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Counselee Name(s): Date: Session # 3

Counselor Name:

Description: CE talked about our time together as a section of the road and a process! She talked about her being impatient and tired"#ear$"fatigued of the c$cle of #anting her husband to care for and lo%e her! &n this though she shared her faith of kno#ing she #ill ha%e e%er$thing in hea%en! She described that at times she disengages and at other times mo%es to#ard her husband e%en in the midst of a lack of intimac$ #ith him! CE talked about her desires for #isdom on #hen to engage (acti%e faith"obe$) and #hen to trust 'od (passi%e faith"trust)! She feels it is a c$cle of trust and obe$! &f she had to counsel herself( she #ould sa$ her heart)s desire is to be reall$ lo%ed! *o#e%er( she describes that this desire has also dra#n her to the hope of hea%en and eternit$! She finds she has lamented #ell and gone from anger to sadness! +salms ha%e spoken to her! She felt 'od hears and is patient, he hasn)t abandoned her! -ssessment: CE longs for intimac$ #ith her husband but feels the lack of it has dra#n her closer to the .ord and the hope of hea%en! She also seems at peace #ith #here 'od has her #hile not /uite sure on ho# to mo%e for#ard! E%en as she continues to perse%ere to find comfort and refuge in her relationship #ith the .ord( she struggles #ith #isdom on #hen to mo%e to#ards her husband and #hen to not engage him and 0ust pra$ for *im! 1here is fatigue and #eariness #hile continuing to lo%e her husband practicall$ in the midst of a lack of intimac$! 2esponse: & encouraged the CE that 'od has gi%en her courage in the midst of a long( tr$ing marriage to sta$! 3e discussed ho# her hori4ontal relationship affected her %ertical relationship #ith the .ord! & brought up &saiah 53 and ho# 6esus #as #ell ac/uainted #ith sorro#! 3e talked about lamenting #ell through +salm 37 and la$ing all her longings #ith a Sa%ior #ho cares! & also encouraged her in the midst of her desire for #isdom to engage #ith her husband! 3e pra$ed that 'od #ould mo%e and instill deep hope as #e seek #isdom on ho# to engage her husband practicall$ e%en though there is a lack of intimac$! 1reatment +lan: (D. Powlisons Article, How Healthy Is Your Preparation? will be helpful to
read as you consider the Treatment Plan. Also as you consider your Treatment plan, remember to take note of the particular nature, conte t and parameters of this counselin! dyad. ".e.# you ha$e % sessions&

& #ould like to in%ite the CE to reflect on +salm 893 and collaborati%el$ #ork to#ards a practical #a$ for her to engage her husband #isel$!

Start 1ime: Ne:t appointment: Counselor signature:

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