paradigm off all genders: OCS :+ m., :o f., :e ntr., Lt tas m., ta f. Cf. also L tam 'so', OIr 3m pers.
pronouns as infixes: -d (+ nasalazition) m. (< 'tom), -d ntr. (< 'tod), Tc A/B tu dem. prn. ('das') ntr., A
tam 'this' ntr. P 1O86-7, Brg. KVG 399-4OO, Bks. 2O2-5, SGGJ III 318-22, Ho. 286, 36O, KT 164-5,
Wn. 421-2, 443 [2] '-d = '-T (archiphoneme from ''-t in the word-final position), ending of the
neuter (inanimate) gender in pronouns: NaIE 'i-d (= 'i-T) 'it, that' ( 'i-s m.) > L id ntr. is m., Gt
ita ntr. is m.; 'I"o-d 'what' 'I"o-s 'who' (L quod, ON hvat hvcr, OHG (h)vaz (h)vcr) and
'I"i-d 'what' 'I"i-s 'who' (> Lt quid quis, Gk ti ti)), etc. AnIE '-t ntr. '-s anim. gender:
enclitical forms of the pers. prn. 3s: Ht, Lw, Pal -at ntr. -as m., Ht aat 'it, this' ntr. aas 'he\she,
this' anim. gender, Ht, Pal Iuit 'what' Iuis 'who' Brg. KVG 4O2-3, Bks. 2O2-6, KrlSh. XLJ 2O-2
[3] IE '-ti, "primary" verbal ending of 3s (e.g., in the prs. tense) > OI -ti, Gk -oi (ti-oi 'puts'), L -t, Gt
-|, OHG -t, pSl '-ti (> OCS -:+, R -r), Ht -zi, Lw, HrLw, Pal -ti (e.g. OI 'bhara-ti, L fcr-t, Gt bairi-|
'carries', OCS ccpc:+bcrct+ 'takes'),'cs-ti 'is' > OI 'asti, Gk coti, L cst, Gt, OHG ist, pSl '|csti (> OCS
at:+|cst+, OR at:i|csti, R ccr, P |cst, etc.), Ht cszi, HrLw asti; IE '-t, "secondary" verbal ending of 3s
(e.g., in the ipf.) > OI -t, L -t, Osc -d (Ium-bcncd 'convenit'). These endings spread to the 3p forms and
were added to the original ''-n-ending of 3p. due to generalization within the paradigm of the 3rd
person: pre-IE ''-t 3s ''-n 3p > IE "secondary endings" '-t 3s '-nt 3p, "primary endings" '-ti 3s
'-nti 3p (ffd. see N 'n'a - prn. of collectivity/pl.) Brg. KVG 59O-8, Bks. 232-7, Pv. I-II 285, KrlSh.
XLJ 22-3, 4O-1, Mer. HHG 34-5, EI 457 ll K: Mg tc 'this', ti 'that' (attributive pronouns, followed by
nouns), tcna 'this one', tina 'that one' (aut. pronouns, used without nouns) Q O42 ll U 'ta, dem.
prn. of inanimate objects ( 'this', 'that'), also initial element of compound pronouns ('ta-mV,
'ta-tV, 'ta-IV, 'to < ''ta + 'o, U 'ta + 'a > FU 't'a - 'ta, etc. indicating different distance-deictic
positions: proximal, intermediat, disral, etc.): [1] U 'ta > F (with case endings) tahan 'hierher, her',
tassa 'hier, hierbei' | Lp N {N} dic 'there (nearer the person addressed than the speaker), dic-t 'iste' ||
pMr 'ta > Er rc tc, Mk r ta 'this', (with case sxs.) Mk r ca ta-sa, Er rccy tc-sc 'here', Mk
r cra tasta, Er rccry tc-stc 'from here' | pChr {Ber.} 'ti > Chr: H ric to 'that, he', E {Ps.} to " ti " tc
'this' || pObU { Hl.} 'tc 'ille' or 'hic' > pVg 'ta > Vg: P ta, Ss ta 'that'; pOs 'tc-to ({ Hl.} 'ta-ta)
'here' > Os: V tct, D tcto id. | OHg tc 'hierher' (in the set phrase Scm thc Sc tova [=
szcm tc szcm tova] 'weder hierher noch dorthin') [2] U 'ta-mV > F tama 'this', Es tcma, tcma
'he\she\it' [3] U 'ta-tV > Chr: H {MRS} ric(i too+, {Ep., Rm.} ric(ic tooo 'that, he', E {Ps.} tooc

'this' Sm: Ng {Ter.} tsti 'that' (anaphoric) [4] U 'ta + 'a > 'ta > Lp: N {N} da 'here (hic-deixis)',
da-t 'hic' (obl. da-), K {Gn.} tatt, Kld {Kert} tadd_ 'hic' | Prm 'ta > Vt ta 'this', Z ta 'this, such' [5] U
'ta-IV > Er rcic tcIc 'just this', Mk r ia taIa 'the only one' || pObU 'tc > Vg T tu (< 'tav); pOs
'tc'y ({ Hl.} 'ta'y) > Os: O ti 'jener', V/K tc, Y tco 'hierher' Sm: Ne T {Ter.} rnii 'that, this'
[6] U 'to > F tuo, Es too 'ille' | Lp: N {N} duot / duo- 'that one over there, that over there', do '(far)
over there', dot / do- 'that (one) far away over there', S {Hs.} duodc 'iste', L {LLO} tuot 'that one over
there (but nearer to the speaker than tat 'ille'), Kld {SaR} ry(r tu,t: 'ille' | pMr 'to- > Er/Mk to-, tu-,
rona tona 'ille', Er to-sa 'there, then' | Prm 'to' (or 'to) 'that' > Z tsrIt 'yesterday' (< ts-rIt 'that
evening'), Z Lu ts-lun, Z US tu-lun, Vt tolon 'yesterday' (lit. 'that day'), Vt tu-al 'that side' (ul 'side'),
Vt Sr tu, ? Z Ss tI 'ille' || pObU 'to 'ille' > pVg 'ta, 'tan- > Vg: P ta, LK/P ton, UL ton id., LK tat, Ss
tot 'there'; pOs to-m 'ille' > Os: V tom(I), Vy tomI, Ty tom(I), D/Nz tom(o), Kz tom(i), O tom(i), tam id.
Slq Tz {KHG} to 'ille' [7] Other compound pronouns with U 'ta- > Lp: N {N} dat 'this\that' (obl.
da-), S {Hs.} daadc 'this, hic', L {LLO} tat 'this (der\die\das, dieser\diese\dieses), he\she\it', K {Gn.}
tstt, Kld {Kert} tcdd_ 'iste', tcdda 'hic' In the Sm lgs. there are rich systems of deictic pronouns
based mainly on combination of U 'ta with markers of deixis (vowels) and other morphemes ({Hl.}
'ti(-),'ta(-), 'tc(-), 'ti(-) 'this, that', 'tu(-) 'this'): Ne T {Ter.} riy 'this, that (present)', raii 'that
(pointed at)', r xt (pl. rcnt) 'this (pointed at, nor yror)', rannn 'iste', rannxt 'iste (the nearest between
two)', rcxy 'ille (distant)', rcxyxt 'ille (more distant between two)', etc., Ng {Ter.} tanc 'ille (more
distant)', tsnds 'that', taIs 'that (pointed at), ille', etc.. Slq Tz {KHG} tam 'hic', tol, tonna (besides the
abovementioned to) 'ille', tina, tinana 'that' (anaphoric), Mt {Hl.} 'ti 'he' (Mt M {Sp.} ri) - 'tin 'he,
that [jener]' (Mt M {Pl.} rnn 'he, they', {Sp.} rin 'nor') & 'tiI '(?) 'here' (Mt M {Sp.} rii), d 'tElVq
'hither' (Mt K {Pl.} dclan 'c(a'), d 'taanaa 'da, dort' (Mt M {Sp.} (ana 'there') In Y there are
different pronouns & pronominal adverbs based on N 'ta with deictic markers of distance and
syntactical (local, temporal, etc.) morphemes: Y: T/K tudcl 'he', tittcl 'them', T tic- (stem) 'ille', ta-
(stem) 'that' (anaphoric), T (attr.) taq / (aut. prn.) taqu-n/-t 'that', taq / ta|un [{Krn.} ra6yn, ravyn]
- tamun 'that near, known, but absent here)', T tidcq, tidaq, K tinctaq 'that' (anaphoric), T tada 'there',
tida 'then (earlier)', tadat 'then (later)', tan - tat 'so', K ta 'there', ti 'here', tat 'from there', K/T {IN} tat
'so', etc.; pY {IN} 'tiu 'this' > Y: K (attr.) tiq / (aut. prn.) tu|cn [{Krn. JJ} ry6yn, {Krn. JJ-K} ryvyn] 'this',
T {IN} tuq 'this', T tcn 'hic', K ti 'here' ( ta 'there') UEW 5O5, 513-5, 526-8, Kert SJ 173-4, Hs.
123-6, Ker. II 165, 168, Ps. M 14O-1, Ber. 76, Ep. 125, PsS 151-2, Rm. BT 144-5, MRS 119, LG 277,
284, Ht. ##611, 614, Hl. rHt 68-9 (on pObU 'c), Hl. M 15O, ##954, 977, 1OO6, 1O16-7, 1O22,
1O75, EWU 1514, Ter. OGNJ 148, Ter. NgJ 169, KHG 293, Krn. JJ 72, 82-7, 278, Krn. JJ-K 354-5, IN
247-8 ll A 't`c- 'der, das' (ddn. dem. prn.), 't`c-r'a id. (marked topic-focalizing case, sg.), 't`c-Igc (a
dem. prn.), 't`a (< ''t`c-a) 'that, ille' (prn. with ille-deixis) > M 'tc 'that' (> MMgl tc, Mgl, Ba tc, Mnr H
{T} tc, {SM} ti_c, Mnr M {Rkh.} ti id., HlM {Pp.} tc tcro, Brt tc tcrc 'that (pointed at, non ror)'; M 'tc-rc
(theme-focalizing case stem of obl. cases 'tc-gun) 'that' (used also as 'he') > MM tcrc, WrM tcrc,
HlM, Kl tcro, Brt, Ord tcrc, Dg tsrs, obl.: M 'tcun > MM tc`un, WrM tcgun, HlM, Brt {Pp.} tu'n, Kl
tun; 'tc-dc (pl. of 'tcrc) > WrM tcdc, MM, Ord, Brt tcdc, HlM {Pp.} tcddo, Kl tcdo, Dg {Pp.} tsds Pp. IM
225-8, Iw. 136, Rm. M 4O, SM 416, T 364, T BJ 148, Rkh. 379, Chr. 459 Tg: [1] AmTg 'tc-(yji,)
'that', distance-deictically unmarked dem. prn. ( 'cy 'this', hic-deictic prn.) > Nn Nh tsy, Nn B tt,
Nn KU tty, Orc ti, tsi 'that, he\she\it', Ud {STM} tsi, tsyi 'that, this', Ud Sm {Krm.} ti 'that', Ul
tt, tty 'that, he\she\it', {PSchm.} 'this'; Tg 'tcrc - 'tarV (< ''tc-r'a due to vowel harmony) > WrMc tcrc
(pl. tcsc) 'that, he', Mc Sb (tcro) [tsr] 'that, he\it', (tcso) [tss] 'they' ( (cro) [sr] 'this', (cso) [ss] 'these'),
(tcro) [tsr] 'that', Ewk tar, tarc, tari, Neg tay 'that, this, he\it', Sln taya, tari 'that'; [2] Tg 'ta 'that, ille'
(marked) > Nn B ta 'there', 'there (pointed at place) ('rax, non rax'), Orc ta-du 'there', taduI 'from
there', tala, tati 'dorthin', Ud {STM} tadu 'there', tala 'there (dort, dorthin)', Nn, Ork taya 'that side',
Ewk tadu 'there', tala 'there (dort, dorthin)', Lm tar 'that', 'voil' ('nor, non, ro; ror') STM II 165-7,
Krm. 294, Y ##2878-83, Hrl. 42-3 Mc tcrc cannot be a loan from M (as some scholars believe),
because it has an irreg. form of pl. (tcsc) with an ancient et. and without parallels in M The
semantic position of 'tc(y) within the system of dem. pronouns ( 'c(y) 'this' and 'ta 'that, ille') can
be understood from the scholars observations. Avrorin (Avr. G I 262) points out that Nn tsy is used

much more that R ror, while sy 'this' is used only if the object is very near to the speaker. It means
that tsy is the unmarked member of the opposition. From its R translation (not only 'ror' = 'that',
but also 'on, ona, ono' = 'he, she, it') we may conclude that this is also used as a distance-deictically
neutral pronoun. On the relation between 'tc- and 'ta- cf. Sem BD 61 (on Nn B): tstyi 'iste (pointed
at)' ['non ror (nc rai (ancio)]', tati 'ille (pointed at, more distant than tst'i)'. Sun. KUD 85 (on Nn
KU): tiy, tsy 'that' ('ror'), taya 'that (on the other side)'. Sun. UJ 4O points out that Ul tt 'that' and sy
'this' are usually used as a sort of articles NaT 'tc-gc - 'ti-gi - 'tc-g'u 'iste', 'non ror' ({IsxP}:
'that seen, but more distant than 6y ['this']') > VTt, Bsh rcic tigi, Qrg tigi 'that' ('ror'), Qrg tc, StAlt
tu, Qmn tu ol, Xk r i ttgt, Tv to / to / tu / tu 'that pointed at' ('non ror'), Tf tc 'that (seen from
here)', Slr: U tu - t(`)u, Ul tu 'that (ille); there (illic) ('rax, non rax'), U t(`)ugu 'there (illic)'; in Slr
there is a system of 4 deictic pronouns: u 'this (nearest to the speaker)' mu [= {Tn.} cu] 'this (less
near) vu 'that' tu 'that (farthest from the speaker)' (Tn. SJ 129) Ra. 172, Ra. MTJ 256, Isx. M
247-9, IsxP 231-4, BIG 227, 416, B DK 53, Tn. SJ 129, 522, 526, Rs. W 479, S Aj 194, Rl. III 141O
The prn. is not attested in OT, therefore S AJ 52 supposes that it is a loan from M. The M source
may be the stem of the obl. cases 'tc-gun-. The loan hyp. can explain the initial lax 't- (reflected in
Tv and Tf t-) for the expected pT 't`- pKo 'ti_o 'that' > MKo ti_o, NKo co 'that' S AJ 52, 254
[#87], S QK #87, Nam 154, MLC 1417 ?? J: J to in to mo IaIu mo 'this and that, so and so', to IaIu 'in
this way or in this', ?? to as a quotative pc. (Gr. As.C: to may go back to a dem. prn.) Prl. JUA
177, As.
142, As.
139, Mill. JL 344, Gr. I 97-8 S AJ 52, 289, DQA #2286 [A 't`a (t`c) 'that' > T
'tj`,i-(Io), M 'tc-rc, Tg ta-, Ko], S AJ 52, 289 [#311], Rm. SKE 26 ll D: in D this N prn. is represented in
4 different functions: in the {Zv.} "resumptive" and personal (3s) prn. 'tan / (obl.) 'tan- 'himself', in
its pl. form 'tam / 'tam(m)- 'they themselves, they', in the ending of the inanimate gender '-tu (Zv. DL
21), and in the ending of the 3s ntr. (inanimate) of the appellative non-past {Zv.} '-N-(a)t (Zv. DL
32; on the meaning of the term "appellative" Zv. DL 26-7): [1] sg. 'tan / obl. 'tan-, "resumptive"
and pers. prn. of 3s > Tm tan / obl. tan(n)- 'oneself', tanc 'himself', Ml tan / obl. tan-, '(one)self',
tanc 'by himself', Kt tan / obl. ta(n)-, Td ton / obl. tan-, Kdg tanI / tan- 'oneself', Kn tan / obl. tan-
'he\she\it' (in the rf. sense), Tu tano, Klm tan / tan-, Prj, Gdb, Gnd tan / tan- Kui tanu /tan- '(one)self',
Tl tanu / obl. tan- 'ones self, he\she, him-\her-self', Png tan 'he, himself', ta 'his, ones own', Kui tan
'him-\her-self, Krx tan / obl. taqg- 'himself', Mlt {Drs.} tan(i) / tang- 'him\her\itself, Brh tcn 'self,
my\thy\him\self, ourselves, etc.' D #3196 [2] pl. 'tam / 'tam(m)- 'they, themselves' > Tm, Ml
tam / obl. tam(m)-, Kn tamu / tam-, tavu / tav-, Klm, Prj, Gdb, Krx tam / tam-, Nkr tam, Gnd tamma,
Knd tam, Kui taru, Ku tambu / obl. tam-, Mlt {Drs.} tam(i) / obl. tam- id., Kt, Td tam / tam-, Kdg taqga
'themselves' D #3162 [3] '-tu, ending of ntr. (inanimate gender) in pronouns and numerals,
e.g. [a] Tm atu - atu 'that thing' ( a-van 'that man', a-val 'that woman'), Ml a-tu, Kt a-d, Kdg a-dI-,
Png a-di 'that thing', Kn a-du, a-tu, a-ttu 'that thing' ( a-va 'that man', a-val - aIc 'that woman'), and
with the merger of the homonymous markers of f. and ntr.: Tl a(d)di, Klm, Nkr, Nk, Prj, Gnd a-d,
Knd a-di, Kui a-di, Mlt {Drs.} ath 'that woman or thing'; [b] Tm itu - itu 'this thing' ( ivan 'this
man', ival 'this woman'), Ml itu, Kt id, Kn idu - itu - ittu, Kdg idI, Png idi 'this thing', Mnd idi 'this' (ntr.),
and with the merger of the markers of f. and ntr.: Tl i(d)di, Klm, Nkr, Nk, Prj, Gdb id, Gnd (h)id, Knd
idi, Ku idi, Krx id, Mlt {Drs.} ith 'this woman or thing'; [c] Tm utu, Kn udu, Tu undu 'ista res', and with
the merger of f. and ntr.: Ku udi, Krx hud 'ista mulier aut res'; [d] Tm onru ~ onnu (Zv.: < 'or-t_u)
'one' ntr., Ml onnu, Gnd unt"al id., Kn ondu, Kdg ondI, Tu on|i, Tl ondu, Krx on`ta, Mlt -ond 'one
thing', and with the merger of f. and ntr.: Knd unr_i 'one woman or thing'; [e] Kdg dan`dI (< 'iran-t_u)
'two things', Tu raddo, Tl rcndu, Nk crndi, Krx cr` - cn`d id., Prj irdu id. ( irul 'two men', iral 'two
women') D ##1, 41O(a), 474, 557(a), 99O, Zv. DL 21 [4] {Zv.} '-N-(a)t, 3n of the appellative
non-past > ModTm -a-tu (3n, appellative), Tl -tun-di, Png -n-at (3n fut.), Gnd -ndu (3n, {Zv.} "past
irrealis cum habitual") Zv. DL 32 ll E: [1] MEl -t 'iste' (allocutive ending of nouns) -I 'hic'
(locutive), resembling the sitation in Slavic: 't+ - ddn. and anaphoric prn. (> R ror 'ille, iste') 'si
(< IE 'I-i-) 'hic' (ESlSJ-SGZ II 618-23, 7O7-1O; [2] MEl -t, a rare ending of the inanimate gender
("Dans la documentation mso-lamite, les inanims suffixe -t sont en voie de disparition" - GrS
EGE 13) and possibly AchEl -tda/-tc, generalizing sx. of abstract nouns (derived from nouns and

adjectives): marri-da 'all, everything', daIi-da 'other things' (cp. daIi 'various, other') McA 66, Dk.
JDPA 97, GrS EGE 13-4 ^ AD GD 14, IS I 7 ('ta 'this, that') BmK 287-9 ^ The N prn. 'ta is a
member of several semantic oppositions: [1] 'ta as a prn. of non-active objects is opposed to N 'sE
(prn. of active [animated] beings\objects). This opposition is preserved in IE ('so 'he' [active
gender] 'toT 'it' [non-active gender]), partially in FU (F han and Lp N {N} son [both < N 'sE] are
used for human beings ['he\she'], while the t-pronouns are used indiscriminately), in D (Krx -s m.
-d ntr. & f. [a merger of homonymous markers] in pronouns, Hahn KG 23-6) and probably in Eg (-
f [< 'sv-] m. -t f. [i.e. "female-and-inanimate" gender]). In some daughter families 'ta was
opposed to the N animate 'yi 'he' (e. g., S 'y- 3m (< N 'yi 'he') 't- 3f) or to other dem. pronouns
(that were originally neutral as to the opposition "active' 'non-active'): C 'I- m. (< N 'I'u 'this')
't- f., Sm: in Ne T the pronouns riy and rnii (anaphoric) are used anaphorically when referring
to non-humans only, while for human beings the prn. of 3s ni(a 'he\she' (a Ne innovation) is used
(Ter. OGNJ 148); [2] The prn. 'ta as denoting a single object is opposed to the N collective
(/plurality) pronoun 'n'a (q.v.). The opposition is preserved (a) in U (e.g. F tama 'this' nama
pl. 'these', tuo 'that' nuo pl. 'those', etc.), (b) in Eg [: 'this, the' m. t: f. n: abstr. ( pl.), v
'this' m. tv f. nv abstr., pl., n 'this [near me]' m. tn f. nn abstr., pl.., f 'that' m. tf f. nf
abstr., pl. [Gard. 85]; in Eg O [acc. to Ed. 83-9, EG 216, 251] nv, nf, etc. were not pl. forms, but
abstract pronouns: nv 'Dieses, Dieses da', nf 'Jenes', probably from collective pronouns: v 'this' m.
tv f. nv abstract < *coll.), (c) in IE ("primary" verbal endings: '-ti 3s '-nti 3p, "secondary"
endings: '-t 3s '-nt 3p); [3] a new opposition of 'ta demonstrative N 'Ko interrogative has
developped in some lgs. in which both 'Ko 'who?' and 'ta lost the semantic feature of animateness
(in N 'Ko) and inanimateness (in 'ta) and both were generalized as interr. resp. dem. pronominal
stems: L quantum tantum, NHG vas das, vcr dcr, NE vhcrc thcrc, vhcn thcn, R iy(a ry(a,
ioi(a roi(a, iai rai, iaion raion, Y T qada 'where?' tada 'there', probably also in WrM Icdu(n)
'how much?' tcdui 'so much' ^ The sx. of the theme-focalizing case ( marked nominative) '-rc in
A 'tc-rV (preserving this function up to the attested M lgs.) is akin to the IE nominative-accusative
ending '-r in heteroclitic nouns and is to be projected up to the pN level ( N 'rV - topic-focalizing
pc.) ^ IS I 7 (IE, HS, K, U, A, D), Gr. I 94-9 ("demonstrative T" in IE, U, A [incl. Ko, J], Gil, CK, EA, Ai).
2311. 'ti, syntactic pc.: it is combined with verbs to build analytical nomina actionis > IE: NaIE
'-ti-, sx. of nomina actionis, e.g. 'mn-ti-s 'thought' (abstract noun) ( 'mcn- v. 'think') > OI mati-h
'mind, intellect', Av mainis 'memory', L mcns (gen. mcntis) 'mind', Gt ga-munds 'Andenken, Gedchtnis',
OHG gimunt, AS c-mynd 'memory', OCS a-mcti id., NaIE 'gno-ti-(s) 'knowledge' ( 'gno- v. 'know')
> Gk veoi) 'knowledge, inquiry', OI 'ra-|na-ti-h 'knowing the way to' (n. abstr.), OHG ur-c(h)nat
'recognition, agnitio', OCS o-znati 'cognitio', as infinitive: OCS zna-ti, Lt zino-ti 'to know', NaIE
'do-ti-s 'giving' (n. abstr.) ( 'do- 'give') > OI 'dati-, Gk oeti), Gk A oooi) 'giving' (n. abstr.)', 'gift', L
dos (gen. dotis), Lt duo-ti, OCS da-ti 'to give' (inf.) Brg. KVG 348-9, Fs. 194 ll HS '-t- and 'tV-, sx. and
px. of nomina actionis : [1] sx. '-t- > S '-at id., sx. of deverbal abstract nouns, in numerous patterns,
e.g. in the pattern '1V2a'3at-: BHb eq!d!c6 coda'Ia 'righteousness', Sr yoda'ta 'knowledge', Ar
KaraHa haraIat- 'movement', JaraXa _aragat- 'going out' (n. abstr.), 'military expedition', 5afaNu
nufaoat- 'Fieberschauer', BHb ek1r!B6 bora'Ia, Gz baraIat 'benediction', Ak i?iltum 'Verbindlichkeit',
diItum 'killing' [n. act.] (from the verb duI-), or the pattern ''12i'3at- (> '2i'3at-): 'si'nat- 'sleep' (n.
abstr.) [< ''vsi'nat- 'vsn v. 'sleep'] > BHb en!S4 sc'na, Ar naSi sinat-, Ak sittu id. BHb infinitives
with -ct/-at, -t, e.g. td3r# 'rcdct 'to descend' (yrd), to2D2 'daat 'to know' (yd), tT4 tct 'to give'
(ntn), t&nB6 bo'not 'to build' (bny), Ph infinitives with -t: Ph By l-dt 'to know' (yd), Ph sbt 'to sit'
(ysb), l-bnt 'to build', Pun l-tt 'to give' (ytn) JB NB 86-94, Sd. G 57-63 [ 55-6], FrdR 73, 82 Eg
-t ['-Vt], sx. of nomina actionis (and other abstract nouns) in different nominal patterns, e.g. in the
pattern reconstructed by Osing as ''1i.23-at (> Eg L {Os.} ''1c.23-t): Eg OK qrs.t (n. act. of qrs 'bury')
> Eg L {Os.} '' > Cpt Iaisc 'Bestattung, Balsamierung', Eg NK nq.t 'Schneiden, Schmerz' (n. act.
of nq 'einritzen, audreien' > Eg L {Os.} ''nc.I-t > Cpt A nccIc 'Wehen', Eg OK vzs.t ( verb vzs
'ausscheiden') > Eg L {Os.} ''vc.zs-t 'Ausscheidung' 'Harn' > Cpt Sd/B/F is 'Harn', etc., or in the
pattern ''1a.23-ut (> Eg L {Os.} ''1a.23-t): Eg NK grg.t 'Fang (mit dem Schleppnetz)' (n. act. of

grg 'Falle stellen') > Eg L ''ga.rg-t > Cpt Sd oepotcorcs id. Os. I 96-118 B nomina actionis (used
also as infinitives) of the form 'tV-...-Vt, where the prefix 'tV- goes back to the prefixed article and
therefore does not belong to the N etymon in question, but the sx. '-Vt may belong here. Examples
from Tw {Pr.}: t-andor-t 'fait dtre en colre' (inf. and nom. act. of the verb ondor 'be angry'),
t+m+dint 'act of grazing, pasturing' (inf. and n. act. of odon) Pr. M IV-V 81-97 C: Ag: Bln {R} -ot,
-t, sx. of abstract nouns: bi'r-ot 'heat', for'h-ot 'joy', go'n-it 'age' || Bj {Rop.} -ti, sx. of nomina actionis :
'tamti 'act of eating' ( tam 'eat'), 'dabti 'act of running' ( dab 'run'), hi'rcrti 'act of walking'
( hi'rcr 'walk') R BilS 661, Rop. 38 [2] HS 'tV-, prefix of deverbal abstract nouns: 'tV- id.: Ar
nomina actionis [masdar]: rU'ka30Ta taoIar-un 'to remember, das Erinnern' ( 'oIr 'remember'), Gz
tafdal 'Vollendung', BHb lumg^T2 tag'mul 'compensation', Sr taIlu'sa 'fight'; with both a prefix 'tV-
and a sx. '-at-: BHb em1D4r^T2 tardc'ma 'deep sleep', Sr tahmcs'ta 'bashfullness, modesty', etc. JB NB
287-311 ll U '-tV - '-ttV, sx. of nomina actionis ( infinitive): BF {Laan.} '-ta-I / '-ta-I, infinitive ('-I
is the lative case ending) > F sx. of the "1st infinitive": -ta/-ta, -da/-da, (after short vowels) -a/-a,
(after certain cnss.) gmc.+ -a/-a (|uos-ta 'to run', cs-ta to wash', tch-da 'to make', saa-da 'to get',
sano-a 'to say', tulla [< 'tul-ta-I] 'to come'), Vp -da/-da/-ta/-ta, infinitive sx. (aya-da 'to drive [fahren,
treiben]', huta 'to jump', an-da 'to put'), Lv -da / -ds id. (tulda 'to come', yuods 'to drink'), Es -da
(infinitive marker) | pLp {Krh.} '-dc-I, infinitive marker ('-I going back to the lative case ending) >
Lp: N/ -t, J -yh / -t, I/Kld -o, T -d - -dc id. (pLp 'Iuls-dcI 'to hear' > L: N {N} gullat, J guvloyh, Klt
Iullvd id.) || pOs {Ht.} '-ta / '-ta, infinitive marker > Os: V -ta/-ta, Vy -ta/-ta, -nta/-nta, Ty/Y -tay+/-tao,
P -tayo, S/Nz/Sh/O -ta, Kz -ti id.; Os Sh {Gu.} -at, sx. of abstract nouns: _uv-at 'length' ( _uv
'long'), lov-at 'size' ( 'lov 'large, big') Sm '-tV, sx. of deverbal abstract nouns (< U '-ttV): Slq:
Chl {Cs.} oldot 'Anfang' ( oldam 'I begin'), UO {Cs.} c`aldot, Chl {Cs.} oaldot 'sign' ( Chl
oaldam 'zeichnen, ein Zeichen machen), Ne O {Lh.} na'mI` / gen. sg. na'mI'I-ao-an 'das
Hngenbleiben (z. B. des Zugnetzes an Reisig im Wasser)' ( na'mIa 'hngen bleiben') Lh. PUAS
273-87, Sz. 79, Laan. 246, Krh. 288-9O, Ht. ChrO 55-6, Majt. SM 355-7, Gu. MOUJ 311 ll A: ? NaT
'-ti/'-ti, a rare sx. of deverbal nouns: OT {Cl.} ogdi 'praise' n. og- ({Cl.} og-) v. ' praise' Cl. xliii,
1OO-2 ? Tg '-tc in 'bu-tc 'death, illness' (> Lm butsn 'illness, disease', Neg butun 'lepra' pTg 'bu-
v. ' die') and in '|cb-tc 'food' [if 'das Essen', as supposed by Rm.] > Ewk Z |sbts, Orc sts 'food'
pTg '|cb- v. 'eat' STM I 98-9, 279-8O Rm. EAS II 124-5; both the T and the Tg sxs. are
doubtful as cognates because they are rare and may be alternatively interpreted as forming nomina
2312. 't'u (> 'ti) and its assibilated variant 's'u (> 'si) 'thou': I. 't'u (> 'ti) 'thou' > HS: [1]
HS 'tV-, verbal px. of the 2nd pers. > S {Hz.} 'ti- id. [in the prefix-conjugated verbal tenses of the
underived verbs (G )] > Ak ti-, Ar ta- (transformed from 'ti- due to generalization of the vw. -a- in the
paradigm of the ip. activi), BHb ti- - to- - ta- - tc- (ti-I'bor 'you [sg. m.] will bury', to-dab'bcr 'you will
speak', a&bT1 ta'-bo 'you will come', vat'tcbIjo, [pf. c.] 'and you wept') going back partially to the
original 'ti- and partially to the generalized 'ta-, Ug, Ph tV-, BA ti- (- non-attested 'to-), JA ti- - to-, Sr
-e tc- - - to-, OSA Sb tV- (trhm 'mayest thou have mercy'), Gz to-, Mh, Jb, Sq ts- (sbjn.\js. and prs.); in
the derived verbal patterns [and probably in the negative verbal forms] the pS px. is
'ti- and 'tu- (the latter from 'ti- + '-u- of derivational origin) [ffd. see Hz. VP] Hz. VP , MSUS 142,
Seg. AAG 263-3O7, Br. SG 126-43, Bst. 14, Jo. MSA 15 Dk. SXJ 78, Blz. PPCh1 11-2O, FrdR 61, 68,
7O, 73, 77-8 LbB (= pre-B) {Pr.} 'tV- px. of 2s of the verb > ONum {Rsl.) tV- id. (O. Rsslers
tentative rec. is based on proper names, e.g. trnb-n 'you (god) will add to us') || pB {AD} 'tV-...-at,
{Pr.} 'tV-...-ad, 2s of verbs (the preradical vw. 'V varies according to tenses: namely 'ta-...-adt in pf.,
'tu-...-adt in ip., resulting from grammatical processes and analogies within the verbal aspect
system) > Shl, Tmz, Dmn, BMn, Rf, Jrb, Snd, Zwr, ASgr, Wrs t-...-t (- t-...-t), Ah, Ttq, Gh, Mz, Wrg,
Shw, Izn, SrSn, BSn, Zng, Nf t(o)-...-(o)d and t(o)-...-(o)d), Fgg/Grr t-...-c, Kb {Mmr.} t-...-d, Kb AZ {Gln.}
t-...t, Kb GK {Gln.} t-...o, Shnw {La.} h-...-d The B form 'tV-...-aT is a "mixed form" ({Pr.} "systme
mixte") going back to contamination of the original verbal 'tV-form and the predicative adjective
(stative) with 2s sx. '-T ( below [4]). In my opinion, the pB form was 'tV-...-at, while the voicing '-t >
-d is an innovation of Tw and some other lgs. that is not shared by the rest of the B lgs. The causes
both of the voicing '-t > -d and of the emphatization '-t > -t - -d - -o are obscure Pr. M VI-VII 9-1O,

12-7, Rsl. JN 44O-1, Ai. MSB 83, Beg. 45-58, Allaoua PPK, Mammeri 49-5O, La. Ch 59-6O C 'ti-,
prefix of the 2nd pers. of pcvs. > Bj ti-/ts-/t-, 2 pers. prefix: (p.) ti-...-a (2m), ti-...-i (2f), ti-...-na (2p) ||
Ag: Aw {Hz.} ti- 2s [no opposition of gender] (tintc 'you come' 1s antc, 3m yintc, etc.) || EC 't-, 2s
of pcv.: Af, Sa, Sml, Rn t-, Bn J -t- (preceded by a-: 2s atthtqs 'you [sg.] ate', atahaqa 'you eat'
3m athtqs, aahaqa) In all C lgs. the same marker of the 2 pers. '-t- functions in the scvs.
(going back to constructions Nominal form of the verb + Auxiliary pcv.) as the initial element of the
former aux. verbs, e.g. EC: Or B tum-t-s 'you [sg.] forged' tum-s 'he forged', Sd {Mrn.} hun-tc 'you
[sg.] exterminated' 3m hun-c, Af ab-tch 'you [sg.] did' abc-h '(he) did', ab-tah 'you [sg.] do' ab-ah
'(he) does', Ag: Aw {Hz.} cv-t-c 'you [sg.] bought' 3m cv-c, etc. (2s: verb + 'tV-?V, where '-?V is
the stem of the aux. verb 3m: verb + 'yV-?V) AD KJ 118-9, AD IPCV 1.2, Zab. VC, Hz. AL 22,
Sim 24, PH 254-5, PG 42-4 Om: verbal sxs. of 2s sometimes contain the cns. t [e.g. Ym {C} pf. -t,
ipf. -ata, -uta, {Grm.} -ata, {Lm.} -t(a)], but this is not enough to draw conclusions because of the
complicated interplay of possible archaic morphemes with innovations and with sxs. of
tenses\aspects Bnd. MO 1O3-4, C SE III 16-9, cp. genetic hypotheses: Blz. PPCh1 23-5, Zab. VO 25-8
[2] HS '-t'i, verbal sx. of the 2nd pers. within the paradigm '-mi 1s - '-ti 2s, surviving in HEC
only: Kmb yom-mi 'I am' - yon-ti 'thou art', as well as in the paraphrastic paradigms of the HEC
independent pfc. and independent ipf. as ending of the aux. verb 'Vn-: {AD} 'it Vn-mV 'I eat' -
'it Vn-tV 'you [m. sg.] eat' - 'it-t Vn-tV 'you [f. sg.] eat', 'it Vn-mV 'I ate' - 'it Vn-tV 'you [m. sg.] ate' -
'it-t Vn-tV 'you [f. sg.] ate', whence Alb {Mrn.} itam 'I eat' - ittanti 'you [sg. of both genders] eat', icco
'I ate' - ittonti 'you [] ate', Sd {Mrn.} itcmmo ~ itam 'I eat' - itatto 'you [m. sg.] eat', itommo 'I ate' -
itotto 'you [m. sg.] ate', etc. AD PLOG 1O3-12, Mrn. S (on Alb: Mrn. S 3OO), Mrn. ApD, C SE II 228-
9, 237-8, C S 597-692 [3] HS '-ti within the autonomous isolable (subject) prn. '?an-ti 'thou' [< N
'?onV 'self, the same' + N 'tu (> 'ti) 'thou' > pS '?an-ta 'thou' m., '?an-ti 'thou' f.: () pS '?an-t-a
'thou' m. > BHb eT1a2 ?at'ta, Ph, Ed, OA, Yd ?t, Pun (RomSc) [Plt.] ETHA, Ug t, (AkSc) {Hnr.} ?attaj:,,
Amr {G} ?atta, IA, Nbt, Plm ?nt, EpJA etna ?nth - eta ?th - ata ?t?, BA k etna ?nth, q T6n^a2 ?antjo,, JEA Nd/G
tna, JEA B ta, Sr W $.a ?<n>t ?attjo,, Ar an0 ?anta, Gz ?anta, Ak atta, Eb an-da, () S '?an-t-ij:, 'thou' f. >
BHb Ta2 '?attjo,, Ph ?t, IA, EpJA ?nty - ?nt, Sr W $.a ?nty ?attjo,, Ar n0 ?anti, Gz ?anti, Ak atti Br. G
I 3OO-1, Br. SG 48, KB 98, OLS 58, Hnr. 1O8, 293, HJ 85-6, GB 76, 78, 895, G A 13, Rybak AN, Harv.
97 The opposition '?an-tij:, f. S '?an-ta m. is a pre-S innovation based on association of '?anti with
the fem. marker '-ij:, and on pre-S creation of '?anta < '?anti + HS masc. marker (in 2s) '-a (that
appears as the masc. marker in Bj ti-...-a, 2m form of pcvs. within the paradigm a-dir 'I killed' - ti-dir-a
'you [m. sg.] killed - ti-dir-i 'you [f. sg.] killed' - i-dir 'he killed', etc.) C '?anti 'thou' (without gender
distiction) > Ag '?snt'i 'thou' > Bln {R} ?on'ti, Aw {Hz.} sn'ts || EC '?ati id. > Sml adi-ga, adi`-gi, Rn ati, Or
ati, Kns {BlSO} atti, Gdl {Bl.} attc, Bs {HL, AOM} ati, Af/Sa atu (-u from the nominal case inflection),
Sd atc, etc. || Dhl {To.} ?ata, {E} ?at_a id. AD SF 13-4, Bl. 131-2, 184, Ss. PEC 1O, PG 4O, HL 78, Ow.
254, Sr. 266, AOM 6, E SC 282, To. DL 4O, To. D 37 ? Om: Dzd: Mj yctu 'thou' (acc. yct-n), Shk
ycta, Na ycta id. All. D 383, 392 (note 6), Bnd. MO 145-6 This Dzd prn. may explain (but not
becessarily does) the origin of the puzzling NrOm prn. 'nc 'thou' and SOm 'Vna id. (> Ari ana, Gll
ytna id.). The possible scenario is: HS '?an-tV with subsequent loss of 'n in Dzd and of 't in NrOm
and SOm [cf. AD SF 2O-1]; Bnd MO 145-6 and 2O1 rejects similar explanations by supposing that
Dzd '-tV is a sx. AD PP 69, 112, AD PSH 6.3 [#174], HL 78, Blz. PPCh1, Blz. PPCh2 [3a] The
same HS isolable prn. '?an-ti 'thou' followed by morphemes of pl. and du. gave rise to autonomous
pronouns of 2p and 2d: HS ''?an-tin 'you [pl.]' > C (nom.): LEC '?atin id. > Sa atin, Sml idin-Iu, Rn
atin, Dsn ?itini, ? Bs {AOM} isin || Ag: Bln sn'tsn, Km {CR} inton, {Ap.} snta(n)div nom. (acc. snta), Q
{R} cnton, Aw {Hz.} sntoi (Hz: -i "was later added, as a part of the renewal of plural marking of
pronouns'" - Hz. ES T.2) Bl. 131, Hz. AL 2O, Hz. NSA 134, PG 4O, Ap. K 32O, To. DL 211 S
'?an-tim(mu) (< ''?an-ti-n-mu) 'you [pl. m.]' & '?anti-n-na 'you [pl. f.]' > Ak OB/OA attunu m. (<
'?antunmu < 'an'tinma by ass. labialization), attina f., Eb {Frnz.} an-da-nu 'you' pl., BHb MT3a2 ?at'tcm m.,
NT4a2 ?at'tcn f., SmHb {BH, Mac.} attimma m., attcn f., Ug tm m., IA ?ntm m., BA NuTn^a2 ?an'tun, EpJA
?tvn m. Sd. G 41, KB 99, 167O, BH IV 42, HJ 86, A #464, OLS 59 Om: pNrOm {AD}
'?antEnV (- '?antunV?), {Blz.} '?antuni/'?antuna 'you [pl.]' > Wl {C} intc, {Bnd.} intcna, {AlA} intc, Hrr {CR}
hontcna, Zl/Gf {C} intc, Gf {AlA} hintc, Bsk {C} inti, Zs {Si.} ?uti'ni, {C} (v)untuna, Zrg {Si.} 'hutuna, {Bnd.}

vutuna, Bdt {Hw.} hinuni, Gnj {Si.} ?inina, Dwr {Bnd.} htntctta, Dc {Bnd.} tntcna, Drz {AlA} intcni, {Bnd.}
tntani, Cnc {AlA} intcni, Oyda {Bnd.} tntana, Male {Bnd.} tnci, Gdc {Bnd.} tnntnna, Cha {C} intc " inti,
{Bnd.} intc, Gamu {AlA} cti, Ym {C} itto, {Bnd.} nttto, {Wdk.} nitto, Kf {C} itto, ittosi, Mch {Bnd.}
itosi, {Lm.} itto(si), Shn {Lm.} itti, Bnc {Bnd.} tntayIu 'you [pl.]', {Wdk.} yintayIn` id. (obj.), 'vester
[pl., poss.]', Anf {MYTY} inta 'vester' - intasinc 'you (pl.)' [d like basinnc 'they'] (cp. Anf {Bnd.}
tntasi 'you (pl.)') || Dzd: Mj {Bnd.} iti, {AlA} yctu 'you [pl.]', Shk iti id., it- (verbal prefix of 2p), Na
iti-Iis 'you [pl.] || SOm: Dime {Bnd.} yato, Ari/Gll {Bnd.} ycta, Hm B {Bnd.} yaddi 'you [pl.]', Ari
{Bnd.} -ctc, Ari G {Bnd.} -ct (verbal endings of 2p) AD SF 134-5, Blz. PPCh1 23-5, Lm. Sh 274, AY
ShM 7, 9, Wdk. BY 113, 132, AlA ODS 1O, MYTY 1O5, Bnd. AM 7, Bnd. MO 163-4 Blz. PPCh1 3-6,
11-25 [4] HS '-t'i 'you [sg.] are', sx. of the 2s subject of the nominal predicate: S '-a-ta m., '-a-ti f.
id. ('-a- of pred. case) > Ak -ata (m.), -ati (f.) id. (the so-called "stative"), WS '-ta (m.), '-ti (f.) - 2s
forms of the WS new perfect > Ar -ta m., -ti f., BHb -ta m., -tjo, f., Ph, Pun -t (the unvocalized script
does not distinguish between gender forms), IA -t m., -ty f., Sr -t m., -ty f. (pronounced -tjo, in both
genders due to the reduction of the final vw.), but before object sxs.: -ta- (WS -to-) m., -ti- (WS -ti-) f.
(Itltny [Iotal-'to-n] 'you [m. sg.] killed me', Itltynty [Iotal-'ti-n] 'you [f. sg.] killed me'; in SS (OSA,
the EthS and SES lgs.) '-t- of the sxs. were replaced by '-I- (generalization of '-I- from the 1s ending
within the conjugation paradigm) The differentiation between '-ti f. and '-ta m. is a (pre-)S
innovation, identical with the aforemention diffentiation in the isolable pronoun ( above [3]). In
the Ak forms the vw. -a- was introduced due to the generalization of the vw. of the 1s form: pS
'sa'lim-aIu 'I am well', 'sa'lim-a-ta 'you are well', etc. > Ak salmaIu 1s, salmata 2m, etc. MSUS 137,
Sd. G 1OO-1, 8*, Br. SG 45 [ 75], 126-49, Seg. AAG 265, 263, FrdR 58 Dk. SXJ 85-94, Dk. AL 92-
7, Blz. PPCh1 11-7 B '-t (> -d, -d), marker of 2s of the qualitative verbs (verbs denoting quality) >
Kb {ABs., Mmr.} -(o)d (zoddig-od 'you [sg.] are clean'), Gd, Awj -at (Gd {CM} moqqur-at 'thou art big',
Awj mollat 'thou art white'), Ah -ad (Iarroz-ad 'thou art sad'), Ttq -ad (somom-od 'thou art bitter'), Gh
-od (mollul-od 'thou art white'); in Si {La.} -at has been generalized as 2s marker throughout the
tenses of the indicative: lomz-at 'tu a mch', gafl-at 'tu passeras' Ai. MCB 74, 77-8O, Mmr. 65-7,
La. S 51-2 Eg O/M -ti, 2s marker of the "pseudo-participle" (= Gard.s "old perfective"): Eg M hr.ti
'thou art content', iv.t(i) {Gard.} 'thou art come' Ed. 271-2, Gard. 234-8 Dk. SXJ 85-7 [4a]
The same HS ending '-ti 'thou' followed by morphemic markers of pl. and du. (just as in [3a]) gave
rise to endings of 2p and 2d of predicative nomina ( stative forms): S '-a-tim(mu) (< ''-a-ti-n-mu)
'you [pl. m.]', '-a-ti-n-na 'you [pl. f.]' and '-a-tim-a 'you [du.]' ('-a- is the marker of the pred. case of
nomina) > Ak -atunu (2p both genders; -a- by generalization from 1 sg. -aIu), WS person/number
endings of the "new perfective" (Qatal-tense): 2pm '-tim(mu), 2pf '-tinna, 'tim-a 2d, whence BHb MT3-
-'tcm 2p m., NT3- -'tcn 2p f., Ug -tn 2p f., -tm 2d, IA Nt- '-tun (BA NuT- -'tun) 2p m., IA Nt- {Seg.} '-'tcn
(JA [Trg.] NiT5- -'tin, JEA Nit- -tyn) 2p f., SmA {Mac.} Nvt- -ton 2p m., Nit- -tcn 2p f., Sr W -'tun, Sr E
-'ton 2p m., Sr W/E -'tcn 2p f., Ar -tum 2p m., -tunna 2p f., -tuma 2d; in pre-Ak, Aram and Ar labializing
as -um- < '-im- followed by generalization of '-u- (in Ar and Ak) For references cf. above [4] and
Siv. U 72, Dlm. GJPA, Levias 86, Epst. 54, Mac. GSA 143 ll IE: [1] NaIE 'tu nom. 'thou' and possibly
'tv-om id. (preserved in IIr and Tc B) > pIIr 'tu > Av G tu (following the sentence-initial word), Prt
tu, MPrs to, ClNPrs vT tu, NPrs vT to, Oss I ds, Oss D du 'thou' (Ab.: Oss d- < 't- originally in an
intervoc. position in word groups, where this change is regular); pIIr 'tuv-am (either from NaIE
'tv-om or on the analogy of 'a:"am 'I' < 'cg"om) > OI 'tvam ~ tu'vam, Av G tuuom, YAv tum, tum, OPrs
tuvam || Gk D tu, Gk A ou (o- on the analogy of oc 'thee' [acc.] < IE 'tvc) || Arm du du 'thou' || pAl {O}
'tu > Al G/T ti || L tu || Clt: OIr tu || Gmc: Gt |u, ON |u, OHG du - du, NHG du, AS u - u 'thou', NE thou
|| Lt tu, Ltv tu, Pru tou (enclitic tu) | pSl 'tI > OCS : ty, Blg, Uk rn, R ri, SCr, Sln ti, P, Cz, Slk ty || pTc
{Ad.} 'tuvc > Tc A tu (< NaIE 'tu), Tc B t(u)vc (acc. to Ad., from IE 'tuHom NaIE {AD} 'tv-om) AnIE
'ti 'thou' nom. > Ht ziI, zigga, {EI} zig 'thou' (-g by analogy with 1s), tug 'thee', Pal {EI} ti 'thou', tu
'thee' Blz. IEPP , AD PP , EI 455 [IE ''tuH (emph. 'tu'Hom), acc. ''tcvc (encl. 'tc, emph. ''tvcm),
gen. ''tcvc], GSchm. IGPP 113-9, 143-4, Brg. KVG 41O-3, Brtl. 654-5, 66O-1, M E I 682-3, Ab. I 378, F
II 817, EWA II 826-36, Frn. 1133-4, En. APG 129, Stang VG 247-8, Glh. 624-5, Vs. IV 13O, LP 337,
357, KT 162, Wn. 516-7, Ad. H 149-56, Cowg. EG 169-7O, O 455-6, Huld 116, KrlSh. XLJ 2O, 36, Ts.
W 92, 1O9 [2] IE 'tvc and 'tc 'thee', 'tu-/'tvc-/'tcu_-/'tc- (+ case markers or without them)

functioning as oblique cases of the prn. of 2s; Cowg. EG 169-7O and Ad. H 161 reconstruct the IE
case system of this prn. as follows: stressed acc. ''tvc, unstressed acc. 'tc, stressed gen. ''tcvc,
unstressed gen. 'toi_. G. Schmidts rec. (GSchm. IGPP 11O, 144, 2O4-5, 245-6): acc. 'tc and 'tu, gen.
'tcu_, dat.-loc. 'tov-oy and 'tu-b"ci_, abl. 'tu-s. O. Szemernyi's rec. (Szem. EVS-9O 228-34): NaIE: acc.
'tvc(:)/'tc(:), 'tvc(:)-m/'tc(:)-m, gen. 'tcvc/'tcvo and (encl.) 't(v)ci_/'t(v)oi_, acc. 'tvc-d, dat.
't(v)ci_/'t(v)oi_, 'tc-b"i; pIE: acc. 'tu-'c, gen. 'tu-'os, dat.-loc. 't(v)ci_, 't(v)-cb"i, abl. 'tu-cd. Beekess rec.
(Bks. VT 249-53): acc. ''tvc, gen. 'tcvc, 'tci_, Av 'tvcd, dat. 'tcb"yo, 'toi_, loc.-instr. 'toi_.
Representation in some principal IE lgs.: OI acc. tva, 'tvam, abl. 'tvad, dat. 'tubhya(m), tc, loc. 'tvc,
'tvayi, instr. 'tva, 'tvaya, gen. 'tava, tc, Av {Reich.} acc. 0vam (encl. YAv 0va), abl. 0vat - 0vat, dat.
bya, ta
byo, loc. tc, gen. tava - tava, Gk acc. oc (Gk D tc), dat. toi, ooi, gen. ocio > oo, ooi, L acc.
tc(d), dat. tibi, gen. tui (OL tis), Gt acc. |u-I, dat.-loc. |us, OHG acc. di-h, dat.-loc. dir, Lt acc. tavc, dat.
tau, instr. tavimi, loc. tavy|c, gen. tavcs, OCS acc. :atc, dat. :cc1 tcbc / :u ti, loc. :cc1 tcbc, instr.
:ecem tobo|o, gen./acc. :ccc tcbc (by analogy of the dat. form) / :u ti, Ht acc., dat.-loc. tuI ~ tuIIa,
gen. tucl, abl. tucdaz, Pal acc.-dat. tu 'dich, dir'; in Brtt the acc. form 'tc acquited the meaning of
nom.: Brtt 'ti 'thou' > OW, Mw, W ti, Crn ty, tc, MBr, Br tc GSchm. IGPP 12O-44, Blz. IEPP , Brg.
KVG 41O-3, Rch. 2O4-13, Stang VG 248-53, LP 348-57, RE 139, Ts. E III 423-6, KrlSh. XLJ 2O ll U:
[1] U 'tE (originally 'ti < 'tu?) 'thou' nom., 'ti-nu gen. (> 'tin'u - 'tun'u (serving as a common basis
for the oblique cases) [< N 'tu nu with the genitive pc. 'nu)] > FU {It.} 'ti- / tinV (& 'tcnV?) (in BF,
Chr, Prm, Hg) - 'tu- / 'tunV (in Lp & Mr) > F sina (gen. sinun), Es sina (gen. sinu) | pLp {Wk.} nom.
'tunna, 'tun, ill. 'tunn- + case ending, gen./acc. 'tun (> 'tu in the Northern and Southern dialects,
probably a bf ) > (1) nom.: Lp: N don ~ don, Vfs d_atnc, L ton, totno, Ar ton, M todn, Kld/T/Nt/A
tonn - ton, I tun, (2) gen./acc.: Lp: Kld {Kert} tonc, T toni_, N du ~ du, L/Ar tu, tuvva, M/Nt/A/I tu | pMr
{Ker.} 'tun > Er/Mk nom. ron ton, gen. ron ton | pChr {Ber.} 'tino > Chr: H ri'n ton, L rin t+|, Ch
t+nc - t+n, P/B/M tin 'thou' | Prm 'tcn ({Lt.} 'tcn) 'thou' (< FU 'tcnV?) > OPrm tc / obl. tcn-, Z, Prmk,
Yz ry tc 'thou' / obl. ryn- tcn- (acc. Z tcns, Yz 'tcnn, dat. Z tcnId, Yz 'tcnut), Vt ron ton 'thou' || Hg tc
(acc. tcgcd) Sm {Hl.} 'tin, {Jn.} 't+n 'thou' > Ng {Mik., Ter.} tsns, {Cs.} tannaq, En (cmpd.) {Cs.}
todi, En X {Prk.} todi 'thou' (but En B {Prk., Ter.} u 'thou', obviously of a different origin), Slq Tz
{KHG} nom.-acc. tan 'thou', 'thy', dat./all. tantI, Kms {KD} nom.-gen. t`an, acc./dat./loc. t`o'nan, Koyb
{Sp.} ran 'thou, thy', Mt {Hl.} 'ton- 'thou' (Mt: M {Sp.} ran, {Pl.} ran, K {Pl.} -di-) pY {IN} 'tot
'thou' > Y T/K {IN} tot, {Krn.} tct, OY XVII {Wts.} dot, tot, totlic, OY Ch {Mat.} rora, {Boe.} ro'rnn' 'thou'.
OY O {Mat.} rn- [1a] Lp prn. of 2d (Lp N {N} doai, Lp Ar {Lgc.} d_o|, Lp Tf {Lgc.} d_oa| < 'tun-Vy) is
explained by E. Itkonen (It. LC 1OO) as derived from the prn. of 2s (pLp 'tun, 'tunna) Acc. to Sm.s
and Jn.s alt. theory of the U historical phonology, the pFU and pU prn. is reconstructed as 'tun (Sm.
LFU 38, Jn. UK 14), but since no details of the rec. are published, at least in the papers available to
me (incl. in Sm. HP), it is so far impossible to evaluate it It. #388, UEW 539, AD PP, Wk. EUL 278-
86, Lgc. #7947, Kert SJ 73, Ker. II 169, Ber. 76, Kov. LV 23O, Kov. G 246, Lt. 138, Lt. J 61, LG 293-4,
Lt. DPJ 1O8-1O, Jn. 147, KHG 288-9, KD 143, Ter. NgJ 161, Ter. EJ 447, Cs. GSS 347-53, Prk. ED 86,
Hl. M 147-8, #928, IN 248, 322, Krn. JJ 72, Krn. IMJJ 142-3, PBS II 115-25 The variant 'tun'u <
'tin'u by as . The forms without 'n (Lp 'tu and Hg tc) may be interpreted as phonetically reduced
variants of 'tun'u and 'tin'u [2] U 'tic 'thy' (enclitic prn. ppa.) > [with sg. nouns] BF '-si > F -si,
Krl -s, Vp -i_z, Vo -zi | pLp {Krh.} -ts > Lp: N/U -d, Kld -d_, Pt -t | Er -t (iy(o-r 'thy house'), Mk -t in
most obl. cases (op-co-r 'in thy coat', op-(o-r 'of\from thy coat', etc.), but -co / -c- (< -t- +
demonstrative so / s) in the nom., gen. and dat.-iness.: opnc or-co 'thy coat', opncn or-co-n 'of thy
coat', opnrn or-c-ti 'to thy coat') | Chr: L -t (ana-r 'thy mother'), H -t, -ct, -c | Prm: Vt -cd, -d, Z -Id,
-d 'thy' || Hg -(a/o/c/o)d (haz-ad 'thy house', Ionyv-cd 'thy book') (Hg -d < FU '-n-tV? - Dcsy UP 67)
Sm { Jn., Sm.) '-rV, {Hl.} '-r(+), {K.} '-oV 'thy' in nom. (> Ne F, En -r, {Cs.} -lo, -lo, -ro, Ng -rs, Slq Tz
{KHG} -l(I), Kms -l, -lV, Mt {Hl.} '-r in Mt 'tondor 'thy' [Mt M {Sp.} rin(ap]) and { Jn., Sm.} '-tV, {K.}
'-d/tV obl. (> Ne -d(a), -Ou, -to, En -o, -d, -do, -to, Ng -ds, -ta, -ts, Slq -d, -dV, -t, -tV); the voiced pU cns. '-o-
(> pSm '-r-) for the expected '-t- (> pSm '-t-) is still obscure Majt. SM 273-6, Majt. VJ I 111-8,
Laan. 181-4, Krh. 237-8, Ps. M O4, PI 334, KHG 184-8, Hl. SelJ 365-6, Hl. M 142, K. SUKF I 164-82,
K. KJ 384, Dcsy UP 67-8 The status of 'tic as an enclitic word (rather than a sx.) is evidenced
by its position: in some lgs. it follows case endings (incl. those of late origin): F Iir|assa-si 'in thy

book' [3] A morpheme or morphemes reconstructible as 'tV (sometimes fused with preceding
grammatical or derivational morphemes) function as the verbal marker of 2s (< postverbal prn. of
2s) in several tenses of the U lgs.: F -t, Es -d | Mk/Er -t (present) | Chr L/H -(V)t (present) | Vt -d || Hg -d
(s/obcj.; the endings -sz and -l of the sbjc. conj. are Hg innovations based on verbal derivational sxs.
with loss of the original person marker) Sm: NrSm: [A] s/obcj., sg. of the object: Ne T, En B -p -r,
Ng -rs; [B] s/obcj., du. or pl. of the object: Ne T -( -d, Ng {Ter.} -ta, En B {Ter.} -o || Slq Tz {Hl.}: -l
(s/obcj.), -ntI (sbcj.) || Kms {K.} -l (both s/obcj. and sbcj.) Coll. CG 242-4, 3O8-1O, Sz. 129, Dcsy
EFUS 176, BBB 417-8 (Hg -d < 'tE; Hg -sz and -l of 2s go back to derivational sxs.), Ter. NJ 386, Ter.
NgJz 428 ll A: A 't`i 'thou' > M 'ci 'thou' > MM ci, WrM ci, HlM un ci, Dg, Brt si, Mnr, Mgl, Ord, Kl ci,
Dx ci, Ba cc. The genitive 'cinu of this prn. (> MM cinu - cini, WrM cinu, HlM cini, Ord, Mnr cini, Klm
cini, Brt scni(:), Dg sini, Dx cini, Ba ccnc) goes back to ''ti-nu < N 't'u nu ('thou' + postposition of
genitive). Other oblique cases are based on 'cima (originally acc. < ''ti-ma < N 't'u ma, i.e. 'thou' +
accusative marker), whence pM acc. 'cima-yi 'thee' ('cima + M acc. ending '-yi), dat. 'cima-du(r) 'to
thee' ('cima + M dative ending '-dujr,), etc. In some modern M lgs. the M pronouns 'ci 'thou' in
the postpredicate position (i.e. following either a verbal or the nominal predicate of the sentence)
changed into a personal affix of the predicate. This occurred in Brt, Kl, Dg and Mgl: pM 'ci 'thou' >
Kl -c, Brt -si - -s, Mgl -ci, Dg -si (Kl iapn-u, Brt iap6a-m'you went out', Mgl ira'n-ci 'you come', Dg
yavbci_-si 'you will go'). In the postnominal position M 'ci had a possessive meaning. It lost its stress
and ultimately (in modern M lgs.) became a ppa.: pM 'cinu 'thy' > HlM -cin, Kl -cn, Brt -sni - -s,
Ord cin, Mgl -ci, Dg -sin, -sni (pM 'aqa cinu 'thy elder brother' > HlM {Pp.} a__acin) Pp. IM 35,
112, 213, 218-24, 251, Snz. SG 151-2, Snz. SG-G 84-5, T DnJ 27-3O, T BJ 4O-8, T DgJ 53-4 ll D {Zv.}
'-N-ti, pers. ending of 2s non-past of verbs > OTm -ti ( non-past), Kui (ft.), Krx (prs., female) -di,
Knd (non-past) -n-i(d); D {Zv.} '-N-ti-r, pers. ending of 2p non-past > OTm -tir, Kui ft. -d-cru, Krx prs.
female -d-ay, Knd non-past -n-idcr Zv. DL 36 The D pl. marker sx. '-r goes back to N 'rV yE (=
'rV y'i?), a compund pr. of plurality \ collectivity (q.v. ffd.) ll E: pE {McA} '-ti > MEl {McA} -ti, {Dk.}
-t(i) > -t, {ER, GrS} -t, AchEl {Pap.} -(n)ti, -(n)ta (verbal enclitical marker of 2s), MEl {Dk.} -h-t(o), {GrS}
-h-t (verbal marker of 2p), MEl, AchEl {ER} -t [nominal sx. of 2s, so-called "allocutive", sunIi-t 'thou
(the) king'] McA 113, GrS EGE 33, ER E 76-7, Dk. JDPA 1OO-3, Paper RAE 42-4 ll K: GZ 'tIvcn- 'you'
(pl.), 'your (vester)' > OG tIvcn-, G tIvcn- id., Mg, Lz tIva(n)- 'ye', tIvan- 'your (vester)' K 176, K

75-6, FS E 167, Chik. 223-4 This prn. goes back to a N cd 't'u 'thou' + 'IU of plurality + 'nu of
genitive; which suggests that the original menaing of 'tIvcn- was 'of you, yours' (pl.), but later it
was generalized as the prn. of 2p without case distinctions (cf. a parallel change in the prehistory of
G scn 'thou') ^ IS I 6, AD PP , Blz. IEPP , UEW 539, McA l.c. (D, El), BmK 285-7, Gr. I 71-4 (IE, U, A,
Gil, CK, EA). The variant 'ti seems to result from delabialization of the original 't'u (loss of a
marked phonemic feature typical of grammatical morphemes, possibly induced by the analogy with
N 'mi 'I'). The de-emphatization 't- > HS 't- is very typical, but is obligatory in grammatical
words\morphemes only. That is why there are no glottalized cnss. among the grammatical
morphemes in HS. On M 'ta 'you [pl.] and U 'ta - 'tc id. see s.v. 't'u ?a lll II. 's'u (> 'si) 'thou' >
K: [1] K 'si, 'si-n 'thou' > Mg si, Lz si - sin 'thou, to thee' (c. rect., erg., dat.), Sv UB/LB/L/Ln si 'thou'
(indeclinable); OG, G scn 'thou' may go back to the OG/G poss. prn. scn 'thy' [2] 'svcn- 'thy' (< N
'c'u 'that of' + 's'u 'thou' + 'nu gen.) > OG, G scn-, Mg sIan- - sIan-, Lz sIan- - cIan-, Sv
isgvi- - isgu- - isIvi- 'thy'; comparison with other poss. pronouns (K 'ccm- 'my', 'cvcn- 'our')
suggests that 'svcn- goes back to pre-K 'c-svcn-, where 'c- is a marker of poss. pronouns (< N
'c'u 'that of, that witch') K 162 & K
164 ('scn- 'thou'), K 216 ('svcn- 'thy'), K
25O ('s(v)cn-
'thy'), K 218-9, Marr 29, IS I 6 ('svc- 'thy' < 'c-svc-), Shan. G 51, Top. SJ 83, TK 7O6, Gm. SSh 37-
4O (Zan si from 'svcn due to morphological analogy) ll IE '-si, "primary" ending of 2s (pres. active)
> OI, Av, Ht -si, Gk -oi (cooi 'thou art'), -i (< '-si, e.g. c)i 'du gehst' < 'cy-si), L, Gt -s, OCS -tu -si (atu
|csi 'thou art' < 'cs-scy) NaIE '-s, "secondary" ending of 2s (past tenses, active) > OI -s, Gk -), Gt
-s Szem. EVG-8O 216, Blz. IEPP 1O, Bks. VT 276-9, Brg. KVG 59O-6 ll A: [1] A 'si 'thou', gen. 'si-n'u
> Tg 'si, gen. 'sini > WrMc si, Ewk, Orc, Ud, Ul, Nn si, Neg si, Sln si, Lm hi 'thou', gen.: WrMc sini, Neg
sin, Sln sini, Lm hin, Ul, Ork sin(i) 'thy' Bz. 1O7-9, STM II 72-3, Krm. 283 ppT 'si 'thou' /

'san- - 'scn- - obl. 'sin- id. > Chv yccA c-z_i 'thou' / can- san- id. (obl.) (< ppT 'san) || NaT 'san /
'san- [with variants 'scn(-), 'sin(-)] 'thou' (for all cases except dat. 'saqa) > OT san " scn 'thou' (acc.
scni " sini), Tk scn, Tkm Ocn, Az, Ggz, ET, Chl san, Qmq, QrB, CrTt, Qq, Qzq, Qrg, StAlt, Uz, Shor, Tv, Tf,
SY scn, Qmn scn - sin, VTt, Brb, Xk sin, Bsh hin, Slr scn (acc. scni - sini), Yk an Obviously the NaT prn.
'san - 'scn - 'sin results from generalization of the stem for the obl. cases that goes back to the A
genitive 'si-n'u < N 's'u nu ('s'u + genitive marker). It is not clear why in most T lgs. we find 'a
in 'san for the expected 'i. It may have been caused by the ass. infl. of the vowel of some case
ending followed by generalization of the allomorph 'san- throught the paradigm of the obl. cases
(cf. Dr.: "Alle Unregelmigkeiten bei der Deklination der Personalpronomina lassen sich durch
Assimilation erklren", Dr. Tbs 214). The original vw. of 'si is preserved in the OT Tonyuquq
inscription (acc. sini) and in the ppT prn. of 2p 'si-r (< N 'su + N 'rV yE, a compound prn. of
plurality \ collectivity, q.v. ffd.) Cl. 86O and Tezcan UJS 98 reconstruct siz 'you [pl.]' with a long
vw. for OT without explicit justification of their conjecture; most probably the reason is the plene
spelling zyS syz in MhK (OT QU), but even if this length [not confirmed by either Turkic Runic or
Uyghur script of OT] did exist in the OT QU prn., it could not go back to pT or NaT - on the ev. of
the Tkm reflex [short i in Tkm Oio]. The vw. i in Chv c-z_ir 'you [pl.]' does not necessarily provide ev.
of ppT 'i, as shown by M. Rsnen (Rs. MIFTJ 61): among 17 cases of Chv-Tkm corrs. of i-vowels he
found only 4 cases where Chv i corresponded to Tkm i, but 13 cases where the Tkm cognate of Chv i
was a short i Lvt. IM 3O-1, Cl. 831-2, 86O, Rs. W 4O9, 424, Kon. GJTRP 164-6, Ajdarov JOP 179,
363, Ashir. OJS 95, B DK 51, Tn. SJ 127-8, Fed. II 481 pJ {Vv., DQA} 'si > OJ {Mill., ChmU, S} si
'thou, you' ({Mill.} si ga IataraIcba 'because you say' [Mns. 9O4], si ga naIcba 'if you are not [there]'
[NihSh, song 8O]) Mur. KNND, Mill. JAL 159-6O, ChmU AJV 269, Vv. LDROJ 1O5, Vv. JKAL 6, S QJ
#1657 Ko: Ramstedt proposed to tie in Ko si_at 'thou' (used between a wife and a concubine of
the same man) ({Rm.} < 'si-asi?) and Ko sinim, used as a form of address among Buddhists Rm. SKE
179 DQA #1981 [A 'si 'thou' > T, Tg, J], Rm. EAS II 68-73 (hyp. of an original '-n in M 'tin, Tg 'sin
'thou') [1a] A 's'ua 'you [pl.]' (< N 's'u ?a, i.e. 'su 'thou' + plurality marker ?a) > Tg nom.
'suc ({Bz.} 'sua) / obl. 'sun- id. (ffd. see below s.v. N 't'u ?a - 's'u ?a) [2] A 'si (- 's'in'u) in
postnomimal (probably enclitic) position meant 'thy'; in modern Tg lgs. it became a ppa. of 2s: Tg
'si > Nn, Ul, Orc -si, Ud -hi, Ewk, Neg, Lm -s, Sln -s(i) 'thy' Bz. 1O9-11, STM II 72-3, Krm. 87 ll D: Brh
-s, verbal ending of 2s subiecti Bray I 118, 124-7, An. JB 71-8O ^ See IS I 6, AD PP , Blz. IEPP ,
Palm. LM 169-74, Gr. I 71-4 ("second-person T" in IE, U, A, Gil, CK, EA). In my opinion, the variant
's'u results from assibilation 't- > 's- due to the palatalizing effect of the vw. ''u (if not 'i); a
similar opinion was expressed by IS (I 6 and 227). This phonetic change (just as the delabialization
N 't'u > 'ti and N 's'u > 'si) was probably conditioned by the grammatical (pronominal) usage
of the word. This kind of changes (as , reduction, loss of marked phonemic features) is typical of
grammatical\gramaticalized morphemes throughout the world (cp. -sa > -s and -sa > -sa in R: 6o nc
[ba'yalsa] 'I was afraid', 6oc > 6oc [ba'yus] and finally [ba'yus] 'I am afraid', or in NE: [ai_ hv 'dnn] >
[ai_v 'dnn]; in NE the voicing O- (initial) > o- occured in the pronouns thou, that, this and in
conjunctions [though], but not in nouns, adjectives or verbs, all of them preserving the original O:
thumb, thicI, thinI, etc.). An alt. hyp. is that of Blz. IEPP ('tti and 'su are originally different pronouns
of the 2nd person, IE 'tu resulting from the merger of both).
2312a. 't'u ?a - 's'u ?a 'ye (vos)', prn. of 2p ('t'u - 's'u 'thou' + N '?a, pc. of plurality [q.v.
ffd.]) > IE verbal endings of 2p: {Bks.} "primary" '-tHc (> OI -tha, Gk -tc, L -tis, Gt -|, Lt -tc, Sl '-tc, Ht
-tcni), "secondary" '-tc (> OI -ta, Gk -tc, L -tis, Gt -|, Sl '-tc, Ht -tcn) Szem. EVG-8O 216, Bks. 232-7,
Brg. 591-6 (incl. the table of p. 596), Mer. SGA 334, 339-4O ll U [1] 'tc - 'tiyV (as well as 'tc + du. sx.
'-ya) 'ye' (pers. prn. of 2p) > pLp {Krh.} 'tiy > Lp: N {N} di, Vfs {Lgc.} d_iyych, S {Hs.} di(|)h, Kld {SaR}
rinn tIyy | Er rin tin, Mk rnn tin | pChr {Ber.} 'tc, {Rd.} 'tc > Chr: L rc tc (gen. rcn(an tcndan, acc.
rcn(ax tcndam), B/M tc, H rac ta (gen. racx(an tamdan, acc. racx(ax tamdam) | Prm 'ti > Z r ti (gen.
tiyan), Prmk r noc tiys - r ti (gen. tiyan), Yz 'tcynz (gen. ti'yan), Vt rnc ti (proc. rnc tiya, gen.
rncn ( tilad) || OHg XII tiv [tiu_], XVI thcv, XVIII thu, Hg ti 'you [pl.]' (unless OHg -u_ < '-y < '-I) ? Sm
{Jn.} 'tc(n) 'you [pl.] > Ng tsq, Slq Tz tc, Kms {K.} si?, Koyb {Sp.} cc; but Mt {Hl.} 'tcnda id. (Mt M
{Sp.} ryn(y, {Pl.} rcn( ) is a derivate from the prn. of 2s (Mt 'ton 'thou') Sm 'tc(n) may go back

either to the pU prn. for 'ye' or to the prn. of 2s with an additional marker of pl. pY {IN} 'tit > Y
T/K tit 'vos', tit- (+ noun), tit-lc 'vester' UEW 54O explains pLp '-y, Prm -ys and Mr '-n (< U 'nV)
as ppas. [2] The U pronouns 'tc - 'tiyV 'you [pl.]', when used enclitically after nouns, gave rise to
ppas. of 2p: Chr: L -da, H -da/-da | Prm: Vt -(I)d, -t-, Z -nI-d, Prmk -nI-t, Yz -ni-t Sm: Ne T rect.-acc. -(a'
-da? / gen. -ra' -ta? 'vester' (pl. possessoris), En B {Ter.} rect. -ra? / gen.-acc. -ra? id. (du. and pl.
possessi: rect. -oa? 'vestri' / gen. -ta?), Ng {Ter.} rect. -rI? / acc. -m-tI? (-m is the acc. marker) / gen.
-tI? id. (pl./du. possessi nom. -tu? 'vestri' / gen. -tu?), Slq Tz {KHG} (-lIt) = -lIn/t 'your' (pl.) / gen.-
acc. (-tIt) = -tIn/t, Kms {K.} -la? / (after a nasal cns.) -na? 'vester' (pl. possessoris), Mt {Hl.} '-raj?, /
'-raj?, 'vester'; benefactive forms of 2p of nouns: Ng -ru? / -tu? (taos-ru? tu?o 'the reindeer came for
you [pl.]', lit. 'cervus-vobis venit'; satsrstsm-tu? Iooa?aru? 'you [pl.] obtained [preyed on] a polar fox
for yourselves', lit. 'vulpem-vobis consecuti estis') [3] The U pronominal morpheme 'tc - 'tiyV
'you [pl.]', when used enclitically after verbs (sometimes with sxs. of pl.), gave rise to personal
endings of verbs: (sbcj.) Mk -da, -do, Er -do, -dc | Chr L/H -da | Prm: Vt -dI, Z -(n)nId, Prmk -t, -ts, Yz
-tn, -t || Hg -toI / -toI /-tcI Sm: Slq Tz {KHG} -lIt/n (2p ending), Ne T {Ter.} -da- (2p ending, sbcj.), -ra-
(id. with sg. obiecti) (prs. -da-?, -ra?, p. -da-c, -ra-c), En {Ter.} -ra- (2p, sbcj. and s/oncj. with sg.
obiecti), -oa- (s/obcj. with pl./du. obiecti), (prs. -ra-? / -oa-?, p. -ca- / -oa-), Ng {Ter.}
-ru?/ -ru?/ -rI? / -ri? id., -tu?/ -tu?/ -tI? / -ti? (2p ending, s/obcj. with pl./du. obiecti), Kms {K.} -lc?
UEW 539-4O, Laan. EOS 182-4, 191-4, 228-3O, Mark PSUS-25 , Mak. KJ 69-72, Kask EJ-66 47-9,
Vri LJ 144-8, Krh. 2O9, 24O-5, 28O-3, It. LC 97, Lgc. #7843, Lgc. SL #2644, Hs. 118, SaR 352, 365,
Fkt. EJ-66 185-91, Fkt. MJ-66 2O3-5, 2O7-14, Ps. M O5, Ber. 75, Kov. LV 227, 23O-3, Kov. G 244-9,
LG 279, Lt. J 45, 61, 67-9, 185, Lt. KZJ 287-92, Lt. KPJ 3O5-9, Tepl. UJ 265-72, MF 632-3, Ht. ChrO
38-9, Stn. XJ 216-2O, Stn. OG 7O, Trj. VD 84-7, EWH 1516-7, Jn. 156, KHG 184-7, 258-64, 288-93,
Hl. M 144, #983, Ter. NJ 381, 386-8, Ter. EJ 444-51, Ter. NgJ 96-7, 161, 185, Ter. NgJz 423-31, K.
KJ 383-6, Krn. JJ 72-8O, Krn. JJ-T 44O-1, Krn. JJ-K 354, Ku. 272-3, IN 248, JN III ll A nom. 'tua
- sua / gen. 't'uanu - 's'uanu 'you' pl. > Tg nom. 'suc ({Bz.} 'sua) / obl. 'sun- (- ? 'sucn-) id. (< N
's'u ?a, i.e. 'su 'thou' + plurality marker '?a) > WrMc suvc, obl. suvcni, Nn Nh nom. sus / obl. sun-,
Nn B/KU su, Orc, Ud, Ork, Neg, Ewk, Sln nom. su / obl. sun-, Lm hu / obl. hun-, Ud {Krm.} nom. su /
obl. sun-, Ul suni - sunu; in many Tg lgs. the form 'sucnu - 'suni is used with the sx. '-qguij:,: WrMc
suvcniqgc, Ewk sunqi, Lm hunqi, Neg sunni - sunqi, Orc suniqgs, Ud sunuqu, Ork sunuqi, Nn: Nh susqgi,
B/KU suqgi, B sunoqgi 'yours' n modern Tg lgs. the Tg prn. 'su became a ppa. of 2p: Nn, Ul, Orc -su,
Ud -hu 'vester' Bz. 1O7-11, STM II 72-3, 115, Krm. 87, 91, 288 M 'ta / gen. 'tanu / dat. 'tan-a
'you' (pl.) > MM nom. ta / gen. tanu, WrM nom. ta / gen. tanu, HlM, Brt nom. ta, Dg nom. ta / gen.
{Pp.} tan
i, Kl {Pp.} nom. ta / gen. tan - tani, Mnr {Pp.} nom. ta / gen. tani; later on (in Brt, Kl, Dg,
Mgl) M 'ta in the postpredicate position changed into a subject ending of 2p: Kl -t, Brt -ta, -t, Dg -ta,
Mgl -to (Kl iapn-r, Brt iap6a-r 'you [pl.] went out', Dg xclson-ta 'you [pl.] said'); in the postnominal
position 'tanu became later a ppa. of 2p: > HlM -ran -tan, Ord -tan, Kl -tn, Brt -tna, Dg -tan, Dx
tani - tayi, Mgl -toni 'vester' Pp. IM 218, 221 S AJ 52 (A 'sa 'thou' in T 'sa-n and Tg 'si 'thou')
^ Cf. N '?a, pc. of plurality ^ S '-timmu 'ye' m. (the autonomous prn. '?an-timmu), '-tinna 'ye' f. (the
aut. prn. '?an-tinna) and the related pronouns of B, C and Eg do not belong here. They are likely to
be independent derivates (or cds ) of pHS origin (N 't'u + HS markers of pl.). Mutatis mutandis
the same is true of K 'tIvcn 'ye', 'vester'.
2313. ? 'tV, marker of passive participial constructions (verb + 'tV = analytical construction
with the meaning of past participle or passive verbal adjectives) > IE: NaIE '-to-, marker of verbal
adjectives (mostly with passive meaning), which in some daughter lgs. were incorporated into the
verbal paradigm as pp.: NaIE 'gno-to-s - 'gn:-to-s 'known' (> L notus id., OIr {LP} gnath 'known', W
{YGM} gnavd 'customary', Gk veto) 'perceived, understood; well-known', Gt Iun|s, Lt a-zintas
'gekannt'), NaIE 'Ilu-'to-s 'heard, heard of' (> OI sru'ta- heard, listened to, heard of', Gk kuto)
'heard of, famous', L inclutus 'famous'), NaIE 's(y)utos 'sewn' (> L sutus, Lt sutas, OCS sit+, OI
syu'tah id., Gk vco-kot-tuto) 'freshly sewn'), NaIE 'mn-to-s 'thought (gedacht)' [> OI ma'tah, Lt
mintas, Gt munds id., L com-mcntum / -i 'invention, what so. invented', com-mcntus 'which has
remembered', Gk outo-oto) 'acting on ones own will', (of things) self-moving, self-acting'] Hirt IG
III 284-6, Bks. 25O-1, LP 9.1, YGM-1 236 ll U: FU '-VttV nomina patientis (obiecti) [> pp. and sim.]

> BF '-(t)tu / '-(t)tu, pp. of pfc. > F laulcttu 'sung', tchty 'done', Krl anncttu 'given', ommcldu 'sewn', Vp
anttud 'given', tchtud 'done' (with -d on the analogy of the pfc. prtc. ending -nud), Vo satu 'received' |
Er -do - -da and compound morphemes -sto / -stc, sxs. of gerunds (verbal adverbs): oza-do 'in sitting
position (cn() )', yuram-sto 'on passing (npoxo() )', Mk -da: Ioma-da 'gebckt, in bent\leaned position'
|| Hg -at / -ct, sx. of deverbal nomina obiecti : it-at 'document' ( ir- v. 'write'); Hg -tt, sx. of past pp.:
olvasott 'gelesen' (a tcgna olvasott Ionyv 'das gestern gelesene Buch') Sz. 79, Laan. 249-5O, Fkt. EJ-
66 192, PI 12O, Majt. SM 355-7, Majt. VJ-76 387, 4OO This U pp. may underly the BF passive verb
stems (the prs. pp. F saa-ta-va 'being got\received' with the participle sx. -va) Coll. CG 279 ll A: T
'-t - '-tu/'-tu - ? '-ti, sx. of deverbal adjectives with passive meaning: NaT 'ogi-t 'ground grain' (> OT
[MhK] ogit 'ground wheat, etc.', ET {Jr.} ugut 'grain cleaned ready for grinding') 'ogi- v. 'grind',
NaT '|ar-t(u) 'sth. split' (> OT {Cl.} |artu 'sth. split off', [MhK] |artu 'long strips of wood', VTt |art 'half')
pT '|ar- v. 'split', Az |oyur-t 'sour milk' |oyur- v. 'mix', Tkm ayir-t 'offshoot, orncrnncnnc' ayir- v.
'separate', as well as possibly OT [MhK, QB] soIti 'bran' soI- v. 'tear apart' SrbG SIGTJ 229-3O,
Cl. xliii, 1O1-2, 819, 954-9 Tg '-ta / '-tc, sx. of derived nouns (passive result of an action): Ewk
-ta / -ts / -to, e.g. smsn-ts 'remainder' (i.e. 'what is left') smsn- v. 'leave', nodan-ts 'or6poc' ('sth.
thrown away') nodan- v. 'throw' Vas. 79O ll HS: In the pHS lge. nomina obiecti and passive
deverbal adjectives with the ending '-Vt- may have existed, but since they are always feminine
(because of their ending '-Vt- associated with the fem. gender), they cannot be distinguished from
forms with the feminine '-t- derived from masculine prtcs., adjs. and substantivized adjs. As to the
'tV- prefix with the original meaning of nomen obiecti, it cannot be distinguished from metonymic
usage of nomina actionis with the prefix 'tV- ( N 'ti): BHb lumg6T2 tag'mul 'compensation' is both a
nomen obiecti and a nomen actionis ^ Cf. IS I 218-9 ('-di, sx. of the past; IS did not distinguish
between 'd'i of imperfectiveness and 'tV of pp.), Cald. 5O8-1O (FU: F -t [pp.] and Hg -t [past tense],
D '-t(t) [p.], T -d- [p.], IE: NPrs -d- [p.]), Gr. I 179-82 ("passive participle T" in IE, U, EA); IS I xiii
(caus.-rf. 'tn) tried to find a common origin between rf.-ps. verbal derivates in U, in HS ( N 't'avV
'head') and caus. in A, U and D (which is doubtful both semantically and because of a structural
difference: in U, A and D this is a postverbal sx. that may go back to a N aux. v., while in HS this is a
px. that is hardly explainable as an aux. v. in view of the syntactic structure of N) ^ Gr. I 197-2OO
("denominative T" in IE, U, Y, A, CK, Ai, EA).
2314. 'tV, marked (df.?) accusative ( acc. of pronouns) > HS: S '-tV or '-atV, acc. ending of
pers. pronouns ('su?a(:)tV 'him', etc.): OAk {G} -at, acc. ending of suffixed pers. pronouns OAk {G}
-at, acc./gen. ending of suffixed pers. pronouns [-ni?-at 'us', -Iin-at 'you' f. pl., -sin-at 'them' f.], Ak
OB (-a-/u-)ti id. [-ni?ati 'us', -Iunuti 'you' m. pl., -Iinati 'you' f. pl., -sunuti 'them' m., -sinati 'them'
f.], Ak OB -(a)t(i); acc.-gen. ending of separate pers. pronouns: 1s 'y-ati, 2s OAk Iu(v)-ati, 2m Ak
OB/OA I-ati ~ I-ata, 2f Ak OB/OA I-ati, 3m su-ati > sati (with innovative forms: suatu > satu), 3f
OAk si-ati, later sati, suati, 1p ni-ati, 2pm Iunu-ti, 2pf Iunati, 3pm sunu-ti, 3pf sin-ati; the forms
Iata and suvatu (> satu) result from analogy: 2m Iata with -a due to the infl. of the nom. atta
'thou' m. (versus atti 'thou f.), 3m suvatu with -u on the analogy of nom. su 'he' (vs. si 'she'), Ug
{Siv.} -t, obl. (acc./gen.) marker of pers. pronouns: hv-t 'him, his', hyt 'her (acc./gen.)', hmt 'them,
their (m. pl.)', hmt 'them, their (du.)', Sb acc./gen.: 3m hvt, 3f hyt, 3pm hmt, hmvt, 3pf hnt ( nom.:
hv?, h? 'he', hy?, h? 'she', hmv 'them' m., hn f.). In some lgs. these forms lost their ancient case
meaning: Ph OBy h?t 'he', OPh, Ph hmt they', Ar Sp HUET 'he', HIET 'she', HUMAT 'them' m., HUNNAT
'them' f., Ar P {L ?} hutu 'he', hitc 'she', Gz vo?otu 'he, this\that', yo?oti 'she; this\that (f.)' (with
new acc. forms based on the nominal acc. ending -a: vo?ot-a, yo?ot-a), ?ommuntu 'they' m.,
?ommantu 'they' f., ?ollontu - ?olluntu 'these' Sd. G 41, G OAWG 13O-2, Dk. AkJ 9O, 1O6, Dk. XAU
114, Siv. U 36, BGMR 55, FrdR 45-6, L G 2O, 25, 6O2, 625, Br. G I 3O3-6 C: Ag '-tt, acc. (or
acc./dat.) of pers. pronouns and some nouns: Xm {Ap.} -t, object case marker of pers. pronouns (yI-t
'me', II-t 'thee', qI-t 'him', qi-t - qIr-t 'her', yIna-t - yIna-t 'us', IIta-t - IIta-t 'you' acc. pl.,
qIta-t - qata-t 'them'), Bln (R) yi-t 'me, to me', Iu-t (I"s-t) 'thee, to thee', ni-t 'him, to him', yi'na-t
'us, to us', in'ta-t 'you' (acc. pl.) 'to you', na-t 'them, to them', Km {Ap.} Iu-t 'thee', etc.; the same acc.
ending is used with some nouns in Km {Ap.}: aba-t 'patrem', ivsna-t 'feminam', Bln ana-t
'elephantem', |o'robau_Iun gon'|ina-t 'I need a female slave', ni gon'|ina-t Ic'yantiu__ 'he married [his]

female slave', and possibly with feminine nouns in Km: lIva-t 'cow' acc. [vs. lIva 'cow' nom.],
lIvayan-t 'the cow' acc. [vs. lIvayan 'the cow' nom.] (unless in the latter case the ending -t is
connected with the 't-ending of f.); ?? Bln {R} -ti, acc. marker of proper names (with a final cns.) and
pronouns > gir'gis-ti |o'robnau_Iun 'we are looking for Girgis', av-ti |orobdo'nau_yun 'whom are you
looking for?' || EC: Sa {R} yo-t - yo-d 'me' acc., nu'ma-t 'uxorem' Ap. K 325, Ap. Kh I 259, 263, R BilS
677-8, R S II 345, 377, R WB 42-3, 2O9, 279, 365-6 ll U '-ttV, sx. of acc. > F pronominal acc. -t (minu-t
'me', sinu-t 'thee', hanc-t 'him', mcida-t 'us', tcida-t 'you' pl., hcida-t 'them', Icnc-t whom?'), Krl -t id.
(mia-t 'us', t'ia-t 'you' pl., hiat 'them'), Ing -d_ id. (mci_yc-d_ 'us', tci_yc-d_ 'you' pl., hci_yc-d_ 'them') ||
Os: V {Trj.} -t - -it id. (1s man-t, 2s niq-it, 3s li-it, 1d min-t, 2d mqin-t, 3d lin-t, 1p moq-ot, 2p noq-ot,
3p lo-ot), Sh {Trj.} -ot id. (1s man-ot, 2s nan-ot, 3s tuv-ot, 1d min-ot, 2d non-ot, 3d ton-ot, 1p muq-ot, 2p
nan-ot, 3p tov-ot), Kz {Rus.} -ot id. (1s man-ot - man-to, 2s naq-ot, 3s uv-ot, 1d min-ot, 2d non-ot, 3d on-ot,
1p mun-ot, 2p non-ot, 3p ov-ot), Vy/Ty/Y/P/D/K/Kr/Nz {Ht.} -t id. | Hg -t, acc. of pronouns and nouns.
Szinnyei (Sz. 6O) and Klemm (Klemm MTM 27Off.) believed that the Hg acc. is akin to the Mr df.
form with -t, which is hardly plausible because the latter goes back to the enclitic U prn. 'ta < N
'ta (prn. of inanimate objets) Laan. 19O-2, Laan. IJ 1O8, Jelis. FJ 1OO-1, Mak. KJ 69, Trj. XJ 328,
Rus. SXJ 84, Ht. ChrO 7O-1 ll IE '-jc,T, acc. ending of pronouns (acc. to Blz.s hyp. [Blz. IGPP 14]) >
OL acc. mcd 'me', tcd 'thee' (GSchm. IGPP 1O2). Blz. (IEPP 3 & 8, note 6) equates this OL form with
the Ht ntr. nom.-acc. ppas. -mic-t 'my', ti-t 'thy', which is hardly acceptable, because this Ht ending is
obviously that of the neuter gender (< IE '-T nom.-acc. ntr., whence L id, quid, quod, etc.) the
animate gender ending (nom.) -s (in Ht -mi-s 'my', -tics 'thy') IE '-s nom. anim. (whence L is, quis, etc.)
^ Blz IEPP 3, 14-15 (HS, IE, U) ^ This N pc. is hardly identical with the N prn. 'ta, because the
latter refers to inanimate objects, while the accus. marker 'tV is used with pronouns that denote (at
least in the 1st and 2nd peron) human beings. One of the possible explanations is that N 'tV
originally denoted accusative of definite referents (like BHb ta3 ?ct or the Tk acc. form), hence their
use with definite pronouns in U, HS and possibly IE. It is possible (but not certain) that the N acc.
marker 'tV is a reduced var. of the N word '?cy'atV 'to reach, receive', 'receit' [q.v.].
2315. ?? 'tEU 'to take' > HS: S '-ti- > Ar ty (ip. -tiu, pf. taa) v. 'take, grasp' BK I 212-3 ll K:
pGZ 'tc(v)-/'ti(v)- v. 'contain, have enough room for (co(cpar, nxcar)' > OG tc(v)-/'ti- 'contain,
receive', G tc-/ti- 'contain', Mg (n)ti(r)-, tr-, Lz (n)ti(r)-, (n)ti(n)-/(n)tr- 'fit in' K 18O, K
186 ll IE: Ht
da-, HrLw ta- v. 'take' Ts. E III 5-11, Mer. HHG 114-5; connection with IE 'd"c- v. 'put' is not ruled
out, but is less plausible ll ? A: M 'tu / 'tu > MM [S] tu 'having', possessive pc. (gcrgai tu 'having a
wife', qahca nidu tu 'having [only] one eye'), WrM -tu / -tu, HlM -ry / -r, sx. forming adj. (sometimes
written separately) and expressing the idea of possessing: WrM mori-tu 'having a horse' H 153, Pp.
GPMJ 111, MED 838, 848.
2316. 'tabV 'fit, good' > HS: S 'tab- 'good, pleasant' > BHb b&y tob id., Ug tb 'good, sweet,
pleasant', (AkSc) {Hnr.} tabu 'sweet, pleasant', OA, IA, Plm tb, BA by1 tab, JA [Trg.] {Lv., Js.} by2
tab / em. ab1y1 ta'ba, [BT] {Sl.} by tab, JEA {Sl.} tab, Sr tab 'good', JA [Trg.] by1 tab adv. 'well,
much', Ar tab-un 'a good\pleasant thing', Ak tabu(m) 'schn, gut, s', Eb {Frnz.} tab- 'good'; in pS
the adjective (in its pred. form) was incorporated into the verbal system as a stative form (> WS new
perfect): BHb b&y tob 'is good', Ar taba 'was good', Ak (stative) tab 'is good, fit, beautiful' - d :
Ak tiabu(m) 'to be good, fit', JA t?b G (pf. to?cb) {Js.} 'be bright \ good \ well', {Lv.} 'wohlgemut \
frhlich sein', Sr t?b G (pf. 'te tcj,b) 'be good', Ar tyb G (pf. taba, ip. ya-tib-u) v. 'be good'
BDB 373-5 [##2895-6], 1O94 [#2869], Js. 515, Lv. II 131-2, Lv. T I 292-3, Sl. 492, Br. 265, HJ 415-9,
KB 355-6, Sd. 1376-8, 138O-1, A #111O, OLS 479, Hnr. 131, Frnz. EL 167, BK II 126-8 EC: Dsn
{To.} daban 'good, pretty', {Ss.} daban 'pretty' To. DL 492, Blz. DL s.v. 'good' ll IE: NaIE
'd"ab"-, d"ab"-ro- 'fit, good' > L fabcr 'ingenious, skilful' ( 'worker, artisan') || Arm darbin darbin 'forger,
lock-smith' || Gt gadof ist 'es ist passend, schicklich', ga-daban 'sich ereignen, passen', ON dafna 'to
become fit\strong, thrive', MDt gcdouf 'sich fgen', Dt dcftig 'proper, decorous, portly', AS {Ho.}
cdafcn - {Sw.} cdcfc 'fitting, seemly', NE daft || Sl 'dob+ 'good' > R (o6 'is good', (o'6on 'good', Uk
) (o6nn 'good'; 'dob-r+ (dadj. 'dobr+|i) 'good' > OCS ecp+dobr+ 'good, beautiful', R '(o6pin, Blg (o'6p
'good, good-hearted', SCr do_bar, Slv dobcr, Cz dobry, P dobry 'good' | Lt daba, Ltv daba 'nature,
character', Lt dabin-ti (prs. dabin-u) 'to adorn, beautify' P 233-4, WH I 436-7, Fs. 176-7, Ho. 69, Sw.

41, Vr. 71, Frn. 79, Kar. I 193-4, ESSJ V 45-7, Vs. I 52O-1, Glh. 2O2, Slt. 146, EI 139 ('d"ab"- put
together' - 'd"ab"ros 'craftsman') The as 'd"...b" < (the expected) 't...b" is due to the IE
incomptability law that rules out combination of vd. aspirates and vl. cnss. in the same root ll A: M
'tab > WrM tab, HlM ran 'pleasure, confort; benevolence', Kl tavo 'wish; pleasure', WrM tabtai, HlM
ranran 'good, confortable, pleasant', {Kow.} 'bien, convenablement', Kl tavta 'confortable,
favourable', ? MM [S] tab 'recht, richtig, wahr', Ord t`ab_ 'bien, efficacement, compltement' MED
76O-1, Kow. 594, 16O9, H 143, KRS 47O-1, Ms. O 639 ? NaT 't`a 'satisfaction, sufficiency' > OT
{Cl.} ta id., 'satisfactory, sufficient', Qc {Rl.} ta 'das Passende, Zusammenhrige', Alt/Tlt {Rl.}
ta-ila qil, tabiqca qil 'tue was du willst, nach eigenem Gutdnken!', Tv ranrii t`a-t`iy 'tasty, sweet,
beautiful' Cl. 434, Rl. III 946 Rs. W 462-3, TvR 4O7 ^ IS MS 355 s.v. 'no(xo() nn' (fit'), IS SS
#13.6, M. VW 51 (all of them: S, IE).
2317. ? 'tabV 'head' > HS: Eg N db.t 'head' EG V 494 ("wohl fehlerhaft") ll ? A 't`abV > M
'tabju, 'head of a nail' > WrM {Rm.} tab, tabu, {Kow.} tab id., {Gl.} tab 'head of a nail\sword-hilt'
('mn) nia, 6n) xa na yqccc xcua, na ino:(c'), Ord t`ab_ 'head of a nail', Kl {Rm.} tab_ 'Nagelkopf,
Mtzenkopf', {KRS} tavo 'head of a nail\rivet, button, rivet', Brt ra6 'head of a rivet, metal plate
(6n) xa)', WrM {MED} tab, HlM ran 'part of the scalp on which a braid or pigtail grows' MED 78O,
KW 373, Kow. 1594, Chr. 4O7, KRS 47O, Gl. III 27, Ms. O 639, STM II 149 The word is attested in
modern M lgs. only, which may be accounted for by its meaning (a technical term not expected to
be mentioned in short vocabularies of the MM period or in "The Secret History"; an alt. hyp. of its
foreign (Turkic) origin, albeit phonetically plausible, is hardly acceptable because the word is not
attested in the T lgs.
2318. ? 'tbV 'to catch, seize' > HS 'tb > B '-ttVf- (Pr.: < 'vdf= eB 'vtf) v. 'seize, grasp' >
Rf, SrSn ottaf v. 'seize, take', Izn +tf, Si ottof (pf. yottof), Nf, Snd ottof, Gd cttof (pf. ittcf, Lcj. 8)
v. 'seize', Kb, Wrg ottof v. 'hold, take, seize', Mz ottof 'tenir ferme, saisir, attraper', Tmz ttof
'prendre, saisir, tenir, attraper', Izd tof (pf. itof) v. 'take, seize', Sll {Ds.} ottof (pf. ittof- ittaf v.
'hold, possess', Ah ottof v. 'take, hold', Twl, Ty ottof v. 'take, marry' (pf. Twl itt+f, Ty yott+f, Pcj.
1 A 2) Lf. I 242-5 (on Lcj. 8) & II #16O3, Rn. 311, Fc. 276, Mrc. 2O2, 229, Dl. 835-6, Dlh. Ou 342,
Dlh. M 38, La. S 292, MT 738, GhA 3O, 246-7 (on Pcj. 1 A 2), Ds. 226, 276-7 B '-ttVf, 'jv,tf <
't by as from 'tb) Ch: WCh {Stl.} 'tab- (- 'tab-?) id. > Krf {Sch.} tva-vo (verbal noun tofa),
Glm {Sch.} tab-ala, Gera {Sch.} tav-mi v. 'catch, hold' | Gj {ChL} dobi v. 'seize' || CCh: MfG {Brr.}
-tsb- 'accepter, recevoir, prendre ce quon donne' || ECh: Mkl {J} (aor.) ti:ba / (progr.) ta:bu
'picorer' Stl. ZCh 168 [#2O5] (adduces Hs tabc v. 'rip' - ??), Abr. H 834, Ba. 968-9, ChC s.v.
'catch', Sch. BTL 59, 88, Brr. MG II 239, J LM 18O Eg XXI dbdb 'angreifen' EG V 442 OS #2446
('tab- 'catch, seize': Eg, Ch; adduces Hs tabc without indicating its real meaning) ll A 't`EbV > Tg
'tcbc- ({DQA} 'tcbc-) v. 'catch' > Ewk tsvs- - tsvs-, Neg tsvon-, Lm tsv- v. 'catch, grasp (sth. flying)',
Ud tsvsns- v. 'try to catch sth. flying', tsvsqi- v. 'catch sth., throw back', WrMc tcbdcc- v. 'play ball,
play shuttlecock' STM II 226, Z 724 The WrMc tcbdcc- has a variant tcbIcc- (Z 724) obviously
connected with the Wanderwort represented by WrM tcbcg, HlM rynyi 'shuttlecock' and Kl {Rm.}
tcvog_ 'a shuttlecock made of metal pieces with feathers' (MED 789, KW 395); the origin of the word
is obviously Turkic: OT [MhK] tcuI 'a thing cast from lead which is wrapped in goats hair or the
like and used as a toy', MQp tcuI 'a toy with which children play' ( pT 't`c- v. 'kick' [Cl. 435,
439]) M 'tcbcri > MM [MA. IM] tcbcrc- 'embrace', [S] tcbcri- id., 'put ones arms round (umfassen)',
Kl rcnp-, Brt ry6ypn- id., WrM tcbcri-, HlM rynpy- 'encircle, encompass with or carry in ones arms',
Ord t`cvcrc-, Mnr H {SM} t`ori- 'carry\hold in ones arms, embrace' Pp. MA 343-4, 447, H 147, MED
79O, KRS 488, Chr. 451, Ms. O 662, SM 425-6 pKo {S} 'toir- 'lead, take so. with' > MKo toir-,
NKo tobul- S QK #86O, Nam 15O, MLC 443 ? pJ {S} 'tama 'bundle' > OJ taba, J: T taba, K taba,
Kg taba S QJ #1O31, Mr. 536 DQA #2362 [A 't`ca 'to catch, embrace, armful'].
2319. ? ''tcb'a (- 'tcmjb,a?) 'ruminant' ('antelope, cervide') > HS: SC: Grw ccfclu 'reedbuck',
Kz ccfcluIo 'Thomson's gazelle' E SC 354 (SC 'ttcfclu > pRt 'ccfclu 'small antelope') WCh {Stl.}
'tabV(-r) 'gazelle' > AG: Su {J} ta 'crested duiker', Ang {Flk.} tc, {ChC} tc 'antelope', Gmy lata,
Kfr {Nt.} ta id. | ? NrBc {Sk.}: P tambura, Sir tsmbsri, Jmb tamur, Mbr tambur, Kry tambur 'gazelle' Stl.
ZCh 161 [#153], ChC s.v. 'antelope', J S 84, Flk. s.v. tc, Sk. NB 1Oll U 'tcva 'elk, reindeer' > F tcva

'male elk' || Hg tchcn, tchcn, tc|cn 'cow', 'cattle' Sm {Jn.} 'tcs+_ '(domestic) reindeer' > Ne T
ri tI, Ne F tI, Ng {Mik.} ta, En {Mik.} tIa, {Ter.} tca, Kms {KD} t`o, Mt {Hl.} tsj:,ga (Mt {Mll.}: M tigga,
K dcgc, T taga 'rangifer ferus', Mt T {Pl.} tagoc 'Cervus Tarandus, oncn'); cds : Slq UTz {Hl.} ota
'domesticated reindeer', macin ota 'wild reindeer [maci 'forest, woods') Hl.'s recontruction of the
Sm as 'cs+_ is hardly justified Coll. 62, UEW 522-3, Jn. 155. Hl. M # 1OO1 ll A: T {Md.} 't`cba,
{ADb.} 'tcba 'camel' > OT [ThS II] tcba, OT QU [MhK] {Cl.} tavay, OT Og [MhK] {Cl.}
davay - dava, XwT XIV tcva, MQp XIII-XIV tcvc - dcvc, Cmn XIV tovc, Tk dcvc, Az dava, CrTt, Qry
dcvc - tcvc - tuyc, Tkm duyc, VTt, Bsh diya, Blq, Nog, Qzq, qq tuyc, Uz tuya, ET, Ln toga, Qrg, Alt
to, SY tc - ti, Xk rn6c tibc, Tv t`cvc, Tf t`cbc, Chv tovc, Slr tou_va 'camel', Yk taba 'reindeer'|| Chv L
rcAnc tivc, Chv H tivc, Blgh 1 Hg tcvc 'camel' Cl. 447-8, Shch. Zh 1O3-4, ET VGD 313-5, Mng. WK,
BT 156, Ra. 233, Md. 96, 178, Jeg. 244, Fed. II 211, Rs. W 468, DTS 556 The initial cns. t`- in Tv
and Tf suggests pT 't`- though ADb. (Ttd 51) finds that in roots with a medial voiced obstruent the
opposition 't--'t`- is neutralized M (A T?): WrM tcmcgcn, HlM ryxyy( n) , Kl tcmon 'camel'; M 1 Sln
tsmogo, Orc, Nn tsms, WrMc tcmcn 'camel' STM II 235 ^ The appearance of m in NrBc and M has no
explanation so far.
232O. ?? 'tobV 'teat' > HS: WS 'tuibjV,y- 'teat' > Ar tuby- - tiby- 'nipple, udder', Gz tsb, Tgy tub
'teat', Tgr tub 'breast, teat', Mh {Jo.} votsb 'teat, nipple', Hrs {Jo.} ha-tsb 'teat', Jb C {Jo.} 'ctsb 'teat
of a camel', Sq {L} '?atab 'pis'; ds : Ar vatb- outre lait, sein trs developp', Gz tbv G (js. yo-tbu)
'suck (the breast), suck milk', Tgr tbv, Tgy pf. tvba id. BK II 58, 1561, L G 587, L LS 57, LH 616,
Bsn. 913, Jo. M 433, Jo. H 138, Jo. J 294, MiK I #1.277 ll ? A 't`ob- > M 'tobci 'nipple (?), button' >
MM [MA, IM] {Pp.} tobci 'button', WrM tobci, HlM ronu 'button; nipple, teat', WrO tobci 'button,
nipples', Br ro6mo 'button, nipple', Kl ronu, Ord {Ms.} d_ob_c`i, Mnr H {T} dcbci, {SM} d_ics_i, Mnr M
{T} toyci, Dx tii 'button' MED 81O, Krg. 5O1, KRS 499, SM 54, T 328, Pp. MA 35O, 448, T DnJ
136, Ms. O 14, Chr. 423 ^ Valid only if the primary meaning of M 'tobci is 'nipple, teat' rather than
232Oa. ?? 'tUbE 'thin, small, of short stature' > HS: EC: pSam {Hn.} 'duban- 'thin' > Sml duban-
'be thin' ('essere sottile\magro\snello'), Bn {Hn.} dua 'thin'; Dsn {To.} dadab- 'become thin' Hn.
58, DSI 182, To. DL 49O S: Ar tibb-at- (pl. tibab-) 'longue bande\lisire dtoffe; longue bande de
terre\nuage', tibban-at- 'longue bande de cuire \ dtoffe; longuie bande de terre\nuage que lon
voit stendre sur lhorizon' Ar tafaf-at- 'petite quantit, un peu', tafif- 'peu nombreux' BK II 51,
87 ll D (att. in TnD) 'tu- > Kui tu 'short, dwarfish', turi 'short', tuura 'a short man\boy', Ku
tula 'short', tula 'dwarf' D #2963 ll ?? A: Tg: Lm: Sk to'bss, Ol to'borsIsIsn - to'borsIIon 'dwarf', Ol
to'boqs, O to'bsqsn, Sk to'bsns 'of short stature, dwarfish' STM II 2O1.
2321. ??? 'tubV (or 'tubE?) 'even, calm, quiet' > U: FU 'tuvV 'calm, quiet' > F tyvcn, Es tuvc
'calm, quiet' ('ruhig, still') || ObU {Ht.} 'toyon > pVg 'tavont 'Ruhe, Stille' > Vg: T tuvct, LK
tavot, UL ta':|ann_t, Ss/Sg tavant; pOs 'tcyon - 'toyon 'still' ({ Hl.} 'tayon - 'toyon) > Os: V/Vy
tcon, Ty ta'"on, Y ta'von, K tcvin, Nz/Kz/O tcvon UEW 525-6, Sm. 55O (FU 'tiva 'calm, deep' >
FP 'tiva, Ugr 'tiga) (both UEW and Sm. do not distinguish between this and FU 'tuvV 'deep' < N
'tubA 'deep', q.v.), Coll. 12O, Ht. #626 ll A 't`ubV > M 'tub- - 'tubsin 'even, straight, calm' > MM
[MA, HI] tubsin 'even, straight', [S] tubsin tuIcl 'ruhig, friedlich', tubsin _ari_u 'in Frieden
heimkehren', WrM tubsin, HlM rnmnn 'level, even, peaceful, calm', {Kow.} 'tranqillement', Kl r' nmn
'peaceful(ly), quiet', Kl {Rm.} tuvsn 'glatt, eben, friedlich, ruhig; Frieden, Ruhe', tuvs
'ruhiger, milder werden, sanftmtig sein\werden', MM [HI] tubsicrit 'pacifier'; M 'tubIinc- > WrM
tubIinc- {Kow.} 'apaiser, radoucir', {Gl.} 'appease, pacify, establish calm (ycxnpnr, yipornr, no(nopnr
cnoioncrnnc)', Kl {Rm.} tuIn-xo 'sich besnftigen, beruhigen, sanfmtig werden'; M 'tubtu >
WrM {Kow.} tubtu 'straight, sincere', Kl {Rm.} tut
-xo 'sanft, ruhig, mild werden' KW 415-7, MED
848-9, Gl. III 236-7, Kow. 19O7-9, KRS 511, H 153, Ms. H 1O3, Pp. MA 357-8 ll ?? HS: WS 'tbb >
Ar tbb G (pf. tabba) 'traiter [quelquun] avec douceur' (coalesced [1] with Ar tbb v. 'be
intelligent; tre habile, savant', akin to Sr tbb v. 'make inquiry, inform oneself, be informed', Sb
tbb v. 'teach, proclaim', Gz tbb v. 'be wise, prudent' and Sq {L} tcb v. 'know', and [2] with Ar tbb
v. 'treat medically', possibly akin to Jb tbb v. 'cut the skin of a slaughtered goat') Fr. III 36, BK II

5O-1, BGMR 152, Jo. J 274, L LS 198, Ls CDG 585, JPS 165, Br. 265 The adduction of Ar tbb
'traiter avec douceur' is valid unless it is a sd from 'be wise' ^ IS SS 317 [#1.14] (FU, M 'tub
2322. 'tu ibV 'reed, stick' > HS: S: Ak tubu '() reed' Sd. 1393 ? EC (mt ?) '?utju,b- 'pole',
{Ss.} '?utb- 'roofpole' > Sml udub 'pole, pillar, post', Sml N udub 'roofpole, tentpole', Rn {PG} utub
'curved house pole', Or {Grg.} utuba 'central pole that supports roof beams', Or B/O {Sr.} utuba, Or
Wt utuva 'poles, long thick sticks', Arr {Hw.} ?utub 'centre-pole of a house' Ss. PEC 57, Abr. S 242,
PG 286-7, Grg. 391, Sr. 39, Hw. A 344 ll IE: [1] NaIE 'tvib"-, 'tub"- 'hollow as a reed' ('rhrenartig
hohl') > Gk oiev 'tube, pipe, siphon (used for drawing wine out of the cask)', 'service-pipe for
water in houses', Gk [Hs.] oivo) kcvo) ('hollow') || L tibia 'pipe, fife, flute; shinbone', tuba 'straight
war-trumpet', tubus 'pipe, tube', Osc 1 VL 'tufa, 'tufus 'tube, horn (musical instrument)' > Romance
lgs.: It Tr tof 'se', Srd L tuva 'Hhlung im Mhlstein', Port tufo 'ffnung zum Ablassen des Wassers',
Sp Mrg tufo 'end of an axle', It STs tufa, It Sr tofa, It Ab tofo 'shepherds horn', It Np tofo 'bugle-horn'
L tibia may go back to a merger of IE 'tvib"- and IE '(s)tcyb"- 'stalk' [> OCS stibli id., etc.] WP I 751,
P 11O2, WH II 68O, 712, F II 713, ML ##8964, 8969 ?? [2] ? NaIE 'd"cu_b"-/'d"ub"- 'pin, wedge' >
Gk [Hs.] tuoi ovc) 'wedges' || Gmc: Sw, NNr dubb 'pin', NGr Trl Tuc 'large piece of wood';
(dim.): OHG tubil 'plug', tubili 'dowel', MHG tubcl, MLG dovcl (1 NHG Dubcl - Dobcl 'peg, pin'), MDt
dovcl 'peg, plug, pin, dowel', NE dovcl P 26, EI 638 ('d"ub"o-s 'wedge, peg'), F II 95O, Hlq. 16O, Kb.
1O43, OsS 965, Lx. 233, KM 145 ll A: M: WrM toibur, HlM {MED} ronnop 'stick, cane, crutch' ({Gl.}
'iocrin, inia, 6aiop') MED 819, Gl. III 149, Kow. 1582 ? Tg: WrMc {Z} tcbcn, tcbcn moo 'prop,
support', {Hr.} tcbcn moo 'Sttzholz' (moo is 'tree as timber, log') STM II 225, Z 722, Hr. 894 ll Gil:
Gil A t`if 'reed' ST 381 ll ? D 'tu'V / 'tumjV, ({GS} 't-) 'tube, hole' > Kn tubu 'tube of an ear-
ornament' [but Kn tubu 'nave of a wheel' is a loan from Mrt tuba id. < OI {Tu.} 'tumba-], Tl tuaramu
'hole', Tm tumu 'tube, sluice', bamboo tube' D #3389, Tu. #5869 ^ In IE 'tvib"- the
incompatibility law (rejecting a combination of a vl. stop and a voiced aspirate in the same ) is
infringed, which is probably due to the two-syll. distance between 't- and '-b- in the N and
possibly to the presence of a cns. between them. But in IE 'd"cvb"- (if it belongs here) the obligatory
as does operate, probably due to a kind of phonetic reduction (in different prosodic conditions?).
2323. ? 'tb'U 'to load, fill' > A 't`cab'U v. 'load, convey in a carriage' > Tg 'tcbu- id. > Ewk
tsv(u)-, Ewk I tu- - ts- v. 'put into, load, fill, stuff (with sth.)', Lm tsv(u)-, Nn B tsu- v. 'load, fill, stuff',
Neg tsv-, tsvu- 'id., Orc tsvu-, tsu-, Ork tsv(v)s-, tsu- v. 'load, stuff', Ud tsu- v. 'load, pour in', Ul tsu-ci-
v. 'load', WrMc tcbu- v. 'load, put a load (on the shoulders, on a carriage), fill (a vessel)' Ci. 168,
STM II 224-5 M 'tcc- 'load; convey, transport' > WrM tcgc-, tcgcgc-, HlM ryy- id., MM tcc- [S] 'load
(on a vehicle)', [HI] 'charrier', Ord t`c- 'convey, transport; carry (a foetus in ones womb)', Kl
rcc- tc- 'carry, convey\transport', {Rm.} id., 'load' MED 792, H 147, Ms. O 654, Ms. H 1OO, KRS
489-9O, KW 395 DQA #233O [A 't`cbV 'to put' > Tg 'tcb-, M 'tcc-] ll HS: WS 'tb 'fill' > Ar
tb G 'emplir, remplir (une mesure, un vase, une outre)', Jb tb G (pf. Jb C to, Jb E tc) v.
'drink more than enough', Jb E tb Sh

(pf. ct'ba) 'make so. drink too much milk', s`st'ba v. 'drink
plenty, too much' (this Jb verb was influenced by tb v. 'drink straight from the source') BK II
53, Jo. J 274, Jo. M 4O5 ? C: Bj {R} -tib pcv. 'fill' (1s: p. a'tib, prs. an'tib), -tab 'be full' (1s: p. a'tab,
prs. 'atabi) R WBd 22O ^ In some Tg lgs. there may be infl. of Tg 'tcb- v. 'put (stellen)' < N
'taV 'to put' (q.v.) lll An alt. (and less plausible) comparison: N 't'U 'to load, fill' > A: Tg 'tcbu-
id. ll HS: Bj {R} -tab v. 'be full', -tib v. 'fill', a'tab 'full' S 't v. 'be full' > Ak MA {Sd.} tau 'filled
(gefllt)', MHb {Lv.} pp. Fufy1 ta'u 'full', Ar {BK} tff Sh

v. 'fill' BK II 87, Lv. II 182-3, Sd. 1379-
8O ? Ch: Hs tumfayc v. 'fill; become full' Abr. H 898 OS #2481 ('tu(m)f- 'fill, be full': S,
2324. 'tubV 'lake; natural depression filled with water' > K 'tba (< ''tvba?) - 'tub- 'ravine, lake'
( N 'tubA 'deep'??) > OG, G tba- 'lake', Lz toba-, tiba- 'lake, pond', Sv {K} tub(a)- 'ravine, lake', Sv
{TK}: UB/Ln tuba, Ln toba, L tuba 'puddle, swamp'; ? Sv {Ni.} tvib 'river', Sv UB {GP} tvib 'ravine
with a rivulet, runnel', Sv UB/LB/L {TK} tvib 'ravine, gorge' K 179 & K
185 ('tba 'lake'), TK
719-2O, GP 26O, Ni. s.v. pia, GP 26O; GM S 114-5 and GM SAKS 43 (anaptyctic o in Zan) The

variant 'tub- is represented in Sv (tvib- < 'tub-i), while the variant 'tb- may go back to 'tvb-, like in
the 'gjv,s-/'gus- v. 'web' (with 'gjv,s- > G Isov-, K 67) or in other cases of 'CvC > 'CC supposed by
K: 'Ivm- v. 'emit smoke' > G Im- v. 'burn incense', 'rIvm- > G 'rIm- v. 'cover', 'svm- > G sm- v.
'stroke with the hand, smear', 'tizvn- > G 'tizn- v. 'lice', 'tiIvn- > G tiIn- v. 'leap', 'varc_vn- > G
varc_n- v. 'comb', 'tIvlc- > G tIlc- v. 'eat greedily, gobble' ll ? HS: S 'tib- > Ar [Qam.] {Fr.} tib-
'fluvius; vadum aquae' Fr. III 38 NrOm: BMa {SSW} tovc 'lake' SiW ABK 17ll IE: NaIE 'd"cu_b- -
(with a nasal infix) 'dhumb- 'depression in the ground (filled with water)' ( 'd"cvb- 'deep' < N
'tubA id.) > Ilr ou|i) 'sea' || MHG tumf 'pool, puddle', OHG tumfilo 'shallow place (Untiefe);
whirlpool', MHG tumfcl 'deep place in water, eddy (Strudel)', NHG Tumcl 'deep place in water',
'pool of stagnant water', NE lc dum 'a deep hole in the bed of a river\pond' || Lt duburys - duburys,
duburas 'pit, depression filled with water', dumburys id. P 267-8, Kb. 1O45, OsS 969, Lx. 234, KM
796, OED III 714, Frn. 1O8 ll U 'tovV 'lake, pond' > FU: pPrm {LG} 'tu' > Z, Vt tI 'lake' || pObU {Hl.}
'tovy 'lake' > pVg 'tov > Vg T to; pOs 'toy ({ Hl.} 'tuy) > Os: V/Vy/Ty toy, Y/K tov, D tcv, Nz
tuv, O tuv | Hg to (acc. tavat) 'lake, pond' Sm {Jn., Hl.} 'to 'lake' > Ne T ro, {Lh.} to, Ne F {Lh.}
to " tot_, En {Ter., Mik.} to; ? Ng {Mik.} d 'turIu (< {Jn.} 'to-rIa); Slq Tz {KKIH} to, Slq Tm {KD} tu;
Kms {KD} t`u, Koyb {Sp.} ro; Mt {Hl.} 'toh id. (Mt: K {Pl.} doh, {Mll.} do, M {Sp.} roa, M/T {Mll.} to)
UEW 533, Coll. 62, Sm. 54O (U 'toxI 'lake' > FU, FP 'tuxi, Ugr 'tugi, Sm 'to), MF 635, Ht. #62O, LG
292, Jn. 164, KKIH 186, Hl. M #1O43 ll A: T 'tj`,uba, {ADb.} 'tuba 'deep lake, deep place in a
lake/river' (infl. of N 'tubA 'deep') > Chv raAna t+b_a 'deep place in a river\lake (oxyr)', MsTt, VTt
TYK/TYT, Bsh t+ba id., 'deep place (nyunna, oxyr)', VTt U t+ba 'deep lake without outlet with steep
banks; swampy river-bed that is without water in dry years', Qq tuba 'backwater (:ano()' Ash. XIV
282, IS MS 336, TTDS 416, BR 529, KrkR 653 ^ In IE and K this coalesced with N 'tubA 'deep'
(because of the merger of 'u and 'u), the meaning 'lake' being interpreted as 'a deep depression
filled with water'. But in U and T, where 'u and 'u did not merge, both roots are distinguished
(althogh there is semantic infl. of 'tubA on 'tubV) ^ Cf. IS MS 336 s.v. 'iny6oinn' ('deep') 'tubn
(?IE 'd"cvb/- 'deep', T 'tj`,uba 'oxyr', U 'tuvV 'lake', D 'tuvV v. 'dip in', K 't(u)ba 'deep, lake') Gr. II
#231 ('to 'lake') [U, J, Ai, Gil].
2325. 'tUbV 'hoof, (finger-\toe-)nail, heel' > HS: EC: Af {PH} dibi (pl. dibi), {R} ti'bi, Rn daddab
'heel', ? Arr {Hw.} tcb 'foot, spoor' PH 91, R A II 115, Hw. A 396, PG 1OO ? Ch: WCh: DfB {J}
tamba 'sole (Sohle)', tamba ti saIur 'sole of the foot', Bks {J} taba-i say 'sole of the foot (with the
heel)', taba-i ra 'palm of the hand' || ECh: Kbl {Cp.} taba, Kwn M {J} taba 'foot' ChC s.v. 'foot', J R
146, 221, OS #2347 ?? Eg NK tbs 'heel' > DEg tbs > Cpt: Sd [attibs, B tatt"ibs id. EG V 262, Er.
625, Vc. 211 OS #2347 (C, Ch) (pHS 'tab-/'tib-) ll U 'toj,a (or 'soj,a) > Sm {Jn.} 'toa, {Hl.}
'toa 'hoof' ('Klaue, Huf') > Ne T ro6a 'hoof', Nn T O {Lh.} tob_a, Ne F L {Lh.} toa 'Klaue, Huf' |
Slq: Tz {KKIH} toI, {Cs.} toc 'foot', Nr {Cs.} tob, Ke toa, NP toc 'foot' | Mt K {Hl.} 'tohao ({Pl.}
tohoto` 'hoof') Ter. 664, Lh. 492, KKIH 185, Cs. 148, 225, Hl. M #1O44 ll A {SDM97} 't`u`o 'hoof,
(finger-\toe-)nail' > NaT {S, SDM95} 't`ubnaI 'hoof' > OT QU [MhK] {Cl.} tuyay, MU tuynaq, MQp
tuyaq - tuynaq, XwT tuynaq - tunyaq, Chg tuvay, Osm XIV-XVI duynaq - tuynaq - diynaq - tiynaq, Tk
toynaI - duynaI, Tkm toynaq, Chg {Rl., Bu.} "vT tuvay, {Bu.} 'Nv0T tuynaq - 'YT t'uyaq, ET {BN, Jr.}
tuvaq, {Rl.} "vvT tuvaq, {Nj.} 'YvuT tuyaq, "vvuT tuvaq, ET {KtnM} tubaq, ET Kc {LCq} tuvaq, Uz
ryccI tuyoq, VTt, Bsh t+yaq, Qry, Qmq, Blq, Nog, Qq, Qrg tuyaq, Qzq tuyaq, StAlt ryniai tuyyaq, QK (B,
Rl.}, Sg {Rl.}, Qc {Rl.}, Qb {Rl.} tuyyaq, Xk ryniax tuyya_, SY {Ml.} tuyay - tuyuy- - tiyiy, Tv (yi tuyuy, Yk
{Pek.} ry|ax tuya_ Cl. 519, Rs. W 499-5OO, TL 147 (adduces a misquoted Slr "c`inay" for c`irna_
that does not belong here, see Tn. S 3O5), S AJ 179, TrR 252, 868, Rl. III 1424, 1435, BIG 239, B DLT
2O9, BT 157, BN 58, Nj. 34O, RUjS 5O8, Jr. 317, Mng. G 8O8, Ml. ZhU 124, 128, Bu. I 41O The rec.
of '-b- in 't`ubnaI is suggested by ET tubaq " tuvaq " tuvaq and by Chg {Rl., Bu.} "vT. But ADb. (TL
147) reconstructs the pT as 't`uyqaI ppM ''tu'|ur > pM tuyur 'hoof' ( N 'tVRV - 'tVRV '
part of the foot', 'foot', q.v. ffd.) Tg 't'ua 'fingernail' > Orc tia id.; - Tg 'tu-Icn 'nail (clavis)'
> Ewk tiIsn 'wooden nail, peg', Sln tiIIssu, {Iv.} rc6io'cyn, Lm tiIin " tiIsn " tiIir 'wooden nail;
stake (ion)', Neg tiIsn, Orc tis (< 'tiIsn), Nn Nh tuIs, Nn KU tiIo, Nn B tufIs(n-), Ork
tuIo/-n- - tuIs/-n- 'nail (clavis)', Ud tiIs / tiIsn-, Ul tuIs / tuIsn- 'nail, peg' STM II 185-6 pKo {S}

'toh 'fingernail' > MKo to", Ko Chj t"o id., Ko Ph/PhN/Kw (and StNKo) son-t"o, Chs
Ks/Sl son t"o, Hm son t"o 'fingernail' (lit. 'hand nail', because son means 'hand') S AJ 252 [#13], S
QK #13, Nam 459, MLC 17O8 ? pJ {S} 'tuma-i_ 'fingernail, claw' > OJ tumc, J: T cumc, K/Kg
cumc, Ns cimI, Sh cimi, Ht sI_m_i, Y mmi S AJ 268 [#93], S QJ #93, Mr. 555 SDM97 s.v.
't`u`o 'nail, hoof', DQA #24O4 [A 't`i_u`o 'nail (noior), hoof'], S AJ 278 [#87] (A 't`u`V) ^ The
nasal element in J and WCh defies explanation so far. Altaic '-`- may well go back both to N '--
and to '-P- Gr. II #65 ('toa 'claw') [U, A, incl. Ko, J].
2326. 'tubA 'deep' > K 'tba 'deep' > Mg toba-, tobo- 'deep', ( N 'tubV 'lake; natural
depression filled with water'): Sv UB tvib " {K} tub(a)- 'ravine' (ffd. see s.v. 'tubV) K 179 ('tba
'lake'), GM S 114-5 & GM SAKS 43 (anaptyctic o in Mg), TK 72O, GP 26O ll HS: S 'tb v. 'sink deep,
be drowned' ( N 'tU'V 'to plunge, immerse', q.v. ffd.) ll IE: NaIE 'd"cu_b- 'deep', with a nasal
infix: 'd"umb- 'Erdvertiefung' > Gt dius, ON d|ur, AS dco, NE dcc, OSx dio, OHG tiof, NHG ticf
'deep'; Gt dau|an, OSx do|an, OHG toufcn, NHG taufcn 'to baptize', ON dcyfa, AS dican 'to dip,
baptize', dyan id. (> NE di), ON dcya, dyfa, dufa, AS dyfan 'to dip', NE divc; MHG tobcl, NHG Tobcl
'wooded gorge, ravine, gully' || OIr {Thr.} domuin, W dvfn, Crn dovn, MBr {Ern.} doun, Br dcun 'deep' (<
'd"ubni-) || Lt dubus 'hollow, concave', Ltv dob|s 'hollow, deep', Lt dubti (prs. dumbu) 'to become
hollow\sunken; to stick, sink', Ltv dubt vi. 'to sink, be hollowed out, become hollow' | Sl 'd+'no
'bottom (of river\sea\lake, of vessel)' (< 'd"ub-no-) > OCS +ued+no, Blg ) (no, SCr dno, Slv dno, Cz,
Slk, P dno, R, Uk (no P 267-8, EI 154 ('d"cu_b- 'deep'), Fs. 121, Vr. 76, 78, 87, Kb. 1O19, 1O24-5,
OsS 939, 942, 947, Lx. 227, Ho. 72-3, 79, 81-2, Ho. S 13, Thr. 19O, LP 48, YGM-1 197, Ern. 195,
Hm. 153, Frn. 1O8-9, Kar. I 222-3, 234-5, ESSJ V 174 & Glh. 2O1-2 [in both: Sl 'd+bno with unj. (for
the pSl level]) rec. of 'b] ll U: FU 'tuva 'deep' > F syva 'deep', Es suva " suva, ? Es sugav 'deep,
depth', Lv tsva, Lv W tiva, tuva 'tief, weit nach innen' | pLp {Lr.} 'tsvc 'deep; the water far out, deep
water' > Lp: N {N} davvc -v- id., 'the deep of the river or fjord', U {Schl.} divvc`-, I {It.} tavvc 'die
Meerestiefe, das tiefe Meer', Pa {TI} tvvv, T {TI} tavvc, Kld {TI} tvvv(o), K {Gn.} to-
vv [tsvv] 'open
water surface, esp. deep sea', S {Hs.} d dyvvcnc 'drauen in dem\einem Fjord' || ?? Chr tu-, tuyu-
'outside' UEW 525-6, Sm. 55O (FU 'tiva, FP 'tiva, Ugr 'tiga 'calm, deep') (UEW and Sm. do not
distinguish between this from FU 'tuvV 'calm, quiet' < N 'tubV 'tubE 'even, calm, quiet', q.v.),
Kt. 416, Lr. #1216, Lgc. ##7677, 7877a, Hs. 475-6, TI 578 ll A {S} 'tu`V > NaT 'tu 'bottom (of a
river/lake/vessel), bottom, root' > OT tu, Tk di/dib- id., VTt, Bsh ti, StAlt tu 'bottom (of a
river/lake/vessel), root', ET tu 'bottom, root, under', Tkm dui_, Az dib, Ggz di, Tv tu, Xk
tu id., 'bottom (of a river/lake/vessel)', Qrg, SY tu 'bottom ((no, nn:)', Tf tu' 'bottom (of a
vessel/river)', Chv to " to id., 'root' Cl. 434-5, Ra.178, Rs. W 5O5, TL 1O8-9, ET VGD 317-9, Md.
65, Dr. TM II 652ff., TkR 191, Hs. 1O6, Ml. ZhU 127, BN 159, Nj. 326-7, BT 162, S AJ 194 [#2O7],
ADb. Ttd 54 S AJ 289 [#316], SDM95 s.v. 'tub'i end, edge' (includes T 'tu 'bottom', cp. N
'to'E 'head, top') ^ In many lgs. (IE, K) this coalesced with N 'tubV 'lake', the meaning 'lake'
being interpreted as 'a deep depression filled with water'. But in U and T, where 'u and 'u did not
coalesce, N 'tubA 'deep' and 'tubV '' are distinguished. In IE the coalesced with N 'tU'V 'to
plunge, immerse'. In pA there is mte from the initial cns. to the word-medial one. In IE the cns.
'd"- for the expected 't- may be due to the pre-IE incompatibility law (ruling out roots with emph. vl.
+ vd. [> IE v. + vd. aspirate]. The length of the vw. in T is due the presence of an additional cns. (N
') ^ Cf. IS MS 336 s.v. 'iny6oinn' ('deep') 'tubn (?IE, T, U 'tuvV 'lake', D 'tuvV v. 'dip in', K 't(u)ba
'deep, lake'), S AJ 289 (A, IE).
2327. ? i 't'abHa 'to trample, crumple, press' > HS: B 'tbb ( N 't'V 'to squeeze, press') > Ah
otbob 'se serrer dans ses vtements, tre serr dans ses vtements' Fc. 1882 C: SC: ?? Alg {E}
cobo?ot- v. 'melt', C 1 Mb -sibi v. 'wring' ( N 'tV 'to squeeze, press') E SC 176 (equates Alg,
Mb and Dhl; reconstructs SC 'tub- v. 'squeeze out') ll IE {EI} 'dcH- > NaIE 'dc"- 'trample, push,
knead, strike' ( N 'daoyV - 'dao'yV 'push' [q.v.]) > Arm toem to"cm 'I strike' || Gk oce vt. 'soften
by working with the hand (kneten, walken)' || Sl 'dcb- (inf.: {ESSJ} dcbati, 1s prs. dcbo) 'to strike' >
Cz dcbatu 'to srike, lash', R Ps ) ( 6ar 'to break', SCr dc_im, dc_iti (ip. dcati) 'to strike'; ? Sl
'dctati > P dctac 'to tread upon, Cz dctati id., 'to oppress' IE 'd- rather than 't- due to the pre-IE
incompatibility law (ruling out roots with emph. + vd. [> IE vl. + vd. aspirate]) WP I 786, P 2O3, EI

55O ('dcH- 'strike'), Slt. 389, Tls. 85, F I 37, SPS III 159, Br. 87, ESSJ IV 225 ll U i 'taV v. 'trample'
( N 'tabjV,qa 'hit\strike' N i 'daoyV - 'dao'yV 'push' ?? N 't'V 'to squeeze, press') > pMr
'taa- > Er/Mk taa- 'zertreten, niedertreten' | Prm i 'ta- 'trample, press, flap' > Z i taII- 'flap, walk
slowly', tayav-nI 'walk with soft quiet steps', Vt i taIrtI- 'stamp ones feet' || Hg i taos- 'tread
(on/down), trample', taod- 'treten, zertreten' Sm: Ne T i raAnaAp- v. 'kick, push with ones foot',
Ne O {Lh.} taar- 'mit dem Fu treten, stoen', Slq Tz {KKIH} taal- 'kick, strike with the foot (nnyr,
n) inyr)', {Erl.} taIr- 'mit dem Fu stoen', Slq {Cs.}: B tacr-, Ke tabcr-, Nr tabar- 'stoen' UEW 5O9,
MF 613-4, LG 278, TmK 671, Ker. II 164, Lh. 449, KKIH 179, Erl. 251, Ter. 5O9, Cs. 146, 286 ll A: [1]
A: T 'ta- 'trample' ( N 't'abHV 'to trample, crumple, press', q.v. ffd.) [2] A i
't`a`V (- 'ta`V?) > T 't`a- v. 'kick, stamp, clap' ( N 'tabjV,qa '' > OT ta- id., MT XIV [IM] da-,
Tkm da-, dain-, Tk tc- v. 'kick' (of horses)', Osm {Rl.}, Chg {Rl.} da- 'mit Fssen treten,
ausschlagen (von Pferden)', Ggz tc- 'kick, strike with the feet', Az ta- v. 'stop up; felt (valenki, felt
boots)', taiI 'a kick (nnnoi)' ('t > Tkm d- in 'CV-roots, ADb. Ttd 54), XT dc-, Qzq, Qrg, Uz, StAlt
tc-, StXk rcn-/-6- tc-/-b-, Sg r n-/-6- ti-/-b-, VTt, Bsh ti-/-b-, ET ta-, Tv t`c'-/t`c'v-cr, Tf t`c'`-, Yk
ta- v. 'kick' ('nnnar, n) iar'), Chv ran- ta/b_- v. 'kick, push' IS AD 43 [#8] (mentions a Tv variant
dc'v-, not confirmed by Tv dictionaries), Cl. 435, TrR 85O, Rl. III 11O8-9, 1687, TL 394, TvR 4O9,
Ra. 234, Jeg. 23O, ADb. Ttd 55-6, BIG 223, 225, Fed. II 171-2 M 'tcyirc- > WrM tcirc-, HlM rynpy-x v.
'kick with the hind legs, kick back', Ord {Ms.} t`ir- 'kick with the hind leg', Kl {Rm.} tir- id., {KRS}
rnnp- tir- id., 'kick with the foot' (nnnar, n) iarc) )', Brt rnnpy- 'trample the ground (yranrinar)' ? M
{DQA} 'tubu- > WrM tubcr- v. 'stamp the feet, trample underfoot' MED 797, 848, Ms. O 662, KRS
498, KW 396 (Kl tir- < 'tcvirc-), Chr, 422 Tg 'tcbb- (or 'tc-?) > Lm tob+I- 'press\squeeze (sth.
juicy)'; i Tg 'tctc- 'trample down' > Ewk tsts- id., Nn tssts- 'dance' (n.), ? Lm tsssqni- 'trample
ground on the same place, mark time' STM II 224 IS AD 5O, Pp. AU 1OO M 'tubEr- v. 'stamp
the feet, trample under foot', Tg 'tub- v. 'step, trample' (> Ewk tuv-, Lm to'- id., Neg tuasan 'track')
and pJ 'tumu- 'trample, destroy' (> J T cubu-s- id., ltOJ tubura-, J T cubu 'be trampled, destroyed',
S QJ #1197, Mr. 772) may either belong to a different etymon or have a labial vw. due to the infl.
of the labial cns. DQA #239O [A 't`i_o`c 'to trample' > T, M, J ] ll ?i D 'ta- ({AD} 'dabb-) v.
'strike, beat' [ N 'tabjV,qa '', q.v. ffd.] ^ 'a in U 'taV and T 'ta- is due to vowel harmony and
points to a final 'a ^ The et. is qu. because such onomatopic roots may have originated
independently in different daughter-families and subfamilies. M 'd- (for 't-) in 'dcbsc- is still to be
explained (as ?).
2327a. ?? 'tabjV,qa 'to hit\strike' ( 'to kill') > HS: S 'tb_ v. 'slaughter' ( v. 'cook') > Ak tb_
(inf. taba_u), BHb tbh G v. 'slaughter, slay, kill off', Ug tb_ 'sacrificar, degollar', JA {Trg.} tbh v.
D , JEA tbh v. G 'slaughter, slay', Sr tbh G 'slay, strike', Pun, OA d tbh 'butcher, cook', Ar b^
tb_ v. G 'cook', Gz tbh G (pf. 2B1 tabha, js. Y@! yotbah [yotbah]) v. 'slaughter, slay, kill', Tgr/Tgy
tbh G 'strip off the skin', Sb d tb_ 'meat', Hrs tb_ (pf. tobo_) v. 'cook\boil', Mh tb_ (pf.
'tavbs_) v. 'cook', 'make a mark' ( *'slaughter, sacrifice', cp. Gz Sh

?atboha v. 'make an incision,
sacrifice'), Jb tb_ (Jb E pf. to_, Jb C pf. tc_) v. 'bake edible parts in cowpats' Sd. 1235-6, A
#1111, OLS 479, HJ I 419, KB 352-3, KBR 368, HJ 419, Lv. T I 293, Js. 516, Sl. 492-3, Br. 267, JPS
166, Jo. M 4O6, Jo. J 274, L G 585-6, LH 615; EthS 'h for the expected '_ has not been explained (a
loanword from a h-lge.?) ll U: FV 'taa- v. 'strike' ( v. 'kill') ( N i 'daoyV - 'dao'yV 'push' U i
'taV v. 'trample' < N i 't'abHV 'trample, crumple, press') > F taa-, Es taa- v. 'kill, slaughter' |
pMr 'taa- > Er/Mk {Ps.} taa- v. 'strike and wound (or leave a mark)', {KC, PI, ERV} rana- v. 'break,
defeat (the enemy)', Mk {Ahl.} taa- 'schlagen, prgeln' | ? i Chr tat-as 'forge (ionar, or6nnar)'
UEW 5O9-1O, Ker. II 164, KC 299, PI 266, ERV 645 ll A i 't`a`V (- 'ta`V?) > T 't`a- v. 'kick, stamp,
clap' ( N 't'abHV '', q.v. ffd) ll D 'ta-, {AD} ''dabb- [?] (< ''taH-) [ N 't'abHV ''] > Tm tau
v. 'strike, kill', taai_ 'a blow', Kn dabbc, dcbbc, dabbc, dcbbc 'a blow, stroke', Tl dcbba id., dabbadincu v.
'slap', Prj ta- v. 'strike, kill', Knd ta- v. 'strike, hit' D #3O75 ll ?? K: GZ 'tIvc-/'tIvi- 'beat, beat
up' ( N 'duI'U 'strike, beat', q.v. ffd.) The cns. I for the expected _ and the unexpected
labialization ('v) may be due to the infl. of N 'duI'U ^ IS MS 33O (i 'ta`n v. 'beat': IE 'tc-
'beat\tread', A 't`aV v. 'beat\forge\tread' [T, Tg], U 'taa v. 'beat with feet, tread', D 'ta- v. 'beat',

K 'tIc-/'tIcb- v. 'trample', HS 't- v. 'beat, break, trample'), IS SS #1.1O (id.) BmK 318-9
('t`ab-/'t`ob-: S, U, D). In my opinion, we can distinguish here several roots - N 'tabjV,qa 'hit\strike',
'taV 'hit (the target)', 'daoyV - 'dao'yV 'push', 't'abHV '' and 't'V 'squeeze, press'. In the
descendant lgs. these roots influenced each other, sometimes contaminated and merged.
Ideophonic associations could also play a role. U '-- < '-bH- (H is a vl. lr.) < '-bjV,q-.
2328. ? 'tVbV'LV 'to dip in, immerse' > K: G tbor- 'unter Wasser setzen' Chx. 1332 ll HS: WS
'tbl v. 'dip in' > BHb tbl G (ip. -tbol) v. 'dip into (a liquid), dive, plunge into', JA [Trg.] tbl G
'dip into, bathe', JEA tbl G vi. 'immerse oneself for ritua; purification', vt. 'dip food', Ar {KB}
mutabbal- 'feucht', Gz tbl G v. 'wash with holy water', tabal 'holy water, baptisml water', ? Mh
mstbslot 'hot stones put under and on to dough in a glowing fire' ( *'hot stones put into water to
heat it and to cook food in it') KB 353, KBR 369, BDB #2881, Lv. T I 293, Js. 517, Sl. 493, L G 586,
Jo. M 4O6 ^ K 'r < 'l still needs investigation.
2329. ? 'tuH'c`V - 'duHcV 'to glide, slip' > HS: WS 'tHsc id. > Mh, Hrs ths G , Jb E ths G v.
'slip, stumble', Jb C Sh

ct'hcs - cthcs v. 'slip', Ar Y {Goit.} tuhus 'schlpfrig'; WS 'dXsc > Ar dhs G
'glisser, trbucher dans un terrain glissant', Sq {L} dhd (= dhs) 'glisser, trbucher, sgarer', Gz
d_s G v. 'slip', Jb: E 'dahas, C 'mud'has 'slippery place' Jo. M 4O8, L G 128, L LS 125, BK I 675,
Goit. 38 ll D {Pf.} 'tuc-VI- v. 'slip, slide' > Tl dusuIu v. 'slip, slide (as a tied knot, sth. hold in hand,
foot in clay, etc.), dusiIi(l)lu v. 'slip, slide', Krx tus(o)g- v. 'loosed threads that are knit' D #3288,
Pf. 74 [#454], Km. 4O3 [#667].
233O. 'tavdV 'to be full' > U: FU 'tavoc 'full', v. 'fill' > F taysi (gen. taydcn) 'full, filled,
whole', Es tais (gen. taic) 'full, filled' | pL {Lr.} 'tcvtc v. 'fill' > Lp N {N} dv'dc-/-vd-, Lp S {Hs.}
dicvtcdh, Lp Vfs {Lgc.} d_I_sv]ts-, Lp L {LLO} tcu'tct, Lp Kld ti_cv:dco id., tivt, tivt 'full' | StChr L rnu,
Chr U/B/M tic 'full' | Prm: Vt (on-(on, (onai 'everybody, everything, (as a) whole', Prmk do'l 'all,
everybody, everything', Z dsla 'very, completely' [Z {Glv.} dsla Ius 'stark naked' (Ius is 'naked'),
dsla bi 'very hot' (bi is 'fire, heat') Z dsla bi-sn 'blazing'] || ObU 'tcyol 'full' > pVg 'taol > Vg: T
tavl, LK tolo, MK/UK talo, P tala, NV tavla, LL tal, UL/Ss tal id.; pOs 'tcl ({ Hl.} 'tal) > Os:
Vy/O tcl, Ty ta', K/Nz tit, Kz tc id. | Hg tclc, tcli 'full, filled' UEW 518, Coll. 119, Sm. 55O-1 (FU
'tavda, FP 'tavda, Ugr 'tagda 'fill'), Lr. #1249 (Lp A F), SZ 113, TmK 2O9, MF 626-7, Ht.
#622, Lr. #1249 (Lp A F), Lgc. #4821, Hs. 435 ll A 't`odV > T 't`oo-, {ADb.} 'too- v. 'be full, sated' >
OT too- id. ({Cl.} too- without proof of the length), Tk doy-, Tkm, Az, XT doy- 'be(come) sated', SY toz-,
Qzq, Qrg, Qq, Nog toy-, VTt, Uz tuy-, Tv ro(-ap t`od-ar, {ADb.} t`o't-, Tf {Ra.} tot-, {ADb.} to't- id., Yk
tot 'full (sated)', tot- 'be full (sated)'; T {Md.} 'too-gun- > OT [MhK] tooyun-, Tkm doyan-, Chv L t+ran-,
Chv H t+ran- 'eat ones fill' Cl. 451, Rs. W 483, TrR 244, Jeg. 238, Md. 43, 179, Ra. 147, ADb. Ttd
52 [#17], Fed. II 195-6 Acc. to A. Dybos theory (ADb. Ttd 5O-2), in roots with intervoc. voiced
obstruent the opposition 't 't`- is neutralized M 'todsun (ADb.: < ''t`od-sun) n. 'fat (as food),
butter' [ *'sating'] > Mnr H {SM} t`os 'butter', MM tosun [S, MA, IM] 'butter', [HI] 'fat, oil', [IsV] 'fat
(graisse)', WrM tosun, HlM roc 'fat, butter, oil, tallow', Kl tosn 'fat, oil', MMgl tusun 'oil, grease', Mgl
{Rm.} tusun 'Fett, Speck' MED 828, KW 4O3, Rm. M 4O, H 152, Pp. MA 351, 448, Ms. H 1O2, SM
422, T 365, Iw. 139, Lg. VMI 69 KW 4O3, ADb. Ttd 52ll K {K} 'ttcn- (< ''td-cn- < ''tvd-cn-) 'fill,
stuff, pack (tight) with' > OG, G tcn- id., Mg titin- v. 'stuff tight', Sv: {K} tton-/toton- 'fill to the
brim', L {Dn.} toton- (msd. li-tton-c, 1s aor. o_-toton) id.; L litontcl- msd. 'to fill' K 183, K
('tcn-), FS 292-3, FS E 325-6 ('tcn-), Dn. s.v. toton- & tontcl- ll D (in SD) 'tav- ({GS} 't-) 'much' >
Tm tava 'much, intensely', Kn tavc 'abundantly, wholly, completely', Td tof In- v. 'be perfect' D
#31O6 The D cognate is valid only if N '-vd- yields D '-v- ll ??? IE 'tcu_t- 'the whole, everybody,
people' (> L totus 'the whole, entire', etc.) [ N 'tutE 'clan\tribe, everybody, all' (q.v. ffd.)] ll Gil: Gil
A d_ad_o 'all, whole, full' ^ BmK 289 (U, D + IE {P} tcv-/tcvo- v. 'swell' and Eg tv:.t 'swellings');
Resh. NNE #11 (phonetically unj. comparison of FU 'tavoc 'full' with A {DQA} 'talV, cf. N
'dalq'u 'wave') ^ In IE there is as ''t-...d"- > 't...t- due to the pre-IE incompatibility law (ruling out
combination of emph. and vd. [> IE vl. and vd. asp.] in the same root).
2331. 'togE 'dust, earth (substance)' > HS: C: Dhl {To.} tugg"a, {EEN} tugg"a, {E} togg"a 'smoke'
|| Ag: Xm {BSW} 'tiya, Xm Wg 'smoke' E SC 229 (< SC 't'og"a 'smoke'), EEN 17 (believing
that the SC word is a loan from Khoisan), To. D 148 , Blz. CL 18O, BSW KhWL 7 S: Ar rvjuY0da

daygur- 'earth, dust' Fr. II 8, BK I 671, Ln. 853 (supposes that Ar daygur- 'earth, dust' is a sd
from daygur- 'darkness') Ar d- for the expected t- is due to the incompatibility of initial 't- and
medial '-g- in S roots (similar to the known IE incompatibility laws) ?? Ch ( N 'tuK'a 'earth
(substance), mud, dust'): WCh: Hs toIa 'ashes' | Tng duIa id., 'potash, salt' Abr. H 868, J T 81,
Sk. HCD 258 ll IE 'd"cg"om / 'd"g"cm- 'earth' > NaIE: OI Isam- (nom. Isah, acc. Isam, gen./abl.
gmah - |mah, instr. |ma), Av zam- (nom. za, gen. zom-o, acc. zam) id., NPrs yMz zamin id., 'ground' ||
Gk _ev 'earth', _ooi 'on the earth' || pAl {O} 'o 'earth, land' > MAl G {FB} cc [oc], StAl T/G dhc,
Al {Huld}: D/P oc, Be//Ba/F oc || L humus 'earth (soil)' || OIr du (gen. don) 'place, spot' || Pru
scmmc - samc ({En.}: [zcmc]) 'earth', Lt zcmc', Ltv zcmc 'earth, land' | Sl 'zcm|a 'earth, land' > OCS
cmamzcml|a, Blg :c) x , SCr zc`ml|a, Slv zcml|a, Cz zcmc, Slk zcm, P zicmia, R, Uk :cx) n id. || Phr Gdan
Ma 'Mother Earth' || pTc {Ad.} 'tIcn > Tc: A tIam', B Icm' 'earth, ground' AnIE ( N 'tuK'a '' [q.v.])
Ht tcIan / gen. taInas 'earth', loc. tagan (= {GI} [tIan]), abl. tagnaza, Lw tiyam(m)i- 'earth', HrLw {Ts.}
taImi 'earth, land' (dat. taIami 'to the earth') P 414-6 ('g"dcm-), EI 174 (''d"cg"o-m 'earth'), M K
I 288, 448, M E I 424-5, Bai. 346, F I 1O98-9, WH I 664, LP 28, Frn. 1299, En. 245-6, Glh. 695, Vs. II
93, Wn. 5O6-7, Ad. H 35, 42, Ad. 192, Huld 57-8 (pAl 'oc; refers Al to IE 'd"oyg"a 'that which is
molded, daub'), O 8O-1, Ivn. OPA 25-35 and GI 149-15O (analysis of phonetic changes), ABIv. II
133-7, Mlc. CL 23O-1, Ivn. SA 153, Ts. E III 292-3OO 'd"- (for the expected 't-) is due to regr. as
and to the known incompatibility law ruling out 't...g"-root structure ll A 't`ogV 'dust, clay' > NaT
{ADb.} 'tog- 'dust' > OT toy ({Cl.} toy), Chg {VZ, Rl. Rs.} vt toy 'dust', ET {Nj.} toy 'dust', {Jr.} toy
'dirt which is the result of a dust-storm gathers on leaves' Rs. W 483, Cl. 463, Nj. 316, Jr. 3O9, Rl.
III 1158 Acc. to A. Dybos theory, in stems with intervocalic voiced obstruents tje opposition
't`- 't- is neutralized M 'to'yu-sun 'dust' > MM [S, HI] toosun, WrM togusun, HlM rooc, Brt tohon,
Kl tosn 'dust', Dg {Pp.} tos, {Mrm.} roc id., {Mr.} tuasc 'dust, dirt' MED 818, H 151, Ms. H 1O1,
KW 4O5, Klz. D II 138, Mr. D 226 Tg 'toaIsa 'clay' (with a sx. '-Isa for uncountable nouns) > Ewk,
Neg taIsa, Lm tas, Ud taIca, Ul toaqsa - ttaqsa, Ork toqso, Nn Nh/KU toaqsa STM II 154 ? Tg 'tug-
'cloud' > WrMc tugi, Jrc, Ewk A/Tkm tuu, Lm to'sri, Ud toIo' 'cloud'; 'tugV-Isc id. > Ul, Ork, Nn Nh
tsvsIss, Nn B tusIss, Ewk tuIsu, Sln tuIcu id., Ork tsvvsvu 'cloudy' STM II 2O8 STM II 154 (Tg,
2332. ?? 'togV 'straight' ( 'true') > HS: EC 'dug- 'truth' > Or {Grg., Sr.} duga 'true, right', Arr
{Hw.} dugga, Dsn du, Kns duI-ata, Gdl, Gln duIa 'truth', Brj duh-a-IIa/-tta 'certain' Ss. PEC 26, Ss.
B 66, Bl. 217, Hw. A 357, Grg. 13O, Sr. 299, AMS 198, To. DL 495 ll A 'tj`,ogV > NaT {ADb.} 'tog- ('t-
= neutralized archiphoneme 't`/t-) > OT toy- v. 'go straight for (sth.)', toyur- v. 'be upright, straight',
toyuru 'straight', Tk dogru, Tkm doyri id., Az doyru 'true', Chg toyri 'opposite', Cmn toyru 'straight', tuvra
'even', Qzq tura 'straight', VTt tur+ id., 'true' Cl. 465, 472-3, Rs. W 484, Hs. 111, DHST 3O5, Grn.
247, 258 ?? Tg 'toqdo (or 'toqno) 'straight' > Neg toqno, Sln tondoxo, {Iv.} ron(o , Ork, Nn Nh toqdo,
Nn KU toqno, WrMc tondo 'straight; just, honourable', Ewk toqno id., 'faithful, loyal', Orc toqno(n-), Ud
X/B {STM} toqdo 'straight', Ud B {Shn., Krm.} toqdo 'true (hit)' (of hitting the target), Jrc {Kiy.} tondo
'loyal' STM II 197-8, Krm. 296, Kiy. 119 [#4O7] If the pTg form is 'toqno, it may go back to
''tog-no ll ?? IE: NaIE 'dcIs- 'just, fortunate; right (dexter)' (< ''dcg"-s-? IE 'dcI- v. 'suit, be fit' <
N 'tAKE 'to suit, be appropriate, fit', q.v. ffd.) ^ In IE 'dcIs- the cons. 'd- is accounted for by N 't-
in 'tAKE and by the incompatibility law (whence IE ''d...g" is for t...g").
[ 2332a. ''ti'gqa 'to hear, listen' > HS: C: EC {Ss.} '-dcg-/-d, Rn {PG} dog 'ear-drum, ability to
hear', daga 'hear', pBn {Hn.} 'dcg 'ear' (> Bn: Bi, J, Kj dcg, K cg), Elm dcy-/dcIay, Or dagay-, Kns.
Gdl daIay- 'hear', Brj dafa 'ear', dagay- 'hear', Yk dcI- 'hear, AfPH} daga 'ear-drum, inside ear; || Ag:
Bln {R} digg y- 'obey, take into account' AD SF 55, 257 {pC 'tVg(g)- 'ear; hear'], Ss. PEC 17, Ss. EDB
61, Bl. 137, 248, PG 88, 96, Hn. BD 1O4, Hn. NBLK 21. PH 88 ? Ch: ECh: Dng {Lk.} dcqgci_,
dcngiqIo, {Fd.} dcqgc 'ear' (unless A Ar ChCS ?uduq id.), Mu {Lk} igc, {J} cgcv, ? Jg doy-, ? Brgt
doyi 'hear', Ll {Grgs.} dc`qli 'hear', ?Kbl {Cp.} tiysgs id., ?Kwn {J} tugu` 'ear' || ? CCh: Tr {Nw.} tsI-
'hear' Lk. ZSS 17, Ch, ChL AD SF 257 (C, Ch) ll A: M 'dugul- 'hear, listen' > T 'tiqla--'tiqla-
'listen' M 'ciqla- ^ The T lax 't (for the expected tense 't`-) needs explanation Too shaky]
2333. 'tEgvV 'to swell, become thick\large\strong; (?) besmear' > HS: CS 'tyty, 'tyv v. 'swell'
> Sr {Br.} tt 'tumere', Ar tyv G - tyy G 'dpasser la mesure, tre trop grand, trs haut;

dborder (se dit d'un torrent, d'une fleuve)'; S '-ti'y- > Gz ty G (pf. tca) 'besmear, anoint' ( N
'tcqV 'to smear, rub; fat, ointment') Br. 283, Fr. III 58, BK II 86, L G 6OO ? Ch ( 'tcqV ''
[q.v.]): ECh: Kwn {JI} davc` 'fat' (n.) || WCh: ? Buli {Sh.} dugt id. JI II 131, ChC ll IE
'tcHv-/'tvoH-/'tHv- > NaIE 'tcu_-/'tou_-/'tvo-/'tu- 'big, strong' > OI tavi-ti 'is strong, has
authority' (pfc. tutava), tavas- 'strong, powerful; strength', Av tav- 'be capable of' (pfc. tutava), tavah-
'strength, power', OPrs atavayam 'ich vermochte', u-tava- 'strong' || Arm iy t"iv 'number' || Gk [Hs.]
tou`) co), tou) ('big, much') || L 'tovc- v.' stuff' - tomcntum 'stuffing (of a pillow, mattress)' || Sl:
RChS ::utI-ti (1s prs. :tI|-u) v. 'be fat', SCr tov n. 'fattening' - Sl 'toviti > SCr toviti 'to fatten'
P 49O-1, EI 56O-1 ['tcu_h_- 'swell (with power), grow fat'], WH II 68O, M K I 49O-1, M E I 638-9,
F II 861, WH II 689, Glh. 634, Jah. OSK 3O, 111 ll A: M 'tcbcc- - 'tcbcc-rc > WrM tcbcgcrc, HlM
rynyyp 'fatness, plumpness', WrM tcbcgcrc-, HlM rynyypy- v. 'become vigorous, regain ones
health\strength, become plentiful\abundant', Kl tcvcr- 'stark, krftig werden', Brt ry6yyp- 'become
well-fed, fat' (of cattle), Ord t`cvcrc- 'redevenir vigoureux'; Brt W ry6yyn tcbcl 'fatness (of cattle)'
MED 79O, KW 395, Chr. 451, Ms. O 662 ? T {ADb.} 'tobju,r- v. 'be large\big' > OT [MhK]
tovur 'large', tovra- v. 'become big', Tk d dobur-cuI 'rain with large drops' Cl. 444, TL 26, THDS IV
1534 ^ BmK 289 (an attempt to equate the IE and Eg tv:.t 'Schwellung' with FU 'tavoc 'full' &
D 'tav- 'much' - N 'tavdV 'be full').
2334. 'tcyvV 'to ask (for), beg' > HS: EC 'da- v. 'ask for' > Af {PH} dac v. 'plead, prey,
supplicate, beg', Sa {R} da- - dc- 'rufen, nennen; bitten, beten, anrufen die Gottheit' (unless
da- 'rufen, nennen'), Rn dah- v. 'ask for', Arr {Hw.} dav(i)?- 'beg' PH 88, PG 88, R S II 96-7, Hw.
A 354 ??o S '-tu- > Ar -tu- v. 'obey, pronounce \ repeat sth. to so.' BK II 119 ll K: pGZ {K}
't_o-, {K
} 't_o(v)-, {FS} t_ov- v. 'ask for, beg' > G t_ov- v. 'ask for, marry (a woman)', Mg t_v- 'ask
for; marry (so. to so.)', Lz t_v-/t_- 'ask for, marry' K 99, K
79, FS K 16O-1, FS E 174, Q 245-6 ll D
'tcv(v)- v. 'beg' [ N ? 'tcbV 'to follow so., chase' ( 'to demand')?] > Tm tcvvu v. 'beg hard,
importune', Ml tcra 'beggar', Tl dcvurincu v. 'beg humbly, importune', Krx tcmb-na v. 'beg for alms',
tcmbarus 'mendicant, beggar' D #3431A.
2335. ? 'taIa 'to attack' > K 'taI- > G {Chx.} (da-)taI- 'an-\zusammen-stoen,
zusammenprallen, angreifen' Chx. 1316 ll HS: Eg MKL tII 'attack; violate (frontier)', tII.v
'attackers', Eg XIX/G tItI id. (HS de-emphatization 't- < 't-) EG V 336, Fk. 3O2 ( Tk. I 221)
S 'tII - 'tItI 'tread on (with feet), step on, oppress' (GB 788) and Hs taIa 'disobey, break the law'
ll A: NaT {ADb.} 'tag- v. 'attack' ( T 'tag- v. 'reach, touch') > OT {Cl.} tag- v. 'attack', ? Tkm dcg- v.
'hit [the target]', Qq, Qz1 tiy- 'attack' Cl. 476, TkR 251, TL 572 ll D 'taII- ({GS} 't-) v. 'attack,
assault' > Tm taIIu v. 'attack, strike', taIIam (n.) 'attack, assault, hit', ? Ml taIIuIa v. 'hit', Kn taIu v.
'attack', ? Tu taIuni~taguni v. 'hit', Tl taIu v. 'attack' In some D lgs. the coalesced with the
homonymous verb 'taI- 'touch' [< N 'toIa (or 'taIa?) id.], which may account for the unexpected
long vw. D #315O, Km. 38O [#554] (does not distinguish among several roots and reconstructs
'tay-nI-/-II-) ^ Alternatively, the K, D and possibly the T forms may belong to N 'taIa 'to attack,
obstruct, prevent' (q.v.).
2336. 'tEIE 'to build, shape, make, do', ? 'to arrange' > HS 'tVI- > Ch {JS} 'dI v. 'build, make
earthenware' > WCh {Stl.} 'dVI id. ( N 'to'qa 'to plait'?) > pAG {Hf.} '|iI v. 'build, mould (from
clay)' > Su {J}, Gmy {Hf.}, Chip diI, Kfr M {Hf.} |iI, Ang {Hf.} |ia_I v. 'build, mould', {ChL} |iI v.
'build'; BT: Pr {Frz.} digu v. 'build', Krkr {Lk.} daIo, {ChL} dsIu v. 'build, make earthenware', Dr
di v. 'build' || ECh: ? Mu {J} diya v. 'build' JS 56, ChC s.v. 'build', Stl. ZCh 174 [#263], ChL, ChC,
Hf. AGG, Frz. P 29 ? Eg N dg: 'Steine verlegen, Sule aufstellen, Gewlbe bauen; pflanzen' ( N
'tE?aI?a 'to put, set' [q.v. ffd.]) ll IE {P} 'tcI|-, {ABIv.} 'tcIs-, {EI} 'tcIs- 'fabricate', {Mn.} 'tcIs- v.
'fashion, carpenter, create, cut (behauen)' > OI 'taIs- id., Av tas-t 'has built', tasa- 'axe', MPrs
tasioan v. 'cut, shape', NPrs Ta tas 'hatchet, axe'; Irn 1 Arm ta2em tascm v. 'rough-hew, roughen
down, plane' || Gk tcktev 'carpenter, worker in wood; craftsman', tc_v 'craft in work, art, skill' (<
'tcIs-na) || L tcx- (tcx-o, -crc, -ui, -tum) v. 'plait, weave' ( NaIE 'tcI- id. < N 'to'qa 'to plait, bend') ||
OIr tal 'adze, paring-knife (doloire), carpenters axe' (< 'toIs-lo-) || OHG dchsa 'axe', dchsala 'axe,
adze', ON |cxla 'Queraxt' || Sl 'tcsati (1s prs. 'tcso) v. 'shape by hewing' ('behauen, rccar') > OCS

:cto:utcsati / :cmatcso, R rc'car / rc) my, SCr tcsati / tc`scm, Sln tcsati / tcscm 'hew, trim (as
log)', Cz tcsati, Slk tcsat` 'to hew, hack, chisel', P ciosac / cioszc - cicsac / 'cicszc 'to hew, square' | Lt
tasyti / 1s prs. tasau 'rough-hew, trim', Ltv tcst /tcsu 'cut (wood), hew, trim' AnIE {ABIv.}
'taI-s-/-t- > Ht taIs- {Ts.} 'bereiten (Wohnung)', 'fgen (Kriegszug)', {ABIv.} 'make, fashion ((cnar,
xacrcpnr)', Ld taso ' befehlen, anordenen'; ABIv. II 146-8 tie in Ld taqtula- {ABIv.} interpreted as 'to
conclude a treaty, tie (two entities) by a treaty', but Ts. does not accept the connection for
morphological reasons and because of the obscure meaning of the Ld word Mn. 1374, P 1O59-
1O6O ('tcI|- 'flechten, das Holzwerk des geflochtenen Hauses zusammenfgen'), M K I 468, M E I
612-4, Horn 87, F II 867-8, 889-9O, WH II 678-9, Vn. T 21, Kb. 147, OsS 98, EWA II 564-8, Vr. 6O9,
Frn. 1O65, Vs. IV 5O-1, Sls. I 1O5, Glh. 623-4, Ts. E III 4O-4, 46-9, ABIv. II 146-8, Gsm. SL 296, Gsm.
LW 2O9, 211, EI 139 ['tcIs-(t)or/n- 'one who fabricates (cloth, wool, etc.)' 'tcIs- 'fabricate'], 38 [?
'tcIso/ch_- - 'tcIslch_- 'axe, adze') IE 'I (for the expected 'g) is accounted for by as '-gs- >
'-Is- (or '-g|- > '-I|-) ll U: FU 'tcIc- v. 'do, make' > F tcIc-, Es tcgc- | pLp 'tsIs- > Lp: N {N} daIIa-/-g-,
S {Hs.} daIIcdh, L {LLO} tahIa-, Kld tsIIa-/tsa- id. | pMr {Ker.} 'tco- > Er rcc- tcyc-, Mk rnc- tiyo-
v. 'do, make' || Hg tcv-/tc-/tcsz- id.; at the pFU level the merged with FU 'tcIc- v. 'put, place' ( N
'tE?aI?a 'to put, set') UEW 519, Sm. 55O (FU, FP 'tcIi-, Ugr 'tcIi- 'do'), Lr. #121O, Lgc. #7631, Hs.
413, TI 581, Ker. II 165-6 ll ? A: [1] ? A {DQA} 't`aI`u {AD} 'to make, repair' ( N 'tAKE 'to suit, be
appropriate, fit') > Tg 'taIu- 'repair' > Ewk taIu-, Lm taq-, Ul taqt-, taqtnact-, Ork tattt- " tavt-, Nn
KU taqo-, Nn Nh/B tago- - taogo- id. STM II 155 pJ {S} 'tuIur- 'make' > OJ tuIur-, J: T cuIur-, K
cuIur-, Kg cuIur- id.; OJ tuIurs-, J: T cuIuro-, K cuIuro-, Kg cuIu`ro- 'repair' S QJ #1O11, Mr.
774 T 'tj`,agira- > Xk {BIG} tayira- 'repair, mend (footwear, clothes)', Sg {Rl.} tayra- 'ausbessern,
zunhen (einen Ri)', Qzl {Jk.} tayra- 'stopfen, flicken, nhen (alte Lleider)'; but not here ( Rs.} Tv
t`ar- 'cut\clip (hair, plants)' (A M 'tayari- 'cut short, cut off', cf. MED 765) Rs. W 454, BIG 212, Rl.
III 8OO, TvR 4O1 DQA #2291 [2]
M 'tcgc- > WrM tcgc- v. 'do so, thus, or that way', HlM
ryiy- id. ( d from the M 'tc- 'that', see Pp. IM 228) MED 792 ^ Cf. BmK 277 (IE, FU) Gr. II
1O3 ('tcI 'do') [U, CK + err. IE 'd"c-].
2337. 'tiIU 'horror, fear' > IE: NaIE 'tycg"- {P} 'scheu vor etwas zurcktreten oder auffahren', {EI}
'give way, pull oneself back (in awe)' > OI 'tya|-ati 'leaves, abandons, quits', {EI} 'stands back from
sth.', OI 'tya|ah, Av iOycah- 'abandonment', Av i0iia|ah- (i0ya|ah-), i0iic|ah- (i0yc|ah-) id. || Gk Hm
oc|ooi v. 'feel awe or fear (before gods), feel religious awe, feel shame', Gk oc|e v. 'worship,
honour', oc|o) 'reverential awe', oo|ce 'frighten off' P 1O86, EI 65O, M K I 529-53O, M E I 673-4, F
II 686-7 ll D 'tiIVl-, {GS} 'digVl- 'fear, fright' > Tm tiIil, tiIir 'fright, terror', Kt digil in- v. 'be
thunderstuck, be astounded because found out in wrongdoing', Kn digil(u), digalu 'consternation,
horror, fear', Tu digilo, Tl digulu 'fear, alarm', Knd tiycl 'fear', tiycl- v. 'be afraid' D #32O2 ll A
{DQA} 't`iI`V 'to fear, hate' > NaT 'tj`,iIsin- > Osm tiIsin- 'abhor', Tk tiIsin- 'be disgusted, loathe', Az
diIsin- 'start, be frightened', Qq tiIsin- 'be squeamish'; T 1 M: WrM igsi-, HlM nimn- 'abhor, hate'; M
1 T ccsIin- 'be squeamish, abhor' Rl. III 1351, Hs. 1O7, KrkR 64O, MED 1O52, TvR 529 Tg
'tiIun-, 'tiIul- 'be(come) angry' > Ewk tiIun, Lm ttqtn- 'be angry', Ewk tiIul-, Sln {Iv.} tcgul- - tuyul,
Lm ttqtl- 'become angry STM II 179 DQA #2369 [incl. T, Tg] ^ IS MS 37O s.v. yac 'tiIU, IS SS
2338. ?? 'toIa (or 'taIa?) 'to touch' > HS: C: EC: Af {PH} dagc v. 'touch', Sa {R} dag- - dag-
'berhren, anrhren' || Ag: Xm {R} dag'- [da-] 'berhren, antasten' PH 89, R S II 1O2, R Ch II 38
WCh: NrBc: Mbr, My, Jmb tsIsn v. 'touch' ChC, Sk. NB 45 ll IE: NaIE 'tag- v. 'touch' > Gk tctoev
'seizing (fassend)' || L tango/-crc/tctigi/tactum v. 'touch', Vls atahus (ft. II) 'attigerit' || AS accian 'to
touch, stroke (a horse)', ME thaIIcn 'to stroke', OLG thaIolon 'streicheln' P 1O54-5, EI 595, F II
684, WH II 647-8, Pln. I 442, Ho. 359, Skeat 645 ll ?? A > NaT 'tj,oIu- v. 'touch' > Az to_un-, Tk
doIun-, Ggz doIun- id., Chg {Rl.} mnQv6 toqun- 'sich an etwas stoen, anstoen', ET {Nj.} toqun- 'touch,
catch on, collide (:a(cnar, :ancnn) rc) ; craninnarc) )' Hs. 296, GRMS 151, Rl. III 115O, Nj. 319
AmTg 'tugdc v. 'reach, touch' (langen bis) > Orc tugds-, Ul tugdi- STM II 2O3-4 DQA #2199 (A
'ti_oI`c 'to touch, reach') ll D 'taI- ({GS} 't-, '-g-) v. 'touch' [ N 'taIV 'to touch', q.v. ffd.] ^ IS SS
#5.19, IS MS 369 ('taIn 'to touch': IE, A, D) BmK 283-4 (IE, D + Sum tag v. 'touch' + EC 'taI- v.

'push, strike' + SC: Alg tinq- v. 'squeeze out') ^ EC 'taI- v. 'push, strike' and Or tuIa v. 'touch' can
be better explained as going back to N 'taIV '' and N 't'uKa 'to thrust, stab' (q.v.).
2339. ? 'toIu 'large, thick' > IE: NaIE 'tcgu- 'thick' > Gmc {Vr.} 'OiIIv- 'thick' > ON |yIIr, ||oIIr,
||uIIr, NNr t|uII, Sw t|ocI, Dn tyI, OHG dicIi, NHG dicI, OSx thiIIi, AS iccc 'thick', NE thicI || Clt: OIr
tiug id., Brtt {RE} 'tcgus > OW, MBr tcu, W, Crn tcv id., Br tcv id., 'fat' ' WP I 718, P 1O57, EI 547
('tcgu-s 'thick, fat'), Vr. 63O, OsS 1O2, EWA II 624-6, Ho. 364, KM 131, Vn. T 76, RE 138, Hm. 788 ll
HS: ? C: Bj {R} dcg- 'be heavy', 'dcga 'heavy' R WBd 62 ll A: M: WrM togumag 'rather large\fat',
toglui-, HlM roinon-x 'be large \ robust \ corpulent', ? Brt tugi- 'be stout \ corpulent' MED 814,
817, Chr. 434.
2339a. 'toIV '(palm of) hand (with fingers), span of hand' > K: GZ 'm-tIav-cl- 'span (the
distance between the end of the thumb and the end of the little finger of the spread hand)' > OG
mtIavcl-, G mtIavcl-, Mg tIu-, tIu-, tIou-, Lz mtIo-, mtIu-, (m)tu- id. K 138 & K
('mtIavcl-), FS K 223-4 & FS E 426 ('mtIav-) ll HS: EC 'taj:,II- 'span of hand' > Sml {ZMO} taIo
'hand-span measurement (based on the distance between the thumb and the tip of the middle
finger)', Sml N {Abr.} taIo 'span', Or T taIIu 'palm of hand (with fingers)', Or {Grg.} taIIu 'span
(distance between thumb and forefinger)', Sd {Gs.} taIIo id., Ged {Hd.} taIo, Hd {Hd.} taIIo?o, Kmb
taccu-t ({Hd.}: < 'taI-cu-t), Qbn {L} taccuta 'span of hand', Ya {Gr.} tcgci 'hand', {Hn.} tcIc (pl.
tchIci) 'arm' AD SF 262, ZMO 381, Grg. 371, Gs. 31O, Hd. 139, 261, 299, 339, Hn. Y II 12O
NOm: Hrr {Ls.) taIa-ou, ? Gm {Hw.} tadaIo 'span', ? Mc {L} tacci- v. 'measure' Ls. M 53, Hw. EG
ll A: M 'toc 'span of hand' > WrM togc, HlM r' ' 'span, the space from the tip of the thumb to the
tip of the index or middle finger when extended', Kl {KRS} r' 'span (distance between thumb and
forth finger)', {Rm.} to 'span (distance between thumb and middle finger)', Brt r' ' id., Dg {MYC}
tus, Mnr E {MYC} tu 'span' MED 832, KRS 511, KW 4O8, Chr. 433, MYC 643 Tg 'togar 'span of
hand' > Ewk toor 'span (distance between the tip pf the thumba and that of the index)', Neg tooy,
Orc, Ud to, WrMc to - too 'pan (distance between thumb and middle finger)', Lm to+r, Ul tavali, Nn
Nh tavar, Nn B tavara, Nn KU tor 'span' STM II 19O-1 ? pKo {S} 'toi 'measure of capacity (1/1O
mal)' > MKo toi, NKo tvc QK #117O, Nam 161, MLC 496 DQA #2418 (pA 't`ogi 'span') ^ Blz.
KM 137 [#18] (incl. K, EC, Om, M, Tg; does not distinguish this root from N 'tayKV 'finger') .
234O. 'tE?aI?a 'to put, set' > HS: Eg N dg: 'Steine verlegen, Sule aufstellen, Gewlbe bauen;
(Bume) pflanzen; (etw.) ankleben' (d < HS 't) ( N 'tEIE 'to build, shape, make, do' [q.v.]), Cpt: Sd
:wwoctoocc - ({Vc.}: aberrant form) :wkctoIc, B :w;ttoi'ajouter, appliquer, joindre, planter'
EG V 499, Vc. 227 Eg g (for I) needs explanation (infl. of '?, which may have been voiced?) S
'tvI, '-tuI- > Ar {BK} taq- 'couche, pli (dans les choses superposes lss unes aux autres)',
taq-at- 'couche, srie, range', ?? tavq- 'corde l'aide de laquelle on se hisse sur un palmier;
collier; chaine porte en guise d'ornement' ?? S 'tIl > Gz tIl v. G 'plant, implant, set up,
establish' (1 Bln {R} taIal, Xm {R} tiIcl v. 'plant', Sa {R} taIal 'stechen') L G 573 ll U: FU 'tcIc- v.
'put, place' ( N 'tEIE '' [q.v.])> Lp: N {N} daIIa-/-g- v. 'place, dispose of', L {LLO} tahIat 'dazu
bringen zu' | Er tcyc- v. 'place (somewhere) ('(cr, (cnar)' || Hg tcv-/tc-/tcsz- 'put, place, lay' UEW
519, ERV 652, LLO 1O64 ll A: [1] A {DQA} 't`cgco 'to sit' > Tg 'tcgc- 'sit down' > Sln {Iv.} tsIs-, tsi-
id., Ewk tss- " ts-, Lm to-, WrMc tc-, Mc Sb ts- " tss- id., Neg tss-, Orc, Ud, Ork, Nn Nh/B ts-
'stand\sit up (from lying in bed)' STM II 226-8 ? pKo {S} 'thn- 'ride' > MKo t"n- S QK #51O,
Nam 456, MLC 1684 ?? pJ {S} 'tsIs 'bed' (if 'sit') > OJ, J K toIo, J: T toIo, Kg toIo S QJ
#211, Mr. 548 DQA #2333 [2] A 't`iI`V v. 'place into, stuff into' ({SDM97} 't`iI`u v. 'stuff into,
press into', {DQA} 'tiI`i 'to plant vertically) ( N 't'uKa 'to thrust, stab', q.v. ffd.) ll IE: NaIE 'tag-
v. 'put (sth.) to its right place, arrange' > Gk (prs.) toooe, Gk A (prs.) totte (aor. c`tov, prtc.
tokto)) v. 'place in a certain order; arrange, put in order', too 'ordinance, command', Gk Th
too) 'leader, commander' || Lt a-togus (cp. cutokto)) 'convenient, comfortable', Ltv {ME} atags
'handlich, bequem', Lt {Ju.} su-togti 'sich trauen lassen, sich verbinden, sich verheiraten', {EI} 'ally
oneself with, get married' ( *'arrange oneself with') || Irn: Prt tgmdr 'commander' (< 'tagma-dara-
'command-giver') || ? Tc: A tassi pl. 'commanders', B tas 'commander' P 1O55, EI 472 ('tag- or
'tch_g- 'set in place, arrange'), Ch.1O95-6 (has doubts about 'a), F II 845-6, 859-6O, Mn. 1365, F II

859-6O, Frn. 551, ME III 119, Wn. 49, Ad. 387-8 Gr. II 1O3 ('tcI 'do') [U 'tcIc- 'do', CK: Chk, Kor
tcyI id. + err. IE 'd"c- 'put'].
2341. 'toIV?V - 'to'hjV,IV 'to burn, fire' > HS: Eg fXVIII tI: vi. 'burn, illumine' >
DEg tI 'verbrennen, anznden' > Cpt: Sd:wktoI, Bwkt"oI'allumer, chauffer'; Eg fP {Vc., Fk.} tI: (=
{Vc.} 'taIi?) 'flame, torch, taper', Eg M tI:.v (= {Os.} ''ti.I?)v) {EG} id., {Fk.} n. 'torch-lighting' > DEg
tyI 'spark' > Cpt: Sd:tktiI, Btkt"iI id. EG V 331-3, Fk. 3O1-2, Er. 659, Vc. 212, Os. I 79 & II 46O
Vc. 212 distinguishes between Eg fP tI: 'flamme' and Eg M tI:.v, while EG V 331-3 mentions only Eg
fP tI:.v 'Flamme, Fackel, Kerze' ?

C: Bj {R} tI"y (1s: p. 'atI"i, prs. atan'I"i) vt. 'cook' ( N 'd'AI'o 'to
burn' [tr.], q.v.?) R WBd 225 ll K [1] pGZ 'tutI- v. 'scald, burn on the surface' > G tutI- 'scald, scald
oneself', {Chx.} (ga-)tutI- '(an-, ab-)brhen', (da-)tutI- 'verbrhen, verbrennen', Mg tIutI- {Fn.}, Lz tutI-
v. 'burn' K 74 ('tutI-), Chx. 5O3, DCh. 57O, Fn. KW-2 48 #2 [2] K (+ext. ) 'tIrccc`- > G tIrcc- 'an
der Oberflche verbrennen' Chx. 1354 ll IE 'tcugg- > NaIE tcgg-/'togg- v. 'burn' > Gk
tovov - mt tovov 'frying-pan, saucepan' || OHG dachazzcn - dahhczzcn 'to flame (lodern), blaze', AS
c'ccan vi. {Ho.} 'verbrennen'; ccllc 'torch, a light' (infl. of fcclc 'torch' A L facula) WP I 717-8,
P 1O57, F II 815, Kb. 141, OsS 95, EWA II 488-9, Ho. 359, 361 ll A {DQA} 't`ogci 'fire' > NaT {ADb.}
'togcn 'brand' > OT [MhK] {Cl.} togun, Chg XV togcn id., Osm {Rh.} dogun 'tattoo mark', Yk tuon
'moxa, tinder used for cauterization'; T 1 WrM togcnc, HlM r' ' n' 'cauterization, moxa', WrM
togcnc-, HlM r' ' n' - v. 'cauterize, apply a poultrice or a high compress' Cl. 484, Pek. 29O2, MED
832, Rh. 926 M 'tuci-(dcg) > WrM tugudcg, HlM r(yi 'campfire', - ? 'tu'i-mcr > WrM tuimcr,
HlM rnxyp 'forest or steppe fire, wildfire', Dg {T} tui_mcr, {Mr.} tuimcrc, Brt rnxyp, Ord t`u'i_mcr fire
(incendie)', WrO {Krg.} tuimcr 'fire, blaze', Kl rxp tumor 'fire (incendie)', {Rm.} tumr
'Feuersbrunst' MED 85O-1, T DgJ 169, Mr. D 227, Chr 443, Krg. 53O, KRS 525, KW 418, Ms. O 684
Tg 'toga 'fire' > Ewk too " tovo " togo 'fire, campfire', Sln togo 'fire', Lm to"tov 'fire', Neg to-too,
Orc, Ud to 'fire, campfire', Ul tava 'fire', tavt-/-t- v. 'light (a candle, etc.)', Ork tava - tava 'fire,
hearth', Nn tava " ta(v)t " to 'fire, campfire, hearth', Nn Nh tao(vo)-, Nn B ta(v)t- v. 'ignite', Lm tuva,
Mc Sb tua, Jrc {SDM} tovi 'fire', Mc Sb tabu- v. 'ignite' STM II 19O, Krm. 295 DQA #2417, S AJ
157 (adduces pJ 'taI- v. 'burn, set fire' > OJ taI-, [RJ] taI-u, J T taI-, cf. S QJ #649, Mr. 762) ll ? Gil:
Gil A tur 'fire' ^ Cf. Blz. KM 121-2 [#26]: K tIutI- (i.e. 'tutI-), HS 'tI" and A 'toIa v. 'burn' (Tg 'toga
+ pJ 'taI-) equated with Ugr 'tuo-t (i.e. U 'tcvV-tV ) 'fire' (which, to my mind, does not belong
here, but goes back to N 't'cyv'a 'fire') and with an alleged D 'tiII-/'tuII- 'hearth, fireplace'
(actually 'tiIIcl-/'tunIcl-), which is too doubtful.
2342. 'tuIlE 'tuIlV [or 'l] (? 'tulIE 'tulIV) 'wolf, jackal, fox' > HS: C {AD} 'tI"l
'Lycaon pictus, jackal', {E} 'taI"l- 'wild dog' > pAg {AD} 'taI"la > Bil {R} tag'la, Q {R} ta_"cla 'Wolf';
Ag 1 Gz tkO taI"la, Tgy, Amh tkO tvI"la 'wolf, Canis famelicus (?)', Tgr {LH} TK tsIla, {Mz.} toIla
'Lycaon pictus' (or 'Canis lupaster'); Ag or EthS 1 Bj {R} taIla 'Lycaon pictus', Sa {R} taIla - ta_la id.
|| SC: WRt {E} 'taI"cr- 'jackal' (E: > Irq {MQK} pl. tavcr 'wild dogs', sg. tavcr(a)mo 'wild dog', {Mgw.}
tavcr-mo 'fox, jackal', Grw {Fl.} tucr 'wild dog' [E postulates a change SC '-l- > WRt '-r-]) E PC #412,
R WBd 226, R WB 334, R S II 352, L G 573, LH 316, MQK 1OO, Mgw. 1O8 NrOm: Gnj {Si.} 'tirIu,
Gcm {Si.} tor'Io, Bdt {Hw.} 'tolIo, Krt {Si.} tolIo, Zs/Zrg {Si.} 'tolIo, HzMa {SWW} dulli, Sz {SWW} duli "
dulc 'hyena' Hw. NKL 219, Blz. KV s.v. tolIo, Si. ACh 16, SiW BA 14 It is tempting to include
here the word for 'jackal' in some WCh lgs.: Stl. reconstructs WCh 'dila 'jackal' > Hs dila, Gw dila ||
BT: Krkr dila || Ron: Sha {J} fats-|cl || Ngz {Sch.} dIla (Stl. ZCh 173 [#256]), but the word (except that
of Sha) is obviously a loan from Kanuri dslo (Lk. KL 194, Sch. DN 34) ll A {DQA} 't`ulIc, {AD) 't`ulIE
or 't`ulIV 'wolf' or 'fox' > T 't`ulIu - 't`ilIu 'fox' ({ADb.} 'tilIu, {Md.} ppT 't`ui_lI`i) > OT [QB]
{DTS} tilIu - tulIu, {Cl.} tulIi, [MhK] {Cl., DTS} tilIu - tilIi, MU, XwT tilIu, Cmn, Chg tulIu, MQp
tulIu - tilIu, OOsm dilIu, Tk tilIi, Ggz, Tkm tilIi, Az tulIu, Slr A tuligu - tulugu(r) - tulugo, Slr U
t`uligur - t`ulugu - t`ulugo, VTt r' nic tilIi, Bsh r' ni' tilIi, Qry tulIu - tilIi, Qzq, Qqm Nog tulIi,
Qmq, Qrg, StAlt tulIu, Xk tulgu, Uz tulIi, Uz XwrOg tilIi - tulIi, ET {Nj.} tulIa, Tv (nnin tili, Tf
tili 'fox' || Chv rnncA tili, {Fed.} til id. Cl. 498-9, DTS 596, Shch. Zh 135, TL 161, 643, BT 161, Tn.
SJ 526, Ra. 173, Nj. 338, Jeg. 251, Fed. II 229, Md. 66, 181 Tg: Sln tulgs 'wolf' STM II 21O ? pJ
{S} 'tu_ara 'tiger' > OJ tu_ora, OJ tu_ora, ltOJ [RJ] tora > J: T tora, :to!ra!, Kg tora S QJ #273, Mr.

55O DQA #246O ll D 'tol- ({GS} 't-) 'wolf' > Kn tola, Tu tolo - tolc 'wolf', Brh tola 'jackal', as
well as possibly Tm tontan and Tl todcj:,lu 'wolf' (where -nt- and d < '-l + t-) D #3548 ^ The
rec. of '-Il- is preferable to '-lI- because it is more natural to explain the length of the vw. in D by
compensatory lengthening caused by the loss of the first component of the cluster '-Il-: '-VIl- >
'-V:l-. In precons. position T 'l may go back both to 'l and to l, hence N 'l is not ruled out.
2343. 'taItV 'louse' > HS: C: Bj {R, Rop.} tat (pl. tat) 'louse' R WBd 232, Rop. 245 Ch 'tVt-
'louse' > WCh: Ron: Fy {Sch.} tct, Klr {IL} t"id id. | BT: Krkr toda, Gerum {Sch.} todoq id. || CCh: BtG
{Mch.} tctiyc, Mtk {ChC} tccc, Mkt {Ro.} atac, Md itct id. ChL, ChC, Ro. 286 ll U: FU 'taItVmV >
ObU 'tcItVmV 'louse' > pVg {Ht.} 'taImV id. > OVg: W P, S Vt raxxa, N SoO raix, W Sol raxx; Vg: T
taIom, LK/MK/UK to_om, P/NV/LL ta_om, SV ta_om, UL/Ss taIom 'louse', LK/MK ta_omy-, UK
ta_moy- v. 'delouse'; pOs {Ht.} 'toytom 'louse' > Os: V/Vy totom, Ty ta'"tom, Y ta'vtom,
D/K/Nz/Kz/O tcvtom id. Ht. #634 ll A: Tg 'tiItc 'louse' (if < 'tiK-Itc) [ N 'tayV 'louse', q.v.] > Ul
tiIts, Ork tiIts - iIts, Nn Nh ciIts, WrMc cixi ~ cixc 'louse'; an alt. analysis (in the framework of N
'tayV) is based on the v. 'ti-lc- 'look for lice' (presumably derived from ''ti-) (ffd. see N 'tayV)
STD II 179 Rm. SKE 165 (on the Tg sx.).
2344. 'taKE 'to be\keep quiet, be silent' > HS: Ch: WCh: pAG 'doI v. 'be\keep quiet' > Gmy, Kfr,
Kfr M, Ang doI, Su {J} do`I | pNrBc {Stl.} 'tiIi 'silence' > Kry tiIi`, My tiIitiIi, Sir tsIi Hf. AGG
#79, Stl. Ang #6O, Stl. ZCh 25O [#37], Nt. 1O, J S 65, ChC s.v. 'silent, silence'll IE: NaIE 'taII- v. 'be
silent' > L tacc-o / tacc-rc / tacui / tacitum v. 'keep silence', Um taccz TASES 'tacitus', TASETUR nom.
pl. 'taciti' || ? W gostcg 'silence' || Gt |ahan, ON |cg|a, OSx thagon, OHG dagcn v. 'be silent', ON |agall,
|ogull 'schweigsam, still' WH II 641-2, EI 518 ('taI-), Bc. G 348, Pln. II 758, Fs. 487-8, Vr. 6O5,
6O7, OsS 94, EWA II 488-9O, Ho. S 76 ll A 't`'aI`V > NaT 't`acI > OT, QT taI 'silent, silently',
taI tur- v. 'be silent, stand silent', Chg tcI-dcI 'silent', OOg XI taI tur- v. 'stand silent', Tk tcI dur- v.
'stand silent\quiet', Tkm dcI 'quiet', dcI dur 'stand quiet!', Qq, Qrg, Uz tcI 'quietly (cxnpno, cnoionno)',
tcI tur 'stand quiet!', Nog tcI oltir 'sit quiet!' Cl. 475, TrR 841, TkR 252, KrkR 633, Jud. 719, UzR
422, NogR 343 The initial t--d- in the Og lgs. provides ev. of pT 't`- ( IS AD 38-45) ^ The vw.
''a in T (and A) is probably due to vowel harmony.
2345. 'tiKa 'to be straight' ( 'to be true, be fit, be trustful') > HS: S 'tIn v. 'be straight, in good
condition' ( N 'tAKE 'to suit, be appropriate, fit', q.v.) > BHb tIn v. G 'be straight' (inf. N7qt6l5
li-t'Ion) v. 'be straight', D Nq`$T5 (pf. tiI'Icn) 'he made [it] straight', Sr tIn G (pf. Ne to'Icn) 'was
established, firm', Ar tqn Sh

(pf. ?atqana) v. 'make perfect', Ak tIn G 'geordnet, gesichert
sein\werden', ? Tgy tIn D v. 'stabilize' GB 888, Sd. 1323-4, KB 1642-4, L ESAC 55 ll IE: NaIE
'tci_I- / (with a nasal infix) 'tinI- v. 'be fit; trust' > Lt tiIti (prs. tinIu) 'to be fit \ suited', Ltv tiIt (prs.
tiIu) 'to like, enjoy'; Lt tiIc'ti (prs. tiIiu), Ltv ticct v. 'trust, believe' || OHG dingcn 'to hope, strive to',
MHG dingcn 'hoffen, glauben, Zuversicht haben' WP I 7O5, Frn. 1O9O-2, Kar. II 4O2-3, Jg. VB 91-
1O3, Kb. 155, OsS 1O3, EWA II 653-5, Lx. 31 ll A 't`iI`V 'straight' > T 't`iI- v. 'insert vertically' ( N
't'uKa 'to thrust, stab', q.v. ffd. N 'tE?aI?a 'to put, set'), 't`iI 'straight, vertical, precipitous' > OT
tiI- v. 'insert vertically', tiI 'straight, vertical, upright, precipitous', OT [MhK] diI tur- v. 'be vertical',
Chg tiI 'vertical', Tk diI, Ggz diI- id., 'precipitous', Tkm diI 'straight; precipitous, steep', Az diI, ET
tiI 'straight, vertical', Tk diI-, Tkm, Ggz diI- v. 'install\insert vertically', Az tiI- v. 'build', ET tiI- v.
'install, plant', Tv t`iI-/t`ig- 'put (a cauldron) on fire, set up a yurta (tent)', Xk r i-/-i- ttI-/-g- 'put
food on fire (to cook it)', Chv {Ash.} unic cig_c 'precipitous, upright' ('ipyron, ornccnin') Chv ci- <
't`i- (palatalizing infl. of 'i?) Cl. 475-7, Ash. XV 196, Md. 8O, 179, IS AD 41 [#11] (equates Tk tiI-
with T 'tiq-), TvR 413, BIG 227 Tense pT t`-is suggested by Az tiI- and Tv t`iI- M 'ciIc 'straight,
vertical' > WrM ciIc, HlM nyx, Brt cyxy 'straight', WrO ciIi id., 'direct', Kl uni ciIo 'straight' MED
18O, Kow. 2175, Krg. 636, KRS 649, KW 439, Chr. 4O5 ? Tg '-tiIi 'towards' (directive case ending,
{Ci.} allative ending) > Ewk -tiIi - -tIi (e.g. oron-tiIi 'towards a\the deer', bira-tIi 'towards a\the river'),
Neg -tixi - -tIi, Sln -tixi - -txi, Lm -taIi - -tIi, Ork -taIi - -tai, Orc -ti(Ii), Ud -tigi, Ul -ti, Nn -ci - -tIi - -Ii
This ending belongs here unless it is a cd '-ti + '-Ii (as supposed by Bz.) Vas. 791, 793, Bz. 85-7,
Ci. 256, Sun. S 161 SDM97 (A 'tiI`i v. 'plant vertically' T, M + unc. Tg 'diIc v. 'hide'), KW 439

(M, T, Tg, Ko ciI 'Richtung, gerade, aufrichtig') ^ BmK 29O (a semantically unwarranted attempt
to equate S 'tIn v. 'be straight' with IE 'tcgu- 'thick' and M cigirag 'strong').
2346. 't'oIU 'to run away, run, leak' > HS: S 'tIv > Ar tqv G (pf. taqa, msd. taqv-un) {Fr.}
'celeriter incessit', {BK} 'marcher avec rapidit' Fr. III 12, BK III 112 EC: HEC 'toI- v. 'flee' > Sd
{Hd.} toII-, {C, Mrn.} toI- id., Brj toII- id., Hd {Ss.} toI- v. 'flee, leak' AD SF 276, Ss. B 182, Hd.
223, 397 Ch: WCh {Stl.} 'taI- v. 'go, run' > Hs Kc tuIa v. 'go away, go to a journey', Hs taIa
'pace' | Glm {Sch.} tag-(ala) v. 'run' | DfB {J} toI / hab. tvaI id. || ? CCh: Hw {ChL} tsI"a v. 'follow'
Stl. ZCh 163 [#168], Ba. 977, 1O5O-1, Sch. BTL 89, J R 222, ChL OS #2418 ('tuI- 'go, run')
ll K: pGZ 'tiIvn- v. 'skip (away), run quickly' > G (ga-)tiIn- 'skip, skip away (ciaiar, yciaiar)',
Mg ti(r)Ion- v. 'run as fast as one can' ('6car 6c: oin) (in') K 181, Q 328 ll IE 'tcI"- v. 'run, flow'
(EI 'run, flow swiftly') > OI 'taI-ti 'hurries, rushes along', Av tacaiti 'runs', KhS ttays- v. 'run, stream',
NPrs dz'T toz-ad 'walks fast, runs', tx'T to_tan 'to hasten, walk fast, run' || pAl {O} 'cn-tcIa 'chase,
pursue, folow' (< {Huld} 'cn-tcI"-o) > MAl G {FB} ndiccunc > Al T/G nd|cI / ndoqa, Al : SG {Huld}
ndi_cI / ndoIi_a, D ni_cIu / noca id. || OIr tcch- 'flee', MW {Vn.} go-dcb 'refuge, retraite, abri', {P} tcbct
'Flucht', W tcbcd 'retreat', Br tcc`h- v. 'flee' || Lt tcIc'ti (1s prs. tcIu) v. 'run, stream', Ltv tccct (prs.
tcIu) v. 'run, flow' | Sl 'tcI- (1s prs. 'tc'I-o, inf. tcI-'ti) > OCS prs. :cka tcI-o, inf. :cu tcsti 'to flow,
run', SCr tcccm / tcci, Slv tcccm / tcci, R rc'iy / rcu, Cz tcIu / tcci v. 'stream, flow', P cicIc /
cicc 'run, teak', Blg rc) ia 'flow', d : Uk r ) iarn 'to run' ? Pal tcIanza {ABIv.} 'flowing' (but {Carr.}:
acp. '?'); Mn. adduces here Ht {Ts.} va-tIu- v. 'jump, flee', which is unc. P 1O59-6O, EI 491, ABIv.
II 163-4, Carr. P 74, Ts. W 1O4, M K I 466, M E I 61O-1, Bai. 121, Sg. 273, Horn 82, Mn. 1372, Ch.
1113, Vn. T 4O, YGM-1 4O6, Hm. 78O, Frn. 1O74-5, Vs. IV 37, Glh. 622, StSS 694, O 286, Huld 97
(ppAl 'ndcI- / ndoI-i_- > pAl 'ndi_cI / 'ndoa) ll A: [1] T 't`oI- 'pour out (a liquid)' > OT, OQp XIII, XwT
XIV, Chg XV toI- id., Tk toI-, Az, Tkm doI-, Uz tuI-, VTt, Bsh tuI-, Qzq, Qrg, ET, Yk toI-, Tv
toI / doI- 'pour, pour out', Tf t`o''I`- 'pour out' Cl. 477, Ra. 235 The front vw. still defies
explanation (trace of an 'E-sx. or of a pN 't'oIEHU??) l A [2] {AD} 't`oIsV v. 'run' > M 'toqsi- v. 'flee'
(of animals) > WrM toqsi-, HlM roimn- {MED} v. 'flee in fright', {Gl.} 'flee, escape (from a human)' (of
animals), {Luv.} 'flee by leaps, bound a way off' (of animals, e.g. antilope), Ord d_og_si- 'flee in
fright' MED 815, Luv. 4O3, Gl. III 212, Ms. O 148 Tg 'tuIsa- v. 'run, skip' > Ewk tuIsa-, Ewk
toha-, tuIsa-, tuha-, Neg toIsa-, Ud {STM} tuIsca-, {Krm.} tuIa- v. 'run', Sln ttIan- v. 'skip, jump',
Lm tts- 'run in a slow trot', Lm Al tth- v. 'skip' ('ciaiar'), Ork ttqsa- v. 'compete in reindeer-sledge
race' STM II 3O8 A d 't`oIsa-Ii 'hare': Tg 'tuIsa-Ii > Ewk tuIsaIi, Ewk tohaIi, tuIsaIi, tuhaIi, Sln
ttraxi - tttaxi, Neg toIsaIt, Orc tuIsa(n), Ud {STM}, Ud B/Sm {Krm.} tuIsa, Ud X {Krm.} tuIca, Ork
ttqsa, Nn Nh/B toqsa STM II 2O8, Krm. 297 pKo 'thosIi 'hare' > MKo t"osIi, NKo t"oIi S QK
#282, Nam 459, MLC 17O5 DQA #2419 [A 't`ogsu 'to run; hare'], Rm. SKE 283 ('hare': Tg, Ko)
^ AD GD #123 (IE, K, Tg) Gr. II #3O2 ('tcIv 'pour') [IE, T, qu. Ko, J, EA].
2347. 'tuK'a 'earth (substance), mud, dust' > HS 'tI" > C: pAg 'daI"-/'dvdaI"- ({Ap.}
'daq"-/'dadaq"-) 'mud' > Q dax"a, Bln {R} doraq"a, Xm {R} roq"a || LEC 'doj:,II- > Sml {DSI, ZMO}
doqo 'mud (fango, melma)', Sml N {Abr.} doqo 'turbid water', Or {Grg.}, Or B/O/Wt {Sr.} doIIc
'mud, dung', Or Gj {LLC} doIc, Or {Th.}, Or M {LLC} doIc, Kns doqqc-ta 'mud', Gdl doII-itot
'quicksand', Gwd {AMS}, Gln {AMS}, Grs {AMS} doqqolo 'mud' (to be distinguished from LEC
'coj:,II- > Gdl coIIa, Gwd {Ss.} coIIa 'mud', [1 Amh csIa 'mud']) Ap. AV 8, Ss. PEC 3O,
5O, DSI 178, ZMO 123, Abr. S 66, Grg. 129, AMS 198, 265, Bl. 218 Ss. PEC mentions Or doII-
with a long o, which is at variance with lexicographical sources (Grg., Sr., Th., LLC), hence his rec. of
EC 'doII- is less accurate than Bl.s 'doj:,II- ?? B 'dVqq--'tVqq- 'clay' > Rf Wr/B/Am, SrSn
i-daqqi 'clay', Tmz {MT} idoqqi - itoqqi 'argile, terre potier, terrain argileux', Sll {Ds.} idoqqi 'argile
potier', Chl {NZ} idoqqi " itoqqi 'terre poterie', Ty idaqqan pl. 'morceaux dargile schs et durcis;
terre cuite' Rn. 3O9, MT 7O, Ds. 2O, NZ 366 ?? AdS of WCh: Hs toIa 'ashes' | Tng duIa id.,
'potash, salt' [< N 'togE 'dust, earth (substance)', q.v.] ll A: Tg 'tuIa 'earth, clay, sand' > Ewk tuIa
'sand', tuIala 'earth, soil, clay', Ewk Ald/Uc/K tuIala 'soil, ashes', Ewk Brg/NB tuIala 'mud', Sln toIo'la
'earth', Lm ttq+l " toqla " ttqal 'litter, dirt', Neg toxola - toIola id., 'dust, earth, soil', Orc tuala, Ud tuIca,
Ul ttaqsa 'clay', Nn Nh/B to_ala, Nn KU to_ala - toqala 'earth, soil, clay' STM II 3O7 ll D 'tuI-/tuI-
'dust, earth' > Tm tuIal 'dust, particle of dust', Tl dugara 'dust, dirt, soot', Klm tuI 'dust, earth,

clay', Nkr, Prj tuI, Gdb tuIur` 'earth, clay' D #3283 ll AdS of IE ''tcI-/'tI- 'earth' (< N 'togE '',
q.v.); the absence of 'cu_ or 'u (the expected reflex of N 'u in 'tuK'a) suggests that the main source
of the IE root is N 'togE Ivn. OPA 25-35 and GI 149-15O (analysis of phonetic changes), ABIv. II
133-7, Ts. E III 292-3OO.
2348. 'tuKV 'offspring', 'young (of an animal)' > HS: S 'tavI- > Sr {Br.} tavI-a 'young pigeon,
chicken' ('pullus columbae s. gallinae') Br. 272 ll IE: NaIE 'tcu_I- 'offspring, seed' [ N 'tovK'a
'germ, ( 'seed'), q.v.] > OI to'Iam 'posterity, children', Vd dat. sg. tu'c-c 'to the children \
offspring' || MHG dichtcr - tichtcr, NGr Tichtcr 'grandchild' (infl. of MHG tohtcr, NHG
Tochtcr 'daughter' < IE 'd"ugH-tcr?) P 1O85, M K I 5O8, 527, M E I 651, 67O (rejects the MHG-NGr
cognate, preferring to connect it with 'd"ugH-tcr 'daughter'), Vl. I 426-7, Sg. 288-9, Horn 84, Lx. 3O
ll A 't`uI`V 'young artiodactyl' > Tg 'tuI- id. > Ewk tuIuan " tuIuan " tuIusn 'young elk', Sln
tuxsa 'Kalb bis zu einem Jahr', Lm tuu- - tu- v. 'fawn, whelp', WrMc tuqsan {Hr., Z} 'calf' (1 Sln
tuxsan id.); some Tg lge. 1 Yk tugut - tubut 'young reindeer' STM II 21O, Klz. S II 48-9, Z 4O5, Hr. III
925 M 'tugul 'calf' > MM [S, HI, ZhY] tugul (tu-qu-lun, tu-qul, tu-qun), [MA, IM] tuyul 'calf', WrM tugul,
HlM, Brt ryian 'calf less than a year old', Kl {KRS} ryin tuy+l 'calf; suckling (atricodactyl)', {Rm.}
tuy+l 'calf, young animal', MMgl [Z], Mgl {Rm.} tuyul, Mnr H {T} tugul, {SM} t`ug_ur, Dx tugunca, Ba
tolccI 'calf' MED 838, KW 4O9, KRS 516, Ms. H 1O3, H 153, Iw. 139, T 366, SM 429, Pp. MA 354,
448 NaT 't`oIli 'a lamb a few months old' > OT {Cl.} toqli id., MT XIV [IM] to_li, MQp toqli, Tk toIlu,
Ggz toqlu, Tkm toqli, Qq toqlu - toqli - toqti 'yearling lamb', Az toylu " toyli " to_lu 'sheep of the second
year', Qzq toqti 'a lamb older than 6 months', Qrg toqtu 'young ewe', Qrg S toqtu 'two-year-old
wether', Nog toqli 'two-year-old ram', toqlu 'two-year-old sheep', S toqti, Tv t`oydu 'yearling lamb' ?
NaT {ADb.} 'toug > Tkm doy 'one-year-old goat up to first kidding' ?, NaT 'tug- ({ADb.} 'tug-) v.
'be born, give birth to' > OT tuy- v. 'be born', XwT, Chg tuy-, Cmn toy- - tov- - tuv-, OOsm doy-, Tk dog-,
Tkm doy-, Uz tuv- v. 'be born', Az doy- v. 'bear; appear, be born' The T verb is a very qu. cognate
both because of its meaning and because of the initial lax 't Cl. 465-6, 469, Shch. Zh 115, TL 433-
4, 698 ('toy- 'be born'), GRMS 472, Jud. 147, 744 KW 4O9, 414, DQA #2458 [A 't`uIV 'calf, lamb'
> Tg, M, T 't`oIli].
2349. 't'uKa 'to thrust, stab' > HS: EC {Ss.} 'taI- v. 'push, strike' > Rn ta_-, Dsn ta? v. 'push', ? Af
-otoI- v. 'strike [sth. inanimate]' ( 'taIV 'to touch'?) Ss. PEC 48, PH 177, Sim 4, PG 274, To. DL
529 ?? S 'tIl ( N 'tE?aI?a 'to put, set') > Gz tIl G v. 'plant, implant, set up, establish' (1 Bln
{R} taIal, Xm {R} tiIcl v. 'plant', Sa {R} taIal 'stechen'). One may tentatively adduce here SES: Mh, Jb
tII (Mh pf. tsI, Jb C pf. tcII, sbjn. 'yottsI, Jb E pf. 'tcI) v. 'knock, bang, pound', Hrs tII
(pf. tsI, sbjn. ystIaI) v. 'knock', resulting from contamination of different paronymous roots +
ideophonic factor (or onomatopia) Jo. J 276, Jo. M 4O9, Jo. H 129, L G 573 ll IE: NaIE 'tuI- v.
'thrust, stab, prick' > VL 'tuIIarc 'to touch' > It toccarc, OFr tochicr, Fr touchcr, Sp, Prt, Ctl tocar || Clt
({SB, Vn.}: < 'tuI-slo-): OIr toll 'pierced, perforated; hole', Crn toll, tol, MW {Flr.} tull, {SEv., Vn.}
tvll id., W {YGM} tvll 'hole', OBr {Flr.} tull 'foramen = hole', MBr toull 'hole', Br toull 'pierced, hollow;
hole'; ?: OIr tuag 'axe', NIr tuagh 'axe, hatchet', OIr tuagaid v. 'chops with an axe'|| Gk tuko)
'instrument for working stones, masons hammer\pick', tuki-e v. 'work stones' || Sl 't+I- > OCS
:+kua:u t+Inoti (1s prs. :+kua t+Ino) 'tvuvoi, figere' (t+Inoti v+ rcbra'poke into ribs'), R rinyr 'to
poke into, stick into, prode', Cz tInouti mom. 'poke, prick' ('rinyr, ionnyr'), P tIac / tIam 'to thrust,
stick, stuff'; ip. stem 'tII/c- > OCS :ko:u tIIati (1s prs. :va tIco) v. 'prick' ('pungere'), R 'riiar
(ip. of rinyr) 'poke, jab', Blg 'rniax 'I thrust, stick into' Mn. 1452, P 1O32-4, ML #8767, K.
#98O2 (Rom A Gmc 'tuIIon 'zucken'), GH 561, F II 941-2, SB 134, Vn. T 1O3, 158, Dnn. 76O, SEv.
36, YGM-1 423, Flr. 325, Hm. 798, Dnn. 76O, Mikl. L 1O17, Mikl. E 367-8, Vs. IV 64, 13O, P 1O32
ll ? U: [1] FV 'toIIa 'pierce, hit, touch' > F toIIaa- 'pierce, peck' | Er roia- toIa- v. 'touch; hit (the
goal)', Mk roia- toIa- v. 'touch, hurt (by striking\bumping)' ('rponyr, ymn6nr') FV 'o (rather than
'u) due to regr. as (vw. harmony)? UEW 796-7, ERV 665, PI 272 [2] ? FU 't'uIV- v. 'push,
thrust' > F tyonta- 'push, shove' | Prm 'toy- or 'toy- 'push, thrust, prick' ( FU 'tolV v. 'push' < N
'daoljV,V id., q.v. ffd.) || ObU 'toI-/'tcI- 'stopfen' > pVg 'ta- 'stopfen, stechen, drngen' > Vg: T
tav-, MK ta-, UK ta- - ta-, P tav- - tav-, Ss ta- id.; pOs 'toI- ({ Hl.} 'toI-) 'stopfen' > Os:

V/Vy toIi-, Ty/Y ta'I"i- id., V/Vy toIon-, Ty/Y ta'I"on-, Kz/Nz tcIon-, O toIon- 'sich fllen', V/Vy
tool-, Nz tcvot-, Kz tcvo-, O tcvol- 'verstopfen' | Hg bc-tov- 'tief eindringen', Hg tuz- v. 'pin,
stitch, stick' ({UEW} 'anstecken, aufstecken') UEW 52O (FU 'tcIV-, but why the reflexes in the
descendant lgs. are so different from those of FU {UEW} 'tcIc- 'tun, machen' [where there is no
labial element]? - see UEW 519), LG 281, Ht. 187 [#619] ll A 't`iI`V v. 'place into, stuff into' ({SDM97}
't`iI`u v. 'stuff into, press into') ( N 'tE?aI?a 'to put, set') > Tg: [1] AmTg 'tiIi- v. 'be placed into, fit'
> Orc tiIi- 'be able to contain (nxcar)', Ul tiIi-, Nn Nh ctqt-, Nn KU ttyIt- 'go in [a container]
(noxcarc) )', Ud {STM} tixi- " tiI'i- id., 'have enough room for (nxcar)', Ud Sm {Krm.} tixi- id., v. 'fit,
be large enough, nanc:ar' (of clothes, footwear) (2) Tg 'iIi- v. 'put, insert, stuff' ( N 'tE?aI?a '')
> Nn B ciqo- id., Ewk iIiv- 'insert, stuff', iIa- 'stuff tight', Sln miIs- - miti- 'stuff\cram into, poke',
Neg imqst- 'pick ones teeth', Ul cigici- - cirgsci- 'stop up tightly, drive a wad into the rifle', WrMc
ciIi- be the right size for, fit to the hole' (of a handle, axe-handle), 'be a tight fit, go in' STM II 178,
391, Krm. 295; the forms meaning v. 'stuff into' or sim. may be loans from M (see ) M 'ciIi- v.
'stuff in, press into' ( N 'tE?aI?a '') > WrM ciIi- v. 'jam, stuff, press, shove', HlM cixc-, Brt ssxs- id.,
Kl ciI- id., 'squeeze into', Mnr H {SM} c`ig_i-, {T} cigi-, Dx cIqi- v. 'stuff in, press into' MED 181,
STM II 391, KRS 65O, SM 448, T 379, T DnJ 141 T: [1] 'tj`,iI(a)- v. 'stuff in, press in' ( N
'tE?aI?a '') > OT U tiq- id., Tk tiIa- vt. 'plug, stop up', Ggz tiqa- 'stop up', Az ti_a-, Tkm diq-, tiq-,
Qzq tiq- v. 'stick into, thrust into', Tv tiyi- vi. 'stuff (with), thrust' ('nnorno na6nnar, npoconinar'), Chv
uix- cix/_- vt. 'stuff (with), fill' Chv c- < 't`- (palatalizing infl. of 'u?) Cl. 476-7, IS AD 41 [#11],
Rs. W 477-8, 479-8O, TkR 268, 297, Sht. 2O8-9, TvR 413, Md. 75, Jeg. 329, Fed. II 428-9 [2] NaT
'tj`,iI- v. 'put, place, insert' ( N 'tE?aI?a '') > OT tiI- v. 'insert', Tk diI- 'erect, set up, plant', Tkm
diI- 'insert, build, dig in, plant', Qzq tiI- rii- v. 'put, place, insert into the ground', Tv t`iI- (inf.
rnicp) 'put (a caudron) on fire, put, set up (a tent), establish' Cl. 476-7, Rs. W 479, TvR 413 pKo
{S} 'tiI- v. 'dip down, imprint' > MKo tiI-, NKo ciI- S QK #497, Nam 181, MLC 154O pJ {S}
'tuI- v. 'poke, trust' > OJ tuI-, J: T cuI-, K/Kg cuI- S QJ #475, Mr. 773 SDM97 (A't`iI`u- v.
'stuff into, press into', DQA #2249 [A 'tiI`i 'to plant vertically' > T 't`iI-, M], ADb. KL s.v.
't`iI`i- 'nconinar' ll D 'tuII- v. 'push, shove' > Kn duIu, duIi v. 'push', Krx tuII-na v. 'give a push,
shove', Mlt tuIc 'push, remove' D #3286 ^ The contaminated with several paronymic roots
sharing the basic meaning v. 'knock, strike', whence probably K: G tutI- v. 'push, strike' ^ BmK
316-8 (an attempt of undiscriminate comparison of different [possibly ideophonic] Gmc, K, S, C, FU,
D, A and Sum roots with meanings such as 'to knock, strike', 'to crack', 'to break\crush', 'to tread
down', etc. and sharing an initial t/t and a second cns. 'I/g/I, partially with different stem-final
cnss.: G tIac- v. 'strike', Sag tuyula 'strike with the feet', etc.); IS II 28-9 (NED 'tuII- < N {IS} luIn
'pierce, thrust').
2349a. 'tuKV 'hair' > HS: C: EC {Bl.} 'dogor 'hair' ( N 'sayUrV 'hair'?) > Af {PH} dagor, Sa
{Bl.} dagar, Bs. ogor-ro, Sml dogor, Sml N {Abr.} dogor 'animals coa t', ? Dsn {To.} our 'hair' Bl. 217,
PH 89-9O, Abr. S 65, To. DL 496 Ch: WCh: Cg {Sk.} taI 'hair' ChC, ChL ll A: T 't`uI 'body hair,
animals coat' > OT U, Chg tuI, MU, XwT tug 'body hair', MQp tug 'feathers', XwT tuy 'fur', Tk tuy,
Ggz tuy, Az tug 'hair, down, feather', Xlj tiI 'body hair', Tkm tuy id., 'hair of animals', Blq, Xk tuI
'hair, hair of animals, feather', Qmq, Qzq tuI, Uz tuI 'body hair', Bsh tiI, ET tuI id.., 'hair of
animals', VTt tiI, Alt tuI id., 'small feathers', Qq tuI 'hair of animals, down', Nog tuI id., 'body
hair', Qrg 'body hair of humans, short hair of animals', Tv duI, Tf d_u'I 'hair', Chv toI feathers, body
hair' ET 198 & Cl. 433 (in both: unj. adducion of OT tu 'hair of the body'), DT 2O4, Ra. 177
Tg 'tiIi-Ita 'hair' > Neg ttIta, Orc tiIta 'hair (on the hide)', Ewk Tmt tiIiIta - tcIiIta, Ewk Ur tiIiIta
'a hair near its root' STM II 178 DQA #24O8 (T, M, Tg + unc. : WrMc tuIu 'cover of a fur-
coat', WrM toqum 'saddle fender'), S AJ 282 ll ?? D: Krmb {Zv.} ? taIarc 'hair', ? tuIc 'fontanelle'
Zv. BNTL 655-6 ^ Blz. DA 152-3 [#4] (adduced D and unconvincingly words for 'head' and 'neck' in
different HS lgs.) .
235O. 'tu'?aKjv,a 'goat, ram' > HS: Ch: CCh: Glv {Rp.} tuyva 'sheep, lamb', Dgh {IL} t"uyvcyc,
{Frk.} tviyc 'sheep' | Lmn {Lk.} tuvaIa id. | MfG {Brr.} doI" id. || ECh: Nd D {J} dsga id. Ch
'v seems to suggest a N 'v following the uvular cns. JI II 291, RpB 95 ll A 't`aI`V, {SDM95}
't`uaI`V 'goat, he-goat, wild goat' > T 'tj`,aIa ({ADb.} 't`cI`c) 'he-goat, male wild goat' > OT taIa,

Tk tcIc, Az taIa, Tkm tcIc, Ggz, Qzq tcIa, XT {ADb.} tcIc, Tv tc'c id., Chv raia tag_a 'ram' Rs. W
47O, ADb. Ttd 55 [#11], TL 154, 428, 647, Jeg. 228, Fed. II 163-4 M 'tcIc > WrM {MED} tcIc 'wild
goat, ibex [Capra siberica]'), {Kow.} 'uncastrated he-goat', Kl tcI id., HlM ryx 'wild goat, ibex', Brt tcxc
1 WrMc tcxc, Sln tcxc 'he-goat'; acc. to Rs. W 47O and SDM95, M A T MED 797, KRS 49O, Chr. 458,
STM II 2 Tg 'toIi 'elk' > Ewk toIi, Sln toxi, Neg toIt, Ork to - too, Ul, Nn Nh to, Nn KU toIt 'elk',
Lm toIt 'male elk', WrMc to_o 'grown-up elk'; Tg 1 Gil t`o_ 'elk' STM II 191-23O Attention
shoud be payed to words for wild horse and wils ass: M: WrM taIi 'wild horse (Equus Przewalski),
wild ass', HlM rax id. and probably NaT 'tagi 'female of the wild ass' > OT XI [QB], MU tayi id. (Cl.
466); it is not clear wheter they belong here SDM95 s.v. 't`u_aI`V 'a horned animal' (T, Tg + qu.
M 'taIi 'wild horse'), DQA #2385 [A 't`i_aI`u 'a horned animal' > T, Tg], Rs. W 47O, Cl. 466, Kow.
1656 ll D 'taIar, {GS} 'tagar- 'ram' > Tm taIar 'sheep, ram, goat, male animal', Kn tagar, tagaru, tagara,
tcgaru 'ram', Tu tagaru, tagaro, Tl tagaramu, tagaru id. D #3OOO, GS 223 [#546] ^ Does T 'a suggest
a front vw.? Cf. above 'diqa 'goat' ^ The emphatic 't- is evidenced by A 't`- (> T 't`-, M 't-) and
possibly by MfG d-.
2351. 'tagjV,K'a 'to stick\be stuck to sth.' > HS: SES 'tyI > Mh tyI: G pf. tsyaI v. 'be stuck,
attached to', Sh

pf. hst'yavI v. 'stick sth. to sth.', Jb C tyI: pf. G ta'yaI, sbjn. yst'yoI v. 'be
stuck, attached to', Jb E tyaI id., Jb C Sh

(pf. ct'ycI, sbjn. 'yctysI) vt. 'stick, attach to' Jo. M 4O7,
Jo. J 275 ? Ch: Dgh {Frk.} taI"ma, ? tiI"a v. 'stick' ChC s.v. 'stick' ll U 'taIIV ({UEW} 'taIIa)
'hang, cling to, stick to sth.' > FU 'taIIV > F taIIala 'adhesive state of the snow, so that it sticks to the
skis', F taIIi 'feuchter Schnee, Pappschnee', taIalta-, taIista- 'befestigen, anheben, kleben', Es taIista-
'befestigen, andrcken; stecken bleiben, stocken, anhaften, hngen bleiben', F taIcrta-, taIclta- v.
'stick to sth.' (of snow etc.), taIcrtu-, taIcltu-, taIistu- v. 'get stuck, stick, fasten' || Os: V tarato-
'andrcken, D taxort- 'haften machen, anheften', O taxort- 'hngen (an einen Nagel, das Zugnetz auf
Strangen)', taxorlo- 'sich anheften, hngen bleiben' Sm: Slq: Nr {Cs.} toIuata, UO {Cs.} toIuata 'es
blieb hngen, haften' ({UEW} 'es blieb stecken, haftete eng'), Tz {KKIH} toqqI- 'stick' (':acrp) r'),
toqqal- 'dress so.; put on (clothes), haft (e.g., an axe on an axe-handle)' UEW 5O7-8, Coll. 61, SK
12O7-9, KKIH 184, Cs. 148, 231 ll A 't`aj:,Ia- > NaT 't`aI- > OT taq- v. 'fix\attach (sth. to sth.)', OOg,
Chg, Cmn taq-, XwT daq-/day- v. 'fasten', Osm {Rh.} taq- v. 'affix, attach, append', Tk taI-, Az ta_-, ET
taq- 'fasten, attach, hang on, put on, wear', Tkm daq- 'sew (to\on), fasten (to)', Qzq, VTt tay-, Qq taq-
id., 'attach, bind to' Cl. 464, Rh. 1225, TrR 822, TkR 243, Hs. 284, MM 339, KrkR 611, Nj. 278-9
Initial 't--d- in the Og lgs. provides ev. of pT 't`- Tg 'taj:,ga- v. 'stick (fast), get caugh' > Ewk
taa- id., taav- id., 'get caught (somewhere)', Neg ta-, taxa-, Orc ta- id., Ud ta-, Nn ta- 'stick fast, get
entangled (in a net)', Ul ta-, taxa- - taoxa- 'get caught, run aground' , WrMc ta- 'get caught on, be
trapped', Sln tau- 'hook sth., get hold of' STM II 149-15O, Krm. 292.
2352. 'tovK'a 'germ' ( 'seed') > HS: eB 'taI > B '-day- / '-daqq- 'grain, seed' [ N
'diIV 'edible cereals or fruit'??] > Ah ta-daq (pl. ti-day-in) 'grain, semence', Ttq {Msq.} tadaq (pl.
tidayin) 'grain (de bl, d'orge)', Gh ta-dyoq (pl. ci-dyay-in) 'grain (de crale)' Fc. 289-29O, Msq.
141, Nh. 163, NZ 478 (the B root 'dVy 'stone, caillou') ll IE: NaIE (in IIrn) 'tcu_Ij",- 'offspring,
posterity; seed' [ N 'tuKV 'offspring', 'young (of an animal)', q.v. ffd.] > OI 'toI-man- 'junger Spro
von Getreide', Av taoxman 'seed, germ', OPrs tauma 'family, clan', MPrs tohmag, tom, NPrs xTu to_m
'seed', maxTu to_mc 'seed (semen plantarum); origin', Psh toma 'seed' ll U: FU 'tovIV 'germing',
'season of germing, spring' ({UEW} 'spring') > F touIo 'sowing, crop, season of germing, season of
sowing', touIoIuu 'May', Es toug 'sring sowing' | pMr {Ker.} 'tuo-ndo > 'tundo > Er tundo, Mk tunda 'in
spring, spring' || pObU {Ht.} 'tVy(-) 'spring' > pOs 'toy, 'toyI ({ Hl.} 'toy, 'toyI) > Os: V/Vy toy, Ty
tay", Y tav, K ta'v, Nz/Kz tov; pVg 'tuya > Vg: HK/MK/LK tuyo, P/UL/Ss tuya, SV tuy UEW 532-
3, Coll. 119, 132, Coll. CG 414, Ker. II 172, MF 62O-1, Ht. 187 [#621].
2353. 'tcLV 'to shout, call' > HS: Ch: WCh {Stl.} 'tVl- v. 'ask, shout' > pAG {Hf.} 'tal v. 'ask' > Gmy,
Kfr, Su tal v. 'ask', Ang {Flk.} talmc v. 'ask (a question) | BT: Pr {Frz.} tclo id. | ??o Hs {Ba.} tilla v.
'call\speak loudly to so. for him to hear (unless tilla v. 'pierce a hole') || ECh: Ke
tulul 'Alarmgeschrei' Stl. ZCh [#196], Hf. AGG 19, Ba. 1O14, Frz. P 5O, Eb. 1OO ?? S 'tlv ( N
'tulV 'to tell (a story), pronounce magic\ritual texts') > Ar tlv v. G 'read (from a book), recite'
(unless from tlv 'follow'); Ak tclu 'to pronounce exactly', which for phonetic reasons must go

back to S 'thl > BK I 2O5, Bel. 57, Sd. 1345 OS #2362 ll K: Sv {TK}: UB/L li-tuli, LB/Ln
li-tuli 'to call (so.), say', UB {GP}, L {Dn.} lituli id., 'to yell', Sv {Ni.} tuli v. 'shout' TK 449, GP 17O,
Dn. s.v. tuli, Ni. s.v. ipnuar The origin of Sv u is obscure ll ? IE 'tcl- 'pronounce magical
utterancers, pray' > AnIE ( N 'tulV '' [q.v.]): Ht talliya- v. 'invoke (gods)', Lc M {Krl.} tali 'priest'
NaIE: ON |yl|a {EI} 'recite a poem', {Vr.} 'aufsagen', |ula 'string of words', {Ho.} 'song', |ulr
'Kultredner, Dichter', AS ylc 'orator, speaker; jester' EI 45O ('tclH- 'pray'), Ts. E III 58-6O, KrlSh.
XLJ 86, Vr. 626, 63O, Ho. 374 ll A: Tg 'tcluqu 'narrating, folk tale' > Lm tsloq, Neg tsluq, Orc
tslumu - tsluqu, Ud tsluqu, Ul tsluqgu, Ork tsluq(g)u, Nn tsluqgu id.; cp. Gil t`Ilgu 'legend' (A Tg?) Bz.
985, STM II 233, Krm. 298 Blz. KM #27 equates Tg 'tcluqu with words belonging to N 'tulV '', but
it is hardly acceptacle () ll D (in SCD) 'tcll- ({GS} 't-) > OTl, Tl tclucu v. 'praise, worship, request,
beg', Gnd talchI- v. 'beg\ask for sth.\so., esp. a bride', talI-, tal- v. 'ask, beg' (hardly from D 'tcl- v.
'become clear', as suggested by Km.) D #3427, Km. 39O-1 ^ Blz. 13O [equates the D root with
the reflexes of N 'tulV 'to tell (a story)', q.v.] .
2354. ?? 'tiLV (KU) (- 'tilV (KU)?) 'tongue, organs of speech' ( 'voice') > A {ADb.} 'tilgV, {DQA}
'tilV 'tongue, voice' > pT {TL} 'tilI > NaT 'til-/'til- 'tongue' > OT til - til, MU til, XwT XIV, MQp/Cmn XIV,
Chg XV til, MT XIV [IM], OOsm dil, Tk dil, Az, Tkm, Ggz, XT dil, SY dil, Uz, ET, CrTt, Qry, Qmq, QrB, Nog,
Qq, Qrg, Alt, Ln, Tb til, Qzq, Xk ttl, VTt til, Tv, Tf til, Yk til 'tongue' || Chv ucAnxc cil_c (< 'tilyaq)
'tongue', ucAncAx cilix 'vocal cords' Chv ci- < 't`i- (palatalizing infl. of 'i?). Acc. to Mudraks rule
(Md. DKCh 22O-1), pT *-lK regularly yields NaT '-l, while in Ch it remains as -l_I- (in Auslaut -l+_I /
-li_I) Cl. 489, IS AD 39 [#3], ET VGD 228-3O, ADb. SR 36 ('di|lI = 'tii_lI), S AJ 171 [#28], 183-4
[#84], Ra. 179, TL 227-8, Md. 72 (ppT 'tilI > T 'til), 179, ADb. Ttd 62 [#16] ('til < 'tilg), Ash. XV
28O, Fed. II 411 Tg 'dilga-n 'voice' > Ewk dilgan, Sln dilga, Lm dtlg+n, Neg dtlgan, Orc digga(n-), Ul
dtla(n-) - tla(n-), Ork tlda(n-), Nn Nh/KU tlga, Nn B 'tlga(n-), WrMc ilgan, Mc Sb tlgan 'voice',
Ud digan-a- v. 'say, cry', Ewk dilg-ura, Lm dtlg-tr 'loud-voiced' STM I 2O6, Krm. 227, S AJ 21O
DQA #2242 [A 'tilV 'tongue; voice', incl. T, Tg], ADb. SR 47, S AJ 284 ll D (in KK) 'tVllcI- ({GS} 't-?)
v. 'put out the tongue' > Kui tlcIa (< 'tlcI--)/tlcIt- id., Ku tcI"- (in vcndori tcI"mu 'put out your
tongue' D #343O ll ? i K: pGZ 'tlcI-/'tlI- 'lick, lick oneself' (of animals) ( N 'da lV
'dal V 'lick'?) > G tlcI-, Mg 'tirI-, ? Lz ntIval- id. K 182, K
1OO-1, Fn. KW-1 36 Possible infl. of
N 'laIV 'to lick, lap' ll ?? IE: NaIE 'tolI"- 'speak', 'declare' > L loquor / inf. loqui / pfc. locutus cst
'speak' || OIr ad-tluch v. 'thank', to-tluch- v. 'ask (bitten)', do-tluchcthar 'prays' || Sl 't+lI+ > OCS
:a+k+tl+I+ 'ccvcu), interpretation', OR :+ak+t+lI+ id., R roni 'sense', 'explanation', Blg
rn'iynax 'I interpret, explain' || ?? OI tar'Iayati 'guesses, reasons about, considers as' P 1O88, EI
535, WH I 821, EM 652, Vn. T 79-8O, Vs. IV 71, qu. : M K I 484-5 & M E I 633 (?: OI tar'Iayati tarI-
'drehen') ll ?? HS: B 'dly, 'dls 'lip' > Ah a-daloy (pl. i-dlay), ETwl +d+l+y, Ty tad+loyt, Tnsl {NZ}
adalay, Gh a-dlu (pl. i-dlayon), with an ext.: Mz {La.} a-dlos, Gd a-dalis (pl. dolsan), Skn a-tlus (pl.
i-tlas), Skn adlus id., Nf adilsan 'both lips' Fc. 273, Lf. II #O345, La. MChB 113 (fn. 5), La. S 253, Ds.
IVB 276, Wlf. EAW 45, NZ 465, 467-8 ^ The initial de-empatization 't- > 't- in A remains obscure.
2354a. ?? 'tUlV 'kindle (a fire); fire' > A {DQA} 't`uolV 'kindle a fire' > M 'tulc- id., 'set on fire' >
WrM tulc-, HlM rny- id. MED 852 Tg: WrMc tolo- 'kindle a torch, set fire' (A M?) Z 741
QDA #2461 ll U 'tullc 'fire' ( N 'duli 'fire; to heat', q.v. ffd.)ll ?? Gil: Gil A t`ilf 'summer' ll ?? HS: S
'tuljV,v > Ar tulv-at- 'clat de laurore' BK II 104 WCh ( N 'duli ''): Ang {ChL} tal vt. 'burn' |
Tng {J} tclc v. 'fry, put in\on fire, roast' || Ch: HgB tslindo, FlK ttltntiIu vt. 'burn' ChC, ChL ^ IS MS
341 (A K 'tvr- > Sv tvr- 'kindle a candle') Gr. II #152 ('tul 'fire') [U, A, CK, Gil, Ai].
2355. ? ''ta_la-''tal_a or ''ta_lE-''tal_E 'spleen' > HS: CS 'tihal- id. > MHb l&hy6 to'hol,
Ug thl, JEA, Sr toha'l-a, Md tahala, Ar tihal- 'spleen', d coll. tuhl-; S 'tulhim- 'spleen' > Ak OB/LB
tulimu, Mh, Hrs tsl'haym, Jb E/C tcl'him OLS 48O, Br. 272, Js. 528, Sl. 499, DM 173, Sd. 1394, Jo. M
41O, Jo. J 277, Jo. H 13, L A 223, L EDH 152, L EDG III 616, MiK I #1.278 ll A 'taalV > NaT 'tj,al
'spleen' > OT U tal ({Cl.} tal), ET tal, Yk tal id.; NaT d 'tal-aI (- 'talaI) id. > OT QU, MQp, Chg
talaq, Tk dalaI, Ggz dalaI, Az dalag, Az Tbr {Foy} dala, Tkm dalaI, Qry, QrB, Qmq, Qzq, Nog, VTt, Bsh
talaq, Uz taloq IS AD 47, Cl. 495, Rs. W 457, TL 279 [T 't(i_)al-aI], ET VGD 137-8, Nj. 281, Rl. III
88O, ADb. Ttd 61 [#6] M 'dcli-un (- 'dcli-Iun?) 'spleen' > WrM dcligun - dcliguu, MM [L]

dclgun, [HI] dcliun, [MA, IsV] dclun, HlM (yn( n) , Brt (yny( n) , Kl {KRS} (cnn, {Rm.} dclun, Mnr H
{SM} d_iliu, Dg {T} dclIin, Dg Cc {T} dclig; AncM 'dcli-Iun 1 WrMc dcli_un - dcliya_un, Ewk dslIin, Sln
dslIi; MM 'dcligun > Ud {Shn., Krm.} dsligi, Ud Sm {Krm.} dslugs IS AD 47, Gomb. LAS 21, MED
25O, Gl. III 114-5, Kow. 1719, SM 55, Ms. H 5O, Lg. VMI 27, Pp. L III 56, KW 86, STM I 233, Krm. 23O,
ADb. Ttd l.c. pKo 'tcira > NKo cira 'spleen' S QK #888, MLC 1529 pJ 'jdji 'jd,s-i_ 'gall bladder'
> OJ i S QJ #1644, Mr. 42O DQA #2285 [A 'ti_olc 'spleen', incl. T, M, Ko, J], S CNM 11 (A
'ti_alc id.) (in both sources T, M, Ko + Tg 'dilba 'diaphragm), S AJ 14 A 't- (for the expected
't`-) may be due to the infl. of '_ ll K: pGZ 'tqir- 'spleen' > G tqir-, Mg tqi- id. K 184, K
The K root goes back to N ''ta_la bV ''tal_a bV (i.e. ''ta_la bV ''tal_a + 'bA (adjectival
pc., q.v. ffd.); K 'tq- < N 't_- (ass. glottalization of '_); K 'r from 'l due to some unknown phonetic
rule? A 't- for the expected 't` defies explanation so far ^ IS MS 364 s.v. 'ccnc:cnia' ('spleen'). Not
here ( IS) Lp N {N} dadvc and Lp S {Hs.} hab'dic 'spleen'. On the ev. of the cognates in U (incl. other
dialects of Lp) this word for 'spleen' goes back to U 'laV ( UEW 242) < N 'l'A 'spleen' (q.v.
ffd.) ^ AD NM #1O3, S CNM 11 ( NrCs), Vv. AEN 6.
2356. 'talV - 'talV 'shoot, sprout, twig' ( 'willow, elm') > HS: S 'tl > Ar tal- 'spathe du
palmier; fruit, quand il commence se nouer; fruits', tl G 'tre en fleur, produire la spathe (se dit
d'un plamier)' BK II 96-8 B: [1] 'dlH, '-dluH > Ah odlu (Fcj 14) 'tre vert et pousser
rigoureusement', ? Tmz dlu / dli 'tre en grande quantit, abonder', ? SrSn tadla (pl. tadlivin)
'gerbe' ? 'dljH, 'branch' > Ah tcdolc 'a thick trunk, a thick branch' Fc. 192, 271, MT 89, Rn. 3O9,
NZ 328, 463 ll K: ?? 'm-til- 'greens, vegetables' > OG, G mtili 'kitchen-garden, garden', Mg d
o-rtvin-, o-rtil-, Lz (der.) o-ntul-c 'kitchen-garden' ( Mg 'rt(v)in-, -rtil- and Lz 'ntul- 'vegetables');
?? Sv: UB/L/Ln {TK} lartam, UB {GP} lartam, LB (h)artam, Sv {K} (l)artam, lcrtam 'kitchen-garden' K
138, K
126, Chik. 147, TK 367, GP 136 ? G tcla 'elm (n) :), tcladuma 'Ulmus campestris (iapaiau) ' ,
tclamusi 'Ulmus scabra & elliptica' DCh. 556, Chx. 471 The unexpected initial 't- may suggest
that G tcla etc. are loans from another lge. (T?) ll IE: NaIE 'tal- 'shoot' ('junger Trieb') > Gk ti)
(gen. -ce) - -io)) 'fenugreek', tcoe (mostly in prs. prtc.) 'luxuriant-growing, blooming' || L talca
'short stake\bar; a cutting, slip for planting', talia - talla 'hull of onion' ([Fest.] talla 'folliculum
cepae') Not here Oss tala 'young tree, sprout' [A T], as well as Lt atolas 'after-grass, aftermath' (
P), Ltv atals 'after-grass, aftermath, second crop' and Pru attolis 'Grummet' ( Gt alan 'to grow')
WP I 7O5, P 1O55, F II 892-3, WH II 644, Ert. ED 235, Ab. III 224-5 (Oss A T), Frn. 22 ll A: NaT
't`al {AD} 'willow' > OT QU tal - dal ({Cl.} tal) 'willow', [MhK] 'a green branch ( arrat bu-l-qad i:bi)',
MU XIV taj:,l 'willow', Chg dal 'tree, willow', tal 'willow', Osm, Tk dal, Ggz, CrTt, Qry Cr, Qmq dal, QrB,
Qmq, Nog, Qq, Qzq, Alt, ET, Xk, Shor tal, Tkm {TDS, TkR} tal (but {Rs.} tal) 'willow (nna,
rannni, ncp6a, ncrna)', MQp XIII '6 taj:,l, VTt, Bsh tal id., Qrg tal 'willow, withe, twig', Tv t`al id., Yk d
( dim.) tal-a_ 'willow' Cl. 489, ADb. Ttd 62 [#4] (proves that the initial cns. in pT is 't`-), Dm.
NRTAJ 156, 188, 2O5, Rs. W 457, TL 125-6, ET VGD 13O-1, TkR 615, TDS 632 Tkm tal (with a vl. t-
instead of 'd-) is probably a loan from a Qp lge. (where t- is reg.). The pT vw. 'a is not long ( Cl.)
on the ev. of Tkm and Yk (acc. to the available dictionaries), the letter alif in the Ar transcription of
OT and MU is not a reliable ev. for a long a Tg {ADb.} 'talgiI 'fallen trees, twigs and branches'
('nancnni') > Ewk talgi, Lm talgt, Neg talgtx id., cp. (here ???) Nn Nh datala (aranan ' willow (a
species)' Pt. 43, STM I 2O1 ll D 'tal- ({GS} 't-?) v. 'shoot forth, sprout' > Tm talir id., talir 'sprout,
tender shoot', Ml talir 'bud, new leaf, shoot', Ka talal, talir v. 'bud, sprout, shoot', Tu taliro 'sprout,
bud', Tl talaru v. 'bloom', taliru 'sprout, shoot', Ku dal- v. 'blossom' D #3131 ^ In NaIE and D
(where the lr. was lost) there was a partial merger of this with reflexes of N 'taoljEy,V 'to give
birth to; progeny' ^ Cf. 'tVlV 'rod' ('npyr') in the Daghestanian lgs. The de-emphatization in B ('d
for 'd) is still to be explained ^ IS MS 359 'taln 'pacrn' and IS SS #1.4.
2357. 'toala(-Ia) 'head, top, upper end, tip' > HS: Ch: CCh: pDb {Blz.} 'talaq 'head' > Db {Lnh.}
talaq, Db K {Sb.} talaq, Msy {Mch.} tala 'head' JI II 183, ChC WS 'tl - (?) 'tl > Ar tl G
'gravir une montagne, s'lver sur une hauteur', til- 'lieu lev d'o l'on peut voir les alentours';
'bord, marge'; Jb E/C tl (C pf. 'tcla), Mh tl G (pf. 'tavla, sbjn. ystlc) v. 'rise, get up'; ??? ( N
'tulV 'tip, sprout, sth. protruding, summit') Ar talat- 'high\ elevated land or ground' BK I 2O4 &

II 96-98, Ln. 312, Jo. M 4O9, Jo. J 277 ll A 't`olVIV ({SDM97} 't`oluI`V) 'head' > M 'tolugay 'head' >
WrM tolugai 'head, top, tip', HlM ronion id., WrO tologui 'head', tologoi id., 'top', Kl {Rm.} tolya - tolya
'Kopf, oberes Ende', Mnr {T} tolguc, Mnr H {SM} t`orguc, {Pot.} ronion, Mnr M {Pot.} ronian, {Rkh.}
torgc 'head' KW 392, MED 822, Krg. 5O4, T 366, SM 424, Pot. 412, Rkh. 378 pKo {S} 'tni_Ior >
MKo tni_Ior, NKo taguri 'forehead' S QK #3O6, Nam 147 ? AmTg: Ork tolomt - toromt (from a
compound or derived word?), Nn dulIumi 'sinciput' STM I 217, 223; the voiced d- is irreg. ???o T
't`uluq 'temple (Schlfe), hair on the temples' > OT {Cl.}, Cmn tulum, MQp tulum - tuluq, Chg {Vm.}
tuluyum (inaccurate record?) 'temple', XwT {Faz.} tuluq 'hair on the temples', OOsm XIV duluq - tuluq,
Osm {Rh.} tolun - toluq, Tk tulun, dulun " dulum, Qmq tulum 'temple', VTt ronix t+l+m, Bsh ronox
t+l+m, Nog, Qq, Qzq tulim, Qrg tulum, Alt tuluq, Shor tulun 'plait of hair', Xk tuluq 'two plaits of hair',
Chv raAnaAx t+l+m 'lock of hair, curl' The T cognate is valid only if one can find proper contexts
(and\or typological parallels) for the meaning change 'head, top, upper end' 'temple' Cl. 5O1,
Rs. W 498, TL 2O3-4, Faz. II 411, Rh. 1261-2, Jeg. 235, Fed. II 188-9, Vm. 266 DQA #2426 [A
't`olu 'head'] ll D {tr., GS} 'tal- 'head, top' > Tm talai_, Ml tala 'head, top, end', Kt tal 'head, top', Tu
tar, Tl tala id., 'hair of head', Td tal 'head, end, edge', Kn talc, tala 'head, being uppermost', Kdg talc
'end', Klm, Nkr, Nk, Gdb tal, Prj tcl, Gnd talla " tala, Knd tala, Kui tlau, Ku t"r`ayu " trayu " tala 'head',
Mlt tali 'hair of head' D #31O3, GS 18O [#456] The unexpected pD vw. 'a of the first syll. may
be due to the ass. infl. of 'a of the next syll. ll ? IE: NaIE 'tVl- > Clt: W tal 'forehead', Br tal, Crn tal
'forehead, front', OIr tcl ~ taul ~ tul and tul cind 'forehead' (cind 'of the head'), unless (acc. to WP I 74O
and P 1O61) the Clt goes back to NaIE 'tcl- 'flat' ( 'surface' 'surface of the head, forehead')
Bc. 218, Vn. T 18O-2 ^ Hardly here (because of the vw.) FU 'tuzIa 'point, upper end' (- FP
'tuzIa-mV), which probably belongs to N 'tulV 'tip, sprout, sth. protruding, summit' [q.v.] ^ BmK
294 (Clt, D), BmK 3O9-11 (an attempt to connect S 'tl v. 'rise' with some C, IE, U, D and A roots
meaning 'forward', 'to come', 'old', 'to touch', etc.), Blz. DA #3 (D, CCh, Clt).
2358. 'tulji,E 'to come, enter' > HS: S 'tl > Ar 'tl G 'venir dans un pays, se rendre dans un
pays; survenir, se prsenter chez quelqu'un' BK II 97 Ch: WCh: AG 'dl 'go in' > Su {J} dcl, Chip
dcl, Mnt dcl id. | ? SBc: Gj, Plc dcli 'go out'; ?? Gj tuluvi {ChL} v. 'come' || ECh: Jg {J} dul, dol v. 'come'
Stl. ZCh 174 [#272] ll U 'tullc- v. 'come' > F, Es tulc- | Lp T {TI} tollv- id. | Chr KB/U/B tola- id. ||??o Hg
talal- v. 'find, discover' Sm {Jn.} 'toy-- tuy- v. 'come' > Ne T ro-c, T O {Lh.} tos, Ne F to-s, imv.
tu?, En B {Ter.} ro-c, {Cs.} 1s aor. to?ado, En X {Cs.} 1s aor. to?aro, Ng {Cs.} 1s aor. tu?am, {Ter.}
ryn-c , Slq Tz {KKIH} tu-qo v. 'come', tulcI-qo id., Slq {KD} Tm tua- '(an)kommen', Mt {Hl.} 'toy-
'come' (Mt K {Pl.} dc`lymdoi 'come here' [dc`lym 'here'], M {Sp.} ron 'c(a'), ? Kms {KD} 1s prs. solam
'I come' Coll. 63, UEW 535, TI 6O5-6, Sm. 54O (U 'tolI-, FU, FP 'tuli-, Ugr ? 'tuli-, Sm 'to|-), MF
6O9-1O, It. #2O6, Jn. 164, KKIH 189, Hl. M #1O47 ll ??? A ''tuLV > pKo 'tir- 'enter' > MKo tir-,
NKo til- v. 'enter' S QK #677, Nam 174, MLC 534, Rm. SKE 266-7 ? M: Brt {Rm.} tu'lgu'-
'eintreten, to arrive\enter' (cnc _olo dai_dada irchcn tu'lgu'hcn _oi_nolo 'after your arrival and entering
this distant continent' - Zhamtsarano, Alamzhi mergen, line 4537) Rm. SKE 266-7, Rm. EAS I 11O
??? T 'tj,ul- 'settle (somewhere)' > OT {Cl.} tus- id., Tlt {Rl.} tus- 'irgendwo hinkommen, sich
wohin begeben', Tv t 'z- 'stop at (a place)', ET cus--tus- 'stop at (someones house, inn)', Qzq
tus- 'stop (at someones house)' The T verb is a valid cognate unless it is a sd of T 'tul- 'fall,
descend' (ET VGD 33O-3) IS AD 4O, TvR 186, MM 368, Nj. 398-9, Rl. III 1587-8, BT 163 Rm.
EAS I 11O ("t. tus- 'hineintreten', tusum 'Einkommen': mo. burj. tulgu- 'eintreten', kor. til-
'hineintreten'") The adduction of the A is qu. because the meaning 'to come, settle down' is
not demonstrably primary in T and because the M word is based only on Rm.s interpretation of
one epic text ^ If the T cognate is valid, the A lateral cns. is '-l-, accounted for by a contraction:
'tulji,E > 'tulliE > 'tulliyE (with '-y- appearing in hiatus) > 'tullyE > A 't`ulE ^ BmhK 3O9-11
(an attempt to connect the above U with some S, C, IE, D and A roots meaning 'rise', 'forward',
'old', 'to touch', etc.) Gr. II #72 ('tul 'come') [U, Ko, CK, EA + err. T & M].
2359. 'toLHV 'crossing (of a river, mountain range, etc.)' > IE 'tlH-'to- 'passage, ford' > Lt tiltas,
Ltv tilts 'bridge' || Vd tir'tham 'passage, ford' ( OI 'tarati 'crosses over') IS IA 74, M K I 5O7; P
1O61, Frn. 1O94 (both do not distinguish between this stem and homonymic stems: 'tcljo,- 'flat' and
'tcl- 'board') ll A {SDM95} 't`ollV v. 'cross (a stream\river, a mountain ridge)' > Tg 'tul- v. 'cross (a

mountain ridge, a stream)' > Ewk tuldun- v. 'cross (a mountain ridge)', Ork tolo- v. 'cross a stream (on
a tree trunk put across it), tread in the tracks' STM II 195, 21O pKo {S} 'tnri 'bridge' > MKo
tnri, NKo tari S QK #379, Nam 13, MLC 383 DQA #2427 [A 't`olV 'bridge, river crosing'].
236O. 'talhV 'flat' > HS: CS 'tlh 'be flat' > Sr tolih-a 'flat', Ar talh-iy-at- 'sheet of paper', {Fr., Ln}
talh- 'spathe of a palm-tree' Br. 276, Fr. III 363, Ln. 1865 NrOm: Kf {C} tcllo 'a plain', Mch {L}
'tallo 'meadow, plain' C SE IV 51O, L M 55 ll ? K: pGZ 't'al- / ?'tl- > G R {Brd.} tala 'layer (nnacr)';
? G {DCh.} tlu 'single (o(nnounin)', 'naked tree without branches'; Mg toli 'equal', (Mg 1?) G tol-i
'equal, person of the same age', (G 1?) Sv {TK}: UB/LB/Ln tvcl, LB tuvcl, tcl id. DCh. 1224-5, Brd.
IR 4O, Chx. 1359, TK 72O ll IE 'tcljH,- 'flat, flat ground' > OI tala-m 'flat surface, level, palm' || L tcllus,
gen. -uris 'earth' (< 'tclnos), mcditullium 'inland' || OIr talam 'earth, land' (< 't,lo-mo-) > NIr talamh 'a
farm of land'; MW {TLw.} tal 'plot of land' || Arm a t"al 'quarter, ward, district; neighourhood' || Pru
talus 'floor' | Sl 'tilo 'ground, soil, floor' > SCr tlo_, Slv tla` (gen. pl. tal) id., OR, RChS :iae tilo 'Boden',
P tlo 'floor; the ground of a picture\stuff', Uk rno 'ground of a picture\stuff', r 'field' || ON |cl
'ground', |cli 'frozen ground' In BSl: NaIE 'tcljo,- 'wooden board, plank, (?) tree' < N 'tAljX,V
'stem, tree' WP I 74O, P 1O61, Mn. 1375, EI 247 ['tclH-om - ? 'tl-H-om 'floor (of planks)'], WH II
655-6, Vn. T 22-3, Dnn. 713, Flr. 31O, TLw. 27O-1, Vr. 6O8, 61O, Frn. 1O93 (does not distinguish
between 'tcljo,- 'flat' and 'tcl- 'board'), En. 262, Glh. 631, Srz. III 1O78-9, Mikl. E 37O, Br. 571 ll A
't`alV > M: (1) M 'tala 'plain, steppe' > WrM tala, HlM ran, Brt rana 'plain, level space, steppe', Dg
{Mrm} tal, tala 'plain, field'; 1 T: Qrg tala, Chg tala id., Tk dala id., Tk tala 'flat country', Az
tala 'glade', Yk tala 'steppe (uncroc nonc), plain'; some T lge. 1 Kl rana 'open place, field, plain'; M
'talabaur 'flat surface' > MM [HI] talabar 'plat, assiette', WrM talabur, HlM ran6ap 'field, plain'; (2) 'tal(a)
> WrM tal, tala, HlM ran 'half, one of a pair', Kl tal+ 'half' ( *'equal'), ? 'side' ['half' 'equal'
'even' 'flat'; unless elated to Ko tal in im-dal 'shady side' and thus belong to a different A (Rm.
SKE 252)]; (3) WrM {Rm.} talbagu, Kl talvu 'flat, even' ('flach, eben') MED 771, Chr. 411, Klz. D II
135, Ms. H 99, KRS 473, KW 375-7, Rs. W 458 Tg 'tal- v. 'be flat' - (1) Ewk Y/Skh/Urm tallaa-,
Ewk Np tallaIa- v. 'flatten (the ground)', Ewk Y/Np/Skh/Urm tallama, Ewk Z tallaIan 'plain, flat land';
(2) 'talju,gan 'plain surface (of land or body of water)' > WrMc talgan 'flat surface, flat surface of
water, surface of an object', {Hr.} 'surface of a flat object', Ewk talgin 'flat surface of a body of water
(ina()', 'backwater (:ano(, :aron)', Nn B/KU talga 'bay, lake (connected with the main body of
water)'; Tg 1 Yk tolon (< 'taluyan) 'valley' STM II 157-8, Z 7O9, Hr. 884 Ko {MLC} til 'a plain, an
uncultivated field', {Gale} til 'flats, prarie, a wilderness', {Und.} nolbin-tol 'savannah' (literally 'broad
plain') Plv. KA 12O2, Rm. SKE 262, 266, MLC 533, Und. 515, Gale 27O DQA #2322 (A 't`alc
'open place, open sea' > M 'tala 'plain, steppe', 'tal-b-, Tg 'talgi-, i.e. 'talju,gan 'plain surface') ^ IS ms.
'tal'ha 'nnocinn' (IE, Om, K, T, M, Tg, Ko, but not S).
2361. 'taoljEy,V 'progeny; to give birth to' > HS: WS 'ta'lay- (- ''talay-?) 'young of an animal,
child' > BHb el3y1 ta'lc 'lamb', JA [Trg.], JEA il4y6 to'lc / ai!l6y2 tal'y-a 'young man, lamb', Sr
tal'y-a id., Plm tly 'young, boy', Ar ;|6a tala-n 'young of a gazelle, young of artiodactyls', Sb tly
'yearling lamb', Gz tali 'goat, kid' GB 276, KB 359, KBR 375, Lv. T I 3O2-3. Js. 536-7, Sl. 5O4, Br.
276, BK II 1O3, Fr. III 68, BGMR 153, Ls CDG 59O EC 'dal- v. 'give birth, beget' > Sa, Af, Sml dal-,
Rn dcl-, Bn dcl-, Elm dal-, Arr, Kns, Gdl, Dl dal-, Bs {HL} al- 'give birth', Dsn dal- id., 'generate'; Sa
{Wlm.} daylo 'young of an animal' Bl. 1O3, 195, Ss. PEC 21, 3O, Ss. B 62, 129, AD SF 57-8, ZMO
1O8, PH 9O, Sim 11, 13, 25, PG 93, HL 65, Hw. A 353, To. DL 493 ECh: Mu {Lk.} dal-, Mgm {JA}
dolo v. 'lay (eggs)' Lk. ZSS 181, JA 81 ll ? K: G tcl-i 'sucking-pig' Chx. 556 ll IE: NaIE 'tc(:)l-
'young of an animal, child' > Lt tclias, Ltv tcls 'calf' | Sl 'tc'l-c (gen. 'tclctc) 'calf' > SrChS :caa tclc,
OR tcl|a, R pl. rc) n ra (sg. d rc) n[noi), Uk rc) n (gen. rc) n rn), Blf rc) nc, SCr tclc (pl. tclcta) 'calf', Slv
tclc, Cz tclc, Slk tcl`a, P ciclc; Sl d 'tclici (< 'tcl-iIi) > OCS :caii tclici 'young ox' ( 'calf') 'o-
grade of apophony: OLt taloIas 'grown-up daughter', Lt taloIas 'grown-up man' with an
unexplained vw. o: Gk Ae toi) (gen. -ioo)) 'marrigeable maiden, bride' Mn. 1375, F II 85O, Frn.
1O56, 1O77-8, Kar. II 388-9, Glh. 622, Vs. IV 38, Sls. I 99 ll U: BF: F tallo 'yearling pig, young pig',
Es tall (gen. -c), Vo talu, taliIIa 'lamb' SK 1213-4 ll A 't`'olE > NaT 't`ol 'progeny, descendants' >
OT Qp tol id., MU, MQp, MOg XIV, Chg tol, Tkm dol 'sperm, breed, progeny', Tk dol, Az dol

'offspring', Qq, Qzq, Qrg tol 'breed', VTt, Bsh tul 'foetus', Tv t`ol 'child, young of an animal'; T 1
WrM tol, HlM r' n 'newborn animal', Kl {Rm.} tol 'jhrlicher Zuwachs des Viehs' Cl. 49O, Rs. W
493, TL 322, MM 375, TkR 282, KW 4O6 Cl. reconstructs a long o for OT and OOg, but Tkm
provides ev. for a short pT 'o DQA #2258 [A'tolc -i_o-, -i_a- "descendance" (i.e. 'progeny);
incl. T] Hardly here T 'tj`,cl 'young animal (calf, etc.) that is suckled not by its own mother' (Rs.
W 471) and M 'tclcgc '(an offspring) that nurses from two mothers' (unc. rec. 't`clV 'young lamb,
calf' {DQA #2359}), because the specific (hence the original) semantic component here is not
'offspring', but 'suckled not by ones own mother', which may be related to S 'tll (Ar tll G 'lser
quelquun de ses droit, le priver de ce qui lui est d', BK II 91) and to IE (OIr tlcnaim 'I steal') ll ? D
(in SD) 'tal- ({GS} 't-) 'breed' > Kt tayl 'breed of cattle', Ka tali 'race, family, stock, breed' ^ In IE
and D the contaminated with the reflexes of 'talV - 'talV 'shoot, sprout, twig'. Cf. IS MS 359
'taln 'pacrn' and IS SS #1.4 (does not distinguish between the two etymons in question and quotes S
'talay-, IE, T, M, D, but not C, U and K).
2362. 'talUya 'skin, fell' > HS: Ch: pNrBc {Stl.} 'tala 'skin' > Kry {Sk.}, P {Sk.} tala, Cg tal 'skin' Sk.
NB 4O, JI II 296, Stl. ZCh 251 [#43] ll U 'tallya 'skin, fell' > F tal|a id. | pLp {Lr.} 'tolyc 'fell' > Lp: N
{N} duol'l|c, S {Hs.} duoli|c, U {Schl.} ducll'|cc, L {LLO} tuol'|c, Kld tult lt Sm {Jn.} 'tca+_yn+ (most
probably 'ta+_y+) 'skin of the forehead' > Ne T ran 'skin of the forehead; forehead', Ne O tay 'skin
of the face', Ne F {Cs.} tai, {Lh.} tayoI:u id., Ng {Cs.} tua|a 'skin of the forehead', En X {Cs.} ta|o, En B
{Cs.} tai|o 'skin of the head', Kms d {KD} t`uyu-s+I`tu` 'Schlafsttte aus Rentier- oder Elentierhaut',
Mt K {Pl.} daihasc 'bald patch on the head (nncm)' UEW 5O8-9, Lr. #1294, N I 593, Lgc. #8O82, Hs.
467, Jn. 15O, Hl. M #939 ll A 't`al'u > Tg 'talu 'birch bark' > Ewk talu, Sln tala - talu, Neg, Ul, Ork
talu, Orc talu, Ud taluga, Nn talo - talu, WrMc tol_on STM II 158 NaT: [1]
'tj,ul-gaI - 'tj,ul-IuI 'bared skin; leather sack' > OT Trf {BG} tolquq 'a hide filled with air and use as a
float', Osm {Rh.} qLv6 do`lqu`q id. ( qLv6 do`lqu`q 'filled') (Rh.s 6 d = [t]), MT [IM] {Battal}
tolIuI, [other sources] tulIuI 'tulum (skin used as a receptacle for liquids)', MT XIV {AH} dolquq id.,
OOsm XV, Tk tula 'raw hide', Bsh tulaq id., Qzq {Bu.}, Qq tuvlaq 'dry hide (of a cow\horse) used to
felt wool on', Alt/Tel {Rl.} tulaq 'kahles, abreriebenes Fell; ein Fell, das auf dem Boden ausgebreitet
ist, auf dem man sitzt; ein trockelenes hartes Leder, auf dem man die Filzdecken schlgt',
tulaq ton 'ein kahler Pelz, Ledermantel', Az rynyi tulug 'a hide taken off as a whole, wine-skin', Tk
tuluI / tulugu-, Osm {Rh.} vLv6 { Rh.} do`lu`q a skin or hide used as a receptacle or a float', Qrc {Rs.}
tuluq 'wine-skin', SY {Ml.} tuluy soqa 'corn grains with husks' [2] T 't`ulum > Osm {Rl.} tulum
'gegerbtes Fell von Tieren, ein Lederschlauch', {Rh.} vLv6 tulum 'a skin or hide taken off whole (used
as a receptacle), bagpipe', Tk {Thms.} tulum 'bag or bottle made from the skin of animals for holding
cheese, liquids, water, wine; bagpipe made from the same material', SY {Ml.} tulum 'leather sack for
milk and milk products', Yk tulum 'useless piece of leather', ET, Uz tulum 'leather receptacle for
liquids', as well as Qry/Alt {Rs.} tulu 'leather coat' (1 R ry'nyn 'sheepskin coat'), VTt ronon t+l+
'sheep hide'; T 1 M: MM [IM] tulun, WrM, MMgl tulum, HlM, Brt rynax, Ord t`ulum, Kl rynx tulm, Mnr
H {SM} t`ulun, {T} tulum, Mnr M {T} tuluq 'whole skin used as a vessel for liquids'; M 1 Tg: Sln tolo id.,
tol'ma 'bucket', Ewk d tulum-Ian 'whole skin of a calf used as a vessel for grain, flour, dried curds',
WrMc tuluma, turmc 'leather sack filled with air (for crossing rivers)'; the M word is a loan rather
than a genetic cognate, as suggested by the absence of final vw; T 1 (through some M and\or Tg
lge.) NKo turumaIi 'overcoat' [see Lee CSMK 118] [3] T: StAlt {BT} tulus 'leather sack from a whole
skin of an animal' T 'u of the first syll. may be due to as (A 'a...u > T 'u...u) BG AI 47, Rs. W 497-
8, TL 187-8, Rl. III 1467-71, 1721, Bu. I 751, KrkR 658, Hs. 2O7, z. 344, BT 158, Ml. ZhU 124, Rh.
1261-2, Thms. 495, Dr. TM II ##931, Pek. 28O, Pp. MA 448, MED 841-2, SM 431, T 367, Iw. 139, KRS
517, KW 41O, Chr. 434, STM II 212, Hr. 927 DQA #2731 ['t`uluo "torn and scraped skin", i.e.
'bared and tanned skin' > T + err. M and Tg words for 'leather sack' and Ko turumaIi (treated as
genetic cognates)], S CNM 8 ll D 'tol / 'toli ({GS} 't-) 'skin, hide' > Tm, Ml tol 'skin, hide', Tm toli id.,
'husk', Ml toli 'skin, bark, peel, rind', Kt tol, Td tvis, Kn tol(u), Kdg toli, Tl tolu, Ku tolu, tolu 'skin,
hide', Tu toliI, Prj, Gdb tol 'skin, bark', Nkr, Nk, Prj tol 'skin', Gnd tol 'skin, hide' " tola 'skin, bark
of tree' " tolu 'skin', Knd tol, tolu 'skin (of animals)'; forms with internal -I-, -g-, -v- (Ml tuIal 'skin of
a fruit', Kn togal - toval id., 'skin, hide', Tu tugalo 'skin, bark') either do not belong here or go back to

a contraction of cds , like Kt toIrl < tol Iarl 'peg used in pegging down hide to dry' (literally 'hide
wood', D #1389); on the contraction hypothesis Zv. 66-7 D #3559, Zv. 64 (rec. of 'o) ^ The
rounded vw. following 'l in the N etymon is tentatively postulated as responsible for '-u in Tg and
the labializing as in Tk and D ^ Cf. Blz. SNE I 242 [#6] (U, D) ^ AD NM #96, S CNM 8 ( ST ''talH
'membrane, pellicle').
2363. 'taLIa 'to strike, push' > HS: WS 'tlI v. 'throw, let run, release' > JA [YTrg.], JPA tlI G
v. cast, throw', ? Sr 'tlI v. G 'be abandonned, disappear', Ar tlq 'lcher qch., laisser passer de ses
mains en les ouvrant', Jb tlI (pf. ct'lcI, sbjn. 'yctlsI) v. 'release, let run, shoot', Mh, Hrs tlI Sh

v. 'let run' BK II 1OO-1, Js. 538, Lv. T I 3O6, Br. 278, Fr. III 66, Jo. H 13O, Jo. J 277-8, Jo. M 41O, Lv.
II 162 The S (adduced to this etl. comparison by IS) remains qu. as a cognate because its
primary meaning may have been 'let go, release'. If it does belong here, the underlying semantic
prehistory may be: 'let go, release' 'push' ? WCh 'dl > Bg {Sh.} dal v. 'beat' ChC ll K: G I
tIvlcc-/tIvlic- 'zerbrechen, zerschlagen' Chx. 1353 This is a case of a typical K mt (lrs.,
uvulars and velars are attracted to the position after the initial or nearest dental, sibilant or labial
stop\affricate) bringing about "harmonic clusters" ll IE: NaIE 'tclI-/'tolI-/'tlI- v. 'strike, push, crash'
> Clt: OI {Vn.} tolgaid 'il attaque', tolg 'force, nergie', NIr tolg 'strength, effort', ?? tulca 'a sudden
charge with the horns', talc(a) 'force, vigour', W talch 'fragment, grist', OCrn [] talch "furfures" || BSl:
Ltv {Vs.} no-talcit 'beat (noionornr)', su-tclIti 'konzentrieren' | Sl 'tclIti (/prs.'tilI-o) > OCS :a1u
tlcsti / :a+katl+I-o 'schlagen, prgeln; klopfen, pochen' ({Mn.} v. 'clash, crush'), RChS :a1u
tlcsti / :a+katl+I-o v. 'push', :aeu tlosti / :a+katl+Io id., 'knock', OR :+avu t+lci 'to beat, strike,
crush', R ro'nou / ron'iy v. 'crush', Slv inf. tlcci 'to flog', tlouci (prs. tluI-u) 'to knock, beat', P tluc 'to
grind, pound'; d : R ron'iar 'to push, jolt'; R {SSRLJ} ro'noia n. act. 'grazing cattle on fallow'; Sl 'tolI+
> Cz tlaI 'pressure', Slv tlaI 'paving, floor', {Frn.} 'festgestampfter Boden, Druck', P tloI 'Gedrnge', R
ronoi 'Stampfer, Handramme'; P tloIno, R ronoi'no 'oat floor' pBSl 'talIa 'collective voluntary
work' > R rono'ia, Ltv talIa f., Lt talIa 'voluntary collective work for a member of the village
community', {Mn.} 'rally', {Frn.} 'zusammengebetene Arbeitsgemeinschaft', - Lt tclIiu {Mn.} v.
'mass, rally', {Frn.} 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft zusammenbitten, sammeln' Mn. 1376, 14O2, 141O, WP I
741 ('tclcq- 'stoen, zerstoen, schlagen'), P 1O62 ('tclcI- id.), EI 471 *'tclI- 'push, thrust'), Vn. T
1O2, LP 54, Dnn. 713, 743, 766, YGM-1 4O3, 411, SJSS XLIII 461, Srz. III 966, 1O48, Frn. 1O53-4,
1O78, Tr. 321-2, Vs. IV 73-4, SSRLJ XV 559, ME IV 127-8 ll A: NaT 'tj`,alI(i)- v. *'strike, beat' ( [1]
'crush', cf. 'tj`,alI`an 'crushed grain', [2] 'injure, harm', [3] 'soften [leather] by beating it') > OT {Cl.}
talq- (gerund talqar) v. 'injure, harm', Alt/Tlt/Shor {Rl.} talqi-, Tv talyi- 'soften (hides in order to
manufacture leather)', VTt, Bsh talI+-, StAlt talqu-la- id., 'brake (flax)'; NaT 't`alIan (< 't`alI-gan)
'parched crushed grain' ('ronoino') > OT {Cl.} talqan, Chg, StAlt, Bsh, Qzq, Qrg, ET talqan, Xk talyan, Uz
tolqon id., Tf talhan id., 'fried flour', Tkm tal_an 'sweet parched crushed grain', Tv talyan 'flour'; T
1 MM [MA] talqan, Kl tal_n, {Rm.} tal_
n 'parched crushed grain', WrM talqa 'powder, flour', HlM
tal_(an) 'bread, flour', Oyr talqan 'wheat flour', Brt tal_a(n) 'flour'; R ronoi) no and P tloIno 'parched oat
flour' may result from coalescence of a Sl derived word (cp. R ro) nou, P tluc '') with a loan from T
Cl. 495, DTS 519, Rs. W 458, TL 382, Rl. III 89O, Ra. 169, BT 14O, MED 773, Pp. MA 339, ADb. Ttd
65 [#7], KW 376, Vs. IV 73-4 Tkm t- suggests pT 't`- ( IS AD), ADb. Ttd l.c. ll D 'tal- ({GS} 't-) v.
'push' ( N 'daoljV,V 'to push', q.v. ffd.) ^ IS MS 369 ('tnlIn > IE, S, D) ^ The corr. between T '-l-
and D '-l- suggests a N '-l- (because T '-l- rules out N '-l-, while D '-l- rules out N '-l-).
2364. 'taL'V 'vast; room' > HS: S 'tlb 'far' > Ar tlb (pf. taliba) 'se truver loin; tre loign',
tulb-at- 'voyage lointain' BK II 93 ll IE: NaIE 'tcl- v. 'have room', 'tola 'space' > OI 'talah 'Lager,
Ruhesitz, Bett' || OIr -tclla 'have room for sth.' || Lt tilti / prs. tclu, Ltv tilt / prs. tclu 'fit in, find
room (Raum wohin haben)', Lt tala 'capacity, ausreichender Raum', Ltv tcla, tila, tilc 'space,
Raum', Lt tulinti, Ltv tilinat 'to give place' | ?? Sl 't+la > OCS :a+uo tl+a, Blg rnna, R
ron'na 'crowd', Cz tlua 'band, gang', Slk {SBR} tlua id., 'crowd' || pTc {Ad.} tal- > Tc B tal- 'be
emptied' P 1O62, EI 536, M K I 489, M E I 637-8, Thr. 83, 153, Frn. 1O54, 1O94, 1138, Kar. II
385-6, SJSS XLIII 46O, Vs. IV 74, Ma. CS 53O, SBR 887, Ad. 297 ll ? A: M ?'talbi-yun > WrM talbigun, HlM
ran6ny {MED} 'broad, wide, vast', {Rnc.} id. (' mnpoinn, npocropnin'), Kl rann` n. 'square' (cnnna rann`
'Lenin square'), 'field' (cnoprin rann` 'play-ground); 'talb'igu > WrO talbuu 'sloping', Kl talvu 'flach,

eben', Ord t`albu g_a_ar 'terrain qui est en pente douce' MED 773, KRS 474, KW 377, Rinch. 195,
Kow. 1638, Gl. III 58, Krg. 476, Ms. O 642.
2365. 'tulV 'to drip; drops of water, dew' > HS: WS 'tall- 'dew; to drizzle' > BHb tal, tall-, Ar
tall- 'dew, light rain', Ug tl, JA [Trg.] tal / tal'l-a, Sr tall-a, Gz tall, Tgr, Amh tvll, Tgy tvlli, Mh {Jo.}
tal, Hrs {Jo.} tnl, Jb E {Jo.} tchl, Jb C {Jo.} tcl 'dew', Gz tall 'dew, moisture', Ug tll v. 'fall (dew), Ar
tll v. G 'be covered with dew, be moist', Gz tll G (pf. talla) id. KB 358-9, KBR 374-5, BDB
#2919, Js. 535, Lv. T I 3O2, L G 591, LH 6O6, A #1118, OLS 48O-1, Jo. M 4O9, Jo. J 277, Jo. H xv, 129
ll IE: NaIE '(s)tcl- v. 'drip' > Gk otooooe v. 'let drop (e.g. tears)', vt. 'drop', otooooe ovov v. 'drop
blood', otooo n. 'drop', otooo) 'a dropping, dripping', {P} 'das Trpfeln, Tropfen' || ME stalcn,
NE stalc, MLG, NHG stallcn v. 'urinate', NE stalc 'urine', MLG stal 'urine of horses' || ? Lt tulzti v.
'become humid' P 1O18, F II 776, KM 737, AHD 1255 Acc. to IS's hypothesis, IE '(s)- is an
indirect reflex of the N stem-medial palatality ll ? A 'tj`,UlV > [1] (here?) T 'tj`,ul > OT [MhK] tus
'nocturnal emission (spermatorrhoea)' (MKD 125) DTS 6OO, Cl. 559 (interprets it as a private case
of tus 'dream') [2] ? T 'tol 'ice' > NaT 'tos > OT {DTS} tos 'glacier in the mountains', StAlt, Tb
tos, Tv tos, Tf to's 'ice', Qmn tos, Xk tos, VTt tus 'water over the ice of rivers\lakes (nanc()', Yk
toho- v. 'break ice in a river' DTS 578, Cl. 557 (interprets OT tos as 'pool'), Ra. 174, BT 154, B
DChT 157, B DK 255, BIG 233, TatR 559, JkR 392, DQA #244 [T'tol 'ice' < A 'c|olu (i.e. 'ci_olu)
'ice, hail'; the etymology is based on the highly controversial hyp. on T 't- from A 'c-], Vv. AEN 8
(criticism of the latter etymology, which I accepted in NM) The lax 't- and the vw. 'o (for the
expected 'u) still need explanation pJ {S} 'turara > OJ turara, J: T curara, K curara, Kg curara
'icicle' S QJ #154O DQA #244 ll D {Km.} 'tul- ({GS} 't-) > Tm tulli 'a drop', tullam 'little drop
of water', tuli v. 'drip', Ml tuli, tulli 'a drop', Kt tolg- v. 'wash ones hands with tears', Td tuy a
drop', toy- vi., vt. 'sprinkle', Kn tulaIu v. 'be scattered in drops', tuluIu v. 'sprinkle', Kdg tuli 'a
drop', OTl {Km.} tolaIu v. 'spill, scatter (as water); overflow', Tl {BE} toluIu v. 'rain', Prj tolI-, Knd
tor`I- vi. 'spill' D #3361, Km. 395 [#632] ^ BmK 3O2-3 (equates S and D with IE 'dcl- [> OIr dclt
'dew', Br dclt 'moist', Arm tcl 'heavy rain', etc.], which in my opinion belongs to N 'talvA 'talva
'cold season, rain', q.v.].
2366. 't'vlV or 't'?UlV 'to extend, stretch, become long' > HS: WS '-tul- 'long, far' > Ar
tvl (pf. tala, ip. -tul-) 'tre long, stendre en longueur', tavl- 'length', tavil- 'long', BHb Sh

pf. ly2ue hu'tal (ip. yu'tal) {GB} 'hingestreckt werden, der Lnge nach hinstrzen', Sh

hc'til v.
'throw far', Sb ip. yhtln v. 'extend', tl 'length', Gz, Tgr tvl D 'extend', Mh tol, Hrs tavl, tsl, Jb E
tcbl, Jb C 'tol 'length', Mh, Hrs tsvayl 'long' , GB 274-5, KB 357, KBR 373, BK II 123-5, BGMR 154,
Jo. M 413 EC: Sa {R} dcl, dol 'long, high, far' R S II 125 WCh: Su {J} dul 'pull, ziehen', Mpn
{Frz.} dul 'pull' J S 63, Frz. DM 12 ?? Eg fP dvn vt. 'stretch out, stretch (bows), straighten
(knees)', vi. 'be stretched out' ( N 'tanV 'draw, stretch, extend'), if HS '-l- may regularly yield Eg n
EG V 431-2, Fk. 311 Tk. I 1O3 ll A 't`'vlc- > T 'tj`,olc- > NaT {IS} 'tj`,osc- v. 'spread out (a
mattress, etc.) > OT {Cl.} tosc- id., Tk dosc-, Ggz, Tkm dosc-, Tkm NY tusc-, Az dosa-, MT [IM]
dosa- - tosa-, Chg, MQp tosc-, Tv to'zc- v. 'spread out', ET Tr tosa- 'als Lager ausbreiten', Qq
tosc-, Qzq toscl- v. 'spread out, make up (a bed)'; -'tj`,oscI 'mattress' > Tk doscI, Az dosaI,
Ggz doscI, XT {ADb.} doscI, Tf {ADb.} to'cI id., Tv tozcI id., 'bed' A. Dybo (ADb. Ttd 57-8)
has found that in 'CVs-roots the opposition 't`- 't- is neutralized Cl. 561, IS AD 42 [#22], Rs. W
495, MM 276, KrkR 652, ADb. Ttd 58 [#1O] M 'tclc- > WrM tclc-, HlM ryny- v. 'stretch (as hide or
bow), smooth by stretching (as textiles)', Ord {Ms.} t`clc- 'tirer, distendre, tendre', Kl rcnx tcl-xo v.
'stretch out, extend' MED 797, SM 418, Ms. O 656, KRS 491, KW 39O Tg 'tclc- v. 'extend' > Ewk,
Neg, Orc, Nn tsls-, Lm tslg+- - t+lg+- v. 'stretch (a hide on a frame)' ('pacr) nyr'), Ul tslu- v. 'stretch
(fish skin)', WrMc tclc- v. 'extend, stretch, smooth by stretching' STM II 232 ^ BmK 3O6-7 (they
equate the S with IE 'dcl-, 'dclcg"-, 'd,log"o- 'long').
2367. 't'ulEV 'breast, female breast' > HS: S 't'ulV- id. > OAk tuli?um - tula?um 'breast', Ak
B/NA tulu, tcilu 'breast, nipple', Gz t) tala [taljl,a] 'breast', Mh tslot (tl) 'nipple' G OA 297, Sd.
1369, L G 574, Jo. M 4O1, MiK I #1.276 ll A 'tj`,Eoli (= 'tj`,ooli?) ({DQA} 't`oli) 'breast' > T
'tj`,i_ol 'breast' > Chv culiI 'hame-strap' ('cynon') (< 'ti_ol-liI 'breast-collar' ['naipy(nni'], cp. Az
dosluI, Bsh tusliI id., VTt tusliI 'no(ipy(nni' ['lower breast-collar'?]) || NaT 'tj`,os > OT U

tos id., OT [MhK] {MKD} tos 'sternum' or 'breast-bone', MU dos - tos, XwT tos - tos, MT XIV
[IM], Cmn, Chg tos, MQp, OOsm dos 'breast', Tk dos, Az, XT {ADb.} dos, Tkm dos, Qry
tos " tcs, Qmq, Blq, Qrg, Alt, Tb, QK, ET tos, VTt, Bsh tus, Nog, Qz1, Qq, Xk tos, Uz tus, Xlj
tos-d_os, SY tos, tus id., Tv r' mt`os, Tv NE {ADb.} tos 'breast-bone', Tf to's, Yk tuos 'chest,
breast-bone' Rs. W 495, TL 271-2, ADb. Ttd 58 [#18], MKD 198, Md. 119, 179, Jeg. 328, Fed. II
427, DHST 3O7, Pek. 29O8, DQA #2441 (T 'tol) Tv t`- points to pT 't`-, while Og, Tf and Tv NE
suggest pT 't-; acc. to DQA, the latter may be induced by the merger with T 'tol 'mountain slope'
Tg: WrMc tulu 'breast (of a horse)' STM 211 ADb. Ttd 58 [#18] A. Dybo (ADb. SR-D 446
[#22] and ADb. Tts 58) adduces a Tg stem reconstructed by her as 'tui_l-gcn 'breast of an animal' [>
Ewk tiqsn, Sln, Nn KU tiqs, Lm tiq+n, Neg tiqon, Ud tiqs(n-), Ul, Ork tuqgs(n-), Nn Nh tuqgs, WrMc tuqgcn
- STM II 184-5, Krm. 295], but since no ev. for 'l in this has been produced, this rec. is not
reliable DQA #2441 ^ The A root may have resulted from a mt : 't'ulEV > 'tuElV > A
2368. ? 'taljg,V 'to be quiet\calm' > HS: S 'tly > Ar tly G 'tre faible ou fatigu, faire qch.
mollement, faute de force' ll IE: NaIE '(s)tcl- v. 'be quiet \ still' > OIr tu(i)lid, con-tu(i)li 'is asleep' (iter.
'tolcyo), cotlud n. 'sleep' ('Iom-toli-tu-s) || Lt tylc'ti (prs. tyliu) 'to be\keep silent', tilti (prs. tilu) 'to
grow quiet' | SCr za-tl|ati (prs. za-tl|am) 'to doze off'; caus. ChS :eau:u toliti 'placare', Slv toliti vt. 'to
quiet', OCS :eau:uu-toli-ti id., SCr utoliti 'to become calm; appease', R y-ro'nnr, Blg yro'n nax v.
'appease, slake (thirst)' || ON stilla 'to still, soothe', OHG, NHG stillcn 'to still', OHG stilli, NHG still 'still,
quiet', AS stillan 'to still', stillc 'quiet', NE still P 1O61-2, EI 475 ['(s)tcl- 'be still, quiet'], Vn. T 17O-1,
Kb. 964, KM 75O, Frn. 1O95, Vs. IV 71, Tls. 146 ll A (+ext. ?) 't`al`V 'calm' > M 'talbi- - 'talbiyun >
WrM talbigun, HlM ran6ny 'gentle, calm'; 'talbira- > WrM talbira-, HlM ran6npa- v. 'be relieved, calm
down', Ord t`avira- 'se relcher, diminuer dintensit'; Kl ranna- talva- 'calm down' MED 773, KRS
473, Ms. O 651 Tg 'tala 'calm water; backwater (:ano()' > Nn Nh talbo 'backwater, glassy surface
of water, broad part of a lake', WrMc {Z} talfa 'backwater (:ano(, :anxnc), calm water', talfari 'low'
(speed of a ship in shallow water) STM II 157, Z 71O.
2369. 'tuljV,'gV 'to spread like a veil/net, cover with a veil/net, catch (fish, etc.) with a net' >
HS: S 'tly > Gz {L} ?an-toloa v. 'spread, stretch, spread like a veil, veil, cover with a veil', Tgr
aNL0 ?antola v. 'spread, stretch out' (Gz, Tgr A C?) L G 59O, LH 618 ll K 't_cvl- v. 'fish with a net'
> OG t_cvl-, G t_cvl- id., ? Sv: {K} t_cl- v. 'look for, hunt', UB/L {TK, GP} li-t_cl-i, LB/Ln li-t_cl-i msd.
'to search for' (acc. to Dn., plrt. of li-t_-c 'look for, find') K 98, TK 435, GP 154, Dn. s.v. t_-, FS K
158-9 (reconstructs 't_c- 'catch, look for' on the basis of Sv words and forms without 'l, e.g.
mc-t_v-yar 'hunter', but there the loss of 'l is a reg. phonemic change) ll U: FU 'tulIV 'seine, drag-
net' > Z: Sk tIv, UV, US, P, MS tIl id. || ObU {Ht.} 'toloy - 'toyol id. > pVg 'tolo > Vg: ML toli, UL, Ss
toli; pOs 'toyol ({ Hl.} 'tuyol) > Os: Nz to_ot, Kz to_o id. Coll. 12O, UEW 536, LG 292, SZ 389,
Ht. #636 ll A 't`ulE- > T 'tj`,ula- v. 'hobble (a horse, etc.)' > OT tusa-, Qzq rnca- tusa-, Qrg tusa-, Tv
tu'za- (yaap, Tf tusa- id.; - T 'tj`,ulaI 'hobble' > OT tusay ({Cl.} dusay), Tkm dusaq, Az Shm
tusa_, VTt, Bsh rimay t+sav, Qzq rncay tusav, StAlt ryai tuzaq, Uz rymon tusov, Tv {TvR} (yai,
{Ra.} (yai tu'za, Tf tusa, Chv raAnaA t+l+ id., Qrg tuso, Xk ry:ax tuza_ id., 'fetters' ('oioni'), Yk
tuha_ 'loop, snare, chain, fetters' Cl. 561, DTS 59O, Rs. W 5O2-3, TvR 182-3, Jeg. 235, Fed. II 188,
AzDDL 391, BT 157, Ra. 176, Md. 58, 18O (T 'tul- [= 'tu.l-] 'hobble') Cl. considers OT tusa- a d
from OT {Cl.} tus 'buckle' (Cl. 558), which is semantically qu. and phonetically untenable, because
the short 'u is proved by the Tkm and Chv reflexes Tkm, Tv and Tf data suggest T 't-, while Az
Shm tusa_ suggests 't`- Tg 'tulc- v. 'cast (a fishing net), install (a self-shooting bow, a trap, a
snare)' > WrMc tulc- 'aufstellen (Fallen), auslegen (Netze)', 'cast (nets), set (a snare \ trap)', Orc, Ud,
Ul, Ork, Nn, Ewk, Neg tuls-, Lm tul- id., Ork tulsgds 'fishing net', tulsci- v. 'fish with a net'; Tg 'tulc- has
also a broader meaning: 'to install' (in a broader sense), 'to arrange' > Ewk, Neg tuls- 'put (on a
stretching frame)', Lm tul- v. 'arrange', Sln tulu- 'hang up', Ork, Nn tuls- v. 'sew on (a button), WrMc
tulc- 'anstecken (Holzgriff an Hacken, Holzgestell an Mhlsteine, usw.)'. This broader meaning seems
to go back to a later semantic change. But of course we cannot rule out a possibility of casual
homonymy or of a primary broader meaning with later semantic narrowing: 'to install' 'to cast (a
net), install (a snare, etc.)'; in this last case the Tg does not belong to the A and N etymon in

question STM I 212, Krm. 297, Z 756, Hr. 925 The Tg data suggest a strong A 't`-, while the T
data are ambiguous in this respect ll D 'tolI 'net for trapping' > Tm tolIu id., Ml tolla 'snare, trap'
D #3531 ^ N 'g is tentatively reconstructed on the assumption that here FU 'I goes back here to a
postcons. 'g: FU 'tulIV < 'tulgV < N 'tuljV,'gV. If this assumption is wrong and FU 'I is a sx., the N
rec. will be 'tuljV,'gV ^ AD NM #3O, S CNM 4 ( ST), Vv. AEN 17 [unjustified doubts about the
semantic change in T: 'to catch with a net' 'to hobble'; misquotation: erroneous ''tulji,'gVN
insteag of 'tulji,'gV (so in NM for 'tuljV,'gV), LCm. NLP 16 (unjustified doubts about U, A and D).
237O. 'tal'ha 'to lift up, carry' > HS: S: [1] CS 'tl'y v. 'lift up' > JPA {Js.} imv. G to'li 'lift up',
Md tl'y: D pp. u-mtalan 'and they are loosed', T prtc. u-mitlia 'and they shall be removed' Js.
536, DM 179-18O [2] S 'ntl v. 'lift, carry' > BHb ntl (ip. -ttol) v. 'impose, lay upon, weigh', ntl
D 'lift up', BA ntl (pf. no'tal), IA {HJ} ntl v. 'lift', MHb {Js.} ntl G 'move\carry off, take', JA [Trg.]
ntl G {Lv.} '(auf-/er-)heben', {Js.} vt. 'take, lift, move', JEA {Sl.} ntl G 'take', Sr ntl 'sustulit,
abolevit', nattil 'heavy', ? Ak ntl v. G 'see, look' (if 'lift up the eyes') KB 655, KBR 694, Js. 899-
9OO, Lv. T II 1O4-5, Sl. 744-5, Sd. 766, CAD XI 121-2, JH 178, HJ 728-9 'n- is likely to go back to a
HS verbal prefix pCh {JS} dl v. 'carry, bring' > WCh: Jmb {Sk.} doluvi v. 'bring' || ECh: Kwn {J}
dolc` v. 'carry, bring', Smr {J} dsgal v. 'carry on head' ChC, JI II 62-3, JS 61, ChL s.v. 'carry' ? C:
Bj {R} tlg (1s: p. 'atlig, prs. atan'lig; prtc. 'tilga) v. 'lift up' || ? SC: ?, Kz cal- v. 'fly' R WBd 227, E SC
194 (pSC 'tol- v. 'rise off the ground') ll IE 'tclu-/'tlcu- > NaIE 'tclo-/ 'tla- v. 'lift, carry, endure' > OI
tu'la f. 'balance, scale, weight', tulayati 'lifts up, weighs', MPrs tl?cvI [tarazug], NPrs vz"rTa tarozu
'balance, scale; the sign Libra' || Arm oum t"olum 'I let, permit, tolerate' || Gk t-voi inf. (pp. tto)),
Gk D aor. c-to-v (pp. toto) v. 'bear; hold out, endure', Gk tco-ev 'a broadstrap for bearing
anything' || L toll-o, -crc v. 'lift up, tale up and away' || OIr tlcn- 'enlever, drober', 'steal' (semantic
change like in M [see ]) || Gt |ulan 'endure, tolerate', ON |ola, AS olian 'to endure, OSx tholon, OHG
dolcn id., 'to suffer', NHG duldcn 'to endure, tolerate' || Ltv {ME} iz-tilt 'aushalten' (unless < 'iz-stilt) ||
pTc 'tal- > Tc A/B tal- vt. 'uphold, keep raised' P 1O6O-1, EI 352 ('tclh- / prs. 'tl'nch-ti 'lift,
raise'), M K I 516, M E I 658-9, Vl. I 429, Sg. 291, F II 848-9, WP II 688-9, Fs. 5O4-5, Vr. 615, Ho. 366-
7, Ho. S 78, OsS 1O7, EWA II 714-7, KM 146, Vn. T 78-9, ME IV 189, Wn. 5OO, Ad. 296-7 The
connection of this root with N 'ttVlV hang' (if any) may be only secondary ll A 't`al'a- v. 'carry,
carry away' > T 'tj`,alu--'t`ali- v. 'carry, transport (sth. somewhere)' > OT tasu-, Tk tasi-, Ggz tasi-,
Az dasi-, Qmq tasi-, Qzq tasi- (inf. tasu), Qq tasi-, Tv ta'zi- id., Slr tasi- - tasi-, Nog tasi- (inf. tasu-|)
'carry' Cl. 56, IS AD 42 [#21], Rs. W 466, Tn. SJ 5O4, NogR 339, RKumS 1OO3, KumRS 3O8, KrkR
626, MM 336 M 'tala- v. 'take away, plunder' ( A T 'tala- 'plunder' < N 't'alhV 'hit, damage') >
WrM tala-, HlM rana- v. 'take away', MM [S, MA] tala- 'plunder, loot', WrO talu- v. 'rob, steal', Kl {KRS}
rannx tallo_o, {Rm.} tal+_
v. 'plunder', Ord t`ala- 'piller et casser les objets' MED 771, H 144, Pp. MA
338, Krg. 475, KRS 474, KW 376, Ms. O 641 ? WrMc tala- v. 'confiscate' (A M?) Z 7O8 KW
376, DQA #2321 (A 't`ala- v. 'plunder, seduce', incl. T, M) ll D [1] 'tal- ({GS} 't-) v. *'lift'
( 'hold', 'bear, endure') > Tm talu (p. tali-) v. 'bear, suffer, tolerate', Kn tal, talu v. 'hold, take,
undergo, experience, wait', Tu taluni v. 'bear, endure', Tl talu v. 'bear, endure' [2] ? (in NED)
't'cll- > Mlt tclc v. 'lift (as the corner of a curtain or hem of a dress', Krx tclog-na v. 'tuck up (e.g.
garment before sitting)' Krx/Mlt l is a reg. reflex of D 'l, but the vw. c is deviant D ##3188,
3428, Km. 381 [#561] (reconstructs pSD 'tal- with an alleged variant tal- based on unc.
adduction of Tm tal- v. 'stay, rest, stop') ^ IS (ms.): 'tal'hc 'to carry' (S, IE, D), Tromb. CL (IE, D),
BmK 281-3 (IE, A, D + S 'tly - 'tll 'to hang', 'till- 'hill', C 'tVl- 'hill' + Sum tal v. 'be wide\broad').
The N lr. is reconstructed on the ev. of IE, it was most probably 'h, because it is the only lr. that
meets three requirements: it is lost in S (only 'h and '? may be lost there), it yields NaIE 'o in
syllabic position (Gk o in tco-ev, unless it is from 'n), and it has an a-colouring effect on a
preceding vw. (which '? cannot do) Gr. II #383 ('tal 'take') [IE, A, Gil, CK + qu. Ko, J, Ai], Gr. II
#196 ('tol 'hang') [an unc. attempt to connect the IE root with A, Ko and J anf Ai words for 'belt',
'hang', see N 'ttVlV 'hang'].
2371. 'tAljX,V 'stem', 'tree (?)' > HS: S 'talh- '() a large tree' > Ar talh- (coll.) 'Acacia
gummifera', talh-at- 'an Acacia gummifera tree', '(tout) grand arbre dans un terrain sablonneux'
BK II 94-5 ll IE: NaIE 'tcljo,- 'wooden board, plank, (?) tree' > OI taruh 'tree' (semantic infl. of daru

'tree'?) || Gk tio 'board\table with a raised edge, bakers table' || AS illc 'floorboard', cl 'plank,
bed', clu - clc 'plank', OHG dil, dilo, dilla 'board, plank, floor made of boards; bretterne
Wandbekleidung des Zimmers', NHG Diclc 'board, plank; floor', Yid dil 'floor', ON |il 'floor\wall of
planks', |ili 'wainscot, panelling', |il|a 'plank' || Lt tilcs' pl. 'Bodenbretter im Kahn, Bodenbelag' (Mn.:
< 'tlyo), Ltv tilandis 'Bretter, die Diele eines Bootes bilden', ( IE 'tcljH,- < N 'talhV 'flat') Pru talus
'floor' Mn. 1375, IS IA 74, P 1O61 & Frn. 1O93-4 (both do not distinguish between 'tcl- 'board'
and 'tcljo,- 'flat'), En. 262, M K I 484, F II 892, OsS 1O2-3, KM 131-2, Ho. 362, 365, Vr. 61O, Kb. 154,
EWA II 644-7, EI 247 ['tclH-om - ? 'tl-H-om 'floor (of planks)'] ll D (in SD) 'tal ({GS} 't-) 'stem, leg'
> Tm tal 'leg, stem, stalk', Ml tal 'stalk, stem', Kt ta:l 'stem, trunk', Td to 'thigh of animals hind
leg, trunk of tree', Kn tar_ stem or stalk' D #3185 Either the meaning 'leg' is secondary, or there
are two homonymic pD roots, one for 'leg', another for 'stem'.
2372. 't'EmV 'to feel by touch' > HS: Eg fP dmy vt. 'touch, feel by touch', vi. 'be joined' > Cpt: Sd
:wwmctoomc, B :wmttomi 'unir, toucher' EG V 453-5, Fk. 313, Vc. 215 ll U 'tumtc v. 'feel, touch,
feel by touch' > F tuntc- v. 'feel, recognize, sense, taste, smell, know', Es tundc- to feel, sense,
experience' | pLp {Lr.} 'tomts- v. 'feel, know (kennen)' > Lp: N {N} dov'dat v. 'know, perceive, sense',
S {Hs.} dabdc- " damdc-, U {Schl.} dab'dat, L {LLO} tab'tat id., Kld {Lr. Gn.} tom:dco, {SaR}
roxxry 'learn (erfahren)' | ppPrm {LG} 'tu'd- > pPrm 'to'd- v. 'know, learn (erfahren), remember' > Vt
ro(iniid., Z ro'(ni v. 'know, recognize, guess', Vt, Z ro( 'memory', Yz ry(- to'd- v. 'know' || Hg tud- v.
'know, be able' Sm {Jn.} 'tumt+ (or 'c-, '-mc-) v. 'know' ('kennen, wissen') > Ne T 'ryx(ac 'learn
(erfahren), notice', Nn T O {Lh.} tumta, Ng {Cs.} aor. s./obcj. 1s tumtuama 'erraten', En {Cs.} 1s aor.
s./obcj. tuddabo 'erfahren, erraten', {Ter.} d ryxropy' 'learn (erfahren)', Kms {KD} t`omncm 'wissen,
verstehen', {Cs.} thumnam 'wissen, sich erinnern', Koyb {Sp.} a6irixncx 'nc :na' ('I do not know'),
Koyb {Sp.} rixncncnxax, Mt 'tumdo- v. 'notice' (Mt M {Sp.} ryx(y(yiypax ' npnxcua' ) Coll. 63-4,
UEW 536-7, Db. OS xxxii, Sm. 541 (U 'tumtI- 'know' > FU, FP 'tumti-, Ugr 'tumti-), Lr. #1268, Lgc.
#7617, Hs. 4O8-9, SaR 357, Lt. 127, LG 283, Lt. J 186, Jn. 167, Cs. 63, 89, 187, KD 7O, Hl. M #1O91
ll A 't`camV v. 'feel by touch' > Tg 'tcm'i- v. 'feel by touch' ('ynar') > Ewk tsmi- - tsmi-, Lm
tsmi- -tomi-, Neg tsmi-Its-, Ul tsmuru-, Ork, Nn Nh tsmiri-, Nn KU tsmirs- id.; Tg 1 Dg tsmils- 'feel
(betasten), touch' STM II 233-4, T DgJ 167 M 'tcmtc-li- / -ri- > WrM tcmtcl-, tcmtcri-, HlM ryxrpy- v.
'grope, search by feeling, touch with the hands', Ord {Ms.} t`cmt`crc- 'tter, ttonner', Brt
ryxryp-xy 'grope ones way' ('6pccrn naoyn'), Kl rcxrpx tcmtr-xo id., {Rm.} 'im Dunkeln
herumtappen, mit den Hnden zu betasten suchen', Mnr H {SM} t`i_and_uli- 'tter, toucher avec la
main' MED 8OO, Chr. 453, KRS 492, KW 391, SM 415 DQA #2343 [A 't`cmV 'to grope, search]
ll D [1] (in SD) 'timVr- v. 'smear, rub (the skin, etc.)' > Tm timir v. 'smear as sandal paste, rub, apply
to (as a flower to the skin)', Kn timir v. 'rub and smear the skin' [2] (in SD) 'tin`t- ({GS} 't-) > Tm
tintu v. 'touch, feel', Ml tintuIa v. 'touch', Kt tind- v. 'be polluted by illegal sexual intercourse', Kt,
Td tit 'pollution', Kn tidu v. 'touch (as air or wind), touch (as with fingers)', Kdg tInd- v. 'touch'
D ##3234, 3268 ^ IS MS 353 s.v. oyninar 't'cmn (TM, D).
2373. 't'omV 'to cut (off)' > HS: S 'tmm > Ar tmm v. G (ip. -tumm-) 'shave (the head, hair)'
Fr. III 69 ll IE: NaIE 'tcm- v. 'cut', 'tomo-s 'a cut, slice (Abschnitt)' > Gk Hm tcci 'he cuts', Gk A tcve,
Gk Hm/I/D tove 'I cut', Gk too) 'a cut, slice; part' || L acstuma- v. 'estimate (the price of a thing)'
(denom. from 'ai_s-tomos 'der das Erz zerschneidet') || OIr tamnaid '(he) cuts off', tamun 'tronc darbre,
bille de bois' || BSl 'tino / 'tinti (< 'tmno Gk tove) > Lt tinti (prs. tinu) 'to whet (by
hammering)', {Frn.} '(die Sense) durch Klopfen mittels eines Hammers schrfen, dengeln', Lt {Frn.}
tynimas 'Schlagen, Geieln, Dengeln' | Sl 'tcti (prs. 'tin-o) > Slv tcti / prs. tncm, OCz ticti / tnu, Cz
titi / tnu 'to hew', OR :a:u tcti / :iutinu 'to kill\stab (with a sabre, etc.)', R rnyr / rny' 'to stab
(with a knife, etc.)', P ciac / tnc 'to hew, smite, strike' WP I 719, P 1O63, Mn. 1378, 1411, F II 874-
6, WH I 2O-1, Vn. T 25, Frn. 1O99, Ju. I 651, Srz. III 11O6, Sls. I 98 ll A: NaT 't`omur- v. 'cut' (Cl.:
caus. [o?] from ''t`om-) > OT {Cl.} toumur- v. 'cut in a rounded shape', Blq {Rs.} tomur- 'aushauen,
fllen', VTt {Rl.} tum+r- 'abhauen, absgen (den Teil eines Balkens)', SbTt Tv/Tr {Tm.} tum+r- v.
'hew, trim, rough-hew', SbTt Tb tum+r- {Rl.} id., 'behauen', {Tm.} 'chop off', VTt {Rl.} tumra- 'hauen,
abhauen, durchhauen', SbTt Tb {Gig.} tumra- 'saw up (firewood)', VTt ryxpan tumran 'block of wood,

log, stump (iono(a, uyp6an, o6py6oi)', SbTt Tb/Tr {Tm.} tumram 'stump, stub (ncn, o6py6oi)', Tlt tomir-
v. 'cut through (a log)', Osm {Rs.} tumruq 'Stamm, Klotz', {Rh.} tomruq 'a heavy log from the main
trunk of a tree', Tk tomruI 'log, block of wood' Cl. 5O9, Rl. III 1238, 1521-3, Rs. W 487, Tm. 218,
Rh. 1263, TrR 865 ?? M: WrM tobi-, HlM ronn- v. 'engrave (gold, silver), beat out a pattern;
incrust, inlay' {Gl.} id., 'carve' MED 811, Gl. III 177; the denasalization '-m- > '-b- is still to be
explained ll D 'tum- v. 'be cut (off)' > Tm tumi (fts. -v-, prts. -nt-) v. 'be cut off', tumi (fts. --, prts. -tt-)
v. 'cut off', Tl tumuru 'a small piece or bit' D #3325.
2374. 'toaymV 'to bite, to champ, to taste' > HS: S 'tm v. 'taste' > BHb Moy tm G , IA tm, JA
[Trg.], JEA, Sr tm G 'taste, eat a bit', Ar o tm v. G 'taste, eat', Gz tm v. G 'taste, be tasty',
Mh tm (pf. tam, sbjn. ystom, verbal noun ts'aym), Jb, Sq tm (pf.: Jb C 'tam, Jb E ta'am, Sq
'taam) v. 'taste, eat, try (food)', Ak (inf.) tcmu v. 'taste', BHb Mo2y2 'taam n. 'taste, feeling' KB
361, KBR 377, Lv. T I 312, Js. 543, Sl. 510, Br. 283, BK II 83 C: EC 'dam-dam--'daddam- v. 'taste',
'tasty' > Or {Grg.} damdama 'delicate, flavored, savory', {Brl.} dandama n. 'taste', dandama` 'tasty',
Sml daddam- vi. 'taste', Bn diddim- id., Brj dcddcm-a 'good-tasting', as well as probably LEC 'dam-
'food, consume' > Sml dam- v. 'drink milk\blood', Rn {PG} dam- v. 'drink (food drinks)', Bs {HL}
dam- v. 'drink', Or dama 'whey', Kns, Gdl dam- v. 'eat', Dsn dan- {Bl.} v. 'bite', {To.} 'tear off, tear to
pieces'; a more archaic LEC variant 'dam- is present in Sml {R} daan, pl. damo 'taste, juice, sauce'
and Af {PH} daamc 'take a sample of food, taste', Sa {HL} daamc v. 'taste' || Dhl {To.} tcm- v. 'try,
taste', {EEN} t_cm- 'try, look at' AD SF 317-8, AD PSH 5.2 [#6], Ss. B 62-3, Bl. 1OO, Hn. S 57, PG
91, PH 88-9, Grg. 12O, Brl. 98, HL 92, ENN 8, To. D 148, To. DL 493 , Blz. CL 178 WCh (?)
'da'Him- > Gmy tiysm v. 'taste', My a dahin id., Hs dandana v. 'taste', Bl dand- id. || CCh 'dm: HgNk
damata v. 'taste', Bdm dsm, ? Msg {Trn.} t m id. AD PSH 5.2 [#6], 6.3 [#73], OS #2454, Sk.
HCD 55 ll U: FU 'tovmV (or 'toImV) > pObU 'toyom- or 'tovom- v. 'bite' > pVg 'taom- or ?'tavom-
id. > Vg: LK/MK tovm-, UL tovom-, Ss tovm; pOs 'toyom- ({ Hl.} 'toyom-) id. > Os: Ty tay"om-, Y
tavom-, D/K/O to_om-, Nz tu_om-, Kz {Stn.} to_om-, {KrT} toyom-/to_m- Ht. 187 [#625], KrT 977-8,
Stn. D 1414-5 ll A: M 'tamsiya- > ? WrM tamsiya-, HlM raxmaa- v. 'champ, click the tongue, taste food',
Ord t`amsa- v. 'champ', WrO tamsa- id., 'smack the lips', Kl raxma- tamsa- id., 'cling the tongue (as
a sign of pleasure)', Brt raxmaa- id., v. 'savour (cxaionar)'; M 'tamsugq 'tasty' > Ord t`amsuq id., WrO
tamsiq 'delicate', ? WrM taqsug, HlM rancai id. (infl. of 'taqsu 'tenderness' and\or 'taqsi- 'champ'?); M
'tamsiq > WrO tamsiq 'savory', Kl {KRS, Rm.} raxm` tamsq 'gourmand, fastidious (whlerisch) in
food', {Rm.} tamsag_-taqsag_ id., 'Sssigkiten'; M 1 Qzq tamsanu-, Qq tamsan- 'smack the lips', Qrg
tamsan- id., 'click the tongue (a sign of pleasure)' MED 775, 778, Ms. O 643, Krg. 477-8, KRS 475,
KW 377, 379, Chr. 413, Jud. 7OO Tg 'tam- v. 'champ, taste (food)' > WrM tamisa- id., Ewk tam- v.
'champ' STM II 158 pJ {S} 'tami_as- 'try' > OJ tamji_,cs-, J: T tamcs-, K tamcs-, Kg tamcs- S QJ
#1O12, Mr. 763 ? NaT(?) 't`aj:,m- 'taste' > Alt {BT} tam, Tlt/QK/Shor {Rl.} tam id. (for these lgs. of
non-Muslim peoples the Persian-Arabic origin of the word is less likely than for Uz rax- rax 'taste'
and ET taam 'food', which are obviously loans); ? T 't`am-gaI ({ADb. 'tanyaI) 'soft palate and throat'
> OT {TL} tamyaq, {Cl.} tamyaq, MU, MQp, XwT tamaq, MOg tamaq - tamay id., Chg tamay - tamaq, Tk
damaI, Ggz damaI, Az damag 'palate', Tkm damaq, Uz tomoq, Qry, QrB, Qmq, VTt, Bsh, Qzq, Nog, Qq,
Qrg, ET, Alt/Qmn {Rl.}, StAlt tamaq, Xk, Shor tama_ 'throat', Tv t`aqmaq 'gills', Yk tama_ 'throat,
pharynx' Cl. 5O5, Rs. W 46O, TL 229-3O, Rl. III 993-4, 1649, BT 14O, MM 33O, BT 14O Tv t`-
provides ev. for pT 't`- in the noun, while d- of the Og lgs. is ambiguous ( IS AD and ADb. Ttd 62-5)
DQA #23O1 [A 't`ama 'to taste, munch' > M, Tg, J] ll ?? D: Tm tim 'sweet', tcm 'sweetness' (unless
from 'ti's-) D #3274, GS 2O2 [#512] (pD 'tyi- 'sweet'). If Tm tim- belongs here, the N rec. may be
'toayicmV Gr. II #120 ('tam 'eat') (A 't`ama 'taste' and EA 'tam- 'lick, chew' erroneously
equated with IE 'daH- 'feast, sacrifice' [a loan from S 'oabh- 'sacrifice'], as well as with Vg 'ta
'food', etc.)
2375. 'tEqmE 'sinciput, crown of the head, top, tip' > HS: S 't_m > Ar [Qam.] {Fr.} ?at_am-
'anterioris pars nasi (in homini et iumento)' Fr. III 44 C: Ag ''dVmVh > Aw {L} dumi 'top', Ag 1
Gz domah [domah] 'head, crown of the head, summit' (unless < S 'dimay- Ar dimay- 'brain', acc. to
W. Mller) || ? EC: Or duma (nom. dum-ti) 'end' ({Brl.} 'estremit, fine') L G 134, Grg. 131, Th. 116,

Brl. 128 ll K 't'qcm- (or 't'qcm-) > OG t_cm-i 'top of the head' (Deut. 28.35), 'top of the hill' (Ex.
17.9, Mt. 27.33), G t_cm-i 'Scheitel, Gipfel' Chx. 5O9, Abul. 186, DCh. 574, Ser. 74 ll IE 'tcHmn >
NaIE 'tcmn > Sl 'tcmc / tcmcn- 'crown of the head' > SrChS, OR :1ma tcmc / gen. :cmcu-c
tcmcn-c id., 'skull', R 'rcx , Uk r xt , P cicmic, SCr rc`xc " t|c_mc 'crown of the head', Cz tcmc,
tcmcno id., 'summit' Srz. III 1O93-4, Vs. IV 41, Ma. CS 525, Sls. I 1OO ll A 't`cmV - 't`umV > Tg 'tcmV
- 'tumV ({DQA} 'tumqu) 'crown of the head, occiput' > Ewk I tsmulIsn - timulIsn 'crown of the head',
'skull', Sln tumulIi, Ud tsmugs, Orc {PSchm.} ryxaxa, Mc Sb tuqun 'crown of the head, sinciput' STM II
217 ? NaT 'tj`,umaI 'fur-cap' > Chg {PC} tumaq ' cap', {Vm.} tumay 'fur cap of the Qazaqs', ET {BN,
Nj., Rl.} tumaq, Bsh t+maya 'winter fur cap with large ear-flaps', SbTt T roxaI t+maq, Qrg tumaq,
QK {Rl.} tubaq, Tkm tumoq id., Uz ryxoI tumoq id., 'cap', Qzq {Sht., MM} rnxaI tumaq 'winter cap, fur
cap with ear-flaps and back flap (rpcyx)', ET , Ln tumaq ' cap'; T 1 Kl tom
yo 'Mtze, Kappe' TL
483, BN 157, Nj. 339, Rl. III 1514, 1517-8, UzR 451, Jud. 765, Sht. 211, KrkR 654, Tm. 212, KW 399
M (?) 'tomi n./adj. 'chief' > WrM tomi, Ord {Ms.} t`omi 'chef, primipare', t`omi-la- 'tre la tte de'
MED 8OO, 822, SM 431. Ms. O 666 pJ 'tum- 'top, head' > OJ {S, Vv.} tumu-ri ( - {S} tuburi) 'head,
top' > ltOJ {Vv.} tuburi, eNJ tuburi - tumuri, J: T/Kg cumuri, K cumuri id., Sh ciburu 'head' S QJ #114,
Mr. 556, Vv. AEN 6-7 S CNM 8 suggested to adduce T and OJ, as well and M tomi-la- 'chief' and
tumur-liy 'hat' The vw. 'u in A 't`umV may be due to labializing effect of 'm DQA #2464 [A
't`umu 'head, top of the head'] ^ AD NM #1O5, S CNM 8, Vv. AEN 6-7.
2376. 'tumjV,qV 'dark' > HS: S 'tm_ > Ak tam_-u(m) 'evening', tam_-itu id. Sd. 1314 C
't'umjH,- 'dark' > Ag 'tcm- > Xm {R} tcma 'darkness', tim (pl.) 'dark nights', Q {R} tcm- v. 'be dark',
tcma 'darkness', Km {CR} tcm- v. 'be dark', tcm 'darkness' || ? HEC 'tuns- (or 'tuns-??) > Hd {PB}
tunso, {Hd.} tunso 'darkness', Sd {Gs.} tunsa- v. 'grow dark', Sd {Hd.}, Kmb {Hd.} tuns- v. 'become
dark', Sd {Gs., Hd.} 'darkness', Hd {PB} tuns-, {Hd., Gs.} tuns- v. 'grow dark' AD SF 53-4, Hd. 47, PB
177, Gs. 319 Om: NrOm: Kf {C} tum- v. 'be dark', tumo 'darkness, evening, night', Shn {Abb.}
tuma 'night', Bnc {Wdk.} tumam 'at night' || SOm: Dm {Fl.} tum 'darkness' C SE IV 51O, Wdk. BY
112, Fl. OO 317 ? Ch: ECh: it is tempting to adduce Mu {Lk., J} dcdcm, Mjl dcddcm and Mkl
diddo 'night', but the morphemic structure of the word and the origin of the initial dc-, di- are not
clear ; cp. also Kbl {Cp.} dama 'night' JI II 257 , Blz. LECh #61 AD l.c., C SE II 221-2 (C, Om)
ll IE 'tcmH- > NaIE 'tcm(o)- 'dark' (and ds : 'tcmcs- ntr. 'darkness', tcmosra id., tcmsro- 'dark') > OI
'tamah (tamas) ntr., Av tomah- 'darkness', OI 'tamisrah (pl.) id., MPrs tom 'finster' || L tcmcra- v.
'darken', tcmcrc 'blindly', tcncbrac id. (probably dis from 'tcmafra < ''tcmosra OI 'tamisrah) || OIr
tcm, later tcim, tcmcn 'dark, gray', OIr tcimc 'darkness', tc(i)mcl id., 'shade' || OHG dcmar,
dcmcrunga 'twilight', NHG Dammcr 'weak faint light', Dammcrung 'twilight, dusk', Ic {KM ?} |am
'dunkle Luft', |amar 'dark', Far {JM} tam 'haze'; OSx thimm 'dark', ('tcm-sro/a >) MDt, Dt dccmstcr,
OHG dinstar 'dark, dusty' || Lt tcm-ti, Ltv tim-t 'to grow\get dark', Lt tcmc'ti 'to be dark (finster)', Lt
tcmsta 'it is getting dark, the day is closing in', Lt tcma, Ltv tima, timsa, tumsa, Lt tamsa, Lt E
tumsa 'darkness', Lt tcmsas, Ltv tumss - tumss 'dark (finster)' | Sl 'ti'ma (acc. 'timo - 'ti'mo)
'darkness' > OCS, OR :imo, R rxa, P cma id., SCr tama 'darkness, dusk'; Sl d adj. 'timin+ 'dark'
('dunkel, dinster') > OCS :im+u+, R 'rccxnin, Blg 'rxcn, SCr taman - taman, Cz tcmny, P cicmny P
1O63-4, Dv. #319 ('tcmos 'tenebra'), EI 147 (''tomHcs- 'dark'), M K I 478, M E I 626, WH II 656-7,
664, EM 1O27-8, Vn. T 48, Kb. 157, OsS 99, 1O4, EWA II 573-5, 66O-2, KM 12O, Ho. S 77, Vr. N 1O8,
JM 438, Frn. 1O55-6, 1O8O, 1139, Kar. II 44O-1, Vs. IV 4O, 133-4, Glh. 619-2O ll U: FP
'tumjm,'c 'dark' > F tumma id., tummcntaa v. 'darken, make dark', Krl tumma 'dark-coloured', Es tommu
'dark', Lv tuma 'undurchsigtig, nebelig (Wetter)', F tumca 'dusky (hmr)', Es tumc 'dark' | Prm
{LG} 'tu'm- > Z LV tIm- vt. 'darken, shield from the light' SK 1395-7, Kt. 439, LG 293 ll A 't`um- >
NaT 'tj`,umjV,, 'tj`,um > Slr tum-, tumu-, tumi- vi. 'darken' (of the sky)', 'cover with darkness (oiyrinar
xinon)', SbTt t+mas 'cloudy, overcast with clouds', VTt t+m+z+q 'cloudy', Tk dumcaI 'cloudy
weather', which is etymologically connected with VTt t+ma 'closed from all sides'), ?o OT {Cl.} tum
'uniform' (of dark colour): tum qara at 'a uniformly black horse', tum toriy at 'a uniformly dark bay
horse'; T ''t`uman 'mist, fog, (?) darkness' > OT tuman 'fog, mist', 'darkness' [{DTS} 'xina, xpai'], Chg
{Bu.} tuman 'mist, fog, darkness', tumanlu 'foggy, dark', Tkm duman, Tv t`uman - tuman, Tf tuman, Qzq

tuman, Qq duman - tuman, Slr, Qmq, Nog, Qrg, StAlt, ET, Uz tuman, VTt, Bsh t+man, Xk tuban 'mist, fog',
Brb tuman 'darkness (xina)', Tk duman, Ggz, Az duman, Yk tuman id., 'mist, fog'; pT ''tj`,um (with rdp )
> Chv tittim 'dark', 'darkness' Cl. 5O3, DTS 585, IS AD 175, Rs. W 498, TL 33-4, ET VGD 295-6, Bu.
I 753, Rl. III 1518, Tn. SJ 522-3, TatR 544-5, BR 531, BT 158, Dm. JBT 191, Ash. XV 1O3-4, Jeg. 249,
Fed. II 224-5 ? Tg 'tum- > ? WrMc tumin 'dark' (of colour) ( WrMc tumin 'thick, dense'), unless
tumin 'dark' is a sd from tumin 'thick'; ? Tg 'tamna 'fog, mist' > Nn tamna - tamna id., Ork, Ul
tamna 'haze, mist, fog' ('xina, ryxan'), Ud {Shn.} tamns

a, {Krm.} tamnsha 'mist', Ewk tamna-Isa id.,

tamna- v. 'get misty (weather)' (' ryxannrc) , n(rn napy' ) , Lm tamnart 'fog, haze' ('Nebel, Nebel-,
Staubschleier'), tanmt- v. 'get misty (weather)' ('neblig werden'), WrMc talman 'mist, steam', Jrc
tah-ma-Iih 'mist, fog' STM II 159, 213, Krm. 293, LamW 942 The vw. 'a (for the expected 'u) in
Tg 'tamna is still to be explained (infl. of the nearly synonymous A 'daj:,m- 'dust' < N 'dAmV 'steam,
mist, dust'? [ N 'dAmV]?) It is not clear if the meaning 'mist, fog' (in T and Tg) goes back
to 'darkness' or there is coalescence with a different root ^ IS SS #1.29, IS MS 368 s.v. 'rcxnin' 'tumn
(IE, C [with Om], BF), AD rTPN (IE, HS, BF, A) BmK 284-5 (IE, C + Eg tms v. 'hide'). IE and Tg
suggest N 't-, while in S, C and T there is de-emhatization of the initial cns. Gr. II #89
('tum 'dark') [IE, U, A, CK, EA + err. Ko].
2377. 'tVmjV,IaE 'to wet, to dip' > HS: S 'tmI > Gz tmI: v. Sh

(pf. ?atmaIa) 'dip, immerse',
tomuI 'dipped, baptized', tomIat 'immersion' L G 593 Glottalized I for the expected I is
probably due to as ll IE: NaIE 'tcngg- v. 'wet, moisten' [ N 't'aq'u 'moisture', 'large body of
water'] > Gk tce v. 'moisten, soak, dye' || L ting-o, -crc v. 'dip, dye, wash, sprinkle, paint' || OHG
dunIon, NHG tunIcn 'to dip', NGr Sw tinI 'moist' || ? OIr tummaid '(he) dips, immerses' WP I 726, P
1O67, EI 639 ('tcng- 'moisten, soak'), F II 863, WH II 684, OsS 115, EWA II 855, KM 797, Vn. T 183,
Mn. 726?
2378. 'tumKV 'tuqjK,V 'leather sack' > U: FU (in Ugr) 'tuqjV,tE (or 'taqju,tE?) 'quiver' >
Hg tcgcz ~ tcgcz 'quiver' | ObU 'tuvot id. > pVg 'tavot id. > Vg: LK/MK tavot - tavt, P tavt, Ss
tavt; pOs 'tuot id. > Os: V/Vy tuot, Ty ti"ot, Y/D/K tivot, Nz tiot, Kz tivot Ne T {PT}
rcnrt / -n- tsnt? 'quiver' UEW 894 (Ugr 'taqV-tV), MF 624, Ht. #632, Hl. rHt, PT RNS 115,
Mu. USz 9O, Hal. USz I 262 ll A 't`uiqjI`,V > T 'tj`,iqdi or 'tj`,iqdi > Chg {Bu.} tiqdi or tiqdi 'ein Sack
aus Leder oder aus Pilz' ( {Rl.} kyT tiqgdi) Bu. I 439, Rl. III 1355 ? M 'cuqIc > WrM cuqIc,
HlM nnx 'bag, pouch' MED 2O9 ll ??? HS: Eg fMK tm: 'sack for grain and other fruit' > Cpt: Sd
:wwmctoomc, A :wmcttomcs 'bourse, sac' ( Eg fMK tm: 'mat' < N 'tVmV 'hair' [q.v.]?) EG V 3O7,
Fk. 299, Vc. 215.
2379. ? 't'imjVn,V 'to be quiet, calm' > HS: S 'tmn > Ar tamn- 'quiet, tranquil', t?mn - tm?n v.
'lie down to rest, rest' BK II 11O ll A: Tg 'tVmjn,X 'calm' > Lm ttm+r+n 'lull, calm weather (before a
storm)', ? Ud ton v. 'calm down (the wind)' STM II 182 T 'tj`,im 'silence' > Tkm dim- 'fall silent',
Alt timi- 'be silent', Qq, Qrg timiy- id., Qzq tim-tiris '(deathlike) silence', Qrg timizin 'quietly, in
silence', Tlt/Qmn {Rl.} tim 'silence, silently', Xk tim n. 'quiet, silence', timix, Alt timiq 'silence', Qzq
timiq, Bsh t+m+q, VTt t+m+z+q 'calm' Rs. W 47, TkR 298, MM 354, KrkR 656, Jud. 791, TatR 561, BT
163-, Rl. III 134, BIG 244 DQA #2271 [A 'ti_um(I)u 'silent, calm', incl. T] ^ BmK 3O7-8: a
comparison between Ar t?mn - tm?n and IE 'domH- v. 'subdue, conquer, tame', which is unc. on
both phonetic and semantic grounds (the basic meaning of the IE is v. 'subdue, conquer,
overpower' (cp. Gk oooe v. 'overpower', the meaning 'to tame' being secondary), while the S
means 'tranquility; to rest').
238O. 'tanV 'to draw, stretch, extend' > IE: NaIE 'tcn- v. 'draw, stretch, extend' ( IE 'tcn- v.
'strain' < N 'ti'n`E 'strong; to strain'?) > OI ta'noti 'expands, extends, spreads', ut-tana 'ausgestreckt',
Av ustana id., KhS astan-, astan- v. 'stretch (a musical instrument), ttanv- to stretch' || Gk Hm/I tovue
(Gk Hm 3s md. tovutoi) v. 'stretch, stretch out, strain' || L tcnd-o / -crc 'stretch, stretch out, extent,
spread' || Clt: Brtt {RE} 'indami v. 'pull' > MW, W tynnu, Crn tcnna, tynnc, MBr tcnnaff, Br tcnnan id.; ? OIr
tan 'time' (< 'duration, time extension'), 'moment' || pAl {O} 'cn-tcn|a > Al: T ndc| - ndcn|, G ndc| v.
'stretch, spread' || Gt uf-|an|an 'stretch out', ON |cn|a 'auspannen, ausstrecken', AS c'nnan 'to stretch,
extend', OSx thc'nnian 'to stretch (dehnen, ausspreiten)', OHG dcnncn 'to extend, tense, pull', NHG
dchncn, aus-dchncn 'to stretch, extend' || Sl: OCS :cuc:e,:eue:e, Cz tcnata, R rc'nccro 'snare, Fangnetz' |

Lt tinIlas 'net, fishing net', Ltv tiIls id. d pp. 'tn-'to- > OI ta'ta- 'extended', Gk 'toto) (- totiko)
'extensible'), L tcntus 'stretched, streched out, extended, spread' P 1O65-6, EI 187 ('tcn- 'stretch'),
574, Mn. 1379-14O5, Hamp AIEW 149, O 283, M K I 471, 475, M E I 618-9, Bai. 12-3, 122-3, F II 853,
WH II 663-4, 666, Vn. T 25-6, RE 12O, Fs. 513-4, Vr. 6O9, Ho. 362, Ho. S 77, Kb. 15O, EWA II 582-5,
KM 125, SJSS XLII 447, Vs. IV 42, 139-4O, Frn. 1O98-9 ll A 't`anV- > Tg 'tan- v. 'draw' > Ewk tan-
'pull\take out, stretch (niranr, ni-, no-, npn-, na-. o6-r) nyr), Sln tan-, Orc, Ud tan-a-, Ul tt_an-, Ork
ton-, Nn to_an- 'draw, pull (r) nyr, ranr), Lm tan- 'draw\pull out' STM II 16O In Tg the vw. was
lengthened in an open syll. ? M 'tanV- > Kl ran-x 'twist\plait together', {Rm.} tan-_
'aus Fden
oder Schnren einen Knopf zusammendrehen; knoten, knpfen, flechten' KRS 476, KW 378 (but
WrM tanu-, mentioned by Rm., is not registered in the available dictionaries of WrM) ll D 'tan`t-
({GS} 't-) v. 'pull' > Prj tand- id., Gdb tind- v. 'pull, pull a cart', Gnd tand- - tcnd- v. 'take out\off,
remove' " tcnd- v. 'take out\off, draw (water)' " tandana 'to extract (oil) " tcndana 'to pull off' D
#3O52 ll ? HS: Eg fP dvn vt. 'stretch out, stretch (bows), straighten (knees)', vi. 'be stretched out' ( N
't'vlV 't'?UlV 'to extend, stretch, become long', if HS '-l- may regularly yield Eg n) EG V
431-2, Fk. 311 CCh ( N 'taqga 'to draw, stretch', q.v.?): Azm {Pc.} ta`nda v. 'drag, pull' || ECh: Jg
{J} tcn- v. 'draw', EDng {Fd.} tcnc 'tirer (la corde, etc.)' Pc. 367, J J 117, Fd. 158 Tk. I 1O3 (Eg
dvn S 'tvl 'be long, stretch out', EC {Ss.} 'dal- 'exceed' and AG duj:,l 'pull', cf. N 't'vlV
't'?UlV); BmK 29O-2 proposes to adduce S 'ntn 'give', which deserves consideration if we can
explain the initial 'n- ^ IS MS 37O s.v. r) nyr tann (IE, A- D), IS SS #1.1O, BmK 29O-2 (an unc.
attempt to equate IE 'tcn- v. 'stretch, draw' not only with S 'ntn v. 'give', but also with some other S
roots [like 'vtn v. 'endure'], with D 'tan- v. 'abound' and with M tani- v. 'know', cp. N 'tanV 'to feel,
2381. 'tanV 'to feel, know' > HS: EC: ? Sa {R} tntn v. 'think (meinen, dafr halten)': imv.
ctin'tin, p. 3s i-'tintina, inf. a'tantcn R S II 361 ll U 'tonn`V- v. 'get accustomed, learn' ( N 'toqV
'to learn, inform', q.v. ffd.; the merger accounts for U '-o-) ll A 't`an'i- v. 'know' > NaT 't`ani- v.
'know, be acquainted with' > OT tani- v. 'be acquainted with', Tk tani-, Az, Ggz, Qmq, Qq, Bsh tan+-,
VTt tan+- (inf. tanu), Qzq, Nog tani- (inf. tanuv), Uz tani-, Tf t`ani- 'be acquainted with, recognize', Slr
tani- - tani-, StAlt, Xk tani-, Tv t`ani-, ET tonu- v. 'recognize (y-/npn-:nanar)', SY t`ani- (< M?) - tani- v.
'recognize, distinguish', Tkm tanimal 'known, famous', tanis id., 'an acquaintance'; - T
't`anuI - 't`aniI 'witness' > OT, Chg tanuq, Osm daniq, Tk taniI, VTt tan+q, Qrg taniq, ET tonuq id. || Chv
tin+, tin 'witness' Cl. 516-9, Tn. SJ 5OO-1, BT 141, Ra. 232-3, Rs. W 461, Jeg. 268, Md. 1OO, 178,
Fed. II 267, IS AD 42, ADb. Ttd 63 [#5] M 'tani- v. 'know, be familiar with; recognize (so.\sth.
previously known)' > MM [S, HI, MA] tani-, WrM tani-, HlM rann- id., Kl tan-(_+), Ord t`ani-, Dx, Ba tani-,
Mgl tani-na v. 'know (connatre), recognize', Mnr H {SM} t`ani- 'connatre, reconnatre, pouvoir
dchiffrer', MMgl [Z] tanixci 'an acquaintance', H 145, Pp. MA 34O, Ms. H 99, KW 387, MED 778,
KRS 477, SM 4O8, T 363, Iw. 136 ^ AD GD 14, IS SS #1.6, IS MS 343 s.v. 'tann ':nar' (IE, U, A).
2382. 'ti'n`E 'strong'; 'to strain' (= 'violence directed to oneself') > HS: B 'dny > Kb ony: ooni
'tre gros, corpulent', Shl {NZ} dni / idni 'tre gros\solide\pais' Dl. 178, NZ 476 CS 'vytn 'flow
continuously, be durable' [ N 'vctc '(flowing) water'] > BHb Nt1ia4 ?c'tan 'constant, continual;
always filled with running water', Ar vtn: G (pf. vatana) v. 'flow continuously; remain long (in a
place)', L 'persevere in', Sb vtn 'continuous (rain)' KB 43, KBR 45-6, Hv. 849, BGMR 165, DRS 652
ll A 't`inca- > M 'cinccn > WrM cincgcn, HlM unnyy, Brt mynyy( n) 'strength, power', Kl {KRS} unn` n,
{Rm.} cincn 'Strke, Vermgen, Kraft', {KRS} unn` r` cinata 'strong' MED 188, KRS 651, KW 441,
Chr. 748 ??i ClKo tin tin hnda 'be solid\strong, be substantial', Ko {MLC} tin tin hada - tin tin hada 'be
strong, robust, healthy; be hard, substantial' Rm. SKE 267, MLC 53O Rm. l.c.; DQA #237 ll Gil:
Gil A c`Iq / sIq 'strong' (A M?) ll D 'tin`- ({GS} 't-) 'strong', 'tin`di- {Pf.} 'strength, violence directed to
oneself' > Tm tin 'strong, hard, firm', tinm, tinnam 'certainty, vigour, strength', Ml tin 'firm, strong,
solid', tinnam 'strength', Kn tinna 'thickness, stoutness, greatness', tinuIu, tinaIu v. 'use pressure or
strain as in childbirth or in easing nature', Tu dindo 'stout, strong', din`n`a 'heaviness, heavy', Tl
tinuIu v. 'strain', Kui tingi 'tight, fast, taut', Krx tindi 'strength', tinx-na v. 'strain', Mlt tinqc v. 'strain
(as at stool)' D #3222, Pf. 83 [#527] ll ???o IE: NaIE 'tcn- v. 'strain' ( IE 'tcn- v. 'stretch' < N
'tanV 'to draw, stretch, extend') > OI ta'noti 'spannt, zieht aus', 'expands, extends, spreads' || Gk

tcive 'stretch by main force, stretch to the uttermost, spannen', tctovo) - tctovo) 'straightened,
smooth', ? tcvev (gen. tcvovto)) 'sinew, tendon', o`-tcv) 'stretched, strained', {P} 'sehr gespannt,
straff' (o` < 'sm-), tovo) 'that by which a thing is stretched', n. act. 'stretching, tightening, straining'
|| pAl {O} 'cn-tcn|a > Al: T ndc| ~ ndcn|, G ndc| v. 'strain' || ON |cn|a 'auspannen, ausstrecken' || OIr tct,
W tant (both < 'tnta) 'string (Saite)' P 1O65-6, M K I 475, Hamp AIEW 149, O 283, F II 853, 863-5,
Vr. 6O9, Vn. T 55, EI 187 ('tcn- 'stretch') ^ IS MS 364 s.v. cnnnin 'tinn (A, D), IS SS #1.2O. If the IE
stem belongs here, we reconstruct N '-n`- (as the only common source of IE '-n- and D '-n`-),
otherwise it is either '-n`- or '-n-.
2383. 'tiu'hnV or 'tiun'hU mud, silt, dirt' > HS: WS 'tin- 'mud, clay' > Ar tin- 'mud, clay', Sr
ti'n-a 'lutum', Mh tayn 'clay, soil', Hrs tayn, Jb E/C tun 'clay' Br. 274, Jo. M 414, Jo. J 282, Jo. H
131 CCh: Lgn {Bou.} tsq 'earth' JI II 117 ?? Eg {Vc.} dnmm 'sal' (unless n = [l], as suggested by
comparison with Cpt Sd :wacmtolom 'salir, tre sal'); not here Eg G tnm 'dirt' > Cpt :wam tolom EG
V 312 (Eg G tnm), Vc. 214 OS #2472 (HS 'tin 'earth, dirt') ll IE: NaIE 'tiHn- > Sl 'tina 'mud, slime'
> OCS :uuo tina '|o|oo) (mud, mire)', OR :uuo tina 'id., 'slime, swamp', R 'rnna, Blg 'rnn 'slime, mud',
OCz tina 'Kot, Morast' ||? AS inan 'become moist' || Tc B tin- 'be dirty' EI 16O ['tiHn- '(be) dirty'],
SJSS XLIII 456, Vs. IV 59, Srz. III 959, Chuk. 1O8O, Tr. 323 (connects the Sl word with BSl 'timcn-
'swamp'), Ho. 365 (with unt etl. parallels), Ad. 297-8 ll K: pGZ 't_'un- v. 'soil' > G t_un- 'be-, ver-
schmieren, schmutzig machen, beschmutzen'; reduplicated stem K 'tj_,it_vn- v. 'soil, soil oneself' >
G tit_n-, Mg t_it_on- Chx. 49O, 513, K 94 ('tit_vn-), FS K 15O ('tit_-) ll ?o U: FU 'tuqjI,V > ObU
'tuqI 'moss' > pVg 'tuqI id. > Vg: T tuq, LK taq"I", P taqI, UL/Ss taq"I"; pOs 'toqI ({ Hl.}
'tuqI) id. > Os: V toqI, Ty/Y to'qI, K toqI, Kz tuqI, O tuqI ^ K 't_- < 't...H (= 't...h, 't...h or
't..._) due to the K law of attraction of velar and postvelar cnss. bringing about creation of
"harmonic clusters". In this the most probable N lr. is 'h, bacause only 'h can be lost in S.
2384. 'tanXu (or 'taqXu) 'thin, short' > HS: S mt 'thn > Ar tuhan- 'petit, courtaud, de petite
taille (homme)' BK II 62 ll IE 'tcnjH,u- > NaIE 'tcnu- - 't,nu- 'thin' > OI ta'nu-h 'thin, small, slender',
MPrs tnvI tanuI 'thin, shallow', NPrs nT tonoI 'thin, light, weak' || Gk tovu- in cds : Gk Hm tovu-oio)
'thin-barked, with thin bark', tovu-uo) 'with narrow leaves', tovu-k) 'with a thin point\edge', Gk
[Hs.] tovu-ouo) 'mit schlanken Fukncheln'; tovo()o) {LS} 'outstretched, tall, taper', {F} 'dnn,
schmal, langgestreckt, lang' || L tcnuis 'thin' (based on the fem. form 'tcnu-i-, cf. OI f. tanvi 'thin') || Clt
'tanavo- > OIr tana, tanac 'mince, fin, troit', Brtt [RE} 'tanavo-s 'thin' > MW tcncu, W tcnau 'thin, rare',
Crn tanov 'thin', MBr {Ern.} tan(n)au 'mince', Br tanav (old spelling tanao) 'mince, fluide, clairsem', Br
V tcnau' || OHG dunni, NHG dunn, OSx thunni, ON |unnr 'thin', AS ynnc id., 'lean', NE thin || Lt tcvas 'thin,
slim', Ltv ticvs 'thin' (object), 'lean' (person) | Sl 'tin+I+ - 't+n+I+ 'thin' > OCS :+u+k+, (rare)
:iu+k+, SCr ta_naI, Sln tonaI, Blg 'rni, OR :+u+k+, R (pradj.) 'ronoi, (aadj.) 'roninn, P cicnIi, Cz, Slk
tcnIy; cmpr. Sl 'ti+nc|i > OCS :+u1u P 1O69, EI 574 (''tcnu-s / ''tn'nou_-s 'thin, long'), M K I 474,
M E I 62O-1, McK 82, BM 135, F II 851-3, WH II 666, Vn. T 26, RE 138, YGM-1 4O8, Ern. 676, Hm.
773, Vr. 627, Ho. 374, Ho. S 79, OsS 115, EWA II 855-9, KM 148, Frn. 1O86, SJSS XLIV 534, Glh. 62O,
Vs. IV 76-7, Sls. I 1OO, Tr. 319 ll A 't`aqu- > Tg 'taq'a > Ewk Y/Sm/Urm taqa 'lean, skinny', taqa-, Ewk
Skh taqna- v. 'get lean, skinny' STM II 162, Vas. 386 M 'taqjgI,i 'delicate, tender' > MM [S] taqgi
'schwach, Schwchling', WrM taqIi, HlM ranx 'delicate, tender', Kl tang 'weak', Brt raninn 'delicate,
tender, beloved, verweichlicht' (n:nccnnin, ncnin, no:n6ncnnin)' ? M 'tanu- v. 'reduce in size, cut
off, shorten' > WrM tanu-, HlM rana- id., Kl tan- 'shorten',
'reduce', Brt rana- id. ( Brt rana-
'reduce by cutting, cut off, o6-/or-pc:ar) Kl taqn+- id.) H 145, MED 777, 779, KRS 476-7, Chr.
413 ^ A '-q- seems to go back to N '-N_- (or '-Nh-?). In NaIE the lr. is lost in prevoc. position (f. 'tcnvi
is a NaIE form derived from 'tcnu- after the loss of the lr.) ^ Trnt. NE (IE, A).
2385. 'tAqn`V 'moisture' > K: G tcn-i 'humidity, Feuchtigkeit, cipocr' Chx. 1335, DCh. 121, GL
49O ll HS: ECh: Ke tcqc 'befeuchten, nssen' Eb. 96, ChC ll IE: NaIE 'tcngg- v. 'wet, moisten'' [ N
'tVmjV,IaE 'to wet, dip', q.v. ffd.] ll D 'tan`- 'wet' > Kn tadi 'wet, damp, moistness', ? Kn Hv ccn`di
'wet', Tu tanaso, tanaso 'wetness, dampness, water', ? candi 'wetness; wet, moist, humid', ? cammi
'dampness, moisture', Tl tadi 'moisture, dampness, wetness; damp, moist, wet'; D 1 Prkr tannaya-
'damp'; D 'tan`n`i(r) 'cold water' (semantic infl. of the isophonic 'tan`- 'cold') > Tm tannir, tanni

'cold water, water', Ml tannir, tanni 'cold water, drinking water', Kt tan`ir 'cold water', Kn tannir id.,
Tu tannir 'cold water' D #3O45 (does not distinguish between this and 'tan`- 'cold'), Tu.
#13676 (2).
2385a. ? 'tcq'U 'large body of water' > HS: S 'timm- > Ar timm- 'masse d'eau, mer' WCh: Tng
{Kr.} tcqgul 'lake' (not found in J T) ChL I 121 ll A 't`cqE 'large body of water' > T 'tj,caq > OT
[MhK] tj`,Vq 'lake' or 'marsh' (non-vocalized Arabic script) Cl. 512, DTS 551 T 'tcqir 'large body
of water' ( 'sea') > OT taqiz (or tcqiz) 'large body of water, sea', Tk dcniz 'sea', Az daniz, Ggz dcniz,
Tkm dcqio, Chg tacqiz - dcqiz, XwT taqiz, CrTt, Qmq, Qrg, ET dcqiz, MQp, QrB, Nog, Qq, Qzq tcqiz, VTt
diqgiz, Bsh diqgio, Uz dcngiz, Xk tiqts 'sea', StAlt tcqis 'sea, ocean' || Blgh 'tacqir 1 OHg, Hg tcngcr 'sea'
Cl. 526, DTS 552, Rs. W 474, ET VGD 194-5, TL 89, Dr. TM III #1192, Grn. 241, Faz. II 38O, BT 147,
ADb. Ttd 64 The irreg. initial d- (for t-) in some Qarluq and Qypchaq lgs. (Qmq, Uz, ET) and in Qrg
must be explained by inter-Turkic borrowings (quite natural for a word denoting an object not
familiar to speakers of many T lgs.). Acc. to ADb. Ttd 64, in 'CEq-roots the opposition 't`- 't- is
neutralized. The origin of the sx. '-ir is still obscure Tg: WrMc tcqgin 'large lake' ({Z} 'large deep
lake, of which the banks cannot be seen) STM II 236, Z 72O ^ N emphatic 't- is reconstructed on
the ev. of S't- and Tg 't-, while the T reflexes are obscure. N 'u is suggested by S 'm [< N '-q- near a
labial vw. (reg. )] ^ Hardly here the U that was recostructed by Coll. as 'toqc 'lake' (Coll. 62). In
the light of the extant data, this U is reconstructed as 'tovV (so in UEW 533) < N 'tubV 'lake'
2385b. 'tiqV 'hear, listen' > HS: ECh: Ll {Grgs.} dc`qli, Nd D {J} duln 'hear', EDng {Fd.} dcqgc
'ear' JI II 115, 185, ChC ll A: T 'tj,iq > OT tiq 'listening' (Cl. 512 has doubts about the meaning),
Qzq tiq 'eavesdrop, overhearing', Qq tiq tiqla- 'to eavesdrop'; - T 'tiqla- > NaT 'tiqla- - 'tiqla- 'listen'
> OT tiqla-, XwT XIII diqla-, XIV tiqla- id., Chg fXV tiqla- 'hear', Tk dinlc-, Tkm, CrTt diqlc-, Az diqla-, Uz, ET
tiqla-, Nog, Qq, Ln tiqla-, Qzq, Alt tiqda-, VTt, Bsh t+qla-, Tv diqna-, SY tinna- - tinna- 'listen', Xk tiqna- 'lend
an ear to' || Chv raAnna- t+qla- 'listen' Cl. 522, DTS 568, ET VD 236-7, Rs. W 478, MaM 357, KrkR
668 M 'ciqla- 'listen, eavesdrop' (A T?) > WrM ciqla- - ciqna-, HlM uaina-, Kl un n- ciqno- id., {Rm.}
-'lauschen, belauschen', Ord {Ms.} c`iqna-, Mnr H {T} ciqla- 'hear, listen', Mnr Nr c`iqla- 'couter,
prter loreille' MED 19O, KRS 652, T 38O, SM 462, KW 441.
2386. 'toqV 'to learn, inform' > HS: Ch 'dn > WCh: Bks {J} diqi v. 'see' || CCh: Ms {J} duna id.
ChC, J R 141 ll IE: NaIE 'tcng- / 'tong- v. 'think, feel', {Mn.} v. 'remind, draw attention to; reflect
upon, long for', 'tonga 'sentiment' > L [En.] tongc- v. 'know' ('nosse, scire'), L Prn tongitio 'notio', Osc
TANGINOM 'sententiam', abl. tanginud 'sententia' || Gt |agI|an / 3s p. |ahta v. 'think, reflect upon', ON
|cII|a 'to notice, realize', OHG, NHG dcnIcn, OSx thc'nIian, AS cncan 'to think', NE thinI; Gt |ugIian /
|uhta, AS yncan, OSx thunIian seem, look like', OHG dunIcn 'think (aestimare, putare)', NHG dunIcn
'to seem, look, imagine', ON |yIIia 'dnken, scheinen, gefallen'; ON |oIIr, |oIIi 'opinion, favour
(Gefallen)', OHG danc 'thanks, favour', dancon 'to thank, gratify, bless', NHG danIcn 'to thank', OSx
thanI 'Dank, Gnade', AS anc 'thought, sentiment, thanks' || pTc 'tanIv > Tc: A tuqI, B taqIv n. 'love'
P 1O88, EI 575 ('tcng-) Mn. 1411-2, WH II 69O, Bc. G 325, Fs. 487, 5O4, Vr. 6O7, 615, Ho. 36O,
362, 374, Ho. S 77, 79, Kb. 143, 172, OsS 95-6, 115, EWA II 527, 579-81, 853-4, KM 121, 127, 148,
Wn. 518, Ad. 277 ll U 'tonn`V- v. 'get accustomed, learn' [ N 'tanV 'to feel, know'; the merger
accounts for '-n- ('-nn`-) for the expected '-q-] > pMr {Ker.} 't+na- - > Er tonado-, Mk tonado- id., Er
tonavto-, Mk tonafto- v. 'teach, accustom so.' | Chr: L rync'xa-m'to learn, study, get accustomed', U/B
tuncma- 'lernen, sich ben, sich gewhnen', B tunoItc- v. 'teach', mt : Chr H ri'xcn -m,
KB t+mcna-, t+mcya- v. 'learn, get accustomed' || Prm 'tun > Z tun 'soothsayer, medicine-man', Vt
tuno 'female soothsayer', Z tunav-nI / tunal-, Z tunal-, Vt tuna-nI v. 'predict, vaticinate' || Hg tanul- v.
'learn, study', tanit- v. 'teach' F tuntc- ~ tunnc- v. 'know, recognize' and Es tund-ma 'to feel' do not
belong here, but rather go back to FU 'tumtc- ( N 't'EmV 'to feel by touch') Sm {Jn.} 't+nta- (or
'c-, '-nc-) v. 'teach', 't+nt+- (or 'c-, '-nc-) v. 'learn' > Ne T raAnapa- 'punish, teach a good lesson', Ne T
O {Lh.} tanara 'durch Strafen abrichten, belehren', Ne F L {Lh.} tannarammI 'ist durch Strafen
belehrt', Slq Tz {KKIH} tcnI 'intelligence', tcnImI- v. 'know, understand' (':nar, yxcr, nonnxar'),
tcnIrI- v. 'think' UEW 537 ('tuna-), Sm. 55O (FU, FP 'toni-, Ugr 'toni- 'get used to'), Ker. II 169-7O,
LG 286, MRS 597-8, Jn. 147, Ter. 625, KKIH 18O-1 Prm 'u provides ev. for FU 'o, while the vowels

of other lgs. are ambiguos (may go back both to 'o and to 'u), therefore I prefer to reconstruct pU
'tonn`a- rather than 'tuna- (as UEW) ll A 't`uq'a 'to inform' > T 'tj`,uq > Chv raAn t+n 'mind, intellect;
memory' [but not here Tv t`uq 'sum, total' (A Chn t`uq 'together') and other words of T lgs.
adduced in DQA #2751] Jeg. 237, Fed. II 192-3 M 'tuqga- ({DQA} tuq-) > MM [HI] tuqqa- tuqga-
{Ms.} 'promulguer', {Lew.} 'proclamer, afficher', WrM tuqga(ga)-, HlM ryniaa-, Ord t`uqga-
'know, think, judge', WrO tuqga-, Kl ry` la- tuqya- 'think, reflect'; WrM tuqgag - tuqqag, HlM rynxai,
WrO tuqgaq 'declaration', Ord t`uqgaq 'notification officielle', Kl {Rm.} tuqgag_ - tuqgag_
'Bekanntmachung, announcement' Ms. H 1O3, Lew. II 81, MED 842, Ms. O 681, Krg. 519, KRS 518,
KW 41O-1 Tg 'tuoq- > WrMc toqgi- 'tell\narrate (erzhlen) in detail, expand', Ewk NB tuqs- 'know',
Ewk I/Sm tuqni- v. 'warn' STM II 197, 216 pJ: [1] pJ {S} 'tu_ana- 'proclame, narrate' > OJ
tu_ona, J: T/Kg tonac-, K tonac- [2] ? pJ tuNIa- 'let know, inform' > OJ tuga-, J: T cugc-, K cugc-,
Kg cugc- S QJ ##645, 1O14, Mr. 77O, 772 DQA #2751 (A 't`uqc 'inform', incl. J 'tu_ana-, M,
Tg) ll D 'ton_r_- ({An.} 'ton_d_-) 'be visible, appear, come to mind' [ N 't'oNV 'to appear' ( 'to
seem'), q.v. ffd.].
2387. UA ? 'tuqV 'butt, lower end of the trunk' > U: FU 'tuqc id. > F tyvi 'lower part of the
trunk, larger end, bottom, base', Es tuvi 'stem, trunk', {W} 'unteres dickeres Ende (eines Stammes
oder Stengels), tuu 'butt end, stump, stub, stubble' | Chr: H ricni tiqg, L ryc` tiq 'butt, lower end
of the trunk, base', U/B tuq 'Stammende, dickes Ende eines Baumes' | Prm 'dIq 'butt, lower end of
the trunk (ioxcn)' > Vt (ncn din, Vt Kz/Sr diq - din, Vt G dIn, Z ( n din, Prmk dIn id. || Hg to (A tovct)
'stem; base, lower part' Coll. 12O, UEW 523-4, LG 94, It. #42O ll A 't`uoqV > NaT 't`oq'ga(I) >
Tkm toqqc, Uz ryAniai tuqgaI, ryAnia tunIa 'stump, stub; block of wood' ('ncn, uyp6an'), Brb {Rl.}
toqoI, Alt/Tlt {Rl.}, StAlt toqos, Shor {Rl.} toqas 'tree stump' Rs. W 493, Jeg. 257-8, Rl. III
1247, BT 156 In some lgs. partial contamination with words for 'hummock, tussock' (VTt tumgaI,
Tkm tummcI, Chv L tumxax, tumxa) pKo 'tuq- > NKo tuqc"i 'base of a tree trunk', Ko {Rm.} tuqI"ogi
'root' S QK #921, MLC 511, Rm. SKE 277 DQA #2462 [A 't`umgic 'base of tree trunk or grass
stalk' > Ko]; Rm. SKE l.c. equates Ko tuqI"ogi with M tuqIc (interpreted by him as 'the down-part, the
base of a tree', which meaning is not confirmed by other sources [including KW]) ^ IS MS 344 s.v.
ioxcn 'tungn, IS SS #1.18 ^ Gr. II #4OO ('tunIc 'trunk (tree)') [U, A, Ko, CK].
2388. 'tUq'qE 'to swell, swell up' > ? HS: S 'tn_ v. 'eat to excess' > Ar tn_ G {Hv.} id., {BK}
'tre gras', 'se charger l'estomac de mets gras, et en avoir une indigestion' (semantic infl. of other
roots of the tn-kernel: tnh 'avoir une indigestion', tnOr 'avoir mang de la graisse au point d'avoir
une indigestion') BK II 112, Hv. 439 ll U: FU 'toqV v. 'swell' ('(auf-, an-)schwellen') > Z dun 'swollen,
inflated', Z dundI-, Prmk {UEW} tundI- vi. 'swell' (body, bellow due to an illness), Yz {UEW} dun'di- v.
'swell' (stomach) || Hg dagad- v. 'swell' UEW 53O-1, MF 132, LG 98ll A: M 'tuqIc 'swelling' > WrM
tuqIc 'overgrowth of feather grass'; - 'tuqIcyi-: WrM tuqIci-, HlM rnxnn-( x) v. 'swell up, become
bloated or inflated', Ord t`u'qxi- 'tre gros (p. ex., un ventre, un paquet)', ? t`uqgi- 'avoir une forme
ronde et massive, tre gros\grand', ?? Kl cin-xo 'aufschwellen' MED 853, Ms. O 687, KW 441 M
't- provides ev. for pA 't`-ll D 'tcqI-/'tcII- ({GS} 't-) > Tm tcqIu- v. 'fill, become full, be crowded',
tcIIu v. 'drink to the fill, be full, replete', Kn tcqIi 'mass, multitude', Tu tcI 'brimful', Krx
tcIl tcxr- v. 'have an overfilled stomach', tcx tcxr- v. 'suffer from a heavy diner, feel puffed up'
D #3453.
2389. ?? 'tuqQV '() tree, () forest' > HS: Ch 'tVq (or tVq?) tree' > WCh: pAG {Hf.} 'tsq 'tree'
> Gmy {Hf.} tcq, Kfr {Nt.} tsq, Su {J} tiq, Ang {Hf.} tuq (= {Flk.} tcvq) 'tree', Mpn {Frz.} tsq 'tree,
wood' It is not clear whether one may adduce here Ch 'tVjv,n 'mahagony' (with a vw. different
from that of Ch 'tVq 'tree', to judge from the reflexes in Su and Ang) > Su {J} tcn, Ang {Flk.} tan or
tcn 'mahagony', Glm {Stl.} tan, Gera {Stl.} cani id. || CCh {ChL}: Hw tins, Gnd {ChL} tinda, Gbn {ChL}
tiytn-da 'mahogany tree' Hf. AGG 19 [#66], Nt. 4O, Frz. M 83, J S 84-5, Flk. s.v. tan (or tcn), tcvq,
ChL II 15, 25, 34 OS #2392 [misquotes the Gbn word ascribing it to Gabri (i.e. Smr G within ECh)],
Stl. ZCh 165 [#182] ('tani/'tavni 'tree (baobab, mahogany)' OS #3297 ('ti?in- 'tree' S
'ti?in- [i.e. 'tV?in-] 'fig, fig tree', which in fact goes back to N ? 'to?i 'fig' [q.v.]) ll K 'tqc(n)- 'forest,
wood' > OG, G tqc- 'forest', Mg tqa- 'wood, weed', Lz (m)tIa- 'grass, dog-rose', Sv UB/LB/L {TK}
tqcn 'stick, cudgel' K 184, K
193, FS K 3O2-3, FS E 336-7, Chx. 1374, Abul. 414, Chik. 24, TK

721 K 'tqc(n)- is probably based on mt (typical K displacement of lrs. and uvulars to a position
immediately following the preceding [esp. initial] stop or affricate) and subsequent ass.
glottalization: 'tEnq- > 'tqEn- > 'tqc(n)- ll A 't`uqnV > M 'tunq 'woods, forest' > MM [S] tun, WrM
tun~tuq id. MED 853, H 154ll D 'tcn_, 'tcqI ({GS} 't-) 'coconut tree' > Tm tcn, tcnnai_, tcqIu,
tcqIam, Ml tcqqu, Kt tcn Iay, Kn tcqgu, tcqgu 'coconut tree', Td to(g) goy 'coconut', Kdg tcqgI mara
'coconut tree', tcqgc 'coconut', Tu tcqgo 'coconut tree', Tl tc-mranu, tc:-:cttu 'coconut tree, tcqIaya,
tcqIaya 'coconut' D #34O8.
239O. ?? 'taqga 'to draw, stretch' > IE: NaIE 'tcng"- 'draw, pull, stretch, strain' ({P} 'ziehen, dehnen,
spannen') > Av Oang- 'ziehen, Bogen spannen', KhS tham'|- 'draw, stretch' || Sl 'tcg- > ChS
pot:araras-tcg-o /pot:au ras-tcsti 'distrahere', OR :aro:u tcgati, R r 'iar, R r '`nyr 'to pull,
draw', Blg ) rcina vi. 'weigh, weigh upon'; Slv tcg 'drawing force, drought' ('r) ia'), SCr tcg id.,
'weight'; SCr na-tcgnuti (prs. natcgncm) vt. 'to stretch, draw tight', Slv tcgniti vi. 'stretch', Cz tahati,
tahnouti, Slk tiahnut`, P ciagnac 'to pull' || ? L tcmo ({EI} < 'tcng"-s-mon- 'cariot pole') P 1O66, Mn.
1379-14O5, Bai. 148, SJSS XLII 447, Vs. IV 139-4O, Sls. I 98, EI 187 ['tcngj",- 'pull'] ll A 't`aqgV- > Tg
'taqgi- v. 'draw' > Lm taqgiqu - taqgaqu 'implement for pulling the bow-string on the bow' ('cranoi (n)
nar) innann) rcrnni na nyi'), WrMc taqgi-mc-liyan 'nach hinten gekrmmt, ausgewlbt' STM II 16O, Z
698, Hr. 887 pKo {S} 'tnq-Ini_- 'stretch, pull' > MKo tnqIni_-, NKo taqgi- id., Ko N {Rm.} taqga-d 'to
pull, draw' Rm. SKE 256, S QK #856, Nam 145, MLC 414 ll HS: ?? CCh: Lgn M {Bou.} da?am- v.
'draw' Ch ( N 'tanV 'to draw, stretch, extend', q.v.): Azm {Pc.} ta`nda v. 'drag, pull', Jg {J} tcn-
v. 'draw', EDng {Fd.} tcnc 'tirer (la corde, etc.)' ChL, Pc. 367, J J 117, Fd. 158 ^ IS MS 37O s.v.
r) nyr tangn (IE, A). This etymon seems to be connected with (derived from?) N 'tanV ''.
2391. 't'cqKa 'firm, dense' > HS: B 'dng [< ''tnK] > Ah tuqgot [= 't-duqgot] (pf. i_ottuqgot)
'tre fort (une saveur, une odeur, un aliment, une chose parfume)' Fc. 278-9, NZ 475-6 ll ? IE:
NaIE 'tcnI- v. 'be strong, solid, dense' > Av taxma- 'tapfer, tchtig, energisch, heldenhaft', Psh tat (<
'taxta-) 'dense, thick' || OIr {Vn.} tccht 'solide, pais; coagul' || Gmc: [1] 'Oiqhan 'to grow (wachsen),
thrive' > AS ion id., 'flourish' (p. unon, pp. cuncn), OHG dihan 'grow (wachsen), thrive, prosper,
succeed', OSx thihan, NHG gcdcihcn, Gt |cihan 'grow, thrive, flourish' [1a] pp: OSx gi-thigan 'gediegen,
erwachsen', OHG gi-digan {Kb.} 'strict, severe, advanced, reliable', MHG gcdigcn 'grown up, firm', NHG
gcdicgcn 'solid' [1b] AS inan, OFrs thigia 'to thrive', OSx a-thc'ngian 'ausfhren' [2] d .: ON |cttr, Sw
tat, Dn tt, NNr tctt, MHG dihtc, NHG dicht, ME, NE thight 'dense', AS iht (in cds : maa-iht
'magenstark', mctc-iht 'thick from eating') || Lt tanIus 'thick (dicht), dense' P 1O68 (does not
distinguish this from IE 'tcnI- 'sich zusammenziehen'), Brtl. 626-7, Mrg. 84, Vn. T 4O-1, Fs. 493-4,
Vr. 6O9, Ho. 365-6, Ho. S 77, Kb. 153, 339, OsS 1O2, 24O, EWA II 634-7, KM 131, 238-9 ll A 't`'cqIV-
> M 'tcqIcu- > WrM tcqIc-, HlM rynxy- v. 'endure, recover strength or health', Brt rynxy-, Ord
t`cqxu'- 'recover (after illness), recover strength'; 'tcqIcgcn > WrM tcqIc, tcqIcgc, HlM rynxyy, Brt
rynx) ) ( n) , Ord t`cqxc 'power, force, strength' MED 8O2-3, Chr. 455, Ms. O 658 ?i Tg 'ti_aqjI,
'firmly, densely' (secondary ideophonization?) > Ork tcq, Orc tn-tn, Ud tcI-tcI, Ud Sm {Krm.}
taI-taI id. ('ipcnio, nnorno, ryio'), Neg tcq-tcq, tcq-tiq, Ul tcq-tcq, Nn Nh ttaq-ttaq '(very) firmly
(ipcnio, ipcnio-naipcnio)' STM II 173, Krm. 294.
2392. ? 'tuqKV 'to press, force oneself, be too narrow, be tight' > IE: NaIE 'tvcnI- v. 'press,
oppress' > Gmc {P} 'Ouqxian (> 'Oux|an) 'to press, press down, oppress ([nieder-]drcken,
bedrngen)' > OHG duhcn 'to press, urge', OLF bcthuvcn 'to press down', Dt duvcn 'to push', AS
yvan, con, {Sw.} |yvan, |icn 'to press' || Lt tvanIus 'stuffy, close', {Frn.} 'schwl, drckend' It is
not yet clear what connection there is with IE 'tvcng"- 'bedrngen' > Av 0vazaiti 'fallsinto
distress', ON |vinga 'force, torment', OSx thvingan, OHG dvingan 'to force, compel', ON |vinga
'zwingen, belstigen' P 1O99-11OO, EI 451 ['tvcng"- with unj. 'g" based on controversial
comparison with Gmc (ON |vinga, etc.)], Kb. 171, OsS 114, EWA II 842-4, 922-4, KM 897, Ho. 375,
Sw. 182, Frn. 1149 ll U: FU 'tuqIc- v. 'press, squeeze into, thrust into' > F tunIc- 'press, squeeze,
thrust, push, force, force one's way through', Es tungi- v. 'force oneself, press, crowd' | pMr {Ker.}
'tuqg+- > Er toqgo- ronio-xc, Mk toqgo- ronio-xc 'hineinstecken', 'shove\stick (into), thread a needle' ||
Vg {Mu., MK}: T/P toIr-, LK/Ss toxr- 'zerknllen, drcken, stecken', {UEW} 'stopfen' | Hg dug- v.

'stick\put\thrust into' UEW 537-8, Coll. 12O, Sm. 55O (FU, FP 'tuqIi-, Ugr 'tuqIi- 'cram'), MF 135,
Slv. 4O7, Ker. II 17O, ERV 669, MK 65O ll ? HS 'tujn,I- > S '-tuI- > Gz tvI G (pf. toIa, js.
yo-tuI) v. 'be in dire straits, be oppressed\afflicted; compress, constrain', tvIy (pf. tavIaya) v.
'be narrow, be under stress, be painful', Tgy tvvvvIv v. 'press, pressure' L G 599 C: HEC {Hd.}
'tuII- v. 'be narrow' > Kmb, Hd tuII- v. 'be narrow', tuIIa 'narrow' || SC: Alg {E} tinq- v. 'squeeze
out' E PC #73 (pC 'taI- / 'tiI- / 'tuI- v. 'press'), L l.c., Hd. 1O4, 3O1, 341, 413 ^ IS MS 338 s.v.
(annr 'tunIn (IE, U), IS SS #1.26.
2393. i 'ta'V 'to hit (the target)' ( 'to succeed, find, find an answer, identify, recognize') > HS:
WS 'tbb 'know, be wise' > Sr tbb (pf. tab) v. 'be informed, know, make inquiry', Ar tabb- 'habile,
savant, vers dans une science; cirsonspect', tbb: pf. (< adj. of state) tabba 'tait habile, savant', Sq
{L} tcb 'croire, savoir', Gz tbb v. G 'be wise, prudent, sage', Sb d tbb v. 'teach, proclaim' BK II
5O-2, L G 585, L LS 198, BGMR 152 ll IE: NaIE 'to- 'wohin gelangen, auf etwas treffen; Ort, wo man
hingelangt oder hin will' > Gk toto) 'place', totoe v. 'aim at, guess' || AS afian 'to consent to,
permit, tolerate; endure, suffer' (Hofm.: *'Platz machen, Raum geben') || Lt ta-ti, Ltv tat 'become
(werden, entstehen)', Ltv a-tat 'reach (a place), be able to arrive', Lt ri-ta-ti 'take up with' P
1O88, F II 911, Hofm. 369, Ho. 36O, Sw. 179, Frn. 1O57-8, Kar. II 375, Bc. 636 ll U: FP 'ta()V- v.
'find, succeed, fit' > F taaan / tavata v. 'find, meet, come across' | Vt tua- 'come to an understanding;
fit, be the right size', dun sarIs tua- 'come to an agreement about the price' Wc. StWU 51 (F, Vt;
other scholars did not find this etl. connection because they equated the above words with the
isophonic FU verbs meaning 'to strike', 'to stick', etc.), U3S 249 ll A 't`aV v. 'hit the target, find' > T
't`a- v. 'find, hit the target, guess' > OT {Cl.} ta-, MT [IM] da- v. 'find, learn', Yk ta- v. 'hit the
target', Tkm, Qmq ta-, Tk {SDD} ta- v. 'find', Az ta- v. 'find, guess' (not da-, as in IS AD 41), Slr
ta-" taf- " ta`- " ta?-, ET ta- id., QrB tab-, VTt, Bsh, Qzq, Nog, Qq, Qrg, StAlt, Xk ta- (prevoc. tab-), Uz
ron- to-, SY ta- " ta` " ta?-, Tv t`i- (prevoc. t`iv-) v. 'find', Chv L ryn- tu/b_- v. 'find, detect',
rynaA tub_+ 'solution of a riddle' Cl. 435, IS AD 41 [#7], Rs. W 462, TL 699, Hs. 283, z. 326, SDD
III 1313, BT 142, Tn. SJ 5O2, Tn. SJJ 211, Cs. KKS 1O7, Jeg. 258, Fed. II 248 (? ppM 'ta'|a- >) M
'taya- v. 'guess' > MM taa- [MA] v. 'guess', [HI] 'deviner', WrM taga-, HlM, Brt raa-, Dx taya-, Ba ta- v.
'guess, solve a riddle', Kl raa- ta- v. 'tell the fortune, suppose', {Rm.} 'erraten; annehmen,
mutmassen', Ord, Mnr H {SM} t`a- 'deviner, conjecturer'; M 1 Ewk ta-, Lm ta- v. 'recognize \
identify (so.), guess', Sln {Iv.} tai- 'know', Neg taI-, Ul, Nn taqo- v. 'recognize\identify', Orc taIIi- v.
'recognize (so. seen before)', WrMc taqa- '(er)kennen, knnen', Mc Sb taqomo v. 'identify' MED 763,
KRS 469-7O, KW 386, Pp. MA 338, Ms. H 98, SM 4O4, T 362, T DnJ 135, T BJ 147, STM II 149, Z 7OO,
Hr. 881, Y #1859 Pp. VG 13, 122, 139, 157-8, IS AD 48-9 Pp. (l.c.) considers Ewk and Lm
forms to be genetic cognates of M rather than loans and postulates their prehistory as 'taa- >
'tava-gi- > Ewk tag-, Lm ta-; Pp.'s hyp. is hardly convincing because no traces of Tg '-v- have been
discovered ll D (in SD) 'ta 'appointed time, proper time' > Tm tau 'expected moment,
apppointed time, convenience', Ml tau 'proper time, opportunity', Td to 'time, chance' D #3161
^ IS MS 356 s.v. nona(ar (n ncn) 'ta`n (IE, A, U, D + Eg and Ch [the Eg and Ang forms
mentioned by IS are not acceptable on semantic grounds]), AD NM #34, S CNM 4 ( ST, Yn), Vv.
AEN 3 ("the root may be onomatopic").
2394. ? 'taV (or 'taP?V?) 'to wade, cross, go through' > HS: C: Bj (R} -dif v. 'wade a river' (1s p.
a-'dif), n. act. 'daf 'ford' || ? EC: Sml daf- {DSI} 'pass by; release, let go', {ZMO} id., 'leave, omit', Sml
N daf- v. 'pass by' R WBd 6O-1, ZMO 1O4, DSI 146, Abr. S 42 ll K 'to-> G to- v. 'wade' Chx.
1359-6O ll A {DQA} 't`a`c 'to pass through' > NaT 't`o- id. > Qzl {Jk.} to-, Xk {BIG} tobir-; 'toul- >
OT {Pp.} toul- 'durchgehen', {Cl.} t'uul- 'pierce', Yk tobul- id. Rs. W 489, BIG 229, Pp. VG 47, Cl.
44O, Pek. 2694 M 'tayul- 'pass, go through' > WrM tagul-, HlM ryyna- id., 'penetrate', Ord t`ul- id.,
'cross (franchir)', WrO tuuli- 'penetrate, come through', Kl {Rm.} tul- 'durchgehen, durch-\hinber-
kommen MED 766, Vl. 211, Ms. O 678, Krg. 51, KW 413 Tg 'ta adv. 'through (nacino:)' > Neg,
Ul, Ork, Nn ta, Ewk to, taamnaI " toomnaI id., ? Sln tavaaIIi- v. 'prick' STM II 164 pJ {S}
'tssr- {Mr.} 'pass by\ through' > OJ tssr-, J: T/Kg tor-, K tor- S QJ #1O15, Mr. 77O DQA
#2311 [A 't`a`c 'to go through'], Vld. 211 (M, T).

2395. 'taV(-LV) 'to feel\touch with one's fingers, to smear' > ? HS: S 'tl v. 'smear' ( 'to soil')
> BHb lfy tl v. G 'smear\plaster over, coat, cover', JEA tl G 'apply a paste', JA [Trg.] tl G
'anheften, ankleben, zufgen', Sr pp. to'il 'defiled, corrupt' ( *'soiled, made dirty'), to'cl
'sordidus', Ar tfl v. G (pf. tafila) 'be soiled by dust (plant)', tafil 'turbid water', Ak tl G
'schmhen, verdchtigen' KB 362, KBR 379, GB 278, BDB #295O, Lv. T I 315-6, Js. 547-8, Sl. 513,
Br. 285, Sd. 1379, BK II 89-9O, Hv. 434 ll IE: NaIE {Mn.} 'tc- v. 'smear' > Lt tcti / prs. tcu, Ltv tct
/ prs. tc|u v. 'annoint, smear', Ltv tcct / prs. tcc|u v. 'smear', tcc 'putty' NaIE 'tc(o)l- 'smear,
lubricant' > Lt tclioti 'to smear', tcalas 'lubricant, ointment', {Krsch.} tclcnti / prs. tclcnu 'mit
Schmiere\Salbe mehrfach ordentlich schmieren' || Clt: W tail 'dung, manure' Mn. 1383, Frn. 1O8,
Kar. II 392, Vn. T 47, YGM-1 4O3 This stem should be kept apart from NaIE 'ta- v. 'dip in' ( WP
I 7O5), which goes back to N 'tU'V 'to plunge, immerse' (q.v.) ll ? U: i FU 'taV v. 'feel, finger,
touch' > OHg XVI taat- 'tasten', Hg taogat- 'feel, finger', taint- id., 'touch', ? taasz 'plaster' || F
taailla 'grope, grope about' B. 3OO-1, EWU 1481, MTE III 842-6, Wc. SW 51, UEW 521 (Hg taogat-
< FU 'toa- 'fassen, greifen, halten' [refers to an etymological entry that is absent in UEW])ll D (in
SD) 'ta- ({GS} 't-) v. 'grope, feel by touching' > Tm tau v. 'grope, feel about', Ml tauIa id., taal
'groping', Tu tabbuni v. 'feel, grope' D #3O72 ^ IS MS 353 oyninar 'ta`n (IE ['tc- v. 'smear, dip
in'], ?A, U, D).
2396. 'tacu - 'tabcu 'high place, top, hill' > U: FP 'tavc 'hill, island' ( N 'dVbV 'hill') > Lp N
{N} dicvva / -v- '(roundish) hill', Lp L {Wk.} ticvva-, ti_cvva-, {LLO} ticvva 'hill' | Z ( di, Yz di 'island,
small island', Z Lu di 'island, peninsula, hill' UEW 794, Wk. LLW 144, LG 94, Lt. J 11O, SZ 1O8, TmK
198 ll A 't`a`E 'hill, top' > NaT 't`ac ({ADb.} 't`c`c) 'top of the head, summit, hill' > MT XIV [IM]
taa 'hill', Tk tcc 'hill; peak, summit; head', Ggz tca, Az taa, Tkm dcc, Uz tca, Tv t`cy (ADb.: <
'dc'cy) 'hill, crown of head', Yk taba 'summit, top of the head' In the T lgs. we may suppose
mutual infl. of the paronymic roots 't`ac and 'toou- (on the latter N 'to'E 'head, top'
'hill'). The attempts to unite these two T roots in spite of the phonetic differences (by postulating
pT 't`a`o [Dr. TM III #872 and DT 2O1], or by reconstructing ppT 't`c`c [Md.]) are unc. and
superfluous Cl. 436, IS AD 42 [#23], TkR 258, GRMS 466, Hs. 289, DQA #2346 [T 't`cou A
(DQA #4OO) 'tui_c 'hill, top'] Tg: [1] 'tcb- > Ewk Nr {Cs.} tcc 'arrow-head (made of stone)', ?
Neg tsvss 'high wooded hill' STM II 225, 238 ??? M 'tcbcg > WrM tcbcg, HlM rynyi 'shuttlecock,
top-knot of hair', Kl {Rm.} tcvog_ 'Flechte, lange Haare im Nacken (der Mdchen) oder zwischen den
Ohren (der Pferde)' WrM tab, HlM ran 'part of a scalp on which a braid\pigtail grows; head of a
nail' (the phonetic shape of the word suggests that it is a loan) MED 76O, 789, KW 373, 395
SDM97 (A 'to`E 'hill, top'), KW 395 (M, T), DQA #2346 [A 't`c`a 'tuft (of hair)' 'top of head',
incl. T + qu. : M 'tab, 'tcbcg and Tg: Sln tab_a 'tail on shamans belt', Ewk tsvduIs 'rags'] ll D
'ti-/tiv- ({GS} 'dibb-?) 'hill, heap' ( N 'dVbV 'hill') > Tm tiai_ 'mound, elevated ground', Kt ti
'rubbish heap', Kn tic 'heap, hillock, dunghill', dibba, dibbu, tcvar(u) 'hillock', Tu hi 'heap, hill', Tl
tia id., 'mountain', dibba 'hillock, heap', Prj dia 'heap', dibba 'mound', Gdb dibbc id., 'hillock', Gnd
dibc 'heap', dia 'highland for cultivation', Kui dca 'rising ground, high land', Ku dcbbc, dibba 'hill',
Krx dia 'mound, hillock', Mlt tubc 'rubbish heap' ll ? HS: Eg N db.t 'head' ({EG}: "wohl fehlerhaft"),
Eg L/G dbn 'head' (unless var. of tbn id.) AdS of Eg fP t, Eg N tbn 'head' (< N 'to'E 'head, top'
[q.v.]) EG V 261, 263, 272, 434, 437, Fk. 296 ^ D '-i- (for the expected 'a) still needs explnation
^ The N variant 'tacu may have been induced by the infl. of 'to'E ''.
2397. ? 'taV 'to put' > A 't`a:c:bV > NrTg 'tcb- v. 'put (stellen), set, install' > Ewk tsv-, Ewk
Brg tof- v. 'put (stellen), plant (a plant)', Lm tsv- id., Lm A/O tsv- v. 'build' STM II 225 M 'tabi-
'place, put' > WrM, WrO tabi-, HlM rann-, Ord t`a'vi- - t`avi-, Brt ra6n- id. MED 772, Ms. O 65O-1,
Krg. 469, Chr, 4O8 ?? pKo {S} 'tu- 'put, place' ( N 'tb'U 'to load, fill'?) > OKo tu-, NKo tu- S
QK #872, Nam 163, MLC 5O2 DQA #2355 [A 't`cybo 'to put, set' > Tg 'tcb-, M 'tabi- + unc. pKo
'tnbi- 'become'] ll D (in CD) 'ta- ({GS} 't-) v. 'put' > Nkr, Gdb P ta- v. 'put', Klm ta- v. 'put (spell
on buffalo)', Nk ta- v. 'make lie down; put on (shirt)', Prj ta- v. 'put, plant (seeds)' D #3O73 ^ IS
MS 344 inacr 'tan (A, D). The long vw. in Tg is reg. in N open syllables (a gravis sign in pA rec.
denotes a tone in long vowels yielding short vowels in T and length in Tg). Cf. a short N ' in Tg
'tcbu- v. 'load' < N 'tb'U ''.

2398. ??? 't'V 'to squeeze, press' > HS: C: Dhl {EEN} tu|-, {To.} 'tub- v. 'squeeze', {EEN}
tu|it- v. 'milk' || ?? SC {E} > ?? o Alg cobo?ot v. 'melt' (after E, probably caus. from a v. for 'to drip'),
Mb -sibi v. 'wring' ( N 't'abHV 'to trample, crumple, press'?); Ehret equates Alg, Mb and Dhl and
reconstructs SC 'tub- v. 'squeeze out' To. D 148, EEN 17, E SC 176 B 'tbb ( N 't'abHV 'to
trample, crumple, press') > Ah otbob 'se serrer dans ses vtements, tre serr dans ses vtements'
Fc. 1882 S: +ext. 'r: 'tr > Ak tr G 'sich herandrngen an' Sd. 138O ll IE: NaIE 'ta- v.
'press (down, together), squeeze' > Gk totcivo) 'brought down, humbled' ( *'pressed down,
depressed') || ON |cf|a 'to stamp (stampfen)', |of 'Gedrnge', |ofi 'felt', OHG bidcbbcn - bidccn 'to
suppress (unterdrcken), soothe' P 1O56, F II 854, Vr. 6O6-7, Kb. 151, EWA II 55O-1 ll U: FU
'tacV v. 'press tightly' ( N 'daPV(KV) 'to stick, glue' [q.v.]) > Prm {Lt.} 'to- 'press tightly' > Z
tosd-, Z US tood- vt. 'press' ('ar, npn-/:a-ar'), ? Vt rynar-ini 'fix, attach' Lt. 98, LG 282, Wc.
StWU 51 ll ? A: T: [1] T 'ta- 'press' (influenced by N 'daoyV - 'dao'yV '', q.v. ffd.) [2] T 'ta-
'trample' ( N 't'abHV 'to trample, crumple, press', q.v. ffd. AdS of M 'dabta- 'hammer, forge,
beat' (< N 'daoyV - 'dao'yV '', q.v. ffd. N 'daXvV - 'davXV (?) 'to press, push') DQA #2221
[A 'ta`V 'to stamp, press'] The de-emphatization N 't- > A 't- is due to the abovementioned
2399. 'tcV 'to warm, be warm' > IE 'tc- > NaIE tc- v. 'be warm' > OI 'taati 'makes warm, heats',
ta'ta- 'heated, hot', 'taas- n. 'warmth, heat', Vd {MW} 'tau- 'burning hot', Av taalti 'is warm',
tafsan 'es soll ihnen hei werden', MPrs tab, NPrs T tab 'fever', NPrs tF'T tof-tan 'to set on fire, burn;
be hot; shine, sparkle', Oss: I tav-sn, D tavun v. 'heat, warm', I tavd, D tavda 'hot' || L tcc- 'be
lukewarm', tcidus 'lukewarm', tcor 'lukewarmness, moderate heat', tcidus 'lukewarm' || OIr tc 'hot'
(pl. tcit < 'tccnt- OI prtc. taant-), tcn(c) 'fire', gen. -cd (< 'tcnct-), NIr tcinc id., Brtt {RE} 'tcmmos
'warm, hot' > W tvym, Crn tom, MBr tocm, Br tomm id., OCrn toim "calidam' 'warm' (f. acc.); ? Brtt {RE}
'tanos > W tan, OCrn tan 'fire', OBr tan 'lar, foyer', Br tan 'fire' || NNr tcva 'vor Hitze keuchen', ? AS
cfian 'to pant' || Sl 'tcl+-|+ dadj. 'warm' > SCr tc`li, Cz, Slk tcly, P cicly, R 'rccnnin, d : OCS
:cuaet:i tclosti 'warmth' Sl 'tol+ 'warm' > OCS :eua+ tol+, Blg ) ronn, SCr to`ao, Slv tocl tool Sl
'toi-ti vt. 'to heat' > SCr toiti, Slv toiti, Cz toiti, R ro'nnr id. Ht {Ts.} taassa-, HrLw taassa-s
'fever, heat' ('Fieber, Hitze') P 1O69-7O, EI 263-4 ('tc- 'hot'), Frd. HW 211, Ts. W 85, Ts. E III
121-3, M K I 477, M E I 623-5, MW 437, Horn 85, BM 1O5-6, Ab. III 237-8, 283, WH II 667-8, Vn. T
38, 49-5O, Dnn. 73O-1, RE 95, 143, Flr. 31O, Ho. 362, Vs. IV 44, Glh. 633 ll K 'tcb- / 'tb- ({FS, K
'tc- / t-, {K} '(tab-)/ 'tb-, {Test.} tab-) v. 'warm\heat, be warmed\heated' > OG t-, G tb-, Mg
tsb-, tib-, Lz tub-, tib- id.; - K 't-il- (-'tb-il-?) 'warm' > OG til-, G tbil-, Mg tsbu-, tibu-, Lz
tibu-, tubu-; - K 'tcb-id- > Sv {TK}: UB/LB/L tcbdi, Ln tcbcdi 'warm' (unless A Oss
tavd " tavda 'hot') K 'a is reconstructed in the framework of Test.s theory of vowels, assuming
the existence of a vw. 'a (> G a, Zan 's [= { GM} 'o], Sv c) K 179-18O, K 186, 192, FS K 293-4, GM
SAKS 56-7, Test. KV 69, TK 716, GP 26O, Ab. III 283 ll U: FU (att. in Ugr) 'tcvV-tV 'fire' ( N
't'cyv'a 'fire' [q.v. ffd.]) ll A {DQA} 't`c`V 'warm, burn' > Tg 'tcc v. 'burn' > Nn Nh tss- vi. 'flame
up, burn' (of fire), Nn B tsfs- id., 'to stoke (a stove)' , WrMc tcfc vi. 'burn down' (of firewood)', ? Mc
Sb {Y} ti_cvom, ti_cvim (ti_avomo, ti_avimo) vt. 'burn, set fire, light' (representing an A variant 't`cbV, as
supposed by SDM95?) STM II 238, Y #482 pKo 'tob- v. 'be warm' > MKo to-/tov-, NKo
to-/tov- id. S QK #468, Nam 153, MLC 451 DQA #2331 [A 't`c`V 'warm; to burn'] ll ? HS: [1]
'tV- > WCh: Ngz {Sch.} dafau_ 'perspiration', ??, Hs tafasa vi. 'boiled' || CCh: Mtk {Sb.}
ndtfa?a 'hot' ChC, Abr. H 836 S (+ ext. ): Gz tbs G (js. yo-tbos) v. 'roast, parch, broil', Tgr,
Tgy, Amh tbs G v. 'fry' (cp. Hs tafasa 'boiled'?); ? Ar tabi_-at- 'chaleur excessive et brillante du
midi', but Ar tb_ v. 'cook' hardly belongs here (it goes back to pS 'tb_ 'to slaughter' < N 'tabjV,qa
'to hit\strike' 'to kill', q.v. ffd.) L G 586 [2] ?? HS 'd (dis '-t- > '-d-?) > S 'd? > Ar {Fr.}
df? G (ip. -dfa?-) 'caluit, calidus fuit; calefecit, fovit (vestis)' ? EC: Sa {R} da'bc 'live coals', pSam
'dab > Sml dab, Rn {PG} dab, {Oo.} dab, {Hn.} dab 'fire'; ? Af {PH} dubc 'paste dough inside an oven', Sa
{R} dub- 'braten' Bl. 243, ZMO 76, PG 99, Oo. 67, R S II 98-9, Hn. S 55, PH 86 ^ IS MS 338 s.v.
ipcr(c) ) 't'an (IE, HS [partially err. ], Ko, K), IS SS #11.8 (id.) BmK 214-5 (K, S + Sum tab v.

'burn'), 277-8 (IE, Hs + Eg t v. 'burn', n. fire, flame' [quoted from Budge II 832 - an unreliable
24OO. o 'tuV 'to spit, drip' > HS: WS 'tu-, 't - 't? - 'ty 'spit' > BHb tf37T 'toct {BDB} 'act of
spitting', {KB} 'Speichel, Auswurf', JEA FuT tu or F&T to {Js.} 'spittle', {Lv.} 'spit out!' [imv.] (both
based on different interpretations of BT Keth. 61
: Il my? dcdy lI tv sd?y tv sd?y, that Lv.
interprets: 'alle Flssigkeit, die dich qult, speie aus und wirf den Speichel fort'), {Lv.} t (pf. 'FT2
ta, D 'ip5T2 ta'i) v. 'spit', {Js.} 'if4T6 to'c id. (Lv.'s and Js's recs. based on BT Nid. 42
IvlIv brvI? hd? tytv 'you all spit with the same spittle'), Ar SL {Bel., Hv.} tff v. G (pf. taffa) 'spit
(blood)', Ar Eg {Hv.} tff v. 'spit', Gz tf? G (pf. taf?a) v. 'spit, spit out', ??o Ar tuff- 'dirt under the
nails' WS '-tub-, 'tbb v. 'spit, vomit' > JA [Trg.] ab1uT tu'ba, ab1uiT6 toyu'b-a n. 'vomit', Sr
-tub- TD v. 'vomit', toyu'b-a, toyubo't-a n. 'vomit', Sq {L} 'tcbib 'spittle' +ext. '-l-: 'tl v. 'spit' >
Ar tfl G 'cracher (une salive fine)', tafl- - tufl- - tufal- 'crachat de salive fine', Mh/Hrs/Jb {Jo.} tfl G
v. 'spit', Mh tsfyol, Hrs tsfcl, Jb E tfyol, Jb C tfol 'spit, saliva' GB 888, BDB #1O64, KB 1638, L G
57O-1, Lv. IV 658, Lv. T II 532, 535, Js. 1655, 1685, Br. 818, BK I 2OO-1, Bel. 55, Hv. 6O, Jo. M 4OO,
Jo. H 126, Jo. J 269-7O, L LS 438, MiK I ##2.72-4 Eg P tf v. 'spit', tf 'saliva' > Cpt: Sd
:oqtaf - :uqtcf, B oqt"af - uqt"cf id. EG V 297, Vc. 225 B 'vtf: Ty, ETwl {GhA} uttaf 'tre
crach', s-utof v. 'spit', Ah {Fc.}, Ttq {Msq.}, Gh {Nh.} s-utof id. Fc. 1885, Nh. 146, GhA 188, Msq. 7O
C: Ag: i Xm {R} titif, tiftif, tiftaf 'saliva', i Bln/Xm {R} tif y-, i Km {CR} tiff y- v. 'spit' || EC 'tuf- > Bn
{Hn.}, Sml, Rn, Or {Grg.}, Kns {Bl.}, Af {PH}, Arr {Hw.}, Gwd {Bl.}, Brj/Ged/Hd/Kmb {Hd.} tuf-, Hr {Bl.}
a-cuf-iy, Gdl {Bl.} suh- v. 'spit', Sa {R} tufona 'Speichel' || i Bj {R} tiffo 'saliva' R WB 347, Abr. S 24O,
PG 281, Hn. S 44, Grg. 378, Bl. 166, 184, Ss. PEC 1O, Ss. B 179, Hw. A 397, PH 2OO, Hd. 222, 262,
299, 339, 396, AD GDS 77 [#7.7] i Ch: WCh: Hs tofa v. 'spit' | Fy {J} tuf, DfB {J} tuf | Krkr {J} tsf-,
Bl {Lk.} tuf- id. | Ngz {Sch.} tIIu || ECh: Kwn {Lens.} adsbc, Ke {Eb.} tufi | Mu {Lk.} tuffa, Brg {J}
cifi id. || CCh: Glv {Rp.} taf-, Gdf {IL} t"fdus, Dgh {Frk.} tfa, Ngs {IL} tfsdc id. | Db {Lnh.} tif | pMM
{Ro.} 'tsf > Myn tsf-, Mofu {Ro.} taf, Zlg tsfda, Gzg {Ro.} taftazay id. | Bcm {Sk.} tufo, Gudu {IL in
ChL} tcvr.a id.| Lgn {Lk.} tufu | Ms {J} tufna, ZmB {J} tufo mc?, {Sa.} tuf mc?c, ZmD {KNC}
tu` (mc`?) id. and +ext. '-l-: Mkt tfala, Hrz tifila JS 249, ChC, Stl. ZCh 162 [#157], Nw. #121
(pCh 'tofo/'tufo), Eb. 99, Ro. 333 [#68O], Lens. 1O2, KNC 27 AD GDS 77 (C, S, Eg, Ch), Cal. 44 (Eg,
S), OS #2413 ('tuf- 'spit': S, Eg, Ch, C), 51O [#2433] ('tVfal-/'tVfil- 'spit': S, CCh: Mkt), Sk. HCD 258
On the possible origin of the ext. '-l- (in S and CCh) cf. N 'lA, pc. of denominal verbal
constructions ( sx. of denom. verbs) ll K 't'- ({FS} 't-) > Sv {Ni.} -tb-onc, -tbc, {FS} li-tb-on-c
(prs. 3s atbonc), Sv UB {GP}, Sv L {Dn.} li-tbon-c v. 'spit', Sv: {Ni.} na-tibv, UB {TK, GP} na-tbonv,
LB/L/Ln natbon 'spittle' FS K 3O1-2 (connects the Sv with the G onomatopic interj. tu 'rqy' '
('pah!, initating a spittle), which is hardly a reliable etl. cognate), TK 614, GP 169, 229, Ni. s.v.
nncnar, nncnoi, Dn. s.v. tbon-ll IE: Lw taa- {Mlc.} v. 'spit (on)' Mlc. CL 2O6, Lar. 9O || ?? o Irn: NPrs
Tu tof, Tjk ryq tuf, Krd Sr T tif 'spittle (saliv eiectio, sputum)', Wx tuf 'saliva, spittle' Ab. III 3O8-9
(on NPrs tof as o), Sg. 312, Horn 87, Vl. I 449, GrSK VaxJ 476, RTdS 437, KrdJ 142 ll A 't`uj`,E- v.
'spit' > NaT 't`uI`ur- v. 'spit' > Cmn tuIur-, XwT r0kufTu {Faz.} tufIur-, Chg {Rl.} -rvkFvT tufIur-,
Tv (nip- tuIur-, Az tuur-, Uz tuur-, Uz NmA {Nal.} tuur-, ET tuur- - tuIur, Ggz, Qmq, QrB,
Nog, Qrg, StAlt, QK, Shor, Xk tuIur-, Tf {ADb.} t`uIIur-, Qzq tuIir-, VTt tiIir-, Bsh tiIir-, Tk
tuIur-, Tkm tuyIur-; NaT 't`uI`u 'a spit, spittle' > Tv (in tuI`u (or a bf ?) Rs. W 5O4,
Rl. III 1596, 16OO, Faz. II 426, Grn. 26O, BT 161, B DLT 211, Nal. RSS 183, ADb. Ttd 57 [#8], TvR
187 Tg 'tuin 'spittle' > Ork ttt / tttn-, Ul ttt / tttn- 'spittle', Nn B toft, Nn Nh tot id., 'saliva',
Ewk tumin " ttmin " tomin id, Sln tomi, Lm tumnin 'spittle'; Tg 'tui-nja,- v. 'spit' > Orc tuina-, Ork
tttn-, Ul {PSchm.} tifu-, Nn Nh totn-, Nn KU tofina-, Ewk tumin- " tumun-, Ewk {Cs.} tumina-, Sln {Iv.}
tomon- - tumun-, Lm tumni- " tomni- id., Ud tumiqi- v. 'spit out'; AmTg 'tui-V- v. 'spit' > Orc tuici-, Ul
ttct- STM II 213 pJ {S} tujm,aI- v. 'spit' > OJ tuaI- id., tuaIi_i, J T cubaIi 'spittle' S QJ
#1O27, Mr. 552 DQA #2469 [A 't`u`i 'spit, spittle'] ll D (tr.} 'tu-, {GS} 'tu- v. 'spit' > Tm
tuu-, Ml tuuIa-, Td tuf in-, Kn tuu-, Kdg, Krx tu-, Mlt tuc v. 'spit'; 'tual- 'saliva, spittle' > Tm,
Ml tual, Krx tualxo, ? Mlt tuglc id. D #3323, GS 53 [#14O] ^ IS MS s.v. nncnar 'tun (HS, K, D
+ IE 'tjy,cv- v. 'spit'). In HS there is de-emphatization 't- > t-. We cannot draw any conclusions

about the age of the forms with an 'l-extension (S, CCh, D) before a grammatical analysis of these
forms in CCh and D is accomplished Gr. II #361 ('tu 'spit') [A, J, Ai, EA + unc. Ko].
24O1. 'tU'V 'to plunge, immerse' > HS: S 'tb v. 'sink, sink down' ( N 'tubA 'deep') > BHb
oby tb G 'sink down', Sr tb G v. 'sink, be sunk', MHb, JA [Trg.], JEA, Sr G tb v. 'sink, drown',
Ak tcbu(m), Ak A tabau(m) 'untertauchen, untergehen' BDB #2883, KB 353, KBR 369-7O, JPS 1O6-
7, Js. 518, Lv. II 137-8, Sl. 494, Br. 267, Sd. 1382 (mt ): Eg fMd t_b 'immerse, irrigate', Cpt Sd
:watohb 'tremper, plonger, mouiller' EG V 326, Fk. 3O1, Vc. 226, T I 3O8 (Eg, S) ll IE: NaIE
'tajo,- v. 'plunge, immerse' > Arm aayem t"at"avcm 'I plunge, immerse' || Sl 'toi-ti > OCS :euu:u
toi-ti 'immergere', R ronn-r vt. 'drown, sink', Blg ron , Cz toi-ti 'to dip in', P toi-c vt. 'drown', SCr
toi-ti 'to flood, inundate'; Sl 'to-no-ti (< 'tonoti) vi. 'to drown, sink (in water)' > ChS :eua:u tonoti,
SCr tonuti, Slv toniti, R ro) nyr, P tonac, Cz tonouti, Slk tonut` id., Blg ) rna 'I sink (into water)' P
1O56, Vs. IV 78-8O, Slt. 445 ll ??o K: G tbor- '(Flu, Regen) [etwas] unter Wasser setzen' ( N
'tVbV'LV 'to dip in, immerse') Chx. 1332, 1359-6O ll D (in SD) 'tuv- ({GS} 't-) v. 'dip in, soak' >
Tm tuvai_ v. 'dip in, soak', Ml tuvcIIa v. 'steep, soak in water', Tu tuva 'overflowing, running over' D
#3355 ^ As N 'tUV > 'tUb- > S 'tb, K 'tb- and D 'tuv-. NaIE '-- < '-- < '--. Eg t_ is due to
as 't... > 't... with subsequent mt and with a puzzling transformation ' > _ (acc. to Tk I 3O8,
due to incompatility of ''t in Eg).
24O2. 'tajV,yV 'dirt, mud' > HS: WS 'tb 'dirt, mud' > Ar tb (pf. tabia, ip. -tbau) 'tre sale,
sali d'ordures (homme); tre sale, couvert de rouille (un sabre)', taba- 'salet, crasse, rouille', tabi-
'sale, crasseux', Grg En ta|a, Grg Ed tava 'mud' BK II 53-4, L EDG III 6O8 pCh {Nw.}
'tabV 'mud' > WCh: Hs tabo` (1 Ngz {Sch.} tabo), Gw {Mts.} tobo | Bl {Nw.} tcbbi, Ngm {ChL}
ndcbi | Ngz tabo | Cg {Sk.} nda`baI'a`n, Kry {Sk.} tabaIu`, Sir {Sk.} tsbshi, Mbr {Sk.} ndabaIu`, Dir
{Sk.} atubaIu | Kir {ChL} ndo or do, Plc {ChL} nduvs or duvs, Dw {ChL} ndvo, i.e. d"s or
nd"s || CCh: Tr: Pdl {ChL} tsbdi, Hw {ChL} tabura, Gnd {ChL} tsta, Gbn {ChL} tsta, Boka tsts |
McHigi: FlM dtbu | Ktk {Nw.} ndabc || ECh: Tmk {Cp.} dubo`, Nd D {J} dsbya id. Nw. #89, Stl. ZCh
161 [#154], Sch. DN 154, Cp. 55, Abr. H 835, ChC, Mts. G 115, ChL Sk. HCD 248 ll K: G t_a-
'beschmutzen, besudeln', G P t_i- 'schmutzig machen, beschmutzen, beschmieren' Chx. 5O8, 51O
ll A 't`a`V ( N 'taV 'to feel\touch with one's fingers, to smear)' > Tg 'taV > Ewk Uch taara- v.
'be soiled' ('nauiarc) '), Ewk Np taIa- vt. 'soil' (':anauiar'), Ork tati 'clay' STM II 164 NaT
'tj`,a- > OT Iir taca (synonymic couple) 'dirt', VTt, Bsh, Nog ta 'stain', VTt, Bsh tala- vt. 'soil', Chg,
QrB {Rs.} ta 'Fleck, Narbe' (but in Chg {Rl.} and QrB {RKB} [ra6] the meaning is 'scar' only) DTS
3O8, TatR 515-6, BR 5O6-7, Rs. W 462, Rl. III 945-6, 954, RKB 716, NogR 334 ?? T 't`oj`,raI` 'earth'
( 't`oj`,ra- v. 'become dry') > OT toraq, MQp XIII, XwT/Cmn XIV toraq, Chg XV toray - toraq, Tk
toraI 'earth, soil, dust', Qzq toyraq 'land, soil', Tkm, ET toraq, Uz turoq, VTt tufraq, Bsh turaq, Qrg
touraq. Alt tobraq, Xk tobra_ 'earth, soil', Tf to'`raq 'dust, soil', Tv (onypai to|uraq id., 'earth', Yk
tobura_ 'dust, sool', Chv L raAnpa t+ra, Chv H t+ra 'earth, soil, dust (npax)'; (T 1 ?) WrM tob(a)rag,
HlM ronpoi 'earth, dust', Brt ro6opoi 'dust (nin, npax)', Kl ronpi tovr+g {KRS} 'speck of dust', {Rm.}
'Staub, Erde, Sand'; (T 1 ?) WrM tob(a)rag, HlM ronpoi 'earth, dust', Brt ro6opoi 'dust (nin, npax)', Kl
ronpi tovr+g {KRS} 'speck of dust', {Rm.} 'Staub, Erde, Sand' Cl. 443-4, Rs. W 489, Jeg. 237-8, Md.
43, 18O, Ra. 234, MED 81O M 'toyurag 'earth, dust' > MM [S] toorag, WrM togurag, HlM roopoi
'particles of matter suspended in a liquid', Brt roopoi 'dust, specks of dust, motes', Kl roopx tor+m
'whirlwind dust, haze of dust', Dx tura 'earth; dust (npax)', Dg tu_aral 'dust, specks of dust' MED
81O, 817, T DgJ 169, Chr. 423, 429, KRS 499, 5O6, KW 4O4, S AJ 239 [#127] DQA #2313 [A
't`a`o(rV) 'earth, dust'], Vld. 21O (M, T).
24O3. ?? 'taPhV 'flat' > ? HS: EC: Sd {Gs.} tavo 'plain, flat plain', {Mrn.} tabo 'plain, foot of a
mountain' Gs. 324, Hd. 397, AD SF 227 S 'th v. 'be flat, wide' > Tgr tfh v. G 'be level, flat,
wide', Tgy tvfhc 'flache Kuchen machen', OAk t? (inf. taaum), Ak B tcu 'hinbreiten', BHb hpy
th D 'spread out', hf2y3 'tcah, hf27y 'toah 'hand-breadth, span', JA ah1ufy6 tou'h-a 'Fulnge'
({Lv.}: 'Handbreite' 'Fubreite'), Ar Df {Rhod.} f^ tofh 'der Rcken, die stumpfe Seite der
einseitigen Schwertklinge', Amh tsffi 'palm of one hand', ? Sq {SSL} 'tafah 'bord (du pied, de la
main)' LH 621, Sd. 1388, BDB ##2946-7, KB 362, KBR 378-9, Lv. T I 315, Lv. II 177, Rhod. D 36,

Kane 2192, SSL LSP 147, MiK I #1.279 ll K: Sv: LB {TK} ta 'woodland glade', UB ta {GP} ta
'horizont(al)', {TK} 'wide gently sloping ground', {GP} tacl 'flatcake', ? Sv {TK}: UB/L tasv, U
tasv 'flat' || ? G {Chx.} ta-i 'Talbecken', taobi 'Waldwiese, Wiesengrund' GP 26O, TK 715-6, Ni.
s.v. nnoci n (Sv tasv), Chx. 133O ll A: 't`aPV > M 'tabqay- > WrM tabqay-, HlM ranxan- v. 'be flat, low',
Brt ra6xan- v. 'be flat'; 'tabsay- > WrM tabsay-, HlM rancan- v. 'have a flat surface or top' MED 781-2,
Chr. 4O9.
24O4. 'tVPRV - 'tVRPV ' part of the foot', 'foot' > HS: B [1] 'tfr 'front part of the foot' [ N
'coV(RV) 'finger-nail, claw'??] > Ah a-tfor (pl. i-torfan), Ty/ETwl c-tafar (pl. i-tofran) 'front part of
the foot (including the toes)' Fc. 1885, GhA 188 [2] 'dfr) [< 'tfr] v. 'follow the
tracks\footprints of' > Gd {Lf.} tfr (ctfor), Izd {Mrc.} tfr (tfur, pf. itfar), Skn {La.}, BSn/BMn {Bs.},
Sll {Ds.} dfr, Izn {Rn.}, Kb {Dl.} ofr id., ZAS tfl ({ Loub.} tfl) < 'tfr) 'suivre, marcher sur les
traces de'; but Ah {Fc.} and Gh {Nh.} doffor 'behind, after, the hind side' belong rather to the B stem
'dVffVr 'behind, hind side' (> ETwl/Ty {GhA}, Wrg {Dlh.} doffor, Kb {Dl.} ooffir) influenced by 'dfr
v. 'follow the tracks of' Fc. 261, 1885, GhA 188, Loub. 464, Rn. 311, La. S 298, Dl. 172, Dlh. Ou 47,
Nh. 15O Does the uvularized f in ETwl/Ty ct+f+r suggest mte ''tfr > tfr? ?? S ''tara- 'foot,
limb; side (Seite)' > Ar 'Far06a ?at-tarf-an- 'feet', ?al-?atraf- feet and hands', 'the parts, sides' BK II
72-3 ll K 'tcr- > G tcri 'sole of the foot, heel' Chx. 1336 ll A: T: OT tori 'who follows' ('a calf
following its mother') (semantic change: *'follows the heels' 'follows so.') Cl. 533 ? M 'tu'|ur
[ N 'tUbV (or 'tUV?) 'hoof, (finger-\toe-)nail, heel'] > WrM {Rm.} tugur, Kl {Rm.} tur 'der untere
harte Rand des Pferdehufs', HlM ryyp, {Rm.} t`ur 'hoof', MMgl {Mlr.} tur 'Pferdehuf'; pM 'tu'|urayi
'hoof' > WrM tugura, tugurai, {Gl.} tugurai, HlM ryypan 'hoof'; {Gl.} togurun id. MED 839, Kow. 1812,
Gl. III 172, 175, KW 413, Klz. D II 138, Lg. VMI 7O (WrM tuguray MM turu(n), which in fact
corresponds to WrM turugun 'hoof' [KW 411]) ^ If M 'tu'|ur belongs here, the N labial is ',
otherwise it may be either ' or '.
24O5. 'tcqV 'to smear, rub; fat, ointment' > HS: CS '-ti_- 'smear, overlay' > BHb -tih- or -tuh- v. G
(3m pf. ht1 tah) 'overlay', {KB} 'darberstreichen, verputzen', Ug {A} tyv_ G '(ber)tnchen' (not
in OLS), Ar -ti_- v. G 'defile'; ( N 'tEgvV 'to swell, become thick'): Gz ty G (pf. tca) 'besmear,
anoint' KB 357, A #1117, BK II, Hv. 443, L G 6OO Eg G t_ 'fett, gemstet' (of oxen) ({Tk.}: < 'd_)
EG V 251, 325 C: Bj {R} dah n. 'fat', -dah v. (1s: p. a'dah, prs. an'dih) 'be fat' || LEC {Bl.} 'duj:,h-
'marrow' > {Bl.}: Af duhu, Sml duh, Sml N {Abr.} duh, Rn {PG} duh, Kns doh-ota, Or B duha, ? Or
Wl {Brl.} duIa id. R WBd 73, Bl. 1O8, Abr. S 68, PG 99, Vnt. 46 (Or B duha, nom. -ni 'midollo,
polpa'), Brl. 12, LLC 123 ? Ch ( N 'tEgvV '): ECh: Kwn {JI} davc` 'fat' (n) || WCh: ? Buli {Sh.}
dugt id. JI II 131, ChC Tk. I 17O (S, Eg, C, Ch) ll K: G t_un- 'be-\ver-schmieren, schmutzig
machen, beschmutzen' ( N 'tiu'hnV or 'tiun'hU 'mud, silt, dirt', q.v. ffd.) ll D 'tcy- ({GS} 't-)
'rub (away\off), smear' > Tm tcy 'wear away by friction, be rubbed', Ml tcyuIa 'be rubbed off', Kt
tcy- 'become worn down', vt. 'rub, wear down', Kn tc, tcy(u) 'grind, triturate\macerate in water on a
slab', Kdg tcy- vi. 'wear off', vt. wear off, smear', Tu tcuni v. 'rub, polish', Krg tcdi 'rub', Tl tcyu 'be
worn; wear by use, handling or rubbing', Ku dc- v. 'wipe' D #3458, Zv. 45.
24O6. 'tuuq'E 'near; to be close to, approach' > HS: ? S 't_'y > Ak tci_u '(unmittelbare)
Nhe', tc_u, Ak OA t_? G (inf. ta_a?u) 'ganz nah herankommen\-gehen\-treten', 'reach,
approach' Sd. 1384 EC 'dVvv- > Arr {Hw.} dcvvi 'near', dcvvahad- 'approach', Sml dav adj.
'near, soon, close', {ZMO} dov, Sml N {Abr.} dov adv. 'near, nearby, close', Rn {PG} dov id.,
dovvada v. 'approach, come close to'; ? ( N 'tiyA 'to be narrow') Sa {R} day- v. 'be close\narrow',
'nahe\schmal\eng sein' ZMO 113, 123, Abr. S 66, PG 97-8, Hw. A 355, R S II 121, 4O8, 448, 462 ll
IE: NaIE 'tuv-/?'tou_- 'near' > Ltv tuv-s adj. 'near', tuvu, tuvi adv. 'near (by), close (by)', 'sogleich,
'sofort', Pru tavischas 'Nchster' | Sl 'tu, 'tu-to 'here' [ N 'ta, ddn. dem. prn. of non-active
(inanimate) objects] > OCS, OR : tu 'here' ( OCS, OR : tu 'there' < N 'ta '), OR ::e tu-to
'here;, R, Uk ryr, Blr ) ryra, Blg ry-ia, SCr tu, Slv tu, Cz tu, tuto, P tu, tuta, tuta|, HLs, LLs tu 'here', Slk
tu, tu-na 'voici, here' N et. in question is responsible for the Sl vw. 'u (< IE 'ou_) and for the hic-
deixis of one of the variants of the Sl word Frn. 1147, En. 263, Vs. IV 126, StSS 7O7-8, Br. 583 ll ?
D (att. in McTm) 'toy > Tm toy 'come in contact with, reach', Ml toyuIa v. 'unite' D #3556.

24O7. 'tu'qi 'tu'qyV 'to hit, strike' > HS: ?o S (or CS) 't__ - 't_y v. 'throw, shoot' > Ar t__
G 'jecit, removit', 'jeter, rejeter, ter', BHb ehy thy/v D v. 'shoot' (in the set phrase tS3q#
iv$h9y2m6k`5 Ii-mtah",vc 'Icsct 'distance of a bowshoot'), MHb hv!y6 to'vah 'Schu, Schleuderung',
'Schuweite' Fr. III 44, BK II 63, KB 357, KBR 379, Lv. II 149 EC 'dav- v. 'hit, strike' > Or da-c 'he
hit', Kns, Gdl dav-c id., Arr {Hw.} dav- 'hit', Elm da- v. 'hit, strike', Ar da-y-iy- (pf.), Brj dav- id.,
Dsn doI / do- 'hit, beat' Bl. 212, Ss. PEC 43, Hw. A 353, To. DL 495 ll K 'tc'q-/'tq-d- v. 'break' >
OG tc_- vt. 'break', tq-d- vi. 'break', G 'tc_-/tq- id. (trans. tc_- v. 'break', ps. [inf.] tq-d-oma,
a-tqd-cba 'bricht aus, (Emailschicht) springt ab', ga-tqd-cb-a '(zer)bricht, geht kaputt' Abul. 412,
49, Chx. 13339-1341. DCh. 1219, 123O ll IE: NaIE 'tvc(:)i_-/'tvoi_- v. 'hit, strike' ({P} 'schlagen') > AS
vitan 'to cut, shave off', ON |vcitr 'Schlag, Querhieb, Einschnitt', |vcita 'to strike, chop, push', Sw
tvcta, NNr tvcita 'hauen, schlagen' (ON ci < pScn 'ai_ < IE 'oy) || Lt tvo-ti (prs. tvo|-u) 'to strike, lash,
whip' (o < 'uo [after v] < IE 'o) WP I 747-8, P 1O99, Vr. 628, Frn. 1155-6, Ho. 374; Ptrs. VSW 33f.,
Bg. RR I 29O (both think of a 'tu-) ll A: Tg 'tuyVqIc v. 'push, knock, move' > Lm Ol/B tuqIs- v.
'knock (silently)', Lm Sk/T tuqIs- v. 'push (slightly)', Neg tumIu-, tuqIu- vi. 'move; beat (heart)', Ul
tuynculbu-, tuncu- vt. 'move, stir', Nn Nh tuyqIu- vi. 'move, stir; start beating (heart)' STM II 216 ^
BmhK 311-2 (an unc. attempt to equate EC 'dav- v. 'hit, strike' and Sum du v. 'butt' with IE 'dvcr-
'hand, fist', {Mn.} 'dcvson- 'evil, harm' and IE {Wt.} 'dcv- v. 'burn, hurt').
24O8. ? 'tVqa 'to melt, decay, get spoiled' > HS: S 't__ > Ar t__ v. G (pf. ta__a) 'get sour,
change into leaven', S rdp 't_t_ > Ar t_t_ v. 'rot, decay' BK I 193 ll IE 'tcu > NaIE 'ta-/'to-
(+exts. : 'tav-, 'tay-) v. 'melt, dissolve' > Oss I taysn / pp. tad, Oss D tayun / pp. tad id., 'be digested' ||
MW {SEv.} tavd 'melts', MBr tcuzyff 'liquefecit', tcuziff, Br tcuzin, MW, W toddi v. 'to melt', W tavdd, Br
tcuz 'molten', OBr todiat 'fondeur' || NaIE 'tau_- > Gmc 'Oav- > ON |cy|a, Dn to, Sw toa, Dt doo|cn,
OHG douvcn " dcvcn 'to thaw', MHG touvcn (A MHG U, where the opposition d-t- was lost?), NHG
taucn, AS av|an 'to thaw', NE thav; NHG vcrdaucn 'to digest'; NaIE 'to-y- > 'ti- > Gmc: ON |ir (<
'ti-'to-s) 'melted' || Sl 'ta|-ati 'to melt, dissolve' > OCS :om:uta|a-ti / :omta|-o , SCr ta`|ati, Slv ta|ati, Cz
tati, P ta|ac, R 'ra r, Uk ) ra rn id., Blg ) ra v. 'melt, dissolve'; Sl 'ta-l+(-|i) > OR :oautalIi, R 'ranin,
Uk 'rannn, P tal adj. 'thawed'; caus.: Cz taviti, Slk tavit` vt. 'to melt, cast' || Arm anam t"anam (aor. vt.
ai t"ac"i, aor. vi. aaj t"ac"ay) v. 'wet\dip\moisten' || ?? with a 'bj",-ext. : L tabc- (prs. tabcsco, pfc.
tabui) 'melt' P 1O53-4, EI 378 ('tch_- 'melt'), AHD 69, Ab. III 222-3, SEv. 117, 166, YGM-1 4O6, 411,
Flr. 314, Hm. 787, WH II 639-4O Vr. 6O9-1O, Vr. N 127, OsS 97, EWA II 619-22, KM 773 (NHG
t- due to the infl. of Tau 'dew'), KM 812, Vs. IV 3O-1, StSS 69O, Glh. 617-8, Srz. III 922, Br. 563,
Chrn. II 23O, Slt. 377 ^ The regressive direction of as in S ('t..._ > 't..._) may be due to prosodic
factors ^ BmK 295-7 (S, IE + semantically unwarranted comparison with D 'tcy- v. 'rub, be worn
out', K t_c- v. 'pour out' and Eg ths v. 'grind').
24O9. 'taqU 'to lie (tell a lie), deceive' > HS: S 'tIl > Gz tIl G v. (pf. taIala, js. yo-tIol) 'lie,
slander', Amh tIl G (pf. tvIIvlv) v. 'lie' L G 596 ll K: pGZ 'tqu- > G
tqu- / tquv- / tquil- - tqvil-: da-/mo-tqu- 'anlgen, tuschen', (a-)tqu- 'hinauflocken', Mg tqu- (pres.
tqu-a-a - tqu-r-a-a) v. 'lie to so., deceive' Chx. 1378, FS K 3O5 ll D 'taII- ({GS} 't-) v. 'deceive' >
Tm taIIati id., Ml taIIiti 'cheating in weighing', Tu taIIadi-dayc 'one who cheats in weighing', Tl
taIIari 'rogue', taIIali 'theft, deceit, trick'; D 'taII- 1 InA 't"agg- - 't"aII- v. 'deceive, steal' > Mrt t"aI
'thief', t"aInc v. 'be deceived', Oriya t"a|iba v. 'deceive' D 512 [app. #42], Tu. #5489 InA 't"-
suggests that that the initial cns. in D was probably fortis ('t`- or 't"- as a reflex of N 't-?).
241O. 'to'qa 'to plait, bend', ( 'to build', 'to mould [a pot]', 'to web'), ? () 'to twist' > HS: Ch:
WCh: P {MSk.} taI"idu v. 'plait' | Bg {Sh.} tuI, Kir {ChL} toIIamc id. ChC, ChL another possible
cognate is Ch {JS} 'dI v. 'build, make earthenware' [> WCh {Stl.} 'dVI id. > pAG {Hf.} '|iI v. 'build,
mould, BT 'dVI- || ECh: ? Mu {J} diya v. 'build'], but the vw. and the pBT cns. '-I- suggest that this
Ch belongs to N 'tEIE 'to build, shape, make' (q.v. ffd.) JS 56, ChC s.v. 'build', Stl. ZCh 174
[#263], ChL, Hf. AGG, Frz. P 29 ll ? K: Sv: {Ni.} -tqc v. 'mould' ('nnnr'), li-tiqc 'moulding'
('nnia'), UB/LB {TK} -atqubc, L/Ln -atqvbc 'unite, add', UB {GP} li-tqvbc msd. 'to unite' TK 65,
GP 17O, Ni. s.v. nnnr ll IE: NaIE 'tcI- v. 'plait, weave' > Arm eem t"cI"cm 'I twist, warp' || Gmc
'Ocx-, 'Oc- > OHG daht - tact 'wick, Docht', NHG Docht, MLG dacht, dccht, NGr Sw dgcl, dohc, NGr B

dahcn, NGr Als Dochc 'wick', ON |attr 'Draht, Faden, Docht', Sw tat, Nr tatt 'rope' || Oss I tag (<
'taIa-), D taga 'thread', ? Oss I taxun, Oss D taxt v. 'adorn' || ? pSl 't+I-ati v. 'weave' (if from the IE
zero-grade 'tI-) > OCS :+ko:ut+Ia-ti / 1s prs. :+kat+I-o, R riar / riy, P tIac / tIc, OCz tIati /
tIu, Cz tIati, Blg ri, SCr tIa`ti, Slv tIati || ? L tcx- (tcx-o, -crc, -ui, -tum) v. 'plait, weave' (< IE 'tcIs-
'fabricate' < N 'tEIE '') WP I 716, Mikl. E 367-8 (distinguishes Sl 't+I- v. 'weave' from the
homonymic 't+I- v. 'poke\stick into'), Vs. IV 64 (does not distinguish between these two Sl roots),
Ma. CS 529, HlK 385, Ab. III 22O-1, 242-3, P 1O58, WH II 678-9, Kb. 1O11, OsS 921, KM 136, Vr.
6O6, Slt. 378 Arm t"cI"cm 'drehe' and Oss faldaxsn v. 'turn over' suggest that that in NaIE the verb
meant also 'twist, drehen' ll A {SDM97} 't`oI`V v. 'plait, weave', {DQA} t`oI`V 'curved', {ADb.} 'toI`u
v. 'spin, plait' > NaT 't`oIu- v. 'plait, weave' > OT QU toqi- v. 'weave (a fabric)', XwT XIV toqu- - toqi-,
Cmn XIV, Chg XV, MT [IM] toqu-, MQp toqi-, MOg doqi- - doqu-, Tkm doqa-, Ggz doIu-, VTt, Bsh tuq+-,
Qzq toqi-, Qrg toqu-, Ln toqo- toqi-, SY toqo- toqi- 'weave', Tk doIu- id., v. 'plait (a mat)', Az to_u-, Nog,
ET toqu-, Qq toqi-, ET toqu-, Uz tuqi- id., 'knit', Qrg toqu- v. 'weave', Qzq toqu- v. 'weave, knit' Cl. 467,
TL 395-6, TkR 276, Hs. 296, GRMS 151, MM 352, ET VGD 253-5, Nj. 318-9, Jud. 744, UzR 468, Rs.
W 484-5 (does not distinguish this from 't`oI`- v. 'strike'), Rl. III 1145-51 Tg 'toI- vi. 'bend,
turn\go round' > Ud toIcigu 'crooked', Ewk toIor-, Neg toxoy- 'turn\go round', Ewk toIoriv- 'be bent'
STM II 192 M 'toIi...- > Brt roxnn- toxi- 'be bent'; M 'toIir 'bent' > Brt roxnp 'bent, crooked', WrM
toIir, HlM roxnp 'bent, crippled', Kl {Rm.} toIr - taIr, Kl D {Rm.} taIr 'krppelig, verrenkt', ? Ord
d_axir 'unable to use his arm\hand', M 1 Yk toIur 'bent, bowed' Chr. 431-2, MED 82O, Ms. O 114,
KW 395, 398, STM II 192 DQA #2424 ll D (in SD) 'tuIVl- ({AD} 'duIVl-) 'woven cloth' > Kn duIula,
dugula, duIula 'woven silk, very fine cloth or raiment', Tm tuIil, tuyil 'fine cloth, rich attire', Ml tuIil,
tuyil 'cloth, dress'; D 1 OI LSk/EpSk [MBh., etc.] duIulam 'feines Zeug, das aus dem Bast der Dukula-
Pflanze hergestellt wird', OI Sk duIulah 'a kind of plant', Pali duIula, duIala, Prkr dugulla, dualla,
duula id. D #3285, Tu. #6389, M K II 48 ^ The IE and T cognates provide ev. for N 't-, while the
Tg 'd- suggests N 't-. The variation may be accounted for by some sort of as , dis (or a conditioned
loss of tenseness in some A lgs.). The rec. of '-q- is valid only if the Sv cognate is acceptable.
Otherwise the N rec. must be 'toKa - 'toKa.
2411. 'tojv,qa 'toqaj-vV, 'hide, skin' > K: pGZ 'tqav- id. > OG tqav- 'leather, skin, hide', G
tqav- id., 'fur (for a fur-coat)', Mg tqcb- 'skin', tqabar- vt. 'skin', Lz tqcb- - tcb- 'skin, hide' K 183,
Abul. 414, Ser. 155, Q 33O-1, Marr 19O, DCh. 1229, Chx. 1373-4 ll HS: Ch: [1] {JI} Ch 'dI 'skin':
WCh: Bl {Ib.} disi id. || CCh: Ms {J} digina`, {Mch.} diI 'skin', Zm {J} digc 'skin (of humans)', ZmD
{KNC} digc, {Sa.} diIc - diIc, Lame {ChL} diIictu, LamP di`Ictu 'skin' [2] Ch {JI} 'tI (AD: maybe
'tI - 'tI) 'skin, body' > ECh: Mgm {J} tuIIu, Jg {J} toI, Mu {J} togo 'skin', {Lk.} togo 'hide' , Bdy
{AlJ} toIo, Kjk tauvo 'skin' || WCh: Ywm {J} taI 'body' | Wrj {Sk.} tsa`i_, Cg {Sk.} cuIc`, Kry {Sk.}
ti, My {Sk.} tuvatu, Mbr {Sk.} tsvo, Jmb {Sk.} tu`va 'body' | Ngz {Sch.} tIIa 'body' (unless from
Knr tigs 'body') || ?? CCh: Ms {Mch.} tva, {J} tu":na`, ZmB {J, Sa.} tu 'body' JI I 16, 152 & II 34-5,
296-7 , AlJ 121, Blz. LECh #74 ll IE {EI} ''tvcI- / 'tv,I- 'skin, hide' > OI tvaI- id., tvacasya- 'in der
Haut befindlich' | ? OPrs taIa- 'shield' [ *'made of leather'] (in taIabara adj. pl. 'carrying shields') ||
Gk ooko) 'shield', cc-oook) m. 'shield-bearing, Schildtrger' (o-< 'tv-, -oo- < '-tv-) Ht tucIIa-
'body, person, self', Lc tuIcdri- 'statue' WP I 747, P 1O99, EI 522 (''tvcI-s / 'tv,'I-os 'skin'), M K I
537, M E I 684, Hinz 128, F II 672, Frd. HW 226, Frd. HW EH III 33, Ts. E III 4O1-5 ll U: FU 'to'IV (or
'--, '-v-) > ObU 'tay- 'skin, leather' > pVg 'tavol id. > Vg: T/SV/LL tavl, K/P/NV tovl, Vg N (= Vg
LL/Ss) tovl id.; pOs 'tayta ({ Hl.} 'tIyta) 'reindeer hide' > Os: Ty/Y tayto, D/K ta_ot, Nz ta_to, Kz
ta_ti, O ta_ti Ht. #618, KrT 983 ll A: ? Tg 'tuIi(-Ita) 'skin, hide (from animal's head)' > Ew
tiIi-Ita 'skin', Lm tiIsn 'hide (from animal's head), Neg tiIta, Orc tiIta 'animal's hair', WrMc tuIu 'fur-
coat cover' STM II 178 NaT 'tj`,uI ({ ADb.} 'tuI) 'fur, body hair, down' > OT {Cl.} tu / tuI-
'body hair', MU XIV {Rl.} tuI, Chg XV tuI - tuy, MQp XV tug id., Tk tuy, Tk tuy 'down, hair, fur',
VTt, Bsh tiI, Qzq, Qrg, ET tuI, Uz tuI 'hair, fur', Xk tuI, Yk tu id., Tv (i tu 'hair of the head,
fur', Tf tu'I 'hair, fur' Cl. 433, TL 197-8, Rs. W 5O3, Rl. III 153O, Ra. 177 ADb. (TL 197-8)
explains the loss of -I in some lgs. as a reg. phonetic change. The Og forms suggest the expected 't`-,
while Tv and Tf point to an unexpected lax 't-; the solution of the problem is not yet found (as far
as I know) S CNM 3 suggests to adduce here M 'toqum 'saddle fender made of felt\leather' (> WrM

toqum, HlM roxoxid., Ord {Ms.} d_o_om 'chabraque sur laquelle se repose la selle', MM [ZhY] toqum
'feutre ou tapis quon met sous la selle immdiatement sur le poil', Mnr H {SM} t`ug_un id.), but it is
more plausible that the noun is derived from the M verb 'toqu- 'to put on\over' (> WrM toqu-, HlM
roxo- 'to put on\over', MM [HI] toqu- {Ms.} 'to saddle', {Lew.} 'to harness, saddle', Mnr H {SM} t`ug_u-
'to saddle'). Only if the primary meaning of the M verb 'toqu- was 'to put on a saddle, to saddle',
then both 'toqu- and 'toqum may belong here MED 829-3O, Ms. H 1O2, Lew. II 79, SM 428-9, Ms. O
149 S CNM 3 ll D 'toII ({GS} 't-) 'skin, bark, rind' > Tm toIIu, Tl toIIa id., Ml toIIu 'skin, peel'
d 'toIat 'bark, peel' > Kn togatu, togatc, totc 'bark, rind, peel, pod', Tm, Ml totu 'shell of a
fruit', Gnd tota 'outer skin of the mahua fruit', Gnd Koya tottc v. 'peel' ? d 'tuI(I)-al- 'skin, hide'
> Ml tuIal 'skin as of a fruit', Kn togal, toval 'skin, hide, leather, skin of fruit', Tu tugalo 'skin, bark,
rind' D ##3544, 3559, Zv. 66, 9O,12O ^ The meaning 'body' (in Ht and WCh) is secondary (
'skin' 'body') ^ BmK 315 [an attempt to equate the K word with IE '(s)tcg- v. 'cover' and S
'tI-roots meaning 'dark, black'], AD NM #95.
2412. 'tarV ' vermin, noxious insects' > HS: SC {E} 'tcrd- 'cockroach' > Kz talangayo, SC 1 Mb
tcrc id. E SC 17O ll IE: NaIE 'tcr- '() vermin, noxious insects' ({P} 'malmendes oder bohrendes
Insekt') > L tarmcs (gen. tarmitis) - tcrmcs 'wood-worm' || Clt (< 'Ion-trono-): W cynrhon-yn (pl. cynrhon,
{SB} cynrhavn) 'maggot, grub', Crn controncn 'maggot', {SB} 'cimex', MBr controuncnn, Br snglt.
Iontroncnn / coll. Iontron 'ver de viande'; Clt ('tor-aIo-) > W torogcn - trogcn (pl. trogod) 'tick', OBr
{Flr.} toroc 'curculio, charanon', Br (Flr.) tcurcug, tcurg 'tiques', (Hm.) tcurI 'maladie de la peau des
moutins || ? Gk tcoev 'wood-worm' (1 L tcrcdo id.) ( tc- 'bore', cp. tcctov 'a borer') P
1O76, F II 879 (tcoev tcctov 'a borer'), Ch. 11O6, WH II 649, SB 123 (Clt 'Ion-trano- 'tra- 'to
bore'), YGM-1 149, 418, Flr. 317, Hm. 475, 787, ECCE 224 ll A 'tj`,ara- > NaT 't`ara-Ian 'cockroach' >
ET 'q"r'T taraqan, VTt, MsTt, Bsh, QrB, Nog, Qq, Qzq, Qmn/QK {B} taraqan, SbTt Tb {Rl.} taraqan, Alt/Tlt
{Rl.} taraqqan, Tv t`araq`an id.; T 1 OR :opokou+-:epekou+, R, Uk rapa'ian, Uk rop'ian, Blg rap'ian id.
Rs. W 463, Nj. 271, TatR 517, Bu. I 721, TTDS 398-9, Rl. III 839, B DK 251, B DLT 2O2, BR 5O8, NogR
335, MM 333, KrkR 622, RKB 619, TvR 4O8, Vs. IV 2O-1, Chrn. II 228, Lok. 159 [#2O27]; on the T sx.
of nominal derivation '-Ian cf. Rs. MTS 1O2, B OGOJ 247 In some of the T lgs. of the former USSR
(but not in ET) the word taraqan may be a loan from R rapa'ian (which is obvious for Qmq/Az taraIan
and Yk taraIan with -I- for the expected -q-, -_- and -y-), but in the final account the origin of the
word is Turkic rather than Slavic ( Bu., Lok., Vs. and Chrn.)ll D (in GnD) 'taj:,r_r 'ant' > Png
tar - dar, Mnd tar 'ant', Kui taru 'small black ant', ? Gnd taro 'the queen white ant' D #3166.
2413. 'taRV, -HVgV, -tV 'to drag, pull' > HS: WS 'trr - 'trr > Ar trr G 'enlever, emporter,
arracher; pousser devant soi', Mh trr (pf. tsr) 'drag, lead away' BK II 64, Jo. M 4O3 Eg fP dr
'entfernen (vertreiben, wegnehmen)' ( N 'dcr?'i 'to thrust back, drive away'?) EG V 473-4
OS #2486 ll K: [1] G {Chx.} tar- v. 'carry, bring, lead (fhren)' Chx. 1325-8 ?? [2] a deglottalized
variant: K {K} 'tr-, {K
} 'tcr-/'tr-, {FS} 'tar-/'tr- v. 'drag, pull' > OG tcr-, eNG {SSO} G tcr-/tr-, Mg
(n)tsr-/(n)tir-, Lz tir-, tor-, tur-, Sv: tr-/tir- id., U/OB/Ln {TK, GP} li-trinc 'to drag'; acc. to FS, the variant
'tar- is attested in eNG {SSO} ga-tar-va 'gewaltsam heraus-bringen\-zerren', G Mx/Mt/P/Im/Aj {FS}
sa-tar-i 'Gert zum Herab-schleifen\-zerren\schleppen das Heu von den Bergen' K 95, K
68-9, FS
K 143-4, FS E 156, TK 434, GP 154 ll IE: NaIE {Mn.} 'trg"- (or 'trog"-) v. 'draw, pull' > L trah-o, -crc id.
|| ? OIr traigim v. 'ebb, run out' ( traig 'rivage'), NIr traighaim v. 'drain', W trcio v. 'ebb' || Sl 't+rga-ti
v. 'pull, draw' > OR :p+ro:u 'vellere', SCr tr`gati, Slv trgati 'to tear\pull\pluck out', Uk ) ropiarn 'to
pull, tug, tear', P targac id. (targac za vlosy\suInia 'pull [so.] by the hair\coat'), Cz (u)trhati 'to pick,
pluck', OCS ut:p+rua:u is-tr+g-no-ti 'cotociv, to pull\tear\throw out, extract', R pac-) ropi-nyr 'to
dissolve\annul (agreement, marriage)' Mn. 1445, P 1O89 (adduces many semantically remote
forms and reconstructs 'trag"-/ 'tro(:)g"-/'trc(:)g"-), WH II 698-9, Vn. T 123 (traigim traig), Ma. CS
535, Vs. IV 83, StSS 372, Glh. 638 ll U: FU 'tarIa- > Er 'targa- 'take out, draw\pull out', Mk targa- 'take
out, pull' UEW 511-2 ('tarttV- 'steckenbleiben, klebenbleiben') Cf. FU 'tarttV v. 'hold, seize' < N
'darjVH,V 'to hold, hold fast, fasten' [q.v.] ll A: NaT 't`art- v. 'pull, drag' > OT tart- id., Tk tart-, Az
dart- v. 'pull', Tkm, VTt, Bsh, Qzq, Qrg, StAlt, Xk, Yk tart-, ET ta(r)t- v. 'pull, drag', Uz tort-, Tv t`Irt-, Tf
t`I'rt`- v. 'pull, drag out' Cl. 523-4, Rs. W 265, Ra. 236 ? M 'tata- v. 'draw, pull, drag' > WrM tata-,

HlM, Brt rara-, Kl tat+- id. ^ Rs. UAW 465 (U, A), BmK 297-8 (IE, K 'tr- + a doubtful D ideophone: Kn
dara dara - noise of dragging anyth. on the ground, etc.).
2414. ? 'tRV 'else, more, other' > IE: NaIE '-tcro-, a sx. of pronouns and adjectives with the
meanings of comparison and choice between two objects\persons ('more than the other', 'between
two'): 'I"o-tcro- - 'I"utcro- 'which of the two?' (> OI Iata'rah, Av Iatara-, Gk totco), Gt la|ar, L utcr, Lt
Iatras id., Osc utcrci-id 'in utroque', Um PODRUHPEI 'utroque', OCS ke:cp+ Iotcr+ - ke:ep+
Iotor+ 'which one, which of them?'), 'i-tcro- 'another' (> OI 'itarah id., L itcrum 'for the second time'),
'an-tcro- 'the other of the two' (> OI 'antarah, Oss andar, Gt an|ar, ON annarr, OHG andcr, AS o|cr, Lt
antras, Pru antars - antcrs), the sx. in L altcr 'the other of the two', Osc alttram 'alteram', OCS a+:ep+
v+tor+ 'the second', the sx. of the cmpr. '-tcro- (> OI a'ma-tara-h, Gk e`otco) 'rawer', tooitco)
'older') Brg. KVG 321, Hirt IG III 2O9-13 [ 129], F II 586, WH I 32-3, 723-4 & II 845, Bc. G 342, Fs.
53, 283, Ho. 243, EWA I 241-2, En. 142, Tp. P A-D 94-5 ll ? A 't`cRV > [1] Tg: Ewk -tar/-tsr/-tor o-, a
verbal form of additional continuation ('more'): qsnstsr o|am 'well, I shall come again' ('ny, cc
npn(y'), haval-tar oa 'he went on working more' ('on cc nopa6oran') (with the verb o- 'werden')
Vas. 791 [2] Tg 'tcri 'pair, both, one of the couple' > Ewk tsri 'pair', tsrin 'one of the pair', 'one
opposed to the other of the pair', Lm tsri 'pair', tsrin 'pair, both', Neg tsyi id., Orc tsyi, Ud {Shn.} tis,
Ud Sm {Krm.} tc 'pair', Nn KU tsrini 'in the same way (o(nnaiono)' STM II 239, Krm. 294 pJ {S}
'tats- ;'compare, liken to' > OJ tato(a)-, J: T tatoc-, K tatoc-, Kg tatoc- S QJ #1475, Mr. 765,
Kenk. 1929 DQA #2363 [A 't`cra 'pair; to compare' > Tg 'tcri, J] ll ??? HS: One could consider
the possibility of tying in S: BHb Mr#y3 'tcrcm 'not yet, before', 'noch nicht', M&ry6 to'rom 'even
before'. But there is a grammatical argument against this hyp.: the Hb word 'tcrcm has some
syntactical features of a noun, e.g. its usage with a prepositional prefix bo- 'in': bo'tcrcm 'before'; in
addition, this usage suggest a meaning 'early, before' as the original meaning of the word, that
probably belongs to N 't'or?V 'fresh, new' (q.v.) KB 363, KBR 379-8O, HJ 43O (btrm 'before' in
2415. 'tcra 'to heat, roast, fry' > A: Tg 'ti_ar- vt. 'melt., roast' > Lm tr-, Lm Al ttar-, Lm Sk tt_r- v.
'melt (fat, suet)', Neg tcy- (< 'tcr-) v. 'melt (fat), fry', Orc tiru- v. 'fry, bake, heat', Ork trt- v. 'cook
fat', Nn tro- v. 'melt fat, roast', WrMc caru- v. 'fry' STM II 173 ll D {tr.} 'tcr_-, {GS} 'tcd_- v. 'heat
(intensely), scorch' (of fire, sun's heat) > Tm tcru v. 'burn, scorch', Nkr tiru 'sun's ray', Prj tcd- -tcd-
v. 'be fierce' (of suns heat), Knd tcr_- id., Gnd tcr- id., taritana v. 'be hot' (of sun), taristana v. 'heat
bread over a flame' D #344O, GS 63-4 [#194) ^ But hardly here SC: Irq {E} cirih- v. 'glow' (E SC
175) because of the initial cns. (see N 'c'ul_V 'embers, charcoal') ^ Cf. AD AltAD.
2416. 'tcRV 'to contain (aufnehmen knnen)' > ? K: pGZ 'tijr,- > OG, G tc-/ti- v. 'contain' (OG
romcli scmlcbul ars datcvnad, daitcicn 'qui potest capere capiat' - Mt. 19:12), Mg (n)ti(r)- / tr-, Lz
(n)ti(r)- - (n)ti(n)- / (n)tr- 'contain (nxcar)' K 18O, Chik. 326, Q 328 The loss of '-r- in OG remains
unexplained ll U: FU 'tcrV 'have\find enough room for itself (Raum oder Platz haben oder finden,
hineingehen)' > Prm 'tcr- id. > Z tsr-, Vt tcrI- id. || OHg XVI tcr- 'Raum haben', Hg tcr- 'Raum\Platz
haben\finden, hineingehen', Hg tcr 'space, room' UEW 522, Sm. 55O (FU, FP 'tira-, Ugr 'tira-
'fit'), MF 628-9, EWU 15O5, LG 284 ll ?? A 't`'cRV > Tg: Lm Ol tsri 'spacious, able to contain much'
STM II 239 ^ Cf. IS MS 333 s.v. nxcar 'tarn (K, U + S '?tr [that in fact does not mean 'to
2417. 'tor'i 'tor'yE 'to bring\come into existence (create, make, bear\be born)' > IE: NaIE
'tvcr- v. 'create, produce by plaiting, lay (a rope)' > Gk ooo) 'vessel for holding anything, cinerary
urn', ooov 'a plait, braid; basket', Gk I [Hs.] toovoi tokoi, ouvococi), tcooi 'sth.
twisted\bound together, fetters', ? tot 'large basket' (if there was dis 'tv... > 't...); ( N 'turyV
'turyE or 'turV 'turE 'row, line; to string', q.v.) || Sl 'tvor-iti v. 'create, make, form' > OCS
:aepu:u tvoriti, R rno'pnr, SCr tvoriti, Cz tvoriti, P tvorzyc 'to create', Blg rno'p v. 'create'; ChS :aep+
tvor+ 'form', OR :aep+ 'appearance, look, P tvor, Uk rn p, Cz tvor 'cration, sth. created' | Lt tvcrti /
prs. tvcriu, su-tvcrti / su-tvcriu 'to form, create', tvc'rimas n. act. 'forming, creating' ( tvcrti / tvcriu
'seize, fence, enclose', tvc'rimas n. act. 'seizing, enclosing'), sutvc'rimas, {Krsch.} sutvc'rimas 'creating,
creature', tvcrc'|as, {Frn.} tvcrc'|as 'Schpfer, Grnder, Erbauer', tvc'rinys 'creature, creating' In Gk
there is coalescence with 'tvcr- v. 'twist, turn, close in' < N 'turi 'to turn round, surround, enclose'

[q.v.]) P 11O1 (reconstructs 'tvcr- 'fassen, einfassen, einzunen', does not distinguish the in
question from 'tvcr- v. 'twist, turn, close in'), F II 677, 687, 857, Frn. 1152, Vs. III 33-4, Glh. 646-7,
EI 564 (Sl < IE 'tvcr- 'take, hold') ll A 't`or'c v. 'give birth to; be born, come into existence, be
created' > NaT 't`oru- - -c- id. > OT {Cl.} toru- v. 'come into existence, be created', Chg {Cl.}
torc- - toru- v. 'come into existence, be born', OOsm {Cl.} doru-, Tk turc-, Az torc-, Tkm dorc-, ET
{Nj.} tori- id., 'be born', toral- 'originate, come into existence', ET {Jr.} torcl-, Cmn {Cl.} torc- 'be
born', Tk torc- 'meydana gelmek, og almak' (v. 'come into being, multiply'), Qrg toro- 'give
birth to', Tv t`oru- id., 'be born', Xk rocp - tort-, Tf to'ru'- 'be born', Ln toyo-t- 'give birth to,
create', Yk toro- 'be born', 'bring forth' (of animals) Cl. 533, Ra. 175, Rs. W 495, Nj. 313-4, Jr.
314, Pek. 2779-8O, SDD 1393 M 'torc- v. 'be born; bear' > MM [MA] torc- v. 'be born', [IM] toru-
v. 'bear', WrM toru- v. 'be born, come into being', HlM toro-, Kl tor-, Ord {Ms.} t`oro-, Dg {Pp.}
t`u'r- v. 'be born, bear', Mnr H {SM} t`uro- 'enfanter, accoucher, natre', MMgl {Iw.} torv v. 'be born',
Mgl {Rm.} tmra'na' 'wird geboren', {Lg.} to'rana v. 'be born' Pp. IM 49, Pp. MA 353, 448, T 367, KW
4O7, Rm. M 41, MED 836, SM 435, Iw. 139 S QJ #1679 KW 4O7, Cl. 533 (unc. : M A T)
DQA #2436 [A 't`ori 'to be born, copulate', incl. T, M] ll D 'tor`- ({GS} 't-) v. 'work' > Tm toril 'act,
action, work', torii 'working woman', Ml toril 'business, occupation', Kn turil 'work, servitude', tortu
'servant (esp. female servant)', Tu tolilo 'trade, business', Tl tottu 'female servant' D #3524 ll ???
HS: it is tempting to adduce here HS 'tr v. 'plait, sew' > Ch ( N ''tarVjPV, - ''tVPVrV 'to tie
together'?): WCh: Ron: Bks, DfB {J} tor (hab. Bks tvar, DfB tvar) 'nhen, stechen, durchbohren'
| Ngz {Sch.} tIrmu v. 'plait three strands together to make rope' | Kry {Sk.} ts`r-, My {Sk.} tI`r- v. 'sew'
|| CCh: Db {Lnh.} tir v. 'plait', {Mch.} tcr 'tordre', MfG -tsrd- v. 'plait' ('tresser [cheveux, natte]'), Mf
{BLB} tsrd- 'tordre en spirale' JI II 288-9, ChC s.v. 'plait' and 'sew', J R 147, 222, Stl. ZCh 165
[#186] (WCh 't/tAr- v. 'sew, plait'), Mch. D 153, Brr. MG II 244, BLB 35O, Sk. NB 39, Sch. DN 253
The words of Ron and CCh lgs. are valid cognates only if the original meaning is v. 'sew, plait' rather
than v. 'twist' and v. 'pierce' AdS of EC: Sa/Af {R} trtr pcv. 'sew' (probably < N ''tarVjPV, -
''tVPVrV '', q.v. ffd.) OS #24O6 ^ IS MS 361 po(ar turn (BSl, A). The discrepancy between the
T ev. (T '-r- suggesting N 'r) and that of D (D '-r`- suggests N 'r) may be solved if we admit that the
vibrant was followed by 'y (or by '-i?) and that '-ry- (or '-r- followed by 'i?) yields A '-r- and D '-r`-.
2417a. 'touRV 'hold' > IE: NaIE 'tvcr-/'tur- 'grip, hold' > Lt tvcrti (1s prs. tvcriu) 'seize, snatch,
grab', Ltv tvcrt (1s prs. tvcru) 'seize, hold', Lt turc'ti (1s prs. turiu), Ltv turct 'possess, own', Prs turit
'have, have to' | ? Sl 'za-tvori-ti 'shut' (unless 't on abalogy of 'ot-vori-ti 'open') > OCS
o:aepu:uzatvoriti, R :arno) pnr, SCr zatvoriti, Slv zatvoriti, Cz zatvoriti, Slk zatvarat` 'to shut', Blg
:a) rnap x 'I shut', 'zatvor+ 'bolt (shutting a gate\door), seclusion' > OCS o:aep+zatvor+, R :a) rnop,
SCr zatvor, Slv zatvor, Slk zatvor, P zatvor id., Blg :a) rnop 'prison, gate' ( IE 'tvoros 'Einfassung' > N
'turi 'to turn round, surround, enclose', q.v.) || ? Gk ocio, Gk I oci, Gk D oo 'cord, rope' (<
'tvcr-ya) WP I 75O-1, P 11O1, Mn. 1466, Vs. II 82, BER I 612, Glh. 646, Frn. 1152, F II 687 (doubts
about the origin of Gk ocio) ll K: G Gr tor-i 'amount held in two hands' ("double handful") Ghl.
515 ll HS: WS 'trr - 'try > Ar trr G 'rassembler, runir en un seil lieu', Gz try Sh (pf. ?atraya)
'possess, take possesion', torit 'possessions', ?? JEA {Lv.} try-trv G 'give' (esp. s``cIal vo-tora
'negotiate', lit. 'take and give') (unless Sl.s interpretation of the JEA verb as 'throw' is valid) BK II
64, L G 597-8, Lv. II 189-9O, Sl. 517 ll A {DQA} 't`orrc or 't`urrc 'hold, lift, take' > Tg 'turi- > Ewk
turin-, Lm tor- 'hold back (y(cpnnar, c(cpnnar)', Ewk Skh turuv- 'detain (prevent from running)',
Orc turu- 'slow down (the draught-reindeer)', Ul turuvsn-, Nn Nh turu- id., 'stop' (vt.) STM II 22O
pKo 'tIr- 'hold, lift' > MKo tIr-, NKo tIl- S QK #134, HMC 336, MLC 535 pJ 'tsr- (or 'tu_ar-)
'take' > OJ tjv,or-, J: T tor-, K, Kg tor- S QJ #118, Mr. 771 S AJ 279 [#11O] (A 't`urV), DQA
#2445, Mr. KJ 233 (Ko, J) ^ In Tg (and hence A) there is lengthening of the vw. in an originally
open syllable (a reg. change)
2418. ???o 'tURE 'to start (up), set in motion, begin' > HS: C 'tr v. 'start up' > Ag 'tvl- v. 'begin,
start up' > Bln {R} tor y- 'sich auf den Weg machen; anfangen, beginnen', tor-s- 'beginnen, anfangen' ||
??o EC: Arr tir- v. 'climb, ride' || SC {E} 'tir- v. 'set in motion' > Kz tilim- id. || Dhl {To.} tirid-, {E} t_irio-,
{EEN} 't_itio- v. 'move restlessly' E PC #75 (pC 'tar-/tir- v. 'start up'), EEN 8, To. D 148, R WB 842,

Hw. A 397, E SC 17O [#23] ? CCh {ChL}: Gnd tIrttIanan, Gbn ttrttIsns, Boka ttrtiIagtn v. 'begin' ll
IE: NaIE 'tvcr- v. 'move quickly, stir up' > OI 'tvaratc, tu'rati 'hurries', tu'ra 'rasch', Av 0vasa- (< IIr
''tvarta-) 'eilig, rasch' || Gk o`-tu-v-e v. 'stir up, rouse, stir up' || Gmc ( N 'turi 'to turn round,
surround, enclose' [q.v.]) Sw tvara 'stir, agitate', AS vcran id., 'churn', OHG dvcran 'stir up, mix',
dviril 'twirling-stick', ?? ON |yr|a 'laufen, sausen' 't(o)ru- (with mt ) [{Fick} < ''turu-] ( N 'turi ''
[q.v.]): Gk touve - touvoe 'stir up, about', touv 'stirrer, ladle for stirring things while boiling' || L
trua id. P 11OO, EI 6O7 ('tvcr- 'stir, agitate'), M K I 514, 539, M E I 684-5, F II 44O-1, Ho. 373, Kb.
178-9, OsS 121, EWA II 915-9, 925-6, Vr. 63O, F II 914-5, WH II 7O8-9 ll A: T 'tj`,ori- > OT {Cl.}
torci- v. 'begin, start' Cl. 534.
2419. UA 'tuRV 'hard-roe' > U 't'urV > Sm {Jn.} 'tirama - 'turama, {Hl.}
tircmc - 'turcmc 'hard-roe' > Ne T rnpc6 , Ne F {Lh.} tiimmcc, Ng {Cs.} ti'rimi, {Mik.} cirimi, En X
{Cs.} tilc, En B {Cs.} tirc, {Ter.} circ, ciri, Slq Tz {KKIH} tIr, Slq Tm {KD} tcrcb_, Kms {Cs.}
thuruma, {KD} t`u'rmc, Koyb {Sp.} rypxy, Mt {Hl.} 'turma (Mt: T {Mll.} turm|a, M {Sp.} rypxy, {Mll.}
turma, K {Mll.} durm|a) Jn. 163-4, Cs. 146, 264, KKIH 189, Hl. MTKV 2O, 94, Hl. M #11O1 ll A
't`uR'i 'hard-roe' > M 'turi-sun > WrM turi-sun, HlM rpc, Kl {Rm.} tursn, Brt rply( n) id. KW
416, MED 855 Tg 'tiurc-Isc id. > Ewk tirs-Iss " tirsIss " tirshs, Sln, Ul turss, ? WrMc
ccrguvc - ccrhuvc Vas. 415, STM II 189, Hr. 143, Z 93O KW 416, Pp. VG 112, DQA #24O7 [A
't`i_uri 't`i_oro 'fish-roe'] ^ IS MS 343 s.v. nipa turn, IS SS #1.17, Rm. l.c., Sauv. 68, AD NM #77, Vv.
AEN 4 (adds WrMc turi 'peas', which is doubtful).
242O. 'tchr'i 'clean, pure' > HS: WS 'thr v. 'be clean\pure' > BHb thr (ip. -thar) v. 'be clean',
ta'hor 'clean', thr D 'cleanse, purify', Pun thr 'pure', thrt 'purity', JEA thr G v. 'be clean, cleared
away', Ar thr G (pf. tahara, ip. -thar-) v. 'be clean, pure', Gz thr G (js. -thar) v. 'be pure', Tgr thr
G v. 'be clean', Mh, Hrs, Jb thr v. G 'be ritually clean, pure', Mh ts'hayr, Hrs ts'hcr, Jb C/E 'thir
'ritully clean, pure', Sq {L} tahir 'clean'; EthS 1 Sa {R} ti'ra 'rein' KB 354, KBR 369-7O, L G 589, Jo.
M 4O8, Jo. J 275, HJ 42O, Js. 52O ll ? K (?) 'tctr- 'white' > OG, G tctr-, ? Sv: UB {GP} tvctnc, {TK}
tvctvnc - tctvnc, LB {TK} tctnc, L {TK, Dn.} tvctvnc, Ln {TK} tvctvcnc 'white' K 91, TK 262, GP 1O6,
Dn. s.v. tvctvnc ll ? IE: NaIE 'tcrbj",- > pSl 'tcrbi-ti 'to clean, stub' > ChS :p1cu:u trcbiti, Slv
trcbiti id., OR :cpccu:u tcrcbiti, Blr ncpc'6 n, P trzcbic 'to grub up (a wood), clear (a wood) of trees', R
rcpc'6nr id., 'to clean', Uk rcpc'6nrn 'to clean, shell', SCr rpc6nrn " tri|cbiti 'to clean', Cz tribiti 'to
sift out, winnow, refine', Blg 'rpc6 'I clean, stub' P 1O71, Mikl. E 354, Glh. 638, Vs. IV 45-6 ll D
{Km.} 'tcr_- ({GS} 't-) v. 'be(come) clean\clear' > Tm tcru v. 'be made clear as water, be clarified,
be accepted as true', Ml tcral 'clearness', Kt tcr- v. 'become clear' (with subject nar 'country'), i.e. v.
'dawn', tcr-c- v. 'may (day) dawn', Kn tcta, tctc 'clearness, purity (as that of water, etc.)', Tu tcto
'pure, clear', OTl tcru, Tl tcru, tcru v. 'become clear or free from suspended matter', Gdb tcr-sa- v.
'clear (as a liquid)', Gnd tcr-s- v. 'filter' D #3471, Km. 392 [#614] ll ??? A: M 'turci- > WrM turci-
{Kow.} 'nettoyer, essuyer, frotter', HlM rpun- v. 'clean, wipe, rub', Ord d_u'rc`i- in
arc`i_u d_u'rc`i-_u' 'wipe (essuyer)' MED 854, Kow. 1953, Ms. O 172.
2421. 'tujv,r'U 'to grow densely, sprout forth, become bushy, thrive; thicket, thick bush\grass'
(> 'to grow') > HS: S 'trr, 'turr- > Ar trr G 'pousser, germer, pulluler (se dit des plantes, du poil,
de la barbe, etc.)', turr- 'chevelure longue et quon laisse pendre' BK II 64-5 ??? C ''tur- > Ag
''dul- 'thicket' 1 Gz dur 'forest', dor 'wilderness', Amh dur 'wood, forest', Tgy dur {YGE} id., 'thicket,
bush' (' '), {Bsn.} 'bosco, selva' L G 141 (hyp.: Gz dur, dor A Amh dur < OEth dabr
'mountain'), YGE 691, Bsn. 76O ll K {Fn.} 'tcvr- {AD} 'thicket; be dense' > G tcvr-i 'dichter, dunkler
Wald', Sv {Ni.} tavrc- 'get denser, thicken' Chx. 1334, Ni. s.v. iycrr ll IE: NaIE 'trc(:)u_-, 'trcu_s-
'flourish' > Av tuOrusa adj. zur Vollreife gelangen', prs. stem Oraos- 'zur Reife \ Vollkommenheit
gelangen \ bringen' || OHG triunit (OHG Al t- for |-) 'excellet, pollet, floret', OHG drovcn
- drouvcn " trouucn (< 'Orau_|an) 'to grow up (pubescere)', MHG uf-gcdrouvcn prtc. 'erwachsen', ON
|roast (from 'Orovon) 'wachsen, gedeihen', |rosIi 'Reife' WP I 754, P 1O95, Brtl. 655, Kb. 169, OsS
96O, EWA II 8O6, Lx. 242, Vr. 623 ll ? A: M 'torni- > WrM torni- - tarni-, HlM ropnn-, Ord t`orni- v. 'grow,
grow up' (of children and young animals), 'reach manhood', Brt ropnn- 'grow up, reach manhood'
(of children), WrM tornigun, HlM ropnnyn 'of tail stature, well grown, corpulent; healthy', Ord

t`orni_un 'qui est devenu grand et gros pour son ge (enfants, jeunes bestiaux)' MED 827, Luv.
411, Chr. 431, Ms. O 671 ll D 'tur_(-) ({GS} 't-?) 'bushes, bushy, thicket' [ N 'd'urV 'woods,
bush(es)'] > Tm turu 'bushes, shrubberry, thick underwood, long jungle', tur- v. 'become bushy,
sprouth forth', Kt tur 'bushy bunch of leaves of tree', Td tur_ / tut_- 'branch with leaves; bushes',
Knd tor_u 'thicket' D #34O1 ^ Fn. KD 342 [#98] (K, D).
2422. 'to_quryV or 'tU_qrV 'dirt, be dirty' > HS: C: EC {Ss.} 'dur- v. 'be dirty' ( N ''cuRV 'to
soil, stain, dirty'?) > Or {Grg., Sr.} turi 'dirt, filth', Or H {Ow.} turi 'dirty', Or {Ss.} tur-, {Grg.}
turava, Arr tur-av- id., turc 'dirty thing', Sd, Hd tur- v. 'be dirty' || Ag: ?? Bln {R} doraq"a 'clay' Ss.
PEC 29, 31, AD SF 56-7, E PC #76, Grg. 386, Sr. 396, Ow. 272, Hw. A 398 B '-dir- > Ah cdir 'gros
excrment', EWlm/Ty cdcr 'human faeces', Tnsl cdcr 'gros excrment (dhommes, des quadrupdes
carnassiers)' Fc. 283, GhA 33, NZ 483 ?? Ch: WCh: My {Sk.} tiri, Kry {Sk.} turIu 'dirt' || ECh: Ke
{Eb.} tsrva, Ll (Grgs.} ti`rvc, ? Kwn {J} doruvo` 'dust' ChC, ChL, Eb. 98 Acc. to the sound corrs.
within Ch postulated in JI I xix-xxx, this Ch is easier to explain as belonging to N 'durj?,V 'dirt' ll K
't_ur- > G t_ur- v. 'be dirty, make dirty' ll A {DQA} 't`orc 'soil, dust' > T 't`or 'dust' > OT {Cl., IS}
toz, XwT XIII toz, MQp XIII doz, Cmn XIV, Chg XV toz, Tk toz, Tkm too, Az, Ggz, Qrg toz id. Rs. W
492, Cl. 57O-1, DTS 578-9, TL 99-1OO, S AJ 195 [#229], Hs. 295, TkR 637, Tz. UIS 1O2, ADb. Ttd
59 Tg 'tur ({ADb. Ttd} 'torc) 'earth' > Ewk tur, Lm to':r, Lm Al/B tur, Lm M tucr, Neg tuy 'earth',
Nn Nh turqa 'clod of earth', Nn KU turu nant 'subterranean world' STM II 217-8, S AJ 2O9 [#33]
Ko 'tor- '(become) dirty' > MKo tor-m- id.; MKo toro-, NKo toro- 'be dirty, filthy, soiled' S AJ 255
[#113], S QK #113, Nam 153, MLC 442 pJ 'tuti 'earth' > OJ tuti, J: T cuci, K cuci, Kg cu] S AJ
265 [#19], S QJ #19, Mr. 557 ? ppM 'to|'urag > M 'toyurag 'earth, dust' ( N 'tajV,yV 'dirt, mud',
q.v. ffd.) S AJ 91, 274 [#18], {SDM95} (A 't`ovVrV 'earth, dust, dirt') DQA #2444 [A 't`orc 'soil,
dust'] ll D 'tur- ({GS} 't-) 'rubbish' ( N 'tUryV 'litter, dirt, dust', q.v. ffd.) ll ?? IE: NaIE {WH} 'tcr-os /
'tcr-a 'earth' > OIr tir 'earth, ground; land, country', Brtt {RE} 'tiros 'earth' > OW, MW, W, OCrn tir,
Crn tyr, OBr, MBr tir 'earth', Br tir 'land, country' || OL tcra, L tcrra 'earth', Osc tccr'um, tcrum 'terra,
territorium', tcras 'terrae'; any connection with IE 'tcrs- 'dry' (mentioned by WH, EM, EI) may be
secondary (folk et.) WH II 673-4, EM 687-8, Vn. T 74-5, RE 9O, Flr. 314, Hm. 79O, YGM-1 41O, EI
17O ^ M and D suggest the rec. N 'to_quryV, but if the M and D cognates are rejected (as having alt.
etymologies), the N rec. may be 'tU_qrV. Some of the abovementioned words may result from a
merger with N 'tUryV ''.
2423. 't'or?V 'fresh, new, young, young animal, child' > HS: WS 'tr? > Ar tari?- 'recent, fresh',
tr? (pf. taru?a, ip. ya-tru?-u) v. 'be fresh, juicy', Mh tc'ray? 'wet, damp, fresh', Hrs tsri? 'fresh', Jb C/E
'tc'ri? 'fresh (food)'; with the loss of root-final '?: Ar trv/y (pf. taruva - tariya) v. 'be quite fresh,
freshly plucked', tariy- 'fresh, recent', BHb 'ta'ri (attested: f. eI!r%y6 tori'ya), MHb ir%y1 ta'ri 'fresh',
Ug try 'fresh food', Sr tarrun-a 'recens', Gz toray 'raw, crude'; ? BHb Mr#y3 'tcrcm 'not yet', 'noch
nicht' ( ''earlier', cp. EpHb btrm 'before') HJ 43O, KB 363, KBR 379, BDB #2961, A #1125, OLS
481, Fr. III 45, 54, BK II 65, 8O, Ln. 1852, Hv. 428, 432, Br. 289, L G 598, Jo. M 411, Jo. J 279, Jo. H
13O ? B 'trr 'new' > Si {La.} a-trar (pl. trar-on, f. ta-trar-t), Skn {Sarn.} trir (pl. trir-ot), Nf {CM}
a-trar (pl. ta-trar-ot), Awj {Par.} atrar (pl. trar-on) 'new' La. S 163, 266, Sarn. 22, Prd. 17O ll K: OG
tarig-i 'lamb' (Joh. 1.36), G tarig-i 'yearling lamb, sacrifice lamb' Ser. 153, Chx. 1329 ll IE: NaIE
'torno- 'young man, young animal', 't'cru-no- 'young', 'torm-/ 'trm- id. ( NaIE 'tcr-, tcru- 'delicate,
weak' < N 'tarjV,H'uu 'delicate, thin', q.v.) > OI 'taruna- 'young, delicate, fresh', Av tauruna- 'young,
boy', Oss I tarsn - tsrsn, Oss D tarna 'boy'; OI tarna-, tarnaIa- 'calf, young animal' || Lt tarnas 'servant'
( *'young man') || Arm on t"orn (gen. oin t"orin) 'grandson', arm t"arm 'young, fresh, green' || pAl
{O} 'trima > Al trim 'grown man; brave\valorous man, hero', 'warrior' || Gt |arihs (= ooo))
'ungewalkt, neu (vom Tuch)' (P: 'fresh') M E I 632, M K I 483-6, P 1O7O-1, Ab. III 28O, Frn.
1O6O-1, O 464, Slt. 3O4-5, Fs. 49O, EI 490 ll U: FU (att. in BF) 'torc 'fresh, raw' > F tuorc? 'fresh',
Es toorcs 'raw, crude; unripe, green', Lv tuo_r+z_ 'green, raw' SK 14O9-1O, Kt. 441 ll A {DQA}
't`orV 'young animal, child' > T [1] NaT 't`oj:,rui 'young', 'tj`,or 'calf' > Tk {SDD} toru 'young' (of a
man, tree), Slr tori 'foal', Chg {Rl.} tor 'calf' [2] NaT 't`orum 'young camel' > OT torum id., MT [IM]
torum 'suckling young camel', Tk torun '2-years old camel', Tk {SDD} torum 'young camel', Tkm
torum, Tv torum 'camel in its 2nd year'; T 1 M: WrM torum, HlM ropox 'young camel in its 2nd year',

WrO {Krg.} torom, torom, Kl {KRS} torom 'a two-year old camel' [3] NaT 't`oj:,run 'grandchild' > Osm
{Rh.}, Tk torun, Kr torun - torin 'grandchild', VTt turun 'great-great-grandchild' [4] NaT
'tj`,oj:,raI 'calf in its 2nd year' > Chg [MA] toraq {Pp.} three-years old calf', {Shch.} 'calf in its 2nd
year', Qzq toraq 'yearling calf', Qrg toroq, StAlt torboq, Xk torba_ 'calf in its 2nd year', ET
to(r)aq 'heifer in its 2nd year'; ds (?): Brb torboyis 'big calf', Yk torbos 'calf', ? Qrg torooy 'young pig'
[5] NaT 't`oj:,ray 'child, young pig' > Qmq toray 'child', Tf t`oray 'yearling bear' and possibly Qrg
toray 'young wild pig', Qzq, Qq, Nog toray 'young pig' (Qzq/Qq/Nog/Qrg toray seem to be influenced
by or borrowed from M) SDD III 1345-6, Cl. 549, DTS 578, IS AD 42 [#29], Rs. W 491, Shch. Zh
1O2, 1O6-7, 125-6, Rl. III 1179-8O, 1183, 1189-9O, Rh. 6O7, TvR 174, Pp. MA 126, BT 154, BIG 233,
KRPS 539, MM 35O, KrkR 649, NogR 358, Tn. SJ 517, Pek. 2736, Ra. 235, MED 827, Krg. 5O9, KRS
5O8 M 'toruyi 'young pig' > WrM torui suckling pig', HlM ropon id., 'young yak', Oyr, Brt toroy
'young pig', Kl {Rm.} tora 'young wild pig' KW 4O1, MED 827, Ra. 235 NrTg 'toro-Iiu 'boar' >
Ewk Urm/Ucr/Z toroIi, Neg toroIi; Tg 1 Yk {Pek.} toroIu - toro_u 'boar'. An alt. possibility is that the
source lge. is Yk 1 Ewk, Neg, but this is less plausible because (1) Neg and Ewk Urm are spoken in
regions outside any contact with Yk (namely, on the Middle and Low Amur and on the Amgun),
while Yk has a strong Tg substratum, and (2) Ewk, Neg toroIi--Ii are explainable within Tg as ds
with the sx. of animal names -Ii (cf. Ewk tuIsaIi, Neg toIsaIi 'hare') Vas. 761, Pek. 2741 Shch.
Zh 125-6, Pek. 2741 DQA #2446 [A 't`orV 'young animal'] The pA vw. length with an acute
(> vw. length in T and shortness of the vw. in Tg) goes back to a compensatory lengthening caused
by an additional element after the vw. or the following cns. within the N ll D 'tar- child' > Kn
taruvali 'boy, girl', taralc 'girl'; the D word may have been influenced by OI taruna 'young, fresh,
tender' cp. D #2817; also M K I 483 ^ The length of the vw. in T and FU is explained by
complementary lengthening connected with the loss of '?. It is quite possible that the etymons
'tarjV,H'uu 'delicate, thin' and 't'or?V 'fresh, new, young, young animal, child' represent the same
N ^ Blz. SNE I 243 [#1O] (equates S and FU with IE 'tcr-).
2424. 'tar'iHa 'open, bald' > U: FU 'tarV 'to open; open' > Chr: H tara-s {Ep.} vt. 'move apart',
{Rm.} taras 'ausbreiten, auseinander sperren', {MRS} 'tara-s id., vt. 'separate, move away', L ro'pamid.,
ro'pa 'far away', 'far' adj., E {Ps.} tora 'weit, fern' | Prm 'tar- > Z Le {SZ} taral- 'open wide (ones eyes),
stare' || Hg tar 'open', tar- v. 'open' UEW 51O, SZ 365, LG 278, MF 614-5, MRS 563, 581-2, Ep.
115, Rm. BTS 142, PsS 143 ll A 't`arV 'bald' > T 't`ar- id., 'not covered with hair\vegetation' > OT
taz ({Cl.} taz) 'bald', Chg, MQp taz, OOsm XIV daz id., Tk daz 'bald, balding; not covered with
vegetation (land)', 'arid argillaceous land without vegetation (raiip)', Az daz, Kr taz, StAlt, Xk tas
'bald, balding; bald spot', Tv t`as 'bald, balding, not covered with vegetation', {TvR} (a:ip tazir, {IS}
ta'zir 'land without vegetation, VTt, Nog, Qq, ET taz, Bsh tao, Uz toz 'tetter, scabby', Qzq id., 'bald', Slr
taz 'bald-headed man'; T 1 Kl {Rm.} tar 'glatzig, kahl, schlecht behaart' IS AD 41 [#5], Cl. 57O
IS AD 5O, Rs. W 467, TL 671-2, TrR 212, TvR 143, 4O8, Hs. 95, BT 144, BIG 22O, TatR 5O8, MM
327, Nj. 274, UzR 44O, Tn. SJ 5O6, KW 38O, ADb. Ttd 58 [#1] (assumes that there may be a
neutralization of 't` 't in 'CVz-roots) M 'taraqay 'bald' > MM [HI] {Lew.} tara_ai_, {Ms.}
taraqai_ 'bald', [IM] {Pp.} taryajy, 'balding, bald', [MA] {Pp.} tarayai_ 'tetter, scab', WrM {Kow., Gl.}
taraqai 'galeux, mangy (mcny(nnin)'; M 1 Yk tarayay 'bald, balding' 1 Ewk tarayay id. KW 38O, Lew. II
77, Ms. H 99, Pp. MA 341, 447, Kow. 1663, Gl. III 75, STM II 164 pKo {S} 'tni_- > NKo ta-mori 'a
bald head' S QK #848, MLC 426 DQA #2352 [A 't`cro 'bald', incl. T, M, Ko] ll D (in SD) 'tar_-
({GS} 't-) 'bald' > Tm tarai_ v. 'be(come) bald', Kt tarv- '(head) becomes bald', Td tar_- v. 'become
bald', tar_ mad 'bald head', Kn tarata, tarata, taratu 'baldeness; bald'; D 1 Mrt tartc 'baldness' D
#3145 ^ D '-r_- points to a N intervoc.'-r-. T '-r- is probably from '-ry- < N '-riH- ^ IS MS 347 nicin
tarn, IS SS 318 [#1.19] (A [T, M], D), BmK 298-3OO (an unc. attempt to equate FU tara- v. 'open'
with roots of other lgs., such as IE 'stj",cr- v. 'spread', S vtr v. 'stretch', Tm tarr- v. 'winnow', M tara-
and Sum tar v. 'disperse'; cp. N 'tarXV 'to throw, disperse, scatter').
2425. 'tarjV,H'uu 'delicate, thin' > IE: NaIE 'tcr-, 'tcru- 'delicate, weak' > Gk tcv 'smooth, soft,
delicate', Gk [Hs.] tcu o`ocvc), cttov 'weak, delicate' ({F} 'zart, schwach') || Sbn tcrcnum ntr. 'soft'
and possibly L tcncr 'tender, delicate, soft' (mt induced by tcnuis 'thin'?) P 1O7O-1, F II 879, 883,
WH II 665, Pln. II 8O, 593, 724, EI 49O ll A: NaT 'tj`,ar 'narrow (eng, schmal)' ( 'thin') > OT {Cl.}

t`ar 'narrow, constricted, confined', Tk dar, Tkm dar, tar 'narrow', Az, Ggz, XT dar, ET ta(r), Uz
rop tor, VTt, Bsh, Qzq, Qrg, StAlt, Xk tar, Yk tar, tuor, Xlj {DT} tar, Tv t`ar, Tf tar 'narrow (eng,
schmal)' IS AD 41 [#13], Cl. 528, Rs. W 463, Rl. III 835-6, Ra. 169, DT 197, ADb. Ttd 61 ll D 'tar_-
({GS} 't-) v. 'be thin\lean' > Ml taruIa v. 'become thin, droop', Kt targ ar`- v. 'become lean' (ar`- v. is
'happen'), Td tox- v. 'become lean\slender', Kn {Km.} taru v. 'wither, become emaciated', Tu
targod 'leanness', ? taruntu v. 'shrivel', OTl {Km.} taru v. 'diminish, be reduced', Tl {BE} taru - taru
v. 'fall away in flesh, become lean' D #3192, Km. 388 [#592] ^ The long vw. in T suggests the
presence of some additional element in the . It was most probably a lr. The loss of the lr. in the
NaIE cognate is due to its prevocalic position. D '-r_- (from N intervoc. '-r-) points to a vw. between
N 'r and 'H.. It is quite possible that the etymons 't'or?V '' and 'tarjV,H'uu are etymologically
connected ^ Blz. SNE 243 [#1O] (equates IE 'tcr- with the S and FU representatives of N 't'or?V ''),
BmK 28O (IE 'tcr-, Eg {Budge} tr v. 'be weak' [actually tr 'sth. bad, polluted' and try.t 'Schlechtes,
Bses', EG V 317]).
2426. 'tor'Vha 'to pass over; through' > IE: [1] IE 'tcrx-/'trcx- (= 'trcx_- with an a-coloured lr.) v.
'pass over, cross, overcome' > NaIE 'tcro-/'tra- > OI 'tarati, ti'rati 'crosses\passes over, overcomes,
surpasses' (pp. tir'nah, tur'tah), Av tar-, taurv- 'overcome', OPrs viy-a-tarayam 'ich berquerte', Blc tarag
'umwenden', KhS bi-tar- v. 'cross' || L trans 'through' (originally an active prtc. of the verb 'tra- v.
'cross, pass over', cp. in-tra- 'enter'), Um TRAF, TRAHAF, tra id., TRAHVORFI 'transverse' || ? OHG dcrh
'pertusus, perforated' ( N 'turHE 'to bore, drill') AnIE: Ht tarh-, tarhu- 'siegen, mchtig sein,
knnen', (with the pc. -za) 'besiegen, bezwingen, berwinden' [2] NaIE 'tcrjo,- 'hindurch, ber
weg' > OI {MW} ti'rah adv. 'across, beyond, over', Av taro, taro adv. seitwrts', OI tiras prep.
'through', Av taro id., OPrs tajra,, Phl tar 'across, through' || OIr tar 'ber hinaus', W trim-uccint '3O'
('a decade over 2O'); 'trcy > OIr (a proclitic with phonetic shortening) tri, trc, OW trui, MW trvy, drvy,
OBr trci, trc, MBr, Br, Crn drc 'through', W tra 'extremely, very, over' || Gmc (< 'tcr-I"c, 'tr-I"c?): Gt
|airh, OHG duruh, MHG, NHG durch, OSx thurh - thuru, AS urh - crh 'through', NE through But IE
'tcrm- 'boundary-mark, end' [> Gk tco, -oto) 'end, boundary' (> L tcrmcn, tcrmo (gen. tcrmonis),
tcrminus 'boundary-mark, limit, boundary' || MHG drum 'Endstck, Ende', Ht tarma- 'Nagel, Pflock,
Stift', Lw {Lar.} tarmi- 'clou'] probably does not belong here, as suggested by the absence of the lr.
(present in IE 'tcrx- > Ht tarh-) P 1O74-6, EI 229 ('tcrh- 'bring across, overcome'), Hamp AIEW
15O, M K I 48O, 5O3, M E I 629-32, 646-7, Bai. 128, 282, MW 447, WH II 671-2, 7OO, Bc. G 349, Vn.
T 28-9, YGM-1 412, 42O, Flr. 319, Fs. 488, Kb. 151, OsS 1OO, 119, EWA II 6O4-5, 879-82, Lx. 33, Ho.
364, Ho. S 79, Frd. HW 213, Ts. E III 157-7O, 185-9 ll ?o
K 'tar- > G {Chx.} tar- 'etwas
durchfhren', v-i-tar-cb (ft. ga-v-i-tar-c) 'sich mit etw. durchbohren', ga-tar- 'carry \ lead \ transport
through (some place)' Chx. 1327-8, DCh. 272, 1215 The G (if a valid cognate) seems to go
back to a coalescence of several ancient roots, whence the other meanings of tar-: 'fhren, bringen,
tragen' ( N 'taRV 'to drag, pull'), 'fahren, reiten'. In any case, the meaning 'durchfhren,
durchbohren' is not due to the px. ga- 'out of' ll U: FV 'tora(-IsV) 'across (quer)' > pLp {Lr.} 'torcs id.,
'transversal (querliegend)' > Lp: N {N} doarcs, S {Hs.} doarcs, L {LLO} tarcs, Kld {SaR} ryypcc
tucrcs id. ('querber') || pMr {Ker.} 'tur+-Is > Er troIs, turIs, Mk torIs 'through, across' || Chr: L ropcm
to'rcs, H {Ep.} ropym'across', H {Rm.} 'torcs 'die Breite; quer ber' UEW 799, Lr. #1281, Lgc. #7973,
Hs. 445, SaR 363, Ker. II 171, Rm. BT 148, MRS 582, 2O7, Ep. 119 ll D 'tur_- ({GS} 't-) v. 'enter,
penetrate (a hole)' ( N 'duri 'to go, walk'??) > Tm NA tur v. 'enter', Kn turu v. 'enter, enter a hole as
a mouse, go through a hole or eye as a thread, penetrate, pierce', Tl turu ~ duru to enter,
penetrate', Gnd turrv- v. 'thrust into', dorrana v. 'penetrate', Ku duh- v. 'pierce, go ight through', Krx
turd- v. 'pass through a narrow aperture, fall through a hole, ooze out', Mlt tuOr-Iatc v. 'pass through
a place, pass through (as an arrow)' D #3399(a) ll HS: AdS of Dhl {EEN} t_ar- v. 'pierce, spear' [<
N 'tuRi 'to pierce'] E SC 169 [#7], EEN 8 ^ IS MS 357 ('turn 'nporiiar'), IS SS 321 (in both papers
A is equated with D) ^ The N lrs.\uvulars yielding Ht h are 'h, '_, 'y, 'g and 'q. If both the K and
the Ht cognates are valid, the only possible lr. is 'h (that yields zero in K), and subsequently D '-r_-
(the reg. reflex of the N intervocalic '-r-) points to the presence of a vw. after '-r- Gr. II #124
('tcru 'edge') [IE {WP, P} 'tcr-mn 'Grenzpfahl' (obviously derived from 'tcr- 'hinbergelangen' P
1O74-5) err. FU 'tcra 'cutting edge' and A 't`cro 'big cutting instrument' J and Gil].

2427. ?? 'turHE 'to bore, drill' > IE 'tcru-/'trcu- id. > NaIE 'tcro-/'trc- id. > Gk titi, titoe,
tctoive 'bore through, perforate', ft. toe; tto) perforated, with a hole in it', to 'hole', tcce
'bore through, pierce', aor. ctoc id., too) 'hole' +exts. : [1] 'truH-- > Gk tutoe 'bore, pierce
through', tut 'hole'; [2] ? pGmc 'Or-cl- > MLG, MHG, NHG drillcn 'bohren, qulen'; [3] ? OHG dcrh
'pertusus, perforated' P 1O71-4, F II 885, 937, EWA II 6O4-5, KM 143 ll D: 'tura ({GS} 't-) v. 'bore,
drill' > Tm tura v. 'tunnel, bore', turuvu v. 'bore, drill', Kn turi, turuvu v. 'hollow, bore, drill', Tu turiini,
turiuni, turuuni v. 'bore, perforate', Kui truIa (< 'truI--) v. 'bore, pierce', Krx tur- v. 'pierce through,
perforate' D #3339 ^ Qu. for two reasons: (1) the root is represented in two daughter-families
only, (2) it is hard to be distinguished from para- and homonymic roots with rather similar
meanings. An alt. tentative comparison: OHG dcrh (< IE 'tVrII?) S: Ar tarq 'coup', trq G
'frapper' (BK II 75-7).
2428. 'tarjV,yi 'to rub' > HS: S 'trr - (?) 'try > Ar trr v. G 'whet'; ? Ak tcru 'einreiben,
massieren; tief eindringen'; this verb belongs here only if the primary meaning is 'to rub in' rather
than 'tief eindringen' Sd. 1388, BK II 64 ll IE: NaIE 'tcri-/'trci_- - 'tcr- v. 'rub' > Gk tcie v. 'rub
hard', ti|e v. 'rub' || L tcro,-crc (pfc. trivi, sup. tritum) 'rub, wear away' || Clt: Brtt {RE} 'tcravimi
'rub' > OBr torcusit (3s p. of 'torau_), Br taravat 'rub', ? MW tcrcu (3s tcry), W taro v. 'hit' || Sl 'tcr-ti /
1s prs. 'tir-o v. 'rub' > ChS :p1:u trc-ti / :ipa tir-o, R rc'pcr / rpy, P trzcc / trc id., OCz tricti, Cz
triti / tru - tru , SCr tr) ti / trcm - ta) rcm | Lt trinti / trinu, Ltv trit / trinu - trinu v. 'rub' 'trcu_jH,-
'rub, rub down' > Gk tue 'rub out, wear out' || ChS {Mikl., Srz.} :p:u trIti 'ti|civ, rub' P 1O71-2
(does not distinguish this from IE 'tcro- v. 'bour, drill' < N ?? 'turHE 'to bore, drill'), EI 49O ['tcr(i)-
'rub, turn', 'trcu_(H)- 'rub away, wear away'], F II 865, WH II 472-3, RE 124, Frn. 1124-5, Vs. IV 47,
Glh. 641, Mikl. L 1OO8, Srz. III 1O15 ll A 't`arV- v. 'scratch' > T 'tj`,ara- v. 'comb, rake' > OT {Cl.} tara-
v. 'comb (the hair, etc.)', Osm {Rh.} M"r6 tara-(maq) v. 'comb, hackle, rake, harrow', Tk tara- vt.
'comb, hackle, card, rake', Ggz, Qrg, QK tara-, Az, XT dara- v. 'comb, rake', Tkm dara-, VTt, Bsh, Qmq,
Nog, Qq tara-, Tv, Tf {ADb.} tira-, Chv L rypa- tura- v. 'comb, hackle', Qzq, Kr, StAlt, Uz, Xk tara-, Slr X
{Tn.} tara-, ET tari-, Yk tara- v. 'comb', Slr Ul tari- vt. 'rake (y6npar ipa6n) xn)';- 'tj`jargaI 'a comb, a
hackle' (Cl.: 'constantly combing') > OT/MQp {Cl.} taraq, Chg {Cl.} taray - taraq, MT XIV [IM]
taraq - daraq, OXwT taryaq, ET taryaq - tayaq, StAlt taraq, Yk tara_ 'a comb', Osm {Rh.} "r6 taraq 'a comb,
a rake, a hackle', Tk taraI 'a comb, a rake', Ggz taraI, Az (apai darag, Tkm daraq, VTt, Bsh, Nog, Qq, QK
taraq, Kr taraq " tara_ " taraI, Chv L rypa tura 'a comb, a hackle', Qmq taraq id., 'harrow', ?o Az Nx tara_,
Slr A tara_ 'wooden comb', Qzq taraq, Qmn taraq - daraq, Uz taroq, Xk tarya_, Tv, Tf tiryaq 'a comb', Qrg
taraq 'weitzhniger Kamm', at taraq 'horse-comb', Yk tara_ n. 'comb, harrow'; ( 't`irmaq 'harrow'): ET
tarmaq n. 'harrow' ( tarmaq 'twig'), Xk tarbas-ta- v. 'harrow; rake (hay)' The vw. '-i- in Tv and Tf is
due to the infl. of the reflexes of T 'tirqaq 'fingernail, claw' (> Tv, Tf tiryaq id.) In some lgs. there
may have been mutual infl. of this root and pT 'tj`,ara- v. 'seed, till (the soil)' IS AD 41 [#19], Cl.
532, 539, TL 465-8, Rl. III 837, Rh. 1235, TrR 827-8, GRMS 459, Hs. 98, AzDDL 372, TkR 246, Tn.
SJ 5O2, Ra. 179, TvR 194-5, TatR 517-8, BR 5O7-8, KumRS 3O5, KRPS 514, MM 333, NogR 335, Jud.
7O6, BT 122, B DLT 2O2, B DK 251, UzR 4O7-9, BIG 218, Nj. 273-4, 278, Pek. 2564-8, Jeg. 259, Fed.
II 25O-1, ADb. Ttd 63 [#19] (believes that t- in Tk tara- is due to the infl. of taraI and reconstructs
the verb as 'tara-) M 'tarmu- d v. 'rake, () to scratch' > WrM tarmu- {Kow.} 'entasser le foin en
rtelant', {MED} 'to rake (as hay)', HlM, Brt rapxa- id., Kl {Rm.} tarm
- 'kratzen, zusammenraffen'
MED 781, KW 381, Gl. III 87 ('cipc6ar, ipccrn'), Chr. 415, Kow. 1681ll D: [1] D 'tar- ({GS} 't-) v. 'rub
two pieces of wood for fire, () to churn (as buttermilk)' > OTl tar(u)cu, traccu id., Tl tari- adj.
'pertaining to churning', Prj tcrib-/ tcrit- v. 'churn' D #3O95, Km. 378 [#541] l [2] (in SD) 'tar`-
({GS} 't-) v. 'rub, abrade, wear away' > Ml tarayuIa, Kn talc v. 'be worn out, rubbed (as a rope)', Ml
tarcIIa v. 'rub down, grind (as sandal)', Tu tarcuni v. 'grind, rub', tarcyuni, tarcvuni v. 'be rubbed off,
abrade, wear away', talcun`a v. 'rub' D #3114 The origin of '-r`- of the latter D and the
relation between both D roots is still obscure ^ IS MS 368 ('tarn 'rub' > IE, A [M, T], D, S) BmK
279 (IE, D + Sum tar v. 'be distressed, troubled') and 3OO (D- A).
2429. ? 'tirjy,V 'to turn, bend, twist' (tr.) > HS: B 'drn ( N 'turi 'to turn round, surround,
enclose') > Ah, ETwl, Ty odron '(se) tourner, changer de direction; tordre', Fgg dron 'renverser', Gd

cdron id,. 'retourner', Wrg odron 'retourner, se retourner sens dessus dessous; virer, renverser, Mz
odron '(se) tourner, changer de direction', Izd mdorra 'se retourner' Fc. 285, GhA 33, Lf. II #O357,
Dlh. Ou 67, Dlh. M 41, NZ 487-9 ?? S: Ar tryn (pf. taryana) 'tre ml, brouill, tre en
confusion; tre troubl' BK II 8O ? C: Ag: Bln {R} tcrir- 'sich drehen' ? ECh (partially N 'turi
''): EDng {Fd.} turIu 'palissade en paille tresse (entourant lenclos familial)', Jg {J} torI 'Zaun' / pl.
toragc (: R nncrcn 'wattle-fence' nnccrn 'plait, wattle'), Mgm {JA) toroIo 'clture de la case', as
well as possibly Bdy {AlJ} ti`ro (pl. ti`ra) ' palissade' and Mgm {JA} tiro (pl. tcrrci) 'clture,
haie' J J 117, J LM 188, JA 13O, Fd. 172, AlJ 12O ll K: G {Chx.} trial- 'sich (im Kreis) drehen', trial-i
'Drehung, Umdrehung' Chx. 1362-6, DCh. 1226 ll IE 'tcr-, 'tcr-I"- 'turn (round): [1] 'tcr- > Gk
kuko-tc) 'made round by turning', tovo) 'carpenters tool for drawing a circle' (1 L tornus id. - L
torna- 'turn in a lathe, make round' > LtL torna- v. 'turn') || L tcrcs, -ctis 'rounded, well-turned, {WH}
'lnglichrund, glattrund' ( IE 'tcr- 'reiben' through the semantic interpretation of the word as
'glattgerieben'? - P 1O71) || OSx thraian, OHG dracn, NHG drchcn, MDt dracycn, Dt draaicn 'to turn,
rotate', AS ravan 'to twist' || Clt: W, Crn, Br tro n. 'turn', -: W troi, OBr tro(u)-im, MBr trciff, trociff, Br
trcin v. 'turn' [2] 'tcr-I"- > L torquc- vt. 'twist, wind, wrench' || Gk otokto) 'spindle' || OI tar'Iuh id.,
nis-tar'Iya- 'aufdrehbar' (tarI- 'drehen') || AS rstan 'turn, twist, writhe' || Pru tarIuc 'Riemen zum
Binden am Pferdegeschirr' | Sl 'torI+ > OR :epek+toroI+, R, Uk ) ropoi 'strap behind the saddle for
fastening load', SCr, Sln traI 'strip, ribbon, strap', Blg rpai, Cz , Slk traI 'strap', P troIi 'straps' ||
pAl {O} 'tcrIa > Al t|crr (aor. 'torra), Al {Kf.} ticrr - ticr - tir (aor. tora) v. 'spin' || Tc B tarI- 'twist
around' ? Ht tarIu- v. 'dance' [if vi. 'turn, se tourner', as suggested by Bn., rather than akin to
Gk tc_e 'run', as supposed by Lar.] P 1O71-2, EI 572 ['tcrI(")- 'twist'], F I 18O & II 44, 913-4, WH
II 67O, 692-4, RE 141 (Brtt 'trogimi 'turn'), Kb. 164, EWA II 747-5O, Ho. 368, Ho. S 78, Vr. N 131, M K
I 485, M E I 633, Tr. 314, En. 263, Vs. IV 85, Srz. III 982, Glh. 635, Ma. CS 533, O 457, Kf. 355, II
184-5, 47O, Wn. 5O3, Ad. 294-5, Ts. E III 178-8O, Bn. HI 125 ll A 't`ir... 'elbow' > T {Md.}
't`irs(g)cI - ( 'tir 'knee') t`irsc 'elbow' > NaT 't`irsgaj:,I 'elbow' > OT {Cl.} tirsgaI " {ADb.} tirsaI,
MQp tirsaI - dirsaI, XwT, Chg tirsaI, Tkm tirOcI, Nog, Qq, Qmq tirscI, ET tirsaI, Uz tirsaI, VTt
tirsaI, Bsh tirhaI, Tk dirscI, Ggz dirscI, XT dirscI, Xlj {DT} tirsaI, Az dirsaI 'elbow', Az Qb
dirsaI 'camels hump', Slr tussax - tussix 'elbow, knee', Qzq r pcci tirscI {MM} 'shin', {TL} 'knee,
inner side of the knee', K tirsaI 'Kniekehle', Qrg tirscI 'achilles tendon (tendo calconeus)',
Xk ttrscI 'knee of the hind leg'; [ NaT 'tiz (< 'tur 'knee' < N 'tuHrV 'shin, knee')]: Tv tisIcI, Tf
{Md.} tisIcI 'knee' || Chv cavsa " cavsavay " casa 'elbow' [{Md.} < T 't`irsc] (on the phonetic pre-
history of cavsa cf. ADb. SR 166; it may be connected with pT ascending diphthongs, see above
Introduction, 2.4.1) T {Md.} 't`irs(g)cI with 'r (rather than 'r because of the precons. position
(Hl.s rule) Cl. 553, Rs. W 481, TL 247-9, ADb. SR 47, 165-9,198-9, Sht. 21O, Hs. 11O, AzDDL 192,
MM 362, Jud. 738, DT 2O5, Tn. SJ 527, KumRS 317, Rl. III 1377, Ash. XV 125, 16O, Md. 77, 83, 179,
Jeg. 362 Tg: [1] acc. to ADb., Tg 'ti|a-Ii 'muscles of the forearm (antebrachium) and shin' > Ewk
'ti|aIi " i|aIi 'calf (sura), muscle of the calf', Lm tt|tqt 'muscle, biceps; calf (sura)', Orc tiaIi 'calves
of the legs', Ud tcai, Ul cta-an, Nn Nh ctaIt 'calf (sura)' STM II 176 [2] ? Tg 'iraI (< ''tiraI)
'span' > Ewk iraI id. ('n) (') STM II 399 ADb. SR 311 ll D {Pf.} 'tir- / 'tir-V ({GS} 't-) > Tm tiri v.
'turn, revolve, be twisted', Ml tiri 'a turn, twist, wick', tiriyuIa v. 'turn round', Kt tiry- v. 'change in
nature for the worst', tirg- vi. 'turn, return', Td tIry- vt. 'twist', tIrx- vi. 'turn', Kn tiri v. 'turn round',
Kdg tir- id., Tu tirn'guni v. 'turn, revert, revolve', Tl tiri 'a twist, turn', Klm, Nkr tirg- vi. 'turn, wander',
Png tirI- v. 'writhe', Gnd tiri- v. 'revolve', Knd tiri- v. 'be twisted', Ku tir`vali v. 'turn round', Krx tir- v.
'turn on one's heels', tcrom- v. 'roll up' D #3246, Pf. 32 [#153] D '-r- (rather than '-r_-) points
to an ancient cns. cluster, e.g. '-ry- (as suggested by Ar and K).
243O. 'tUryV 'litter, dirt, dust' > HS: S 'trym 'spoiled water' > Ar trym 'tre gte, puante
(eau)' Ch: WCh: pNrBc {Stl.} ''tVr- 'dirt' > My {Sk.} tiri, Kry {Sk.} turIu || ECh: Ke {Eb.} tsrva, Ll
{Grgs.} ti`rvc id. ChC, ChL, Stl. ZCh 253 [#71], Sk. NB 18, Eb. 98 SC: Irq {MQK} tcri, {E} tcri 'dust',
SC 1 Mb itcri 'dust' E SC 17O, MQK 1OO ll? K 'm-tvcr- 'dust' > OG mtucr- 'dust, ashes', G mtvcr-
'dust, whirlwind of dust', Mg tvcr- 'dust', Lz mtvcr- 'dust, ashes', ? Sv {K ?} tvi- 'earth' K
FS 223, E 244-5, K 138 ll A: Tg: WrMc toron {Z} 'dust (raised by the wind, or by walking people,

animals, vehicles)', {Hr.} 'aufgewirbelter Staub' Z 743, Hr. 918 ll ? IE: NaIE '(s)tcr- 'unreine
Flssigkeit, Mist; besudeln; verwesen' ( N ''cuRV 'to soil, stain, dirty' [q.v. ffd.] and possibly
'c'irIV 'pus, rotten\filthy liquid' [q.v.]) ll D 'tur-, 'tur-I- ({GS} 't-) 'rubbish, bits of straw'
( 'to_quryV 'tU_qrV 'dirt, be dirty') > Tm turumu 'bits of straw, refuse stalks as of sugar-cane',
tural 'rubbish of dry leaves', Ml turumu 'straw, awn', Tu turumbu 'chaff, {BhK} 'chaff and waste', Tl
tuIIu, tuIIudu, Prj turri, Knd tur_i 'rubbish', Gdb tur 'weed, grass', Gnd tog 'dust, rubbish', Kui turIi
'refuse heap, manure', Ku truIi " turIi 'refuse' D #3346 ^ K
126 equates GZ 'mtvcr- 'dust,
whurlwind of dust' with IE 'tvcr-/'tur- 'to turn, whirl' (P 11OO).
2431. ? 'turyV 'turyE or 'turV 'turE 'row, line; to string' > HS: [1] S 'tur--'turr- -'tavr-
'row, (?) band' > BHb ruy tur 'row (of building-stones, of jewels, etc.)', Ak turru 'Band, Knoten', ? Ar
tavr- 'a time (vicis, fois)' (tavran bada tavrin 'une fois aprs l'autre'), ? Mh/Hrs tavr 'a time, once', ?
Mh msn tavr 'sometimes', BHb Mir%uy - Mir%y8 tu'r-im 'course, row' ( N 'turi 'to turn round,
surround' [q.v.]) [2] with de-emphatization: S 'turr- 'a string; turn, order' > BHb r7T - r&T tor (pl.
Mir7T to'rim, pl. cs. ir4&T to,rc) 'string (of pearls, of pieces of gold\silver)', 'row', MHb r&T tor 'rope'
({Dlm.} 'Schnur, Seil)', 'turn, order', Ug tr {KB DL} 'Band' (tr rs v smm 'Band der Erde und des
Himmels'), {OLS} 'timn, tiro (de carro)', JA [Trg.] ar!&T to'r-a 'rope', {Lv.} 'geflochtenes Seil', JEA
ar!&T to'r-a 'line, row', Ak turru 'Band, Knoten'; BHb 'ti'ra (attested cs. tr@iy5) 'encampment
protected by a stone wall, row of stones (along the wall); wall coping, battlement' KB 357-8, 1575,
KBR 373-4, GB 275, 874, A #28OO, DLS KTU 16 III 2, OLS 47O-1, Dlm. 44O, Js. 1656, Lv. T II 533, Sl.
1199, BDB #29O5, BK II 118, Jo. M 413, Jo. H 131, Sd. 1397 (hyp.: Ak turru - turru A Sum, but the
opposite direction of the borrowing is more plausible) ll IE [1] NaIE 'tvcrya > Gk ocio, Gk Ep/I
oci, Gk D oo 'cord, rope, string, band' (? IE 'tvcr- v. 'create, produce by plaiting, lay [a rope]'
< N 'tor'i'tor'yE 'bring\come into existence [create, make]' [q.v.]) [2] NaIE 'stcr- 'stripe' (
'ray') > Ltv {ME} stars 'schmaler Streifen; quer ausstehender Ast', Ltv star-s '(sun)ray, ray of light',
biIsu stara 'trouser-leg', {ME} stara 'Strich, Strecke; Ast, Zinke' || Pokorny adduces Sl 'strcla 'arrow'
and other (mainly Gmc) words representing IE 'strcl-, 'strcm-, 'strcyb-, etc. and meaning 'arrow,
'ray', 'stripe', which is highly qu. F II 687, P 11O1, P 1O28-9, ME III 1O45, 1O47, Kar. II 286-7
(does not indicate any plausible cognates of Ltv stars, stara within IE) ll ?? A 'turV 'turE > T
'tur--'tir- vt. 'string, thread (a needle)' > OT tiz- v. 'string (beads), arrange in a row', Chg XV
tiz- - tuz- id., MQp XV tiz- 'a7aNa (arrange in order?)', Tk duz- 'arrange', diz- vt. 'string', Az duz-,
CrTt, Qry, Nog tiz-, Qzq r :- tiz-, Alt tis-, Xk tts- - cts-, Ln tcz- - tuz-, Tv (nc- tis-, Tf tis- v. 'string',
Tkm duz- id., 'fix (meat) upon a spit', Yk tis- v. 'thread a needle', Chv tir- id., 'string', Qmq tuz-
'arrange in a row', VTt rc:- tiz-, Bsh tio-, ET, Uz tiz- id., v. 'string' Cl. 572, DTS 564, IS AD 39, ET
VGD 218-2O, Ra. 173, Jeg. 252, Rs. W 482, Ash. XIV 62-3, Jeg. 252, Fed. II 235, BIG 319, ADb. Ttd 59
[#6] All proposed inter-Altaic comparisons of this T root [with MKo ciri-ta 'go the direct way' (S
AJ 13, DQA #247), M 'cir- 'straight' (DQA #247) and M 'duru- 'put\stick into, insert' (IS AD 47)] are
semantically unreliable. The loss of tenseness in the T initial cns. ('t- for the expected 't`-) is still
puzzling [infl. of some other root (e.g. N 'tuRi 'to pierce', whence 'to thread a needle')?] ^ Qu.
because the T is ambiguous and both IE recs. are based on one attested lge. each.
2432. 'tVRjV,bV 'inside of the body, belly' > HS: S 'trb > Ar tarib- 'chest' ({Ln.} 'uppermost
part of the human breast'), 'bone of the breast', Aram ( S 'OVrb- > Ar {Ln.} Oarb-, {Hv.} Oirb- 'fat of
the intestines'): JA {Trg.} br@T6 to'rab - bir4T6 to'rcb / aB1r^T2 tar'ba, JEA aB1r^T2 tar'ba, Sr 'oa tar'ba
'abdominal fat' Ln. 3O1, 334, BK I 195, Hv. 68, Js. 1694, Lv. T II 557, Sl. 123O-1, Br. 833-4 ll IE:
NaIE 'tcrbj",- > Sl 'tcrb-/'trib- > Uk ) rcpc6, Scr trba 'belly', SCr trbon|a 'a pot-bellied person'; (with the
sx. '-ux+ - 'uxa): Sl 'tribux+ 'intestines (esp. as food)' > RChS :pcc+trcbux+, Blg rp) 6yx, Sln trcbuh,
Cz tcrboch, P trybuch, tcrbuch, R rpc6y) xa, Uk rpn) 6yx id., SCr trbuh id., 'belly', R rpc) 6yx 'glutton' Vs.
IV 96, Glh. 637.
2432. 'tiRga 'force, strength, effort' > HS: S 'trg (de-emphatization 't > 't) > Ar yriTa tarig-
'violent, fort (vent)', 'fort, robuste (homme)' Fr. I 188, BK I 195 ll IE: NaIE 'trcg- v. 'be strong, apply
force\violence' (for ''trcg"- due to the pre-IE incompatibility law ruling out emph. + vd. cns. in the
same ) > OIr tracht 'force, Strke', trcn (< 'trcg-s-no-) 'strong', W trcch 'stronger', Br trcc`h 'winner' ||
ON {Vr.} |rcIr, |rcI 'Kraft, Strke, Ausdauer', |rcIa 'drngen, drcken', AS {Ho.} rccc 'violence', racu

'pressure, force, violence', OSx vaan-thrc'Ii {Ho.} 'Kraft', {P} Waffentchtigkeit' || Ltv {ME} trcIsnc
'Schlag, Sto' WP I 755, P 1O9O, Vn. T 121, 235-6, Vr. 62O, ME IV 23O, Ho. 367-9, Sw. 183, Ho. S
78-9, 83 ll U: FU (att. in ObU) 'tij:,rV > pObU {Ht.} 'tir 'force, violence' > pVg 'tir > Vg: N {Ht. after
Mu.} tcrc'q 'eros, kraftig', tcr id., P {MK} tcriq, K {MK} tcrc'q 'flink, schnell, wild' (Vg K tcrc'q vuot
'ein heftiger Wind', tcrc'q lu 'ein flinkes Pferd'), LK/MK {Ht. after Kn.} tcrnoq cri 'Kriegslied', MK
{WVD} tccr ({Kn.} tc'_c`r) 'spirit' (esp. 'spirit of illness'); pOs 'taron 'evil spirit' > Os: V/Vy taron,
Ty/D/K/O ta'ron, Nz/Kz taron id. Ht. 189 [#643], MK 642, WVD VII 38O ll ? A 't`igirV (mt from N
'tiRga?) [or 'tj`,ir(a)?] 'strong, firm' > M 'ciirag 'strong, firm' > WrM cigirag ~ cigircg, HlM unnpyi, Brt
mnnpai 'strong, robust, powerful', Ord {Ms.} ciraq 'solide de corps', Mnr H {T} cirag 'strong, firm',
{SM} c`irag_ 'serr, qui ne lche pas, svre' MED 179, T 38O, SM 456.
2433. 'tURga 'extend, stretch, hold' > HS: S 'tgr > Ar rjT tgr vt. D 'extend, enlarge' ll IE: NaIE
'dcrg"- 'hold', {EI} 'grasp' > YAv drag- (prs. drazaitc, inf. dra|aqhc) v. 'hold, lead', KhS dr|s- 'hold' || Gk
ooooooi (ft. ooooi, pfc. ocoooi), G A oottooi 'grasp, lay hold of' || Sl 'dirzati 'to hold' >
OCS pio:udrizati, SCr drzati, Sln drzati, Cz drzcti, Slk drzat`, P dzicrz'cc, R (cp) ar id., Blg (p) a
I hold' || Arm trak trc"aI 'bundle (of brushwood, etc.)'(< dorg"-so-) EI 564 (? 'dcrg"-), Brtl. 771, Bai.
164, F I 415, Bern. 258, P 254, ESSJ V 23O-1, Glh. 2O7, Xud. II 456 ll A: Tg 'torga- 'to prop up,
stretch; a prop' > Ewk turga-, Neg toyga-, Ork tt(d)da- vt. 'prop up', Nn toyga- id., 'draw a hunting
cross-bow', Lm ttrg+- vt. 'stretch (sth.), stretch a hide for drying', Ewk turga, Neg, Nn Nh toyga, Ul d
ttaqt 'a prop', Ud tuga, Nn Nh toyga 'hunting cross-bow' STM II 218-9 Cf. N 'tcrVKU '() tree,
stick' DQA #2392 (Tg 'turga- < A 't`i_or(g)c 'beam, support') ^ IE 'd...g" for 't...g" by the pre-IE
incompatibility law (ruling out emph. cns. + vd. in one root) ^ S NSShS #4 (Tg 'turga- < A 't`i_o(g)c
'beam, support' equated with K 'dvirc 'log, beam' and IE 'dcrv- 'tree').
2434. 'tcrVKU '() tree, stick' > HS mt : WCh: Ngz {Sch.} taIarva 'long bamboo pole' Sch. DN
155 OS #2361 ll U: FU {UEW} 'tErIIV 'pine-tree' (?), {Coll.} tcirIV 'young fir-tree, pine-tree' > Chr:
L ripic 'young pine-tree', B t+rIc 'Fichte' || ObU 'tcroy / 'tcyor 'pine-tree' > pVg 'taroy > Vg: T tarov,
LK/UK tari (pl. tarot), P tari, NV/SV/LL/ML tari, UL/Ss tari id.; pOs 'tcyor ({ Hl.} 'tayor) > Os:
K/Kr/Sg tcxor id. UEW 54O, Coll. 119, Sm. 55O (FU, FP 'tirIa, Ugr 'tirIa 'fir'), Ht. #648, MRS 617,
221 ll A 't`crVI`- 'tree' > NaT 't`craI 'poplar, tree' > OT {Cl.} tcraI 'poplar', Tkm dcrcI, Qq, Alt
tcrcI, VTt tiraI, Uz tcraI, ET tcraI, Shor, Tv t`crcI, Xk, Chv tircI id., Qzq, Qrg tcrcI id., 'tree', Bsh tiraI
'black poplar', CrTt, QrB, Qmq, Nog tcrcI, Qry tcraI " tcraI " tcrcI 'tree', Tk dircI, Ggz dircI, Az diraI
'pole, post, pillar', Yk tirax - tarax 'poplar', tirax 'aspen; fir (Abies)' Cl. 543, Rs. W 475, ET VGD
2O5-7, TL 1O5, 134, S AJ 194 [#2O3], KumRS 312, NogR 346, KrkR 636, Sht. 199, Nj. 343, UzR 425,
BR 528, BT 148, Ml. ZhU 118, Pek. 2679, Jeg. 252-3, Fed. II 235, TvR 412 Tg: WrMc tcrIi(n) {Z} 'dais,
platform, porch', {Hr.} 'Plattform, auf der die Halle steht; Freitreppe' [ tcrIi '(hin)ber-/(hin)auf-
springen']; Mc 1 Dg {T} tcrIin, {Pp.} tcrIiq 'dais, platforn, stage' Z 73O, Hr. 9O4, T DgJ 167 Tg
'turga- 'to support, stretch; a prop' hardly belongs here ( DQA) for phonetic reasons and because
its primary meaning is likely to be verbal [otherwise one cannot account for the meanings like Lm
ttrg+- vt. 'stretch, stretch hide for drying', Nn toyga- 'to support, draw a hunting cross-bow', etc., see
N 'tURga 'extend, stretch, hold'] DQA #2392 't`i_or(g)c 'support. beam', SDM97 (A 't`or(g)c id.
and 'tcrV 'poplar, tree') ^ S AJ 289 [#312] (A, IE).
2435. ''tarVjPV, - ''tVPVrV 'to tie together' > HS: S 'tr v. 'sew together' > BHb tr G id.,
JEA, JPA tr G 'sew' KB 1637, Js. 1689, Sl. 1226, Sl. P 588 WCh: Ngz tIr.fu v. 'hobble, fetter'
Sch. DN 153 ?? Ch tr 'plait, sew' ( N 'tor'i 'tor'yE 'to bring\come into existence (create,
make), q.v. ffd.) ? EC: Sa/Af {R} trtr v. 'sew' [Sa also 'sew together'] (p. 3m i-'tirtiro, prs. Sa
a-'tirtiro, imv. ctir'tir, sbjn. Sa a-tar'taro, Af a-tar'taru) [ N 'tor'i 'tor'yE ''?] R S II 358, R A III
118, Clz. 134 ll IE: Ht {Ts.} taru- 'sammeln, versammeln, zusammenflechten' Frd. HW 217, Ts. E
III 24O-4 ll ?, D 'ta'rjV,t- ({GS} 't-, '-d-) > Tl tradu 'cord, rope, thread', Klm tad 'rope', Nkr
tar` id. D #3256 (connects it with Tm caratu 'twisted thread', Ml caratu 'cord' and Kt card 'flat
neckband') ll ? A 't`ara- > Tg 'tara- v. 'tie together' > Ewk tara- 'tie together (pieces of cloth,
nociyri)', Ul taragu- id., taracu- 'tie\stitch together' STM II 167.
2436. 't'cRPV 'to devour (?), be sated' ( 'to enjoy') > HS: S: [1] CS 'tr v. 'devour' ( S
'tr 'tear, strike' [> Sr, JA, Md tr id.]) > BHb tr G (pf. ta'ra, ip. -tro) v. 'devour, tear (its

prey - of wild beasts)', JPA tr G id., BHb tr Sh

(pf. Fir%y6e5 hit'ri) v. 'make enjoy', Ar trf G
(pf. tarifa) 'dvorer les bords\les extrmits' (se dit dun chameau) [ d of tarf- - taraf- 'bord,
extrmit'] KB 363-4, Js. 555-6, BK II 72, DM 182, Br. 29O, JPS 172 [2] with de-emphatization: S
'tr > Ar trf G 'jouir du bien-tre, vivre au sein de laisance et des dlices' BK I 197 ll K 'tr- >
G tr-(oba) {DCh.} v. 'admire, be glad', {Chx., NCh.} v. 'love' DCh. 1227, Chx. 1368, NCh. 38O ll IE:
NaIE 'tcr-/'tr-/'trc- v. 'be sated, rejoice', {EI} id., 'take (to oneself)' > OI tar-: 'tryati 'satisfies
himself, becomes sated, is pleased with', Av |raf(o)oa 'befriedigt\ausreichend versehen', |rafs
'Zufriedenheit', ??: OI asu-'tr- 'cattle-stealing', Av trofay- - taro- 'steal' || Gk tctooi v. 'have full
enjoyment of a thing, have enough of it; enjoy', tcte v. 'satisfy' || ? Blt: Pru cn-tcro 'ntzt', cn-tcron
'useful', Lt tarti 'to thrive', {Frn.} 'gedeihen, gesund werden', Ltv tara, tcra 'Kraft' || Tc A, B
tsarv- 'be confident, rejoice' P 1O77-8, EI 5OO, Mn. 1387, M K I 524, M E I 634-5, MW 453, F II
881-2, Frn. 1O62-3, En. 169, Ad. 731-2 ll ? U: FP 'tcrV v. 'feed' > Er/Mk tra-, tira-, Er tira- 'ernhren'
| Prm 'tcr- > Z LL tsrsI- v. 'eat' UEW 795, LG 284 The FU belongs here if the change from N '-rP-
to F -r- is reg. ^ AD GD 15, IS SS #1.13, IS MS 37O ('tnrn 'pleasure' > IE, S, K), BmK 3O2 (equates
the K and S roots with IE 'drc-/'dro- v. 'scratch, pluck, tear') and 278-9 (the IE is equated with S
'tr v. 'remain, be left' [with a later sd in Ar trf 'live in opulence']; the comparison is err. because
the meaning 'live in opulence' is not the basic one in the S - cp. Sb trf v. 'remain', Gz trf v. 'be
2436a. ? 't'oR'PV 'to need, suffer, be moved (with sadness, joy)' > HS: S 'trb G > Ar trb 'be
sad, be moved (with sadness or joy)' BK II 65-6, Hv. 429 ? C: Bj -tcram pcv. (p. a-'tram, prs.
atta'rim) 'sich fretten, mit Not und Mhe sich das Leben erkmpfen', am-tcram 'mitleiden', {Rop.}
tar'muma 'long-suffering, forgiveness' ( 'tVrV 'to suffer, endure') R WBd 231-2, Rop. 245 ll IE:
NaIE 'tcr- 'suffer' > Gmc: ON |orf, OSx tharf, AS carf n. 'need, want (Mangel)', Gt |arba id.
('uotco, uotcoi)'), OHG darba n. 'deficiency, lack; fasting, starving', ON |arfa 'ntig sein', |arfr
'necessary, needed' || Sl 'trc

ti 'suffer, endure suffering' > OCS :piu1:utricti 'endure (suffering),

be patient', Slv trcti. Slk trict`, P cicricc 'to suffer', Cz trcti, R rcp) ncr 'to suffer, endure', Blg
) rpnna, rp n v. 'suffer' Vr. 6O6, 631-2, Ho. 361, Ho. S 77, Kb. 145, EWA II 536-4O, Fs. 49O, StSS
7O5 ll ?? A: T 'tj`,or- > OT {Cl.} torun 'seeking', torla- 'try to find out' Cl. 533-4.
2437. 'tuRqV 'firm, dense' > HS: WS 'trI 'be\make strong, dense' > Ar trq G 'densae una
alteram tegente fuerunt (plumae avis)', 'tre pais, bien fourni (se dit du plumage dun oiseau)', Gz
trI G v. 'fortify\strengthen, make tight', Amh tvrrvIv v. 'fasten with nails, reinforce with metal'
Fr. III 51-2, BK II 75, L G 597ll K: G K/Kx 'troq-i 'sehr dick, gro und plump' Chx. 1367 ll A: NaT
't`urI {Dr.} 'strong', {Cl.} 'in the culminating point of maturity' > OT {Cl.} turI 'just fully ripe' (of a
fruit), 'in the prime of life, young, vigorous' (of a person), Qrg turI 'fat, in prime condition' (of a
sheep), Chg {Rs.} 'tapfer und roh', MT XIII turI 'in the prime of life', Osm turI {Rh.} 'a
beautiful\beloved, but cruel one', Xlj turI 'mighty, flourishing', Ggz {ADb.} turI, Az {ADb.} turIa 'a
commmoner' Cl. 542-3, Dr. TM II 888, Rs. W 5O6, Jud. 783, Rh. 536, DHST 3O7, ADb. Ttd 65.
2437a. 'tUrXV 'long, large, far' > HS : S 'trh > Ar tarah- 'remote place, lieu loign', tarah- id.,
tirh- 'endroit loign', mitrah- 'long' (of a spear, bois de la lance) Hv. 428-9, BK II 67-8 LEC {Bl.}
'dcr- - 'dcr- 'long, tall' > Af dcr-, Sml dcr, Or dcr-a?, Kns, Gdl dcr-, Rn dcr, Arr dcr-a (f. dcr-i)
id., Kns dcr-a 'tall person', Sml. dcr-ad- 'become long'tall', dcr-cr- 'length', Elm dcr-ida, Dsn dcr
'long, tall, deep' Bl. 1O9, 314, To. DL 494, PG 93, Hw. A 354 ll A: M 'turug > MM [S] {H} turuh 'far',
WrM turug, HlM rypai 'size, breadth, height', 'big, huge' (of animals) H 155, MED 844 T {Cl.}
''tur- 1 [1] T 'turI 'the length (of sth.)' > OT {Cl.} turq id., Qz turqi 'length', Qrg turq 'length(of
sth.)', Tf d_urhu 'distance (equal to)', 'the whole of' (of time), Tv durgu 'the whole of' (of time), Chv
t+r+x 'environs, along', 'piece of linen at full length xoncr no nc (nnny)' [2] Tv d_urt 'length' Cl.
537, Ra. 176, Jud. 769, TvR 184 ll D 'tora > Kn tora 'bigness, largeness', toritu 'that which is big',
torida 'a big man', Tl toramu 'thick, stout, large', Tu tora id.; stoutness, thickness', Kui tro:a v. 'grow
in body' D #3557.
2438. ? 'tuRV 'dry, arid, hard' > IE 'tcrs- > NaIE 'tcrs- v. 'be dry, dry up ('trocknen,
verdorren), be thirsty', 'trsu-, 'trsro- 'dry' > OI 'trsyati 'thirsts', tr'stah 'rough, harsh', tr'suh
'greedy, desirous', trsa 'thirst', YAv tarsu- 'dry', Av tarsna- 'thirst', Psh. 'tszai_ 'thirsty' || Gk tcoooi

'I become dry, dry up' || L torrc- v. 'burn\parch\dry up with heat\thirst' || Arm aam t"aram,
a2am t"arsam 'fade, withered', aamim t"aramim, a2amim t"arsamim v. 'fade, wither' || pAl {O}
'tarsya > Al tcr vt. 'dry' || Gt ga|airsan, ga|aursnan, ON |orna, OSx thorron, OHG dorrcn vi. 'to dry,
wither'; ON |orsti, OHG durst, NHG Durst, AS urst 'thirst', NE thurst; Gmc 'Oarz|an > Gt ga|airsan
'verdorren, ON |crra, AS aicrran vt. 'dry', OHG dcrrcn id., 'roast' || Ht tars- vt. 'dry (trocknen, drren),
roast' P 1O78-9, EI 17O, M K I 524-5, M E I 635-6, Bai. 636, Mrg. 85, F II 882-3, WH II 694-5, Fs.
2O6, Vr. 6O9, 617-8, Ho. 365, 372, Kb. 151, 163, EWA II 6O5-7, 734-6, 877-9, KM 149, Slt. 154-5, O
452, Ts. E III 219-2O ll HS: CS 'trz > Ar trz G (tariza / yatrizu and tariza / yatrazu) v. 'be hard (meat),
be dry\arid', JA [Trg.] zr@T6 to'raz 'hard wood, wild oak' Fr. I 189, Js. 1697, Lv. T II 559 ll ? U: FV
'turta- 'stiff, rigid (steif, starr)' > F turta (gen. turran) 'numb, benumbed', turtu- v. 'become numb, be
benumbed, become stiff', Es turd 'half-dry (wood)', turdu- v. 'become half-dry' | Chr Uf/B turta-, H
turta-qa- v. 'harden, stiffen', {MRS} id., 'get stronger (ipcnnyr)', {Ep.} turta- id. UEW 8O1, Ep. 122,
MRS 6O2 The fate of N ' and ' in U is still to be investigated ^ BmK 283 (IE, S + S and C
words for 'dust', which belong to N 'tUryV 'litter, dirt, dust' [q.v.]).
2439. 'tArV 'internal organs, liver' > HS: C 'tir- 'liver' > EC 'tir- id. > Sa {R} tirav, Af tiro, Sml T
tarav, Sml J turuv, Bs toto, Or {Grg.}, Or B/O/Wt {Sr.} tiru, Kns {BlSO} tira, Arr {Hw.} tira, Dsn cira,
Hd/Kmb {C} tiro, Gln tirc - circ, Hr/Dbs {AMS} circ, Cm {Hw.} tir-c, Ged {Lm.} tiro - tido id.; C 1 Mb
{E} i-tirao id. AD SF 54, 2O3, Ss. PEC 11, Bl. 1O4, PH 199, Ss. B 1O4, Hw. A 397, Grg. 376, Sr. 393,
Th. 319, BlSO s.v. tira, AMS 255, To. DL 49O , Blz. CL 18O Om: NrOm: Wl {LmS} tiriy
, Malo
{LmS} tirc, Gm {Hw.} tirc, Dc tirc || SOm: Ari turi 'liver' ??? possibly NrOm words for 'chest': Wl {LmS}
tira, Zs tirc, Zl/Dwr/Gf {LmS} tira, Gm {Hw.} tira, Dc {LmS} tira 'chest' LmS 523-4, Hw. EG s.v. 'chest'
and 'liver', AD SF 54, 2O3 WCh: SBc {Sh.} (cds ?): Plc va-tcra?c, Kir K f"oI-totoI, Kir L h"oI-turoI,
Kir Mn f"aI-turaI, Ds Bn fsI-tsrsI, Ds B f"aI-tiraI 'liver' | ? P {MSk.} tirI"asa 'kidney' ChC, ChL, Stl.
ZCh. 166 [#188], Sh. SB 26 ll D (+ext. ) 'tar`VqI- - 'tar`aIVq ({GS} 't-) 'internal organs, liver' > Tu
taqIa 'lungs, liver', Klm tarqgud, Nkr tarqgur`, Nk taqg, Prj tar`uqg, Gdb tar`iq " yaqaqil, Gnd tar`Ii " tanaIi,
Knd tar`Ii " tan`aIi, Png tr`aIiq, Mnd tr`aIcq, Kui trada - tlada " tr`adaqga, Ku t"r`a?na " tra?na 'liver'
D #312O ll ??? A: T: Tlt {Rl.} torom 'Schafdrme, die mit gehackten Herzen, Leber, Lunge und
Fett gefllt sind' Rl. III 1257, Rs. W 494 ll ? IE: Clt 'toj:,r(t)s- > OIr tarr, Brtt {RE} 'toarr- 'belly' > W,
MCrn tor 'belly', OCrn [] tor 'venter', OBr tar, torn, MBr torr id., Br tor - tcur 'ventre, bedaine, panse'
The adduction of Uk ) rcpc6 'belly' and Sl 'tribux- 'entrails' (suggested in Blz. LB #1O3 and Blz. DA)
is too qu. (because of the unexplained '-b-, '-bux-) and less plausible than an equation of the Sl
words with Ar tarib- 'chest' (see N 'tVRjV,bV 'inside of the body, belly' Vn. T 33, RE 81, YGM-1
411, Hm. 787, 795 ^ Blz. DA 156 [#19] #18 (D, HS + unc. Sl).
244O. 'turi 'to turn round, surround, enclose' > HS: WS '-tur- v. 'go round', 'tur- 'surrounding
wall', ? 'tavr- 'surrounded place' > Ar tvr G : ip. ya-turu havla-hu 'goes around about' (pf. tara),
Ar SL {Bel.} tar-, tara-t- 'hoop (cerceau)', Ar tavr- 'time (Mal, vicis)', Sr tav'r-a 'space (in time or
distance)', MHb ruy tur 'protecting wall', Nbt tvr 'Mauer (?)': ds : OSA mtvr 'enclosing wall', Ar
tavar- 'Umfriedigung'; ( N 'turyV 'turyE 'row, line'): BHb Mir%uy - Mir%y8 tu'r-im 'course, row'
KB 357-8, KBR 373, Ln. 189O, Bel. 36O, Br. 272 B 'dvr v. 'turn round' > Sll {Ds.} d+vcr
'tourner', Tmz tdur 'tourner, virer, tournoyer, faire volte-face', dovvar 'faire tourner', ? Izd {Mrc.}
mdorra 'se retourner'; (?) +ext. '-n-: B 'drn '(se) tourner, changer de direction; tordre' [ N
'tirjy,V 'to turn, bend, twist', q.v. ffd.] ; B 'dr > Awj utar 'envelopper. enlacer, entortiller' Ds.
281, Fc. 285, GhA 33, MT 96, Lf. II #O357, Mrc. 224 , NZ 483 ? ECh 'trI, 'tr 'palissade, haie'
> EDng turIu 'palissade (entourant lenclos familial)', etc. [ N 'tirjy,V '', q.v. ffd.] ll IE: NaIE 'tvcr-
v. 'twist, turn, close in', 'tvoros 'Einfassung' [ N 'tURE 'to start (up), set in motion, begin', q.v.] >
OHG dvcran 'to stir up (aufwhlen, rhren)', AS vcran 'to stir, churn' || Lt tvcrti / tvcriu 'seize,
fence, enclose', tvc'rimas n. act. 'seizing, enclosing', a-tvaras 'fence (Gehege)', Lt tvora, Ltz tvarc
'fence (Zaun)' || Gk ooo) 'urn' (< 'tvoros) (?) +ext. : L turbo 'a movement in a circle, an eddy, a
whirling round' WP I 749, P 11OO-1, EI 564 ('tvcr- 'take, hold'), Mn. 1466, F II 754, WH II 718,
Ho. 37, Kb. 178, OsS 121, EWA II 915-8, Frn. 1152, 1155 ll A 'tj`,uuR'i v. 'turn round, surround' >
M: WrM {Gl.} turi- v. 'surround, close in (oipyar)', turi-gdc- {Rm.} v. 'be closed in', {Gl.} 'be
surrounded', {Bb.} turitIc- v. 'barricade, put a limit to, put up a fence', {Rm.} turi-mcgci 'the closing

or meeting the flanks of the hunters, the incircling of the game' Rm. SKE 278, Gl. III 259, Bb.
1O37-8 The M cognate is qu. because WrM turi- means also 'push' ({Gl.} 'push', {MED} 'push
forward'), and turigdc- means also 'be pushed'; as to turi-mcgci (with the meaning reported by Rm.),
it has not been confirmed by dictionaries available to me; if the meaning 'to push' is primary, the M
word does not belong here NKo turi- {MLC} 'put around, surround, encircle; turn round', {Rm.}
turu-, turi- v. 'surround, circle about, turn round, whirl about' MLC 5O4-5, Rm. SKE 278 Rm. SKE
278 (Ko, M + Tg: Ewk turIu-ldi does not have the meaning 'to surround' [ascribed to him by Rm.]
[ Vas. 4O3]). The M cognate (if real) suggests pA 't`- But T 'turV v. 'roll up' hardly belongs
here; for both semantic and phonetic reasons it is more likely to go back to N 'tuvrV 'tuvrE 'to
roll, turn round, wind' (q.v.) ll D 'tor`(-) ({GS} 't-) 'cattle-stall, corral, pen for cattle' ( N 'durV 'hole,
hollow'?) > Tm toru 'cattle-stall, manger, pound', tor(am) 'cattle-stall', Ml toru 'stable', toruttu 'stable,
sheepfold, pen to goats', Kt toy 'buffalo pen', Td tvI 'corral, pen', Prj -tol in caIur-tol 'cattle shed'
(caIur goes back to a word for 'cattle, bull') D #3526 ^ IS MS 333 s.v. ncprcr(c) ) 'turn (HS, IE, A),
IS SS #1.12 ^ The nearly homonymic roots 'turi and 'tuvrV 'tuvrE 'to roll, turn round, wind'
inevitably coalesced in those lgs. that have lost the distinctions 't- 't- and '-r- '-r- Gr. II
*4O1 ('tur 'turn') [IE + err. A 'tolu, Ai + qu. Ko, J]
2441. ? ''tUri (or 'tUri?) 'heavenly light in the night (moon, star)' > HS: B '-tri or '-trVy 'star'
> Ah, Gh atri (pl. itran), ETwl atri (pl. ctran), Ty atri (pl. otran), Izn, SrSn, Rf itri, Nf, Snd itri (pl. itran),
Kb, Izd itri (pl. itran), ? Si, Skn, Gd iri (pl. iran) Fc. 1912, Dl. 827-8, La. MChB 388, GhA 191, Mrc.
1O8, Lf. II #13O9 C: Bj {R} tcrig--I (pl. tirg) 'moon', Bj Am {AD} tt '?cttrtg, '?o ttrtg, pl. ?t 'ttrga id.
AD SF 48-9, 254-5 Ch {Nw.} 'tVr-, {Stl.} 'tariy-/'tiray-/'tayir- 'moon' > WCh {Stl.} 'tarya - 'tayra
'moon' > AG {Stl.} 'tary- > Su {J} tar, Ang {Hf.}, Ywm {Sh.} tar, Gmy {Hf.} tar, Chp {ChL} tcr, Mpn
{Frz.} ta`r | DfB {J} turc, Bks {J} turc | Tng {J} tcrc, Dr {J} tcrc, Krkr {J} tarc, Grm {Gw.} tcrrc, Krf
{Sch.} tcrc, Bole {Mk., IL} tcrc, Maha tarya, Gera tcra, Glm cira | Kry {Sk.}, My {Sk.} tir, Wrj {Sk.}
cirana, P {MSk.} cira, Sir {Sk.} tsri, Jmb {Sk.} tira | Grn {Jgr.} tara, Wnd {Sh.} car | Ngz {Sch.}
tIr.a, Bd {IL} tsr.a || CCh: Tr {Nw.} tcra, Hw ndura` | HgNk {ChL} tIrc, {Mk.} ttrrc, FlK {Mk.} ttrri | Lmn
{Mk.} ttrri, {Lk.} tri | Mdr {Eg.} trc, {ChL} tIrc, Dgh {ChL} tilc | Msy {Mch.} tra, Db {Lnh.} ttra, Kola
{Sb.} tra | Zm {ChL} tcr, ZmB {J} tcr, Lame {LJ} ccr (= ccr?), LmP {Vnb.} cc, Ms {ChL} tila, Bnn {}ChL
ttycla, BnnM {ChL} tilna, Azm {Pc.} ti`la` || ECh: Kwn {J} Ii-di`r, Ke {Eb.} Ii-tir | Kbl {Cp.} Is-dsrs, Ll
{Grgs.} gi-dirc | Smr {J} duru, Nd D {J} dsr, Tmk {Cp.} dsr | Mkl {J} tcrc || Jg {J} tcrc, Brg {J} tcrc, Mu
{Lk., J} tiri, Mjl {DB} tiri, Kjk {DB} tiri, Kjr {DB} tirc id. ChC, ChL, JI II 238-9, Stl. IF 53-4, J T 53, J S
84, Pc. 387, DB ?? S 'aOtar-(at)-, name of the goddess Astarta\Ishtar, personification of the planet
Venus (morning star) (belongs only if it goes back to a cd ) > Ph strt (1 Gk `Aotot), BHb
tr37TSo2 as'torct 'Astarta', Ug Otr, (AkSc) {Hnr.} aOtaru, DA str, OSA Otr, Ak istar, Eb
as-dar id., ? Sr
at,tir nula'na and at,tir nuh'ra (names of stars); S 1 IE 'xcst(c)r - 'xstcr- ({Pv.} 'Acst(c)r- - 'Ast(c)r-)
'star' > Ht xastcr- (nom. sg. xastcrza [xastcr-s]), NaIE: Gk o`ot, gen. o`otco) 'star', ooto (coll.)
'stars', Arm ast astl 'star', OI 'strbhih instr. pl. 'with\by stars', (gen. pl.) strnam - strnam 'of stars',
Av star- 'star' (nom. pl. staro), KhS staraa-, MPrs star, staraI, NPrs ra'tSi sctorc, Psh storai, L stclla (<
'stcr-la), Brtt {RE} snglt. 'stcrinna [> OBr, Br stcrcnn, MBr stcrcn (pl. stir, stirct), OCrn [VC], Crn stcrcn
(coll. stcr), OW sscrcnn, W scrcn snglt. (pl. scr)], OIr scr ({RE}: A Brtt?), Gl sirona, Gt stairno, OHG
stcrno, stcrn, ON st|arna, Tc: B sciryc id., A src-n pl. 'stars' The broadening of meaning (S 'the
morning star Venus' IE 'star') during or after the borrowing is not an obstacle for the et. ( Dk.
OH EI 341), because such broadening is widespread in the history of language contacts: cf. the
origin of NE trouscrs (A ScGl triubhas A OFr trcbus 'breeches'), R ia:cra 'newspaper' ( Fr It gazzctta
It Vn gazcta, name of a Venetian periodical that sold for one gazet), Uk ) ipomn 'money' (A NHG
Groschcn, name of certain coins A L dcnarii grossi) KB 85O-1, OLS 94, Hnr. 164, Br. 554; Krb. EG 31,
Shf. A , AfD I, Gese RAS 222, Hfn. VRA 244, IS DIES 6-7, AD IEH 15, AD CCIE 6, P 1O27-8, Pv. III
238-9, M K III 512, M E II 755-6, Bai. 433, Horn 157-8, Vl. II 22O, Fs. 448, Vr. 549, Kb. 962, Slt. 123-
5, Me. EAC 151, Vn. S 9O, RE 135, YGM-1 391, Flr. 3O7, Ern. 653, Wn. 489, Ad. 64O Grn. LA 59,
Blz. AthAA , EI 543 (IE 'hstcr, -(c)r- 'star'; no distinction of inherited words from Semitisms; unj.
rejection of the obvious Semitic origin of the IE word), Wt. S , Prv. ll ? IE: NaIE 'tcr- 'star' > Vd
nom. pl. 'tarah 'stars' || Gk tco), pl. tcoo - tcico 'signe du ciel, toile; signe envoy par les dieux'

M K I 497, 524, M E II 755, Ch. 11O5-6, F II 878 (semantic doubts about the OI-Gk connection) ll A:
[1] ? A: Ko {S} 'tnr 'moon' > MKo tnr, NKo tal S AJ 253 [#54], S QK #54, Nam 14O pJ {S}
'tuIui_ 'moon' > OJ tuIi_i, J: T cuIi, K cuIi S AJ 94, 268 [#97], S QJ #97, Mr. 554 DQA #2394
[A 't`i_orgu 'moon', incl. Ko, J], S AJ 278 l [2] ?? T '|ul-tur ({Md.} uldur = |ultur) 'star' (a cd , e.g.
'uLV 'to shine; blaze; flame' + 'ttUri, ffd. see 'uLV '') l [3] the same T element '-tur may be
present in T 'I`untur 'noon' (see N 'KunV 'KunE 'sun, day') ^ If the IE does not belong
here, the initial N cns. was 't-, otherwise it is likely to have been 't- (with HS de-emphatization).
2442. ? 'tu'arV 'shin' or 'knee' > HS: C: EC: Af {PH} diarc 'thigh
(cuisse)', {R} tca'ri 'Oberschenkel (?)' || Dhl {EEN} t_ahara 'calf of leg', {To.} tahara 'heel' Blz. EDB 28,
E PC #372 ('tahr- or 'tarh- 'calf of leg'), Rop. 243, PH 91, EEN 8, To. D 148, R A II 115 || ?? Bj {Rop.}
talhati 'humerus (anat.)' B '-dar- (< ''tar) > Ah ador (pl. idaron), Gh, Shl, Gd adar, Awj atar, Fgg
dar, Shw, Mz, Wrg dar, Kb aoar, Tmz adar " atar, Snd tar 'foot, leg', Ntf, Zng adar, Izn, SrSn dar, Nfs,
Si tar 'foot', Rif dar " adar 'foot, paw' Fc. 281-2, Dl. 18O, NZ 479-8O ??? Eg G tv:.t 'leg (as a
relique)' (unless Eg fP tv: vt. 'support, sustain', vi. 'lean') EG V 25O, Fk. 294 De-
emphatization of the initial cns. in HS ll K: G tor-i 'paw (Pfote, Tatze, Pranke)' Chx. 136O ll A
't`ur'i, {SDM97} 't`uri, {DQA} 't`i_urc 'knee', ? 'leg' > T 'tur ({ADb.} 'tj`,uyr, {DQA} 'tir)
'knee' ({tAD}: < ''tEur < ''tu:r) > OT {Cl., Tz.} tiz, Tk diz, Tkm dio, SEXT ChS, NEXT G/J/M, NrXT
Sh diz, NrXT Dg/Q, SWXT PK duz, SWXT QB duzin, SWXT SA di:s, NrXT DG1 diz, NrXT DG2 duz,
SWXT H dio, Az, Ggz diz, ET, Nog tiz, VTt tiz, Bsh tio, Qzq, Qrg, StAlt tizc, Tv tis 'knees' (in the
expression tis Iiriqga olurar 'kneel'), Chv cir 'knee', Yk tis 'fell from an animal's leg (nania)'; ? Xk ttzcI,
? Tv tisIcI 'knee' [the forms of Xk and Tv may result from contamination with T 't`irsgaj:,I 'elbow',
N 'tirjy,V (< 'tirVyV?) 'to turn, bend'] ADb. (Ttd 59) reconstructs NaT 'tj`,uyz and believes that
here the opposition between 't`- and 't- has been neutralized (as in the 'CVz-roots) Md. 77, S AJ
95, 252, IS AD 39, Cl. 57O, Rs. W 482, BT 149, Jeg. 323, Fed. II 413, Ash. XV 284-5, DH ChT 71, 81,
93, 116, 138, 151, 191, 2O2, 213, 225, 247, 28O, ADb. Ttd 59, BIG 227 pKo 'tari 'leg' > MKo tari,
NKo tari S QK #145, Nam 129, MLC 383 M 'turcyin > WrM turci, HlM rpnn, Brt rpnn, WrO turc,
Kl rp` tura 'bootleg, boot-top', Ord t`u'ri 'tige de botte', Mnr H {SM} t`uri 'tige de bas\botte, canon
dune culotte'; M 1 T: Sg torai_ 'Stiefelschaft' KW 415, MED 854, KRS 523, Krg. 53O, Chr. 446,
Ms. O 688, SM 434, Rl. III 1251 Tg 'turc, 'turc-Isc 'boot-leg, boot-top' > WrMc turc, Ewk [Cs.] turci,
Ewk tirs-Iss " tirs-Its" tirs-Iss" tirs-hs, Neg tiysIss, Orc ti(y)sIss, Ud {STM} tis

s, Ud X/B/Sm {Krm.}
tchs, Ul, Ork, Nn Nh/B tursIss, Nn KU tiriIss STM II 188, Krm. 294 DQA #241O [A 't`i_urc 'leg,
knee']; it is not clear if we should include here T 'tj`,irsgaI 'elbow', because its meaning is hardly
derivable from 'knee', from typology of semantic changes we learn that the meaning 'elbow' does
not usually go back to 'knee', but rather to 'bend'. Hence T 't`irsgaj:,I 'elbow' (together with Tg
'tiraI [> 'iraI] 'span') is to be connected with N 'tirjy,V (< 'tirVyV?) '' (q.v.) ^ In the light of Af
and K the most likely N lr. is ' ^ Blz. LB #1OOf (suggested to add B and K), Blz. LNA #54 [pN
'tarvi - 'tavri 'leg' > B, K, A + unc. D 'tar`- 'stem' - 'tal- 'leg, stem' (see N 't'oRu ('-r-?) '() tree,
log' and 'tAljX,V 'stem', 'tree')].
2443. 'tarXV 'to throw, disperse, scatter' > HS: WS 'trh v. 'throw' > Ar trh G v. 'fling, cast
away', {Fr.} 'con-\pro-\ab-\re-\in-iecit', Sq trh: {L} ?ctrah 'jeter, jeter lancre, rester', {Jo.} (in Jo. J)
strah v. 'throw, put down', Mh {Jo.} trh (pf. 'tavrsh, sbjn. ystrah) v. 'leave, allow, let', Jb E trh
(pf. 'tcrsh) id., Hrs {Jo.} trh (pf. 'tavrsh, sbjn. ys'trnh) 'leave, desert, leave alone', Jb C {Jo.} trh
(pf. 'tcrsh, sbjn. 'yotrsh) v. 'allow small calves to suck their mothers milk' Fr. III 46, Hv. 429, L LS
2O9, Jo. M 412, Jo. H 13O, Jo. J 28O CCh: McHigi: HgNk tIr.c, HgG tIrc, HgF turi`, FlK tIr.u`?, FlH
tIrIyi v. 'fall' ChL OS #2484 ll IE: NaIE 'stcrH-/'strcH- > NaIE 'stcro-/'stra-(-'stro-/'strc-)
- 'stcr- - strcv- v. 'spread, scatter' ( N 'car'u id. [q.v. ffd.]): the variant with a lr. is represented by
Vd stir'na- (prtc.) 'spread, scattered', OI 'stariman- 'act of spreading-out; bed, couch', Gk oteto)
'spread, laid, covered', oteo 'anything spread or laid out for lying or sitting upon, a mattres, bed',
L stratus pp. 'spread, stretched out', stramcn 'straw, litter', OCS upet:p1:u ro-strc-ti 'to spread' The
variant 'stcr- without reflexes of the lr. (e.g. in forms with '-nV-sx.: OI str'na-ti 'spreads, scatters', L
stcrno 'I spread', Gk oto-vu-i 'I spread') goes back to N 'car'u '' P 1O29-31, EI 57 ('stcr(h)-

'strew' - ? 'stcrhmn 'strewn place, bed'), M K III 517-8, M E II 756-7, F II 8O2-3, WH II 59O-1, Cowg.
EG 155ff., Vn. S 93-5, Flr. 3O9, Ern. 662, Hm. 76O, KM 757-8, Vr. 552, O 442, AlbED 844, Frn. 9O9-
1O, 917, Vs. III 379 ll A 't`aR'i > M 'tari v. 'sow' > MM [MA, IM] tari- v. 'sow', WrM tari-, HlM rapn- v.
'sow, plant', Dx tari-, Ba tarc-, Mnr H {SM} t`ari- v. 'sow' a related (derived?) stem: M 'tara- v.
'disperse, scatter' > WrM tara-, HlM, Brt rapa- id. (Brt xanan rapa-6a 'the mist has cleared', lit.
'dispersed', nnn(yn rapa6a 'the birds flew away [in different directions]), Kl rap- 'scatter, disperse'
(nn rap' o(n 'the clouds dispersed') Pp. MA 411, 447, MED 779, 781, Chr. 414, KRS 479, SM 411,
T 363, T DnJ 135, T BJ 148 DQA #2315 [A 't`ayri 'to scatter, disperse'] ^ IE 's- reflects the
palatality within the N . It is tempting to adduce here Tm tarru v. 'sift, winnow'. It belongs here
only if Tm tarru is from 'tar_-t-, but Tl tal(u)cu v. 'winnow small grains from floor' suggests that the
underlying form of Tm is 'tal-r_- D #3195, Km. 381 [#564] ^ BmK 298-3OO (IE, M tara-, Sum tar
v. 'disperse' + Tm tarru, FU 'tara- v. 'open' & S vtr v. 'stretch out').
2444. 'tErgE 'to run' ( 'running place' 'road') > HS: B 'drg v. 'flee' > Ty, ETwl drg (d+rr+g)
'svader, senfuir, dserter', Ah doroggog 'fuire toute vitesse', Tdq dorrog 'flee' GhA 33, Fc. 283,
NZ 486 S 'trI 'way, road' (as from ''trg?) > Ar turq-at- (pl. turaq-) 'marche', 'chemin, voie',
tariq- 'chemin, route' (1 Gw {Mts.} turiI'i 'road'), tariq-at- 'sentier, voie, trac dune route', Ar O
{Jo.} tirigah 'way', Tgr {Ams.} tvrvI-vt 'way' (A Ar?) BK II 77-8, Ams. 55, L G 597, Jo. H 13O ?
ECh: Ke {Eb.} tsra n. act. 'run (Lauf)', fc tsra 'run away' Eb. 97 ll IE: NaIE 'trcg"g"- or {Mn.} 'trg"-
(actually 'trg"g"-) v. 'run, move' > Gk tc_e 'I run' || Clt: ? W trav m. 'progress, lead', Gl ucr-tragos,
ouctoo) {Dtn.} 'swift-footed dog', {Vn.} chien courant' 1 L vcrtragus 'greyhound', Clt {Vn.}
'tragct-s / gen. 'tragctos 'foot' > OIr traig (gen. traigcd) id., Brtt {RE} 'trogct-s id. > MW troct, W trocd,
OCrn truit, Crn tro id., OBr trcit 'feet' (sg. 'troi_t), MBr troat, Br troad 'foot' || Gt |rag|an, AS ran 'to
run' P 1O89, Mn. 142, EI 491 ('trcg"- 'run'), F II 927-9, Fs. 5OO-1, Ho. 368, Vn. T 122-3, RE 97,
Dtn. 293, 298, Billy 156 It is not clear if this is identical or only isophonic with 'trg"- v. 'draw'
(cf. N 'taRV, -HVgV 'to drag, pull'); an interesting case of the usually avoided root-structure "tenuis
+ media aspirata"; it remains to found out conditions for this kind of exception ll A 't`cargc v. 'run;
road' > T 't`ar ({DQA} 'tcr-) > OT taz v. 'run away, flee', Az taz-, Tkm tco-, Xk tis-/-z-, ET taz-, Tv
tcz-, Tf tcs- v. 'run away, flee', ET taz- v. 'leave one's nest\home', Chv tar- v. 'run, flee' Cl. 672, Ra.
172, IS 41 [#6], Rs. W 477, S AJ 198 [#281], BIG 226, Fed. II 175 M 'tcrgi-lc- v. 'run, flee' > WrM
{Gl.} tcrgilc- id., Kl {Rm.} tcrgl-xo, Brt rypiyn-xy 'to run away, flee'; M 'tcrgE-d'c- > Brt rypiy(y- id.; M
'tcrgcn 'vehicle (carriage, wagon, chariot)' > MM [MA, HI, S] tcrgcn id., [PP] t`crgcd (pl.) 'carriages,
wagons', WrM tcrgc(n) 'carriage, wagon', {Kow.} id., 'chariot', HlM rypyi, rypiyn, Brt rypiy, WrO tcrgcn,
Kl {Rm.} tcrgn, Mnr H {SM} t`icrg_c, Dg tsrgs 'carriage, wagon'; M d 'tcrgc-ur 'wide road, highway' >
MM [HI] tcrgcur 'grande route', WrM tcrgcgur {MED} 'wide road, highway', {Gl.} '(wide) road, wide
street', {Kow.} 'rue large, grand chemin', WrO tcrgcgur 'highway, road, street', Dg tsrgul 'road, way'
MED 8O5, Kow. 1775-7, Gl. III 145-6, T 365, T DgJ 167, SM 417, Pp. MA 349, Pp. PP 131, Ms. H
1O1, H 149, Krg. 496, Chr. 456, S AJ 239 [#135] Tg: Ewk tirgi- v. 'walk', ?? WrMc cir scmc 'quickly'
(scmc 'by saying') STM II 187, 4OO, Z 94O-1 pKo {S} 'tnr?i [ N 'dR'hVIV (- '-g-) 'to walk, run;
road', q.v.] > MKo tnr?i {S} 'ride quickly', NKo talli {MLC} v. 'run (canter, gallop)' (of a horse), 'run,
rush, hurry' [unless an iter. from 'tnd- 'run'] S QK #511, Nam 141, MLC 4O5 S AJ 295 [#535] (A
't`arV 'run, run away'), SDM97 (A 't`arga 'run, flee'), DQA #2412 [A 't`irgc id. > T, M, Tg], KW
2445. 2446. 'tUtV '(fore)arm' > K 'tot- 'arm, branch' > G P/X tot-i 'hand', G P tot-i 'limb of
a horse', MG [VTq] tot-i 'limb (of an animal)' (toti lomisa 'lions paw'), G tot-i 'twig, branch, arm of
a river', sarvlis toti 'trouser-leg', Mg tot-i, tvatv-i 'paw, hand', Lz tot-i 'branch', Sv: UB/LB
tvct / tot-, LB tct, L tot, Ln tvct 'arm, hand' K 182, Chx. 1361, Chik. 135 (G, Lz), Q 33O, DCh.
1225, NCh. 379, GTK KD I 594, Ghl. 515, TK 72O, GP 26O, Dn. s.v. tot, Ni s.v. pyia (Sv tvct) ll HS:
C: LEC 'du(n)dum- 'forearm' > Sml N {Abr.} dudun (pl. dudummo) 'forearm (from elbow to
fingertips)', Sml {DSI} dudun / pl. dudummo 'forearm, ell', Or {Th.} dunduma id., {Grg.} dunduma, Or
M {AD} 'dunduma 'ell', {LLC} dunduma 'lower arm', dunduma 'ell', Or H {Ow.} dunduma 'forearm,
arms length, half a meter', Or B {Vnt.} dunduma 'pugno', {LLC} dundumo 'lower arm', Kns {BlSO}
dunduma 'cubit (from elbow to fingers)' AD SF 251, Abr. S 67, DSI 179, Th. 117, Grg. 131, Ow.

GHO 259, Vnt. 47, LVCZ 1O, 64, BlSO 26 ??, Eg BD cycy {Fk.} 'trot', {EG} a word for legs EG V
357, Fk. 3O4 ll Gil: Gil A tot 'forearm' ('npc(nncuc') ll D 'tut- 'thigh' > Tm tutai_, totai_, Ml tuta, Td
tvar`, Kn todc, Tl toda 'thigh', Tu tud id., shank', Klm dut 'hip', ? Kui dondo 'thigh, ? Ku tuntu 'hip'
D #33O2 ^ D '-t- suggests N '-t-, while the K and C glottalized cns. in the Inlaut is due to as .
2446 2445 . 'tutE 'clan\tribe, everybody, all' > IE 'tcu_t-(a) 'people (Volk), tribe' ({Dv.} 'tutto,
popolo', {P} 'Menge Volkes', {McC} 'Stamm', {Bn.} 'plnitude, peuple, nation, civitas') > Osc toto,
TOUTO 'community (civitas)', Um acc. TOTAM, gen. TOTAR 'citizenry (civitas)', TOTAPER, TUTAPER
'pro civitate'; ? L totus 'whole' (unless from 'tovotos 'vollgestopft') || OIr tuath 'tribe, people', Crn tus
'folk, people, relatives', MBr tut - tud 'people' ('gens'), pl. tudou 'nationes', Br tud 'people' (pl. of
dcn 'man, person'), MW tut 'people, country, land', W tud id. || Gt |iuda, OHG diot, AS cod, ON ||o
'Volk, Leute'; ds : NHG dcutsch 'German', dcutlich 'clear', dcutcn 'explain' || Ltv tauta 'people (Volk),
nation', OLt, Lt tauta id., Lt tauta 'Oberland, Germany', Pru tauto 'Land' || ? Irn {Mrg.} 'tau_ta-Ia- >
NPrs {BM} dvT tudc 'mass of people, people' ('xacca n(cn, napo(') (as well as ClNPrs dvT {Sg.} toda,
NPrs dvT tudc 'heap', Sgd tvo?I 'Masse, Erdhaufen'?) ? AnIE {ABIv} 'tuti- 'army (Heer)' > Ht tuzzi-
'Heer, Heerlager, Truppenmacht', Lc tuta/i 'army' (Bn. and Neu reject the connection between AnIE
'tuti and IE 'tcvta - Bn. VIIE I 366 & Neu HB 1O5) P 1O84-5, EI 417 ['tcu_'tch_- 'the people
(?under arms)'], Frd. HW 232, Ts. E III 499-5O4, ABIv II 172-3, Dv. #449, WH II 695-6, Bc. G 325-6,
349, GM 137, BM 137, Vl. I 478 (dvT 'acervus, cumulus'), Fs. 496, Kb. 158-9, EWA II 684-8, KM
129, Vn. T 164, YGM-1 422, Frn. 1O69, En. 263, GI II 749, Zm. IGSS 326, 328-9 [notes 47-53], McC
112-6, Vr. 613 Mul. 49O, EM 1O5O, Szem. and others favour the connection of L totus with the IE
in question, while Walde & Hofmann (WH II 695-6) reject it and prefer to interpret the IE word as
'tovo-tos- 'vollgestopft'. McCone HWK 116 rejects the 'tovotos-etymology as phonetically untenable
(lack of lr. in IE 'tcvt-) and prefers a semantically unreliable et.: 'tcvt- 'tcv- 'aufmerken, dienen,
schtzen'. Ernout & Meillet (EM 1O5O) suppose a dialectal development 'cv > L o. The IE may go
back to a coalescence of the N in question and N 'tavdV 'to be full' (q.v.) ll A 't`Uti > NaT
't`ot`u 'everbody, everything' > Tv r' ( t`odu, Tf t`o'do' id., ?? OT tuzu 'all' Ra. 235, Cl. 573
M 'tu:i (< 'tudi) > WrM tui, HlM ry 'throughout, always', WrM cdur tui 'all day long' (cdur means
'day') MED 848, Luv. 421 ll ? HS: ?o S: Ar tut-, tat- 'long, grand, haut' BK II 119 WCh: Pr
{Frz.} doc, Dr {Nw.} dai 'all' | ?? Gw {Mts.} dudu 'all', Hs du, duIa 'all' Ba. 272, Frz. P 29, Nw. KL
123, Sk. HCD 5O ^ There is no satisfactory explanation for the reflex '-:- (rather than '-c-) in M.
An alt. rec. is 'tutE supposing as ('t...t > 't...t) in S, IE and T. Hardly here U: Sm {Hl.} 'tuI- 'all' (>
Ne T riy' , {Prk.} tuIu?, tuIuti? 'alle(s)', Mt {Hl.} 'tuguy 'everywhere' [Mt M {Sp.} ryiyn]), unless '-I-
is a sx. and the U etymon is ''tut-IV ( Jn. 168 [Sm 'tucsIt-], Cs. 28, 9O, KP #16O1, Ter. SILSJ 98,
Hl. M ##1O69, 1O78, 1O87).
2446a. ?? 'tutV 'dust, ashes' ( 'smoke') > K 'tuta- 'ashes' > G XVIII {SSO} tut-i, G {DCh.}
tut-i 'lye', {Chx.} tuta 'lye (Aschenlauge)', tut-c 'alkali', G I tuta, Mg tuta-, Lz mtuta-, USv, Sv Ln
tst, Sv UB, Sv L dst 'ashes' K 183, K
192, FS 335, DCh. 1228, Chx. 137O, Ghl. 518, BU 295, TK
722-3, Ch. 16O-1 (G, Mg, Lz) ll A {SDM97} 't`ut`i (or '-t-) 'smoke' > T 't`u`t`a- 'to smoke (emit
smoke)' > OT {Cl.} tuta-, {Gb., DTS, Rs., TL) tut-, XwT {Faz.} tuta-, Tk tutc-, Xlj {DT} titi-, Tkm,
Kr Cr, Nog, Qzq, Qq tutc-, VTt, Bsh tita-, Qrg tuto-, Qmn tudc-, Ln dudu-, SY tuti- " tut-, Xk, Shor
tudc-, OOsm dut-, Tk tut-, Ggz tut- id.; - T 't`ut`un n. 'smoke' > OT, Chg Xw, MQp tutun, OOsm
XIV dutun, Nog, Qq tutin, Qzq rr n tutin, Qrg, ET tutun, Alt, Xk, Shor tudun, Chv totom 'smoke',
Tk tutu, Az, Tkm tutun 'tobacco' Cl. 432 (the original stem is tuta-), 457-8. TL 364-5, DTS Rs.
5O6, Faz. II 426, DT 2O6, ET 329 pKo 'titIir - 'tithir 'dust' > MKo titIir - tit"ir id. DQA #2472
ll ? HS: Ch: WCh: Dr {J} duda 'ashes' (unless from N 'dArV 'ashes') | Klr {J} atoto 'ashes' JI II 4-5, J
R 350 C: Ag: Awn tstri 'dust'; ? pAg 'tiza 'smoke' > Bln {R} tc'da (pl. tid), Km {Ap.} tiza, Xm tiya id.,
Ag 1 Gz -tis- (3m sbjn. yotis, 3m pf. tcsa) v. 'smoke' || ? SC {E} 'tcdri > Irq {MQK} tcri 'dust, cloud of
dust', SC 1 Mb itcri 'dust'; the SC word eblongs here only if it is 'tcdi || ? EC: Sml {ZMO} dcdo 'mist'
Hz. NSA 137, R WB 334, Ap. IV 47, L G 6O1, E SC 17O, MQK 1OO, ZMO 114 ^ The semantic change
'smoke' 'ashes' (or viceversa) is not confirmed typologically; a possible filiation is: 'dust' [1]
'smoke', [2] 'ashes' ^ Cp. also D: Tm tatu 'powder, dust', Td toO 'powdery' (D #3159); this D (as
well as SC, EC and Ag roots with a front unrounded vw.) may belong here only if the discrepance of

vowels is explained away (e.g. by reconstructing the N etymon as 'tuHAETV or 'tAEHuTV) ^ The etl.
connection between K and A was proposed by Blz. in 1989 (Blz. LB #4f) and in 1992 (Bl. KM 14O-1
[#28]; Blz. LNA #56 (N 'tuti 'ashes, smoke' > Ch, K, Ko + M (in fact T) 'tutun, 'tut-sug)
2447. ? 'toHtV (or 'totV?) 'to run, to stream' > A 't`Ut`V > Tg 'tutc- ({ Bz.} 'tota-) v. 'run' >
Sln tuts-, Ewk tut-, Orc, Ud tutu-, Nn tutu-, Ul tttt-, Ork ttta- v. 'run'; the lower series of vowel
harmony in Ul and Ork is probably a late development STM II 223-4 pKo {S} 'tn`d- 'run' > MKo
tnt/r-, NKo tat/r- S QK #855, Nam 139, MLC 4O1 ? pJ {S} 'tanta-yu_a- {S} v. 'float, ramble', {Mr.}
'drift' > OJ tada-yju_,o-, J: T tadayo-, K tadayo-, Kg tadayo- {Kenk.} v. 'float, swim, drift' S QJ
#731, Mr. 761, Kenk. 1864 DQA #2439 [A 't`ota 'to run'] ll D 'tot ({GS} 'tod-) 'a stream' > Ml
totu, Kn todu 'water-course', Kdg todI 'small stream', Tu todu 'drain, sewer, brook', Krg toda
'stream', Gnd d"oda(:) " dor`a " doda 'river', dora 'running brook' D #3543 ^ D '-t (-d) < N
'-Ht- [de-emphatizing effect of the lr.?], while otherwise a cluster N 't qould have yielded D 't. An
alt. solution: N 'totV with Tg as ''t...d > 't...t.
2448. 'tavhV 'to abandon, leave, get lost' > K: 'tcv- v. 'leave, abandon' > OG tcv- v. 'abandon',
G tov- v. 'leave\abandon'; acc. to Klimov, also Mg, Lz tal- v. 'be mixed' K 18Oll HS: WS '-tuh- (or
'-tvVh-?) 'go away, leave (partir)' > Ar tvh (pf. taha, ip. ya-tuh-u) 'prir, tre prs de sa ruine;
errer; sen aller', Jb C ct'bah (tvh) v. 'wander off' BK II 117, Jo. J 281 ll A 't`bV > M 'tcbci- v.
'leave' > MM tcbci- [S] 'werfen, verlassen, verraten', [HI] 'abandonner, sacrifier', WrM tcbci- - tcbsi-,
HlM rynun-, Brt ry6my- v. 'abandon, leave', Kl {Rm.} tcc- 'beiseite lassen, verlassen, sein lassen,
dulden' MED 789, H 147, Ms. H 1OO, KW 392, Chr. 451 ll ?o D (in SD) 'tavVr- ({GS} 't-) > Tm tavir-
v. 'abstain, cease, leave, separate from', Ml taviruIa v. 'be put aside', Kn Hv tovru v. 'drive away', Tu
tauruni v. 'remove' D #3113 ^ BmK 319-2O (K, S, D + Sum du v. 'go\leave' IE
'dcv(o)-/'dva-/'du- v. 'move forward' and other stems without reliable semantic connections with
the in question).
2449. 'tayV 'louse' > HS: NrOm: Ym {C} tu?a, {Wdk.} tu?a, {Lm.} tu?a 'louse' C SE III 85, Wdk.
BY 137, 163, Lm. Y 378 ll U: FU 'tayc 'louse' > F, Es tai | pLp {Lr.} 'ti-IIc > Lp: N {N} diI'Ic, S {Hs.}
diIIic, L {LLO} tihIcc, Kld tIIt It id. | Chr: H rn ti, L rnn tiy, E ti " tiy | Prm 'toy (= {LG} 'to|) id. > Z toy,
Z US toy, Yz 'tu'y, Vt tsy || ObU {Ht.} 'tcI(t)omV ({Ht.}'tcI(t)omV) id. > pVg taImV > Vg: T taIom,
LK/MK/UK toxom, P/NV/LL taxom, SV taxom, UL/Ss taIom; pOs 'toytom ({ Hl.} 'toytom) > Os: V/Vy
totom, Ty ta'"tom, Y ta'vtom, D/K/Nz/Kz/O tcvtom | Hg tctu id. UEW 515, It. #613, Coll. 119,
Sm. 55O (FU, FP 'ta|i, Ugr 'ta|i 'louse'), LG 25O, Lt. 65, MF 631-2, Lr. #1251, Lgc. #785O, Hs. 437,
MRS 374, Ep. 117, Ht. 188 [#634]; on pObU {Ht.} 'c = c cf. Hl. rHt 68-9 ll A {DQA} 't`iyV 'louse' > Tg
'ti-lc- v. 'look for lice, louse (so.)' > Ewk, Neg tils-, Lm til-; cf. Orc tina- id.; Tg 'ti-Itc n. 'louse' > Ul tiIts,
Ork tiIts - iIts, Nn Nh ciIts, WrMc cixi - cixc 'louse' STM II 179, 181, 392 T 'tj`,i- > OT U ti-lar '
insect' Cl. 5O1 DQA #2367 ^ IS MS 335 ('ta|n 'louse') and IS SS #1.9 (in both: A, U, K 'til-
'louse'); K {K} 'til- 'louse' or {K
} 'til- id. (> G til-, Mg ti(y)-, Lz mti-, Sv tis-; K 181, K
188, TK
718) may be accepted as cognate only if we can explain Sv -s- or Ks 'l- Gr. II #254 ('tay 'louse')
[( IS): L U, A + Ai].
245O. 'tiyA 'to be narrow' > HS: EC ( N 'tuuq'E 'near; be close to, approach'): Af {PH} dayi v. 'be
close\near', Sa {R} day- v. 'be close\narrow', 'nahe\schmal\eng sein' PH 91, R S II 121, 4O8, 448,
462 ll U 'tiya 'narrow (eng, schmal)' > Er rc tcya, {ERV} rcnnc 'narrow', Mk r nn tayno 'eng,
schmal' Sm {Jn.} 'tIya id. > En {Cs.} ti|a, Ne T ri , Ne T O {Lh.} tIyc id., Slq Tz {KKIH} ticI
'narrow passage, isthmus, neck of land', {Prk.} tici 'narrow passage (rccnnna)', Slq Ch/UO {Cs.} tctcIa
'eng' Coll. 62, UEW 523, ERV 652, 661, PI 279, KKIH 183, Cs. 147 ll A: Tg 'ti'yc 'narrow' > Ewk
tiys - tiys, Lm tisIun, Lm KO ttvaIun - tt'yaIun, Lm A tsysIun 'narrow (eng, schmal)', Ork iqmsy, Nn
KU tio - -u, Nn Nh/B cio - -u 'narrow (eng)' STM II 176, Vas. 4O8, CiR 64O, Pt. 155 ^ IS MS
37O s.v. y:inn 'ti|a, IS SS 318 [#1.15], Coll. 146, Rs. UAW 36, Sauv. 71 (in all sources U, Tg).
2451. ? 'tuhyc 'to eat, feed; food' > HS 't'?hy/v - ? 'thy/v > S [1] 't?v/y 'eat' > Ak ta?u v. 'eat,
graze', Mh {Jo.} tvy v. G 'eat' (pf. tsvu - tvuh, ip. ys'tayv, sbjn. ystc), Hrs {Jo.} tsvo, Jb E/C {Jo.}
pf. 'tc, prs. 'ytc, sbjn. 'yit, Sq {Jo.} 'tc id.; ? [2] 'thy/v > Ar thv/y (pf. taha, ip. -thu - '-thav-, n. act.
tahv-,'-tuhv-, 'tuhy-) 'prrarer manger (cuire, rtir, arranger les viandes\mets)', I'6a tahi-n

'personne qui prpare manger (cuisinier \ rotisseur \ boulanger), qui donne manger' Sd.
134O, BK II 116, Jo. M 4O4 Eg fP t 'bread' EG V 2O9, Fk. 292 C: Bj {R} tiyu 'Kost, Nahrung,
Lebensunterhalt' R WBd 233 ?? NrOm: Ym resp {C} ta?- v. 'eat', {Wdk.} ta?ra id. C SE III 85,
Wdk. BY 135, Fl. OWL s.v. 'eat'; the adduction of this Ym word is qu. for three reasons: (1) there is
no explanation for -r-, (2) the Ym word is isolated within Om (at least in the meaning 'eat'), (3) the
social essence of the "respectful language (linguaggio di rispetto)" suggests that the words original
meaning is not 'to eat', but sth. else (possibly a ) Ch {AD} 'th"y - tyv, {JI} 'tvy v. 'eat (soft
things)', {Nw.} 'ti v. 'eat' > WCh 'th"y - 'tyv, {Stl.} 'tih" / 'tah" v. 'eat (soft things)': Hs ci | BT: Dr {J}
tvi / tva, {Nw.} tui, Krkr {Lk., J} t- / {J} tu-, Grm {Sh.} tiya, Krf {Sch.} ti-vo, Bl {Lk.} ti- | Klr {J} ci,
{IL} t"ix, DfB {J} cuh / cvay, Bks {J} cu / cvay, Tmbs {Sh.} ci | NrBc: Sir {Gw.} tva, {Sk.} tu, Mbr
{Sk.} ti` / ta, Jmb {Sk.} ti / ta | SBc: Gj/Buli/Tule {Sh.} ci | Ngz {Sch.} ta, Bd {IL} tsgi / tsdi || CCh: Ms {J}
tina - cina, ZmB {J, Sa.} ti || ECh: Mgm {J} tiy-, tiyav, EDng {Fd.} tc, Bdy {AlJ} aor. ta` / pfc. tc /
aor. pl. tc`ycv | Skr {Sx.} tc`, Mw {J} tc | Mu {J} ti/ tuva, {Lk.} tuva, inf. tiya, Mjl {DB} tu`I, Kjk {DB}
tu, Kjr {DB} tuyc, Brg {J} taya JI I 56 & II 12O-1, J M, Stl. ZCh 167 [#2O1] ('ti/al), J R 213, J B, Nw.
KL 133, DB, Blz. ChWL OS #2345 (HS 'ta?- 'eat' > S, Eg, C, Ch), AD SF 53 (S, Eg, C, Om, Ch), Sk.
HCD 34 ll D (in SD) 'tujy, v. 'eat' > Tm tu v. 'eat' (generally used in negative forms), tu 'food', Kn
tuyyal 'a dish of rice, milk and sugar' DED #2685, D #3282 ll ? A 't`UyV {AD} 'offer food to so.'
( N 'toHo - 'taHo 'to bring, fetch'?): Tg 'tuyu- v. 'offer food to so. (e.g. a guest)' > Ewk, Ul tuyu-, Ewk
Skh tuys-, Lm toy-, Lm Al tuy-, Neg, Orc, Ork toyo-, Nn Nh tuyu- id. ('yioar'), Ewk tuyun, Ewk Skh
tuysn, Neg toyon, Orc, Ork toyo, toyon-, Ul tuyu, tuyun-, Nn Nh tuyu 'food offered to a guest' STM II
2O6 NaT 'tj,oy 'feast' (unless 'tj`,oy 'camp, community') > OT toy '(wedding) feast', XwT XIII,
Cmn/MQp/OOsm XIV, Chg XV toy 'feast', Tkm toy 'wedding feast, wedding, feast', ET, Nog, Qzq, Qq,
Qrg, Alt, Xk toy, VTt, Bsh tuy, Tv toy id.; T 1 WrM toy 'feast' Rm. W 567, Jeg. 255 SDM97
s.v. 't`oyc (T, Tg + M 'tugcc- 'distribute') and DQA #2457 (pA 't`uya 'give, give a feast': T, Tg),
Rm. SKE 26O-7O (+ untenable parallels for the Tg ) Tg 't- is a reg. reflex of N 't-, but the
quality of the pT dental is not clear: Tkm t- suggests 't`- while Tv t- points to T 't- ^ A 't`UyV
belongs here only if its etymologocal meaning is 'feed' and not only 'give' or 'feast'.
2451a. 'tahyV 'to go away, take away' ( 'conceal') > IE 'tch(y)- 'take away, steal' > IE 'tai_-
'deprive so. of sth. secretly, steal', 'tayu-s-, 'tati-s 'thief' ( IE 'stcu- id. < 'sat'ahi 'to take away',
q.v.) > OI ta'yu- 'thief', Av tayu- id., taya- 'theft' || Gk ttoooi 'I am deprived\bereft of, in want of',
tuoio), Gk D touoio) 'idle, vain, undertaken to no purpose' (if *'[self-]deceptive') || OIr taid
'thief' || Sl 'ta|- 'steal, conceal': 'ta|iti (prs. 'ta|o) 'to conceal' > OCS :ou:uta|iti (prs. :omta|o), R
ra'nr (prs. ra'), SCr ta|iti (prs. ta|i), Slv ta|iti 'to conceal'; 'ta|i 'secret' > OCS :ou ta|i adv. 'o),
secretly', OR :ou 'secret', Slv ta| 'denial', Cz od ta|cm 'secretly'; Sl 'tati 'thief' > OCS :o:i tati, R
rar, SCr, Slv tat 'thief, robber' || Tc B cnc-stai_ in secret' Ht, HrLw taya- 'steal' P 1O1O, EI 543
['(s)tch - 'steal, bring secretly, conceal'], M K I 496 & III 513-4, M E II 75, Vn. T 7, F II 895-6, Vs. IV
11, 28, Glh. 618, Ad. 84-5, Ts. E III 24-6 ll U: Ugr tayV-tta- 'verbergen, verheimlichen' (A Irn?) > Vg: T
tuyt-, toyt-, P tuyt- id., 'verstecken', MK tuyt-, Ss tuyt- vt. 'hide', LL tuytIat- vi. 'sich verbergen' | Hg
titoI 'a secret', adj. 'geheim, heimlich' UEW 892 ll A: Tg 'tcy- or 'ti- 'take away (sth. from so.) >
Ewk, Ud, Ul ti-, Lm tc-, Sln tin-, Nn Nh ci- id., Neg tt:ayama 'thief' STM II 173-4 ll HS: S
'thy - 'tyh > Ar thy G 'tre loin, tre loign', tyh G 'sen aller, prir' BK II 62, 117.

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