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CS 4120 Hardware Description Languages and Synthesis Homework 7: MIPS Microprocessor (50 points)

In this project, you will implement an MIPS pipeline microprocessor. The microprocessor has five stages: IF (instruction fetch), ID (instruction decode/register read), EX (execution), MEM (data memory read/write) and WB (register write back). Do implement pipeline, but do not worry about data hazard or control hazard.

For more information on the MIPS processor, see chapters 3 to 6 of "Computer Organization & Design - The Hardware/Software Interface" by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy.

Instruction Set
The following instructions need to be implemented. For instruction format details, see the MIPS handout. J BEQ LW SW ADDI ADD SUB AND SLL NOP Unconditional jump Branch on equal Load word (not byte!) from memory Store word (not byte!) to memory Addition Immediate Addition Subtraction Logical AND Shift left logical No operation

If an instruction contains all 0, it is considered as an NOP (no operation). No action is taken for an NOP, and PC increments to the next instruction.

Load Memory
You need to initialize the instruction memory and data memory. The following is the Verilog code that loads file IMEM.dat to the instruction memory imem: module load_memory_example(); reg [0:31] imem[0:49]; initial // load imem $readmemh("IMEM.dat", imem); initial // show content $monitor($time,, "imem[0]=%h imem[1]=%h", imem[0], imem[1]); endmodule where IMEM.dat holds 01234567 89ABCEDF the result will be 0 imem[0]=01234567 imem[1]=89abcdef

Initialization and Output

In order for the TA to grade your design, your design must meet the following requirements: Initialize your memories with all 0's, and then load IMEM.dat to the instruction memory (imem) and DMEM.dat to the data memory (dmem). Don't use a different file name. Initialize your PC to be 0. Stop your simulation after 50 cycles.

Since the MIPS processor is pipelined, each instruction is completed in five stages, and each stage is completed in one clock cycle. The function units or modules in the processor can be organized as follows: A top module that instantiates all the components. Instruction memory. This is also the first stage. Register file. This is part of the second stage, and also the fifth stage.

Control unit. Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU). This is the third stage. Data memory. This is the fourth stage. Four interface modules for the modules of the 5 stages. Other parts such as MUX's, PC, and address adders.

You can assume both the instruction memory and the data memory are of size 50 words, each 32 bits. You can also assume the register file contains only 8 registers $0, $1, ..., $7, each 32 bits. Register $0 always contains 0. You can test each module by applying particular inputs to see whether the outputs of that module are correct. After you finish the whole project, you can test the whole design by including the data memory and instruction memory in a test bench and preload the memory with a test program.

1. The instruction and data memories are word (4 bytes) accessible. Whenever instructions or data are accessed by an address, a word (not a byte) is fetched from the imem or dmem, respectively. For example, The first 4 instructions in imem and the PC for them are 00000000 8C010000 8C020001 8C030002 0000001 0000002 0000003 0000004 (Instruction 1) (Instruction 2) (Instruction 3) (Instruction 4) (Data 1) (Data 2) (Data 3) (Data 4) PC = 0 PC = 1 PC = 2 PC = 3 Address = 0 Address = 1 Address = 2 Address = 3

The first 4 data values in dmem and address for them are

2. As the instruction memory is word accessible, PC has to incremented by 1 and not by 4 every cycle. 3. For implementing SLL (shift left) and J (jump) instructions, you have to make some small changes to the MIPS architecture shown in the handout. 4. You have to display all the 8 registers and the first 8 locations of the data memory whenever they change. 5. The jump instruction should use absolute addressing. So the jump offset would give the new PC. The branch instruction has to use relative addressing. So the present PC added to the branch offset would give the new PC. 6. You do not have to worry about overflows in the ALU.

Report Requirements
The homework is due by noon, 05/22/2003. You need to submit the following items: 1. A brief description of your design, including the module hierarchy and the function of each module. 2. Your Verilog code. 3. Your testbench and simulation result for the given test program. (You can download the test program from the course website.) Please compress all of your files into one file. Name the file as (where YourStudentID is your student ID, e.g., g914380), and email it to Please note that the due time is strictly followed. (No late submission will be accepted.)

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