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Auto Memory Defined


Shannon Heustess Shannon Heustess Tuesday, March 23, 2010 PowerCenter Upgrade

Best Practices Documentation Memory Tuning Process.....................................................................................................................................3 Default Memory Allocation for Session Configuration....................................................................................3 How to Calculate Memory Cache for Objects.................................................................................................... How !o " use the "nformatica Si#ing Calculator.............................................................................................. How !o " get the $alues to %lug into the calculator.........................................................................................&


"nformatica (elocity ) *est Practices Documentation

Best Practices Documentation

Memory Tuning Pro e!!

Default Memory Allocation for Session Configuration
Def"u#t Memory A##o "tion $" %ground PowerCenter +,, brought forth the conce%t of Auto Memory when !ealing with any object that interacts with memory. inclu!e/ DTM 0oo1u% Cache 2oiner Cache Aggregator Cache Sorter Cache 3M0 Target This conce%t was haile! as a ste% in the right !irection. De$elo%er %ro!ucti$ity woul! be lowere! because it allowe! !e$elo%ers allocate a memory %ool to those objects an! not ha$e the !e$elo%er s%en! time calculating o%timi#e! memory allocations %er object. Def"u#t Memory A##o "tion Pro e!! Defined At run time a com%le. set of ste%s will occur to allocate memory at the object le$el. The following will e.%lain the %rocess/
Determine Memory Pool Size

This is !etermine! by the following session4s %ro%erties/ Ma.imum Memory Allowe! 5or Auto Memory Attributes Ma.imum Percentage of Total Memory Allowe! 5or Auto Memory Attributes Ma.imum Memory Allowe! 5or Auto Memory Attributes ) can be either a numeric or al%ha numeric $alue that allocates a !e!icate! amount of memory for all objects set to Auto. 6ou can A%%en! 7*8 M*8 or 9* to the $alue to s%ecify other units. Ma.imum Percentage of Total Memory Allowe! 5or Auto Memory Attributes ) is a numeric $alue that relates to the ma.imum %ercentage of memory allocate! for automatic cache. The auto memory %ool si#e will be the lesser of these two $alues.

"nformatica (elocity 3

Best Practices Documentation

Determine Memory Pool Math

3' bit O%erating System Ma.imum amount of free Memory 3:;; M* Ma.imum Memory Allowe! 5or Auto Memory Attributes (alue/ ,' M* Ma.imum Percentage of Total Memory Allowe! 5or Auto Memory Attributes/ < = ,+; M* -$en though we ha$e s%ecifie! ,' in the Ma.imum Memory Allowe! 5or Auto Memory Attributes (alue attribute the Ma.imum Percentage of Total Memory Allowe! 5or Auto Memory Attributes resol$es to ,+; M* an! is the lower number. This will !etermine our total memory %ool.
Total Unit Allocation

>ow that our memory %ool si#e has been !efine! we nee! to !etermine our memory unit allocation. This is con!ucte! by loo1ing at the ma%%ing an! then !etermining the number of objects that use Auto Memory8 a%%lying a unit cost to that object. ,. 07P8 A998 ?A>78 2>? in!e. cache = , unit '. 07P8 A998 ?A>78 2>? !ata cache = ' units 3. SO?T-? = + units @. 3M0 Target = ,; units The DTM will sum the total unit costs an! then !i$i!e the sum into the Auto Memory %ool to !etermine the si#e of each file.
Total Unit Allocation Math

Ma%%ing contains the following objects , 0oo1u% ) Anit Cost of 3 , Aggregator ) Anit Cost of 3 , Sorter ) Anit cost of + Total Anit Cost B ,@ Auto Memory Pool B ,+; M* Amount of Memory %er unit B ,'.+ M*
Total Maximum Memory allowed per object

0oo1u% in!e. B ,'.+ 0oo1u% !ata B ' .C Aggregator in!e. B ,'.+ Aggregator !ata B ' .C Sorter 5ile B ,;'.+ "f the memory goes beyon! this these si#es for each in!i$i!ual object then we will s%ool the file to !is1. "t is still consi!ere! best %ractice to analy#e each object an! calculate the object4s !ata an! in!e. si#e in!e%en!ently. This will %re$ent memory cache star$ation !ue to the object mi. of a ma%%ing.

"nformatica (elocity ) *est Practices Documentation

Best Practices Documentation

Ho& to C"# u#"te Memory C" 'e for O()e t!

"nsi!e of Dor1flow manager "nformatica has %ro$i!e! tool to calculate memory %er object. This eliminates the nee! to remember %er object the com%le. rule to !etermine the o%timi#e! $alue for memory.

How do I use the Informatica Sizing Calculator

,. O%en wor1flow manager

'. Connect to the !esire! re%ository housing the session nee!ing tuning.

3. Su%%ly your user name an! %asswor! @. Clic1 the connect button

"nformatica (elocity

Best Practices Documentation . ?ight Clic1 on the fol!er containing the session :. Select the O%en o%tion

C. ?ight clic1 on the wor1flow containing the object +. Select O%en

&. ?ight clic1 on the !esire! sessions ,;. Select -!it

"nformatica (elocity ) *est Practices Documentation

Best Practices Documentation ,,. Select the ma%%ing tab

,'. >a$igate to the transformation section ,3. Select an object that woul! use memory for caching

,@. >a$igate !own to the Objects Data Cache Si#e an! Objects "n!e. Cache Si#e Pro%erties , . Clic1 !own arrow in the $alue fiel! to bring u% the tool.

"nformatica (elocity C

Best Practices Documentation ,:. -nable the calculate button an! then s%ecify the number of uniEue rows in the case of a loo1u%.

,C. -nable the calculate button an! then s%ecify the number of grou%s in the case of a aggregator.

,+. -nable the calculate button an! then s%ecify the number of rows to be sorte! in the case of a sorter

"nformatica (elocity ) *est Practices Documentation

Best Practices Documentation ,&. -nable the calculate button an! then s%ecify the number of grou%s8 the number of ran1s is s%ecifie! insi!e of the ma%%ing in the case of a ran1.

How do I get the values to plug into the calculator

Loo%u*! 6ou can !etermine the number of uniEue rows in a loo1u% using the following metho!s/ SF0 Euery ) Ha$e either the loo1u% generate the Euery it will use at run time or use the sEl o$erri!e an! Euery against the %ro!uction D* an! get the counts. 0oo1 insi!e of the session log G>ote this is will only tell you the number at run time an! limite! to the set of test !ata you are runningH ?un Performance "n!icators when testing out a ma%%ing G>ote this is will only tell you the number at run time an! limite! to the set of test !ata you are runningH Aggreg"tor 6ou can !etermine the number of grou%s in an aggregator using the following metho!s/ SF0 Euery ) "f the aggregator is far enough u% stream in the ma%%ing an! is not affecte! by any acti$e transformations then you may be able to generate a SF0 statement that mimics the grou% by functionality to !etermine the number of grou%s. 0oo1 insi!e of the session log G>ote this is will only tell you the number at run time an! limite! to the set of test !ata you are runningH ?un Performance "n!icators when testing out a ma%%ing G>ote this is will only tell you the number at run time an! limite! to the set of test !ata you are runningH

"nformatica (elocity &

Best Practices Documentation Sorter 6ou can !etermine the number of rows in a sorter using the following metho!s/ SF0 Euery ) "f the sorter is far enough u% stream in the ma%%ing an! is not affecte! by any acti$e transformations then you may be able to generate a SF0 statement that will %ro$i!e you with a count of the number of rows entering into the sorter. 0oo1 insi!e of the session log G>ote this is will only tell you the number at run time an! limite! to the set of test !ata you are runningH ?un Performance "n!icators when testing out a ma%%ing G>ote this is will only tell you the number at run time an! limite! to the set of test !ata you are runningH R"n%er 6ou can !etermine the number of rows in a ran1 using the following metho!s/ SF0 Euery ) "f the ran1 is far enough u% stream in the ma%%ing an! is not affecte! by any acti$e transformations then you may be able to generate a SF0 statement that SF0 statement that mimics the grou% by functionality to !etermine the number of grou%s. 0oo1 insi!e of the session log G>ote this is will only tell you the number at run time an! limite! to the set of test !ata you are runningH ?un Performance "n!icators when testing out a ma%%ing G>ote this is will only tell you the number at run time an! limite! to the set of test !ata you are runningH Once you ha$e this number you can then a%%ly a growth factor base! on nee!s. ; ) @;< growth factor shoul! allow for %ro%er si#ing without ha$ing to constantly ha$ing to monitor for si#e a!justments. 6ou will then %lug this number into the res%ecti$e fiel! an! s%ecify you want to calculate the $alue for the !ata8 in!e. or both by selecting the chec1 Once the $alues are calculate! you woul! then re$iew the settings an! clic1 the O7 button.


"nformatica (elocity ) *est Practices Documentation

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