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Types of Prostitutes Street Prostitutes

Street prostitution is a form of prostitution in which sex worker call for customers from a public place, most commonly a street but also other public places such as parks. In easy word, a prostitute who solicits on the streets is known as street prostitutes. Street-walking is probably the most ancient of prostitute operating methods.

Bar Dancer
Bar girl is a sex worker who works as a hostess or dancer in bars to provide company or sexual services to patrons.

Call Girl
A call girl is a sex worker who is neither visible to the general public; nor does she usually work in an institution like a brothel although she may be employed by an escort agency. The client must make an appointment, usually by calling a telephone number. Greenwald said: Call girls are independently operating prostitutes. In simple word, a female prostitute with whom an appointment can be made by telephone, usually to meet at the clients address is Call girl.

Religious Prostitutes
Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, or religious prostitution is a sexual ritual consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite.

Escort Girl
An escort girl is just a dignified name for a prostitute. You can hire her services at a rate and she will do anything for you, even have sex with you. Use of internet by escort girl and customers is common.

Road side Prostitutes

Sex worker who solicits customer from road side is known as roadside prostitute. They can be easily identified because they are dressed in provocative manner. It is mostly found in United State of America.

Child Prostitutes
Child prostitution is the commercial sexual exploitation of children in which a child performs the services of prostitution for remuneration in cash or another form of retribution (gifts, food, clothes, etc.).The term normally refers to prostitution of minor, or person under the legal age of maturity.

Fricatrice Prostitutes or Feliatrice Prostitutes

The Fricatrice prostitutes are a kind of prostitute specialised in masturbating her customers and Feliatrice prostitutes are specialised in fellating her customer. It is mostly found in United State of America.

Gimmick Prostitutes
Special techniques of marketing prostitution and unusual modus operandi (Particular way of doing something) of prostitutes are here. These include auctions and raffles, Billboard and newspaper advertisements and call girl directories, credit card scheme, travelling brothels, window displays of harlots and so on..... It is mostly found in United State of America.

Beat Prostitutes
They engaged in the prostitution as a matter of Principle, and in accordance with an ethic which may or may not be rightly adhered to. Some girls living members of the Beat Generation and subscribing to the values characteristics of that sub-society.

Camp Followers
They are simply prostitutes who gather and operate where large numbers of soldiers, and other servicemen are stationed, and who serve principally the sexual needs of those males, although civilians are seldom discriminated against. It is mostly found in United State of America.

The school girls living at home with their parents and perusing prostitution as an evocation, sometimes for Sex sometimes for money, probably most often for both. It is mostly found in United State of America.

Elderly Prostitutes
They are sex worker much older than oneself. For example; A young man unconsciously equates the older woman with his mother; a young girl equates an older man with her father. It is due to desire for a sex partner much older than him/her and it is not uncommon aberration in U.S.A.

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