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! ! ! ! ! An Open Letter to the Residents of Georgia:! !

Media Contact:! Jamie Annarino! Red Clay Public Relations!! 404.312.0799

Rarely does a day go by that I am not asked the question, "Why are you running for ! Governor? The reasons are many and in most cases obvious. I am not running for power, prestige, and fame. So...Why am I running for governor? Because I am tired. I am tired of the same old politics, leadership whose morals, values and principles are for sale to the highest bidder and a state government that lines its own pockets while the most vulnerable in the state suffer. I believe the people of Georgia deserve a leader who will actually lead, and do so from a foundation of moral integrity and a desire to do what is right. !

I am tired of the lack of transparency and integrity in my state government and leadership that waits for a crisis to occur BEFORE stepping up to the plate. !

! I am tired of the state not fullling its constitutional obligation to adequately fund public education and leadership that does not know what it feels like to be furloughed.! ! I am tired of leadership that does not know what it is like to walk in my shoes. ! ! I am tired of seeing senior citizens lose their homes because they can't afford their property taxes on xed incomes.! ! I am tired of seeing my neighbors lose their jobs because our leadership in this state is more concerned with attracting new business than retaining the ones we have.! ! I am tired of leadership that does not know what it feels like to have to make a choice between food and medicine. ! ! I am tired of leadership that does not know what it is like to bypass going to a doctor because you can't afford your insurance.! ! I am tired of leadership whose policies are not focused around making life better for all, but whose policies only make life better for the select few.! ! I am tired of leadership that is sold out to lobbyists and big money donors.! ! I am tired of Georgia being ranked dead last in the nation in public integrity. ! ! I am tired of Georgia ranking 40th in the nation in per capita income.! ! I am tired of the number of our citizens living in poverty increasing. We rank 6th in the nation.! ! I am tired of nearly 60% of our 1.7 million public school children participating in the free and reduced lunch program because they qualify. ! ! I am tired of inexperienced people who lack the knowledge and expertise needed, being appointed to positions of power, inuence and authority in this state who get there because they are friends with or are big donors to the current leadership.!

I am tired of leadership that wastes my hard-earned tax dollars.!

! I am tired of not knowing where my tax dollars are going and I am tired of anemic economic development! ! I am tired of paying all manner of fees, which are simply taxes in disguise, and those fees not being used for the reason they are collected.! ! I am tired of leadership who continues to expand his control and power over the citizens of this state by creating more agencies of state government that he controls. ! ! I am tired of the people whom we choose to represent us in state government not being able to stand on principle and vote their conscience out fear of retribution from the top.! ! I am tired of good legislation that would benet the masses falling victim to politics while legislation that benets a select few is celebrated and passed. ! ! I am tired of 2/3's of our school districts cutting days of instruction from school calendars;
tired of art, music, PE, and career-tech programs being cut from our schools, overcrowded classrooms, all due to lack of funding.!

! ! !

! I am tired of teachers not being appreciated and being blamed in many cases for things they can't control.! ! I am tired of leadership playing games with the State Health Benet Plan, which happens to be my insurance plan.! ! I am tired of leadership who plays politics rather than governs. !

I am running for Governor because I am tired of not having a choice on the type of leader who leads our state. Now, you have a choice. Thats why I am running for Governor.! Sincerely,! John Barge

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