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through Bertha Dudde 7722

About the forerunner ....

Time will tell how much strength rests within ! Word .... for hearts will feel addressed b! e and flare u" with lo#e for e Who re#eals $imself as a Father% because & want to be united with ! children and therefore send ! ra! of lo#e into the hearts of those who are of good will. 'et it entirel! de"ends on this will as to whether "eo"le recognise the Father(s #oice. The least amount of resistance will diminish the strength of ! Word% and this resistance occurs in a "erson who is still without lo#e. Then he will not let himself be addressed b! e% and then ! Word remains without effecti#e strength% then it will sound no different to him than a human word and he will re)ect it. $owe#er% ! children listen to ! Word% and thus & instruct ! children* Free !oursel#es from misguided ideas b! a""ealing to e directl! for truth and enlightenment of !our thin+ing. 'ou tr! too soon to "enetrate areas which & still +ee" closed to !ou .... !ou come to conclusions which are ne#ertheless fallacies .... !ou thin+ about things which cannot be re#ealed to !ou as !et .... 'ou rac+ !our brain about the forerunner(s fate and arri#al .... And !ou come to the wrong conclusion. For & ha#e told !ou% !ou will recognise him .... and that means that !ou will no longer ha#e to ask but know who he is when he a""ears. But until the time for his acti#it! has come !ou don(t need to loo+ for him or sus"ect him to be one of !our fellow human beings .... for he will come from where !ou least e,"ect him.

$e is not a child of the world% he li#es li+e an! other human being !et his thoughts and wishes concern e although he is not aware of his mission !et. But his s"irit will brightl! enlighten him about his mission and himself when the time is right for his a""earance. And & tell !ou that it will still be some time before this ha""ens .... $e will be so illuminated that his light will radiate in all directions and that all of !ou% who want to be of ser#ice to e% will warm !oursel#es in his light when the time of the s"iritual hardshi" comes% when the last "hase before the end begins* when the battle of faith eru"ts .... -ntil then% howe#er% don(t belie#e e#er! s"irit who deems himself to +now more about it% for if this +nowledge were necessar! & would instruct !ou of it !self. But handle with care what comes to !ou through human mouth and don(t let !oursel#es be decei#ed% for the .s"irit of God( does not contradict itself% and !ou should scrutinise !oursel#es where ! s"irit is acti#e% because & don(t com"el !ou to belie#e and it is u" to !ou which s"irit !ou acce"t as true. & ha#e indeed announced the forerunner to !ou and that he will come again as a #oice in the wilderness before ! second coming% but he is !et to a""ear because a short time still has to "ass when diligent wor+ should be done for ! +ingdom% and because !ou would set !oursel#es a time when his a""earance should be ob#ious .... & still +ee" the time of his arri#al #eiled% for then My coming will also be certain% then the end is close% for he will onl! be acti#e for a short time on earth which% howe#er% will suffice to shoc+ "eo"le out of their deadl! rigidit!. And the "ur"ose of his coming is to sa#e those who are still undecided .... To strengthen those who want to remain faithful to e .... and to announce ! coming .... And although this time is not far awa!% a few short "hases ha#e

!et to "ass .... but then what was "roclaimed to !ou in Word and /cri"ture will be fulfilled ....


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